The evening herald. (Shenandoah, Pa.) 1891-1966, April 05, 1897, Image 4

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SWEETS . . .
. 1 O THEtv
. . . SWEET 1
What more fitting than a box of
uui delicious Hon Hons or Choco
lates We sell Tenney's sealed
jruk.ii;es, ze. vc a,d 8oc each.
We idso sell ;is large or small a
mtttv as desired.
H North fvlln
Horne . . .
li-llllltct) l III
iirvd by wltdoiTP
(rfht. ottft bf
Wiling offnt Mw
ttiil i my two price for In
for inferior
UOiHln, lint
BUY . . .
At li-Kltiinata prices We are now
hi i n tempting finer to biiyera
K u-in
li Ht'lMI
oak lkaf (torn
and upwards.
irS Hnel Centre Street.
. . Is now located in . .
' ". . its new quarters . .
29 South Main St.
Willing to make a $5 or $10
bill by saving it can be
accommodated at our spring
clothing sale, where the
latest and choicest garments
are sold for actually less
money asked at the end of
the season.
Our Spring Ovcrconts
Made of strictly all wool
covert cloth, cut in the lat
est fashion and made by
custom tailors are stunners,
await your solicitation. We
also have extra fine
youtk'a5ty,.aK Suits,
MeiV-s Sjjrihcj Top -Suits,
Boy's Top Suits atc Coats.
Why pay a tailor double the
amount, when our goods are made
by more skilled cutter and journey
man's tailors at ready made cloth
inK prices. Look into this and
convince yourself.
We also carry a new and novel
assortment of BICYCLE SUITS.
Cor, Haiti and Cherry Sts.
SXMHIOCK, - - Proprietor.
nm T asaasl 11 V
Undertaking in - -
- - all its Branches.
Open Day and Night.
siunb ur X
Went Ceutre Utrt-et.
And l"Inwer, lh llandit America, Cull- 1
fnrtita. '
Via tlie true imthway, "The Iron Muiintaiu
Route, "w hleh traverses region of perpetual
I suniliino, whern snow storms, hllKgaril or
i high altitudes are unknown. Pullman first
i nml scrniid r1se palaeo and tourist sleeping
' ears to pnlnU In Missouri, Arkmisiis, Texas,
i Old and Now Mexico, Arb-ona, California,
Oregon, Vh)i i iitili , Nebraska, I'tah anil
, i, without change. (Juiek time, low
rotci, nml all the eomfortsof modern railway
incuts to all who pur-kct--
m,i the Mkio.irl I'aclfle railway
system i. ilis neht from your home,
J literature, .unl lull information, ilropu postal
card, J. i'. iluCimi T IV Agent. Mil Hail
road avenue-, i'.lnnii, N V, or 3!1 Bnmd-
WftJT, New ork .
H-S-tf W. K. Hovt. U. K V Ant.
Sale of School llnmls.
Satacriptions will lie received a-t the oflii e
of the Secretary of the School Hoard, in the I for ih ssleof
twnntv.flva thoosAnil (ttn.nntn dnllnra worth
of Shenandoah 8WI District bonds. The.
hnnds will har datjt .if Anrll 1. 1Hn7. nml will
run thirty years. Interest fuur per cent,
payable, seiol-aitnuilly. Denominations :
Twenty UM boiftl; twenty fUOO bonds, and
thirty eight ISOObouds.
lly order of the Hoard.
J. .1. Prior, President.
Attest Ksaxk IUnSa, Secretary.
An Hx-Meinber of tbe Council and School
itimnt IIes. J
Mahakoy Citv, April, 6. John Itugan, i
ex School Director and ex-Councilman, dieil I
suddeuly at his horn on West Centra street j
yesterday morning., lie arose from his bed
at the usual hour amlwaa sitting in a rock,
lug chair, enjoying a smoke, when Ills head
tnddeuly fell forward. A member of the ,
latnily hurried to lira aide, but death had set ,
,lu. Tb deceased was troubled witli heart af- j
fection fur the past two years He is sur
vived by a wife Mid five clilldrcti und one
of his anna, James, Is piistorof St. Michael's
Konian Catholic elinrcb at Philadelphia.
