IV loya V idSMiAl TENNEY'S Peanut Brittle is the finest peanttt candy made. 10 cents per box. Try one. You'll want another. 100 pounds of chocolate drops this week at 25c per lb. HOOKS & BROWN 4- North Main St. The Store . That's Always Busy Because shrewd dollar savers take advantage of our tempt ing offers. Look at our in ducements for the present : Jleautitnl Baby Carriages $3.50 nutl Upwards. Ml Handsome Iron Bedsteads S3.50 and Upwards. liefrigerators With Spigots and Upwards. M.Spoont, 1 IO East Centre SSt. TO THE LAND OF SUNSHINE Anil flower, lint IImihI iif Aiuorlnt, Ciill- lornlit. Via the tnie pathway, "The Iron Mountain lioiito," whii'h traverses a region of perpetual Hiunliiue, where snow storms bllsrarils or hiith ultitnileaare unknown. l'tillrrmii first anil seroinl eliis piiliiee null tourist sleepilid ears t poiuU Ui Missouri, Arkansas, Testis, Old anil New Moxiio, Arizona. California. Oregon, Washington, NehrasVa, Vtali ami Nevada, without elianse Quick time, low rates, and all the comforts of modern railway iinproveniaiit jeuarHiiteml W all who pur eluwc tickets Via the Missouri I'acirle railwi' .vtoio. l'or rates right from your liomp, literature, atnl nil) inforniaBon, ,ilriiiatal eunl, J. 1. MtCsnn, T. 1'. Agent. SIB Hail ronil avenue. Klmira, X. V., or Ml JlKMil way, New York. 2-3-tf W. E. Hojt, 0. K. P. Ant. One application of Dr. Thomas' Eclectric Oil takes away the pain of the most severe burn. It is an ideal family liniment. HOOD'S lrlLIjS cure Liver Ills, Biliousness, Indigestion, Headache. A olean-nt laxative. AH Druggists- Spring8 Dress Goods. Twenty-five pieces of Im ported Novelty Dress Goods for 25c. per yard. These styles are new and are shown exclusively ny-nis. See our window dis play of these and also the splendid stock of LADIES' SHIRT WAISTS. Prices run from 25c. to $1 .50 - for Laundered Waists. Don't wait till choice styles are gone but come now and pick from our great assortment of stylish waists. CHANGES IN THE TARIFF Will advance many lines of goods. We have made large purchases and can continue to sell fine dress goods and silks at special bargain prices. During January, Feb ruary and March Over a thousand of the famous MeCall Bazar Paper Patterns were sold by us for io or 15c; why pay uore ? L. J.WILKINSON MAIN STREET. LLOYD STREET. O'HAM'S LIVERY ! BOARDING AND SALES STABLES, Undertaking in - - - - all its Branches. Open Day and Night. Cor. White 1 Mansion and Lloyd House Streets, Shenandoah, Stables, MAHANOY CITY. WK HAVE TI1K HANJM40MKHT X ..OIL CLOTHS IN TOWN. E. B. FOLEY, 3? No. '1 1''' C'eufre Street. tfKlftsKWAsMsV 5 There is No Word M M of inputting and about which suoh tender recollec tions cluster ns tlm of "Mother," yet there nro months vnen iter life Ik filled With pain, dread and ao fieri tiff, and slio looks forward to the final hour with el 00 my forebodings, fear and trembling. "Mother's Friend" prepares the system for the chance taking place, assists Nature to make child-birth easy, and leaves her in a condition more tavoraoie to speeuy re oovery It greatly diminishes the danger tome 01 dovii niouiernuuuimu. Sent by Mall, on receipt of price, fl.OO. Hook to'Kspeo aBtMothcrj1' free upon application, . 1 1 II -1 t 11 1.1.. r. l(tnl f 1 SOLD BY ALL DRUQGIST8. PERSONAL MENTION. Rev. lloliert O'Boyle visited friend at the comity seat tn-iiar. Grocer V. E. Jlegargle anfl Juhit woeKS were emtrtty seat visitors to-flsy. Slim Made lleniler, of Aslilaml, wes enter. tallied by town friends last evonlng. R. II. Mormn. the legalla niauumcwirer, transacted business at l'ottsville to-day. Thorns Blnl has gone to MeKeesport, where ha will enter the employ of a druggist. Oeorgo llutnl)le,wife ana son have retnrneii from a visit to Mr. llumble'e parents at brie. Pa. Tliomas Thatcher, of West 0k street, yes terday moved his family and household goods to Tumuium. Clarence Seaman, of Olranlvillo, county oreshlent of the