The evening herald. (Shenandoah, Pa.) 1891-1966, April 12, 1897, Image 2

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I'n llnhl'l i ten Kvenliig.KlccptHiliia'ay.ftt
l'i n Ukii-i Stbskt, Ncaa Castas.
Tlif Heriilil m ileitveient InfUienaititoatt au1 He
sur ounrtlnn tow lis for nix vent werk, paf"
ul. In to tin- tairlera. lly mull 13. (AJ a year, or II
eeota A moutlK payable In ttdvanee AdvertlSS
iitonts cliarKetiiit-i-otHllngtoapaocAnd position.
Tho t.ithllhlierw reserve ine right to clianfe the
i, i-l loii of abertlaementii whenever tlto uub
lloiit.on of iipma demands tt. T'te riant It
rrserfed to rt-p-e ao tui erttaemi'ot, whether
ii till for or not. Mint the publisher-; may ilin'it
Itiipr per Advertising rate made known
upo i ApliMr.ttum
Koio-ed at toe pn-tornee nt Hbenandoa-h, Pa., ft
Hocond cIimh inuil mutter.
"All ihJ News Thai's Fit to Print,"
Evening Herald
The Mineraville Froe Pre la authority fur
the statement that Cunt runaruan llrnnini haa
received over eue thousand application t'oi
othce, with several districts to hear from.
The anthracite investigating committee,
composed of members of tho Lcgislsture,
have visited this region in tbelr official
capacity, examined witnesses, ami the readers
of the IIimn hnve liecn lurniskrd with a
stenographic report of the 'testimony. This
couiiii.tten Is composed of two Senators and
tli iee luenihera of the lower Ileum), nil tucti
above the average in intelligence, and who
apparently have an earnest ileal le to glean all
tho mformatiou possible an to the emiiMtlen
o; the miuu workers, with a view to sub
witling u remedy fur the present condition of
all'airs in this and other sections of tho state.
That there is sutferlng and want is ml
mitled on all sides. It was not necessary for
a Legislative lommittee lo take eviduuee to
ascertain this fiu-r. any uprcscutiitivo from
tho coal regions could i live furnished any
ninoui t of iiil'oruiation of this character, and
s.ivtd to the taxpayers of the state the ex
pense at'ciiditig such mi iutestigatlon as the
ouc now In progies. We tieliete that the
uioinb. rs tJ the committee as at present Iionc-t and capable and are
engaged In un eif-.rl. to uliun all the int'ur
niation owib.e, without ftHr or fuvor ; they,
however, are not -enpomiible for the ap
pointment of the coiuniitlee, and any failure
iu lliii iuvcligition nill not rest with them.
it w.H not the object of the promoters of
thii in esiig.itlou lo relieve tho distlesstd
miner tor the love they bore him; thoy taw
in the litile i-cheme a niee junketing trip and
nt the pumu time an opportunity to secure
political buncombe for themselves and
a club to u-e upon the coal companies at the
expense of tho taxpayers. Itut iu this tiny
failed, fur the reason that the prime movcis
were not named us members of the committee.
Tho expense will Le gieat enough as it is;
hut imagine, if you can, what it would have
been had the cll'urU of some of tho solons
boen successful in having a committee, of forty
appointed Instead of five, as at present con
stituted, with ahamuakiie and divons other
good things as the chief etpilpinsuts.
As wo have previously stated, tho members
of the committee are no doubt honest iu their
intentions, and should bo encouraged rather
than hampered in their cUbrts to alleviate
tho suffering of tho mine workers and those
dependent upon them. That tho commission
will apply every means in their power to
remedy tho existing stato of affairs, is
evident from the tono of interviews had
with members of the commission by a
representative of tho Hkimi.d. They know
very well that the prevailing dullnoss nil
over the country in every avenue of trade,
is responsible fur the hard times in the coal
regions, where the effect is last felt, and no
legislature, no investigating committee can
tako any action that will remedy this evil.
The evidence so far submitted to the com
mittee, so far as the cause of tho depression
of the coal trade is concerned, tends in one
direction namely, an overproduction, with
a surplus of labor. This fact was well known,
nnd it did not require an investigation to
bring it to the attention of the Legislature.
The sxplauation for the slack demand for
anthracite coal is easily furnished by the
statistics of production. In 1870 tho anthra
cite companies produced 10,188,101 tons of
prepared sizes, ou which most of tho profit
is secured, and tho production of bituminous
coal in that year was 15,500,000 tons. In the
ten years to 1880, pea and buckwheat, on
which there is little profit, was sold to tho
extent of 2.243, 721 tons, prepared sites to
87,000,000 tuns, and bituminous had more
than doubled tu 80,000,000 tout. In I860 pea
and buckwheat sizes had nearly doubled, and
iu that year 15,141,500 tons wore sold against
23,125,500 tons of prepared siztg, while the
bituminous production was 150,000,000 tons.
Taking Uiete faets into cunsideiatlon, tho
secret of the depressed condition of the an
th incite trade, upon which our people to
largely depend for a livelihood, is found in
the increased use of small sizes on which
profit is little or nothing, and the enormous
production of soft coal. The displaolng tf
the old prepared sizes by tho steam sires and
soft coal is increased by the use of gas and
electricity, ami this promises to con
tinue. This is what ails the coal trade, and
what has robbed the anthracite carriers of
their business.
