The evening herald. (Shenandoah, Pa.) 1891-1966, April 22, 1897, Image 4

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Peanut Brittle is the finest
pen tint candy made, to
cents per box. Try one.
You'll want another. loo ,
pounds of chocolate drops
litis week at 25c per lb.
iSJortri rvlln St.
The Store
That's Always Busy
Bee. use shrewd dollar savers
take advantage of our tempt
ing offers. Look at our in
ducement? for the present :
llahy Carriages
Iron llcdsteadu
With Spigots
IIS Bast Centre 35 1.
Tlie St boot "Shows 1B."
In illi-.str.ttion of the way In vrhloli
teachers' Ursoiis aro frequently logt on
tliulr pupils a Chiungo tenchcr tells 11 s&ory
of some of her piipils"showliiK off" tinder
licr auspices. She tuul been drilling Into
them one afternoon the difference In tho
meaning of the words "taught" und
"lenrmtl. " Over and over again In the
presence of 11 late visitor -She liadexplalnid
the use of eiioh of the worus aim nati giv
en tii. in uunil asaniiles In which the
words vt ro 1 orrcctly used.
"cw," she naiil, "1 think you have
Uiiriid iiir Icmwiu us well ns I have
taught it m j 011. Willie, will you glo
a hi.j 1. i v v ih the word 'taugbt' ill it?"
A iulr l.i lud urr-tiiu f.u tho front tout
spoko ti i j.KiMiptly :
"i t i-uI.t It wag time or school to let
"No, i.!i! Munile, you limy gUo me nn
example, ' she bald, turning to a bright
gilj fai'vhrr buck.
I t ought It was time go noine, an
swered Minnie, with an air as if sho had
done exactly the right thing.
And. t louuh she tried several times
more, no other form of the word than the
variation "t'ought" could the teacher get
out of her school. Youth's Companion.
In easoi of burns, sprains, scalds, or any of
the other arclden'al pains likely to come to
the body, Dr. Thomas' Eclectrlc Oil
give-, instant relief.
Twenty-five pieces of Im
ported Novelty DreSS Goods for
25c. per yard. These styles are
. . .
new ana are snown
by lis- Dee our winciow uis
play of these and also the
splendid stock of
Prices run from 25c. to $1 .50
tor Laundered Waists. Don't
wait till choice styles are gone
but come now and pick from
our great assortment of stylish
Will advance nianv lines of
goods. We have made large
purchases and can continue to
sell fine dress goods and silks
at special bargain prices.
During January, Feb
ruary and March
Over a thousand of the famous
McCall Bazar Papsr Patterns
were sold by us for 10 or 15c
why pay more ?
Undertaking in - -
- - all its Branches.
Open Day and Night.
Cor. White Mansion
and Lloyd t House
Streets, j Stables,
Shenandoah. J MAHANOY CITY.
-No. li W'eat Centre street.
Dress Goods
n ' ..'ft.fifc.
a casb op runs op hiohtibn ydahs'
Cured by Ut Pyramid Nl (Jure.
There are plenty of pile cures which rIvc
relief and sometime cure a mild ease of pile,
bat IWrrt Uouly one which can bo depended
dpon with rertalnly tn cure objllimte long
standing vases, and that 1 the l'yramlil Pile
Undcmeincriti and trstlmont'ils aro rc
reived dally from men aad women whose in
tfgrity mid rellabltliy are shove question and
In this connection a letter received ironi the
Kev Jaa It. WesthTook of Itoifne, Mich,
may tie of Interest to pile suffer who hare
sought in vain fur a core. lie saysi
I have 11n.1l the 1'yrnnid Vile Cure and 1
know that It Is all that is claimed for it. 1
had been troubled with idles more or les for
sbont eighteen years ami I hsd tried other
remedies, hut the piles grew worse until
about ten months ago I used the Pyramid
file Cure. It gave almost Instant relief and
I have been free from piles ever siaes. Rev.
Jaa. II. West brook.
