m flfi1irii.-lhi lwritrrtnn-'mii, ;-ii. r EVENING HERALD H-tTAIII.IgllRD 11711. I" i!l.h1 mvfr Kvetihtg, rczoept Stni'day, Al s inn .Uiturx Hrm.r. Kill ckhtkk. T.i.- Itiiraltt In .tt-ll-ritri In heiiatiUiMtn and the enr Minillnu towns for six emits n week, nty nlile to the carriers. Ity mnll 13 t0 a yenr.or 96 cent, a month, pAnlt In advance. Atlrettlae. mi-tits t'luirKi'ii ai' -itr.lliia tonum-en-nd iohnoii. The iiiibtlshem nwrve the riitht to change the po-.i Inn nf ndi ei-tifumieut whenever the pub lic it'ou of news demands It. The rhtltt te tiwriwl to rijiit Any ftilvorttAfineiit, whether ptvlit fur or nut, thai the uultlMier may doem impr tmr. AilviirllbInK rate u4 known upon aiitiltoatiou. Kntt'.l t the pintofHo at Shenandoah, IV, a. mu-ond cities mail matter. TBLKrHOifrS (JOKNKCrttsK. "All '.be Nm Tint's Fit lo PtW." Evening Hrlcl THURSDAY, APRIL 83, 1BBT. A nkwhp.vi'KR headline says the forks are in (Srci-ce. Judging by their picture we would suppose tiiey wore ill so in dirt. 1!k sure to read the advertisement in the lli.u w.i licl'oru starting out on yonrshopplug tour this t vouliig. You 'will mvo money Hud much bother by following this advice. Si: roii (loniN should let those "insur ance iiflidavlta" gee the light of day. If there ureuuy members of the Senate "pinching" IhiiaMoiih, the people would like to locate num. Sinc:. (lei try hna lie n pardoned, it It now in order for the Hoard of Pardons to commute the deutli sentence of Madge Yorke, the girl In-murdered, and who swms to bo without inllueiitinl friends. Gi.Nrnv is nor allrui believer in the old Miyiug, "A friend In need is friend ludewl." llii case also plainly shows tlmt If .1 convicted murderer can commitul the right kind of f i tends he has a good chance uf saving his neck from the hnngmun's noose. Tut hivl'y imlividii il who represents the l t-l .1 nl r.il!4ll!ld ! filM'li to lltU'llll (he Grim m.'iiinriil service at Ne York unlets be i. iilloiiiil tlm plum of houor ahead uf tho Ur.int fmui'y, by lvimm of bli piuitiiin 83 neui.er Ami luasuiliir. The tfciiatc had better 1 in ry up tli.it mbiiiHtl.xt treaty or we limy j el he i. might to nar with Groat iiriuiti. l'i ir ha- stopped coining silver, Colombia i, trjn j. tu i.eeumnlnte gold onimgli tochttugu its -.i.iu :.n I. Sun Salvnilc.r is moving iu the m;ii. ih i -tint, Uruguay has forbidden the iiuu'ituui of furoigu silver, and Chill now measure-, wtlucs in gold. The silver standard h i- bie.iuie too costly a luxury t be ondired In- thc-.-e countries. Bi:njvmik llAtiniBON litis jiut won two big citMS lwforo the Supreme Court nf the Tinted States, with fees aggregating $15,000. The cx-lresidciit is probably earning tnoio money tliuu he over before has onrncil, and more than be drew from the Treasury when lie was iu the White IIoumj and w.ith loss hard labor. Ia.kknf. county people havo just found out that they have no such oUiclilsas County Auditors, Judge ILirrctt, of that county, on Tuesday rendering a decision to that effect. Here in Schuylkill wu hare been under the impression that the act of assembly creating tho office of Controller in counties having a population of over 150,000 aholUlicd tho ollice of County Auditor. Luzerno, howover, is excusable ; as its people are slow iu every thing but murders. Thk Legislative Investigating Committee, even with Senator Cuyle as examiner, in the opinion of the I'ottsville Chronicle, could not And out any mure than what 1ms been published time and ugaiu in tlio anthracite coal region papers. The bosses will answer no questions calculated to show light upon the matter under investigation, and the operators have not yet been called and proh ahly will not. As a farce, the investigation AO far has been a grand auooeas. THE GARBAGE. lib t lie advent of spring the need of a inure satisfactory system of disposing of the refuse of town becomes more apparent. The Borough Council has of late yearsexperienced much difficulty in bocuring"from tho laud owners a piece of ground to be used fur dumping purposes; and oven now the ar rangemeuU made for the disposal of the garbage is auything but .satisfactory to elthor the borough authorities, the laud owners or tho people. It is only a question of time when e en a plot of ground cannot be to rtired for this purpose, and then the borough ollkUIs will be compelled to adopt some other system of dispooinguf the refuse. In the minds of many it would be a wife move, unci a saving of money in the uud, to secure u crematory for the disposal of the gar h.tge. Tim would permanently dispose of this vexed question, aud at the same time prevent the ."proud of disease. Serautou and York nro now experimenting with a crematory, and a full record of It work and the expense coiiuected with it are kept, so that the opera tions in all their details may become known. Shenandoah would not need as large nor ex pensive a pltut as these cities, ami the expense would necessarily lie much lets. One of the newspapers published at York gives some interesting details in connection with the experimental trial iu that city. The works were permanently put into opera tion u week or so ago, aud since then all the promise of the