The evening herald. (Shenandoah, Pa.) 1891-1966, April 23, 1897, Image 4

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Peanut Brittle is the finest
peanut caticly made, 10
cents per box. Try one.
You'll want another. 100
pounds of chocolate drops
this week at 25c per lb.
North Mm t.
The Store -Ab--That's
Always Busy
Because shrewd dollar savers
take advanUee of our tempt
ing offers. Look at ottr in
ducements for tfie present :
llaby Carriage
Iron Iicdatend
With Spigot
A fill
fainting Spells and Dizziness
Follow Li Grippe.
DlttdATlOW UftVlcfiS.
Vom IA Jfevf Era, Qrcentburg, Wrf.
1 US Bast Centra St.
A wttcwftrihy Rstattee of iho fallibility of
von Uie must skillful physicians i fnrnlalwu
In. -the ease of Mra..J. i:. Smith, of Ureeun.
burg, Intl.
Pot four jrwM Mrs. Smith was r.ffllctrd
with a ncrroun auVtlon tint f.nally left licr
almmt completely helpless ami vliii-ti tho
physician Who first attended ):cr said iiot.i
ilvoly could not bo cured. Subsequently, a
number of pltyaloituurin this and other cltlc,
iIm.ImmuI Ur Mil in lift boneless.
To-lr lM tpltO Of tllO Vdlct tif til? f.OC- I
tor, and without their aid, Mr., tmnlli Is
tierfeclly well. To a A"t AVa reporter iho
told tin story of her extraordinary recovery.
"Vivo years io I had a never attack of
la grippe, followed later ly anotlier. Dur
ing the four years following, my health
continued to decline, until finally I waa
hardly able to move.
"After having the crippi-," f . Id Mrs.
Smith, " I wus able to ho about Ur awhile,
and to do some work, llut In a short time
after the scond attack, I begun to experi
ence nervousness, and often had hinting
spells, my trouble being similar to hysterics.
I Krailualiy grew worse, and in short
while I became subject to such spells of
njrvouacs that I could do no work, being
scarcely able to move about the, I
could not, sleep and could not ent. I wottld
Ho awake ulchts, my mnscies iwm-ninn rim
The headquarter of the rt'Avt tt-soclatlon
continues open three days a wrok. Thete
wcie flrtccn applicants this niornllig.
A diHtiiiicuishvd flguio on our street is
'Trof." Ueorge Prince, a genilctnan of color,
who experts u match with a pugilist of Ills
own men known as "The Jap," and who it
at Lebanon. The match Is to bo made In a
lew days
Thieves Imvc stolen live valuable leghorn
chicken I' William Warning and also
seM'ml cli.. Veim from We Ilehler.
.lo'.in X Willi uis and wife, f liuck Moun
t.iin. left tiiiilthla m.. ruing for New York
iiirl will will from that place tu-nioriuw fur
Wi.lei. where tlu'y will locale (brAlie future
,l,,lm .1 (iiirniau, who recently resigned
t!ie i!eikl'i;i at the Milisim llouso mi
uei-oiin; nt' lit health, died this illuming flout
1 lienunitiatn and
e.u of use.
pneumonia, lie s wus SI
bleeping Car to w Yoik.
.'..r tbe nceomnindatloii of persons desiring
to attoud the Uraut Ceremonial in ow ork
April 27th the 1. & It. llailway will run
.special sleeping cars on train Xo. 18 April
antli from Willlanisport to New York and
persons using it can remain In the car until
8 o'clock Tuesday morning. Applications for
accommodation should' lie made at once
Tiuin leaves S .euiindoah at D:B8 p. ui
making close connections at Mahanoy
I'laue. ' -32-4t
nlryaician called It nervous.
of the throat mid breast, and after treat'
lng me for several months said that my onse
ot u7 eaae llko mine positively could not
lo cured. tlflrent physician in Clrecr.v
burg and other eitiak who attended me, ogre, d
that my nsc was hopeless. For three yean
1 lingered in misery, trying dllten-i.t tlovtu.i
.id remedies, but none did mo any not'ee
ablc lot 1. Finally my druggbt advised n.t
to trv Dr. Williams' Pink l'ilb for Puis
People, v.lnc.1 wus so highly rocomineimea
by r.c-np:.pers. As n. last rcAnt I trlcil
th-i", thinking that If they did mo no (;ood
deetii might toon glvo me relief. The Bret
do. o btlpcd liv, and with every duse I Im
proved. I t.Kik iilamt thrco bores and a
half nad wo coinpletr'y cured, ns you si e
me tiwlay, iierfoctly hcoltby and able to do
all my own work."