As we predicted at the time the investigat
ing committee was appointed, their inquiry
has elicited nothing that was not already
known to the members of the Legislature
from this county, and more especially the
upper districts. They could, if they
bo desired, have furnished the memliers of
the legislature with all this information,
avoiding the expense ef a trip to this section.
The present session of the legislature tends
strongly to investigation!. no lantlutn four
now being engaged in their "arduous"
duties in different parts of the state.
Investigations in the past have borne little
fruit, and wu may exiwct no more from those
now iu progress, no matter how conscientious
the members of the committees may be.
It is to bo Imped that the line of Invest!
gation will teud iu another direction from
that pursued in Wahausy City, when the In
vestigators come to Shenandoah. Here they
will Hud say number of witnesses conversant
jvith the coat trade whose views upon the
subject may materially assist the members of
the committee.
if the legislators ejus devise seme way in
which to' the companies to work their
collieries on full time, tbey will have reached
the root of all our trouble, and they will re
ceive the th.mkt of all fricuds of the work
iugmau Hut can they do it? So far no
remedy tiw been suggested by those who
have appeared before the committee. The
hitter, iu the words of t'liairmau Meredith,
", muiot make tho collieries go." If the
Legislature can regulate the law of demand
and niipidy tlirv may improve the preent
condition of albtii .
We are iilill of the opinion tint tho inves
tigation will elicit nothing that wu not al
ready writ known.
K. C. Joiner. Allen 1. 0.. lttlltdale Co
Mich., wye "Nothing gave my rheumatism
l etwh Aftkik roller Dr. Thomas' Eolectrtc
I.I t tie Cyclist Killed.
Baltimore, April U. Hortetise Res
ets Kctntlre, (he 7-year-old daughter
of Congressman W. W. Melnttre, of the
Fourth Maryland district, wm xmea
Saturday while riding a bicycle. The
little girl, who 'ti a novice on the
wheel, was practicing on Calvert street,
near Mount Ttoynl avenue, a short dis
tance from her home, when she fell In
front of a wagon loaded with lumber,
driven by John Bapp. Hefore the
horses could be stoppped the wheels
passed over the little unfortunate,
causing Injuries which resulted In her
death an hour later. Sap? was ar
rested. "
Oacarets Wimnbte liver, kidneys mid
bowel. Never inktt. weaken or gripe, 10c.
CliaiWNl'Vrttn Ktcotlna Frew,
Trenton, April 12 Oeorg,- N. Packer,
until lately clerk cf the district court
of Trenton, has been rtrrested, charged
with withholding tectn received as clerk
which belong to 'William Dolton, one of
the court constables, for pervlnpt papers.
Packer was removed from ofilce some
months ago, and a shortage of several
hundred dollars was then discovered
In his accounts. It was brought to the
attention of Packer's bondsmen, and he
made over to them some property
which lie owned. Packer lias recently
expropcc-d an Inuntlcn to go to Seattle,
Wash., and prompted Dclton's ac
tion. Oemorii' Panpttllly Tto'otvert.
Jacksonville. April 12. The trial of
General 6n..culily and Colonel Lechuga
on charger i.f fitting out the Uen.-.uda
expedition !.! a farce, and resulted In
the defendan t being discharged. Tho
government attorneys asked for a con
tinuance and the P.panlsh vice consul
refused to tos'l'y. No evldencoifvas In
troduced, and the defendants did not
even ask to be discharged. It was In
timated that another warrant would be
Hworn out, but the United States com
missioner paid It must be on some
thing better than the fJpcnlsh vice con
sul's affidavit.
Torturing, itching, scaly skin eriiptiont1
burnt ami roild aro southed nt onco and
promptly heated by IX-Wltl's Witch, llnztl
lve, the best known euro for idles. C. II.
A I!-tlnn;ulKliert fli'iio-p VNItor.
San lVanclsco, April 12. The steamer
Gaelic came Into port late Saturday
night, but anchored In the lower bay to
await quarantine Inspection, and did
not proceed to her wharf un'il yester
day. On the way across the Pacific
the steamer, displayed the yellow tri
angular dragon flag cf China tt her
masthead, In honor of Minister Woo
Ting Fong, who will represent the em
peror of China in America, Spain and
i Peru. He and his suite occcupied near
ly all the staterooms In the veszal.
There are nearly CO In his suite.
Doubly l'ntul tiuinlilliiK Qnr.vro'.
Cripple Creek, Colo., April 12. A
shooting affray occurred yesterday at
McISlroy's Hall, Altaman, Colo., In
which Jack Cox lnstantlv killed Bob
Daly and wounded Harry Miner and
Sam Loshey, and was then shot fatally.
After killing Daly Cox ran into the
street, where he met Town Marshal
O'Brien, at whom he fired. The mar
shal returned the fire, shootln? Cox,
who now lies at the hospital In a dying
condition. The shootlne Brew out of
a quarrol over a gambling table.
Ilooi-H Talk of War With IIiiKlnnd,
London, April 12. A dispatch to The
Dally Mail from Capo Town says The
Het Dagreblad, the Dutch newspaper,
declares that leading officials of thp
Tranevaal speak openly of a war with
England as Inevitable, and aver that
it will be carried right up to Table bay.