The remedy seems to aet equally well in
every form of pile, Wind, bleeding, pro
truding or Itching. It slops all pain almost
immediately, allays irritation and removes
lotistiuation, ami anyone who has suffered
the annoyance and palu of a rectal trouble
will appreciate the excellent results which
Invariably (olluw the flrtapplic.i!ini of the
The Pyramid Pile '"lire is prepared by the
Pyramid Drug Co of Albion, Mich., and fur
sale by druggists everywhere at 60 cents per
Tlio Hchei-tsltigi rlturrer Wed Mug h llilt
llant AITnlr.
MAH.lSOY Citv, Apill 22 A brilliant and
fashionable w riding was that tit fl o'clock
last evening of iss Carrie, daughter of K.
1 Schertainger, the jeweler, and John V.
Haerer, of tho firm of I.udwig, Mucin & Co ,
jeweler, or Now York City. Miss Kloience
Bunnell, of Port Jervis, X. Y., was tho maid
of honor, and the bridesmaids were Miss
Catherine Kuebler, of Hastou, Pa., and Miss
Susie Herinany, of town. Mr. Charles
Orcult, of llostoti, Mass , was the
groomsman. Tho ushers were Messrs.
William Dyatt, Ctitimiitqu.l ; Louis hpangen
berg, liiston ; A. C. Sherman and Ralph V.
ScherUinger, of town. The parlor in whivh
tlio ceremony took place was hand
snnii'ly decorated with potted plants,
smiliix and (lit flower.! and ihe dining
room wan deeurated 10 a Miiiiiur manlier.
The march ww played by Prof. John Jones,
violiuirt. and Harry Harris, pianist. llev. I,
I.. I.ohr, wtorof St. John's English Iaith
eran church, otllciated. About fifty guests
were present and supper was served by a
caterer. The couple will reside In Brooklyn,
X. Y.
David Joneg,of town, known as "Dummy,"
has challenged Itobort Green, of Ciirarilvillc,
to a live pigeon shooting match for $51 1 side,
7 birds each, and match to tako place at
Kdward llerrigan, aged 10 years, and
Michael Dugan, aged 14, of Hill's patch,
yesterday got into acanlago which had been
left at tho road side on account of tho horse
running away. The carnago started uown
the road after the shafts had been remuved
and when coiur; fast struck a large stone.
Tho collision threw tho boys backwards out
of tho carriage and llerrigan sustained a
fracture of tlio collor bono. Dugan was
badly bruised.
The funeral of Mrs. Mary Jauo Fowler, of
Boston Hun, took place at two o'cl ck this
afternoon. Interment was made in the Odd
Fellows' cemetery, at Taiiiaqiia.
Fen. Cooper and J. .1. Quirk left this inoi 'i
ing for Shamokin to participate in tlie baud
J. A alandour left fur Now York nt noun
T. J. Ilronghall left at noon to day for
George White was a visitor to Fountain
Springs yesterday.
Miss Annie Vollninr, or Ashland, liaataU.n
up her residence in town. -
Allmrt Hoover . relumed homo from his
visit to Kaxtoii last evening,
Mr. and Jin. SI. M. llurke and son went
to Philadelphia this morning.
Sir. and Sirs. Chrint. Cox. or Malmnoy
City, vl.ited in town last evening.
Sir. and Airs. Kills Duell Irnvo issued invi
tations fur a llrls Alola celebration next
Sirs. ti. W. Williams, of Wilkeslsirro, is
vi-itln her mot! er. Sirs. Gunter, on West
Centre stieet.
It, J. WiUun. ti'itor of tho Sit. Carmel
Daily News, .nM a pleasant visit to tho IlKlt
ai.I) mm. tu 111 to day.
Sliss .Maggie Dietitian has gouo to Stiners
villc, wLt-reshe nill bo the guest of the
Mls-i'H II. mlrr, of that place,
Hat ry Sieck came over on his wheel from
Malianoy City and w; s the guest of hisooU6ln,
Jli-s Manic Kelly, of Chestnut street.
