EVENING HERALD HHTAIILMHIBD 18T0. I'uMlahed every Kvenlng, Kneept Sunday, at 8 4otrTn I none Bthsmt, NrUK Obktbk. The Herald dpilrmrcl tnflhfinanilnan find the mrroiimtlnic towns for all. cents n week, ib aide to the carriers. Ily mull IS.OO n year, or 88 cent a month, payable In advance. Advertise ments ohnrKod awnnung to apofle ana position. tIim niililUlieni rawrvr the rferht to ahanee the poalrloii o( advertisements whenever the pub lii'jitlon of news demands It. Tile right la n-eerretl to reject any advertisement, whether n.ilil (or r nut that the publisher mnjr atom Improper Advertising rate made known uo i application. Kutured at the pimtoffice at Shenandoah, I'd., an accoad olaea lunll matter. TKf.KPHON K OOrfNrJCTION. "All the News That's Fit to Print." Evening Herald TUESDAY, MAY 4, 1887. Thr bituminous Investigating committee is having troubles of its own. Ita session are interesting, if unimportant. Tiik PoMsvilte Republican advocates t lie abolition of the "IpgialslUeltocord." There uro other publications that might meet with the name fate, ill the internet of public decency. SpiaKIVO of robberies, it U considered a great "scoop" to report the lum of one or two pain of old shoos, in the eyes of amateur" journalists, notwithstanding the roiihery occurs next door. That annual chestnutami which has be- oinu wormy from ngt about the failure ot the peach crop is going the rounds again. The people, however, will not -sulfur ftoru uu inadequate supply of this luscious fruit. The movement against civil service is -pleading among the politicians, esiecially those who arc on the out, Hie. That the system was greatly abused by Cleveland, for pirtisau purposes, is geuertlly acknowledged. Tiik thousands of old soldiers who were di-iniastd from ottlce by tho Democratic administration aro being lestorcd to their positions as rapidly aa possible by the Itepub lican party, now in control of the govern ment. VicB-PawiutiNT IIptuiiT la whining high commendation as a presiding ollleur ol the SiMiite.' One of the old oat officials of that l'ody&8 lie is developing greater capacity ,iud ability as a presiding oltlcor than any Yuc -'resident whom lie has ever known. Hies. llArtitiwx announces that ho can not consent to lie a candidate for moderator of the Presbyterian (eueral Assembly because he is too busy with his writing aud law pnictice ; all of which shows thai an cx ociupant of the White lloute need not despair of making a good living, provided lie sets about it with propcrltidustry. A jt'BlLKK meeting of the American Med ical Association will bo hold in Philadelphia on June 1st, and will continue in session until June -UVj. This body includes in its membership physicians from all parts of the country, aud its annual catherlugsaro usually mado great occasions, 750 members being present at the meeting a year ago at Atlanta ; and this year, since it is tho jubilee of the Association, it is confidently expected that no less a number than 2000 will assemble. Tuebk's no discounting Senator Holes Penrose, of Pennsylvania, in his steadfast loyalty to machine politics, says tho Boston Herald. Senator Penrose is a bachelor, and his predecessor, Don Cameron, advised him to get married. "A wife and an establish ment will give you a better standing, and ho more in keeping with tho dignity of your position as United States Senator," was the argument used by Mr. Camerou. "All right," said Senator Penrose. "Bring on tho lady, I am ready to marry whorusoovor the st-ute organization indorses." Thero wag a little too much practical politics in this for even Don Cameron. Nevrly year's supply of foreign goods will have len rushed into the country he fore the final enactment of the Diugley law. It is this fact, combined with the un certainty as to what that law is to be, which makes it imposelblo for our own manufac turers to resume business. Some unrea sonable people are complaining because business activity has not begun ; but if tbey will take these facts into considera tion, they will see that it is absurd to ex pect manufacturers to resume business until tbey know what the new Uw is to bo, and until the accumulation of foreign goods now being brought in is alworbed by the country. Did drover Cleveland, during his late udminislrution, stab international bimetallism in the dark? The "National Its-view," the London publication of the British Bimetallic League, asserts that the British Chancellor of the Kxebequer last year notified tho Cleveland administration that the Biltisli government was willing to enter "into a conference or into negotiations, which would lie much better than a conference, OH the evil of the present low value of silver and the fluctuations in the values of the two metals." It is known, of course, that ex-President Cleveland and his followers believe in the gold standard, but it was not supposed that they would deliberately strangle