early experiment was reu lined. The eugiiteer in charge at tho time said all the people iu the city must have been hold ing b.u k their garbage to test the ability of the cieiuatory to consume it. fifteen tvegoii loads were shovelled iuto I'm fumaee be tween!) o'clock lu the morning aud iM) in the at'tcruoou. In addition as many barrete of butt lit'rV oflkj, a dead kene aud 4her refuse inutti r jveie dumped iuto tlie recif tui le II) (1 o'clock iu the evening all foul been consumed aud a few baskets of ashes were all that remained. In all, sixtMiii or eighteen tons of waste were vunsuiuud dur ing the first day's operation. It is thought that there will not be KufhVieiit garbage to keep tlie furnace gulug every day, aud it is proliable, therefore, that it will he iii operation only three days iu the week for tho present, that time being quite enough to allow tho waste of tbo cily to be eousiimed. Tbe accumulations of garbage can be allowed to remain iu the same furnace several day without causing the slightest odor. Wheu tbe fires wore burning ue un pleasant smell couM be detected. So for the garbage plant has been a complete success, uud it has girt u all tlie satisfaction that was promised. shcintudouli is sadly iu need of a ctetnutory, ami it cannot be supplied none too soon for tin health uud eouenieuce of the people. m wpfttiieci VoT tMtetn Pt nnsylvanl, Now Jr y, Delaware and Maryland: Increas ing cloudiness; warmer; southerly winds. NUGGETS OF' NEWS. A bridge (nuttnir $6,000,000 will be built by the Southern Pacific Railroad company over the Mississippi river a-t New Orleans. The sub-committee of the Mtmte finance committee Is expected to re port the tariff bill to the fail committee on Saturday. The s ilke. or lockout, of New Tetk teamfltterB has ended In a compromise. Kelly, the confessed murderer uf Bank Caehler Btlckney, of Somerj woith, N. II., was taken from Mon treal last nlfrht, valvlng extradition. Representative Sayere, of Texas, sus; geets that a prize be eti'ered to the en gineers of the world for the best plan of preventing the overflow of the Miss issippi river. . There seems to be no question that the colleaa boat races will be held on the Poughkeepsle course If satisfac tory darters can be secured by all the crews. Don't Tobacco spit and smoke Your Life Away. If von want t quit hifcncco nobis easily and forever, be made welt, strung, magnetic. full of new life and vigor, tako No-To-lkic, the wonder-worker that makes weak men strong. Many gain ten pounds in ton days. Over 400.000 cured. Htty fCn-To-lno from your own riruggfot, who will guarantee a cure. 51c or $1.00. llooklet and wimple mailed free. Ad. Sterling Kcimsly Co., ''hieago or New t ork. T'n Klorldit SouitrorWli'pi Tallah..rree, Fla., April 22. The fir: Joint ii.!l,t for United Btates ocnator was ta'ren at nocn yeaterday. The rc sttl't was -practically the tame as Tues day, with an inucace cf one In Call's favor, the vcte noti.lnt; from Fcnator Henley, who was absent on Tundny. The vote was ns follows: Call, 33; Chlpley, 16; Itaney, 14; Hocker, IS; Uurfoid, 7; Mabrey. ; JKcKay, 2; Crlll, 1; Broome, 1; Hlsbee, 1. Thpitt Is it Chluft it l'l'iiplo Who are fpjtireil by the nan of cotToe. Ki'ccntly them 1ms been placed in nil tho uT'iccry stores n new priiunitlon obIImI (IKAtX-O, made of tire gmlns, that lakes the pline of iMitlco. Ihe tmwt delloutc stomach receives It without distress, and but few can tell it from CoBce. It doe not eit over as much. Children tuny diluk it with reut hfiii'fit. 15 cts. and S3 ctn. per package. Try it. Ask for GIIAIN'-O. IJci'Mi il e-. 'i1ii;iin. Chlen o. A,r;: -J. juiy In the Qulnlan-Uixelenr. eh dai...i.se suit ren dered a verdict tt nut Kuihy. Mrs. Ella C. Quinlau, the wile of the ia.. Itor for H. II. Hula ch, id who wai under arrcsrt t'er a week during the ex citement ovor the pollco Invcs I31 ; n Into tb" "Holmes Cartle" is. jea- tgo, sued J-t hlef of rolice John B. Bi 'e:i och for tJO.COO for fa!io arrest, t'he jury finds that Badenouh waB war ranted In -hat he did. Thirty years is a long time to fight so painful a trouble us piles, but Jacob Mitchell, of Uuioiivillc, l'a., strtigttloel that loug be fore be tried DoWitt's Witch Hazel sMlvc, which quickly and permanently cured him. It Is equally oiTective iu cc.enni and all skin alleutiotis. C. II. llageubuch. l'loctroeiitoil la Afldnlr. St. I.ouis, April 22. In the centtil business section of the city Edward Clayland, a lineman for the Missouri Electric Light and Power comppjy, was bumetl to dea."h by a live wire. Ills smoking: body hung In the nlr for at least ton minutes, In view of thou sands who were attracted to the scene. (rip-CoUls-IIeadarlto, Why suffer with Coughs, Colds and Ln Irippo when Istxative Hrmno Quinine will ;uro you in one day. Put up in tablets ion venleiit fur hiking, (jtmnintocsl tocuir.or money refunded, l'rico. 25 cents, ir sale by Kirlln's Pharmacy. Ilolilneji ' i n.iiitli'iii tTltJcal. v"8sh!nj,it . ApiU 22. representa tive Hclu-iun hue! a Klnkinc spell yes terday, and his condition Is now ra garded as, very critical. Ho has lapsed into uncor.tt! "'ness, but as he has displayed r.in.i.kable -ltallty