The evening herald. (Shenandoah, Pa.) 1891-1966, May 19, 1897, Image 2

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    . - .
KffTAtltj!41IHI 1870.
IiihUhd every Evening, Kicept Sunday, at
Sorrm Jaboir fWHicrr, If mk Osirraxi.
Tin- Herald la deilveietl InHhenanaoao and lh
tmrrnunding toffiM (or alx cent a week, pay-Bll-to
the carriers. l)y mull IS.00 year, or JB
cunt a mouth, payable In advanoe. Advertise
ments ohiirgi'd accord! mk to space and position.
Tlir ,urllahi-ra reserve the right to change the
position of ad ertlsemenla whenever ths pub
lliation ol in w drmanda it. The right la
rvarrvwl to reject any advertisement, whether
in( (or or not, that the publisher may d-u
Improper. Advertising rates made known
iipo-i appHoation.
KntcriHl at the poetoftico at Shenandoah, Pa , as
second class mail matter.
"All the NewsThat'7 Fit to Print,"
Evening Her as 1 d
WKOyRSlUY, 7aY19. 1BB7.
It has be ii discovered that Abm
liam Lincoln unotl a rnllroiwl mse.
With tills precedent before Us, we
'hull no longer he-dtnte.
Uiiokkk ( 'hai'max is In jitil for re
fusing to tiilU. Home people we know
should be i u i) Milieu for failing to do
what Chapman is guilty of not tjlk-
A Nkw York concert ball manager
cluinis he" hag been damaged $60,000
worth by iv Police CoiumiMiioner, who
said his show was immoral. Here's u
man who doesn't know the value of a
t;ood nd.
Chikf liuROKSs Tabor will earn
the srrntitutle of a suffering public by
u strict enforcement of the ordinance
in reference to paving and guttering.
V ii ilators have luul sufficient warning.
T.ct the Burgess act at once without
tear or favor.
T n k local Ci. A. K. pogt is making
iicressary arrangements for the cele
iiratiou of Memorinl Bay. They
should receive the assistance and en
eomageinent of our people, and we
have no doubt but that it will be nc
oided them.
John AVaxamakkr called his fol
lowers about him a day or so ago,
and informed them that it was his in
tention to continue the war against
Senator Quay next year, liy that
time perhaps "Honest John" will
luu e changed Ilia mind.
Compulsory Education.
To day the compulsory education
1. conies mt in tile House at Harris-
hurjr Tor-ftnal passage. While Penn
sylvania 18 adopted a compulsory
school law, it is found that the meas
ure already in force is not complete
enough, and the proposed new law
is really supplementary. The intent
of the bill before the House is to im
prove on some of the weaknesses of
the old law, and to extend itsbenoflts.
The bill provides that children shall
attend school 80 percent, of tho term,
instead of a specified number of
weeks, and that the school age shall
be from the age of 8 to 14 years, with
two years additional unless the child
is at work.
Compulsory education is recognized
as such an essential factor in tho de
velopment of good citizens that the
wisdom of making the law as perfect
tiR possible is scarcely open to question.
"While most' parents avail themselves
of the opportunity to send their chil
dren to school, a few are negligent or
indifferent. It is just such influences
ns are found in the homes of the in
different imronts that the state must
overcome, or the childron in those
In 'ines grow up to be undesirable citi
zens. Compulsory education 1b aimed
nt but a small portion of the com
munity, but at a portion that is dan
gerous to the future unless taken by
state authority and worked up into
useful men and women, instead of be
ing allowed to run wild and form evil
habits and to lenrn the vices instead
of the virtues.
As a measure of self-defense it be
comes the state to tighten the weak
-pots in the school law, which will be
done by the passage of tho hill pend
iti. A Landmark.
One of the historic buildings of
New York will soon be demolished
and become only a memory. On
Thursday morning work will begin
on the removal of the old Tombs
prison to make room for a new build
ing, better adapted for its purpose,
and this world-famed gaol, which is
nearly as famous as the Kiiglishman's
Newgate or Marshalsea, will, like the
latter, lmve to go before the irresisti
ble march of time to make way for
something better, having passed its
period of usefulness.
Many thousands of those the law
considers it necessary to separate
from their more law-abiding neigh
bors have been incarcerated within
its walls, more perhaps than any
pi'inon in the land, and its very name
was suggestive of the legend in
scribed upon the Bridge of Signs,
tli nigh of late years it has leen wore
of a house of detention for malefactor-
awaiting trial than a r enal he me
for convicted criminals.
The history of this noted building
would lie interesting indeed, not only
for the famous or infamous criminals
ir has contained, but also as the his
tory of the methods of dealing with
transgressors in the century now
Hearing its close, which have changed
Ki'cutly since this century and the
nation were young. But the ruthless
hand of time has been laid upon it
and the Tombs will be torn down to
make room for a building better
adapted, according to present day no
tions, for the detention of criminals,
one which is to be equipped with all
the modern appliances for the sa'e
kfi'ping of those society finds it
necessary to relegate to a state of in
nocuous desuetude for its own com
tort and happiness.
Oreatprosaure la being brought to
bear on President MiKlnley for a
change in certain of the civil aervlee
The tobacco trust will anp'eal from
the Itlinoli decision declaring It Illegal,
and counsel aavs n final decision can
not be reached for several years to
Prlnte Allen, Ninth United States
Infantry, who, it la understood, has
been indicted for the murder of Mary
(.'riiucli and Mary Daly at Sackett's
Harbor, has been placed In Jail.
1'KBsoNAL. Tho gentleman who annoyed
the congregation last Sunday by continually
coughing will find ' instant relief by lining
One Minute Cough Cure, a speedy and harm
less remedy for throat ami lung troubles.