a proposi tion from the greatest nation on earth, except the United States, for an International con ference in behalf of a larger use of silver. Tu anthracite coal trade is now in quite a stable condition aud the outlook for further improvements aa the year advances is excel lent, hays the Ledger. After four months of unprecedented curtailment of proluction the mining aud carrying companies liave been enabled to work off all their surplus ac cumulation of stock eoal at both the tide water shipping points aud the Eastern dis tributing portai. The market i now readily absorbing all of the newly mined product that Is being made and the prices for anthra cite are being lucre firmly held than at any previous time this year. Already the question of au advanoe in prices is talked of, but whether the increase) will I IS or J5 cents per ton, aud whether the new iiiouttioiis will be put into effect on June or July 1 bate not yet been determiuod. The Philadelphia & li. .idlng Coal & Iron Com pany on Kiturdav sent to Its customers a new circular of j'ti. s i prepared sites) for coal, for sbipmi nt beyond the a pea of the Dela ware aud J'm t Liberty, dated May 1, 1807. The prices named iu tills circular confirm the figures of the circular Issued in July, 1MMI. and one understands that that com pany will iusist upon these rates. 11 Populist Simpson Again Assails Speaker Reed FOE HOT APPOINTING. THEM. The Itapttlillonn Mnjorlly Sustains the Speaker by mi Overwhelming Vote. An Aiiproiirlntloti to Provldo Por the J2xt(Miw of the Pcwtnl Couprrem. Washington, May 4. "The Issue wu made," aa Speaker Heed put It, In the houee yesterday on the speaker's trai ler of postponing the appointment of committees. Mr. Simpson, of Kansas, brought it on by another attack upon the sneaker, which moved Mr. Heed to challenge him to propose a resolu tion Instructing the speaker to ap point the committees. The ICansan evaded this challenge, but Mr. Lewis, a new Democratic member from Wash ington, took up the. gauntlet which the speaker had thrown down and moved the adoption of the resolution of the tenor suggested by Mr. Reed. Then Mr. Fleming, of Georgian offered a substitute embodying the Instructions in different terms, and Mr. Dlngley, the ltemtbllcan lender, to make the Issue plain, as he said, presented an other substitute directing the speaker to appoint the committees "Immedi ately." When the vote wrs taken on the proposition the speaker was sustaned by practically the solid vote ot his party, assisted by S3 Democrats under the leadership of Mr. lialley. The reso lution was defeated by a vote of 52 to 121. For the first time this session the factions In the Democratic ranks were forced to nut themselves on record, ana 32 Democrats, with all of the PopullFts, supported Mr. Lewis. Mr. Low. of New York, was the only Republican to put himself on record in support of the resolution, while 8 Democrats and E Republicans refused to vote. A senate resolution appro priating 150,000 for the congress of the Universal Postal union was adopted. Senator Tillman, of South Carolina, was heard from briefly and pointedly In the senate yesterday after a silence of many weeks, and as usual his re marks served to arouse a lively con troversy. It occurred during the con sideration of the free homestead bill. Mr. Morgan resented some sharp re marks of the South Carolina senator about "gobbling" and stealing public landB. The incident was closed by a statement from Mr. Tillman disclaim ing any pin pace of being discourteous to the Alabama senator. An agree ment was reached for a final vote on the free homestead bill at 3 p. m. to day. Darly In the day Mr. Morgan en deavored to secure a vote on his Cu ban resolution. It went over, how ever, at the request of Mr. Hale, of Maine, !.n order that speeches in oppo sition u.ay le made. For Itching Piles, irritation of tho genitals or Itching in any part of tho body, Doun's Ointment is worth its weight iu gold. No matter how long standing tho trouble, Donn's Ointment will not fail to give instant lellcf. Killed by III- ji-iin..iii Son. Independence, Han., May i. The murder cf an old man by ono of htH sons Is reported from Howata, I. T the victim belnsc John Itiley, CO years of nee, whose place, two miles eust of Nowata, 1h widely known as "the old lU'ey farm." Jim and Lewis Riley, his sons, aired 20 and 26, came homo drunk, and were soon enjragred In a desi orate fight. When the father at tempted to separate them Lewis dre.v a run and fired two bullets Into tho old man's body, killing him Instantly. Youns Itiley fled. lii'iitul Aiini-oliftH T;i'OUtcft. Barcelona, May 4. The sentences upon the anarchists convicted of com plicity In the bomb outrage of June 7 last, at the feast of Corpus Chrlstl, when a dynamite bomb was thrown Into a precession on Its way to the Chuich of Santa Maria Delmar, kill ing a dozen outright and wounding nearly CO