The evening herald. (Shenandoah, Pa.) 1891-1966, March 24, 1897, Image 4

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I ,) on wish t eat
raivlv ::'' i- jmit ? If i you
r.houM i, oui in w l.i.f. We
handle M . Tenuev's i hocohttts
:uh1 him hons, the purest that can
hi- liind' Tn a box, yon 11 want
l tVJortH IVlr St.
Ni rliml i -o iiupntitl bnAiitlfnl nn nmnrt
mi nt m no mul in point of value run offer
inhMnliiiK hii , is hotter ItiiluwimMrtu thnn over
r nll yotir -ittentlon to our II no of
INrritllyn trout tn seo sneli goods nt such
remarkably low factory prices.
3NE op ovn
I- ii K.KPtl thing to push along. Thoy are
1 1 uli l upwards to suit any taste. Quality and
i u:il worth nlonc determine the prlec,
"c-Our Stock Is Complete.
1 IS Bas& Centra St.
Will remove on or
about . .
APRIL 1, '97,
29 South Main St.
Is ready for your kind in
spection. The announcement may
be a little later than that of our
competitors, and the styles may
likewise be LATER, for ours is no
display of job lots of last year
leavings, but all the Newest,
Freshest and Most Desirable
Attire capable of producing, con
sistent with moderate prices.
The Juvenile Department
Abounds with a magnificent
ariety and all-wool, high class
suits, such as we can safely
Men's and Boy's
Spring Suits.
Never, so complete, the makes
never more perfect, the prices
never so low. All are war
ranted the lest obtainable
value in the market. You will
see the cream of what the
whole woolen world has given
over to the manufacturers.
Bicycle Sitits. . . .
A new branch we have intro
duced . The new arrivals place
present assortments beyond
any, in extent and styles to
choose from, shown this sea
son. We are the only jobbers
in this locality.
Gents' Furnishings.
None better, none more stylish
than our handsome display.
Cor. ilaln and Cherry Sts.
SAM III OCK, - - Proprietor.
Undertaking in - -
- - all its Branches.
Open Day and Night.
7 Wist t nlri Sirrrt. v
I MntmwAt. HKHl'ION,
! Hurry ot was .i county scat v ll lor
I day .
t John Rudd, of West lliciry slrtet
' vciti nlny In PnttsrilU'
Dimil Hnriiii(!tin, ui Vi"t Iinrel
uiilcnvent an operation nt the Min.-r
, spent
nt ri'i't,
' III.,
il to diiv.
1' A .Sin i nl;, of Slutiuukiu, lrnn bicn Bp
pointed n Deputy Inspector tor the State
B. mil .f Health.
I .loli u W. Parker, proprietor and, tdltor of
the Mnhtnojr Cttjr Hecord, Wli a Walter to
tnivn last evening.
Kilward Burlte spent to day at tb Minora
Hospital nt the. bedside of Mhutal Corrtgan,
wlin is sjrlmisly 111.
Miss Annie Barrett, of Kft. Carmal, the
gnrsttn Mr. and Mrs. William Houssr, on
Wost Laurel street.
Miss Nellie Junes, of Wilkes-Barre, It
spending a few weeks with her unclu, Philip
H. Jotis, st Win. Peon, for tho benefit of
hoi Lrolth.
Dick Fly mi, lh Butler statr-misti who
came very near to tnmhig that Democratic
stronghold jnto. thft Rrpublira.i ranks Inst
election, wns In town last evening.
sttss Katie ftallaf ber Is home from Phila
delphia, to attend Die funeral of her grand
James I) Creary spent to-day In Olmrd
ville, serving important legal papers for M.
M. Ilnrke, Esq.
Boyd Yettor.tho genial all sfauad landlord
at Malnville, circulated among scajuUntaBees
hore to-day.
Editor Gulterman, of-the Shsmokiu Dis
patch, was aeon on our streets to-day.
The greatest bargains in the jewelry line
at A. Holdcrman's.
lmla;e Election.
George It. Williams was last night elected
vice president of Washington Camp No. 112,
P. O. 0. of A., to fill the vacancy caused by
tlio resignation of Harry Gable.
I. eg Amputated.
The muny friends of Michael Kerrigan,
who had his right leg crushed bp a fall of
clod at the Plauk Ridge wnsbery, will regret
to learn tnat an amputation was necessary.
The opomtion was performed at the Miners'
hospital yesterday. The limb was amputated
Just below the knee.