Mis John j?tham returned to her ltome
in IHjekwood, after a five weeks' visit with
her mother. Airs. Ncary, on West Oak street
T. J. Commr. of New York, a representa
tive of the Aiifomr lacking Cumjmny, is in
tonn looking alter the interests of the new.
branch I ere.
Miss SIbIh-I .Slrau'i, of IleHiIeheni, greeted
tier litany Un n s in town yesterday. Sliss
sitiaubH'al.s highly of her new home, but
still b.M a V1111111 pt t for the people of Shen
andoah. SliRiiuiltlii' Wuter Supply.
T .c nw dam of the Shamokin Water
Company, covering an area of about 5,KtO
acres with a capoolty of 188,000.000 gallons of
pure spring watw, has been completed and
the water Has turned on for the first time mi
VWil nc-day. The eost of constructing the
in w dam was over tlflO.OMO, which amount
w 11 1 - ended in order to give Shamokin one
ot tl.i largest and best supplies of water to
Ir I'.aii d anywhere in the country. This
1 at' una! lescrvolr was coiitructed by an
earl l.en embankment bvlng thrown across
t e a'h y about HOD feet iu length with a
thick iu at the bate of over SOU fctjt through
iln- middle of an embankment. A concrete
wall eight feet iu thickness extends
tinou'.i tho sntlre length. This wall is
. , t... 11.1 .1.
1 p.aciu several leev iiiui suim i-uv. a
diauie from tho surface to point at which
1 the unre wall tarts iu the rook varies from
twenty feet to four feat six I ne lies.
Tlie Working Time.
It is stated upon what appears to he lell
ahle authority that the I'. It. eollleries will
work next Wednesday and Thursday (three
quarter time) aud start operations again on
tho followlug lonuay ami wora niree aays y
(lliroe-nuarter time) each week during the :
iiiuuth of May. j
I'nee llailly Qaailiad. 1 Z
John S ingle, a Polish miner residing in C
town, bad the right aide of his face badly ' jT
gashed yesterday afternoon by a falling piece fr
of coal iu tho Suffolk colliery. Dr. W. N. j -Stein
atteutled him aud put eleven stitches In :
a wound exteudlng from the corner of the g
riuht eye to the augie of the mouth.
Ii.Juro.1 by a (-prsg.
i i .. u, i... wi ui....ii,H.i.M,ii
colliery yesterday.
false pus BaosjJrtAHasD,
X Case IH WliiilfTll Opw tfHlled ttl
I'rodueo. "'
J 'ist Ice Lawtor had a cow ease bkre falm
to-day and heard as much about milk a he
would had he attended a milk maid's con
vent Inn. The complainant In the ease was
Mr' Pauline Ia?rofsky, who charged llynian
lftibitisky, a cow dealer, with ebtainlng from
her the sum of (33 bv false and fraudulent
pieteueei. It ns rharned thai yestenlay
Rliblnsky sold h cow to the wwimn with the
aasurauce that the animal would furnish six
teen qustts of milk a day, but the cow
flled to oveti.rencli the two quart mark and
Unblnskl rfined to give the worn in any sat
isfaction'. Hall was given fur trial at cou . t.
ciini-il Wfili l.Hiiiy.
Paul Slieksltl was put under fSJO lsiil
this mjrnimg by Jnstloo Liwlor nn a charge
of l.irceiiFms'le ,y Andrew Zaenls, who
claimed the t'ormur stolu a mine pick from
aim. ZieiiU swore he bonght the pick from
a miner elglrt mouths ago. The accused man
pleaded that be saw the pick in the black
smith shop of Maple Hill colliery and, as it
looked like one lie had lMt, he carried It
Take laxative Uromo Quinine Tablets.
druggists refund tho money tf it falls to cute,
itfi cent.
Onptoresl u groundling.