A house at Moron occupied by the family
of Patrick McOroarity was destroyed by lire
Saturday n'glit, but all the household offsets
wore saved.
The trolley wire of the Schuylkill Traction
line broke in the swamp between QUbertoii
and IloUoti Iimi at about oight o'clock
Saturdsy night and traffic was delayed until
yesterday in. lining.
A contingent of the Mahnnny City Indians
coiniMiM d of Tied, lieriiet. Tnoiiius Mcflinty,
Ilntt.ud lluicl.ill, William Pi ice, James
t'lill'ord. Holla Wntson. lin hard t'le.iry and
II T iMvidson. cnjojrd tin ir (ir-t bicycle
t ii n to T.iuiaiju.i vistirdiy They weio
iU.irteied at the l uited st.itc Hotel and
enjoyed a pleasant time
Bpsidt Coca TnitvrMBvT for torturing, dlsflg.
urlnfMtclilnit, burning, ana scaly ltln and scslp
dlseatcs with loss olbalr. - Warm bstha with Co
ticusa Boap, ccntle applications of Cotiouea
(ointment), and full does of Cutiotjbi ItisoL
vs3T,groateet o( blood partners and humor cures
T .Alfl thrftnehoot fhfl world. FOTTtK
atj- (low to Cur. It chin i HVIn PImmii, frtii
A special feature
of this store is that
every department
is a store in it
self ; large stocks
bought right are
marked at money
saving prices.
Ready-Made Skirts and Suits.
We sluw a .- t4 , ' ,
superb stockof
Ladies' Sui's
and Skirts ; h;
is no guest
work in our
buying: these
Stylish garments ; every skirt or
suit bears the (lamp of this season's
latest fashion. Skirts, $2so to
7 50 ; Suits, $5.00 to $10.00.
Plusl'n Underwear Department
Count the coat
of the muslin and
trimmiiiKs, then
come and get our
prices for ready
made underwear,
Gowns, Chemise,
Drawers, Skirts,
etc. ; our prices
will be found to
li; lower than cost
M.Call Bazar I'aper Patterns are fast
i 11 11 1 f friends a thousand new patterns
jiH-t ,11 tor 10 or 15c. each.
For all Biuousand Nervous
DisiAStf. They pui fy the
Bl-OU -nr! PIVC tltlALTHV
u: ion to l'. ft er.tirc sstem.
Kop.iln.trou) Jou
If you wear tba
tJtAriA Ettf
railadelfthiii Trutt Co.. 610 UcuttSli Phirt., P.
J Mm
of 1: 1 1
Ifnpiwtiliig Tltrottjchorit tlie Country
Ohmnlcled lor llnsty rrritsnl.
Yesterday waa Passion Sunday.
Henator Quay will In In lltirrlslmrg this
The P. ti R. collieries resumed work tlih
Allentown Cimnclls hnvo established tbe
oftlee of night netgeant of police.
llryan lllggius, a well known resident of
Central!, died on Friday evening.
Jllsliop KuliHon y est old ii, v oonflriiitd a large
class of eutcehumcus at Pottsville.
Tho stores' at Mahauoy City wl'l close at 7
o'clock during tlie summer months.
Car No. 19 of the Coluiylklll Traction
Company, looks bright with Its hew coat of
Now is the proper time to give your ptemlses
a thorough cleaning, before warm weather
sets in.
Severn! cane seated chairs have tieeu placed
in Mi nn s urug store ior accommodation m
A "' t'ut,,"1,,w1 ' V,,e f ''IT i1"
mmiug of the Lolilgh alley railroad ys-
o,y carilcd the UVpuhliran
primaries at
Hlnoniibnrg, Ilerwlek mid
CabtwissH on
llrakeman William Fitzpatrlck was be
headed and cut to pieces by a shifting vngllie
at Heading on Saturday.
