The evening herald. (Shenandoah, Pa.) 1891-1966, April 27, 1897, Image 3

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It is so simple to be Well that we wonder
why there ore sn many rick people
Come, to think about It, must be because
they don't know what's mado them sick.
If they knew that, they could prevent it,
and when they wero sink, In some cases cure
themselves. Hut, so long n we don't tnko
more care of our health, we shall always ho
more" or less slek,
Tho simple rules of healthare: Keep clean,
take oxcrclse, eat good food, scour out your
The last means : Don't tolerate Indigestion.
Cure It with Shaker Dlgostlvo (Vrdial. A
stomach full of undigested, fermented,
putrid food is tho unhealthiest thing you can
think of.
Half our diseases and troubles enmo from
the poisons uf undigested fowl. Moro than
half of theui could he cured with Shaker
Digestive Cordial.
More than half, because often when we
think we are stck wo are only weak, and a
course of nourishing food digested without
fnirt by the stomach (with tho aid of Shaker
Digestive Cordial) would retnvigorate the
wliulo system and make us well.
A ten cent trial bottle will prove It. At
Write for interesting book to The Shaktrs,
30 Iteado street, New York.
Tea m a to Hires.
It you waul to hire a safe and reliable
team for driving or tor working purposes
pay Shields' livery stable n visit. Teams
constantly on baud ut rewtonable rulet
.No. 410 Bast Centre street,
ppotdte Reading railroad station.
Tho Rosy Freshness
And a velvety softness of the skin is Inva
riably obtained by that") who use Fozzoni'b
Complexion .uowuer.
Cores general or special debility, wakelul
fiess, eperajatorlicea, emissions, Imnotcncy,
paresis, etc. Correct functional disorders,
caused by crroM or excesses', quickly restoring
Lost Manhood in old or yountj, giving vigor and
strength where former weakness prevailed. Coq.
voient package, simple, cftectuul, and legitimate
Curb is .Quick, and.Thorough.
Poh t t-e deceived by tmttationsi insist on
CATON'S Vltalliers. Sent sealed il your drug,
gist doe not have it. Price $1 per plcge, 6 for $5,
with written guiranteo of complete cure.
Information, references, eic, free and confidential.
Send us statement of case and 25 cts. for a week's
Ulal treatment. One sent to caeh person.
For sole nt 1'. P. D. Klrlln' drug store mid
Bticnanuonu uruir store.
Jtilelicater Knell kh DlomouJ RinndL.
Ortclnnl and Onlv Giviulne.
date. aliraTS ruliabls. la Die ik
Draggla for Chlctie$thrt J'.naUtk D(a-i
mond Brand. In lied and fluid uictftllltv
litoxci, sruoa witii blue ribbon. Tu o
tin nth or. Rtftitt danatrout rubttltu
tiontand imitations. At. Druggist, or.ieni4l)
in itarnp tor juirtlcutan, t'ttluioiiliii ar
"iteiici lor laHniput" m setter, uj morn
Moth 1 f.tnil Twtliinonlnls. Nam iotr.
- Relieve and .Cure
Head Troubles
P Cinmanh flicnrrlero
27 foriuuluHj
of itntuU I
plivwlclnns I
System Irregularities
"For every III, a special pill."
It not nt Drug Stores, wrlto
Bronx Chemical Co.,YonkDrs,N.Y.
Itoalth Hook Mailed Free.
I1D TUSSI 604N?rth Sixth St.
bJISi i Sra&6& Side entrance on firccnSL
PL.lli:h,riiil'ltAV'j:ii;K(UU years) nntf u
Years Hospital Kxperlcnce In -Icrmnny.
Permanently cured utter cverr one else bus tailed.
Send Ave 2-cent stamps for hook Triilli. Tlie only
enxwuro of Quacks unm-rBwiirn ti-atlmonlils. "
mkY mm restore..
1 ...i... u.nui I.KIA IIAIIC
11 VI'. " '1 imr.nipff, ii'ftjitwnl o lor (fl liuil
t.tirH II A I It TO, HJrumovei dandrutf. Mod
hafi-frnm ffliltnEmii and inrtitiTigrowth $1 ( ln"li
I.nnMKIIIOA.N'IM ilHftKultoniit., S V CDCC
llluttrated Treatise ofMlatr ou applicalion I litt
For sale by Shenandoah Drug Store, Kirlin
Unit; Store.
Layer's ? "
Lager and
Pilsner Beers,
Purest and
Chris. Schmidt, Agt.,
West Coal Street.
Site aiio Huhe. ecnd to. fok"vvoan- sah
it 1'ovlnsky's druif store, 38 Kfc
Centre streeL
la sew
(Onrltlmteil froral'lret l'rtgo.)
front with the olllcml flag or ttie- presi
dent, the tlesltrn appearing In clear evl-
aencp. At the supakcrs' lek Is tho
Hag of the United States. All the
stands are decorated with royal purple
bunting. On the tomb Itaelf there are
no decorations, except double victory
palms bound on the fare of each of the
coulmns In front, berldea several mora
laid upon the sarcophagus. Colors of
foreign countries are used as drapery,
or as flags, at designated positions on
the main stands, while the fronts of
three of the rtands are draped In the
national colors, with thp motto "Let
as have peace" In the center.