Messrs. Charles ltslti and Joseph May set
mil on a fishing trip to the public water
works at llrandmiville yesterday. Their
luck as anglers was not very successful but
their efforts were reward efl by tho capture of
.1 groundhog while returning homo last even
ing. The animal was ciptuied alive and is a
Isrge one.
Sole of School ItumU.
Subscriptions will be received at the office
of the Secretary of the School Board, 111 the
West street atboul buildiny. for tho sale or
twenty-fire Ibotisaail (135,000) dutlars worth
of Bhonuniiiiali School District bonds. The
ootids will bear date of April 1, 18n7, and will
ion thirty years. Interest four jht cent
payable seml-nunually. Deiiouiiiiatiuns :
rweniy$ltW bonds; twenty $J00 bonds, and
thirty-eight fS00bouds.
By onler of the Hoard,
J. J. 1'KIUK, l'resldent.
Attest : Fiiakk II, Secretary.
WILKINSON. At Shenandoah, on the tb
iimt., .Mrs. Alary A. WilkfiiMin, HRtd 07 yeflm.
Kiuieral will take place from the residence of
her son, .Mr. L. .1. wtlkinsnn, corner Main and
Lloyd streets, on KHUst imirntiiK at lOo'eloelc.
IIIk'i leiiilein mass will be celebrated nt the
Annum liitfnn ehurch. The eolteKC will leave
thcLihili Valley deput by fpiebil train nt
U:i'i fnr Malmnoy City, where Interment will
be n.nile In Ht ('aniens eeinet ry. 4-'Jl-2t
We asked a
friend what he'd ZS
pay for a certain 3
He said $2.50 or
3.00, and think 3
worth the
price. He knew
something of the
... . M
insiueol the shoe 3
business, too, but 3
he was wrong ;
he judged by j3g
what he saw 3
We admit
it, as shoes
regularly sold in Some 2
a j
r places, but that wasn't 2l
our price ; we sold them 2
I for 51.75. I
He'd make the same rs
mistake in our $1.50 3
shoes. Accortling to
some stores' Valuation
they'd be $2 or $2.50. 3
t They look it ; but we
ta d
g don't charge for looks. 3
Factory-price won't let
S us go higher than $1.50 3
jj Not only in the $1. 50
line, but in every other 3
E line in the store we 2
IE .
show the same price-
saving instances. We
can beat any ordinary jjf
store all the time; every 53
time 3
E And then we make m customers a 2
present of a beautiful Parlor
Lamp when purchases
amoiuit to S25.00.
J. A. H0YBR. Mgr. -
I tarn
jt nan
lUppatltHIrs Thrtiugheut tlie Oountry
5 ('hrt.nleletl lor Hasty l'eriisal.
dhl fallows' Day at Mt. Carmel nKt
The Mahanny City jig bouse suspended
yesterday on account of Shortage, of coal.
Che base hall season will i' opened at
Pottsvllle on May 18, with the Cuban Oiatits.
The V. & ft emp'oyes In the St. Kicbol.s
und dilliertnn districts will beimld to-movrow. i
Tim Famous te ball club lr ld a sue-1
cessrul him social III Itobbl.ts' opera house
last tiiebt. I
Pottsville's post olfloe handled an average I
dally weight of 4110 pounds of in ills din ing '
the past 30 davs '
Q ittlich Wlllucr, aged 13, while riding 1
bicycle at II izletou. collided with a trolley I
ear and was perhaps fatally Injured.
On Friday morning a month's mind inssa '
will be oelehrolert at !t. Stephen's clMiruh. !
Port Carlton, for the late Dtnlel itatlgin, of
Mill Creek.
Attorney Usrrett II. Stevens bought for
$15,100 tho personal propoity of the defunct .
Willielm Blcyolc Works, at Hamburg, which 1
will be reorganised,
The Philadelphia A Reading Coal A Iron
Company's collieries dosed last night having
worked two days this week. Next week they
wilt resume on Wednesday.
Judge Saridge Is ho'ding Court at Wilkes
barre this week. His Honor states Ki-lilvely
that he will tint sit upon the Wtiitetftvoii
Kuoor Iltonnisburg dynamite trial.