others, some of whom have Blnce died from their Injuries, were llimlly decided upon by the judicial authorities yesterday. Five were sen tenced to death, and the remainder will be deported. The executions took place today. Two ot the condemned men were mnrrled yesterday afternoon to women who are also prisoner Pages from the Diary of Capt. John W. Moore, Newbury, Ind, Jsn. 9. "Our little boy, who has suffered for six years with lameness In his hip, oontiiiu.es ' to grow worse, although we have applied many kinds of liniments. Tho family doctor lias deolded that the boy has hip Joint disease, and he urges us not to meddle with the ease, say ing it is best to allow It to tako Its own oourse. We feel very anxious about him. I wish we could find something which would effect a cure. I fear It will develop Into a very serious affair," J. W. March 22. "A sore has broken out ou the under sldo of my boy's h'p, and it has d 1 s char cod very freely and left an opening about an Inch deep, the slzo of a sliver dol lar. He has to be given con stant attention. Our physician tells us to keep the sore run ning. A second sore has ap peared on his groin and broken. The boy Is very low. I inked the doctor about giving him Hood's Sarsaparllui, w li I o n li a a cured so many such eases, but he said be could give him medicine that Is four times better and does not cost a s in u e h . " MOOHK. J. W. Mixihh. Pages like those nliove are UiouBwiius ot people. In the memories of many move the succoee of Hood's Sarsapa rilla is indelibly imprinted. The cures by Hood's Sarsaparilla are literally written in blood in blood made pure, enriched and vitalized, mirwl of scrofulous taints, salt rheum, boils, niinples, siirinsr. humors in blood whioh properly builds up and gives that tonio to the system Is (V M ai Hprlng Medicine NUGGETS OF NEWS. New Jersey postmaster. John L. Dei by at Cranfnrd; William H. Larlson at Madison. A whistle In a 3-year-old boy's throat at Paterson, N. J., was cut out by sur geons after having been located by the X-ray. Actor James II. Gentry was removed to the Eastern penitentiary, In Phila delphia, to serve hN life sentence for the murder of Actress Madge York. Serious rioting has occurred In the San Luis province of Argentina, caused by the great destitution and Buffering there and the delay of congress In sending aid. Dr. Zertucha, the alleged betrayer of the Cuban General Maceo, has been arrested and taken to Havana. It Is loderatoed that the Ppanlsh will deport llin to Charfmlnag Island, the Span jsh penal station off the African coast. It should be nmrte n mutter nt publl: knowledge that DeWitt's Witch Haste Halve will speedily cure piles of the longest stand ing. It Is the household favorite Air bums, scalds, cuts, bruises and sores of all kinds. The 1"' uwiii'i' liivvmtlKtitioti. Dover, Del., May 4. The senate yes terday decided to co-operate with the house. In Investigating the unpleasant reports In cltculatlon. The speaker ap pointed Messrs. Meredith, Alrlchs and Moore r.s the committee, The house adopted a resolution empowering the house committee to Issue subpoenas for any person or persons within the state to appear before the commlttee. The neglect of a cold la often fatal. I)r Wood's Norway Pino Syrup contains all tlm foothlng virtues of the pine. Never falls to euro. Dr. Tnliungo'M Tour fin Charity. Chltago, May 4. Tho two weeks' tour cf Itev. T. Dcwltt Talmasre, In behalf of the starving millions lit In dia," was concluded here last evening with two great meetings, held In the Auditorium and In Central Music Hall, half a mile apart. Many thousands listened to the earnest plea put forth by the eloquent divine. Contributions were prompt and generous, and a good ly sum was added to the Indian relief fund. Over $100,000 In cofh and enough corn tn fill five shls have been con tributed. Burdock Blood Bitters is nature's true rem edy for constipation and kindred ills. It nclB directly cm tho bowels, (he liver, tho skin, and while cleaning tho blood Impart? strength to the dlgestlvo organs. Florida' Senatorial IJoiidlook. Tallahassee, Fla., May 4. The Flor ida legislature beg-an yesterday Its third week of dally balloting for a United States senator to succeed Wil kinson Call. Apparently an election is not much nearer than when the voting began. Call's strength Is now 39, against 33 at the outset; Chlpley's 32, against 21, and Iianey'B 22, against 11. Call runs on each ballot from 6 to 9 votes ahead of Chlnlev, but lacks a dozen votes of an election. Chlpley's friends are confident that their man will ultimately draw enough from Ilanoy and the field to carry the day. Mr. I). P. Davis, a prominent liveryman and merchant ot Goshen, Ya., has this to say on tho subject of rheumatism : "I tako pleasure in recommending Chamberlain's Pain Hal in for rheumatism, ns I know from personal experience that it will do all that is claimed for