TBNNEY S Peanut Brittle is the finest peanut candy made. 10 cents per box. Try one. You'll want another, too pound of chocolate drorw this week at 25c per lb. aooks & brown 4- North Mln St. The Store- That's Always Busy Because shrewd dollar savers take advantage oi our tempt ing offers. Look at out in ducements for the present : IieauMnl f 2 PA Jlahy Carriage $),jJ Upwards. Handsome Iron BiMlKtemlB Mini Upwards. Refrigerator With Spigots and Upwards. M.Spoont, 1 IS Bait Centre St. Salvador. "Salvador," says n citizen of thnt coun try, quoUtl in the Wnsl.iHgtoi) 1'ost, "Is olio of the richest countries lu the world nod one of the must densely populated. Tl.ore are no iiooj.lf of great fortune like the VandrrMKa Mill Astors there, hut a grout many who havo loi b estates thnt ylold handsome incnnicsi. Coffee Is, of oourw, the big Industry, and tho crop Is worth 11 1) filially alnnit $7,1)00,000 In gold. There In also n large nimmnt of Indigo ex ported. Almost tho entire country Is un der cultivation. Thiutnuiml croji of exiles la usually hoary Ico. IJ10 only ilrnwlmck to life In Salvador In life constant dread of tho ravage) of yellow fever. " An Acquired Taste. She I didn't like your niustnolio at first, but I don't mind It now." Hi Yob, 11 musliichu leu thing that m to grow on one. Twinkle. - New Undertaker. T.. Jr-f mkley has opened an undertaking Mdishment in town with his olhre located Coakley's, 3S North Main street. Night calls at tho Ferguson House. HOOD'S TILIiS cure Tjlvcr Ills, nillousness, Indigestion, Headache. X uleaH'nt laxative. All Druggists. Spri Dress Goods. Twenty-five pieces of Im ported Novelty Dress Goods for 25c. per yard. These styles are new and are shown exclusively by us. See our window dis play of these and also the splendid stock of LADIES' SHIRT WAISTS. Prices run from 25c. to $1.50 for Laundered Waists. Don't wait till choice styles are gone but come now and pick from our great assortment of stylish waists. CHANGES IN THE TARIFF Will advance many lines of goods. We have made large purchases and can continue to sell fine dress goods and silks at special bargain prices. During January, Feb ruary and March Over a thousand of the famous McCall Bazar Paper Patterns were sold by us for 10 or 15c; why pay more ? L. J.WILKINSON MAIN STREET. LLOYD STREET. O'HARA'S LIVERY ! BOARDING AND SALES STABLES. Undertaking in - - - - all its Branches. Open Day and Night. Cor. White. Mansion and Lloyd ( House Streets I Stables, Shenandoah. J MAHANOY CITY. ..OIL CLOTHS IN TOWN. E. B. FOLEY, -No. 17 II' Centre Street- M DKHIGN8 OK cvJ m PITHY POINTS. llHlt!ltift ThmuKliniit tile Country Chroitlolp.1 lor Hasty lttnif.nl. Tb Albright raillery, at Ltencllyn, Is being mildly developed. Thore are eighty patients at the Miners' hospital less than for some liuie past. Harry VVeseott was killed ml Scran ton hy an electric itiock from a dynamo he was oiling. Jenkyn Powell, a Itasleton stock broker, contemplates establishing a broker's office at Mahanoy City. A marriage license lilt been Issued to George V. SeJiod and Ma me Graham, Voth of Mahanoy City. The commission of John J. Stapteton, as Justice of the Peace in Me.Uioo, was received by Recorder Jenkyn. A dog lieloitglngtoRev. Abromaitls jumped through one of the windows at the Lithuan ian parsonage this morning. Frank Baum and Stephen Goto were acquitted at Sunhury of murdering Tuefel Onrskte, at Mt. Carta!, In January. The trustee of the Miners' hospital have not yet appointed a dispensary surgeon to succeed Dr. W. It. Bnclier, resigned. The new county hospital will lie fitted out in modern style with all the Improvements tending to comfort the siek and maiticd. tiemar l'rltehadl, of I'ottsville, and James IV Kelly, of St Clair, will on the B8U1 lust, shoot irl It live hints each for fftfl a aide. Kvu