The evening herald. (Shenandoah, Pa.) 1891-1966, March 22, 1897, Image 1

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vim intRAW
To reach the public through a pro
erttth't, dtgntfiea, influential journal
use the HERALD columns.
(tttnM imhie hcamt of ks known
litrge cirtultihn and renders rieh
rmtkt to itt ihirHur.
VOL. X3I.-N0 76.
Fine Woolen Underwear and Men's Medium
Weight Half Hose. Nd stock will be carried
over for next season, nor do we send them to city
auctioneers, but we close them at the lowest
auction prices. Call at once as this snap will not
last long.
TJR line of Carpets for the spring
have the largest assortment to
newest designs and most desirable patterns in Moquettes, Wilton
Velvets, Body Brussels, Tapestry and Ingrain. Look through this
stock on the second floor, and you will find you will have no trouble in
selecting what you want at less than city prices.
We have on our counters a desirable display of the season's novel
ties in Dress Goods silk, wool and cotton and ask but a careful
examination to prove their excellence and cheapness.
Butterick Paper Patterns, the recognized standard ot the world,
always in stock.
P J. GAUGHAN, 37 N. Main St.
imager-Beer, Porter and Ale.
All the product of this brewery are made of
pure malt and hops of which we buy the best
and endeavor always to
that can possibly be produced.
34 W. Centra St.
Our Prices are as low as the lowest.
NVe do FIrst-ClaSS Work.
Always prepared to meet the
above lines, nt lowest market
-Umbrella. Just received. Assorted handles material,
fcsali and See Them.
Fresh Stock Just Received.
You Will Not Find $10 Gold Pieces
But you will get full value for your money in the quality of
the Flour. "Daisy" is a hifdi-grade blended flour, made of
i vr . t . t . i - mi i
me urai inu. j spring ana winter wneat it win piease you.
Try our special "PASTRY" Flour for pies and cakes j also
our Old Time Whole Wheat Graham Flour and Old Process
Stone Ground Rye Flour.
IMcsw Pttm. Ovr 4,QOO Yards ForSala,
On Saturday and Monday, to close our stock of LION
COFFEE, we will sell
7 Pounds for $1.00.
East Centre St.
trade is complete. We claim to
be seen in tlie county, in an tne
Shirt 8 cents Oollur.i 1) cents
Cults, per pair 3 " New Shirts. 8 "
Shltt, Ironed.. 8 " Drawers .. 6 "
Undershirt...- 0 " Hoso, per pair 3 "
Handerchlefs. 1 "
w-ci,asslattndry. give us atrial
wauts of tUe trade in any of Uie
the money.
North Main St.,
9 Shenandoah, Pa.
The T.I in It ml Debate on the Now Tariff
Hill Formally Opened.
Washington, March 22. The program
ot the tariff debate, which opened In
the house today. Is simple, but ardu
ous. ThVy will sit from 10 o'clook In
the' rnornlnR unUl 11 o'clock at night.
with a recess from 6 until 3 each day
for dinner. The treneral debate will
clone Thursday night. Beginning Fri
day the 'bill will be read for amend
ment under the five minute rule until
3 o'clock on the following Wednesday,
March 31, when the bill and, pending
amendments will be voted upon. The
committee on ways and means, by the
terms of the special order under which
the house will operate, will have tho
right of way In the matters of amend
ments, nnd such amendments ean at
any time supercede pending amend
ments of Individual members, a pro
vision made to give the committee the
fullest power to perfect their bills.
The debate was opened by Mr. Ding
ley, the chairman of the ways and
means, for the majority. Either Mr.
Bailey, of Texas, the selected leader
of the minority, or Mr. McMlllln, of
Tennessee, will reply. Mr. Bailey has i
tendered to Mr. McMillan this privilege
In deference to his long service on the
ways and means committee, but It la
not yet decided whether the latter will
avnll himself of the proffer. The night
sessions of the house during the 'gen
eral debate will be given up almost
entirely to se.t speeches by new mem
bare, who desire to get their views In
The Congressional Record for the ben
efit of their constituents.
