BASE BALL GOODS. SPECIAL INDUCEMENTS TO CLUBS. An HOOKS & BROWN 1 North Main St. The Store- That's Always Busy Because shrewd dollar savers take advantage ot our tempt ing offers. Look at our in ducements for the present : It c nil ti fill liaby Carriages $3. ntul Upwards. Handsome Iron liedatends and Upwards. Refrigerators With Spigots and Upwards. XS2 M. Spoon T. IIS Kamt Centra St. MAHANOY CITY. W illiam Calahonc, who was being taken down to jail yesterday on a charge of assault villi iutent to rape made by bis boarding mistress, Mrs. Mary E. Jones, gave the oil! i or the slip aud has not been seen since. The members of t'o. E, 8th Regt., N. O. P. left for Philadelphia this luornin?. The M iv party in Kaier's dance hall li st night under the auspices of the Auicrluis Hub, w is a grand success. Fen (looper, John Anstock, George Htit'cr, .T. J. Quirk and Wallace lloldeinan went to Llewellyn to-day to represent Mahanoy City at the annual meeting of the Schuylkill County Fish and Game Association. Joseph Meyer, of East Centre street, has Van notiAed of the death of his mother in Germany. Joseph Cobley has gone to the Minors' hoe pi'ul to have an operation performed on one of bis legs, which was injured in a football i.:nnc last fall. Ilase Unit Challenge. The Violets hereby challenge the Stars to pliiv a game of lse ball at the Trotting park on Saturday, May 15, at 0 a. m. Address reply to It. A. Dangler, manager, South White streot. Died nt tho Hospital. Henry, 15-ycar-old son of Isaac Thomas, of Lansford, died at the Minors' hospital nt Fountain Springs, this morning. Tho boy attempted to jump on ii coal train at Lans ford last evening, but fell beneath tho wheels. II is arms wore cut off. Orders for fldVors from Payne's nurseries. left at Morgan's llazar, will receive prompt attention. 5-13-eod O'HARA'S LIVERY ! BOARDING AND SALES STABLES. Undertaking in - - - - all its Branches. Open Day and Night. Cor. White and Lloyd Streets, Shenandoah. Mansion House Stables, MAHANOY CITY. MM Vp'fi IIAVK TIIH IIANDS0MH8T DKSltiNS OF OIL CLOTHS N. IN TOWN. E. B. FOLEY, 27 ll'ost Centre Street. f-A No A car load of SUMMER CLOTHING just purchased of the best makers in Philadelphia and New York, will be sold at the MAMMOTH CLOTHING HOUSE, S and 11 South islain Strsst. The largest clothing house in this section of the State, and renowned for the best goods and cheapest prices of any house in the business in this part of Pennsylvania. The stock embraces Light Suits, all kinds of Plaid Suits with fly front coats and vests and Black Suits in all varieties and styles, with low of high cut vests for Men, Youths and Children. pnrn nnpri, MOB! rRDD! TO KIDNEY SUFFERERS. Opportunity Well Worthy Your Nlotlcc. of If you suffer with kidney dlnNtM or any ailment arlitlug from at) -Improper action of tliv kidney or urinary orjmii, thia oflhr wt make to tlie people of Shrmtntioali idiould intort'Rt yon. In tlie mHnnromi'iit of mod i cnl wiencp. the kldnpya, Iwlng nlmofit the oi'iinns of 1 1 e uroatcst importanrp to human health, have not been nenleeted, and in placing liofm-e yon aueh a euro ns Dunn's Kidney Pills, the proprietors recognize how far ao many statements of tlie makers of similar preuaratlona have fallen short of thcli ! claims, being convinced that no remedy for kidney complaints in existence equals Dunn's Kidney 1HI1 Tot attuh ailment; strengthened In these convictions by letters that are dally received of the. work they are doing for mankind's benefit, old backs am! young hack are being constantly freed from nover-cemlng aches, and many a lame and shattered one. stooped and contracted, is strengthened, invigorated and infused with new life. Willi such a medicine, an otter of this kind can he made without hesitancy, for while we lose the box we give to