Mitchell, the I'ottsville girl fonnd guilty of concealing the death of her child, was sentenced to two years' Imprisonment. Herman Bribe, of 'Pnuiq;i:i, has the con tract to hnlld the fonnrtalion lor seven steel bridges on the llemdon llranch of the P. A R road. The stale authorities are after Shaniokin merchants for violating the pure food laws, some of thriii selling oleomargarine far creamery, butter. The inntifrincii aim eondu tors of too Schuylkill Tiaetion Company have been supplied nith budges, slating their number and eniploymeiit The John Putt meiuoiial, erecteil ly the School 1) strict of I'ottsville, was placed in Position 011 Saturday, in the park rear of the Centre street school. A question as to the legality of Its acts fur the last 15 or UO years bavin been raised, llu-rlsljiiffc's School Heard will ask the Courts to decide (lie matter. It is expected that at least 2000 Odd Follows will visit Willlainnort when the Grand lvalue and Grand Encampment meet there, from May 17 to 21. The average small school hoy is swearing vengeance on the po'sons wlio aio responsible for tho celebration of Memorial D.ty on Satur day this year, instead of Monday. Neisucutor's next salo will bo composed of tno pairs of matched driviag teams, several extra line single drivers and the remainder of the lot will consist of dapple gray horses of all kinds. Tho semi annual convention of tho I'otts ville Conference of the Evangelical Lutheran Ministuritiui will open this evening in Ziou's liugiish Lutl.oran church, Tainatpia, and will clone on Wednesday . Miss 11. Frances Mcllcury, of Exchange, Montour county, lias just been admitted to pmctioe law in the several courts of Columbia county. Slio 5s the first woman lawyer in that section of the ctftmtty. Tho cost of milling coal is going tip away up. Elmer A. Lavifill, general superinten dent of Lehigh and Wilkosbarro Coal Com pany, says it costs alaiut $2.50 a ton to place a ton of coal mi tho car at tho breaker. Itobert Davis, of Wind Gap, whilo under tho influence of liquor flagged a passenger train on tho Lchiali and Lackawanna Itail road and then fell on tho track in front of the approaching locomotive. Ho was struck and had two orthreo ribs broken. Soerifl' .Scott held a salo on Saturday. The niot important transaction was tho salo of three hoi s n and lots in I'ottsville, property of Henry Uressang, deceased, in the hands of C. N. McGiuness, administrator, d. b. n. c. t. a , sold to N. S. I'arquhar for $8,750. The Junior class of the Mahanoy City High School have issued 800 iuvitatious for their annual picnic which takes placo at Lakeside on Thuri-day, June 3rd. This pic nic is always Inigely attended and marks the last term of school before cnteiing the gradu ating cinss. l'ElisoxL The gentleman who annoyed the congregation last Sunday hy continually coughing will find instant relief by using One Minute Cough Cure, n speedy and harm less remedy lor turout ana lung troubles. Ol'.iud Jury's Iteport, Tho Grand Jury submitted its report to court, as follows : We have acted upon 140 bills of indict ment presented to us forouroousidcratiun, of which number we havo returned 110 as true hills and 38 as not true, bills. We have placed tho costa in 10 cafcos ignored upon tho prose cutors, and in 7 eases upon the county ; of bills ignoied. two charged felonies over which we 1 1 ml no disposition of tho costs. "We have approved of the report of view ers recommending a county brhlgo over fata wissa Creek, in North Union township. Wo havu vihiu il the county almshouse, and our inspection has devoloyed the fact that every thing in connection with this humane Institu tion it in ns clean and healthy condition as tho si'rrnumMug circumstances will permit; no compl lints being heard from any one of the inmates. Wo have made an inspection