The evening herald. (Shenandoah, Pa.) 1891-1966, May 11, 1897, Image 3

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Mtinyon's Hhcumiititn Cure In guaranteed
to euro acute or muscular rheumatism in
from ono to five days. Sharp shooting pains
In auy part of the body stopped by a few
doses. A prompt, cornplcto and permanent
cure for lameness, soreness, atilT back and at)
pains In htpa and loins. Chronic rheumatism,
sciatica, lmntMgo or pain in the back are
speedily cured. It seldom falls to give relief
from one or two doses, and almost fit variably
cures 1eforo one bottle has been used.
I'fice 88c.
Improved Homocopnthic Homo Remedy
Compuny put up a separate cure fur each
disease. At all druggists, mostly Sfl cent.
Oliidc to Health free.
Personal letters to Trof. Mmiyoii, 1IWS Arch
streel, i'Mladelphia, l'a., answered with free
medlcil d ! e for iinv disease.
Cures general or special debility, wakeful
ness, spcrmatcrhoca. emissions, Impotincy,
paresis, etc. Corrects functional disorders,
caused by errors or excesses, quickly rettorloz
Lost Manhood In old or young, giving vigor ana
strength where former weakness prevailed; Con
venient package, simple, effectual, and legitimate.
Cure la Quick, adThorouqh.
Tin t be 'dteiived BV itHllAtlans! Insist On
CATON'S Vltnlliers. Sent sealed il your drug,
gist doe not have It. Price I 1 per pVge, 6 lor 13,
'with written guarantee of complete cure.
Information, references, etc., free and confidential.
Send us statement of case and 25 cts. for a week's
trial treatment Ono only sent to each person, r
For sole at P. P. I). Klrlln's drug store and
8henaudoali druir store.
Relieve aiid Cure
Head Troubles
Stomach Disorders
System Irregularities
'J fonmilits
of noted
"For every ill, a special pill."
If not at Drug Stores, write
Bronx Chemical Co.,Yonkers,K.Y.
Ilenlth Hook Mailed Freo.
For Horses, Cattle, Sheep, Bogs, Hogs,
500 Pago Boole on .Treatment of Animals
and Chart bent l'rcc.
cures ( l?pYcrs,Con&:ost Ions, Tnflnmmatlon
A.A.i Siilnul iUvninEltis, Milk l'ovcr.
.It.htrntns LamcncHn, Uhcnniutlsm.
CO.Dlsteinper, Nnsal Discharges,
J.I.--lIol9 or (irubs, Worms.
!.K.CanaliB, Heaves, Piiruinonla.
IM'.Cnlio or Urlpcs. llcllyaclio,
13.1;, niUcarrlnse, Hemorrhages.
11. II. --Urinary unit Kidney Diseases.
I.I.l?riiptlvo Dlflertncn, Mango.
J.Ii. --Diseases of Digestion. Paralysis,
Single Bottle (over GO doses), - - ,00
Stable Case, with Specifics, MatradL
Veterinary Cure Oil and Mcoicator, $7.00
Jnr Veterinary Curo (111, - . - 1,00
Sold b7DmKffW.j or nfnt prepaid aojrwhcre and la any
nuitltj .a rfc.lpt of prlw.
IIClirnnEIS' HEP, CO., Ill HSirimamSt., NmTort.
In usb 30 years. Tba only successful remedy lor
Nervous Debility, Vital Weakness,
and Prostration, from over-work or other causes.
91 per vial, or ft rials and large Tial powder, for $5.
Sold by Prnjf iiu, or uva poatpildon receipt of price.
mmFllimS' BID. CO., 1 I I A 1 1 WlllUm St., New York.
For sale at I'ovlnqky's drug: store. 23 Bus
Centre street
Those who once!
buy SEliLIU'iJ
keep corning duck
for it. This ad
mixture makes
the flavor of cof
fee delicious.
All Grocers.
best by
adding a lit
tle of Seelig's
to ordinary
:offee. 2C. a packge
The first cf American Newsjm-
lers, CUAltZES A. DANA,Iditor.
The American Constitution, the
American Idea, the American Spirit.
