The evening herald. (Shenandoah, Pa.) 1891-1966, April 05, 1897, Image 2

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lWTAWUSIIKl) 11170
Publish! very Evening, F.xeept PundAy, nt
Tho Hem Id la detlve.eri In Shenandoah it ml the
niii-'niindltiff town for six centn n wt-rk, pny
nhle to the carriers. By mntl 18.00 n y-ar, or 3ft
cant a montb. uftynhlo In advance. Advertise
mcntfl charged iKvordltitftM) space And position.
Tlie iiuhlUhem reserve the right lo change tlic
iHiHttiiHi m wivertmeinciiiil wurnnrv no lilt
llt'Atlon nf iii'ffi dfimnnds II. The rlxltt ft
reserved to reject any n crtUeineiii, w liether
paid fr or not. that tho MjMmher may di-cni
improper. Advertising
rates moile kuimi
mon iimmentlon
Bntered at the postofflce. at AhcnAlidonli, Jit., iw
second class mall matter.
"All the Niws That's Fit to Print."
Evening Herald
Some poisons fuil to realize, when holding
public office, that the people have right thai
must be respected.
The representiitlves of the fltlr hi are
coming to the front In five counties of It
linoia women huvu been chosen as superin
tendents of schools.
Ji st think of it. the tailors in St. Lonls
are striking for a raise in the price of milk,
ing a coat, fruui 60 to 86 rents. The men
who makes a cont for that price wtn baldly
afford to wear one.
In variolic parts of the town guttering aud
paviiiK is badly needed. The Chief Burgess
has promised to enforce tbe ordinances in
this respect, without .discrimination, if lie
does this tlic borough will be the gainer.
Tin: only service performed by Comity
Dotecthe lickert of Luzerne county, is the
serviiiB of nu'ipoenfts in murder cisei , which
all beloKKS to conUbles. Ami still our rep
reieiitntivcs pr4ipose btirduuing the taxpayer
of tlm county by dealing this 'jm-Iuks ufllre
in Si !iu Ikill.
The electric msteh Is the next important
nvention promised. Before voiy lutiir the
phosphorus-tipped wooden splints now in
use will lie replaced by a handy little twl
that may he curried in the pocket or hung
up cuu .'ciiiiutly or striking a light when
1 r vm expected that an application fur
tlic pniduu of Gentry, the murderer ol
Mudgc Yorko, would speedily follow the
lecont legiiUtion ill his behalf, and hit
cmc w ill c mie before the board at the next
liit'cting. t'ertnln powerful sccrot societief
ure. interest. ng themselves in Qeutry's be
hil f.
Only three American citizens appeal ti.
Hal-Butts. Oovcrnmeut fur release
from Cuban prisons. This is in marked
contrast with the conditions which oslsted
under the Cleveland administration. During
tbe closing months of that administration,
although American citizens wore arreted
and imprisoned in large numbers, tlie re
leases averaged no more than about ono 11
month, and they were men arrested 011 tbe
most trilliug charges, three of these boing
simply charged with "voodooism." Simul
taneously with the incoming of tbe new
administration whose viows had bcou
clearly outlined by Secretary Sherman's
speoches in tbe Senate and Presidout lie
Kiuloy's inaugural, the prison doors iu
Cuba were thrown open, and as a result,
to-day but three Americans remain iu
prison iu Cuba asking fur intervention by
the 1 Liited Slates.
Is view of the discussion of the garbace
question, many of our residents seem favor
ably 1111 lined to a crematory as the best and
onlypiopcr way of disposing of this vexed
i 11. -lion President Spalding, of tbe Board
til Id ilth, it will bo remembered, has time
.iinl :i-i:u brought to the attention of the
bomugh authorities the advisability of erect-
1 nt; a 1 -.wimlory in town. In his annual re
poit, ayciirorso ago, Dr. Spalding dwelt at
cotiMili i,ilile leugth upon the sulject, showing
on, luMelj that the ouly safe remedy for
the present evil is the erection aud operation
ol a K'lh.ige crematory, where all germs of
discit-,c emanating from decayed matter can
f . ..-destroyed. To consume by Are all the
accumulation of the winter months not onlj
destroys the disease breeding tilth, but would
settle permanently the question of adurapiue
groiiud. Tbcu, again, the mere removal ol
garbage from one neighborhood to another,
under the present system, only establishes a
central poiut for the dissemination of poison
ous gas.
Arp.vKKNTLY Secretary Curtin, of the
Board of Health, although a public offleial
aud paid fur his services from the borough
treasury, is of the opinion that he is a
"bigger man than Grant." Either that, 01
he is aetmg uuder instructions from tbe
Board of Jieiilth. If the latter, tho soouei
tbe public knows it tbe better. It is cus
tomary for tlie reporters of the variant
paper of town to call at the Secretary1!
otficu aud get the health reports for publics
tiou. This is in formation that the readers 01
The HhKALii are entitled to, but wbeu out
rtpreseutative called at Secretary Curtiu'i
i office on Saturday, and iu a geutleraanlj
nmno r requested that trtUcial to furnish
, In in with the health reports the Secre
ttti informed the reporter that the IlKKALI;
wuiikl receive no Information from him In
the luture ; that the paper criticised the
Hoard uf Health, and therefore be would not
accommodate them, and didn't care how
Huon tlx paper knew it. So far as our
Liiticisin of the Board of Health is concerned,
that body, being composed of public otnciala.
arc xulijcct tocriticlani witblu proper bounds.
