The evening herald. (Shenandoah, Pa.) 1891-1966, April 19, 1897, Image 4

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Penmit Hiittlois; tli'. finest
p.'.imit o,un! niiuk'. 10
t n;. a r box. Tty t ne.
Volt II ailt UUOlilt'V. 100
Vun n of chocolate drops
tins wt.'.' at sjcpir lb.
Of Horn
Arc secured by wisdom
cconomy-'tbrviilght. IhtnH be
tempted hy misleading often Mid
still rm two price Tor Interior
tf.VMlo, but
BUY . . .
At legitimate price Wo am now
gl)il)R tempting offers to buyer
by selling
and upwards.
xr.V final Centre Street.
How a Mnslolan Chanced to riolc Up a
Olnrliins A mat!.
"Dirt 1 over tell yon how I mine to plots
up HiIr ((luWons Aiii.'iti?" observed h Mu
sician whoso lnstr.i:m-iit htm been much
mlinircd for the r.irc iiinllty of Its tone,
wliloh urn broml, full und resoimnt. "I
wus jui-slnp; a street enrnur one tiny In
New York city whi n l ivillwu 0110 of those
falu' intislcl n He liud one arm, with
v. nicli lie In III his lolln, wlillu between
the toi s ot o:.o of his bnreil feet he grasped
the bow. '1 he Inw was motlonUs und h
'made ninsie' by moving the violin up anil
down Di'iifiic the scriitnhlnoss of tho
tunes, 1 lvronizcd something In their
; 1 1 : 1 1 1 ty Whiili canned mo to listen, street
fakir though he wan. There who some
thing cwcot and delicious about die notes,
ulihn.'nh hu i laved eseorably. Tho mel
low spirit of the ivgos qemued to lurk In
that Ix atttlful box, and 1 listened Just as n
connois-iMir of rare wines will ptiiMevaur
vcy a glass of old vintage and Inliale thu
tiuuqiict with genuino pluaauro.
"'Will you let me see your violin?' 1
"He did so. 'Where did you get tlilsf I
continued, examining it and noticing that
It was an Amntl without doubt of great
" 'Alnn who has n secondhand store had
tho pieces and mid them to me.'
" 'How inuny pieces were there?'
" 'Bight.'
" 'Who put them together?'
" 'A violin maker.'
" 'Didn't ho try to buy tho instrument?'
" 'Yos, but I know what it's worth.
Tho swindling, mtBcrnblo old fool I He
offered mo $10, $20, $80.'
"'You know what it's worth? Goodl
I will give you $000 and a new violin for
it. This may be buying it cheap, but
think what tho money will moan to you.
I won't offer you more booatiso I can't af
ford it.'
" 'I'll tnko it. That driveling, miser
able violin maker, howdlsappointed ho
will bel Ho comes to see mo overy day.
He tried to steal one of tho pieces. Hut I
sat there while lie put them together
Take It'
"To tlioso who might think this story
rather extravagant I would recommend
the strange histories of Homo famous vio
lins, and they will no longer discredit the
history Of my lovely instrument." De
troit Free Press"
Tho composure of mind -which It Is de
sirable to secure as a harbinger of sleep is
promoted by allowing tlmo, before retir
ing to rest, for tho subsidence of all on
forced mental activity. There should ba at
least an hour's Interval between work, no
matter what It may lie, and sleep, for If
work bo pushed up to tho last moment,
lcep will be driven away, or will be, In its
first and most precious stages, broken and
unrefroshlng. To turn resolutely from
work at a Used hour and plunge for a lit
tle time into a, novol or a newspaper, n
game or music, will often make all the
difference Itetwccn a bad and a good
night's rest. Position when in bed is a
very important factor in the production of
Bleep. Englishmen traveling on tho conti
nent are sometimes puzzled and distressed
by insomnia, until they diseoer that their
bodies, propped by enormous, squaro pil
lows, are at a much greater nnglo to tho
plane of the bed than thut in which they
are accustomed to repose at home.
The substitution of a small pillow for
the large one soon disposes of their wake
fulness. And so with children. The posi
tion in which they ure placed when put to
lied should bo carefully attended to, as
nightly variations in this may at least
postpone tho advent of sleep, which Is o
essential to the welfare of the growing
bruins. Very little things serve sometimes
to induce sleep. Thus, the mere turning
of a pillow and the application of' It oold
surface to tho head and faoe will, on oooa
siou, prove thu turning point in a struggle
with sleeplessness. New York Ledger.
Undertaking in - -
- - all its Branches.
Open Day and Night.
Cor. White
and Lloyd
fji IN MWN.
A No. 37 ll'e Centre Street.