Oot-Ioor IMtyslolan.
Dr. J. O. Church, of town, lias been notl-
fi d of his appointment by the Directors of
tlie Pour a? Out-Door Physician in the Sben
:i ml i h disiriet, his term to coinmciico on
nril Ut, next.
Most Torturing, Disfiguring,
Of itching, burni.i;, bleeding, scaly skin
and scalp humors is instantly relieved
by a warm bath with Cdticuka Soap,
a single application of Coticuea (oint
ment), tho great skin care, and a full doso
of ConctTBA Bksoltknt, greatest of blood
purifiers and humor sores.
IIrmediks spcodily, permanently, and
e onomically euro, when all clso fails.
I'liTTm nam. Hn Cimi. Conp.. Unit Trop... Barton,
o-" Uow to Curo Eery Sklu ana BI004 Humor,"lree.
Nourishing rind exhilarating
Abnolutuly pure. Contains r o alcohol. Con
tuiitly on baud nt
A special feature
of this store is that
every department
is a store in it
self; large stocks
bought right are
marked at money-
saving prices.
Ready-Made Skirts and Suits.
We show a
superb stock of
Ladies' Suits
and Skirts; it
is no guess
work in our:
buying these
stylish garments ; every skirt or
suit bears the stamp of this season's
latest fashion. Skirts, 2.50 to
$, 50 ; Suits, $5.00 to $10.00.
Count the cost
of the tnualiu and
trimmings, then
come and get our
prices for ready
made underwear,
Gowns, CUeniioe,
Drawers, Skirts,
etc ; our prices
will be found to
be lower than cost
itcrial alone.
McCall Bazar Paper Patterns arc fast
i .111. g friends a thousand new patterns
j. .si in tor to or 15c. euch.
ForHBiuou$and Nimvous Ml 1 I f
I They pur !y the KflB E Bt
, Mid give tlui-THv V B B H
a - 10.1 1 the entire system. K mil WJP j
Bo pain from you j
It yon wear the 1
Mada Bv
ybiladelohia Trull Co.. 610 LocuilSI., Piu.. Pa. .
, Mnt
lo. .,:
N.K ' aaaasasaBaaaw
Pennsylvania's Temporary Statu ltonse
Will Unit be luve.tlgutml.
tin 1 rinbufK, March 21. The Joint
committee appointed tn InventlRate the
oflli?B of the atate treasurer and the
auilltnr pi nt-rul made Its report to the
loRrlhlnturo yesterday. As a matter of, there were two reports, the JDem
oernllc members, Messrs. Kerr ot
Toik nnd Ijcunon of Lehigh, dissenting
from the majority lepoit. In the sen
ate the majority repoit. after some op
position on the pnrt of the anti-Quay
mombers and the Democrats, was
adopted by a vote of 7 to 12. The re
port practically exonerates the state
treasurer and auditor general from
the charges of mismanagement, which
have been made against their offices.
Whatever defects were found were as
cribed to an insufficient clerical force
and to fault in the systems under
Which tho department are managed.
The house accepted both reports, but
took no vote on the question of adop
tion. The Nesbltt resolution for a legisla
tive committee to Investigate charge
of fraud In fitting up Ornce Methodist
church for the use of the legislature
was reported from the buildings and
grounds committee with a recommen
dation that It be adopted. A meeting of
the committee was held yesterday
afternoon, at which Mr. Nesbltt, of
Northumberland, made a statement In
support of hi allegations that the
tate paid for 6S,000 more feet of lum
ber than was 'used In fitting up the
church, and that gross . extravagance
is practiced In repairing and improv
ing public departments.
Dr. Swallow Anqiillted.but Mod Pay Costa
Barrlsburg, March 24. The Jury In
the case of the soldiers' orphans' school
commission against Rev. Dr. Swallow,
editor of The Pennsylvania Methodist.
'iharged with criminal libel, returned 1
verdict yesterday of not guilty, but dJ
rected the defendant to pay the costs.
The libel raso of Captain J. C. Delaney,
superintendent of public grounds and
buildings, against Dr. Swallow, is now
on, and will probably occupy most of
the week.
Killed In Quarry,
Alllentown, Pa., March 24. Through
a fall of rubbish, loosened by the thaw
ing frost, at the mnrry of the Consoli
dated Lehigh Slats company, near
fciiatedaie, Benjamin Bnyder, ag-ed 20, single, was completely covered
and Instantly killed. Lewis O. I3rose,
a sod 28 years, married, was severely
Injured, and WilllRm Roth, aged 83
years, a man or family, was hurt about
the head.
