3 yv . n-f- It ' Munynn's Cold Cure cures colds In the head, folda on the lungs, old colds, new colds, mid obstinate enldi, mill all forms of grip. Btops unseeing, discharges from the noe and eyes, lire ven I catorih, diphtheria, pneumonia and all throat and lung troubles. These pleasant little pellets are absolutely harmless, hare saved thousauda of livosand prevented much sicklies. Price. BDc. MNYON'S Improved Homoeopathic Hume Remedy Company put up,a ncpurato euro fur each disease. At all druggists, mostly 28 cents. Guldo Ui Health free. Personal letters to Prof. Miinyon. lfiOfi Arch street, Philadelphia, Pa., answered with free medical advice for any dlscare. SETS Or, V'W JLXlit., tVtJI NOW v" BIVECTS AT orw- ffteti1 C ETON'S IITaLIZER Curei central or special debility, wakeful ness, epcrniatoticen, emissions, Impotency, paresis, etc. Corrects functional disorders timed by ?rrors or excesses, quickly restoring Lost Manhood in old or young", giving vigor and atrenffth where former wcalciieis prevailed. Con m!M package, simple, euectual, and IcgUtnute, Cuns is. Quick and.Thorouqm. m'l 04 tftctivta fiy mttattontt insist HM'a viiaiisM c., -.a :i A CATON'S Vitalizes. Sent sealed il your drug, gtil doe not hava it. Trice $ I per pkgc, 6 for $5. with written guarantee of complete cure. Information, reureiucs, etc., free and confidential. Send ua statement ol cute and 23 cts. for a weck'a ilrial treatment. Otic on! tent to each person " CATON MED. CO., BOSTON, MASS. Xror en le at V. 1 IX Klrlln'o drug e tore ami HhenimlnnH Urittr store. VKaS. rr. nlwarn nliHbla. udiir aik fl! AAS V&A iTujfflft fur aftJkttOf-t EnvtUh Ma.l lPHSa9S.mori(filrffn.Iln lied noi n.rullllW 'r-v TVlWboiw. imtlotl will, blue rihbo i. ToLo Vwt ' In Mudti ror inr: Icalirt, tfttlraeciUli r II HI I. J".VM7 UTil'mriniin. JTIiail JTtfWT. foli b if tc.' ''rucdus. I'hUoi- I'm. MADE SVIE A MAN AJAX TABLETS POSITIVELY CURE jSLUj jfeti'otts JleaHt8- failing Aiem- cry. Imiotency,RleepiewneB8(etc , caused by AUukq anl other Kxce6 and IndU cretion. They quiahlu antf aurtli restore Lout ViUiUty In old or round, and 44. fn nturlf i.uliDa nr mu-rlisa ' PrPTont Inoonii'y'ond Omnuniption If talfen In tin time. I heir nun hrwtt lttimeointo Imnrove mnt anrl ffwt n. fltTllFl wjiim nil ntlierB tail. In eifstupon hftTfnjj tlte cenuino AJax Tablets. They have cured thousands und will euro you. We ctve a poiltire written guarantee to ptfecfc a cure Itr eiujh oftbo or refund the money. Price 50 cotirt per nackaee. or elxpftckaaes lull treatment for $Z.&0, By mail, fa plain wrapppr, upon rBoelr-t of price. Circular free, -AJAX REA1EDY CO., For sole In Shennndonh, lo., by A. Waaley and S. P. Klrlln, DriiBBintn. "THEY DO THE WORK" BRONCHO IHOMCEOPATHIC1 J A W OEMEDIESlOC f Relieve and Cure Head Troubles 27 tonnulitrt nf noted System irregularities hvetlciaim "for every ill, a special pill." If not nt DriiffStorcH, lrrito Bronx Chemical Co.,Youkors,N.Y. J K ill 111 Hook Mulled Free. 604 North Sixth St) uSSit E BafSfi&.SId8cnlrar.cconGrecnSL PHILADELPHIA. CUDE GUARANTEED. f tljliKN r in I'ltAtnuii du yenr.) ondu Yeur. Ilottnllal KxDcrlcliOfi In tanu&tir. I VrSTRICTURE, BLOOD POISON, xgencral debility. Lost Vigor, EXCESSES AND ALL OTHER 7 EFFECTS OF YOUTHFUL FOLLY OF BOTH SEXES l'ermanemiy curca aiicr cTcrr one ciko zin. lulled. 10ST MANHOOD AND SHRUNKEN GROANS RtSTORIO. Send five 2-cent stamps for book Tru (li. Tlte only exposure of Quscka under sworn te.il monlftuT. PiSsner Beers, Finest, Purest and 'Healthiest'.'" Chris. Schmidt, a.. 203 West Coal Street. HAVE YOU READ-- THE TlfllES PHILADELPHIA THIS MORNING? TUC T1MCP tnc lli'llO g the iiKwt esteiwlvely uirvuiiwu huh wiiviy rt-jH, iHiw.iJuuvr imu tUhwl In Pennsylvania. ltsdiMiuMonof pub lic men and nnbllo iiieasures I. tii tlio lateruat of piiUUc Iiitvsrltv, honest roverniMiif ud pHMiwroua Ind wtrr, and It snows no MW or iwiaonal alleslAnce in trtetliic pnulle U.ues. In the broadest and b.t sans, a luuitly and ventral newaper. TI-IC TTTLTCO lilllCd aim, t, i.e the largwt circulation by dawrving It, uii.l claim tlutt it is UnsurilUSMtl In all th iuum.iilIjlIm r.f a ..Ml metropolitan newspaper. HiiucIhibii wipltw of any edition will be sent frou to Buy one .end ing ineir uuurusu. TERMSDAir.Y 8 00 per annum i tl.00 for four inouins; HO vents iter raonil mi i ue- livercd by carriers for 0 osnU tier week HI