The evening herald. (Shenandoah, Pa.) 1891-1966, May 17, 1897, Image 3

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    liPlippiwiipj Wlipwpi
How the Weight May lie Increased in a
Healthful Natural Manner.
All people tvlionre tliln are not necessarily
so from disease), It li natural for some to bo
tlitn, and no Amount of trentmont would mill
nn iota to tlielr weight, but tlie crest majority
of peoplo nre thin because tliolr digestion Ib
not perfect, tlielcstoiiAclis do not tliortiUKlily
dlgeet flesli-formlnc Hoods, they may not
liavo chrjiiic dyspepsia, but tliolr digestion It
not vigorous enough to nstimilnte the food
necessary for robust health and to keep up
tliolr weight.
For All tueh, the new discovery for dys
pepsia and Indigestion cntnetas a in Ml net
come nddttlou to the J1t of meritorious
remedies. The new d two very referred to Is
Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablet, which l net only
a pleasant and esrtsln core fur Indigestion,
but poiwwes the peculiar power of digesting
flesh-forming (bods, lltie meat, eggs and
similar onlliiuryfoinU, to that the Increase in
weight is a perfectly natural process. Ono
grain of tho digestive prltiHplo In Stuart's
Dyipepslt Tablets will dlgeet 3,000 grains of
Heili-lornilug food. Dr. Jennlsnn recently
stated tlmt he depends altogether upon tlico
tablets fur tli cure of dyipejitlit and stoiniu h
troubles nud that they not only oure tho in
digestion, but in overy case n gratifying In
oreneo In weight was noticed, not fat, but the
proper amount of llesh for health and
symmetry. Dr. IlaVlandson speaks highly of
the tablet, not only because they build up
flesh and euro indigestion, but they are
absolutely safe and harmless, no matter what
tho condition of tho stomach and aro
oxcellent not only for tl o ordinary dyspeptic,
but for invalids and children.
StUarts's Dyspepsia Tablets aro Bold by all
druggists at GOcts. per package and a trial
will convince anyone of their merits. I
Cures general or special debility, wakeful
ness, spermatorheca, emissions, Impotency,
paresis, etc Corrects functional disorders,
caused by errors or excesvs, quickly restoring
Lost AInnhood In old or young, giving vigor ana
strength where weakness prevailed. Con
venient package, simple, effectual, and legitimate.
Cure is, Quickamd Thorough.
Don't te deceived y imitation: insist oa
CATON'S Vitallzers. Sent sealed il your drug,
gist does not have it. Price $ I per pkge, 6 lor it,
with written guarantee of complete cure.
Information, references, etc., free and confidential.
Send us statement ol case and 25 cts. for a week'a
trial treatment One only sent to each person. '
For solo at P. P. D. Kfrltn's drug storo and
tilien&ndoaU dru store.
Relieve and Cure
If J T Li.
age, npaa iiouuiBS ,,7 t.,r,llt,i
Stomach Disorders '
System Irregularities Li22!sJ
"For every ill, a special pill."
If not at Drug Stores, writo
Bronx Chemical Co.,Yonkcrs,N.Y.
2ft Health Hook Mailed Free.
Piles op Hemorrhoids.
Fissures & Fistulas.
Burns & Scalds.
Wounds & Bruises.
Cuts & Sores.
Bolls & Tumors.
Eczema & Eruptions.
Salt Rheum & Tetters.
Chapped Hands.
Fever Blisters.
Soro Lips & Nostrils.
Corns & Bunions.
Stings & Bites of Insects.
Three Sizes, 25c, 50c. and $
Sold by druggists, or sent post-paid on receipt of prtoo
uranisms' urn co,, 111 111 TmimSt.,5wVort.
For sale at Povlnsky'a drug store, 28 Kast
Centre street
The first cf American Newspa
pers, CIIARZIiSA. DANA, Editor.
The American Constitution, the
American idea, the American Spirit.
These first, last and all the time,
Daily, by mail, - $6 a year
Dally & mail, $8 a year
The Sunday Sun
Is the greatest Sunday Newspaper in
the world
Price 5c. a copy. By mall, $2 a year
Address THE SUN, Hew York.
Oured by tills granular effervewent and sllmu.
lant. An Instant cure for sour stomachs and
Headaches, wbieh often aooumulate from liavlna
a night out.
