The evening herald. (Shenandoah, Pa.) 1891-1966, May 13, 1897, Image 3

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In 11 tho world there is no otlier trontment
bo pure, so sweet, o safe, so spcody, for pre
serving, purifying, and beauttfjing the skin,
eealp, and hair, and eradicating every hu
mor, as warm baths -rith Cutioitha soap,
and gentle anolntii, i with CuTicurtA (oint
ment), the greiit el. .it'ire.
la ih
nt (In- wftrld. Potteb
')., ostein.
nip, and llnir,HiYee.
nrM.U About the
00 00'
cat owe totalizer
Cures general or special debility, wakeful
nets, sperBmto.-hrea, emissions, Impotency,
paresis, etc. Corrects functional disorders,
caused by errors cr excesses, quickly restoring
Lost Manhood in old or young, giving Vigor and
strength where former weakness prevailed. Con
venient package, simple, effectual, and legitimate.
Cure is Quick and Thorough.
Dent be deceived by imitatiom; insist on
CATON'S Vltallzers. Sent sealed il your drug
gist dock not have it. Price $1 per pkge, 6 for 95.
with written guarantee of complete cure.
Information, references, etc., free and confidential.
Send us statement of case and 25 cts. for a week's
trial treatment. Oue only sent to each person. r
For sale nt 1'. I. D. Kirlln's drug store and
Blietiandoah dm: store.
Relieve and Cure
Head Troubles
Stomach Disorders -System
27 formulas
of noted
"For every ill, a special pill."
If nut nt Prog Stores, write
Bronx Chemical Co.,YonKcrE,N.Y.
rffii Health Hook Mulled Free.
For Horses, Cattle, Sheep, Dogs, Hogs,
300 Pngo Bonk on f rcntment of Animals
and Chart Sent Free,
croon Fevers, ConecBtlnus.Tnllnmmntlon
A.A.lSplunl iUuninuitls, Alllk l'ovcr.
JI.Jt.!triilus J.amuiiu, Kliciiuintism.
!.). "Difctenipcr, Nnanl lllscliurges.
II. 1. lioia or (irul)s, Worms.
',.l:..-Couuli, Heaves, Pneumonias
I'.l--Iillc or tiriprn, llcllyncho.
(..(S.IHlHcnvrlngc. Ilcmorrlingcs.
ll.ll.Uiinury nml Kidney Ulscnscs.
J.I.--Ilruptlvo IMNenscis, Mniiffe.
J. It Discuses of DiucBilcii, i'aralysls,
Single Bottle (over 60 doses), - - .00
Ktublo Curb, with Specifics, Manmtt,
Veterinary Cure Oil and Medlcator, 8700
Jnr Veterinary Cure (III, 1.00
8oM bynrnget.t.t or sent prcps!4 anywhere d4 In toy
'fjnlnlitjr on rrcelpt of pries.
ItrarURKTS' BED. CO., 1 It A IIS miltsm St., Kswlorl.
in n sf sn vbhth. Tha onlv imcceRKful remedr for
nervous ubdi in. vital weaxness,
and Proa trat ion, from over-work or other causes.
91 por vial, or 6 rials and largo vial powder, for $5.
Sold T Vrugglata, or sent postpaid on receipt Of prlc.
lanrunias sikv. Co., ii i a ii ttuium sut New York.
For sale nt Povinaky's drug Btoro, 23 East
Centre street
If we can'only Belli
you oue package
of Seellg's we
better stop busi
ness. But we're in
business because
those who try it
of coffee
cnriclied by
isn't it. Thisad
r mixture eivesor-
Keep on ouyinz.
, dinaryeoueeade-
'delicious flavor.
The first ci" American Newspa
jier.s, C1IARTJ5S A. I)ANA,Bditor.
The American Constitution, the
American idea, the American Spirit
These first, last and ail the time,
Daily, by mail, - $6 a year
Daily & mail, $8 a year
The Sunday Sun
is the greatest Sunday Newspaper in
the world
Pike 5c. a ccpy. By mall, $2 a year
Addreaa THE SUN, New York. "
nillions of Dollars
Go up in smoke every year. Tube nc
risks, but get your house, stuck, fai
nUtiro, oto., fimured in flrtola re
liable companies m represented by
t -itttx T- k TTO'r Insurance "AtreD
TilUdl, lao South Jardlu Bt
Also I.ifo and Accidental Companl est
Tho Rosy Freshness
I And a velvut softnaaa of thn aVtn la Invn,
I riably obtained by thor e who use Poizom's
i uoinptexion "owaer
MM-MM-MMMMMH-M. tUlte.nU lUrf I S.IK t millllg
v.tli 'iaiuir rid FomyroyAl Till, six! mli.r US'
yuiumIImI. Alw.vbuvta liuit mid svuil illMtv
polirUiK!. Guaranteed suirlor " all uuifrs. I'u.UlvCj
Uti bct In tbe nmrkot, A No. L twilcittui, 4U Dr. & X
X, Cms. Oty. Uortea, Uu.
