The evening herald. (Shenandoah, Pa.) 1891-1966, April 14, 1897, Image 4

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in.;.......i.i,, ,
Will soon be here. Our
of cards, booklets and novel-
is now ready and prices are i
m 10 to ao per cent. lessHlmn '
Miner years. Candy egus very i
Jheap. If you wish fine chocolates
bon bons for Kaster. don t forget ,
e handle Tennev's sealed
Ackages. ' j
North lflln St.
Of Hornc . . .
Arc wcitrtil hy wisdom
eeonomv -fnri-slirlit. Iton'l be
tempted 1 misleading offer ami
till iy two priors lor inferior
(roods, nut
BUY ...
At legltl unite priee We are now
living: tempting cITera to bayem
y KellliiK
oak i.kap ro rn
nnd upwards.
ttS Jlast Centre Street.
On the grand highway that
leads to good fortune ; every
purchase made of us is a step
ping stone nearer the goal.
Every transaction is a bargain,
therefore a money saving hi
ves' m jr. t. Hence fcr bargains
now i t Window Shades, we
" have the style, quality and as
sortment, and at prices that
will astonish you. All shades
mounted on best spring rollers
from ioc. up to 90c., compris
ing shades with and without
fringe, laces and lace inserting,
high grade and low prices.
This is what we strive to give
you ; this is what we do give.
29 South Main Street.
Near Post Office
Co-opertitlie Applause.
One lilirlit Sarah IJoriilutrdt vs playing
"Fedora" to a oruwded house. The poison
ue, ns ustinl, ellolted a tempest of up-
: plAuse from the audience, hut ere tlio clap
lVllia of hands und thu stmniilnir of foot
fc'Jiatl completely died nwny, loud penis of
" laughter burst forth from tlio upper part
f tki, t Thti a,,)u,f ntl.wliul iiMinla
lit i.. , .1 r.k..,l- ...... 1...,
All iuv uual- oiiii nu.ii f$oi-u cviuwmuiuiiy
It the l)ui.stur'iiiK"Kils," but in a moment
they, too, begun to laugh, for In the front
row of tlio balcony, and In full view of nil,
stood two 0110 untied 111011, who, uncon
scious of the .imu-.oinent which they caus
ed, were energetically co-operating to pro
long the uppluuae by clapping their re
maining hands together. Pearson's
Jonah aiul tlio Whale.
A curious feature of the controversy over
the story of Jonah and tlio whule Is the
assertion of ao liimiv olenrvnien that tlio
' )Wble nowhere refers to tbo flshnsawliale,
.'.VMPmu n Ihn Kwolftn ohiinrp toil rni.
tleth vorsu of St. Matthew are these words
' of Christ, " For us Jonas was throe days
i tureo nights In the whale s belly, etc.
Otftitlefa tills Is a faulty translation, but
fttMh MS It is, it must bo authoritative for
falferasw mailers who do not knuw the orig
One Way llltud.
"Yon admit you are an lmioatorf" suld
the judgo.
"No, 1 don't, your honor."
"You claimed to be blind, ami yet you
i hajTfttu unlmpntml eyeaight."
"That a true, your bouur. but I niiHoral-
til blind, sir, and not being able to sue the
: harm in my liiii'iooiit dceuiitlun"
"Six mouths," I'juuul.UoU the judge
Harper's llnr
llaHiitlful VlowBt-a for ltehter.
fayue's Oirardville nuneriea. A very
heADtiful diaplay of awleas, Kaater lllllea.
einerariaa, primroars, and calceolarias,
Orders for all kinds of cut flowers Ailed
promptly. Prices reasouable. Oars b the
door. 3t-10-lt 15
ii mm fil i , mm i
Undertaking in - -
- - all its Branches.
Open Day and Night.
Mansion House Stables, Mahanoy City.
-No. 17 lPf Centre Street.
- asaag' "'v-'''Sg7
Mahanoy city.
Ml'. Wmlllrmer (11 res an tiilersaliiig
Opinion In the ,ltitlees Case.
Mahanoy City, April 14 (irorgo J.
