The evening herald. (Shenandoah, Pa.) 1891-1966, May 11, 1897, Image 4

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North Main St.
The Store
That's Always Busy
Hecanse shrewd dollar savers
take advantage of our tempt
ing offers. Look at our in
ducements for the present :
llby Carriages
Iron Jletleteuds
With Spigots
IIS Bast Centre St.
liiiblwrVa Hmi'nelt ii raiKOiifia-o.
Buuth Bend, Ind.. May 11. Two
maxked robbers al 1 o'clock In the
morning entered the residence ot llev.
Joseph Flache. the Catholic priest at
liyer, Ind., and ranitacked the liouse.
The priest and cook wore awakened,
and Feeing probable resistance the rob
ber used an iron bar, striking the cook
on the head and Indicting dangerous
wounds. The priest attempted to shoot,
but his revolver frilled to work, and
lie was roughly handled. Bloodhounds
are on the trail.
Voto l,v (lovernor Fiimroe.
Lenidng, Mich., May 11. Governor
riiifrree has vetoed the anti-cigarette
bill, which makes boys under 17 year
ot ace liable to imprisonment for smok
ing cigarette. The governor says it is
a paicntal. not a state duty to correct
bad habits in children.
New Undertaker.
T. J C'uikley lia opened an undertaking
establishment in town with his office located
at J. J. Coakley's, 38 North Main street.
Night calls at the Ferguson House.
HOOD'S PIIjTjS cure Liver Ills,
Biliousness, Indigestion! Headache.
A. plcairnt laxative. All Druggists-
Dress Goods.
Twenty-five pieces of Ini
ported Novelty Dress Goods for
25c. per yard. These styles are
new and are shown exclusively
by its. See our window dis
play ot these and also the
splendid stock of
Prices run from 25c. to $1 .50
for Laundered Waists. Don't
wait till choice styles are gone
but come now and pick from
our great assortment ol stylish
Will advance many lines of
goods. We have made large
purchases and can continue to
sell fine dress goods and silks
at special bargain prices.
During January, Feb
ruary and March
Over a thousand of the famous
JVIcCall Bazar Papei Patterns
were sold by us for 10 or 15c;
why pay more ?
Underlaid!, in - -
- - all its Branches.
Open Day and Night.
Cor. White
and Lloy J
( Stables,
Shenandoah. J
-No. ii West Centre Street.
of the Globe for
1 -UEALQIA ana similar Cemnlainl.:
I'rriisrvu uourr inn itr nmnt
,t . . . . . 7 jK
DR. filCHTER'S t
World renownpd ! T?rm.rlr.Mvftiii(...rnlf
Onlr (Tannine wlLh Trail A Alnrk" Anrlinr "
V. Ad. Klchter ACo., 210 1'MrISU, ctt York. 1
1 3 Ttnnrh TTftn. Own AlinvntV
Jtt &0 cu. tnUorwd & recommended by
ling ill. in li, Mel MtiinHt . i -
X- i rainin, n n mailt
.-tin imnaoiui.
t AWnTimM 'trpnnTArir it. v..
n t pi omn iju nip mint. I
E. W. Shoemaker, Esq., is vl-lting in l'hll
udelphln. Mm. (.itmmiiigs and Miss Rebecca Mooney
went to Philadelphia to-day. The Utter will
reside there.
Mr. and Mrs. Isadora Friedman were noon
passengers to Philadelphia tn-duy.
Amandns Woomcr transarted business in to-day.
Morris Miller, of New Philadelphia, was a
visitor to town to-day.
Miss Jettuie Clifford, of Malianoy City, has
eonclnded a very pleasant visit of suveml
d.tya in friends in town.
Miss Kstu Booh 01 is slowly recovering front
her alt irk of siiiknoM.
William Dorr lia uhnuged his family id
Iclice fiom North'West stivvt to his place of
1)H tines nn Nntth Main itrwt.
Miss Mniuo Owens, of Aidiliiiid, was a
gutst of town Trieiuls yesterday.
Joseph 1 1 in Us and family liave moved from
North Kmerick street to South Wert street.
Presiding Elder W. L. McDowell, nf Phila
delphia, last evening attended the first c n-
fereure quarterly meeting of Itie Methodist
Eplseoiml church of town. lier. McDowell
was located In town several years ago. lit
will spend this evening at Girardville.
Miss Katie Harrison, of Hamburg, is so-
joimiing with Mr. and Mrs. Chnrles Ilagen-
Mn. James Good 1 iead is home from a visit
among Pntckvllle friends
Miss Mary Heecroft was an early morning
pawetiger to Philadelphia.
