The evening herald. (Shenandoah, Pa.) 1891-1966, March 20, 1897, Image 3

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    NervGus Prostration
Debate on the New Eevenue Meas
ure Will be Limited.
The Learned Professor Gives
a Plain Talk on
One Remedy Cannot Correct
All the Changes in the
Are Nwdad to PreiMl the Developments of
DlMien at the End of Winter.
Cataarh, Bronchitis and Throat Disease
Arc Sown by the Neglect of a March Cold
-Mnnyon's Oold Cure Break's Up the
Worst Form of a Oold at Ooot.
The Result or Extra Work on the Fart of
These Organs Daring oold Weather Are
Promptly Strengthened by Munyon'a Kid
ney Cure.
And Deficient Circulation Call for Mnnyon's
Blood Cure, the Best Blood Tonlo ou the
Market It Enriches and Purifies the Blood,
Promotos Appetite and (lives Renewed
Strength and Vitality.
Professor llunyou says: "The iilea that
one mint take 'Bprine Medicines' is a great
mistake. It is true that at this season of the
year many changes take place lu the human
body that affect the blood, liveT, kidneys and
nerves, hut in healthy people these changes
occur without the help of medicines. In
fact, it is a sin against nature to take drugs
of any kind into the body unless one is-111 .
The so-railed Spring Medicines for the blood
are also had because they pietend to cure all
diseases with one combination of medicines
If your stomach is out of order it is absurd
to take rheunmtimn medicine; if you liavo a
cold, a kidney remedy not only does you no
good, but may do harm; If your liver is
sluggish a uervo cure is useless. In fact,
tlieie is only one way to euro promptly and
permanently, that is, by treating each phase
of disease witli the appropriate remedy. 'A
separate cure for each Disease' is the grand
nnil tiu'e principle on which the Muiiyou
system of treatment has galucd its marvelous
"If you have a March Cold, tho first thing
H ,o euro the oold, as this is the season when
Orlrmo and Colds have a dangerous tendency
to develop into lung diseases and catarrh.
Tho most obstinate colds yield In a few hours
to Munymi's Cold. Cure. Pneumonia,
catnrrhal-dtaMses-smV throat troubles are
always prevented by this remedv. Whero
Colds are complicated by a Couch, the Cold
Curo should lie alternated with Jlunyon's
Cough Curo.
"The debilitated condition which affects
many people in the Spring season is Nature's
warning that some organ is weak and often
precedes serious dlseaBo. It Is a condition
which needs careful investigation, and which
calls for treatment, not with Spring
Medicines, but with the remedy that will
remove the cause. If the stomach la dis
ordered, Jlunyon's Dyspepsia Cure will act
as a stomacn tonic and bowel regulator,
assisting digestion, and curing such symp
toms as pain or soreness In the stomach.
indigestion or distress after eating, fullness
in the stomach, shortness of breath, poor
appetite, coated tongue, sour or bitter raising
from tho stomach, heartburn, wind on tVe
stomach, constipation, dizziness, fiiutuess,
and lost energy.
"If the kidneys arc affected, tho lanir Id.
dragged-out feeling is accompanied by pain
In the back, dark circles around tile eves.
headaches, and dipo-its of red sand or mucin
in the urine. Munyon s Kiducy Cure is
guaranteed to cuiu 05 per cent, of all forms
of kidney disease.
"When the liver is disordered, tho whole
system feels the presence in the blood of tho
poisonous snhstaui es left by the defective
a Hon or this organ. In fact, tho condition
Is one of vi neral poisoning. There is de-
pn "ion M the -.pints, tired, worn-out feeling
all the time, had taste in the nioutli, aching
ana n s, m the ri.'lit side, backache, and
p;uus nl) over. Mnnyon's Liver
iiwr to healthy action,
X, by removing tho
in and iinpure"b"T6"otrisi'
which ti any diseases
rioiitbs. The poor quality
.1 general low state of
nv aim vitality. The
i.imIv. and tho colds are
to catarrh, rheumatism
Munyon'a Wood Cure not
Gnly punlUs the blood, but makes new
blood ruh m nourishment that invigorates
the whole bysu m. It aids the healthful ac
tion ot all the organs of the body, revitalizes
nil the tissues, promotes nppctite. drives out
bkin diseases, brings healthy color to the
cheeks, clears the complexion and tones up
tho nerves, dispelling completely the
dragged-out, tired feeling."
