The evening herald. (Shenandoah, Pa.) 1891-1966, May 13, 1897, Image 2

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Pnbllaheil every Krening, EsceritftiiniiAy, nt
OUTn .TiRliIH Htrbkt, Nui OmtTRM.
The Hfrnl.l '. riciiveied InHheiumlOHD mid the
Biirroumllnu kiwm for all oant ft Week, ny
abie to the mirier. By mM) IB 00 A yrnr, or 2A
cent a month, payable In advance. Adcrtise
menta ctiarKetl According to space and position.
The publishers reserve the right to change the
position of advertisements whenever tin pub
lication of news demands It. The right Ifl
reserved to reject any ndvciiist'iuent, whether
(Mild (or or not, tlmt the pilbliehcra may drvtn
mproper. Advertising rates made known
upon application.
Rntered nt the poKtoAlce at Shenandoah, Pn., As
second class mail matter.
"All llie News That's nt to Prist."
Evening Hrld
TlU UPAT. MAY 18, 189T.
Nkaiu.y all the silver Senators
voted against the arbitration treaty.
Hpain Is tired out financially in
Cuba-, and Is equally weary with the
remits of Its military operations.
Thk old soldiers have started, a
boom for Congressman Young for the
Republican nomination for Governor.
Thk paving question seems to have
taken a backseat to allow the "light"
agitators room for their proposed on
slaught. Thk Republican members in the
Legislature should redeem the party
pledges without delay, in the passage
of the reform bills.
Thk McKlnley administration is
two months old, and even the demo
crats admit that it in an exceedingly
interesting infant.
Prxx-svi.vakta is still short on its
quota of Fedeial plums. Quite a
number. tvilldrop, or fail todrop.nfter
the state legislature adjourns.
Sksator Quay sh-j he is for "har
mony:" but it must come without
deal. In this lie will hare the sup
port of all good Kepublionns.
It begins to look as if at least some
of the State Senators would never their boots under the desks in
-Uii, chamber after the present ses
sion. At'CoitBlNO to law tho oyster season
closed on the first day of the present
month, but according to practice and
precedent the oyster season never
closes, at least in Shenandoah.
Mr. IIuyan is about to visit Mexico.
It will be a financial piunic when ho
crosses the border and- doubles ids
dollars, but ho should save a fovJ
pecks for the awful shruiUagu when
he comes. jy,vav.'"
PllILADKIil'HlA has an active Board
of Health. So has Shenandoah. Its
Secretary is very active in depriving
the readers of the Hkiiald of all in
formation concerning that depart
ment of the borough government.
It lias been noticed that tho pro
noun "I" was not used in President
McKinley's speech at tho Grant cere
monies. The word was greatly over
worked during the last four years
without adding anything to the suc
cess of the administration.
A I.kaiunu nealtn authority says
that rest is not idling, but "a change
of scenes and activities." The true
way to rest is to occupy the mind
with something congoninl and un
hackneyed in work and recreation.
To sit down and do nothing leads to
brooding, which is more exhausting
than work.
In his writings, Dickens expressed
many ideas in such felicitous language
that they are treasured as gems. It
was in "David Copperfield," wo be
lieve, that he said "it may be urofit
able to you to reflect in future, that
there never were greed and cunning
in the world yet, that did not do too
much, and over-reaoh themselves."
AnvRRTiBKRrS In looking for medi
ums sometimes fail to consider the
class of people to whom a paper goes.
Where are your buyers f Do they be
long to the six-doljar-a-week cltuis, the
ten, the twenty-five, the fifty, the
hundred? Think of that If you
have something that all classes should
have, choose your medium accord
ingly. The mediums that reach a
special class are many, the mediums
that reach more than two or three of
them are few. The JlKRAl.n reaches
every class. It is read in the home of
the mechanic, the tradesman and the
banker, it is powerful, because it has
ulwuys stood for the best tliut there
is in journalism. It is profitable to
the advertiser because of its power
and influence with the reading public
of Shenandoah. It gives its readers
"all the news that's At to print."
Thk gold production of the world
has been the subject of some recent
investigation by the director of the
French mii.i af the request of the In
ternational Institute of Statistics.
The report of U. d'Foville shows that
the increase in tho production of gold
during the last half of the presenH
century has been something enormous
as compared with former periods,
The aw'i-age annual product of silver
and gold during the 16th century he
puts nt Hi million dollars, 83 million
dollar- in ili. 17th century, and 80
million in the 18th century. For the
liist half of tile lUtli century the
annual production of both metals
in i Mir. il about l"i million
but ill the 35 i'ivrn lift ween anil
1H7.", tliero wrh an onoruiotiH inoiviisi-,
tlu average production tii'liiK 1H0
million dollars, two-thlrlH of which
w us hi jfoltl, wliilo in previous yearn
the proporlion an lift ween nold and
silver hal been about equal. He
tween 18(11 and lWI."i the jrolil produr
tlon indented enormously, ho that
1 the iild production of the world is
now about 220 million dollars per
annum, with the prospect of a further
increase during 1807.
Why suffer with Courtis. OoMs and 1
Grippe wheu Laxattvo Brotuo Quinine will
cur yon In one flay. Put np in tablets von
voulentfor taking. Huantnteea tocuis, oi
money refunded, l'rira, 85 cent. vor tale
by Kirlin'i Pharmacy.