17 and IP Peach Alley, Slten
Sorious Acoidont to a Train Noar
Ardmoro, Is T,
orTliooTwoWIU I'rolmlily lllo I'roni
Tliolr Wounds Cnrs Tlmt Wont
Down i'liingctl Twenty Voot to a
Bwtillcit Strenin.
Ardmore, L T., May 17. A south-,
bound Dnswencer train on the Santa
Fe road, known as the Chicago and
QalvMloh express, wont 'through a
trestle 1C miles south of here at 5
o'clock yesterday morning. Fifteen
pensotiB, passengers and trainmen, were
Injured. Several of these are seriously
hurt, and It la believed that two will
die. The accident occurred near the
town of Marietta. A heavy rainstorm,
amounting almost to a waterspout,
caused a sudden rise of all the small
streams In that vicinity.
The accident occurred at a point
where a deep, narrow gulch was span
ned by a wooden trestle. The founda
tion work supporting tills trestle was
undermined by the sudden rise of the
little streams which flow through the
gulch, and the trestle went down un
der the heavy weight of the train. So
great was the speed of the train, how
ever, that the engine and tender, the
express, mall and baggage care and one
passenger ooach passed over the nar
row escape, though the trucks of sev
eral of these cars went to tho bottom,
20 feet below. The coach next to the
last, the one Immediately In front of
the Pullman, was left standing directly
over the chasm, one end resting on
each bank of the gulch. The Pullman
remained on the track. Tho four
coaches which were dragged by tho lo
comotive across the broken trcstlo
were badly wrecked. The baggage car
was telescoped with 'the passenger
coach, and tho latter was all but de
molished. J. M. Grlder, the Wolls-Fargo ex
press messenger, was bo badly crushed
by a heavy car chest that he cannot
live. 13. T. Sparks, of Oakman, I. T.,
Is also mortally hurt.
The Injured were brought to Ard
more on a wrecking train sent out
from hero. At K o'clock last evening
a track had been built around tho
wreck, and the belated passengers re
sumed their Journey, except those seri
ously Injured.
The most seriously Injured are as fol
lows: E. T. Sparks, Oakman, I. T., Injured
In chest and back, probably fatally; G.
G. Crawford, Kurd, I. T., elbow dis
located and right arm fractured; W.
L. Irwin. Kansas City, cut on the neck;
I. F. Hale, news agent, Fort Worth,
bruised on hip and side; J. M. Grlder,
express messenger, hurt Internally,
cannot live; It. J. Crawford, Fox, I. T.,
ankle sprained, badly cut and bruised;
W. M. Forbes, Lebanon, head, hands
and arms Injured; O. L. York, Palo
Pinto, Tex., hip hurt; J. F. Piper, La
donla, head cut and shoulder dislo
cated. Wanton Murder on n. Street,
Little Hock, May 17. Deputy Sheriff
Jesse F. Heard shot and killed S. T.
Blair at the tatter's place of business
at 8:30 o'clock last night. Blair was
the proprietor of the American stables
on Louisiana street, between Third
and Fourth, was sitting In a chair on
tho sidewalk, leaning against tho wall
of his building, when Heard approach
ed and asked how many boarders he
had. Dlalr. was counting on his fin
gers when Heard pulled a revolver and
fired three times, each shot taking ef
fect near the heart. Blair sank back
and died ten minutes later. Heard waa
arrested. There are threats of lynch
ing. Aeronauts Hoscucd From tho Ocean.
Long Branch, May 17. The balloon
sighted off Sandy Hook by a tug last
Thursday evening belonged to Leo and
Frank Steven, the aeronauts. They
made an ascension at Itahway on Wed
nesday In their new balloon, and when
about 12 miles off Sandy Hook they
feared the approaching storm and cut
their canvas boat loose from their air
ship. They were picked up five hours
later by the sloop Mary Jane. Tho
aeronauts were exhausted. The bal
loon In which they made their ascen
sion was valued at $3,000, and the men
spent Thursday and Friday In hunting
for It. Captain Conroy brought the men
hero Saturday.
Murdorod by ItobborH,.
Smith's Lake, Minn., May 17. W. T.
Boxell and his wife, living In tho
country near this place, were jnur
dered and robbed of $400 about mid
night. The Instrument of death was an
ax, which was found In the yard cov
ered with blood. There Is no clow to
tho murderers. Boxell was about 70
years old, and one of the wealthiest
men In tho county. He was married a
short time ago, his wife being but 19
years old. The bodies were discovered
by Boxell's two sons on their return
from a fishing trip.