it. A year ago this spring my brother was laid up in bed with inflammatory rheumatism and suffered intensely. Tho first application of Chamberlain's Pain B.ilm cased 1 lie pain and tho use of one bottle com pletely cured him. For salo by Gruhlcr Bros., druggists. Collided With nil IcuiWij. St. John's, N. F., May 4. The steamer Sheeincss, 15 days out from Cadiz, ar rived here yesterday with a cargo of salt. On Saturday, while about 150 miles off the coast, she struck an Ice berg, which stove In her bows, smashed several of her plates and wrecked the forecastle. But for the fact that the sailors were on .deck at the time sev eral would have been seriously Injured, because all their berths were demolish ed. The captain ordered the orew to get the lifeboats ready for launching, after which collision sheets were fixed over the bows and the Inrush of the water checked. Pumps wer- thon set going and the vessel managed to reach here without further damage. Oct. 8. " How glad I am that I ever tried Hood's Sarsaparllla f o r my boy's ' hip disease. When he had finished taking the first bottle ho looked fifty per cent better. I continued giving him Hood's Sarsa parilla and now he Is quite well. He runs and plays with the oilier chil dren and we can hardly be lieve he Is the same ehlld, thanks to Hood's Barso par'lla, which we lutve proved to bo Indeed the One True Blood Puri fier." J. W. MOOIUE. May 10. "The doe tor's mcdicluo which I have been Giving our loy lias not prood of any avail. The oh.l.leont'nued to i':uw worse and 1 have Stopped g v;ng It to I: in, and now ho Is tak lngllood's Sar saparllta. I got a bottlo from the druggist a few days ago and I believe I can see that the bo y Is Im proving under thetreatment." J, W. Moons. pennod in tho personal records of the nerves, strengthens the gtomaoh so imperatively needed in the Spring. Sarsa parilla Tho Ono True Blood rtirificr. flEWS FftOIu flfLlMSBURG I (Oonrtmied from First Page ) oalrr'alsriiptibn of tiri ng trie "approac riing state campaign Is first class. There are hints that Senator Quay Is more than willing to make terms with tho Pittsburg and Philadelphia leadeis of the opposition. It Is Intimated that even now negotiations are pending looking to a new deal In state polltlos. DefVut or tho Pool Soli Inn Bill. Among the bills which went down during the last week was one legalising the sale of jiools upon race tracks of agricultural societies. It was strongly supported by promlnet turfmen of the State, and at one time Its passage look ed promising, but Governor Hastings threw out a hint that the bill would fall under the veto ax If It ever reached htm. This settled Its fate. The Spats bill to discontinue the pub lication of The Legislative Record has passed second reading, and seems tn have a chance of getting through. Fm years The Record has been a stundlng Juke In the legislature. Propeily pub lished It would be a useful public doc ument, but as the proceeding are never placed upon the desks of the legislators until they are stale The Record might just as well be published at the close of the session, or not at all. Mr. Woodruff, of Philadelphia, Iiiih Introduced a bill allowing judges o( the United States circuit court to com mit juvenile criminals to reformatories. It is understood to huve the sanction of Attorney General McKenna and Judge llutler, or the united States district court at Philadelphia. There Is considerable prison legislation on the calendars of both houses, and an effort will be made to pass certain bills which have for Ihelr purpose the relieving of the overcrowded penal institutions of the state through a Bystem ot parole. Some Important changes to the phar macy law are proposed tn bills which ure now pending tn the house. The most Important change Is the dimi nution of a proviso authorizing physi cians registered under the net of 1881 to carry on the drug business and prac tice pharmacy, though they may com pound and sell their own prescriptions and patent medicines. The governor has approved the Farr bill to protect the American Hag from Insult and degradation. This bill had tho support of all the patriotic societies of the state. It provides that any per son who shall wilfully and maliciously damage or destroy uny flag of flag staff on any private or public build ing, or use the flag for advertising any business or trade, shall be guilty of a felony, and upon conviction shall pay a fine not exceeding 1500 or suffer Imprisonment not exceeding six mouths, or both. Prison For l'lunnlo Convict. One of the prison reform bills, pre pared by Francis J. Torrence, of Alle gheny, a member of the state board of charities, provides that female con victs from all the counties in the state, sentenced to enduro punishment by Im prisonment In the penitentiary, shall hereafter be Imprisoned In the West ern penitentiary. Owing to the Illness of Speaker Coy er, who has been