No matter what the disease, there U
Munyon specific with which you can doctor
and cure yourself. Mnnyon's improved
llouiii'opathic Remedies are sold by all
druggists, mostly at 85 cents a vial. There
is no guess work, each rsmedy is plainly
labeled with directions forborne treatment.
and the enre is absolutely certain. If you
are in doubt as to the nature of your dis
ease, a personal letter to Professor Munyon
1605 Arch street, Philadelphia, will be an
swered with free medical advice.
a i r Vuu 1Hm-am Kaillna Main
QriyClmpotanor, BJMDlManM etc, caused
br AboM and othar Exc and IndU-
ewtiou. Thmu WieHiU
raatora Ijmt Vitality in old or too OA. sad
.aWL ft m. man ttw Bin rl vt rial naa nr rafsf-MaUM.
y Fwnnt Ynunltr md Oonsamptloc If
u.hok i wr aw now limmaaiai lraproyt
and aauU a Odu wham all other fail. In.
ituDOn uftvlna tha snnulna Ji' Tuuleta. Thai
ira nnrftrl iiwinaaiiiia mri will nr.. nn. U'm ctIva a.
vAtitt wrfttM jpumM to affect a onm in Mob osu
For sale In Shenandoah, Pa., by A. Wosley
nd S. 1'. Kirlln, Druggists.
MR. L. O. rtKITHnoi'ifO i. y. nu.
uur uuui, i unerea rii-!.rut years, toui
ft I uey and liutitder tmiiUe, blotches, pin.
'V. r. " ink:, ueotiucue.
tfy blurred evm, i.ieutant dream., blood-
In bones, nitw i: i rlii uunittam, ions of
power and. trc, -h. i cuniiulted three
eoiien profhawn, ali mV
iiniiiv aittclulliu and
our mmuy ubyilcUa wUbuut avulL
lllanlu recommended
uon. u
604 M. 6th St.
and Uwtb fully, I oonfeaa, ne waa tbe only onev bo
evw made a (horouU examination of my caw. I
rvouvva inainui reiiei. ana in li motttba r waa
iinriimiienllv curi'iL Had I athnnauoH
iheyBbould all le ttuiuloyLd to sinking tbe piaUuof
uiu A's. unii v.u.ojimivui v UHIU't U1TU. XX9
the best of all the UurDefi epei'l-lLta. Hours Si
e'VffM,6-&a0l Wt1. and Hat. IVks, 6-9.80. HuodftT,
0-12 U. feetid A 2cvui h tutu pa for book Truth,"
bet for young or old.atnKle and married. Vrvtitx
caaea cured In 4 to iu daa. No tmuio or adureat
IiUDiiaiiti vvuuoui con tit in ; secrecy Kuurauteea.
lHr ne m I','ih
Why Kontuoky's Govoriior Eo
fuBod to Save Murdorors,
Of the llrutnl Killing of Pearl llrynu and
the Many ConlHetlng Statements oMIcr
Slayers Ills Duty Is to Itxecute the
Newport, Ky., March SO. Sheriff
Plummcr, with one deputy and the four
guards of Jackson and Walling, left
Alexandria yesterday a short time be
fore noon to make the Journey to the
Newport Jail, where the men were
hanged today. Jackson and Walling
were each handcuffed to a guard.
Shortly before reaching the road lead
ing to Port Thomas Jackson pointed to
that road, saying: "There la where we
turned off." As they passed the Looke
farm they saw Farmer Locke and
some members of his family standing
at the spot where Pearl Bryan's body
was found. Sheriff I'lummer asked
Jackson If he recognised the place.
JacksoV looked around coolly and an
swered: "I do not recognise the spot.'.'
When the party reached Newport a
crowd estimated at several thousand
had gathered near the Jail. Jackson
and Walling were evidently frightened,
and tho sheriff had difficulty in getting
through the mass to the Jail entrance,
but there was no hostile demonstra
tions onthe part of the spectators. In
side the cell Walling was told that the
last hope had gone. He made no com
ment on the news, but asked a reporter
to come and see him soon. Jackson
also heard the fateful news In silence.
The text of Governor Bradley's final
refusal to Interfere In the case was
given out last night. The friends of
Dr. Wagner, who Is now confined In a
lunatic asylum, were among those who 1
asked for a respite. In order to give
them an opportunity to prove that the I
doctor had no knowledge of the crime.
Governor Bradley's statement Is in
substance as follows:
The common law concerning the
crime admitted In the confessions to '
have been committed is In force In this
state. The confessions show that
Pearl Bryan was killed by drugs ad- t
minis tered to her to perform an abor-
tion If this be true the child was
killed also.
The confessions, however, are in
consistent and contradictory, utterly
at war with every statement that each
of them made on the witness stand. It
Is urged that this should be overlooked
because they were then swearing ror
their lives. If they are excusable
for swearirig falsely then how much
more are they excusable and how
much more likely-is It that they would
speak falsely now.