The Mtrtlnitilimh IU publican Club Favors
mutiny for Naval Ohiritf.
At n recent meet lint of the Shenandoah
I llcptilillctin Club t o fidli wlng res ltition
Acre adopted:
Wheivn i. It lia rome to the notiie of the
-iliiiisiuliuh K publican Chili that .loha F
I'lnnry, of Pottsvllle, li mi it pllciut for tin
position of NiivslOIHioi of the Tort of l'lill i-'
deliilil'i ; tin re lore, Ik it
Renhid. That Wu, nieiiiliers of dm Mien
i ml i in h Ki ubican Chili, mianim u-ly hud
hesrtilv endorse Mr. Finney for the i..,-iii., i.
I rtcogmting tli hlHi tt itrfidbllcnti of alerting linlntlolalll.le cllortu In lie
half nf the pArty hus shown Itself In Hcpnb
llcan aticrc in this county and wtii. li justly
entitles liTln to the reenguitioll he m el s
KosolveH, That orFl tmmi our lt-pri-scn
tsitlve In Congress. II mi, I'miihs X Ilni'inn
wild the Slate 8i nntor fnmi tlii diiti .ct, Hon
.lolili ,1. Coyle, tu um their limt en lot .on In
wtir!n Mr. Finney' npuoliitiiu-nt iw n .innt
recognition to ttie UcpMlilii-n ol uiIiii,IkiII
eimiily. lad'eviuit as e do tlml hi pippniot
nmlil wMI uni I ivitli jt. ocrii suti-tVct.' n ut
tile htinds of their coiihiiIiii l.ti
Resolved, That a c.i) of dipsc resolutions,
an fxpirmloti of public scctiim ui, l'c for
warded to President Win McKinley, Senators
Qitny ami PiMini-e. Hon. Charles N. llrumin
and lion. John .1. Cuylo.
It. I). Rrkik. I'resldenl.
Attmtt Thomas Dovk, J a , Secretary.
Take latnllvo Hnmln Qnlnlnc Tul.let. All
dntsemts n-fliiMl the money If It fails to cure.
Tim .llliiviV IlopllHl.
At the state hnaplul, at 1'utinbilii Springs,
two needles wore removed, one Imbedded in
the knee of Carrie Miles, nine years old, and
the other In the foot uf Churlea E. Smith,
hrakemnti, both living "t Gordon. Others
treated were : George Kyeks, 80, miner,
SbamoVtn collluiy, Millei oils mine, incised
wound of knee. Ho was making n wedge
when the axe slipped and cut his knee; .lolin
Gokatoulsi, 20. JIhIicvIIIu, lalmrer, I.iw
rcnee colliery, polsotied wound of face; John
I'. Colemnn, 112, (ilr.ird vlllc, liccr agent,
i wrrre si ruin of ankle, sustained while jump
, lag from hU wsgoii while in Slionandoah;
I William lhefskl, l!0. driver. Mt. Carnicl,
fiaclure of humorous, due to n full; John
i Iyons, IS, jMaliuuuy City, doortender, com-
pound fructiiin uf index flnoer; Suniiiel
! Tuwinend. 48, miner, I)r er colliery, com
l poll ml coinj licatlug fracture of second
I phalanx of Index ftuger, due to falling coal.
1 Amputation was insde; Thomas Price, a
i laborer, 27 years old, employed at Natalie.
1 Whllo climbing the slope hU light was ex-
tingiiiiihed. lie eamc in contact with a du
i eliding car, was knocked down and run
iivcr. Hu sitstiilned lueemtiotia of thu sculp
mid punctured wound of the llilgh that wns
followed liy ditt'iiiie ielluUpsis.
Croup and whnuplng cough arc ehlldhood'
terrors: but like pneumonia, hronehllU, and
other throat and lung troubles, can lie qniek
, ly cund by using One Minute Cough Cute.
Deeds tlceordrd.
From Jackson Kramer to Ida 11. Frodorlcl,
premises ii. Auburn.
From David M. Fahl and wife to Mien
Fall), premises la West llruuswick.
From Samuel A. Iteddall and wife to Win
M. H reiver, pieiuises iu Shenandoali.
From John K. Hrownmillor et nl to Clara
B. Lilian, premises in l'ottsville.
From Cecelia Dulflclil to Jlarguret Ford,
pi utilises in St, Clair.
From Alex. Seott, sheriff, to Win, H. Paul,
premises in Kid red township.
No Hauler Outfit
Is complete without n pair of our colored
shoes. And just think of tho money you
savo by buying from us at Factory Prices.
Factouv Snot: Stoiik.
Marriage Licenses.
John Daltou and Hamia Scaulou, both of
It. W. Krinor, of l'ottsville, and Sirs.