threatened with pneu monia, at his home In Philadelphia, the committee to Investigate the $50, 000 Insurance scandal has not yet been appointed. It Is suspected that this In vestigation , will be allowed to fade from memory, but the charges are so specific that It Is difficult to see how they can be Ignored. The main charge Is that 50,000 was demanded by a coterie of persons to clear from the calendars or the legislature bills ob jectionable to big Insurance companies. Governor Hnstings has reappointed Insurance Commissioner Lambert and the Semite has confirmed that popular ofllclal for three years more, dating from May 1. When Colonel Lamlvrt was appointed In 1S95 he was commis sioned for the unexpired term of George R. Luper, so thut he will have served at the end of his new commis sion over five years. This week the program prepared by Professor Warren Powers Laird, the architectural adviser of the capltol building commission, will be In the hands of all arcitects who desire to en ter the open, competition for plans for the new capltol. This competition will be conducted with the greatest care, so thnt there shall be no favoritism when the award of the prize is made. Six distinguished architects have been Invited to enter the competition, In or der that the very best talent In the country shall be represented. These six architects will be paid from $500 to $1,000 each for expenses. Senator Grady, a member of the sen ate committee which hns been Investi gating the municipal uffnlrB of Phila delphia, has declined to sign the report of the committee. This report has been revised and revised asaln, and Is still unsatisfactory to one or two of tho members. Senator Grndy says the re port is too voluminous. Mr. Hosack's charges of bribery against oleomargarine dealers In Pitts burg have not been sustained by the Investigation, and the report will prob ably exonerate Frank M. Moore, the special agont at Pittsburg. of the dairy and food commissioner. Opposition to Trolloy KxtoiiHloii. No session of the house was held on Friday, and the reason given wus that owing, to the number ot special com mittees traveling through the state there might not be a quorum. It leaked out that the real reason was a scheme to prevent the Introduction of a reso lution to give the Young bill to enable trolley companies to branch out Into the country a special order. The courts having decided that the objection of a single owner of abutting property could stop a trolley company from laying Us tracks on a rural highway, this bill Is Intended to enable the companies to go abend and let those opposed ap peal to the courts for appointment of viewers to fix damages. Up to this week the number of bills Introduced In the house was 978; house hills reported from house committees Ml; senate bills, reported from house committees, 117; total bills reported in the house, 6S9; house bills passed and lent to the senate for concurrence, 121; house bills passed finally. 22: senate bills passed finally by the house, 14; senate bills remaining In the house, 170. Representative .Tefferla, of Chester county, has Introduced a bill In the house to do away with hanging. It provides that In all cases where a per son Is found guilty ot murder In the first degree the Jury may qualify the verdict by adding thereto "without capital punlBhmeut," and whenever the jury shall return a verdict aa afore said, the person shall be sentenced to Imprisonment at hard labor for life. A bill has passed finally mnjklng Feb. 13 (Lincoln's birthday) a legal holiday. It has been practically decided that the Republican state convention will oe nem iu iiarrisDurg during tne ween Of August 15. STACKl'OLtS. Just try a luc box of Otsrarets, tbe finest I liver and bowel regulator over mado. "To tell llie truth my mother Has lived with ono foot In the grave," writes Mr. Htigene Slant zenberg, of No. 'isi, iA tool waiKer A jtiujy Texas, In a let- ( Ji if' ter to Dr. R. V. Pierce, of Buf falo, N. Y. " With a aunt thankful heart I will tell you- about tne won derful cure effected in her case. She has been a per fect wreck for seven lone yctn. No words can describe what she has suffered. She could not sleep on account of severe pains. She tried every doctor around here and spent hundreds of dollars without b.nefit. After hearing of your wonderful remedies I wrote to you. My mother has taken six bottles of the 'Golden Medical Discovery,' and six of the 'Favorite Pre scription,' and U now perfectly cured. Please receive the heartiest thanks and bles sing" from my father and seven children for saving the life of dear mother. May God bless you and your Institution, is the wish of your friend.1' Tens of thousands of women have fotric complete and permanent relief from obsti nate and seemingly Incurable disease by using the wonderful remedies referred to above. The "Golden Medical Discovery" possesses the peculiar property of nourlsh imr and vitalising the blood with the life giving red corpuscles which build up healthy flesh and muscular strength. In the special weaknesses and diseases of the feminine oigans, the "Favorite Pre scription " is a perfect and positive specific. 