The evening herald. (Shenandoah, Pa.) 1891-1966, April 20, 1897, Image 2

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tuS1tahed every Evening, Kxcrpt Hand), at
i Hncrn tiaum Strbi.t. N'm ''krtbk.
Tit Herald t tlpitveirrl hihetiAiulimri nnd the
iir 'XinUlim towns for six renin week, pay
able fcn ih carriers. By mall M Off a yenr. or Vi
cents a month, pyall In advance. Advertlie
iriante otmrifttM uocordlna tn iHtce and position
Th puhllnhcru reserve the right to change thr
position of advertisement whenever the nub
llcfttfmt of news duni.ttids It. The right b
Mwrved t rcjcet Any ilverU.oini'nt, wlvthor
uatd for or not. Hint the uuMUher. ma deem
improper. AavartUlntt rase ma-le kinrtvn
upo-i iptteation.
Knte-o 1 t the pmitonlen At AhenAmloah, I'n., a
second oI.iam umll matter.
"All ihe Nsws TW's Fll to Mri." H ran I d
TUESDAY. APMT. 90, 1987.
Wiikn tlreek meets Turk then comes the
tug of war.
Tn weather Mils morning was chilly
enough to make one envy the man who lias
a consulate In llrasll or Madagascar.
We pnbl'sh to-day an interesting political
letter from our regular county seat cormpon
dent, and it will be read by our readers with
a great deal of interest.
T.varFF and bimetallism thow two area t
huue of the cauipVigo have been prouil
nently at the front during tho past week in
Washington. And those people who doubted
or professed to doubt the sincerity of the
profo.ions of the Republican party on either
of these subject have found tliat they were
mistaken. A thoroughly protective tariff,
one which looks after the interests of tie
farmer and the workiiignmn that is what
the new Dingley act in tn be tvhen it gets
upon the statue books what It is in fact to
day, fur the proh Idlilim are that it will be
little changed by the Senate. Eirnest and
intelligent efforts in Ifhalf uf international
blmotillimi that is what l.ut week's worl,
me-.ins upon that snbj et. The appointment
of the i-tuir.nitii-in, whoo names bnvo al
ready lwen given the public, assures prompt
vlgorou-t, and, it is Imped, Biioteasful work.
TirRnnihrielteiioalimde is imprnving and
them-irkeis are taklug about nil Hie newly
mined coal that iahetug produced. The de
mand for c. wl U repoitid tola) Incre.-wlug,
and while tin-re is noted souie alight shading
from i, ii'inwtioiis, pric'sara being
pretty well maintained, and an advaliet
about the lt of June is 1 ready talked or.
Tlie larger producing interests appearto have
the anthnicito markets well under their con
trol, and this condition has been brough'
about by the rigid curtailment uf the output
of coal and consequent tnaluleuauce of prices.
All of the anthracite raining and carrying
companies continue to work in close bar-
monv, and from the best information obtain
able from reliable sources they are likely to
continue doing so for tho remainder of this
year. The local lino and city trado is more
active and both dealers ami consumers are
beginning to realize tho determined attitude
of tho controlling spirits to keep the market
in gooi shape. Consequently there is more
disposition to buy coal an J restock yards and
cellars for future consumption.
TilB refusal of the lower court yesterday
to forthwith grant a writ of ouster against
tho Borough Justices in this town and Slab
anoy City, was received with a great deal of
dissatisfaction by tho people of thfse two
towns, who fail to find the necessity for
further delay in carrying out an order of
court. Judge Pershing decided that Messrs.
Lawlorand Cardin were illegally elected;
that they havo no right to hold the position
of JiiBtice of the Peace, because of non
compliance with the election laws of the
state. This decision has, after a loug and
tedious delay, been affirmed by tho Supreme
Court, aud it is reasonable to supposo that
tho lower court would sustain its former
position in the execution of a writ of ouster,
without further delay. What effect any ar
gument tho counsel for Lawlor and Cardin
may offer, in view of the couvt's position in
the matter, can have upon the case is dlfll-
cult to understand. The ease has been
argued pro and con; tho lower court, sus
tained by tho Supreme Court, has decided
thst these men are not entitled to their
offices, and all that remains is to issuo com
missions to their successors. The present in
cumbents sneaked into ofllco, by the grace of
the Senator from this distiitt, and they will
probably sneak out again if they are not
llred out by an order from tho court. Judge
Ilechtel can issue im ouster none too soon fur
the peoplo of these two towiis.
The editor of the Geneva, (X, Y.) Courier,
in a recent Issue, puts In an entirely just
protest against the two common lack of ap
preciation of what the newspapers are doing
for tho churches, on tho part of pastors and
churoh officers.
While recognlxing the fact that it is the
newspaper's duty, in all cases, to print church
news as well a any other kind that it it
proper to use, the Courier truly says it fre
iiiiently liapieus that, though the newspapei
continually prints notices of value to the
work and life of tlie church, a nice sense is
sometimes lacking ou the part of those who
have to place prluting and advertising for
the church, who often take it to a iob
nriuting oftlce not connected with a uows-
paper, or send it out of town.
Iu the ouiniou of Kewspuperdom with
which no doubt many publisher will differ
it i unwise a general thing to give voice
to such complaints in the columns of the
newspaper whose publisher Is grhsved. -Tbi
trouble U that such a course dots not help to
straighten out matters. Uetter frrweuld be
a call upon the clergyman or other person
couccrned, and a straightforward presents
tion of the facts and arguments. With few
exceptions, the justice of the point made will
be conceded, and from that moment a rela
tion esbibllshed that ill be more satisfactory
to both parties.