P. O. S. of A., was In town this morning. William milliliter, of r.oailing, Is the gnost of his brother. Martin Ilillinger, on Hast Centre street. Miss Anna Williams, of Philadelphia, spent yesterday nfternuon in town as the guest of caterer David Head, of the Arcade cafe. Dr. John lloxliy, of Philadelphia, who is well known in town, lias located at Port Carbon, where he will practice medicine. Mrs John B.irtscli and daughter, Maine, Mm. J.iraie Homier and Mrs. David Kvaiis have gone to Philadelphia to spend several days. Daniel 0. O'Donnell, of West Oak street, to-day received notice from the Stale Phar maceutical Kxamiuiug Hoard, of liavlng surcesfully loused the examination, held at Ilirrishurg, Apiil 17, as a qualified assistant. Mr. O'Donuull is the son of lMwurd D'Dminrll, the genial and eflicient loo.il igint for the Kaier llrewiug tMnuuiiy. Wnx lelB" In flowers. All kinds of fiin-r.il designs, made up in wax. Old funeral frames refilled with mix dowers. Payne's Uiranlvillc nnrseiies. tf 1VIAHAN0Y CITY. Tnenty Miners In Danger of Muter In 11 Collleiy. JIahaxoV City, May 5. Tho water rose M high in the West Holmes gangway of the Tunnol Illilgo colliery yesterday af'crnoou that it necessitated the building of a dam. After it was constructed and the water had tilled it almost to the top it was discovered that twenty men wore working inside the gangway and their only outlet wns through tho placo where tho dam hud lieon con structed. A raft was made of planks nnd William Vaiilils was put in charge. Ho brought tho men out two nt a time. One man fell oil" the raft and was rescued from drowning after considerable ditliculty. Tho Youini Mou's ltepublloon Club will organise n bicycle club of about thirty riders. It is proposeil to have a rare meet in tho fall. The School llotird met lust night and de cided to elm tho night schools. At a meeting of the t'itizeus' lland last night the following ollicers wure olectcd : President, 1'ied. Klltsch; Vice President, David Harris; Secretary, Christ. Witol ; Financial Secretary, William Edwards; Treamrer, John Haitung; Lender, E. N. Keed; Sergeant, Hurry Harris; Trustee, Hurry I.eitcnbcrger. The I.OBt Found. Katly this morning the conductors of the Schuylkill Traction Company were notified to bo 011 the lookout for John Murtha, a ilunzaritin of Frackville, who was reported miisiUK by ills wife. Murtlia is the instruc tor of the Uniieariau bauds of this town and Oirardville. Mrs. Murtha reported at the railway headqtia-terH late last night that her husband loft his home yesterday morn ing to go to Uirardvllle and failed to return home. Inquiry developed that her husband bad left liinirdville for Shenandoah on a Schuylkill Traction ear late in tlio afternoon and sifter that all trace of him was lost. Humors of fuul pi iy multiplied as tho rail way employes plied their inquiries along thoir routes for information concerning tlio uiluing man, but at noon to-day the sensa tion died out. Word was recolvcd that .Murtlia reached liU home this morning. He explained that I11 came to Slienanduuh from (ilrardvillo ai d accompanied the Hungarian band to serenade a newly married couple 011 West Moyd street. He threw himself into the festivities and forgot that lie would not return humo last night. Nutiintlliitloii Day. And now Auril IBlli, 1SH7, on and after this date, the nvulur days for naturalisation lias been Used as the flint Saturday of every month instead of the first Monday of every mouth as heretofore. My the court. J AM1 It. DHKQAN7, 1-S23 10U l'rothoiiotary. UN Itiixluiintlim 1tcviuiHttn.' AVai'h'nstiin, May 4. The request yesterday for the resignation of the supervising architect of the treasury, Mr. Aiken, lias been anticipated for a week or more. Although no official statement In regard to the matter has yet been made by the secretary of the treasury, it baa been known that Mr, Aikcn'x work baa not been altogether satisfactory