of the new buildings lately constructed, and when l eeupitd will add greatly to the con venience of all concerned, as well as giving conifuit anil ease to the occupants. We find the institution to contain 403 inmates. Wo freely endorse all contained in previous reports of Grand Juries relative to fire escapos and particularly In connection with the main building. Wo would further re commend tho erection of a new slaughter house, hs the one now used is not a lit build ing tola.' on the surroundings. And would further recommend the erection of the new addition to tho Ius.me Department, which we understand has been passed upon, and now rests in the hands of the Commissioners. Wo further think thst if more trees were planted lu and about the surroundings, It would add greatly to the health and oomfoit of the inmates during the hut seasons, of which the cost would be of very small account, there being labor sufficient upon the gioundsand trees plentiful near at hand. ' We desire to acknowledge courtesies ex- I ti tided us hy tho steward, Gordon Iteecl and 1 h s estimable wife, whom we came in contact .tb. Ami wo desire to endorse the action of the jiant Grand Juries in the condemnation of 1 J xtici s of the Peace in making returns of Mu I: bills as are sent up by 'hem, and severely ci anise Justices Joseph Gieeu, of Mahanoy I township, and Nell T. llreuiian for sending to con 1 1 such cases as were presented through t! cm to that body for action, May 5th and 6 U, respectively. Croup aud whooping cough are childhood's t rrors; but like pneumouia, bronchitis, and other throat and lung troubles, can be quick ly en rid hy using One Minute Cough Cure. Sole of Keliool Ilonds. There are slill on sale at the Secretary's ollice sixteen 50O bonds and one $200 bond of the Shenandoah school district. These bonds bear Interest from the first day of April, 18OT, and will run thirty year. In terest, 1 per cent.; payable semi-annually. Parties wishing tbem will avail themselves of this opportunity at once, as after May 1st, 1M7, the School Hoard will diapnso of the remaining bonds to outside parties, if not taken up by town people on or before that date. Hy order of the Hoard, J. J. l'UCK, President. Attest ;-Fbnx IUhwa, Secretary. Ask your grocer for ue "lioyal Patent flour, and take no other brand. It Is the best flour made. PERSONAL MENTION. George Robinson and David C. Hughes are attending the sessions of the Grand Castle, Knights ol the Golden Ragle. T. T. Williams made a trip to I'ottsville this morning. Daniel Anspach spent to-day at the county seat. Alhert Elsenhnrt, of town, went to the fatawhwi valley to spend the day Ashing. Joseph Ilickert paid a visit to friends at the county sent to-day. Mr. and Mrs. George Iterbiueand daughter. May, of East Line street, vislttd Mrs. llcrblne's parent in Itingtown yesterday. Roliert Lawson spent yesterday as a guest of friends at Buck Horn, Columbia county. Jtrs. Emnnnet Delcamp. Jr., of North West street, gave birth to a daughter on 8atmday evening. Mine Sophii, Tilllennd Netta Woods, of East Coal (tree, were guests of the ftayhuck family at Ashland last evening, M. L. Keiser, II. II. Henderson, Charles Morse aud W. li. Wilson, tbc latter tfro fore man of the job department and city editor of the Daily News, respectively, journeyed to town on their wheels from Mt. Carmel y ster ility and dined with Ijndlunl Harry Wcldeu. saul, of the Ferguson House. Owen Kowlci. wile and son, of f Ireland, leut Monday in town, the guests of Mr. Fowler's brother. Charles. Edwin D.Strou , of Haaleton, was regis te ed at the Hotel Franey yestenlay. Mrs. George lllggins, of glmmokiu. spent yeslerdap with her mother, Mrs. Tohln, on Cast Centto street. Miss Mulroy, of Kirt Mahanoy township, xpent yesterday in town as the guest of Miss Margaret