These men have not only trifled
with human life, but have trifled with
the courts, trifled with thoi execution,
and set at defiance the laws of God
and man. If It be established that one
criminal, after such conduct as this,
can by a mere pretended confession
obtain a respite, then every other Is
entitled to like treatment, and this
would result In frustrating Justice and
bringing the execution of the laws Into
contempt. The wounded hand of Pearl
Bryan solemnly and surely points to
tho fact that she was not dead when
beheaded. That wound could have
been Inflicted only when, during the
terrible agony ot her decapitation, she
raised It In order to ward off tho cruel
'Dr. Wngner is in the asylum, ana
is the man of all others, by reason of
his condition, at whose door the de
fendants would most naturally lay this
terrible crime. To grant a respite In
order that the defendants might be
used as witnesses to procure his con
viction would result In a delay of at
least a year. In view of the various
conflicts In defendants' statements no
Jury would or could believe any state
ment that either of them might make,
and consequently Wagner would not
be convicted. Such delay could result
In no good and would only add fuel to
the llames -and furnish a further In
centive to mob violence In this state.
"The claim that Walling was under
the Influence of Jackson, and there
fore should have clemency, oannot be
cciddeicd. He showed himself the
v", and ready assistant. Each of
tin. have exhibited a reckless disre
gard I' r human life. Their confessions,
taken in connection with the facts and
circumstances proven In the case, show
that they committed an atrocious
crime. Life Is precious to them, but
no more so than it was to their victim,
Their poor mothers are entitled to
sympathy, but no more than the
mother of Pearl Bryan.
The-law has been set at defiance
and lie fair name of Kentucky stained
with -another bloody murder. Twelve
men have passed upon the guilt of
each. The circuit Judge and appelate
Judges have affirmed their actions. My
oath Is that "I will see that the laws
are faithfully executed." The Jury
fixed the penalty. I have a plain duty
to perform. It Is not my province to
make laws, but to enforce them; nelth
or is It my province to fix the death
penalty, nor is It proper that I should
Intervene to prevent Its infliction when
the law and the evidence authorize It."
Don't allow the hinits to be impaired by the
continuous irritation of a cough. It is ewier
tj nrnvdiit nnnanmittlnn tliiltinn AllrA It. OnA
Minute Couifh Cure taken early will ward oil
any fatallung trouble, u. 11. llasfenimcii.
A Greek Clini'ff Aarnlnsl: tha 'Turks
Rome, March 20. The Greek minis
ter here complained yesterday that
Turkey was provoking- frontier dis
turbances, and pointed to the strictly
defensive attitude of the Qreek troops.
In some quarters this is regarded ae a
favorable symptom, and in others it Is
looked upon as being a desire to throw
the blame for what may happen in the
future upon Turkey.
. ;
Why continue to pass your nights in
cratchiiiK and your days in misery 1 Doau's
Ointment brings instant relief, and perman
ently cures even the worst cases of Itching
I'iles. It never fails.
Uruguayan IiisurisuiiU'Vlo't'orJous.
Montevideo, March HO. It Is now re
ported that the Insurgents were vic
torious In the battle which took place
between them and the federal troops
on Wednesday In the province of Phy
Bandu. Oeneial Tnjes will be appoint'
ed commander of the government
Don't let Anybody Interfere, Dut
Take Pan-Tioa for coughs ami colds, 25c
At UrulUer Uros., drug store.
A BIlMi.stppI Oyo'lnne,
Utlca, Miss., March 20. A cyclone
swept down on Utlca yesterday morn
lng and several cabins were demolished
and fences and trees blown down. J
O. Hill, a farmer, was killed and his
wife Injured. At Bi addon, Miss., many
nouses were unroofed and timber fell
Rid Yourself of Rheumatism
uy Hod Flag Oil, 88c. At Gruhler Bros
drug store.
)r. Greene's Nervura is Just What You
Need for the Blood and Nerves.
Life is not Measured by Years, but by Strength
and Vigor. Dr. Greene's Nervura, the
Only Remedy which will Give You the
Health, Strength and Vigor of Youth.
How many who ought to'be In their prime,
bear evidences In looks and feelings of old age ?
it ought never to to be. Strength and vigor
should be ai perfect at In youth. If It la not
so, something li wrong
with you. You have
weakened yourself in
your mode of life or oc
cupation. There Is no
eight so beautiful as v Ig
orous maturity, and fresh
and beany
age; nor
one so sad
as a pre
maturely decayed
youth, if
time vem-
uie, fium-
liii'i hlooln
and Au
tumn ripe-
nenH, are
the lilting I
tvK)8 0f I
we year,
so arc the
of vouth
and the
vigor ond
of age the
tilting in-
ciaentsof a J
,, , ...v.
posslblo so Surt'ly as a sound body, stronR
nerves, ana ricn oioou 10 inane me uuuv
healtbv; nnthing is so certain to make this
condition as Dr. tirecuc's Nervura blood and
nerve rem
edy. Thou
sands who
have taken It
testify to Its
potent Influ
ence as a
source of per
petual youth
and strength.
It is the true
of tho body,
stronir nerves, rich,
red blood, and restor
ing the snap, energy and
vigor of renewed youth
to tho nerve-weakened,
exhausted and run-down
sv3 ii. It makes the
old and middle-aged feel
voungand vigorous. It
rostoros to youth the vigor
lost ijy excesses anu indis
cretions : it gives strength
energy and power to those
who work. It makes strong men and vigorous
Alleged Victory for Spinlni-d..