Tho Siib-Oominitteo Now Examin
ing State Dopartinont KoportSi
Oniolal Dnottmontsj Will Provo Tliom
In tho .TJnlit Corroot-Tlto Inquiry
Now Itolnu; armlo AVIll llovonl tho
Jl.vnot Fnots In tlto Controversy.
Waslilngton, Alay 13. The senate
committee on foreign relation did not
conclude Its consideration of the Cu
ban situation yesterday. It meets
again todayXbut the sub-committee.
consisting ol Senators Davis, Poraker
and Morgan, which yesterday was giv
en access to the Cuban reports, now
held at the state department, probably
will ask for further time befbre sub
mitting their Ideas to tho full com
mittee. The sub-committee was unable to go
through all the reports that have been
received from Consul General Loe and
other consuls and officers In Cuba. It
Is possible that-Senator Morgan will
consent to have the resolution now
pending In the senate to, go over with
out prejudice until the eorttrnlltee can
make Its report. It Is Intended that
all the reports of consuls shall be sent
to the senate, but the senate commit
tee will select certain documents bear
ing on the condition of affairs In the
island, and on these make Its recom
mendations and report. This report
will generalize the situation without
making public such matters as state
department officials and the committee
think would be prejudicial to persons
on the Island.
Some questions have arisen as to the
effect the report of ho committee or the
Information at the state department
may have upon the resolution now
pending In the senate. Members of
the committee do not express an opin
ion on the subject, but enough is
known to Justify the conclusion that
Instead of weakening the resolution
its friends will find cause for Insisting
that there Is a strong reason for pass
ing It. The object ot the foreign rela
tions committee, which has deprecated
hasty action, and suggested that the
osolutlon be referred to the committee.
Is that the senate should not act lit the
premises until there Is more Informa
tion nt hand.
The opponents of the resolution have
declared that the newspaper reports
ot the conditions In .Cuba are not
based upon facts and greatly exag
gerated. Those who have become ac
quainted with the reports in the state
epartment are of the opinion that tne
reports In the press have been In the
main correct. One member of the
committee who had listened to the
summary Of the reports In the depart
ment said that a very serious condi
tion existed In Cuba, and that the In
quiry now being made by the commit
tee would result in bringing to light
the exact facts.
Some strictures wore passed upon
members of the foreign relations com
mittee who about a year ago voted for
resolution similar to tho one now
pending, and who now ask for time to
consider the matter with more aellb
oration. Speaking of this criticism
Chairman Davis, of that committee,
said: "At tho time tho former resolu
tion was reported domez was at the
head of a large army In the eastern
end of tho Island and Macco was at the
head of another army in the west.
They could march from one end to the
other of Cuba, Campos had been de
feated In a great battle, and was thut
within solid fortifications and conilned
to a small territory around Ilavain,
Every one know that a state of war
existed. That was a year ago. Great
changes have since taken place. Ma-eo
Is dead and his army dispersed, Go
mez Is at the head of but a small forco,
Certainly It Is no such army as was ro-
ported then. There aro conflicting
statements as to tho strength of the
Insurgents and the control whloh
Spfiln ban over the Island. It Is rltrht
and tnoper that the racts mat nav-i
since leached the state department
should bo laid before the senate and
tho nommlttee, so that Intelligent ao-
Hon 6an be had." Mr. Davis says that
the sympathy with struggling Cubans
Is as srreat as ever.
Another member of tho committee
said that the senate was practically
without fflclal Information for nearly
a year. The senate would not be Jus
tified In acting upon information
year, or oven six months old. What It
wanted was the facts as they had been
reported from time to time ana up to
The Republicans of the committee
do not feel Justified In pushing the ad.
ministration until it has had time to
act. It has been pointed out that only
two months have elapsed sfnee the ad
ministration camo Into power, and It
has scarcely had time to take up anq
consider so Important a matter as that
which has been presented. The pend
Ing resolution, unlike a Joint resolu
tion, will require the executive either
to approve or disapprove of It, This be
ing the case, the Republican senators
feel that they should act In concert
with the executive. It Is not believed
that, In case the Benate foreign re
lations committee find upon a thorough
examination of the reporftrtn the gtqte
department that the resolution Is Jus
titled, any effort will be made to pro-
vent Its passage.