The head of the land parade left
Madison avenue and Twenty-fourth
street at 10 o'clock, following the
presidential party In Its route to the
tomb. A marching salute was given
on reaching the tomb, after which the
line passed around Claremont Circle,
and so on past the reviewing stand.
At the head of the military dvislon
and of the parade, in -which 66,000 men
inarched, rode General Grenvllle M.
Dodge, the grand marshal. Upon the
recommendation of General Grant, un
der whom ho served, he secured his
stars as a major general. It was fit
ting Indeed that he who began life as
a. butcher's boy In Danvere, Mass., nnd
rose to greatness under Grant, should
lead the host of soldierly pilgrims to
the tomb of the general who was once
the tanner of Galena. Behind him
rode Colonel A. Noel Blakeman, chief
af staff, and the other staff oftlcers.
Next In line came the United States
forces under command of Major Gen
eral Wesley A. Merrltt. He was sur
rounded by a brilliant staff and was
followed by the First .brigade, U. S, A.,
led bv General William M. Graham.
Under his command, among other bod
ies, were the West Point cadets, en
gineers from Wlllets Point, the Thir
teenth and Ninth lnfa.ry regiments
and nine batteries of artillery. Then
followed a regiment of crack United
States cavalrymen. The Second bri
gade of United States forces was made
up of three battalions of marines,
headed by the fine Marino band, of
Washington, and five battalions of
bluejackets from Admiral Bunco's
white squadron.
Governor Frank S. Black, and Ills
gold laced staff led the Second, di
vision, composed of the National Guard
of the ptate of New York. Brigadier
General Lbuis Fitzgerald commanded
the First brigade of this division.
The Third division may be called the
governors' guard, for ten chief pxecur
t(ves of sister commonwealths had)
places Jn it. First In line was Governor
D. II. Hastings, of Pennsylvania, fol
lowed by a provisional brigade picked
from the National Guard , of the Key
stone state.
New Jersey's governor, John W.
Griggs, acted as a brigadier of the
soldiers of the Lightning state, and
had for his personal secort the Essex
troopers, of Orange,
Next came Governor Cooke, of Con
necticut, supported by a soldierly bat
tallon looklnr- for all the world like
her majesty's horse guards. But the
only things English about them are
their red coats and bearskin shakos.
Governor Wolcott, of Massachusetts,
headed the troops from his state. In
eluding the famous Ancient and Hon
orable Artillery, which was founded In
revolutionary days.
The Maryland troops, headed by
Governor Lowndes, the flrst Republican
executive of the Terrapin state in
many years, followed upon the heels
of the Bay State brigade. The gover
nor was escorted by the crack regiment
of Maryland, tho "Dandy Fifth,", of
The National Guard of Virginia, led
by Governor Charles O'Ferrall, follow
ed the Maryland troops. The governor,
who was a captain in the Confederate
army, was escorted by the Richmond
After the Old Dominion Guard
marched the soldier boys from Ver
mont, commanded by Governor Joslah
Grout, who won the title of major by
gallantry In battle. Next came Gov
ernor Asa Bushnell, of Ohio, who was a
general in the army, supported by
picked detachments of cavalry, Infan
try and artillery. Governor Tanner
and tho Illinois soldiers, followed by
Governor Busiel and the New Hamp
shire militia, marched ahead of the
National Guard of the District of Co
lumb'a,, which closed the strictly mili
tary section of the parade.
The cadets of tho American Guard,
of tho public schools, uniformed, armed
and equipped, and the boy soldiers of
private schools and academies, had the
right of the line of the next division,
marshalled by Captain Zallnskl. U. S,
A., retired. All creeds and nationalities
were represented In this division, for
there was a company of Chinese stu
dents, fully equipped, as well as u
crack colored cadet corps.
With General O. O. Howard riding
ahead, the veterans of the land and
cea forces of the Union army were
next In line. General Howard had a
staff of 100 mounted veterans behind
him, and following them marched 10,000
old soldiers.
Following the Union veterans- and
their sons came the Confederate vet
erans and sons, the Confederates being
commanded by General Johl) B. Gor
don, of Georgia.
In the civic division there were many
branches of the Ancient Order of Hi
bernians, independent military com
panies, the veteran firemen and hun
dreds of fraternal and benefit societies.
The letter carriers' regiment was a
marked feature of this division. In
this division also appeared a tribe of
Sioux Indians, with Colonel William F.