Miss Lnrale Kane, of Centralis, is visiting
her sister, M rs. George 1'loppert, who is on
the sick list.
Miss MRggio Dovors is visiting Mrs. Christ.
Cox, at Malianoy City.
Mis Jennie Caesidy, of Locust Gap, is vis
iting Mrs. Conry, oil South Main street.
John Stanton spent yesterday at Pottsville.
Miss Mary llrocan and Mrs. Corrigau,
visited the iatter's husband at the Minora'
bospitnl yesterday.
Mii Maine Lurry, of Beaver Meadow, is
visiting Miss Mamo Iteynolds, on West Oak
Harry llafner reported at Fottsville this
morning for practice on the home base ball
Single l'ure to I'liUndlephln.
Saturday next, the magnificent monument
to the Father of His Country which the
Mieiety of the Cincinnati haB erected iu Fair
uiouutPark, I'hlladolphia, is to be unveiled
by President McKiuluy, attended by a large
number of the civic and military dignitaries
of the state and country. Tho parade will
he tho most uotahla one siuco the Coustitu
tiAiiAl Centennial ten years ago. One featuio
that will alone attract large crowds is tho
National Guard which is all to parado on the
15th. l or tlio acconimadation of persons de
siring to Httcnd, tho Philadelphia & Heading
Railway Co. will sell uxvursion tickets at
single fare for the round trip on May 1 lib
ami 15th good to return until May 17th. St
Shot Ills Katlier.
Uriah Hess, of Llewellyn, heat his wife
011 Saturday afternoon. Her cries drew
Oscar, their 17-ycar-old son, to tho scene.
Mis mother s distress incensed tho lad. lie
picked up a revolvor ami shot his father in
the shoulder. The boy is now in jail. The
rather was brought to tile Fottsville hospital.
Hess's wound is not serious. Hess is a miner
and works nt harboring when not iu the
A l'lshliig ltecord.
Ouroxpert fisherman, Isaac Davis, may
well consider himself one of tho luckiest
anglers of the season. He spent three days
along the streams In the vicinity of Zion's
Grove and during that time ho caught 150
trout. Tho Iuugcst measured eight inches.
Shenandoah City Notes,
The new rcraper lino at the .Shenandoah
City cnllieiy Ins been put into
works very satisfactory. ,
The large water tanks in the rear of the
dirt plane engine liouse are being removed to
the tup of the shaft iu tho vicinity of the
blacktiuith shop.
Iniprlt-oneU Kd.ti.r Vindicated.
Cleveland. May 11. The circuit court
yesterday (Uncharged IMitor Post, ar
rested, convicted and sentenced for
contempt of court by Judge Lamson,
of the common pleas court, about alx
weeks ago. Poet had written an edi
torial which was a stricture on court
methods In general and Judge Lam
eon's methods in particular. The case
was dismissed and Post was dis
charged. Ask your grocer for ne "Royal Patent
flour, and take no other brand. It U the beat
flou r luanX
Corrected for the "llei-Hld" Daily by Stark
ltrothers, Hroken, Kgtui IlHtldlng.
opawIMO. CI.04INO.
Am Tobaoco 7!
Atchison 10
Am. Sugar Kef 116;
fno Southern 4T
Jersey Central 7V
North YVc.tmi JOB
O. II. &J - 78!
Cho'iigo Uus m 829
t nun . ir;
Hi 1 'k Island ,. W
I111M1 97
(. r ;. A nt. I.
Ainoricun Spirit,
D. & H
II I.. W ,
LcliUb Valley
i,u Klesitrlo
l.ske Shim
Louis U Niuli .
M inUotiMi
Mil Paolllc . ...
Nutlonal Lead
Bait Ohio., .V
K V. Oeutral
0. 8. leather .-
Nn. l'ao. Ootti -
No. Pas. Tfd ,.
Paetlle Wall .......
Hmding -
Tenu. O. & I
Texas Pacloo. ..- -
I'iiIob I'aelfle
woiiash rro
Wi stern Union
Siaitli Iiw. PM
Cbns Ohio
W. L. Erie
U. H. Rubber
OUoaeo Market.
oraaiso. cumumo.
Wheat, Kept..
Corn, But.
a, Kept
nrk, 8eu
BSB dm
BBS 802
110 410
400 400
slept .
Happening Throughout the Country
Ulinniloled lor Unity Perusal.