I had severe attacks of gravel and kidney
trouble; and unablo to get a medicine or,
doctor to care mo until I used Hop Hitters,
and they cured mo In a short time. A
N. Y.
Colorless and Cold. A youpg girl
deeply regretted that she was so colorless and
and cold. Her face was too white, and her
bands and feet felt as though tho blood did
not circulate. After one bottle of Hop
Bitters had been taken she was the rosiest
and healthiest girl in tho town, with a
vivacity and cheerfulness of mind gratifying
other friends.
SOnato Secretary Sentenced to Prison
Helena, Mont., May 15. Secretary of
the Senate John Bloor was convicted
yesterday by a Jury of having se
cret! the "salary bill" to prevent 1U
passage, and the punishment was fixed
at one year's imprisonment. He was
denied further ball, and Is now In Jail.
The bill In question had passed both
house and senate the last day of the
session, but was never signed by the
speaker of the house. It would have
out down the salaries of the olty offi
cers and the number and salaries of
the deputies ii per cent.
How to Treat a AVIfe.
(From I'aolflo Health Journal.)
First, get a wife ; second, be patient. You
may have great trials and perplexities in
your business, but do not therefore, carry to
your home a cloudy or contracted brow.
Your wife may have trials, whteb, though of
lets magnitude, may be bard for her to bear.
A kind won, a tender leek, will do wonders
in chasing from her brow all clouds of
gloom. To this we would add always keep a
bottle of Chamberlain's Cough Remedy in
the house. It la the best slid In sure to he
needed sooner or later. Your wife will then
know that you really care for her and wisli
to protect her health. For sale by Qruhler
Ilros., druggists.
7J1 j-ivassistance in prcpar
liaiUl ingr the system for the
RPflllirPC change which it
lUqUU V undergoes at
this season of the year. The
sluggish, impure condition of
the blood causes general dis
order, resulting in a lack of
energy, loss of appetite, and
general debility. A few bot
tles of S. S. S., '
Swift's .
will remove all impurities,
tone up the system, and im
part new life to the fagged-out
energies. It is nature's own
remedy, being made from
roots and herbs from the for
ests. S. S. S. is the only blood
remedy guaranteed purely
vogetablc, hence it is the best
tonic for building up and
the system.
Insist on T.
S. S.
There is Nothing Half as Good!
Offlco : 80 West Centre stieet.
Can bo consulted at all hours.
Office Egan building, corner of Main ant
Centre streets, Sbenandoah.
j ii. rosinnoY,
Bbennnilonh, Pa.
Corner Market and Centra streets.
Lock Box 65, Mahanoy City, Pa.
'ITavInK studied under some of tho best
masters u London and Parts, will give lessons
on the vloltn,manflolln, cultar and vocal culture.
Terms reasonable. Address In caro of Strouse,
tlie Jeweler, Sbenandoah.
JLLJj ifervouM ineati ailing Qlem
orj. ImpoUDC7,RIeepteB6nes0, etc.. canned
by AUuae and other Kxcensw end Indis
cretion. Thv Quickly and surety
restore Lost Vitality in old or roan?, and
fit a man Sot tudy, buslnoM or marriage.
Prevent InsanlTT and ConBarnDtlori if
taken in time. Their tits ehowa immediate improve
ment and eSects n CURB where all others loll. In.
tlit upon ha?fn the genuine A J ax Tablets. They
hare eared thousands and nil! oure yon. We fiWe a
positiro written nuarantee to enecc a cure in eacn caw
or refund the money. 1'rlce 60 cent? per nacltace,or
bit mult-ASAd ifnll treatment! for Ez-Ui. Ht
.i.uu. vr man, in
For sale In Shenandoah, Pa., by A. AVasley
and H. P. Klrlln, Druggists.
WantPri-fln lrioa S
Who can think
miiiuu nil iuuu thlog to patent?
Protect your Ideast they may bring you wealth.
Write JOHN WEDDEHBHRN CO., Patent Attor
neys. Washington, D. C, for their (I.8UI prize oiler
and ltst ox two hundred inventions wanted.
some simple
Shenandoah and Vicinity
Beer and Porter
Barbey's Bohemian Beer.
millions of Dollars
Go up In smoke every year. TaVen
risks but get your houses, Block, far
nlturo, eto., insured In first-class re
liable companies aa represented by
hAVlTs PATTT Insurance Ajren'.