1 c.s tlic onlyscientllic medicine prepared lor lltat purpose by an educated physician and spec! ilist in that particular field of practice. For weak and nervous women these two medicines taken conjointly constitute the mot marvelously successful course of treat ment known to the medical profession. For nearly ip years Dr. Pierce has been chief consulting phvsician to the Invalids' Hotel and Surgical institute, Buffalo. N. Y., at the head of a splendid staff of associate spechllts, eraduates from the leading med ical universities of America and Europe. AmhitHiidor Hu'y mid Victoria. London, May 4. Colonel John Hay, the newly appointed United States am bassador to the court of St, James, received unusual distinction yesterday while presenting his credentials to Queen Victoria at Windsor Castle. Tho royal carriage drove up to Colonel Hay's residence with a coachman and two footmen, In tho royal scarlet livery, to convey Colonel and Mrs. Hay to Paddlngton station. At tho station they were met by the Marquis of Salis bury and the master ot ceremonies Hon. Sir William James Colvlllp. who accompanied them to Windsor, At tho Windsor station Colonol and Mrs. Hay found a royal carriage In waiting to convey them to tho palace, whero luncheon was served. Colonel Hay first had an audience with the Marqula of Salisbury, and then presented his credentials to her majesty. Mrs. Hay was then received In audience by the queen. Don't Tobacco Spit and Smoke Your Life Away. If you want to quit tobacco using easily and forovcr, bo made well, strong, magnetic, full of now lifo and vigor, tako No.To-Bac, tho wonder-worker that makes weak men strong. Many gain ten pounds Iu ten days. Over 400,000 cured. Buy No-To-Bac from your own druggist, who will guarantee a cure. 50c or $1.00. Booklet aud sample mailed free. Ad. Sterling Remedy Co., Chicago or New York. Shj-h lliiUroiidorn I.Ivb 'l)ou'.!".o Lives. Hollldaysburg, Pa., May 4. William J. Burke, a Pennsylvania railroad trainman, who had one wife In Al toona and a second wife In Pitts burg, was sentenced In court yester day to pay a sum for the maintenance of his first wife. He will also be pros ecuted In the Allegheny county courts for bigamy. Burke Intimated after his hearing that several trainmen run ning between Altoona and Pittsburg had wives In both cities. Thirty years Is a long time to fight so Gainful n trouble as piles, but Jacob Mitchell. of Unlonvillo. Pa., struggled that long be- foro he tried DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve, which quickly and permanently cured him. It is equally effective In eczema and all skin all'ectious. C. II. Uagcnbuch. Ousted by Mayor Hurrlsonn Chicago, May 4. Mayor Harrison yesterday removed John M. Clark and Christopher Hotz, Republican members of the civil service commission, on a charge of Incompetency and neglect of duty. Adolph ICraus, Democrat, was appointed to succeed Mr. Clark and ex Mayor Hempstead Washburne, Re publican, to succeed Mr. Hotz. Mayor Harrison endeavored to secure the resignations of the two commissioners, but they refused to resign, and tho mayor then directed their removal, Stands at the Head. Aug. J. Bogel, tho loading druggist of Shreveport, La., says: "Dr. King's New Dis covery is the only thing that cures my cough, and It is tho best seller I have." J. F. Camp bell, merchant ot batlord, Ariz., writes: Dr. King's New Discovery is air that is claimed for it; it never falls, and is a sure cure for Consumption, Coughs and Colds. I cannot say enough for Its merits." Dr. King's Now Discovery for Consumption, Coughs aud Colds Is not an experiment. It has been tried for a quarter of a century, aud to-day stands at tho head. It never disappoints, Free trial buttles at A. Wasloy drug store. ICrugor Wants to Honor Vlotorln. Pretoria, May 4. On the reassem bling of the rnad yesterday President Kruger, In a speech, prepared evident ly with great care, asked the raad, as a token of sympathy with Queen VIo- torla nnd appreciation ot ner long and glorious reign, to declare June 22 an official holiday In the Transvaal. He said that In spite of unfavorable Influences the South African republic continued to onjoy friendly relations with all foreign powers. He also asked that provision be made for the eleo Uon of his successor next year. A Household Necessity. Gascarete Candy Cathartic, the most won d erf ul medical discovery of the age, pleasant and refreshing to the taste, aot gently and positively on kidneys, livor and bowels, cleansing the entire system, dispel colds, cure headache, fever, habitual constipation and biliousness. Please buy and try a hex of 0. C. O. to-day; 10, 