The evening herald. (Shenandoah, Pa.) 1891-1966, April 16, 1897, Image 3

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    '"-wmnr "Hi nspjMnHjwi"
1 ,, ,- ... mmr - ..... , - n.-- - J 1
A System Builder
Is needed by cvcryoifc .fit this
season of the year. The lack
of energy, mid depressed, Hit
less feeling which takes pos
session of the system every
Spring is entiled by S slug-
isiir impure condition- or tnc
lood. The blood needs
cleansing and purifying so
that tha unplcasarit .effects of
Spring will be obviated. A
few bottles of S. Si S.
will prove the best system
guilder to be found. -It will
purify the blood, give tone to
the stomach, renew the appe
tite, and add strength find
vigor to the entire body. Be
ing purely vegetable it is the
best tonic on the market, as it
is the only blood remedy
guaranteed to contain no ar
senic, potash, mercury or other
mineral ingredient. Every
bodyknow how injurious
these drugs are
to the digestive
organs. Insist
on S. S. S.
There is Nothing Half as Good!
fh teli cuter' Knell ib Diamond It rand.
Orifilnul and Onlj Genuine.
tyyoxen, nnWJ with blao ribbon. Toko
iTnn nfliiM-. Itrftua danatrouM tubtttiu
ftlon and imitatUmM. At lirugguti, or lend 4e
in et&inps for vnttlonWri, tcstlnnmUla r .
"Its-llef For I,nllf.w letter, by return
If JJH11. ll'tUUII imiiniwniiiB. .inm I uyzj.
ioli b til fV rujLiit. l'hiltVv. I'm.
A tti. Tuns Ann mivw WOMAN'S RELIEF.
AlRTtiromntind rclltbla. AvoUt Imitations.
AtdruiF itorei. orscnt direct fipftled). nrlc. tl.
Catom Bpko. Co., Boaton, M&m. Our tKKk, 4c
For sale nt P. P. P. Kirlln'a drug store and
Slicnandonli drug store.
Grocers can tell
you why those
for it. You can't
keep on selling a
poor thing to the
sauic people.
saved by
using Seel-
, itj'S because you
lean buy cheap
f coffee ond jimke
: delicious bv n
Llittlc 01 this admixture
ory. Irapotency.SieepleRsnefiB! etc , caused
by Atfuseanrt other iSxceasoa and Inals-
They quickly anti uret
restore Lost Vitality In old
u ur jo
W3 or 1
oryouiiff, ani
fit n man for study, business or mm ringp.
tannin time. Their nw b1io3 lnimeiHnte improve-
tvenc jnaanir
and Consumption if
neat and effects a CUllE whero all ethers tail.
eUtupon ho-Tfntj tha pcnulno AJax Tablets. They
have cured thousands nnrt will cure yoo. Ne kito a
positive written guarantee to effect a cure In each case
or refund tha money. Price CO cent per nackaae, or
eix p.icitases (tun treatment) lor $zw. ur mnii,m
llnin wrapper, upon receipt of price. Circular free.
For sale In Shenandoah, Pa., by A. Wnslcy
and 8. 1'. Klrliii, DriieKlxta.
eix packasBs (full treatment! for Ur
"Will Yen be Cured of Your Infirmity?'
If an. Its certainly worth while, to try the
"They do the Work"
nsrsiA, cnoup, coxstiimtjon,
Vonkers, N. Y.
013 Tiim 604NortrsHi7st:
llUllliKl in VUAWIVIZ (8 jean) and a
Ycura HojtDttal Uxnerlenceln erntmir.
Permanently cured utlcr cTerr one eliio but lulled.
6end Ave 3-cent stamps for book Trntfli. TbQ ooly
. pure of Quacks iintler sworn testimonials.
-Q 8. l'lJILLII'S, M. D.
Onico: 30 West Centre att eet.
Can bo conaultrd at all hours;
Ofllee Itnn building:, oernar of Main od
Centre street. Shenandoah.
H. P01IKK0Y.
Shenandoah, Pa.
Corner Uarket and Centre strMta,
Iock Box 08, Mahanoy City, I'a.
ITnvInp; studied under soma of tho bei
masters u1 London ond Paris, will give leMaoni
on the violin, mandolin, suitarand vocal oullure.
Term, reasonable. Address In fare of 8trou.
the Jsweler. Shenanduah.
Teams to Hire.
ff c u want to hire a aftfo and tellable
wiii for driving or for working purposes
pay Shield' llory tai,le u viait. Tearae
constantly on hand at rtswonable rat
No. 410 Bast Centre street.
Opposite KeadliiK railroad station.
Wanted-An Idea
Who oan think
of some simple
thing to Patau tf
nv vtui WAAllh
Protect your Ideas; tber may
Writs JOHN WKDDEHDUKN ft CO., Patent Attor
neys. Washington, D. C.. for tbelr Sl.SUO prise oCer
sod list of two hundred inventions; wanted.
Swifts : -'
ft J
IB fca
X .a
VioMufg (MIS On tljp OVOrnmont
' to Loan irate",'
ron sheltehino 2,000 people.