Delile- -.',
Havr..n, -M i ' '
lally linpc.ii bv s tin
consular repons ns
i .1 ,:iont
I.a '.'l' Ii i i r
qc( in til y nf the
to the (1,1 l.CFB of
Americans in CaWi. upun v,!.i.h Pieti
dent McKlnby's S'.eclftl nvjap.e to
congress wa bi-ei, rind questions
whether thero arc actually 600 hungry
AmerHMuta in the Island. The papei
adds: "But now that congress has
voted the ISO. 000 (her will toon be 6,000
alleged starving Americans anxious to
figure In the consular disbursements.
Kev. Win. Stout, Wlarton, Ont., was
completely cured of scrofula after seventeen
physicians bad failed to give liim relief. Btir
ilock Mood Hitters did It.
A Wine Vinter I,tle it Prophet-Net With
out Honor Save lu Ills Own Gauntry,
The following is e1iped from the Phila
delphia Herald of Monday, April lBth :
"Connoisseurs on wines in fashionable chili
houses and restaurants in Philadelphia arc
all talking about n great bmud of old Bm
gtuidy which has sprung into favor with n
suddenness that is unusual in a city anted
for its set notions anil staid ways. The Bur
gundy In question is from the vaults of the
Speer N. J. Wine company, at rassaic, twelve
miles from New York city. The Speer
vineyards have long been noted fur the
qualiiy of Its wines, Its port sherries aud
brandies being sold in natty of .tho capital
of Enrouc.-jriie company has had such
great demand for Its wines It has never at
tempted to sell thetn in Philadelphia, or. in
fact, in any section of the country west of
New lore olty.
Incidentally, however, a aw 11 Philadel
phia club got hold of some of Its liurgiinil-,
and once sampled, theie was n tremendous
demand for It. Jlemliers would drink no
other kind, and very soon the quantity was
exhausted. Then more was ordered, to
gether with some brands of Speer's port,
which wero said to bo famous. The Bur
gundy and port arrived iu due time, but wero
soon exhausted. The fame of the wines
spread to other clubs and to some of the
lending olty hotels. It is said the demand on
the Speer company fioni Philadelphia ha
been so great It has liecn kept busy during
the mstfew weeks filling orders for this
city kloue.
Iu Old Climax' brandy and its Socialite
claret are among its famous brands. The
vineyard of tho Speer company is pel haps
the oldest and most famous in this country
A ii red Speer. the president, is a famous wine
producer. The soil on which the grapes arc
mown has enough iron in it to give a tone
and quality to the wine which make them,
especially the port, a priino medicinal wine.
Dr. .Tines of tho lev York board of health
has giveu his testimonial to the merits of tho
Speur port wino:
" 'I take great pleasure iu testifying lo tho
superior qualities of tho port wino produced
by Alfred Speer of New Jersey. After a pro
longed trial, I recommend it as a superior
wino for the sick and debilitated.'
"The company will allow no wluo to
leave its vaults that is not of prime, quality.
Consequeutly there is no such thing as poor
wine to be had, so far as the Speer product
is concerned. The wino is kept in casks to a
great age befere it is bottled. Tho vineyard
itoclf is a great sight. There are over thrco
hundred miles of vines. There aro grape
arbors two miles loug. In the grape season
it Is a wonderful and beautiful Bight one be
holds in driving out to the vineyards. Hun
dreds of New Yorkers drive to the place to
feast their eyes on the spectacle. Great
clusters of grapes greet the eye as far as the
slpht extends, a purple prairie kissed by the
summer sun. In the vaults of the company
are the very oldest wines produced iu this
country. The company sells so much of IU
product every year, and no fancy prices
would Induce it to break in on a. wino which
it did not boliove had the right age to give it
tho proper llavor. There la no wine like it to
be had la the United States.
It should he made a matter oi publi:
knowledge that DeWitt'a Witch Hazle Salvo
will seiii!y cure piles of the longest stand
ing. It Is the household favorite for burns,
scalds, cuts, bruises and sores of all kinds.
Serious linilway Accident In Culm.
Havana, May 19. A serlouB railroad
accident has occurred near Vaga Alta,
province of Santa Clara. A freight
train constating of 28 cars, while on its
way towards lia.cetas, lost four cars
unknown to the conductor. The loos
ened cars ran down a hill, and near a
curve collided with a passenger train.
The engine of the latter jumped on
top of the wandering cars, its boiler
exploded, the care caught fire, the en
gineer, a gendarme and five passen--ers
were killed and 27 passengers in
jured. yal Mmjr'-iKe fn Montenegro.
Ce.tinje. Montenegro, May 18. Prlnc
Francis Joseph of Uattenberg, young
est brother of Prince Louis o Batten
berg, and Princess Anna of Monte
negro, a younger sister of the Crown
Princess o( Italy, were married yester
day at the cathedral. The prlnoe 1b a
great favorite of Queen Victoria aud
of the emperor and empress of Hub
sla. The cxar Is said to have dowered
Princess Anna with a million roubles.
The prince and princess met for the
first time quite ri(ntly at the dlnnc;
laliV ' "i T'f'M'H n Cp-ii' so.
E$H 1 I I 41
By nourishing m m II
CLS Health
with blood made pure by tak
ing Hood's Sarbupurilla. Then you
will liavo nerve, mental, bodily and
In the Spring
digestive strength. Then yon need not
fear disease, because your system will
readily resist scrofulous tendencies
aud attacks of illness. Thru you will
know tho absolute intrinsic merit of
eineand lllo.. I I'u.Hcr. i. s fori'., iviptired
only bye. I H.1 & Co.. l.owell, Mess.
uuuu o jrjiia onecuveiy. aenti,
IlAlWInrifl I
Rheumatism Is no respecter of per
sons the healthy and vigorous are
as liable to its- attacks as the weak.
The symptoms of the disease are
almost unnoticed at first, ao insidi
ously do they steal over the body;
f;radually the little pains and stiffness
ucrease, until they develop grantor
inconvenience day by day.
