sstfs3 TBNNEY S Peamil Brink is the finest peanut candy made. to cents per box. Try one. You'll want another. 100 pound f chocolate drops this week :it 25c per lb. HOOKS & BROWN a. North rvl lrl 5t. The Store- That's Always Busy Beca me shrewd dollar savers take ..Ivantaae of our tempt ing offers. Look t our In ducements for the present : Iicautiftil Jtuby Carriages nti (I Upwartin. Hutidsome Iron It&latend 13.50 Upw nd rds. Refrigerators With Spigots and Upwards. M.Spoont, IIS Bast 0ntr St. Mo'pllNl I'Htlenls. Several patients were discharged from the M iic hiKpiiul, Fountain Springs, yesterday 1 one wns received. len ing 80 In various Mice- nl improvement. Tho one admitted w.i-. Ubert K 1-eihy, n niaou, 2 roars old. jiml .1 resident of Shenandoah, who sustained a severe prain of the liack while lirtlug timber at Potts drove co liery. Those tieated :it the dispensary were: Umis Ululauf, SI, A-lil:wnl, laborer. Keystone collteiy. sprain of miisrles of hack, due to lifting; A J Murphy, t t.irtt Creek, eleeliiciaii. piiucluied wound t lic.ul. doe t t 11 blow; llcorgo Koroski. 32, laboier, Keur Itidge colliery, sprain of hack, diet 11 f.ili; Michael Plain rly. 7, li nird- ill.-, trolley ear coudnclor, foreign body in ( ,t. ic.eivod while wit. king; Amlre.v ll-iluo--JS, siieiminIo.ili, lalKirer, Xn. colliery, I 1 ci.itimis of little Anger with evulsion of ni'l lie was squeezed between h lump of ami the side of t..e breast. To the Iji1Ii. bidies Iiavo availed themselves of the opportunity of seeing tho millinery dis j.'iv and the rcnsouable prices at the new ..(ire of Miss R. Roche, IS North Main stieet. An invitation for iuspectlon is i. In ited. 4-1-lm Payne's fllmnltllle Nurseries. Fo nqral designs made up in any desired fi.rm of natural or wax flowers, upon short notice at reasonable prlics. Large variety of frames constantly on hand. Orders may be left nt Morgan's IJaisar. 28 N. Mnln St., or nt Payne's (irecnliouse, Oiiardvlllc, Pa. tf Twenty-five pieces of Im ported Novelty Dress Goods for 25c. per yrtnU These styles are new and are shown exclusively by us. See our window dis play of these and also the splendid stock of LADIES' SHIRT WAISTS. Prices run from 25c. to $1 .50 for Laundered Waists. Don't wait till choice styles are gone but come now and pick from our gteat assortment of stylish waists. CHANGES IN THE TARIFF Will advance many lines of goods. We have made large purchases and can continue to sell fine dress goods and silks at special bargain prices. During January, Feb ruary and March Over a thousand of the famous McCall Bazar Pater Patterns were sold by us for 10 or 15c why pay more ? L. J.WILKINSON MAIN STI1EET. LLOYO STREET. O'HARA'S LIVERY ! BOARDING AND SALES STABLES. Undertaking in - - - - all its Branches. Open Day and Might. Cor. White and Lloyd Streets, Mansion House I Stables, Shenandoah. J MAHANOY CITY. V II HAVE THK HANDSOMK8T JKrillK8 OK ..OIL CLOTHS IN KWX. E. B. FOLEY, -Jft'o. ay West Centre Street. Spring Dress Goods MAHANOY CITt, ICesM) at n llalil Kin! Desferttto lion llnliber. Mahanoy City, Apr. SO. At about three o'clock yesterday afternoon James Sullivan, of Wort 8pruc atreet, was surprised upon enuring his bedroom to be confronted by a strange man. Sullivan nxkrd the eanno of ths stranger' presence and for amwn the cold rnusxle of a revolver was thtirat into his face. Sulllvmi stepped aside and the stranger ! dathed past him and nut of the house. John , Sullivan, a brother of .Tmnen, gave ehaae anil seised the fleeing man's coat tail, vana iog him to stup. but t'e latter turned flcrrety and presented n revolver at hla captors head with a mnrderoua threat. Sill-1 livan released liU hold and the thief dis appeared in the direction of New Huston. All inspection of the room showed that the thief had rifled all except one drawer of two bureaus and secured nothing. Tho drawer which was uiitouohed contained numcy itJ Dunn, formerly of Shenandoah, bus