you. we make a friend that assists us in the sale of many others. ONE FULL BOX of Donn'a Kidney Pills will be given away free to 200 persons suffering with kldney ailmentaat the undersigned address. First come, first served, aud only this one vhauce offered. I.ememlier this is not a sample box, but a regular siae Ikix of Doan's Kidney Pills, which retails at 50 cents. For those In the country who can not call-in lime, a full box will lie mailed on receipt of five cents in either coin or atntnps, to defray expenso of postage and mailing, in response to all letters received up to and including May 18th. UEMEM11E1I FREE DISTRIBUTION ONE DAY ONLY MONDAY, MAY 17th, AT Kl RUIN'S PHARMACY, SHENANDOAH, FA. Cut this advertisement oiitand name pupor. Sole agent for the United States, Foster Milbum Co., Uufthlo, N. Y. YESTERDAY'S BASEBALL GAMES. National J.oiiBite. At rittslmrg Washington. 7; rittaburg. 4. At Clevelund Uoston, 4; Cleveland. 1. At Louisville (12 Innings) Philadelphia, 3; Louisville. 2. At Cincinnati Cincin nati, 7; New York, 3. lSnstorn Lciiano. At Itoclicatcr Itochcster, C; Toronto. 4. Touched nil Klectrlo "Wlro ntul Died. Naaticoke, Pa.. May 14. Albert Cooper, 17 years old, of a prominent family, was returning home last even lng when some boys who were toying with a hanging electric wire dared him to take hold of It.- He seized the wire and instantly received a shock. which laid him out Insensible, and from which he died a few minutes later. An inquest Is to be held. Almshouse Storekeeper. Tlioro seems to be somo trotiblo about the appointment of storekeeper nt tho almshouse. Controller lleujamiii It. Sovern, who lias tho naming of tho appointment, has selected Georgo Spencer, of Pottsvillo, for tho po sition. Mr. Spencer was to havo taken cbargo of hi-i duties last Tuesday, but Poor Directors Ahrcnsfleld and Dietrich refused to recognize tho appointment. It is expected that the difficulty will soon bo adjusted. If niattcr-i aio not soon satisfactorily settled, Mr. Severn will appoint Mr. Spencer un auditor, ill accordance with a recent net of the Legislature, which will glvo that oillcial authority to peruse every bill and other matters which pass through the hands of the Poor Directors. As storekeeper, it is tlie duty of that official to report to the Controller all stores which ate purchased, with their quality, etc., and n statement as to whether the goods received arc full value for the money expended for them. Cmillrinuil by tho souuto. AVaajilngton, May 14. The senate yesterday confirmed the" following, BmonK other nominations: James M. Sloan, assistant United - States treas urer at Baltimore! Brigadier General J. W. Forsyth, to be major general; Albion w. Tourgee of New York, con sul at Bordeaux, France; H .P. Cheat ham ot North Carolina, recorder of deeds In tlie District of Columbia. Postmasters C. B. Jones at Rockvllle, Md.; A. M. Kettler at Bennett, I'a, Marriages. The mirriago of Miss ISaehman, of Tamaquu, to Mr. Ilusfcel C'oxe, of Schuylkill Haven, will occur at the bride's homo at tho former place, on Wednesday, Juno 0. A pretty wedding took place at tho homo of .Mr. and Mrs. David II. J-'Uher, of Pine grove, when their daughter, Miss Estolla, and Edward Kecfer were marriod by I!ov. E. S. Noll. The hrido wore a handaonie cream dress, trimmed with pearls, silk laco and ribbons, and wore beautiful yellow rosea in her dress and hair. All Prices Cut Without Regard to the Quality or Hake of Goods. HARD TIMES flET ON A SQUARE FOOTING MAMMOTH THE DIETRICH TRIAL. I Tlio Defendant Itenlaa tlie Slorli n of a Nunilirr uf U'llnpMrn. The raac of Neii Dietrleh, one of the I'mir Din-dor, eliarged with areeptlng hrllie from employe at that institution, in attracting wide-spread attention, anil the Anal outcome of the piiw'cuttou is