Hooker Post, G. A. It., of Ashland, will
celebrate the DSnd anniversary uf Lee's
surrender, on the Oth Inst.
The Uood-Roads league, No. 1, at I'etts-
ville, organised by tbe election of Professor
G, A. Transue, as Its president.
Dr. Swallow stole a march on the State
officials at llarrisluirg and made a lour of the
ruins of the Capitol on Saturday.
Pifty thousand persons hre expected to
visit Heading when the Sons of America
celebrate their semi-centennial there.
Candidate forSlieritT John Kobeits la lay
ing a RubataullaTnag stone pavement around
his residence 011 North Jarditl street.
A Coroner's Jury at Jlinersvlllo attributed
the recent death of John Shearstone, at Oak
Kill colliery, to a confusion of signals.
Centralis lias several hundred men who
have uot earned a dollar since the collieries
at that place shut down, six months ago.
John Mtindy, of near Girardville, left all
his projierty to Miss Mary McCauloy, of
Jeanesvllle, who nursed him through his last
The exhuming of suveml hundred bodies
In Potter's Held, at- York, began to-day. A
$150,000 High school building, will be erected
oil the site.
William C. Measuer iind Penrose SellKir
were arrested at Lebanon on charges nf
einlieszlcuieiit, and each tvns held In heavy
bail for court
Kaston is making Eruitpiepa rations fur the
annual conclave of the Grand Commander',
Knight Templar, of Pennsylvania, to be
held theie May SM-27.
The II ERA 1.11 has one of the lieat equipped
Job oftlces in the county, and with skilled
workmen turns out the flu est work in this
line, at reasonable jutes.
Givernaud Ilros., the Allentown silk manu
facturers, Saturday voluntarily increased
tboirweavera from IS to 36 per cent. The
increase effects 1B0 weavers.
Howard Morgan, aged 10, a driver, em
ployed in the mines of the Kingston Coal
Company, nt Wllkesbnrroj was crushed to
I death by a ear jumping the track,
i Dubois people contemplate the purchase of
' goats for the furnishing of a milk supply, us
they arc loss ospensivo to keep than cow's,
, and will uot be subject to a borough ordin
A Chinoso Kunal Rights League lias been
funned in Chicago, III., for tho pttrposo of
Amoricanmug tho Chinamen lu tho United
States and asking for them the rights of
Tho Young Meu's Christian Association, of
Danville, tendered a large reception to Hon
J. II. Llttlotiold, of Brooklyn, N. Y., n former
law student of President Lincoln, Saturday
The lumber firm of which Congressman
Monroe II. Kulp is the head, on Saturday
leased another big tract of timber land. It
is located 12 miles northwest of Lowisburg
and contains 80,000 acres.
A. S. yauwleklo bought tho Heaver
Meadow colliery at auction on Saturday,
bidding 526,000. Coxo Bros. & Co. bid
$81,800. The colliery was formerly oper
ated by tlie Kvai3 Milling pompany and is
still a good property.
Miss Clara Mae Sailor, of PottovlUo, and
well known in town, now fitting her
self for the opei stage. She lias been pur
suing n cource of vooal study und or tho
direction of Prof. Del l'uente In I'lilladel
phta, for the past oigbl or ten weeks.
When bilious or costive, eat a Cascnret
candy cathartic, cure guaranteed, 10c, 3c.
Clergyman Assaulted,
The liev. Jashovich, while conducting tho
Lenten services In the Polish Ctathollc church,
at McAdoo, Friday night, was assaulted by a
faction which has been creating trouble In tho
parish for 11 long time, aud was roughly
banditti before being resoued. Warrants for
the arrest of 40 men were placed In tho hands
of Batectlve Kiley Saturday. I'or souietimo
past the priest lias been saying, mass under a
gu.ird of detectives.