Cody (Buffalo Bill) and Chief Joseph,
of the Nez Perces, riding side by side,
The naval parade, which starts at 2
o'clock, will present a spectacle such
as has seldom If ever Been before In
this harbor. There are four grand di
visions, under command of Rear Ad
mlral Francis M. Bunce, headed by
the famous white squadron of the
United States navy, and followed by
foreign ships-of-war. Including the
British steareer Talbotf, the Franch
oorvette Fulton, the Spanish, steamers
Infanta Isabella and Maria Teresa and
the Italian steamship Dogalt. The sec
ond division Ib composed of other naval
vessels and vessels belonging to the
United States lighthouse department.
United States revenue cutters and gov
ernment vessels form the third divis
ion, and the fourth division U com
posed of vessels of the merchant ma
rine. Tonight there will be a reception to
President McKlnley at the Union
League, and the celebration will end
with a grand naval ball at the Waldorf
tomorrow night.
A Household Necessity.
CkscareU Candy Onthartle, the most won
derful medical discovery of the age, pleasant
aud refreshing to tho taste, aet gently and
NMltively on kidneys, tiver anu ooweia,
oleaiislnu' tho entire system, dispel cold), eur
headache fever, habitual constipation anu
biliousness. Pleuse buy and try a box of
C. C. C. to-day ; 10, 36, 60 cents. Sold and.
guaranteed to cure by all druggists.
Ctvsearets stimulate liver, kidueys and
bowels. Novor sluUon, weaken or gripe, 10c,
Munyon's Phenomenal Success With Ills
New Remedial Discoveries Inspires
Impudent and Unscrupulous
0( These Shameless .Enterprises Hope
Hoodwink the People by Mas
querading as Near as They
Dare In Munyon's
Ills Announcements to the People,
-so as to Unload Their Worth
less Rubbish on the Sick
and Distressed in Order
to Fill Their Pockets
With Unholy
Of These Cheap Fellows Don't Risk
Health and Life by Taking Their
Unscientific 'Concoctions
There is Only One.
Can be Only
The Others Have no Fart Nor Share in Els
Great Discoveries Their Schemes Lack
the Vital Elements Which Have Made His
Great Humane Flan a Success. There la
Danger For You In Having Anything to
Do With Them.
It lias come to the notico of tho Munyon
Homeopathic Home Bemedy Co., of Phila
delphia, that a horde of cheap imitators, in
spired by hope of gain and without regard
for tho injury they may do with their mis
cellaneous and iffnnrantlv coinnoundcd nos
trums, are abroad in tho land prosecuting
their nefarious work.
They hope, by cheapening their product
and by imitating Munyon's advertising and
business methods, to get a sharo of his
Munyon could well afl'ord to lenore theso
fellows, if It wcro not that the causo of
advanced nomeonatny aud tue weltareof the
people demand that ho should sound a note
ot warning.
and his remedies aro accented bv tho nco
nlo, by the profession, by tho clergy, tho
judiciary, by everybody. They havo been
tried in the forum of tho people, and not
ioiuiu wanting. Avoid tuo substitutions aud
I ho Imitatious as vou would a nostilence.
Munyon's Bheumatism Curo seldom fails
to relievo m ono to three hours, and cures in
a iow nays, rnce xoc.
Munyon's Dyspepsia Curo positlvoly
euro all forms of indigestion aud stomach
troublo. Price 23c.
Muuyon's Cold Curo prevents pneumonia
anu oroaKS up a cold in a low Uours. 1'rlco
Munyon's Cough Cure stops coughs, night
sweats, allays soreness and speedily heals
tho luncs. Price 2So.
Munyon's Kidney Curo speedily euros pains,
in the back, loins or groins and all forms of
Kidney diseases. Price 25c.
Munyon's Headache Curo stops headache
in three minutes, Price 25c.
Munyon's Pile Ointment positively cures
all forms of piles. Prico 25c.
Munyon's mood Curo eradicates all lm
puritios of tho blood. Prico 25o.
Munyon's Kemalo Itomedioa aro a boon to
ail women.
Munyon's Vitallzor restores lost powers to
weaK men. rnce si.
Munyon's Remedies at all druggists,
mostly 25 cents a vial.
If in doubt, writo to Prof. Munyon direct,
1505 Arch street,. Philadelphia, for free
medical advico.
Burglars blew open the safe in tho
postofiice at Lewisburg, W. Va., and
secured between fCOO and $700 In stamps
and money.
Dr. John Watson (Ian Maclaren) is
answering charges of heresy before
the annual synod of the Presbyterian
church of England.
Detectives In Denton Harbor, Mich.,
unearthed an extensive counterfeiting
plant, capturing a bushel basket full
of died, moulds and acids.
Isidor Weber shot his 4-year-old
daughter Josie in New York yesterday,
Wiling her. He then klled himself
ulth the same weapon, falling dead be
side his child.
The bladder was created for one purpose,
namely, a receptacle fpr the urine, and as
such It is not liable toany form of disease ex
cept by one of two ways. The flrst way is
from imperfect action of the kidneys. The
second way Is from careless local treatment of
other diseases.