Adecldoiibf the Supreme Court deprives'
Miss Aimiuda Trieble, of Shnwnee, -Monroe i
county, of a f3,0J0 beqaint, left her by Mr. ,
lat liar, for whom Bhe Imd kejit bouse.
Tho eight-inch hole that the P. A K. O. At
I Co. aro drilling on the west (mint of i
Ashland hill to tap the gas from the work, j
lugs or fie lust colliery, is going down
Munjnii Oir for Koiopti.
The steamer Xew York, of the Amtrlcan
line, Wednesday carried among its passeu
iiers Professor J. M. Mtinyon and a staff
his physicians. When questioned as to his
intentions Professor Miiuyon said ; "Yes, It
is truo I leave determined to introduce my
remedies into all foreign countries. The fact
is I have bad so many orders for my cures
from abroad, not only from tourists, but
from people who havo heard of these reme
dies through their friends on this sido of the
water, that I am led to bclievo that I will
meet the snuio generous patronage there fur
my cures that has been experienced hero.
I shall glvo London the largest and best
equipped medical institution iu the world.
I shall take there a duplicate of all my im
proved medical appliances as well as u com
plete stock of my remedies, and shall offer
them to tho public on tho same generous
terms that arc afforded our people at homo."
Professor Mtinyon carries with him the best
wishes of his countrymen. Wo feci certaiu
that he will receive a warm welcome abroad
mid that his humane labors will be crowned
with man's universal gratitude.
Shenandoah Dental Tarlors.
Latest methods of dentistry, good work
manship, moderate prices. Positively teeth
extracted without pain. Entire satisfaction
1-S-lm J. D. IlncKNAN. D. D. S.
Hase Hall Stilts nint Jtlcycles Free.
It is safo to say that nearly every member
of tjie rising generation is now thinking
cither of baseball or bicycling. But how to
get the bicyclo and how to get base ball uni
forms, are tho problems. Tho Philadel
phia Press solves both. That paper, which
has always led iu its amateur baso ball and
bicycling departments, now makes two novel,
interesting uffers. It will furnish, absolutely
free, to the amateur baso hall club receiving
tho great. ct number of votos before Juno ID,
a complete set of tho finest National League
Base Hall uniforms. This includes capl,
slices, bi lls, blockings, shirts and trousers,
and t'.e whole outfit will bo of tho finest
quality. Tlie wholo outfit will bo given
absulmi ly fne to tho amateur club receiving
the g.c.itai-t number of votes, Full details
of the oiler are given in The Press every
Any number of bicycles will bo given free
to thoe who will render a trilling service to
TboPiess. Details of tho bicyclo offer will
lie sent to any person who sends two two
cent portage stamps to The Press, Philadel
phia. All those creeping, crawling, stinging sen
satloiu that combine to make up tho tortures
of any itching disease of tho skin are
instantly relieved and permanently cured by
Doan sOinttncnt. Tako no substitute. Doan's
never fails.
Itetltieed l'ure.
Tiic Grant Monument Ceremonial in New
lork 011 April 27th will bo one of the
grandest affairs of the century. Tho parade
will luclndo 50,000 men representing most of
tho states of tho union, l'einylvaniii will
be represented by half a doaen picked reci-
ments of the National Guard and elaborato
preprrations are being made to properly
handle tho multitude that will bo xathered
ou thd"occaslou. For the accommodation of
those dosiring to attend the Philadelphia &
Heading Hallway will sell excursion tickets
at tho rate of fl.47, good going April 20th
and on early tniins of April 27th and good to
r-ituru up to and including May 4th. For
linther particulars impiire at ticket offices. Ot
Letters Granted.
Letters of administration were granted to Murkort on the estate of Kmaline
Murkert, late of llutlcr township, deceased ;
to Milton W. Meyer on the estate of Sarah
Sloyer, late of Wanhluuton townshiu.