Wsdllnser, Esq., of I'mtsv ille, has given an
opinion on the Borough -Juttitc o,neslin (hat
will prove as interesting in Hhenimdinih a
here, He say-. "Tile i leil lull of (Joyle inn)
Join h ti lu been diti'lnrpd illegal a vaeanry
in tliu ntllee of Iloroiigh Justices wns
created and Ibey were ousted by ciii
wairantn proroidinK. and the Judgement
nf the Court of (iimmoo Pleas declaring
the election of Junes anil w.n
entered in Oetobef hist. The present seoiinii
of the Sitpmue Con it 1J au antrmuthn 1.1
that Jtrdgment, nothing more. It nt a rteclnru
thin nf the eontl of. last resort that the diel
sloii of the court of Schuylkill county )a
right under tlie. law ami must s'guil. Tlie
eh el Ion of May and Ke'mr, therefore, al
tbs February eleclUn this jear, la ierfe.t'y
legal and valid ami the Governor , anient do
anything oilier than ei imnissioii tl.uw mm
without doing violence to the law culitrull"
lug the matter."
The ilahnoo.v City Athletic AmocIuIIoii Iius
received Information thai the lease of the
Maliaiioy City l"ark will be granted sad work
will baglsj Mil Monday ou the grand stsud,
dressing rooms, bicycle track, ete.
At a meeting of the Yrning Moil'i Repub
lican Club hut night it was nniiunm-etl that
the net proceeds r the entertainment given
fur the benefit of the proposed hew hospital
amounted to flos.
After consultation with purontsnnd scholars
l'ruf. (I. W. Williams, of WilLesharrc, an- tint he will nvoiwn his I, iisliiesa col-
lege here next Monday morning. j
The ut the relief station are full-,
Ingofl". On Monday there were hut 18 ap- j
llleuuta and up to 10 o'clock to-day only 1), '
The M.ihano.v City (lluu Club has decided
to hold its citedilfod next Labor Day, lastcwl
of ou Decoration Day.
Charles ('. llun-hill two weeks ago benime
proprietor ol the Mtinsion House. This whs
Known to but few until iaat night, when he
entertained 11 number of 1.1s Mend in tele-
oration of the first itnnhHsiry of his taking 1
eharge of the iJiico.
General Oraut fringe Art. 075 aud Maha
noy (.liy todge No. 817. I. O. O V.. have de
cided to attend In a body the 87th anni
versary of American Odd Fellowship at it.
Uinuel 011 April 88th.
tJoulri llnlitlti).
The Passover services in tlie Jewish church
liegins 011 Friday next and will continue fur
seven days. On Friday at main there la a
vpecial serrice In Jewish homes, known U
the Seller. I'lchinlnnry to tlio felval It. (9
the cimtoui to remove nil levnu, or yeast.
from the home, and throughout the entire
period of the holiday nothlns is paitakeii of
ut unleavened bread or matzoth.
Coiincli'liee Smlili'li.
MAIiSBVlIXE, April 11. Alwitt a month
ago the home of a widow nuined Davidson,
nf this place, was cnteied mid robbed of a
gold watch, money aud other articles. A
few days ago Mrs. Davidson found the wat'-h
11 a piece of paper lylug on one of the out
side wiudow sills of t!r lii,u.-e.
Au onilnent Norwegian rclontlst tins
been ooiulitutlug 1111 iiivcatlgntlun of thu
bakehouses of hli country in ooniieutlon
with mi exhaustive study of bretul from
the Kmln to the louf on the tnblu. lie
llnds much to criticise and condemn in
ihn ulitnea ho 1inHlaltl1 nnd nnintA nilt
tlmt they are most liinionint snots for I
atriiiRent nnmiclpnl rrgulutlon. It will
be ri'culled in this connection tlmt the in
spection of tlio bukoshops In this city by
tlio ladles' Heulth I'rotectivo iissoclution
brought to light ninny dangerous condi
tions In theso pluces. They are rndliitlng
centors In every iilgliljorhood whero they
exist, ami every port of them should bo 11s
chemically nnd snnlturily clean as the nil
tiscptloHlly wished nuirblc kneading board
of the modern well conducted private
kitchen. Tlio health and personal habits
of the oniployeos arc two mora significant
matters to bo considered, as the Eurojieim
investigator indicates, and these should,
he thinks, bo 11 ml r the most strict clvloob
serwition and niiitrnl. New York Post
Pimples, blotches, bl.ickhoads, red, rough,
oily, inotl.,- tkln, itching, scaly scalp, dry,
t1ifn,and Idling hair, and baby blemishes
provenU d by Cuticuka Soap, the most
effective skin purifying and beautifying
soap in tbo world, as well as purest and
sweetest lor t. !. bath, and nursery.
