The evening herald. (Shenandoah, Pa.) 1891-1966, April 12, 1897, Image 3

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    f -5
Everybody Needs
a Spring tonic. The peculiar
conditions at this season pro
duce a depressed, care-worn,
languid feeling, which per
vades the entire body. When
nature, unassisted, attempts
to get rid of the accumulated
impurities, the energies give
way, the appetite fails, r worn
out, run-down condition is the
result. All of which can be
avoided by a few bottles of
which promptly purifies the
the blood and thoroughly
renovates the entire system,
tones and strengthens the
stomach, and renews the ap
petite. It is the only safe
tonic, beting purely vegetable,
and the only blood remedy
guaranteed to contain no ar
senic, sulphur, mercury, pot
ash or other mineral sub
stance, whice is of so much
importance to all who know
the injurious effects of these
drugs. Nature should be as
sisted by na
ture's remedy,
S. S. S. Insist
on S. S. S.
There is Nothing Half as Good!
Pt'hltlie.tfr'. l:nc!Uh IllomMtd ltraiKf.
Origin ul ana Only annul fin. A
&ATt, llwtTI rvlUblS. LADIES mt A
Druggist for Ckicheatcr i ZndtUh lt-l
mtmd Branl In I led s. Uo4 mrtalltA Vi
fboxM, atHod with bias nnonii. l ava w
nnothtt-w Rfutd9narot ubiMu- V
Uon ad imitation: Al 1'ruggitu, or esd 4t
In itimrt tur ir:tetii.ti. l tlmoouli sr
"II4!ff Tor fottlW . totter, by re I am
foil b si) f-nr "ruxjiiu. l'hlJa-E- Va.
Btatistios Showing the Extent of
tho Groat Floods.
A thisd. Ttni ami. srit WOMAN'S RELIEF,
Alwa nrnmnl and t limti. Avoid Imitation.
Clmt niTin'itiirirl'ii ..nil I1TI ft SO RETS.
Alrirur atom, nrwnl illreW fartlMl . Drift. II.
Catoh BrKC. Co., Uoatoo.Mau. Our book, 4c.
Vov anle nt 1. 1. D. Klrlln's drug store and
Shcnnndouli drug store.
ji r.w. 7v-rnM. iiurairvrmnns mem.
orr. lmpoUncr,81eepleaneas,.l .caused
brAUuse and other Kioawn and India,
cretlonn. Xirl qulektil anil tnrrln
rMtore Lout Vitality lu old or ronna, nnd
n man fnniiiin litiAinfM fir ronrrtaafi.
Prevent lufinnny and Conanmptlon It
taken In time. Tueir aae allows immwim jruc"-
,e Q
. .,T ....... n nTTrtTfl urlmfA nil r tllHTfl tl
.1st upon bairns tho eenuln.i AJajt Tabljrte. Tli
positive nrlllen euarautM to effect n otnu in each pate
or retnod tho moner. Price 60 em's rr (.ackase, or
eiipaoknaw Itull treatment) for iSJn. "? mf"'In
For Mile hi Shcnandonli, Pa., by A. Wnaley
nnd 8. 1 Kirlln, PrtitfKiatfi.
la ntit to ntt.ick you nt title sen-
ii it noes tivko mo unuiiunu
for Ulietiniatisin
pon of tho yenr.
(HonioEopatHlc) REMEDY
nntt Kt well quickly.
"They do the Worlc"
Yonkors, N. Y.
A gcnuino wclcotao waits you at
Cor. naln and Coal Sts.
Pineal whlskoyfl, beora porter and Alt
constantly on tap. Choice emporanco drfnkt
nnd clears.
Trains leave Bliennndonh an follows t
For New York via riillndelphla, week dayi
210, S25, 710 a. in., 12 33, SOlfendSBg p. n
eundays, 2 10 n. ni.
For New York via Mnuch Chunk, week dayt
S 2S, 7 10 a. m., 12 83 nnd 3 03 p. m.
For Heading nnd l'lilladelphln, week dnyi
2 10, 5 25, 7 10, 12 33, 3 00 nnd 5 68 p. m. Bur.
days, z lu n. ni,
For I'ottsville, week days, 2 10; 7 10 n. m,, tni
! 33. 8 08 nnd S 68 n. in. Sundays, 2 10 a. m.
For Tamnqtta and Mnhanoy City, week day.
MlwalHalppI Is the G font out Irwoi1,
Thero HeliiK Two Million Acres Uu
cler AVntcr In 'flint Stnte ArlraiiBOH
U Aluo StifToi-s llenvlly.
Waihlngton, April 12. A statement
relative to the agricultural Interests o
the submerged tllitrtols of the Missis
sippi valley south' of Onlro, Ills., has
been Issued by the department of agri
culture. It Is lMMed unon a chart pre
pared under the direction 'of the chief
of the weather bureau, showing the
extent of the Hood on April 6. Tflo "this
chart the department hat applied the
crop statistics of 189 as representing
more closely than any other avallabla
data the acreage and value of the orops
of 1897, now In Jeopardy. The statistics
of population, of the number of acreage
of farms and farm Implements are
those of the census, and the statistics
of live stock are the department's own
figures for Jan. 1, 1897.