The members of the Board, unlike
the Sec eiiny, are liberal minded and
realize thut their actious will not always
ineif with popular approval ; that, being
li u man, tin. uie liable to luaku mistakes.
Besidis, the 1 o ltiou stsumed by tbe Halt
a 1 11 has wet nith much favor, excepting, ol
COll Vht, from the Secretary of tbe Board. Thi
fact uf the matter is, the Hkiald's criticism
was confined to the Board itself, aud no men
tiou was made of the Secretary, for tbe very
good reason that lie is men ly a servant, not
withstanding Mr Curtiu's estimation of the
Secretary's assumed importance. Because of
this egoiistu position uf tbe Secretary of tbe
Hoard uf Health, the leaders ef tbellKBALD,
who contribute to Ins salary, are deprived of
information which is theirs by right. Mr.
Curtiu's prsdei essur.althuugbdoring bis tern)
tbe Jt'utrd us critic is. d, was ever ready and
willing tofuruuh the public Information, and
be performed the duties with as much
ability at less salary. The liourd, iu justice
to itself, sbuuld investigate its Secretary.
Duo of the MtMt Kuorgotlo Odli'en of
the Xivy.
Washington, April 5.--HoRr Admiral
PrnnrlB M. ttamsay, holding the most
Important offlco In the naval service,
that ot chief of the bureau of naviga
tion, was retired on account of age
tndny He was born 62 years ngo In
thin lt, I'omlnR fiom nitllrary stock.
bis fullier liavluK In en a geneiiil In the
United States army. He graduated at
the Naval academy, and his first sea
voyage was on the frigate St. Law
rence In 1866. During the civil war
Lieutenant Ramsay distinguished hlm
elf by his bravery and energy in many
of the Important naval actions, was In
the lower Mississippi and later on the
South Atlantic coast, at Fort Fisher
and elsewhere. Commanding the
Choctaw, his vessel was struck over
Lflfty times by cannon shot In the en
gagements at Haines jJiuns
In 1S63 Lieutenant Commander Katn
ay, at the early age of 28 years, took
command of the Third division of the
Mississippi river squadron" with flag
rank, and from that time on he was
In the midst of heavy fighting, com
manding the expeditions up the Iilack
and the Ouachita rivers into the
Atchafalaya country and being con
nected with the Red river expedition.
He saw hard service on the Unandllla
at Fort Fisher, Fort Anderson and
other forts on Cape Fear river, and
was present at the capture of Rich
mond. The retiring admiral has been
one of the most progrestlve and ener
getic officers In our naval service.
Don't allow the lungs to be impaired by tlio
continuous irritation of a cough. It is outer
to prevent consumption than to cure it. One
Minute Cough Cure taken early will wardoQ
any fatal lung tronble. C. II. liagentiuch.
A Htgr Mti'ikci'Iinr "lit.
Cleveland, April 6. Five thousand
union workmen connected wl'h tho
building trades todcy made a demand
for an eight hour day, coupled with a
demand that only men having union
cards "hall hereafter be employed. It
Is not believed that there will be much
opposlton on the part of the contractors
to granting the shorter workday, but
, . , .. . , A Mm f nlifAn.ttnn will he
raised to granting the demand with
respect to the -I"J
not members of unions, and a big strike
Is imminent.
It is surprising wlmat "wee bit of a thing',
can accomplish. Sick headache, constipa
tion, dvsneiisln, sour stomach, illsxlnoss, are
quickly banished by DeWltt's Litilo Karly
Kiiers. Snnll pill. Safe pill. Best pill. C.
II Hagcnbiii'li.
Nw Mexico'" (cmu Jdisiirim,
Santa Fe. N. M., April B. Governor
W. T. Thornton on Saturday wired to
Washington his resignation as governor
of New Mexico. Ills commission ex
pires on the i:th Inst., but lie always
declared he would resign as soon aB the
Button gang of conspirators were exe
cuted. Private dispatches from Wash
ington Indicate that the resignation
will be accepted at once.
Many enses of "Grippe'' have lately been
cured by One Minute Cough Cure. This
preparation seems especially adapted to the
cure of tliis disease. It acts quickly thus
nrevi litimt serioin complications and bad
effect in which this disease often leaves tbe
patient. C. 11. HiiKenlmcli.
Allptseil Munlerei oil i!la".
Charleston. W. Va., April 5. The pre
liminary trial of Annie. Light and Ma
llssa and Vlrginle Nunly, charged with
murdering llyrlle Eggleston, a cousin,
of Mrs. 1.1-ht, began here today, with
ox-flovei fov Wilson appearing for the
defence. Vliglnie Nunly, one of tho
accurcd M ci.Iy 15 years old.
During" the winter of 1888, F. II. Martin,
of Long Iteach, West Va., contracted a severe
cold which left him with a cough. In
speaking of how he cured it he says: "I
used several kinds nf cough syrup but found
no relief until I Ixmuht a bottle of Cham
herl.iln's Cough Remedy, which relieved 1110
almost Inst 'n'y, mid iu a short time brought
about a oo'nplelu cure." Winn troubled
with a cotia'i or cold use this remedy and you
will not fl"d It neemBry to try several kinds
before you gt relief. It has been in the
market for over twenty yaars and constantly
crown In fttvor and popularity. For sale at
S and 50 eenU per le4tle by CI rubier Bros.,
Str.' v'iiK k "it"' nomin e It'otou
Lc nd. n, 'ill 5. The Madrid corre
spondent of 'ihe Dally Mall says that
bands of stcivincr workpeople broke
out In rwn disorder at Malaga yeB
terday. destroyed property and seized
large sum of money. The police made
many arrests. The cause of tne out
break Is lack of work. The condition
of thlnse in Andalusia becomes worse
daily. The government Is reinforcing
Its troops there.