awaited with a gnat deal of interest in all pirti of tho county. The first count of the Indictment, wliirli charge him with necepting ffltw from 1i John Oray, former physician at the iilin.s honse, Is the part under which he is ! mg pressed, the second count charging h'.ni uh hcrepting f B from George Ileinier foi hi- up pointmvut as butcher, not being suppm-ii d lv evidence is dropped and the Judge will in hi charge direct n verdict of not guilty on that charge. After questioning thirty-eight jurors the following were selected to try the ease. John Felsl'iirg, shoemalier Mlnvravillc; David Biiusch, cartetiter, Ijindiogvlllc ; (iiarlcs llornlieigcr, farmer, Barry township ; Oeorgi M - lluiftalngcr, clerk. Tremont borough Hjny Keeney, shoemaker, Schuylkill Haven ; Adam Pfeiffer, teamster, lVttsville; John (tarrigau. clerk, Port Carbon"; Harry Rosenfettor, minor, Ilrancli township ; James I.CWU, miner, Tower City ; tteorge F Zlcgler, miner, llranch township ; Ulias Adams, repairman, Piuegrovc township. The counsel engaged arc 1 lsttict Aitnriie llech'cl, A. W. gclatlek, W, F. Shepherd. C,. A. Sryder and U. A. llemer, for Hie Com monwealth, and Messrs. William A. Murriitid W. J. WhltchmiM for the defense. Whet the case was opened, Mr, Whitehonse, ad dressing the court, declared that an uiilawfu combination had lieen formed against the de fendant and demanded to know who Messrs Sclmlck, Shepherd, Suyder aud ISerner re prcs nted. The court maintained that an mnwi r to these questions was not necessary. Ex-Poor Director Jacob Day testified as it. an argument, in writing and sworn to, be tween himself and the defendant, selecting the appointments for 1FB5, and of a subse quent ontt'when the name of Dr. Qray was ununified as pliysirlau and Dr. Moore sub stituted, dray, liowovor, was npppoiuted. George Walker swore that he drew up the agreement and that he was slated for clerk. Dr. John Gray, whom it is alleged paid Dietrich $600 for the appointment of phy sician, related scvonil conversations bad with the defendant, at which tholatterstated that Doctors O'llara and Moore wore also appircants for the position, and stated that certain lartles were to havo money if Dr. Mooro was appointed. Tho party referred to was Hou. S. A. Losch, who was to have $800. Mr. Diotiich had said that If any ono ie coived money it should be thoso who made tho appointment. Dr. Moore, tho director said, was boing forced upon him. It cost mouey to sccuro his oloction, ho had told the witness- On crosa oxamination tho witness said that on the day the apnolutmonts wore mado at the almshouse, Dietrich told him he had named Mooro. Later, tho witness said, he was told lie bad received tho appointment. Dr. James Gray, brother of tho applicant, related how he otl'ered the defendant ?600 at one time to secure his brother's appointment, and at a subsequent mccung 'icreased the" offer to $000. Tho witness said on Tantiary 18, 1S0B, tho director had visited bin and asked how about "that." - After toino con versation tho witnots gave the director $200 and received a receipt. On Match 20, i-XlO more was exchanged for a receipt. A noii for $200, payably to'Fiank Diotricb, was also given tho director. Dr. John ill. Uray. tho appointee, was again called and stated that Mr. Dietrich visited him a mouth after his appointment and that on pay day ho gaveiiim $25 as pay ment on a note, Mr. Dietrich it presenting to him that he was in need of money. A month late; Mr. Dietrich camo again and was paid $75. Another timo ho was given $15 or $20. Ho told him that tho note had not been can celled and that he needed monoy. This closed the commonwealth's side. In opening for the defense Mr. Wbitohonso said that the coward who had started this suit was unknown, but was well represented and ho took a broad