The Youngest Murderer ISvcr Ilamted
tu Xnw ileraey,
Somorvllie, N. J., May 1. nimer
Clawson was nan Red here yesterday
in the Somerset county Jail. He met
death firmly. Clawson was the young
est murderer ever executed rs the stataJ
and next to the youngest perMm con
victed of a capital crime In New Jer
sey. Alden Pales, the Newark boy
murderer, was 10 when he was sen
tenced to death for the murder of
Thomas Haydon. Pales' sentence was
commuted to life Imprisonment.
ISlmer Clawson, 10 years old, shot a
former employer, Harry llodgett, n
fanner, on the morning- of Auj?. 29 last.
The murderer asked Hodcett to re
employ him, and on the farmer's re
fusal to do so a quarrel began, during
which Clawson drew a revolver and
nred three shots at his victim, two
taking en'eet. Then, mounting a wheel,
the murderer rode away. Hodgett
lived but live minutes. The case was
taken to the court of appeals, but with
out effect. Clawson recently, at hit
request, was .received Into the Metho
dist Church.
Won you want jjood rooting, plumbing
s littlufc, or geuoral tlnsmithlng done call
m E. jr. Gallagher 18 West Centre street
Donlcr if stc-os l-tf
Nut only acute lung troublis, which may
urove fatal ill a few (lavs, but old cln-milc.
coughs anil throat troubles may receive ini-
incilinto rollot nml ho permanently eared by
Ono Jlimito Consh Cure. C, II. ltagenbnch.
flnlvultontst llooth-Tueker Indicted.
New York, May 13. Mr. 15ootli-Tuck-Qr,
egnmamVr''ur the 'Salvation Army,
"was Indicted by tho grand jury yester
day for maintaining a nuisance and
disturbing the peace nt the barracks
of the army in West Fourteenth street.
The complainant against Tucker is
I'hlneas Smith, who resides In the
rear of the barracks. The offense Is a
misdemeanor, punishable with line or
Imprisonment, or both.
Unconditional surrender, ig tho only terms
those fanwiK little pills known as lleWitt's
I.iltlo IvHrly l!iers will niako with constipa
tion, sick lipjtiliu-lic and stomach troubles.
Ho SuihI.i.v linve'oini' In Cleveland,
Cleveland, May IS. Director of Po
lice Abbott today Issued his ultimatum
to the baseball people regarding the
playing of Sunday games. He says If
an attempt Is made to play next Sun
day, as threatened, he will send out
the police and arrest the players. If
necessary the entlie force will be de
tailed, and If that Is Insufficient he
will call out the militia.
roken Down,
r, Gonsumption, Rheumatism
Whatever It Was, Hood's Sarsaparilla Cured by Its Power as
Tho One True Blood Purifier.
Discouraged people are numerous now some because of
lost business, others because of lost health. All may find
fresh inspiration and valuable, suggestions in the following:
C. I. Hood & Co., Lowell, Mass.:
" Gentlemen : For 12 years I have been
a oommerolal traveller, and owing to the
hardships of my life, long railroad jumps,
all kinds of exposure, and sudden changes
of olimate, etc., my health gave way.
Physicians did not help me and I was
given up to die. My illness developed a
Complication of Diseases.
I was without ambition or appetite. All
strength had left me. One doctor said I
had heart disease, another torpid liver,
a third said It was lung trouble and
another c . asuinptlon, and so on. I have
no doubt, symptoms of all these oom
plajuts sad even that of rheumatism,
Judging from the stiffness and pains In
my Joints and legs at times, were mani
fest. I was unable to attend to business,
was oenflned to ray room and frequently
lay In a eomatose state for hours. I was so
feeble, and so little encouragement was
offered, that I began to wonder
Whers I Would be guWecl.
Finally, as a lost effort to help myself, I
decided to try Hood's Sarsaparilla. Tho
Sold l.v all driii-tH. Price SI , six for $5. Prepared nnly by
C. I. IIooil & Co., J.ov.i i!, Tin- l)e-.t riny Medi. lnc.
Tlie' li imn:iniiei- IlosponMule.
Trenton, May 1.!. The ri"riinailill'ty
for the en or which has necessitated
the calling of r special sepnlon of the
lefclilature hr been located. It fall
upon Miss Margaret Williams, a sten
ographer anil typewriter In one of the
state house offices. Hhe wrote the word
"provided" Instead of "prohibited" In
the propoped antl-gambllng constitu
tional amendment In the hill provldlnfi
for a special elec tion next September,
at which the peop'e were to vote on
(he question. Mies Williams Is much
agitated over her mistake.
PIvo Victims of a 1'olnoned spring.
I'lkevllle. Ky. .May Is. Three more
persons died yesterday from drinking
poisoned spring water. They are Ed
ward MlnnlX, Miss Dorcas Alberts and
John Tompkins. Tomrklns' wife and
two children are fatally III from the
same cause. As yet chemists have fail
ed to loam what poison Is being used,
and there Is no clew to the Identity oi
the guilty paitles. Five have now died
from drinking the water.