License Itelused. '
Judge Heel 1 1 id this uiorulug rendered a
decision refusing to grunt a county detective
license to Joseph Anderson, of this town.
A Jaded Appetite
means a jaded, listless system
a condition so prevalent at
this particular season. Nature
endeavors to throw off the
accumulated impurities, and
unless properly assisted, the
system Is greatly depressed
while this change is taking
place. The appetite fails, the
energies relax, and a good-for-nothing
feeling pervades the
entire Body. Nature requires
S. S. S.
to thoroughly cleanse the
blood, and renovate the sys
tern, so that Spring will cause
no unpleasant effects, No
blood remedy on the market
compares with S. S. S., for it
is the only one guaranteed
purely vegetable. All others
contain either arsenic, mer
cury or potash, which are so
injurious to the digestive or
gans. S. S. S. builds up the
system, imparts new vigor,
and renews the
appetite. I n -sist
on S. S. S.
There Is Nothing: Half as GoodI
lONh Improved
that docsn't
Wolf Levlne transacted business at the
county seat to-day.
E. F. Gallagher and wire were St. Clair
visitors yesterday.
Thomas Hnrst, of Ashland, was a town
visitor yoitorday.
Mr. and Mrs. Fulton, of Shamokio, spent
tilts afternoon In town. !
Councilman R. D. llccs and wife spent ;
yesterday in Pottsville.
David Head, the Arcade caterer, spent 1
Sunday at his home in St. Clair.
Joseph Hull, wife and daughter, Lottie, ,
went to Miuersvllle yesterday.
Joseph Utukert and William Neisender ,
visited friends at Shamokin to-day. i
Misses Dresher, of ltlngtown, were enter-,
tallied by town friends yesterday. I
John Uellly, of Philadelphia, shook hands '
with aciiualnnnces in town yesterday. i
Misses Katie Wassher aud Annie Ilerce,
returned to their homes in 1'rackvlllo this
Harry llottgenbnrg lias resigned from tbe
News lludget aud contemplates going to
Harrlsbnrg. '
Edward Titos, of Philadelphia, is the goest
of Ills auut, Mrs. John Gregoiy, on South I
Jarriin street.
Mrs. William Stetlerand children have re
turned from Wilkestierre, where they were
gneats of relatives.
E. W. Ash, general "manager of the Schuyl
kill Traction aud Lakeside railways, was a
vi Itor to town to day.
Messrs. II. II. Worts, Joseph refers and
John Williams, were owwrved on the streets
of Mahauoy City yesterday afternoon.
Miss Jennie lleddall left for her new home
in Tamaqun this afternoon. The departure
of Miss lleddall from town is regretted by
ber large circle of frlei)ds.
Colonel Nunez lit IIMIntr.
New York. April B. The United
States authorities here have Informa
tion that Colonel Emlllo Nunes, who
lg wanted for organizing and taking
part In a dozen or more alleged filibustering-
expeditions, has within the.
past few days returned to this country
from Cuba. It is also hinted that Nu
nest la hiding: hereabouts. Colonel Nunez
distinguished himself aa a daring cav-
Mlfy leader during the ten years' war,
and Is hated by (he SDanlards, who
would like to see htm In prison. He
was tried here last winter for breaking
the neutrality laws In connectlonwith
one of the Bermuda expeditions, but
the Jury disagreed.
Mgr. Del Vnl'w Iteoopvion In C'aiiiidu,
Ottawa, April &. The Basilica, the
leading; Catholic church In Otta
wa, was crowded last night, when a
reception was given to the papal dele
gate. Mgr. Merry del Val. Three ad
dresses were presented to him, one
from the clergy of the diocese, another
from the Prenoh Canadians of the city
and the third from'the English speak
ing Catholics. Mgr. Merry del Val re
plied In French and English. Among
those present were rremler Laurler
and Messrs. Tarte, Scott and Fltzpat-
rlclc, members of the ministry, and
about 20 members of parliament.