UiVVilJ rAUOlj 120 Boutb Jardln St
Also Ufa and Aw (dental Companl est
Tho Rosy Frcshnoss
And a velvet softness of the skin Is Inva
riably obtained by tbore who use Pozzoni's
Complexion ."owder.
Agenumo woloome waits you at
Cor. naln and Coal Sts.
Finest whiskeys, beers porter and alt
constantly on tan. Choice esoDeranca drink
and eiiram.
Teams to Hire.
If you want to litre a safe and reliable
No. 410 East Centre street.
Opposite needing railroad station.
Tlie bladder was created Tor one purpose,
namely, a receptacle fur tlie urine, and M
such it Is not liable to any form Of rileense ex
cept by one of two ways. Tlie first vray Is
from Imperfect notion of tlie kidneys. The
second tvny is from careless local treatment of
other tlleenees.
Unhealthy tirine from unhealthy kidneys
Is the chief cause of bladder trouble. So
the womb like the bladder, was created for
one purpose, and If not doctored too much
is not liable to weakness or diseased, except
in rare cases. It is situated back of ami very
close to the bladder, therefore any pdlii,
disease or Inconvenience manifested In tlie
kidneys, back, bladder or urinary
often by mistake attributed to female weak
new or womb trouble of some sort. The
error Is easily insde and may be as easily
avoided. To find out correctly set your
urine nslde for twenty-four hours; a sedi
ment or settling indicates kidney or bladder
trouble. The mild and the extraordinary
effect of Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Hoot, tho greAt
kidney, liver and bladder remedy is soon
realised. If yon need a medicine you should
have the best. At druggists fifty cent anil
ono dollar. You may have a sample bottle
and pamphlet, both 'sent free by mall.
Mention Kvkkino IIrrald and send your
address to Dr. Kilmer A Co., Illnghamton,
N Y. The proprietors of this paper guarantee
the gemilttess of this offer.
I L, Sa Borden i
3 Iut
CntH nnanii Ulllt 1
g "Infant Health," Is a little book of
w gTeat value that i sent Fuiiu on appll-
g cation. 1 O
a N. Y. Ccndcnsctl Milk Co.
tl Hodsoa Street, new Tork O
Yon can blame
yourself if you
do n't get real
good coffee to
drink. Ordinary
coffee is made de
lirious bv adding
for Seel Ik's.
, A little of Uiis
admixture to
A Sc. arks.
, makes ndeliciou
Irink nnd saves expense.
DH. THEEL, 604 N. sixth St.
x onng, oia, sinpio or marnea, ir you aro a
. Tctlmof JIloo.l l'nl.nn, HclfAUu.e,
r deBtroycrs of the humnu race which do
stroy inlnd nnd body, and unlit you for the
vdntlcsorllre. Cull and bo saved. Hours t
41alljr,f)-;ii Wed. ami Sat. 11-4. Sendror
Mlonk With iirnrn TMllmnnlnl. V.-w.
' poslnsfluacUs.TreatmentbvmalU
tiftAY HAiR fiKiL
u 1.4 c.iur to I'M' JlAltt yi it
t'l l', - o tUtOifiru.lpM", pifitMtit otioi 1 il I fti
liatrfroni UUinBOUthiiJ pnimntMRrowtli 41 i 1 Ml
lllimrsvled Tiettise oa Hair on application r iuL
For Kilo by Blienanilonli Dtwr Store, Ktrlln
Dxiig Storo.
Trains leave Hhennndoah as follows :
For New York via 1'hllAdelnhla. weelc rfav.
210, 5 25, 710 a. m., 1233, 8 03 nnd 5 53 p. n
Sundays, 2 10 a. m.
For Now York via Mnuch Chunk, week days
5 25, 7 10 a. m., 12 S3 nnd 3 03 p. m.
For Heading and Philadelphia, week dayr
2 10, 5 25, 7 10 mm., 12 33, 8 03 and 5 58 p. m. Bur.
days, 2 10 n. m.
For t'ousviile, weeK uays, 2 10; 7 10 a. ni., anf
12 B3, 3 03 nnd 6 58 p. in. Sundays, 2 10 a. m.
ForTaninoua and Mnbnnov Cltv. week dvi
2 10, 5 25, 7 10 a. m., 12 83, 8 03 and 5 58 p. -m
Sundays, 2 10 n. m.
ror wiuinmsport, BunDiiry and 1cwlsburt
week days, 3 25, 11 80 a. ui., and 7 25 p. a,
Sundays, 3 25 n. m.