Mo publisher, dealing with ordinarily rea
enable people, and rightly putting the claims
of his paper at a purely busmen enterprise,
will fail thus to achieve ids purpose, and
make money at it, too, in the loug run. lie
would be foolish indeed who failed to appre
ciate the power of the churches and the work
they accomplish for the good of humanity ;
and who, instead of maintaining a helpful re
ciprocal relation, should adopt au even par
tially antagonistic attitude toward them.
L-a ji- mi mi iuji-xjju iJi ma
No Master Outfit
Is comnlete without a pair of our colored
shoes. And just tblnk of lite inoeey you
save by buying from us at factory rncee.
Factory eW 8Tlt.
(fcaoarete stimulate liver, kidneys and
bowels. Never sicken, weaken or gripe, 10c.
, 1 j, ..
Latest reports from Alaska pnld
field report them fabulously rich In
The Now York assembly last night
passed the bill to prevent the wearing
of high hats tn theaters. '
A man and two women In a rowboat
off Tacoma, Wash, weie attacked by
a hupp wtupus, which was killed with
Forty Japanese left San Francisco
yesterdaj for Mexico, whore they will
settle on Mexican free grants, and 600
more will soon follow.
Three indictments were returned by
the grand Jury against Milton O.
Cops, fugitive president of the First
National bank of Pacudah, Ky.
One to nt-tloiisof DeaVnOititment
will eure tne worncacoi itcuing iuu more
over was. Can you alroni to sinter torture
when a simple, never-falling remedy Is at
hand T )Mli's Ointment never fails.
Jjooomotlvei I'liingv J own a Monntnlii
Ka.ispel, Mont.. Apill 20. Eastbound
passenger train No. 4 on the Great
Northern struck a broken rail about
two miles east of Dear Creek. The
train was bilnc pulled by two engines,
and both locomotives broke loose from
the train and were burled down steep
embankment. One engine went down
the mountain about ICO feet and lbs
other about SO feet. The-two engineers
and rlremen wore badly hurt. As the
engines broke away the air was put on
instantly apd the train camo to a
sudden stop.
Tho Weather.
For eastern Pennsylvania, New Jr-
ty, Delaware ana Maryianu: icair;
(older; northorly wind, ,
Take laxative ftnitnn (Jiiliiiiie Tablets. Ah
Irugglsts refund the money if it fails to cure.
C;.joa!t;o.i .u i ae nu..e i-i I.t 1 .
friwvrtt-, i at., Aytil 20. Ihc;to
appo .!.. i n tr.H iuii.o it L.ecc.3 us
the r.u.t uuTtj.';ior g-ner:il of Canada
is creating; in'.tuse excitement in tem
peraucu anu prohibition circles. The
duko's connection with the llguor traf-
llo has stirred tlie Uoynl Templars to
issue a cfroular to all lodges askins
them to pass rasolutlons (tonounoing
the proposed appointment. These reso
lutions are to be presented to tho do
minion prohibition convention, which
meets in July. It Is oxpeeted that the
officers of the convention will oommu-f
nlccte with the Imj enr.l a-Lhoritlcs on
tho subject.
Dr. Thnmao' Eelec'ric Oil has cured hun
dred of cisis of deafness that were supposed
to bo Incurable. It never fails to cure oar-
Tho WoohliiRton Vsg llnlloi'M.
Washington, April 20. The annual
egg rolling festival In the White House
grounds, which always occurs on the
Monday following Easier, took plaee
yesterday. Thousands of merry, laugh
ing children, with baskets of vari-col-ored
eggs, began trooping Into tho
grounds before 10 o'clock, accompanied
by their parents and nurses, and by
noon there were fully 5,000 children on
tho spacious lawn in the rear of the
executive mansion rolling eggs, rollick
ing up and down the hills and playing
about tho fountain. It was a very
Democratic gathering, white and black
tots playing indiscriminately. At 3
o'clock, when the Marine band began
to play, there were fully 15,000 peopie
In the crounds. Mrs. McKinley, with
Mrs. Saxton by her side, sat at tho
window. She was Joined for a few
minutes by tho president, who nodded
his acknowledgements to the frantio
waving of thousands of handkerchiefs.
An Affidavit.
This is to certify that ou May 11th, I
walked to Ifrlick's drug store ou a pair of
crutches and bouslit a bottlo of Chamber
Iain's Pain Balm for inflammatory rheuma
tism which had crippled me up. After using
three bottles I am completely cured. I can
cheerfully recommend it. Charles II. Wet
zel, Sunbury, Pa.
Sworn and subscribed to before mo on
Aunust 10. 1801. Walter Shinman. J. P.
cor sale at au cents per uoitio oy urunier
Broi., drug storo.
The SiuUon ltl iA 'Wliont.
New Trrfc, ,Aprll 20. The announce
ment that war had been declared be
tween i.:c;..e and Turkey set the
wheat ni.j. jt wild. On the heels ot
Saturday s tour cent rise in prices
came anuthcii-iirr.p of four cents, May
onenliiK all t".:e way from S2W to 83
For an hoiif i'-ve market was in a fu
rore, with vulues tluctuating so wildly
that It as next to impossible to fol
low their au.r. May reached Si on
one of Its i:d i-purts, which proved to
be the h'ph wtit-jr mark for the day.
Suddenly everyb V.y who had clamored
to buy wheat at the opening turned
sellers, ar.d Ilty tumbled to 80 before
the seliUjjj .aavement could be check
ed. FrorrT this point there was a later
rise to t-lt, followed by a setback to
81Vi, ar..i u subrequent rally.
Every Wife
feels on indescribable dread of the
danger attendant upon the most oriti
cal period of her life. Becoming a
mother should ho a source of Joy, but
the niTering and danger of the ordeal
makes its anticipation one of misery.
a thoroughly tested remedy, gently
prepares the system for this period,
lessens the pain, and removes all
danger. Its use insures a saie ami nap
py termination of the dreaded event.