hereto fore tho hot.e :j expressed that he may et rally. An exceedingly common and dan gerously significant condition. A warning tvhicii must bo heeded, or, ns 7itl1 the oxpross train which I'ul s to regard tlie dan ger signal, disaster must follow. A suro indication of thin, weak, im poverished blood. A certain ad monition that tho bloojl is not properly feeding tlie nerves, i'.3 Bttes and organs of the body. An imperntiva demand for the tonie, vitalizing effect of Hood's Sarea parilla upon the blood. Weak, nervous, tired men and wom en are for.:id everywhere Men slr'.vo tio hard to " keep their ends up," women too anxiously work "on their nerves" to meet tlie demands of home and society, all have too little sleep, mid tlie excessive drain on i-lre'i and nervous enorgy will '- ' com pletely i'iii:i h".-.it:i. Tlie strength mint be bit'.. 1 1 l.y pre blood, and tho new i must also And in pure blood tlie proper nerve fowl. For tills purpose uotbiug equals Hood's Sarsnpuriilu. The thousands of wonderful cures It lias accomplished, the liko of which no other medicine ami no combination of medicincd can show, provo its curative merit; prove that it has never been equalled us a blood medicine; prove that Hood's Sarsaparillii is indeed tlie ideal spring medicine, tlie best nerve and stomach tonic, tho one true blood purifier. Hood's Sarsaparilla lasoldbyalldrigguti. Price 0. 1. Ilood&t'o., Lowell, Mass. THE. ANTIQUATED SENATE, Beuntor Miwoti Crlttotsen It ns altulld of UysriHio Dhs. Washington, April 21.- Senator Ma ton, of Illinois, made his maiden speech In the senate yesterday, and signalized It by some breesy criticism on the an tiquated rules of the senate. It was such a variation from the prosy debate of rerent days that the senator was accorded close attention, and twice re ceived tho heatty applause of the crowded galleries. The speech was In support of a resolution Introduced by the Illinois senator directing the com mittee on rules to .report a rule by which debate could be dosed and the previous question ordered. In this connection Mr. Mason sarcastically re ferred to the Inaction of the senate on all great questions before It; the long and fruitless debate on Cuba; the de lay of the arbitration treaty, and the Inability to say whether our dtftlcultles are to be settled by arbitration or by the metliods of Corttett and Fltmslnij mons. It was time, he said, to send the senate into drydook and rid it of accumulated barnacles. Mr. Hoar, of Haasachusetts, replied briefly, pointing out that the other branch of congress was more open te criticism ' than the senate. He was In accord with Mr. Mason, however, on the need of new rules. A vota was taken on Mr. Gorman's motion to refer the Mason resolution to the rules com mittee, whlrh prevailed. Uucklcu's Amlm !Hlrf. Tlie best salve in the world for cuts, bruises, sores, ulcers, salt rheum, fever ero, Is. cb Ihlains. ooitts. and .and positively onus piles icisgtiamntecn wgive ir ntniiv refunded. Price 'or sale hv A. Wssloy. fl-U'. Taken to lltxton. At--11 22. Ex-Turkish Con. ft Intiiti of Uosti n, was turned nvi 1 to the im lice of the detective bu reau at poll.-e headquarters yc3terdtiy nt '--.n on. He wus taken to the dis trict nttornt y's office this morning, and left fe-r r.ts;icn In custody. Iaslgl was arrcEtr.d en the night of Feb. 18 by central otllra detectlvcB in compliance with a dispatch from the Boston chief bf police for the alleged embesslement of some SUC.C00 belonging to a trust fund In Boston. He made a strong right atjalnst oxtraditlon, carrying his caie to the United States supreme court, which decided against him yes terday. An Atlldatlt. This Is lo terrify thnt on May 11th, 1 walked to Mtllck's drug store on a wlr of cnikhci; and bought a bottle of Chamber- liin's l'ain ll.tlin fur inflammatory rheuma tism which had crippled me up. After using three lxittles I urn completely cured. I can cheerfully recommend it. Charles II. Wet zel, Suubury, Pit. Sworn and subscribed to before ma on 111511st 10, 18t. Walter Sliipumn, J. P. li'orsalo at 80 cents por Lottie by Oruhlcr llioi., drug store. Counting: Liicif Stini'M irt! e. Kew York, Anrtl 22. Majjr J. F. Mrline, assistant treasurer of the Uni ted States In Washington, and 15 expert counters ur rived In this city yester day, and without delrty began the work of counting all the money In the sub treaBury. This was made necessary by reason of the retention of sub Treasuter Conrad N. Jordan. There is something like J200.000.000 in tho vaults of the bulld.ng, and It Is said the count will occupy about a month's time. A nousehold Necessity. Cas.- trets Candy Cathartic, the most won derful mtillcal discovery of tbongo, pleasant nnd lei'reshing to tho taste, act gently and posit'vely on kidneys, Hver and bowels, cletm.