Conghliu, of Kaat Centre street. Miss Annie lleddall, of West O.ik sttvot, returned hum from St. Luke's Hospital. Bethlehem, on Saturday itii-tit. where slio had iindeigone operations for apiendlellii and cancer of the throat. The young lady is gleatly improved. I'M ward llcddsll, of Port Carbon, hiked to town yesterday. W. J. Scan'lnu has leturncd home from Philadelphia to spend Ills summer vacation. Miss Nellie McUughllu, of Girardville, misspell in town tills morning. Misses Mamie aud llertbu Sehwindt, are home from the Jr. O. U. A. M. orphan insti tution at Tiftiu, Ohio. They will remain here with their mother, Mrs. John Sehwindt. John Clark, of Ashland, was a town visitor yesterday. Messrs. Jcrcmisb and Harry O'Hearn, of Mt. Carmel, sont yesterday in town. William Myers, of l!ast Coal street, was a comity seat visitor to day. Joseph Delaney and son, of Pottevlllo, spent yesterday with his si9ter, on West Cherry tticct. President W. M. Ilrewor, of the Columbia llrewing Cninny, yesterday appeared on the streets with a handsome now phaeton. Wtiblron's Hlg Ilore Sale 'ext Tliursday. Wald ion will arrive hero to-morrow night Willi two car loads of horses that ho will sell at public auction next Tliursday at O'Hara's Livery, Sheuaudosh. They will consist of big drauglitcrs, matched pairs, express, gem ml purpose and driving horses, which makes a fine selection to be suited from in the horse line. Kxchnnges can be made any timo before the sale opens. Itcmember the big sale will take place next Tbursd iy, at one o'clock, nt O'Hara's Livery, Shenandoah, rain or shine. It Aooiilnntnlly- Shot Ills Ituliy. Bcranton, Pn., May 10. A Poiander, George Svetz, ahot his S-months-old child, It Is supposed accidentally, Sat urday midnlKht. Svetz had taken a 44-caLber revolver away from a drunk en boarder, who was shooting In tho yard. Sttz and his wife were exam ining' the weapon In a room where the child lay sleeping'. The revolver was discharged. Fourteen minutes later It .was found that the infant had been shot through the abdomen. Svetz sur rendered. licn.ni Pool Collnp'-os. Pittsburg1, May 10. The rumor Is prevalent that the beam pool has col lapsed, though local manufacturers will not discuss the matter. It was com posed of the Carnegie Steel company, the Lackawanna Steel company, the Illinois Steel company, the Shenango Steel company and Jones & Laughlln's. It Is said that within a week prices have dropped from 1.55 cents per pound to 0.95 cent. Dentil uf JuilKo HWinir. Pittsburg, May 10. Judge Thomas Ewing died last night of pneumonia, after an illness of only four days. He was 70 years old, and lias been on the bench for 23 years. He was a member of the state constitutional convention of 1S73, which promulgated Pennsyl vania's present constitution, and has been prominent in legal circles for many years. It should be made a matter ot pnbll; knowledge that DoWitt's Witrli llazle Salvo will speedily euro piles of the longest stand ing. It is tho household favnrito for bums, scalds, cuts, bruises and sores of nil kinds. Largo Kisteddfoil Prizes. Tho Allcntown eisteddfod committee havo raised the amouut of tho prize for tho main choral competition to $1100. The selection will bo In all probability, "llo Not Afraid," from "Elijah." Tho prize for tho ninlo chorus competition will lie f200. Payne's Otrardvlllo Nurseries. Funoral designs made up in any desired form of natural or wax flowers, upon short notice at reasonable prices. Largo variety of frame's constantly on hand. Orders may bo left at Morgan's Ilazar, 28 N. Main St., or at Payne's Greenhouse, Giiardville, Pa. tf IVIio Are They? Tho following unique names graced the register of tho Hotel Franey to-day: Hop Hlizaard, no home ; Hog Rockwall, one homo, and Dog Drew, many homes. Itobbers Fulled. Saturday night robbers