Members of the committee on for
eign relations feel that the question
Which confronts the senate Is serious,
and any action that Is taken by the
senate will have great weight with the
administration. In case the resolution
should past) both senate and house
there Is no reason to believe that it
would not be approved, and that the
United States government would there
after conduct Itself on the lines whloh
it lays down.
I had severe attacks of gravel and kidney
trouble; and unable to get a medicine or
doctor to eure 1110 until I used Hop Bitters,
and titer cured me in a Bliort time. A
DitfriNouwiiep Lawvkb op Waynr Co,
N. Y.
Cot.oiuM AND Cold. A young girl
dcenlv resretted tluit she was so colorless and
and cold. Her face ww too white, aud iter
liauda and feet felt as though the blood did
not circulate. After one bottlo of Hop
Kitten liail been, taken she ws the rosiest
and healthiest girl In the town, with
vivaeity and olieerfiiluees of mind gratifyiu
other friends.
ltciluied Itutes to Philadelphia.
For tho accommodation of parsons desiring
to witness the unveiling of tho new Wash
ington Monument, Fairmount I'ark, l'hila
dolphla, May lnth, the Pennsylvania Rail
road Cuinnauy will sell oxeursiou tickets to
rhlladelnhia on May 14 aud 15 from all points
on 1U lino not more tliau two hundred miles
from Philadelphia, at a single fare fur the
round tilp (no less rate than 80 cents), good
to return until May, 17, 1897, Inclusive.
This is one of the grandest monuraenta ever
erected In Philadelphia, ami the ceremonies
,,., i..,.i,i.t , ii. ,mV,ulinr will lie
and parade incident to its unveiling win no
correspondingly attractive.
Munyon's Cold Cure cures eolds In the head,
colds on the lungs, old colds, new colds, and
obstinate colds, and nil forms of grip. Stops
sneeiing, discharges fiom the noso and eyes.,
prevents catarrh, dlplitherin, pneumonia ami
all throat find litug troubles. These pleasant
little pellets aro absolutely harmless, have
saved thousands of lives find prevented much
sickness. Price. 86c.
Improved Homoeopathic Home Remedy
Company put up n separate cure fur each
disease. At all drtiggista, mostly 26 cents.
Guide to Health free.
Personal letters to I'rof. Jlunyon, 1805 Arch
street, Philadelphia, Pa answered with free
medical ndvire rornnv dlseaee.
Cuming ISTcnt.
May SO. Ice cream and strawberry festival
In Itobblns' opera house, under the auspices
of tho societies of Trinity lleforjncd church.
May Is Entertainment by tho Sunday
aohool of tho Wolsli Congregational church,
of South West street.
Juue 8. Grand concert by tho P. M. ohureh
choir, in Kobblns' opera house.
June 12. Ice cream festival tinder the
auspices of the Famous Ilase Hall Club, In
Kobblns opera house.
Ilucltlen's AmlCB Salvo.
The beet salvo In tho world for cuts.
braises, sores, ulcers, salt rheum, fever suroj,
tetter, chapped bands-chllblalns, corns, nud
all skin eruptions, and positively cures piles,
ot jo pay required. It is guaranteed to glvo
perfect satisfaction or tnony refunded. Price
35 cents per box. For sale b v A . Waeloy ,
Lager and
Pilsner Beers,
Purest and
Chris. Schmidt, Agt.,
West Coal Street.
DR. HEEL 604 H. Sixth St.
saa a HUfaa., PHLADelphia, pa.
loung, oia.singie or marrieu, ii you are a
victim of liloml 1'olfton Heir Abuie(
Ixcetae, or lrl vuto Ulaeusea tboeo
destroyers of tho human race which do
Biruy uiinu itcu niiuy, huu uunsyuu ior iuu
dutlesof life. Call and bo eared. Hours:
iaur,i-;.t vred. &du Hat. ucnaiur
Book with worn TeHtlmonlnlt Ex
Ofllco: 80 West Centre sttect.
Can be consulted at all hours.
Office Ktran build! nc corner of Main and
Centre streets, Shenandoah.
Shenandoah, Pa.
Comer Market and Centre streets.
