EVENING HERALD IC-ITAHMsllKD INTO. Pu'dlalrad evry Rvnnliiii, Kseept Sunday, At soutii Iahoi Htrkkt. Km i'utii. Tlu lleinlil i. iteilreixd InNhennitUotiii nnd tut iii"ouiiiIIiik town far six uunU a trMk, my Hhln tn the carrier. tl- instil 13.00 A. rear, or 36 cents n month. payable In sdvauoe. A.dTortii' meals clmrKoi uucorilinjc Ui space and position. Tlir uiihllKlteni icm'rve the rlaiit to ensue the pn-d ion of advertisement whenever Ih pub lk.it on of m-wa demand It. The riant If reserved In n j.it any lulTcrtinriiirnt, whether I .ill. I for or not. thill iiilltalur ny ileum I nir if r Ailrartlalng rntco maI ktii-vti lipo i AltMittnil, Kiite xl Ht the omiofflce nl Shenandoah, I'., a Hivtt nl i-lum nmtl matter. TKIjKPHONK OOrtNBOTION. "All tilt Nm That's Fit lo Print.' Evening Herald THTRnY. APRIL 8. 1807. Tim I'otuvilltf tre.tsnry, at (ha beginning: of the new flse.il ye.ir, is at a tow ehl. Tbv lluruiigh Coauoil wants tj burrow 110,000 to pa y t n rrt nt e pens. s. It is it pleasure to note tint the Chief Bur gess mill Health OHtcer have adupted mean to nl hi te n iiuimni'e un South Pear alley. We aro only too anxious to give credit where and whin it in dno. Ami so the famous Gnvornur l'lngree's rutididute fur mayor of Detroit Inns been defeated. The Governor Insisted iihiii the nointn.ition of it until the people illit not want, o they knocked tiini out Mini elected a Democrat. Tun Chief Bnrgist of l'ottivllte has served notice on landlords of houses of questionable i-h.imcter, ordering tboni to make their tell tints vacato. llurjtesi Walker In hewing to the line in great siiaie, anil he Inu a good field for ii moral ciusade. Jack Koms'sov, tlm ex-l'oiigre?siiiaii, re ceived uiinthi r '"hluck eye" yesterday, when rre.-iilcnt MuKiulcy Bent the nttuio of Tlieodaru KiMWuvolt, of Xow York, to the Senate an Asdstaut Secretary of the Navy position wulrh "lighting Jack" hud ti longing for. Ii U l.upid that there hi something in the rumor inut North Main street, between Centre un. I Coal strict, will be paved thU jear. luu properly owners ure not yet of one ai iord, but tt is confidently expected they will Hi o the advisability of extending the paving on that tho.-ouglifare. William Jknnings Dkvan, while in Washington, called at the White House and had n friendly ehftt with President McKiuley. During his visit the Chief Kxccutivo showed his distinguished guest through the building and explained to him the groat responsibili ties tlmt Mr. liryuii 'sreleivodof by hUdcfent at the polls. Nevertheless, the Hoy Orator inwardly wished "things were dilleroiit." St. Patrick's church, Oalway, Iieland, a magnificent structuic, has not been opened for thirty-five years, because a plot of grouud in frout of the building was owned by u man who had n bitter disliko to the form of wor ship curried on within, and lie built a high wall directly in front of the chuich, prevent ing meet. Tlio man, however, recently died, and, the ltishop having bought tin ground, the church will soon be reopen od for the first time since 1SQ2. Tin: investigating committee, appointed by the Legislature to inquire into the condition of the anthracite miners, will visit this region on Friday. They will arrive at Slali anuy ( ity and begin their ooeratious at that point The members of the committee aro .Senators Meredith and Hatuos, ltepreeenta tivn linbcrts, Dunlap awl Campbell. The lir-t iKiiiici) Senator is chairman of the com mittee, while Haines is a now member, li.ivin bteit appointed to fill the vacancy . .u-.d by the resignation of Senator Cochran, finis the Senator from this district lost au-otln-i opportunity of becoming a member of the coiiiinitteo, which was his by right. Slvjim HoBEliTS, of Wilkesbarre, one of the luemljers of the Mining Commis sion appointed to investigate the cause of distress among the workers in the anthra cite region, states that an organization will soon be affected and that the committee will then get to work. Though the selection of the couiuiitUe was made nevcral weeks ago they have nut yet done anything that will lead the miners and laborers of this section to believe tlmt this so-called Investigation is to amount to anything. There is distress all over the land aud, as wild previously, it is in the power of no legislative body to alleviate those conditions at the present time. It is the natural order of tilings and cannot be altered until prosperity again sheds its bciiificcut rays from one end of the country to the other. The legislature cannot evolve a plan to secure a better market for coal and even if it were in the power of thefl.