NDAY KDITION, 32 larao, liaudwia. IiiiKcs i uuuiiuiis, eiefiitiy uiiwraUMj, kuuliful colored supplement $3.00 tier an num ; 5 cent. ler oupy. Daily and 8unUy, s.) uu per annum ; au ceuw ier woutu. Address all letters to the: times, riiiuntwHii. MpBfrv"TnSlD t'liIrtiMterV Kncllah Ulnmcn! flraaA rENNYRQYAL PILLS J3 fS ICS. The Sixth Braakin tlio "Mississippi Doltri Leirse SystoMi EATIONS TOE THEEE THOUSAND Woro Ilistrlbiitoit nt VioltnbnrK Yos tordny Approximate Vnluo of A?rl cultttrul Property or tho SltbiiiorKoil Itoulon ltenuhos $00,170,177. Metnplils, April 22. The sixth break In the Mlmlsalppi delta levee system occurred at 10 o'clock yesterday at a point a few mlla south of Lake Provi dence, La., on the Mississippi side of the .river. The break Is a large one, and a great volume of water is rush ing; into Issaquena county, Allans. This county, with the adjacent counties of Sharkey and Yasoo, have already been partly Inundated from the parlier breakB, and yesterday's crevasse, it is believed, will not materially affect the (situation in that vicinity. The water Is Gradually spreading over Madison parish from the Biggs crevasse, and it will be several weeks before it subsides. The river at Natchez has been sta tionary for the past 21 hours, being at tributed to the vast volume of water pcmiing through the crevasse above and below that city. The situation Is a little more encouraging, especially on the Louisiana side. At Vldalia the levees are now in good condition. The, back water going through Biggs and Reeds levees has not yet arrived at Natchez, but all streams are begin ning to swell. Itefugees from all the swamps are being provided for aB well bb possible, while stock continues to , fill every spare pasture. IleportB from the sixth Mississippi crevasse in Issaquena county, on Prom lsed Land plantation, show that is Is not widenlnz, and that the flow of water through It Is "slackening. The water inside the levee was only six feet below the level of the river. This crevasse has already caused, some hundreds of Demons to leave their homes, and may be 'severely felt on Lower Deer creek, where much land is still above water. Unless closed before the river falls it will protract the flood situation below. The Hood situation In Madison par ish is dally growing worse, owiiiB' to the unexpected spread of water from Biggs crevasse. This yesterday over flowed tho plantation of the Ashley Land company at Omaea, 30 miles above this city, and 36 miles north of Biggs crevasse. The company's man. ager telegraphed to Vlcksburg for a steamer to bring out stock, and tho Ruth left at 4 a. m. Three thousand people were issued rations at Vicksburar yesterday, and this total will be considerably Increas ed, it Is believed. The situation pre sents many difficulties. Some planters are ready and anxious to supply the wants of their tenants. Others, who see no prospect of making a crop, being on low land, are either unable or un willing to do so. Many negroes, who could get supplies to be paid for when a crop Is made, prefer to got free rations. To weed out the undeserving Is a task of great difficulty, but It is being dono approximately. The people of Vlcksburg have contributed and arc contributing most liberally to feed the hungry. Tents for 2,000 persons were received at Vicksburg yesterday, and arrangements were made today to erect them. They will relieve a state of unhealthful overcrowding. The bureau of statistics of the trcas ury department at Washington has made the following report on the dam age caused agricultural interests on the Mississippi river flood. "Since the publication on April 12 of a statement relative to the agricul tural .interests of the submerged dis tricts of the Mississippi valley south of Cairo, Ills., the area under water has been considerably extended. This extcnrlon is below Vicksburg, Miss.j but on the right or west Bide of the river, and Is mainly due to a break 2,000 feet in width In the levee at Biggs. The outflow of water at this point has totally submerged four counties of Louisiana, and partly overflowed flva others, while a break at La Fourche crossing, 'n the northern part of the same r'.p'.e, has resulted in the sub- merf. "o cf an additional area of nearly t) r.quare miles in La Fourche and Tern bonne counties. "In this newly submerged region there was In 1890 a total