Tlioro Aro Already l,GOO 1'lood Vlo
tlnm In That City Alono, "While In
Uollvnr County Tlioro Aro 33,000.
Tho Missouri Morgoa Wltli I.altos.
VlcgaVurg, MIbs., April 10. The pres
ence of at lSast 1,500 flood refutrees In
tho ,clty, and tho Btrong probability
that there would be more, moved" the
nltv nntllnrltlftn nml tha nnmnmrlfil
bodiea yesterday, to deilde on a oours
of action. Accordingly the mayor call
ed a meeting, which was attended Uy
repreeentatlvea of the city council, the
board of trade and the Cotton Ex
change, which choSe Mayor Trowbridge
chairman, and organize! for the sys
tematic relief of the needy by appoint
ing committees and sending a request,
through Governor Mcl.aurln, t6 Wash
ington for tents to shelter 2,000 persons.
The Bteamer Florence arrived last
nlgHt from Davln Island with another
large batch of refugees, There tire re
ports nf additional loss qf life on parts
of the Island not yet visited by the re
lief boats, so far S heard from, but as
yet but one death by drowning Is au
thenticated. The situation between Vleksburg
ana New Orleans Is causing the great
est apprehension. The river continues
to rise In the Louisiana levee district,
and weak spots In the levee are being
strengthened and watched day and
O. C. Stubblefleld, correspondent of
the agricultural department of tho
United States government at Indolo,
Miss,, says thp suffering In Sunflower
county, which forms part of the delta,
has been greatly alleviated, and that
much of the county now Is Qry, Farm?
era are busy plowing and planting pot?
ton, and If matters grow no worse thqt
county will not require any assistance
from the government.
Statistics of the number of flood auf.
ferers In Bolivar county, hwe been
compiled by a committee .appointed to
look after the distribution of the gov
ernment provisions. They show 22.000
people who are now or soon will havs
to be fed by charity, In addition to
3,000 head of live stock.
The" water at Rosedale has not re
ceded. ,The first train that has i
tered Clarksdale for many davs has
arrived there. Trains are also being
run from Clarksdale to MInter City and
PllUUp, and from Lulu to. Jonestown.
At Greenville JJje river remains station
ary, the gauge readlpg 44,6 feet. The
weather throughout the delta Is-pleaj
and pleasant. The river reports tit
Greenville for the last three days hav
given the people no hope.
A dispatch from Omaha, Neb., says:
Tho flood situation ls'grave. All night
torrents coured from the Missouri
across the North Omaha gardens Into
Florence and Cutoff lakes. The former
hap lost ts Identitv In the general
flood, and tho latter may argon. It la
seven feet higher than It was on Tues
day morning, and is surely pyt.tjng
away the dykes that hold It back from
sweeping to Join the Missouri and turn
the long abandoned course of that
stream again into use.
At Rosedale, Miss., the water U sta
tionary. Another drowning occurred
near there yesterday. Mary Robinson,
a. colored clrl, was returning from a
Visit to her sister in a canoe when the
fra)l craft sank In eight feet of water.
This makes the sixth victim claimed
by the flood In two weeks n that vi
cinity. The body pf Charley Claxton.
who was drowned on the ?'? nst., hag
been recovered.
Something to Depend Cn.
Mr. James Jones, of the drug firm of Jones
& Son Cowden, 111., in spoiklug of Dr. King's
New Discovery, says that last winter his wife
was attacked with La Grippe, and her case
grew so serious that physicians at Cowden
and Pana could do nothing for her. It seemed
to devolop into Hasty Consumption. Having
Dr. King's Now Discovery in storo, and sell
ing lots of it, he took a bottle home, and to
the surprise of all sho began to get bettor
from first dose, and half a dozen dollar bot
tle&xured her sound and well. Dr. King's
New Discovery for Consumption, Coughs and
Colds is guaranteed to do this good work.
Try it. - Free trial battles at A, Wasley's
drug st'-ro.
The National Heiiate confirmed James
B. Angell aB minister to Turkey.
h'lre In New Orleans yesterday der
stioyed 5400,000 worth of property. ,
President McKJnley has under con
sideration the question of reorganizing
the Dawes Indian commission.
The agricultural department has ask
ed the co-operation of Tennessee and
Iowa In the extemlnatlorr'ofhpg cholera,
Oregon salmon men are anxious oyer
the eastern salmon market, which
threatens the Columbia river canning
industry with demoralization.
A Household Necessity.
Cascarets Candy Cathartic, the most won
derful medical discovery of the ate. nleasaut
and refreshing to tho taste, act gently and
positively on kidneys, Hver and bowels,
cleansing the entire system, dispel colds, cure
headache, fever, habitual constipation and
biliousness, Please buy and try a box of
C. O. O. to-day j ,10, 25, 50 tents. Sold and
guaranteed to cure by all druggists.
I'oll l'rom it C'httfoli lower to Death.
St. Marie Salome Quebec, April 16.