When the Wilson bill was under con
sideration the time at the night ses
sions was not consumed, and there Is
likely to be a repetition of lack of
speakers on this occasion, as members
under the order are given leave to
print, and many of them will take ad
vantage of this opportunity, without
taking the floor.
The senate will devote the major
portion of the week to the consider,
atlon of the Anglo-American arbltra
tlon treaty. If the appropriation bills
which have passed the house as they
were agreed upon In the last session
should be reported to the senate they
probably will receive prompt atten
tion. There Is a possibility that these
bills may not be taken- up immediately
In committee, owing to the absence of
some committee members.
- Itrocn'n lltalto Cnfo Free Lunch.
Clam soup to-niglit.
Hot luncli to-morrow moraine.
Heals at all hours.
Free continuous phonograph entertainment.
All tho latest songs and band marches.
Disturbance on n Oar.
Matt. Matulish was arrested on Saturday
night by Constable Bolin and arraigned be
fore Justice CarJln on a charge of creating a
disturbance on a Lakeside railway car. Tho
complaint was made by John Thomas, tho
motor man. Matutish Insisted upon throw
ing peanut siells ovor tho floor of the car.
Ho was ofjeicd a return of bis faro with an
invitation to ieavo the car, but decUuetUandJ
could not bo put oil. When the cay reachod
town ho was arrested. Ho furnished' $200
There's Just What You Want.
Pan-Tiua (23c.) for coughs and colds. At
Grulilcr Uros., drug store.
Major Charles H. Miller died at his home
in rittsburg, from effects of injuries received
iu a bicycle collision ton days ago. Ho was a
former resident of Pottsvllle, and at one
tlmo conducted a grocery store at that place.
Mrs. Curolino Qlunz died at her home iu
Pottsvllle, on Saturday, aged 50 years.
Euneral to-morrow morning.
Kcmlrlck Douse l'reo I.unch.
Grand Army bean soup will bo served free
to air patrons to-night.
Assault nnd llatlcry Cuscs.
The following eases were before Justice
Curdin Saturday and yesterday : William
Covick and August Trlvag, assault and bat
tery on oath of Wiuslo Coviok. Hack fur
nished fOOO bail. August Trivag, assault and
battery, on oath of Joe Anderson : SB00 ball.
John Puskawicz, charged with striking
William Shakufski on the head with a pool
cue ; $300 bail. John Colletta, charged with
assault and battery by his wife, Cathoriuo;
?80U ball.
Jewelry Store Unmoved.
A. Holdermau's jewelry store will be re
moved on April 1st, to the newly remodeled
store room at No. 31 North Main street, (op
posite tho presont location) formorly occu
pied by Wolf Lovine. 3-22-0t
Dev. Powlck'g Sermon.
Rev. William Powick, formerly pastor of
the M. E. church here, but now stationed at
Manayunk, near Philadelphia, occupied tho
pulpit n tho former church yesterday morn
iugandevouius. lo was greoted by large
congregations, especially at tho evening ser
vice, when the church was crowded. He de
livered an able sermon, and a pleasing
feature was tho singing by tho choir.
Cascarets stimulate liver, kidneys and
bowels. Never sicken, weaken or gripe. 10c,
Health Ileports.
The following cases have been reported to
Secretary Curtlu, of the Hoard of Health :
Willie Massck,15 mouths, West Cherry street,
and Annie Liskofski, 3 years. South Eineriok
strcot, diphtheria; Margaret Uiggins, Si
years, East Centre street, seariltina; Katie,
Ella and Baby Cuff, aged S, 3 and li years,
respectively, West Apple alley, and Joseph
Jones, 0 years, East Apple alley, measles,
Take Laxative Broino Quinine Tablets. All
lruggists refund the money if it foils to cure.
S8 cents.
Tl)e funeral of James E. Whaleu, of Yates
ville, took place (o-day. The rerun is were
brought to town on tho p . m. L. V. It. IJ.
train and high mass was conducted at the
Aimuuulatlon oiiurch. Interment was made
Iu St. Canlcus cemetery, Malwiioy City, the
cortege proceeding to that place by train at
12:58 p. in.