A JIvBn'it ItH.rballl.l.
New Haven, March 24. Tommy Cor
coran, the former famous shoristop of
the Brtoklyns, who was traded to Cin
cinnati last fall for. Smith ot the Iteds,
is still at his home In this city, and
despite frequent telegrams from Man
ager Brush, will not report for duty.
Corcoran says he. will not Join the
team this season unless he gets a raise
In salary or part of the money the
Hmoklyns realised from his sale to
Cincinnati. MaSrager Brush is so in
censed at Corcoran that he has refused
offers from other clubs for him.
New Two-step Klectrio Wiieolmon at
llrmnm's jewelry store.
Sliuotlne Toiirimmuiil.
Schuylkill county U represented in the
great pigeon shootini match which com
menced yesterday nt Elkwood l'rk near
New ork by F. W. Cootier and M. Jt. Mac.
ilillan of Maliauoy City, both of whom aro
eutored for the Grand American Hnndlcan
which conies oil' to-day, and in which 140 of
tlie crack shots of the country aro eutored,
among them being l'lilford of Utica N. Y.
Dr. W. F. Carvor of Chicago, Elliott of
KuiisUBCity and Grumn of Iowa. TliBiium
ber of entries exceeds that of any previous
year, the contestants representing states of
the union extending from Jliwton tu San
J raiiclsco and is the event of the Vonr with
pigeon shooters. Last year not one of the
contestants made a straight icoro. although
eight tied for first place with at each to their
credit. I he attendance at the tournament
Is large as it usually attracts the cream of
the fraternity of sportsmen.
Take It In Timo.
Decay Is natural, Imt it is often hastened by
overtaxing the powers by excesses and by
various violations ot natuie's law. The blood
and nerves become au'ected and body and
mind suiter extreme affliction. It lias been
and is, by cuiliig such cases as these that Dr.
Greene, 86 West 14 St., New York City, the
eminent specialist has won his fame, which is
worm wide. Dr. Greene's treatment and
remedies never fall. You can consult Dr.
Greene personally or by letter, free. If you
need a physician, see Dr. Greene or write him
to-tlay. It will cost you nothing. He has
developed the most perfect and wonderfully
successlul treatment through correspondence.
lie can cure you.
l'renlnrul John Kill my ltetiirns.
After three months absence. John 1"h1idv.
president of tho Anthracite district. No. 1,
United Mine Workers of America, returned
to Pottsville and Is now preparing a vigorous
campaign for pushing the work of the order
in this region during the eusuing summer
and tall. He attended the national conven
tion in Columbus, Ohio, visited his old home
11 the oil legion and for tlie past few weeks
has been superintending work on the bills
fmmed for the baueflt of the miners, which
are now before the legislature.
Ueed Mceordeil.
From Patrick Joseph Gallagher to Bridget
Uallagher, premises in Coal Dale.
From the Schuylkill Trust Company to Jos.
Mcai'.e, promises in PotUville.
From Alfred L. Iaubeusteiu etal to Jonas
K. Idubenstein, premises in Mlneraville.
From the City of Philadelphia, trustee, to
Jonas K. Laubensteiu, premise in Mluers
ville. From Commonwealth Title Insurance and
Trust Company to Jonas E. Laubenstein,
premises in Miuersvllle.
JtltU Vor Aliuoliouse Furnishings.
The County Couuuiuioners, Directors of
the Poor, Steward of the Almshouse, Job 11
W. Keese, Clerk John F. U raising, County
Controller B. B. Severu, were in conference
at the court house yesterday afternoon
relative to the almshouse appropriation for
the current year. They agreed on some of
the propositions. They will moet again
Friday to prepare specifications asking
proposals for furnishing the hospital depart
ment at the almshouse.
Any lady wearing a Si or 8 shoe wonld de
well by calling at the Factory Shoe Store.
Wo have a lot vf these sises made to sell for
$J.00; ourvlosiug out price Is 41.00 per pair.
Fac-iorv 8uoc Stoeb,
J. A. Movkb, Kgr.
Sul of SVllllMtl lloHd.
Sabscriptioas will be received at tlie office
of the Secretary of the School Board, in the
West street school building, for tbe sale of
tweuty-flve thousand (tas.OOO) dollars worth
of Hueuunuouu School District bonds. The
bonds will bear date of April 1, 1807, and will
run thirty years. Interest four per cent,
p.iyable seml-aupually. Denominations :
Twenty $100 bonds; twenty fiiOO bonds, and
tin ty -eight $500 bonds.