The knees, ankles, and other jolnK
of the body ache constantly, swelU
In ir to several times their natural
site ; the patient finds himself unabla
to get around ; is soon incapacitated
for business, ana later is oonunea to
his bed, utterly helpless,
It Is a exeat mistake to expect relief
from such condition by the applica
tion of liniments aud other external
remedies. The medical profession ad
mit that the disease is in the blood,
and it is but reasonable that jmly a
blood remedy, one purely vegetable,
and free from potash, can afford re
lief. S. S. S. (Swift's Specific) is an
unfailing remedy for Rheumatism,
and has cured the severest oases,
where other remedies failed to reach
the disease.
Mr. Frank T. Rey
nolds, of Dalton,
Ga., was a sufferer
from Rheumatism
since his boyhood.
He writes : "Ever
since I was twolvo
years of age I have
suffered intensely
with Muscular
R he iimatUitt,
which, at one time,
kept me in bed for
ciiilitcen months.
I took all kinds of treatment, and
visited many famous springs, but
could get only temporary relief j the
disease always returned, and at times
was so painful that It was impossible
for me to use my arms and legs. I tried
almost everything that was sug
gested, and after eighteen years of
suffering, S. S. S. was recommended,
and I was happy to, at last, find a
cure for this painful trouble. S. S. S.
seemed to get at the disease promptly,
and afforded immediate relief."
The experience of
Mr. B. J. Gibson, of
Madison, G a. , was
similar to the above.
He says: "I tried
almost every rheu
matic remedy I
heard of, but grew
worse instead of
better. The sharp,
aching pains, pe
culiar to Rheuma
tism took possession
of my entire body, and the suffering
I endured was intense. I was soon
unfit for businc.v?, and became as
helpless as a child. The potash pre
scriptions of the doctors almost ruin
ed my digestion, and I found no
relief in anything until S. S. S.
(Swift's Specific) was recommended.
Several bottles cured me completely,
and for more than four years I have
not had a symptom of Rheumatism."
S. S. S. is unlike the many blood
tonics on the market, for it cures the
most obstinate cases, which they can
not reach. It Is a real blood remedy,
and is the only one guaranteed
Purely Vegetable
It cures Cancer, Scrofula, Conta
gious Blood Poison, Eczema Rheuma
tism, 'Catarrh and other blood diseases,
it matters not how deep-seated.
Books on blood and skin diseases
mailed free to any address. SwlPt
Specific Co., Atlanta, Ga.
Who'lo Faintly Murtlot'cil .For .Money.
Denver, May 19. Advices reached
here yesterday to the effect, that 'Will
iam H. Hamilton, a contractor, his
wife, Mrs. Catherine Hamilton, his son,
Lee Hamilton, aged 19, and his daugh
ter, Elizabeth Hamilton, aged 18, who
lived Ja Denver tintll recently, were
murdered near Helena, Mont., three
weeks aso, and the crime suppressed
In order to enable the 'Montana author
ities to trace the murderers. Mr. and
Mrs. Hamilton and their daughter wert
found dead with their throats cut Lee
Hamilton had evidently made a des
perate fight. His body was literally
covered with wounds. All the fingers
of his right hand were severed, showing
that he had grasped the razor or
knife. His throat was also cut. Foot
prints near the house showed that two
men were concerned In tho murders.
The house had been ransacked, and it
Is believed that the murderers secured
about $500.
No need to fear tho approach of croup If
you have Dr. Thomas' Eolectrio Oil In the
house. Never was a case that It wouldn't
cure if used ut the outset.
Over a lniiiirroii'lloiiiuloHR'lij'l'inmo.
Twin Mountain, N. H., May ID. Zea
land, one of the largest lumber camps
In the White mountain region, was
completely destroyed by fire yester
day. The camp consisted of three large
mills, boarding house, store and several
dwelling houses, and was operated by
Van Dyke & Sons. The loss is esti
mated at $126,000. More than 100 peo
ple are homeless and saved little more
than the clothes they wore.
Don't Tobacco Spit and Smoke YourLlfe
Away. -
If you want to quit tobacco using easily
and forever, be made well, strong, magnetic,
full of new life and vigor, take No-To-Ilac,
the wonder-worker tliat makes weak men
strong. Many gain ten pounds in ten days..
Over 400,000 cured, lluy No-To-llae from
your own druggist, who will guarantee a
cure. (Wc or $1.00. Booklet and sample
mailed free. Ad. Sterling Benvedy Co.,
Chicago or New York.
New YorU'w lion '.or i-iit .'u Off
Albany, May 19. After five yeai 6i
vigorous fighting by the beet suga.
manufacturers of the state the state
government has consented to give a
money bonus for all bee"t sugar raised
In any considerable quantity In this
state. Governor Black yesterday sign
ed the bill that- provides for a yearly
bonus of $26,000 to be paid out to beet
sugar manufacturers at a rate not
exceeding one cent a pound for every
pound of 90 per centum crystal Ized
sugar prepared from beets grown with
in New York state, aud for which the
grower received not less than $6 per
ton, provided the sugar manufacturer
la not the grower.
For every quurter iu a man's pocket
there are a dosuu uses; and to use each one
In such a way as to derive the greatest bene
fit Is a question uvery one must solve foi
himself. We believe, however, that no
better use could be made of one of these
quarters tbau to exchange it for a bottle of
Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea
Remedy, s medicine that every family should
be provided with. For sale by Uruliler ilro.,
A Vrobalilllty That iin.OOO Will Soon
He Out.
New York, May 18 Meetings were
held In all the big east side halls last
night, at which garment makers gen
erally discussed the strike question.