survey of the court room In all libs oxpcricuco it was tho first time, ho had seen so much counsel without a client. It will bo recalled that tho caso is being tried on the presentment of tho Grand Jury Kcii Dietrich, tho defendant, testified that on tho forenoon of tho Saturday following his election Dr. Gray had visited him and bad asked for a position. Ho visited him again in five or six weeks and talked ap pointment. Dr Jamas Gray had tuado him un offer of $500 for his brother's appoint uient. No responso was made to the proposl tion. At a later meeting the defendant had told tho doctor that thero was a rumor that S. A. Losch was to recoivo $300 for Dr Moore'aappoiutiuent, which had caused the defendant io feel hostile to Dr. Moore. The dofeiidaut had mado a remark that, if money was to be paid, bo could not seo why it should go to Mr. Losch. The oiler of $500 mado again. No responso had been made to this either. Had not sbakod his head, nor could ho say that he had smiled or stroked his beard. Had said that If it was in his power Dr. Gray would bo appointed. Ministers and others had recommended him. At a subsequent meeting at Yoder's hotel ho had said thero was still hope. Nothing had been said before tho organization. Didn't let tho doctor know of his appointment. Allowed him to find it out through others. The case will bo given to the jury late this afteruoou. At 3;30 o'clock counsel were still addressing the jury. To Cattle Owners, A fino Holstein bull for service. An opportunity for lovers of good stock. Apply to John T. Leo, No. 230 North Catherine street. 5-13-lw . We have the largest and finest line to be found anywhere else in Wc aUo ,,ave a cnormous stock of pmys oS M s,2is m the State. See our Blouse, Junior and Reefer Suits. Customers can . . . ... . . , . a i i r i-rr . .1.. . , r 'Js ,n a11 varieties, which are being sold at greatly cut prices, find thousands of different patterns in this line at our store and for b ' 1 tCB' very little money can make a choice of any. Wc always carry the finest lines of goods, and in that way have earned the reputation of OUR HAT D E PA RT IV! FNT having the largest and best clothing house in the coal region. . . T ' I I i I I I 1 ) 1 JT I J. Nlti 1 1' I ' - it ., -v. or tne uione tor RHEUMATISM, TJPTTTJ T .flT t . . ,. . , . . ' ana similar uompiamu, and prcparwl under tho stl-tniii-nt lEIlHAH MEDICAL LAWS. .prooritrad by emlnont phyitolansr DR. niCHTER S PAIN EXPELLER.l world renowned t llcmiirknMy micccMful I Sonlv gentium wliu Trade Mark" Anchor,' I'. Ad. Ilii'hterito., SI5 1'carlSt., ew lork. 31 HIGHEST AWAR35. 1 3 Branch Iltraiei, Own Glassworks. 2S&C0CU. EaUorsed A ruwwuiuuuud by WBfli . tin N. Main l-t 11 ftifcnmieli, ion iv JMmn m , V. U. Klrlln, OH. Malum- KIlCIIUllllollll. .V.V "rOMMsii"- DR. RICHTER'S ANCITOIt" STOJIACHAIj Vest for ' , llBpep4ilntAHtftttinrti Cnntptnlntw. PERSONAL MEN HON. W. Pi tin Kemble, editor of tho Mt. Carmel Item, p-iid the Hkuai I) olllce a very pleasant 111 visit laol evening. Miss Mai.e Conners and friend, William .VlcLiugblln, spent hist evening visiting friends in Mahanoy City Aloxandcr JatnM and William Morris went to Philadelphia yoalerday to spend a few days. Mim Clam Trantman Is homo from tlie Sew York training quartern of the Salvation riny. J. Calvin lloflWHu, representing P. Rarbey & Son, the Heading brewers, spent yesterday in town transacting bustnessrorthecouiimtiy. Miss Lou Gather, of Heading, was In town to-day to attend the funeral of her deceased classmate, Mia Fannie Davies, ui Philadel phia. Daniel lleddatl, of Tamaqtia, was seen about town to-day. Messrs. W. II. lloouo and S. Iv. Morgan, of St. Clair, were registered at tlie Hotel Franey to-day. Misses Lizale Kelly ami Lizzie Cummings, of Noith Chestnut street, attended the May Assembly