&OO a Kcsfcioii men at the state capital, they would bo too indolent and unconcerned to doit, is the opinion of the Hazleton 1'Ialii Speaker. At each succeeding term of court, the grand jury brings to the attention of our Judges some very wholesome advice in reference to the great volume of petty circs that come before that body. Judge Woodward, of Luzerne county, in his charge to the grand jury, gave expression to some pertinent views on this subject. Ho advises Hint all trivial and petty cases bo ignored by Justices of the Peace, thus relieving the court, which i constantly beiug overcrowded Willi a constantly Increasing volume of criminal business. He cites a case that had been continued nineteen times and was fiu illy settled after co t amounting to marly 11.001 had been saddled upou the county. What is true of Lucerne is equally tiue of this couuty, and there should be some kind of pressure brought to bear upon Justices of the Peace to constrain them to dispose of these petty cases, thus saving enormous bills of cost to the county. The suggestion la made, to provide against this evil, that a law lie euacted fixing a salary for Justices of the Peace and requiring tuein to pay all fees into the county treasury. This would dispose of the incentive to turn cases over to court. It is only fair to state, however, that there are Justices who make au houest effort to have litigants settle their eases, but they are greatly in the minority. If our legislators would turn their attention to Matteis ef this kind, lustead of quibbling over positions ou useless committees of investigation, etc., they would display greater interest in the public welfare. IN SENATE AND HOUSE. I'opttlNt Stt.ipmin CdUction Speaker Hpftl, but Without rcrtVct. WaFhlnp'rin, April 8.--Cuba and the flood RuffcrcrB divided attention In the senate yesterday. The reading of the pienlddit'a message urging congrea pkuifcl relief for the devastated region of the MISBlMtppi river was followed by the Introduction of a Joint reaolu tinn appropriating $160,000 to be Im mediately available for the flood suf ferein. After brief debate the resolu tion was passed by the unanimous vote of the to senators present. The plans wore changed, however, ' when the house resolution appropriating 1200,000 for the Mississippi river and Red river of the North was received. This was accepted In lieu of the former resolu tion, and was passed unanimously. It was quickly enrolled and dispatched to tho president, who Immediately sign ed It. Mr. Morgan, of Alabama, re sumed tils speech In support of the res olution declaring that a state of war exists In Cuba. Two session of the house of repre sentatives are to constitute the record of that body this week while It is wait ing for the senate to consider the tariff bill. The first session was held yester day, the second will be held Saturday. The only buataass transacted yester day was the adoption of the Joint reso lution authorising the secretary of war to expend $200,000 for relief of the flood sufferers of the Mississippi valley. The most Interesting feature of the session was a passage between Representative Simpson, the Kansas Populist, and Speaker Her d. Mr. Simpson gave voice to the opposition to the speaker's tem porary policy of Inaction, which has been smouldering in some quarters, by speaking to a question of privilege. H.i finished a fiery denunciation of tho speaker by demanding that he appoint the crmmtHci; of the house at once. and gave notice that he wcttld prevent any more atlenipta to do business by unanimous consent. Spcnker Heed re plied that the speaker wns merely the Instrument of the licure, that he hid enforced what lie supposed to be the policy devi-cd by the majority, and that the hiitse had power to command the speaker If It disapproved of his course. The Republicans expressed their approval by a round of hand- clapping. It is sii r prising wfmat ''wee hit of it tiling', can accomplish. Sick )ieadaelii constipa tion, dynpepsia, sour stomach, illialiics, me nutokly banished by DeWitt's I.ittlo ICarl.v lilsers. Km ill pill. Safe pill, llest pill. C. II. Ilngetihuch. ' Two Kt.'d li,. -.m-:- unit On. Colorado !-prir.j;. . A.i. li i. -S'.ven men wete oviic. i, r. 'iy ; r..cKo unJ b;is at the f-fl'-ler tunn I. in the west slope of Pli .'s lak. iipd t v .to dead, while the i.t .ve in p. rti'i.-a! condi;lon. The cV,.d r.iv Ue if ' i-oic..!; and Mike Lew, tilth v.mr.a :l 1. Orlp-CntiN-llenilnrlie. Whv a'lllbr with CoukIis. Colds and Li Griime when Laxatlvo llronio Ouinlne wll' cure you in one day. Put up in table's vou venicnttor taking, uuaraiitueti toeuie, oi money refunded. Price. 3fi cents. vor sab by Klrlhi's Pharmacy. Cheaper 3uh 1'or Now York. Albany. April 8. The senate yester day passed the bill to reduce the price of gas in greater Now York five cents per 1,000 feet each year until tho price Is $1 per 1,000 feet. The house will prob ably pass the bill. They are so small that tho most sentlvo pers-mis take them, they nro so ell'ectivo that the most obitinxto casos of constipation, headache, and torpid liver yield to them. Tli.it is why DeWitt's Littlo Early liUers are known as the famous little pills. C. Jt. Ilagcuhuch. Dan Lamont as a Kalli-ond resident. New York, April S. The Mail and Kxprese snyi: Offlcial confirmation was given yeiitcrday to the report that Colonel Daniel S. Lamont, ex-secretary of war under Piesklent Cleveland, Is to be placed at the hoad of the North ern Pacific vithin GO days. The title of Colonel Lamont will bo president, and it Is