population of 88,366 in the proportion of four colored persons to one white. The region con tained in the last census 7,747 farms, with a total area of over 1,000,000 acres, of which 420,000 were improved. Of this last mentioned area 213,000 acres, or over one-half, we.re last year devot ed to cotton, over &1.0Q0 acres to corn, 0,000 acres to sugar cane, 2,000 acres to hay and an inconsiderable area to other crops. "The total value of tjiese farms, In cluding fences and buildings, but ex clusive of their movable equipment, was in 1890 close upon $11,000,000, and the value of the implements and ma chinery upon them was over $600,000. Jan. 1 of the present year they contained live stock to the value of $1,500,000, and so late as March 1 last they were estimated to have still on hand about $800,000 worth of the Qrops of last season. The total value of tho farms submerged by the breaks in the levees that have occurred since the 10th Inst., with their farm implements, live stock and crops on hand, there fore, is close upon $14,000,000. "This region produced last year near ly 100,008 bales of cotton, over 9,000,000 pounds of sugar and over 1,300,000 bushels of corn, besides hay, potatoes, oats and other minor products, the tntire production aggregating a value, tven at the low nrices that have pre vailed, nt more than $4,240,000. "The total area BubmerKed at this date is over 20,000 square miles. It contained at the last census 46,936 farniB, wllh a total area of 4,904,466 acres, nearlv one-half of which was Improved, and a total population, agri cultural and other, of 462,041. If to the value of its farms, farm buildings and farm machinery, according to the -census of W0, there be added the value of Its Ihe stock on Jan. 1 last and of IU products of last season still on hand on March 1 last, the total of $90,176,177 will represent the approximate value of the agricultural property of the submerged region. During tho winter of 1888, V. M. Martin, of Long lieach, West Vs., contracted a severe cold vvbloli left hltu with a cough. In speaking of how ho oured it he says: "I used several kinds of cough syrup hut found no relief until I bought a bottle of Cham berlain's Cough Itetuedy, which relieved me almost instantly, and lu a short time brought about n complete cure." When troubled witli oongh or cold use this remedy and you will not find it necessary to try several kinds before you get relief. It has beau In the jwarket for over twenty yean and constantly grown in favor and popularity. For sale at 28 ami SO cents per bottle by Qruhler Ilros , drug l.ts. 'IHtle Allays Nerv ousness, re lieves tho m iiJ Cramps and Nausea, and so prepares the system that the time of recov ery is shortened and many say "stronger after than before con finement." It insures safety to life of both mother and child. All who have used 'Mother Friend" say they will never be without it again. No other rem edy robs confinement of its pain Hook "TO BXrKOTANT MOTHKItS" msllod free, containing valuable information snd vol untary testimonials. THIDRADF1ELD ftEQULATOR CO, ATLANTA, Q, SOLD BY ALL DRUQatBTS AT tt-00 PER BOTTLC. ltcilured ltatos to Now York. For the dedication of tlio Omnt Monu mental Tomb, April 27, the Pennsylvania Itallroad Cmnpsny will sell excursion tickets to Now York to the general piildlo from nil points orr its line, excluslvo of rittsburg aiTd Erie proper, on April 20. and from Altoona nod Wllllstpsport and Intermediate points, and statiens on other divisions within ouo 1 1 ti m' red and fifty miles of New York, on April 0, and fur trains reaching New York before noon on April 27, at ratof single fare for tlio round trip (no less rate than $100), good to return until May 4, Inclusive. Tlokets for military and other organizations In uniform, numbering twenty-five or more, traveling in a body on one ticket, will lie sold on same dates, from points not less than twenty-five miles from New York, at a further reduction. For specific rates apply to tloket agents. All tickets via Philadel phia are good to stop oil' in that city within tho limit. Tlio parade on this occasion will bo the grandest military demonstration since the war. Thousands nf veterans, United States regulars, and stale militiamen will be in line. A Valuable Prescription. Editor Morrison of Worthlngton, Ind., "Sun." writes: "You have a valuable pro scription in Mectrlc Bitters, and I can cheer ful y recommond It ior uonstinulon and Sick Headache, and as a general system tonic it has no cnual. Mrs. Annie btclile, 'JU'.'