To r.Tt1nu Convict Mail A Cood.
Washlnpton, May IS. Senator (Sal
linger, of New Hampshire, yesterday
presented an amendment whlt-n he pro
poses to offer to the tariff bill against
goods which are the product of convict
labor'. The amendment provides for
the absolute exclusion of any manufac
tured goods Imported Into this country
which are the product of prison or con
vict labor.
Wlien a cold is contracted, cure It a' oner,
One Minute Cough Cure will set you on the
man to recovery m a minute, it win euro
pneumonia, bronchitis, croiiti and all forms
of liuiKund throat troubles. C. II. llagou-
llnern'it's Appeaf Vor Inrdou.
Bacranu :iio, Cal., May 13, Governor
Budd yesterday received the formal
petition for the pardon of Theodore
Durrant, awaiting extradition at San
Quentfn prison "for the murder of Min
nie Williams and Illanche Iiamont.
The petition will be heard by dovernor
Dudd tomorrow morning.
"I have used llurdick lllood Hitters in my
family for two years. It Is tbe best medtcino.
Ievcrutad. It utirod me of erysipelas iu
very short time; also cured my son of scro
fula after tlio doctors had failed." Louie s'.
Woodward, Iurel Hill, Payette county, Pa
Two tCtiloiliy M Iuo"t7ns.
Oxford, N. ,T., May 13. The lifeless
bodies of Adam Snyder and Harney
Itlder were found at the liottom of the
slpo ore mire on the ItauU-farm, about
one and a half miles from this place,
yesterday. The men had been em
ployed by prospectors, and went to
work Tuesday evening. At 10 o'clock
they were hoisted from the mine, and
after taking their lunch returned to
their work. That was the last seen of
them alive. Philip Kami, who had
charge of the hoisting engine, says
the men gave him no signal from the
time they went down Into the mine
after supper. When the day shift was
lowered yesterday they found the dend
bodies of their companions. They had
been overcome by gas. Uoth leave fam
ilies. Dr. Wood's Norway Pino Syrup is pleasant
tu take, positively harmless to the most
ilolicnte constitution, ami absolutely sure to
euro the most obstinate cough or cold, A
liousoliolil boon.
T.ont) For liberty l'roved l'ntnl.
Baltimore. May 13. John A. Caler,
the convict from Cumberland, Md., whe
jumped from a Haltlmore nnd Ohio ox
press train while being brought here
to serve a 15 years' sentence for for
gery, died yesterday In the Maryland
hospitnl from the Injuries he sustained
In his desperate leap.
Speedy New Jersey J list too.
Phllllpsburg. N. J May 13. On Tues
day nlpht of last week Frank Haley
robbed a Helvidere store. On Monday
of thta week he was caught at Newark,
and on Tuesday was sent to the Tren
ton penitentiary for three years by
Judge Morrow, of Belvldere.
The Wcnlhor,
For eastern Pennsylvania nnd New
Jersey: Threatening weather, with
showers; cooler: southwest to west
winds. For Delaware and Maryland
Continued unsettled weather, with
showers; cooler: southerly winds, be
coming westerly.
Heart Troubles, Torpid
effects ot a few doses of the medicine
seemed almost magical. The depressed
feeling left me, and when one bottle had
been taken, I had regained an appetite,
and strength was coming baok. After
finishing the third bottle I was able to
go about my commercial duties. I con
tinued to improve, and to satisfy my mind
that I had (ully regained health, I sub
mitted myself to a doctor for examination.
He pronounced me 'sound as a dollar.'
Three months later, I passed a rigid ex
amination for inaurauoo. I have slnoe
been in the best of health, notwithstand
ing my travels, and I give
All the Credit to Mood's
Sarsaparilla, as each season slnoe I have
taken several bottles. It keeps my blood
In good circulation, gives me a keen ap
petite and leaves no room for that tired
feeling wbloh naturally finds easy prey
among those ot my calling lu the summer
mqnths alter au early spring hustle. I
consider Hood's Barsaparilla the "limns
of saving my life, and I gladly speak In
its favor." A. J. Leitch, home address,
Cass House, Saginaw, Michigan.
A lte-oliitlo i to llrlnu tho Stubborn
Witness iti-rm-c the ar.
Washington, May 13. In the senate
yesterday the sugar Investigation of
1804 was recalled by the Introduction
of a resolution by Mr. Allen, of Ne- i
braska, proposing that Elverton II.
Chapman he brought to the bar of the
senate to purge himself of contumacy
as a pre-requlslte to pardon. Mr. Allen
sought to secure Immediate action on ,
the resolution, but It went over on '
objections from Mr. Galllnger, of New
Hampshire, and Mr. Hoar, of Massa
chusetts. The latter criticised the reso- 1
lutlon as giving away the authority of
the senate, and said he would pro
pose an amendment With a view of
having Chapman punished unless he
purged himself of contempt, without
reference to the Question of pardon.
The consideration of the resolution will
be In order today. The Cuban resolu
tion also went over until today to per
mit the committee on foreign relations
te submit a statement of facts bearing
on the subject. The calendar was taken
up late In the day, and several bills
Still Await Ins; Chupiimii's IMonsuro.