Unhealthy urine from unhealthy kMneys
is tho chief cause of bladder troubles aud
suffering so painful to many that life is made
miserable. The wonlb like the bladder was
created fur one purpose, and If left alone It is
not liable to became diseased, except in rare
cases. When in position the womb Is situated
back of and very close to the bladder, aud
for that reason any distress, disease or incon
venience manifested in tho kidneys, hack,
bladder or urinary passage Is often by miitako
attributed to fejuale weakness or womb
trouble of seme sort. The error is easily
made and may be as easily avoided by paying
a little attention to the oouditlon of the urine
(see pamphlet). The mild and the extra
ordinary effect of Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root,
the great kidney, liver and bladder remedy
Is soon realized. It stands the higUest fur Its
wonderful oures. If you need a medicine
you should have the best. At druggists fifty
cents and one dollar. You may havo a
sample bottle and pamphlet, both sent fr
by mail. Mention Evening Hebald and
send your address to Dr. Kilmer & Co.
lliughamton, N. Y. The proprietors of this
paper guarantee the genuluess of this offer.
Often Causes No End of SuffeHiif,
IVntmbly half the people who see this ar
ticle suffer from piles. It is one of the com
monest diseases nnd one of the most obsti
nate. People havo It for years and just be
cause it is not Immediately fatal they neglect
it. Carelessness causes no end of sufleriug.
Carelessness about so simple a thing as piles
lias crten caused death. Hemorrhages occur
from no apparent cause nnd loss of blood
causes death. Hemorrhages occur during
surgical treatment, often causing death.
Piles are simple in the beginning and
easily cured. Thoy can be cured oven in the
worst stages, without pain or loss of blood,
qulokly, surely and completely. There is
only one remedy that will do it Pyramid
Pile Cure.
It allays the Inflammation immediately,
heals the irritated surface and with contin
ued treatment reduces tho swolllng and put
the membranes into good, sound, healthy
oouditlon. The cure Is thorough and per
manent. Druggists sell tho Pyramid, Pllo
Cure at 50 eeuts. 8end for Free book ou
oauso nnd cure of Piles.
Vlio V-mAor.
For eastern Pennsylvania and New
Jersey: Fair: northerly winds. For
Delaware and Maryland! Fair: slight
ly warmer; northerly winds, becoming
I had severe attacks of gravel and kldnoy
troublo; and uuable to get a medicine or
doctor to curo mo until I used Hop Bitters,
and thoy cured, me in a short time. A
N. Y.
CoLOBLBss and Cotvi). A young elrl
deeply regretted that slio was so colorless nnd
and cold. Her faco was too white, and her
hands and feet felt ns though tho blood did
not circulate " After ono bottlo of Hop
Bitters had been taken she was tho rosiest
and hoalthlost girl In tho town, with a
vivacity and chcorfulness of mind gratifying
other friends.
mim miel mi
roit .
Piles or Hemorrhoids.
Fissures & Fistulas.
Burns & Scalds.
Wounds & Bruises.
Cuts & Sores.
Bolls & Tumors,
fSczama & Eruptions,
Salt Rheum & Tetters.
Chapped Hands.
Fever Blisters. . '
Sore Lips & Nostrils.
Corns & Bunions.
Stings & Bites of Insects.
Three Sizes, 25c, 50c. and $1.00.
gold by druggists, or sept posf-pajd p nrccelpf pf prtaJ
)ll'3irilIIES'lEIH.C0., Ill A ;1S VIIUMSt.,NeVori.
I'or snlo at I'ovlnsky's drug store, 28 Knst
Centra street
AlwftTi Dromoland reliable. Avoiil Imttattont.
Oftt CilOU'lTASiT PlLLlind dirt Bin BETS.
At druit torn, orient direct (sealed), nrict). tl.
Catoh Bfio. Co., Boston, Mast. Our book, 4c.
For nolo at V. P. I), Klrlin'w driiu Btoro mid
Shenandoah drug sfofe.
Celebrated fcroHle
u & te. Powders never fall.
9 iil,lxXlsu.aioa ilsjclaro tEew
smfeaml inre after f&ilinff
with Tamy fd Pennyroyal Villa ind other lik
tot innifsii. AfttTtivti hiir the htwt and avoid dlsat
pcrltttmcnt. Guaranteed superior to all other. roeltlveSr
the beet in the innrki-t, A Nu. I- rutlcultui, 4 ct Dx, &T
VI) X. Di;kB7 Jioeton.aHSi.
The first cf American Newspa
pers, ClIARItES A. DANA, Editor.
The American Constitution, the
American idea, the American Spirit.
These first, last and all the time,
Daily, by mail, - $6 a year
Daily & mall, $8 a year
The Sunday Sun
is the greatest Sunday Newspaper In
the world
Price 5c. a copy. By mall, $2 a year
Aadress THE BUN, New York.
riillions of Dollars
Go up in smoke every year. Take no
riskB but get your houses, stock, fur.
nlturo, etc., insured in first-class re
liable oompanles as represented by
rAVTn PATKT Insurance Ajrent.
UiXylU rAUOtt 130 South Jarilln St
Also Llfo and Accidental Oompanl et
Q s. l'liirj.ipa, jr. d.