The total area under water on April
6 was about 16,800 square miles, ol
which 7,900 square miles Was In Missis
sippi, 4,l00 square miles In Arkansas,
1,750 square miles in Missouri, 1,200 In
Tennessee and 4S0 In Louisiana. ThU
region contained In 1890, so far as can
be determined In view of the some
what Indefinite boundary lines of tlw
flood, a population of 379,885, of which
180,489, or about one-half, was in mis
slsslppl, 100.235 in Arkansas, and the
remainder almost equally divided be
tween Missouri and Tennessee. Taking
the entire region the colored population
outnumbered the whites in the pro
portion of 12 to 7, the colored predom
inating in the flooded districts of Mls-
alsippl in the ratio of more than C to 1,
and In Arkansas In that of 2 to 1, In
Missouri and Tennessee the popula
tion of the flooded districts Is largely
white, In the former state In the pro
portion of 10 to 1, and In the latter In
that of 2 to 1
The Hooded districts contain, It Is es
timated, about 39,500 farms, of which
about lS.uOO are In Mississippi, nearly
10.000 In Arkansas, and a like number
about equally divided between Mis
souri and Tennessee. These farms con
tain a total acreage of about 3,800,000
acres, one-half of which Is in Missis
sippi and one-fourth in Arkansas, the
proportions In Missouri and Tennessee
being about the same, as in tho -case
of the number of farms. The total
value of these farms, with their Im
provements, farm Implements; etc.,' Is
close upon $05,000,000, and here also the
proportions In the different states are
about the same as above noted.
The total number of acres Improved
at the taking of the last census was
about 2,000,000, and about 1,500,000 acres
were last year devoted to cotton and
corn, to which crops nearly 95 per cent
of the entire acreage cultivated Is de
Voted. The live stock on hand Jan. 1 of
the present year was valued at over
$7,500,000, divided In very much the
same proportions as other farm prop
erty. It Is estimated that of the crops
of last year over $3,750,000 worth re
malned on hand In the submerged ro
clon on the Inst of the month, cotton
representing about two-thirds of this
amount- and corn practically all tno
The largest Interests at stake so far are
those of the state of Mississippi, whose
flooded districts represent an invested
capital in agriculture alone of close
upon $42,000,000. Over 18,000 farms, con
talnlng 2,000,000 acres of land of an
average value of about $18 an acre, are
under water In the country lying be
tween the Mississippi and Tazoo rivers,
Including some of the most productive
lands of the state. Their live stock,
oven at tho present low prices, is
worth nearly $3,500,000, and the farm
era and planters are estimated to havo
about $2,000,000 worth of the crops or
last year stilt on hand
Arkansas stands next in the extent
of Its Imperiled Interests, nearly 10,000
farms, containing 1,500,000 acres or land
worth over $14,000,000, being submerged,
These farms contain live stock to the
value of over $1,500,000, and crops un
sold and unconsumed to the value of
near';- $1.00,000, the entire agricultural
lntert.'t-! of these lands representing
value not f ir short of $17,000,000.
The agricultural Interests affected In
Missouri represent a total capital of
rather over $9,000,000, the 5,3000 sub
merged farms containing an acreage of
about 470,000 acres, worth about $7,260,
000, the live Btook representing nearly
$1,500,000 more, and the crops on hand
another $600,000. Tennessee Is not far
behind Missouri In the extent of Its Im
periled Interests,
Uofore tho PubllcA Scranton Store
Keeper Testifies.
Scmnton is greatly Interested In the home
testimony that Is being brought forward in
favor of the "llttlo conqueror " Our repre
sentative investigated another case In that of
Sir. Daniel Mohr, who liasalittleitore nt No
38R Summer avenue, Hyde Parle. Mr. Molir
Is a flue, muscular, well-hulltman, wlio loo li
nn though no burden that any ordinary back
is called upon to liear would prove too great
for IiIh and still a few months ago he could
not lift a busbol of potatoes for a customer.
Ileing by trade a quarrynmn, which taxes
tho muscles of the body, lie overtaxed tliem
once and strained the kidneys, and catelilng
cold at the time, it settled there, causing
Idnoy disorder, nnd with this ho has been
rou bled more or less for the past IS years.
Colds he says, always went right to the
back, nnd arcordlng to tho varying of the
weather and his work he would have alter
nate sharp and dull pains In the back. Lift
er heavy things or stooping positions caused
pain In the bank which was always stl ft" In
the morning. I have used all kinds of thlogs
said be, but nothing aver help me like Doan's
Kidney Fills. They have completely bau-
hed nil my pain. I hey deserve the highest
prn'se and are sure to be n winner when
peoplo flnil out what a great raedklne they
are, aud It w ill not lie long befure they find it
out. llotli my wife and myself feel thankful
for the eood Doan's Kidney Pills have done
me, mid we both heartily reoomniond tbem
to anyone Bartering with kidney diseases.
This is but the investigation of one case in
Scranton. There are many more that wo
havo investigated, some of which havo
already been published and more will follow.
Doan's Kidney Pills are accomplishing wou-
uerfm results right Here ut Home where it. is
very easy to prove such statements as aliovo.
The Pills are for sals by all dealers. Foster-
Mlllmrti Co.. IJuOalo. N. V.. are solo arents
for tho United States and will mall same on
receipt of price, which is within reach of all,
only 80 centi per box. Itemember the name
Doau s and do not ho psrsuaueu to mito any
The Better ourFoob
Fhe Better yqur Health
B . V
1 use
Youthful Iovra Wedded Agnln.