been Inform' d of the death of 111 sister, Mr. Annie Condon, of hrooklyn, N. Y. Mrs. C. K. SeherUlugrr, formerly of town. and now of Philadelphia, is here arranging the datails for a enmrt tn lie ffiveu on Tuea-1 day evening, next, at wliloh hor aon. Victor, 1 a pbenoinlnal boy violinist, will he tho star performer. Ijst week Snperlntcndeiit Evaus, of the Moraa eol liery, verhgny aiiiiouneeil that a reduiMl m of ten per cent, in wage wonttl be made on Tneaday of this week. The em ployes called a meeting for last night awl notices to that effect wore posted shorn the colliery. Yesterday morning they were gratified to find posted at the mine notices signed by General Superintendent K. L, llulhwk announcing that there would las no reduction of wages. The inside lalwrors of tho colliery have n grievance they desire to have remedied and will call a meeting to consider means of redress. It has been cus tomary for lliem to quit work as soon as they can arrange to do so after the miners leave, but a recent rule rcqulirs them to work nine hours full. Stlney .-balder, wllo ercaped from Constable Oeorge on Suiiilnv night was arreted yester. d ly and put under fSOO hail 011 a charge of sun ty. PERSONAL MENTION. C. C. II. Kirlln is home from Philadelphia. W. M. Ilrewer spent tho day in Philadel phia. Arthur Purrish left this morn I g for Joreey, City. John lteckvr, of Delano, waaa town visitor last eveniiiL. .Tele. Toomcy is confined to his homo by nerlniis illness. 1 Miss Chuilotto llofl'innn Is visiting friends in Philadelphia. L. A. Bamberger transuded business at Haxletou to-dny. Tim. Hurst, of base ball fame, whs scon in town last cveuing. William Guy, of Fmckvllle, circulated about town yesterday. Mrs. Comely, of Malianoy City, visited friends in tdwn yesterday. Joseph Keogh, of Girardvllle, enjoyed tho Phoenix dance last evening. Mrs. Koary, of West Oak street, spent .vesterday in Mahanoy City. William Gibson and family, of Palo Alto, urc tho guests of town relatives. Mrs. H. Y. Titmauaml sister, Miss Mnggic Jacoby, spent to-day at I'ottavillo. 1- rederick LUis, after spending Luster with imientF, returned to Wilkesbarro to day. Alexander Ulshafer and lud' friends en joyed 11 drive through tho Catawissu valley. I'liuikliu Kaudcnbusli and family to-duy vacated tliuir residence on North West street and shipped their household effects toSuinmit Hill. Mini Agnes Stein tcturncd last evening from Philadelphia, where she spent several da snt the University of Pennsylvania as tho guest of her sister, Miss Sallie, who is a nurse at the institution. Mrs. JL P. Purccll and sister, Jtiss Ella ICjtnn, yesterday uttendod tho funeral of l ather lieiesford. at Heading. Editor Guiteromn, who wields the pen for 1 ho Sliumokiu DUp.itch, was looking up busluesviiiterests lieio to-day. J. r. Higxins returned home from an IVister visit to lieaver Meadow last eveiilni 11. L. Talley of Baltimore, Md., president of the Homo Friendly Society, and family are guoetsof .Mrs. Tslley's m rents in town Grant LesMg and lriond, Mr. Gill, left for l'ethlehein thi afternoon, to resume their 1 tiuliesatthe lihigh University. Jlrs. Uradley and her two daughters, hnve returned homo from a visit to Hazlcton rleuds. V.. "A. Anituck, Dr. J. S. Kistler and Wushiuxton A T.tinan wore 0 joyins tr.iut Mshing at Shncinnkeraville tu-t'ay. Miss Jewel Giirman, of Xlahauoy City, is visiting lur friend. Miss Knto Maley, ol Wo-st Oak street. T. J. C'oakley nltciided tho Coiftiers funeral it Mahanoy Plane yesterday. Albert Hoover m.iilo a business trip to Baatoii to-day" Jire. Kl'is Duell, of South Jiain street, gave, 'drill to h sin yesterday. , I!ov. Chancs Itols, of Chester, Pa., ar rived in town tiiis morning and is spending 11 low days as the guest of his parents, Mr. and Mr. A. Ji. ltoads, of North Wust strcot. Turkey ltun Visitor. Ku. 1Ii:raXU : In your column of per sonal mention of to-day's issue, I see 110 milieu of a