Is the time when you should take a
Spring Medicine lo purify your blootl,
give you good appetite, sound sleep,
steady nerves and perfect digestion.
That scrofulous taint, that skin trou
ble, tliat liver dif-
tendency, that
tired feeling, are
all enroll by Hood's Saraaparllla. Givo
this medicine a fair trial aud you will
realize its tMsitivc merit. It is not
what v. o gay, but what tlie people who
are cured suy, which proves that
ciicrarni'ii! is the Best
vus vusvui iiiu 8prlmJ Medl.
elne. C. I. Hood fit Co., Lowell, Mass.
i-i,h r:ttu ,'"r'' ,'lv,'r J"1"; y to
iiOOU S PHIS lake, easy to operate. J6C.
(Continued from First Page )
Kina above a mouerare figure, ana tt
tax on beer, an article or luxury and of
very general use, would provide ample
revenue for thf raising of the amount
required to build a new cnplto! within
Hie next two years. They also reeom-
1 mend that action be taken fipcedlly to
I lecure the erection, completion, decora
1 tlon and furnishing of a fireproof er-
Itol building, to be ready for occupancy
by the time the next legislature con
venes. Intorot In tlio Cnuilng Kleotlon.
There Is very considerable Interest
taken at the present time among the
Republican members In reference to
the candidates forjitate treasurer and
auditor general, and while James S.
Deacon, of Westmoreland county, has
a number of friends who are anxious
to have him secure the nomination,,
yet R. II. Shlndel, of York, Is growing'
rapidly In popularity, and It Is thought
will muster a good force of delegates by
he time the convention meets.
The Wanamaker people are anxiously
awaiting on his decision as to whether
he will be a Candidate for state treas
urer, and if he consents to enter the
race they will combine their efforts to
secure his nomination.
Of the candidates for auditor general,
Mr. Qobin 1 apparently much In the
lead. General Gobln's excellent war
record, his wide acquaintance over the
state and the great popularity he en
Joys, as well as his special fitness for
tho position, all combine to give him
great prestige In the canvass. How.
ever, the friends of Mr. llardenberg j
are actively working in ins interests.
From present Indications this prom
ises to be a most Interesting week In
legislative circles. One of the first sub
jects to receive attention at the next
meeting of the senate will be the dis
position of the case of Dr. Swallow,
who has refused to give Information
to the committee of Investigation con
cerning tlie capltol fire.
From the efforts of Dr. Swallow, as
sisted by a number of mechanics and
others In the inspection of the ruins
of the old capltol building, he means
to be prepared for the oontest that
awalta him.
There were 110 hlllB reached the gov.
ernor during the week, but a number
will lie sent to him during this week.
There Is now some doubt whether
there will be a holiday taken to at
tend the dedication of the Grant mon
ument 011 the 87th of the month, aB
a large number of the members think
that they have no time for any more
holidays if they expect to adjourn in
any reasonable time.
Many C'ondldntea for Governor.
Almost every week some new as
pirant for the governorship of Penn
sylvania is announced. The number
now In the field would average at least
one to each county In the oommon
Giip to each county.
The remarkable feature Is that each
and all are In dead earnest, and are
not working In the interests of others.
This Is regarded as a very healthy
condition In state politics, and It Is
thought will result in the selection of
a candidate that has no special po
litical ruinations.
These hills passed finally In the house
during the week: To punish the loan,
gift, sale or distribution of Immoral
writings, etc., and of all drugs for
criminal purposes; punishing the send
ing of anonymous ooinmunlcatlons of
a libelous, defamatory, scurrilous or op.
probrlouB nature; granting the permis
sion and regulating the establishment
and operation of bone boiling uBtah.
Hshments and depositories of dead ani
mals; amending the act of April 9, 1870,
to require telephone companies to file
annual reports with the secretary of
Internal affairs; to provide for the lay
ing out of private roads under the sur
face of Intervening land or lands to
coal. Iron ore, fireclay or other min
erals underlying adjacent land or lands,
necessary for the turning of wagons
and teams; repealing the aot relative
to road laws In Peters township, Wash
ington county; appropriating $200,000 to
provide for the deficiency in the fund
tpr the care and treatment of Indigent
Insane; providing bounties for the de.r
struotion ot wildcats, roxea, minks,
hawks, owls and weasels; providing
for the making of a sworn copy of book
accounts kept by any common carrier,
railroad company, chartered, storage or
transportation company, or other pub
lic corporation doing business In this
state, prima facie evidence in any. suit
or action In which such accounts are
Involved In an Issue.