These first, last and all the time,
Daily, by mail, - $6 a year
Daily & Sunday, by mail, $8 a year
The Sunday Sun
1 s the greatest Sunday Newspaper in
the -world
Price 5c. a copy. By mall, $2 a year
Address THE BUN, New York.
millions of Dollars
do up In smoke every year. Take nc
risks but get your houses, stock, fur
niture, etc., insured in flrst-clase re
llablo companies as represented by
Also Life and Aoaldental Companl est
Tho Rosy Froshnoss
And a velvety softness of the skin Is Inva
riably obtained by thore who use 1'ozzoNi'a
OoinplextoD Powder.
Celebrated remain
l'owders novor fall.
life fcnd .ui i .flr ftlllM
' with Tn.7 rid rennyrojtl rill, ud otkq Ukf
nuwdia). Alwj. bur Uu bwl .ol Tela diatp-
A Sohomo Boing Urged For an In
ternational Postal Tolograplii
MlnlMor Front Tlint Country Mnkos
I'oiimil Aniiouneuiiiont Now Doubt
ful Whether China Will Kntor-Tho
Ornniro lfroo Stuto litis Not Itoportotl.
Waihlngton, May 11. Thore Wtjre two
significant features of yesterday's de
velopments of the universal postal con
gress. The first was the positive an
nouncement from the Korean minister
here, Mr. Chin Pom Ye, that the little
kingdom would join the union, ana the
second a decision that waB reached
after a long discussion to reduce rates
of international postal orders on a
sliding scale basis after reaching a
certain amount. This matter does not
affect the United States. The action
will not affect postal orders for less
than 100 francs, or 20. but will cheapen
the cost o all Issued for more than
that sum.
A scheme Is being urged, and may
be submitted at this congress for re
port at the next, providing for Inter
national telegraphic Service at the
postofTlDcs of some of the leading cities
of the various oountries. This already'
Is In operation at some places abroad,
but Its advocates want its operation
made general.
The Korean minister's announcement
puts an end to doubt that has been ex
pressed as to Korea's Intention of en
tering, the minister stating explicitly
that his country would Join. Ex-Governor
Hoyr, counsel for Korea, is at
tending the meetings and advising tho
Korean delegation, and added today
that of course that country would re
serve the right to refuse adhesion un
less the proceedings of the congress are
entirely satisfactory.
Despite positive announcements from
Pekln some months ago, there is some
doubt now as to China's Joining the
union, though Its delegates are in at
tendance, but without a vote. Orange
Free State, also, has not been heard
from. The delegations from Bulgaria
and Itoumanla made a proposition for
the adoption of the franc basis for all
postal orders, and many of the Latin
countries supported this, France,
Greece, Belgium, Italy and Spain were
among them.
England and Germany and other
countries opposed this at some length,
and finally France announced that that
country would not Insist upon tho prop
osition, as it recognized It might be in
convenient, - though recognizing the
compliment to its monetary system. It
was the general sentiment that the
present scheme, the basis of payment
being In each case that of the stand
ard of the Issuing country, should be
Tliirtv vears Is a lone time to fielit So
nalniui a trouble as piles, nut jacou Mitcncu,
of Unionville. Pa., struggled that long be
fore he tried DoWitt's Witch Hazel Salve,
which quickly and permanently cured him.
It is equally effective in eczema and all skin
aucctions. u. u. iiagcnnucn.
Was I.aVfsIi in l'romlnos.
New York, May 11. The ofllces of
AV. E. Forrest, who conducted an al
leged "discretionary pool" concern,
were closed for business yesterday, and
their owner Is nowhere to be rounu.
Forrest, who Is described as a physi
cian, has not been visible, so his clients
claim, since Friday last, and some of
them are much worried thereat. A cir
cular which the concern Is said to have
sent out broadcast a few weeks ago
gives an insight into their way of do
ing business. It declared, among other
things, that "cash dividends of more
than 150 per cent had been paid clients
during the past nine months."
A Household Necessity.
Cascarcts Candy Cathartic, the most won
derful medical discovery of the age, pleasant
and refreshing to tho taste, act gently and
positively on kidneys, liver and bowels,
cloausing the entire system, dispel colds, cure
headache, fever, habitual constipation and
blliousuoss, Please buy and try a box of
C. C. C. to-day j 10, 25, 50 cents. Sold and
guaranteed to cure by all druggists.
lioform InVrtHOii Hulinont.
Lan.-ing, Kan., May 11. The board of
direct i s of the" state penitentiary
have announced to the convicts that
the regulation striped uniforms will
be discarded beginning July 4. The new
garb of the convicts Is to be of gray
material, with black stripes along the
seam of the trousers and around the
coat sleeves. The old striped uniforms
will be worn only In the coal mine and
by offenders against prison discipline.