to Sir. date. Mr. Aiken 1h .m :ia:allvely a young man, and It Is alleged has not had sufficient ex pi rioni c in his profession to justify bin retention Will I'piiteot MoriniiiiK from Aneanlt. Montgomery, Ala., May 4. One night Iiihi week some religious partisans of Jackson county carried Into the woods, stripped and severely whipped two Mormon elders. The elder subsequent ly appealed to Governor Johnson for protection, representing that they had been threatened with death If they remained in the state. The governor has promised to protect them, and has instructed the sheriff of the county to make them lils siieclal charge. The governor says the constitution of the state guarantees religious liberty, and that the Mormons are entitled to it. Mom's TliU? We offer One Hundred Dollars Iteward for unv i'4Mcof Uatarrb that nan not ou cured by Unit's Calnrrh (Jure. K. .I.CHKNKY 4 CO , l'roM , Toledo, O. We the uuilersiicued, bavv kuown K. J.C'Ueuey for the lust l years, and lielleve hbu perfectly honoruhle III sit business trunsacHoos and tln soeisl y aide to carry out any obligations mado !y their firm. Wsvt k Tba vx. Wholesale Druggists. Toledo, O w ai.iii. Kixxan A: Uabvis, Wlioiesttle Drug-Ki-ts, Toledo. Ohio. lluM's Catsrrli Cure la taken internally, actlna ilhei tl ilHiii the Wood ulid mucous surfaces of the stvin. I'rlieTV iwr bottle, hold by all Iii-okh-ihU 'l't'Htinioolals free Hull's Kallilh Pills lire tile t est MM PITHY POINTS. Happenings Throughout the tiotiiilt'y Clironlrleit lor llnsty 1'ertisnl. 1 McAdoo is to have a branch bank. j At Halehm the garbage Is collected twhje a week. John rtrlttnn, of Turkey Hun, is doing jury duty this week. j The Odd Fellows' of 8ollersvilie oh Satur-1 day dedicated a new $20,000 temple. Many Reading houses are being searched , for plunder secreted by youthful thieves ' P. J. Cleary. of town, lias received the i on- tract for putting in the large sewer at Pitts- ton. District Attorney J. M. Shindel and Miss ! Carrie L. Patschke were married at Lebanon . last evening. The Lost Creek base hall team has reorgan ised for the season, with about the siime players as isst year. Seven-year-old Frank Rensnn was drowned at Weatherly before playmates about the ci-eek could rrsene hlni. A petition will lie presented to the Hoard of Pardons to secure the pardon of 'Squire Devtne, now In prison for conspiracy. The telegraph operator, Irwin Sellers, who was killed by a train at Myerstown, was a son of Mrs. Lavtnln Hellers, of Telford. While lie was fighting a big Newfoundland dog that furiously attaeked him at Myers town, Cliartc Oner's Jaw was broken. First Defenders have sent a committee from Heading W Washington, D. C, to ask for the medals of lienor to which they me entitled. Allen town lays claim tn having the youngest school director In the state. Shen andoah can boast of having one at the age of 28 years. erased by a neighbor's default on a note for $1,000 which he bad indorsed, Farmer David A. Long hanged hiuisetf at bis home, near Aitnona. It is stated that over 150 witnesses have i been summoned for the celebrated Knorr- WlnU-rstrcu dynamite ease, which will be called for trial at lllooniaburg on May i. The Prohibition con-entlun of Clinton county hat elected delegates tu the stale convention who were Instructed to vote for Hev. Dr. S. C. Swallow for state treasurer. Mine Insieetor Wm. Davis, of the Fifth district, reports for the month or April two f ital and eight non-fatal accidents in that district, leaving two widows and four or phans. Tllo warden of the Lehigh county jail is now a convict of that institution, liavlng been sentenced to an imprisonment of two years and $100 flue on charges of forgery and cinbez 'lenient. Tho Natalie Coal Company lias changed m .nagement iinK the olliclals hnvoall been dNclmrgcd. This I the colliery near Mt. Carmel Unit has defaulted in it wages pay ments ho regularly. On May 11) a