While three men were engaged In re
pairing the bell tower of the Roman
Catholic church the scaffolding broke
nnd they were thrown to the ground,
a distance of some 70 feet. Trepanler
Bt. Benolt was dead when picked up
and the two others, named Valllan
court and Chenler, were fatally hurt
There Is n Class of People
Who are Injured by the nee nf coffee,
Jiecently there has been placed in all the
jtsrocery stores a new preparation oaueu
TTSRAIN-0, made of pure grains, that takes
the place of coffee. Tho most delicate
stomach receives it without distress, aud but
few can tell it from coffee. It does not cost
over 1 us muah. Children may drink it with
great benefit. 15 cU. and SR cts. per package.
Try It. Ask for GRAIN-O.
1'lnwl t'ofliiiportlim Confront Labor,
St. Louie, April 16. The St. Louie
Dairy company liae been found guilty
In' the United States district court of
having Imported contract labor, and
will have to pay $1,000, the penalty pro
vided by law. jrhe company contracted
with Edward T. Nulle, then a resident
of Worcester, Kngland, to come to St.
Louis and engage In Its service.
Wlp n the spring time comes, "gentle An
nie," like all other Musible persons, will
cleanse the liver nnd renovates the system
with DeWitt's Little Karly lilwrs, famous
little pills for the liver aud stomach all the
year louiui. u. it. uagentiuoli.
When you want good roofing, plumbing
gas fitting, or jeneral tlnsmithlng done call
on a. j? . uallagher 18 West Centre street
Dealer ir stcroe l-tf
But the Trumpet's Clarion Note
Sounded by a Scranton Citizen.
At Unit only the faintest echo reached to
the coal regions. It eume In the onward
march through the b(5Tb awakening echoes
of good cheer to many of each triumphal
step. Now 'til hero, and tho trumpets notes
of truth are dally sounded and doubt remains
no more. This lithe 'tis In Scranton, tho
bustling cry of miners. At 1120 Marlon
street resides Mrs. J. Kilt nnd her evidence Is
added to that of many anotliers in this region.
This is how she tells it I "After being
troubled six years with klduoy disorders, I
ono day noticed an advertisement of Dean's
Kidney Tills. My best efforts to get rid of
my troublo had failed but I determined to
try once more, and got a box of pills at
Matthews Ilros. drug store, and I am Indeed
glad of this dotormluttton, for Doan's
Kidney Pills are all that is claimed for them.
They are easy to take and ioavo uo dieagreo
able after effect. My affection varlod some
times, worse than others, but I have novor
been free from the trouble in all tlisso yoors.
Tho warm weather sccmod to aflbct me worse,
and during that season the passage of tirlno
was accompanied by severe pain. I had
considerable pain in my back at night, and
upon rising in the morning my limbs and
back were still'. I had stomach trouble, too,
but that together with all the other ailments
has vanished. I have told my friends about
tho great good Doan's Kidney Pills havodoue
me, and I shall always praise them and use
them myself when necessary, although I
have no need of tlicni at tho present. Three
boxes of Doan's Kidney Pills havo made me
feel strong and woll." '
For ealo by all dealers. Price 00 cents.
Mailed by Foster-Mllburn Co., Buffalo, N. Y.
Solo agents for the U. S.
Ketlncetl Itatea to New York.
For the dedication of tho Grant Monu
mental Tomb, April 27, tho Pennsylvania
Railroad Company will sell oxcursion tlckots
to Nevr York to the general public from all
points oq Its lne, exclusive of Pittsburg nnd
Erie proper, en April SO. md from Altoona
ana wiiiiaingpoif ana tntormeuiafo points,
and stations on other dvllpns wH'n 0110
hundred and fifty mijca of New York, on
April SO, ami for trains reaching New York
before noon on April 27, at rale of single faro
for tho round trip (no Jes? rafp than $100),
good to return until April 20. inclusive.
Tlckots for military and other organisations
in uiuiorm, numbering twenvy-tlve or moro,
traveling in a body on ono ticket, will be
sold on B.imo dates, from points not less than
twenty-five miles from New York, a, a
further reduction. For specific rates apply
to ticket agents.
The parade on this occasion will bo the
grandest military demonstration sinco the
war. Thousands of veterans, United Statos
regHlare, and state militiamen will be in line.
Don't Tobacco Spit and Smoke Your Life
If you want to quit tobacco using easily
and forever, bo made well, strong, magnetic,
full of new life anil vigor, take No-To-Bac,
tho wonder-worker that makes weak men
strong. Many gain ten pounds in ten days.
Over 400,000 cured. Buy No-To-Bao from
your own druggist, who will guaranteo a
euro. 50o or 51.00. Booklet and sample
mailed free. Ad. Sterling Remedy Co.,
Chicago or New York.
Coming Invents.
May 30. Ico cream and strawborry festival
in Bobbins' opera liousa, under tho auspices
of tho societies of Trinity Reformed church.