MiiiimvUle complaint of Um many drunks
on Sunday, and tbe conclusion Is reached
tluit the Honor law is being violated.
m (lair is fixing up a ground for athletics
n ir old lnn Walker's historic hotel.
1 Antonio' saloon it Lofty was
1'iuhen into on Saturday night The thieves
got 1 5 1 nnil whisky ami cigars.
It is said the P. & R. Company will again
iw hard coal in their railroad engines.
Tl.o firit of June will be a big dny at
Sni p). ton. There will be a big parade of
l"i .'I .ml isiting Hungarian snelct'ci. 1 he
Miu rty it ind nf Hnxtetnu has hem ngsged
fui the occasion.
At a meeting of the Mt. Cnrmel Knights of
l'lnthliis lodge NAS It was derided to In
iitutca lodae of Hatbhone Sisters, the fe
male I1111111 h nf the above named order.
The K:ist Susquehanna Classlsof the Re
lormcd church will meetfn its annual session
thi- car in Ashland, The session will convent-
on the evening of May Sth.
The Schuylkill Traction Company have
di 1 idcil to repair their roads III the vicinity
of Win. Prnn colliery. The several curves
nhic'i make riding unplsasent lb that
locality will lie removed anil the road
The old game of offering to tnatfe nortratta
free and then refusing to deliver np the orig
inal photo unlets f8 so Is paid for a cheap
frame Is being worked by Wilkesfcarre
sharpers in this vicinity, lleware of them.
A small laud of gypsies' passed through
town hist evening.
Several adjusters, representing various fire
insurance companies, were in town tn-dy
adjusting the losses in the recent Are of the
New York Progess Manufacturing Company.
The 1 lortric railroad will lie completed to
H. liuyll ill Hsven frmn Pottsvillu as soon as
the tnati rial arrives.
My the breaking uf a chain at tho Viilonn
Iron Works. Tiimaqun, a weight defended
itpnii .lames Newton, frnrtnrlng his sknll.
A dime wl h Which Frank Hlnwltsky was
nerformiiiff Irleks st West Hn7letnn. slimwiil
I into Ids larynx, had to lie cut out, and may
yet cause his death.
(Nullity Court Notes.
William Reiff was appointed au auditor In
llutler township.
The case of Poor Dlroctur Nerl Dietrich,
charged witli accepting a bribe, was postponed
until to-morrow morning. The men who are
alleged to have tendored the bribe are Dr.
John Gray and George Hoffman, a bttlulier.
Win. A. Marrand .V. J. Whltehouse repre
sented the defendant, and District Attorney
ilochtel and A. W. Schalck the Common
wealth. -Thomas Meade, found guilty of larceny as
bailee, was sentenced to pay tlie costs, $10
fine, restore the money and undergo im
prisonment fur P0 days.
Mrs. Nlcolena Gwasdiuky, of Shenandoah,
the Hungarian woman who was taken ill at
tbe court liouse on Saturday last, she being
in a delicate condition, was directed to pay
half tiie costs in two cases In which she was
prosecutrix, and was called for sentence.
Judge Hechtel, however, directed she be
handed over to the County Commissioners at
Judge Archibald, of Scrauton, and Judge
Savldge, of Sunbury, are nssisting Judge
Itechtel this weok.
Yesterday afternoon the case of William
Wilhelm, charged with libel by 1$. H. Koch,
was called beforo Judgo Archibald, Prose
cutor and defendant are members of tho bar.
Tho case grow out of a letter whioh Mr.
Wilhelm is alleged to havo sent directors of
tho Schuylkill Electric Itailwoy early this
year, in which Mr. Wiliiclm complains of
Mr. Koch's delay, ns president of tho rail
way, in paying Mr. Williolra for services
rendered dmiug tho construction period, aud
which concluded with nn attack 011 the
character of tho president. A copy of tho
lettor was also sent to Mr. .Koch. All wo-o
typewritten and boro Mr. Wilhelra's name in
ink. Tho prosecutor was represcutcd by
Messrs. J. F. Whalcu and W. J. Whito
hotise, while formor Judge Ityon and J. O.
Ulrich represented the defendant.
Judge Savidgo heard argument 011 the mo
tion to declare tho scats of tho Councilmcn of
Minorsvlllo vacant because that body failed
to legally organize.
Must Seek Other Oiuirtcrs.