Havana, March 20. During the night
of March 14, It was announced officially
today, the Insurgents attacked the
town of JIguani, province ot Santiago
de Cuba. They were provided with ar
tillery, and did considerable damage to
the forts before they, were repulsed,
leaving 11 dead on the field and retir
ing with the loss of many more men
killed and wounded, among them be
'ng six of the leaders of the attacking
Stands at the Head,
An?. J. Hotel, tho leading dritoeist of
Shroveport, La., ssyw "Dr. Iflng's New Dis
cover? Is tho only thing that cures my cough,
aud it Is the best seller I have." J. F. Camp
bell, merchant of Saltbrd, Ariz., writes: Dr.
King's New uisoovery is all mat is oiaimeti
for it; it novor falls, and is a suro cure for
Consumption, Coughs and Colds. I cannot
say enough for Its merits." Dr. King's New
r,f rtnA.,.n,,tn rn,.i.a n.,.l rvlla
is not an experiment. It has been tried for
a quarter of a century, and to-day stands at
tho head. It never disappoints. Free trial
1 oV.les at A. Wasley drug store.
CelnbratiHl 111. 110th lllrtlnlny.
Chicago, March 20. Adam Adamlcek,
a Pole, has JUBt celebrated his 112th
birthday. Ills wife Is still living, and
Is 87 years of age. Beth are almost
totally blind from old age, and yet
their general health otherwise Is re
markably good. Adamioek Is believed
to be the oldest man In Chicago, and,
as far as known, the oldest in the
United States.
Don't Tobacco Spit and Smoke Your Life
If you want to quit tobacco using easily
and forever, bo made well, strong, magnetic,
full of new lifo and vigor, take No-To-Ilao,
tho wondor-worker that makes weak men
strong. Many gaiu ten pounds in ten days.
Over 400,000-eured. Iluy No-To-Bao from
your own druggist, who will guarantee a
cure. 60o or $1.00. Booklet aud sample
mailed free. Ad. Sterling Itoraedy Co.,
Chicago or New York.
Governor I'lngreu No Longer Mayor.
Lansing, Mich.. March 20. Governor
Ptngree is ousted frcm the office of
mayor of Detroit. Such is the mandate
of the Michigan supreme court, which
orders a special election for mayor on
April 6. The court declares that the
holding of two offices are In conflict
with the state constitution.
They are so small that the most sensitive
persons take them, they are so effective that
toe mote oustinsto cases ot consttpattou,
headache aud toruld liver vleld to theui.
That is why DeWHt's Little Early Itinera are
Known as the famous little pills.
C. II.
Princeton Students KobbeU by Ilnrglnrs,
Princeton, N. J., March 20. Thieves
gained an cntranec- to two large lodg
ing houBes on University Place yester
day and ransarked all the rooms, se
curing secral hundred dollars' worth
of valuables. Some Princeton fresh
men who occupied rooms' In the houses
were relieved of watches, chai.ks and
money. There is no clew to the Ih'ttvos.
Vi. K. Turner of Comptou, Mo., writes us
that after suffering from piles for seventeen
yean, lie completely eured them by using
three boxes of DeWI
itt s witch itasei buiv.
It cures eosetna aud sever sklu diseases,
II. lugeiibuch.
I'hyslclnii btfiileuoed to Ilaath.
Merldan, Miss., March 20. Dr. V. II.
Llacomb, who has been on trial for
several days at DeKalb, Miss., charged
with murdering Charles T. Stewart, In
order to obtain the Insurance on Stew
art's life, has been sentenced to b
hanged on Wednesday, May it.
Every day symptoms of digestive disorders
acid stomach, distress after eating, burning
at pit of stomach, dull, heavy fieling Bur
dock Blood Hitters never fuils to coirctt any
troubles of this sort.
women. Try ft and net back your ttreagth,
euergy aud youthful vigor.
lleirieiiiber that Dr. Oretne's Ntrrtira blood
and nerve remedy Is a phytidatl's prescription,
Indorsed and recommended by the a bleat doc
tors everywhere. Dr. Ureeue Cathartic Pills
are the onlv rwrfect nills
for biliousness and con- (M
Btlpntt-n. Dr. Orecno of 36 West 11th St.,
iiK , , H ,no mo6, snccessrtii puyst-
and can he consulted
free, personally or by letter. Nothing to pay
frr coii.nltation, examination or advice, and
the low prico of his wonderful curative medi
cines piaccs a sure cure within reach of every
Q S, riHIJ.ll'S, M. D. ,
Office: 80 West Centre street.
Can be consulted at all hours.
M. llUItKK,
Office ISgan building, corner of Main biiC
Centre Btreote, Bhennndoah.
T "
Shenandoah, Fa.
Comer Market and Centre street.