Offleet 80 West Centre stieet.
Can he consulted at alj hours.
Office Biinn building, corner ol Matn and
Centre streets, Bhenandonh,
Shenandoah, Pa.
Corner Market and Centre streets.
Lock Box (IS, Mahanoy City, l'a.
ITavlntr studied under soma of the best
roasters IP London and l'arls, will give lessons
on the vlolln.mandolln. guitar and vocal culture.
Terms reasonable. Address in care 01 Btrouae.
the jeweler, Hbenandoah.
flliffifffi TI111UTI0NS $3,40
v- ---jij v jua rv jl a. u j a. a j. 1. v 1 1 rs m
Internal Turmoil Now Worries tho
Littlo Mouaroby.
Ho JiisIMh I'ltnt (oiistiintlii'H StnfTOr-
llcers Aro Cownrdl.v, Doiniiinln Thetr
Iteonll, and Illn DeninmlH Aro Obey
ed Hoy 11 1 Family llonily ftr 1'lliilit.
London, April 27. The Athens cor
respondent of The Times confirm the
report of the appointment of General
Smolensk! as chief of staff of the Greek
nrmy In Thessaly, and adds: "Colonels
Staikos and Limbrltls and Major Con
stantlnldes have been recalled from
Crete to serve on the staff of the crown
prince. The ministerial Pallnsreneela
announces that all of the officers of
Constantln's staff have been recalled."
A telegram just received at Athenx
states that the Turks are within an
hour's march of V61o. The Greek
troops have been withdrawn from the
town, and are taking; the wounded
from the hospitals. Among the arrivals
from Volo Is ex-Mlnlgter Ita.HI, leader
of the largest opposition group in the
boule. He has been at the scene of
war, and was at Larlssa last Friday
evening. He has published his views
in the Athens newspapers, and hae
already succeeded In concentrating
upon htmself the attention of the pub
lic. Some believe he Is preparing to
play the role of a Greek Gambetta.
In an interview yesterday M. Italll
unsparalngly denounced Constantln's
staff, which he holds responsible for
all that has happened. He denies that
there was any real battle at Matt, de
clares the Greek troops were never de
feated at that point, and attributes the
sudden decision to abandon Tyrnavo
and Larissa to the cowardice and In
capacity of the general'staff.
Whatever may be the value of SI.
Ilalll's strleUirea, they seem for the
moment echoed by the voice of the
multitude. The Greek populace In
many respects resembles the French,
and the old cry of "Nous Sommes
Trahls" Is being raised. It Is now the
fashion to denounce persons In high
places, and newspapers which only
the other day were eulogizing King
George and M. Delyannls for having
placed themselves at the head of a
national crusade are now hounding on
tho people against tho constituted au
thorities. Some are openly attacking tho crown
prince. Others go so far as to announce
that he has been recalled, the wish ap
parently being father to the thought.
Journals, which formerly made war are
now trying to make revolution. What
may be the result of the present storm
of obloquy It is difficult to foresee.
Kx-Mlnlster Italli's attitude is the
most serious feature In the Greco
Turkish emergency. RalU openly
threatened that unless the military
staff was changed he would Issue a
proclamation to the people. His state
ments acted like oil upon fire, and tho
popular excitement flared up. Crowds
assembled In tho Btreets to discuss
them, and wanted to march to the
palace to read hem to King George.
Fortunately heavy showers drove tho
people indoors.
M. Delyannls, keenly alive to the
necessity of Immediate action, had an
audience with the klner, and after the
Interview announced that the staff of
the crown prince would be recalled.
and that ex-Minister Rail), with threo
of hlg nominees. General Smolensk!,
General Mavromlchnll and Colonel
Diraopoulo, would be appointed to ro
placo them.
Ir. Wood's Norway Plue Syrup seoms sent
as a special provideneo to the littlo lollcs.
Pleasant to talce, perfectly liarrrles; and
absolutely suro to givo instant relief jn all
cases of cold or lung troublo.
Torrlblo Mvmlor Ponreaetou.
Bismarck, N. D., April 27. Two In
dlan boys, Paul Holytmok and Philip
Ireland, have confessed to the author
ltles that they were at the Spfcor place
on the day of the murder of the Splcer
family. The boys Implicate themselves
as well as. the two half breeds, Black
Hawk and Caddotte, who are under
arrest. According to the confession
lllack Hawk killed Mr. and Mrs. Splcer,
while Cadotte killed Mrs. Rouse and
the twin babies. The boys declare that
ooth women' were outraged after they
ware murdered. The four fiends se
iured $62, which they divided.
Don't Tobacco Spit and Smoke Your Life
If 'you want to quit tobacco using easily
and forovor, be mado well, strong, magnetic.
full of new life and vigor, tako No-To-Ilac,
tho wonder-workor that makes weak men
strong. Many gaiu ten pounds In ten days.