David Faust has supplemented tho Im
provements to his South Jardin street prop
erty by placing a neat galvanized iron
railing in front of tho window .used for
bicyc'.o display. Mr. Faust remarks with a
twinkle iu his eyo that the only damage tho
railing has done is tho creation of an incon
venience to tiie courting couples that
frequented his porch.
Sale of School lionils.
There are still on sale at the Secretary's
office sixteen $500 bonds and ouo $800 bond'
of tho Shenandoah school district. Thiv.e
bonds bear interest from the first day of
April, 18U7, aud will run thirty years. In
terest, 4 per cent.; payable semi-annually.
Parties wishing them will avail themselves
of this opportunity at once, as aftor May 1st,
1S07, tho School Hoard will dispose of the
remaining bonds to outside parties, if not
taken up by town lieoplo on or beforo that
I!y oi-der of the lioard,
J. J. Prick, President.
Attest : -Frank Hanna, Secretary.
Miirilnge Licenses.
Michael Kostroy and End Knoeko, both of
St. Clair.
Frank Dulkorsky and Justina Maley, both
of ailbertan.
Joseph Auuseavloh and Mary Mlealufskio,
both of Shenandoah.
fleorge Luteavage and Annie Juses, both of
Park Place.
Buy Keystone flour. Be sure that the name
Lsfwio & IIakr, Ashland, Pa., is printed 011
every sa k.
ltlrtluluy Party.
A party was tendered Miss Mable Deater at
the home of her parent on West Lloyd street
last evening, in honor of her tenth birthday
anniversary, and she was presented witli some
very beautiful presents. Among the young
folks who enjoyed the festivities of the
evening were : Mary Doyle, Ida, Alice and
Bridget Murphy, Jennie aud Mary McCor
ruick, Irene Ilildehrandt, Agnes Grimes,
Dela and Ethel lilttler, Millie lEhnads,
Louisa and Floreuce Iilckioiuan, Mary Hries
sky, May Gibbons, Ma me Kelly, Mabel and
Lain Deater, James McOormick, Timothy
Hums, William Doyle, Martin llailey, Adam
Hriessky, William and Elmer Deater.
Every Wife
feels an indescribable dread of tbe
danger attendant upon the moot criti
cal period of lier life. Becoming a
mother should be 11 source of joy, but
tliesittt'eriiigand danger of the ordeal
makes Its anticipation one ot misery.
Mother's Frien
a thoroughly tested remedy, gently
prepares the system for this period,
lessens tbe pain, and remove! all
danger. Its use insurea a safe anil hap
py termination of the dreaded event.
91.00 rail BOTTLK at all Drug Stores,
or seat by mall on xseelpt of price.
RAMfC. Containing Invaluable lsforraatloa ef
Vur Interest to all woman, will be seat to
rntC ay address upon applleatloo, by
The Bradflsld Ksgalator Co., Atlanta, (9a.
Kntlnnnl lfnrtip'.
At Itttiburg Pittsburg, 4; rtoHon. 2
At Clevehind Brooklyn, ,1, Cleveland, a. .
At Chicago Cinclnnntl, 7; Chicago, 5. Al
Washington Washington, 13; Haltlmore,
6. At Bt. Louis 1'lilluilHiihlii, IS: St.,
Iiuls, 1. At Louisville - Iulsviue, ;
New York, 8.
ICHHtorn LPniirte.
At Providence Itochr stir, t; Provi
dence, 4.
Atlantic LcniriiP.
At Rlchmond-Ni wark. K; Richmond, B.
At Norfolk Norfolk, 4, Poterson, 2.
I'pnrmytvnntn LearNlrttlon.
llarrlaburg, May 11. Tho order of
buslines in the house last night was
lillli on flrpt and second iviTlng. nnd a ,
large numtier pusstd tli,p Bing. Con- 1
trary tp expeclutlons. the fi lends of1
the Young bill Blvlng trolley companies
the right of eminent domain did n"t
try to reconsider the resolution making
a special order for It on second and (
third readings. Senate blil to estab- 1
llsh a dental council nnd state board
of dental examltteis was reconsidered
on motion of Mr. Foeht, of Union, and
then amended to correct typographical
errors. The mehsure afterwards pass
ed reading. Among the bills passed
second reading; was one Increasing the
number of Inspector of the Eastern
penitentiary from R to 12, and one
permitting sheriffs ar.d coroner- to In
vite newspaper representatives to ex
ecutions. ClioynW Qtn tlio lltou.