Washington, May 13. The cases of
President Havemeyer and Secretary
Searles, of the American Sugar Refin
ing company were seleoted for trial on
the 17th of this month for refusal to
answer questions put by the senate
sugar trust Invent Ipatlng committee.
The attorneys for Broker Elverton It.
Chapman, already convicted to serve
SO days In Jail for refusing to answer
the questions of the committee, were
notified to produce him some time ago,
and the government lias since been
waiting on them.
For every quarter iu a man's pocket
there ore n ilozon Uses; anil to uoeeacli one
In such a way ns to derive tlio greatest lene
flt is a nnostion every one must solve for
biinseif. We believe, however, tliat no
better use could h mule of one of these
marters than to exchange it for a bottle of
Chamberlain's Colic, Cltolora and Diarrhoea
Remedy, a medicine that every family should
be provided with. Fursale by Gruhlurllros.,
Unldentl,",i(l l.Rona Victim Hurled.!
New York, May 13. The bodies of
the 12 unidentified victims of the
steamer I.eona Are were Interred last
nleht In Mount Olivet cemetery, the
Mallory Steamship company defraying
the expenses ot the burial. The Inquest
was not held yesterday, 18 of the pas
sengers whom the coroner intended to
sftiipoena'as witnesses having left for
There Is 11 Olww of People
Who are injured by tho u of coflee
Recently there has been phired in nil the
grocery stores a new preparation called
(lUAlN'-O, made of pure grains, that takes
the place of coffee. The most delicate
rtonmcli receives It without distress, and but
few can tell it fiom coffee. It does not cost
over 1 us much. Children may drink it ith
great benefit. 115 cts. aud 2B cts. per package.
Try It. Ask for OHAIN-O.
l)lst!;itr:itln-U" t ivno-o Virflti'ire.
Now York, May IS. Hl3 excellency,
Chang, sneclal envoy from China to
Queen Victoria's Jubilee, and his suite
arrived In this Pity yesterday. The en
voy a:v' the clerht members of. his
suite wcte diiven to the Waldorf hotel,
where the slate apartments had been
prepaicd for their occupancy. The em
bassy will renmln here for about a
week before sailing for England.
niiciiniatlsm Cured Jn a Day.
"Mystic Cure" for Rheumatism nud Neu
ralgia rmliuilly cures in 1 to 3 days. IU
action upon the system Is rcinarknblo anil
mysterious. It removes nt ouco tho cniiso and
tho disease immediately disappears. The
first dose greatly benefits.
T. I-'. Anthony, ex-Postmaster of Promise
City, Iowa, says: "I bought ono bottle of
'Mystic Cure' for liheuninthun, and two dose?
of it did me more Rood than any inedlcino I
6vcr took." 75cents.
Sold by C. II., druggist, Shen
andoah. Itallronil Taxation In .Michigan.
Lansing, Mich., May 13. A bill passed
the lower house of the legislature yes
terday which raises the specific taxes
on railroad earnings In Michigan from
$70O,O0C to about twice that amount.
This ! n partial victory for Governor
Filigree, but there la still considerable
doubt whether any of his railway
measures will pass the senate. If the
senate should pass this bill the local
taxation bill will probably not be push
ed. Asked If he would sign the Mer
rlam bill Governor Plngree said:
"These companies ought to pay
J3.000.000 or $1,000,000, but these nre
pretty hard times, and $700,000 would
Bo a good way. We might accept the
bill, nnd then In two years from now
make the companies pay what they
ought to pay."
Mr. I). 1. IIavIs, a prominent liveryman
and merchant ol Goshen, Va., lias this to say
ou the subject of rheumatism : "I take
pleasure in recommending Chamberlain's
l'aiiijtalm for rheumatism, as I know from
personal oxperieuco that it will do nil that Is
claimed for it. A yearojo this spring my
brother was laid up in bed with inflammatory
rheumatism and su (lured iuteusely. Tlio,
first application of Cliamhorlalu's Pain Ilalm
eased tho pain and the use of ono bottle com
pletely cured hlra. For sale by CI rubier
Hros., druggists.
Single I'm ii to riillittlleplilH.
Saturday next, the mamiiflceut monument
to tho Father of His Country which the
society of the Cincinnati has erected In Psir
mountl'ark, Philadelphia, Is to lie unveiled
by President McICfnley, attended by a large
uumlieruf the civic and military dignitaries
of the state and country. The parade will
lie the most notable one since the Constitu
tional Centennial ten years ago. One feature
that will aldne attract large crowds is tlio
National Guard which is all to parade on tbe
Iftth. For the accominadation of person de
siring to attend, the Philadelphia & Beading
Railway Co. will sell excursion tickets at
single faro fertile round trip on May lltli
aud 15th good to return until May 17lh. St
Thirty yeais is a long time to fight so
painful a trouble as piles, but Jacob Mitchell,
of Uuionville, Ph., struggled that long be
fore he tried DoWitt's Witch Haul Halve,
which quickly and iiernianeutly cured liiui.
It is equally effective in wsoma and all skin
affections. C. II. Ilageubuch.!- Bewail OITJ'ol- Hawaii.