Dr. Williams' Pink Wlls aro an unfailing
specific for such diseases as locomotor abuta,
partial paralysis, St, Vitus' daUee, sciatica,
neuralgia, rhcumatiam, nervous headache, the
after ellcct cf la grippe, palpitation of the
heart, pale and sallow complexions, that tired
feeling resulting from nervous prostration, all
diseases r-sulting from vitiated humors in the
blood, siicn as scrofula, chronlo eryeipelas,
etc. They are also a specific for troubles pe
culiar to females, sucli as suppressions, ir
regularities and all forms of weakness. In
men i:ny encci a rauicni tmc VDtro
nriinj; 1mm mental worry, overwork or ex
cesses of whatever nature.
These pills B'-e manliftctiired by the Dr.
Williams' Mwllclne Company, Schenectady,
N. Y., and are sold only in boies lieariug the
flrm's trade-mark and wrapper rt " 1 cents a
Ikx or six lioxes for 8.80, and - ' ""W
In bulk. They inoy 1 had of e
the Mabaiiny City dotigregntlmlnl Cttiiflili
I lellt!tl oil Sondaf.
M vil ,moy City, April S3 Tha congrega
tion of the Welsh Congregational rhurcb of
Mhhitnojr l-'lly, whloh will ilodicate their new
and handsome brlclf edifU on Sunday, ale
looking forward to the event with u great
deal of interest. The services will begin to-
?iorrow evening and close Monday evening,
t will be a Joyous occasion for the members
of the congregation and their friends, and 1 ut the Shainokin ppera house lait night
many from the adjoining towns arc expected Mrs. Samuel Illock brlglileucd Her
to he piosent. dence this morning by presenting her
The services to-morrow evening will eon- , Isind with a baby boy.
sisl of a sermoo-by Rev. 1) It OrltHtlis. of I A. P. Smith took a bicycle aplu to ;1Uub
Catsauqtia, and Kv. Peter Hoberts, of ' town this morning.
Olypliant, with singing, scripture reading I Maurico Morrison spetlt to-day In" Polts
and a solo by Miss LVsio I.ewl. . villi.
Smid iy nioniiiigBov. T. ('.. Kl.v.irls, of Trank Toole, of New Phllitdalplils, at-
Kingston, will flellvfr t a-iWMlion s.-rnnm, ! ten.led tlio dance hero last oreniffg.
and Itev. K.Tcilo Kispif 1.attKford,ni:l alo i frank W. McDermott, iimimger of Iho gen-
preach. I'l Ilia alt4rnen 1in,miiri-ti rs ol oral telegraph otltlHi, has recovered from an
the town will participate and rimm n itmicr atiuiik of la grippe and is on duty again.
tJounclltttali 1). It. James went to Slaklnifto'H
this morning to attend to busluesi Ueat'lug
upon his interest in n slats quarfj tit that
Abe. Yost, of Kast Coal slnrtt, was among
l he successful anglers for spefekled bsautles
Messrs. II. M. llradlgan, J. A. Itellly, Jr.,
and F. J.-Ilreunau attended tho Ulk's benefit
"ooi. num."
Will sltitr n snln.
Ill the eveuiug Uevs drifllln.iud IM wards
will again occupy the pulpit, and during the
services Miss Annie Vynn mill sing
"Hosanna." Monday eveliina Rev. Daniel
Davis, of Shainokin, Will preach in
Welsh languii:A.
Dress Qoods
Twenty-five pieces of Im
ported No-elty Dress Goods for
25c. per yard. These styles are
new and are shown exclusively
by us. See our window dis-
nlav of these and also the
1 j
splendid stock of
Prices run from 25c. to $1.50
for Laundered Waists. Don't
wait till choice styles are gone
but come now and pick from
our great assortment of stylish
Will advance manv lines of
goods. We have made large
purchases and can continue to
sell fine dress goods and Silks
at special bargain prices.