During tho winter of 1893, F. M. Martin,
of Long Reach, West Va., contracted a severe
cold which left him with a cough. In
speaking of how he cured it ho says : "I
used several kinds of cough syrup but found
no relief until X bought a bpt(Ip pf Cham,
berlalu's Cough Remedy, which relieved me
almost Instantly, and in a short time brought
about a complete euro." When troubled
with a cough or cold uso this remedy and you
will not find It necessary to try soveral kinds
before you get relief. It has been in tho
market for over twenty .years and constantly
grown in favor and popularity. For sale at
35 and DO cents por bottle by Gruhler Bros.,
drug lsts,
Mrs. NoIiIom (Jots n Stny.
Washington, April 10. 'Judge Harlan
allowed a writ of error yesterday In
the case of Elizabeth Nobles, of Geor
gia, who Is under sentence of death on
the charge of murder, and was to have
been hanged today. It was represented
by Mrs. Nobles' counsel that she Is in
gane. The allowance of the writ will
operate a stay of proceedings, and
will Insure postponement of 'the execu
tion. Iliad severe attacks of gravel and kidney
trouble; and'" unable to get a medicine or
doctor to cure me until, I used Hop Blttors,
and tUoy cured me in a short time. A
N. Y.
Colorless and Cold. A young girl
deeply regretted that she was so colorless and
and cold, iter faco was too whito, and hor
bands and .feet felt as" though the blood did
not circulate After one bottlo of Ifop
Bitters had Jiecn taken she was the rosiest
and healthoat girl in tho town, with 5
vivacity awl gheerfiilnoss of mind gratifying
other friorlds.
Ionl)t (if it JltfHSInn Jlnron.
Helena, Mont., April 16. Baron Vpn
Grotheus, ft Russian nobleman . and
lieutenant In the czar's guard, who
settled In Montana in 1SS6, died yester
day at Clark's Ranch, In Teton county.
He was Well known Ij) Washington
and New York society. His body will
be sept to St. Petersburg.
An Affidavit.
This is to certify that on May 11th, I
walked to Melick's drug store on n pair of
crutches and bought a bottlo of Chamber
lain's Pain Balm for infUmtuatory Theuma
tism which had crippled 1U After Using
three bottles I am completely cured. I can
cheerfully jeeoninieud U. Cha.rla jj. Wet
zel, bununry, pa,
Sworn and gubseribed v to Ixifore me on
August 10,, jaiL-Walter Shlpman,, J., P.
For sale at SO cents per' bottlo by fjruhler
Bros., drug store.
Stole the Ijxaiq.'nitliiii .''iipei-w.
New York, April 1C Four men
charged with burglary In the third de
gree were lockea up In police bead-
quarters lart evening. The real charge
against thern te having secured In one
way or another copies of examination
papers containing questions to be staked
of applicants tor the police force. The
prisoners are E. J. Rellly, a clerk;
Peter J. O'DonnelL.a car driver; Peter
V. Murphy, a laborer, and Patrlok Cat
lahan, a stableman. The alleged of
fense was oommltted last Sunday:
Thirty years Is a long time to fight so
pain 1 11 1 a trouuic as piles, nut Jacob Mitchell,
01 unionviiie, 1 .1.. struggled mac long lie
fore lie tried DeWitt's Witch Uuzel Salve,
which miickly and nermaneutlv cured him
It is equally effective In ec.oma und all skin
uUectiuus. C. 11. llageubuch.
A Pleasant, Simple, but rate and Effectual
Ours for It.
Catarrh of the stomach has long been con
sidered the next thing to Incurable. The
usual symptoms are a full or bloating sensa
tion after rating, nccompsnrnd sometimes
with sour or watery risings, a formation of
gases, causing pressure on tho heart and
lungs antl difficult breathing; headaches,
flckUi appetite, nervousness and a general
played out, languid feeling.
There Is ofteu a foul taste in the mouth,
coated loiimfo nnd If the. interior of the
stomach court! be seen It would show a
slimy, inflamed condition.
Tlie cure for this common and obstinate
trouble Is found In a treatment which causes
the food to be readily, thoroughly digested
before It has time to ferment and Irritate the
delicate mucous surfaces of tlie stomach.
To secure a prompt and healthy digestion
Is the one necessary thing to do and when
normal digestion Is secured the catarrhal
condition will havo disappeared.
According to Dr. JIarlanson tho safest
and best treatment is to use after each meal
a tablet, composed of Diastase, Aseptic
Pepsin, a little Nux, Golden Seal nnd fruit
acds. These tablets can now be found at all
drug stores tinder the name of Stuart's
Dyspepsia Tablets nnd not 'being a patent
medicine can be used with perfect safety
and nsstirance that healthy appetite and
thorough digestloc will follow their regular
use after meals.
Mr, N. ,f. Booher of 8710 Dearborn St.,
Chicago, ill., wrlteei "Ottirrh Is a local
condition resulting from a neglected cold In
tho head, whereby tho lining membrane of
tho now becomes Inflamed and the poison
ous discharge therefrom passing backward
Into tho throat reaches the stomach, thus
producing cattarrh of the stomach. Medical
authorities prescribed for me for three years
for catarrh of stomach without euro, bnt to
day I am tho happiest of men nftcr ulng
only one box of Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets.