The preponderance of opinion seemed
Lin favor of adopting aggressive meas
ures to force tne contractors ami, in
cidentally, the manufacturers to grant
better wages. The price lists are being
prepared today, and will he submit
ted to a mass meetlnr tonight.
At a conference ).st night of the
committee representing the United
Brotherhood of Tailors and the Pro
gressive Tailors It was decided that the ,
latter, umbering 2,600. would strike
this morning, which they did. Leader
Schoesfekl, who presided at the con
ference, said he anticipated a general
strike today or tomorrow, involving at
least SB, 000 garment workers In this city,
Brooklyn and Brownsville. The knee
pants makers, vestmaxers, overcoat
makers, sailors Jacketmakers and
other affiliated bodies are expected to
fall In line before the end of the first
week of the strike.
More than 400 contractors met lajt
night, and after a protracted discussion
of the situation decided to appoint a
committee to confer with the strike
leaders. This Is considered an indica
tion that the contractors are willing
to take side with the strikers In the
matter of forcing the manufacturers
to pay higher prices, thus enabling the
contractors and middlemen to pay the
operators better wages.
Croup and whooping ooiigh are childhood's
terrors; but like pneumonia, bronchitis, and
other throat and lung troubles, can be quick
ly cured by using One Minute Cough Cure.
Hnn " nTo nn Open Switoif.
Wellsvllle. N. Y., May 19. Train Wo.
30 on the Buffalo and Susquchannar a
fast freight, ran lhto an open switch
just east of Nelson Hun. at 10 o'clock
yesterday. The engine and six cars
were wrecked. Brakeman John Krebb
was killed instantly, but the rest of the
crew escaped unhurt.
There is u Class nf l'cop'e
Who aro Injured by the use of coflee.
Iteceiltly there has been placed In nil the
arocerv store a new preparation caiieu
(lUAIN-O, mado of pure grains, that takes
the place of coffee. Tho most delicate
stomach receives it without distress, and but
few can tell It from coffee. It does not coit
over i as much. Children may drink it with
great lienefit. 15 cts. and 85 cts. per package,
Try it. Ask for GltAIN-O.
Tho TrlilS ofututnm need.
New York, May 19. The trial of
Captain Edward W. Reed, of the ship
T. F. Oakes, accused of cruelly and un
necessarily depriving his crew of prop
er food at sea, wherby scurvy broke
out among the sailors and caused the
death of some, has been set for Thurs
day next. In the United States circuit
court in this city.
Uucklcn's Arnica Sulve,
Tho best salve In tho world for cuts,
bruises, sores, ulcers, twit rheum, fever euros,
tetter, chapped hands, chilblains, corns, and
all skin oruptions, and positively enrcs puss
or jo par required. It Is guaranteed to give
porfoct satisfaction or niony refunded. Price
SB conts por box. For salo bv A. Woeley .
Itet'lisod toCiraut .'ixtrHflltlrtn.
Albany, May 19. Governor Black has
refused to grant the requisition of the
governor of Utah for tho custody of
Clarence Barton and Leon Graves, who
are under arroBt In New lork city
charged with the theftsof $5,200 from
the Utah Loan and Trust company, of
Ogden City.
A Household Necosslty,
Cflscarets Candy Cathartic, tho most won
derful medical discovery of tho ago, pleasant
and refreshing to the taste, act gently and
positively on kidneys, Hvcr and bowels,
cleansing the entire system, dispel colds, euro
headache, fever, habitual constipation and
biliousness. Please buy and try a box of
0. C. 0. to day : 10, 35, 50 cents. Sold and
guaranteed to euro by all druggists.
Itx-Con'vlct's Suit fur Winre"'.
Atlanta, May 19. A suit filed here
yesterday against Georgia Penitentiary
company, No. 1, by George Brooken,
an ex-convict, promises an Investiga
tion by state officials. Brooken was
confined at company No. l's camp for
five years, and claims that during that
time he was forced to work 181 Sun
days. He files a suit for $181, charging
$1 a day for this time. He declares he
was compelled on pain of punishment
to do the work. The case will no doubt
cause the convict camps to be Investl
gated to ascertain If the laws are be
ing violated by Sunday work.
Thirty years Is a long timo to light so
painful a trouble, as piles, but Jacob Mitchell
of Unlonvillo. Pa., straggled that long be-
toro lie tried DoWItt s Witch Hazel Salve,
which quioKly and permanently cured him.
It is equally effectivo in oezema and all skin
atlections. U. 11. ilagenbiioh.
Two Allotted SIiopIlflorK Arrosted
New York, May 19. The police yes
terday arrested Altda Bradley, alias
Lillian Bateman, aged 22 years, and
Jennie Gordon, alias Mrs. Worthing
ton, aged 28 years, both of Baltimore,
on a charge of stealing $1,000 worth of
diamonds and Jewelry from Samuel
Kirk & Sons, of Baltimore, on March
6. In the room In this city occupied by
the women were found three valuable
gold watches and a dozen pins. The
prisoners were arraigned in a police
court and remanded to police head
When the spring time comns, "gentle An
nie," llko all other sensible persons, will
cleanse the liver ami renovates the system
with DaWitt's Little Early IliftSH, mtnouf
little pills for the liver and sltmmcli all the
vear round. C. II. UageidMieh.
MnrderoiiH Voung'HIoiiec Captured.
Monclova, Mexico, May H. Mace
dona Fransto, the 17-year-old boy who
murdered four persons here and then
eloped with the daughter of a ranch
man, has been captured In the moun
tains near Vitlatdama,, state of Tamal
Ipus. The girl was with him. The
couple presented a sorry spectacle, as
they had traveled over 100 miles across
the rough country In their flight. They
will be brought here for trial.
Why auB'er wltb Coughs, Colds and Ia
Qrlpiie whu Laxative Bromo Quinine will
cure you in one nay. rut. up in utilises um
veinont tor talcing, uuaranieeu toouie
money refunded. Prion, 8ft oeuU. "or sale
by Kirllu Pharmacy.