During January, Feb
ruary and March
Over a thousand of the famous
McCall Bazar Paper Patterns
were sold by us for 10 or 15c;
why pay more ?
liippetiliigs TlifimglHMit ''" 0 ""try !
I'hr..nlclid tor Hasty I'erusiil.-
Mnny from town will go to Sit. Catmcl on
Monday, Odd Fellows' Day
Mrs. Kute Dermody,' of Iiaulirans, has
reached the llBth yearPf hor age.
The P. A..K. employes at Mahanoy City
will ipoeivt their two-weokepny to-morrow.
The St. Nicholas and Locust UJecIub will
plavat the Ashland park to-morrow after
noon. "A monument will I erected in Pottsvlllc
to the memory of John Pott," founder of that
Tho theutrlcal season in Mahanoy City is
ibuiit euled. Ill point of fact, it lias ended
hole Ht'iuclimo ago.
Wo never publish communications unless
tho name of the writer is furnished, as evi
dence of good faith.
The Humane Fire Company, of Pottsvllle,
received a new pair of horses weighing 2,300
pounds from Heading.
Mrs. Ellxa Smith, aged 37, committed
suicide by hanging at Heading yesterday.
She was ill with the grip.
Ira Curie, aged si, a Justice ot the ronce,
residing in Kingston, was united in marriage
to Mrs. Flctchct, aged 71.
John F. Finney was endorsed by the l ifth
ward Iteiiublican Club of Pottsvillo last
oveuing in his candidacy for Naval Oilicer.
Tho latest faces of type, first-class material
and competent workmon have combined to
placo the IIeuald s job department m 1110
Owen Harkius, aged 00, fell off a train near
his homo In Alleiitown, while returning from
a funeral, and was M badly injured that he
died yesterday.
The Episcopal church at, which
has been without a pastor sinco Itev. Morgan
gave up tho charge, has decided to engage a
permanent pastor.
A man who Lei-pa putting oil advertising
until I o is nuiro prosperous is like a dog try-
inif to catch his tail. Thoro is plenty of
motion but 110 progress.
The young man who was killed a week ago
011 tho New Jersey Central Itallroad, near
Alleuluwn. was identified yesterday us
Itobort Harvey, of Allentown.
Shenandoah Valley Council, No. 530, Jr. O,
U. A. M , will have an interesting mcetiug
to-night. A surprise is in store for all mem
bers, who are requested to be present.
Jordan Staukar, aged 1, aud Tilllo Myger,
aged 3. left their homes at Hazlcbrool: Tina
day and until tig has been heard of them. It
is bolievcd tliat they were taken by a hand
of gypsies.
The plai. tuv a new coal breaker at Cen
tralla arc Ciimi'leted. Thcy call for an im
inuiiMi strticluru aud when completed that
town will have one of the most modern and
tip-tu dale bn-iikcrs in the region.
The i.i w Union church, at Cherry vllle,
near Piiugrove, will be dedicated 011 Sunday,
April afi. liev. W. II. jJhler, of Lebanon,
presiding older, and l!ov. Snyder will preach
in tho morning, mid lievs. Noll und Iihoeder
ill the af.eruriou.
Wuk lloslgns In I'low-crs,
All kinds of fan -I'll designs, made up in
wax. Old funeral f.,tuia refilled with wax
(lowers. Payne's Uirardville uurbeiivs, tf
All tlio Xattonal I-eactuo Club Tiny
llotViro ImmeiiMi Crowds.
Ilaltlmore, April J8. The champions
yesterday deCootcd the Bostons In the
opening game of the seaaon. An enori
mous crowd witneeaed the contest, und
for fix Innings excitement ran high.
Klobedanz, who replaced Stlvctts In
the middle of the sixth. Bhowed great
speed, but proved wild and Ineffective.
Ground rules wjjre adopted. The Rea
son Was auspiciously opened by d pn
rade of the home and vlslUng teams
through the principal streets of tho
city. If the enthusiasm evoked along
the route of the parade speaks for any
thing, Baltimore's Interest In baseball
remains unabated. Score by lnnlngai
Innings 1 88460789 H.1I.H
Baltimore ..1 0201808 V-JO 8 0
Boston 3 0 0 0 8 0 0 0 0-D10
The Senators Suffer Defeat.