Saturday's -visitor fiou- Palo Alto, in the pirsou of Jlr. Alexander Govau, who visits our iiiounuiin town occasionally, to spend n short season with his daughter, Mrs.J.i 11 C lliittoii, and her liuslstud, the at'e'r u well kimwu engineer amongst you, and their iuti resting fumily, but the muic especially at this tune to speud to-dny, the 10th lust , the 7lth anniversary of his birth. Mr. Gi'Vau has rosultd in Pottsville's vicinity fur the past M years, having reached thu city of Pottsville, accompanied by a wife and cliuu. In the arly tart of the summer of 1818. By the death of hla wife on the 1st lay of July, 1888, nearly 8 years ago, and ill their 48th wedding day, he has since been a very solitary and alone old lean, and to somewhat relieve the monotony. Indulges in u li visits very oftentimes amongst the dif ferent members of his family und friends. Fmiknu or thk Family. Tur'ey Bun, Apiil lBlh. 1'iihtpolleil Public Sale. II F Faust, will have a public sale ou i' , April Mod 18 T, at 1 p. iu at which will be sold a good furm of 18 aeres lor liuek and paultry purjioses, large" poultry lio hi- 3 Hah aud dock ponds, good dwell ings with modern improvements, water in 1 nil about the hulldlugs. .Located 14 miles vet of BraudoMville aud 5 miles from Slien tudouh, ueai 'Stjulre Hutu's farm, The sale was jxMtpotieil 011 account of the weather. St ltov. 1Im to Preach. Iluv. Hess, of Ashland, will occupy the pulpit of the Unite! Kvaugellcal church, 011 N'orth J siil in street, to-night. Self denial week is being observed by this congregation and mi vices will beheld every night duriug the weak. How's Till? We oiler O110 lluudrad Dollars Keward for uu eise of Outarrh tuat can not I hi cured hy Hull's CoUnli Cure. ..,.. K.J CHUNKY , Props., Toledo, O. We the undersigned, have known K. J. Cheney for the lut 1 1 years, and believe him perfectly Uouor.ilile In ull liiiHluess traiMaetions and Aii ..l.,l v ulttc U mrrv out any oblluulioos luude I I iy III. ir II 11. 1 Wmi Tim x, W lioli sule liruuglsls. TOIlo,w WALbiM', Kisnav 4: Maiivin, Wl rbokiatule Drug- lt-t. Toleilo. Ohio. Hall's l'tarrh Cure is taken Internally, acting ilirectlv uniui the blood ttiul inue4His surrttees or the system Price 75c Imt bottle. Hold b) all UriiggitfU i cht'itioolals rree. Hull's Family Pills are the best. PITHY POINTS, itapi'onlnmi Throughout the Ootrejty (Jlimiilclcil tor Hasty rrusl. Neat job work at reasonable rate. The Tort Carbon shoo factory will roanmc on Thursday. Iloldarman, the jeweler, lisYS placed a hamlsnmn oak work bench In Ills Stars. Caroline Rlaekwond, of MalianojrtjyWhf been granted a soldiers' widows' pension. M J. Ulley. the bowery evangelist, Is hold ing f.irth nt I'ottiville an excellent fleld. Lydift Lodge, No. 112. P. of U will hold a bnnqnet at the Ferguson House this evening. Itev. U. Murray, pant or of the Pottsville A. M. K. e.hnndi, isa eandldate for appointnieut Minister to Liberia. John Fry to-day changed his residence from 1IH1 West Colli street, to the residence recently vnc.itcd by T. J. James, on Nuith West strm t Thiily-tlirec persons were confirmed In Jerusalem church, 1. In 8t. John's Keformed church and 10 in St. Malthow'a Lutheran eliurch, Haven, on Suiidty, Circiilnr notice was served by the I & It. lty.. nt (loidon and Mahanoy Plane, to the effect that a general suspension would be In progress while the mines are idle hereafter. Only very Important trains are to lie ruu. TO CUIUS A COI.ll IN ONH DAY Take laxative llfotno quinine Tablets. All drttggurta refund the money if it fails to euro. St ocnta. ltedtieeil Iuro. Tho Grunt Monument Ceremonial In New York on April S7th will lie ol of the grandest affairs of the Century. The parade will Include 80,000 men representing most of the states of the union. Pennsylvania will lie represented by half u doion picked regi ments of the National Guard and elaborate. pTcprratiiins arc being made to properly handle the multitude