I had severe attacks of gravel and kidney
trouble; nnd unable to get a medicine or
doctor to curo mo until I used Hop Bitters,
and they cured mo in a short time. A
Distinguished Lawyeb op Waynk Co...
N. Y.
Coloeless and Cold. A young girl
deeply regretted that she was so colorless and
and cold. Her fuco was too white, and her
hands and feet folt as though the blood did
not circulate. After ono bottle of Hop
Bitters had been taken alio was tho rosiest
and healthiest girl in the town, with a
vivacity and cheerfulness of mind gratifying
other frionds.
Coming Kveitts.
May 30. Ice cream and strawberry festival
in Bobbins' opora house, under tho auspices
of the societies of Trinity Eeformed church
May 18 Entertainment by tho Sunday
school of tho Welsh Congregational church,
of South West street.
June 8. Qrand concert by tho P. M. chnroh
choir, In Bobbins' opera house.
June 12, Ico oream festival under tbo
auspice? of the Famous Base Ball Club, In
Bobbins opera house.
The Grandest Remedy.
Mr. It. B. Greeve. merchant, of Chilhowle.
V,i., certifies that he had consumption, was
given up to die, soughtall medical treatment
that money couiu procure, mtxi an oougu
remndles be could near of. but got no relief:
spent many nights Bitting up iu a chair; was
induced to try Dr. King's New Discovery,
and was cured by use of two bottles. For
nat tliie vears lias been attending to bus!
ness, aud says Dr. King's New Discovery is
the grandest remedy ever made, as it has
done so much for him and also for others In
lila nnmniunltv. Dr. Kiuc's New Discovery
is guaranteed for Coughs, Colds and Con
sumption. Itdou't fall. Trial bottles free
at A. Wasley's drug store.
UrgiiiK l'nrdon For a Wealthy ltrokor.
Washington, May 11. A petition has
been circulated Among senators asking
for the pardon of B. It. Chapman, the
recalcitrant witness In the sugar trust
investigation. It has been signed by
quite a number of senators. Senators
Lodge and Allen, of the committee
which made the Investigation, have not
signed the petition.
When a cold is contracted, oure it at onoo.
One Minute Cough Cure will set you on the
road to recovery in a minute. It will cure
pneumonia, bronohitis, croup and all forms
nt lung and throat troubles. C II. Ilagon-
ritoruui.v diomstiiii.
Food strength is natural strength. It 1
new strength ; c reft ted streugtli. That la,
It Is not stimulation.
The real strength of your body Is your
constitutional strength, yourrosotvestrenith.
It Is tho result of eating proper food and
digesting it.
Bating food doe no good at all ; rather
harm unless It Is digested. So that every
thing narrows Itself down to one proposition:
How Is your digestion ?
One person In three of us have indigestion
In soma form or another. It is not really a
disease, hut a condition, a condition whloh
may boctmie serious.
We all wish to be strong, and we might all
become so If wo digested our food. The loss
of your strength is a serious matter. It may
be tbo beginning of a dangerous disease. It
may mean that you cannot go en with your
Shaker Dlgestlvo Cordial is an aid to
digestion. It is a strength maker. It makes
your food nourish you. It makes you strong.
It relievos at onco all tho symptoms of acute
dyspepsia, tones up the system and creates
flesh, ouorgy and strength. Taken regularly
it will permanently cure indigestion and
mako tho weak, thin, irritable, nervous
dyspeptic, Btrong, fat, hearty and well again.
A 10 cent bottle will show you what It
will do.
Sold by druggists at 10, 85, 50 cents and
$1.00 a bottle.
Lager and
Pilsner Beers,
Purest and
Chris. Schmidt, Agt,
West Coal Street.
Wanted an Idea
TVho can thick
of tome simple
tblnst to patent?
ir ldai titer may bi
idea i tbrr mar brine tou wealth.
WaDDRKBUriN & CO., Patent Attor.
ngtou, D, O., for their $1,800 prlzo oftef
,rro hundred in rent ions wanted.
Office : 80 West Centre stieet.
Can bo consulted at-ell hours.
Office Ecran bulMlmr. corner of Main
Centre streets. Shenandoah.
Shenandoah, Fa.
Corner Market and Centre streets.
Lock Cox 65, Mahanoy City, Pa.