J'.lislit Killed In it Church Accident.
Paris, April 12. While mass was be
ing said yesterday In a church near
Cnstrcs, in the department of Tarn, the
roof collapsed. Seven women and one
man were killed and 30 persons were
seriously ! .j'.ired.
Major Theodore Greenawalt, a prom
inent citizen c f Harrisburg, died from
hiccoughs, aged 78.
Five hundred more steamfitters
struck In New York on account of the
employment of non-unionists.
The Plfsbiirg Wire mills, of Brad
lock, Pa., will run night and day seven
days a week for an Indefinite period.
While Simon Flei hman was blasting
rockB wi h dynamite near Gettysburg,
Pa a tu'. .: liarce went off and killed
' Charles T. Jones, of Boston, has
brought buIi for f 10.000 damages against
Mis. Carrie V,". Neat for breach of
A c'.TeS thief, Craig Shirk, was
caught trylnp- to break jail at Carlisle,
Pa., and i Iu Ife and Jennie Barnttz
were'l as accomplices.
The pn .ii ft' ion to admit women as
delegates Jai:id iu the Methodist con
ference at Lowell, Mass., and Man
chester, N. 11., fur lack of a three
fouiibi; vote.
A Montreal court has dismissed the
action against the American Tobacco
ccn-.p"ny, of Canada, stating that It
has a right t Insist that Its customers
thai; t t-ull goods of any other manu-
Eiiny to say, Ij"1
how shall I do it? fU Si I I
In tho only com
mon sense way keep your head cool,
your feet warm ami your blood rich
and pure by taking Hood's Sai'smimrilla.
Then all your nerves,
lis tilG muscles, tissuoi
and ovgang will bu
SnpinP' properly nourished,
P 1 1 EB S uood's Sarsaparllln
builds up tho system, creates an ap
petite, tones tho stomach and gives
strength. It is the people's Spring
Medicine, lius a larger salo and ef
fects mote cures than all others.
Is the One
True Hlood
Purifier. ' I
I t Co , Lowell, Mass.
u it ii-il usual mgcaiiou anucure
UUUU I Ilia Constipation. oenw
A fleasant, Simple, but art and Efltotual
Oufe for It.
Catarrh of the stomach hat long been con
sidered the next thing to iucumble. The
usual symptoms are a full or bloating sensa
tion nftr esting, RcemipRhled sometimes
with sour or watery risings, a formation of
sales, causing pressure on the heart and
lungs and dilUrult breathing; headaches,
flokle appetite, nervousness and a geuornl
played out, languid feeling.
There Is often a foul tasto in the mouth,
crated tongue and If tho interior of the
stomach could he seen It would show a
slimy, inflamed condition.
The enre for this common and obstinate
trouble is found in n treatment which causes
tho food to be readily, thoroughly digested
before it 1ms time-to ferment and Irritate the
delicate mucous surfaces of tbe atomaoh.
To secure a prompt and healthy digestion
is the one nectssary thing to do aud when
normal digestion Is secured the catarrhal
condition will have disappeared.
According to lr. Harlanson the safest
tlid best treatment Is to use after each meal
it tablet, coin posed nf Diastase, Aseptic
l'epslu, a llttlo Nux. Gulden Seal and fruit
achia These tablets van now be found at all
drug stores under the name of Stuart's
Dyspepsia Isbletssud nut lwing a iwtent
modiolus eau be used with perfect safety
and assurance that healthy apetlte and
thorough digestion will follow tbelr regular
use after meals.
Mr. N. J. llooher of 9710 Dearborn St.,
Chicago, III , writes: "(Jatarrh is a local
condition resulting from a neglcctod cold in
tho head, whereby the lining membrane or
tho nose Ih'o nies inllnmcd and the poison
ous discharge thciefrom passing lmckwaril
lulu the throat reaches the stomach, thus
producing cattarrh of the stomach. Medical
authorities pieocrlbod iur me fur three years
for catarrh of stomach without cure, but to
day I am the happiest of men after using
only one Imx of Stuart's lyspeila Tablets.
1 cannot dud appropriate words, to express
my Rood feeling. I have found flesh, ap
petite and sound rest from, their use.
Stuart's Dyieitm Tablets is the aufuat
preiiainllon ns woll lis tho simplest and mott
convenient renn dy for any form of Indiges
tion, catarili of stomach, biliousness, sour
stomach, heartburn and bloating lifter
Send for little book, mailed froe on stnm
uch troubles, by addressing Stuart Co.,
Marshall, Midi. Tho tablets will bo found
at all drug stores.
A Tour to Washington.
The next, personally-conducted tour to
Washington via Pennsylvania Hull road will
leave Xew York aud Philadelphia April 8.
Tickets, Including transportation, hotel ac
commodations and every necessary expense,
will lie sold at the following rates: From New
York, Hrooklyn and Newark, $14 50; Phillips.
burg, N. J , $14.50; Pottsvillo. 14.30 ; Care
My, fl3 75; Philadelphia, fll.50: and at
piiilKirtiouate rales from other points.
l or tickets, itineraries uud lull iulormatlun
apply to tickets agents; Tourist Ageut, 1196
Ilroadwuy, Now York, or (leo. . lloyd, As
sistant llencml Pas ouger Agent, Hoard Street
Station, Philadelphia.