The funeral of Bev. I. J. Jleita's infant
daughter will take plans to-morrow. Services
will be held at the family residence, 88 Bast
Oak stieet, at 8:80 a. in., and the remains will
be taken to Weiseport for iuteriucut.
New Two-step Electric Wheelmen t
Hramui's jewelry store.
Drunken Ilruul.
Many residents Iu tho vicinity of "the
rocks" were awakened shortly after wid
uight on Saturday by a drunken brawl in
which a dosen or more foreigners were iro.
plicated. The fight arose through a dispute
about the supremacy of a pair of trousers. It
was merely a flstlo encounter.
When bilious or costive, eat a Cascaret
candy cathartic, cure guaranteed, 10c, 28c.
Minstrel Pefformfljjtoe For Its Benefit at
Ferguson's tlfralre To-night.
An interesting StaMMMnt on the Belief
Work Issued tor Sfee Publlo By the
Distributing fljjmmittee -The
Belief 3tipm Remains
Everything Is in
Mess lor tho grand
minstrel entertain
RUton'B theatre to-
to be given in Fer-
U for the benefit of
the distressed wortl
r of tbo town by
the Vaudeville Olnb,
Sclioppe orchestra
and Prof. E. W,
's mandolin nnd
gutter club of thirty1
pieces. The enter-
talnment will he fli
in every respect
and none will regret
purchnse of tickets
from a standpoint
Oiersoiial enjoyment.
The program will
up-to-date songs,
specialties aud skel
i Which will bo given
with a cleverness si
reet equal to that
shown by some
)est professional
troupes on the rosily
It should also
imbered that tho
siiacoM of the en ten
lent will have much
to do with the fell
itnlttee's plans for
Ann re. It must hi
ds wttii which to
procure provisions
If they cannot be
secured through a
1 movement, but
little hope can be
on other sources.
Chief IturgessTa!
performed admirable
work In behalf of
Entertainment Satur-
day night and
y. He personally
visited the uieetin
live different societies
nnd caused anuoun
t of the eutertain-
mcnt to be rafedi
6 also caused similar
service to le p
In the Polish,
Lithuanian nnd
Catholic churches
The following ai
lias been Issued to
give the people an li
'ef the work that has
been done by the
association Biuce it
oonuuouced work a
over three weeks
To the Public t$0r Belief Association
rooms were tempontuly closed last Friday
night and the undersigned distributing com
mittee considers it a. duty to furnish the
nubile generally with, U the information we
have regarding the uofortnuate ones in our
midst, or at least MLestbnato of tho relief
afforded them, whletfk as follows : The total
number of persons relieved is 1,702, which
number represents Iffliflereut natioualties.
Wo have distrihuted.400 bushels of potatoes,
100 liarrols of flour, lOOQ pounds of meat, 250
pairs of shoos and 400 pounds of flsh. The
groceries wo provide Tor oacli family, as a
rulo, are barley, oatmeal, coffee, sugar, beans
and peas, but in cases of old age or disability,
oxtras are given. We liavo furnished a large
quantity of clothing, chiefly for children ami
women, nnd iu soveral instances medical
attendance and medicine
It has been our painful oxoorienee to eoino
in contact with those whose circumstances
have beon so reduced thntniauy of them wore
on the vorgQ of jttapSntlnn. not oven having
cuouginiry ISfHia. to eat, and many of tlisni
shoeless and almost naked; whllo othors
without lire, loou, or bed, and suffering from
We aro of tho opinion that the contributors
cannot ostlmato tho great amount Osgood
which tiioy have accomplished, but we do
not hesltato in saylug that diseases and other
siCKuess nas ncen checked, starvation pre
vented, and, In many initauces, persons have
been saved from death.
T. It. EiiWAuns,
Patbick Conuv,
Distributing Committee.
Shenandoah, Pa., March 22d, 1887.
No announcement is made as to when the
relief station will be opened again. Tho in
vestigating and distributing committees will
hold a joiut meeting to-morrow evening to
re-arrange the system of investigation and
the distribution of relief, and tills will be
followed by a meetiug of the general com
mlltco on Thursday night. Tho distributing
committee will issue no more orders until
funds to back them aro iu sight.