that will bo gathered on the occision. For tho accommodation of those desiring to attend the Philadelphia Heading Hallway will sell excursion tickets at the rate of $1.17, good going April 20th and 011 early trains of April 87th ami good to return up to and including April 39tli. For further particulars inquire at ticket offices, (it The Mine Mule ( (In. J. Strouse, repreFeiitlnp tlio Baldwin Loco motive Works of Philadelphia, Is in Ashland or toe purpose 01 iiitrtuMtug IS new mine lo:omotlves, which have Just been turned out I of thu rImjvo named works foT the P. A It. C. A 1. Co. Ho will place 011c III Ashland, Gil herton, Slienandwili and Flue Grove, und the lials lire In tho surrounding collieries. Their introduction will dispense with the labor of ! elected, nml his Honor has since been sus many men, and will eventually supplant the ! tulned by tho Supreme Court, yet Judge mine mule. asmmmm?frmmmmf?iw!K 3 3 We asked a 3 friend what he'd 3 pay for a certain 3? pairofourshoes. 3 He said $2.50 or 2 $3.00, and think z them worth the 3, price. He knew 2 somethingof the 3 Sinsideofthe shoe 3 'business, too, but 2jj he was wrong ; B; he judged what he by saw 3 3 ftZ SIT I Si ! elsewhere. We admit they were 3 worth it, as shoes are 3 qi regularly sold irr some 3 places, but that wasn't 2j our price ; we sold them 3 for $1.75. 3 2 E He'd make the same K mistake in our $1.50 3 shoes. According to 3 K some stores' valuation they'd be 2 or $2.50. 3 : They look it ; but we S: don't charge for looks. s jt Factory-price won't let 5 us go higher than $1.50 3 iEE 2 Not only in the $1.50 line, but in every other 3 3 line in the store we show the same price- 3 E saving instances. We can beat any ordinary 3 r store all the time; evTy 3 XZ a time 3 & 2 And then we make our customers a i present of a beautiful Parlor 3 Lamp when purchases 3 amount to S25.00. 3 I FACTORY... 1 SHOE STORE,! J. A. M0YER. Mgr. 4- S: Shoes Retailed at F dory Prices. 3 5 I Always r mm POLITICIANS ACTIVE, Many Peculiar Combination Nov 1 'or hied til the County. Mpeclnl HrHAVh porretponriciice PoTTHVIi I.K, April 20, 18IM3 The politicians have caught tho fever, and WlUi th spring weather and the advent of tire Easter girl, the local statesmen are dis playing much more activity than during the past month or so. Especially Is this true of those among thorn who arc seekers after the 1 loaves and fishes. It H expected that at least one or two plums will fall to the lot of 1 Schuylkill county within the next thirty 1 days. Your readers will remember tlmt sometime ago 1 stated that Send-1 tor Coylo was an applicant for a consul-1 ship; recent events verify that statement, when new comes from Washington to tho effect that Congressman Brum 111 has tiled I Coyle's application fox umsul to Uraril or I some nlber Mouth American lonnlry. The 1 I kuonli'g ones say Ills application n 1 outing- I put niaiii 0110 or two things. 'I'M stme bus I Iwcn allottid ten foreign consulates, and there I I. r. arm of aimliciiits from Pinnsyl- vania. Senators Quay and Pi nrrse will go over thcae applications and select the liu-ly ' ten and there Is grave doubt of any Schuyl kill coniitnln lielng numbered among tho lucky oms Coylo Was 1, ei ived any nuin'x r of lttters from prominent Republican leadms In this county wishing him success. Your coneipoi dent waa shoan one or two of them Wore they were mailed. While the writers were anxious for the Senator to receive consulship, they objected to him "'"B p l-ill. They wanted him to go to the Fiji Islands, or some other port from whence his return would not lie so easy. Our Democratic friends are displaying muoli Interest In the next Republican county convention. This statement is nothing out of the usnal ; but the enemy's interest just now is centered upon the position the Iiepuu llcniis will assume as to the Judgeship. It Is generally concerted that the Ilepublloans will endorse Judge lieolilol, and