The following bills were defeated;
To create a state bureau ot geology
and mines; providing for the accept
ance of the provisions of the act of
April 4, 18T3, relative to the Incorpora
tion and regulation of Insurance com
panies and Its supplements, by cor
porations ovcaiilfeo uncier tne taws or.
this state, and authorizing reinsurance
by such companies; giving authuit
tty to Justices of the peace to hear and
determine certain criminal offenses and
misdemeanors by the aid of a Jury,
litlln Wlituli Mn.v bo Reoonslilorod,
The bill to fix the medium school
term at seven months, and the Smith
libel bill, which met with defeat a few
weeks ago, will doubtless be reconald
sred thlB week. One of the most Im
portant measures Introduced In the
house during the past week was a bill
of less than a dozen lines In length,
and yet one of very considerable Im
portance to the city of Philadelphia. It
provides for the abolition of the pres
ent public buildings commission of
Philadelphia. A 1111 was passed a
former session to wipe out this eom.
mission, but the supreme court de
clared the bill unconstitutional, on the
ground that it embraced two subjects,
The bill recently Introduced l very
simple, and Its phraseology lias no In
volved technical terms. It Is claimed
that the Philadelphia public buildings,
commission hag become so notorious
that the citisens ol the Quaker city
want it abolished, as It has squandered
the people's money in a most reckless
way. The letting of the last contract
to a bidder who was over 1100,000 above
the next responsible bidder was an act
that has developed great Indignation
among the people, and hence a concert
ed movement lias developed to have
the commission destroyed.
A number of bills of special Import
ance will be brought up for considera
tion that will uo doubt provoke very
considerable discussion. Senator Quay,
It Is reported, will spend a day or two
hare during the week, and will no
doubt confer with his friends during
his visit concerning the measures he
would like to see enacted Into laws,
It Is also thought that his coming will
settle the question as to who will be
the most popular and suitable candi
dates for the offices of state treasurer
and auditor general. In view of hi
coming a number of prominent per
sons from different parts of the state
are expected to confer with him In
regard to political affairs generally.
Considerable pressure will no doubt be
brought to bear upon him by many
applicants for federal positions to se
:ure his Indorsement.
Throe- Wnmrni Shot liv a Afndmitn.
Klncnld, Kan., April D. George Mil
ler, who was recently released from an
Inpnno aylum, shot three women
nelghVirs jesterday afternoon, and was
himself dangerously wounded while re
sisting arrest. The Injured women ar:
Mrs. W. H. Rurkey, shot In breaat.
probably fatally; Miss Effle Klrby, shot
In back, will die; Miss Jennie Klrby.
shot in side, will recover. Miller had
called to see the Klrby sisters, and be
ing refused admittance to the house
broke through tho door and shot down
the three women as they attempted to
escape. He then chased several chil
dren through the streets, and hunted
up a physician to attend the wounded
women. When the officers attempted
to ft'-rrst him the crazed man opened
fire, but was finally brought down with
a load from a shotgun. He may die.
Take Laxativo tlromo Quinine Tablets. All
drugKists refund the money If it fails to cure
36 cents.
Llna, Ap.ll 5. i : .n.i -
can sailor, ho uas :i
early nit of the yew nt
. 11 . if.
y. Ih' A--. -rive-
eil in the
C 1 nuo, on the
chart- i.f dlotderlj conduit, confined
and Lcnti-nccil to a year's Imprison
ment without such legal trial as Is pro
vided for in the treaty between Peru
and the United States, and whose sen
tence was commuted last week to four
months Imprisonment from January 12,
was released on Saturday night by or
der of the ("iini-rlor couit of appeal.
tlttiiklen' Artilta Salve,
Tho lx-st salve In the world for cute,
bruises, sores, ulcers, salt rbeuro, fever sores,
tetter, chapped hands, chilblains, oonis, un.i
all skin erantlons. and DosRlvoly eurrs piles.
01 jo pay required. It is guaranteed to give
periect satisiHction or mony reiumieu. rnce
35 T ,ox.
r or sale ov A. wastoy.
Want l)n.--.uiP'' fnr'Molpn AtTerrtfons.
Nvack. N. Y.. April G. Mrs John
Peck, wife of a prominent brlckmaker
at Haverstraw, has entered suit agalnBt
iui. .li'.n James Scott, a wealthy
widow cl that place, whose husband
wns a brick manufacturer, for $60,000
for the alienation of her husband's at-
fectioim. Mrs. Soott denies all the
charges. Mr. Peck has left for North
Dakota, seeking a divorce from his
wlie, and the present suit Ix one of the
side Issues connected with the divorce
Why sullor with Coughs, Colds and L
Grippe wbeu Laxative Brnnio Quinine wll'
onre you 111 oue uay. rut up 111 taiiiow eon
renlent for taklns. Guaranteed to cuio, 01
money refunded. Price, 38 cents. por sale
by Kirlln's Pharmacy.
Coming llvents.
April 7. Etitortslument iu Calvary Baptist
oliuruli, uuder the auspices of the Sunday
Tbev are so small that the most sensitive
parsons take them, they are so effective that
tne most otistinate esses ot constipation,
headaelie aud torpid liver yiold to them.
That is why DeWitl'S Utile Early Kisers are
known as the famo'ls llttlo pills. C. H.
llagcubueh. ; '
All lovrn Pi'O ri-u-nn V si:c!ile
Chler-go, A;-.rll fcsJsPr. J. II. Walton,
tO jv&js i.:d. tt .veil Jtnu vn physician of
Dubuoidc, Iu., CQfrfcniited suicide In
Lincoln Park yesterday afternoon by
suttlng IiIb throat with a razor. The act
was done before the eyes of hundreds
of people along the lake shore drive
and while the doctor was walking with
one of his most Intimate friends, Dr. S.
S. Lindsay, also of Dubuque.
T'ho Wntliiii,1
For eastern New York, eastern Ferin
sylvania, New Jersey, Delaware and
Maryland: Clearing; southerly winds;
ivarmer near the coast,
If you lmvo ever seen a child in tho acony
of oroup, you cau appreciate tho gratitude
of the mothers who know that Ono Minute
Cough Curo relievos tholr llttlo ones ns quick
ly its It is administered. Many homes In this
city aro never without it. C. H. Ilageubucli.