36, 50 cents. Sold and guaranteed to cure by all druggists. Jiiliipud from it Window to Death. New York, May 4. Henry A. Lewis, Junior member of the firm of Charles Lewis & Itro., jobber In woolens, com mitted suicide yesterday by Jumping from a third story window of his resi dence In this city. Mr. Lewis was 36 years of age. Lewis lived In the house with his sister, Mrs. M. Harris. No one saw him take ttWfatal leap, hut he was found on the sidewalk dead. His relatives scout the Idea of suicide. Thero Is u Olaaa of People Who aro Injured by the use of cofTee. llocently there has been placed In all the grocery stores a new preiaration called (JUAIN-O, made of pure grains, that takes the place of coffee. The most delicate stomach receives it without distress, and but few can tell it from octree. It does not cost over j as much. Children may drtuk It with great benefit. 15 ets. and 36 cU. per package. Try it. Ask for GBAIN-O. l I 1 IV" EX-MINISTER PORTER DEAD. The Voiiornbto IBdlnun Lender n Vic tim off Pnrtmln. .Indianapolis, May 4.-Albert O. Por ter, ox-governor of Indiana, ex-minister to Italy under President Harri son's ndtnlntstratton, died at his home l .. ...I. ., (.Hlanlnv nmkfl 74 vealfc. Ill HUB l JWB.tJ.u.-J, - - Governor Porter had been oonflned to his room almost constantly for two years. The Immediate cause of his death was paresis, linn Alt. or! f"!nl!nlln Porter wns born at Lawrenceburg, Ind., on April SO, 1821. He began llf as a ferryman on tne TUB LATE A. O. POUTER, Ohio river opposite Lawrenceburg. When he had reached the age of 15 he had saved enough money at this work to carry him through a college course. He graduated at Asbury university In 1843, and began the practice of law at Indianapolis. After serving as a councilman In In dianapolis and recorder In Indiana's su preme court Mr, Porter was, In 1S68, elected to congress, He was comptrol ler of the treasury In the Hayes ad ministration, and was elected governor of Indiana In 1880. In 1889 ho was ap pointed minister to Italy, Try Grnln-O 1 Try Qruln-O 1 Ask your grocor to-day to show you a package of GBAIN-O. tho now food drink that takes tho place Of coueo. Tho children may drink it without injury ns well as the adult. All who try it, llko It. GKAIN-0 has that rich seal brown of Mocha or Java, but it is made from puro grains, aud the most delicate stomach receives it without distress. J tho price of coffee. 15o and 25 eta. per package. Sold by nil grocers. Coming Events. Hay SO. Ico cream and stmwberry festival in Bobbins' opera house, undor tho auspices of tho societies of Trinity Bcfornicd church. May 18 Entertainment by tho Sunday school of tlio Welsh Congregational church, of South West Btrect. Juno 8. O rand concert by tho 1". JI. church choir, in Bobbins' opera house. Juno 12. Ico cream festival under tho allspices of tho Famous Base Ball Club, in Bobbins' opera house, When a cold is contracted, euro It at once, One Minute Cough Cure will set you on the road to recovery iu a minute, It will euro pneumonia, bronchitis, croup and all forms of lung and throat troubles. 0. H. Uagcn buch. Paymaster Corwlno Pleudu Guilty. Newport, R. I., Mnv 4. The court martial In the case of Paymaster John Corwlne was convened In the war col lege building yesterday. Tho charges against the paymaster allege deser tion, embezzlement of $15,000 and con duct unbecoming an ofllcer nnd detri mental to the service. Corwlne plead ed guilty, but asked for a continuance until Tuerday, when he stated he would have a statement of his case ready for presentation. An adjourn ment was made as requested. Mucklen's Arnica Halve. Tho best salve iu tho world for cuts. bruises, sores, ulcers, salt rheum, fever sores, tetter, chapped hands, chilblains, corns, and all skin eruptions, and positlvcty cures plies, or jo pay required. It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction or mony refunded. Piico a cents per Dnx. or sale or a. wasioy. Accused lliuil.-orH l'ltriilsli Hall. Chicago, May I. All the Indicted officials of the. defunct Globe Savings bank, with the exception of ex-PresI-dent Spalding, gave bonds yestorday and were released from custody. Spald ing's bonds foot up nearly $320,000, and he cannot furnish that amount of surety. tirlp-Colits-lieuilncho. Why sufl'or with Coughs, Colds and I.a Grippe when Laxntlvo Bromo Qulnln'o will cure you in one day. Put up in tablets con veniont for taking. Guaranteed to cute, or money refunded.