Ovor 400,000 eured. liuy No-To-Dao from
your own druggist, who will guarantee a
cure. 60c or $1.00. Booklet aud sample
mailed freo. Ad. Storling Remedy Co.,
Chicago or New York,
Uiulorgi'ouiul Ititllroiul Kxploslou.
. London, April 27. A tremendous
explosion occurred on the under
ground 'railway iaat evening as a
train filled with men from the city
was making Its usual stop at the AN
dersgate station. The glass roof of
the station was blown outand the
platform was strewn with debris. A
first class coach was completely wreck
ed and the occupants thrown about
ma-lmed end bleeding. Ten of the In
jured were taken tu a hospital In a
precarious condition. The explosion
was due to an accumulation of gas.
An Alllduvlt.
This Is to certify that on May lltli, I
walked to Melluk's drug stare ou a pair of
crutches mid bought a bottle of Chamber
lain's Pain Balm for Inflammatory rheuma
tism which had crippled me np. After nsiusj
three bottles I am completely cured. I can
oliasrfully reoomruend it. diaries II. Wet
zej, Su n bury, Pa.
Sworn and subscribed to liefure me on
August 10, im. Walter Shlpraati. J. I'.
For sale at 50 cents per bottle by Qruhler
UnM., drug store.
A Volloeninn llurrfnt'.
Washlngtun, April 87. A queer com
plication in burglaries developed here
yesterday, when Policeman James E.
Pierce, of the metropolitan force, was
arrested for roublns two houses on
his beat. The sufferers were Mrs.
Fannie McMillan and Mrs. M. Cooke.
Bath houses are In the fashionable res
idence section. The families were
away at the time, and Pierce Improved
the opportunity to carry away a large
amount of elasB, clothing, porcelain
and other portable valuables. Detec
tives searched his house and recover
ed about $1,600 worth of plunder.
Pierce, who has been on the force four
years, confessed his guilt.
"My husband bad two cancers taken from
bis face, and another was coming on bis lip.
He took two bottles of Burdock Mood Bitters
and it disappeared, lie is completely well."
Mrs. Wm. Kirliy, Akrou, Erie Co., N. V.
WW rti
As follows:
4 First Prizes, oaoh of $100 Cash - - . $ 400.00
20 Second" " " S100sPfiI8BJLBtojroIes2.000.0Q
40 Third 5 25 Cold Watohss - 1,000.00
Cash and Prizes glren each month -
Total given during 12 mos. 1897, 14800,00 WRAPPERS
nn,ntllor. ... IKntlTSUNUIlHT
8QAP WritppeTH in tlirjr can noilrct. Out
SOAP." The (pnlTctl Oou
tnti") nrpto bn wenf, poMngo
Inlly paid rnHoictl xW a
flliertof naprr Ntiiihijr Compet
itor's lull immo rin a ntlurptii
niiil Itto niuiiorr nt' Coupons
unit Jii to Jipvrr. tiros. litll..
Now YorlCf nmrkra on on initio 'rr"" ".v.T
oft ho lllSTUICTCoiiipPtltor llvffn.
No. Ol
Neiv York City, Ilrooklym ..otisr
HUdStnlen IslamU, NewJerscy.
Now York sftuo outM ofN. r. CTiit
enniylyiiila. Irliiwnrp Mnry-
trlct of ColiltH
Tim Nntv Knalntiil Stntrs
Tbe RTcyoies are the clebt-te1 Ht?nHnrrinl
1897 Pattern, m'fM by Ono. N.rifttre A Co.. of Btif
flo, DoMonand Now York. Fitted with Hartford
Jiri, 1'irit I'Iam Nlckle Iamu, Now Departure
Hell, Standard Cyclometer, and Hum Lioo Baddle-
Qandy cathartic j
HDOUIi U 1 fill I UUflllHIl I htlU ,,. cr'
'rlesii'l Iiooklf t free. Ail. HKflKIiV
Summer Heat Wears You Out.
For over 25 years it has been curing thousands of cases of
Biliousness, Indigestion, Malaria, Nervous FssfratioR,
Kidney trouhies, &c. Sf Purifies fh Blood, Gives you
an Appetite, and Helps you Digest what you Eat.
Take it now and get your system in shape to stand the cold leather.
Sold by P. P. D. KIRLIN, Shenandoah, Pa.
. i& a -
5 'ii'',y,t.'
Bozsetlmes needs a reliable,
the purest drugs
Thor are prompt, sale and certain In reeo't. The eecnlne i)r. Fail's) nererdlsap.
uolnt. Bent anywhere, Sl.00. Address fBM. JlJtDioiHB Oc., Cleroland, O.
For Sale by P. P. D. KIRLIN, Shenandoah, Pa-
Trains leave Shenandoah ns follows :
For New York via Philadelphia, week day.
210, 6 as, 710 a. in., 12 33, 3 06 and 5 88 p. a
Sundays, 2 10 a. m.
For New York via Mnuch Chunk, week day.
5 26, 7 10 a. m., 12 38 and 3 08 p. in.