Oxford . iimivriiliro.
Putney, April S. The flfty-fourth
annual boat race bttueen crews rep
resenting the unlvprsi lo? of Oxford and
Cambridge was rowed Saturday overthc
jsual course, from Putney to Morilake,
x distance of four and one-quarter
nlles. Oxford won by barely two
Reduced Rates lo New Yolk,
For tho dedication of tho Grant Monu
mental Tomb, April 27, tho Pennsylvania
lumroau company will sen tioKets from nil
points on its lino to New York, April 20 (and
from points within one hundred and fl fu
nnies of New York, April 20 and 27), good to
return until April 20 inclusive, at rate of a
fare and a third for the round trip. Tickets
for military companies lu uniform, number
ing fifty or more, traveling In n body on oue
ticket, will bo sold at rate of slnglo fare per
capita mr tne round trip.
The parade 011 this occasion will be the
grandest mllluuy demonstration since, tho
war. Thousands 01 veterans. United States
regulars, and state militiamen will be in line,
pei7i?a. Railroad.
.TakihHV 18, 1897.
Trains will leave Uhenamloah after the Bbov,
duto for WigKans, GUberton. PmekvlUe, Dari
Water, St. Clair, l'ottevllle. Hamburg, Hsadln
Pottstown. Phoenixvllle. Korrlstown and Phil
adelphla (Ilrond street station) at io and 1106
a. in. ana 1 Mi p. m. on week days. lfor run.
villa and Intermediate stations 9 17 a. m.
For Wlggnns, GUberton, Frackvllle, Dsn
Wuter, Ht. Clolr, I'ottsvllle, at 6 OS, 9 IS a. m. au
3 10 p. in. For Hamburg, Heading, Pottstour
l'hoentivllle, Norrlstown, Philadelphia ate s
1 48 a. m., 8 10 p. m.
Trains loave Kmekvllle for Sbennndoab
10 40 a. m. aud 12 81, 5 11, 7W and 10 47 p. n.
Sunday, 11 13 a. m. aud S 41 n. in.
l.enve I'nttsvtlle fur Shenandoah, at 10 U
a. iu. unci wius, a ra, 7 90 ana ui yu p. m. sunua)
-,. iu w u. I,,., o 10 p, m.
Leave Philadelphia, (Broad street station), (o
Shenandoah at B 57 and S 8A a. m., 4 10 and 1
p. in. week days. Sundays leave nt 6 SO a. m
Iave Broad street statlun, Philadelphia, n,
8ea dirt. Anbury Park, Ocean Grove. Lou-
Branch, and Intermediate stations, K..6 11.11
a. iu., ana l.uu p. ni, weelc-uays.
Leave ftroud Street Htation, Philadelphia,
Ill press, week-days 8 90, 4 0o, 130 t IS, too.
7 ns, a 4 , n tsi you, iusi tuining ciarj, iiwa in.
13 uu noon, zsa ti. milieu 1 uu aim 4 Tl p. 111,
DlnlriK Cioi-s), 1 40, 9 80 (Dining Car) 830, 3 SO,
( i tin c, ka . 1,1 ,. nm hi. in,,.
p. Ill . 13 111, night. Sundays 3 Jo, 4 Oo, 4 SO S 13",
B Al, n iso, u ai. iu Jl, 11JI ini( iur, 11 1 a. m.
una, 3 au ti'iiiina uar;, -i uo ti.iiniieu zjimiiiiK
Cur), 8 20, 3 58, ( I)lnlli Cur), 6 83, 0 00, It 12, 10 1
p m , 12 01 IllKlit.
Express fur Ifaaitou without change, 11 00 a m.,
week-da, aud 6 50 p in , dully.
Kor tlatlluinrc and Wiwhinutnu, 8 59, 7 9u,e 2
1090. 1123 a. in., WOK (128) Liiultnd D
Ilia Onr), 119. 8 IH, 141 (8 19 Uoimrowibir.
I.iiuitnl, Pliilhut'Hr), 0 17, E (Dining Cm)
7 40 (I'liiiou Cur) p in., and IV OS ,.l
week d-iy,. Monday. 3 59, 7 3', 9 12. I' is k
a., 12 09 I 12, I II, ( 5 If L-oiiKKMloiial Limited
initios Uir, B.U (IMHII1IC tun, 7 Ml v. p .
(Diiiiur Car; i. nd li' 0G ii)ki.
I-av llroad street statin--, l'lillcle'plihi (via
Delaunre river bridge), express, 7 0S p. n.
lavc Vurket street Ferry, xpress, 8 .V a m.,
2 00, 4 10, 5 - 0 p m Sundays, 8 45, 9 48 a. in.
Aueoiruiiotlation, sua, H U0, a. in., 8 SO Hud 4 21)
p m , week du h. Sundays, 8 '.0, 8 15 a. in., 4 00
aud 3 Co p in
Kor Cuiie May, AngleMea, Wlldwood and
Hotly lleoeli, and Heu Isle City, Ocean City aud
Avttlon Rxpiewi, 900 a- m., 4 00 p In week
days. Sundays. V 00 a in.
For Suinurs Point Express, 859 a m., i 10
Sm. week days. Huudn 8 45 a m.