91.00 PBK BOTTLE at all Dru Stow,
or Bent by mail on receipt or price,
RrtrWQ Containing Invaluable Information of
OUU"' interest to all women, will bo sent to
rntr. ay auuress upon appuoaiion, dj
Tbt Vradgsld Ktgulator Co., Atlanta, Si.
lilHons.Qf Dollars
Do np in smoke every year. Take at
risks but get your houses, stock, fui
aiture, etc., Insured in flrst-olass rc
liable companies as represented by
t U r.lli' ami Awldantsl On manel ti
r&esmw to Hlr.
If i u want to hire a sate nail ill',
Muiu fur (Jrl ring or ''H workl imc ponxMi
mv Mifefeix' livery stable a vMV Team,
wrtufetMjr ou baud at rwwoaahUt rat"
ST lie Kkl Cooke strtwt.
),...tlte Heading railroad station.
Mother's Friend
Mnnynn's Ilhenmatiim Cure h guaranteed
to cure acute or mimular rheumatism in
from one to Ave days. Sharp shooting pains
in any prt uf the body stopped by a few
doses. A prompt, complete and permanent
aire for lameness, soreness, still' back and all
I pains in hips ami lulus. Chronic rhoumitlsni,
sciatica, liimnago or pain in me osea are
speedily ruivd. It seldom fails to give relief
from one or two doset, and almost invariably
cures liefure nue buttlo has been used.
Price 25c.
Improved lioinoeonathle Homo Ueniedv
&'y J?" ,Z " JfK, fi'JES'
(juide to Health free,
Personal lot tors to Prof. Munrou. 1503 Aroh
street, Philadelphia, Pa . answered With free
medical advii rorauv tllsease.
Miti-itoror Hult.v t itprnred.
Montreal, April 20. Joseph B. Kelly,
aceufed oi the murder of Joseph A.
Stiokniy, cauhlor of the Great Falls
National bank, Komcrworlh, N. II.,
was captured here last night In a house
of 111 repute. Kelly was In the garb of
a woman. When the detectives con
fronted the stlpposed woman and ac
cused him of being Kelly he calmly re
plied: "I gues ybu chumps havtf got
your man this time." He declined to
say anything about the murder, except
that he had an' accomplice. He added
that the accomplice told him that he
had "fixed" Cashier fiMckney. He had
$1,700 In his possession.
It will bo an agreeable Surprise tn persons
subject to attacks of bilious colic to learn that
prompt relief may lie had by taking Cham
berlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Rem
edy. Initially iu-tauees the ultack niay'be
prevented by taking tlil remedy as soon as
tho first symptoms of tho disease appear. ST
and 80 cent bottles for sale by flruhler llros.,
A Tour to AViishiugton.
The next personally-condjieted tour to
Washington via Pennsylvania Itallwm! will
leave New Yolk and Philadelphia April 28
Tickets, including transportation, hotel nc
eon m KlatiuiM and every necessary oxpenso.
will lie soldnt the following rate: From New
York, Ihuoklyn and Newark. $1150; Phillips
burg, N. J., $Ur0; PotUviile. $11.30; Cupo
May, $12 75; Philadelphia. fll.BOi and at
proportionate rates from other points,
For tickets, itineraries and full information
apply in ucbcvk HueoiT, lounKi .geut, jji'u
llrnadway, New York, or Geo. W. Iloyd, As
sistant General Pas onger Agenl, Board Street
Station. Philadelphia.
A Household Necessity.
Cttoarets Candy Cathartic, the most won
derful medical discovery of tho age, pleasant
abd refreshing to tho taste, act gently and
positively on kidneys, liver and bowols,
cleansing tho entire system, dlspol colds, cure
headache, fever, habitual constipation and
biliousness. Ple,o buy and try a box of
C. C. C. to duy; 10, 25, 50 cents. Sold and
guaranteed to cure by all druggists.
Comlnir Invents,
liny 30. Ico cream and strawberry festival
in Hobhins opora bouse, under tho au-pices
of tho societies of Triuity Reformed church.
Uticklon's Arnica Salve. '
Tho beat salvo in tho world for cuts,
bruises, sores, ulcers, salt rheum, fevor sorcj,
tetter, chapped hands, chilblains, corns, ana
all skin omntions. and nositively cures nilo3.
oi jo pay rcquirea. iz is guaraniceu to give
Dcrtcct satlstaction or mouy retunaea. rnce
25 cents per box. For salo bv A. Wnsloy.
To Invostlfriito the ISutz Case.
Washington, April 20. Judge "Will
lam It. Day, of Canton, Q., who will
leave hero In a few days for Havana,
to Investigate the Itulz case, saw the
president yesterday. He also called at
the state department and Interviewed
Secretary Sherman and Assistant Sec
retary Rookhlll. He has thoroughly
equipped himself for his mission, which
Is strictly Judicial, and In no wise dip
Easiest way to kill a chicken Is to break
the egg before it is hatched. Saino is true of
consumption. Dr. Wood's Norway Pino
Syrup is n positive cure for coughs aud colds
Nothing will cure consumption. Does it pay
to neglect the cold ?
ToutliTitl I'outonor'H Ciiifosnfon.
Exeter, N. H., April 20. Frank Went-
worlh, the IG-year-old boy who was ar
rested Saturday on tho charge of hav
ing attempted to poison his father and
stepmother, George H. AVentworth and
wife, of Newton, has made a confes
slon, stating that he put parls green
In the tea while getting breakfast. He
said that he despised his stepmother
on account of her continually "giving
him fits," but he had no 111 feeling to
ward his father.