made an unsuccess ful attempt to get into the house of C. G. New, on West Coal street. The falling of a window screen caused them to run away. Serving Siibpoeuaos. Sol. Foster, deputy United States Marshal, was In town Saturday evening on official business. He served a number of suhpoenaes on witnesses to apper at the next term of the United States District Court. In the PATHWAY of the Expectant Mother dangers lurk, end should bo avoided. (I 5J so prepares the system for tho change taking placo that tho final hour U robbed of all Danncr. Its use insures safety life of both mother and child, end makes child-birth oasy and recovery more rapid. 'Mother's friend' is the greatest remedy ever put on tho market, and all our customers praise it highly." W. II. KING & CO., Whitewright, Tex. Sent by Mall on receipt of price, $1 PCR BOTTIC Jioolc "To Kxpeclant Mothers" mailed f.-ee. The bradfield regulator co., Atlanta, ga, SOLD ST ALL DRUGGISTS. to the BASEBALL RECORDS. Standing: of tit" CImIIii the Itno Tor I'lininiilonnhlii I'oituniitH. Niitlnunl T.eoirue. W 1.. P. W. L. V, Baltimore ..11 t .m rievel'd ... 7 B .Mi Pittsburg ..8 I .727 Hoston .... B 7 .417 Louisville . 8 4 .660 St. l.ouls... 4 9 .DOS phlla 8 .Ml Brooklyn .4 9 .808 New Tork.. 5 .545 Waah't'n .. 1 8 .J7S Cincinnati . 7 6 .688 Chicago .. 4 10 .88 BXTunnAV's national i.HAnra oamm. At l'hlladelpliin Baltimore, 1; Phlladel nhla. 8. At Plttsburg-I'ltteburg, ; Cin cinnati, 1. At Cleveland Cleveland, 7; Chicago, 8. At New York New York. 9; ' Brooklyn, S. At Uoston Washington, 10; j Boston, . At Louisville St. Louis, 4; 1 Louisville, i. I MJKIIAY'8 NATIONAL I.BACIUB (MMDS. I At Louisville Louisville, 4; St. Louis, 2. At Chicago Chicago, 5; Cincinnati, 2. , EiiHtoi'ii Lengue. W. L. r." V'. L. P. I Buffalo .... 6 2 .760 Wilkesb're 4 4 ,506 , Sprlnglletd 6 2 .7W l'rovld n e 4 5 .411 Bcranton ..5 2 .r,25 Hoc heater 2 6 .850 , Syracuse ..5 X .G25 Toronto ... 1 8 .111 SATUntlAY'i KASTKIIN I.HAQt'H OAMI98. j At WilKeebarre - Toronto, 8; Wllkee-' bar re, 5. At Sfcranton Bcranton, oj nut-; falo, I. At sprtngtteia spnngneiu, is; rtooliester, 8. At Providence Syracuse, 6; Providence, 8. Atlanlto LeHKllH. -W. It. V. W. I.. P. ' Itlchmoud . T 4 .884 Hartford ..5 t .500 Newark .... 8 4 .668 Athletic ... 4 T .81 ! l'aterson ...8 .600 Lancaster 4 0 .100 Norfolh .... 4 .000 Heading ..2 8 .200, iATtmnAY'S ATl.ANT.U LJtAUOS OAMES. ! At Keodlng Athletic, 7; Heading. 4. At IdMicnsler HaiTtford, 7; Lancaster, 0. At 1 Newark l'utctsoii, Newark, 8. At . nlchlnolid- lsoifolk, 0; Hlebmond, 6. I aituAT s Ar..A.rni t.kaoj .iAUks. At wh,h- Newark. 1J; Ilaadlhg, S. All IVluiuii-Li:uk.aistt.r, i nloiauu, S. A Caso or Many I liaso.. Joseph Latrofski was arrested to-ray on a charge of stealing a hat from Itefowich's store about a month ago. The charge fs ms.de by two of his countrymen, who made tho arrest and turned tho prisoner over to Watolimsn Clear)'. LatrnfBkl was taken before Justice Green, at Wm. Potin, for a hearlug. The two men who made the arrest claim tlicy were in the store with Latrofski when he stole the hat. Several days after they went to tho store and told of tho theft. Mr. Refuwlch declined to prosecute aud thejucn then swoie out a warrant on their own re sponsibility. Constable Holin arrested La trofski at liis boarding house, who united. to be allowed to go upstairs to put on his over coat. Tho permission was granted and La trofski uiado his oscapo by jumping from a second story window, llo was not seen again until to-day, when his two former friends caught him in a bush on tho mountain. When searched at tho lockup Latrofski had a revolver and a dirk in his pocket. It is claimed that the Interest In the 'caso by tho two former friends of the pr'soner is prompted by a spirit of revenge. It is claimed one of them lost $12 