I cannot find appropriate words to. express
my good feeling. I have found flesh, ap
petite aud sound rest from their use.
Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets is tho safest
preparation as well as tho simplest and most
convenient remedy for any form of illdlgi s
tlon, catarrh of stomach, biliousness,, sour
stomach, heartburn and bloating aflor
Send fop HtUo book, mailed free on sic pi
nch troubles, by addressing Btpnrt Co.,
Marshall, Ulioli. "Tho tnblets can bo found
at all drug- 6torei.
No. 1 Cures Fever.
No. 2 ' Worms.
No. 3 " Infants' Diseases.
No. 4 u Diarrhea.
No. 8 " Neuralgia.
No. 0 Cures- Headache.
No. IO " Dyspepsia.
No. 11 " Delayed Periods.
No. 12 " Leuchorrea.
No. 14 " Skin Diseases.
No. IB Cures Rheumatism.
No. 10 " Malaria.
No. 20 " Whooping Cough
No. 27 " Kidney Diseases.
No. SO " Urinary Diseases
No. 77 " Colds and Grip.
Sold by Druggists, or sent prepaid on
receipt of price, 25c, or 5 for $1.
Dn. HuurnnETs' Homeopahho Mahuax.
of Diseases Mailed Free.
Humphreys' Med. Co., Ill WiUlam St.,N.Y.
For ealo nt iPovInsky's drug store, 2S East
e nire street
Cheapest, Because the Dest 5
Send for that little hnok. "inrnnf
Health:" trreat valuo to mothers. Sent
iree. j
' M. Y. f!nndfnsed Milk On rJ
ft 71 Hudson Street, flew Tork ft
Cures general or special debility, wakeful
ness, apermatorhaea, emissions, Impotency,
paresis, etc, Corrects functional disorders,
caused by criou or ejtcesses, tiuickly restoiloi
Lost Manhood In old or young, giving vigor and
strength where former weakness prevailed. Con
venient package, simple, effectual, and legitimate.
Den t it JtctnJ iy mttaltaxtt Insist en
CATON'S Vitalize. Sent sealed II your drug,
gist doe not have it. Price $ I per pkge, 6 for 95,
wltb written guarantee of complete cure.
Information, relercnces, etc., free and conndenUaL
Send us statement of case and 25 cts. for a week's
trial treatment. One only sent to each person.''
Por sale at P. P. D, Kirlln's drug storo and
tJlienapflooh drug s.tore,
Lager and
Pilsner Beers,
Purest and
Chris. Schmidt, a.,
West Coal Street.
millions of Dollars
Go up in smoke every year. Tako in
risks but get your houses, slock, fui.
( nlturo, etc., Insured iu flret-elnss re
liable companies as represented by
Alao Llfo and Accidental Companl esf
Proposed Changes by Senators b
the Dingley Bill Hates.
Senator Quay "WmitA Cnrpet nnd Mat
tings Woll Provided Por, nnrt Senntor
PerkltiH Wants the Duties IIiiIhoiI on
1'rult Product,
Washington, April 16. The Ttepubll
can sub-committee of the senate com
mittee on finance held an all day ses
sion at the capltol yesterday to afford j
an .opportunity to other senators to
make suggestions on the tariff bill.
Among the senators who called and
had conferences with the committee
were Messrs. Quay, Sewell, Elklns,
Wellington, Perkins, Slioup, Prltchard,
Baker and Harris, of Kansas. Sena
tor Piatt, of New York, also spent some
time with the committee, but he ap
peared to be a listener rather than a
participant In the proceedings.
Senator Quay had only a brief con
ference, and devoted himself especially
to the rates on carpets and matting,
ppon which he urged a rate of duty
Which would insure protection to the
Industries of this country against the
products of China and Japan.
Senator Perkins was given an ex
tended hearing on the fruit schedule,
He presented the committee with sam--
pies or notn California ana foreign
currants and raisins, and asked for an
increase of the rate on Zante currants,
bringing it up to 214 cents per pound.
He also suggested a duty of 1 cent a
pound on oranges and lemons, instead
of three-quarters of a cent, as fixed
by the Dingley bill.
It was suggested to Mr. Perkins by
Home of the members of the committee
that the fruit schedule had already
been attacked because of rates charged
to he high, but the California senator
contended for thorough protection. Mr.
Perkins suggested a substitute sched
ule on beet sugar providing for a duty
pf 1 cent a pound on sugar testing 70
py the polarlscope, and Increasing to
H cents for the 00 per cent test. The
committee promised to give this mat
ter due attention, but gave no further
Indication of the probable result of its
A more pronouncedly favorable re
ception was given to a suggestion for
a drawback duty on Imported tin cans
In which fruits nnd salmon are ex
ported. This suggestion appeared to
meet with favor.
Senator Sewell's suggestions pertain
ed to almost the entire list of New
Jersey manufactures, and he filed
briefs bearing upon all of them. He
suggested modifications of the chem
ical schedule. He also presented re
quest of the silk manufacturers for a
uniform B0 per cent ad valorem duty,
and of the pottery makers for a com
pound duty on pottery products, The
latter complain that ad valorem duties
permit ruinous undervaluations, while
the silk men say that the 50 per cent
rate which they enjoyed prior to tho
enactment of the Wilson law was en
tirely satisfactory.