Washington, April 28. Everything
wbb propltlouB for the opening of the
baseball season in this city. The
weather was clear, and a band of
muslo cheerecTa crowd numbering 0,400,
When Speaker Reed appeared he waa
cheered by the spectators. In the bo
occupied by the speaker were several
New York congressmen and Senator
Smith, of New Jersey, Many promi
nent sooiety people were among tho
spectators. But for an unlucky throw
by Demont In the sixth the score would
have been in favor of Washington.
Score by Innings:
jnnIng-3 1 2 3 4 G 0
Jliooklyp ....0 0 0 0 1 2
Waehlnjn ..3 1 0 0 0 0
Durinii the services lte.T. Lot I-ako, will
conduct the mveiggs .Mr. Itnsser,
conduUomf music; MlssiUry .Tailo Phillips I
and D.ivld Davis, organist; Miss Maggie
Williams and Mr, H irMfliarris, piannlst;
Orchestra, Misses JeniihfSdwsnls, Charlotte
Dbvis, Masters Hicli'irl'rI'irjin ; William
Davis, David Davit, violjtis ; Blchanl Phillips
flute ; Mr. Reese Ktjuacr. Ji9 cello.
Iitrlck Ijirkln, a former resident of lids-
ton Hun, died at rue homo ot his brother,
Martin, at Shamokin. Interment will Le
made lu Pottsvillo to-morrow morning.
Jonas Hell died at his homo in West Penu
yesterday, after an illness of about two'years.
The deceased waa 70 years old
Death claimed Mrs. Coyne, of Kllangomn,
yesterday IVfternoon. Her death was due to
a complication of diseases. Deceased was
about 80 years of ago and is survived by
several grown children.
Joseph Martin, Sr., died at Pottsvillo this
moruing, aged 41 'years. He suffered from
gaugrene of the foot, and on Tuesday hi leg
was amputated in the hope ot savlug ins lite.
Louis Kuauts, a young mun who was
recontly employed lii Fuluier's stole on
North Main street, was buried at Iilngtowu
to-day. He died nt his home lu Zion's Qtovo
last Tuesday from diabetes.
Odd follows' Day,
Tho pooplo of Mt. Cariuol are making
much preparation for the large crowds that
will visit that town on Monday, in celebra
tion of 0 Id Fellows' day. Decorators havo
been at work during the present week and
a general cleniiug up lias been inaugurated,
Many of the members of the order from
Shenandoah will be in attendance. In a
communication to the IlKr.Ai.i) the chairman
of the local committee encloses a copy of a
telegram from General Manager 11 C. Luther,
of the P. It. C. A I. Co., to the effect that
all collieries controlled by the company will
lie idle on Monday. This will insure large
crowds from different parts of the region
Mis, (lassie V, HotsenburgerleCt thlsniorn-
Iuk for New York. Sho will spend several
raisin seeing the sights of Gotham and
visiting relatives.
John I). Tresis, chief clerk at Shenandoah
the i City colliery. Is confined to his homo by a
j severe cold.
This te titfe Padkage
remember it. It contains
Washing Powder
that cleans everything
t quickly, cheaply and
For economy buy 41b. package.
Cbleaeo, St- Louis, New York,
"Jack" 'McCarthy, otio of the best of
Luzorue county's newsliiiper men, Was lu
town to day accompanied by hit young son,
JiisIIii. They were enroute to Ashland to
visit friends. "Jack" Is now on tho Wllkes
bsrrs News-Doaler staff and at the same time
runs a farm at WeOieity. He says he has
succeeded in raising a mortgage on the latter.
Ouo of tho Distressing l'liuscs of l.ttS'ln n
Orout City.
Some remarkable facts concerning a dark
side of Philadelphia's lifo will be a feature of
next Sunday's Philadelphia Prass I April 25).
"The Mysteries of Philadelphia's Qiuorest
Quartet" will also be exposed, and iu every
other particular next Sunday's Press will be
the greatest Sunday newspaper. Thore will
be moro special articles aud departments.
I1IU1U KBUClttl UCW.-, 111UIO BputllUli 1IU,I0
more tociety gossip, moro oi everything inai
you want in a Sunday papor, than cin bo
found iu any other. Order next Sunday s
Press in advance.
I yilrTnffis,ii.iiJiI I '"- pi!
W.iliilfnclnicr of
9 R.1I.E
0-4 5 4
S.i1j of School lloiids.