ForMnhano) I'lano, weekdays, 2 10. 3 25, 5 21
710, 11 SOU. m .2 38, 3 03,5 68, 7 25 and 9 91
p.m. nunuays, i tu, a M a. m.
For Ashland and Shnmokln. week ilnv. nw
710, 1180 u. m., 725 and 9 55 p. m. Bun
days, 3 25 a. m.
For nnltlniore, Wnnlilngton and tho West vli
B. &0. K. It., ihrnuKh trains lou-i lieadlni
Terminal, Philadelphia, (P. & It. V is.) at 8 2C
755,1126 a. m., 810 and 7.27 p. i- Sundays
3 20, 700, 11 20 n. in., 8 45 and 7 27 p. m. Addl
tlonal trains from Twenty.fourth and Chest
nut streets station, week days, 10 80 a, in. 12 20
12 in 8 10 p.m. Sundays, 185, 823 p. m.
Leave New York via PlillAilAlnhln. ni.i
days, 4 30, 8 00 a.m., 180, 130, 9 00 p. ni. an'
nlghi. Sundays, 0 00 p. m.
Leave New York via Mauch Chunk, wo
days, 1 80, 9 10 a. nr.. 1 80 and 1 15 p. In.
Leave Philadelphia, Heading Terminal, weel
days, 1 20, 8 85, 1005 a. in. and 103, 0 30, lilt,
p. m. Sundays, 11 80 p. m.
jjcnvo nooning, weeu unys, 1 1, 7 10, 10 Ofc
11 55 n. m., 6 00 and 8 20 p. m. Sundays, 1 85 a. m
liavo i-oitsviiie, weeK uays, i i. 7 40 a. m.
2 80 and 6 12 p. m, Sundays, 2 85 a. m.
...... u . i.i ii... , w.., unj.unfB.uioiN, 11 A
m., 1 27, 7 20 and 9 13 p. m. Sundays, 8 18 a. m
. Leave Mahanoy City, week doys, 8 45, S 21
11 47 a. m., 2 03, 7 11 and 10 08 p. m. Sundays, 8 tl
a. ra.
Leave Mahanoy Plane, week days, 2 10, 1 00
680,987. 1159a. in., 112,219,620,8 28, 7 67 p ill
Sundays, 2 40, 00 a. ni.
i.eavo wiiuamspori, weee uays, 712, 1010 s
tn., 3 85 and 11 11 p. m. Sundays, li 15 p. m.
Leave Phtladelnhla Chestnut street wsrf nr..
South street wharf for Atlantic City.
Weekdtiys Express, 900 a. m., 2 00, (Satur
days only, 3 00), 1 00, 6 00 p. m. Accommoda
tion, 8 00 a. m., 5 15, 0 80 p. in.
ouuuuys nxprese, aw, iu uu a. m. Aceom
modatlon, 8 00 a. in., 4 43 p. m.
stemming leave Atiansio uuy uepot, cornei
Atlantle and Arkansas avenues.
Weekdays Express, 7 85, 9 00 a. in., 8 80, 5 SO
p. m, Accommodation, 1 25, 8 IB a. m., 1 10 p. m,
Sundays Kxnreas. 4 00. 5 80. 8 00 . in. Acoom.
modatlon, 7 15 a. m., 1 15 p. m.
rarior ura on an express trains.
THE "HMES (a the most extenslvelj
eirouinifHi on,u wiueiy reau newspaper pub
lished In Pennsylvania. Its discussion of pub
Ho mon ami public measures Is lu the Interest
of publlo Integrity, honest government and
prosperous Industry, and it knows no party
or peisonal nlliwianee In treating public
Issue. In the broadest and best settee a
family and gent ml newwier.
THE TIMES alms to Inve tlie largest
oJrenlaljion by deserving It, ami etohiM that It
is unsuriMsosu in an me eeseiiHAM or a Brent
uietroiioIIUm newspaper. SpeoitiMn ooplee oi
any edition will be sent free to any one send
Ing their address.
TERMS DAILY. MOO ner annum! sl.00
for four montlint 80 oeiite ir month; cb
Uveresl by earrleiti for 0 eente per week.
SUNDAY EDITION, 3t lane, Iwmlsome
liflgee 231 oolumits, elegautly Illustrated,
beautiful colored supplement tt.00 ier nu
njiini S cents tier copy. Dally uadMiimUy,
HXO ixr annum 50 cents ier month.