Br order of the Hoard,
.1. J. 1'iiii t., Pttwident.
ttcst : Fk4NK Hanna, Kecretary.
The greatest bargains in tbe jewelry Hue
nt A. Ilolilenuitii's
iMppenliiga Throughout the Country
Ohronlnled for llasly Perusal.
An niill tax rate has been fixed upon for
For stealing a gold watch from bin fair
duurlug piirtecr at Wilkchhatrc, Tlioinas
McIIague wan arrestod.
The chicken house of George H. Kiegel,
near Kedinglon, Northampton County, was
burned Monday night, and 800 chickens wore
Bchrndcr or Schlatter, the "divine Tiealer,"
arrived on his bicycle at Altoona yesterday,
where he performed one alleged cure of total
Well-known John Kennedy missed his
wny in the dark at Wilkesharrc, fell through
a railway bridge Into tbe water, dragged
himself U the shore, and there died of
shock .
Judge Craig, at Strolidsbtirg, granted all
the old licenses for Monroe county, notwith
standing the protests of a pastor who culled
all liquor dealers "bedbug breeders."
The employes of the P. A R. Ry., from
Mahauoy Plane to Gordon, will le paid on
Friday afternoon.
llurgluries are still noted in and aronnd
Take Laxative Brotto Quinine Tablets. All
druggists refund the money if it falls to cure.
SH cont .
Victim Improving.
Special to Bvattisa IlBRAto.
Wif. Pmks, Mar. 24. Joseph Sargent,
William lAdettverg and Philip Haggerty, the
men burned by an explosion of gas in tho
mines here yesterday moruiug, are much im
proved to-day and their condition appears to
be much bettor that) was expected when they
were first reported. Sargent suffered the
most, but it is not believed that auy of the
men will die.
When yon want good roofing, plumbing
(as fitting, or general tinsmitking done call
in K. F. Galloghet 18 West Centre street
Dealer If stc-es 1-tf
Letters Testamentary,
Lettors testamentary were granted to John
Haas on the estate of William lleltz, tate of
West Penu township, deceased ; to Mary P.
Jones, on tbe estaWof William P. Jones, late
of Gilborton, deceased ; also to Clara N. and
George W. Mortimer, ou tho estate of George
Washington Mortimer, late of Pottsvllle,
decoaseil. Lettors of administration were
granted to Margaretta Haulun, on tbe estate
of Thomas Hanloti, late of Gllbertou, de
ceased. When bllloos ot costive, eat a Cascarct
randy cathartic, 00T gaarauteed, 10c, SRc.
Illjgtl llHlllllg.
Illegal (rout fishing is becoming so general
that the Mahauoy City Fisl. & Game Protec
tive Association has an agent in town collect
ing ovideuee to prosecute offenders. In addi
tion to fishing out of season several people
have beou detected violating tbe Sunday
law. The warfare an olleiulers is to bo waged
without respoct to persons and the prosecu
tions will bo poshed to the full extent of tho
Lost lllv License,
Jerry Donahue, formerly a resident of
Gllbertou. but fof same years past the pro
prietor of a gorgeous beer saloon at Eighth
and Vino streets, Philadelphia, has been re
fused a renewal of his license. It was
granted last year With the stipulation, made
by Donohue himself, that he would not again
apply, and as ho applied again his applica
tion has-been rejeoted.
Wreckers nt Woik.
Car No. 4 on the Lakeside Railway nar
rowly escaped being thrown from tbe track a
short distance east of the Indian liidge
breaker yesterday an obstruc
tion lu tho form of,a horse shoe driven be
tween the rails at a turnout. Had the car
been running fust it would havo beon ditched
and many people might have been injured.
OH RIJNT. A new bouse on South White
street nroviued with all modem conim-
ieners. Uem,onahIe rent. Apply at 1. K
Magargle's store, Ktmt Centre strpct. 8-15-tf
FOR RUNT.-The store room, cellar and one
room on 2nd Iloor now oeeupled by
Morgsn's lliiziwr. l'osscsnlon April 1st., or
earlier if desired. Heated by steam. Apply to
O-O-ll . W.-1JBDDALL,
nuu nr i. nre room mnu, uweinng at vo.