Washington, May 13. Harold Bewail,
United States minister to Hawaii, call
id at the statu depaitment yesterday
j3 say uu'ewell before his departure to
Jay for his posfjE His family Is now
tAalting him In Ban Francisco, and
11 accompany Mr. Bewail to Honolulu.
uoa't Tobacoo Spit and Smoke Your Life
If you want to uuit tobseoo using easily
and foiever, lie made well, strong, magnetu-
full of new life aid vigor, take No-To-Ilac,
the wonder-worker that inakoa weak men
strong. Mauy gaiu ten pounds in ten days
Over 400,0(10 cured. Buy No-To-llac from
your on u druggist, who will guarantee a
lire. 50c or fl.OO. Booklet and sample
mailed free. Ad Htcrliug Remedy Co.,
t'lncaiio or New York.
Eternal Vigilance.
" Ittemal viellatice Is the orlee of libertv."
It Is the price of cvervtlUng worth having,
snbw, T-. It is the price
oi 11 te useit. A
man needn't be
l always looking
for danger,
afraid that
something will
happen to him:
but a wise man
will form a habit
of care about the
mnortant things of
It isn't half so
much trouble to take
cate of yourself ris it
Is not to. A man
who follows regular,
healthy habits, feels
good all the time.
1,1 fe Is worth living
to him. But a man
who "don't want to
bother" with taking
care of himself has
more nain and mis
ery crowded into one
any man a good
healthy, heartv man
who lives right
would ever know of
in a whole vcar.
When a man's stomach is out of order,
md his digestion don't work; when Ills liver
;ets to be sluggish and won't clear the bile
ml of his blood, It is time for him to look
mt for himself. He gets no nourishment
jilt of ilia food. His blood gets thicker nnd
-bicker with impurities. His nerves get irri
ated. He loses energy and fighting force.
He may say, " I can stand it, I will feel
letter to inoirow," but the chances are lie
vill feci worse to-morrow and worse still
text day. He ought to put himself right at
nice. He needs Ur Wetce's Golden Medical
Discovery. It is made for just this condition.
It rouica up the digestive and nutritive
organs, and gives them power to extract
from the food all the nutritious elements
md transform them into rich, nourishing
blood. It enables the llvor to cleanse out nil
bilious Imnurltles nnd nnur into the circula
tion an abundance of highly vitalized blood,
inn oi me nie-giving reu corpuncien which
build up healthy flesh, muscular strength,
and ncrvc-cncrgy. It does not make flabby
flesh. It is the only suitable tonic and
trentb-bi'llder for corpulent people.
West Vlfg-Inla ltlvofs Itlslnc
Parkersburg, W. Va May 13. Steady
rain for the past 24 hours has swollen
the creeks, and Kanawha river timber
men expect a big river. All Baltimore
and Ohio railroad trains arc delayed.
It Is reported that the railroad bridge
at West Union, 3S miles east of here,
has again been washed away.
The court has settled the mayoralty
fight In Omaha, Neb., and have given
the chair to Mayor Mooros.
President McKlnley will not accept
any L'ecorntlon Day invitations, but
will remain at Washington.
New gold mines have been discovered
In the province of Carabaya, Peru. It
is believed they will yield largely.
A negro leper who escaped from
North Brother Island nearly two weeks
ago is still at liberty, and Is hidden in
Now Yorlc
It is said that an American volunteer
legion of 2,000 men has been recruited
Ii various y-arts of the country to help
tlio Cuban Insurgents.
Fill n bottle or common glass with urine
and let it stand twenty-four hours; a sedi
ment or settling indicates nn unhealthy
condition of tlio kidneys. When urino
stilus linen it is positive evidenco of kidney
troublo: Too frequent desiro to uriuato or
pain iu the hack, is also convincing proof
that tho kidneys nnd bladder anj out of
Thcro is comfort in tlio knowledge so
often expressed, that Dr. Kilmer's Swamp
Root, the great kidney remedy, fulfills every
wish in relieving pniu in tlio back, kidneys,
liver, bladder and ovory part of the urinary
passages. It corrects iuahillty to hold uriuo
nml suthliug pain In passing it, or bad effects
following use of liquor, wino or beer, and
overcomes that unpleasant necessity of being
compelled to get up many tlmos during the
night to minato. Tlio mild and the extra
ordinary effect of Swamp-Root is soon
realized. It stands the highest for its won
derful euros f tho most distressing casos. If
you need a medicine you should havo the
host. Sold by druggists, price fifty conts and
onadollar. You may have a sampio bottlo
and pamphlet both sent free by mail. Men
tion Kvknino HKn.ti.ti and send your
address lo Dr. Kilmer & Co., Bingliamton,
N. Y. The proprietors of thispaperguaniutce
tho gonuiness of this offor. "v
Tho Sultan nnd tho Popo. '
London, May 13. The nome-rorre-spondent
of The Standard elves the
history of the discontinuance of re
lations between the porto and the Vat
ican. He says: "Last summer the
pope. In an autograph letter, begged
the sultan to protect the Christians In
Crete. The papal delegate, Mgr. Bon
etti, presented the letter. The sultan,
evidently Irritated, said in an under
tone Jn Turkish: "Who's this popo
that is always meddling In the affairs
ot our state7" And then, aloud In
French: "Tell his holiness that It Is
my constant care to attend to the wel
fare of all of my subjects.1'
Try Graln-O I Try Oraln-O I
Ask your grocer to-day to show you a
package of GIEAIN-O, tlio new fuod drink
tlmt takes tho place of coffee. , Tho children
may drink It without injury as well as the
adult. All who try it, like it. GItAJN-0
has that rich seal brown of Mocha or Java, ig made from pure grains, and the
most delicate stomach receives it without
distress. J tho price of coffee. 15o and 3fi
ots. per package. Sold by all grocers.