- Prico, 25 cents. voi sale by Eirlln's Pharmacy. Tho "V outlier. For eastern Pennsylvania and New Jersey: Unsettled weather; prolftbly '.Ight showers; variable winds. For District of Columbia, Delaware and Maryland: Portly cloudy weather; veslrrly Minds, Electric Hitters. Electric Bitters Isainedicinosuitcd for anv season, but porlupB more generally needed in mo spring, wuen tne languid exhausted feeling prevails, when the liver is torpid nnd sluggish and tho need of a tonic and altera tive is felt. A prompt use of this niedicino has ofton averted long and perhaps fatal bilious fevers. No niedicino will act more surely in countemctiiig and freeing the sys- tcm from the malarial nolson. lleadneho. i poisor m, Ua Indigestion, Constipation, DIzzliioM yield to Eleclrlo Blttors. Only Jlfty centa par bottlo at A. Wasley's drug store. PROFESSIONAL CARDS. Q S. PHILLIPS, M. D. Office: 80 West Centre ati eel. Can be consulted at all hours. jyj M, 1UIBKK, ATT0RHEY-AT-I,AW. Office Kgnn building, corner of Main au. Centre streetx, Sliennndonb, J II. 1'OMKltOY, ATTORNBY-AT-ljAW Shenandoah, I'o. Jjj W. SIIORMAKHIt, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. Comer Marked ami Central tfrwU. pitOP JOHN JONIW, MUSICAL INSTRUCTOR, fxHik Hoi A6, Mnbanoy Otty, !'. Having atudlwl under fpinr ot ll.c bl wasters li' London alwl l'arl, will give Invwui un the violin, ninudftltp. gultarand vootl culture. Triu rtMMnahle. Addros In onre of Htrouao, Ibe Jawoler. Shenandoah. larli Celebrated Vpmnl. i 7 Powders never full. 1 BBMBVUsaaBBasMai-iBMaBM ttlVBIlU MafC I aVlvf ItUllfflf yitb Ttiujr 'ul i'tuayroyiJ Tilli and other Uk rtunarilMi I. Altrav huv the htet a lid sVVuId ft lain Xitetnaent. (J u ran teed tuprlorto til oUiml I'wltiveJr irbcft inUjatiuokt. A IX UrtV Oar Cortou. Wo. t rmicuUii, i cu. W aV mm Uf Neuralgia of the Heart Vanqulihod by Dr. Mllos' Remedies. BS. 8IDLKV, of Torrlngton, Oonn., Suffered from just such a complica tion of diseases as tho extoiiBlvo ex perience and Investigations of Dr. Miles Lave proven, result from Impairment of tho norvous system. Mr. J as. B. Sldloy writes Oct, 28, 1895: "My Wife was taken sick with neuralgia ot the heart, nervous exhaus tion and liver trouble. Although attended by two physicians sho grow worse, until she. wns nt death's door. I then bogan giv ing hor Dr. Miles' Bcstoratlvo Nervine, and Dr. Miles' New Heart Cure, nnd slia improved so wonder fully from tbe first that I at onco dis missed tbo physicians, Sho now oatq and sleeps well nnd does) her own houseworli Wo havo recommend ed your remedies to a great many In our city, and every one has boon very much benefited by them." Dr. Miles' Bcicdles are sold by all drug gists under a positive guarantoe, first bottle benefits or money refunded. Book on Heart and Nerves sent f reo to all applicants. OB. MILES MEDIOAL CO, Elkhart, Jnd. A genuino welcome waits you at JOE WYATT'S SALOON, Cor. Haiti and Coal Sts. Finest trhlakeyB, beers porter And Ale cor-nfftntly on tup. Choice em pern it re tlrlul gfMSY PiLLBl JKUI tSLSflFE "iKo l Elf! !I3 tMWwSTS'BMi TtV'IriiV,"', VVik-nx 3ptcirtc Co,PhiLA-Psv Koi t Povlnaky'a drug store, 28 Ka Centre ntreet. H. S. ALBRIGHT, OtOinvioftDUna. Subject tn KepUbllonn rules. Teams to Hire. II you wAnt to hire a safe nnd reliable team for driving or for working purposes pay SI it eld s livery stnblo n visit. Teams constantly on hnnd At reasonable rates JAMES SHIELDS, No. 410 East Centre street. Opposite ReAdIng railroad ntAtlon. Tho Rosy Freshness And a t el vet softness of the skin Is Inva riably obtained by thore who uso Pozzohi's TaMMliiasaisSaal rTii sssssssi mi 'ii P. J. Agent for Shenandoah and Vicinity -For- BARBEY'S Beer and Porter Try Barbey's Bohemian Beer. PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD COMPANY. Personally-Conducted Tours MATCHLESS IN EVERY FEATURE. CALIFORNIA Tour tn OALII'OUNIA nnd the PACIPIO COA8T will leave New York nud Philadelphia March S7, returning on regular trains within nine months, ltound-trip tloketa. Including all tour fealuteH going and transportation only returning, will lie aold at rate of 1304.00 from New York, nod M08.00 1 m4l!luu!elpht one way tickets, including all tour feature going. SU .78 from New York. U0.S from Philadel phia. Proportionate rates from other iolnts. WASHINGTON Tours, each covering n period of three SSS. "JL l"e New York and Phlbulel March 11, 92, and May 18, 197. Kates, Inelnd Ing tramwrtailpii t, two days' aocomniixln tlon at ithe best Washington Hotels, Slt.SO from New York, and (111.50 from Philadelphia. For detailed itineraries and other Information apply at ticket agencies or uddrswa (loo. V. Ht'Yi ' o1o 0e"'' Vam- Ag'. Breaa" BUeet Station, l'hllodelpHa. Wanted-An Idea Wbo can think, of some simple thing to patent? Rotact your ldemi they may tiring you wealth. Write JOlIK VfUDDEnmjKN CO., Patent Attor- cuufttit oVNwouoreueriawaaie rise offer .ed. Q A96 DIVIDEND ssfr Tmf to is vist $io oa vrw. dtn4i MTiklK mooOjlr. Pftrtlouliri fr. AC di PAID H OCTOBER WOULD YOO 0B urwiuoBT ui,i. rrtlilui frM. Aldrau, Weat- ern I Inunolul Co., ns pirtora str. Ch in. Wanted-An Idea Who can think or some simple thing to patantf Paetect yeur Mesa, tbr may brlofr you wealth. Wrtte JOHN WBbPEkUlJHN Co., Patent Attor saya. W aahugtan, p. r for their l,euo prise octet and Hat ot two hundred inveatloua vf anted.