Mary Jano C. Ulako, of Washington, D. C.
licuheii I. Keichert, of Xorth Jfauheiiil
township, and Kmina 51. .Schneck, of Schuyl
kill Haven.
James Kopp and Salome Slahl, botli of
Tower City.
Just trv ft 10c bnv nf Hiewrote thn flnrst
liver and bowel regulator ever made.
I'alher CoMIgati Transferred.
Itev. Father Cosligan, curate of St. Ig
ii'itltis parish. Central!.!, has been transferred
to Mlddletown, whote he will tako full
uhargo of a parish at that plaro. ltcv.
Walsh has been appointed to succeed him.
l!oj AVrlt Ilrokeii.
While playing on South Main street yes
terday afternoon, John AugustrHites, a boy
aged 0 years, had hW left wrist broken by
being pushed over by a playmate. Tho
fracturo was reduced by Dr. G. M. Hamilton.
To lie Married.
Anuoutiri'Srrnt wasinudo in tho Annuncia
tion church yesterday morning of the com
ing innrr'nge of Miss Maggio Tliornton to
Koger Dixon, Uith of Itiiijtown. Tho cero
mony will be pet formed on Wednesday,
Apiil 2Ht!i.
Wo Ar Scllbig
A hl lot uf wine colored shoes that ordinary
sto-es would ak you $2 30 for. Our price
s ?1 liJ.
Dress Goods.
Twenty-five pieces of Im
ported Novelty Dress Goods for
25c. per vard. Tliese styles are
new and ure shown exclusively
by us. See our window dis
play of these and also the
splendid stock of
Prices run from 25c. to $1 .50
for Laundered WaiFts. Don't
wait till choice styles are gone
but come now and pick fi 0111
our great assortment of stylish
Will advance many lines of
goods. We have made large
purchases and can continue to
sell flue dress goods and silks
at special bargain prices.
During January, Feb
ruary and March
O ver a thousand of the famous
McCall Hazar Paper Patterns
were sold by us for 10 or 15c;
why pay more ?
09 mil (in
As foHov.s:
4 First PriJSS, oacli of 5100 Cash $ 40D.C0
20SewiHl ' S100spr!lS8ftB1cj!s2,OQ3.00
40 Third " " " g 25 Uoltl Watohoa - 1,000.00
Cash snd Prizes given each tnontli $3,400.
Total given during 12 mos, i897, 800.00
Cnnipelllors to niivc as iiiKnyUKl.ia!!
SOAP VVrmipor ns they con r.ollrrt. tint
nil I no top portion 01 rncn
wrnpner, Hint PortUinrontjilii
ing tho hendfiiK "SUNUIOHT
SOAP." These (enllciP'Coil.
pons") nrnto bo seiif, pijetago
Iiilly pnliU enclosed xilli n
slieet of paper nt .iilnit Cojiipei.
Iinrtu full mittin ami ntldres
btso tmi5
mid tho number of Coiipoiis
nt In, to i,ever l!ro9 Mil.,
Kcw nru, innrneo on oiusiup .,,,
of ilio IHwTIUCTC'ompeiltor Uvea In. .
No. ol I HAMI np ni STRICT.
bitrlCll v., in.. Iti-onltlvn. I.OI1K
onil tn ton Islnjids, NesvJerscy.
NnwYork Hrto(oii.(iiir'A.r.onr,
nrottktftn, fang ami Statin IllaadK).
roaiisylvnniaIlcbTsynrr, (Jtnry.
laml, Wfst Vlralnla und l)is
Irlct of t'olilHibln.
flfhe New Knalnuil .Stnlrs.
TinTorcltr thoelltn I Hcr.Pf Speclnl,
17 l'sllwn, raTd lr Geo. N.IlMti ,'"v.0L?ai;
fle, Uflrton snd New York. Flltwl with flirttord
Vir, rimOIsM Nlokie Lmp..Nr I)Drtar8
1111, SUmUni Ojclometer. and lluul Lara SJdlo.
James X. Illlbert spent yesterday at St.
Mrs. S. J. Acker is the guest of l'ottsville
l:. Kvans, of Wunamle, spent Kaster with
town friends.
Chiist. Gruhler rcinrned to Philadelphia
ibis morning.
John Uanks visited his sister, Mary, at St.
Clair yesterday.
Mi.s Sadie Gilbert is Mi Soring from an
attack of sicklies.
Dr. W. N. Stein visited friends at Pottt
vllle ooitrt to-dy.
Mrs. John Suheuhiug returned to Philadel
phia at neon to-day. ,
P. J. Mtilholhtlid transacted business at the
county seat to-day.
T. T. Williams was an attendant at the
l'ottsville court to-day.