new imsseuger train will bo put into servlie, on the IVnusylVHiila roud running between Sunlniry and Wilkusbarre.. it will make connections with tho Potttvllle train at Neacopeck Junction. " l'KKsox it. The gentleman who annoyed 'the cointrcmitioii last Sunday by continually coughing will find Instant rellsf by using One Minute Cough Cure, a speedy and harm less remedy for throat and lung tumbles. Deeds lleoorried. I'rom Elista Kclner ut al to Geo. Sl(ngwlue premises in Porter townililp, From John II. llrown ot ux to John 11. Iirennan, premises in North Union towiublp. From Peter Urcenburg to ,. u. utissley, premises In Shenandoah. From Aug. Itun" ct ux to Clias. J. Smith, premises in l'ottsville. From Joseph Kronglowicz to Anthony Ack crman, premises in Shenandoah. From Johanna Drolslgackor to Annio E. Iloycr, promises in Tromont. From Henry C. hautorbaclier to Wm. Ker- kcsl.igcr, premises in Tainaqua. I'rom John P. Kariiest, assignee, to Will iam Goodman, premises in Porter. From Asst from W. F. Miller ct ux. to I. II. Kilmer, premises in Froui llobert Siddall ct u.x to Sarah Hullo ctal, premises in East Union township. For every quarter in a man's pocket thero tiro a dozen uses; and to use each 0110 in such a way as to derivo the greatest btsiio- fltisa question every ouo must solve for hluisclf. We beliove, however, that no better uie could be mado of one of these quarters than to exchange it for a bottlo of Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea ltcmedy, a mcdlcino that every family should be provided with. Forsaleby Gruhlerllros druggists. License Transfers, William Kracmer, liconso of liosina Tiloy, East ward, Tamaquit. Henry Kull, license of Adam Kull, Middle ward, St. Clair. Albert J. Seuiar, license of Jacob Scmar, North ward, Cressona. August Portulain, license of Joseph Peake, Third ward, Mahanoy City. Joseph Peake, license of Frank A. Everett, EastUniou township. John Gateus, wholesale license of A. J. O'Connor, South ward, Tamaqua. Croup and whooping cough are childhood'. terrors; hut like pneumonia, bronchitis, and other throat and lung troubles, cun be quick ly cured by using One Minute Cough Curo. Coiotlublob lteturus. The constables of tho nearly 159 districts of Schuylkill county, yesterday mado their cu (ternary report to the Court of Quarter Sessions. As lias been the rule for the past three terms of court they received no pay or mileage, in accordance with the interpre tation of the law. They were of course very mad and many besieged the Commissioners' ollioe. Tli ore were only six reports that con tained auythiug that required tlio attention of , tlio court, and three of these were for f. and b and three for roads. Judging from these leports, Schuylkill is a law-abiding county. HheiiHiidouli Dental Parlors. Latest method of dentistry, good work manship, moderate price. Positively teetli extracted without pain. Entire satisfaction given. 1-8-lm J. D. Dkknnan, D. D. S. Mnrrlsge Ucensii, TJios. M. Zelmer to Emma A. IWHs, both of North Peun. Patrick Began (Salvationist) and isry Grim, both of Croasona. Jlichscl Wentz, Shenandoah, and Emma Nammas. of Gilberton. Peter Yogus and Francises Audrusklewicz, buth of Shenandoah. Josepii Csesonls and Maggie Katliollnas, both of Shenandoah. .CHASES BloodfHerveFood For Weak and Run Down People, UUrlT IT IC I The richest of all restore WrlHI 1 1 IO I tive foods, because It re places the essentials of life that are ex. haunted by disease, Indigestion, high living, overwork, worry, excesses, abuse, ete. WHAT IT DOES I purTandcli'and the digestion perfect It oreates solid flesh, musole and strength. The nerves being made strong the brain becomes active and elear. It restores lostvitallty, stops all wast ing drains aud weakness tn either sex, and a a female regulator ha no equal. Price Mo., orflve boxes K00. Druggists or by mull. We oan help you. Advice and book, free. pWrito Us About Your Case. THE DR. CHASE COMPANY. U12 Chestnut Btreet, Philadelphia. of the Ololm f r RHEUMATISM. NEURALOIA and rtmiUr Complaints, nnl lut'piutu under tlm etrinK nt GEflMAN MEDICAL LAWS iroionbod oy eminect pryiician I DR. RICHTER'S i PAIN EXPELLED Wnrld rpmivnod 1 Tlnnnrknlilr f Ucrt sf nl ! Rltnli'mmulnn wllh TrA.1l- Atflfk " AncllOf. I r. Ad. Ulclilor Co. . S I 1't arl St. . X or ork 31 HIGHEST AWARDS. 