Lock Box 63, Mnlmnoy City, Pa.
slaving studied under some of the best
masters Tp London and Paris, will give lessons
on thevlolln.rnandolin. iruitarand vocal culture.
Terms reasonable. Address In cam of Strouec,
tbeJeweler, BhenandoaU.
Agent for
Shenandoah and Vicinitj
Beer and Porter
Barbey's Bohemian Beer.
Wanted-An Idea
Who can think
of tome Simula
thlatr to natent?
rrotecc your ideas; mer mar enng you weaitn.
Write JOHN WKDDSUBUUN CO., Patent Alter.
iiuui'iMtuuahii as. vv.f i aivut aSHi"
ton, D. O.. for tbslr S1.8U) prise orter
3 hundred tnteuilons wanted.
neys, wurungu
and list ot two
at Povlnsky's drug store 38 Ea
Centre street.
III-,ntf--rl R Irlnn m cm fhln,k
WSnlbU All 1083 tfa-ffill
-j,0teit your Mau: tbs-y may bring u wtusltb.
1 Writs JOnS WHUDEKBUUN & CO.. I'itent Altur-
J Washington, I), c, for their sJ,cU0 imso oRef
I aud list ot two bundled tuTeatlsns wauled.
No Surgtoal Operation, No Pain, Trifling
Expense A Simple, Harmless Remedy,
but It Does the Work.
There are some people who have piles as
frequently and' regularly as otlier people have
Any little bowel troublo will bring them
on, any extra exertion, as In lifting, will
produce them, and In fact will often appear
without any apparent provocation. Piles,
however, are much more serious than a cold,
as the tendency is always to grow worse
until the trouble becomes deep seated and
chronic, or devolopes Into some fatal rectal
While there are many pllo remedies which
give relief, yet there is but one which not
only gives Instant relief but at the same time
makes a permanent cure, aud that is the well
known Pyramid Pile Cure.'
This remedy Is composed of simple, harm
less, vegetable ingredients, but combined so
effectively and act so promptly and thor
oughly that It cures every form of piles
whether itching, blind, bleeding or protrud
ing. In long standing cases the Pyramid Pile
Cure has proven to be the only certain cure
except a surgical operation, and Its advan
tages over an operation are many, as It is
pululoss, causes no delay, or Interference
with dally occupation and laat but not least,
it Is cheaper thaa any surgical operation
could possibly be, costing but a dollar a
paokugo nt any drug store.
The cases that tho Pyramid Pile Cure will
not reach are so few that physicians are doing
away witli operations fur piles and depending
on this cheap but cffectlvo remedy to accom
plish a complete cure, and it never disap
points except in cuses beyond the reach of
medical skj.ll.
Tho Pyramid Pilo Cure is prepared by the
l'yramld DrUg Co., 0f Albion", Mich., and fur
salo by druggists ovory where at 50 cents per
package. Each packago contains a treatise
on cause and cure of piles, together jy'th
testimonials from every section of this
lEAGLE Brand.
Has No Eqts
jIUj Jftrvoua Jtl&eases Faluns Aiem
ory. Impotency, HIeoplesBnoss,eto .cfiused
D7 AUURean'i oiuer jxcwwja un
They quickly and surely
: Vitality in eld orroantf. and
restoro Lot Vitality in c
lit n manior stutij, tiattness or nifwrioKe,
taken in Urn o. Their mo iiiowr Jmmedinto Impro?e
ment and eitects a CUIUS v.'her3 all ethers tail. In.
eiatnpon havrna tho genu 1 no AJas Tablets. They
Dove curea tnoogtnaa ana win euro yoa. to ki& a
positive written guarantee to affect a cure in each cam
or refund tho money. Price 50 cent? per packace. or
six pack acee (full treatment for ?.u. By mall, in
plain wrapper, npon receipt of prlco. Circular free.
For sale in ShciinmlWli. Pa., bv A
and S. 1. Klrlin, DruKuists.
Trains leave Shenandoah ns follows:
For New York via Philadelphia, week dsyi
10. 5 23. 7 10 a. m.. 1233. 301 nmlfi8 n. n
Sundays, 2 10 a. m.
For New York via Mnuch Chunk, week day,
5 2(5, 7 10ft. m., 12 33 and 8 03 p. in.
i'or Jienmni; anu riiiiuacipma, week days
2 10, 5 25, 7 10 n.m., 12 83, 3 03 and 5 58 p. m. Sun
davs. 2 10 a. m.
ror i-oit9vine, weeK uays, z 10; 7 10 a. m., ant
iht, a uj uuu o m p. rn. ounuaya, z iu a. ra.