a short time ago and bo suspect Latrofski, but has no ovldenco upon which to inako an arrest. It is also said that Latrofski will have u case HEainst his two captors, ns tliey bad no war rant when they arrested lit in. The captors could not speak tullieieut English to explain tho case. Obituary. Marie, daughtor of James and Mary A. McLain, of Lost Creek, died this morning from diphtheria, aged 3 years and 0 months. Mrs. George Goarhart, wife of a prominent shoo dealer In Aslilaud, died suddenly at her home iu that place of hemorrhage. She was in her usual health until a short time previous to her death. She was about 38 years of age, and is survived by a husbond and flvo chil dren. Mrs. Gearhart's maiden name was Voho. The funeral will take plnco to-morrow morulng, at 10 o'clock. Simon Ilorr's Memory. At tho First Presbyterian church, in Potts ville, yesterday morning tho services were of special interest in connection with the unveiling of a mural tablet which was placed in the church In memory of tho late Simon Dorr, by members of his family. The services were of an interesting character, aud Rov. J. Ilolvillc, D. D., preached tho sermon. They Did Not Feast. Six young men of tho First ward on Satur day night attempted to deprive Joo Wilkc, of Fast Centre street, of a keg of beer aud a lot of eatables which tiio latter had stored away in his cellar for Sunday. It was a fruitless icnture, for the young men were caught as they were loaviug tho placo by two of Wilko's friends. Tracks Carried Down. Ily a caving in of the workings of Packer No. 4 colliery early this morning both tracks of tho Lehigh Valley Railroad wore carried down aud it was necessary to transfer passen gers at that point to-day, Tho cave-in ex tended the length of two rails and was be tween forty and fifty feet deep. At noon to day a crew of sixty navvies had succeeded iu putting ono of tho tracks iu good, condition A l'lro X cried. l!y the prompt action of several neighbors a fire was averted at tho roar of J. J. ltradi gan's rosidonco on South Jardiu street yes terday morning. Tho ash bin which adjoins a stable had been set un 11 ro by hot askoa dumped into rubbish. The fire smouldered for some time, when it was discoveiod by a neighbor, who extinguished it with se'-eral buckets of wator. Curd of Thanks, Tho heart-felt gratitude of the undersigned is oxteudod to the members of tho Annuncia tion Literary Society and other friends for their attendance and contribution of floral offerings at tho funeral of the late Lawrence M. llyau. Pa hunts. llrowniville, Pa., May 10, 1MH. Wax Designs III Flowers. All kinds of funeral designs, mado up in wax. Old funeral frames refilled witji wax lluwors. Payne's Girardville nurseries, tf STOCK REPORT. Corrected rur the "IlernUl" Dally by Stuck llrotliers, llrokers, IfigHii llulldliig. CLSSIIM). Am. Tobacco Atchison Am. Sugar list 13UI. uiuern. Jersey Ceiitml. North Wejteru U !!.:) C'hEitBsjo Gas St. Paid Rock Ialaud Omaha C. O. C. & . Amerlenu Bptrlts. D. A: II 1). L. & W LeblKb Valley. Gen. Electric... Luke Shore Ijtlls & Nash.. Manhattan Mo. l'uelile Nutloiml l,eud. Ilalt & Ohio N V. Central V , Lontlier No. P.ie Com No. l'ae I'M. l'acllle Mull... Reading Trim C Ac I. Texas Pacific. t'luoii Pacific Wabash 1'1'D. Western Union Month Itw I'M ('lies A Ohio .. W I. Urie I' a Rubber cweaco Marktt. opnwa. cumsa. Wheat, Sept July Corn, Sept July Oats, Sept ft 80S MS 411 409 July .., Sept July Sept July 1 Pork, MS 802 410 40) Lard, orasrcao ,::::r . - M2? 