It will he nu agreeable surprise to persons
subject to attacks of bilious colic to learn that
prompt relief may bo had by taking Cham
berlain's Colic, Cholera nnd Diarrhoea Uoin
cdy. In many instances tho attack may bo
prevented by taking this remedy as soon ns
tho first symptoms of tho disease appear. 25
and 50 cent bottles for sale by druhler llros.,
Lust Tour of the Season.
The last personally-conducted tour of tho
Pennsylvania IJailroad will leave New York
and Philadelphia April 15. Tickets, includ
ing transportation, meals cn route iu both
directions, transfers of passengers mid
baggugo, hotel accommodations at Old Point
Comfort, Richmond nnd Washington, uud
enrriago rldo about Richmond In fact cvory
ncco-sary. oxpenso for a period of six days
will be sold at rate of $35.00 from Now
York, Brooklyn, nnd Newark, $34.00 from
Trenton, $38.00 from Philadelphia, and pro
portionate rates from other stations.
Tickets will also be sold to Old Point Com
fort aud return direct by regular trains
within six days, includiug transportation
luncheon on going trip, and ono and three
fourths days' board at Old Point, at rate of
$10 00 from New YorU.Urooklyn and Newark,
$15.00 from Trenton, $14.00 from Phiiadcl
phia, aud proportionate rates from other
Apply to tirket agencies, Tourist Agent,
110U Ilroadwuy, Now York, or Oeo. W. Hoyd
Assistant General Passenger Agcut, Broad
Street Station, Philadelphia.
During the winter of 1803, V. M. Martin,
of Long Reach, West Va., contractod a severe
cold which loft hliu with a cough. In
speaking of how he cured it ho says: "I
used several kinds of cough syrup but found
no relluf until I bought a bottle of Chain,
borhiin's Cough Remedy, which relieved mo
almost instantly, and in a shoittimu brought
about it complete cure." When troubled
with n cough or cold use this remedy and you
will not find it necessary to trj several kinds
before you get relief. It has been In the
market fur over twenty years and constantly
grown iu favor and popularity. For sale at
25 aud 50 cents p rlmttle by Gruhler llros.,
d rtiggiste.
Mw. lloot'i to tlu ( onvlcitis.
Trenton, Anil 12. Mrs. Ballington
Booth made t o addresses in the New
Jersey state -.irlson yesterday, with
about (KIO p iyoners as auditors of each.
Mrs. Booth has established In the In
stitution a volunteer prisoners' league
similar to those formed by her In six
other prisons in different parts of the
country. About 100 Inmates have joined
that here. Mrs. Booth's addresses were
made up largely of admonitions to her
hearers to prepare themselves to lead
better lives after their release. About
40 signified a desire to be prayed for.
An AflliUtlt.
This is to certify that on May 11th, I
walked to Melick's drug store on a ilr of
crutches aud bought a bottle of Chamber
lain's Pain Halm for Intlawioatory ieuma
tlam which bad crippled me up. After using
three bottles I am completely cured. I oau
cheerfully recommend it. Charles II. Wet
zel, Sun bury, Pa,
Sworn and subaoribed to liefore me on
August 10, 18IH. Walter Sbipmoii. J. P.
For sale at 50 cents per bottle by Gruhler
llros., drug store.
dntuilp 1'or the Pour ll.indred.
New- York. April 12. Billot V. Shep
ard, son of the late Colonel Billot F.
Shopard, and grandson of William H.
Vanderbllt, was married Saturday to
Mr. Esther Potter, a young widow.
Bhepard is 20 years old. The marriage
was performed by til Rev, Dr. John
Hall. The relatives of Shepard were
utai tied by the marriage, which is the
subject of much goeelp among the 400,
It is surprising whout "wee bit nf a thing',
can accomplish, flick headache, constipa
tion, dyspepsia, sour stomach, dizziness, are
qui 'kly Uiiislud by DeWitt'a Little Early
Itinera. Small pill. Safe pill. Ilest pill. C.
II. Hagenbucli.
(Continued fro. First Page )
dant to great comnfrttuions or capital.
To Push the Siw Capitol.
At last the measure providing for
the erection of a new canltol building
has taken shape and passed the senate
prior to their last adjournment. This
bill provides for the erection of a new
state capltol building on or near tho
Bite of the old building at a cost of
$660,000, and no doubt with a few
amendments will stieedlly pass the
house, nnd the governor proposes to
attach his signature soon after It comes
Into his hands. It Is his Intention to
have a beginning made toward the
erection of a new state caoltol very
soon. An effort will no doubt be made
in the hpuse to Increase the number
of members of the commission by add
ing two from the house, but it Is very
doubtful whether the temper of this
body will suffer this to be done. The
house recognises no man as master,
and a spirit of great Independence la
a very marked characteristic. One of
the elements that give strength to this
influence comes from the Democratic
members, who stand In solid phalanx
and throw their weight to one side or
the other as they are satisfied as to the
value of the measures to be enacted.
The other factions find it necessary to
secure their Inlluence, and they have to
have some regard for the minority.
It is doubtful whether the house ol
representatives of this commonwealth
.was ever In better trim to secure for
the people wise and Judicious legis
lation than the present one. This la
becoming more noticeable each week.