Chattanooga, April 12. John II. At
kinson, the 17-year-old son of Governor
W. Y. Atkinson, of Georgia, was mar
ried vesterdav to Miss Ada Byrd, the
10-year-old daughter of C. P. Byrd, of
Atlanta, Ga.. with whom he recently
eloped. There were present to witness
the ceremony Governor Atkinson, Mr,
and Mrs. Byrd, the father and mother,
Judge Spencer Atkinson, of the Georgia
supreme court, and Charles P. North,
assistant clerk of the Georgia senate.
The trouble In securing the necessary
license was overcome when Mr. Byrd
notified the county clerk that his
daughter had his consent to her mar-
rlCHfo. the law of Tennessee requiring
the consent of both patents to the mar-
rlaae of either party if they be under
17 years.
2 10, 5 25, 7 10 a. III., 12 33, 3 03 and 6 68 p. Ir
Hundays, 2 10 a. rn.
For WilHinnsport, Simbury and I,ewlsbnr
weekdays, 8 23, 1130 a. in., and 7 25 p. n
Hundays, 3 28 n, in.
For Mahnno t'lano, weekdays, 2 10. 8 35, 8 26
710,1130a. in., .2 3), 3 03, 6 68, 7 36 and V
p. m. Sundays, 2 10, 3 25 a. in.
For Ashland nnd Slinmokln, week days, 8 2?
710, 1180 n. in., 726 and 965 p. m. Hue
days, 3 25 a. in,
For lliltltnore, Washlnuton and the Weil vli
It. & O. It It., thrnimli trains lee") Ituadln.
Terminal, Philadelphia, (P. & IS. U K) at 2C 4
765, ll26n. in., 8 10 ami 7.77 n i. Sunday
3 20, 7 00, 11 28 a. in , 3 10 antl 727 p. m. Add'
ttonal trains from Twenty-fourth nnd Chest
nut streets station, week diys, 10 80 a. in. It V
12 It 8 40 p.m. Sundays, 1 86, 8 23 p. ro.
TNlve New York via Philadelphia, wri
days, 4 30, 8 03 n. m., 1 SO, 4 80, 9 00 p. m. ku
night. Sundays, 0 00 p. m.
Leave New York via Maueh Chunk, wool
days, 4 30, 9 10 a. m., 1 80 and 4 15 p. m.
Xave Philadelphia, Heading Terminal, wee
lays, 4 30, 8 36, 10 05 a. in. and 4 00, 6 90, lit)
p. m. Sondays, 11 30 p. in.
IWVO Heading, week days, 136, 710, 10 M
11 56 n. ni., 6 00 and 8 20 p. in. Sundays, 1 86 a. m
Iave I'ottsville, week days, 2 86, 7 40 a. m.
12 30 and 6 12 p, m. Sundays, 2 36 u. m.
Leave Tainaqua, week days, 3 18, 8 60, 11 26
in., 1 37, 7 30 and 9 48 p. in. Sundays, 3 18 a. ru
Leave Mahanoy City, week days, 3 46, 9 21
Jl 47 a. m., 2 08, 7 44 and 10 08 p. in. Sundays, 8 41
a. m.
Leave Mahanoy Plane, week days, 2 40, 4 00
0 30,937. 11 W a. m., 1 It, 2 19,630, 626, 7 67 p ni
ftunUaye, 2 40, 00 a.m.
Leave WlllIainsort, week days, 7 4t, 1010 a
in., 8 36 and 11 41 p. ui. Sundays, ll 16 p. m.
Ieave Philadelphia Chestnut street worf an
South street whaif for Atlantic City.
Weekdays Rsprew, 900 a. in., X 00, (Satur
days only, 3 00), 4 00, 5 00 p. in. Accommoda
tion. 8 00 a. in.. 6 15. 0 SO u. in
Sundays Ripress, 900, 1000 a. in. Aeeom-
modation, 8 00 a. in., 4 46 p. m.
KeturnliiK leave Atlantic City depot, torue
Atlantic and Arkansas avonuee.
Weekdays Bapreae, 788,9 00 a, m 830, 5M
p. in. Accommodation, 4 no, ion. ru., 4up lu
Sundays Id press, 4 00, 5 90, 8 00 p. in. Aeeoin
moJatlon. 7 16 a. in., 4 16 p. in.
Parlor Can on all eipiivx trains.
6 Tho Rosy Freshness
And a velvet softness of the skin Is Inva
riably obtained or tbori who use Pohoni's
Complexion Powasr. -
Ufa.-. '"A
Coiebnttod Vunaj
rnwiturs never tli
an situ hurrluner nullas
a other list
Tana. .! l-nnvruv.l and
rai.eJin.l- Alwajribuytliabwt udaygli diaw
Formal Declaration of War Expeot
ed at any Hour.
s Cottoleo trade marks are "Cbtiotme" and
strr Afad in cotton-plant wreath on every tin.
Calcsgo, Ksn lork, rhllsdclplila, rittiliarg.
admixture to
lordinary cof-
tee maues nj
delicious drink
Grocers can tell
you wliy those
1.,, Cnnllrt'0
When kecpcoininKback
used as an. for it. Strange
lliougii now long
it takes people to
try a new thing.