13 Branch Ilotiiss, Own Glassworks, aA60cu. EadurwdrcuoUiUiuudcai'y , ...1. , III X Hi. It 1 IIn. i,l,iii li. lOilV Mali HI , I. 11. Klillo, I'M Main Mt mix i iinoixi ii I on ICHTIR'S I ANCIIOn OMACIlAt, best for r , Iliwpcgwln jfcsjtomncli Ctewnl STOCK REPORT. Correetiil by tho "Herald" Dally TorSlnrk llrolbers, llrohers, ltgnn lliilldlng. oraaian. cxosino. Am. Tobseeo 70 Atchison JOS 10 Am. Soger Ref 1W HTJi Can. SoMlwni - gt Jersey Oennd...r. WK ,Wi Nortti i We-tern 10JI WM o. a&a 7' 71 Ohtcsgoliss H 4 . PboI TJH ltoek Island... SL, Omahs MM JJM " C. C. C. St. L JK Amerlaan Bnlrlia, . 1) V. II ,. , 1-elilsh Valley...u en. Klectrle Iiik .t: Kasli.... Manhattan .-. Mo. Paetflc... X V. Central IT. H. leather No. I 'no. I'M.., ......,.., Iteaillnjt Temi. O. I Wewern IHilftii. South Hw. I'M Chloaio Market. ophsi.io. cixwixa. Wheat, Sent juiy Corn, Spl July Oat, Scot juiy i Pork, Sept July hard, Sept , July 1'ntlior ntril Clilldi'im Drowned. QallKtln. Tenti., May 4. John Nolln, his two Uttio daurhiers and another man, whoge name oould not be learned, v ore drowned Sunday In the river above here. The skiff was overturned, and the fa'.her tried to take his chil dren to shorci but the swift current wept n'.l fear-of them under, and they perUI.ed In tt few minutes after tho boat capsized. Tho lied Cin Ak Aid. fiew York, llav 4. Clara, IJarton, president ot.tlie American Ited Cross society, has appealed to the American people for aid to the Greek Red Cross noclety, and' publishes cablegrams from Athens urging the need for as sistance, How to Trent 11 AVil'e. (From Pacific Health Journal.) First, get a wife; second, bo patient. You may liavo great -trials and perplexities in your business, hut do not therefore, carry to your' home a cloudy or contracted brow. Your wlfo may liavo trials, which, though of loss magnitude, may bo hard for her to boar. A kind word, a tendor look, will do wonders in chasing from her brow all clouds of gloom. To this wo would add always keep a bottle of Chamberlain's Cough Ilemcdy in tho house. It is tlio best and is sure to be needed sooner or later. Your wlfo will then know that you really care for her and wish to protect her hoaltli. For sale by Oruhler Uros., druggists. He Arrives Too Late. "I'm tihvnys just n bit too late," sighed tho Inventor ns ho threw down n potent offlco report. "When I wns strctohlng telegraph wires up In the northwest before tho war, I In vented n telephone with which to talk along tho lino. When I got buck to civil ization, sumo other fellow had tho machine In working order nnd patented. Ono day I delighted my confidential friends with n phonograph, nnd whilo they were trying to buy stock in tho concern along anno word through the newsrnpiTS thnt my nu- (uniutio talker was tho pioperty of somo ono who wns just a few hours tihend of inc. I was working night and day on tho kinotoscopo up to the tlmo thnt it was pat ented by another Inventor. "Then I concluded thnt I would getaway front electricity for n time, for it seemed to bo my hoodoo. After Informing myself na to how piiper wns made from wood pulp I conceived tho ideii of producing silk from some vegetable filler. I kept nt It for years, nnd flnully jny efforts wero crowned with stiooees. I used the spruoo tree just ns the silk worm assimilates the mulberry lenf, completing the transformation into silk by n chemical process which presented tho knottiest problem 1 Iinu to solve "Hut onoe more fate anvo mo tho oold shoulder. A Frenchman liad been pecretly working on