It would be well If the senate were
similarly balanced. Too much smooth
ness characterises this body, and they
are accredited with passing about
every measure that comes before them,
Another bill to pass the senate
within the past few days was the Ham
ilton road bill, or senate bill No. 0, by
a vote of 41 to 0. This bill is growing
In popularity, and will pass the house
with a good sized majority. There
seems to be a strong sentiment devel
oping in Its favor in many of the coun
try districts. .
Electric railway legislation is now re
ceiving some attention. Two measures
in the interests of such enterprises were
favorably reported out of the commit
tee on passenger railways. The ono
authorizes electric and other rallroada
not operated by steam to carry freight,
while the other practically gives the
electric railways the right of eminent
domain. The object of these measures
is to avoid the Influences of the u
preme court decision, which has been
an obstacle to the extension of electric
roads into the country around Phlla
The reform legislation that was
promised In the beginning does not
seem lo be In a very healthy condition,
ns the bills already Introduced In ref
orence to this aie not regaided with
special favor. Some of the members
who were thought to be frlendx of
these measures do not take kindly to
them. Unless there Is n decided change
In the rsentiment of the house there aro
none of the reform measures likely to
become Jaws.
Opposing nn Exciso Bill.
Although a meeting was held In tho
chamber of the house of repreBenta
tlves In the Interests of the excise com
mission bill, and a number of able at
torneys spoke In behalf of this meas
ure, their effortB seem to avail but lit
tie. The provisions of this bill
authorizes the establishment of a com
mission composed of attorneys, or per
sons learned In the law, whose duties
would bo to pass upon all bills as to
their legal form and constitutionality
before they are Introduced In cither
house. It Is feared that were this bill
to become a law there might a spirit
of favoritism develop, and In that event
only certain measures be permitted to
go before either house. It is also ob
Jected to on the ground that it tends
to increase the number of the officials
of the state, and thus add to the ex
Although several apportionment bills
have been Introduced, It Is extremely
doubtful whether there Is any legisla
tion effected In this respect during this
session at leaBt. The difficulty Is to
frame bills that would satisfy the ma
jority, as In order to make a fair appor
tionment some counties would neces
sarily have a reduced representation,
and this would Incur great opposition
from such districts.
The senate fire Investigating com
mittee is still wrangling with Dr.
Swallow, who seems now to be In a de
fiant mood, aud rather disposed to
choose his own time to furnish the evi
dence he Is alleged to have In refer
ence to the burning of the capltni. In
an open letter to Governor Hastings,
Stato Treasurer Haywood and Auditor
General Mylln, members of the public
buildings and grounds commission, re
garding their referring his request for
permission for himself and others to
examine the ruins of the old capitol
building to the attorney general for his
decision, he charges childish .tactics,
and criticizes them very strongly. But
the time has come when the doctor
must obey the tribunal before which
he Is cited to appear, as they have a
right to know of any knowledge or tes
timony he or his friends have to offer,
and he will not gain anything by with
holding his Information longer.
Llttlo J'.vIdencH AgaliiHt Agent Mooro.
The legislative committee Investigat
ing the charges against Pure Food
Agent F. $J. Moore have succeeded In
getting but little evidence In relation
to the charges made against him thus
The following statistics, as taken
from the books of the transcribing
clerks, show the progress of legislation
In both the senate and house: House
bills read In place, 928; house bills re
ported from committee, 441; senate bills
read In place In the senate, 408; senate
bills reported from house committee.
61; senate bills reported from house, 80
house bills passed and In the senate,
79; house bills In the governor's hands
IS; approved, 9: recalled, 8; senate bills
passed in the house, 8.
These bills passed the house Anally
within the past few days: Requiring
constables to meke returns to court
only -when they have violations of law
to report, except where otherwise pro
vided for by rule of court; authorizing
boroughs to make appropriations to es
tablish and maintain free public li
braries; to provide for levying school
and crhopl building taxes on the city
valuation' In third class cities, where
the school district comprises the same
terrltorlty as the city; validating con
veyances and instruments cf writings
executed by attorneys le fart; supple
ment to tho act of May 23, l&i'J, to pro
vide for the assessment and collection
of special taxes upon properties abut
ting for s'.'.'tet sprinkling and 3treet
June 20, It is thou lit, trill be tho date
of final adiuinii..'nt, and an effort
is being made to have all the businc-sa
finished by that time.
L 0 c h i n v n t
who, accoid
Ing to the
ory, ran
atywltfl tlla
l , bride, did not
ll 1 love her one
i particle more
j man a tnou-
husbands of
the present
day love their
No novelist
could Invent
a story of truer
manly devotion
than the "humble
romance" revealed
- " by the following
letter from Mr.
Harry Chant, of an Haskell Avenue,
Dallas, Texas.
thmil fi-mrttl rvr flflMtl MUMltllt OCro
i wtwn,kitiv wlili a ffsna- of men and hsnncnfil
lo -isv to one of them, ' I hope It will not rain as
r t,aY- a Mb- wnfthliio- to do for the children.