thought his headquarters will be In this city. Kruf-pr Grand -on to Stnnd Trlnl. Pretoria, April 8. President Kruger has ordered that his grandson, Lieuten ant Ellff, shall be placed on trial be fore a special court for the offensive language recently used by him in a public reference to Queen Victoria at Johannes'iu: t. The months for renewing and healing in the physical world. The ninths' fer new life, new energy, new blood in men and women. The months when our need of help from medicine i greater than at any other time of year. The months when Mood's Sarsaparilla will do us the most good because we are all now especially susceptible to benefit from this medicine. The months when Hood's Sarsaparilla is taken by the millions because they have found that it is the medicine which does them good. The months when you should take Hood's Sarsapa rilla, because it will purify, vitalize and enrich your blood, and put you in good condition to resist the debilitating effects of changeable, warmer weather. Try it now. Satisfied with Hood's. "for several years I have taken two or three bottles of Hood's Sarsaparilla every spring for eradicating the humors in the blood and for building up the system generally. My experience with Hood's Sarsaparilla has been very satisfactory." Quo. Frauk, care of D. M Perry & Co., Detroit, Mioh. Great Blood Purifier. "Hood's Sarmparllla is our family physician and I believe it needs no rec ommendation. Wherever it has onoe been used there can be no substitute for it, as a blood purifier." Mibs 0. A. Elliott, Grlnuell, lows. Hoo Sarsapa I- ki! by nil ttni!,'rt-. PilcoSli six for $.r. Prepared only by C. 1. Hood & Co., Lowell, Moss. Tlio Host Hpriiio; Medicine. THE PRr!SIDSlffrS OUTING. Chief MnaWtrato ami IHtrty Oft on n a Government YtwMot. Washington, April 8. President Mr Klnley affixed hid Plcrnntura to the res olution for the relief of the Mississippi flood rufforers shortly before 2 O'clock yestprday afternoon, and Immediately Joined Mis. McKlnley and other mem bers of the patty wa'tlng in the par lors below for tho trip down the Poto mac. In the White House carriage were tho President and Mrs. McKlnley, Mrs. Panto n and a irmhl. The second carriage was occupied by the presi dent's secretary, Mr. Porter, and Mrs. Porter. These and Dr. Bates, the pres ident's physjolan, and Mrs. Bates com posed the party, lir. Anderson, who is attached to tho Dolphin, will also make the trip. The exact time of the president's re turn Is not known, but If the weather continues good and Mrs. McKinley's health seems to be benefited by the trip It Is probable the party will not i turn before the last of the week. The dispatch boat Dolphin, with the presidential party on board, anchored at the mcuth of Quantlco creek at C o'clock Inst evening for the night Many cases of "Grinne'' have latelr been cured by One Minute Cough Cure. This prenitrattrm seems especially adapted to the sure of this disease. It acts quickly thus preventing sericnn complication ami bad effects in which this diacaae often leaves the pntlen'. 0. II. Ilageiibueh. Jerncy'n School Tax Apportionment. Trenton, April 8. The state board of education has apportioned 10 per cent of the reserve school money. This is withheld from the school tax raised In each Aunty for the purpose of reappor tionment strr.ong the different countien on n barls which may seem equitable to tho pta'e board. Fifteen counties receive lino': the exact an.ounl raised, three counties receive less than they raised, and the remaining three get more than was raised. The three re oeivlnE more are: Ocean, 6,300: Cum berland, J3 5C.0: Sussex, $1,000. The tlnee recc'ln;T leas are: K?tex. $7,000: Somerset, VA'n; Mernr, $330. The to tal amount ap.ioi'tloiivd Is ?2, 126,761.45. If j'ou have over seen a child in the naoiy of croup, you can appreciate the gratitude of the mot hers who know that One Minute Cough Cure relieves their little oiicw quick ly as it Is administered. Many homes in thin city are never without it. ('. II. Ilitgenliiich. Ittvorit Will ."t ! J'ti otttcd. Wohln:r n, April S. fJo-rctary Fher ninn stated last night that he had as surances that General P.lvera, the Cu ban Insurgent leader, would not be executed, but would be treated as a prisoner of war. ffleneral Rivera was captured after being wounded In a re cent battle, and it was feared for a time that he would be executed oy the Spanish authorities. Constipation is the cause of nil sorts of s rlousdisordersof the blood. Strong cathar tics are worse than useless, Ilurdock Mood litters is Nature's own remedy for troubles of this foit. Hun on a R.tak In n Vog. Yarmouth, N, S April 8. The Beaver line steamer Assaye, Captain Carruth ers, 3,980 tons, went ashore In a thick fog on Blonde Rock, Sea Island. The crew of Gl were broucht here by the steamer Wanda. The ship is In a bad placo and will probably be a total loss. The Assaye left Liverpool for St. John on March 23 with a valuab'.e cargo of about 2,000 tons. Ik side the crew there were on biaid 17 cattlemen and one paf senpsr. xt cum: a coi,u ix oni: day. Tako LAxatlvo Ilromo Quiiiino Tablets. All druggists refund tho money if It fails to euro 23 cents. NUGGETS OF NEWS. The prospects for New Jersey's fruit crop were never so promising as now. The king of Slnm has started from Bangkok on his visit to Europe and the United States. The Rhode Island election was a walkover for the Republicans, who had J.1,000 majority In a llg)it vote. Samuel Coddlngton has been appoint ed postmaster at Woodbrldge, N. J., and II. W. Stager at Bloomfleld, Pa. United States Minister McICenzie, whose serious Illness at Lima, Peru, has been reported, is somewhat better. New York postofHee authorities yes terday seized $"0,000 sent by confiding Investuis to the E. S. Deun company. It will be returned. Builds Up the System. "I have taken Hood's Sarsaparilla for weakness with which I was a sufferer in the spring, and I have found it the beet medicine to create an appetite and build up the strength that I have ever taken, and I recommend it highly." J. F. Wahd, Labelle, Ohio. Keeps the Stomach In Ordor. "I keep Hood's Sarsaparilla In the house all tho time and regard it as the best spring medicine I can And, It has proved beneficial in keeping my stomach in order, and since I began taking it I can eat anything I wish." II. Btonb, Sherborn, Mass. CTS nlla PINGREE WILL NOT SURRENDER Itefiison to Holeejw a MIchhjrMi Official Wnntptl In New York. New York, April 8. Oovernor Pln gree, of Michigan, has decided not to aurirnder Prosecutor Sampson, of Lan awee county, and yesterday telegraph ed his decision to Captain O'Brien, of lite detective office. Sampson Is want ed here in connection aV.th the case of Anthony Chflstensen, the alleged ombessler. Chrlstensen was arrested here, and under extradition-proceedings from Michigan was given In charge of Sheriff Ferguson and Sampson. Chrls tensen paid these men $800 and they permitted Chrlstensen to go free. Upon that District Attorney Olcott ordered the arrest of Ferguson and Sampson, eharglng them with using the criminal courts of New York to collect a debt. Chrlstensen is held as a witness, but Sampson managed to get back to Mich igan. In the court of general sessions yes terday counsel for Sampson argued a demurrer to the Indictment against his clients. He asked Sampson's release on the ground that he was not amenable to the laws of the state of New Y'ork; that the action of the authorities was In violation of sections 276 and 2T6 of the code, and that there were defects in the Indictment. He said that Samp boii and Sheriff Ferguson were amena ble only to the laws of Michigan, whose representatives they were, and that New York, when she surrendered Chrlstensen to these men, relinquished all claims to him, and ceased to exer cise control over him. He was then as much a cltlsen of Michigan as if In her borders. Counsel will submit n brief to the district attorney on Mon day, and It will be given to Judge New lierger on Tuesday for decision. I'rco fills Send your address to It. 12. Ihicklen it Co.. Chicago, aud get a free sample box of Br. King's New Life Pills. A trial will convince you of their merits. Those pills are oisyln action and aro jiartieuliiily cllectlve in tho cttre of Constipation and Sick Headache. For Malaria and Liver troubles they have been proved invaluable. They are guaranteed to he purely vegotnble. They do not weaken by their action, hut hv sWiiia time to stomach aud liowels greatly invigorate the system. ltcguiar size gso per box. Sola by A. asloy, d rugglst. Kedllccd Itnles to Now York, Iror tho dedication of the Oraut Monu mental Tomb, April' 27, the Pennsylvania ltallroad Company will sell tickets from all points on its line to Now York, April 20 (and from points within one hundred and fifty miles of Now York, Apiil 211 and 27), good to return until April 20 Inclusive, at rate of a faro and a third for tho round trip. Tickets for military companies in uniform, number ing fifty or more, traveling in a body on one ticket, will be sold at rate of single fare per capita for tho round trip. 1 he parade on this occasion will lie the grandest military demonstration since the war. Thousands of veterans. United States regulars, mid state militiamen will be in Hue. COMFORT AND KNOWLEDGE. Sent free by mall. Set nsido for twenty-four hours a bottle or common glass filled with nrino. A sediment or settling indicates an unhealthy condition of the kidneys. When initio stains linen it is positive evidence of kidney trouble. Too frequent deslro toiirinatcorpain in the back, Is also convincing proof that the kidneys and bladder arc out of order. WHAT TO DO. Thero is comfort in the knowledo so often expressed, that Dr. Kilmer's Swamp- Root, tho groat kidney remedy, fulfills overy wish in relieving pain in tho back, kidneys, liver, bladder and every part of tho urinary imssages. It corrects inability to hold tirino and scalding pain in passing it, or bad cil'ects following uso of liquor, wine or beer, and overcomes that unpleasant necessity of beiug compelled to get up many times during tho night to urinate. The mild and tho extra