Senators Baker and Harris asked for
a duty of $2 per ton on gypsum, and
for a decrease of the duty proposed
pu Mexican cattle. They represented
that there were Immense beds of gyp
sum In the west, sufilclont to supply
the wants of the entire country. With
reference to cattle Importations, they
represented that the cattle were need
eu" to tonsume the grass crop of the
west, and that It was more economical
to move the cattle than the grass.
Senators Elklns and Wellington both
appeared In support of the Dingley
rate on coal, which there Is an effort
to have reduced.
During the day a number of the Ke
publlcan senators from the lnter
mountaln states met to agree upon a
plan of co-operation. They reached no
definite conclusion except to stand to
gether in their demands on wool, hides,
cat'lo, lead, ow and, other Iiocky
Mountain prcduits.
Uucklen's Arnica Salve.
Tho beet salve in the world for cuts,
bruises, sores, ulcers, salt rheum, fever sores,
t.n.n.l .A- nl.llUlnt. .1
all skin eruptions, and positively cures piles,
or jo pay roqulred. It fs guaranteed to give
porfect satisfaction or mony refunded. Price
25 cents per box. For sale by A. Wasloy.
Mm. VniuIiTlillt'H Will.
New York, April 10. The appraiser
of the estate of Maria Louise Vander
bilt, wife of William II. Vanderbllt,
filed his report with the surrogate yes
terday. The "value of the personal
property Is found, after deducting ex
penses and paying certain debts, to be
$025,478. Under the will of her husband
Mrs. Vanderbllt was allowed to dispose
of tho Bum of J500,000, whioh the ap
praiser finds Is not taxable. Under her
will she gave $250,000 to St. Bartholo
mew's church,
Why suffer with Couchs. Colda nnd "Li
Grippe when Laxative Brmno Quinine will
cure you in ono day. Put up in tablets con
venlontfor taking. Guaranteed tocuie, or
money refunded. Price, 25 cents, "or sale
by Kirlln's Pharmacy.
Tito Demi l'nlluro Iiiventltrntlon;
New York, April 10. Assistant Dis
trict Attorney Allen has not conoluded
his examination Into the failure of the
E. S. Dean company. He said today
that It was hard to get witnesses who
had paid money to the company. They
had done their business through agents
chiefly. There is one man In Missis
sippi who charges that he lost $500,
and he says he Is willing to come here
and make complaint. .
KlieuinatlHiii Cured iu a Iay.
"M.vstio Cure" for Rheumatism and Nell
ralsda radically cures in 1 to 3 thtys. Its
action upon the system is remarkable and
mysterious. It removes at ones the cause and
the disease immediately .disappears. The
nntl, nose gmtviy oeueuw.
T. P. Anthony. ex-Posti natter of Promise
City, lows, says: "I bought one bottle of
juytuc cure .lur lfiieuuiatttm, and two noses
ot 11 mn me more good than any medicate 1
ever took." 75 cents.
Sold by C II. Ilagenbuoh, druggist, Shen-
SpHlilinyr a.u.ih ah .v ..u;iimnt.
Chicago, April 16. Charles' W. Spald
Ing. ex-presldent of the Globe Ravings
bank and ex-trcasun-r of the Univer
sity of Illinois, has made a voluntary
assignment to the univorslty trustees
of realty And bond securities approxi
mating 1400.000. Criminal proceedings
are now to be brought against the for
mer treasurer by the trustees unless
they can be Indemnified for the money
and bonds used by Bpaldlng.
It will be an agreeable surprise to persona
subject to attacks of bilious colic to learn that
prompt relief may be had by taking Cham
berlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Kaui
edy. In many instances the attack may lie
prevented by taking this remedy as soon as
the Drat symptoms of the disease appear. 25
aud 50 ciut bodies for hale by (imhlcr lirim.,
"V. '-IV 1 1
St. Louis, New York, Boston, Philadelphia.
m p
Dyspepsia, Malaria, Siseptessnsss
nervous iieaaacne, Biliousness,
Kidney Diseases, General Debility, Etc.
Ash your DruggM to get them
through his Jobber, or scud
a Postal Card to
f If tf lleaMlf?)!
'old by P. P. D. KIRLIN, Shenandoah, Pa.
1 25 50
nuuuuuiQlil UUftUaiULDi; ,. nrr
pic and booklet fe. Ad. STI HUM, i'MIfin
-ztiii tiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiitiiiiiiirtiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii!iiiiiiiitii!it;n 1
FOR 3-t.Tj3n KViini-WK sr.c.
For Sale by P. P. D.
Pei7i)a. Railroad.
jANUAny IS, 1897.
Trains will leave Hhonnndonh nfter tha -istinv.
date for Wlssnns, Ollberton. Fraekvllis, Dar,
Water, St. Clair, Pottaville. Hamburg, Iteadln
Pottstoivn, Phoenlxvllle, Norrlstown and Phil
adclphia (tlroad street station) at 6 us and 1100
a. m. and 4 20 p. m. on week dny. For Pott.
vine Dim interniouinie stations v 17 a. m.