Ohio's lleinoei'utie Convention.
Columbus. O., May 19. The Demo,
oratlc state central committee decided
yesterday ufternoon to hold their state
convention in Columbus June 29 and
80. Judge llhick Sloan, of HUlsboro,
will be temporary chairman, and Col
onol W. A. Taylor temporary secretary,
Try (Irulu-O I Try Orala-O I
Ask jour grocer to-day to show you a
package of (IKAIN-O, the new food drink
that takes the place uf coffee. The chlldreu
may drink it without injury as well as the
adult. All who try it, like it. GltAIN-0
has that rich seal brown of Moclia or Java,
but It is uiade from pure grains, aud the
most delicate stomach receives it without
distress. I the price of coffee, loo aud 36
cts. pur pack aye. Sold by all grocers..
Lor4 Is the key
stone of a woman's
life. Her fondest
hopes real Upon tills
tender emotion ; her
highest prldu is In her
capacity to -.wakeu
the love which makes
a happy wife ; her
noblest ambition n to
become a loved an t
loving motner.
Any weakness or
disease which Inca
pacitates her to fulfill
the exalted function
of motherhood Is the
saddesCbllght which
can come upon a wo
man's life.
Dut there is no rea-
sou in nature why any
i mlrsTirp nr llp-
rangements of this kind should continue to
exist Ninety-nine time In a hundred they
are completely overcome m a periecny
natural and scientific way by the use of Dr.
Pierce's Favorite Prescription, which gives
healthy power and capacity to the special
orrraus; reinforces the nerve-centres and
makes natural, healthy motherhood possi
ble, safe and comparatively easy.
It mates tne coming oi pauyairausi nco
from pain; gives strength and cheerfulness
to the mother, and constitutional vigor to
the child. It is the only memcinc in uie
world devised for this one purpose by an
educated physician, a skilled and experi
enced specialist in this particular field of
Pr .
I cannoi say cnougn in pmiic u ii- .
h.nrlt l.rMUHnllnn HI it llfl itoilfi Hie A WOrld
of good, and has, undoubtedly saved my life,"
writes nin, eiortnw iimucr, ui tuucv, , kw
(o . Ark.
I inisearncu lour inuei: rouiq kci bo
medicine to do me anv good.
I concluded to try
and after taking
ihe ' fivoritf Prescription '
Lnlllu nt It T mail mv tllttthfttlO A Ti
of a fine girl.
I think It 13 tne nest raeuicinc in
the woritL '
Dr. l'icrce'a Fleaint rcneis :
laxative, twu a mild cathartic.
One is a
Coining ISreuts.
Mar 30. Ice cream and strawberry festival
lu Itobblna' opom house, under the auspice
of the societies of Trinity Eeformed church.
Juno 3. Onmd cantata by the P. M. church
choir, lu itobbius' opera bouse.
Juno 12. Ice cream festival tiudor tho
aupices of the Famous Base Ball Club, lu
Itobbius opera houio.
Tho bladder was created for 'ono purpose,
namely, a receptacle for tho urlue, and as
such it is not liable to any form of dlseaso ex
cept by ono of two ways. Tho first way is
from imperfect action of tho kidneys. Tho
second way is from careless local treatment of
other diseases.
Unhealthy urine from unhealthy kidneys
is tho chief cause of bladder troubles. So
tho womb liko tho bladder, was created for
one piirposeniid if not doctored too much
is not liahlo to weakness or diseased, except
in rare cuscs. It is situated back of and very
close to tho bladder, therefore, any pain
dlseaso or incoiivciiienco manifested in the
kidueys, back, bladder or urinary passage Is
often by mistako attributed to female wcak-
ss or womb trouble of some sort. Tho
error is easily mado and may bo as easily
avoided. To find out corn-ctly, set your
urine atido for twenty-four hours; a sedi
ment or settling indicates kidney or bladder
trouble Tho mild and tho oxtraonllnary
effect of Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Hoot, the great
kidney, liver and bladder remedy Is soon
realized. If you need a mcdicino you should
havo tho best. At druggists fifty cents and
ono dollar. You may havo a samplo bottle
and pamphlet, both sent freo by mall.
Mention Evknino Herald and send your
address to Dr. Kilmer & Co., llinghamton.
N. Y. Tho proprietors of this paper guarantee
tho gcnuiness of this offer.
nr.BrlpjRW'BmiBhtornUnlon (lend unto
New York, May 19. The "first woman
to be graduated by the faculty of Union
Theological seminary received her di
ploma last night at the 61st annual an
niversary and commencement of that
Institution. The interest in the event
was doubledby the graduate being
EmIIIe Grace Brings, daughter of Pro
fessor C. A. BriggB,,who was suspend
ed by the general assembly after a trial
for heresy in 1894. Dr. Brlggs is still
a member of the faculty of the Boml
nary. When a cold is contracted, enro It at once.
Ono Minute Cough Cure' will sot you on the
road to recovery In a niiuute, It will euro
pneumonia, bronchitis. crouiTand all forms
of luug and throat troubles. C. II. llagen-
buch. -
Not u Cuso or Wire Mumer1.
New "York, May 19. Edward -Radford,
the gypsy from Springfield, Ills.,
who was arrested Monday, to await ex
amination as to the circumstances of
his wife's death in a cheap lodging
house, was taken 111 In his cell Mon
day night, and died four hours after
belng4ransforred to a hospital. The
deaths were due to alcoholism.
Hheuniatlsin Cured In a Day.
"Mystic Cure" for Hbeumatlsm and Neu-
ralgiir radically cures in 1 to 3 days. Its
action upon the system Is remarkable and
mysterious. It removes at once the cause and
the disease immediately disappears. The
first dose greatly benefits.