Lok Kox 68, Mnlutnoy CHy, Fn.
Having studied under some of the bevt
masters h London nnd Paris, will give leseone
on tho violin. mandolin, irultarand vocnl culture.
Term, reasonable. Address lu oar a of Strouso,
Hie Jeweler, rJlionanuoaii.
P. J.
Agent for
Shenandoah and Vicinlt
Beer and Porter
Barbey's Bohemian Beer.
Bloomsburg Gold
--Cure Sanitarium
-For Cure of-
Liquor arc Morbrxirtf Hafs
Nu detention from bualnca. AddrflM,
WantPrinn Hps S.ffin
uiiiuu nil suuu taWtopatenir
Writ JOHN WKDliKHUllHN Oo!7lWnt AUo
"..wsujfilBsitoii. D. 0..or 1,800 prise offer
aad list ot two hundred luTsutloas wobmiI.
The I'otir ApprnprlRtlon Hills Left Over
by tho Last Oongreis rromptly I'aased.
llcmnefnt. Will Make No Attempt to
Ilelny the Dlngley Hill,
Washington, March 20. Yesterday
was a stormy day In the house of rep
resentatives. The Republican leaders
before adjournment laBt night had
passed a special order fixing the limits
of tariff debate, and two of the regu
lar appropriation bills, the. sundry civil
and general deficiency bills, which
failed to become laws at the last ses
sion, had been passed and sent to the
senate. The sundry civil carried
$68,147,561 and the general deficiency
$8,16,2H. The other two were passed
today, so that, as Mr. Cannon remark
ed yesterday, all the driftwood of the
last congress should be swept away
before the struggle over the tariff be
gins. The galleries were thronged, and
there was hardly a vacant seat on the
floor. At times partisan feeling ran
high, and the hall echoed with cheers
of the majority as their respective
spokesmen made effective points. There
were several squabbles among the
Democratic leaders, which afforded
much amusement to the majority.
Both Mr. Bland, the silver champion,
and Mr. Holman, "the old watchdog
of the treasury," appeared In their old I
., . '
time roles.
Mr. Bailey, of Texas, who made his
debut as leader of the minority, was
favorably received by his side, and
announced It would be the policy of
the minority not to delay the passage
of the tariff bill. If It would restore
prosperity, he declared, the country
was entitled to Its benefits. If It fail
ed, as he predicted, the sooner its fail
ure was demonstrated the sooner the
people would be rellevfed of its exac
tions. Mr. Dlneley. the floor leader of the
majority, recalled the fact that a sim
ilar dire prophecy had been made by
Secretary Carlisle, then the leacier oi
the minority on the occasion of the
nasaaire of the MnKlnley law. The
people, he said, had listened to the si
ren's song, but their experience during
the last four years made them wiser.
A nneclal order was adopted limiting
the tariff debate according to the plan
heretofore outlined. The rule was
adopted by a strict party vote 179 to
132, all the opposition save Mr. How
ard, the Louisiana Populist, voting
against it. The final vote on the meas
ure will be taken Marcn si.
nv another special order auopieu
immediately afterward the house pro
ceeded to make short work of the four
MAft nvnr" aDnroDriatton ullis. tcoriy
minutes debate was allowed on each of
these hills. . .
Tho unite onen session lasreu uu
minutes yesterday, nnd was given al
most entirely to the lntrouucmm n
1.I1U. over 200 being presented. Mr.
Durrows, of Michigan, presented a pe
tition from J. Edward aouickb, oi
Delaware, claiming the seat now occu
pied by Mr. Kenney. uovernor num.
of Oregon, also forwarded a memorial
on the Oregon senatorial situation,
showing that the legislature had not
organized, and that he had the right to
appoint. Most of the day was spent In
executive session, when the arbitration
treaty was discussed.
Many cases of "Grippe" havo lately been
cured by One Minute Cough Cure. This
nrenaration seems especially adapted to the
aure of this disease. It acta quickly thus
meventintr serious complications and bad
oOecto in which this disease ofteu leaves the
patient. CI. II. Ilageiibuch.
Opposlnc aeritian Naval Increase."
t.h March 20. In discussing the
naval appropriation bill In the reh
stag Herr Itlchter, Peoples party,
i, i.. o,!.! tin. erasures of the naval
mum.... ----
credits by tne iiuae -not
go far enough, and urged a return
to the simplicity which made the early
days of the empire so popular. He de
clared that tne iniervn
fair of the Transvaal republic had
only injured Germany, as did the sen
sational intervention of Germany in
the Cretan affair. The relchstag, he
continued, must check the demands of
the government for money. Better
no parliament," exclaimed Herr Itlch
ter "than one ready to sink on Its
knees submissively at a hint from
Ithouiiiuifsiii Cured In n Day.
"Jlvstio Cure" for IJlienmotlsm and Neu
ratals radically cures in 1 to 3 days. Its
action upon tbe system is remarkable and
mysterious, -it removes at once the cause ami
the disease Immediately disappears. Tho
first dpse greatly benefits.