For and Malmnoy City, week days
2 10, 5 25, 7 10 a. ui., 12 33, 8 03 and 5H p. ia
Sundays, 2 10 a. ra.
For William8port, Sunbury and Lewlebnrj
weekdays, 3 25, 1130 a. in., and 7 25 p. n
Sundays. 3 25 a. in.
For Mahano) I'lano, weekdays, 2 10. S 25, 5 2&
7 10, II SO . in., .2 33, 8 03, 5 58, 7 25 and 9 5'
p. in. oiiiiuii.vs, m Ljj a aa n. m.
For Ashland and Sliamokt ii, week days, 8 23
710, 1180 a. in., 725 and 9 55 p. m. Sun
davs. 3 25 a. m.
For Baltimore, Washington and tho West vl
II. X u. Jt. it. lliruiittli trains Jco" i Htjvllni
lernunni, j iiiiuucipiua, ii. .v it 1 K.) as Zv
7 55, 11 20 a. m., U 10 and 7.27 p. u.. Sundays
j'jj.YiiSiiai . m., u 10 anu 7"T7p. m. Add
tional trains from Twenty-fourth and Ch-st
nut streets stutlon, week days, 10 80 a. m. 13 20
1215 810 p.m. Sundays, 185, 823 p. m.
Leave Now York via IMilladelnlila. woes
days, 4 00, 8 00 ft. in., 1 80, 4 30, 9 00 p. m. hue
niKiit. miimayg, uuup. m.
Leave New York via Mauch Chunk, weol
days. 4 80. 0 10 a. m.. 1 SO and i 15 u. m.
Lcavo Plliladelnllla. Kendlnrr Termln-tl. tvfftl
days, 4 20, 8 35, 10 05 a. m. and 4 05, 6 8C, 11
n. in. Sundays,
11 30 p. m.
Leave KeouinK, weeK days, 185, 710, 10 08
11 55 a. rn., 6 00 mid 8 20 p. in. Sundays, 1 35 n. id
Leave Pottsvlllo, week days, 2 85, 7 40 a. m.
vi ao aim o 12 p. in. sunuays, z an a. m.
Leave Tamaqua, week days, 3 18, 8 60, 11 23 s
m., 1 27, 7 20 and 9 43 p. rn. Sundays, 3 18 a. in
Leave Mahanov Citv. week davs. 3 45. S 21
11 47 a. in., 2 03, 7 41 and 10 08 p. in. Sundays, 3 41
is. m.
Leave Malianoy Plane, week days. 2 40. 4 00
680,9 87.1159a.m., 112,219,5 20,0 20, 7 57pm
EMiiiuays, 2 wn. m.
Leave Willlanigport, week days, 7 42, 10 10
m., 8 85 and 11 41 p. m. Sundays, 11 15 p. in.
Leave Philadelphia Chestnut street wsrf anr
uoutii street witair tor Atlantic Ulty.
Weekdays Kxpregs, 9 00 a. m., 2 00, (Satur
days only, 3 00), 400, 5 00 p. in. Accommoda
tion, 800 n. m., 0 w, oao p. m.
Sundays F.xprens, 900, 10 00 o, m. Accom
modation, a 00 o. m.. 4 45 n. m.
Returning leave Atlantio City depot, cornei
Atlantio aud Arkansas avonues.
Weekdays Unpens, 7 35, 9 00 a. m., 3 30, 5 30
p. 111. Aocommouatlou, 4 25, 8 15 n. m., 4 10 p. m.
nunusys ntxprese. w. o tsu. suun. m. Avcom.
mounuoii, i 10 ft. m., 4 10 p. m.
i'arior uirs on an express trains.
Team S3 to Hire.
If you want to hire a sate and reliable
teom ior drlvlnRor for working puniosM
pay Shields' livery stable, a visit. Teams
SBHstAMtly ou uaiid at reasonable rales'
No, 410 Hast Centre street.
Opposite Reading- railroad station.
jpOlt SIIUIUl'F,
Of Port Dammit.
Subjwit to Itepubllonn rulas.
pOIt SHKItll'F,
Or OawiosaUHa.
Subject to Kepubllunn rule
mi mm mmm
li.VIK ,l 1,11
CAXT, ' 1v .tinrniieitf, pli eMHt udor. fl DO i bolt
h.irfHim f sihintf mil tiiiti iiiiiiiioiMaruufth SI ttiti hot I
ili'M It t IV 1 iwritmjfw ussnuriin. kiwi
l.lli: M KIUCANT C 10 Fallon st. S V tRPP
lllu.usltsd 'lrlu9 on Ilsir ODS)lliotionritt-t
Por sale by Shenandoah Drug Store, Klrlin
Drug Store.