Letters testamentary were granted to
August William Carls and Christian Ilausman
on tho estate of Otto II. Carls, late of Shen
andoah, deceased.
No Kaster Outfit
Is complete without n pair of our colored
shoos. And )ust thiuk of the money you
save by buying from us at Fnctury l'ricva.
Uluiriage I.tcensMi.
Uobert W. Trough, of I'otfatville, and Mary
Carney, Middlciiort.
Win. It. Marsh, of Philadelphia, and Kmlly
Davis, of St. Clair.
Geo. Daniels, of Mahanny City, and Gertie
Cliisnell, of Ashland.
Deeils Iteoortlrd.
Daniel P. Herb, by heirs, to Win. Herb et
al., premises in Mahauoy township.
JoUt llrown, by heirs, toC M, KatiU'msn,
premise iu Porter township,
Abraham Curl et ux to Wiu. Seurer, prem
ises in Pm-ter towilohip.
Abraham Carl et ui., to Win. Sea re r, three
dltt'eient deeds for lots ill Tower City.
Jtmelry Store Itriuovoil,
A. Holderuian's jewelry store has beau re
moved to the newly remodeled stoie room
at No. 31 North Mum street, between th
Kemer ami uaugiiau ury goixis stores, wbere
courteous and liberal treatment will he ex
tended to all old as well aa new customers.
l'lngor Itadly liiarMl.
Johu Itudd, of West Cbony street, suttemd
a severe contusion uf the middle Anger of
hU right band by a fall of coal at the Iudlan
Uidge colliciy yesterday. Amputattou may
be necessary.
Buy Keystone Hour. lie sure tliat the name
I.mmiu & IUkk, Ashland, 1,, Is printed On
ever au V.
'ililliteen' Msellllir.
Cant. Dillman will preach at the Armory if
the Volunteers of America to-ulght. There
will be good music aud siugiuv.
" jj "aoLDDutT." 1 1 "flotfl pyaT.''
it r
i 'or' urnit babies and
i rs in a warm bath with
1 1 n single application of
i ir t
i . it), tho great skin euro
v 1 c-' id eco-ioiiileal treatment
nYir. 1 'n ling, bleeding, scaly, anil
lmr.ors of llio skia, scalp, and blood
r I
TTKt nnnn AsoCtmt
(. r h y l.iili; Humor,"1 milled free.
Large assortment of Sul
phur settings in Ladies
Bracelets, Fobs and Rings.
Musical Goods and instru
ments. A full line.
Clocks We are selling at
I remarkably low prices. All
Frameless Eye Glasses are
what you want to wear to be
up-to-date. They will look
well on you.
Jewelry - Store,
112 N. Hain St.
i ' the Executors, Administrators, Guardians,
Trustees, &c, heroin named, flleil
their respective accounts in tue toiiowiug
estates in the Hegister's office at Pottsvllle,
in and for the Comity of Schuylkill, which
accounts having been allowed by tho Kegis
ter, will bo presented to tho Judge of the
Orphans' Court for confirmation nisi, on
Monday, May 3, 1897.
1 First and final account of A. A.
Schwalm. Guardian of Emma Geist, minor
child of Win. F. and Mary A. Goist, late of
Porter township, deceased.
2 Second nuil final account of Adam
Miller. Administrator of John Miller, late of
Washington township, deceased.
3 Final account of E. J. Fry, Guardiau of
C. Fry Shiudel, minor child of Conrad F.
Shindel, late of Tamaqua, deceased.
4 First and final account of J. W. Kauff
man, Exivutor of Philip Heed, late of
llegins township, deceased.
5 Fi.ial a count of Kato Thomas, Admin
istratrix uf Mtirgau Thomas, lato of Potts
ville, di ceased.
II First and final account of Tho Schuyl
kill liial Estalc Title Insurance and Trust
Conipinv, uf Puttsvillo, Pa., Guardian of
Win. Di linger, a minor.
7 I'iist ami final account of Monroe P.
Moycr, Administrator of Hcbecca llenlngboff,
lato nl Washington township, deceased.