New York, May 11. The 20 round
bout between Joe Chuynskl cf Califor
nia, and Denver "KB" Rml'h last nbrht
was cut short by Referee Roche, who
stopped the bout after two minutes
nnd eight aeecndr of flf-hUng In the
fourth round. Smith frequently tried
to hold Choynski's hand during the
first three rounds, and was rcandly
hissed for doing! so. C'lioyu.-M had an
easy task, for he knoc',?d f-hnlth down
In the first round, nnd fh Dov.ver mm
took nearly the full ten seconds In
rc'.tlnp to his feet. The flcht was so
onesldfd that Smith repeatedly fouled,
despite the referee's warnings, and at
I he end of the fourth rouud ChoyiiBki
was awarded the decision.
PtiKsox.Li,. Tbe gentleman who annoyed
the congregation last Sunday by continually
coughing will find Instant relief by using
One Minute Cough Cure, a speedy and liarm
lea remedy for throat and lung troubles.
William S. Seltiser, an aged and respected
citizen of Gilberton, died yesterday after au
illness of four months. "He was CO years cf
age and leaves a wife. Tiie funeral will take
place on Thursday morning. Interment will
be made at liingtown.
Patiiek Feeley died at his homo on West
Coal street last evening from general debility.
Deceased was about 70 years of age and was
a long resident of town.- He is survived by
his wife, Bridget, aud the following sons and
daughters: John, of Malianoy City; Patrick,
of town; Thomas, of Philadelphia; Mrs.
Daniel E. llrenuan and Bridget Feeley, of
town, aud Mrs. Burr, of Philadelphia. The
funeral will take place 011 Thursday morniug.
Change In Train Time.
May is the month when the railways put
tho schedule for summer traius in effect and
Sunday noxt will seo many changes on the
Philadelphia & Beading Baiiwny. The traius
which now run between Ashland aud Potts
villo will bo extended so as to ruu between
Pottsville and Sliamokin. On the Shenan
doah branch tho time of nearly ovory train
is changed, although it will bo but a few
minutes in the case of most nf them; enough,
however, to make it advisable fortmvclers to
make inquiries before starting 011 a journey.
Wo are not advised as to tho exact figures as
yet of all the trains, but wc learn that the
train now leaving at 5.25 a. ni., will leave at
5.3(1; the one now leaving at 7,00 a, ni will
leave at 7.05 and make connection for Slia
mokin. A new train for Philadelphia and
way points will bo run leaving Shenandoah
at 0.55 a. m., while the "Cannon Ball" will
leavo at (1.10 p. in. A very useful connection
with tho train which leavos Philadelphia at
0.30 p. m but was discontinued last fall, will
be restored and will arrivo here at 10.40 p. m.
Sevoral changes in tho time of arrival of
trains, all tending to tho betterment of tbo
service and which have suggested themselves
to Supt. Dico are in contemplation aud will
very likely bo included with those enumer
ated in the list of out-going trains.
"I have used Burdock Blood Bitters in my
family for two years. It Is the best medicine
I everusad. It cured me of erysipelas iu
vory short timo ; also cured my sou of scro
fula after the doctors had failed." Louie S.
Woodward, Laurel Hill, Fayctto county, Pa.
SchuvlUin County Cases.
From, Malianoy City Ileoord.
Sol. Fostor, Jr., Deputy United States
Marshal, was iu town Saturday for the pur
pose of serving subpoenas on principals and
witnesses iu several Schuylkill county cases
which are on tlio trial list of tho U. S. Dis
trict Court for the week beginning Monday,
May 17th. Among these cases is that against
tlio Daily News, of Shenandoah, charged
witli circulating obscene readlug matter
through tho mail, the publication being the
verbatim testiuiouy iu the case of ox-Super-intendeut
Bogart, of tho Shenandoah public
schools, charged with attempted race
on Clara Vates, a 13-year-old girl, of Kuox
ville, Pa., who was a scholar in the
schools of that place while Bogart was
principal. Tiie case was heard in Pittsburg.
Anotbor case is thtt against Frank Booskau
k, of the ShuIc. a Polish paper, published
at Mahanoy City, who is charged with print
ing loud aud lascivious matter iu the columns
of his paper, in a department headed "The
Tattler." Bocskaukas claims that tho article
cited is of a character common to papers pub
lished among his iwople, and no worse than
appears under the head of "Wit and Humor"
in English publications. IIo alleges that
there is a clerical aud anti-clerical party
among his people, aud that the prosecution
grows out of his ' opposition to tbe clerical
party. l!ev. Pautienius, of the Lithuanian
Ii. C. church, of Malianoy City, is one of the
witnesses summoned.