John It Blown is visltiug his sister, Mrs.
T. J. D.tvlos at St. Clair.
Mrs. James and Mrs. J. S. Williams vialted.
TroutoiTrclalives yesttiday.
.Mrs. William 1'nliey. of West Cherry street,
U vl-itlnjf fi lends III 1'enditig.
William K. Davis, of town, vlsibd his
parents al 1'rackville yesterday.
Dtvid llrown attended the funeral of
Ad.un Kull, at Sit. Clair to-day.
Miss Kva Stride, of Mahanny City, was tho
guest of town fiicuds yesltrilay.
Martin Fianejvof the llloonisburg State
Noruinl School, spent Kaster in town.
Mr. and Mrs. V. 1!. Sholleiibcrger, of King
town, spent Kaster with friends in town.
Messrs. William Davis and Henry Foltz
left town for Philadelphia this morning.
Miss Daisy Hess, who spent tho Kaster days
in town, returned to Nuremberg this morn
ing. John I.. 1'eose and family, of Win. l'cnn,
spent Kaster Sunday with friends at Fraek
ville. Miss llolshue, of Trcvorton, is visiting her
friend, Miss Anulu Schacll'er, on North Main
William Chalmers, Jr., of Wm. Penn, is
seriously ill. lie baroly escaped an attack of
Maud Orme, of Schuylkill Haven, spent
Sunday as the guest of Miss Netta Woods, of
Last Coal street. .
Misses Lizzie Kelly and I,i.zio Cummings
spent yesterday at Mahanoy City as tho guests
ol the hieek family.
Elmer and Bcnnlo Williams, of Girard
College, spent Easter with their grandmother,
Mrs. James E. Williams in town.
.Messrs. Joseph Whitakorand 11. J. Durkiu,
of Overbrook Seminary, and Timothy
Giblon, of Villa Nova, aio home on a visit.
.Mrs. Woods and daughters, Misses Sophio
and Tillle, were in attendance at the funeral
of Edward "A. Ihiybuck, of Ashland, to-day.
11. I.. Wliitclock, tho shoo dealer, is con
fined to bed in his rooms at tho Ferguson
Hotteo by a severe attack of erysipelas in tho
School Director William T. Treziso has ro
covered from the attack of la grippo that
confined liim to his homo tho past week and
is preparing to witness the Grant monument
cremonies at New York nest week.
Thomas Waters. Jr., and wife spent yester
day in town with the latter's parents and to
day returned to Catawissa to contintio their
theatrical engagement there. Sir. Waters in
tends to take a tout show of his own on the
road iu June, starling from town.
Mrs. Mary A. Wilkinson, mother of I.. J.
Wilkinson, the dry goods merchant, is lying
dangerously ill at the home of her son. She
is suffering from la -grippo and was to-day
reported in a critical condition. Dr. J. S.
Cullen is in attendance, assisted by A. D.
Wilkinson, a son of tho patient, who Is as
sistant chief in 0110 of tho pension depart
ments at Washington, D. C.
New Undertaker.
T. J. Co-ikley has opened an undertaking
oaUtblishment In town with bis ollico louatod
at J. J. Coakley's. 3S North Main street.
Might calls at the Ferguson House. 3-1-t
Idlo MliicrB.
There fceeius to be but little hope for the
miners In the upper end of Luzerne, and if
the stjueeae whiuh has Teen iu progress for
some weeks continue', there will be a whole.
saleoxodiis from the nnco prosperous mining
towns of tho Wyoming eoal region. A (lis
patch from NuntieoUe says : The recent
squeose and Hooding uf the g'oat Avondale
mine not only caused it to be abandoned, but
other minus adjoining it, on a lower level,
wbluli may at any tlmo be Hooded from the
Avondale's underground lakes. The other
mine, thus compelled to shut down are thu
Noltiirgham, employing 1500 lnon; the
Woodward, einployiug 1800, and the retti
boue, employing 700. Fully 0000 persons are
affected hy the several shutdowns. In cuu
scsiiieuce of these alwtidormietits theio is
uuusual suffering among miners' families,
with no prospect of relief. Evietiou tares
many of them iu the face, for their luute are
overdue and they can get no work. ILulu
tun Standard.
A Presentation,
Thomas J. James, late umidu foreman ut
the Koliinoor colliery and recently appoii.Ud
i-upeiiiitendeiit for the P. & It. C. A I. Co. in
the Gllbertou and Uirardville district. Is en
gaged in moving his household goods to
(lilbertou. On Saturday evening Mr. James
received u gold watch as a token of esteem
from the employes of the Koliinoor colliery.