I had severe attaoks of gravel and kidney
trouble; and unable to get a medicine or
doctor to cure me until I used Hop Hitters,
aud thoy cured mo In u short time. A
Distinguished Lawyer, of Wayne Co.,
. Y.
Colorless and Cold. A young girl
deeply regretted that sho was so colorless nnd
and cold, llor faro was too white, nnd hor
bauds and feet folt ns though tho blood did
not circulate. After ono bottle of Hon
Bitters had been taken sho wns tho rosiost
and healthiest girl in tho town, with a
vivacity and cheormlnoss of mind gratifying
other friends.
Suit Against u Ca-oporn'tlvoTown.
Bristol, Tenn., April 12. Suit has
been brought against the Co-operativo
Town company, of Ellzabethton, nskln;
for a receiver, and also that the prop
erty of tho company should be sub
Jected to the payments of the com
pany's Indebtedness, amounting to
$1,000,000. It Is charged that tho com
pany was Insolvent when Its property
was transferred to the Wautauga Land
company, more than a year ago. Tho
bill also alleges that the deal was one
In which John G. Carlisle, Robert P,
Forter, Benjamin Butterworth, Judge
McComas and other men of national
prominence were Interested. It Is said
that there Is a deficit of $50,000.
What effect the flood will have upon
tho crops of the present season depends
unon the length of Its continuance, ana
the practicability of wheat planting after
the subsidence of the flood. The entire
rrrton under water on April 6 pro
duced last year about 370,000 bales of
ootton. valued at close on $13,000,000
over 11.000.000 bushels of corn, worth
about $3,400,000. and wheat, oats, po
tatoes and hay worth over $800,000
more. The most vnluablp portion of
these crops was raised In Mississippi
whose region now submerged produced
nearly a quarter of a million bales of
cotton, besides other products, mostly
for local consumption.
The counties wholly or partially sub
merged are among the largest cotton
producing counties In the United
States. Yazoo county, which alone has
produced over 60,000 bales In a season,
Is one-half under water, while Bolivar
county, Coahomea, Issaquena, Wash
ington (with a productive oapaclty of
100,000 bales) and other famous coun
ties are partially submerged.
The weather bureau nreulota a fur
ther extension of the flooded area, but
no attempt, of course, ha been made
to estimate the serious possibilities of
such extension.
Don't Tobacco Spit and smoke Your Life
If you want to quit tobacco using easily
aud forever, be made well, strong, magnetic,
full of new life and vigor, take No-To-Bao,
the wonder-worker that makes weak men
strong. Many galu ten pounds in ten days.
Oyer 400,000 tured. Buy No-To-Bao from
your own druggist, who will guarantee a
on re. 50c or fl.00. Booklet aud sample
mailed irea.- Ad. Sterllug Remedy Co.,
WfToileerNew York,
f I r "aM:tlMt''
Take No Substitute..
Has always stesd FSSt In the esllmi. N
tlon of l!ie A-iiciicrm Keonle. No otnsr Is 3
r " just ss eood." Eeet Iruant I'ooa.
1 Cur&s Fever,
2 " Worms.
3 " Infants' Diseases.
4 " Diarrhea.
8 " Neuralgia.
9 Cures Headache.
10 " Dyspepsia.
11 " Delayed Periods.
12 " Leuchoprsa.
14 " Skin Diseases.
No. 16 Cures Rheumatism.
No. 16 Malaria.
No. 20 " Whooping Cough
No. 27 " Kidney Diseases,
No. 30 . " Urinary Diseases
No. 77 " Colds and Grip.
Sold by Druggists, or sent prepaid on
rocelpt of pneo, 25c, or 5 for SI.
Dn. IiUMrnnKYS HoiraoPATnio Mancai.
of Diseases Mailed Fiiee.
Humphreys' Mod. Co., Ill William St., K.Y.
For salo at Povlnsky's drug storo, 28 Hast
Centre street
Coming Iiveuts,
May 80. Ice cream and strawberry festival
in Bobbins' opera bouse, under the allspices
of the societies of Trinity Keiormeu cnureu
A True Remedy,
V. SI. Itcoine. editor Tlskilwn. 111.,
Chief," says : Wo won't keep houso wltn
nut Dr. Kine's New Discovery for Consumn-
t nn. t!on"h anil colds. HxDerimonteu Wltu
many others, but never got tho true remedy
until wo usod Dr. King's New Discovery. No
othor roincdv can take Its place in our Home,
m In It wn havo n certain and suro cure for
Couchs, Colds. Whooping Cough, etc." It is
idle to oxDorimont wltu other remcuies. even
if they are urged on you ns just as good as
Dr. Kino's New Discovery. They are not as
good, because this remody has a record of
cures nnu. uesiuos is guaraniceu. jl nuvoi
fa s to satisfy. Trial Tiottlos tree nt A
Wasley's drug store.
Jnpnn to Sontl Wnitslilps to llnwnll
Yokohama, April 12. The govern
ment of Japan has decided to send two
warshlns to Hawaii, stopping mean
while all emigration. A number of re
fected emigrants have arrived at Kobo,
The Japanese press is urging the gov
ernment to take a firm attitude toward
the Hawaiian and American govern
ments. Plilllpplno ltovolutton Kudod.