Ha vine- studied under some of the best
masters lp London and Paris, will glvo lensons
on the violin. mandolin, srultar and vocal culture.
Terms reasonable. Address in care of Strouse,
in jewaler. vnenandoan.
Agent for
Shenandoah and Vicinity
Beer and Porter
Barbey's Bohemian Beer.
Wanted-An Idea
Who c&n think
of some almDla
thins to ptentt
Protect your Ideut ther may bring you wealth.
Wrlto JOHN WEDDEKUUkN A CO.. Patent Attor-
ner. W&kbtnstqn, D. cl, for their iLtiuO prlu offec
,u iui 01 two umoreu mveiratms woateu.
. E&KU Ac. F0R'tWOMAU S &AFt
Viv-ox Specific Co,Phila,P
t Fovinsky's drug storo, 28 la
Ventre street.
to its uaiurai ooior oy
ltluimttd TmtUs on lUir ouippllcitloDintt
I'or sale by Shenandoah Drug Store, Klrlln
Drug Store.
No Sursleal operation, Ho Pain, Trifling
Expense A Simple, Harmless Remedy,
but it Does the Work.
There are some people who have piles as
frequently and regularly as other people have
Any little bowel trouble will brine them
on, any extra exertion, as In lifting, will
produce them, and In fact will often appear
without any apparent provocation. Piles,
however, are mncli more serious than a cold,
as the tendency is always to grow worse
nntll tho trouble becomes deep sealed nnd
ohronlc, or devolopes into some fatal rectal
Willie there are many pile remedies which
give relief, yet there Is but one which not
only gives instant relief but at the same time
makes a permanent euro, and that is tho well
known Pyramid Pile Curs.
This remedy is composed of simple, lrfirin
less, vegetable Ingredients, but combined so
effectively and act so promptly and thor
oughly that it cures every form of piles
whether itohlug, blind, bleeding or protrud
ing. In long standing cases the Pyramid Pile
Cure has proven to be the only certain cure
excopt a "surgical operation, and its advan
tages over an operation are many, as It is
painless, causes no delay, or Interference
with dally occupation and last but not least,
It is cheaper thaa any surgical operation
could possibly bo, costing but a dollar a
package at any drug store.
Tho cases that tho.PyramId Pile Cure will
not reach are so few that physicians are doing
away with operations for piles and depending
on this cheap but eflectivo remedy to accom
plish a complete euro, and it never disap
points except in cases beyond tho reaoh of
medical skill.
The Pyramid Pilo Curo ii prepared by the
Pyramid Drug Co., of Albion, Mioh., and for
salo by druggists everywhere at 50 cents per
package Bach pack ago contains a treatise
on causo and curo of piles, togothor with
testimonials from every section of this
THEEL 6M M. Siilh CL
Melf-nbiitMr, MiteII lilM'uKf, Var
icocele. Strict tir n. Nt Cut tin,?.
Htuiilt Vnlvelop'i Oriina .V I.ft
$s$r8xxr.?,i BLUDD POISCH
In till cn. Si-ml i v J'nuk Truth,'
rinly trie mi Weal l ok 1 pohlnK (Juncl a
tuuv Jiuiiiuiea,tiiL'irilltiK8tkSCUCint,4.
Cheapest, Because tho Best &
Send for that little book. "Infant
Health:" irreat value to mothers. Sent I
freo. J
HI V Pnnrfonorrt Mill On H
Hadson'street, HewTork
ory,ImpotncytHleenlOHsnef,eto , ranted
by AUuss and other KscesHes and Indls
rrailnna. Tlifti nuicklu and aurvlu
5T restore Loet Vitality in old or roans, nnd
tit man ror nimiy. Dimness or rum rt nge.
I'revent Insanity and Consumption if
taken! n time. Their n& shows immediate lmproyo-
're vent
tnnt and effects a CUltE whero all crbera lal
sirtnpoa hRvfna the genuine Alas Tablets. They
lMnniil HinniinJs nnii tu 111 ii:m Tnn Un clvn n.
positive written enaranteo to effect a cure In each case
or refund the money, l'rico 60 cent per nackiiRO, or
six packages full treatment for &.&0. By mnll.ln
plain wrapper, npon receipt of price Circular free.
Forenloln Sliennmloah. Pa., by A. Wasley
and 3. 1 Klrlln, Druggists.