ordinary ell'ect of Swamp-Itoot is 60on realized. It stands tho highest for its won derful cures f tho most distressing cases. If you need a medlcino you should havo tho host. Sold by druggists, price fifty cents and ono dollar. You may have a samplo bottle and pamphlet both sent frco by mail. Men tion Kvksino Hkrai.1) and send your address to Dr. Kilmer & Co., Iliughamtou N. Y. Tho proprietors of this paper guarantee tho genuiness of this offer. Lust Tout or tho ScllMHI. Tho last personally-conducted tour of the Pennsylvania ltallroad will leave Now Yolk and Philadelphia April 15. Tickets, includ ing transportation, meals en routu in both directions, transfers of passengers ami baggage, hotel accommodations at Old Point Comfort, Ulclimoiid and Washington, and carriage ride about Richmond in fact every nece-sury expense for a period of six days will bo sold at rate of 135.00 from New York, Hrooklyn, and Newark, $81.00 from Trenton, $83 00 from Philadelphia, and pro portionate rates finm other stations. Tickets will also bo sold to Old Point Com fort and riturn direct by regular trains within six days, including transportation, luncheon on going trip, aud one mid three- fourths days' ho.trd at Old Point, nt into of $10 00 from New York, Brooklyn and Newark, $15.00 from Trenton, $1 1 00 from Philadel phia, mid proportionate rates from otjier stations. Apply to ticket anenelos, Tourist Agent, 1160 Broadway, New York, or (leo. W. Iloyd, Assistant (ieneral Passenger Agent, Uruad Street Station, Philadelphia. lilieillimtlsio Oilli il In ii Dity. "Mystic Cine" for lilieumatlsin and No might radically cures in 1 to 3 days. Its action upon the system is remarkable and mysterious. It removes at onee the cause and the disease immediately disappears. The first dose greatly benefit. T. F. Anthony, ex-Postmaster bf Promise City, Iowa, says: "I bought one bottle of 'Mystic Cure' for lllieiiiiiatisin, and two doses of it did ine more good than any medlcino I ever took." TS cents. Sold by C. II. Hageubiioli, druggist, Shen andoah. The tthaw-Cui'lUlo Miu ilor Trial. Iirldgeton. N. J., April 8. The state concluded Its evidence and the defense was begun yesterday in the trial of Si mon U haw for the murder of Stults Carlisle. The defense claims that Shaw attempted to stop the disorder and was struck and knocked down by Carlisle, who seized the gun and caused It to be discharged; that Carlisle was drunk and looking for trouble, aud that Shaw did not know who his assailant was until the trouble was over. Benjamin V. Lee, clerk of the New Jersey su preme court, testified to Sha.v's repu tation as a peaceable and quiet man. tie had known hhn since boyhood. It will be au agreeable surprise to porsitos stildect to attacks of bilious colic lo learn that prompt relief may be luvd hy taking Cham berlatn's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Item edy. In many lu tsiiccs the attack may be prevented by taklug this remedy as soon as the net symptoms of the disease appear. 28 ami SO cent bottles for sale by (Jrulilor llros., druggists Iluy Keystone Hour. 1W su re that tlio name Lrssio & IttKit, Aslilaud, Pa 's printed on over sa k. MM.... ... l....... . ,i nitfcii an tiiuuvciii yj-linaii is Jailed by uJJ mistake he prefers to come out the same way he went in, He may break jail and be catignt ana put irncn again. He'd rather hnve the door un locked ami walk out and iaj out. A sick man Is a prisoner in the jail of disease; he has gone in by some door of carelessness or nefK'Ct ot irregular living, mid hv must unlock this same door brcaieful, sensible habits If he wants to be a free, well titan again. If dyspepsia and biliousness or constipa tion i.i the way he got into, disease, he has got to overcome just those troubles before he can get out. The majority of diseases begin with some trouble of the digestive organs or of the liver, which prevents the supply of proper uoutUliiiiv-'iit to the system. The best rc.ntdy for these tumbles is Dr. Pierce's Ciold-ii Medical Discovery, because It gives the digestive and blood - making organs power to assimilate food and trniuform it tn i u pure, tiouilshltig blood, vitalitcd with an tbundance of red corpuscles. It acts direclly upon the liver and gives It capacity lo filter all bilious impurities out of the circulation. It builds up solid, musclar fit su and healthy nerve-force. In obstinate constipation the "Discov er " should be tiled 111 conjunction with V: ice's Plea".aut Pellets, the most nat ural mid thoroughly ncientific laxative ever de.is d. The "Pellets" regulate and ill viir.r ;e the stomach, liver and bowels. Oi.o i a gentle laxative j two act as a mild cu:'.ia-lic. ' viy wll"- hod Miir-ml for seven years with dys rtsl. sk-k lieadnche and costlveiiess," writes Mr. Ai jura IJ.JaiiK.Hon, of Duiibni ton, Merrimack Op.. N. II., ';we tried many doctors and ninny i-.lnds of medicine. Imt all were or no avail. We pitrcl aso.1 six bottles or your Golden Medical tliwery,' which together with tf.e Tleosaiit Pfllels' has entirely restored niv wife's hcnhli. ami we cannot suy enoiiRli in thanks to j'ou for tl..