Their arc Mill oil salo at tho Secretary's
office slxiwti S I) bonds and ono $900 Ijoud
of the SUciiauHoau svliool dUtriet. These
'nmd'liear ((crest from tho first day of
Anril. ltJ. uml will run thirty years. In
terest. i per iint.: payable stml annually.
Parties widilna them will avail themselves
of this uniHiuiiiiiiy at once, after May 1st,
IJ-97, the Sc'umiI Hoard will dispose of the
remaining bon is to outside parlies, if not
taken tin by town people on or before that
lly onler of the Hoard,
. J. J. Pbick, President.
Attest : Fmajik Hajcka, Secretary.
Towelry Sora Jtniuoveil.
A. Holdermau's jewelry atoro.4ias been to-
ni.ive-1 lo the newly remodeled store room
ut Vo. 31 North Main .street, lietween the
Kehlor und (Uuahan dry goods stores, where
ourtioiiH and liberal trratiuont will Iw ex
. in all old us well as new customers.
Undertaking in - -
- - all its Branches.
Open Day and Night.
Cor. White Mansion
and Lloyd .House
Streets, Stables,
Shenandoah. J MAHANOY CIIY.
y J - Ao. 17 H'cst Cvatrv Sirtft.
T .i rant Monument Ceremonial lu New
.,r on April 87th will be one of the
ir.mi! -I u flairs ofUie ceutury. The parade
i!i in. lude BO.000 men represeuliug most of
: i i.i les of the uuion. Pennsylvania will
' uiuoMtiited by half a down picked regi
.cits of the National Uuard aud elaborate
.nvpiratious are beltnr made to properly
luiiiillo the multitude that will be gathered
mi the occasion. For the accommodation of
dfirtuic to attoud the Philadelphia A
lidding KilUay will soil excursion tiokata
it the rale ufM.IT, good going April Willi
and on early trains of April 87th and good to
rvtnru on to and including May -lib. For
further particulars imiuiro at ticket unices, ot
ICnti- Outfit
Is complete without a jutlr of our colored
siloes. Aud lust think of the money yon
save by buying from us at Factory Prices.
Fautobt Shoe Btouk
KulumllsalloH Ihty.
Aud now April HHh, 18S7, oo sod sftsr this
date, tho renular days for uaturausatlou ua
lcvii fixed as the flint Saturday of Wry
mouth iuatead of the at Monday of every
u. until as heretofore.
By the c uirt.
i J3 iota. Prothonotary.
ColonoW Dorents tlio Tnillim,
L,ouisvlle, April 23. Ten thousand
peo. k- saw the Colonels defeat Patsy
TeabeaU's Indians in the first cham
pionship game of the season. The homo
team outplayed their opponents both
in the Held and at the bat. Mayor
Todd pitched the first ball across the.
plate, and then made a short address
to the players of both teams. Tho
usual street parade took placo before
the game. Score by Innings:
Innlnirs 1 28450789 rt.H.K
Louisville ...0 0000300v3SW
Cleveland ...1 00 0- 00000-141
High School Salaries.
The Shainokin School Hoard has been gct-
ing tlio salaries of high school teachers, by
way of comparison of the figures paid thcro
nd elscwuore, and nuus mo louowing rates :
Shenandoah, prlucipalf $145; assistants, $83,
72; Johnstown, $138, 00, f8Q, 575; Easton,
S180. 120. S1B0. $100, $00, S90, fOO, $90; Mt
Carinel, $111.53; McKecsport, $150, fill, S75,
$73, $03; Pottstown, $110, S85, $00, $60, $00;
Hazleton, 108, $S0, $05; Tamaqua, $03, $55;
Jlalianoj City, po, f70, $70; Ashland, fyu,
$55. 1 ho above is Incorrect, so far as Shen
ondoah is concerned. Tlio recent "deal'
mado tho salary of prlucijial $110, aud the
assistants $03 and $G3.
All those creeping, crawling, stinging sen
sitions that combine to mako tip the tortures
of any itching diseate of tho skin arc
nstantly relieved and pcmianontly cured by
Doaii'sOintiiieut. Tako no substitute. Doan's
never fails.