Wax Oelgns lu riowers,
All kind of funeral designs, made up in
wax. Old funeral flames refilled with wax
Hewers. IVyne's Girardville nurseries, tf
ltellef Committee Mooting.
A meeting of the General Kelief Committee
will be held in the Council clutmbor on Tues
day evenlig, Uh Just., at 7:30 o'clock, sharp
as busiiiMM of great importance Is to be trans
acted it Is hoped all members of the genera!
und sub couimittoes will be iu atbuulsuce.
John L. Hassle, Chairman.
T. J. HaouuHALi., Secretary.
l'Hynw (ifymHlllu Kurserles,
Funeral designs' made up in any desiied
form of natural or wax liowers, upon short
notice at reasonable prices. Lirgo variety
of frame.', constantly on hand. Orders may
lie left ill Morgan's llazar. 'Si N. Main St , or !
at Payne's Greenhouse, Gnurdv illc, Pa tf I
ate mm e & v
1 . ttfrr motitli niTMiu I'; In ekoh uf the 4 dlttrM
top msnM
Alio L irtHPjiiHr hw .11 1 ui.
TiDrsrst Number otoouponi fmi
ttiediVlrict in vUiloh !io or ibstMldei
nillraoetvsllup'nsll. ,,
Tba 5 OompetTtors nno send In lbs
Next I.nraest, Numbers ot oou
pnnstnim the UtMnut In wnloh Ibn
renldowlll Itnch reeelte at winner's
option a indj'anrfrantleman's fierce
Sneclnf lilojcle. price 100.00.
Iri. it rnM,nMli,niilinaend In toe
Next T.nrgest Numbers o( oonpnns from tlMtbj
trlot In which llrnjr reside will l!nrhljw,"'i,,,j2
option a tndr's or suntleinan's Oold wnlcli, prion
2. The Oorapeililons will rinse the l.nst lnT yt
lincli aionllidnrlngisw, Ooiiremi recelwd tooljte
tor oae month's competition will be put Into the nelt.
3. Competitors who ohtsln wrsppers from unsold
Boapln dealer's stock will be dlianollhed. Employees
ol Lerer llrothert, Ltd., end their families, era de
barred from competing. ... , . , .
4. A printed (lit ot Wlnnerr In Competitor's dlttritt
will be forwarded to Ooniuetllo-s in soout U oafs after
eaeh C',mpotitinn elnees.
0. ITer Brothers, Ud., will endesTortoswanlthe
prliesfalrlrtnthe nest ot their abllltrand judgment,
lintltlsonderetnodthat all who compete asree to ao
cept the award ot Irfrer Ilrotben, Ltd., aa final.
J.nVllIt ItltOS., Ltd., New York.
URisenltisjs TIllMngllflUt Ihf! O .iiuli-ji
Otiitoibdril lor llHfly reruyil.
The American VoluntcoTi will ojien baralcks
at l'ottsville tbii week.
Tho Wilkusbarre Traction Company paid
$Kt),000 iu wages last year.
An eisteddfod is to be held at Hasleton on
Labor Day, September 5th.
Tho 'Carbon county fair will b held at
Lelilghtou nu 8optciulerStli.
Incendiaries in Wilkeslmrre on Satttnlny
set fire to three barns in ditlureut lmrtsof the
Safe-blowers got over 200 from the Wei ls
boro post oitlco before daylight Saturday
lli-ing your job work tb the IlKHi.i office,
where flist clnss work and reasonable prices
are assuied.
Mayor W'elmer vetoed a bill Increasing the
Lebanon water supply : bat it may be iMsed
ever his veto.
The mercantile shout aiiuuuuoed (o tnku
placo to-morrow bus been, postponed until
ibu surn lint.
William Thelts, who was tied and placed
on a fire by fellow ti-amps, will pfobably die
in the hospital in WilliamspoiU '
Murder iu the second degree wag the
verdict rendcicd at Scrautou against Andiuw
Pollya for tho killing of George Selimo.
The Muiaovllle Hoso Compuny lias chal
lenged the Gllbertou boys to a race, with
carriage, but tho latter hnvo not yet accepted.
The P. Si It. Iiallrood will on May 15th,
put ou four trains, two each way, between
l'ottsville and Shaiuokin over the short
Judgo Ssvidge, one of tho directors, says
tho now telephone line will bo constructed
very shortly and pushed to completion as
soon as possible
Judgo Albright, of Lehigh county, has
docitled at Allcntown that a city ordinance
taxing transient merchants $800 a month is
Tho Alert Firo Company, St. Clair, owning
a steam lire engine in its own right, oilers it
for sale becauso Town Council refuses to pay
tho running oxpenses of the company.