Tkp i 1 ulj t'i.0"
l tt,e world. POTTta Daro
tn , n,lon,U. 8. A.
1 jco Humor.," nulled frt.
1 1'impt.a to Scrofula cured
Twenty-five pieces of Im
poiten Novelty Dress Goods for
25c. jjit yard. These sty las are
new at:d are shown exclusively
by us. See otir window dis
play of these and also the
splendid stock of
Prices run from 25c. to $1 .50
for Lnundeied Waists. Don't
w lit till choice styles are gone
l.t. t come now and pick fiom
ur gteat assortment of stylish
w. tists.
Will advance many lines of
goods. We have made large
purchases and can continue to
sell fine drees goods and silks
at special bargain prices.
During: January, Feb
ruary and March
Over a thousand of the famous
McCall Bazar Paper Patterns
were sold by us for 10 or 15c;
why pay more ?
is the best gift
modern chemical science to the
culinary art The best cooks
use it because the food prepared
with it is more aooetizintr.
healthful, and economical.
TL-- CottolaMtrade-mrki are "CWWfrw" and
neaa in eofcon-pan! ureaiA on prerj uur
tlilrajo, Xw Tcik, rhIUilllplila,
Miss Hannah Scaulan is visiting
V. (1. (In-gory traiiMntod hnslnei
in ri.ii-
al Head-
.f)tig to-ilay.
Alias Hannah CJrimtli la subring from an
attack of illness.'
Miss Devlin, of alranlvllle, Was ifuli
town taut evening.
Mlas Annie Curry visited the old home'
"lead at Ashland yesterday
Kdward Hreuuati, nf West Laurel nil ret, Is
confined to liii lied l.y illness.
Krank Scliuiidt, of l'hiladeliihia, wa
greeting acquaintances In town yesterday
Mrs. J. 1". Williams has gone In l'ltlstnn to
spend several weeks In tlio llterekt of her j
David Hopkins, of Siiulli Wost street, l re-
covering from an attack of la srlppe that :tf-
fee ted the lungs.
j Inside Foreman McDonald, of the Kuhi
' noor colliery, lias rented one of Ootlnellmaii
j Magargle's houses on South While diwt.
j Aliases Maine Lynch, Maite Connors,
I Maggie Murphy and W. J Mclaughlin were
j entertained at Mahanoy City last evening.
I M. and Mrs. Patterson, of West O.ik
street, to-day changed their residence to
Klngtowii, where they will reside on a farm.
Mr. and Mrs. John Fry. Mr. and Mrs.
G i' or go Walters,, Mrs. James and John llruwu
we're attending the funeral of n relative of
.Mr. Fly near Mainville to dav.
Dennis Connor, foruiotlya policoinau of
town, hut now employed as a fireman 1,11 the
P. ,t It. railroad, is lying dangerously ill nt
his home In Mahanoy Pliiue.
There U 11 Glut of l'eople
Who are injured ")y the use of coffee.
Recently there has been placed in all the
grocery stores a new prejianition called
(illAlN-O, made of pure grains, that takes
the place of coffee. The moot delicate
tm:incli receives It without distress, and hut
few can tell it from entice. It does nut cost
over 1 as much. Children may drink it with
Blent benefit. IB i ts. and Sfi cte. per package.
Try it. Ask for GKAI.V-O.
Superintendent Kecley Kesl;uif.
James Keeley, superintendent uf tlio
Ueadlug collieries in the IlecWhervillu
Valley district, has resigtied and will devote
his time to rebuilding his shuttered health.