T. V. Anthony, ox-Postmaster of Promise
City, Iowa, says: "I bought oue bottle of
Mystic Cure for llheumatlsm, aud two doses
oi n uiu me more good man spy mcdicino l
ever took," 75 cents.
Sold by C. It. Ilagaubuoh, druggist, Shen
andoah. Domoenns.t in m l'oru.
Lima, Peru, May 19. The final count
of ballots In the municipal elections
held throughout the republic Sunday
and Monday shows, contrary to the
first expectations, a victory for
Democrats by a small majority.
There Is Nothing so Oood.
There is nothing Just as good as Dr. King's
new Discovery lor Consumption, uuuglisaiid
(Vildg, so demand It and do not permit the
dealer to sell you some substitute. He will
not claim there is anything better, but in
order to make more profit he may claim
something else to be just as good. You want
Dr. Kiug's New Discovery beenuge you know
it to be safe ami reliable, and guaranteed to
do good or money refunded. For Coughs.
Colds, Consumption and fur all affections of
Throat, Chest and Lungs, there is nothing so
good on Is Dr. King's New Discovery. Trial
bottle free at A. Wesley's drug store. Regu
lar tse 60 cants and f 1.00.
To Study .liinuiieno I'Iikuiohh.
Boise, Idaho, May 19. BSx-Senator
Dubois. Senators Cannon and Petti
grew will sail July 2 for China and
Japan. It Is understood they go to
study the financial question from the
oriental standpoint.
Rich and poor alike suffer the tortures that
como with that terrible plague, Itching Piles;
rich and poor alike And Instant relief aud
permanent wire lu Doan'a Ointment. Your
dealer keeps It.
Buy Keystone flour. Be sure that the name
Lhssio & I! A Eli, Ashland, Pa., Is printed on
ever sa k.
Opposition td Prlno Lulgt.
New York, May 19 Prince Lulgl oi
fiavoy will have InteresMng competi
tion for the honor of being the flrsl
to ascend Mount St. Ellas. An expe
dition, headed by Henry O. Bryant, ol
Philadelphia, left that city Monday
evening to explore the country about
Mount St. Ellas, and to ascend the
mountain If possible. It is over 18,000
feet high, and lies in undisputed terri
tory between the United States and
British possession In North America.
The Wcatlrtm.
For eastern Pennsylvania and New
Jersey: Fair; slowly rising tempera
ture; westerly winds.
Ccmantlun ,of HrwHUtlos In Kurope
Olvos llilnynfTtty to Wall street.
New York, May 18. Tho trcmendom
potentiality for evil In the eaatern
question was measured to some degree
by the sense of relief reflected in tin
exchanges of the world today over Tur
key's acceding to the demand of tho pow
ers ror the cessation or hostilities &galn.n
Greece. Values all over Kurope Improved
from moment to moment, and even Amer
ican securities, remote as are the prop
erties they represent from any danger
of harm In the ctnolym of an European
war, auviinceu in irieo an mrnufrn me
market. Tne Improved tone abroad was
the snlicnt Inlluenre on the market, but
it. wum nlded by favorable do
mestic factors in the situation. Closing
Bnlto. & Ohio... 11'4
Oho. Ohio... ir
Del. . Hudson. .H
D.. I,. & V Us
Urle r. 1J
Lnk Ki'" & V. V:Vi
'All uBut's paid.
Ih!iih Valley.. 2C'i
N. J. Central.. 75(
N. Y. Central.. !4
I'r ii.sylviinla .. M",
II.UlllllR 'ISij
St. 1'ui.l VI
(idiom! MuiVct.
rhll-i'.elrihln, May IS. Floor dull: vin
ter m .vrtijic, ?2.76g1; do. extrits. 1.i:'t
S.40: Pennsylvania Toller, elenr, fl'n..',;
do. Slrnlsht, t4.2KM.30; western winter,
clear, ('!. 20: do ett light. M.Iiil !.;',; city
mtliR, extra. tS.if.SM.W. ltyc flour dull ut
$2.2562.60 per barrel. Wheat dufl; con
tract wheat. May, WfiSSiic.; No. 2 Penn
sylvania and No. 2 Delaware red, oot.
87fe0e.; No. 1 northern spring, spot, S7f"J
STVic. ; No. 2 red, May, 78Hc. ; '.o. June,
TSliC. ; do. July, 76'se.; do. Septemhcr,
72e. ; do. December, 71c. Corn quiet and
steady; steamer corn, spot, xsviWZf'.ic. ;
No. 2 yellow for local trade, 81Hc. ; No. $
mixed, spot, 29Kfr29Hc.; do. May. SH0
29c. Oats dull; No. 2 white, carlots.
28c; do. May, 27&'2T14c. ; 'do. June and
July, 25ttg26Hc. Hay firm for desirable
grades; choice timothy. S1414.60. BcJf
dull; beef bains, $23323.60. Pork steady;
family, $10.60011. Iird dull; western
steamed, $4.10. Butter quiet; western
creamery, llftlic; do. factory. 7Vt10He.;
Klglns. 14c; Imitation creamery. Hl?c ;
New York dairy, 1014c: do. creamery,
llllo.; fancy prints Jobbing at 1729c.;
do. extra, Pennsylvania, wholesale, 16c.
Cheese quiet; large. 949ic: small, i0f
lOfcc; part skims, 4jr7ic.; full skima,
2H6c. Uec steady; Now York and
Pennsylvania, lie. : western, fresh. 10?4
1054c; southern. SWic. Tallow dull; city,
Sc.; country. 3V.. ns to quality. Petro
leum dull; United closi d at 89c. bid. Rosin
"firm; strained, common to food, $1.65
1.70. Turpentine eany at 27W28C. JUeo
Btendy; domctlc. fair to extra. 4!46o.;
Japan. 4iiifi4i-c. Pig iron dull; southern,
9.251)10.60; northern, $105(12. Copper firm;
broken!. $11.1214; exchange, tllll.20. Tin
barely steady; straits, $13.40613.60; plates
easy. Spelter quiet; domestic, $4.12ft&4.20.