I'llllinxterlilK H-vlodltlnii I'rovcmtoil,
Jacksonville, Fla April 5. The
cruiser Vesuvius prevented a Cuban
expedition from leavthsf Fernandina
Saturday night and capture the turj
Alexander Jones, of Vllmlncton N.
C. The tug was preparing to carry an
expedition headed by General Sangull
ly, which was to be placed on board
the steamer Bermuda, The Bermuda
was seen, but the vessel was outside
the three mile limit and under the Brit
ish Hag, so that the commander of the
Vesuvius had no authority to detain
her. The tug will probably be lined for
violation of the navigation laws In hav
ing only two lights displayed.
Alleged Corrupt Inn lu Cincinnati.
Cincinnati, Anrll B. It is believed,
MlR there, will be trouble at the mp,:
(llclpal elections today. Charges have
been made that certain Arms have beer)
blackmailed for fynds by agents o(
"the bosRcs," and an Investigation, by
the state food commissioner and other
Will follow the elBotlgn. It U also
charged that corruption has been dj'
covered In the proposed, construction
of nw water works, to post millions
of dollars. One man ha been arrested
for falsely registering tC names, and
the registration list Indicates that there
will be many arrests for fraudulent
Turku Studying Koonoiiy,
Washington, April 5. The state de
partment has reclved notice from the
Turkish government that It finds it
Inconvenient to raise the grade of Its
mission In Washlntion to that of an
embassy, on account of the Increased,
pxpense which would thereby PC in
purred. This decision of the Turkish,
government will prevent the president
tinder the existing law from nominating
ex-Secretary John W. Foster as am
baasador to Constantinople, an It Is uiv
CeretooU was his desire.
A Mliilntr.v'H l!nlnntlim l)illned.
"Vienna, April B. Emperor Francis
Joseph presided yesterday at a special
meeting of the cabinet, convened to
consider the tender of resignation made
on behalf of the cabinet by Count
Badenl, the Austrian premier, on Fri
day last. The reason assigned by the
premier for the tender waa. the fact
that he found It Impossible to main
tain a liberal majority In the recently
elected retchrath. The emperor de
clined to accept the resignation of the
Take Ijaxative Dromo Quinine Tablets. All
ilrugglsUi refund the money if It fails to cure.
W cent .
TMitlmonitils Tresiitel,
ICIIJah Gregory, the retiriuf superintendent
for the 1. It. J. & 1. Co. in tbe (llllwrttiii
district, was agreeably surprised Saturday
evenlug by reee'viue a call from a number of
the bgases and other employes who were
under bis supervision aud receiving from
thorn a handsome gold watch, appropriately
iuscribed, and a gold chain and charm aa a
token of esteem. Yesterday tlie Sunday
school connected with the Methodist KpU
copal church of Ulrardvlll presented Mr.
Gregory with a liaudsouie reclining obair,
Mr. Gregory had been superintendent, pf tlie
school for twenty years. At ute same lime
Mr. K. I). Gregory, a uepliew of Elijah
Gregory, and who recently moved from
Girardville to l'ottaville, was presented with
a large family bible. Elijah Gregory will
more to Heading ucxt Wednesday.
Oue Minute is all the time necessary to de
cide from personal exnerience that Oue Miu
ule Cough Cure doei what its name implies.
C. II. Kageiihiii h.
Only Tbreo Days.
Orders were received this inornitu from
the P. & K.C.&.I. Co.'s headquarters at
l'ottsville that the collieries in this district
work ouly three 3 quarter days this week
aud shiitduMU Wcduasday uigbt.
A lludget or Nows, Political and Other
wise, From l'ottsville.
IYittsviixb, April 5. The eousty seat,
has been the meccn for the politluiaus, and
several conference have been lild within
the past week or two by tho leaders of the
various factions of the Republican larty.