.i Cottage Orovo Ave, Chicago, was all run down, could not oat or digest food, had a hackacho which novor left her and felt tired and weary, but six bottles of Llcctnc Hitlers restored hot health and. renewed her strength. Prices CO cents and $1.00. Out a bottle at A. Wa?ley's Drug Store. PHILA & READING RY IN KFFEOT MAItCH 27. 1867. Trains leave Shenandoah as follows i For New York via l'hlladclnliio, week day 2 10, 5 23, 710 a. m., 12 83, 8 03 nnJ5 58 p. t Sundays, 2 10 a. ni. roriNew it one via lunucn ununc, wcck uaj 5 23, 7 10 n. m 12 83 and 3 03 p. m. For Heeding and 1'hlladptpbia, week dayi 2 10, 6 2S, 7 10 n.tn., 12 33, 3 03 and 5 58 p. m. Hui days, 2 10 a. m. For l'ottsvlllc, week days, 2 10; 7 10 a. in., an 12 03, 8 03 and 5 OS p. m. Sundavs, 2 10 a. m. For Tamaqua and Malianoy City, weclc dav- 2 10, S 23, 7 10 a. m., 12 33, 3 03 and 5 Si p. n Sundays, 2 10 a. m. For Wllllamsport, Sunbury and Lcwlsburt weekdays, 3 25, 1180 a. m and 7 25 p. u Sundays, 3 23 a. ni. For Mnhano) Plane, weekdays, 2 10. 3 25, 5 25 710,1130a. m., .283, 303, 558, 7 23 and 9N p. m. Sundays, 2 10, 3 25 a. m. For Ashland and Slmmokin, week days, 3 2f 710, 1180 a. ni., 723 and 9 55 p. in. Sue days, 8 25 a. m. For liultlniore, Washington and tho West v" B. & O. It. It., tbrouirb trains lc" l Iteadln, Terminal, Philadelphia, (P. it It. V K) at 8 2 7 55, 11 20 a. m 8 10 ana 7.27 p. L. Sunday 3 20, 7 00, 11 20 a. m., 3 40 and 7 27 p. m. Add! tioual trains from Twenty-fourth and Choaf nut streets station, week days, 10 80 a. m. 12 20 12 It 8 JO p.m. Sundays, 183, 8 23 p. in. TRAINS FOR SHENANDOAH. Leave New York via Philadelphia, week days. 4 80, 8 00 a.m., 1 30, 4 30, 9 00 p. m. anf nluhi. Sundays, 6 00 p. m. lave New York via Mauch Chunk, weol days, 4 30, 9 10 n. m.. 1 SO and 4 13p. m. Leave Philadelphia, Heading Terminal, week days, 4 20, 8 83, 10 03 a. m. and 4 03, 6 80, 11 J: p. lu. Sundays, 11 80 p. in. Leave Reading, week days, 185, 710, 10 Or 11 63 a. in., 6 00 and 8 20 p. ni. Sundayo, 1 35 a. m Leave l'ottsvllle, week days, 2 35, 7 40 a. m 12 80 and 6 12 p. m. Sundays, 2 35 a. in. Leave Tainaqun, week days, S 18, 8 50, 11 28 t m., 1 27, 7 20 and 9 43 p. ni, Sundays, 3 13 a. a. Leave Malianoy City, week days, 8 45, 3i 11 47 a, m., 2 08, 7 41 and 10 08 p. m. Sundays, 3 t s. m. Leave Mahanoy Plane, week days, 2 40, 4 Cf 880, 9 37. 11 59 a. m., 1 12, 2 19, 5 20, 0 20, 7 57 p ill Sundays, 2 40. 00 a. m. Leave Wllllamsport, week days, 7 42, 1010 ru., 3 83 and 11 41 p. in. Sundays, 11 15 p. m, ATLANTIC CITY DIVISION, Leavo Philadelphia Cliostuut street warf anr South street wliaif for Atlantlo City. Weekdays Express, 900 a. in., 2 00, (Satur days only, 3 00), 4 00, 5 00 p. in. Accommoda tion, 8 00 a. m 5 15, 0 30 p. m. Sundays Express, 900, 10 00 a. m. Accom modation, 8 00 a. in., 4 45 p. m. Returning leave Atlantic City depot, cornoi Atlantic and Arkansas avenues. Weekdays Express, 7 33, 9 00 a. m., 3 3O,'5 80 p. ni. Accommodation, 4 25, 8 15 n. m., 4 10 p. m. Sundays Express, 4 00, 5 80, 8 00 p. in. Accom modation, 7 15 a, m., 4 15 p, m. Parlor Cars on all express trains. pepQa. Railroad. SCHUYKILL DIVISION. January' 18. 1897. Trains will leave Shenandoah after the abov date for WiKgans, Qllberton, Frackvllle, Dan Water. St. Clair, l'ottsvllle. llamluinr. Ilonrilio Pottstown, Phoenlxvllle, Norrlstown ond Phi) adclphla (Broad street station) at eo8 and 1105 a. ni. aim ioip,ni. on weeK uars. trot font vllle and intermediate stations 9 17 a. m. SUNDAY. For Wlggans, Qllberton, Frackvllle, Dan Water, St. Clair, l'ottsvllle, at 6 08, 9 45 a. m. an 3 10 p. in. For Hamburg, Rending. Pottstuwn Phoenlxvllle, Norrlstown, Philadelphia at A 8 1 43 a. in., 8 10 p. in. Trains leave Frackvllle for Shenandoah ai 1040a. ui. ami lzui, an, 792 and 1047 p. Sunday, 1 1 13 a. m. and 5 41 p. ra. Leave l'ottsvllle for Shenandoah at 10 1. a. m. and 12:00, o 19, 7 Jo and 10 20 p,.m. Sunua 10 40 a. m., 5 15 p. m, Leave Philadelphia, (Itr ond street station), fo Shenandoah at 5 57 and 8 35 a. in., 4 10 and 7 1 p. m. week days.. Sundays leave at 0 50 a. in. Leave llroad street station, Philadelphia, lu aAn -1 . lI.ii.i. il. n..... .. ii ,r . t ... Branch, 'and Intermediate stations, 11.11 a. ni., s.iai ami i.w p. m. weeje-aays. Leave llroad Street Station, Philadelphia, FOR NEW YORK. Express, week-days 3 20, 4 On, 4 50 3 It, 6 SO, i isb, . v ou, iu .i tinning usrj, u wa ,U( II 00 noon, 285 (LlmiUd 100 and 492 r. in. DliilngCnrs). 