.Mr. Keeley returned from Floiida about
three weeks ago, wliore ho had been for some
time endeavoring "to recoup. Work nt tlio
collieries will be supervised for tlio present
hy Superintendent Morris, of tlie west
end district.
llnse Hall IMujcr Towel).
Concerning Abner Powell, in a letter to tlio
haw Ixill editor of tlie Wilkesbarro Record,
Manager Grlllln, of Scranton, says: "Wilkes
lmrre was lucky in getting Powell. He will
make a good man for the club a fast man
and will keep life in tbo team." Powell was
a Shenandoah boy and played with Pottsvillo
years ago.
Atitrrhige Licenses.
Gcorsc D. Keinor, of Porter township, nnd
Kate S. Kessler, of Keiuer City.
Lawrence Maruhetti, of Shcppton, and
Mary Yennes, of Freolaud.
Mrs. Korcr's 1'arorlte Luncheon.
"For 1111 ordinary luncheon one usually
serves soup first," writes Mrs. S. '. Horer
in The Ijiidies' lloma Journal. "It may
bo bouillon In cups or cream soup served
in soup plates. After this you may pass
olives and celery.Then a little flsh course
lobster cutlets, llsh cutlets deviled llsh
served in Individual dishes. A sauce
and a roll only may bo tho iiocninpani
inent. Following this you will serve tho
main dish of the luncheon, which should
not require carving chicken croquettes,
uirus, Ural led ohluken, panned chicken,
broiled fillet or any small made dish.
Servo with it 11 siuioo and ouo vegetublo
only. Either a plain lettuce or celery salad,
or n tomato muyoniiulse, with wafers,
will give the next course. Following this
como tho sweets, and last the octree. "
Her Best llecolleotlon.
French Toucher You can't translate
tho bimplo Murdj "bon hoinuie?" lam
Young P111 1' (diligently reflecting) I
think I know wLt "bon" means. It
means "ran."
French Tenchor How did you get tlmt
Young Pupil Why, bonbons moans
cnudy. Chicago Tribune.
One of the qutokest known ways of dis
pelling 11 headache Is to give some of the
liiiisclea those of tho legs, for -Instance
n little hard, sharp work to do The ru
wm is obvious. Muscular oxerclta Hushes
the parts engaged In it, and so depletes the
mum. wnen your iietul nejieg, take a still
walk or a short blcyole ride.
The department of agriculture state
that the average eot of fertilisers for an
sore of wheat in New Hauiuahire la IS. 69.
In the newer state this item outs little
book lu the Hpnniah language during his
nnotloltv i li.,v
, , ?. j.
321-240 tforth JSmorlek Street,
I have made a general reduction
to do so until May 29th.
If They Ale Iteiiublloiinn They Xanio the
Washington, Ajiril 14. I'mtmaator Men
em! Gary, after due couslderaliou and con
sulfation with I'rosldoiit MeKinley, has laid
down the rule .that where there is a lt"imhil
vaii Senator from the state hiaMrovaI shnll
be necessary to the appointment of 11 pusC -inster
of the Presidential cIiish. lie sulnuhn
mi caw of this sort to President McKiuley'a
consideration until the approval of the lie
imbllcin Senator or Keuators (if both are
Republicans) has been indorsed upon it. This
itlvot the Kepublirnn Senators control of all
I'reMilpntinl iut olllces In thelrstates, leav
lug to Iieiiubllcau lCeiireMutnlivcs fmni such
states only the control of appointments of
fourth-class postmasters.
of course, In all cases where the lieptili
I lican Senators and Hcpubllcan Iteiiresentn-
lives are In harmony, the Senators will in
dorse the men selected hy the Representa
tives far the Presidential post oltlcts. lu
states like Pennsylvania and New York,
where there is still Jack uf harmony and
where also there are original MeKinley
leaders who are not in Congress at all ami
who have not yet come into harmonious re
Utious with the Senators, there will bo a
gieat deal of protest and friction.
Senator Quay will name the postmastor at
Pittsburg whou the time comes. When he
was asked to-day whether Representative
D.ilzell would not be allowed to recommend
the Pittsburg postmaster, inasmuch as ho
hailed from Pittsburg, ho simply said : "I
undeistand .Mr. Da I tell lives in Ilraddock,
and I suppose there is a pint olllce tlioro."