To Imply that the party is split up into
factions Is merely staling a truth. Those of
yutir readers who take an Interest in the
movements of the party leaders know this to
he true. They also know that it Is in this
source lies the greatest danger for the future
success of tho party.
The politicians are Jnst now Interested in
the distribution of the plums that are to fall
from the Presidential tree. Whllo MeKlnley
controls tho orchard, ho must necessarily
select some good Republicans in this part of
the government farm to distribute tho pro
duce Aud herein lies the bone of conten
tion. Congressman llrumin will exorcise bis
prerogative, and from him many of tho "faith
ful" will feek reeognltlou. During his ser
vice in Congiess, his friends arguo, lie was
never before In the position to reward his
supporters and place some of them lu fat
Information comes my way to the effect
that a secret conference was held hero on
Saturday, the result of which will develop
itself In tho future course of oue or two of
the prominent ofllolals on "the hilt." I am
informed by oue of those prestut that tho
gathering was held at the office of Congress
man llrumin, and that the principal topic of
discussion was the state delegate fight in the
various d 1st riots. The different candidates
weie considered and a tacit understanding
arrived at as to who should receive the honor
of representing this county iu the state
Besides the Congressman, there were
present at this secret conflHb Senator Coyle,
W. J. Whltehottse, Ksq., County Controller
Severn and others. It is said Mr. Brumm
may tiecome a candidate for state delegate In
the Fourth district. Senator Coyle has al
ready announced his candidacy for tills ad
ditional honor in the First district Ills
running mate is Sergeant-at-Arms Wyatt.
In this respect tho old ndago, politics makes
strange bed fellows, is again verified. A
little while ago theso two gentlemen were at
daggers' points, all because the convention
that nominated Wyatt icfused to endorse tho
record of Mr. Coyle iu the Senato.
It is quietly whispered that another candi
date fioin this county is in tho field for ap
pointment as Naval Officer af the' Port of
Philadelphia. John F. Finney, of the
Ml 11 era' Journal, filed his application several
weeks ngo, and has received hearty endorse
ments from dltTorcntparts of the county. It
was generally understood that Sonator Coyle
was' un applicant to succeed United States
Marshal llollly, but as the present incum
bent's term will not expire for two years, tho
Senator, it is said, has decided to become, a
candidate for tho Naval Office (n pppfriitlon
to Finney, between whqm, tho best ot feeling
does not now exist.
There Is another rumor to tho effect that
"Jack" Whltehoiite, in tho event of Coyle'g
County Solicitor bill, carrying with it a
salary of $8,000 a year, becoming a law, Is
to be appointed by ths governor; that
Gtistavus Schrinck, that erratic legislator
from ti ls district, will aspire to tho I'ost
mastorshlp of Pottsvillo. These rumors were
current upon tlie streets to-day, but as to
the truth thereof I have no substantial
There havo been strauje alliances formed
between the Republican leaders in this
county since the election of McKlnlos men
who were bitter rolltica.reueuyica last year
are now lounti in scoret caucuses formlne
uew combinations.
This fact has caused many of the warm
supporters of Senator Quay to put on their
tuiuKing caps, 'i hoy scent dangor ahead for
tho Heaver statesman in this county, so far
as the state delegates are concerned. The
Wanamaker people have decided to make a
strong effort to secure tho delegates from
each district, and will select strong candi
dates from thoir ranks. Herein lies tho
danger to tlie success of tho Quay cause.
Some of those announted as candidates op
posed to Wanamaker are holding high-
salaried positions and havo been continually
before tho people for several" years seeking
sumo office. The, Republican Votors havo be
come disgusted with this stato of affairs, and
although tho districts are strong Quay lo
calities, they will turn these 111011 down as a
rouuKo to iticir greed, ana If necessary, rote
for tho opposing cauflidmos, whether they
are friendly to the Wanamaker people or not.
Thoso who are real friends of Senator Quay,
11 tney utive not already done so, should
advise him of the true stato of affairs. If
this is not dons the Schuylkill delegation in
tho next state convention may be divided.