I'liUllr Win by Opponents Errorw,
1'htladelphla, April 28. Baseball open
Inn day -waB a grand success here, The
weather was perfect, and the attend
ance more than 17,000. The game, how
ever, was dull and loitg drawn out, the
visitors playing In rather unsteady
fashion. Four wild throws by tint
Gothamltes gave the Phillies their
runs and the game. Score by Innings:
Innlnas 1 2 3 4 5 G 7 8 9 lt.N.U
I'hilu 10010030058
ftew York ...0 00010000-15
Ton Inuliiet) lu Cluulniintt.
Cincinnati, April 83.--Tht baseball
season opened here with very pleasant
weather. Fully 10.000 people witnessed
the same, one of the moat exciting
ever seen In this cltv. After a hot
llaht the Beds won In the tenth in
ning by a B-c;e of 8 to 7. Score by In
Innings ...1 Z345C789 10
Clncin'tl -0 0 1 0 0 0 ft. 0 2 2- 8 10
Chicago ..1 1 2 0 1 1 0 0 0 1- 7 11
IMttKuni'tx iiciftmts St. T-oulsr.
St. Louia, April SS. Pive thousand
mournful rooters for the Browns saw
the Pirates play a stronger and better
same than the home team, and watch
ed the visitors strut oft the field with
all the honors of the day and a score of
4 to 1 In their favor. Score by innings
Inntnirs 1 2 8 4 5 0 7 8 9 R.H.B
Pittsburg ...0 1000102 x 49
Bt. Louts .... 19- 009000-10
SheiMiiidoah Dental Vnrlors.
Latest methods of dentistry, good work
manshln. moderate prices. Positively teetli
ex t noted without pain. Eutire satisfaction
4-8-lm 3, D. IIbknka)), D. I). 6
Mr. Kuler ot ltnm-ne.
A letter ha beu received from Charlc
1). Kaier at Boeroe. Tcxn. The weathc
is delightful and Mr. Kaler's health i.
areatly iuioroved. He is undecided as to
when be will return, and may continue bi
trio West. The papers at Boerne devoted
whole column last week to his visit through
that ooiiHtry, says the Mahanoy City Kecord
f'mun and wbooniuK oouah are childhood
tcrroMi but like pneumonia, bronchitis, and
other throat and lung troubles, can be quick
ly currd by uslug Oue Mtnuto uougn (Jure.
1'oUoe CuinuilMloua.
Police ooinmlssftnu wore received at tli
Kecorfler'a office from the accrotary of th
Commonwealth at Ilarriaburg for Duniel
Christian, J. A. Zlmmeriuau. Johu F. Kleiu
dents. John I). Qoudge, Matthew S. Hoiith
Janes Daniels aud Samuel U'yun, of the I
HOOD'S PILLS euro Iilvor Ills,
nillousness, Indigestion, Headache
A. pleuH'nt laxative. All Drusglsts.
tVar Gottlfag Out of Date,
"It won't lio long," mild tlio thoughtful
ninu, "before all possibility of war nmong
oAYll7vd untions will vanish forever."
"Iqulto ngreo with you," returned tho
inembcr of tho pcoco coiniulsslon, grasp
ing his hund and hluiklng It warmly. "Wo
have uunucslioiuibly done noble work."
"You I" oxclnlincd the thoughtful nmn.
"Wlmt hnvo you donor"
"Hot very much porsonully perhaps, but
as u member of tho ponoo commission"
"Pence commission nothing," interrupt
ed tho thoughtful man. "Tho thlpg that
la going to end all war is tho foot that
they huvo ronchod, that point In tho cop.
structlon of mammoth cannons where u
new national debt Is created every time
ono Is discharged," Chicago XJost.
931-940 North limoriok Sleet,
I have made a general reduction in Ikon Fences BiitTwill continue
to do so until May 29th.
window guards,
stable: guards,
tree guards,
Of all descriptions at lowest rates.
Runaway horses aro unknown jii Hub
sla. No ono drives thcro without having a
thin cord with a running nooso around tho
neck of tho animal. When an nnlnuil bolts,
tho cord is pulled, and tho horse stops as
soon as It focls the pressure on tho wind-Plp-
A walk in tho rain, with tho face exposed
tq tho wet, Is very beneficial to the sklu,
A medio machine turns out 1,600,000
ocodlos a week.
Dout lny For 1'resents.