T. p. Anthony, ex-Postmaster of Promise
City, Iowa, says: "I bought one bottle of
'Mystic Cure' fur lElieuruattsm, and two doses
of It did me more good than any medicine I
ever took." 7R cents.
Sold by C. If. Ilageubuoli, druggist, Slion
andoah. SlarylamVs Mining Interests.
Cumberland, Md., March 80. State
Mine Inspector Otto Honing, of Frost -burg,
has forwarded to Oovernor
Lowndes his report showing the opera
tions 61 the coal mines In Maryland's
coal fields for tho year 1896. The re
port shows that 19 mines are now
operating In the Cumberland and the
George's Creek district, employing
I,87 men. The production for 1896 ag
gregated 8,729,461 tons. The period
Covered by the report has been the
most prosperous in the history of the
region. But six fa'al accidents oc
curred during the year.
Kleetrlu Hitters,
Electric Bitters is a medicine suited for any
season, but perhaps aioru generally needed lu
the spring, when tho languid exhausted
reeling prevails, wncn tne liver is torpid nud
sluggish and the need of a tnniv au4 altera
rive is mil. a prompi
has often averted 1
A prompt use of this niediciiti'
ioug and perhaps
bilious revers. no medicine will act mure
surely In counteracting and freeing the sys
tem from the malarial poison. Headache.
Indigestion, Constipation, Dizziness yield to
Klectrlo Hitters, only any cenu per Dottle
at A. wusiey a urug store.
Killed While Flityhijf William Tell.
Bedford, Ind., March 20. Charley
Winters, aged 10, and Willie Babbitt,
about the same age. living near Linton,
played William Tell. In lleuof an ap
ple Babbitt placed a corncob upon bis
head. Winters, using a revolver, shot
at the corncob. The ball struck Bab
bitt In the forehead, killing him In
stantly. A Household Necessity.
(Uiearets Candy Cathartie, tbe moat won
derful medical discovery of the age, pleaiaut
aud refreshing to the taste, act gently aud
positively on kidneys, liver and bowels,
cleansiug tbe entire system, dispel colds, cure
headache, fever, habitual constipation and
biliousness. Please buy and try a Imx of
C. ('. V. to day : 10, 23, 50 edits. Sold unci
. . . ' , ', ,
' guaranteed to cure by all druggists
The Wear and Tear IneidtHf
Salesman Very Often
Jtvm Wte Prc,
J. 'TI. Whnnn, who lives In suite No. 2, in
the lt ly bliH-k, corner of Payne awl Wilson
Avenues, Cleveland, Ohio, had suflert") for
months from nervons prostration and c
treiue nervousnew. ITii iiorvotis S)t,-m
had tweome undermined by irregular lialuli
and he was reduced to the vena- of (ot-il
firostratiou. Mr. Whitnn U no longer a
ravelling alesmanf that crriipntion s
fraught with too much danger to hi. health,
and lie abandoned it. At. precnt he I. con
necled with the Mahoning Conl Company,
and has charge of a mini three milm disiiint
from Alliance, Ohio, and there he ep. iicls
uict of his time.
''Travelling salesmen have to put up Ills
a great many inconveniences when they are
on tho mail," said Mr. Wliann, " Monlk,
Blicp and ret, are often irregular, and these
cau-u'g unsettle one's nerves, I vn rapidly
approaching a point where I would become
a nervous wreck unless I employed extreme
measures. I found it almost impossible to
read or write for a period longer thnn a few
minutes. I would nick up a newspaper with
the Intention of glancing over the news of
the day. In five or ten minutes I would
have to lay the paper aside and get up and
walk around to quiet my nerves. It was the
same when I diet any wiitlng. I could write
for a few minutes and then have to give it
"P. " X hands would become shaky nud
my hole body and mind in a quiver.
This nervousness brought on severe liead.
bc'ich; it also brought a loss of sleep, oil of
wnu'ii eominncii to grnminny nrciiK uown my
health. I became run down and lost my ap
Summer Heat Wears You Out.
For over 25 years it has been curing thousands of cases of
Biliousness, Indigestion, Malaria, Nervous Prostration,
Kidney Troubles, &c. Bi Purifies the Blood, Sives you
an Appetite, and Helps you Digest what you Eat.
Take it now and get your system in shape to stand the cold weather.
Sold by P. P. D. KIRLIN, Shenandoah, Pa.
Sometimes needs a reliable, monthly, roguhUlne medicine. Only harmless and
the purest drugs should bs used. 11 you irant the bwl, get
Tlier are prompt, site and certain In result. The gennlne (Dr. Teal's) never dlssp.
QOlnt. Seat anywhere, 81.00, Address Six Medicikb Co., ClevsUnd, O.
For Sale by P. P. D. KIRLIN, Shenandoah, Pa.