Don't Tobacco Spit and SmoUa Your Life
If you want to quit tobacco using easily
and forever, he mado well, strong, magnetic,
full of new life und vigor, tako No-To-Isac,
the wonder-worker that makes weak men
strong. Many gain ten pouuds in ten days
Over 400,000 cured, liny No-To-Bao from
your own druggist, who will guarautco a
onre. 50c or $1.00. Booklet aud sample
mailed freo. Ad. Sterling Remedy Co.,
Chicago or New York.
Mm, Mnrllh U a 5,000 Vordlot.
New York, A;nll 20. Mrs. Maria Ew
Ing Martin was awaided $5,000 dam
ages from tho Third Avenue Street
railway for the death Qf her father,
General Thomas lSwiug. The general
was knocked down and fatally Injured
by a cable car. on Jan. 26, 1886. He was
formerly a member of congress from
Ohio, and was a-cousln of Seoretary of
State John Sherman. Mrs. Martin
sued for S0,000 damages.
During tlie winter of 1803, P. SI. Martin,
of Long Roach, West Va., cn'raoted a severe
cold which left him with a wujh. Iu
speaking of how he cured it he says:
used several kinds of cpugh syrup hut found
no relief until I bought a bottle of Cham
berlaln's Cough Remedy, which relieved me
almost instantly, and in a short time brough
about a complete cure." When troubled
witli a cough or cold use this remedy and you
will uot find It necessary to try sevafltLklntli
before yon get relief. It lias been In the
market for over twenty years and coiMtantly
grown in favor and popularity. Por sale at
8S and JO eeuts par bottle bydruhfer Bros,
drug isti.
Cyclist to liuo) I'lyliiK Gib.
8an Francisco. April 20. Alta N,
Jones, the cyrllst, who made some sen
satl'-naj rides during the Indoor tour
nament iB this city recently, Is to be
matched for a mile run against Flying
Jib. the great pacer. The race will bo
held on the stock farm track at FJ
nton on Saturday nest, and hag exeat
ed unusual Interest among the horee
men. Jones is considered by many
the fastoet eprlnter In the country.
Wli ii tlui anrina time cornea, "gentle All'
nie," like all other sensible persons, will
rlMiiin the liver and reiiovutcs the system
with IMVilt's Utile Early Uisers, famous
little pills for the liver and stomach all the
year round, u. u. Jiageiiuuvu.
(Continued Iron First l'agc I
right dlvet.n.n, ana
.a i i, H -
mlt In great benefit to all pai ts of this
oommonw enltli.
In conjunction with the Hamilton I
road bill there lvm been cne picpnrpd
to repeal the vailous road lawn of thi
state, an he constitution requires, and
It Is a curiosity. It Is without doubt
the largest hill that was ever offered
to any legislative body. There are men
tioned in It over 200 road laws that
are active and In effect. It makes n
volume of 276 pages, and Is so volumin
ous that a number of members con
eluded to not put it on their files, but
give It a separate place on their desks
This b:il Is a strong argument In favor
of the passage of that prepared by
Hamilton, as it shows the crude, pe
oullar and unsatisfactory laws now
upon the statute books in relation to
road Improvement.
Despite the fact that both bouses
concurred In afi agreement to forbid
the Introduction ot any new bills after
April S, except by consent of either
branch, a number are still being of
fered. These are not likely to receive
consideration In either house. The
houso has now on Its calendars much
more than It Is able to dispose of until
late In June or In July, and a session
of that lensrth Is not probable, as a
very strong; sentiment Is developing
for adjournment as soon as possible.
Among the bills Introduced recently
wbb one to prevent parents or guar
dians from locking up children under 9
years of age under any pretext, and
providing a penalty of $25 for the first
offense, $50 for the second offense,
and six months' imprisonment for the
third offense. If any child or children
should lose their lives by being locked
up the punishment shall be one year's
imprisonment and $100 line; authorizing
county commissioners to transfer and
convert Into the general fund of their
respective counties any money now
placed to the credit of any township
upon any duplicate for taxes where
the same has remained uncalled for
during a period of ten years, provid
ing the rhrht to the same Is not in
litigation or a matter of dispute.
Tho Spat bill authorizing a tax of
$1 on each-bloycle Is not likely to have
many friends, unles It Is amended to
include various vehicles. It would be
both unjust and unconstitutional to
enact a measure of this kind without
extending it to embrace all vehicles.
Apportionment Sentiment Growtnp;.
Strange to say, a sentiment Is de
veloping In favor of apportionment,
or to the bill to effect this, and as In
troduced by Mr. Patterson, of Blair. It
Is becoming recognized at present that
after all there is more to be gained
by the passage of a law effecting a new
apportionment during this session than
to wait until after the next census.
Many are realizing that some districts
in the state are Increasing In popula
tion very little, while in others the In
crease Is very great, and the next cen
bus will occasion very many surprises
In this connection. The basis of In
crease of 22V4 per cent between 1880
and 1800, if the apportionment is de
ferred until after the census ia taken,
will not be realized In a number of
districts, and it Is thought that such
districts will fare better to have the
apportionment at present than to defer
It. By the provisions of this bill the
number of members of both houses
Is reduced to 200 In all.