-iinr the entire system, dispel colds, cure headache, fever, habitual constipation and biliousness. Please, buy and try a box of 0. C. C. today; 10, -25, 50 cents. Sold and guaranteed to cure by all druggists. Uk'ir fa 1111 At-y "run. ' Little l'tcck, Ark., April 22. Hon. Voley V. Fmith, ex-lieutenant governor and r.t one time the most prominent figure in Arkansas oolltlcs, died yes terday at the insane asvlum, where he ha-J been confined Beveral months. Mr, Smith became Insane on the money question during; the late presidential campaign, and since his confinement he Lecamo very violent. Mr. Smith scivcd as consul to St. Thomas in the Grant administration. "I was feellcg tired all the time, as tired in the mornit; as I was at night. I began taking Hood's Barsoparllla and it has helped me so that I have no such feelings cow. My little girl suffered with pain In her st" ii-.doli, but Hood's Sarsaparilla has cured her." .JauksT. Mann, Hubbarda tou, Mass. Wealmoss and Loss of Appotlto, "Last spring my little Rirl had no appe tite and was week. I gave her one-half-bottle of Hood'aSaraapartUa, which cured her. We will now take no other medicine but Ki od's Sarsaparilla, and recommend it to everyone for weakness and lose oi eppoticeX" Wm. F. Hanks, Brysouia, Pa. All Tired Out. " My husband was all tlrod out and run down In health. He felt tho need ot some thing to build him up, and he began tah log Hood's Barsaj'arilh and Hood's Pllle nd tho result was very Is factory, We rogaid Hood's Barssra uht and Hood's Pills as oxcelleu1. r.r i' :'.aoe." MM. H. L. MOWKY, Towauua, Pa. Tired and Worn Out Pooling. " I have baen taking Hood's Santa partll and cannot say too muoh In it favor. It has done ma tttsre good than any medlajna I havo ever tried. I have advised my frlenda to use it tor a tired and worn out feeling, as I know that it gives relief." Wiijjam T. nuHuwt, HoUyviUe, Del, $1, sLcfovS. Prepared only by It U tbo Que Trao Blood Purifier. "- rSSBBBBBBBESBu3lC3K -SSSSSBSSEMZl S TV Y Celt STOCK AMD 'PRODUCE MARKETS. London llnylrtg Adviinenis I'Hcoji In tho New York Stock tnrkot. Now Vniit, April 21.-TI10 liuropeiin war Sltuntlon inntlnues to Inrsolv noml'iul 1 the ionie or tho me: kit fir tn Im lien . as wi'H si. own by the utile k inlj" ti'--,-, to the London imrlty In the riuotnt .mi at the ononlng. Tue iluy wus w'thimf special development otherwise, outs'dii oi speclnl movements In Individual stotkn. London showed a further fractlonnl ml- vanco for Amerlrnn securities, und this was probnblv duo In pe.rt to tho fact that yesterdays London pi loos wore somewhat deprosHrd by the excosslvo depression calming In New York on Mon day. Prices for Americans continued to Improve in London during the day, and there man pome buying for London ac count here. The result has been that prices here have recovered the loss sus tained 111 Monday, nnd nro very gener ally above Saturday's close to the ex tent of a varying: fraction. Closing bld: Balto. ft Ohio.. 1314 Lehlch Valley.. 134 Chcsa. & Ohio.. 10 N. J. Central... ROVi Del. & Hurlson..lH N. Y. Central.. S9 D.. L. ft V 1504 Pennsylvania .. K2'i Brie .... Heading la Lake Krle ft W.. 11 St. Paul 1V) All usst'e paid. Ocnei-al Marl-.olp. rhlladelphla, April 21. Flour firm; vrtn ter ruperrlne, UitkBlM; do. extras, HO 3.S6; Pennsylvania roller, clear, tl!.i,t.lB; do. strp.lTht, W.161.4(l; westprn winter, clem-. M4i4.1D; do. straight. W. 16'., 4.40; city mills, extra. 13.1001.30. Rye flour steady at t2.23W3.40 per barrel. Wheat hlffhar; contract wheat, April, 90l0Vjc.i do. May. aitSStc.i No. t Pcnnsj-lvanls arid No. S Delawr.i red, spot. BSiQ92-e.; No. 1 northern spring, spot, (WuW.c: No. II red. April, UTkC. : do. Mtty, SOVyc; do. July. 71k:. : do. Soptnmber, VGjO.: do. December, 7814c. Corn higher: steamer corn, spot, 72714c; No. i yollow for local trudo, i;lc.; No. mixed, spot and April. S3 814c: do. May, 2Ri.fflil4c. Oats dutot; No, 2 white, carlota, 26c.: No. 2 white clipped, carlota, 25c.: No. 2 whlto, April, Mli&26c.; do. May, June and July, 28V40 211fcc. Hay firm for good; choice tim othy, 214 for large bales. Beef steady; beet h-ims, $19.252D. l'ork stendy; fam ily, l0.6ofill. Lard dull; we-ntern steamed, J4.40. Butter steady: western creamery, lSftlic; do. factory. 89114c. ; Elglna, 17c; Imitation crenmery, 10rfl4'Ac; New York llalry, lJ418c.; do. creamery, 18Q17c.; Jancy prints jobbing at 20,24c; do. extra, wholesale, 20c. Cheese steady; large. 9 12c; smnll. 812Vic: part skims, 4814c.; full skims, 2Mr4Sf3c Kgffs steady; New York and Pennsylvania, 9V4c; western, fresh, 9V4c: southern, 814c Tallow dull; city, 3 S-10c; country, 3 5-16c. l'etroleum quiet; United closed nt 84c. bid. Pig Iron easy;, southern, tleWjll: northern. $10.p 12.50. Copiier firm: brokers, $11.25; ex change, til. 10. Tin barely steadv; do mestic, t4.104.20. Load dull and feature less, with a weak undertone: exchange quotation, t3.2714a3i32i4; brokers, 13.20. Cottonseed oil stronger; prime crude, f. o, b., mills, 10c; prime summer yellow, 23 lie; oft summer yellow, 2314c; butter grades,' 26?7c., nominal; prime white, 151ti26c. Coffee barely stendy; April. 17.25; May., 17.1687.25; July. $7.30a7.3R; August, 7.26P7.S6; September. 37.30irT7.46; October. $7.46; December, 37.40ift7.65; Jan uary, J7.60; February, t7.6t)'a7.60; March, f,-.5&&7.66. Live Stock Mnrketis. New York, April 21. Ileeves slightly easier; Rood Mteers. $t.l04.30; stags and oxen, f 2.76r4.25: bulls, $2.96(83.05; dry cows, J1.803.40. Calves fairly active and stoady; voals, J4S6.26. Sheep and lambs quiet; unshorn sheep, 346-5.25; clipped do., 53.50 4.60; unshorn lambs, J6.2.Va.50; clipped do.. 4.36f6.50. Hogs steady at 4.304.60. 