122 North Main street. Con tat ns lutth and
cloflot. Good cellar and nloe yard room, Slxe
or utore room, mx4H feet, with two large beauti
ful hIiow winnows, fittod out with counters And
HlielvliiK ready for busimM. Wareroom and
Rtulile can bo liod wllh it if dew! ret 1 Grand
location nnd rent reasonable. Address, C. W.
iMSMHiHiHKB, i3u in on it main Aireec. tw-ir
Large refrigerator, eight horse power
lioiler, three horse power engine, hand
or steam power ice cream machine, ice
cream freezcrs,horae, wagon and harness,
baking utensils, twenty-four caue.seated
clutirs, eight ice cream tables, six caue
scated stools, live mirrors, 20 x4s inches;
one mirror 60 x 96 inches ; ice cream
chest with four 4. gallon porcelain cans,
dishes, spoons, glasses, plates, pie racks,
cake stands, wrapping paper stand for
three rolls with paper, two thousand
, aud 1 pound fancy candy boxes, two
thousand plain pound boxes, oue
thousand ice cream boxes and basket,
marble slab 3x4 feet for candy waking,
one brass scoop scale, gasoline stove and
ovcu, one heating stove and pipes, five
augle lamps with two and three burners,
4 six foot nickel show cases, one nickel
ornamental case with ornaments, one
soda fountain with syrups and extracts,
oue computing scale, one bread cup
board, tatty pans, glass cake dishes, jars
and .candies, milk (hake machine and
ice shaving machine; fifteen foot canvas
Huat I told bafore April Ut, i897,
In bulk or separately .
Apply lo"
7 South Main Strsc t.
Wilson Otlo's Old Sland.
in x j a .. 1.1
Who eon thlak
WdlKbU-Hll lUBcl SiEMil,
Protect your Idoan; tlur urny lirlngyou waaUa.
Write JOHN WkDUEHIiunx CoTrateqt AWor
Dart. Wellington, D. ('., for tnair f 1.800 prjo oitl
koa Hut ot two hundred lnvnutlous wautsd.
Tho Rosy Freshness
And a v Uu sulumsa of tbe skin Is Inva
riably i.l.lun.c il by tbu ) who use Poxsomi'
Ciomplcxion "iiudcr.
Tlio Women's Ilnptltt missionary Noclety
Is In Session.
MahanoY City, March 84. The Women's
Rnptist Missionary Society of tho Heading
Association of the English Baptist chure'j is
in session to day at the English Ilaptlst
chapel. Among the attondnnts are Mrs. M.
E. Scholbnrr, of Reading, president; lint
Jones, state secretary; Miss Ivos, of Reading;
Miss Nellie Morgan, of Strouilshurg, P., and
Rev. C. A. Spalding, of Hasloton. The
morning session consisted of devotional ex
ercises and addresses by several of the
ladles. During the intermission at noon the
ladles were entertained at lunch by the
ladies of the local church. Miss Mattle
Price, of Shenandoah, took part in this after-
1 noun s program and was one of a party of
! five ill a symposium on mission work.
John Price and Robert Becker were irunrod
011 the dirt plane of the North Mahanoy
colliery yesterday. They were riding on a
dumper going up the plane when it jumped
off tlie track and upset, throwing the men so
that they sustained painful bruises aud cuts.
Becker's right shoulder was dislocated.
Frank Moyer, jig boss at the Mamie Mill
colliery, 1 ad the middle flligCT of his left
hand badly crushed yesterday afternoon
while n moving an old ihnft.
Anthony Gannon, of Mahanoy Plane, and
Frank Kelley, of Mid Valley, wore arrested
yesterday afternoon on a charge of illegal car
riding. Gannon s friends paid the costs Slid
Kelly was sentenced to ten days in the county
The lawyers for John Boyle, of More,
whose )udgtnet against the Borough of
Mahanoy city for 111,000 WM set aside by
Judge Endlich, will appeal to the Supreme
Tbe rock chute which was started three
weeks ago at tho Maple Hill colliery, wot
completed yesterday.
Henry R. Gehhart has returned from
Yonngstown, O., where ho had an engage
ment with a theatre orchestra, lie resumes
bis old position with tho Citissns baud. It
says times are worse lu Ohio than In this re
gion. Manager Ash has Issued orders that em
ployes ef the Lakside Railway Company
shall not sell any more working-men's tickets
at reduced rates, although tickets already
sold will be received.
William J., one-year-old sou of George and
Annie Oliver, died last evening and will bo
burled on Friday afternoon.