Washington, April 12. Spanish Min
ister de Lome yesterday received ad
vices that 10,808 rebels In the Philippine
Islands have surrendered. Aside from
a few marauders In the province of
Nueva Itelja the remainder of the Isl
ands Is quiet. This surrender, the min
ister adds, praatlcally settles the revo
lution. Itlietiiiiutlsm Cured In Day.
"Mystic Cure" for Rboumatism Bnd Ne
ralntn railienllv Ull'BS in 1 to 3 daVS. It
notion upon the system is remarkable and
mysterious. It removes at once the cause and
the disease immediately disappears. The
first dose greatly benefits.
T. l' Anthony, ex-Postmaster of Promise
City, Iowa, says : "I bought one bottle of
'Mystlo Cure' for Rheumatism, and two doses
of It did tue more good than any medloine I
ever took." 75 cents.
Sold by C. II. Ilagenbtioh, druggist, Shenandoah.
Is It Another Pearl 'Urynn Murder!
Mount Vernon, Ills., April 12. Boys
passing through some woodland five
milts northeast of the olty found a wo
man's head lying near the public read
leading from Mount Vernon to Rich
view. The body was found 200 yards
from the spot where the head lay with
the flosh stripped from the bones, both
the trunk and head being so badly de
composed as to render recognition Im
possible. The testimony at the inquest
went to prove that the body waa that
of a woman who was in that locality
Saturday night. She refused to divulge
her name, but said her honjp was in
Carml, Ills. The theory Is that an
other Pearl Oryan murder ha been
CJLT013 e 7.TI2H.L2ZER
Cures geccr-l or Lpccll debility, wakeful
cess, fpc.ti:ha:', uu:i.iJlon3, tinpotency,
paresis, etc (Jor.oas functional disorders,
caused by cr.'rn rr .-J-"-.-?, q lickly restoring
Lost Mdfttif .- '. i i 1 . i . p,', ,:ving vigor and
strength wh.ic : . ' !.uci,s prevailed. Con
venient pr-.k!-., riv , c':'eclual, and legitimate.
Wr h dt-i.t'l ly imitation: Insist on
ATON'S VIUHhd.-i. Sent sealed il your drui?.
Ir !ftsliSi
gist doett nt have t.
J ux S I pr pVtre. 6 for S5
Mviin written znrranioe ox contpieie cure.
Infdnnalion. ''.1.4110.. free And confidential.
Send uo statement of tc nnd 25 cti. for a week's
trial treatment. One only sent U each person. '
For cole ot P. I. I. Klrlln's drug Btoro nnd
Shenandoah drug store.
?SKB 6C4 North SixliTSi
ar a vaSat&M&iaoeniranceonur6cnu
ph;lmdelphia. CURE GUARANTEED-
in niAunti. (ua year) ana i
Yran lloatnltal lixncrlciice In Clertminv.
Folly of both sexeba
Permanently cured after evtrj ono clo has fulled.
K natter wbtt Ktf-atjr lad jrwt ul fktuou Doctori aad pjeUL
Utt claim, write, print or wjt old lrv Thcel knows Tnor.
tvbout tbeit dbeue sod tow to treat them uooeaafall tbsn sQ
stlwrs omblned, sad tb sll know It too, to thrir sorrow.
Poor sad Iltch, If joa were robbed sad Tlctlmlicd, sad job
with to get UoDwt sad skillful trestmeat, try ones mors old
A I'romlnent Greek Doolnre TliatHI
Country la lieterinlnod ITih Seour-
HIuk Iiitlepeudeuoe for the SitlJiigHol
l'optilatlon of AIu Minor.
Athens, April 11. Accounts are very
conflicting as to what really happpened
last Friday when the frontier was
crossed by the Insurgents. A special
correspondent of the Associated Preas
went to Larlssa Saturday evening and
ascertains that the Invaders numbered
upward of 3,000. Among them were
Amllcare Ceiprlanl and his Italian vol
unteers. The entire force was under
the command of three ex-officers of
the Greek army, Kapsatopoulas), My
lanos and Zlepetros, and four Mace
donian chiefs, Zermaa, Da veils, Vrakaa
and Vrantto.
The redesvous was at Konlskos, a
village near ICalabakas. The men were
all fully armed and wore the national
costume, their black fur caps bearing
the badge and Initials of the Etlinlke
Iletalra embroidered In blue and white,
with the words "En Tonto Ntka" cross
ing the Initials In black.
On Friday a monk from Mount Athos,
assisted by his abbot and two deacons,
held a religious service at Konlskaa, at
which all members of the invading
body partook of the sacrament and reg
istered the oath of the order "Liberty
or Death."
During Friday night, following the
service, the frontier was crossed, the
force moving in the direction of Scliulk.
While tills movement was In progress
second band, the number of which
Is as yet unknown, had a rendezvous
at Kezeros, about 36 kilometers north
of Iarlssa, and near the coast. This
band was similarly equipped, had a
similar mission, and took the same
oath. It was commanded by the Mace
donian chief, Slnslnlkos. It crossed the
frontier on Thursday night, marching
on Karya.
As everywhere In the vale of Tempe,
in this portion 'of the frontier the roads
and bridges are in a condition of thor
ough repair. Testerday the roar of mil
itary could be plainly heard at Lar
lssa from the din of Karva, where
Slnslnlkos Is evidently forcing matters.