It should be made a matter ot puhli;
knowledge that DeWitt's Witch Hasle Halve
will speedily cure piles uf the longest stand
ing. It is the household favorite for burns,
scalds, cuts, bruises and, sores of all kinds.
Deeds lteoorded.
From James Downey and wife to llebecca
E. Holt, premises in Pottsville.
From Martin Hreunan aud wife to Win. De
laney, premises iu Sltenaudoah.
From M. Becker aud wife to Annie 0.
Scheidlger, premises iu
From Eliza Koiuer et al. to Franklin P.
Auuhrubaek, premises in Porter township.
From Levi Fuhler et al. to Mary Dooly,
premises iu Tower City.
From II. B. (Iron", executor, to Jesse Kleek
ner, premises in Tauiaqua.
From H. B. Graff, executor, to Sarah A.
K tinnier, premises Iu Tatnaqua.
From Frederick John aud wife to Annie
Leu hart, premises iu Patterson.
Payne's Olrardvlllo Nurseries',
Funeral designs made up In any ileal rod
form uf natural or was Bowers, upon abort
notice at reasonable prices. Large variety
of frames coustantly ou band. Orders may
lie left at Morgan's Balar, 8 H. Main St., or
at Payne's Greenhouse, Gliardvllle, lis. tf
When you want good rooSug, nlamblng
gas fittiug, or general tlnemltblng (lone oall
on E. F. Gallagher IB West Centre street
Dealer 1c stoves 1-tf
A Woman's Ghastly rind In a Well nt
New lloitou.
Mahahot City, May 11. Between 10 and
11 o'clock this morning when Mrs. John
Craig, of New Boston, went to tho village
well to get drinking water and attempted to
hanl up the bucket the rope broke. Mrs.
Craig procured a pole and hook and while
trying to recover the bockot pulled to
the snrface of the water the body
of a man. Neighbors were summoned and
the body was taken from the well. It proved
to be that of Anthony Kouiskowski. a siuglo
man so years of sgewoo boarded at New
Boston. There were several deep cuts on the
trick of the head. In the pockets was $8 43.
Kouiskowski had been missing for two weeks.
Deputy Coroner Fogarty, of this place, will
ho'd an Inquest to night and sensational de
velopments are expected.
Charles Hasslor, a boy, was lilt op tho head
and painfully injured yesterday by a stone
tliinwn by an unknown persoif, while
watching the erection of the grand stand at
the Malianoy City park yesterday.
Jacob Gnslieck, a Shenandoah Hungarian.
whs put under $300 bail yeaterday by Justice
rhenium on a charge of malicious mischief
made by Frank Husnl.
John Iloaack, of Shenandoah, was before
Justice llrenuan last night, charged by his
wife, Mary, with assault nnd battery. The
wlfo settled the case slid paid the costs, In
ultidbig the husband's fare back to Hheuan
doah. The PreMiloiit's Jlemocliil Dny.
New York. May It. The committee
in charge of the Memorial day exer
cise has received a telegram from
President McKinlcy accepting the In
vitation to come to New Tork and take
part In the ceremoutes.
Mint, i:plonloii KIIN Snvptiteen.
Lonilon, May 11. A terrible explosion
has takpn pluro oh the Isle of Man,
In the Enaefell lead mine. A large
number of miners ware entombed, And
it now seems certain that at-least 17
have been killed.
The Wonf.ior,
For eastern Pennsylvania and New
Jersey:" Onset tied weather, with show
ers near the coast; westerly winds. For
Delaware and Maryland: Cenerally
fair; westerly winds.
The Bxtrdmcs In tho Distribution of the
Two Throughout Itarope.
In n rough wny, the extremes In tho dis
tribution of the blond nnd brunette vnrlo
ties within tho population of Europe nre
ns follows: At tlio northern limit wo find
that nbout one-third of the people nro puro
blonds, chiirnctcrlEcd by light hair nnd
blue eyes; tijxnit ono-tcnth nro puro bru
nettes, the remainder, over one-hnlf, lioing
mixed, with n tendency to blondrjcss. On
tho other hand, In tho south of Italy tho
pure blonds havo nltnost entirely disap
peared. About ono-half tbo population nre
pure brunette with deep brown or black
hair, and eyes of n corresponding shade,
and the other half is mixed, with a ten
dency to brunettenees. The hulf and half
lino seems to He about where It ought, not
far from the Alps. Yet it does not follow
the parallels of latitude. A circle, de
scribed with Copenhagen as n center,
sweeping around near Vienna, across the
middle of Switzerland, thenco up through
tho British lslos, might servo roughly to
lndicnto such n boundary. North of it
hlondncss prevails, nltliough nlwnys with
nn nppreclnblo pcrceutngo of pure bru
nettes. South of It brunottcnoss finally
dominates quito exclusively. It should not
fall of noto that townrd tho cast there Is n
slight though constant increase of bru
nettcnoss along tho same degrees of lntl
tudo nud that tho western portion of tho
British Isles is n northern outpost of tho
brunctto typo.