Miss Msiy Ann Thomas, daughter of
Daniel E. Thomas, proprietor of the Wash
ington Hotel, and Jcnkyn GrltHth, of town,
will be married at the residence of the
bride's father th's evening.
A rutty.
May Laner celebrated her ninth birthday
anniversary at her homo last evening and
entertained the following young friends 1
Ray Rowso, I.issie Rogers, Florence Kills,
Emily Williams, Mable Blioup. May Bishop,
Etbcl Lord, Cassia Cox, Gweunle Lewis,
Robert fallen, Harry May, Robert Ilogers,
Charles Lehe, Elmer Liner, May Lauer,
Maine Winterstein.
Itooer Oets n Draw.
Jack Bouor, of Summit Hill, and "Dick"
Moore, of New York, fought last night bafore
Olympic Athletic Clnb, Philadelphia. The
fight ended In the fifteenth round, the num
ber stipulated, in a draw. The fight was a
hot ono from beginning to end aud was
witnessed by many from this county. The
attendance numbered nearly 3,000. This is
the nearest to defeat that Doner has yet
Cascarets stimulate liver, kidneys and
bowels. Never sickon, weaken or gripo. 10c,
old- snuiD - rniniris.
Dental : Rooms,
Tltronn's Block)
Eaasat Centra Streat.
Olilos Hours: 7 a. tu, to 8 p. m.
Dr. J. W. Angles, late of Heading, Manager.
NOTICE; Pr. Q. S. Hartley Is still 0011.
necui wuii rue esuiuui.umeiii.
We make all kinds of plates. Gold Crowns,
Aluminum Crowns Logan Crowns, Crowr
and Bridge work and all operations that per
tain to Dental Surgery.
No charges for extracting when plates an
ordered. We are the only users of vitalized
air for the painless extraction of teeth.
Bloomsburg Gold-
-sCure Sanitarium
For Our otn'
Llcjupr at,M6rprir(j Habits.
No detention from business. Address,
sat avr;At svCLsV LLA kia j M
The bolder of SO Couooni of tho -3
HERALD is rntitli'd to a flrat ulnas life
slsn, free-huud Water CoUr Portrait -
worth $15 00, made from any distinct
photograph, hy paying 65 cents at M. -3
llucker'a studio, b.8 W. Centre street,
Hhenaiidoah, Pa
Band uhotovranh In lmmadlatalv -a
and have eounons roadv utton re- TSt
cslpt of portrait. w
BtibjtH't lo Ite publican iules.
Another U. S. Congressman Indorses
Paine's Celery Compound.
Within tho past year, among the thousands I
of hearty testimonials to the wonderful cura
tive powers of Falne's colery compound that I
have been received by Wells, Richardson A
Company -among tho thdusands of grateful
litters received from every stato and town in
tho country, there havo come no loss than six
hearty indorsements from members of the
national house of representatives.
All ' were willing that their oxperionce
should be published, believing rightly that
they might thus do good tu others.
In these columns have already been pub
lished, the letters received from Congress
men Meredith, Hell, Grout and Towers.
"My home Is at Iiatesvllle, Ark. During
the last spring and summer my eldest daugh
ter, thou 17 years of ago, was in very poor
health, suffering from goneral debility,
nervous prostration and frequent slight
fevers. She had tho best medical attention,
but apparently with littlo benefit. In tho
latter part of September last, while still
feeblo sbo began the use of I'aiuo's celery
compound, and improved in health continu
ously. In threo mouths slio had fully re
covered, and is now in perfect health. I am
bound to think the roinody is an excellent
5 1897.
mm emumm
That we hold the leadership in-large stocks, good qualities 3
Si: and low prices goes without saying Fashion caii be followed 8
: here with less outlay than in any other store in this section.
Observant eyes never fail to appreciate our Spring Suits, in
black aud fancy worsted, especially made for Confirmation and
Communion Suits, which are perfection in the art of tailoring.
New goods arriving daily by the cases. Our shelves and
counters are londed with new goods, and at special prices, the
latest novelties from the manufactories in the country.
A Beautiful Easter Souvenir Given Away to Each Purchaser.
10and12 South Main St., Shenandoah.
Tlie regular subscription price of
"Demorest's Magazine,"
"Judge's Library." and
"Funny Pictures" is 3-30
DEMQRESTS MAGAZINE' Isbyfartbe best family mogaslne iwbllalied ; there Is none
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