2l I p .:::: S I, - MK asiJ .. UK m 108 108H iua iwG f f :: IIS JtB 100 EE j .................... .! .4 m ad MAHANOY CITY. Au Officer's Lively Time Willi a Quartette of Hoodlums. Mauamot City, May 10. At about 10:15 Saturday evening four young men quarreled on Outre street over somo tobacco. Special Officer Tlmni interfered and somebody threw a stone that hit him lu the face. He grabbed Willard Wooden and a sciifllo ensued. A shot was fired and the report was followed by a crush caused by a large stone living through Osthelmer's store window. Two more shots were fired, one grating Wooden's nose and the other entering the door of George Medlar's residence on the other side of the street. A large crowd aasomblod tmd lu the excitement the four hoodlums oe caied, but Irvln Thompson Was subsequent ly arrested and committed for 48 hours. There is a dispute ns to who fired tho shots Mrs. William Hckert gave a social Satur day night and among the nlteudents were Frank Deem, who slipped up stairs during the festivities and etolo $5 from a purse on a bureau. He was arrested a few hours later while sitting on a freight train that was about to start for Tamaqtia and slauds com mitted in default of $300, A alighi lire took place at II. F. Sellgman's residence yesterdsy morning, ll wascuusul i y a defective flue, Considerable damage was done hy Hater. Co F., 8th lfegt., N, G P., will bo the guests of the lsl Itegt , Philadelphia, lit the la It el's aruuiiy next Satiiidsy, during the Washliigtun monument ceremonies. Co. K regretMhc resignation of Jamb F. Hrlt on act mint of ill health, Uov J. D. Klllieu and wife, Mr. and Mrs 8. lleiuhold an I Mrs. J W. Parker wi I n-pres! ut the E-gllsh II iptlst church of town ill the Reading IliptNt, Avocation at Il.thlc liem to-morrow. Harry Gibbons, of Shenandoah, 13 years old. won ilio gold medal step dajiciUg contest at Feeley's hotel S.iturdayeveiilug. Jabez Wooley, of Evaiuvllle, Indiana, aud formerly of Mabauoy Cily. has struck it ricli in natural gas at Petersburg, Iud., uc cordlug to newspaper accounts received from that place. The well is the greatest ever strtiok iu that state. It shows a pressure of 505 pounds, which is 215 pounds greater than tho largest other well iu Indiana. The flame shoots 135 feet ill tho air. Whou you want good roofing, plumbing gas fitting, or general tlnsmlthiug done call on E. F. Gallagher 18 West Centre street Doalor Iv stc-cs l-tf Single Fare to l'lilladlcplila. Saturday next, the magnificent monument to tho Father of Ills Country which tiio society of the Cincinnati has erected in Fair mount Park, Philadelphia, is to be unveiled by President McKinley, attended by a largo number of tho civic and military dignitaries of tho state and country. The parade will bo tho most notable one sinco tho Constitu tional Centennial ten years ago. Ono feature that will alono attract large crowds is the National Guard which is all to parade on tho 15th. For tho accoramadation of persons de sliing to attend, the Philadelphia & Reading Railway Co. will sell excursion tickets at single fine for the round trip on May 14th and 15th good to return until May 17th. 5t Deeds Itecorded. From Win. Smith and wife to Thomas Smith, premises iu West Brunswick town ship. " From Henry L. Miller and wife to Gcorgo 11. Miller, premises in West Brunswick town ship. From John Caspor Beck, et. al., to Courad Krause, et. al., premises in Tamaqua. From John E. Lloyd and wife to Augusta Sliickram, premises in Tamaqua. Tbe llore Hole Successful. The eight-inch holo which tho P. & R. C. & I. Co,, havo been boring into tho work ings of tho Bast colliery, near the site of the old Repplier breaker, Aslilaud, was success fully completed ou Saturday, when the drill cut through into an old breast at a distance of six hundred and two foot frsm tbe surface. The object was to afford an outlet for tho ac cumulations of gas, and as soon as the drill was withdrawn great volumes of gas found Its way through this outlet. Tho officials are pleaded with the success of their efforts. Most Tnrltirlnn niru...i- .