'l ho next tonn of court it awaited with a
great deal of interest by tho politicians. In
dlotments against Poor Directors Dcitricli
and Ahrensfleld aro expooted to be preseuted
to the grand jury.
Tho Sheriff fight Is causing much interest,
from tho number of candidates lu the Held.
Hester S. Albright aud S. B. Uoddall will
divide the vote In this section.
Brumm fur Judge sounds well, and there
are many who would like to see him on the
bench. If Charlio should don the ermine,
south of tho mountain will retain the Com
grossman. His name, whon made public at
the proper tlmo, will causo consternation to a
certain individual who now has the bee
buzzing iu his ear.
Don't Get Uxclted.
We aro elected by au overwhelming ma
jority toseU the dear people shoes, Evory
shoe in the" store has durability, comfort, fit
and style to recommend It.
Faotokv Shop. Stobk,
J. .C Movkii, Mgr.
Deeds llecorded.
Samuel Auman et tlx to John K. Wilson,
premises in Pottsville 1 John Tracey to Sarah
T. Deckur, piemlses in Shenandoah ; Jerome
Heck ct ux. to Ellabetb Maurer, promlsss lu
Bldrcd township; W. D. Kartcrman, exoeu
tor, to Emanuel Glares, premises In Kldred
township ; Samuel Drober et ux. to Albert
M. Meugle, premises ln Orwigsburg; Eliza
beth Kuehu to John J. Kuehn, premises iu townsnlp ; Mary L. Salada to Eliza
beth Kuehn, premises In Branch township;
Catharine M. Whitman to W. II. Evans,
premises in Mahauoy City ; Mary A. Fisher,
et vir., to W. II. Evans, promises lu Mahauoy
City; Edward Hummid, executor, to Elisa
beth Weimer, premises iu Pinegrovo town
ship; W. II. Herb to Ellsworth Stlely,
premises In Upper Mahantongo ; W, L. Tor
bert to Shenandoah Borough, premises in
East Union ; Jacob Fey, et ux., to Maurice
Bowiuau, premises In West Punn ; Frank
Smith, et ux., to C. W. Baukes, premises iu
Middleport ; u. W. Ileekiuan, administrator,
to II. A. Simmons, premises in Minersville ;
Abbie Kleckner, administrator, to Win.
Kleckner, premises iu East Brunswick.
Does your head feel as though someone was
hammering It ; as though, a iuiilqn sparks
were flying out of the eyes 1 Have you
(terrible slokusss of tlie stomach 1 Burdock
Mood Hitters will sure you.
Evan J. Davies,
Undertaking I
13 N. Jardln Street.
Largrst padcftKe extra
waning roner.;
Chicago, St. Louis,
The regular subscription price of
"Oemorest's Magazine,"
Judge's Library," and
Funny Pictures" is 3.30
DEMOBEST'S MAGAZ N E' Is by mr the nest family magahe published: there Is non
of our monthlies ith iwhloii the beautiful and the toeful, Pnre and profit, fashion ami
literature ore so fully presented aa In DeWlori st's. There ii in fact, no publication pre
tending ion similar scope mid purpose which oon compare wllli it. Every number eon
tains n free pattern coupon. .
JUDGES LIBRARY' I ft monthly mngBatne of run, tilled with intwtfAMotw In carteaturr
atul replete with wit and humor. Its canttlbulors are the beat ot Attiertoan wits and
FUNNY PICTURES' l another humorous monthly; there Is n laugh lit every IlneoJ It
AU three of these inagaslnes aro handsomely KnUen up. You "lioiild nut miss this chance
to secure them.
Cut here and return Coupon properly filled out.
Demor-ost Pujaii-skirxg Co., 110 Fiftk AVcrx, NW York.
For tho enclosed $2.00 plense send Demorest's Family Magazine, Judge's Library
(a magailneof fun), and Tunny Pictures for one year nsper your offer.