Advice to Umpires,
Washington, May 13. President Nick
Young, of the National league, last
night Issued the following circular to
umpires: "Don't be afraid to enforce
the rules strictly. It Is your only Bhow
of going through the season. If you
fire the first man out ot the game that
deserves it, after due caution, you will
have no trouble. You must be master
of the situation, or the players will toss
you all over the league. Keep your
head with you, but let the players
understand from the word "go" that
you are paid to umpire and they are
Ild to play. Some of them will run
you out If they can, but If you are run
out It will be for liok of narve to on
force the rules-f
How to Treat a Wife.
(From 1'atdAe Health Journal.)
First, get a wife ; second, be patient. You
may have great trials aud perplexities in
your busiusss, but do not therefore, carry to
your home a cloudy or contracted brow.
Your wife may have trials, which, though of
lost magnitude, may be hard for her to bear.
A kiud word, a tender look, will do wonders
in chasing from bar brow all clouds of
gloom. To this we would add always keep a
bottle of Cuaniberlalu's Cough Remedy In
tiie house. U Is the best aud is sure to be
needed sooner or later. Your wife will then
know that you really care for her and wish
to protect her health. For sale by (Iruhler
Bros., druggi'to-
ConselPiieo Made Illinl niifli Murder
Nnpiinee. Out. Mny 13. A short time
ago John V. I'n y, n nun let In King
ston penitent ary, eunfesKi d to shoot
ing Angus MeLeod at Napance In Sep
tember, 1892. Tuesday Trey was placed
on trial. He said he hnd enterrd Mc
Leod's house to rob It, but w Ithout any
Intention of r.iurder. McLmd caught
him In the act, and he shot him dend
He bore tho Fei-ret ns Ions r.a be
could, but It tonnentrd him In bis con
finement until death seemed preferable.
On his own confession Troy was found
guilty and yesterday was sentenced to
Win n the spring time comes, "gentle An
nie," like all other sensible persons, (vill
cleanse the liver and renovates the system
witli DoWitt's Little Early RK'ra. famous
little pills for the liver and stomach all the
vear round, C. H. Hugenhtti-h.
I'liptnln ltoinej-if's C'liarirc Ignored.
Atlanta, Mav 13. (Seneinl Wep'ev
Metiltt has Issued an order refusing to
appotnt a court martial to try charges
against Lieutenants O'Hilon nnd TUm
ford, preferred by Cnp'.aln Itomeyn.
General Mcrrltt stales that the charges
grow out of a feeling of personal spite,
nnd that mllltaiy tribunals could not
be made vehicles of pvlvate revenge.
On the thnrges wrainst Lieutenant
Ham ford, which glow out of his eon
duet with refereiH-e t his reported
engnrTeinont lo MI is Vlnn 1 nni u.
General Mould i-t iU-. lhai th y ere
hot a proper subject for a court ot ln-
l2".nernl .Ml.tO.i I '.- l,'i:i--ti'nt lunpto.
Southampti n, May 13. Gem ini Ne'
son A. Mllfs, U. S. A., who arrived
here yesterday from New York, nn hl-i
way to the Bcene if tho Ore i,-Turl.ih
war, was asked vhelher the cemlu
slon of reat a, v. h.n brought ubi ul.
would change his plans. The general
said It would not, (lint be intends to
see the Turkish army and tho ainiUM
of Europe generally ber..ia loturnin:;
to the t'nl'ed Bute. Ho started last
night for Constantinople.
Chluiimon roe Xuslivlllo's K.vpiwlt Ion,
Nashville, May 13. In response lo
the urgent request of the director gen
eral of the Nashville exposition the
secretary" of the treasury has decided
to admit for exposition purposes the
2G1 Chinamen recently arrived at San
Francisco and the Gl at Tacoma. The
leeretnry Btates, however, that under
no clreumslunces will any additional
lermlts to enter be granted.
For Weak and Run Down People.
UfUHT IT IC I The richest of nil rostora
WflWI II 10 I uve foods, becauso It re-
Elacsa the essentials of life that nre ex
muted by disease, Indigestion, high living,
overwork, worry, excesses, abuse, etc.
WHAT IT DOES! &ct?,0
dlgtitton perfect It creates solid flesh,
muscle and strength. The nerves being
mads strong tbe brain becomes aitlveand
leer. It rostores lostvltallty, stops all wast
ing drains andwenknesa In cither sex, nnd
as a female reeulator has no equal. Price
60a, ornve boxes S2.00. Druggists orbymnll.
We can help you. Advice and book, free.
WIto Ua About Your Caso.
1512 Chestnut Street. Philadelphia.
pera. Railroad.
Januabv 18.1897.