Sluiulnliii Club Notice.
Members of tho Mandolin and Guitar Club
will meet in Itynkawicz'a hall this evening,
at 0:45 o'clock, for tho purpose of rehearsal
previous to the performance at the theatre
this evening. A full attendance is required.
PftQg. E. W. Wildb.
The greatest bargains in the jewelry line
at A. If oldermaii's. ,
An ltioqiieiit gormoii.
Dr. D. J. Dougherty, professor in the
seminary of St. Charles Ilorromeo, Over
brook, Philadelphia, yesterday dollvered ,i
eloquent and powerful sermon on Ireland's
patron saint, in St. Patrick's ohuroh Potts
ville. Dr. Dougherty i a native of Aihnvi.
kill oounty, and his brother is tax eolltr
for Butler towushlp. He is about 8H years of
age aim was uorn m uiranlvllle. When yet
a babe his parents removed to Ashland. His
father is dead but his mother is still a resi
dent of that town. Having attended the
puunc scnoois or Ashland he entered the
seminary at Montreal, (Jauada, aud graduat
ing from there lie entered St. Charles semin
ary, Philadelphia. Pursuing his studies, he
was singled out of a large class as one of the
few to go to Homo, nere he entered the
American college, the most eminent theolo
gical seminary in the world and was gradu
ated aud ordained iu 1880 as a doctor of
divinity. There has been but one other
Schuylkill couutian to attain the same dis
tinction and that was Dr. Daley whose birth
place was the HeckscherviUe valley.
School Superintendent 13Jecllon.
Notice is hereby given that the School
Directors of the Borough of Shenandoah,
Pa., will meet in the Directors' room in the
West street building in said borough on the
88rd day of March, 1887, at 7:00 p. m. toeleot
"one person of literary aud scientific
acquirements aud skill and experience in the
art of teaching as borough superintendent,"
to mi ine unexpired term of Prof. C,
. D,
Itogart. fly order of tho Board.
,Toiih J. Pairs, Pres
Attest: PHAtfK If.VNMA, Seu'y. B ll-10t
Any lady wearing a 2J or S shoe would do
well by calling at the Factory Shoe Store.
We have a lot of these sixes made to sell for
av.uu; our mumg out price i f j.nn per pair,
FAt'inUY Huok Stohb,
J. A. MoYjyi, Mgr.
Itemovliig the Mud.
Supervisor Llewellyn this morning put a
large force of men at work removing the
mud from tbe streets. The operations to-day
were connnea to east centre street.
Letters Granted.
Letters of administration were granted to
tbe Union Safe Deposit Bank on tiie estate of
Jtev. James ( . Wynne, late of Cass township,
deceased ; also to Isaiah Hartman, ou the es
tate of Moses Hartman, late of Hubley town
ship, deceased.
Judge Bndlleh Holders an Important Dr
' elslon at l'otuvllle.
flpeeiftl to KvKNtira HiaAnn.
PoTTsvii.i.R, Mar. 82. In the case of John
Boyle, of Morea, against the Borough of
Mahanoy City, Judge Endllch to-day handed
down a decision setting asido tbe judgment
secured by Boyle for 85 ,000 damage for In
juries sustained by fslling on an icy pave
The court holds that the judgment was
excessive and Boyle was not preveoted by
his Injuries from following the vocation
of saloonkeeper, which ho was about to
undertone when the accident occurred. The
court also holds that Boyle knowingly took
the most dangerous of two routes when he
arrived at the icy pavement.
The Trial of Dr. SwullnW.
Harrlhl.urtr. Mnrch 22. Although It
was flatly contnidlrtr-ri by tho other
side, thero won dlivct and explicit tes
timony of bribery allepod In at least
one instance in the examination of a
witness for the defense In the some
what sensational trial Saturday of
Rev. Dr. C. 8. Swallow, editor of the
Pennsylvania Methodist, for his utter
ances airalnst the state soldiers' or
phan school commission. J. S. Huston,
a harness dealer, averred that he had
paid $25 to Commissioner George- O.