-se valtial le medicines," lot-soy Mill tin nt tho Grant I'nrmlo. Trenton, Apilt 8. It was definitely decided yesterday that the New JerBey National Guard will take part lit the parade In New Y'ork on the occasion of the dedication of the Grant monument. Major General Plume will Issue an or der to that effect In a day or two. Somo of the railroads, Including the Erie and Delaware, Lackawanna and West ern, have agreed to carry the men free, and It Is expected that the other rail roads will follow suit. Tho subordinate, officers have already taken steps to se cure rations. This expense will havo to bo borne by the various companies. Lone Strike liiuls In Defeat. Marlon, Ind., April S. The strike at the factory of the United States Glass company, at Glass City, has been de clared off after a struggle lasting for three years. This Is a victory for tho glass company. It Is estimated that the maintenance of the Idle workmen has cost the National Flint Glassworlt ers' union not less than $50,009, 12. 12. Turner of Compton, Mo., writes us that after stlflerinir from nlles for seventeen yeai8, ho completely cured them by using tiirje boxes oi Hewitt's H itch Hazel Salve. It euros eczema and severe skin diseases. C. 11. Ilageubtich. Ofiiornl Kunttullly Anl-stcd. Jacksonville. Flu., April 8. General Sangullly and General F. Lelchsua were arrested last evening on a United States commissioner's warrant, upon 'Information and belief" Bworn out by the Spanish vice consul, Senor Juan I'otour. This affidavit Charges these men with Inciting and attempting to organize and start oft a military ex pedition acalnst the government of 3paln. The warrant was served quiet ly, but the Cuban generals were not taken Into ustody. They gave their word of honor that they would be pres ent at .the commissioner's office on Sat urday at the hearing. Torturing, itching, scaly skiu eruptions burns mid scalds aro soothed at once and promptly healed by DoWitt's Witch. Hazel Salvo, the best known euro for piles. C. H. Hageubucli. Tito Soiiuto Committees WiiEhlngton, April 8. The Demo cratic senators held a caucus after tho adjournment of the senate yesterday to take Into consideration the question of committee vacancies, but decided to postpone any action looking to the filling of the vacancies until next Mon day. Senator Gorman, chairman of tho committee, reported that the Re publicans had so far been unable to make any pi ogress toward taking con trol of the committees, but that they had promised to reach a conclusion within the next two days. It Is under stood to be the purpose of the Demo crats to force the Issue early next week. Don't allow tho lungs to bo impaired by the continuous irritation of a cough. It Is otsier to prevent consumption than, to euro it. Ono Aim ii to tougii uuro taneii early will wardofl any fatal lung trouble. C. II. ilageubtich. Hound to Tholr IlotN nnd Itoblicd. TIflln, O., April 8. Four masked men robbed the postofflce, store and railway ticket oHloe at Rockavvay, six miles from this town. William Oarriok Is In charge of all these ofllo.es, whloh are in his home. At midnight tho men forced an entrance to Ills house, overpowered Garrick and his rinucrhtnt. nn,i'i,n,, them to their beds. The burglars then torceq uarncK to reveal the combina tion of hts safe and the hiding place of other valuablps. nntt thv uva,i 9.9 Ann in notes and checks,$70 In cash and $85 in postage stamps, besides all the reg istered and ordinary letters. All thoso terrible, itching diseases of tho skin that help to make life miscrahla for us are caused by external parasites, Doan's Ointment kills the parasite and cures the disease. Perfectly harmless, never falls. Tlio Iowa Wine J6Oi,000 I'romtlllil. Boston, April 8. The battleship Iowa, the laat of the premium built battle ships of the navy, earned yesterday for her builders, Messrs, William Cramp & Son, of Philadelphia, $00,000 by mak ing an average of 17 even knots an hour over the regular government course off the Massachusetts coast In the four hours' speed trial required by the government under the oontraot. The Iowa proved herself the superior to either the Indiana or Massachu setts, and is today the acknowledged queen of the American navy, If not the most formidable battleship afloat, When you want good roofing, plumbing gas fitting, or goneial tinsmithing done call on E. F. Gallagher 18 Wost Ccntro street' Dealer ir stcros ' 1-tf A Fortune ForUhnrtty. Boston, April 8. More than $1(0,000 Is given In public bequestB by the will of the late Miss Mary O. Morrill. The Museum of Fine Arts receives $60,000 outright, and after the death of her brother-in-law, John H. Dane, who Is given the use of a fund of $100,000 fr life, the fund Is to be divided, and one tenth given to the Massachusetts Char itable Eye and Ear Infirmary, two tenths to the Children's hospital and seven-tenths to the Massachusetts General huHiiltal. i st iriin nrvmr i-iJBI, The ve time. For eastern New York, eastern Penn sylvania, New Jereey and Delaware: Tartly cloudy; light, variable