the same lines and bent mo out by n lap. Ho has his piitcnts nil over the world, ami n factory Is being built in Now Jersey. It means cheap silk and in Jl 1 ions to the inventor. "Now I'm going to try to establish com munlciition with Mars, nnd I'll bet that if I succeed some other fellow that bus wen talking with tho people there for n week or two will turnup." Detroit Free Press. Some Opened Tombs. In his, Milton's, early Latin poem he had anticipated that he would one day wear the I'arnussian laurel, and added, "Astego geoura pacoqulescam." Tho first ltrt of l()s youthful prophecy was amply fulfilled. Not alas the second. Or. Gurth coinrluiued thiit"K'en churches are no ganotuiirlos now," and the complaint Is einpliaslsed by what befell the remains of the great Puritan. He was buried in St. Olles', Crlrplegate, on Nov. 18, 1H74, and for 119 years until 1798 no monu ment wus nil soil over his grave, and the exact spot of bis Interment wuh' forgotten. IJut in 1790 search was made, and on Aug. 3 It wns announced that his coffin had been found. The church authorities right ly "disdained .to disturb the sacred ashes." Hut tbut nlght.n publican, a lawnbroker, a surgeon nnd p oulHim.aker got Into the oliurcb and opened the leaden shell. The publican "punted bard at the teeth," and at last got one knocked out by 11 stone. These body snatchcrs felt strongly Inclined to steal the whole lower Juw, aud After pawing and bundling the hollowed re mains thii sacrilegious wretches tore nut some of the hulr and stole scire of tho boner. As recently 11s 1U63 11 writer in Notes i.nd Queries says, "I have handled one of Milton's ribs." Well mlht the poet t'uw 1 tr jrotcst aaalnst Hicho grew some mid Imleii nt toniilliirltli s committed by igumaiit anil graul'm triors. Very Itev. if. W. Inrrnr ln"i 01 uni. Xew Undertaker, T. J. Cuakley has opened an iinderUklug establishment iu town with his oltlce located atJ. J. Coakley'a. 30 North Main street. J Night calls nt the Ferguson House. 8-1-v .1 1: 1 film i liiiirtti ifcn-.rajrTiy,'''v i VEmKSAY'S SAtBBALt GAME. Vritlotial lriRIIB. At Brooklyn U Ihtllngi, dnrknessl rtrookyln, Si naltlmore, I. At Cincinnati Cleveland, Cincinnati, 1. At l'ltts-burg-Pittsburg, V. Louisville, 4. At WnahlnEton Oniric forfeited to NeW Toik, to 0, Wnshington refuslnB to pi tlio last half of the fourth Inning. ItmtvlMi l.KUO. At Providence- llulTalo. 5; I'rovMehce, 3. At Sprlngtleld - Springfield. H; To ronto, 6. Atlnutlo Lcnunc. At Norfolk Norfolk. 11; lllchmond, 5. Two liniiortiuit Koriilau nr'tont. Washington, May 4. The president now has under consideration, the claims of arplrants for two of the most Im portant European missions, Kussla and Spain, and It Is believed has ar rived at a point where he will be ablo anon to send in the nomtna'tons for these ulaces. While it is not known definitely who the nominees will be, there Is reason to believe th. t lb 3 Itusslan mission may go to General J. II. Wilson, of Delaware. As a suc cessor to Hannle Taylor at Madrid the name that so far stands at the head of ihe Hit is believed to lie that cf ex-9reaker nryant, of the Illlnolo les lslature. When the spring tlmo comes, "gentle An nie," like all other sensible persons, will cleanse tlio liver and renovates tlio system with DsWitt's Little I'-arly Hlscrs, famous tittle pills for the liver and stqmach all the year round. C. II. Hagenbuch. To TeHt n South CnrolJua law, Charleston, May 4. A suit waB be gun here In the United States court yesterday which may seriously affect the dispensary law of South Carolina. The suit Is brought by W. A. Vander cook A Co., of California, against Dis pensary Commissioner Vance and all constables or state officials acting under the dispensary law, and a per petual Injunction Is asked by the com pany prohibiting them from Interfering with the business of the company which may be transacted with Its South Carolina patrons. The suit