-. viaiigurillgf Humiliating Of itching, burning, bleeding, scaly skin and scalp humors Is instantly roliovod by a warm bath with CtmcuBA Soap, a single application of Cuticoba (oint mont), tho great skin cure, and a full doso of CunctniA Resolvent, greatest of blood purifiers and humor euros. Remedies speedily, permanently, and economically euro, when all elso falls. .LTT," S Cn,u Co'- rrop.,Boiton. a-"Ilow to Curt ETtiy Skin tnd Dlood Uumor.'trtt. PIMPLY FACES iKigiiii MISCELLANEOUS. POUND A bunch of keys nttacbed to a chain. Kinder can bave samo by proving property and paying tor this advertisement. S-fWt T ICI5NSK FOR SALK. Tbe saloon and res li tsurant license of Daniel it. Wilson, OH Centre street, Ashland, is tor sale. Apply at t'lis onlec. 4-33-tf OR SAI.Ii Lot 30150, situate on West Coal street. Two sincle bouses, one on the tront and tbe other on tbe rear of lot. For price nnu terms apply to T, It. Heduail, Attornoy-ut-lHW, corner of Slain and Centre streets. 4-28-tf FACTS. SHIP'S SJ10E STOflE Is the only Shoe Store in Shenan doah that sells cheap for cash on a cash basis. We do not give our customers presents, but do give them the benefit of hard time prices. Give us a call and we will prove what we say, not by talk, but by quality. 17North Main Street. "QOLD DUST." This is the Package p- remember it. It contains Washing Powder that cleans everything quickly, cheaply and perfectly. . For economy buy 41b. package. THE H. K. FilBDANK COMPANV, Chicago, ?t. Louis, New York, Boston, I'hllndclphla. FACTORY : 221-240 North limerick Street, SIWNANDOAH, PA. I have made a general reduction to do so until May 29th. mm WM BlU 4 I an mm u M a r: b n v. BZ w e b J n a. i a ra, If dill Idli OUUto .r II im w sm m9 ns ni - si ri 11 -un sh si an mi ui wnri We've lots of them : about worth having ; all the styles. Stocked up with the nattiest, mi shoes we could find, in the store that money. The New Tan For Ladies, at 1. black for 75c and Si. 00. Men's bicycle shoes ; regulation make ; good-wearers ; long-lasters ; thoroughly ffld trustworthy; $1.-25, $1.50 and $2.00. The nicest line of Spring Goods ye ever &S7M had at enoiiph of orainary stores to while buying here. Mi Factory... : ...Shoe Store. mm -J. ..Shoes Retailed NOVELTIES AT YOST'S JEWELRY STORE. Large assortment of Sul phur settings in Ladies' Bracelets, Fobs and Rings. Musical GOOdS and instru ments. A full line. Clocks' -We are selling at remarkably low prices. All kinds. ' Frameless Eye Glasses are what you want to wear to be up-to-date. They will look well on you. YOST'S Jewelry - Store, 112 N. flain St. BROM-KOLOA ALCOHOLIC, NERVOUS AND BILIOUS HEADACHES Cured by this granular ofTsp-eaoant ami nil mu tant. An Instant oure for sour stmaaoba itml hMwlaehes, wbleh otttli aoouiuulate from having a nltjht out. JOHN F. CLEARY, BOTTLER OF CARBONATED DRINKS, 17 and 10 Peach Alley, Slten A gonume welcome waits you at JOE WYATT'S SALOON, Cor. flaln and Coal Sts. Finest whlslcoya, beers, porter and ale constantly on tap. Choice omnerance drinks and cigars. "HOLD DUST." 1BI SCREEN I-RAHE5. iCRHLN UlNfJS. M:iiufnvturer of Screens, WINDOW GUARDS, STABLE GUARDS, TREE GUARDS, fences Of all descriptions atllowest rates. in Iron Fences and will continue smmmm mm mm dressiest mvM and there's not a shoe isn't fullest value for the Oxfords mm 00, Si. 2 and Sl.'jo : in savinfr over nrices of rB( mm WM mm mm maKe it wen worm your mm wm mm II mm R. Moycr, Magr. at Factory Prices... FOR THIS WEEK We offer two assortments of glassware for 5 auci 10 cents that cannot be beat any where for the money in town. A FINE LINE OF GLASS LAMPS. Meluskey & Son, 105 S. Main St. FASHIONABLE MILLINERY -AT- '8, xxr North Main Street, pOIt SHIKltlPr', H. S. ALBRIGHT, Op Ohwiosboro. Sobea( to ntwbllnii rules. Evan J. Davies, I.IVHIIY AND Undertaking ! all the kinds iissi 13 N. Jardln Street.