Address all letters to
Exprossctl at a Monitor Meeting in
tlie National Capital, .
Set Forth In n I.ottet In Which He
DSolnrem Thnt 1'i'onliltsut; MoKlnley
Will Itpdeeut tile I'lfxlKcn or II Ih
Pnft.v oil the Citbnii QnoMtloti.
Washington, Mar 17. An enthuila
tlo audience of men and women, many
of them well known in Washington,
packed the Columbia theater to Its
doors yesterday afternoon at a mon
ster meeting held In behalf of the cause
of the Cuban Insurgents. Seated on
the platform and participating In the
exercises were Senators Oalllnger and
Allen, ex-Senator Duller, of South Car
olina; Itev, Hugh Johnson, pastor of
the) Metropolitan Methodist church;
Itev. Howard Wilbur Unnls, and a
num1er of others Identified with the In
terests of the Insurgents. General
Wllllitm Henry Browne, president of
the Cubnn league, railed the meeting
to order, and called Senator Clalllngpr
as the presiding officer. Later he made
a brief address and read a number of
letters and telegrams of regrets, among
tlipm being those from Senators Frye
and Ilurrows, and Commander Clark
eon, of the O. A. n.
Senator Chandler sent a letter of re
gret, which was In part as follows:
"As I wish to see the United States
declare and maintain the Independence
of the Island, as Prance did that of the
American colonies and made the Uni
ted States a nation, of course I shall,
as a practical friend, vote for every
minor method tending to the same ben
eflclent end. I hope and believe that
congress and the president will soon
formallly recognise a state of war and
Cuban belligerency. This step, follow
ed as it will be by all the other Inde
pendent nations of the western hemis
phere, cannot fall to Insure the Cuban
Independence which Is sought for.
'Moreover, without delay, we ought
to send a Heet to enter the harbors
and an army to land upon the soil of
Cuba first to protect the lives and
property of American citizens, and sec
ondly to stop the atrocious and un
civilized methods of warfare adopted
by the Spanish generals.
"In advocating all these measures I
am conscious of no passionate hostility
to Spain. In 18G1 she recognized the
southern Confederacy within less than
three-months after Its military struggle
began, and surely If she cannot hold
Cuba without making It one vast des
ert and graveyard by driving the In
habitants Into the cities to starve, and
by hanging, shooting or garrotlng Cu
ban officers and soldiers for rebellion
and Incendiarism, she ought to lose the
"President McKinley willingly recog
nizes the binding force of the platform
upon which he was elected, and will
soon do his part toward malting Cuba
free and Independent. He raav pro
ceed with what will seem to Impatient
spirits to be undue caution, but he will
not fall to be faithful to his pledges
and he will bo fore long register the
decree which went forth In his tri
umphant election."
Mr. Karl Decker, of WnshlngtSn,
who, as correspondent of the Now Tork
Journal, spent some time In Cuba,
much of It with a branch of tho Cuban
army In Santa Clara province, gave a
description of tho condition of affairs
existing, and of the plight of many
people suffering for the necessities of
life. He ridiculed the claims sent out
by General Weyler that the Island has
been pacified.
In tho course of some Interesting re
marks Senator Allen, of Nebraska,
humorously declared that there was no
division In the Populist ranks on the
question of Cuban liberty. In this
whole matter he thought there had
been too much sacrifice to a spirit of
commercialism, and It was time this
government had a little more human
ity and a little more Americanism. He
declared that the United States could
not afford to have a decaying mon
archy with a foothold on this continent,
and he would be delighted to see Spain
and the Ottoman empires wiped from
the map of Europe. It the president
wore to send a fleet to Havana war In
the Island would cease tn 30 days, and
It would not be necessary to fire a gun.
Ex-Sonator Butler, of South Carolina,
read u series of resolutions which had
been prepared, and these weio unani
mously adopted. They earnestly pro
tested against the "barbarous and in
human methods" of Spain In conduct
ing the war In Cuba, declare! Lhw gov
ernment should recognize the Insur
gents as belligerents, and tha; Cuba
had demonstrated that It was her
manifest destiny that, like Mexico, she
should be free and Independent with
out tho payment to Spain of any in
demnity. Try iirnln-ll Try OraTn-O 1 '
Ask your grocer to-day to show you a
package of GUAIN-O, tho now food drink
that takes tho placo of coll'eo. Tho children
may drink it without injury as well as the
adult. All who try it, like It. GUAIN-0
has that rich seal brown of Mocha or Java,
but it is made from pure grains, and the
most delicate stomach receives it without
distress. I the price of cofloe. ISc mid 25
cts. per package. Sold by all grocers.