thus throw the main contest to he borne by the candidates fur Sheriff. This tlie Democratic, aspirants fur that olllce will try to avoid, if possible. They would rather see the Republicans 110m- mate n eamuuate Hgaiiist, ueciuei. ion publicans will have a candidate for Judge, provhlud there Is a vacancy on the bench, and thus test the sincerity of the Democratic claim for a non-parllsau Judiciary. The politicians at the county seat are 1 evlnciii" much interest In the flnsl outcome of tho Borough Justice controversy at blien andoah and Alahanoy City. It will he re membered tint Judge Pershing decided that tho nreJBiit incumbents Messrs. Iiawlor, Card In, Coylo tilltl Jones were list legally Iteulitel refused, at this time, to issue a writ of ouster, because Mr. Whalcn, counsel for tho present incumljoiits, desired to be honril. And thereby hnngsn political talo. In which 0110 or two of the legal profession aro iuteresttil. There is a movement 011 foot headed by Senator Coylo, to have the Gover nor's IcbbI adviser reudor an opinion de claring that there was no vacanoy existiug at the time Messrs. Shoemaker and Toomey. of 35 1 Shenaudoah, and May and Kettier, of Maha I noy City, were elected in February last, and 1 hence the Governor must appoint inasmuch us the court has declared that the present In cumbents were illegally elected and never entitled to the positions they have usurped for tho past year or so. If the political tricksters and trimmers, who euro nothing for tho rights and privileges of tho people, can persuade the Uovcmor to their way of thinking, tho next ttcp to bo taken hy Seuntor Coylo, as outlined by one, or two of his followers bore, Is to demand the rc-iippn'-tuient of all the present liorough Justices, Ith tl single exception of 'Kquiro Jt. J. Lftvi or, who does not lit present enjoy tho conf.detiec ,pf tho Senator from your district. And riiht there bangs another talc nntl another deal, verifying that trito old saying. "I'olitics makes strange bedfellows." When it l unfolded it will open S.01110 peo ple's ey.s, and causo thcra to doubt tho slncoiii'y of the average politician. It appears that Coyle displays the part of an ingr.itc in his opposition to 'Squire Lawlov, who has advanced tho Senator's interests far more thsu those ho now advo cates for appointment. Hocause tlie 'Squiro would not sacrifice his political opinions on the financial question, Coylo has no more use for him. The 'Squire is to be congratulated. Here are tlie meu whom Coylo will favor for the iip-ointinents: Coyle (tho Senator's brother) and Jones, of Muhauoy City, and Cardin and Dengler, ofljheiiandoah. It will no doubt surprise many to know why he should f.ivor the last named for appointment, but if your renders will watch carefully the progress of tho stato delegate contest ill the First district, perhaps they will readily un derstand tho reasons therefor. Tho deal is on, as I am reliably informed, and it may yet oxtend farther than tho stato delegate fight, and have somo bearing on the presi dential appointments in the big towns above tho mountain. Truly, consistency is a rare jowel among a certain class of politicians. I am neither a prophet nor the son or a prophet, but I'll risk this prediction on the Justiceship muddle: That If tho local court Is calhd upon to decide the quostion as to whether or not a vacancy existed at the time Messrs. Shoemaker, Toomcy, May aud Ketuer were elected, that it will decide, there was a vacancy ; that the Attorney General will hold to the same opinion, aud that the Governor will issue cuinmisbious to these gentlemen, notwithstanding any deals that may have been made by Senator Coylo or may licrenftcr be made. Tho only doubtful one upon the list is Cardin, as a strong pres sure is being brought to bear on tho Senator to have him favor Shoemaker, 6ne of the ousted wnrd 'Squires aud It is likclylie will favor hlui. My old friend aud legal