.11 llim-iiiHMJii, J It. Woon,
(Jen'l Muu.ifcr. Ueu'l l'sss'ic'r Apt
Love Is the sun ol
woman's life.
dawning Is the
maiden's tender
sentiment: it bright
ens into tlie steady
aff octiotl of the con
tented wife, and
reaches its glorious noontide In the happy
mother. Happy motherhood is a true wo
man's loftiest ambition. Her highest pride
is in her fitness to fulfill this grand and
sacred destiny. Nothing so clouds and
darkens her existence as to be incapacl
tat:d for this noblest of womanly functions
by weakness or disease.
A woman who suffers from any ailment of
tlu- delicate special organism of her sex,
feels something more than pain and physi
cal wretchedness. She is mortified with a
sense of womanly incompleteness.
Hut uo woman need remain under this
cloud of misery and dissatisfaction. Dr.
PKrce's Favorite Prescription positively
cures alt diseased conditions and weak
ness, and restores complete health and
sir n tth to the feminine organs.
It 1 1 the only medicine of its kind devised
for this one purpose by an educated and ex.
pe-fenced physician, and eminent specialist
in this particular field of practice.
It Is the ouly medicine which can lie relied
up'in to make the ordeal of motherhood
ab-'olutely safe and almost painless.
" I cannot say too much for Dr. Pierce's Favor
ite Prescription," writes Mlw Clara Dalrd, of
Bridgeport, Montgomery Co.. renn'a. " I feel It
mv dntv to sav to sll women who mav be suffer
ing from any disease of the womb that it is the
best nifdlcine on earth for theiu to use. I cannot
praise it too lilRlily lor tlie good it aid me. 11
any one doubts this give them my name aud
Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets regulate the
stomach, liver and bowels. Of all medicine
dealers. '
The libel suit ot Senator Penrose
against Jacoby has been quashed at
Doyleslown, Pa.
William J. Bryan is assisting In the
argument in the United States supreme
court In the maximum rate costs today.
A daughter of Postmaster General
Gary is To be married at Baltimore on
Wednesday. Several mambers of the
cabinet will attend.
Royd Bwlng and S. M. Patton, proml
nent residents of Chattanooga, Tenn.,
lost their lives In an onice building
Are In that olty.
Farmer Amos Shoope's frightened
horse nt Harrlsburg dragged him down
a steep embankment, and there thu
animal, on Its back, kicked lilm to
The Madder was created fop qqe purpose,
namely, a receptacle for the mine, and as
such it Is nut liable to any form of disease ex
cept by ono of two ways. The first way is
from imperfect action of tho kidneys. Tbo
second way is from careless local treatment
of other diseases.
Unhealthy urine from unhealthy kidneys
1 the chief cause of bladder troubles aud
suffering so painful to many that Ufa is made
miserable. Tlip WQiub like tbe bladdor was
created for one purpose, and if left alone it is
not liable, to become diseased, except in rare
cases, When lu position thu womb Is situated
back of and very closo to the bladder, and
for that reason auy distress, disease or incon
veiiienco manifested in tlio klduoys, back,
bladder or urluary passago is often by mis
take, attributed to female weakness or womb
trouble of some sort. Tlio error is easily
made and may ho as easily avoided by paying
a llttlo attention to tbe condition of tbe
uriuo (seo pamphlet). The mild and the ex
traordinary effect of Dr. Kiimor'g Swamp-
Root, the great kiduoy, liver and bladdor
remedy is soou realized. It stands tbo high
est lor its wouuertui cures, it you need a
medicine you should have the best, At drug
gist nity cents and ono dollar. You may
have a sample bottle and pamphlet, both
sent free by mail. SIcntion Evening Heu
lp and send your address to Dr. Kilmer &
Co., ningbaratou, N. Y. Tbo proprietors of
tins paper gurauteo tho gemilncuesa of this
Anothor C'liiiroli ISIot In Bridgeport
Bridgeport, Conn., April D. Troublo
has again broken out at St. John's
Slavonian Cathollo church, In this city,
and yesterday Rev. Father Formauek
was oungeu to can ror police nrotec
tlon. He was not allowed to celebrate
mass. During the past week ho has
been threatened with violence, and
stones have been thrown at his resi
dence. Somo of the windows of the
church have also been broken, Tho
trouble s of long standing. Members
of the parish desire Father Formauek
removed, but the bishop will not grant
their request. The malcontents declare
that they will not allow him to conduct
any more services In the church.
Itheumntfsm Cured In a Day.
"Mystic Curo" for Rhoumatlsm and No
might radically cures In 1 to 3 days. Its
action upon the Bystom is romarkablo and
mysterious. It removes at once the cause and
the disease immediately disappears. Tho
first dose greatly benefits.
T. F. Anthony, ox-Postmaster qf Promise
City, Iowa, says : "I bought ouo bottle of
'Mystic Cure' for Riieumatbnt, and two doses
of it did me moro good than any nicdiclno I
ever took." 75 cents.
Sold by O. U- ItaKenbuch,, druggist, Shen
andoqiji. Julio b'lillgilllly'a Plwdjro.
Washington, April 6. If Julio San
gullly goes to Cuba he will do so at his
own risk. Secretary of State Sherman
raid today: "I have Ills written pledge
that he will not take active part in the
Insurrection. If he should do so, he
will take his life In his own hands. We
should never Interfere In his behalf
E. K. Turner of Coinpton, Mo., writes us'
that after suffering from pile for seventeen
years, lie completely cured tlioui by using
three boxes of DeWltt's Witch Hani Salve.
It cures eesema and severe sklu diseases. C.
II, Ilageubunh.