General Makrls and his staff, with
some knowledge or tne movements
afoot which they were unwilling to
Impart, left Saturday for Tyrnavos, the
most Important Greek position near
Blassona. Four batteries of reinforce
ments followed yesterday for the same
point. At headquarters they declare
that nothing Is known as to the raid
and will say nothing as to the prob
able character of the raiders. However,
some additional light has been thrown
on the subject by an interview between
the representative of the Associated
Press and a prominent Greek, who Is
evidently In close touch with the league
and Its plans. The Greek said:
"The movement of these bands is all
In accordance with a clearlv defined
program, For years thousands ot
Greeks, even little children, on receiv
ing a shilling have been in the habit
of putting half of it Into a national
box in the cause of Pan Hellenism. For
many months it has been the plan of
the league to stir up all the Pan
Hellep.lo peoolo by means of armed
bands. Now that a great moment has
come In Greek history, wo have seized
upon it. Our aim at present Is to get
behind the Turkish lines and to stir
up all our brethren.
"Whether or not Europe Insists on
the Integrity of Turkey, Greece Is not
animated by selfish views, or with any
desire for annexing territory to the
kingdom. She demands not only a true
and complete Independence of herolo
Crete, but the same Independence for
Eplrus, Macedonia and Thrace. She de
mands Independence lor an tne suoju
irated nonulatlon of Asia Minor. There
fore, Greece will face any danger in
order to reach that end."
Strlnurent orders have been Issued
analnst Irregular fighting, and the pen
altv of death will be imposed for any
Infraction. The general impresBlon here
Is that war will be proclaimed today or
tomorrow. The position of affairs Is
now extremely critical. Although the
Turkish army has not yet assumed the
offensive, orders to that effect from the
sultan are expected at any moment,
All classes of the troops are full of
war enthusiasm.
The Athens newspapers reflect the
popular enthusiasm, and contain high
ly optimistic forecasts of the progress
of the band in Macedonia, where Its
presence is expected to exert a magical
Influence on the Christian population
and to be a signal for a general up
rising. The former exploits of the fa
mous insurgent leaders accompanying
the expedition afford, It is believed,
euaranty of splendtd success In the
future. One newspaper says that the
die Is now cast: that a successful be
ginning has been made; that It Is all
over with diplomacy, negotiations and
Identical notes or blockades, and that
the eloquent voice of the rllle has
spoken at last. A telegram from Arta
says that Greek bands are crossing the
frontier at various points, and that
war seems inevitable.
Bmwl Bwrngamwd and NervGusness Pre
Sttdfii by Stomaoh Trouble.
Blood Disorder and Nervousness of
Years Standing. .
Vnm the Chwmrrct i Matlnnn, TIL
Mrs. Christiana Faster Is amnlrnn of Mo:-' IimI th .t did tint account for trii M nrnAU
Hon 1 w is in, my mooti out not ciirniRiv,
irid il I i KmI my tinier while .- inir, no
i.i,, , I ., I,, (lie piiiifttiri'. Ml this is
': !!! rut inn, thanks to Dr. Willi mi rink
(Signed) " Mita. Christiana Foster."
WUnrm: Mits. Ed. Hears.
to.iii, who has recently been restored to tV
ranks of health nfter ninny yen if r
ing. P'le Etve her stuti m.'iit m n npu i
in such concise shape that rr print il :
" My name Is Christiana Poster, I tun fiHy
yetirs of age and a housekeeper. I linre
lived in Illinois ever since I wns tntlve
yenrs old. During the latter years of my
life I liftve been much afflicted with stfcinnch
trouble, blood disorders and nervousness,
an I these were greatly aggravated about two
years spo, when I became subject to most
dfoagreenble hot flashes, (or perhaps I should
say 'flashes).'
" I seemed to be losing ground all the time.
I could not sleep but lor a short time, not
being able to obtain any appropriate rest,
Kin! I may say I was truly wretched.
" About one year ago, after reading an ad
vertisement of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills for
I'ale People, I determined to get some of
them, and did so, beginning to take them
strictly according to directions. I had not
taken'lialf a box before I experienced relief,
and before I had taken fonr boxes, I was, I
may say, well. Of oourse I am growing old,
The proprietors of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills
state Hint tlicy arc not a patent medicine but
a prescription Used for many ycurs hy tin em
int nt pnclitimcr who produced the most
wonderful rrs.tlts with them, ctiriiiE all forms
of wcakntvs arising from a water) condition
of the lilo I or shattered nerves, tso fruitful
ctinses of nlinoit every ill to which fbnh is
heir. The pills are also a specific for the
troubles peculiar to females, such ns suppres
sions, all forms of weakness, chronic constipa
tion, bearing down pains, etc., and in the esse
of men will give speedy relief and effect a per
manent cure in all cases arising from mental
worry, overwork, 'or excesses of whutever
nature. They are entirely harmless and caii
be given to weak and sickly children with
the greatest good and without the slightest
danger. Pink Pills are sold by all thtalers,
or will lie sent post paid on receipt of price,
(SO cents a box, or six boxes fur $i.W they
are never sold in bulk or by the 100) by ad
dressing Dr. Williams' Medicine Company,
Schenectady, N. Y.
Dyspepsia, Malaria, Sioeplsssness,
nervous Headache, Biliousness,
Kidney Diseases, General Debility, Efc.