Two Drowned "While Hunting.
New York, May 17. Two unknown
young men drowned In the Bronx, river
yesterday afternoon tn the presence of
many hundreds on the banks, and with
a half dozen boats near at hand. The
young men were rowing In a skiff, and
capsized their boat while attempting
to change places. One of them at
tempted to swim, but was seised by
his companion, and for a few momenta
they struggled together In the water
before sinking. The bodies were re
covered, but not Identified.
The Grandset Remedy.
Mr. K. 11. Greeve, merchant, of Chllhowle,
Va., certifies that he liad consumption, was
given up to die, aoughtall medlual treatment
that money could procure, tried nil cough
remedies lie could hear of, but got no relief;
spent many nights sitting up In a clialr; was
induced to try Dr. King's New Discovery,
and was cured by use of two bottles. For
past three years lias been attending to busi
ness, and says Dr. King's New Discovery is
the grandest remedy ever made, aa It lias
done so much fur him and also for others In
his community. Dr. King's New Discovery
is guaranteed for Coughs, Colds and Con
sumption. It don't fall. Trial bottles free
at A. Wosley's drug store.
Killed Wlib and Seir.
Tacoma, Wash., May 17. John Ar
thur McCarty, a Northern Pacific oos
ductor, shot and killed htniMif, and
wife at noon yesterday. The shooting
took place In front of their home Just
as they were returning from church.
McCarty was formerly yard master ut
Uncklen's Arulnu Halve,
The best salve in the world for eats,
uruwee, sores, utuers, sale rheum, lever sores,
tetter, chapped hands, chilblains, corns, and
all skin eruptions, and oositivelv enres nllm
or jo pay required. It Is guaranteed to give
perfect satisfaction or mony refunded. Price
From tht Bra,
Several months ago, Miss Cora Wntrons,
the Iten.jrir-oll daughter of Mr. I. ('.
WMrnn. a locomotive fireman, of 61 Clarion
Street, Bradford, I'enna., was seired with a
nervous disorder which threatened to nd
her life. The first symptom of the nilmuit
was a loss of appetite. For some little ti
Miss utrntts had no desire to cut nnd mm.
Alias utrntts had no desire to cut
plained of a feeling of extreme
J'his was followed bv severe pain
head. Por three weeks the j-onni;
ns in tlie
' lnltr it da
jit hi iv i-inzfu uiin a urri t ii i, ,.. ...
Iiothinn- could be procured to jrivc hi r relief.
Finally, afler trying numcrnui remedies
n physician was called and bepan treatin
the patient. He said tho trouble was
caused by impoverished blood, but after
several weeks of his treatment the voune
lady s rendition had not improved oiid the
parents decided to proenro tho service-, of
another physician. In the meantime Miss,
H stroiia' nervousness had increased, the
pains In her head had grown more severe
and the sufferer's pnrcnts had almost given
Up hope of her recovery.
w,!,?.t.,,M tlme lmU Mr- Wstrous heard
of Ir. Williams' Pink Pills for Pale People.
He found that the pills were highly mom
mended for nervous disorders and concluded
to give them a trial. A box of the pills was
purchased and liefore tliey had all been taken
there was a marked improvement in the
Birl s condition. After a half dosen boxes
had been used, the young lady's appetite had
returned, the pain in her head had ceased
and she was stronger than at any time pre
vious to her illness
Dyspepsia, Malaria, Sleeplessness,
Nervous Headache, Biliousness,
Kidney Diseases, General Debility, Etc.
Asli your Drugfjiat to get them
through his Oohbcv, or send
a Postcl Card to
f If Sampl
Sold by P. P. D. KIIUIN, Shenandoah, Pa.
iiHillillimiliiim Illllllllllllllllllllllllllilllllllllllliliniiiillllilllllllllliim
.llllllllllllllllltl I f 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Illlllllllllllllllllllllllllilllllllllllllllllllllllllllti
For Sale by P. P. D.
m ssssw am
SB rtssWv isw
ARSOTiIITRI.Y MIS T? i UTERI) f "rc ""J r'K of "initlpnllon. ravarrts are the Ideal Idxa-
.. ,, nrTPr
plssml hneiklrt free. Ad. RTKKMXO ItRIIKIIY
The regular subscription price of
uemoresrs Magazine,
Judge's Library." and
"Funny Pictures1' is 3.30
JUDGES LI BRARY' Is a monthly liuunslne of fun. fllled with lllustimtlo.,. 1. ,w.,
iiurepietowitiiwitsjiU humor. Its
' F U N N Y . PICT U RE S ' Is another humorous monthly; there Is a lautrh in everv line of it.