Captured by an Alabama Mob and
Promptly Strung Up.
They l'lnood Itotirrh on Itnts In the
Ulsoultn TWnrto I'of tho Fnmlty, nml
All Were Tnkon Seriously 111, tho
Ilend of the I'nmlly Dying.
Iluntsville, Ala., May 13. At day
break the bodies of Nellie Sm:th and
Mandy White, two negro glrln, were
found swinging from ropes from trees
on the side of the road leading from
Jeff, Ala., to Iluntsville. The lynching
was done at an early hour by a mob of
about 20 persons. The two girls were
suspected of poisoning the family of
Joshua Kelly, a well known oltlien of
Jeff. They confessed to two attempts
on the lives of the Kelly family. The
first attempt resulted in the death of
Mr. Kelly.
Nine weeks ago the first attempt on
the lives of the Kelly family was
made. The family sickened shortly
after eating supper, and Joshua Kelly
died 24 hours afterward. On May 1
the family and tenants of the deceased
were poisoned again In a mysterious
manner. There were six white per
son and eight negroes affected.
Messrs. D. EJ. and Lamson Kelly be
came critically 111, as did Mrs. 15.
Kelly. Oakley Woodward, clerk In a
store, who came near dying from the
other poisoning, and a Tennessee
drummer who spent the night with
them, were two other victims. In
criminating evidence was found Satur
day at the Kelly home at Jeff, and n
clew In tho shape of a box of poison
led to the detection ot the women. The
premises were searched and under
neath the kitchen was found a box of
poison. On it was stamped the trade
mark of D. B. and J. O. Kelly, grocers
at Jeff. The poison, which was "rough
on ftits," was placed In biscuits.
JtncliiK I'or n Siiiull l'ortuno.
New York, May 13. Under a full
head of steam the British steamship
Bertie passed through the Narrows at
a. m. yesterday on her way to Bal
timore. She had then exactly 32 hours
to cover the 400 or more nautical miles
between this port and Baltimore In
time to save her charter, which ex
pires at noon today. The Bertie ar
rived here on April 30 from Hamburg
badly damaged. It took from that time
until last night to put her In condition
to resume travel. The Bertie was char
tered before her arrival here 'to take
10,000 nuarters of grain from Balti
more to Cork for orders. The grain
was to be carried In bulk at 81 cents
per quarter. The freight charges on
the entire cargo amounted to $8,100.
Since this charter was made the price
of ptraln charters has steadily drop-
pea, GG cents being now the price, and
jf the Bertie fails to reach Baltimore
before her charter expires she will lose
exactly $1,B00.
Typhoon Wins tlio Kontitaky Dorliy.
Iyoulsvllle, May 13. Typhoon won the
Kentucky derby, with Ornament sec
ond and Dr. Cattlet third. Time, 2.12.
Showing tho way the entlro distance
of one mile and a quarter, the chestnut
colt was never in distress at any part
of tho Journey. The finish was not of
the sensational kind that stirs the
spectators and furnishes sensations to
those who have wagers on the outcome,
for Typhoon's victory, well and game
ly contended, was won with an ease
that clearly proved his superiority over
tho five other colts contesting for the
honor. It was a good betting race,
but Typhoon, though a second choice,
carried but little of the public's money.
Something to Enow.
It may bo worth something to know that
tho vory host medicine for restoring tho tired
out uorvous system to a healthy vigor is
Mectrlc llittors. Tins medicine is purely
ecctnblo. acts bv civintr tone to tho norvo
centres in tho stomach, gently stimulates tho
I.lyer and lvhlnoys, and nut tueso organs In
throwing oil' impurities in tho blood. Elec
tric Hitters imnroves tho nnnetito. aids diges
tion, and is pronounced by those who havo
tried it as the very boat blood purifier and
norvo tonic. Try It. Sold for 50e or Si. 00
per bottle at A, W asloy s nrug store.
""X'llO l'OMtlll illliri'OHsi.
"Washington, May 13. The ways and
means committee of the universal pos
tal congress yesterday practically com
pleted the preliminary consideration of
the amendments that have been pro
posed to the International treaty. The
amendments which have received the
assent of the committee were none of
them of vital importance. The more
Important (mentions remaining undls
posed of relate to the universal post
age stamp, the proposed establishment
of the gold standard ns a settlement
of all balances In postal rates, and the
proposition for the reduction in tho pay
ot malls In transit.