Asli your Dntflrflitt. to get them
through his jobber, or send
a I'ostal Card to
If are iampl
Sold by P. P. D. KIRLIN, Shenandoah. Pa.
Ilr. TheeL sad be vlU cure you positively Ireurs Is possible.
No Deception, no False Representation. Frcih esses
eared la 4 to 10 Diys. 8nd live 3-oeot sumps (or Truth.
But of sll for Slasle or M srrisd, Taog or old, Osl Bosk
Ktofquscks. Hour, i 9-8. Emlsfsi 6-0, Hour, for exim
Uoa sod trestaMtat la ssssstag hopskss sldsvogroas essct,
dsUj.OtoS. Wed. sad BU ., 6 tola. Baa.,9toll. Treat
usnt by null. SuioUst swsoy Guaranteed. Poftltlvdr
the lowest charges lathUoltjr fer (Jm best treatment.
Lager and
Pilsner Beers,
A Household Necessity.
CaseareU Cautly Cathartto, the most won
derful medical discovery of the age, pleasant
and refreshing to tho taste, uut gently aud
positively on kidneys, liver and bowels,
eUauslng the entire system, dispel colds, sure
headache, fever, habitual constipation and
biliousness. Tlense buy an 1 try a box of
(J. U. U. to-day ; 10, 25, 50 cents. Sold and
guaranteed to cure by all druggists.
llueklen's Arnlott Salve.
The best salve In the world ior outs.
bruises, sores, uloers, palt rheum, fever sure,
tetter, obapped hands, chilblain, earns, and
all skin eruptions, and positively enrcs idles.
or jo pay required. It la guaranteed to give
perfect attUfhetton or mony refunded, l'rice
36 cents per box. For salo by A. Waslay.
When yon want good roofing, plumbing
gas fitting, or general tlnsmlthing done eall
on E. F. Gallagher 18 West Centre street
Dealer ir b teres 1-tf
Purest and
Chris. Schmidt, Agt.,
The Future of Oreeco,
Vienna, April 12. The correspondent
of the St. Petersburg; Qaaette lias had
an Interview with Crown Prince Con
stantln at Larlssa, and reports the
prince as havinK said to htm: "I re
ally do not understand why Crete Is
not elven to us. It seems to be feared
that Greece will be strengthened by the
acquisition of fresh territory. 1'he fu
ture of Greece, however, lies not In the
south, but In the north; not In Crete,
but In Macedonia."
when in n. i
Nervous IV , ,
lmpotenty..Uri .
other weakness?.:
use Sejtine Pills.
.lial to use for
Li . s f Power,
' ' -.neocene snd
m to. itny cause.
urains cnecaca
and full vicor aulcklv restored,
IfDegtoclcd. .oca troabtc. retail f.t.nj
Mailed for Sl.OOiuboxcs $5.00.
5.00 orders wc cive a cuarantee to
cure or refund the money. Address
PEAL MEDICINE CO., Cleveland. O,
For Sale by P. P. D. KIRLIN, Shenandoah, Pa.
nro progresiivo niul keep informed if
tlio World's Progress. The well in-
formed nnd thrifty Hou90-wifo will
always keep s
in the house, ns a standard remedy fur
Sprains, Bruises, Cramps, Itheumiitism,
nnd all aches nnd pains. 5
Prlce.25 cts. and BO els. r' bat'-le. E
Prepared by II. 1. IIACKETT & t ... Ph;iJUlphU.
If tou liave ever seen a ehild lu the s irony
of own1, yu can appreciate the gratitude
of the mothers who know that One Minute Cure relieves their little ones as quick-
' M It is auminieiereu. Aiany nomes in mis
ty are never without it. C. II. Ilagenbueh.
pepa. Railroad.
. Januabv 18,1397.
Trains will leave Shenandoah nfter the abov.
date for Wlirgnns, Gllberton, Frookvllle, Dart
Water, St. Uiair, i'ottsville- Hamburg, Keaamc
II..,,. 111. 1 (II.. 7na4,.n,n an,l UKlt
lUimuwil.lliuciiiAxiiu, iiu,,i,n,n ouu , mi
adclplitn (liroad street station) nt 6 OS and 1109
a. m. and 4 20 p. rn. on week days. For Poll,
vino ami lnteriuetnaio stations v iy n. in.
For Wlairons. Gllberton, Frookvllle, Dari
Water. St. Clotr, I'ottsville, at 6 08, 9 45 a. ra. auf
310 p.m. For HnmlmrK, KbhiIIiik, l'ottstown
I'lioemxvilie, iNorrierawu, x-aiiuueitiuta aio'fl
1 45 a. in., 8 10 p. m.
Trains leave Frackvllle for Htienanuoau al
in lln. in. nml 12 81. 5 41. 7 52 and 10 47 u. ro.
Sunday, II 13 a. ni. nnd S 41 p. m.
j,eavo l'oicflviue ior nnenanuoan at lu id
a. in. nnd 12:05, 5 13, 7 36 and 10 30 p. m. Sunday
i 10 10 n. in., o 10 p. m.
Leave l'lilladelplita, (Ilroaxl street station), fo
Shenandoah at 5 57 nnd 8 38 n, m., 4 10 ana 7 i
p. m. week days. Sundays leave at ft 60 n. m.