Fh"uT ItoMillt i'iI'u Komi.
Birmingham, Ala., April 5. A feud
which I14.3 L:ieted between the fam
ilies ot Hud llarvtlle and ' Jack Me
Combs, prominent farmers of Cullman,
over the location of the divisional line
between th'elr properties, resulted in a
battle between Harvllle and one of his
farm tenants named John Atwell on
one side and McCombs and his 18-year-old
son on the other. Atwell was
killed and the younger McCombs fa
tally wounded. The elder McCombs
was shot In the leg and body. Harvllle
being puihuid by enraged friends ot
The misery of years has been cured in a
single night by tbe use of Doau's Ointment,
a positive never failing remedy fur Iteblug
llles and all similar diseases. Your dealor
keeps it, or can get It fur you.
!!' IsW
Llttlo Will be by Na
tional Lew I -tin tor TIiIm Week.
Washington, April 6. The bank
ruptcy bill will be given first place In
the senate program this week, but It
will give way to the appropriation bills
after tomorrow If the committee on ap
propriations reports them then, as la
expected, and urges consideration. The
appropriation bills will excite more
or less debate when taken up, but they
are scheduled to pass with com
paratively few changes. There has
been an effort on the part of some
members of the house to Impress the
senate with the importance of passing
these bills ae sent over from the house
without any clinnge whatever. This
suggestion Is resented, especially by the
appropriations committee, which Is de
termined to make some changes, If
only for the purpose of demonstrating
the senate's Independence of the house.
The outlobk 1 that the week will not
be a busy one, and that the dally ses
sions will be short Many senators
will be absent. The finance committee
will press forward Its Investigation of
the Dlngloy tariff bill, and the various
parties will continue their efforts to
reach an understanding on the organi
zation of the senate committees. Borne
attention may be given to the arbitra
tion treaty In executive session, but
there will not be any effoit to get a
vote upon It during the weelc.
The house, In pursuance of the wait
ing policy mapped out by the leaders,
adjourned Saturday until Wednesday,
and on that day will Immediately ad
journ tor three days, the constitutional
limit of adjournment without the con
sent of the senate. Many of the mem
bers have gone home subject to call
In the event they should be needed.
In case the president should decide
to ask congress for special legislation
for the relief of the Mleslssippl flood
sufferers, as It Is anticipated he may,
the 'proceedings on Wednesday may be
more Interesting.
It will be an agreoublo surprise to persnoa
subject to attacks of bilious colic to leru that
prompt relief may be had by taking Cham
berlain's Colic, Cholera aud Diarrhoea Item
ody. In many instances tho attack may be
prevented by taking this remedy ns soou as
tbo first symptoma of tlio disease appear. 35
and 50 cent bottles for salo by Grublcr Ilros.,
Two Drowned in Nlngnrn Hlvor.
Buffalo, N. Y., April 5. A sailing
skiff capsized In the Niagara river, and
Thomas Dowd, aged 23, and Edward
Bawling, 39 years old, were drowned.
James O'Hara, the third occupant of
the boat, was rescued. The men hnd
been on a fishing expedition, and when
coming up the river the boat was cap
sized by a sudden gust of wind.
Did You Ever
Try Electric Bitters as a remedy for your
trouiuesr it not, get a bottle now aud get
relief. This medicine has Ik on found to be
peculiarly adapted to tho ri lief and cure of
all Female Complaints, exerting a wonderful
direct influence in giving strengtli and tone
to tho organs. If you havo Loss of Appetite,
Constipation, Headache, Fainting Spells, or
aro Nervous, Sleepless, Excitable, Melancholy
or trouuieu witn Dizzy spells, liioctrio Hitters
is tho medicine you need. Health aud
strength aro fr-.irantcod by its use. Largo
bottles only fifty cents at A. Wasloy's drug
Tho WiisliliiRton C.volo Contest.
Washington, April 5. In the six day
bicycle race, which ended Saturday
night, the score was as follows:
Shock, 1,070 miles; Alberts, 1,615; Gold
en 1,005; Lawson, 1.5S3: Cassldy, 1,554;
nivirre, 1,142; Ford, 593; Muller, 134.
Hale's record at Madison Square Gar
den, New York, wus 1,910 miles.
Don't Tobacco Spit and Smoke Your Life
If you want to quit tobacco using easily
and forever, bo made well, strong, magnetic,
full of new lifo and vigor, tako No-To-Uac,
the wonder-worker that makes weak men
strong. Many gain ten pounds in ten days
Over 400,000 eurcd. lluy No-To.Ilac from
your own druggist, who will guarantee a
cure. 50o or $1.00. Booklet and sample
mailed free Ad. Sterling Remedy Co.,
Chicago or New York.
Tlio Youthful tilopora Woddoil.
Macon, Ga., April 5. Governor At
kinson's lfl-year-old son. and 14-year-old
Miss Ada Bryd, who on Friday
eloped, were married at Kingston, at
which place they were met by their
fathers, and all returned together to
Atlanta. After consultation it was de
elded to separate tbe couple until the
young groom reaches the age of 17,
noxt February, at which time they will
be remarried If neither party wishes
to have the marriage annuled. Miss
Byrd reentered school today, and her
young husband will remain In the gov
ernor's office.
A Household Necessity.
Cascarets Candy Cathartic, tho most won
derful medical disco vory of tho age, pleasant
and refreshing to tbo taste, act goutly aud
positively on kidneys, liver ami bowels,
cleansing the entire system, dispel colds, curo
headache, fever, habitual constipation and
biliousness. Please buy and try a box of
C. C. C. to-day ; 10, 35, 50 cents. Sold and
guaranteed to euro by all druggists.