You get 100 cents woith for ovcry dollar
you leavo with us, consequently we can't
afford to give presents away neither witli our
men s, Imys or children a clothing. I- AMOl'S
Will lllllld n New- Church.
The old Gornuu Lutheran church nt
Minei-bville is to be razed, tho work of pull
ing It down to commence next Wednesday.
It will be supplanted by a beautiful aud
moro modern temple of worship.
Saloon for Sulo,
Parties desiring to purchase a
license, iu Ashland, should apply
office for further particulars.
Closing Services.
Self-denial week services close lu the
United Kvangelical church on North Jardin
street this evening.
ufllnnn 1 ilH&
at tids rem.
q'I A Li. NATloy
01 ice uiouc icr
and similar Complaints.
m'd prepartd under tho stringent
proscribed by eminent pby Bioiam r
t& AMnunn ii
The regular subscription price of
"Oemorest's Magazine,"
Judge's Library," and
Funny Pictures' is 3.30
DEMQREST S MAGAZINE' Isby fnrthc host family imuranlne published : there la none
or onr nionthlles In wlueii the lieaiitiful nnd the useful, pleasure ond jirollt, fashion ami
literature aro no fully presented as lu lleiuortst's. Theio Is, In fnet, no publication jire
teudluif to a similar scojie wTd imrjioso which enn eonqiare with It. Kvery number con-
. We will send all tftres fo ymr for '
one year for $2.00, cr 6 mo. for Si.
fnlna n f run iitiltitrii sum. A,,
iimi repleto witli wit nml liuniur.
In n monthly magazine of fun, AIIcmI with illustrntlom in cnrienttire
lis ettniriumuiH nre 1110 uest 01 Ainencnii lumuuu
every lino vt it.
!S is nnothor luitnoroiH inonthlv : there ii ft lauirh in
All three of ttieso nuiu-azinen arc hamUomelv not ten iin. Von should not tnltw tliU chance
to secure them.
Cut here ntul return Coupon properly fillcil out.
Dchxov-ct PuyUKiKg Co., 110 flftK AviAue, Nw York.
For the enclosed $2.00 please send Demorest's Family Magazine, Judge's Library
(a maj;azlne of fun), and Funny Pictures for one year as jier your olTer.
Tllurrlago I.leenses.
Jamaa It. Letcher and Margaret
both of Pottsvillo.
John Key nobis, of tombola, and
Slutz, of Silvcrcreek.
llorougl. Justices.
Iii Ashland and Qllbeiton, at tho last elec
tion, two persons were elected lloroush Jus
tice, and tiled their claim for commissions us
such at the stato department. Prothonotary
Deegnu to-day received a letter from Secre
tary lteedcr, acknowledging receipt of the
certificates of election. He says the record
of the department show that Ashlaud and
(lllbertou have ward Justices in commission,
aud that no evidence Is filed showing the two
boroughs as entitled to Borough Justices.
Thoir claims for commissions, he says, cannot
receive attention orbecomo effective unless
they show these towns entitled to borough
and not ward Justices, ns at present. To do
this the Secretary requires an affidavit show
lug when aud how each of these towns be
came a borough, and when and how they
were divided luto wards.
Most Torturing, Disfiguring,
Of itching, bunii iz, bleeding, scaly skin
and scalp humor, n ImUntly relieved
by a warm bath with Cuticuils. Soap,
a slnglo application of Cuticura (oint
ment), tho great kiu cure, and a full dose
of CuTicuKA Rkmolvent, greatest of bipod,
purifiers and humor garea,
Protect your Men- tit,
We Are Selling
A bU lot of win colored shoes that ordinary
stores would uk you W 50 for. Our price wrtio JOHN wum,j
aim M5i. was hlagu.'i, li
l-0. hkI lut of two III il l
New I'utlurtitker.
T.J. ('oik ley has opened uu undertaking
establishment iu town with his otliee located
atj. J. Coakley'a, 38 North Main street.
Night calls at the Ferguson llouso. alt
HkhkoikS speedily, permanently, and
economically cure, when all else fails,
)?OTT PSIMl ISDCllW. 0flr. Sol PrMM., RMtB.
aj- " 1 low w Cars Evtrr Bkla soa Bloott Itsmor,' Iras
Puilflrf Md U..utlSMt bv
v tuncuiu soAr.