Leave llroatl street station, Philadelphia, lu
Seit Girt. Ashury Park. Ocean Grove. Loai
Ursncb, nnd litterraedlnte stations, 8.S0 11.11
o. in., 3.80 and 4.00 p. in. wees-days.
iavo uroau street aiauon, x'uiiaueipnia,
Ksprew, week-days 8 20, 4 On, 4 00 5 in, 6 50,
7 88, S X, 8 88, 9 50, 10 21 (Dining- Oar), 11 00 a. in.
12 00 noon, )2 33 (Limited 100 and 4 22 p.m.
Dining Cars), 140, 2 30 (Dining Oar) 3 20, 8 50,
4 00, 500, 5 56 (Dining- Car). 00, 6 50, 8 13, 10 00 ;
p. in., 12 01, nisjit. Sundays, 3 20, 4 05, 4 50 5 15,
820.883,960, 1031, (Dl Ing- Car), 1185 a. ru.,
12 85, 2 80 (Dining Car), 4 00 (Limited 1 22 Dining
Car), 5 SO, 5 88, (Dining Car), 6 85, 50, 8 11, 10 08
p. ui., 12 01 night.
Exprca. for Ilostott without cliange, 11 00 a m.,
week-days, and 6 50 p. m., dally.
For Itoltlmore and Washington, 8 30, 7 20,8 12
q s. riiiLi.irs, m. d.
OBlpe: 30 West Centre stieet.
Can bo consulted nt nil hours.
11. BURKE,
Office Bfran building, corner of Main and
Centre streets, Shenandoah.
Shenandoah, Pa.
Corner Market and Centre streets.
Lak Box 65, Malianoy Olty, l'a.
ug studied under some of the best
sit' London and Paris, will give lessons
masters I
on the violin, mandolin, guitar and vooal culture.
l erni. reaeonauie. Autlraes In care of Slrouse,
tne joweier. suenanuoau.
West Coal Street.
Iledueed Hates t New York.
For the dedication of the Grant Monu
mental Tomb, April 8T, the Pennsylvania
1 tall road Company will sell tickets from all
points on its line to New York, April 86 (and
from points within one huudred aud fifty
utiles of New York, April 86 and ST), good to
return until April 3U inclusive, at rate of a
(are and a tlilrd for the round trip. TiokeU
for military ooiupaniee in uniform, number
ing flfty or more, traveling in a body on one
ticket, will be sold at rate of si ogle fere per
capita for the round trip.
The parade on this oeoasten will bo the
grandest military demonstration since the
war. Thousands of veterans. United Status
regulars, aud state militiamen will be In line.
Many cases of "llrippo" have lately been
cured by One Minute Cough, Cure. This
preparation seems especially adapted to the
cure of this disease. It acts quickly thus
preventiug serious complications and bad
effects iu which thin disease often leaves the
patieut. C. II. llageubuch.
1020. lis n. m.. 1208 (1281 Ulilll
tng Car), 111, 8 18, 4 41 (618 Coiurenlou)
Limited, Dining Car), 6 17, 0 55 (Dining Oar),
740 (Diutug Car) p. in., and 111 alglit
week days. Sundays, 8 50, 730, 912, 11 Ma.
in., 13 OB 1 12, 4 41, ( 5 It Congressional IJmltad
IHnlng Oar), 6 55 (Dining Car), 7 10 p. m.
(IHnlug Car) and 12 05 night.
Leave Hroad street station, Philadelphia (via
Delaware river bridge), ex preas, 702 p. in.
Leave Market street Ferry, express, 8 50 a in.,
200. 4 10.5 Ml n. m. Sunday. 8 45. 9 48 a. iu.
Aooouiiunuatioii, aw, aw, a. in., o ju ami -l au
p. m., week days. Sundays, H 00, 8 15 a, ui., 1 00
auu o w p.,111.
For Cape May, Angleaaeai, Wild wood and
Holly Haawh, and Sea Isle Olty, Ocean Olty aud
Avalou Bspreas, 000 a. m., 4 09 p. in week
dava. Butulavs. V 00 b. lu.
For Somen I"olnt Bxprees, 8 59 n m., 4 10
Sin. weeK aays. nuuuuys s so a. in.
. B. HOTOHiaaott. J. R. Wo.
Gen'l Manager. Uen'l Psas'rr Agt
nillions of Dollars
Oe up in smoke every year. Take no
rituu but get your nouses, slock, fui
nlture, etc., Insured in first-class re
liable companies as represented by
DAVIH FATIST "nsurance Afeat
Ui Y 1U r-JVUOl, 130 South Jardlu S
Aim Life and Accidental Compaol Mf
Ills UBItf . t WuV' rfciK SArt
it Povlnsky's drug store, 28 Ra.
Centre street.
Wanted-An Idea I
Who ean think
ox some simple
tatag to patent!
Cured by this arrauular effervesneni anil aalmu
lain. An nutani eure ior sour aiomaeu. and
headaelies, wbtoii often aaouutulate from having
a ntgbt out.
17 and 19 Peach Alley, Shenandoah
Teams to H I r.
If ycu want to hire a sate aud reliable
tsam for driving or for working purposes
lay Sttleld.' livery stable a Teams
wtwMHjrtwiuiHi at reasouatue rales
No. 41e Bast Centre street.
Opposite Heading railroad station.
. -.'-Jr . iu, JtiJiSLk! . -.