1 41, 283 (Diiilng Car) 820, ISO, l lu, a ou, I'liiiug uur , ouo, OJri.niz, iu uu p, ni., 1201, uitfht. Sundays 3 30, I IVi. 1 50 A 18, 820.8 38.9 50. 10 21. (1)1 Uut Cur). 1185 a. in. IA; 2 30 (IJInliiii 'ur), 1 00 (l.lmltnd I 23 Dining Car), 5 2ft, 6 30, t Olnlng Car), 33, 50, 8 J2, 10 00 P III , 13 Ui lllgllt. Express for Jln.ttn without change, 11 00a ui. week-days, and 4 50 p. in., dally. FOR WASHINGTON AND HtK SOUTH. . For Daltliiinieand Washington, 8 80,7 20,812 1020, 11 38 a. in., 12 09 (1831 LIm ted Die. Ing Oar), 112, 8 18. 4 41 (519 Congressional 7 40 (Dining Car) p. m., and 1205 nlgbi tV. uays. Dunuavs, aau, 7JU, viz. ii w a. is., an in, ii, a w uongrcMionai i,imiive Dining Car), 655 (Dining Cur), 710 p. m. (Dining Oar) and 12 05 night. FOR ATLANTIC CITY. Leavo llroad street station, Philadelphia (via Delaware river bridge), express, 702 p. in. d.ily. Inve Market street Ferry, express, 8 SO a in., 2 00, 4 10, 5 10 p. m. Sundays. 8 48. 9 45 n. in. Accommodation. 8 00. 8 SO. a. ni.. S SO anil I SO p. m., week days. Sundays, 8 00, 8 18 a. in., 4 00 diuiuwi. in. For Cane May. Aneleuea. Wlldwood and Holly Ueaoh, am iUelle uiy, uoeaii City and Avalon Express, 9 00 a. m., 4 00 p m week days, Sundays. 9 00 a. in. . U DUUIBIB t .'111. n UU t. Ml., iv ..... .. tint... W O Krt . i . t ii in. wee, uuys. ounuuya sua UI. , U. IIUTCIIl.SOM, ' J. R. Woon, llcn'l Manager. Cion'I lHus'g'r Agt HOW TflJFIND OUT. Fill a tattle or common glass with urine and lot Inland twenty-fonr hours ; a sedi ment or settling indicates an unhealthy condition of the kidneys. When urine stains linen It is positive evidence of kidney trouble. Too frequent desire to urinate or pain in the book, is Also convincing proof tliat the kidneys and bladder are out of order. WHAT TO DO. There Is comfort in the knowledge so often expressed, that Dr. Kilmer's Swamp Hoot, the great kidney remedy, fulfills every wish in relieving pain In the back, kidneys, liver, bladder and every part of the urinary passages. It correots inability to hold urine anil scalding pain 111 pawing it, or bail effects following use of llqnor, wine or beer, and overcomes that unpleasant necessity of being compelled to get up many times during the night to tfrlnato. The mild and the ox t ra onil nary effect of Swamp-Root is soon reallxud. It stands the highest for its won derful cures sf the most distressing cases. If you need n medicine yon should have the best Sold by druggists, price fifty cents and one dollar. You may have a sample bottle and-paiuplilet both sent freo by mail. Men tion Kvknino llKRAMi and send your address to Dr. Kilmer & Co., Iilngliamtoti, N. Y. Tho proprietors of this paper guarantee the gcnulnoss of this offer. HUMPHREYS' VETERINARY SPECIFICS Tor Horses, Cattle, Sheep, Does, Hogs, AND POULTRY. fjOOPngo Book nn Treatment of Animals and Chart Sent 1' roe. ctmr-flj Fevers, Congestions, Tnflnmmntlon A.A.I Spinal Meningitis, Milk Fovrr. J!.!. strains, Lameness, ItlicaiimtUm. C. C. Distemper, Nasal Discharges. D. P. Hots or drubs, Worms. K.K.'-Caimks, Heaves, Pneumonia, Jf.l'tlollo or CJrtpes, llcllvncho. (l.tS.B-Mlscarrlage. llrmorrhnses. Jl. II. Urinary nnd Kidney Diseases, Eruptive Dlsrnses, pinnae. K Diseases of Digestion, X'aralysls. Single Bottle (over CO doses), - - ,00 Stable Case, with Specifies, Manual, Veterinary Curo Oil and Medlcator, $7.00 Jar Veterinary Cnre Oil, 1.00 8014 lrHn.ntl.tit or ifnt prepftld tBxwofmftna laser qsanlttr es receipt of price untrnnxis'SED. co., 111 a lttmniuiiSL, xewTort. IHTJMPHREYS' HOMEOPATHIC SPECIFIC No. In use SO years. Tho only tnccesafnl remedy for Nervous Debility, Vital Weakness, and Prostration, from over-vork or other mums. 91 per TiM. or 6 rials and large Tial powder, lor $3. Sold by OriifKltti, or tuat postpaid on receipt of price. UCnritUKYS'Ultlf. Ca,m AHST11I1.uli Sts.KtwYork. For sale nt Povlnsky's drug store, 28 Kast ijemro street Teams to Hire. If you wnnt to hire a Bnfo niul rellitMt team for driving or for work! ncrpurtHj-Ki pay Shields livery stable a vlnlt. Tcatiic constantly on hand at reasonable rater JAME5 SHIELDS, No. 410 EnBt Centre street. Opposite llefttllne railroad station. AWN'S TANSY PILLS A T11ID. TKITS 1KD 1AVX WOMAN'S RELIEF. AtwaygproinpiMnti reiinum. t i jrniiuinwta. flt mUTIlN'tt TAMIT I I I.I.B nd RAVE RROKRTt. At rlriiff sfrtws nr ent dirt ((.led), nrlce. tl. Catok BricaCo.licrttoD,SIai. Uurbook,4c Vot sale nt P. P. I). Klrllnu drug store and biienunuoan tinii? score. b i pi tor p uli rMi'-rs. 