colloaguo, J. Harry James, is an applicant for an auditorshij) iu the Treasury department at Washington Harry's cognomen has caused tho newspaper men much trouble, some of them wilting i "MrJames," while even tho Republican, which should know better, gives if as "Jawes." As "there's nothing In a name" my bachelor friend may rest easily ou that score. Much interest is manifested at the county seat over the proposed insurance investigation in the Senate, where it is claimed that cer tain members of that body offered "to kill the bill" if the insurance company, against which the measure is aimed, would put up iAO.OUO. A resolution was offered by Senator Uobiu for an Investigation as to the truth of the rumors, aud punishment-nf the guilty parties. By way of Harrisburg it is learned that Senators Quay aud Penrose will have tlie disposal of all presidential otllees in this state, and that this arrangement Is agreeable to the Feuusylvanla Congressmen. My authority for this ataUment is a memiter of tho legislature, who la very close to tmi (Juay people. Siilu of Sellout ltonds. Subscriptions will bo received at the office of the Secretary of tlieScliool Hoard, iu til West street school building, for the sale of twantv-flve tliousaad (&3.000) dollars worth of Hhenanduah School District bonds. The bonds will liear date of April 1, 1S0T. and will ruu thirty years. Interest four per cent payable scinl annually. Denominations : Twenty $100 bouds; tweuty f200 bonds, aud thirty-eight fSOO bouds. By order of the Board. J. J. Prick, Fresideut. Attest : Fb.vnk Hanka, Secretary. Jewelry .Store Ileinuvwl. A. Ilolderiuaii'x jwelry store ha been re moved to tho newly rcnmiloled store room at No. 31 N'oith Maiu street, between the Kehlerund (luiighau dry goods stores, where courteous and liberal treatment will ho ex tended toall old as well us new customers. Odd fellows' May. The Central PeiuisylVttuta Odd follows Association will hold the largest demonstra tion 11 Its history on tho twenty-tilth ot this month. In Mt. Ctarmel. The Iflo&l commit tee are making extensive preparations to receive the visiting lodges. The various mining operations will suspend work on that occasion and the railroads have given a special low rate of fare. Tho town will be handsomely deoorated. The following named Grand Lodge officers will Id present : Amos. II. Hall, (Irani! Master; W. Qftylord Thomas. Deputy Grand Master ; Samuel Mc- Keevur, Grand Wanlen; Esau Loomia, unnid Conductor; It. 11. Graham. Grand Mantliall ; James Montgomery, Grand utiardliiu ; Warren It. Coggawell, Grand jHgi, iMct of the Grand Uneampmtmt. A iHrg(, number of Cantons, Encampments and milinrdinate lodges from Schuylkill, North- nmlierland. Lycoming, Montour, Columbia, i?nlon, Tioga, Suyder, Uiuiphltr, Usrbou and rue counties will bo repiescnted In the monst parade. Shnmukln will send ncaily thi.mand Odd Fellows. - Hhoiiiuidonli llentiil I'nrlors. Latest tnetifods of dentistry, good work- inanship. moderate prices. Positively loetl extracted without pain Kntlro satisfaction given. tS-l n J. r. -HuhNMAN, 1). I). 8. I Deeds lteeonled. 1 From Win. Searer and wife to llebeeea , .lames, premises In Tower City; from Jacob Searer to Rebecca James, premises in Tower I I'ltv rrnin Rebecca James to 11. Jr. Shirk. ,.mm.U... I Tut III. j 1 . . 1. , .... m ... 1 1 1 u from .Mary Peters to Diniel Diets, premises in liutler township; from C. Marburger et nl., to Stephen Greena willt. premises In Kast Brunswick township: from SyletUt Itelgel and wife to IMwanl C. Keigel, premises ill Toltsvillc; fruiiiTheiHlore Gordon and wife to Catharine Jt. Williams, premises In Cresaous; from Joseph Robbing to .Margaret Devers, premises in Shenumlixili; from Daniel Shcpp and wife to Syle J. Focht, premises in Kllue township; from Bartholomew Trainer to JIary J. Jfcllreen, premises In Malinnoy City; from Jenbln Hopkins Guard et al to Fred Shod, promises In Mahanoy City; from Jouatlian Otto and wile to Jonathan I). Otto, promisee in lleglns township; from J. II. Otto to Kmsnuel Schwalm, premises in 1 logins township; from John II. llauui and wife to llogins Park Association, premises in Hegltis town ship; from Sophia Zimmerman to Charles W. Kverctt, promises In Union township. Now Undertaker, T. J. Coakley has opened an undertaking establishment in town with his oflieo located at J. J. Conkley's, 38 North Main street. Night culls at tho Ferguson Houso. 