Jlist try n 10c box of'Cascurcts, the finest
liver and bowel regulator ever uiado.
Surprise l'ni ty.
There was a pleasant gathering last evening
at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Patter
son. Sr., on West Oak street, the occasion
TToii.B a surprise hy tm members of the A. P.
L. A. to Mrs. Patterson, who was the recipi
ent of a handsome plush rocking chair, a
gift of esteem from tlie members. Mr. and
Mrs. Patterson will hortly take up u resi
dence at ltingtown. During the evening 10.
freshmeiits weio served. Among those
present were Mrs. Charles Hithn und
daughter, Jeunlo, Mrs. Rebecca Hood, Mrs.
Kato lllennenianu, Mrs. Llizabeth Richards,
Mrs. Sarah James, Mrs. Saruh Trotitmau,
.Mrs. Rebecca Thomas, Mrs. Ruth Hopkins,
Mrs. Lydin Adams, Mrs. Phyllis Williams,
Mis. Adeline Winner, Mrs. Alice Morgans.
Mrs. Ann Huriis, Mrs. Jones, of Gilberton,
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Patterson, Sr., Mr. and
Mrs. Robert Patterson, Mr. and Mr. James
PatterMin and Joseph and Duvld Patterson.
We Are Scllln;
A big lot of wino colored shoes that ordinary
stores would auk you' $g.B0 for. Our price
is $1.00.
Factouv Shok Stori:.
Deeds Iteeoldcd.
From F. C. Render to Frank Wciricli,
premjses in Minersvilh).
From Hughes ct ux to Mary Hobin,
preinUes Mahanoy City.
From Lehigh Valley Railroad Company to
J.J. Finney, premises In Shenandoah.
From D.ivid M. Nesbit to Daniel S.
Stanfler, premises Union township.
From Catherine Stelgenvalt to Win. Christ,
premises Auburn.
From Amelia J. Hannum to Dory 1 Hoy,
premises Schuylkill Haven,
Threo Thousand Singers.
Tho Welsh national concert to he givon by
1 nearly three tboiis'ind voices at the Crystal
Palace, Ljiidon, July 17, by the United
Chilli's of Wales will be the greatest
choral event Hut has over taken place In tho
UuglUli metropolis. It will be led by Dr.
Joseph Parry, the noted Welsh composer,
who a number of years ago was a tielier of
niutic In Wilkesbarre, and previous to that
an ir. 11 worker in IXmvllie.
Slow Trulllu on llin l.eblgli.
Owing to dullness of tiallic on the Lehigh
Valley, says the Ashland Tolegram, twenty
engineers have len put Iwck to firing, and
twenty fliemcu have lieen placed to braking
and hostleriug. These changes will necesei
tatu the laying off of about thirty or forty
braksuieu, who will stand first In order of
returning to work us soon as business in
creases. 'Twelve locomotives have been
withdrawn fiom the road and tlio fires
Colored shoes for Caster can be found at tlio
Factory Shoe Store in large varieties, at
lowest prices.
Factokv Shok Stoiik.
1'imlnimi Their ronltlniis.
A Sliamoklu paper has made the astonish
ing statement that n cerUiu mine boss In
that vicinity h Wn making employes pay
from $10 to fW or their positions. The
boss' name Is not 'given. If this is tiue the
reporter should not have hesitated to mention
tlie man's name und make the exjiosure
complete. Miners' wages r at the lowest
jMiliit now.
New Undertaker.
T. J CVikley has opened an undertaking
, '"'' T
ut ' J- Coakley's, SH North Main street.
Night calls at tho Forgiitou House. -l-t
Muiiufneturer of
Tc Screens,
Of all descriptions at lowest rates.
in Iron 1?uncks and will continue
Happenings Throughout the Country
dlironlcled (or Hasty Perusal.
Tmfllo on the Beliiiylklll canal opened ou
The theat-ical season will dose at Ashland
Tho Pint National Ilank of Mahanoy
City Is umv enntppttl with a long dlitanee
Freeland's School Hoard refused to admit a
young man. over 81 years of age. as a pupil
of the schools.