For Heading and Philadelphia, week day
2 10, 5 , 7 10 a.m., 12 83, 3 08 and 5 68 p. m. Sue
days, 2 10 a. m.
For l'attsville, week days, 2 10; 7 ID a. m., an'
12 88, 8 08 and 5 58 p. m. Sundays, 210 a. in.
For Tamaqua and Mahanoy City, week dayt
210,5 3b, 710 a. in., 12 83, 8 08 and S88 p. m
Sundays, 2 10 a. ra.
For Yv illlamsport, Sunbury and Lewleburg
week days, 3 28, 11 30 a, in., and 7 28 p. u.
Sundays, 3 26 a. m.
For Mahano) Plane, weekdays, 2 10. 3 28, 5 28,
710,1130a. m., .283, 808, S 58, 726 and Sir
p. in. Sundays, 2 10, 3 SS a. in.
For Ashland and Sliainokln, week days, 8
710, 1130 a. m., 728 and 90S p. m. Sun
days, 8 26 a. m.
For Italttmore, WfthlnKton and the West vu
D. & O. It. It., throuKh trains lee-) Headtni
Terminal, Philadelphia, (P. & H. B at 1 2fl
7 86,1126 a. in., 310 ami 7.27 p. u Sundnye
8 20, 7 00, 11 26 a. m.,8 46 and 727 p. m. Addl
tlonal trains from Twenty-fourth and One
nut streets station, week days, 10 BO a. m. 11 X
U U 8 10 p.m. Sundays, 1 8S, 8 28 p. m.
Leare New York via Philadelphia, week
day. 4 30, 8 00 a. m.. 1 30, 4 30, 00 p. m. km!
night Suudaya, 8 00 p. in.
.Leave New York via Hauoh Chunk, wee
days, 4 80. 9 10 a. in.. 1 80 and 4 16 p. m.
Leave Philadelphia, Reading Terminal, weel
days, 4 20, 8 88, 1006 a. in. and 406, 630, 11
p. m. Sandaya, 11 80 p. in.
Leave Heading, week day, 186, 710, 16 0e
ll6a. m., 0 00 and B 20 p. in. Suudaya, 1 as a. is
Leave l'ottevllle, week days, 3 96, 7 0 a. m.
12 80 and 0 12 p. m. Sundays, S 88 a. m.
Leave Tamaqua, week days, 8 18, 8 SO, 11 88 a
in., 1 27, 7 20 and 9 48 p. m. Sundays, 8 18 a. u
Leave Malutnoy City, week days, 3 46, 21
11 47 a. tu., 2 08, 7 41 and 10 08 p. in. Sundays, 8 l
a. ra.
1-eave Mahanoy Plane, week day. 2 40, 4 or
nana, w., i u, x iv, o w, a s, 7 07 p in
Sundays, 2 40, 00 a. m.
Leave Wtlllamaport, week days. 7 42, 1010 s
m., 8 86 and 11 41 p. m. Sundays, 11 IS p. m.
Leave Philadelphia Chestnut street warf ant
South street whatf for Atlantio Uty.
Mrt'ttuayv-biiirnwi, w h. m., a uu, (atur
daya only, 3 00), 4 00, 8 00 p. in. Aecomiuoda
tion, 8 00 a. Ill , 5 18, 6 30 p. m.
Sundays Kxpreaa, 0 00, 10 00 a. ra. Aeeoin
niodatlon, 8 00 u. m., 4 48 p. iu.
Iteturntng leave Atlantic City depot, ooruei
Atlantic and Arkansas avenues.
Weekdays Express, 7 38, 9 00 a. m., 8 80, 8 80
p.m. Accommodation, 4 'i, 8 IS a m., 4 10 p.m.
Sundays Kx press, 4 On r, 30, H 00 p ui. Aceolu
mndatlon, 7 15 a m , 4 11,, in.
Parlor Cars on all express trains.
g for gg
1. Ettt month during 117 in each of the 4 disirleti
priKRi will be awarded ai follows:
A am i uoinpeTiior won mnaiin ?n
Imrm'At Number of coupon fmr
thedintrtct in ninoh he or tliereaidei
wiilreceivflHtlOU Canlt.
The 5 Uompeutora who eod id trie
Noxt lnrnrt Ntunhern of cou
pons fmm the dittriot in wblch thoy
reside will Bach recir at winner'
option a ladr'aornentleman' 1'icrco
Nneclnl I) i cycle, price fluo.OO.
The III f'omnetilorswhoaniid In the
Next fsnrffpftt Numbers of coupons from tbd
tnotin which they reside will IChcIi receive at winner
option a ladr'a or gentleman 'b Hold Watch, prioo 936.
2. The Oompetitlonfi will Cloxo the Last Ifty of
Knch Month durfnRlW, Coupons reeelTed too lata
for one mouth's competition willbe put Into the next.
3. Competitors who obtain wrappers from unsold
soap in dealer's stock will be disqualified. Employees
of I ver Brothers, Ltd., and their famlltee, are de
barrtnl from competing.