Theodi ,u Eisenhower, of Shenandoah, who
is uuder-entence of death iu tho Schuylkill
county prison" for the killing of William
Schwind , devotes most of his time to rcud
iiig.tho Bible and pmyor.
Daniel Halm and Emanuol Kllnger, who
were'victimsof tho recent explosion of tho
Shamokiji Powder Company's mill, have
institiitid suits for damages to the amount of
$5,000 and $2,000 respectively.
A movement is on foot among somo of
Locust Gap's most prominent, citizens to
organize a company of the National Guard
of Pennsylvania. It is twenty-two years
since Hie Washington Artlllery.of that town,
disbanded, on Apiil 15th, 1875.
Shenandoah Denial Parlor. '
Latest methods of dentistry, good work
manship, moderate prices. Positively teeth
extracted without pain. Eutlro satisfaction
1-S-lm J. D. Bhenn'A!?, D. p. S.
Wndcsilllo's lliiiim,
The P. & n. C. & I. Co. recently sunk a
now shaft at Wadesvillo, near Pot'svillc, and
tho company Is preparing to open up ono of
the most extensive operations in the anthra
cite llold. Several hundred men are em
ployed with three shifts a day of eight hours
each. Itoddo tb nftw t, tol 1 i. ..!.... .i-:
- ...... V......V, n ui.1 lllll,ll
and mun are engaged boring test holes to
prove the vein, while on tho outside tho
foundation fur a pair of .10 by 00 hoisting
engines at tho old shaft and 30 hy 00 hoisting
Hinglnes at the now shaft are bel ne frii-t,.il
A large force of carpenters are at work
tearing down tho old breaker, preparatory to
the erection of a mammoth structure.
Shirt WiiLts,
FiibIiIoh's creations iu ladies shirt waists
has reached a point where it would seem that
nothing more attractive nr.d bountiful could
be produced. Yet wo are adding new lots in
new designs, rolurings and fabrics coutinti.
ally. Fancy lawns and iereales. The newest
patterns, detachable collara, now style
sl.-eves. Fancy Foulard silk waists. Itemem
bar, a skirt or two and a few shirt waists, and
you have an entire new wind robe at a very
Hinted cost.
415-tr K. F. ail.!,.
liitber 1'alr Lover.
I'loin l'ottsville Cbionlcle.
The Philadelphia Times of this morning
aaysCougiessman Ilruinm lias asked the ap
pointment of State Senator Cuyle as Coi-sul
to Brazil or sumo other Soil tli American
country. This doesn't look as though the
Senator was going to be a Congressional
candidate, as was intimated lie would lie.
Probably this is u scheme of Ilrumm'a to get
t oyie out or the way Iu order that he may
himself continue to occupy a Congressional
seat. Or prolwbly Coyle wants to get far
euougii away iroui the wrath ui hu eon
sliuients, who lately have shown a dUpual
tiou to chastise him for certain little iiolltical
To the Ladle.
Many Indies navo availed themselves of
Hit opportunity of seeing the millinery dis
play and the reasonable prices at the new
store uf Miss 11. Kouue, 18 North Main
street. An iuvitutiou fur inspection is
ollciled. -1-1-lm
Sale of School llonds.
Subscriptions will lie received at the office
of the Secretary of the School Hoard, iu the
West street school building, for the sale of
twenty-five thousand (fcS.OOU) dollars worth
of Shenandoah School )islnct bonds. Tlie
bonds Will Ijeardato of April 1, 18UT,and will
run thirty years. Interest four per cent,
payable wml unnii-illy. Denomlhations :
Twenty $100 bonds; twenty fflOO bonds, and
thirty -eight tSOO bouda.
Hy order of the Ilourd,
J. J. Phick, Preaideut.
Attest : Fkank H.tNN.i. Secretary.
f Jewelry Store Kemoveil.
A'. Holdermsn's jewelry store has been re
looted to the newly remndoled store room
atfro. 3J North Main street, between the
Kehlerand Gmighau dry goods stores, where
courteous and liberal treatment will be ex
tended to all old as w II as new customers.
1 ho runefal of tlte two-J-etf-olil tlblltl or
I'dward kautner, of Wasto Ilbuto Hun dan ,
took plane yesterday afternoon.
The remains of Adam Kristnlalt, of Win.
I'enu, who met Irtttaut dftth at the Win
I'i mi colliery Thursday last, vrere Intel red
in the Odd Eellows' ecmeteiy yesterday at
ternodn. Hen lies were held In the German
I. ilhetiin church, Ilev. John Oruhler i Hi
Tl e funeral of I'm Islo IVnnis J Coniiers,
in i v polieeimin of this borough and Islet I
employed as llrcnmn on the P. A I! Itailronil,
in' k phwc tliii morning from the family rcsi
Irnceiit MnliHiioy Plaim. Hcr ices were held
in St. Msry's rhtrrcb at Mnhauoy l'liiuv, ufti r
wlreb die cortege lame to town and wax
lolned iiy the inuiiibers uf the Coltlml la II. iv.