13ast Liberty, Pa., April 21. - Cattle steady; prime, $6.105.23; feeders, $3.75 4.40; bulls, stags and cows, $23.75. Hogs active; prime medium and best Yorkers, $4.204.?6; fair Yorkers, $4.104.15; heavy hogs, $J..T.4.20; pigs, $3.90g4; roughs, S2,75SJ3.5li. Kheep firm; choice clipped sheep, $! 5vg;4.60; common, $3.103.75; choice Inmbs, $6.255 50; spring lamba. 5(S; villi c.ilves, $4.50ii'5. TO OtJItl! A COM) IN ONE DAY Tako L.tt.itlve Bronio Quinine Tablets. All lruggists rcfttnil the niouoy if itfalls to euro. 25 cents. l-'iitHl nunawny Accident. Hoontcn, N. J., Anrll 22. A fatal runaway accident occurred here yes terday afternoon. Joseph Meyers, his wife and their son, Harry, G years of age. were thrown from their carriage. Mr. Meyeis was badly, though not fa tally Injured. Mrs. Meyers was injured so severely that it Is believed she will die. The child died soon after the ac cident, bavins both arms and a leg broken. Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption. Tliis i.-i tho best medicino iu the world for all forms of Coughs and Colds and for Con sumption. Every bottio is guarautced. It will cure aud not disappoint. It has no ctpial for Whoopiug Cough. Asthma, Hay Fever. Pneumonia, Bronchitis, La Qrippe, Cold in the Head and for Consumption. It is safe for all ages, plcasout to take, mill, ahovo nil, a sure cure. It is always well to tako Dr. King's Now Life Pills in connection with Dr. King's New Discovery, as they regulate and tono the stomach nnd bowels. We guarantee perfect satisfaction or return money. Free trial bottles nt A. Wesley's drug store. Uegu lur size 50 cents and $1.00, Tho Iotvu's Premium S:17J,'JOO. Washington, Apiil 22. The report of the naval trial board upon the official speed trial of the battleship Iowa has Just been submitted to the secretary of the navy. It shows that the ship made a speed, with all allowances made for tldes and other Interfering eondltionsr of Just 17.871 knots. The Cramps will receive a premium o $374,200. The board found that the ship was strong and well built In overy particular. lthouiuutlsiu Cured in a Day. "Jlystie Cure" for Kheumatism nnd Neu ralgia radically cures iu 1 to 3 days. Its action upon the system is remarkable and mysterious, it removes at ouoeiiie cause and tbe disease immediately disappears. The first dose greatly benelits. T. F. Anthony, ex-Postmaster of Promise City, Iowa, says : "I bought one bottle of Mystic cure lor tciieinnatism, ami two (loses of It did me more good titan any medicine J ever took." - 7ocnts. Sold hy C. II. llagenhtioh, druggitt, Slion amlouh. Died i'roi'i lfcf Wound. Jacksonville, April 2J. Mtss I.Iarle Louise Oato, who was shot from am bush In North tiprinirueld Tuesday night, died yesterday, A strong chain of circumstantial evidence Is being woven around Rdward Pitsee, the girl'a lover, who Is now In jail. I had set ere attacks of gravel and kidney troublu; aud unable to got u medicine or doctor to cure me until 1 used Hop Hilton, aud they cured in In a short tine. A DiH-riNGUiftiiiU) Lawykk tie Waynk Co., N. Y. Colorless and Cout. A young girl deeply regretted that she was so colorless and ami oold. Her fuco was too white, uud her hands ami feet felt as though the blood did not circulate. After on Untile of Hop Illttors hnd Wen taken she was the rosiest and bealtlilest girl In tbo town, with a vivacity sud olieorfuiueaa of mi ml gratifying other frleiaw, It will be an agreeable surprise to persons subject tosttacks.of bilious oolic to learn that prompt relief may he had hy taking Cham berlniu's Colic, Cholera and Dlarrlioe Hom ed y. Iu many iutUucce the attack may be prevented by takiug this remedy as soon as tho first symptoms of the disease appear. 25 and AO cent bottles for sale by (I rubier Pros , diuggists I The Astronomy ot Lite When an aitrono lliAr foretells the cx act minute at which two planets will cross ea- '.i other, we know there is no magic about it. The whole universe is eovemed by laws. A man who studies these laws of nature carefully and reduces them to a sci ence, can count on exact results every time. A doctor knows that certain remedies off ct certain diseases. When a disease serins to have no rcmedj the doctors pronounce it Incurable. All the lime Nature may have the remedy tight nt ha .d. but it will only be discovered by the doctor who has studied longer and deeper tho t other into this particular disease. Consumption seemed for a long time with out a remedy, until Dr. Pierce made his wonderful "Golden Medical Discovery" 30 years a-ro. It has proved to be a marvelous and almost unfailing specific for consump tion and all forma of lung, bronchial and throat difficulties. It r rr.