3-1-t License Transfers, Retail llcenseof Ann Hurklns, Second ward of Pottsville, to Jlnrgarct Larkin. Rotail licenso of W. Cxyzowski, in tlie Sec ond ward of Shenandoah, to Vincent ICuprel" wiecs. Liceuse of I'Mward C. IEeddy,' In the Sec ond wnrd of Ashland, to Geo. W. Kcllar. Liconso of Teter Blldor, in the borough of Gordon, to Kilward C Reddy. License of Patrick Flynn, in tho Middle ward of Girardvillo, to Miles Itoaoh, License of Henry Reiuhweiu, In Butler township, to William Keillor. When billons or costive, eat .1 (iukviret candy cathartic, cure guaranteed, 10c, 2Bc. Miirrlago Licenses. Clifford W. Klwluser, of Rending", aud Mary M. I).inncbaum, of IVtsvillo." Michael J. Ryan, of Mahanoy township, and Maggie Qiilun, of Buck Mountain. Jeremiah Sehock and Debbie Schaefler. both of Schuylkill county. I homas Stone Lako and Kal 0 Reed, both of St. Cla!. Bartholomew McDonald and Mary Hacorty. both of K ."Uawltliam. ,t for over 01 me uiooo rcr inrjEALfJIA und similar Complaints, r.-i 1 pmpartu uaacr ma strmecnt GERMAN MEDICAL LAWS., irvttuiuttu oy cmineiiipaysjcian DR. niCHTER'S 11 VVorM renowned I nemarksblv eucpesaf nl 1 HOnlve-i-iinl lovlill Trade AIark Anchor.1 t . Ail. ltlch I er . Co. , S 1 5 Pearl St., Kcw York. 31 HIGHEST AWARDS. 13 Branch Honee, Own Glassworks. 23 Si CO cts. Eudorscd & recomincadcd by Unptey, irr.N Slnli, f-t.l Hnncribmh. 103 N. Main St., f l: I). Klrlln, 0 8. Main St. , siicrauuouli. DH. RICHTEH'S ' OANCIIOU" STOMAOIIAr. b..t M it- v. .... NOVELTIES AT- YOST'S JEWELRY STORE. Large assortment of Sul phur settings in Ladies' Bracelets, Fobs and Rings. Musical GOOdS and instru ments. A full line. Clocks We are selling at remarkably low pfiaoh?- All kinds. Frameless Eye Glasses are what you want to wear to be up-to-date. They will look well on you. Jewelry - Store, 112 N. riain St. Evan J. Davies, I.IVERY AND Undertaking ! 13 N. Jardln Street. A Handsome- Complexion Is one of the greatest charms ft woman oan possess. I'ouoni's CoMrusxiOH Pqwukb gives it. Pages from the Diary of Capt. JoSin W. Moore, Newbury, Irtd Ian. O. MSroh 22. "A sore luis broaen out on the under side of my boy's b'p, ond It I'h'i d I s c lin r ,'.1 voi y !. 1ahil l-'ft an cr -I'liii hbout an Inch deep, the b!z3 of a stiver dol lar. Ho U:is to be given con stantnttentlon. Our physician tells us to keep tlie sore run nine. A second sore has ap peared on his groin And broken. Tha boy Is vary low. 1 askea the doctor about (ttvliiB linn Hood's S a i' sap artllit, w h i 4 ft has cure i so fnatiy such cases, but lie said he could give him medicine that Is tour times bettor and does not cost "Our llttlo boy, who has suffered for six years with lameness in his Iilp, continues to grow worse, -although we have applied many kinds of liniments. The family doctor lias deelded that the boy lias hip Joint disease, nndho urges us not to meddle with the ease, say ing It Is best to nllowlttotaRB Its own oourse, tVe feel very anxious about 111 m. I wish we could find something which would ctlact a cure. I fear It will develop Into a vory serious affair." J. W. Mooiik. n s m ii c n . " J. W. Mooiik. tinr k. ffl Is lour times - - l w bettor and V does not cost J -J 1 J. W. MoonKSfe, Pages lileo those- nbovo ar8 penned in the personal records of thousands of people. In the memories of many more tlie BtipcOSS of Hood's Sarsapa rillais indelibly imprinted. Tho cures ty Hood's Sarsaparllln are literally written in blood in blood mdo