Lead easy at $3.22i4'S.27,,4, according to"
the Metal Exchange, while brokers call
the market firm at $3.12M. Cabbage, per
crate. $lttl.25. Tomatoes, .per carrier, $1.60
2. Coffee lower; June, ?; July, if.a&w
7.10; August, $7.45; September, $7.4507.60;
November. $7.60; December, $7.607.65i,
January, $7.00.
Llvo Stock Mnrkots.
New York. May 18. Kuropenn cables
quote American steers at 11012c, dressed
weights; sheep at 12tfl3i4c.; refrigerator
beef at 989c. Calves quiet and steady;
veals, $104.25. Sheep quiet; yearlings
Bteadyj lambs lower; sheep, $34.50; year
lings, JI.W5.2fl; lambs, $007.10. Hogs
steady at J t 1.25.
East Liberty, Pa., May 18. Cattle
strong; prime, $5.106.26; fair, $3.904.10;
bulls. Btnss and cows, $24J3.75; common
to good fat oxen. $2r4.10. Hogs fairly
active; prime medium. $3Si3.85; beat York
ers. $3."5(If3.80; heavy hogs. $3.70S.80; com
mon to fair Yorkers. $S.703.75; plga, $3.75
3.80; roughs. t2.504fS.25. Sheep steady;
choice, t4.lfJi4.20: good.- $104.10; choice
lambs. $5fif.15; common to good lambs,
t4(f4.85', veal calves, JOiiS.50.
For Weak nnd Run Down People.
UIURT IT ICI The richest of all restora
WW rlftl II 10 I tlvo foods, becauso It ro-
E laces the essentials of life that are ex
austed by disease. Indigestion, high living,
overwork, worry, excesses, abuae, etc
digestion perfoct--lt creates solid nesh,
muscle and strength. The nerves being
made strong the brain becomes aatlve and
lear. It restores lost vitality, stops all wast
ing drains and weakness In either sex, and
as u. female regulator has no equal. Prlco
We., or five boxes $2.00. Druggists or by mail.
Wo can help you. Advice and book, free.
Write Us About Your CasoT
1613 Chestnut Street,
peprja. Railroad.
Jasoabv 18,1897.
Trains will leave Bhenandoalfafter the abot
date for WlKfrans, Qllherton, Fraokvllle, Darl
Water, St. Clair, Pottavllle. Hamburg, lUadlnt
PotUtown, Phoeulxvllle, Norristowu and Phil
adclphtafjlroad street xtntlon) at 6 US -nnd 1103
a. m. and 4 30 p. m. op week daya. For Pott'
vllle and Intermediate stations 9 i7 a. tn.
For Wlggana, Qllberton, Frackvllle, Dan
Water, St. tflalr, l'ottovHle, at o 08, 9 45 a. m. Br.,
3 10 p. m. For Hamburg, Heading, Poiutown
I'hoenlxvllle, NorrUtowu, Philadelphia at t '8
1 43 a. m., 8 10 p. m.
Trains leave Frackvllle for Shenandoah i
1040a. m. and 1231, G4I, 7 52 and 1047 p. m.
Sunday, II 13 a. in. and 5 41 p. m.
Leave Pottavllle for Hhenandoah at 10JA
a. m. and 12:03, 5 13, 7 2S and 10 30 p. m. Sunday
.1 10 40 a. in.. 5 13 p. ra.
Leave Philadelphia, (llrond street station), fo
Shenandoah at 5 57 and 8 36 a, m., 4 10 and 7 I
p. m. week days. Sundays leave at 6 80 a. in.
Leave Ilroml street station, Philadelphia, lu
Sen Qlrt, Anbury I'urk, Ocean Orovo, Lmu
Branch, and Intermediate stations, 8.3) 11.11
a. ra., 8.80 and 4.00 p. m, weak-days.
Isave Ilroad Street Stuflon, Philadelphia,
Express, week-daya 8 30, 4 Co, 4 BO 8 IS, 0 60.
TIB. s .838.960. 10 21 ( 1)1 ill. nr (Jar). 1100a. lu.
12 00 noon, 28ft (Limited 1 00 and 4 p.m.
Dining Cur)), I 40, 280 (Dining Car) 8 20, 2 60,
4 00,8
00, 540 (Dining Car), SOU, 0 80,8 12, 1000
J. III., liUI, man.. OUIHIHJII, u u, UM, .WW w,
820,838,980, 1021, (1)1 lug Oar), 1139 a. m.,
12 85, 2 30 (I)tnlng Our), 4 00 (Limited! 2llnlnc
Car), S 20, 8 BO, (Dining Car), 6 35, 6 60, 8 12, 10 00
p. m.
12 01, night. Sundays. 3 20. 4 08, 1 80 3 18,
Car), S 20, 8 B8, (Dining Car), 6 35, 6 60, 8 12, 10
p. in , 12 01 night
111 , 12 01 lllglll.
Hxnre.8 for Ikuton without chance. 1100a in..
week-days, and 0 80 p. in., dally.
For Itnltlmore and Washington, 0 60,7 20,8.2
10 20, 1121 a. in., 12 09 (1281 Limited Din
ing Car), 112. 8 18, 4 41 (510 OongreMloiu)
Limited. Dining Oar), 8 17, 666 (Dining Oar),
7 40 (Dining Car) p. m., and 12 05 nlghl
week days. Sundays, 3 80, 720, 9 12, 11 23 a.
m., 12 09 I 12, 4 41, f 5 IS Oongrwwlonal Llmltud
Dlnlug Oar), 8 56 (Dining Car), 7 40 p. in.