Boyer to induce him to buy of the wlt
a harness dealer, averred that he had
at Scotland. Pa There was also tes
timony of whiRky being dispensed from
a regular bar at one of the soldiers'
orphan schools. Argument in the case
la being made today.
To Arrest Fntnl l'riie Fight Spectators,
Philadelphia, March 22. Director
Biter has Issued the following order to
Superintendent of Police Linden: "In
the matter of the boxing contest held
on Thursday last at the blacksmith
shop of Patrick Murphy, on German
town avenue, above Oxford street, be.
tween Frank Connelly and Christo
pher KeUnecker, In which ICellnecker
was killed, and In the matter of the
boxing contest held Friday night at
1422 Vine street, between John Perry
arid Edward Gibbons, in which Gib
bons was killed, you are hereby In
structed to arrest all the persons pres
ent at each of these contests, and they
are to be held as accessories, If the
magistrate will so hold them."
Sharkey's Challenge to M&her.
Ban Francisco, March 22. Dan
Lynch, manager for Tom Sharkey, has
ppsted 2,500 in the hands of Parson
Davies to bind a match with Peter
Maher. Lynch says Sharkey will meet
Maher before the club offering the
largest purse -any time after Ave weeks
from date, and will make a side bet
of from J2.500 to $10,000.
Women Delegate from Maryland.
Chestertown, Md., March 22. Tho
Wilmington Methodist Episcopal con
ference, In session here, voted In favor
of permitting women to take part In
the general conference and against
tqual representation by lay delegates,.
A resolution wan also passed condemn-,
ing the practice of transferring minisi
ters from one conference to another.
At Kepclilnskl'g Arcade Cafe.
California beau soap to-night.
Hot lunoh to-morrow morning.
Killed In tlio 3fines.
Ellsworth Batdorff, of Minersville, aged 34
years, was killed at Lytle colliery ou Satur
day by a fall of coal, while driving a hole,
preparatory to inaklug a shot. What is
known as a slip iu the vein occurred. Bat
dorff was buried by the fall aud nearly two
hours hard work was necessary to get his
body out. He is survived by a wife aud
live small children. This is the second time
his wife has been bereaved, ber firs' husband
having been killed in the same way.
The Kreatest bargains In tho jowelry line
at A. Holdcrnian's.
School Hoard Meeting.
An adjourned meeting of the School Board
has been called for to-morrow evening, at 7
o'clock, to elect a superintendent and fur
general business.
New Undertaker.
T. J. Coikloy lias opened an undertaking
establishment in town with bis ouVe located
atJ. J. Coakley's, 38 North Main stroet.
Night callB at the Ferguson House. 8-1-tf
ltmlly llenteii.
Upon leaving a saloon on West Centre
street, Saturday night, Stiney Barkiewicz was
attacked and severely beaten by three men.
To-day ho caused the arrest of Anthony
Biicanavage, John H urban and John Itebo
kavage. They were taken before Justice
Lawlorand each placed $3800 bail for trial at
A dwelling, 5 or 8 rooms, centrally located.
Apply to M. Ilirsb, Famous Clothing
House. 8-82-tf
Mr. Deegnn Out.
A message has been received from Ashland,
stating that Prothouotary James It. Deegan
was to-day able to leave his residence for the
first time since his long siege of illness.
Illokert's Cafe.
A special- hot lunch will be served at our
cafe to-morrow morning.
No Sale.
It is stated by a loading ef&cial of the firm
of Lenta, Lilly A Co. that there is absolutely
no foundation for the report that the Lehiub
Coal Company is about to assume control of
the Park collieries.
Absolutely Pure.
Celebrated for Its Knnt liavi iilng strength
and heaHlifuliH"".. Amur, the food Hgafnat
alum aud all forms ot udultiiatioo common to
Hie oueap brsnfls.
HfltiRlSBUflG I
Measures Which Hare Passed Both
Should It Pass tbe Senate It Will Probably
Meet Death In the House-Seme of (the
Hew Measures Introduced A
Record Breaking Ses
sion Probable.