is the reult of the recent seizure of a carload of wine shipped by Vander cook & Co. for a number of private citizens. Unrtliqunko In Virginia, nichmond, Va., May 4. Salem, Itad ford, Pulaski, Blncksburg, Chrlstlans burg, Itoanoke, Wythovllle, Flncnstle and other points In southeastern Vir ginia report having experienced earth quake shocks yesterday, At most places there were two Bhocks, one shortly after noon and the other at about 4 p. m. Itadford appears to have been the point of the most prpnounced disturbance. IJrlcks were thrown from the chimneys, and pluBterlng Was knocked down. At several points In the southwest there wkb snow Sunday night. No seismic disturbance seems tn have bien felt in the Shenandoah valley. Whon you waut good rooting, plurubine im &tting, or general tiuainithing done ci, 1 in E. F. Gallagher 18 West Contre street Dealer Ic stc-os 1-tf Sale of School ltoiidn. Thoro are Btill on sale at the Secretary's otlleo sixteen ?300 bonds and one bond of tlio Shenandoah school district. These bonds bear interest from the first day of April, 1897, and will run thirty yours. In terest, 4 per cent.; payablo semi-annually. Parties wishing them will avail themselves of tills opportunity nt once, ns a ft or May 1st, 1S'J7, the School Hoard will dispose of the rcuiuiniiig bonds to outside parties, if not taken up by town peoplo on or before that date By order of the Ilonrd, J, J. PllICE, l'residcut. Attest : FntNK IlANNA, Secretary. Tiiinuiiun High School Graduates. Tlio graduating class of '07 of the Ta- niaipui High School, Is composed or the following: Misses Gertrudo Fisher, Lenora Clnicir, I.idio Ranigan, Jouuio Stapleton, May Oliver, and Ireuo Kico, Cliarles Hons- bergcr, llobert II. Uarris, Edmund Thomas, El want Hororphin, llobert Graelr, Bernard Kliks, Ilalpli Jones, Lewis Homer and Am- b.-oso Sullivau. The colors of tho class aro light steel aud garnet. . Unconditional surrender, is tho only terms those famous little pills known us DoWltt's Uttio Early Hlsors will make witli constipa tion, sick heodacho aud stomach troubles. The lloily Turned to stono. Ill removing tho remains of Miss Clara Strausscr. who died eight years ago at Mt. Cannol, on Friday, from one gravo to another, the body was found to bo completely petrified. She was 17 years of ago when she died, and wns a daughter of Daniel Strauseer. Ask your grocer for no "Eoyal Patent Soar, and take no other brand. It is tho best flour mado. Doublet Murderur J'ntnlly Shot. Kansas City, Mo., May 4. "Dill" Ad ler, one of the most notorious charac ters of the city, on Sunday night com mitted his second murder within threo years, and wns himself shot and per haps fatally wounded. Adler "mixed" with the negro keepers in a crap gama at Sixth street and Broadway, and when the smoke cleared awuy It was found that Adler had shot and killed William Johnson, a negro, and that Adler had been shot In the sldo by lames Gordon, colored. In 1894, dur lug the street masquerade which con cluded the fall carnival, Adler killed PostuIIlee Inspector Jesse McClure. He was convicted of manslaughter and served ten months In Jail. WINBINQHIt. At Malmnny City, on the 1st lutt., William A. Ilenslnuer, aged 88 yeats, 3 inoiitlm and It days, l'oneral will take plaee on Vednesoay afternoon from his late resi dence, 011 Main street, at 1 o'clock. Services will he held at the house. The cortege will leave on the 2 14 p. m. I1 & It. train for AbIi land, and Interment will he made at Fountain Springe Mrmliers of the Joe Hooker Tost O A. 11 , of Asjiland, are invited to attend tlio funeral. IS-J 2t IHninlos, lilolchin. b'.n Lhi'iuli rid, rough, oily, rootby sUi i i V n-aip, dry, tldn, and tulllnit Ij.iii I ).'