S. i; No I of town, uf which the deceased ,
wm a mumlier. Inti rment was itiniln in the
Aii'iuiiciiition eemctety. The pall bearer. :
I were Michael ' Burk Mlclciel
' H t'lert Bitrdu', Tlionun H.ilny, Daniel (
Swi'oney und llira.un Purcell, fellow rall-
,ronders of the deceived. The Are liell was
ti'i.l as the cortege jnucevded to the
Coroiiei's Imiuest.
Deputy Coroner Mntlley tmd a Jury oti
Satiirdsy night held an itirptntt In tho n of
Adim Kristoliill, known as John Kristo, who
I was killed by a fall of coal iu tho Win. Prim
colliery Inst Thiimlsy morning, when he was
in the act or cleaning out a leg hole iu a
gangway tu place a timber. The Jury ten
dered a verdict of accidental death,
Attiilvtirsary Ilanciitot.
The twelfth anniversary of Lydla Lodge
So. US, Daughters of Kelajkah. I. O. O. F.,
will bo celebrated at the Ferguson House to
morrow evening. There will be a banquet,
followed by a musical and literary entertain
ment, and all members are invited to attend.
And liowers, the Hand of America, Cali
fornia. Via tlie truo pathway, "Tho Iron Mountain
ItcHile," which traverses a region of perpetual
sunshine, where snow storm'), blhtzards or
high altitudes are unknown. Pullman first
and second class palaco and tourist sleeping
pars to pulnts in Missouri, Arkansas, Texas,
Old and New Mexico, Arizona, California,
Oregon, Washington, Nebraska, Utah and
Nevada, without change. Quick tlmo, low
rates, and all tho comforts of modern railway
improvements guaranteed to all who pur
chase tickets via tho Missouri Pacific railway
ystem. For rates right from your homo,
literature, and full information, drop a postal
card, .1. P. McCann, T. P., Agent, 519 Kail
road avenuo, Elmira, N." Y., or 391 Broad
way, New York.
J-3-tf W. K Hoyt, O. E. P. Agt.
17 North Main Street.
With a full line of Ladies',
Gents', Misses', Youth's and Chil
dren's Shoes.
We call special attention
to our large line of Ladies'
Shoes in Dongola and Rus
sets, all styles and sizes.
Which has been re
moved to
112 North Main St.
Evan J. Davies,
Undertaking I
13 N. Jardin Street.
For all Diuou j and Nssvous
Disbasei. j bey punly the
IIiood and give Heaitiiv
,c ion to tbe entire svitcm.
hub n mm
tm juim tm flstf w hi
Largest package greatest economy.
St. Louis,
A4 so msmsm2Siz&
I iH?nf llTRr.Y RllJBliJVrPn t rn m.yraMof comHrnllon. rr.'rarsts nrsliiil
I "vm.v iuui uuniinuili.iu u,r, BPirr arlu.0r! romo cutj rnlimd rc'ills. -?
pics,! hmklrtfrsr. a. sn ttl.ivt! I'.OFM tu.. Cbliairc. ttontrrnl. ( n..orcn Vrk.
221-240 North limerick Street,
I have mada a general reductio'ii
to do so until May 29th.
V fir
We offer two assortments of
glassware for 5 ana 10 cents
that cannot be beat any where
for the money in town.
Meluskey & Son,
105 S. Main St.
To her numerous rlem!
Miss Sallie Senior
xxx North Main Street,
Has returned front the citv with the
finest selection of Indies'' Millinery
Enstcr Opening on
"-Friday, April. cfth.
on fliinuii'i,
Op Port Oahhok,
Sulijrct to Itsiuililloun rules. '
pon siimtipp,
Op Qhwiosswim),
Huhjoct to niiblfoiiu rulos.
The liolilcr of SO ConpoHS of tlm
HERALD la cutllltxl to n flrat-cliuu lit.-sin-,
rn-H-linml Watsr Color Frtralt
worth $15.00, imuld froii any illsthua
iiliiiti.Kr.iih, liy imyliuj 88 oents hi m
lliikir's stutllo, a 8 W tVuIn- ntrtit,
Hlu-iuiiuliHih. Ph.
Send photograph In Immediately
and have coupons ready upon re-
Sfc 111 1 m ,
A Handsomo Comploxion
is one of the Greatest charms a woman can
possess. Poxioni's Couixkxion Powdku
accomplished quicklyaud i
t- 4sAsl-ff O !. i
i i
Manufacturer of
Of all descriptions at lowest rates.