8 Second a -count of John II, Stidfolo and
Charles T. Iluutziiigcr, Executors of Eliza
beth J. lluntziugcr, lato of Tamaqua, de
ceased .
D -Second and final account of George H.
Tcter. Guardian of Oscar Cook, a minor.
(now deceased 1 child of Daniel Cook, luto of
Malum. iy I it deceased.
10 Flint and filial account of Emanuel
Hex and Nathan G. Hex, Executors of
Nathan Hex, late of West Peuu township,
decoas ed.
11 Account of Daniel I!. Kistlcr, Adminis
trator of Sarah M. Hock, lato of Ivast Bruns
wick township, deceased.
12 First aud final account of Nancy
Ailams, Aumlul8trutrix ot Margaret Adams,
lato of Pottsvllle, deceased.
13 First and filial account of Charles
Heisler, Executor of Sarah Daniels, lato ol
I'ltiegrove towiisulp, ilcceaseu.
14 First and final account of O, S,
Iluntzlnger, Administrator of Jessiah II
lluntziugcr, lato of Hegins township, de
13 First and filial account of Michael
Sullivan, Guardian of William Sullivan,'
minor child of Dennis Sullivan, lato of
l'ottsvillc, deceased.
10 First account of Henry W. Deibcrt
and Daniel Deibert, Executors of Joseph
Delhert, lato of Orwlgsburg, deceased.
17 Second aud final account of John H.
Iteed. Executor of Francis M. Luckcnbill
who was executor of Charles I.. I.uckeubiU,
lato of Wayno township, deceased.
18 Account of David Starr, surviving
Executor of Peter Starr, lato of Uranch
township, deceased.
10 First and final account of William S,
ZiiIkw, Administrator of the estate of Charles
.ubr, lato of Orwigsburg, deceased.
au nrst ana unal account or Mary A.
Houser, Administratrix of William Sterner.
late of North Manhelm township, deceased.
xi rirsi account oi uaviu i-enstermacuor,
Lxecutor of John Fcnstarmachor. late of
bcbuvlklll Haven, deceased.
22 First and final account of Charlos
Sitler. Administrator of Polly Hallfett, late
of West Penn township, deceased.
an Mrsianu nnai account oi wiiuamu.
Mitta, Executor of Julia Monroe, late oi
Pottsville, deceased.
24 First aud partial aooount of S. II.
Lee, Jaeob Eisenhuth and George W. John
son, Executors of Ann Wylarn, lato of St.
Clair, deceased.
xS First account of N. Ileblich, Executor
of Richard Smith, late of Potteville, de
ceased. F. a HEB8H,
Uwjisthk's Of kick, Register.
POTTtVlLLB, Pa., March 30, 1807.
Is hereby giveu that the appraisement of tho
estate of the decedents herein named, letting
apart the personal or other property to the
use of the widows aud children, hare been
filed iu tlie Clerk's otHce, aud that they will
bo presented to the Judge of the Orphans'
Owirt of said county for confirmation nisi,
Monday, May 3, 1897.
1 The nnnraisanient of thn YiAraonnl Mfata
of Qideuu H. Wetael, late or Maliantougo
townsiiip, aereaseu.
2 Theappraiwment of the personal estate
of George K. Moyer, late of Orwlersburg,
3 The appraisement of the personal estate
oi Joim snoup, late or Union towiwhlp,
4 The appraisement of the personal and
real estate of William Adam, late of Tre
uiont. deceased.
5 The appraisement of the personal estate
or Joseph Jlecker, late of Uauauoy City,
0 The appraisement of the real and tcr-
houal estate of John C. IluoliaiiDau, late uf
tvayne. townsiiip, iieeeasen.
71 lie apralsement or the personal estate
or haw neon
Couch, late of West Mahauoy
townshiu. deceased
I'. O. BEE6E.
Clerk of the Orphans' Court.
ItieourTSK'a Orni-s,
l'orrsviLLB, I'A., March 30, 1867.