pure, enriched and vitalized, cured of scrofulous taints, salt rheum, boil i, pimples, spring humors in blood which properly builds up the nerves, strengthens tho stomach and gives that tonic to tho system so imperatively needed in tho Spring. IS TdT.l Spi-irg Medicine PACTORY s 231-340 Nortli Emerick Street, SIWNANVOA7I, PA. I have made a general reduction to do so until May 29th. FOR THIS WEEK We offer two assortments of glassware for 5 ana 10 cents that cannot be beat any where for the money in town. A FINE LINE OF GLASS LAMPS. Meluskey & Son, 105 S. Main St. MILLINERY ! To lit r numeroua friends Miss Sallie Senior in North Main Street, Has returned from tlie citv with the fhicst solcction of Ladies' Millinery uooas. Easter Opening qu Friday, April gtli. DO YOU WISH TO BE IN THE SWIM ? If so, call and see our new stock of Pi (Chocolate Mine Goloueb ..Sboes For Ladles' siS Gents', Latttst'Tcas. Uatast Colors, Prlca Bight. SHIPP'S KEilE STORE, 17 North Main Street. v i ivt 1 1 1 i tin taaviisa Oct. 5. " How glad I May o. "Tho doe tor's medicine w.i'.ch I have been giving 0. '.r boy has not 1 vcneJ at any 1. vail. The 1 . , CO Jt' 1.110(1 worse : . d 1 linto i i .'i 1 r vlnj l: '. n, mid cow ho Is tak ing Hood's Bur saparilla. I got a bottle from tho druggist a. few days afo and I bel!cv I can see that the boy Is Im prnvlng unflpr the treatment." J, W. Moor.B. , Am that I ever triad Hood's Bftrsaparltla for ray boy's flip disease. When lie had finished taking the first bottle be looked ntty per cent better. I eontlnnod giving him Hood's Snrsa parlllaamlnow lie is qulto well. Ho runs and plu 5 1 w:tu tlie oth.'r ohil drcn and wo an h-.n'.ly lie llcve ho is the laino child, thanks to Hood's Sarsa parllla, wliIFft we have proved to be I n d e e d the One True Blond Puri fier." J . W. Mooiin. Sarsa parilla Tho One True Blood Purifier. SCREEN FRAHES. SCREEN KIINUi. .Vniiufncfurer of Screens, WINDOW GUARDS, STABLE GUARDS, TREE GUARDS, liuon jfences Of all descriptions at lowest rates. in Ir6n Fhnchs and will continue AUSGELLANEOUS. noil 8&T.K. Street niirlnklor In ' linn Will l.Msr.1,1 tnrtm Itihl Cnllllnbla llotx- 0 , Hliennml'ouli, l'a. 4-10-tt FOIt 8.VI. IS. Store prunerty at Idirnenvllli-. I'll.. With fctnek. Mild fill (lNyillht nt flMtth in family. Kasy terms nn property. Inquire nf Dr. Keeler, finrnesvllle, Scluiylktll county, I'cnna. 4-lU-2w ESTATE OP JOHN W. BUIlI'OItl). Intc of . Lost Creek township of Went Miihiinoy Hcluiylklll county, ilccfasol. -Letters of ail inlnlMratloii on tlie above i state hnrlni; been CV.inteil to the linilenlKUeil, all jiersoua in ilebteUto Biilil estate nre lrqiiesteil to make payment, anil thoso hnvlnr; claims or uYuianils nstiliiht the estate of auhl ileceilent to present the same without delay. J . iip.oroni, Aflmiuistrator, IHWJt-oaw Olrord Hiilliline;, l'lilln ,1'u. ajmmmmmmffmiwmmK B A BEAUTIFUL GIFT " FOR THE COMING HOLIDAYS. S COUPON TO HERALD" 3 READERS. The holder of SO Coupons of the -fi HERALD Is entitled to a llrst closs life- Z size, irci'-nnna water color rortrait -s aZ. worth $15.00, made from liny distinct 3 photOKruph, hy paying 6B CentB lit M. Uecker's studio, 3c4 W. Centre street, Sheiumdouh, ta. OPEN SUNDAYS. fr- Bend photaeraph In Immediately C and have coupons ready upon re- colpt of portrait. - 3 NO COUPON, NO PORTRAIT, poll SHEItll'F, H. S. ALBRIGHT, Of Orwiossuro. SuliJeoUail4iUIIjli, JjWK BIIKBIFP, S. ROLL BEDDALL, Op l'OBT CAHHOH. Suliject to Itepuhlioaii rules, - BROM-KOLOA ALCOHOLIC, HBHVOUS AKD MLIOUS HBADACHQS' Ourwl by this granular eittrveeeent nml stimu lant. An Instant aure (or sour stomaelis anil lieaduetiM, whleli otttt) aooumulnte froni havinir a nlKht out. JOHN F. CLEARY, BOTTLER OF CARBONATED DRINKS, 17 and 19 Peach Alley, Shea A genuine welcome wait you at JOE WYATT'S SALOON. Cor. Haiti and Coal Sta. Finest whiskeys, Utter porter and ale oor.staotly on tap. Obolca eraperuuae drluls and cigars. t- it -