Trains leave Shenandoah as follows i
For New York via Philadelphia, week dayi
210, 5 23, 710 a. ra., 12 83, 3 03 nndSSS p.
Sundays, 2 10 a. m.
For New York via Mauch Chunk, week day
5 25, 7 10 a. m., 12 33 and 8 03 p. m.
For Keadlnfr and Philadelphia, week davf
2 10, 5 23, 7 10 a.m., 12 33, 8 03 and 5 58 p. m. Bun
uays, z iv n. in,
For I'ottavillo, week days, 2 10; 7 10 a. m., nut
i S3, 8 03 and 5 53 p. in. Sundays. 2 10 a. in.
For Tamaqua and Mahanoy City, week doy
2 10, 5 25, 7 10 a. m., 12 33, 3 03 and S 58 p. IU
ounuayB, j iu . in.
For WlUIanisport, Sunbury and Lewlsburj
week days, 3 23, 11 80 a. m., and 7 25 p. in
Sundays, 3 25 a. m.
For Mahauo) flane, weekdays, 2 10. 8 25, 5 25,
7 10, 11 30 a. in., .2 33, 3 03, B 58, 7 25 and 9 5t
p. iu. Sundays, 2 10, 8 25 a. m.
For Ashland and bhamokln, week days, B 26
710, 1130 a. m., 725 and 9 55 p. m. Bun
days, 8 25 a. m.
For Baltimore. Washington and tho West vli
R. &0. 11. K., through trains lea'M lteadln.
Terminal, Philadelphia, (P. & U. 1 li.) at 8 20
7 55, 11 25 a. m., 3 10 and 7.27 p. l Suudays
8 20, 7 00, 11 28 a. ra., 8 46 and 7 27 p. m. Add'
tlonal trains from Twcnty.fourth nnd Client
nut streets station, week days, 10 80 a. in. li 2C
12 IS 8 40 p.m. Sundays, 1 85, 8 23 p. m.
Leave New York via Philadelphia, weel
days, 4 SO, 8 00 a. m., 1 80, 4 30, 9 00 p. m.
nlglii. Sundays, 6 00 p. m.
Leave New York via Mauch Chunk, weol
days, 4 30, 9 10 a. m.. 1 BO and 4 15 p. m.
Leave Philadelphia, Reading Terminal, woek
days, 4 20, 8 85, 10 03 a. m. and 4 05, 6 80, lift
p. m. Sundays, 1130 p.m.
Leave Reading, week days, 1 85, 7 10, 10 OS
11 55 a. m., A 00 and 8 20 p. m. Sundays, 1 85 a. ia
Leave Pottsville, weekdays. 2 35, 7 40 a. m.
12 SO and 0 12 p. m. Sundays, 2 85 a. m.
Leava Tamaqua, week dayn, 8 18, 8 50, 11 28 i
m., 1 27, 7 20 and 9 43 p. in. Sundays, 3 18 a. ia
Leave Mahanoy City, week days, 8 45, i 21
11 47 a. m., 2 03, 7 41 and 10 03 p. in. Sundays, 8 it
a. m.
I.eave Mahanoy Piano, week days, 2 40. 4 00
830,987. 1159a. m., 1 12,2 19,5 20,6 20, 767pm
ntiuuuys, 4V, wa. ill.
ijeavo wuuamspori, weeK days, 7 42, 1010
m., 8 85 and 11 41 p. in. Sundays, 11 15 p. m.
Leave Phlladelnhla Chestnut street warf anr
South street wliatf far Atlontlo Citv.
Weekdays Express, 9 00 a. m., 2 00, (Satur-
unBunif, a wj. ww p. iu. AVWIUluuulf
tion, B uu a. m., o u, n uu p. m.
Sundays Express, 900, 1000 a. m. Accom
modation. 8 00 a, m.. 4 45 n. m.
Returning leave Atlantic City depot, cornel
Atlantic and Arkansas nvenuee.
Weekdays Mxpress, 7 35, 9 00 a. m., 3 80, 5 80
p. 111. AOOommwuHon, ea, a 10 a. m., 4 1U p. m.
Sundays Express, 4 00, 5 30, 8 00 p. in. Acooin
mouaiion, v to a. in., 4 10 p. in.
I'arior irs on ail express trams
Teams to Hire.
If you want to hire a safe and reliable
team for driving or for working purposes
rtav Shields' livery stable a visit. Tiaams
constantly on hand at reasonable rates
Ko. 410 Bust Centre street.