'it' Tho Rosy Froshness And a velvety softness of the skin is Inva riably obtained by tbariwho use Pozzomi's Complexion ."owder. E SUN. The first cf American Ncwspn pcrs, CIIAliLIiS A. DANA, Editor. The American Constitution, the American Idea, the American Spirit These first, last and all the time, forever. Daily, by mail, - $6 a year Daily & Stiiulay.by mail, $3 a year The Sunday Sun is the greatest Sunday Newspaper in the world Price 5c. a copy. By mall, $2 a year Address THE SUM, New York, riilfions of Dollars Go tin in smoko every year. Take m risks but get your houses, stock, fai uiture, oto., insured in flrsUelass re liable companies as represented by rvAirm catict Insurance amh' un. i au tauui, iaa south Jordln St Also I.lfo'and Accidental Companl ol PROFESSIONAL CARDS. c. 8. PIULUPS, M. D. OBftoe; M Wrf Owttr. stiMt. Qan Iks oonsultad at all hours. M. UURKK, AT10RNBY-AT-LAW. Oftlva Mgn bulldlug, mnnr of Main ana Centre strMW, Shenandoah, POURKOY. ATTOMNEY-AT-LAW Shenandoah, Pa. . JjJ W. 8U01U1AKBU, ATT0RWBY-AT-I.AW. Corner Market and Centre streets. pilOF JOHN J0NH8, MUSICAL INSTRUCTOR, Lock Box 66, Mahanoy Otty, Pa. Having studied under some of tbe be.1 masters tr London and Paris, will give Isona on tlie violin, mandolin, guitar and vocal euTlure. Twins reasonable. Address in oarc of Strouse, the Jeweler. Shenandoah. W3 mm IS ra e jo f fVM lW,le D.Ter faU. ULI A.MSVsI.UJ t.'.' 1 BVJI 1 Mtalll "in ( f If'1 fifiior p uli rtiLi-rs. r- -dim; V ii. til- i h.-t. a i i Botwoon the Turks and Greeks on tho Frontier! PLUOKY DEFENSE OF LARISSA. Turk, Tliouuli Grently OittnutnliPt'liiK Their A-ilvei-wnrlea, Ilnve Ah Yet Heou Unnlile to l'oroe Their 'Wny to the (Irook ltendtiunrtera nt Tlutt I'lnoe. Athens, April 22. A dispatch from foot of Mllouna Pass says: The last height commanding Tyrnavo has Just been captured by tlte Turks. The In fantry advance was supported by cav alry, the soldiers cheering lustily as they began the atack. Mondou Pasha has prepared to descend into tlte Thes sallan plain. Taking the road to the left, which skirts along the base of the foothills, large bodies of cavalry will push forward to the front, while the Infantry take possession of the build ings which the Greeks have left In their hurried retreat. It was the task af Neschat Pasha to attack flie last Greek stronghold com manding Tyrnavo. The Turkish bat teries, each gun dragged by 60 men, pushed forward and bombarded the Greek position. A deep ravine lay be tween the Infantry forces of the two armies. It. was strewn with heavy rocks and loose boulders. After sharp fighting the Greek batteries withdrew. but the Greek Infantry continued to defend the position until compelled to retire. Heavy firing has been heard from the direction of Zarkos throughout the forenoon, and the struggle at Karya still continues, each side, In turn, ad vancing and retreating across the fron tier. The Greek Dosts at Mllouna, and Tyrnavo were captured at noon yester day, and the Turkish headquarters have been removed from Elassona to Mllouna. It is estimated that the Greek forces now In the Thessallan plain, in front of Edhem Pasha and between this point and Larldsa, number at least 00,060, but the Greek prisoners say that their reserves are exhausted. A military telegraphic line has been extended to Mllouna, but as yet there Is no postal service. From the heights can be seen huge clouds of dust In the distance, which Indicate that large bodies of Greek Infantry are en route from Larlsea to defend the heights not yet captured at Tyrnavo. Uut they will probably be too late. The coolness and courage of the Turks in attack are beyond praise. The crown prince has sent several regiments to relieve those which have fighting at Revenl, but the latter re fuse to leave the scene, although they have been actively engaged, almost without cessation, for nearly 50 hours. Telegrams from Prevesa say the town would have been occupied by the' Greeks, but It was Impossible to