Theje bills received favorable con?
slderatlon recently: Requiring street
railway companies to inclose the front
and rear platforms of their cars dur
ing the winter months; requiring school
directois or controllers to allow school
children to have the uso of the books
furnished them by the board any time
during tho vacation between school
terms, and providing; that a teacher
of such schools shall possess a valid
certificate issued oy the superinten
dent of schools; amending the act of
May 8, 1851, to allow school directors
or controllers to levy a special tax,
not exceeding tho amount of the an
nual tax nor oftener than once a year,
to be applied for the purchase of
grounds and the erection and furnish
ing of buildings; senate bill regulating.
the employment and providing for the
health and safety of persons employed
In sweatshops; senate bill authorizing
school directors or controllers to
tabllsh and maintain out of the public
school treasury free kindergartens for
children between 3 and C years of age
residing In the district; authorizing
county commissioners to accept as a
county bridge any bridge over any
stream or river running Into or through
any county; authorizing suits at law
by either party that may be dissatis
fied with the decisions of the board
In regard to granting warrants for va
cant lands; to provide for the protcc-
t'on of health of domestic animals;
providing for the collection of amounts
due the state for purchase money, In
terest and fees due on unpatented
lands; senate bill to continue in full the
act of May 18, 1803, to extend the time
which corporations may hold and cori
vey the title to real estate heretofore
bought under execution or oonveyed
to them In satisfaction of debts und
now remaining In their hands unsold,
l'or KKtnbllHlihiK Poor l'nrins,
Of the bills Introduced and on the
calendar that are of special Import
ance, and are likely to be disposed of
during the session, is senate bill No
180, which was read In place In the
senate March 10, and lias since passed
finally In the upper house, This ig
now In the Judiciary general committee
of the house. It provides for the court
taking action on the establishment of
a poor farm In any of the counties not
having such institutions on a petition
of a majority of the ovorseers of the
poor, instead of a two-thirds vote, as.
now required, Several hills have been
offered for the enactment ot laws for
the establishment of poor farms, and
of those introduced the senate bill re
ferred to is likely to be the most popu
lar, since it Is very short and plain If
It construction. The Gould bill, as
prepared by the Poor Director' asgo
liatlon, embodies some very good feat
tree, but ts so long and comprehensive
In its scope that tnere is a rear ex
pressed that it enactment might In
...r... ...1,1, tuuip fatm. ti nil, am .
tabllshed. The termor Pf t r" Mi
very verve to pmnlbus b(U. or those.
(hat. contain so many aineraqr secj
The bill, however, which is not gain
ing mucjl ptugjreaa, in utv arvmatv sit
least, is tho one authorlslnirMnfei'est ,
to be paid on state deposits, This bill
will receive favorable consideration In
th house, and that within the next
week or ten days. The opposition in visions. Delinquents who have been
the senate does not oome so much ulaves In countries whr crime had
frorq a desire to prevent Its passage, been committed will Irr no case be
but more to prevent its author from riven up to a foreign state. Religious,
getllnn prtxtlge. All parties and fac. political and nillitary offenses, as well
tlons concede that this bill must be- a smuggling, are not extraditable
come a iaw at thl? , sessjon, and tlvey ,
dale not impose Its final paaa8. jjot only acuta lung troubles, which may
r, .i . i in. t 1...H1, . prove fata In a few day( but old ohroufc
Constlpathn Is a deadly enemy toheslthi oUBilg au,i throat troubles may receive im
lluidock Wood Bitters is a deadly enemy to mediate lellef and lie lermanenlly cured by
oonstljiatiou, j One Minute Cough Cure, C, H- Ilageuhuch.
MatJ? annul
who would be
startled at the
bate thought
of sittinr
down and
drinklnir a
done of poi
son, allows
himself to be
regularly and
day after day
by aceumutat
tiotis of bile
the blood.
When the liver fails to
do its regular work of filter
ing this bilious poison oat
nf the circulation, it goes on
iVv" noisoning the euti.-e constitii-
'y tlon lust as surely as if a man
was drinking prussic acid.
Bvery part of the body is polluted, flu
digestive juices ate suppressed and weak
ened The ktdnevs and skin are clogged
with impurities and the lungs and brooch! it
tubes overloaded with morbid secretion
which eat away the delicate tissue, and
bringebout bronchitis aud consumption.
All tlie diseases caused by this subtle pro
cess of bilious poisoning are -cured by tin
lmrvelous alterative action of Dr. 1'lerce's
Golden Medical Discovery. It directly in
creases the liver's natural excr-tive and
purifying powers ; gives the digestive and
blood-making organs power to manufacture
an abundance of red, itch, healthy blood.
It drives out all impurities, and vitalizes
the circulation with the life-giving elements
which restore perfect nutrition, solid mus
cu'ar power, and healthy nerve-force.
. t.. a. ,. ,tte T wia tfttrtm dmm In bed with
ab iruing anil severe pnlos In my stomach and
unJei my slimililr, and dintincssinmy liesd,"
. ' 1 1 t i -. nf Hwnmnn, TfW
Co.. I'ta. " Mv home physician was called and lie
sai l my symptoms were more like conmmptlon
than anything c V- 1 li'-'S1! In this way seven
mouiniryusu,ncicM ......
ng thai I ste woiua oujesi, ami i onu kiwi m-re-i
In my stomach. I was persuaded to try some
f Dr. Pierce's remedies or to see what he thought
of my caie. I wrot: lilm and received an answer
itstlng that my suffering was from indlnestion
and torpid liver, and advising me to take I)r
Pierce's (iolden Medical Dlvery. The first
bottle cove pleasing results. I have taken four
bottles or the Golden Medical niicpvery ana
three small vlnls of the ' Pleasant Pellets.' I am
able to do lny work aud eat what I could not
before I took these- medicines."