The mnn said, ' What Is tbe matter wftli your
wl s ' "
"For vean my wife had been MiRerlng from
what the doctors called prolapsus of uterus. She
v-.-s nervous, had cold hands and feet, palpita
tion, headache, b-iekache, constipation, a dlsa
jr. -able drain, with lienrlng down pnlnt; no ap-
nel ite. sue koi o wrik sue couiu not get btoiiuu.
I a, ll only a lauorcr so was always in new wun
he (li-cors. ami ail lor nrt goon, nt none qui ner
ii v a od. We tmran to think that she was never
Tohig to get well.
" l mid tills man what the doctors said was the
inn. tcr with her." nnd he said "'did you ever hear
if I)r Pierce's I'avonir prescription 1 " " I toui
him in, but I had tried so many patent medicines
tie.' I was tired of them all, and besides I dtd not
lin.c rnotntli money to nay the Honor ami tne
irnt -.tore, lie ana n l wotiiu get two or
hue hottles nnd try them, and If It did not do
,ti wi e nnv rood that be would pav for the med
cfue. I went to the drug rtore (Mr. Clawlier's
in Kim Stmt), aud bought a bottle. The first
ni.1 sp.-nnrl did not aeani to have much effect tail
the third seemed to work like a charm. She has
ul; n m all aliout tlilrteen bottles ami sue Is to-
liv ac stout and healthy as auy woman in the
fulled Htates. This Is not the only case Whcn-
r I near tell of nnv woman who Is sick In the
nei rhliorliood I just send the book and paper that
k wratpea nrounu every ooiiir nun inni aoes uic
bu:lnc4s. T am no longer bothered about doing
nn own washing and cooking, for my wife can
io it nM iu one day aud never seems tired or out
Df spiiits now."
Dr. Tierce's Tlensant Pellets cure const!
pr.'ion, promptly and permanently,
i. . r
V Bribery Charge Which Is Indie
uantly Denied by Dr. Hunter.
Frankfort, Ky April 12. Yesterday
was a day of excitement In legislative
nlrcleB, on account of charges of brib
ery made In the senatorial contest.
Hunter's managers say that the next
few days will lay bare a plot to ruin
him, and that high and low politicians
will go up in the explosion. The story
of Gaines Is almost unanimously dis
credited heie. It Is believed by some
that Gaines had soveral meetings with
Wilson and Franks, but sentiment is
divided as to their motives. Gaines'
friends admit that he has exploited
himself unenvlably.
Dr. Hunter said today: "I am not
ready now to say what my plans are
In regard to exposing the outrageous
and Infamous assault upon me. The
matter, however, Is full of unpleasant
sensations yet to come for Borne peo.
plo. As I have to meet an immaculate
God, I never saw Qalnes In my life,
and was never In his house."
A conservative man on the Blackburn
side said: "The only effect of the brib
ery story would be to solidify the Hun
ter forces. What we have to fear now
Is that the Kold Democrats will think
It a part of a scheme of the Blackburn
people to prevent an election, a- ' that
they will Indirectly aid by
making a quorum."
The gold Democrats" assisted in
breaklrg a quorum today pending tho
action of the grand Jury In the charges
of attempted bribery against ex-Con-
grossman John N. Wilson, Hon. W.
Godfrey Hunter, Bepublican nomlneo
for senator, and others. The general
opinion here is that the grand Jury
will not return any Indictments against
the gentlemen accused of bribery,
Sent freo by mall.
Set nsldo for twonty-four hourj a hottlo or
common glass filled with urine. A sediment
or settling indicates an unhealthy condition
of tho kidneys. When urine stains linen it
is positlvo evidence of kidney trouble. Too
frequent desire to urinate or pain In the back,
Is also convincing proof that the kidneys and
bladder aro out of order.
Thcro is comfort In tho knowledge so
often expressed, that Dr. Kllmor's Swamp
Root, tho groat kidney remedy, fulfills every
wisli in relioving pain in tho back, kiduoys,
liver, bladder and every part of the urinary
passages. It corrects inability to hold urine
and scalding pain iu pawing It, or bad effects
following liso of liquor, wiuo or beer, and
overcomes that unpleasant necessity of being
compelled to get up mauy times during the
night to urinate. The mild and tho extra
ordinary effect of Swamp-Root is soon
realized. It stands tho highest for its won
derful cures sf tho most distressing oases. If
you need n medicine, you should havo tho
bast. Sold by druggists, price fifty conts and
ono dollar. You may havo o sample bottle
and pamphlet both sent free by mail. Men
tion Evening Hkrai.u and send your
address tu Dr. Kilmer & Co., Itinghamtou,
N. . Tho proprietors of this paper guarautoe
the genuine of this offer.
soarfh tor u j.oKt Hulr.
Troy, N. V., April 12. A. J. Dwyer,
of New Orleans, Is In this city search
ing for John C. King, of Duqucsne, Pa..
who has disappeared and Is supposed
to have come to Troy. A' brother of
King died recently and left a fortune
ot about $100,000, to which the missing
man Is sole heir. (
Children liopotiod, Mother Drowned.
St. Louis, April 12. An unknown wo
man threw her two little children Into
Ihe river from the ferryboat Dr. Hill
and then plunged after them- The
jlllldren were rescued, but the woman
vas drowned.
Free Pills
Send your ml drees to II, K. lluekleu &, Co.,
Chluuro. and vet a free samnle box of Br.