The Grandest Remedy.
Mr. R. 11. Qreeve. merchant, of Chilhowie.
Va., certifies that he had consumption, w:ib
given up to die, soufihtaU medical treatment
that money oould procure, tried nil cough
remodios ho could hear of, hut got no relief;
spent many nishts sitting up in a chair; was
uduced to try Dr. KIiik's fiew Discovery.
and was cured by use of two bottles. For
past three years has lieeu attending to busi
ness, aud says Dr. King's New Discovery is
the grandest remedy over made, a it has
done so much for him aud also for other, in
his community. Dr. King s New Discovery
is guaranteed for Coughs, Colds and Con
sumption. It don't fail. Trial bottles free
at A. Wasloy's drug store.
Atlantio Oily Its l'leasuroa uuil Hotels.
We have received from the General Pas-
senser Denartmeut of the PhlUtdelnhla and
Heading Hallway a neatly arranged bookletJ.Tlie regular Subscription price Ot
descriptive ot Aiutuuo ucy, containing a
complete list of hotel., their location, rate.,
etc,, and allowing several illustrations of
seaside scenes, aud also telling soino of tho
manifold advantage, which make "The
Hoyal Heading Hon to" the favorite Hue of
travel to the tea.
Coule. can be obtained by Muding two
ceutMaoip to Mr. Etlwm J. Weeks, General
PtUMuger Agent, Heading Terminal, Phlla
It should be nutde a matter ot nuhll
knowleilge that DeWltt's Witoh Ilasle Salve
will (peetuly euro piles of the longest stand
Ing. It it the houtehokl favorite for burnt,
tnauM, cute, uruiset anu sores ot an kind..
' VlkFT'lulit Kiii'l In Murder.
Kanaaa City. Mo., May 13. David
Jltaeerald, a town character known as
"Hock l.tanu uave, meu atjuieno-
pltal here yesterday from lnjurle. in
flicted ten days ago by Thomas Ily-
land, who knocked lilm out In an lm
promptu fist fight. Hyland will bo hefil
for murder.
A Household Neoesslty.
QucareU Candy Cutliartic, the moat won
derful medical discovery of the ago, pleasant
and refreshing to the taste, act gently aud
positively on kidneys, liver aud bowels,
cleansing the entire system, dlspol colds, cure
headache, fever, habitual constipation and
biliousness. Please buy and try a liox of
C. C. C. to-day ; 10, 25, 60 oeuU. Hold aud
guaruutecd to cure by all druggists.
Aa H8.Nfe.
$ Premlnenf Iowa Educator's Painful Exstirlanct as lis
fated fey Himjo a Etowspaper Man.
Prom the Onset!?,
Tho la grippe, that dread dlscnuf tliat hnd
auoll a run throughout this country three and
four years slnoe, left many who were pre-
TrlOUlly in robust health with shattered n.-
etitutlons nml seemingly confirmed invi'!:.!..
i-roi. i. ii. jxye, living at io. zouu uuve
Street, Cedar Foils, Iowa, was among tlio
number left by the disease In n precarioni
condition, his nervous syitem Bhattcred, 'and
with a genoral debility of his entire syntem ;
no strength, fW isid limbs badly swollen, in
fact, he was nlmoot helpless. I'rof. Nvo ii n
native of New York State, bavin? come wci-t
In 18S8 a healthy, robust man. Ho i 1 neohool
teacher by profession, having served as enm
ty superintendent of schools of this (Black
lluwk) county, several terms, nnd he has
the respect of all with whom he comes in con
tact. Ills helpless condition called forth
the sympathy of the entire communit--. IIi
Iried tho best medical skill procurable,
spent most of I111 ready means in the vin.i
endeavor to recover his health, nnd hid
about given tip completely discouraged. Ha
had stopped taking treatment, liefiig fully
convinced in his own mind that there was
no help for him, and that lie would have to
spend tho balance of his days as an invalid,
a burden to family nnd friends. Some 0110
whp hid heard ef Dr. Williams' link Pills,
rpoke to him about them nnd urged bin giv
ing them a trial. His poor success with
eminent physicians made him skeptical and
ha had no faith ia what was oallcu proprio-
-Summer Heat Wears You Out.
For over 25 years it han been curing thousands of cases of
Biliousness, Indigestion, Malaria, Nervous Prostration.
Kidney Troubles, &o. Ii Purifies fhe Blood, Gives you
an Appetite, and Kelps you Digest what you Eat.