For Wlggnns, Gllberton, Fraekvllle, Dan
tvuier, bs. mmr, j'oitsviuc, as o us, y 43 0. m. an,
8 10 p.m. For Hamburg-, Heading, Pottatowo
Phoenlxvllle, Norrlstown, Philadelphia atOis
T M . 111., O IV 1). IU.
Trains leave Fraekvllle for Shenandoah ai
Sunday, 11 13 a. m. mid s'll p. m.
.L.uitvu x-utuiviuu ior fuenanuoan at 10 u
a. m. and 12:05, 5 15, 7 25 aud 10 30 n. 10. Sunda
in An n k , . ...
T l,,.nl..l.l".. f'n 1-1 .
w.o . ,t.uciii, viutm street HfttlDm, 10
Shenandoah at 5 57 and 8 35 n. m., 4 10 and T 1
p. ui. wws uhvb. emnuaya leave At SWA. m.
Leave Ilroad street station, Philadelphia, to
Sea Qlrt, Asbury Park, Ocean drove, Lon,
Urnnch, and Intermediate stations, S.iO 11.11
a. m., 3.30 and 4.00 p. in. week-days.
IC press, week-days, 3 30, 4 On, 4 50 5 13, 6 50,
T 38, 8 X, 8 38, 9 50, 10 21 (Dining- Car), 11 00 a. 111.
13 00 noon. ,2 85 (Limited 100 and 4 21 n 1,,.
Dining Oar), 1 40, 380 (Dining- Cor) 8 30, 3 30,
4 00, 500, 5 58 (Dining Oar). 6 00, 50, 3 13, 10 00
p. in., 13 01, nlsht Sundays, 3 20, 4 05, 4 SO 5 15"
330,883,350, 1031, (Di Ins Car), 11.85 a, in..
13 85, 2 30 (Dining Car), 4 OoTUmitod 1 33 Dining
Car), 5 20, 5 58, (Dining Cur), 85, 50, 8 12, 10 0t
p. ni , 1201 uif-ht.
Kipreaa for Hoaton without change, 11 00 n in.,
week days, and 60 p, in., dally.
For Italtlinore and "Wnahlngton, 8 50. 7 30.8 2
i0Kx ,n-i 14 09 t81 Limited Dli.
Ing Cnr), 112. 318, 4 41 (519 Oousresalona
Hff'fftl Pinh'S Car), 617, 658 (Dining Oar),
7 40 (Dining Oar) p. m., BB,1 13 06 nlgiM
week days. Sundays, 8 50, 730, 913, 1133a.
in., 12 OS) 1 13, 4 41, ( 5 13 OongreosIoQ LluiUea
Dining Oar), 6 85 (Dlulng Oar), 740 p. n.
(Dining Car) and 1205 nlgul
Leave Ilroad street station, Philadelphia (via
Delaware river bridge), exuruaa, 7 03 u. m
Leave Market street Ferry, eipreaa, 8 50 a in
2 00, 4 10,5 00 p. m. Sundays, 8 45, e 45 a. in
Accommodation, 8 00, 8 20, a. 111., 8 20 and 4 a
p. in., week days, Sundays, S 00, 8 15 a. in., 4 00
and 5 00 p. m.
F.?r i'aP MByi Angles, Wild wood and
Holly Beach, and Soalile City, Ooeau City and
Avalon Bipreaa, 900 a. in., 4 00 p. in week
days. Sundays. V 00 a. m.
For Soman Point Kxpreas. 8 50 a in., 4 If
11 ni. week days. Sundays 8 45 a. in.
J.n. UUTCHunwH, J. It. Wood
Gen'l Manairer. Gen'l Paaa'g'r Asrl
Tho Rosy Freshness
And a velvet softness of the akin is Inva
riably obtained by thof t who use Pouomi'b
Complexion ."owdir.
Insist on the
v or
Tlie best Washing Powder
made. Best for all clean
ing, does the work quickly,
cheaply and thoroughly.
Largest package greatest economy.
'","" or constipation, rasciirfts are the Ideal Laxa-
,.rlp or L.riH..bnt rnuM ntJ natural remits. Sam-J
.. fhirnso. Montreal. Can., or New York. 2H.
1 9 WW,
progressive nntl keep infoi'ineil rf
in tlie house, as a standard remedy fr
Sprains, Bruises, Cramp?, Itliouinnti-m, r
and all aches nntl pains. E
Price 25 cts. and 60 cts. per bottle.
Prepared bjf II. J. HACKETT & CO , PluladUplila.
Who:! In CuCai v. bat to use for
Nervous lcb.ji,.'. Loss cf Power,
Impotency, Atroplu'.Varicocele and
other weaknesses, from any cause,
use Sexlnc Pills. Drains checked
and full vigor quickly restored.
If neeleeted, .neb trnbM rssslt r.utlr.