(Dlulng Cur) and 1205 night.
Leave llroad street station, Philadelphia (via
Delaware river bridge), express, 71
uc II.
Leave Market street Ferry, exiireuM, 8 M a m.,
2 00, 4 10, 5 0 p. in. Sundays, 8 48, D-46 a. in.
AoBommodatlon, 8 00, 8 20, a.m., 3 20 and 4 20
p. in., week days. Suudaya, 8 00, 8 10 a. in., 4 00
And 5 00 p. m
For CbuMi May. AngleMea, Wlldwood and
Holly IUwch, and Sea Isle City, Ocean Olty and
Avaion isxpreas, v iw . ui., iiu vui
daVa. Sundnva. 9 0 a. Ill
For Somen Point. Bxpraas, 8,80 a m.
S. m. weeic uaya. ounuays. o u a. in.
Ueu'l Manager. Ueu'l PtuuiVr Ag
Dr. Miles' Nervine Triumphs.
Excctstve Nsryouinsis from Childhood.
La Crtepo Brings on Heart Weaknois.
,T. B. P. 8EAREY, pastor M. 13
church, Buchanan, Go, writes
DaoAlO, 1H11J: "In childhood I vas
afflicted with oxoesslve nervousness, which,
almost developed loto St. Vitus dance. I
partially recovered, but at college It gradu
ally grow worse. Close study aggravated
tho troublos any unusual oxertlon caused
trembling nil over. In 1890 I bad a severe
Mnck of IiaOrlppo which broughton heart
woakr.aes I Lao ben almost constantly
under treatment for
lAU'vous troubles, and
changed climates fre
quently without avail,
i.ost February I be
gan takint Dr. Miles'
Ueitiirstlve Nervine "
and Nerve and Liver
Pills and since then I
havo btou ntudyiiii more ana working
harder than f i.r oars and tbo good effects
that havo resulted seem to be permaneut."
Dr. Miles' Remedies are sold by all drug
gists undor a positive guarantee, first bottle
jeneflt or money refunded. Book on
Heart and Nerve sent freo to all applicants.
Bit. MILES MBDIUAL CO., Elkhart, Inn.
A TltD.TcAl"r WOMAN'S. BEyEf
Al vftri prom pt tnd rt 11M. A I of mlttinwu.
At (true tlorr. or Mnt dlrtct (wftlrd l. pH. II.
Dato Brio. Co , llotton, Hue Our book, 46.
For sale nt P. V. I). Ktrlln's drug store and
Shenandoah drug store.
Only is possible, whether as a test of
excellence In Jouriialhnn, or for the
luenmirement of quantities, time or rallies)
Hecord . . .
entoer of nearly twenty vmu-h of
nnlhtrmiptetl tfrowtli fftjiifltlnttl in dnlnt
Inp; Hint tho atiimlard first cfltiiliUslifU by
tU founders is tho ono truo test of
A Perfect Newspaper.
To publish ALL TIIR NRWS promptly nnd
puccinciiy mm in ue mont rem. hi j in ktiii,
without elision or partisan bias; ta-dlscus
Its significance with frank news, to keep AN
U1IN KYK FOIt VUIM.W A 11 US 153, to civo
besides a complete rocoul of current
thought, fancies hihI discoveries In nil de
partments of human nctfvity In its DAILY
ISMTIOKttnf from 10 to II PAQKS, nnd to
provide tho whole for its patrons at tho
nominal price of ONIfi CRNT-That wbm
from the outset, nnd will continue to be tho
The Pioneer
Ono cent morning newsiiaper in tho United
States, The lteeord, ntlll 1.1JAI)8 WIIKIIU
Witness Its unrivaled average dally el rcitlntloit
-exceeding 160,001) oolites, nnd an average
exceeding 120,000 copies for Its Sunday
editions, while Imitations of Its plan of
publication in every liniHirtant city of the
country testify to the truth of the nssertlnn
that In the quantity nnd quality of Its con
tents, and lu the price nt which It la sold
The fteeord has established the standard by
which eieellence in Journalism mint bo
The Daily Edition
Of The Ueeord will 15 went by mall to any
nddrras for 88.00 ptr year or 35 cents per
The Daily and Sunday
the best and freshest Information nf all that
iSKoiug on in the world overy day In the
year Including holidays, will he aent for
61.00 a year or 33 cents per month.
Becord Building,
Philadelphia. Fa.
A Handsome Comploxlon
Is ono of the greatest charms a woman can
possess. Pozxoxi'a Couplbxiom POlVstut
gives IU
THE TIMES ta moat extensively
simulated nnd"wldelr read newspaper pub
lished in Pennsylvania, Ita discussion of pub
llo men and politic measures is In the Interest
of publloluteerity, honeat government and
proa porous Industry, and it knows no party
nr iwisonal allegiance In treating public
tasuea. In the broadest and beat sense a
family and gemrul newspaper.
THE TIMES alma to liave tlie largest
elroulatlon by deserving it, and claims tliat It
la unsurpassed In all the eaaeiltuita of a great
metropolitan newspaper. Bpeoluian oopfM of
any edition will be seut free to any one send
ing their address.
TERMS DAILY", 28 00 per annum; $1.00
for four month! 80 cents per month; de
livered by carrier for 6 cents per week.
SUNDAY KDITlON, 62 large, handsome
"logos 224 columns, elegantly Illustrated,
txmttlful colored supplement 12.00 per an
num! 6 cents per copy. Dally and Sunday,
66.00 per annum ; 50 cents per mouth.
Address all letters to
ie ovx s)masns . iuuku u
d4a tv4kla mew).)?. PuUMfauri fr4. AXnM, WmI
ern Flnauolal Uoa nt IHttton. Birml. OfcWo, IU.
jjg. RostoreaJH