Any lady wearing a 2J or 3 shoe would do
well by calling at tho Factory Shoe Store.
Wo have a lot of these sizes made to sell for
8.00; our dosing out price is $1.00 per pair.
Faotohy SnoK Storb,
J. A. Movhr, Mgr.
POR K.IJNT. Store and dwelling at No. 23
'Hovitli Main street. Possession April 1st.
Apply to T. J. Illgglns, 10 N. Jardlu St. S-23-2w
TVAN-Tl'.lV-AKents to w" S5 Indelible Check
1 1 Perforators. Wesley JITg Co 408 Hoursc,
Philadelphia. 3-30-St-eod
OR KKNT. A new house on South Whiten
street tirovldcri with all modern conven
iences, lttratonuhle rent. Apply nt 1F. !C.
Magartflo's storet Kast Centre street. 3-13-tf
IilOU RKNT. Storeroom and dwelling at No.
7 122 North Mnln street. Contalufl bfith ami
clostt. (loott cellar and nice yard room. Size
of btore room, 10x15 feet, with two InrRe leatitl
ful bIiow windows, fitted out with cotintera and
shelvlnff ready (or business. Vnreroom and
stftbln cah ho had with It If desired. (Irond
location and rent reasonable. Atdret?, 0. W.
Nf.wiiouheh, 120 Ninth Main street- 3Mf
Ok Pobt CAnmix.
Nubjeot to Kepublionn rides.
Of Ouwiosauna.
Buliject to Itepublican rules.
AND- -
Meluskey & Son,
105 South Main St.
Wanted-An idea IHS?
Protect your Ideani ther mar bring lOU wearth.
Write J61IN WKOOB1IIIUKN ft dor'M&t Atton
Bars. Wnblngton, II. U for theft i.WI Crlxo ORef
sod list ot two hunilrod liivftnllous wauiea.
112 North Main St.
value i 1 " n 1 1 n- rf in only i,y
Ktw York, Boston, ruluulelphlo.
We will send all three to you for
one year for $2.00, tr 6 mo. for SI.
- otnce..
old' minim.
Denta I : Rooms,
(Tltraan's Block)
East Centre Street.
OMce Hours: 7 a. in. to 8 p, ni.
Dr. J. V". Angles, Pate ol Heading, Manager.
NOTICE Vt. a. S. Hartley Is still con
nei'ted with tho establishment.
We make all kinds of plates. Cold Crowns,
Aluminum Crowns Logan Cruwns, Crow
and Ilridge work and all oierations that per.
tain to Dental Surgery.
No charges for extracting when plates nrt
ordered. We are the only users of vitalijed
air for the painless extraction of teeth.
Bloomsburg Gold-
--Cure Sanitarium
-For Oure ot
Liquor- ardMor)Drire Hafaiti
No detention from buttne
C: 2
Jhe holder of so Coupons of the r"?
iZZ HERALD is entitled to u ffrat claas life-T-
iae, free-hand Water Color Portrait -s
ZZ worth $15.00, made from any distinct
g- photoirriiph, liy paying 65 cents at M.
lleeker's studio, Sts W. Centre street, 3
Bheuandoab, la.
Sand photograph in ltrunsdtately
and have coupons ready upon re-
celpt of portrait.
A genuine welcome walUyou at
Cor. rialn and Coal Sts.
Finest wbUkers. beers pfitlw sad ate
ooi stantly on tap. Obolea ainpransg dllalis
and elffara.
nillions oTDoTiars
Cto up UJ smoke every year. Take so
risks get yoor houses, slock, foi
u i tore, ate., insured iu nret-olaes r
liable companies as represented by
hAVIT, FATKT Insurance Apent
rAUOl, 120 ttoulb Jardln Bj
Also I.I f ii and Anrlduutal Oompaul
Wanted-An Idea I
Wbo oan think
thlnff to natant?
mj wise jou wMita.
W.i .WH
K&a hit of two bttad r T Iot siUo&a