-ctn seem alttuxt magical but Itsop--rlo-.t is bated upon simple ntUnrnl laws. !t Ua the peculiar property of enabling .Ue blood-making gland to manufactutc itealthy, red blood and pour it abundantly mto the circulation. This nourishing, vll-tl-sin? effect is rapidly manifested in the iur : and bronchial lubes where it stops the iv.i tine; process and build ti p healthy tissue. It is rendll vassitnilaled by stomachs which re tco weak to digest cod Hver oil, and it 1 1 ir superior to mall-extracts as a penua ter t aud scientific flesh - builder in all -ia timr diseases, "Tw ity-five j-ears nt sight di.Terent doctors aM m- that T would live but a short tltnr. that I 'mil co"4Uniption and must die." writes Ceo. u. loo-, 'q . ot Myeri Villey, Pottawatomie Co., iA't-t. "t finally commenced taking Dr. Pierce's Ciolden Medical Discovery nnd am stitl on the .iitd a-id nntoug the living. 1 have faith lobe :evc tnit It has lengthened my life ibr the last h :itv-nve Vears, and I have so'nuich faith In all if vonr medicine that I want one of your Coui 'iio'ti Sense Medical Advisers. " Dr. Pl.Tce's medicines are recognized as tTidard remedies throughout the world, ii " Pleasr tt Pellets" cure constipatln" Two Leant! in n :iilonixo l'lro. Chicago. April 22. Two lives were lost and three dwellings partially de atroyed by lire which broke out early In the morning In a building at 4226 Ashland avenue. The flames spread so rapidly that many of the occupants were forced to Jump from the windows, while others were taken down lndders. The dead are John McCleash and John Coyne. The bodies of both were but slightly burned. Coyne, who was but 13 years. old, was found tightly clasped In the arms of McCleash, who had evi dently perished In an atempt to save the life of the boy. Just try n 10c box of Cttseewts, the finest liver and bowel regulator ever made. Six Killed by 11 Landslide. Itossland. r.. C, April 22. As a re sult of a landslide near Sheep Creek, an the Tied Mountain railroad, six men were killed and a number of others seriously Injured. The men were em ployed on the railroad. Twelve of them were atdeeo In camp when a huge landslide, 200 feet wide, swept over their camp. Aotlntr Sccrotnry lloosovolt. Washington, April 22. Secretary Long loft Washington yesterday after noon for Boston, so that Assistant Secretary Roosevelt became acting secretary of tho navy on the thlid day 3f his lujmbcncy in office. Not o:.l..-actito lung troubles, which may provo fata in a few days, hut old chronic -oughs mid throat troubles may receive im mediate relief and bo permanently cured hy Ono Minute Cough Cure. C. II. Hagonbuch. Will I ho Wealthy JSncnpo l'niilslitiioiit? New York, April 22. Stockbroker Elverton It. Chapman, of the firm of Mooro & Schley, of this city, who will have to undergo Imprisonment for 30 days In the "common Jail" at Wash ington for refusing to testify before the United States senate sugar trust InvestlsatltiK committee, will probably begin his term in a few days. He ia arranging his private affairs In this city to that end. The Evening Tele gram says: "Chapman hopes to keep out of jail by means of a presidential pardon. He will not deliver himself up Immediately, as there Is no danger of his bond being declared forfeited. If the president were to pardon Chap man he could not well refuse to extend similar grace to Messrs. Searles and Hnvemeyer, ot the sugar trust, when their cases have been adjudloated." Unconditional surrender. Is tho ouly terms those famous littio pills known as DoWitt's Little Early Itiscrs will mako with constipa tion, sick headacho and stomach troubles. An Indif-trliiiix Couiit'uiToltor. New York, April 22. James Foley, icho escaped from Jail at Jollet, Ills., .March 21 last, whore he was awaiting trial on a charge of counterfeiting, Is under arrest here on another chargs of counterfeiting, giving his name an John O'Keefe. Foley's right name la John W. Murray, and his home Is In Cincinnati. He has been arrested nine different times for counterfeiting, and has been convicted seven times, His specialty Is said to be dimes and nick els. He probably will be returned to Illinois, where he can receive a longer sentence than he would likely receive In New York. When the spring time oomee, "gentle An Ilia " lllrn nil nll, .,..,l.l ..?..., - - - - u..w. onunwiv liviaima. IYIl A limiu I , Html .ml II. ' ,i w.u .nvi mm lyiiuv.iu. eiiu Byaieil! with DoWitt's Little Harly Kilters, famous tibiv uuia iur iue liver uuu siomaiui an 1110 f ir 11 ..i...i. JWil IUUIIM, V. 41. JiaCMUIIUll. HookorollurippohOH Wiiko Ifdduotlon. Cleveland, April 22. The ore dock managers have decided to reduce the wages of ore handlers for unloading vessels at all Lake Krle ports 10 per cent. Ilockefeller, who owns a big Meet of boats uud has extensive docks at Ash tabula, accepts the reduction, but will himself take tho loss, paying the ore handlers their present wages. The wages for trimming ore cargoes at Ashland have been 1 educed from three to two and one-half cents a ton. Rockefeller refuses to make this out at his Duluth ore docks. The ore han dlers of Cleveland are r-rc;iminjt to strike!. Pkusonal. The gentleman who annoyed the congregation last Sunday hv continually coughing will find Instant relief by using One Minute Cough Cure, it speedy and harm less remedy for thioatand lung troubles. T'.te Hinpevor L.'iibriietxr. Vienna, April 22. Kmperor William of Germany arrived here yesterday, and was welcomed at the railroad sta tion by Emperor Francis Joseph and all the