!ufl80K Ounces and will continue
They liave arrived here
nttd are now on exhibi
tion at our sales stables,
cor. Main ami Conl streets.
Our Public Sale takes place
fit the Commercial Hotel
AT 1 P. M.
P. S.-This lot will not bo a
Western one, but all from Penn-
aylvania, and will be fit to work
t. me same day wnea ionelit. No
more d infer to bay horses which
will cct sick from the climate.
Vr AN ri-.n. A (rood girl to do general house
! I work, with (tooil rpferenee. Apply to
J. O. Phlllljis, 13 North Main street, 8hcnnn
iloah, P11. 4-15-tf
I ?IO SAI.K. Street sprinkler in Rood eonill
J lion, will lie sold for30. Apply toTrustoes.
Columbia Host 0.1 , Sliennndoali, l"n. 4-10-tf
IfOlt SAI.H. -Store property nt llnrnesvllU,.
V l' ItU sto. k. Mild on BOoount of ilenth
In family Kiisy terms on projieily. Inquire ol
I)r. Kooler, lternesvUle, Schuylkill county,
Paiiua. l-13-2
OltPHANS' C'OUItT 8AI.1.-Pursuant to an
order of the Orphans' Coutt of the county
of Schuylkill thu subscriber, administratrix of
thu estate of Henry lllew. late of ltyon town
ship, Schuylkill county, deceased,
tos.ilehy puhllo M-ndiic on Saturday, the 1st
lay of May, lsW, nt I o'clock In the afternoon,
on tho premises, the following described real
estate: All that certain lot, tenement and piece
of ground situate In the township of ltyun,
Schuylkill county, state of l'cnim Hum
hounded uml ilekcrllied as follows: lloulnnuiK
atapoKt liy laud, now or late of O. Kline
thence sniltlllili0 west ISpurches to npnst, tin net
by land now or lute of KlliiKi-niiau south 17 ,
west 1 perches to a post In a public road; thence
along said rouil liolth (11 cost 111 perches to a
post III said road; thence by other land of said
Henry lllew, deceased, south 27 east 17 pcrehi k
to the place of beginning continuing ! uercsuud
3 erehes strict measure.
Also ail that certain messuage or tract of land
bltuato in said township described as follow m:
lleginntng at a stone corner of land now or tato
of David Klingeruiall, line of other land of the
said Henry lllew, deceased, theuco by land late
ot Joel O. Lance, south 10 east 170 perches to
a post; thenoo by land now or late of Jamc
ItusHol), north teatU44 perches to n lieinloek;
llienoe by other lands nf said Henry lllew,
deceased, north 17 west 28 perches to a post,
thence by other land of wild Henry lllew,
deoeOMHl, north 01 east 16 peichc to a post;
thence by other lands of said Henry ltlcw,
decwiaed, north 'Of west IU7 K-10 perches to the
place of beginning containing 11 acres and 80
lurches strict measure.
Also all ttmt messuage or piece of laud hltualo
In said township described as follows: liegl li
ning at a iiost ami stone, thenoe by other land or
the said Henry lllew, di ceased, south east
28 8S-101 perches to a post; thence by other land
of the said Henry lllew, deceased, north 71
cast ao peralies and 4-100 to a hemlock stump or
nine nearly in the middle ot a sawmill dam;
thence hy same north 15 west 85 6-100 ierclie
to a stone; thence by lands now or lute of Hiram
Rlew, south 10 west 2t 88-100 perches to the
place of beginning, oontaiiiliig 8 acres and (h
G 'robes, moce or lew, the said three piece- of
lid lying and lielng ad Jacent to each other and
together forming a piece of land containing lu
acres and 138pcrctios, more or b .
THUMB OP SAl.Ki Twenty-flve per cent, of
the purchase money down ami balance on con
firmation of sale and dclivorv of deed. !t
uuUudcr or oondltioiiH to he inude know u on
day of sale.
t'ATHAltlNK 1I1.KW,
, . .. , . Administratrix.
By order of tbe Orphans' Court.
T, P. O. Hkmsk, Ct,rk.
Poltsville, 'Moreh Htb, 1BD7. 1-ltSt-oaw
Ourexl by this granular effervesoeut and stimu
lant. An Instant cure for sour stomaclis ami
headaolies, which often aesumiilate from having
a night nut.
17 and 19 Peach Alley, Slieu
A genuine welcome waits you at
Cor. ruin and Coal SU.
Flmwt whiskeys, beers porter and ale
i eoristautly on tap. OUolcv einiierauoe drlntr
and olgars. ,
s. '