IN KI'I'KOT 11 KC 6, 18M.
Trains leave Shenandoah us follows:
For New York via Philadelphia, week dsvt
a 10, 5 25, 710 a. in., 12 38, 8 OB ud6 58 p. n:
Sundays, 2 10 a. in.
For Now York via aiaucu uiiunic, wees; uay
5 25, 7 10 a. m., 12 83 and 8 08 p. m.
For Heading anil Philadelphia, week dayi
2 10, 5 25, 7 10 ii.iu.. 12 33, 3 03 and 5 88 p. m. Sui
uays, in a. in.
'or l'ottsvllle, week days, 2 10; 7 10 a. m., sod
2 as. a us anu a on n. in. Sundays, z lu a. m.
For Tanwqua and Mahauoy City, week dsyt
lu, a x, 7 lo a. in., iz aa, s us anu
p. &
Sundays, 2 10 a. ni.
For wllllamsport, Sunbury and Lewhuiur
weekdays, 818, 1130 a.
ui., and 7 36 p. n
SuntlAVB. 8 38 a. m
For SfuluMioi Plane, weekdays, i 10. 8 16, S
710,1180a. in.. 888, 808,688, 716 and St
For Ashland nnd filiaraoklii. week days. I 3t
710, 1180 u. in., 726 and 8 55 p. in. 8ur
uays, s so a. m.
For JiAluiuore, Washington anu the West v.:
B. o. K. a., throuirb trains Ie- i Koadlni
Terminal, PhlladelDhia, (1. Ac R. B K.) at lit
7 86, 11 26 n. m., 8 10 and 7.87 V. l Sundays
8 30, 7 00, 11 36 r. m., 8 16 and 7 37 p. in. Addl
nonai mns irom i weniy-iourin aim unest
nut ssreeM station, weea uays, lu ou a. m. is sv
12 U 8 10 p. m. Sundays, 1 86, 8 38 p. in.
Leave New York via Philadelphia, hhi
days, i 80, 8 00 a. iu., 1 80, 1 80, 9 00 p. m. an
oigbi Sundays, 6 00 p. m.
Ceeve New York via Mauoh Obuuk, week
days, 1 80, 10 a. m., 1 80 and 4 18j, m.
Laave PhiladelDhla. Reading Terminal, weel
days, 130,888, 1006 a.
m. and 1 OS. 6 80. 11
p. m. snndays, 11 so p in.
Leave Reaatng, wovk days, 1 85, 7 10, 10 at
11 66 a m., 6 00 and X 30 p. m. Sundays, 1 86 a. a
Iave l'ottsvllle, week days, 346, T 40 a. an.
12 80 nud 8 12 p. m. Sundays, 2 86 a. m.
Leave Taiuaqua, week days, 8 18, 8 00, 11 31
ii. , 1 27, 7 30 and 0 4.1 p. m. Sundays, 8 18 a. re
Irair Maliiiimv Cltv, wt-ek days, 8 46, 21
II 47 a. ui., 2 OH, ', 41 and 10 08 p. m. Sundays, 8 4:
a. ui.
Leave Mahanoy l'lano, week days, 3 40, 4 nf
680,987. 1159a. ra., 1 13,219,5 20,6 36, 767ilu
Sundays, 3 40, 00 a. ra.
Iave WtlllamspoH, week days, 7 43, 10 10
ru., 8 86 and II 41 p. lu. Suudays, li 16 p. m.
Leave Philadelphia Chestnut street warl tu
South street wharf for Atlantic: City.
Weekdays Express, 9 00 a. m., 3 00, 4 00, 5 Ou
p. iu. Aoeommouatlon, 8 00 a. ni., 6 80 p. m.
Btinaaya express, vuu, luuu a. iu. Accom
modation, 800a.iu..444u. i
Ratumlnsr leave AtUullo
Otty Uerot, eorusi
Atlantic and Arkansas avenuos.
WeeKOays Sxprei
7 86,9 00 a. m., 81)0, 6 80
ui. anwuiaiuuHiun, a la a.
482 ii. tn
Bunaays nxpress, 4 ou, 7 so p.
Aeom mo-
dation, 7 15 a. in., 4 15 p. in.
Parlor Oars on all express trains.
Hillions of Dollars
Qe an In smoke every year. Take nt
risks but get your houses, stock, far
nitare, etc., insured in flrst-cUss re
liable companies as represented by
Urt. I IU ri.JO 1 1 120 South Jardin St
Aura Life and Accidental OostMHd set
to Idt Life of a Travelling;
Retulis Seriously.
Ctrvrland, OMo.
petite sml performed my duties with no heart
Mh.itovei. Sly friends recommended one
medicine or miother, and one of them suggest
ed llr. Willinnis' Fink Pills for I'alc People.