The employes of Cose Hros. A l't . In
'oner Lnrerne county, are pal their wages
every two weeks.
MrhiK your Job printing to the HgKW.n
of!! e First -class workmen and good material
g cc good results.
The Hoard of Trustees of lia Miners' hos
pital, ut Fountain Springs, hold their regular
meeting yesterday.
Lithe Anthracite region ill 1890 there
weie una fatal accidents and l,llR nou.f.iUil
accidents in the mines, v
A man was brought from jail yesterday to
testify In the Lyon-Dunn contest ease. Tlie
graveyards are m dangerT
One hundred' Croatli immigrants -have
lauded at Hatletou, mid many more are ou
their way to the region.
O'H-im Hros. are doing an excellent busi
ness since the opening of their new livery
stables iiitahauny City,
Proposals are boing asked, to drive a tun
nel through the saddle of tlie Diamond vein
at the Phoenix Park colllcy.
It Is stated that our Lithuanian townsnrtu,
John Medaills, will shortly embark til the
bottling business at Mt. Curmel.
The Ideals are playing at York, Pa., this
week to good business. The much talked
about Streeter is still with the company.
' The Lehigh Valley Klsteddfod Association,
of A lli-utown, have decided that it would
lie unwise to hold au eisteddfod this year.
'I'm Ille 011 the Shamokin and Oitswlwi
dlvisiou of the P. & II. Itaflway is 011 tho lu
cre , and the freight train crews are
given plenty of work.
Fishermen say the streams at Koscnsack
have been ruined, because a largo oil tank,
in a railroad wreck, emptied its contents in
(he stieams, killing the fish.
A sucker, says an exchange, is a business
man who sends his printing to somo snide
shop, and expects his home paper to blow up
tho town, aud benefit him as much as his
enterprising neighbors.
The main of the Pottsvillo Water Company
burst at St. Clair, and before tho great flow
of water was checked, a portion of the road
bed or tho Heading Hallway's Mill Creek
brunch was swept away.
The people of Mahanoy City and Shenan
doah may be thankful that they have not
been entirely disfranchised yet, notwithstand
ing the iutrigucs uf men capable of resorting
to tlie attempt to deprive them of their
1 Ights. Republican.
The reductiuu which was rumored to take
fleet sonic time ago among tho Lehigh
Valley employesat the mines atv Jeanesvillo,
wont into efl'ect on Friday. The laborers
nerc reduced 15 cents a day and the drivers
aud pumpmen 17 cents.
Take Laxatlvo Ilromo Qulufna Tablets. All
druggists refund the money If it fails to runs.
as cents.
Prison Statement.
Following is the statement of the county
prison for the mouth of March, as approved
hy the County Commissioners: Maintenance.
$573.10; weaving, $130.21; knitting, $143.33;
general expenses, $275 OS ; itnpiovcmcnts and
repairs, f.53.41 ; salaries, I&12.00; drugs,
$75.10; fuel, $170.85; tobacco and commuta
tion, 7U 43 ; shoes nnd findings, $32 St; total
expenses, $2,3110.50. Sales from weaving.
$301.14; sales from knitting, $203 75; total
sales, $057.80. Chsb received from sales,
jJ03.40; from prison costs, $7.00; from court
costs, $280.00 ; total, $080.40. Average num
ber of prisoners per day, 210 ; average cost
por prisoner per day (maintenance only)
Including warden's table, 83 cents. Amount
of goods manufactured during the month:
Hag carpet, 1,7841 yards ; ingrain carpet, 187J
yards; pantaloon goods, 82 yards; check, 83
yards; half hose, 513J dozen pairs.
Constipation is a deadly enemy to health ;
Uuidock lllood Hitters is a deadly enemy to
Jr. (). U. A. 91. Homo.