AYIien JudfJosTliiMiKroo: '
Columbia, 8. -C, April 20. The su
preme court has Just rendered an Im
portant decision in reference to con
tempt proceedings in this state. Sev-,
eral months ago the i'aimttto urew
trv. in Charleston, cot Into financial
troubles. Judge SImonton, of the Uni
ted States court, appointed one recelv-
r, and Judge Benet, of tho state court,
another. Several lawyers interested
went to the United States court and
made legal motions to upset the order
of Judge Benet. The Judge held them
In contempt ot his court, and fined .mil
debarred them from practice. Tiiey
appealed to the supreme court of the
state, which unanimously decided
against Judge Benet, holding that the
lawyers, In the exercise oi tneirpro
fession had a perfect right to co to the
United Stnte3 court.
Something to Depenl On.
Mr. .Tames Jones, of tho drug firm of Jones
l& Son U.-wden, III., in spoiking of Dr. King's
t v- , .,.. ...IP..
lovv iriscuYcrj, Kiyn iiiaiiasb wiuioi ma wuc
wag attacked with La flrintio. and her caso
grow so serious that physicians at t-owuen
and l'aua could do iiothlnirforhor. It seemed
to develop into Hasty consumption. Having
I)r. King's New Discovery in store, and sen-iiiL-
lota of it. ho took a bottle home, and to
the suri.riso of all she began to get bettor
from first dose, -and half a dozen dollar bot
tles cured ner sound nuu wen. ur. King s
New Discovery for Consumption. Coiirjlis and
Colds is guaranteed to do this good work.
Try it. Freo trial bottles at A. Waslcy's
drug strrc.
A i O'lio Town rinmoswopt.
Cleveland, April 20. Tho business
portion of the town of Berea was near
ly willed out by fire yesterday. The
winds prevailing made it almost Im
possible to check the flames, which
Beemed likely to encompass the entire
town. The fire started in the Shumway
block, which was soon burned to the
ground, and communicated to adjoin
ing builnos houses. The loss win
reach $60,000. Berea has no water
works, co that there was small hope
of saving the town. A detachment of
the Cleveland fire department, with M
men, secured water from a branch
of the river about a quarter g a mile
from the town,
There Is a CIiisb of People
Who are injured by the uso of coffee
Recently there has been placed iu all tho
grocery stores a now preparation called
GUAIN-O, mado of pure grains, that takes
the placo of coffee. Tho most dolicato
stomach receives it without distress, and but
few can tell it from coffee. It does uot cost
over i us much. Children may drink it witli
great benefit. 15 cts. and 25 cts. per package.
Try it. Ask for GItAIN-O.
Gunboat Annapolis' Trial.
Elizabeth. N. J April 20. The sec
retary of the navy has issued the for
mal orders for the trial of the- gun
boat Annapolis, built by Louis Nixon
at this place. The trial will take place
on Thursday over the Long Island
course, under the Inspection of tho
regular t1al board.
Thirty years is a long time to ncht bo
painful a trouble ns piles, hut Jacob M ttaliell.
of Unionville, I'.i., struggled that long be.
lore no tnua uewiit's witcii liawl Halve,
which quickly and permanently cured him.
It is entiallv effective iu eczema and all skin
atlectioua. U 11. Uageuuucb.
lleduced Kates to New Yoik.
For tlie dedication of tho Grant Monu
mental Tomb, April 27, tho Pennsylvania
Uuilroad Company will sell excursion tickets
to Now York to tho general public from all
points on its line, exclusive of 1'ittsburg and proper, ou April 20, and from Altoona
and Williamsnort and Intermediate poluu,
and on other divisions within one
humJred aud fifty miles of New York, ou
April 80, and for trains reaching New York
before noon on April 27, at rate of singlo faro
for tho rouud trip (no less rate than 1 00)
good to return until April 24, Inclusive
t ickets for military aud other organization
in uniform, numbering twenty-five or more,
traveling in a boty on ono ticket, will be
sold on same dates, from points not less than
twenty-five miles from Now York, a
further reduction. For specific rates apply
to ticket agent.
Tho parade on this occasion will be the
grandest military demonstration sluce tb
war. Thousands of veterans, Uuited States
regulars, aud state mllltiameu will he in line
Unconditional surrender, is the only terms
those famous little pills known us DeWltl'i
Mttle Harly Risers will make with oonstipa-
tiou, sick headache anil stomach troubles.
MuxIuo'm Now lixtraUl tlon Lbyvi
City ot Mexico, April iVh Uouso
of deiiutleti dim paused the new ex
tradition lav;, Under the new law no
Mexican can be extradited to any for
elgn state except In special cases to
be decided by the executive of the re
r public,
and naturalised citizens who
have been cltlsens for two years will
! be considered also under these pro-
tii.-)JfalJ .in kJZTia
Iirfpot of tho Knroprnn Wnr oa Wall
Bti'net Opera tlmii.
New Tori!, AOTtl l-Nothln outsldo
the news ur war between Tin key and
Greece hnd much Interest In Wall r.treet
today. The movemo'it of :nUta was nt
times very urratlc, without any corre
sponding crmngu In the t. nor of news to
Justify It. It was evident ut the opening,
however, that this market wns bear hit;
the brunt of whatever sell ing wua n
result of the war. 'I ho tone at the open
ing was an exciting one, and tbore vaa
heavy pressure to sell through the wholj
list. The industrial stocks, of couroe.
were moat nrtected, and declined the moat.
Closing bids:
IJalto. A. Ohio., 12 Lehigh Valley., ay,
Chesa. A Oblo.. ICTs NJ. Central...
Del. & llui;oon..l02'4 N. T. Central., 69V,
D.. L. & W U Pennsylvania .. BPi
Kite 1H4 Heading
Lake Hrle W.. 13V St. Paul Oil
Lehigh Nnv - W. N. Y. & Pa. -
All lias t' s paid.
Genornl Market.