WnshmifPriwrjeriyP THE N- K- fairbank company,
tySS Chicago, St. LoulS, New York, Uoston, ITilltulslphtiu
331-240 North limerick Street,
. I have made a general reduction
to do so until May 29th.
The regular subscription price of
Demorest's Magazine "
Judge's Library" and
Funny Pictures" is 330
DEMQREST'S MAGAZINE' 1 ' fftrtnelteflt family iiiaKfizIi.e published; tliercis none
of our monthlies in which the beautiful and tho useful, pleasure nnd profit, fashion and
literature arc bo fully presented aa iu Dcmorttst'a. There In, in (act, no pubKctittoti pre
teudiiiKtoaNimilarscope and purpose whkh can compare with it, Kvery number eon
'JUDGES LIBRARY1 is n monthly mapazlno
und replete wim wit nuu mtmor. its
'FUNNY PICTURES' Is nnother humorous
All tnree or ineau mntra.tiioM are lKintiyoiueiy gotten up, i ou Miouia not umhh this chance
to cot we them.
Cut here and return Coupon properly filled out.
Demor-cst PufplUkiftg Co., 110 Fiftk Avrwe, K(jv York.
Fortbe enclosed 2.00 nltuvse rcikI Demorest's Famllv MRerazine. Judco's T.t'orarv
a niauarino of fun), ami Funny Pictures for
GOOD S1SRVAKT amis aie Iu demand.
State enpubilltiee, fte, uatioiutllty, refer-
ence. Auuress, intelligent'; Ulllee, bhatnokln,
rcniia. VJu2t
FOU SALK. Street sprinkler In rcmmI condi
tion, will be Hold for 950. Andy to 'rruMea
Columbiu Host iv.i , Shenandoah, Pa. J-lOtf
FOR SAIK. Htoro property at Uarneavllle,
Pa., with sto k. iMld on itecoiint of death
iu family. ICasv terms on nronertv. Innuire of
kpr. JCecler, liamcaville, Huhuylkill county,
Pennn. 4-13-2v
If so, call and see our new stock of
Mine '
Latest Toaix,
Latest Color,
Prlcass Bight.
Ml MM 811,
17 North Main Street.
We offer two aOTtments of
glassware for 5 and 10 cwits
that cannot be beat any where
for the money in town.
Meluskey & Son,
105 S. Main St.
Wanted-An Idea 3S3
W.tct Tour tjlssst thrr rcny brlou you waaltb.
Writs JOrtK WeUDKIIDIJBN Co!7pitnt Attor
aays. Wublnstoa, D. C, for tbelr sl.BuO prise oRf
sua list ot (wo hundred luTsotlous wsufed.
Of all descriptions at lowest rates,.
in IronThnchs and will continue
Ve will send all threts to- you ffir
year for $2,00, or 6. mo,, for $1.
of fun, filled with illustrations in caricature
tontribuiors aro the bwt oi American wits ana
monthly ; thero U a laufth in every line of It.
one yeur us iir your oiler.
- office...
To her numerous friends
Miss Sallie Senior
in North-Main Street,
Has returned from the city
finest selection of Indies'"
with the
Easter Opening on-n
-Friday, April gth.
Op QllWKHliUJIti.
Subject to llepublloan rule.' 'v
Subject to Itepublioan rules.
Cured by tills Rrauular efferveseiuit and-stimulant,
An Instant oure for sour stoinaolw andj
headaches, which often acaumulate from having
a nlgbt out.
17 and 19 Peach Alley, Sheu
A genuine welcome wait you at
Cor. flaln and Coal Sts.
Plueet whiskeys, beers porter and ale
ooi,taiit!y on tap. Oholee uiperanee drinks
and oiRftvw.
Evan J, Dpies,
Undertaking; f
13 N. Jardin Street.
A Handsome Oorriploxjon
is one of the greatest charWii unMBu can
possess. Poaeom's OomfiMIOH iHWonn
gives it.