The Junior Order of Amorican Mechanics
throughout Pennsylvania aro considering the
project to establish a home for tbo orphans of
its members in this Btato and it Is altogether
probablo that such an institution will be
erected within a very short time. Several
years ago tho Junior American Mechanics in
this state and in Ohio, erected an orphans
homo in the latter state, with the intention
that all tho orphans should be taken caro of
there. It has been found, however, that the
membership in Pennsylvania is plenty largo
enough to support an Institution of its
uwn, and tho matter is now being seriously
considered. It is altogether likely, that the
proposed homo will be located In tho vicinity
of Philadelphia, as that city has a very large
proportion of the total membership In Penn
E.tsiost way to kill a chicken is to break
tlie egg before it Is hatched. Same is true of
consumption. Dr. Wood's Norway Pine
Syrup Is a positive euro for coughs and colds.
Nothing will cure consumption. Does It pay
to neglect the cold?
Committee to Iteport.
The report of the committee appointed two
years ago to ascertain how many aliens there
are In tlie state institutions of Pennsylvania
is ready to file w'.th the State Legislature.
Chairman Focht says It will show that 33 per
vent. of;tlie inmates of the slate insane
hospitals, almshouses and asylums are aliens.
In tlie coal regions tho percentage in some
institutions is as high as 80. It la claimed
these people keep out Amcrlean-borneitizens,
and the committee will recommend that
action be taken looking to the oxelifyton of
forttigners or requiring tueir name govern
hnouts to contrlbote to their support.
Bale of Hchool llonds.
Subscriptions will be received ut the office
of the Secretary of the School Hoard, in the
West street school building, for the sale of
twenty-five thousand ($88,000) dollars worth
of Shenandoah School District bonds. The
lioiids will bear date of April 1, 18U7, and will
run thirty yean. Interest four per eent.
payable senil-auuuslly. Deuotaiuatiotu :
Twenty f 100 bonds; twenty $M0 bonds, and
thirty-elk-ht A00 lwmls.
By onler of the Hoard,
J. J. I'm uk. President.
AlUjUt : Prank IUnna, Secretary,
Letters Granted.
I.sllsrt of administration were granted to
(Jliarloi 1'.. Shulleuberger, on the rstate of
Kenjamtn V. Sliolleuberscr, late of Bast
llruiiswlck township, deceased ; to Jane
Orant, ou the astute of Wm. II. Uruut, late
of Sheuaiidoah, deeeased; to Marfcaret J.
Nolan ou the estate of John Nolan, late of
(lordon, deowmnl ; also to Win. Davios on the
istate of of Mary A. Da vies, late of Tunta
U, daeeusetl.
Um testa men tary Wf resrantcd to Henry
Umbert on the astute of llosanua I.imbert,
late of Harry township, deceased ; also to
l4ii. and Harrison J. Kevter on tlia estate of
Daniel Nester, late of lCost Ilrunswiek town
bhlp, deoeasd.
l'ayne's (llrnrdvllle Nurseries,
ruusral designs made up In any desired
funu uf natural or wax flowers, upon short
notice ut reasonable prices. Jjirgc variety
uf frames constantly ou band. Orders may
be left at Morgau's Ilawr, 38 N. Main St., or
at l'ayne's Greenhouse, llliurdvllle, Pa. tf
The regular subscription price of
"Demorest's Magazine,"
Judge's Library." and
"Funny Pictures" is fo-sc
DEMOREST'S MAGAZINE' Isby fnrllielt family magaslne published there is none
of our monthlies In which the beautiful nnd the useful, plonoure and profit, faslilqn and
llternture are so fully presented lis In Demon st's. There Is, In fact, no publlofcllan pre
tending to a slmllur scope and purpose which can compare with It. ISvery number oon
tnlun a free pntlnrn colli on. . ....
JUDGES LIBRARY' Is monthly iwHtnsliie of fun, filled with Illustrations In enrMrUura
anil replete with wit and humor, lis contributors nrn the best of American wltsarul
Illustrators. a .
FUNNY PICTURES' Is another hmhocojis monthly s there Is a laugh fn every line of It.
All three of them niBfrasIno ore handsomely aotten up. You should not miss till enanee)
to secure them.
Cut here and return Coupon properly filled out.
Demor-c-st PuMUkirxcj Co., 110 Fiftk AVc, NCW York.
For the rnclosed $2.00 plttnie send Demorest's Family Magazine, Judge's Library
(a magazine of tun), nnd Funny Pictures for one year as per your offer.