Mailed for$1.00;0bo.xes$S.00. With
$5.00 orders we cive asmarantee to
cure or rrfH the money; Address
I'EAL MCUiCINE CO., Cleveland. O.
KIRLIN, Shenandoah, Pa
IN I5FFECT MAftCH 27. 1897.
TrnlnH lenvo Shenandoah aa follows :
For New York via l'hilndelnhln wralr ,1.
210, 5 2B, 710 n. in., 12 33, 3 08 nnd 5 58 p. in'
Sundays, 3 10 o. m.
if or xsew 1 one via iUauch Chunk, week dsvs
5 36,710 b. m., 12 33 and 3 08 p.m. 7
For Heading nnd Philadelphia, week davs.
2 10, 5 25, 7 10 n.m., 12 38, 3 03 nnd 5 58 p. m. Sun.
doj-B, 2 10 n. m.
For Pottevllle, week doys, 2 10: 7 10 a. m and
12 33, 3 08 nnd 5 58 p. m. Sundays, 2 10 a. m.
For Tamaqua und Mahanoy City, week davs
210,535, 710 a. m.,1238, 3 08 nnd 558 p. m.
Sundays, 2 10 a. m.
For Wllllnmsport, Sunbury and Iwleburit.
week days, 8 35, 1130 a. ni., nnd 7 26 p. ml
Sundays, 3 35. a. m.
For Mnhano Plane, weekdays, 2 10. 8 36. 5 35.
710,1130a. m., .283, 808, 558, 7 35 end 9 56
p. in. Sunday, 2 10, 8 36 n. ni.
For Ashland and Shainokln, week days. 8 36.
days, 8 25 a. m.
Pot ltalttmore, Washington nnd the West via
S"T" ?",.?;i VlTWh rln l- Reading
Terminal, Philadelphia, (P. i It. 11 K) at 8 30.
7 55, 11 36 a. tu., 8 10 anil 7. p. 1 Sundava
3 30, 700, 11 36 a. 8 46 and 7 37 p. m. AddL
tloiial trains from Twenty-fourth and Chest,
nut streets station, week days, 10 30 a. m. 12 30.
13 It 8 40 p.m. Sundays, 184,838 p. m. '
. I-" New York via Philadelphia, week
days. 4 80, 8 00 a.m., 180, 4 80, 9 00 p. m. and
rav 1 New -York via Mauoh Chuuk, wek
Jy. 4 90. 9 10 a. m.. 1 AO and 4 IK n m '
LfUkVe I'hllAjIsnllitlfii. 17aml ll J.. v.
-- , . 1 ...... snwmi tvriUUUtl, WVtSZ
duys,4 30,8 85, 1005 a. m. md OS. so, 11 SO
p. in. Sundays, 11 80 p, in.
,," sveuains, wees; days, 1 86, 710, 100.
U 55 u. n. 600ju,d 8 30 p. rn.VnivtEJ 1 JSi a X
Ive Pottarille, week days. 236, T40 a. nT,
12 30 aud 6 12 p. m. Sundays, 2 SS. m.
m i i 3nTSr'.7!r .V?L "L li a
Leave Msiwnoy Ofty, week days. 3 46.
1 1 47 1, ,ii i on lit ii rtu ljT:.. ,
3 31
, - , ... .w uo ,11, t-,11 ( IMI J-B
- snnoy nan, week days, 2 40, 4 00
680, 9 ST. 1159 a. m., J 13, 2 19, 3 20, 8 36, 7 57 pn
SuiuUys, 2 40, 00 a. in.
' wiiiiainsport, week days, 7 43, 10 10 a.
m., 8 88 and 11 41 p. m. Sundays; li 15 p! m.
T jiv 1!.I In, 11. .!.., f ...... , .
South strecf wharf for Atlantic City.
,T,uj, i.xpross, mil s. in 2 00. (Sutur-
. " 'Vi - , i . . w ... miuiauiiHU-
tlon, 8 00 a. m., 5 15, 6 80 p. in.
nuii, j .-i!,iirei, v iw, iu uu u, Aoooin
inodutluil, 8 00 a. ul , 4 45 p. ill.
Returning leave Atlantic City depot, corner
Atlantic und Arkanaas uvennea.
Weekdays Express, 7 35, 00 . m , 3 SO, 5 30
p. m. Accommodation, 4 2.1, 15 u m,410u ul
Sundays Espress, 4 OU, 5 SO, h llu p ni. Aecoui
modallon, 7 15 a. in., 4 15 p. in.
Parlor Cars on all express trains.
"ill '.'1 d.lcbruua Vernal
- " as. i nnrs never ran.
aft V I'l.iaOlWIe.'dccWri.W
uifc mi il aurefsxAcr fsultnif
vith Taiwy id Pftucyroyal Pills mad oiher IiV
nucdieiii. Aiwmvi buvui brat and avutil uimu
nd I
LMZTiuiteui. uuinmeru upa
iie Ujt lu th tnarkrt, A Nu 1
mx tupenor Iu i oUsM msUvI
.A Km 1 KnkiiskiiirrsU. Dr.&X.
i imtm