All three of tliese luasulnea are baadsoroety vottcsn uu. You .hnjlri i ,1,1" .:,"' .
to secure ttieut.
Cut here ami return Coupon property fUied out.
Dcmovc&t PviKHKmg Co., 110 TiftK Avu Nw York.
I'M Hie MMlasea M.00 pleacra semi Dsmeraot's PatttUy HmsbIm, Judtre'a Library
(a nmmtsliie of fun), awl Funny Pisturss (ocr ecue year iw per your ofler "Dry
Nxtiie - ........,. i
l'fMKsMoo .....
D' - gff
Girl hai
Nervous Prostration
Itratlford, Pn.
Miss Watrons ennrlndcd tluit Vr cure was
complete and left tumie f..r n ml to relatives
in pmpe e.iunlrj ri. iir Dunkirk, N. Y.
She slopped tiikniL' the nuilieine anil by
over-exertion lrnm.'U the n i Inn nl Lack again.
As soon ns Hi'1 rt lurriMi.' nipioiim vrere telt
Mivs Watrous sec un l iiiiothei bin ef pills and
the (liners was scum driven nnny. Hhe is now
in In Ui r physical condition tlui'n nlie bus been
lor j i us nnd dechires tlmt (.lie os lier life to
1'r illimiis' Pink IMIIs.
l'.. 1 1 M i Mrs. Wntrona ccrrn inCurtSnnml
by n r. inner at their ho cm C'hirion
Mint. Koili nre loud in their prniis of
i'liik Pill-. "My dniiL'hter'v lif,- was sacd
I'J the nn 'lie ine," riuiI Mrs. Y .ilmus. "Her
comliiinii v. is almost liopelci when she com
lin in i .1 t ik ing them, but now ulic is as lining
nnd heililn ns any one eoulil bo. I cauuot
li centime ml t lie meilieino too hmlily."
An ennlv-is of Dr. Williams' rink Pills
RI10V.S tli st tliey rontnin, in a condensed form,
nil the elements necessary to gn e new life and
riehnc-s tn the blood and restore shattered
nerves. They arc an unfailing specific tor
such diseases ns locomotor ai ixta, partial
paralysis, St. Vitus' dance, sciatica, neiirnlifia,
rheumatism, nervous hi r.ihichi , the after ef
fects of la grippe palpitation of the heart pale
and sallow complexions, all forms of weakness
either in male or female, and all diseases re
sulting from vitinted humors in the blood,
rink Pills are sold by all dealers, or will bo
ji'nt post paid on receipt of price, Wl ec nts a
Utx ,or six boxes for 2.i50-(they are never sold
in bulk or by the 100) by aduWsiog Dr. Wil
liams' Mediciue Company, Bctenwuidy, N. Y.
nro progressive mid keep informed of :
tho World's Progress. Tlio well in-
formed nnd thrifty Houso-wlfo will
nlways keep
in tho house, as a standard remedy for
Sprains, Bruises, Cramps, Rheumatism, s
and nil aches and pains.
Price 2S cts. and SO cts. per bottle. 5
Prepared by II. J. IIACKETI & CO., Philadelphia.
When In doubt what to use for
Nervous Dcbilliy, Loss of Power,
other weaknesses, from any cause,
use Sexinc Pills. Drains checked
and full vigor quickly restored.
ii orgi-gc-a. Ha iroatttCM rcualtr-unr.
I Mailedfor$1.00;fllo.xes$5.00. With
$5.00 orders we give a truarantee to
cure or refund the money. Addresi
i cal, m&uiuiNa liu,, iicvctanau
KIIUIN, Shenanioa!;, Pa.
griper sripp.nui rnuscrntr natural rtwu:
.. Oilraso, Slontrcal. t'nn.. nrXciT Yorl
Its. Sam.
We will sand all three io m for
one yuar tr $2.00, or 6 mo. tor SI.
the beat femllv msulne uubltahstl: there Is none
contributors are the best of AmesksHs witsTa d
cure conmPAiiony
to oeuw per oox. for sale by A. Yvosley.