Thus wo seo nt n glanco thnt thcro Is a
gradual though constant Increase in tho
proportion of dark cyos and hair from
north to south. Thcro nro nono of those
sharp contrasts which appeared upon our
map showing tho distribution of tbo long
nnd broad bends in Europe On that map
tho extremes wcro separated by only half n
continent in cither direction from tho
Alps, whereas In tills case tho chango from
dark to light covers the whole extent of tho
continent. It Is as If nlilcndlng wnsh had
been spread over the map of lioad form,
toning down all Its sharp racial division
lines. Professor William 'A. Ripley In Ap
plctons' Popular Science Monthly.
The First English Duke.
Of the fivo titles of nobility In England
tbo highest in rank nnd honor is thnt of
duke. It is tho first title of dignity of tho
roynl fnmlly, but not tho highest in an
tiquity. -There Is no proof of its being
used in England before it was Introduced
by Edward III, about n year before lie him
self nssun.C'd the title of king of France.
Edward, the recownid Black.Prinoe, was
created Duke of Cornwall, and l.e was the
first duko in England after William tho
Conqueror. After this creation tho titlo of
duke wes frequently given, especially to
members of tho royal family. Harper's
Bound Table.
Itching, Irritated, ealy, crusted Scalps, dry, tbln,
and falling Hair, cleanied, pnrlded, and beauti
fied by warm shampoos with Ctjtictjbji Boir,
and occasional dressings of CrTicriu, purest of
emollients, tho greatest skin cures.
Treatment will produce a clean, liealtliy ealp
with luxuriant, luitroui hair, when all elte falls.
through out tlit world. Pottii Dauo ad Chih.
Coir . Hot Prop , Hoiton.
o( Uov to produce Luxuriant IUtr" mailed free,
POUNH. Alunch of keysatiaoliedtnaolialn
Finder oan have same by proving property
and paying for thla advertisement. S4l-2t
T K.'BNSK KOH 8ALE.-Tlie saloou and res
11 teurant license of Daniel H. Wllaou, 614
Centre street, Aahland, is for aale. Apply at
luia omoo. i-w-H
FOK 8AI.K. Ixit aoxiso, situate on West Coal
slflget. Two aliigle houses, one on the
front and the other on the rear ot lot. For
price and terms apply to T. K. Beddall,
Attorney-at-law, corner ot Main and Centre
111 IMt Oraek Itowiwbip ol Wtat Malianoy
iMiuylklll oouniy, lUeewad. listen of ad
ministration on trio stave estate Imtrlng been
5 ranted to the underotgned, all jiersons Til
ebtail to said estate are requested to make
paymeuL and those having claims or demands
agaiuat the estate of aald decedent to present
the same without delay.
J. Ola una Hanpowi,
4-0-8t-oaw Oirard Duildlng, I'htU ,1'a.
A genuine welcome waits you at
Cor. flaln and Coal Sts.
Flaest wblskeyi, beers, porter and nlo
eoDstantly on tap. Onolee emperanee drinks
and elgara.
As follows:
4 First Prizes, each of $100CaJi i - - -$
q Ann nn
5 25 Gold Watches 1,000.00
9(1 Rnnnnii
40 Third "
n.-i. ..j n.!.-- t- ..Ai. M-ntl
uasii niiu nitw iioii udvii utuiiiii - -
Tolal given during 12 mos. 1897, 4gm00 WRAPPERS
fiomnelllorslosnvo ns inuiir SUNLJOHT
SOAP vvrnpprrs nm iuct cii i"iinm
cilf tlio ton portion
nf encli
wrapper. Ilinj Portion roijtnlii
Iiik the lirnillnit "8UHUOHT
r5ab. These (railed "Uon
pons") nreto lie. sent, postage
1'iilly pnlil. enclosed lt a
SIICCCOI vwcrnmimi i. imji" -
ltor's lull tinine mid address
nud ho number ot oiipojis
I,,. In limn.. 1,1(1..