in Mabanoy City last ovoiling. Mr. and Mrs. P. P. D. Klrlln returned last ovoning from u trip to Philadelphia Q. A. Smith, of Philadelphia, returned to his home to-day after spending a week in town. Grant Troutman is homo from tho Now York mission of tho American Volunteers. Miss Estor edinsky and sister, Lena, of Pottsville, are tho guests of the' Misses Reese, on Urast centre street. Croup and whooping cough arc childhood's othor tiiroat and lung troubles, can bo quick ly curea by using Uno Minute Cougn euro, Ileal l&ttate Transfers. The following deeds were filed iu tho Re (order's office: From Henry Iteichwcin and wife to W'm. 15. Kehler, premises in Harry township ; Chaa. H. Woltjen, Jr., to Tobias Wiener, premises in Pottsvillo j August Seibo aud wife to Fred. Granzow, premisos in Butler township; John W. Davis and wifo to John It. Fowlor, premises iu I-rackville Frank llrinlch and wife to Henry L. Shor- uian, premises in Pottsvillo ; Mathias Madert to Nicholas W olsh, premises in Ashland Kdward Wolsli to Sarah IUchm, premises in Ashland ; Allianco Coal Company to Mat Mutlivorch, premises in New Philadelphia John lingers to Win. Czyzcwiskl, premises in Pottsvillo ; Win. 11. Kchloraud wife to Mary Ileiehweiu, promises in Ilarry township. Just try a 10c box of Cascarets, tho finest liver and bowel regulator over mado. STOCK REPORT. Corrected for the Herald" Dally byStarlt ltt-otliers, ltrokers, Kgau llulldlng. Ol-KNING. CLOSING Am. ToIkicco Atchison Am. tugnr ltef Can. Southern Jersey Centra! North Western 0. 1!. &(i Chicago Was bt. Paul ltoek Inland Onmllil C. O. O. & Ht. 1 American Hplrlts. ... 1). & II I). U .t W Lehtgh Valley (Jen. Kleetrio 71 71 10 1C its;, it: Lake Hlioi-e LouIn & Xasli Manhattan Mn. Pacific National Lead Halt Si Ohio N. V. Central V. ti. Leather, Xo. i'ue. Com No. I'ae. I'M l'acilleMall Heading Tcim. O. & r Texas Paciflo. Union l'acillc Wabash l'PI) Western Union,.., .South Itw. Pfd Chea &Ohlo W. L. Krlo U. S. Itubberl'M Chicago Market. Ol'KNINO, CI.OSIKC1 Wheat, Sept July, Corn, Sept July Oats, Sept..,, July Pork, Sept July Lard, Scfit July Til ti I m m wso wa 40ft 4ltt 396 395 OF CHILDREN'S SUITS. CLOTHING HOUSE LOUIS GOLDIN, PITHY POINTS. Happenings Throughout the Country Chronicled for Ilnsty Perusal. The ItorotiEh Ootinrll meets this evening. Tke P. A K. 0. k I. Co.. has decided to bore another hole from the surface into tho workings of the ltast colliery dose to the ono that was completed on North Ashland hill la-d week. Bert 8. Koenlg, of Pottsvillo, has been selected as manager of the Academy of Music at that place. P. J. Ferguson, of Lost Creek, mingled among f-lends in town. At the solicitation of numerous friends Mr. Ferguson Is seriously ' i "iiteinplatlng entering the field for the Pemocnttic nomination for Sheriff. Chrou- ir ,T. 8. Kistler brought homo a nice men of brook trout yenterday. Thp Dr. is an expert angler and enjoy the spoit. A.C. Paine, of Lebanon, Is at Nhnnoktn negotiating for the purchase of O. 11. Drum hel ei's interest In the Windsor Hotel. Tho bill authorising boroughs" to make appropriations to establish and maintain free public libraries has been pass d by tho senate. Bring your Job work to tho IIWiai.d nDlco. Firat-ehiss material, good workmatiship and reasonable prices. Itaiulio & Hon. of Beading, have the con tract for decorating Pottsville for the state oiiventlon of tho Gorman Catholic sotieties June. Tlie P. A 1!. passenger stallnllS in this county are being repainted. The heavy ntin and wind storms of Weilnexlay night cautod much havoc In the Schuylkill valley. Iu Berks county hail fell ho size of walnuts. A charter was grafted to the Lewishurg and Biiflalo Valley It. It. Co. This is the Hue pridected by Congressman Kulp aud hN linn. It will be 15 miles lo.lg. The capital 