Opposite Reading railroad station.
Op 1'ost Oahbojv.
Subject to Itepubllean rules.
pOJt SlIKItll'F,
Op OuwiasBVBa.
Subject to Itepubllean rules.
Anotlior Commission About to Visit
tho Pribiloff Islands.
It Boos Not Admit Thtit tlioBenl Herds
Aro In Dantrof of Aiuilhllntloii, but
Doolni esTlmt tho Situation Deiumids
I'rmleut MiuiiiRemeut.
Waihlngrton, May 11. Mr. C. S. Ham
lin, former aslatant secretary of the
treasury, and now employed by the
government as assistant counsel In the
pending negotiations with arsat Brit
ain relative to the seal fisheries, has
returned from California, where he
went to confer with President Jordan,
of the Leland Stanford university.
President Jordan spent a part of last
season on the seal Islands, as com
missioner In charge of the seal lnves-
tlgatlons, and Mr. Hamlin's mission
was to secure, if possible, the accept
ance by President Jordan of a similar
commission for the coming season.
Mr. Jordan has agreed to undertake i
the work, and in company with Pro- I
feasor Stejneger and Lucas, of the
United States national museum, the
other memoers of the commission, Mr.
Joseph Murray of Colorado and Mr.
Morton of Indiana, special agents of
the treasury department, will sail for
tile Prlbilolt Islands about June 1. The
Instructions to the commissioners are
now in preparation, and will be com
pleted In a few days. It is said that
they will not differ In any Important
particular from those furnished the
commission one year ago. The prac
tice of branding the female pups, be
gun last year, will be contlrfued.
The report of the British commission,
which prosecuted Its investigation on
the Islands In conjunction with the
United States commission, has reached
the department of state, and although
our officials decline to discuss It, there
is no doubt they were somewhat Bur
prised at the conclusions reached. It
had been confidently assured that the
commission could not avoid the frank
statement that under existing condi
tions the seal herds were In Imminent
danger of annihilation, but It does not
do so. The report, however, is not en
tirely disappointing, as Mr. Thompson
admits that the situation demands pru
dent management to prevent a deple
tion of the herds.
Mr. Thompson. In concluding his re
port to the British authorities, says:
"The olarming statements to which
utterance has been Riven in recent
years, the accounts of the herds' Im
mense decrease and the prophecies of
Its approaching extinction are over
drawn and untenable. But It Is my
duty to state that there is still abun
dant need for care and for prudent
measures of conservation In the In
terests of all. A birthrate which we
estimate at 143,000 per -annum Is not
great in comparison with the drain
upon the stock. From one cause or
another a loss of over 20,000 Is ex
perienced among the pups ere they
emigrate to sea, and though the dan
gers they there encounter are un
known to us we may take it for certain
that the risks they run are great and
the loss they endure considerable.
"When to the measured loss In In
fancy and to the unmeasured loss In
youth and age we add the toll taken
on the islands nnd tho toll taken In
the sea It is not difficult to 'believe
that the margin of safety Is a narrow
one, if it be not already In some meas
ure overstepped. We hope for a per
petuation of the present numbers; we"
cannot count upon an Increase. And It
Is my earnest hope that a recognition
of mutual Interests and a regard for
the' common advantage may suggest
measures of prudence which shall keep
the pursuit and slaughter of the animal
within due and definite bounds."
Uucklen's Arnica Salve.
Tho host salve in tho world for cuts,
hruisos, soros, ulcers, salt rheum, fovor sores.
tetter, cnappca nanus, cminiains, corns, ana
all skin eruptions, and positively cures piles,
or jo pay required. It is guaranteed to glvo
rorfect satisfaction or mony refunded. Price
25 cents per box. For sale by A. Wasloy.
AVnllcd Up Allvo an "Slnrtyrs."
London, Jlay 11. According to a dis
patch to The Daily News from St.
Petersburg a terrible crime, the result
of superstition, haB been committed at
Tlrespol, In the government of Kherson,
where are a number of hermitages in
habited by sectarians. Recently 17 of
the hermtts disappeared, and It was be
lieved' that they had emigrated In fear
of the impending day of Judgment. But
a hermit named Kowalind has con
fessed that he walled them up alive In
response to their earnest entreaties that
they might receive the martyr's crown.
The police examined the spot and veri
fied the confession.
Something to Know.