winds; slight changes In temperature. For District of Columbia, Maryland and Virginia: Probably rain (luting the evening or night; north to east winds, STOCK AND PRODUCE MARKETS. Another Dull Duy on tlio Now York 8 look Kxolinnrro. New York, April 7. There wero times today when the trading on the Block Kx shange was absolutely stagnant. Thn transactions were almost wholly lacking In Interest, the Volume being small and the lluctuatlons narrow. The total sates for the day numbered only a few thou sand shares over 100,000, and nearly half of these worn of Bugar. Bales of all the Granger stocks aggregated only about 16,000 shares, and the coalers only about as tnanr more, of which 10.000 were of New Jersey Central. Closing bids: Ilalto. fk Ohio.. 12?i Lehigh Valley.. 23 Chesa. & Ohio.. 16 N. J. Central... 77j Del. A Hudson..l03Ti N. Y. Central.. 100 D., L. A W lWi Pennsylvania .. 52V Rrlo Heading 20W Lake Rrle ft W 13H St. Paul 7J Lehigh Nav 88V4 W. N. Y. A Pa. 2 All usst's paid. General Market. Philadelphia, April 7. KloUr weak; win tor superfine, $2.30(52.00; do. extra, $t.6B 2.80; l'ennaytvnnla roller, clear, $8.863.88; do. straight, $3.90U.10; western winter, clear. $:.6S0S.8o; do. straight, 3.C5Wt.l6; city mills, extra, $2.i0'2.00. Itye Hour dull nt f2.S.V&2 40 per barrel. Wheat lower; contract wheat, April, 79iV80c.; No. 2 Pennsylvania and No. 2 Delaware red, spot, R3c: No. 1 northern spring, spot, WiU)c.: No. 2 red, May. 7!c; do. June, 71Wc: do. July, 7H4c; do. September. C9T4C Corn dull; steamer corn, spot, 2Vt I7c.; No. 2 yellow for focal trade, 30a; No. 2 mixed spot and April, 27'i&2Jc. ; do. May, 27438c. Oats firm: No. 2 white, car lots. 25c: No. 2 white clipped, car lots, 2t'2Bc.; No. 3 white clipped, car lots, 23fec.; No. 2 white, April, 24Vj2So.; do. May, 24H?2Sc.; do. June. 24HS2Sc; do. July, 24H$r2Sc. Hay firm: choice timothy, $14 for larco bales. Hoef quiet; beef hums, $19.2S$20. Pork easier; family, $10.80 11. Lard easy; western steamed, $4.30. Uutter quiet; western creamery, 15930c.; do. factory, 8ifil8c; Klglns, 20c.; Imitation creamery, lldtnc; Now York dairy, 14 li"c. ; do. creamery, l(Ki20c.; fancy prints jobbing at 22t?26c. ; do. extra, wholesale, 21o. Cheese quiet: largo, 9S12,4c; small, fKilJc.: part sitlms, 5?t8c.: full skims, 2 3c. 23ggs steady: New York and Pennsyl vania, Si410c.; western, fresh, OMWiC: southern. 9c. Tallow weak: city. 3U 34c; country, 3433Mi. Turpentine steady at 29'82!i1i4c. Pig iron quiet; southern, JIO 11; northern. S10.50f12.Ro, Copper easy; brokers, $11.70; exchange. $11M4. Spelter dUlet; domestic $I.10'I.SO. Tin firmer; straits, J13.30ifil3.4S; plates dull. Cotton seed oil fairly steady; prime crude, f. o. b., mills, lSt-iSlCc. : on summer yellow, 225(22Hc. The local lend marltot was Just with tho general street price, $3.40'3.42V4, with some asking $3.45, but that la con sidered extreme; the exchange price was $3.3003.43. Llvo Stock Market. New York. April 7. Beeves quiet, gen erally stendy; native steers, $4.59B.10; stags and oxen. S2.AOei.E0; bulls, $2,500 8.70; dry cows. $1 TodiS.W. Calves slow and lower; poor to pi line voals, $45.S0. Sheep and luinbs active; unshorn sheep, Jlg5; no clipped; unshorn lambs, Jd.2MrS.2f); clip ped do., $5. Hogs firm at $1.25W4.60. Enst Liberty, 1'a., April 7. uattie steady; prime, 55.15; feders, $S.75CT4.40; bulla, stags and cows, $28.50. Hogs nc tlvo: prime medium and "best Yorkers, M.2ai'4.25; common to fair Yorkers, $1.10 4.15; pigs, $3,504! 1; heavy hogs, $4.15iJ8; roughs, $33.75. Sheop lower; wpaled sheep, $3.40iB"l.fW; choice clipped sheep. I4.23fl4.40; common. $2.S0Jf3.5Q; cholco lambs, JG.10jf5.25; common to good, $4,403 1.90; veal calves, $4.70tT5. lion's This? Wo offer Ono. Hundred Dollars lteward for any caso of Catarrh that can not bo cored hy nan n uiiiurrii cure. P. .1. CHUNKY & CO, Props., Toledo, O. Wo the llndemtirneil. hnvo known P1. J. Clicnev for the last 15 years, mid bellevo hlln perfectly honorable In all business transactions and On- nnciaPy able to carry out any obligations made. oy ineir iiriu. writ & Tiiaux, Whnlcmlo Drugitlsts, Toledo, O Wamiiso, Kissan & Maiivin, Wholesato Drug- giais, loieoo, uiuo, itnlnu r.nin..i. j..-.. i.. !...... ,.ti.. At... directly upon tho blood nnd mucous surfaces of the system. Price 73c. tier bottle. Sold by all ituukisi. lesiinioiuais irec. Hall's I'umllv Pills are the 1 est. Ohlo'H Prohibition C'niidldntOH. Columbus, O., April S, The state Pro hibition convention nominated J. C. Ilolllday, of Muskingum, for governor; John C. Danner. of Stark, lieutenant governor; O. J. Ross, attorney general; Mnhlon Rouch, auditor; Samuel Wells, treasurer; E. J. Plnney, Judge of su preme court; F. II. Paden, school com missioner, Resolutions opposing the Anil-Saloon league In Ohio were finally tabled. Cioiiot-nl Lco'm lfoincicoiiiliiH; Dolnyod. Richmond, Va., April 8, Consul Gen eral Fltzhugh Lee has just wrltton a friend here that he will be unable to leave Cuba April 15, as he expected, and that he will be delayed In Havana until tho latter part of May or early In June. General