Philadelphia, Ajirll 10. Flour st-on-r;
Winter superfine, i2.Wnt.99; do. extras,
H4f:i.25; Pennsylvania roMer, clear, t-tft)
4.15; do. strntght, $1.1B&4.40; western win
ter, clear, $1SJ4.1E; do. straight, JIJfl.15;
city mills, extra, t3.10as.30. Ityo flour
stoady at $S.86f2.40 per barrel. Wheat
higher; contract wheat, April. 88V48te. :
do. May, 81Vb(KI4io.j No. 2 Pennsylvania
and No. 2 Dataware red, spot, 90H81c;
No. 1 northern spring, spot, 88ii8o. ; No.
2 red, April, t9o.; do. May, 81io.; do. July,
80c. ; do. September, TSVic. ; do. December;,
80c. Corn quiet; steamor corn, spot,
2oV4(b'2B4c. ; No. 2 yollow for local trade,
30c.; No. 2 mixed, spot and April, 2TV
27He.; do. May, 27)&2Sc. 0:its llrm; No.
2 white, cm lots, 26c; No. 2 white clipped,
carlots, 26c.; No. 8 white clipped, carlotB,
2tttQ24o.; No. 2 white. April, 24Vi2Eo.;
do. May, June and July, 233t&24'4c. Hay
llrm; choice timothy, $14 for large bales,
lieef steady; family, $s.5010; extra mess,
T.KeS: beef hams, $19.60fr20; packet, $80
S; cltv extra India mess, $13.50614.60.
Pork quiet; family, $10. Wall. Lard easy;
western steamed, J4.40. Butter quiet;
western creamery, 13Jjl7o. ; do. factory,
8UVic; Kleins, 17c; Imitation cream
ery, 1015o.; New York dairy, 13l(Sitc.;
do. creamery, 1317c. ; fancy prints job
bing at 20f324o.; do. extra, wholesale,
20c. Cheese quiet; large. 9124c; do.
small, 9O12H0.; part skims. 47Vtc.', full
skims, 21403c. Eggs quiet; New Vork and
Pennsylvania, luc; western, fresh, 0V&
10a; southern, 99Hc. Tallow dull;
city, 3!ic.; country, 3c. Pig Iron onsy;
southern, iuU; northern, $10.5012.50.
Copper dull; brokers, $11.26; exchange,
$U.8011.50. Tin dull; straits, $13.1513.30;
plates quiet. Spelter quiet; domestic,
$1.1W4.20. Lead easy at $3.27V43.32, ac
cording to tho Metal Kxcttange, and
steady ut $3.20 by brokors. Cottonseed
oil steady; prime summer yellow, 23c;
oK summer yellow, 22V4U22?ic. Coffee flrmi
May, $7.6007.75; June, $7.80; July, $7.80
7.85; August, $".867.90; September, $7.86
8.10; October, $7,958.15; Decefnber, $7.95
8.16; January, $8.25; February, $8.30;
March, $8.25.
Llvo Stock Markets.
New York, April 19. Beeves steady; na.
tlve stee.-s. 4.6O6.06; stags and oxen,
$2.7804.26; bulls, $2.903.45; dry cows, $1.80
4f3.40. Calves active and firm; all soldi
vents, $i6.25. Sheep and lambs quiet;
unshorn sheep, $ij.5.25; clipped do., $3.50
B'4.50; unshorn lambs, $6C.C2i4; clipped
do., $1.70(36.62. Hogs steady at $4.25
East Liberty, Pa.. April 10. - Cattle
steady: prima, $5.106.26( feeders, $8.76
4.40; bulls, stags and cows, $203.75, -Hogs
In fair demand; prime medium, wolghtH
$1.25: best Torkers, $4.15'i?4.20; heavy hogi.
14.104.20; fair Yorkers, $1.1004.15; plge,
$3.004 ; roughs, $2.'i63.B0. Sheep steady;
choice clipped sheep, $4. JOIN. 50: common,
$3.10'g3.C0; cnolce lambs, $5.253)'3.40; spring,
lambs, $508; veal calves, $14.50.
I had Bevere attacks of gravel and kidney
trouble; and unablo to get a mcdicino or
doctor to cure mo until I used Hop Hitters,
and they cured mo in a short time. A
Distinguished Lawysb op Wayne Co.,
N. Y.
Colorless and Cold. A young girl
deeply regretted that she was so colorless and
aud cold. Her face was too whito, and her
hands and feet felt as though tho blood did
not circulate. After opo bottlo of Hop
Blttors had been taken she was tho rosiest
and healthiest cirl in tho town, with a
vivacity and chcerfiiluoss of mind gratifying
other friends,
Winner of tho Tcnnosseo Dorby.
Memphis, April 20. The Tennesseo
derby, one and one-eighth miles, with
a guaranteed value of $5,000, was won
at Montgomery Park by A. Cahn's
chestnut colt Buckvldere. Typhoon
II finished second, with Algol, tho fav
orite, third. There wore only threo
starters. Attendance, 8,000. Tlme.LGO1,!
'fthouuiatlsin Cured In n Day.
'Mystic Cure" for Rheumatism and Ncu
ralgi.i radically cures in 1 to3 days. Its
action upon the system Is remarkable and
mysterious. It romoves at once tho cause and
tlie disease immediately disappears. The
first dose greatly benefits.
T. F. Autliony. ox-Postmaster of Promise
City, Iowa, says: "I bought ono bottlo si
'Mystic euro lor iiueumatisni, and two doses
ot it ma mo more good tnan any medicine i
overtook." 75conts. -
Slid bv C. II. Uageubuch. druezist. fihen-
May Sucoecd C'ommlKslouer IJoo;ovolt
New York, April 20. General Henry
Burnett, formerly of Ohio, Is said to
have been offered the position of pros!
dent of the New York board of pollco
commissioners, made vacant by thQ
resignation or Theodore Itopsevelt to
become assistant secretary of tlb? navy.