Austrian archdukes. A guard of honor was drawn up on the platform of tho railroad station. The emperors embraced each other repeatedly, and Kmperor William cordially greeted the archdukes. The emperors drove to the palace amid the cheers ot the crowds of people lining the route. Wiieu a cold is contracted, cure it at onoe. One Minute Cough Cure will set you on the road to recovery in a minute. It will cure pueuiuoiiia, bronchitis, croup and all forms of lung uud throat troubles. C. it. llageubuch. NEAfllNd HOME. l'tn Hearing home. Poll Short the hoars aro growing. How lng, how long was childhood's sum mer day I An nprtilng vlstn of new sights nnd pleasures, And rosy hope allured us on our way. I'm Hearing home. Tbo shadows, gently fall ing, niilo from our view earth's harsher sights nnd sound. And volees lavod and lost are softly oulllng. Tuning where home Hnd happiness are found. I'm Hearing home, and as tbe weary trav'ler Counts all the landmarks nassine on his war. So count I now tbe signals that do meet mo And mark the entrance to eternal day. I'm Hearing home, e'en ns a child school 1 sav ing, Ills tasks oonipleled seeks his mother's door. Earth's lossons learned, far from Its pnlns and grieving 1 seek n home where I shall grieve no more. L. L. A. Very In Boston Transcript. THE TOMATO IN ITALY. It Is Popular With All Classes In King Humbert's Renlin In every homo nnd cottage In Italy tho preserving ot tomatoes is carried on. Ter races, bttloonles nnd even the lint roofs of llio houses aro half covered with plates containing the deep red Substance. After gathering, the tomatoes intended for pre serving are spread out for some hours in tho sun till the skin has somewhat shrunk. They nro then ptissed through a slovo so that they mny lie freed from both seeds and skins. As they contain a largo proportion of water, the substance which has been pnsscd through tho sieves must bo hung In lings, from which the witter exudes, nnd soon a pool of dirty looking water is form ed beneath each ling. Strange to say, It is In no way tinged with red. Tho mixture whloh remains In tho lmga has tho conslstonoy of a very thick paste. It Is then snltcd, tho proportion being n little less tint 11 ono ounoo of salt ton pound of preserve. The process now requires that It shall ber spread on flat phttos, oxposed to the Bun and stirred from tlmo to time with a wooden spoon, so that the upper part may not form a crust, whllo Under neath it remains soft. It Is n picturesque sight when tho woman are to bo seen flit ting nbotit on the roofs nnd terraces, at tending to tlio deep red preserve, their col ored handkerchiefs Hung on tlielr bonds to screen them from tho rtiys of tho burning sun when it is at Its fiercest. In the even ing tho contents of tho various plates aro taken In and stirred up togcthor; for if moistened by tho night dow the wholo would bo spoiled. After being oxposed to tho sun for seven or olght days, tho snmo process being repented each tiny, tho pro sorvo is flnlshod and placed in jars for win ter use. Though It is used by nil classes of per sons, It Is more necessary to tho poor than to tho rich, for tho latter can make uso of the fresh tomatoes preserved in tins. To matoes may bo tinned whole, 119 wc know from Ihoso usuully imported into England from America. Hut in Italy tho fruit Is usually passed through a sieve, the pulpi being then placed in tins, which nro Im mediately soldered down and then put in boiling water for flvo minutes. Tho cost. of a small tin is half n franc, so it Is, ns a rulo, beyond tho mums of tho poor. Cham bers' Journal. Dr. Wood's Norway Piue Syrup seems sent ns a special providence to the littio folks. Pleasant to tako, perfectly haw-loss, and absolutely sure to give instant relief iu all cases of cold or lung trouble Coming lSvelits. May 30. Ico cronm and strawberry festival in ltobbins' oponi liouso, under tho auspices of the societies of Trinity Deformed church. May 18 Entertainment by the Sunday school of tho Welsh CongrcgatIou.il church, of South West street. Apr. 20. Grand masquerade ball at Kobbins' opera houso, under tho auspices of the Elite Social Club. "My husband had two cancers taken from his face, and another was coming on his lip. Ho took two bottles of Burdock lllood Hitters nnd It disappeared. He is completely well." Mrs. Wm. Kirhy, Akron, Erie Co.N. Y. Hunk Dlroutoi'M" Hot poimlblllty. Grand Itaplds, Mich., April 22. Judge Severans, In the United States court, held that Henry Anderson and John Foster, directors ot the defunct Bank of Greenville, are liable for all losses sustained by the bank through Presi dent Moore between July, 1802, and July, 1893, the date of the suspension. The amount they will have to pay is not yet determined, though Moore's to tal lndebtness exceeds $172,000. The court scored the directors for negli gence while the managing officer plun dered It of all It owned, nnd much that belonged to others. In cases of burns. Bnralns. moulds, nenn-v nf tbe other accidental pains likely to come to the human body, Dr, Thomas' Eclectric Oil gives almost instant relief, TO TIH3 IiAND OP SUNSHINE Anil riowei'H, the Ilund of America, Cali fornia. Via