spare the men. Major Anzollnos, who gave the order for the abandonment of Grltzovall, has been replaced by Col onel Papastavre. The Greeks were assisted by thou sands of irregulars, who harassed the Turkish outposts and wings, as well as participated In tho general engage ment. The Turks had an overwhelm ing superiority in numbers. They had constructed earthworks and trenches everywhere, and In and behind these ayated the attacks of the Greeks, On the whole, they clung tenaciously to their defenses, while the Greeks at tacked these again and again with the most desperate bravery. In spite of the furious attacks still made upon them, the Greeks continue to hold the Itevenl and Nezeros passes. At midnight it was practically a drawn battle. Crown Prince Constantln telegraphs from Larissa: "We have kept all our positions, and the situation today Is excellent. Every road by which the Turks can descend into the Thessallan plain has been secured by the concen tration of our troops. I canot wire at greater length now. I am fighting my self. So is Prince Nicholas." M. Delyannis has received telegrams from Greek deputies at Larissa who de- clare that according to the opinion of the officers the situation Is not yet compromised, as the positions occupied by the Turks are of secondary import ance. ' A dispatch from Arta says that the Greeks have captured the villages of Aghai, Tsaprasll, Parnskevl, Klrnlkala, Allmbel and Jenlcari, all of which have been abandoned by the Turks, ,A dispatch received from Commodore Krlzts, in command of the Greek squadron which has bombarded Plato mona, says that 600 Turks were wound ed during the bombardment, but the Greeks sustained no losses. The squad ron has started for Katerina. In an interview with a newspaper correspondent King George denied that Greece commenced hostilities against Turkey. He said: "The truth Is we were attacked because Turkey was or dered to attack us. There never would have been war but for certain Intrigues, which will appear later. All the powers are more or less against us. Such is the result of the European concert. The war may be prolonged and bloody, but it Is now too late to stop. A great crimeshas been committer against right and humanity in the Cretan question, and the chastisement has now com menced. Greece, understands that she must either be victorious or disappear." Try Graln.O! TryOraln-O! , Ask your groeer to-day to show you a package of (JKAIN-O, the new feed drink that takes the place of coffee. The children may drink it without injury as well as the adult. All who try it, like it. GKAIN-O lias that rich seal brown of Mocha or Java but it is made from pure grains, and the most delicate stomach receives It without distress. I the price of coffee. ISo and 88 cts. per paokage. Sold by all grocers. Bribery lit Colorado. Denver, April 23.--Governor Adams has vetoed the bill regulating the man ufacture an" tale of oleomargarine, The veto message Is sensational in the extreme, as the governor Includes in ills mMsaste a letter from a Denver lawyer to an oleomargarine manufao turer In Chicago, going to show that the bill was Missed by means of the rnost.onen ami barefaced bribery in both bouse and senate. The bill pro vltled Uict the oleorruargaxloe could be sold, but that no coloring matter could be used. It should be made a matter of nnhli knowleaje that DeWltt's Witch Hazlc Salvo win wsaiiiy cure puea oi tue longest stand ing. It Is the household favorite (or burns, soaius, ouis, oruisss ana sores oi au kidus. When you want good roofing, plumbing gas fitting, or general tlMUiithlug douu call oa K. f. Gallagher 18 West Centre street Dealer in stces l -tf Caacarefai stimulate liver, kidueys ami bowels. Never sicken, weaken or gripe, 10c. A Womanly Woman OF THE OLD SCHOOL, Whoso Motherly Face Inspires Confidence and Veneration, and is the Index of a Mind Stored With Lofty Ideas. MRS. SARAH BRADLEY. Between tho lines of Mrs. Bradley's statement as given below ono reads something of tho history of this devoted wife and mother. Surely she lias passed through tho furnace of affliction "heated doubly hot," and tlio jny that reigns lu her household on account of her restoration will be shared by largo circle of acquaintances. Mrs. Bradley Is a widely kuown pioneer rc-.i-Icnt of Bi-ock way, Trumbull Co., Ohio. It is with a view to helping others vho