Trains will leave Bhennmlonli nflir tho abort
date for Wlirpons, (lllbcrton, Kmckvlllc, Dri
W liter, St. Cliilr, l'ottsvlllo. HnmliurK, Kcndlnc
Pottstown, rtiocnixvlllo, Noi-rf.stown anil Pbli
adolphla (itrond Btrcct Btntlon) nt COS nnd 11 OA
a. m. and-1 20 p. m. on week days. Kor Poll'
vlllo and Intermediate stations 9 17 ft. m.
For WlpKnns, Ollberton, Fritckvllle, Dan
Wnter, St. Clnlr, l'ottsvlllc, nt 6 OS, 9 a. in. an.
8 10 p. m. For IIumburK, Iteailltifr, FotUtowE
I'lioeulxvllle, Nonlntown, Philadelphia ul C 8
1 (In. m.,8 10 p. m.
Trains leave Frackvlllo for Shenandoah a
10 40 a. m. nnd 1281, r, 41, 7S2 und 10 47 p. a.
Sunday, H 13 a. in. and 5 41 p, m.
l.enve Pottsvlllo for Hhenandonh nt 10 16
a. m. nnd 12.03, 5 15, 7 2ff and 10 20 p. m. Hundnj
i 10 10 n. m., B 13 p. in.
Lnve PhllndclpliUi, (Ilrond street station), (o
Sliennmlonh at 5 67 and 8 35 n. m 4 10 and 7 l
p. m, week dnys. Sundays Iciivo at 0 SO n. m.
Leave Urond street edition, Philadelphia, lu
Sen airt, Aabiiry Park, Ocean CI rove, Lon
Ilruiicli, and Intermediate stations, SAO 11.14
n. in., 3.30 and 4.03 p. m. week-days.
Leave Broad Street Station, Philadelphia,
I5xpres, week-days 3 20, 4 to, 4 SO 5 15, 6 50.
7 113, s 2c, 8 33, 0 50, 10 21 (Dlnlnjr Car), 11 00 a. ill,
12 00 noon, 285 (Limited 1 00 nnd 4 22 p. m.
Dining Cm b), 140, 280 (DIhIiib Car) 320, 850,
40O,5O0,fiB4(lllllllf Car). 000, 000,812,1000
p. m., 12 01, night. Sundays, 3 20, 4 05, 4 SO. 5 15,
820,833,960. 1021, (Dl lug Cur), ll5 n. 111.
1283, 2 30 (DlnlllK Cur), 4 00 (LllllltciU 22DlnlliK
Car), 5 20, 5 50, (Dllilni; Car), 6 85, 6 00, 8 12, 10 OU
p. 111 , 12 01 night.
Uipresi for Hostcm without chnnge, 11 00n m.,
week-days, and 0 SO p. in., dally.
For Baltimore nnd Washington, 8 SO, 7 20,8 2
1020, 1123 n. in., -1209 (1281 Limited Dir.
Ing Car), 1 12, 8 18, 4 41 (B 19 Congressional
Limited, DIiiIiir Car), 6 17, 0 58 (Dining Cur),
740 (Dining Car) p. in., and 1205 nlgr.l
week days. Sundays, 3 SO, 7 20, 9 12, 11 23 m.
m.,12 09 1 12, 4 11, ( 5 16 CoiiKresslonnl Limited
Dining Car), 0 55 (Dliiliu; Car), 7 40 p. m.
(Dlnlus Car) nnd 12 05 nlKht.
Invo Broad street stutloe, Philadelphia (via
Delaware river brldi ), express, 7 02 p. in.
Leuvo Varkct street Ferry, express, 8 50 n m
2 00, 4 10, 5 10 p. in. Sundays, 8 45, 9 45 n. m.
Aocommoilntlon, 8 00, 8 20, a.m., 3 20 and 4 20
ii. m.. week duvs. Sundays. 8 00. 8 15 n. m.. 4 00
laud 5 00 p. in.
vur .nin aiiivu AiiSiehHen, vimwootl anl
Itnlly llench, nudSualslo City, Ocean City nnd
Avnlon HxproBs, 0 00 n. ru 4 00 p. ui woe It
riiiys. Sundays. 9 00 n. in.
For Soniers Point. Express, 8 50 a m,, 410
Ii. in. week days. Sundays 8 45 n. in.
'.II. IIUTcmssos', ' J. it. Wood,
(Jeii'l Manager. Gen'l l'osa'g'r Ag
In tins matt extensive'
circulated nnd widely read newspaper puu
llshed In l'miiiMvlvaiiia. Ita (IIhaumIoii of nul
He men and public measures Is In the Interest
of publlo Integrity, honest Knremiasiit ami
prusiierous Industry, and it knows ne party
or peisonul allegiance ' lu treallnic publlo
Issues, lu tlio broadest ami bstt seiwe a
family and central uewepuittr.
THE TIMES have the largest
circulation by ileservlng it, and oImhui tlmt It
U ii nnur pawed lji all tha sssemlnla o( a ureut
metropolitan uewstisper. 8iecimeii copies of
any edition will be sent free to any one send
hit; their address.
TERMS-DAILY, IB 00 per annum ; 1.00
for four months; 80 eeiits per month; de
livered by carriers for 0 eents iter week.