17 North Main Street.
With a full line of Ladies',
Gents', Misses', Youth's and Chil
dren's Shoes.
We call special attention
to our large line of Ladies'
Shoes in Dongola and Rus
sets, all styles and sizes.
To her numerous frit mis
Miss Sallie Senior
xiz North Main Street,
Has relumed from the city with the
finest selection of Ladies'' Millinery
uoous. '
Master Opening on-
Friday, A pril gth,
Which has been re
moved to
112 North Main St.
A tteiittiiie welutjuie wails yeju al
Cor. Haiti anil Coal Sts.
Finest whiskeys, hears porter and ale
coneUntly on ti. Clfolee eniperaiKiO UrlnUe
and clears.
They will arrive here on
Wednesday and will be on ex
hibition nt otir gates stables,
cor Main ami Coal street.
Cur Public Sale lakes 1nce
nt the Commercial Hotel
AT 1P.M,
P. S.-Thli lot will aot tie a
WatUrn me, out all frrm renn-
.. 1 - .-111 .11 K.
tlie Sam 4jr whtn tongat. Ko
mors dinger to tar1 kcvies whlck
win get sick frem the climate.
We will send all three to you for
one year for $2, GO, cr 6 mo. for SI.
- offico..
17IOU 8 .VLB. Ftreel sprinkler In (rood condl
; lion, will be sold for WO. Apply to Trusters
Columbia Hose, .., siionanuoan, l-a. i-iu-u
l?on SALE. Store property at Itarnesvllle,
in family. Easy terms on property. Inquire of
Dr. Keetsr, IMrnesville, Schuylkill county,
1'enn.i. 4-18-2W
IJtOlt SAL1S. (lool bay road horse, bugjry,
' liamess, blanket, whip, &c., complete.
Property of the late John A. Grant. Can lie
Inspected nt O' "aril's livery stables. Apply by
letter to i:o. 31. ItoADs, Attorney, l'otlsvillr,
Ptiinn. -f-10-lw
I70U UT-NT. Store tooin and dwelUnir at No.
It-' North Main street. Contains Imth und
closet, (lood cellar and nice yard room. Ble
of store room, ir,.H feet, with two large lieauti
ful show windows, titled out with counters nnd
sliclvlua: ready for business. VVarerooin and
stnlile can bo hud with it If desired Grand
location und rent reasoimblo. Address, O. V".
Nnw iioi'huii, 120 North Slain street. 8-f-tf
TJ1STATH OK JOHN W. IlUDl'OItn. late of
11 I.ot Creek tnwnslilp of West Mnhnnor
Hchuylktll eoimty, deceased. -Letters of ad
ministration on tho nbovo c statu IiavIiik been
Kr.inted to the iindersitrned, nil persons in
debted to wild estate nro requested to ninke
piiyiiient.nufl those having claims or demands.
njralntt the estate or said decedent to present
the snine without delay.
J. CLAUnE llKIIFnllll,
IJVOt-oaw Glrard BiilldliiK, l'hllii ,li.
e Tlie bolder nf SO Coupons of the a
HERALD is entitled to n llrst class life- ig
-- size, free-hand Water Color Portrait 3
worm 515.00, mndc from nny dltloet -if
photoKinph, by pnyliiR 6B cents nt M. ;2
uecKor s Kintiia, xa v. ueuire street.
fr- Shetuimlonli Pa.
- Send photograph In Immediately -
SZ and have coupons ready upon re
celpt of portrait.
75 crates new laid
fresh country eggs
Meluskey & Son,
105 South Main St.
OU SIIKItll'f,
' fibleVt tolls-pHtdiwH ruim.
pOK eilKKlKl',
Oi' Okuioswho.
Snlijoot to Hepubllisin rules.
Evan J. Davies,
Undertaking !
13 N. Jardin Street.
Wanted-An Idea iSSK
Protsot your ldui titer mar bring y
ou wealth.
nsyi. Wssblutuw, D C. fur tbslr s'1.100 pfjto
sua list of two hundred uivsullous wsuied.
'UDt Attpr