It may be worth' somethinc to know that
tho very best medicine for restoring the tired
out nervous system to a healthy vigor is
Electric Hitters. Thir modiclno Is purely
vegetable, acts by civins tone to the nervo
centres in tho stomach, gently stimulates the
liiyor ana iviuneys, ana atu these organs in
throwing oft' impurities in tho blood. Klee
trio Bitters improves tho appetite, aids diges
tion, and is pronounced by those who havo
tried it as tlie very host blood purifier aud
nerve tonic. Try it. Sold for 50o or $1.00
per bottle at A. Wasley's drug store.
Atlantic City Its Pleasures nnd Hotels.
We have received from the General Pas
senger Department of the Philadelphia and
Iteading Iluilway a neatly arranged booklet
descriptive of Atlautlo City, coutaiuing a
complete list of hotels, their location, rates.
etc, and showing several illustrations of
seaside scenes, and also telling some of the
manifold advantages which make The
Itoyal Iteading Itout' the favorite line of
travel to the sea.
Copies can be obtained by sending a two
cent stamp to Mr. Edton J. Weeks, General
Passenger Agent, Beading Terminal, rhiuv
Whv suffer with Ooushs. Gelds and Ijl
Grippe when Laxative llrotuo Quinine will
cure you in one day. Put un in tablets eon
venient lor taking. Guaranteed to cute, or
money refunded. Price, Sfi oents. vor sale
by Klrlln's Pharmacy.
Aomiseil Hunkers Arretted.
West Superior, Wis., May 11. Homer
and Walter Fowler, ex-president and
vice president of the Northwestern Na
tlunal bank, were arrested yesterday
afternoon on a bench warrant as the
result of a federal grand Jury Invest!
gatlon. The charges against the Fow
lers Is misapplication of funds by ov
loaning to the Russell A Miller Milling
There Is a Class of People
Who are injured by the use of cotl'ee
Recently there lias been placed in all the
grocery stores a new preparation called
GHAIN-O, made of pure grains, that takes
the place of coffee. The most delicate
stomach receives it without distress, and but
few can tell it from coffee. It does not cost
over as niucli. Children may driuk it with
great benefit. IS eta. and 25 eta. per package.
Try it. Ask for OltAIN-O.
Ths Precarious Condition of
Ai Ha NyOa
ft Prominent Iowa Edusafor's Painful Experlanca as Rs
lafed by Him jo a newspaper Man.
Prom the Oafttr, Cedar TYilU, Taunt,
Tlio la grippe, that dread disease that lind
snoh a run throughout this country three ami
foM years since, left many wlio woro pro
viousfy in robust health with shattered (r
stltutlons and seemingly confirmed invin
l'rof. A. II. Nye, llvl-.ior at Ko. 23o0Olh?
Street, Cedar Falls, Iowa, was among tho
numlier left by the disease In a prpcnrioui
condition, Ills nervous system shattered, 'and
with a cenornl debility of his entire system :
Btrenarth. f t mid Jimhs badly swollen, in
fact, ho was almost helpless, l'rof. Nc u n
nauvo or mew xotK mate, iiavin!?como -w
in 1886 a healthy, robust man. Ho is asrli,.l
teacher by profession, having served ai coun
ty superintendent of schools of this (Dlai-k
Iliiwk) oonnty. several terms, and lie has
the respect of all with whom he comes i:i con
tact. Itis helpless condition called forih
the sympathy of the on tire communitv. Ho
tried tho best medical skill procnroMef rn 1
spent most of his ready means in tho -v:un
endeavor to recover his health, and had
about given up completely discouraged. He
hail stopped taking treatment, lofng fully
convinced in his own mind that there was
no help for him, and that ho would have to
spend tho balance of his days as an invalid,
a burden to family and friends. Home one
who had heard of Dr. AVilliams" Pink Pills,
spoke to 1dm about them and urged his giv
ing them a trial. His poor success with
eminent physicians made him skeptical and
he had no faith ia what was called pronrio-
Summer Heat Wears You Out.
For over 25 yearn it han been curing thousands of cases of
Biliousness, indigestion, Malaria, Nervous Prostration,
Kidney Troubles, &c. If Purifies the Blood, gives you
an Appetite, and Helps yeu Digest what you Eat.
Take it now and get yonr system in shape to stand the cold leather.