8.10.000. The mules heretofore used by the I.o' Uh Valley Goal Co. nt Ccntralia wore all takon to "otUvillo yesterday, and win uo uistnoutcu at the York Farm, aud other collieriesowned by the ooni patty. rue uoiuniDia growing uorapaiiy is en gaged in paving South Poar alley from West Oak street to the full extension of its plant. Seven-year-old Jahu Bromlck was drowned in swollen Carbon Run Creek at Shatnokin. Knights of Malta onded their Grand Commandory convocation at Sunbury with a love feast. Twenty-seven new ministers graduated last evening from the Reformed Theological Sominary at Lancaster. Chiefs of police, in convention at Pitts burg, changed their Bureau of Identification headquarters from Washington, D. C, to Chicago, 111. ! Tho Reading and Royorstown Electric Railway Company Will pay $25,000 to the OleyTuiupiko Company for a right of way from Black Bear to Jacksonwald. A fine program ha3 beon arranged forlho third annual convention of the Afro-Amorl-can Republican League of Pennsylvania7 at Lancaster, on Tuesday and Wednesday next. Richard Crone, a prominent wilkesbarro kotelkceper, has left town, and his creditors havo taken possession of his property. It Is said he lost a small fortune on tho Corbett- Fitzsiintnons fight. THE MINE INVESTIGATION. Sllnern Complain AKtnat the Injus tice of Company Btorou, Clearfield, Pa., May 14. The legisla tive investigating committee met In the law library of the courthouse yes terday, A number of miners were ex amined. The company store seems to bo their greatest grievance, and those on the witness stand denounced It as the greatest Injustice with which they nave to contend. The company to which Judge Dean belongs was de nounced In especially severe terms. A number of miners testified that they were forced to deal at the company stores or lose their positions. One miner said he had been discharged for refuclng to deal At these stores. Mr. Heddlng, superintendent of the Morrtsdale Coal company, was the only operator present. He said his com pany did not discriminate against min ers who did not deal at the company store. Ho paid the company bought the best goods In the market and sold them as cheap as the same goods could be obtained elsewhere. There is much suffering In this region on account of the destitution caused by lack of employment, The flrst session In Scranton was not a success, but through no fault of the members, the subpoenas not having been served on witnesses. W. II, Storrs, assistant general coal agent of tho Delaware, Laolcawanna and West ern company, and General Superin tendent W. A. May, of the Hillside Coal and lion company, the only wlt nesecs, said there was no truth In the rumor that mine employes were In a destitute condition. The companies they represented had made no profit, they averred, for several years. Marriage Licenses. Georgo J. Fcrrcbco and Emolino JVagner, both of Washington township. lledding plants, such as getanlums, ver benas, fuchsias, eto., nt Payne' nurseries, Oirardvlllo. M3-cod nii:i, ltl'HSK. At Shenandoah, Pa., on the 12th Inst., Hiltli, Infant daughter of I'. C. and Ltzzlo Hpcse. Tho funeral will tako place on Satur day afternoon, tlie 15th Inst., at 2 o'clock. Services ot tho house, 3d "North Jardln street. Itelatlves and frlonds Invited to attend, It Proprietor. "GOLD DUST.' All Cleaning FACTORY )- Mi'S-to North limerick fire., SHENANDOAH, PA. I have made a general reduction to do so until May 29th. Verdict Airnlnt IiiHimince Company. Pittsburg, May 14. In the United States circuit court the jury In the case of Mrs. Louise Morris against the Fi delity Casualty company, of New York, rendered a verdict In favor of the nlaintiff for 111,790, the full amount of the policy, with Interest from March 10, 1894, the date of death. Morris was killed by