Lee was forced to de cline an invitation to deliver an address pn Cuba before the United Confederate Memorial societies on April 2S. BloodjfHerveFood For Weak nnd Run Down People. UJHRT IT IQ I The richest of all restorft nnHI II Id I tivo foods, because It re places the essentials of lire that are ex hausted by disease. Indigestion, high living, overwork, worry, excesses, abube, etc WHAT IT DOES! SSrYSdlSKSS digestion perfect It creates solid flesh, muscle and strength. The nerves being made strong the brain becomes active and alear. It restores lost vitality, stops all wast ing drains and weakness In either box, and ns a female regulator has no equal. Price 60c., ortlve boxes 82.00. Druggists orbymalt. We can help you. Advice and book, free. Wrlto Us About Your Caso. THE DR. CHASE COMPANY, IM2 Chestnut Street. Philadelphia. poll SIIKItlPF, ' S. ROLL BEDDALL, Or 1'okt Oabbox, Suhjoet to ltpubltHii rules. pOlt SIIKNIl'r', H. S. ALBRIGHT, OK OHWlCsftHUEMl, Subject toHepublfoan rules. To Consumptives Tlie umlvntlimetl havliiK been reatoml to health by itltttple moult. aftr uiirTeriug for wove ml yearn with n evur Imw affection, and tlmt ilrentl UiiiefMe ConBUXUpUqn, U nxim to mike known to hU fellow titinereni the mcana iif vur'. T thutto who Uenlro ft. hu will li , r fully Heiul (free of ulmnre) h copy of the pre Hcrlption iihi tl. w hU-h they will tint u Hiiro t uiv for Consumption, Asthma, OnUrrli, Bron ohltla (umI ull throat nnd Iuiik Maladies. He ho j tea nil Mufferei will try lib rem-ly, ah it i Inviilunble. Those uVMlrltiit the prt Herlptiou, wh k'h will vtmt them nothing, ami mu proe n hleaaliiK, ill pleiute mhlrt-aw, Itev. EDWARD A. WILSON, Ilrotiklyn, New York. r. iUfS WUCDC All tiec fiiif n efiuu. i onus uuuu. via rn In time. Kold brdranrUu. k -f'Tii'jyr-Tyaa Heart Disease Cured. 'HEN a well ktw.vn rr ;.tcr after EUfftrlnp, for reux.i v.I'h hotut dis ease, is cared, It 1) ii jl sur.irlsliis that he should publish the fact for the lienefit of othorn. ttev, J. .V Smith, 1046 Fulton St., Baltimore, Md writes! "For years I su flerod from a severe form Of heart disease. I ubed Dr. Miles' Now Iloort Cure, and my heart Is now in good condition, ltecently, other Rflllctlons camo uikiii me. Thero was humming, painful sensations on top and back of my head. Fifteen mlu- l utes reading would make me almost wild; I there were pulling and .lrawln,' m us-.i.tuHia 111 ray lgs alt the time. so that t could not sit still. Iu this condi tion I began taking Dr. Miles' ltcstorattve Nervine and Its effect was simply won derful. I heartily commend your remedies." Dr. MIlcV Remedies are sold by all drug gists uncor a positive guarantee, first bottle benefits or money rofunded. Book on Heart and Nerves sent free to all applicants. DK, MILES MEDICAL CO., Klhkart, IuO. NNSYLVANIA RAILROAD COMPANY. Personally-Conducted Tours flATCHLGSS IN EVERY FEATURE. CALIFORNIA Tour to CAMFOHKIA nml the PACIFIC COAHT will learo New York iimi IMilliulelpliln Mnrch 27, returning on regular tmins within nine months. Inumt-trlp ticket, Incliuling nil tour fnttiiti (rolnff nnd trnnsportntlou only rHurntiift:, will te oll at rate of 8204.00 from New York, ami $208.00 from IMilhulclphfn ; ont wny tickets, liivliidlnfr "H tour feature (jolnp, SU .73 from New York, $110.25 from IMillatlel phla. Proportionate rate from other point. WASHINGTON Tours, ench covering a period of thret ilays. will leave New York and l'blladel Mareh 11,22, and May 13, )7. ltntes. Includ ing trumnortatlon and two days' accommoda tion at tlie best Washington Hotels, $11.5) from New York, and $11.30 from Philadelphia, OLD POINT COMFORT TOURS RETURNING DIRECT, OR VIA. KICHMOND AND WASHINGTON will lenvo New York and IMillnilnliililn P?lirn ary 20, March IS, and Arll 15, 1897. For detailed Itineraries and other Information apply nt ticket agencies or addrtw Geo. AV. iioyu, Ami. uein I'ass. Aget, llroau street Statlop, Philadelphia. THE SUN. The first cf American Ncyrspn- Vvrs, ClIAlil.IiS A. DANA,Hdltor. The American Constitution, the American Idea, the American Spirit. These first, last and all the time, forever. Daily, by mail, - $6 a year Daily & Sunday.by mail, $8 a year The Sunday Sun Is the greatest Sunday Newspaper In the world Pries 5c. a copy, By mall, S2 a year - Address THE SUN, New York, P. J. CANFIELD,. Agent for Shenandoah and Vicinity -For- BARBEY'S Beer and Porter Try Barbey's Bohemian Beer. DIVIDEND o To mi lilMuri t WOULD YOU CAKR TO INVEST SIO OB UFWAltDSt 1)1.1- ddi jwftbl. uoolhlr. PartlenUri frh iUmi, Went ern riiinneiui no.. 1 . 16 lu.rtKir. SITMI, Cblotto. HI. .111. h.i il c.i..i i.) I.I I ' ll.VIU Ml. 111. UA.V". "'Ivr li ii ,i-ii!.iil n lot flKlit.uttO l.i:r.'S ll.VIU TIIMl'r, !.., i,-tlumlr..;l h,th tlairfti'tll tailing oil' lit il lironi'ilpyuruwlh $1 UI. tintll i.ki: mi:iii a. r co i riiiinn t..S v rnrc; ll)utrsi0(l 'l'r4tua oa Hair oa application rltCL. For sale by Shenandoah Drag Store, Klrlln Drug; Store. A Handsome Complexion Is one of the greatest charms a womau can possess. 1'oizoNi'a Coubliuclon Powoub gives it. 00 a a a VIMS' W