4. A printed hsi of Winners In OompHttors district
will be forwarded to Competitors in about SI days after
each competition close.
A. Lever Brothers, Ltdylri11 endeavor t award the
prisae fairly to the best of their ability and judgment,
but It fs understood that all who compete aree to ac
cept the award of Lever Urothere, Ltd., as final.
LUVUU. IIUOS., I,td. New York.
.,! or crinr.but rao r.i nalnrnl rranlln. s,,n,.i
CO.. rhirnto. Mnntn-nl. run., nrw York. su.J
aro progressive nnd keep informal of s
the World's Progress. Tho well in- 5
formed and thrifty Houso-wifo will j
always keep E
in tho house, as a standard remedy for
Sprains, Bruises, Cramp?, KheumutiHiu,
and ail aches and pains.
Price .26 cts. and SO els. per bottle.
Prepared by II. J. HACKETT & CO , riutadolphU.
monthly, regulating medicine. On! j harmless OS4
should be used. 11 you want the best, get
peppa. Railroad.
Jasoaby 1S.187.
Trains will leaveShenandoab after the above
date for Wlggane, (lllberton, Fraokvillo, Dark
Water, St. Clair, PoUsviUe. Ilamburg, Reading,
Pottttown, Phoentxvllle, Norrietown and Phil,
adelphla (ltrnad street station) at 6 08 and 1109
a. m. and t 20 p. m. on week days. For Potts
villa and intermediate stations 9 17 a, m.
For Wlggans, GUberton, Praekvlile, Dark
Water, St. Ulair, Pottavllle, at 6 08, 9 48 n. tu. and
8 10 p. m. For Hamburg, Reading, Fottstown,
Phoenlxville, Norrlstown, Philadelphia at 6 (8
1 -15 . ni., 3 10 p. in.
Trains leave Fraekvllle for Shenandoah at
10 40a. m. and 1231, 641, 7S2 and 1047 p. m,
Sunday, II 13 a. m. and 6 41 p. m.
Leave Pottavllle for Shenandoah at 10 IS
a. ui. and 12:05, 6 18, 7 26 and 10 20 p. m. Sunday
ai 10 40 a. in., 5 18 p. m.
,Leave Philadelphia, (Broad street station), foi
Shenandoah at 5 67 and 8 88 a. m., 410 and 711
p. m. week days. Sundays leave at 6 80 a. m.
Leave Broad street station, Philadelphia, lot
Sea Olrt, Anbury Park, Ooeen drove, Lone
BraiWh, aud intermediate stations, 8.10 11.14
a. m.,8 JO and 4.00 p. m. week-days.
Leave Broad Street Station. Philadelphia,
Express, week-days 8 30, 4 Oo, 4 50 6 IS. 8 SO.
7 88,810,833,9 80,10 21 (KlnhiK Car), 11 00 a in!
12 00 noon, 2 88 (Limited 1 OU and 4 72 p.m.
IMuingj Care), 1 40, 2 30 (Dining Cur) 8 20, 8 80,
4 00, 6 00, 5 58 (DiniliK Car), 6 00, 6 50, 8 12, 10 00
J. in., 12 01, night. Sundays. 3 20, 4 05, 4 SO 3 15".
130,8 83,9 80. 10 21, (Ui In Car), 11 88 a. m..
12 3t, 2 30 (Dining Car), 4 00 ( Limited 4 22 Dining
Car), S 20, 5 86, (Dining Car), 6 t!5, 8 50, 8 12, 10 00
p. tu., 1201 night.
Express for Boston without change, 11 00 a m.,
week-day, and 680 p. in., dully.
For Baltimore and Washington, 8 80, 7 20.S 12
1020, 1133 a. m., 1209 (1331 I.intltttdDlD'
ing f ar), 113. 8 18. 4 41 (5 19 Uengreasloual
Limited, Dining Car), 8 17, 6 St (Dining Car).
7 40 (Dining Oar) p. m., and U06 night
ni !20s 112, 4 41 f 5 16 Congrewlcuial Limited,
fiKw..-W.iPteL'a ) T P. m.
Ive Broad street station, IMiiiaJelphia (vU
dally. "I. , p. ui.
iave market street Ferry, expr.-ns, 8 50 a m.,
2 00, 4 10, SCO p. ui Blindly, H45, 9 45 a. m.
Aecomnioilatioii, KO0, N JO, a. ni , 3 20 and 4 20
p m., week days. Sundus. 8 00, 8 15 a. in., 4 00
and 5 00 p. m.
,.VH' .1U MyL Auglei-ea, Wild wood and
Holly Beach, and Sea lale CMty, Ocean City and
Avalon Kxpreae, 900 a. an., 4 00 p. m week
day. Suudaya. 9 00 a. lu.
For Somen Point. Express, 8 80 a m., 4 10
n m. week days. Sunday. 8 45 a. m.
J. B. lll'rcHINSON, .1. R. Wool,,
Gen'l Manager. llin'l Puas'g'r Ag