falling from a skiff into Lake Chautauqua. The Insurance company had refused to pay on the ground that ho died from heart trouble, and was not drowned. HOOD'S PHjTjS euro Mvcr Hit,, Biliousness, Indigestion, Headache. A. plca"nt laxative. All Druggists- Spring Dress Goods. Twenty-five pieces of Im ported Novelty Dress Goods fo 25c. per yard. These styles are new and are shown exclusively by us. See our window dis play ot these and also the splendid stock of ' LADIES' SHIRT WAISTS. Prices run from 25c. to $1.50 for Laundered Waists. Don't wait till choice styles are gone but come now and pick from our great assortment oi stylish waists. CHANGES IN THE TARIFF Will advance many lines of goods. We have made large purchases and can continue to sell fine dress goods and silks at special bargain prices. During January, Feb ruary and March Over a thousand of the famous McCall Bazar Papei Patterns were sold by us for 10 Or 15c why pay more ? L. J.WILKINSON MAIN STREET. LLOYD STREET. PANTS. w-... imigwitaivui juii mm ,j latest style, double rim, black or brown "GOLD DUBT." abovft the house, paint, floors, pots nud pans, dishes and glassware, silver and tinware, can be done better, quicker and cheaper with LP. 'V&SHING PoWDEfc CM than with any other cleansing compound. Largest package greatest economy. THE If. K. TAlRUAHly COMPANY, Chicago, St. Louis, New York, Uoston, Vulladelphl. SCRGBN PRAriBS. 5CUBEN KINGS. tnrer of cteens, WINDOW GUARDS, ' STABLE GUARDS TREE GUARDS, fences Of all descriptions alllowesl rates. in Iron FrtNcas and will continue MISCELLANEOUS. IriOIt SALH. A ueslroble building, centrally ! lo nted, with all modern improvements. For further Information apply to ex-Justice ot tho Peace W. II Shoemaker, notary public 3t "YUANTBD, Active reliable man to travel nml f 1 solicit orders for nursery stock ; perman ent employment; expenses and ealary or eo nml.H-.loii. For terms address tho It. C. Chase Co., South Penn StpinrB. Philadelphia Ml ti T ICENHK FOR SAI,K Tho boIoou and res- .ij tauront iicenie or Daniel It. Wilson. 611 Centre street, 'Ashland, Is for solo. Apply at 1-23-tt 1111s oiace. IftOIl SAL15. Lot 30150, situate on West Coal .' street, Two single bouses, one on tho front and the other on the rear of lot. I'or price and terms apply to T. K. Keddall, Attorney-ilt-hiw, corner ot Main and Centre streets. -1-38-tf "VrOTICB. This certifies that William IL i Cnshner, of 35 North West street, Is nt present appointed solo agent for the Apollo Lump. The undersigned agree to protect, at their own cost, and to defend-any law suitor action" that may be taken by any person or eotporatlou In regard to Apollo Ijimps. 5-ll-lw AroLixj Itici). OAs L1011T Co. IjWATK OF OTTO CAIU.S, T)KCI5ASKI. J Letters trstumentnry on tho cat ate of Otto Carls, Into of the Borough of Sheimmtoitli, Schuylkill county, l'emiaylvnnla, dteaoi, have heon Granted to Augtmt Willium Curls and Christian llauaman. of Shenandoah. Pa., to whom till portions Indebted to aid rwtnto nro remirsteil to muko payment, nnd those having claims or demands will make. Known ihc naiim without demy to AUGUHT iV ITil.iAM OARLR, OtUl ClUtHTIAN llAUHMAN. Or their attorney, Executors. JV. V. H110KHAKEU. Shenandoah, Ta.t April 23, 1697. 4-23-CtT-ftav Commencement Gifts. We are already prepared to cater to the trade with a splendid line .of Ladles' Sulphur Stone Shirt Waist Sets, Gent's Shirt Sets, Paper Cutters, ... Silver Hat and Clothes Brushes, Glove Guttoners, Etc., Ete. We call special attention to our large and complete line of Sulphur Stone Novelties. Largest stock in the locality. Watch, Clock and Jewelry Repairing neatly done. ' YOST'S Jewelry - Store, 1 12 N. flain St. ouii nuisui C!)C lOW". Ulir Stiff Hat should be .seen. 5 9 arid 11 Souitli Main Street, Shenandoah, Penna, M. a, .