Mn- Strike AgnliiHt Noii-UnloulstH.
New York, April 5. The decision of
Persldent Seth Low, of Columbia col
lege, who was made umpire In the fight
betweev the steamfttters and nlumbars.
In favor of the latter and the ordering;
of the board of walking delegates de
daring the Btnue oft on the new Co
lumbla oollega building and the pubUo
sohoa! buildings was not brought up
In nn official manner at yesterday's
meeting ot the Central Labor union,
but It was the general opinion of the
men Interested that the trouble was
not at an end. The men who have been
on strike on the buildings referred to
returned to work today, but President
William J. O'Brien repeated the state
ment last night that general strikes
would be ordered upon every building
where there were non-union steam-
For Weak nnd Run Down PbodIg.
WHAT IT IC 1 Therlchestofall restore
svilHI II IOI tlve foods, because It re
places the essentials of lire that ure ex
hausted by disease. Indigestion, high living,
worry, uxcesaes, uuusv, eic
digestion perfect It creates solid llesb,
muscle and strength. The nerves being
made strong the brain becomes active and
slear. It restores lost vitality, stops all wnst
lug drains and weakness In either sex, and
as a female regulator lias no equal. Price
o0c, or 11 vo boxes 82.00, Druggists or by mall.
We can help you. Advice and book, free.
I Writo Us About Your Caso.
1512 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia.
Safi amo suae, s'uo 4a. nufWotuirs saie
Hap"" SoKiric Co,
it I'ovlnsky's drug store. 28
Centre street
ai i
Df, Miles' Nervine Victorious.
Physical and Montal Exhaustion QWot
Way to Vigorous Activity.
F.V. W. T. HOUCK, tho talented pan-
tor of ("race 17. II. church, Carlisle
Perm., wi ti-a'Beptctnbcr 9, 1895: " I
always enjoyed Rood health until In 1892, nt
which time my duties as a clergyman were
of a peculiarly tiylog nature, subjecting
me to several sevcro nervous shocks which
together with overwork and anxloty. Im
paired my gent-ral health and nervous sys
tem. Indeed I was In such a condition that
tho mare sight of a large congregation so
ypSSWj wearied me that It
would require a uay
or more tor me to re
cover from the ex
haustion. It affords
ftestoree mn roat Pleasure to
.3?3,av ti,-.. ri,. uiw
nay tint
Restorative t Nervlno
and Restorative Tonics
havo done mo untold good. .1 preached
throe times yesterday and I feel as fresh
and vigorous this Monday morning as I
over In my life, thanks to your remedies.
Dr. Miles' Remedies are Bold by all drug
gists uuder a posltlvo guarantee, first bottlo
benefits or money refunded. Book on
Heart and Nerves sentfreo to all applicants.
riU, MILES MEDICAL CO., Elkhart. Ind.
Personally-Conducted Tours
COAST will leove New York nnd Plillndelplilft
inrcn 'M returning: on retfuinr trnini within
nine months. Itound-trin ticket, tneiudlnir nil
tour fpiituies going nnd transportation wily
reiunmiff, win nc wiui ni nue 01 ramu iron
New York, ami $208,00 from Philadelphia ; one
wny tickets. Inoludlnir all tour feature coiner.
K .75 from New York, fll0.25 from Phllmlel-
phin. Proportionate rates from other point.
Tours, each ooverlnor n Period of three
days, will leave New York nnd Phlladel
Ainrcii 11, 2X, mm amy is, irav. itatee, inciud
Ine transportation nnd two days' ncrommoihiv
tlon nt the hest Washington Hotels, ili.50 from
New York, nnd $11.90 from Philadelphia.
will leave New York nnd Phllarielnhtn Fibril
nr 30, March 18, nnd April 15, 1897.
For detailed Itineraries aud other Information
apply at ticket nftcncfen or address Geo. AV.
Ho yd, Asst. G?a'l Pass, Agotit. Broad. 8tree
Station, PhllndHpMa,
Tlio first of American Newspa
pers, CHARLES A. nANA.EdUor.
The American Constitution, the
American idea, the American Spirit.
These first, last and all tiie time,
Daily, by mail, - . $6 a year
Daily & Sunday ,by mail, $8 a year
The Sunday Sun
is the greatest Sunday Newspaper in
the world
Price 5c. a copy. By mail, S2 a year
Address THE SUK. New York.
Agent for
Shenandoah and Vicinity
Beer and Porter
"Try ,
Barbey's Bohemian Beer.
Tiaanuuni WOULD "TOO Oltl
dtodi rriyabl. monthlr. 1
cm Flnunolul :o
rMtlwUii rrw, .., "Ve.t.
ic ualuruk
1 It .
U.VNT.ic" lr t.firi
S.liK'N 11.11 II
It 1 mm X c lit, ill i,,i,.
hstrfrom fallinsoui dud p, iii..r t-r.,wi h jl (in 1. fli
l.l.i; Jlliitva.t i' ro ue I'uiioii o . . i rnrr
llliMtrsud TrsAtws oa lUir ou a iii i. n'i, i ntfc
I'or sale liy Shenandoah Drug Store, Klrlin
Drug Htoro.
A Handsomo Complexion
Is one of tbe greatest cliucius a woman cai
possess. 1'oiiOMi's CoHfiunKW rflwDSi
gives it.