Take it now and get yonr system in shape to stand the cold weather.
Sold by P. P. D. KIRLIN, Shenandoah, Pa.
i iilL"..i
J(2- VJ YvP MS
Qoraatlmes nccls a reliable, monthly, regulating medicine. Ont j harmleso and
the purest drugs should bo used. If you want tho best, get
Or- Peal's Peifliraro&s! Pills
Ther aro prompt, sate and certain In reso't. The yenuloe (ltt. renl' never dUap.
nXt. Beat aiywhere, 81.00. Address EAI. Mkdioihsi Lo., Uevctaud, O.
For Sale by P. P. D. KIRLIN, Shenanuoat, ra,
V Xm srA
M1QAT IITPI V PITHDMITPPn to eure anTtaneof eonstlpatlon, rswirrts are the Idem laxa
ADJUbUlCibl UUHrtHlUfiCiU tire, norrr crip or erhie.hat rauw rnTnatnrnl results. Kara
pie and booklet free. Ad. STKltMMl ltKMKIlt
"Demorest's MaKazIne."
Judge's Library." and
"Funny Pictures11 is 3-30
0 our nionthlies lu whieli the beautiful
literature aro so fully iMresonted as In
tendlng to a similar scope and purpose
tnina u FrnA nAttflt nniiru.n.
'JUDGES LIBRARY' is a monthly magaaltie of fun, tilled with Illustration tn caricature
ana replete wnu wit ana numor. its
'FUNNY PICTURES' It another luunoroiu monthly ; there la a laugh In every lino of It.
All tnree ot these magaames are lusauaouieiy uosseu up. xou susouii
to secure them.
1 Cut here aud return
Dcmovest PufDliKifg Co.,
Por the. enclosed
(ft niagtusju at fun), Hd
,0Q Btaeee send
unnyTPlsturas for
of Prof.
Cedar Ibltt, Trnra.
tarr medicine, and wonld not listen to thin
ndvice i'or somo days. The friend being per-
"-Mont, however, ami having faith in tho
Pin's rills, would not let up. until he had
fin- prevailed un.ui tho sufferer o send
. Ior n box, wnicli lie reluctantly did, and afli r
receivlug them decided to
o L'lvo them n. bur
Tho first bo-c relieved Mm In a snr-
manner: vet he was not, convinced
that it was tho nicdicino that helped him,
mil iuo wcatner wnicn una tunica pleasant,
nnd did not send for a further mpply until
lio wni 8'nin about ni bid ni before taking
Hie pills. Then ho concluded he would mnko
another trinl, and took three Imies, nnd to
d:iy is nearly if not quito as well as heforo
tho attack of la grippe. It Is needless to
state ho cannot say too much for Dr. Wil
liams' Pink Pills for I'nlo Tcople, for pcoplo
who have been left In poor health from la
grippe or any other Cause. Any ono wishing
to test the validity of this letter can wnto
Mr. Nye, No. 2."00 Olive Rtrct, fledar Fnlli,
Iowa, and ho will cheerfully recommend thn
medicine, and stato his condition before aud
after using.
Dr. Williams' rink Pills contain all tho
elements necessary to give new life and rich
ness to fhe blood and restore shattered nerves.
They are sold in boxes (never in loose form,
by tne dor.en or hundred) at 60 cents a box, or
six boxes for $2.50, and may lie had of all drug-
fists or directly by mail from Dr. Williana
cdlcine Company, Schenectady, If. Y. .
aro progrcesivo and keep informed of
tho World's P rogroas. Tho wull in- 5
formed and thrifty llouso-wifo will
alwnys keep E
In tho liouso, as a standard remedy for
Sprains, Bruises, Cramps, IllioumatUiu, 5
and all aches aud pains. 5
Price 25 cts. and 60 cts. per bottle. E:
Prepared by II. 1. IIACKETT & CO., Philadelphia.
fii.. t'hlrate, Montresl. Cnn.. orNew rk. . sn.i
We will settd all three to p for
one year for $2,00, or 6 mo. for $1.
the best family masrulne published ; there Is none
and the useful, pleasure and profit, fashion and
Demorest's. There ia. In fassL no DUblluotiim tire-
whloh can compare with It Kvery number eon-
eoutnuutor. are site dhss oi Aiueriuan wise ana
Id not tntas this chance
Coupon properly filled out.
110 Fiftk AVcc Nw York.
Deworast's-FaaiUy MMratine, Judge's Library
one year wi per