aro sufferers from nervous disorders or disease of the heart, that she. icnda us tho statement of her case, which is certainly one of tho most com ylicated In medical history, and should convince tho most skeptical reader that Dr. Miles' remedies cure when all other means fail. ( littr 9W.1i Anxrnt Ifjef. nnnr-rnhnr T WHS P-nmnelled to take to my bed on account of extreme nervousness. My husband said he wouia rather t me for i twelva Mm hrc r.) to tue penitentiary uianinrougn anowier sucu siegu us i uu "ij l fe w years previous. Little uia ho suspect uo was tiien on me eve oi n year campaign. Wo employee! in all twenty-six ainereno piiysioi.t'i, i ver. onnfrl lionr nf. nnrl it. nnsr, lis over S2.000.00. but I only ltcw worse. I becamo wholly unablo to walk, ana tuoy carrieameirom one room to another. I became so nervous tlio doors had to be cushioned, the clocks were stopped nnd tho family went about in their stocklug feet. I was so miserable that life seemed unendurable, and all I asked for was death. The doctor said my cxtrcmo nervousness was caused by cxcrcsence of the urethra and performed four different operations, which nearly cost my life eaeL time, but no benefit resulted. To glvo mo strenf-th stryc:-."ino was given mo every day for live years and calomel every third day for tl. . e years. My headaches wcro terrible, especially In lower back part of head, and sharp pains between shoulders, down my back and side of limb. My back was scarred and cupped for threo years and blistered the whole length with ily blisters. Nothing I ato would digest, but simply distressed me. AVorse than all, however, was my nervous fear. I was so full of fear 1 dared not oat, nor drink, nor try to walk or sleep, yet I did not know what I was afraid of. I was a wearisome burden to my friends. Atlastthodrugirisb persuaded my husband to have mo try Dr. Miles' Restorative Nervine. Tho first bottle was not finished before I could cat with a relish and was able to walk, and before I had taken threo bottles was able to do my own work, and aftor taking six bottles I am cured. My weight has increased over fifty pounds. No words of mino are able to tell the good it lias dono me and 1 never tiro of telling to others tho story of my cure." Mits. S. Bkadley. Cold by at! Druggists. Dook on Heart and Nerves, Frco by Dr. Miles Medical Co., Elkhart, Ind. Dr. Miles' Nervine ANDY 10 25 SO ArtQfiT IITUI V firHPflMTUPn to care nny rtUOUbUlCibl UUanmUDCilf lire, nerer idcaml linotletfree. M. 8TKKMVS Ui:MHH COB' . re.. t - T - - - cie - ..o m (Ml B WiilayiLMinw' Summer Heat HOP B WILL BRACE YOU UP. THE BEST OF ALU TONICS. For over 25 years it has been curing thousands of cases of Biliousness, Indigestion, Malaria, Nervous Prosiration, Kidney Troubles, &c. gf Purifies ihe Blood, Gives you an Appe.iie, and Helps yeu Digest what you Eat. Take it now anil get your system in shape to stand the cold leather. PRESCRIBED BY ALL EMINENT PHYSICIANS. HOP BITTERS CO,, NEAnJ YORK. Sold by P. P. D. KIKLIN, Shenandoah, Pa. ..i ii.iiiiiiiiitiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiriiMiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiLiiiiiiiiiiitiiiiiiiii.fiii i : FaSafilili ,jjii the house, as a standard remedy for 3 if ffi 1 1 '&mm Sprains, Bruises; Cramps, ItheuiuuiUm, 17 pi I 1 mfrlrf, nnd nil aches anil nnina. s x isb, . FOE SALE EVERY WHERE. aillllllllllllllHIIIlllIllllilllllllllllllllllllllilllllllllllllllltllllllllllllllHIIUIIIllKI "DIRT DEFIES THE KING." THEN SAPOLIO IS GREATER THAN ROYALTY ITSELF. EVERY Sometimes nls a reltibl., monthly, ragaUtlos UMdlelne. Only hsralswaBq the purest drugs sh.uld be umJ. II ;ou wout Ihe bwt, (et Or. SPears Fennyroyai PilH They an prnmpt, sals sod mrtaln in ret. Tb. swalne (Dr. FMl's) never dtsss. iwiat. feeut auvwh.ro, tl.oo. Address SAi.laD:ouia Co., Cleveland, O. Per Sale by P. p. D. KIHLIN, Shenandoah, Pa Restores Hearth CATNAR ALL DRUGGISTS : caeorcontlr.-t!-.. r-i"ts are t!iMer! l..ixa-i rrlu or Bilue.tiut rnii.c ;mv natural result. Som-i i il.. fhic.iso. Montr, ul. tan., i rNc.T lork. SU.k - .3 - q - eo ..ore .ci aeo. o t t- ITTERS WOMEN WHO READ I are progressive) Mid keep informed .f 55 the World's Progress. The well in- formed and thrifty Houte-wift will s always keep iRAINROW LINIMENT 1 Price 28 ctt. and B0 cit. ntr bottle. H frcpsr.a D 11. J. HSCKtll CO., Pkiladtlplilj 1 --mi