. IjIi mulii's jircvrntod by OlJTii um : - ,', 1)10 louKt i-if, 1 tin' tUn purify ing and bcaulifylug soap lu tlic urld as well as purust and sweetcat for tollot, bath, and nurwry. li told throughaut the world. Fottii D. a vd R. Cosr Sol I'r.ip , ByWu- OJ-'llow to BmuIIt tb Skln,Hfre BLOOD HUMORS IVrminentlr Carsd by CUT1CURA ItEHKDIEftJ. A Handsome Comploxion Is one of tba greatest charms a woman an poises. I'oaiom's CourutxiOM rowsan gives It. (uticura sW Ttit j in i miT-if-i1 r . i nrrVf-- T1TT 1 TH OH N HI ii wm W wm We've lots ot them worth having ; all the styles. Stocked up with the nattiest, m Wm m ?M mm Mm shoes we rould find, in the store that money. The New Tan Oxfords For Ladies, at $ i. oo, $1.25 and 1.50; in black for 73c and 1.00. Men's bicvele shoes : regulation makn ; mm good-wearers ; long-lasters ; thoroughly ewih, mm trustworthy; $1.25, The nicest line of had at enough of saving over prices of r?jj ordinary stores to make it well worth your while buying here. wm mt MM Factory ...Shoe Store, ft: mm mm mm wm -J. ..Shoes Retailed at FACTORY : 221-246 North limerick Street, S1WNANDOA1I, PA.. I have made a general reduction to do so until May 29th. shipp's SHOE STOE Is the only Shoe Slore in Shenan doah that sells cheap for cash 011 a . 1 . I TYT , . uusii uasts. we uo not Rive our customers presents, but do eive tnem tne Denelit ot hard time prices. Give us a call and we will prove what we say, not by talk,' out by quality. 1 7North Main Street. NOVELTIES AT YOST'S JEWELRY STORE. Large assortment of Sul phur settings in Ladies' Bracelets, Fobs and Rings. Musical Goods and instru ments. A full line. Clocks We are selling ut remarkably low prices. All kinds. Frameless Eye Glasses are what you want to wear to be up-to-date. They will look well on you. YOSTS Jewelry - Store, 112 N. Hain St. JjlOR 81!B11H1, S. ROLL BEDDALL, OP PotiT CAttHON. Bubjeet to Itepubllcan rules. 1M I 11 11 fl IJflisWrllvH: ' i-miHUU 11 lUf yW-' FACTS ' TV' about nil the kinds iSi dressiest and there's $1.50 and $2.00. Spring Goods we ever . . . R. Moycr, Mqgr. mm ii Factory Prices... SCKEBN PRAHES. 5CR12EN RINOS. JfiuiuVioturer of creetts, WINDOW GUARDS. STABLE GUARDS, TREE GUARDS, Ilron 3fences Of all descriptions at lowest rates. in Ikon Fkncijs ami will continue MISCELLANEOUS. TITANTKD. Man. fair erfuontinn. rw suwcrln- tonilcnt, (00 per month flryt yonrT SmaU uvhIi security rwiutrcd. iMretw"Oj)poitunlty, mm oiuce. T ICICN'SK FOIt SA LH. Tlie saloon ami Jj tailraut lictMiM ot Daniel It. AVINon, 011 Centi street, Afthtaml, it for sale. Apply at huh on ico. i-a-ii T.AOIt SAT.K. Ixt 30 1 100, sHualu on Went Coal 1? street. Two single houses, one on tho front nnd the other on the rear of lot. For price and terms apply to T. 11, Iteddall, Attorney-nt-law, corner of Main and Centre directs, -1-28-tf "Tf ANTED. Ven to prepare for examination for elerk or carrier to le held at Sheiiuik doah post ofllce soon. Yalmhla information about CJoverument positions and examinations free. NATIONAL COKK1S8FOND1SNCK IN ST1TUTK, Detriment K. Washington, 1. C. 0t ESTAT12 OF JOHN W. llKDlOUI). lato of Lost Creek township of West MahanoyJ Schuylkill counly, decftfced. Letters of ad ministration on the uboe (.state having been ffr.mted to the umlerslgucd, all persons in debted to said estate are requested to make payment, and those havitig claims or demands agnimt the estate of said decedent to present the same without delay. J. Cl.AT.DE IlKIroR!, Administrator, 1-G-Gt-oaw O Irani Building, 1'hlla ,F. BROM-KOLOA ALCOHOLIC, NERVOUS AND BILIOUS HEADACHES Curex hy this granular effervescent and stlnui lant. An Instant cure for sour stomachs aud headaches, which often accumulate from having a night out. JOHN F. CLEARY, BOTTLER OF CARBONATED DRINKS, 17 and 19 Peach Alley, Slien . FOR THIS WEEK We offer two assortments of glassware for 5 and 10 cents that cannot be heat any where for the money in town. A FINE LINE OF GLASS LAMPS. Meluskey & Son, 105 S. Main St. Evan J. Davies, l.IVERY AND Undertaking ! 13 N. Jardin Street. AT 1ISS 8ALLIE SFNIOR S, xiz North Haiti Street, not a shoe isn't fullest value for the m$M B