SUNDAY KDITION, large, liaudsome
lames-401 columns, elegantly illustrated,
iMuutlful colored supplement Roo per an
num i 6 eaiiki ier copy. Dally nud Sunday,
HjO) wr annum ; SO cants pw mouth.
Addraas all letters to
Heart Disease Cured.
WHEN a well known minister niter
snPorlr.s for years ulth br-irt dis
ease, Is cured, it Is not surprising
that he should publish the fact for tho
beneat ot others. Rev.. I. ,P Smith, 10M
Fulton St., Baltlthoro, Md., wrlwwi " For
years I sutTered from a severe torra of heart
disease. I used Dr. Miles' New Heart Quro
and my heart is now la good condition,
illicitly, other aflllotlons came upon me.
T'uoiu was bummluR, painful sensations on
ton tir.d tvMc of riy h-v 1. Fifteen ttln-'.
iti .-t reading would
r.ihkj me almost wild;
i'i. ro wvrtpiillingarld
drdi, ing sensations In
my h'gs all "the time,
so fiat I could not. sit
still. In this condi
tion I began taking
Dr. Miles' ltestorative
Nerrlno nnd Its effect was simply won
lorf ul. I heartily commend your remedies."
Dr. 11 ilea' Itemedles are sold by all drug
- Ists under-a positive guarantee, first bottle
jenollts Or money refunded. Book on Heart
and Nerves sent free to all applicants.
DIt. MILKS MKDIOAL CO., Ktbkort, Ind.
A Tiin. Tire in iitk WOMAN'S RELIEF.
AIwkvi nntfnnt md rlltble. Avoid Imitation.
(1m rTow'Tiiir PimiAnd aivx HtOftttTI.
,t drusp alnroa. nrasmt iltrret fMaUMli. nrltM. f I.
Catok 8no. Co t Uoiton.Mft. Our took, At.
For ante nt V. V. I). Klrllti's clrtiR store nd
BheimntloHh drug stori?.
Only Is ixisslble, whether m a test of
exeollenSe In JmininlUiti, or for the
iiii"iuremeiit ot iUnHtlo, time or values;
and ,
Record ...
After n career of nearly twenty yenrw of
unlnterriiiiti'd growth la Justlftod in tlfllm
Inr tlmt the fstamlftrd first ojtnl)H8jied hy
Its fonmU-iM is the one trlio test uf
A Perfect Newspaper.
To publish AI.T, Till! NHWS promptly nnd
siicvlnetly and In the most readable font',
witbout elUtou or pnrtisnii bins; to lhcu!i
Its Hlgntnennee with frankness, to keep AN
Ol'IUf KYJS FOIl l'UBIJO AIlUdlH, to felvo
besides n complete rocoitl of current
thoiiKht, fnueles nud dlwMivvrles In nil ito
pnrtinents of biiiiinu activity In its DAILY
KDlTIONHof from 10 to 11 VAUUS, nud lo
provide the wbolo for Its tmtrons nt the
nominal price of ONB CUNT That wns
from the outset, nud will continue to lie thu
niliiof THIS KHCOUI).
The Pioneer
One cent niornlnu; iicws)isper In tho United
PtHt, Tho Iteoord, still UUIU W1IKU15
WIlneM Us uiirlvnled nvernnce ilnlly circulation
oicewllnit lfiO.OOO copies, nnd nn average
exceeding 120,000 copies for Its Sunilay
eilltloiis, while Imitations of its plan of
publication In every Important city of the
country testify to tlio truth of the assertion
tlmt in the quantity and quality of Its con
tents, and In the price nt which It Is sold
Tlio Itecord has established the standard by
which cicellcmu lu journalism mt,t bo
The Daily Edition
Of Tho lieoord will Im sent by mall to any
ndilress for 83.00 per year or 211 cents per
The Daily and Sunday
ISUItloustnffether.whleh will Blvo Its readers
the butt nnd freshest information of nil tlmt
Is going on In the world every dny lu the
year Inolntllnjt holidays, will bo sent for
$1.00 n year or 35 cents per month.
Record Building,
Philadelphia, i'a.
A Handsome Comploxioh
Is one af the createst charpis a woman can
possess. I'ozzomi's CourLBZiss I'owduu
gives It.
Personally-Conducted Tours
Tour to OAT.IKOItNIA and the PACIPIO
K'AerrwIIl leave New York nnd l'hlladelplilu
MarchT, returning on regular trains within
nine months. Hound-trip tloketa, lueludliiaT all
tour featuies i going: and transimrtatlou only
returulng, will be sold at rate of 108.00 from
New A ork, ami tawjorj from Philadelphia : one
way tlokois, including all tour features going,
iU .78 fram New Yorlc. from PlilUdel!
lihla. Proportionate rates from other points.
Tours, each covering n ierlod of three
Vf"', Y.ilL lesye NeW York and Phlladel
March 11. 2. ami Jfsy M, 18T. lutes, luolud.
Ing tmusiwrtatlmi anil two days' icoumiod.
tlonni tlibitWa.lilnKU.ii Hotela, tll.69 from
New ork, and $11.60 from Philadelphia.
For detailed Itineraries nnd other Information
tuft ' uTii V?1? AK"'. H'001! 8t