Special Herai.i, correspondence.
Harrlsburg, March 28. The record o!
the legislature at this period of the ses
sion Is 743 bills Introduced In both houses
and 284 petitions presented praying foi
all sorts of legislation. Of the bills In
troduced Into the house 2S9 are out of
committee and on the calendar, and 209
Mils have reached the governor, and
three of the house bills have been
signed by him and become a law.
One of these 1b known as house bill
No. 12, which provides for the classi
fication of real eBtate and other prop
erty for purposes of taxation and elec
tion of assessors In cities of second
class for not more than five nor less
than three assessors: also house bill
No. 4. providing for the election of
prothonotarles, recorders and registers
and the manner ot filling such offices
In case of death or vacancy, and house
bill No. 20, authorizing the burgess and
town council of the borough ot Sharps
burg, Allegheny county, to levy a tax
not exceeding 16 mills on the dollar on
the assessed county valuation for the
year. Among those now in the hands
of the governor which have not
been approved, as they but recently
came Into his hands, Is an act author
izing the courts ot quarter sessions to
declare the seats of councllmen va
cant when they fall to organise for ten
days. A number of bills which have
passed the house and senate have been
sent to the governor this week.
There has been very considerable
work done during the past week, and
the majority of the bills on the cal
endar have been disposed of on second
and third reading, and with the same
Industry expended during this week
they will have a number of bills ready
for the governor's consideration.
Fight Against the Fool lllll.
"What Is known as the pool bill, which
waB Introduced In the senate some
time ago and reported from commit
tee, was pushed forward last week, so
as to pass third reading by a vote of
29 to 13. It gives six months' license
to the race track gamblers, to Inaugu
rate a feature that will, according to
Its opponents, he productive of more
evil and do more to demoralize society
than almost anything else that could
be named. If it should pass the Senate
the house will, by a good majority, kill
It. It is, they say, a bill that should
be protested against by all good think
ing people, to prevent, if possible, the
inauguration of pool racing and other
forms of gambling in Pennsylvania.
Among the resolutions offered dur
ing the week was one asking for an
Investigation of the repairing of Grace
church, the building now occupied by
both branches of the legislature. In
this resolution It was charged that the
state paid for thousands of feet of
lumber that was never used, and that
in some Instances the price charged
for the lumber was $65 per thousand,
when It Is claimed that the same lum
ber could be purchased at $15 per
thousand. Investigations have become
so frequent and unpopular that the
house decided to dispose of this case
by referring it to the public buildings
and grounds committee. This will be
taken up during this week, and an ef
fort made to ascertain if there has
been any fraud perpetrated.
Among the features that have de
veloped since my last letter In legls
Iatlve circles were the introduction of
three more reform bills In the house
and senate. These prohibit city offi
cials and, corporations from Interfer
ing in politics, prevent political assess
ments and compel every man to pay
his own taxes. The punishment in
the political assessment bill Is a fine
of $500 or one year In prison, and in
that In relation to the payment ot
taxes for another. person than the elec
tor against whom the tax has been
assessed the punishment is a fine of
$000 or six months' Imprisonment.
The civil service reform bill, which
applies only to the counties of Phila
delphia, Allegheny, Schuylkill and Lu
zerne, passed the senate within the
past few days. This bill will meet with
considerable opposition In the house,
as it ts denounced by those who are
opposed to It as unjust and unfair,
and capable of being manipulated by
the bosses.
The house bill authorising the su
perintendent ot public Instruction to
furnish every school In Pennsylvania
with a copy of Smull's Legislative
Handbook, after a spirited debate,
passed finally by a vote ot 108 to 55.
The Amended Oapltol Hill.
The houae bill providing that the
material used in the construction of
the proposed capitol building shall be
furnished by Pennsylvania Arms and
corporations, and that none but citi
zens of Pennsylvania be employed In
the construction of tlio building, was
amended by striking out the word
Pennsylvania and substituting In its
stead "United States," and will now
no doubt pass both houses in Its pres
ent form. In the discussion of this
measure the opposition to Governor
Hastings' plan to construct a new
capitol building at a cost of $550,000
took advantage of this occasion to de
nounce the absurdity of his estimate.