King's New Life Pills. A trial will convince
you of their merits. These pills are easy in
action and are irttciitarly effective in the
cure of Constipation and Sick Headache. For
Malaria uud Liver troubles they have been
proved invaluable. They are guaranteed to
be purely vegetable. They do not weaken
by their action, hut by giving tone to stomach
and bowels greatly invigorate the system.
ItoguUr siitc 2Sc per box. Sold by A. Wasioy,
Death Dt'Urand Dul of Muohltinburg
Cannes, Prance, April 12. The Grand
Duke of Mccklenburg-Schwerln died on
Saturday nltrlit. Frledrich Franz III
was born March 19, 1551. He was a son
of Friedrich Frans II and Princess Au
gusta of Reuss-Bchlelz. He succeeded
to the throne on the death of his father,
April lfi, H8S. He was married Jan.
24, U?0, to Grand Duchess Anastasla,
daughter of Grand Duke Michael of
Why suffer with Coughs, Colds and La
Grippe when Laxative ilromo Quinine will
cure you In one day. Put up lu tablets ton
veiiiout for taking. Guaranteed to euie, or
money refunded. Price, 9fi cents. vor sale
by Klrllu'a Pliannacy.
Up Had HttfTPfod From Ithctimntlnin of
the IIBnrt For Yftiin.
Washington, April 12. Ex-Senator
Daniel Woolsey Voorhees, of Indiana,
who has been In falling health for more
than two years, died on Saturday at
his home In this city. In February,
1893, his physical powers bugan to
bteak, and since that time It has been
a battle of will power against physical
disintegration. For at least two years
past he has taken little part In the
proceedings In the senate. He had
been a constant sufferer from rheuma
tism of the heart, and his friends had
come to expect that they might hear ot
his death suddenly.
Mr. Voorhees was born In Ohio In
1827, but went to Indiana at an early
age. In 1861 he was admitted to the
bar, and In 1858 became United States
district attorney for Indiana, Soon af
terward he was elected to the Thirty
seventh congress, being re-elected four
times. He entered the national senate
In 1877, and wtts twice re-elected.
Take Laxative Ilrofno Quinine TnhleU. All
druggists refund tho money If It falls to euro
25 cents.
I.nmberlvlllo'rt Fever Upldomlo.
Lambortvllle. N. J., April 12. The
11th victim of the typhoid fever epi
demic prevailing here died yesterday.
He was Louis Williamson, aged 35
Tho Weather.
For eastern Pennsylvania:
fair; northerly winds.
E. 15. Turner of Comtiton. Itn.. writes us
that after suffering from piles for seventeen
years, ho completely cured them by using
three UQxcsot Hewitt's Witch itiuel snivc.
It cures eczema and severe aklu diseases. C.
II, Hitgcubuch.
DrlfP AVIll Hot lie Front t'jo Sonato.
Cleveland. April 12.-Jchn H. Afrley,
ex-chairman of the Democratic state
central committee, of Ohio, who was
for years the political manager for
former Senator Calvin S. Brlce In
northern Ohio, made the authentic
statement today that Mr. Brlce will
not be a candidate for the senate noxt
All tlioo terrible, itching diseases of tho
skin that help to make life miserable for us
aro caused by axtcrunl parasites. Doau's
Ointment kills tho parasite nnd euros tho
disease l'cifec.tly harmless, never falls.
"Cap" llntUoM Convicted.
Williamson, W. Va., Aprjl 12. Tho
Jury In the case of "Cap" Hatfield
brought In a verdict of Involuntary
manslaughter. The penalty la from
one to five years In the penitentiary.
Sentence has not been passed. The
trial was for the killing of John Ruth
erford on last election day.
Bon't allow tho lungs to bo impaired bv tho
continuous irritation of a cough. It is oasicr
to prevent consumption than to cure it. Ono
.Minute Lougli euro takcu early will wardotl
any fatal lung trouble. C. H. Hagenbucli.
Bui-rant Aurnlu Sentenced to Beutli.
San Francisco, April 12. Theodore
Durrant was on Saturday for the seo
ond time sentenced to be hanged for
the murder of Blanche Lamont In Em
manuel church, two years ago. He will
be hanged at San Quentln prison on
June 11.
Constipation is tho cause of all sorts of
serlons disorders of tho blood. . Strong cathar
tics are worse than useless. Burdock Blood
Bitters is Nature's own remedy for troubles
of this sort.
Tito ijon! Controversy.
Washington, April 12. The recent ap
pointment of ex-Secretary Foster and
ex-Assistant Secretary Hamlin by the
president to assist in the negotiations
now In progress with Great Britain re
spec ting the Behrlng sea seal fisheries
Is Indicative that this long standlnp
diplomatic issue has at last assumed
grave importance, and that an oarnes'
effort Is to bo made to end the present
unsatisfactory state of affairs, or nt
least to place tho subject on such n
footing before the beginning of the
approaching season aB will prevent :l
from passing Into a more serious phase,
The trouble appears to have been
principally through the refusal of thi
British authorities to renew lost year
tho regulations requiring British vee
eels going Into the seal waters to place
their firearms under seal.
Thoy aro so small that tho most seiultivo
persons take them, thoy aro so effective that
the most, obstinate oases of onustipatioii,
hoadsohe and torpid liver yield to them.