Sold by p. p. D. KIRLIN, Shenandoah, Pa.
it :iiii,i;:i:iiiiii:iiii!i!iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiuiiiiiiiiii:ii!::iH:.i::n.ii;(!:;:ii:.,iii:
Sometimes needs a reliable,
the purest drugs
They ore prompt, safe and certain in result. The neirji ' lr. 1V1 never dUsap,
oolnt. Boat any whtre. Sl.00. Aiixw J?ltAI. iUiHOia. Lu , I, O.
For Sale by P. P. D. KIRLIN, Shena -.JoVj, ra,
M ISJSI'I ' Hill
2S 50 EWm&5& DRUGGISTS j
SRIflT.TITPT V finiftiNTPRn ' ,re any fare of tonitlpatlon. Cairarets aretlieldml Ijixn.f
HDOUbUlCiljI UUHUHIUIjCiU tI(,, nl,I(,r or j-ripc.liut fauna eitj natiirnlri'sults. bara-I
pie and booklet free. Ad. KTTUMNfl KKWKHV o.. Chlrara, Montreal. (' in., urNrn York. an.
The regular subscription price of
Demorest's Magazine,
Judge's Library." and
"Funny Pictures1' is 3-30
of our monthlies in wbUih the beautiful
uferoture re uu tuny presenter a in iiainoreas's. 1 acre is, in raos, no puDiiesion pre
tending to a similar scope aud purpose which can obm pare with 11 Every number oon-
n. frAM i iu 1 1 r 1 1 niMi.inn
'JUDGES LIBRARY' ia a inotitlily magaalne of fun, nlletl with Illustrations In carloature
ana rapiete witu wit and nuoior. its oontributora are tba beat of American witt ana
FUNNY PICTURES' Is another humorous monthly j there is a laugh In every lino of it
All three of these naagaaiuas are liaudsoiuely gotten up. You atwiud not atlas this chanoe
to secure them.
Cut here aud return
Dcmorc&t Pu(D)isKir3 Co.,
For the enelosatl plaaae sand
(a magaalua of fun), and Funny Floturee
JfB ma
Mry medicine, and would not listen to this
ndi ico for some days. Tho friend hf inn per
HMcnt, however, and having faith in tho
I'inlv I'illi, would not let up. until he had
fin-illy prevailed upon the BufTcrer to send
fur a box, whieh lie M-luetuntly did, and after
receiving thm decided to give them a fjir
trial. The first hot relieved him in a pur
prising manner; yet ho was ii"t convinced
that it was tho medicine thai helped him,
hut the weather which had turned pleasant,
and did not send for a further supply until
l.e was arJn about m had oh before tnkintj
the pills. Then he concluded he would mnko
another trial, and took three boxes, and to.
dy is nearly if not quite as well as lie fori
the attack of la grippe. It U needleiR to
rt.ito ho cannot say too mm li for Dr. Wil
liann' Pink Pills for Palo People,, for people
ho liac been left iu poor health fimi la
PTippe or any other cause. Any one wishing
toilet tho validity of thiq letter can wnio
Mr. Nye, No. 2.')O0 Olive Street, Cedar Falls
Iowa, and he will cheerfully reoommend tho
medicine, and stato his condition before aud
after usinir.
I)r. Williams Pink Pills contain oil tho
elements necessary to give new life and rii li
nens to the blood and reitore shattered nerve.
They ore sold in boxes (never in loose form,
by the doen or hundred) at 60 cent n hot, or
six boxes for $2 .CO, and may be hod of all druir-
fists or directly by mail from Dr. AVilliams
Icdicine Company, Schenectady, N. V. .
nro yjrogiwsive ntul keep inforitip'l f S
tho World's Progress. Tho p ir- H
formed nnd thrifty Houso-wifo v.iil
always keep r;
In the house, as a standard renu'dy fr
Siirains, Bruises, Cramps, IUiouiuhUmu, s
and all aches and pains. zr.
Price 25 cts. and 60 cts. per bottle.
Prepared by II. J. HACKETT & CO., Phll.idel,iMa.
monthly, regulation medicine. nnly harmless &&4
should be used. It you wont the bwt, get
I Mil llll I S P All
We will mi all three to you for
one year for $2.00, or 6 mo. for SI.
the best family magazine published; there Is none
and the luerul, pleasure and profit, fashion and
Coupon properly filled out.
110 Tiftk Avruc, Nfw Yo-k.
Demorest's Fatally Maspa4iie, Judge's Library
far one jvu as par yonr oar, .
l'o( - oflo t