Old People.
Old nco'lo whoroiiulromedlolneto reeulato
tho bowols, and kidneys will find ' the truo
remcd.y iu Klectrio Hitters. Thla modlaino
does no stimulate and contains no whiskey
nor other-intoxicant, hut acts ns a topic ami
alterative". It nets mildly on tho stomach
and bowels adding strength and giving tens
to me ogans, iiierony uiuiiig iMiiuro in ine
performance of tho functtontu Electric
Hitters is un excellent appetizer and aids
digestion,. Old .paopla flml it Just oxactly
what they nopd.. l'rice fifty rente per bottle
at A. Waaler's drug store.
To Vote on Arlitti iiilon May i.
Washington, April 20. The senate
passed the Indian appropriation bill
yesterday. It la substantially the aama
as It passed the house, and can oeon
slon little division save on the amend
ment opening the Uncompahgre Indian
reservation. Resolutions of Inquiry
were agreed to asking the secretary ot
state as to the operation of the reci
procity treaties mails under the Mc
Kinley act, Mr, Vest introduced his
resolution declaring illegal the recent
Order of the secietary of the treasury
relative to Imports arriving after
April 1, It was Bfc-retd to vote on th i
arhltititlo,! treaty at 4 o'clock on Il.iy 4.
Bloody Nerve Food
For Weak and Run Down Poople,
WHAT IT 1Q I TberlobestQfall restore
VKriB I II 10 I tive foods, because It re
places the essentials or life that ore ex.
hauatsd by disease, Indigestion, high living,
overwork, worry! excesses, abuse, etc
digestion perfect It creates solid Mesh,
muscle and strength. The nerves being
made strong the brain becomes active and
slear. It restores lostvltallty, stops all wast
lng drains and weakness In either sex, and
as a female regulator has no equal, I'rloe
60c, orflve boxes 52.00, Druggists or by mall.
We can help you. Advice and boob, free.
Wflto Us About Your Case.
tSU Chestnut Street, Philadelphia,
Neuralgia of the Heart
Vanqulilitri Dr. Miles" nomedlasr-
R3. BltJMIY, of Toiih cr,n, Conn,
HnfTered froia jutt sui.h a complica
tion of dtsooges as the extern I vo cx-
rerieuce and Investigations of Ii. Mllon
bare proven, result from Impairment of tho
corroua system,, Ja. B. Bldley writes
Oct. 23, 1805! " My wlfo was takon stck with
neuralgia of the heart, nervous exhaus
tion and l'.vcr trouble. Although attendod
by l'7ophjM.'iaus eho grow worse, until oho
was at dc'ith's door. I then began giv
ing her Dr. Miles' Eestoretlve Nervlnei
and Dr. Milt1-.' New Heart Cure, and she.
Improved so wonder
fully from tho lii.-t
that I at o.ii a dls
nvlsoed tho p!ij"-.lcUns.
Sho now o:ita and
sleeps in '1 and docs,
her own hodsowork
Wo have recommend--ed
your remedies to a.
great many In our city, and every ono has.
been very much benefited by them."
Dr. Miles' lteaicdles are sold by nil drug
gists under a positive guarantee first bottlo
benefits or money refunded. Iloolc on Heart
and Nerves sent froo to all applicants.
35 V
Has No Equal
Wt. 2
That's why they enjoy their COPF JIB.
Any grocer can tell you why customers
keep coming back for SnEXJG'S.
Ou'.y f& . pickif c S
Personally-Conducted Tours
COAST will leave New York und Philadelphia.
iUiiren nt returning on regular trains wumn
nino montliH. Hound-trip tickets, Including alV'
tour IpatmeH going and transportation only
returning, hIH ho sold at rnte of S20S.00 front
New York, and 33D3.00 from Philadelphia j one
way tickets, including all tour feature goingK
8U .75 from New York, $110.25 from Philadel
phia. Proportionate rates from other points.
Tours, each covering "n icrIod of tlirce
days, will leave Now York and I'lllladol
March II, 23, and May 13, 1897. ltates, Includ
ing transportation and two days' accommoda
tion at the beat Washington Hotels, $14.53 from.
New Vork, and $11.50 from Philadelphia.
will leave Now York and Philadelphia Fjbru
ary 20, March 18, and 'April IS, 1897.
For dctalled.Itlncrarlei and other Information
apply at ticket ncenclca or address Geo. w.
Iloyd, Asst. don't Pass. Agoi.t, llroad Street
Station, Philadelphia.
P. J.
Agent for
Shenandoah and Vicinity
Beer and Porter
Barbey's Bohemian Beer.
ft M To our o Bit omen: WOULD YO0 OAUR
ParttooUr Irf. A&Artu, Weftt
Flnunclul 5o..
no Drhru gtreat, Cblw, 111.
, m .. ... iu.
V 1'. wuHb lutriii'-. i.iH4iu ii 'O l
I.BR'N IIAIIl 'IHliHJrnmvM,.ti,i,.i'.
Hitrlrmii falhns aal Sad (irowtwei-sriw. l' '' 1
Hummed Trwtl oa Ilstr ipimiaiUu, 1
For sale by Shenandoah Drug Store, Klrlln
, Drug tttore.
s " Wi. --. t .. ri.-io eo..PHIt..l-
M I'ovlnnky'n drug store.
Centre street.
38 lib
Wanted-An Idea K
Proteot your Idsas; tbsr may bring you waaltn.
Write JOHN WUUDKltnUnN & CO., Hwnt Attar
TMjt. Washington, Ii. 0 for tlialr SI.9U0 prlae ollet
aud list o( two hundred hrraDtlous waated.