Im mtitilirt of
Nrtr York, innrked tin oiitslilo '
vrpper ('3"'l msrwlllt NI'MJ'ttlt
ii, to J.cvcr llrns.i
lirillO I' t!3 l Itn- l ,oinifium
New York City, llronUlj'ii, Long
iindMlnten Ulnnils, New Jersey.
PcnusrlT nnln, Kelawarc, fll?ry
Innil, West Virginia nnd Mfi.
trlct'nf I'oliiuilila.
The Nrvr linslnnd Htnles.
TllcyolinnretTiei'ebHtl Pierce Hprrlnl,
IBai 1' ittorn. n'M l.r . N. Pierce 4 ;," ,.."' "':
flo, H . Ion nn t Ni Y.nk. Fittdd, Willi Usrtlord
rtrsa. First Ch" Nick o Lnmn, Nw Ilsnartora
llell. Standard (Jretometet, and llont Lavs Bauillfl.
FACTORY : North lUnerlck Street,
I have made a general reduction
to do so until May 29th.
1 Jtikmm
We've lots ol them
worth having ; all the styles.
Stocked up with the nattiest, dressiest
shoes we could find, and there's not a shoe
in the store that isn't fullest value for the
The New Tan
For Ladies, at $1.00, $1.25 and $1.50; in
black for 75c and $1.00.
Men's bicycle shoes ; regulation make ;
good-wearers ; long-lasters ; thoroughly
trustworthy; $1.25, $1.50 and $2.00.
The nicest line of Spring Goods we ever
had at enough of saving pver prices of
ordinary stores to make it- well worth your
while buying here.
Factory ... '
...Shoe Store,
...Shoes Retailed
Large assortment of Sul
phur settings in Ladies'
Bracelets, Fobs and Rings,
Musical Goods and instru
ments. A full line.
Clocks We are selling at
remarkably low prices. All
Frameless Eye Glasses are
what you want to wear to be
up-to-date. They will look
well on you.
Jewelry - Store,
112 N. Hain St.
Cured by this granular saTcrveeoeiit and all mu
tant. Au Instant eure for sour stoiuaehs and
hwulashe. whioh often oowimulate front Iiavtng
a algkt out.
17 and 19 Peach Alley, Slien
TO Ahtl fin
sit"" - "" cnAP1
RULES. . ,
1 . Ersrr rnimtli dnrinit l; in each of the 4 dletr.w
Lnrjrcst Nmnlier ot coupons fn,ia
tUedialrlotlnnlilolilis or she residua
Tbe o Umptltors who end In the
Noxt I.nrajcst Niiinbcrn of eoii
pons from the dlstrlot In trriloh tner
reside will finch reoelre at trlpner'a
ctliinaiiir'aorirntleniftii4a Pierce
Sneclnl tiicjrcle.prlce filoo.oo,
The tf, Cmnetllnratvlineenil In the
n.ti t.ii..l K,nlipf of cnniHins from tbedls-
tnot In which they reside will l!nrli receive at winner's
oiitlon a ladr'a or gentleman s (3ola Wntcb, price ipsa.
2. The Com netltlnns will Close the Lnst liny of
I'.ach Illoiltli during VM, Oounons recelred toolate
for one month's compotlUim willlie put Intotheneat.
3. Oomnetltcra who obtain wrappers from unsold
B ian In dealer'e stock will be dimaalinod. RmplnreM
o( Lerer Ilrotliers. Ltd., and their families, are de
barred from competing. , ......
4. A printed flat of Winners In Oomrltor' district
will be (nnrarded loOompetltorsin about 11 dara aHer
each competition closes.
0. Jjmt Umtbara, IAd., wul endeavor tsaward tbo
rrliMfalrlrtothe best ol their abilltr and Indfrment.
I, .it It ( understood that all who compete asm to ae
ctlit Ilin awsnl o( I,ver Brothers, l,td., aa final.
LKVUll llltOS., Ltd., New York.
3X it ii fn e t ii re r Jo f
" fences.
Of all descriptions atllowest rates.
iu Iron Fknces nnd will continue
; about
R. Moyar, Magr.
at Factory Prices... MM
We offer two assortments of
glassware for 5 and 10 cents
that cannot be beat any where
for the money in town.
Meluskey & Son,
105 S. Main St.
in North Main Street,
Evan J. Davies,
Undertaking !
13 N. Jardin Street.