There seems to be a disposition to pro
long the settlement of the construction
ot a new capitol building, although
a resolution was offered recently to
that effect. Something should be done
very soon to pass a hill designating
tbe kind of a capitol to be built, and
tie cost, so as to have it completed
and ready for use by the next legis
lature. Amontr the bills that passed the
house finully was one for the protec
tion i.f public school houses and other
buildings used and occupied for public
school purposes, outbuildings thereof
and public property; authorizing
courts of common pleas to dlreot and
decree the sale of real estate nf in
solvent debtors by their assignees for
ine pnmem or. aebt and JheH
(Continued on Seeoud Page.)
It's not what you pay for a
thing, but what you get for
what you pay that satisfies
you. Have you ever thought
of that ? Pay little for a poor
thing and its cheapness is not
economy. Here you pay little
for good things. We work on
the down grade of Price aud
the up grade of Quality.
Ilandsonie shapes, neat and at
tractive decoration, and in point of
quality the best English Porcelaine
that money can buy.
loo Pletces, - $4.oo.
112 - suss.T a.
8 South Main St.
License ClranteU mill Itoflised.
On Saturday Jiiilm Itnnlilol l,a,la.l
several license decisions, among them was a
refusal for Joseph DeFrehn, who applied for
a license along tho Crcssona road, in the
Third ward of Pottsville.
The amilicatii,,, nr 7 v i..,.i. :..
- ' - - '- - - ouioj, iu kUU
Third ward of Minorsville, was also refused.
ine application of Patrirk J. Brennan, iu
the Sixth ward of I',,ttuvilln .. ,
ou March 2nd.
Frank E. Dormer
license at Tower City, to sell the Kaier Brew
ing v erupauy s product.
John F. Gallagher was granted a retail
;icone for a stand in Cass township.
Wm. Menkewicz was granted a retail
icense in th Pmirti, nr m.... , i.
and Lawreuse Cullu was granted a retail
IFiUH.n I ... ...... , ...
.iviii iiioi'iuinmru ot tno same town
Don't Oct lixclted.
We are tdaoiWl l,v an
- .... ma
jority tosell the dear people shoes. Every
sutmiu tue store lias durability, comfort, fit
nun siyie to recommend it.
Factgby Shoe Stohr,
J. A. Mover, Mgr.
Naturally Wouk Drain.
From St. Clnlr Splinters,
The Djllv Snn.a nr gt,..,..iA.i. i
wV, uuvuuuuunu, gamers
up a few antiquated clippings from Splin-
iuiu iivus mom on on tne lnnocont
public as recently writtou articles. When
the naturally weak brain of the News gives
out it invariably falls baok ou Spliutors.
The Eigh; Name in the Bight Place.
Pan-Tina for coughs aud colds, 35c. At
Gruhler Bros., drugstore.
Chemical Engine for 1'otUvUle.
Following- the nxnmnlA nf tl,n
Hook and Ladder Company, of town, the
Humane Fire Oompauy of Pottsville lias ap
Pelllted a comnitUMi tn trklt rtjiiin.
the purpose of purchasing a chemical engine t. .... ...
.mij ciuipiiou. n win contain two 40-galIon
tanks, ladders, automatic reels, axes, etc.
The Handwriting ou the
wall was of tremendous
moiiuSnt to certain people
in a biblical event, so
this announcement in the
press is of great import
ance to all who use
Sweet Juicy California Oranges,
25 cents per dozen.
5 boutn main Street.
4 N CUNTS for a Window Shade
li J or 3 for a quarter. Others
IU 15c. or two for a quarter,
spriug roller. Shades made to fit
any window, especially store win
dows. Call for bargains iu Carpets
and Oil Cloths.
IP 8. Oardln Stret
In Your Teeth
Are not pleasant, but you'll
get them there every time
you use a poor tooth brush.
dot a Brush that is built right
costs more, but gives more
satisfaction than a dozen
"civap" ones. Our best
are the best.
6 South Main Struct