VTlio can think
of soma simple
v rmy onotf you nHim
.tin.'t C"., Patent AUor
, f r iliii al.auo iiriio ottl
in i fiivi.i.iiuna viauted.
Wanted-An Idea
VTorld renowned I Itcmsrlrtblv successf ut I
Oniv ccnnlno villi Trade Mark " Anchor.
AiU ltlchtcr ACo., 8151'csrlSt., Aeir York.
13 Branch Houses. Own QUtsworkj.
SS&socu. Eadoncd&rccomiQendeaby
. tvaslcy, IM N llnln 51. ' '
Hairenbuch. iat N. Slain St ,
I. D. Klrlln, 0 S. Main St- j
ANCnon STOfllAOriAI. best for
I u.r JjV .1 T ; i i tiiriHpinirllft.
T ICKNSK FOB SAI.I5. The saloon and roe
XI tnurant llceiinie of Daniel It. Wilson. Oil
Centre street, Ashland, Is for aula. Apply nt
this olllee. -i-ZWU
flOOn SERVANT Olltlii a.e in demand.
VT State eapahllltlofi, aire, nationality, refer
ence. Address, Intelligence Office, Shainokin,
Penna. 3-22-2t
1JIOU SAI.K. Street sprinkler in goodVmdU
tlon, will bo sold for tVi. ApplytoTrustera
Columlita Hosb O t , Shenandonh, ln. -l-10-tf
-foil SAI.K. Store property at liarnesvlle,
V l'n., with sto. li. bold on noeouut of denth
In family. Kasy terms on projierty. Inquire of
Dr. Heeler, llarnesvllle, Schuylkill county,
i-eiiiia. 4-i-zw
To her numerous friends
Miss Sallie Senior
xix North Main Street,
Has returned from the citv
finest selection of Ladies''
with the-Millinerj"
Large assortment of Sul
phur settings in Ladles'
Bracelets, Fobs and Rings.
Letters testntnentnry on the estate of Otto
Carls, late of the Jtorough of Bhennmlouh,
Schuylkill county, 1'ennnylvnnla, cleowiocil,
hnvo heen r run ted to AliKitHt William Curly and
Chiiht'ini Ilausnmn, of Hhenamlouh, I'a., to
whom nil persons lnJo tel to hhIc! ttittenre
reiuestetl to make payment, nml tlio-se having
claim or leninnls will make known the some
without delay to
Ciiuistian JIauhman.
Or their attorney, Kxccutors.
Shenumloah, l'ft., April 3), 1807. 4-2J-Ct-oiv
Musical GOOdS and instru
ments. A full line.
Clocks We are selling at
remarkably low prices. All
Frameless Eye Glasses are
what you want to wear to be
un-to-date. They will look
A w
well on you.
Jewelry - Store,
1 12 N. Haln St.
If so, call and sec our new stock of
I Kyi Beat ('oujru Syr J
Vrl Iti tilllO Si
p. TajatesOi
lood. r I
ild bv druaRluts. I
We offer two assortments of
glassware for 5 and 10 cents
that cannot be beat any where
for the money 111 town.
leluskey & Son,
105 S. Main St.
Easier Opening on--
Friday, April gtli.
pon siiuitii'i';
Of OKwiatHtmo.
Subject to Itepuhlionn rules
lion siiuniFF,
Of l'oar 0jm
SubjMt to liejniblijMut rale.
Cured by this Rrnnular effervescent and sllniu.
hint. An Instant cure for sour stomach and
limdachoa. which utton aeoumuiate f rom liavlnu
a ulifht out.
17 and 19 Peach Alley, Shen
For Ladles'
552 Gents'.
Latetst Tos ' T
Prices Bight.
17 North Main Street.
Its wearlnRqualltlea are unsurpassed, actually
outlastlnic two boxes of any other brand. Not
affected by heat. Uru KT THIS (JliNIIINif.
A Bnuin welaoBHi wait you at
Cor. rialn and Coal St.
Flnast whlikeys, hers r-ortr and ale
aosteHtly 011 Up. Olioloa emparaae drlui. -and
Evan J. Davies,
Undertaking I
13 N. Jardin Street.
A Handsome Complexion
is on of the greatest charms a woman can
possess. Poasoui'g Couflbxion 1'owdbii
glvas it.