That Is why DeWitt's Little fiarly lasers are
;nown as tne laino'is little pills. C. II.
Barkontlno Sunk by a stenmor.
Savannah, Ga.. April 12. The Plant
steamship La Grande Duchesse, Just
arrived from Now York, collided last
Friday morning at 3 o'clock with the
American barkcntlne Nellie Smith
bound from Cuba, cutting the barken-
tlne In two. The barkentlne sank In
five minutes. Captain Dodge, the first
and second mates and two ot the crew
of the Nellie Smith were lost. Laurence
Haarsen. lookout, Frank Conway,
neimsman, ana ine stewaru were res
cued by boats from the steamer. The
oolllslon occurred In a Cense foi: and
In a heavy sea.
For Weak and Run Down People.
UHRT IT ICI Therlchestofall restora. I
Bun i ii iv i
tlve foods, because It re
Jilaces the essentials of life that ore ex.
auated by disease. Indigestion, high living,
overwork, worry, excesses, abuse, etc.
digestion perfect It creates solid flesh,
muscle and strength. The nerves being
made strong the brain becomes active and
elsar. It restores lost vitality, stops all wast
ing drains and weakness In either sex, and
as a female regulator has no equal. Price
o0o.,orflve boxes 12.(10. Druggists orby mall.
We can help you. Advice and book, free.
Write Us About Your Caao.
1S12 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia.
Dr. Miles' Nervine Victorious.
Physical and Mental Efhaustlon Gives
Way to Vigorous Activity.
BV. W. T. HOUt,K, tho iU d pas
tor of Grace: tJ. 1). chus. b, t'arludo,
I'rnn , writes Meytemboc ii, ISM: " I
alnaya eu joyed good health until In iM, at
which time my duties as a clergyman worn
ot n peculiarly trying nature, subjecting
me to several sevure nervous shocks which
together with overwork and anxiety, Im
paired my general health and nervous sys
tem. Indeod I was in such a condition thut
the mere stght ot a large congregation so
wearied mo that it
would require a day
or more tpr me to re
cover from the ex
haustion. It affords
ire great pleasure to
say that Dr. Miles'
Bostoratlvo NsrriM
and Restorative Tonlo
havo done me untold good. I preached
three times yesterday and I feel as trash
and vigorous this Monday morning as I
over felt la my life, thanks to your remedies.
fir. Miles' Remedies aro sold by all drug
gists under a positive gunrantce, first bottle,
boneflts or money refunded. Book on
Iloart and Nerves sent free to all applicants.
DR. MILES MEDICAL CO., Elkhart, Ind.
Personally-Conducted Tours
COAST will lonvo New York bih! Phllatlelplilft
Miireli 27, returning on regular train within
nlno month!. ItnumMrlp ticket, InclmllnK nil
tcmr rantine Ro.nff nna trnnsportntlon only
roturiili'K'. will he Hold at rnte of $20.00 from
XrwYork, ami $208.00 from Philndelplifn; one
wny tickets, 1 iiu titling all tour fentnren Kolujr,
314 .7-3 from New York. Sl.0.23 from I'hllmlJl
pliln. Proportionate ratem from other point.
Tours, each coverlne a neriod nf three
ilavs. will leave New York and I'hiladel
Marrh 11.12. nnd May 13. 1SOT. ltutes. Includ
ing trnnsiHirtatloii and two days' accommoda
tion at the beot Washington lintels, Jll.,'3 from
new Vurk, inni su.ou irom rniiaiicipiiin.
will leave New York and Phllndclphtn F'brlt
ury M, March 18, and April 15, 1897.
Var detailed itineraries and other Information
apply nt ticket nKcncics or mldreKi Geo. W.
lloyd, Asftt QenM Pass. Agent, ilroad Street
Statli n. l'hllndclpl ia.
The first cf American Newspa
pers, CHARIrfSA. DANA, Editor.
The American Constitution,, the
American-Idea, the American Spirit.
These first, last and all the time,
forever. ',
Daily, by mail, - $6 a year
Daily & mail, $8 a year
The Sunday Sun
Is the greatest Sunday Newspaper in
the world
Pries Sc. a copy. By mail, S2 a year
Address THE SUN. New York.
Agent for
Shenandoah and Vicinity
Beer and Porter
Barbey's Bohemian Beer.
Tamuaaatn WODLD YOtf OARR
da4i rir&bl aMBlhlr. rrlalari trf. AoiNai, 1Vet
cm r luamiai co a. pttroora am, unieato. III,
GRAY MiH fti.3T0t.ED
iu ll. natural hjI.h o l.l l.- 1IAI1C .11 1.1(1.
V T. i ti ilve.tiarinii-hN pl-at,tnt o.lot !ft IO i butt.a
I.nii'K 1IAIU 't' aloua
hair from falling-out and iimmmen growth $1 Ojla ltotlWi
i.Ki:sii:nnANT coiuetuitonau, N.v.rrjtTF
lUuatratsd Troatus oa Hair oDapplioattoarill.a.
I'or sale by Shenandoah Drug Store, Kirlln
Ilrug Store.
A Hnndsomo Complexion
is one of the greatest charms a woman can
possess. I'osiomi's Coufuuiom Powoua
gives it.