the trim pathway, "Tho Iron Mountain ltouto," which traverses a region of perpetual sunshine, whore snow storms, blizairds or high altitudes are unknown. Pullman first and second class p..l.ice and tourist sleeping oars to points hi Missouri, Arkansas, Toxns, Old and Now Mexico, Arizona, California, Oregon, Washington, Nebraska, Utuh and Novada, without o1uuk. Quick time, I0.5V ratos, and all tho comfnrtsof modorn railway Improvements guaranteed to all who pur chase tickets via tho Missouri Pacific railway system. Fur rates right from your home, literature, mid-full information, drop n postal card, J. V. McCanu, T. P. Agent, Bill Hail road aveuuo, Elmlra, N. Y or 901 Broad way, Now York. 2-3-tf W. E Hoyt, 0. E. P. Agt. .CHASES BloodHServePood For Weak and Run Down People. WHAT IT IQ I The richest of nil res tora wnHI II IOI tlvo foods, because It re places the essentials of life that are ox. hausted by disease, Indigestion, high living! overwork, worry, excesses, abuse, etc WHAT IT DOES! digestion perfect It creates solid flesh, muscle and strength. The nerves being made strong tbe brain becomes active and clear. It restores lost vitality, stops all wast. Ing drains and weakness In either sex, and as a female regulator has no equal. Price 60c, ortlve boxes J2.00. Druggists or by math We can help you. Advice and book, froe. Wrlto Ua About Your Case7 THE DR. CHASE COMPANY, loia Chestnut Btreot, Philadelphia. Ho pain irom your RUPTURE It you troar tho CHAMPION TRUSS. MnHa Rll tlUdelQhla Truss Co.. C10 Locust St, Phiu., Pa E Boot'rinitfh yrup. Tastes uwd.' XTso Ft In time. Hold by drueglstn. f Heart Disease Cured. WHEN t wo'.l knov-u minister nfter nfiuring for yenrs with iieTt dis ease !s cured, It Is not su-.i .islus that ho should publish tho fact for tho benefit 6t others, llov, J, .P Bmlth, 10'..! Vulton St., IUIUmoro, lid., writes! "For years I suffered from a-sevcre form of heart disease I nsod Dr. Miles' New Heart Cure, and to 7 hent la now iu good condition. Itecently, or.hor nnllctlons came upon mo. Thero was hummlnj, painful sensations on top and bnck of my head. Fifteen min utes reading would make me almost wild; there were pulling and drun lng tcnsatlcuu In my legs all the time,, so that I ccul-i not sit still. In this condi tion I began taking Dr. Miles' Uostorutlva Nervine and its ctTcct was simply won derful. I heartily commend your remedies. " Dr. Miles' Remedies are sold by all drag gists under a positive guarantee, first bottle; benefits or money refunded. Hook On Heart, and Nerves sent free to all applicants. DK. MILES MEDICAL CO., Klbkart, Ind.. HEALTH SEHT FREE A lt T.r-.t .tlnl. ,.1 1 . 1. 1 ----.V ......... , t, ,, u,., , every I Issued by t.,o l-iauufacturers I Gail Borden Eag.o Branrf Condernod KHfc N. Y. Cott'enscil Milk Co. 71 HMf ca I tr-;er, Sew York Those who once buy SEELIU'S keep comiiigback for it. This ad mixture makes tlio flavor of cof fee delicious. A!i Grocers. the best by adding a lit- i tic of Seclig's to ordinary iciiffee. 2C. apackgc, PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD COMPANY. Personally-Conducted Tours ilATCHLESS IN EVERY FEATURE. CALIFORNIA Tour to OATJKOIINIA nnd the PAt!n?Tfi COAST will Iwiva New York nnd 1'lillndelpliln mnrcu n rouinnni on rcKiunr iraing wltlitn nine months. ItountMrin ticket, inolinllno- nil tour fentuioa going nnd transportation only rtiiiriiniKt win tie smu nt rule oj WAPi.uuirom, New York, nnd S200.00 from IMiilmlelnhtn mm.. way tickets, Including nil tour font met pohitf,, SI I .75 from Now York. 3110.25 from PhiLidel- pnia. i'miHrtioiiAte rate from other point-. WASHINGTON Tours, eneh covering- n lwi-lml nl tln-pi. days, will leave New York nnd Pblladel- .iiarcu ii, -a, and amy 13, 18S7. Kates, includ ing tramuortatloii and two days' accommoda tion nt the hCBt Washington lintels, $11.80 from New York, and $11.50 from 1'hllndelphln. OLD POINT COMFORT TOURS RETURNING DIRECT, OR VIA. ItlCHMOND AND WASHINGTON will leave New York nnd l'bllndelofiln I-'-tirn ary 20, March 18, and April U, 1897. For detailed Itlnemrloa nnd nthar liiFnrniAtlnn apply nt ticket agencies or addrem Quo. W. noyu, Asst. e.en'l I'ass. Agei.t, llroael utrtefc Station, 1'hUadoIpWa. ' P. J. CANFIELD, Agent for Shenandoah and Vicinity. --rW-- BARBEY'S Beer and Porter Try Barbey's Bohemian Beer. DIVIDEND o To our OBtlomari : WOUUl YOO OA BR TO 1NVB8T IO OR UPVAHDflT DM. ' inHDCini )o$t in ottriwrn tMtt, ukimm. u l-'or sale by Shenandoah Drug Store, Klrlln Drug Store. !P1S it rovhuky'n drug tori;. M Kfc Cniitre ntratit. Wanted-An Idea Who ean think of some sun put thliur to Dateotr Protsot your ldeast tbey mar brlnr you wealth. Writs JOHN WEDDEttBUIlN CO., l'tnt Attiir neys, Washington, D. C, for their al.atu price offer Had list ot two hunilrod UiTentioni wtmted. - 1 t ime ttSf ir M sbjbm fiUA TVLiF 1 imw 8SX iter y rrn i1 inuneini i.;o.. iu octriMirn minh. uiutn. iu. ii . . i,.n.rl uii.ur ti l.sSl.'J ",-l,U MI.IH UIi,m. .t v n.lin mi , pwimtil eiloi l ii i nil i I.r.K'S I1AIH r(tiItlrinovoidn.r i'T H... - I line fi'.ra'illno"'.M4.ro,,"i0''"?'.,'i l.Ki:Mi:ilICA.STC10St'nlli.iiil.. I pOCC llluMnwd TruUw en lUIr oaspidiotiiiDiirnbl. m Mm