I lioii.'it a ti boxes and followed the direc
tions re"nnling their use. They restored my
nerve t t. n ir normal and natural condition ;
II j i!,mrni the vioh nt heiKluchei and in-
, i-n i. nnd mndc me feel like n innn who en
joyed life. I nin nnwat times troubled with a
headache while superintending the work at
the mine, bill the pills quickly anil effectively
difcs'pilte it."
Air-. liii'in, too Is very enthtislnlic in
her p.. iKc of the pills. She lias ucd them
for hiadielie nnd nervousness, and bus re
co nineiidid them to many of her friends.
Dr. Will mint' l'ink Pills for Pule Peoplo
nrc conaidi re I nn unfailing specific for such
divriM an locomotor ataxia, purtiul paralysis,
St. Vitus' dnnoe, sciatica, neuralgia rheuma
tism, nervous headache, the after effects of la
grippe, p'llpihiiion of the heart, pale ami sal
low complexion'!, that tired feeling resulting
r-om nervous prostration; an diseases result
ing from vitiated humors in the blood, such
ns scrofula, chronic erysipelas, etc. They are
also a specific for troubles peculiar to females,
such as suppressions, irregularities, and ell
forms of w.aknrxs. In men they effcet a rad
ical cure in all cases ari-ing from mental
worrv, overwork, or excesses of whatever
nature. Pink Pills arc Mild by all dealers or will
be sent post paid on receipt of price, fit) cents a
Ikx or six lxxes for f'-'.riO, by addressing
Dr. Williams' Medicine Company, Schenec
tady, N. Y.
are progressive ami keep informed of
the World's Progress. Tho well In-
formed and thrifty House-wifo will
always keep
in the house, as a standard remedy for
Sprains, Bruises, Cramps, Rheumatism, E
and all aches and pains. 5
Price 26 cts. and 60 ell per bottle. E
Prepared by H. J. HACKETT & CO . Philadelphia. S
peipa. Railroad.
JiKTTABY ;i8, 1897.
Trains will leave Shenandoah after the abort
date for Wlggans, Qllberton, Fraokville, Dark
Water, St. Clair, Pottavllle. llsrnlmrg, Kendlne,
Pottstown, Phoentxville, Norrlstown and PL11.
adelphia (Itroad street station) at S 08 and 11 ad
a. m. and 4 30 p. m. on week days. For Poife
vllle and Intermediate statlona 9 17 a. m.
For Wlggans, Gilberton, Frockvllle, Dark
Water, St. Clair, l'ottsvllle, at 6 08, 9 45 a. m. and
8 10 p. m. For Hamburg, Reading, Pottstown,
Phoentxville, Norrlstown, Philadelphia at 6 8,
145 a. m.,8 lOp. m.
Trains leave Frockvllle for Shenandoah at
10 40 a. m. and 13 81, 6 41, 7 52 and 10 47 p, m.
Sunday, 11 13 a. ui. and 5 41 p. m.
Leave Pottavllle for Shenandoah at 1015
a. m. and 12:05, 6 15, 7 26 and 10 30 p. in. Sunday
.1 10 40 a. m., 6 IS p. m.
Leave Philadelphia, (Brood street station), for
Shenandoah at 5 57 and g 85 a. in., 4 10 and 711
p. m. week days. Suudays leave at 6 00 a. m.
Leave Hroad street station, Philadelphia, tor
Sen llirt, Aabury I'ark, Ocean Drove, Lone
nraucn, ana intermediate statlona, 8.20 11.14
a. m., 8.80 and 4.00 p. m. week-days.
Leave Broad Street Station. Philadelphia,
Rxnress. week-dava a 30. 4 On. 4 MO A IS. S nn
71B.83U, 883, 950, 10 21 (Diullii; Cor). 11 00 a. iu.
12 00 noon, 12 80 (Limited 100 and 4 22 p. in.
Dining (Jam). 1 40, 280 (Diiihur Carl 8 20. B SO.
4 00,800, 5 56 ( Dining Car), 0 00, 0 50,8 12, 1000
p. m., 12 01, night. Sumtii s, 3 20, 4 05, 4 80 6 15'
8 20,8 88,9.10, 1021, ( Car), 11 85 a. m.'
13 85, 3 30 (Dining Cur). 4 00 ( Limited 4 22 l)inl
Car), 5 20, 5 ad, ( Dining Cor), 8 35, 6 80, 8 12, 10 00
p. m , 12 01 night.
r.xpr.'HH lor iioston without change, II 00 a m.,
wt't'k-ita s, and 6 SOji. in., daily.
For Baltimore and Waahtnirtnti. H An. T n n,Q
1020. 11 23 a. m.. 12 09 (l'2m i.imlti n,,.
lng Car), 112, 818. 4 41 (5 19 Congressional
Limited, Dining Car), 6 17, 6 65 (Dining Oar).
7 40 (Dining Car) p. m.. aud 12 06 nlah!
week days. Sundays, 8 50, 7 30, 913, 111 ,
m., ;iw i iz, 111,(0 is Congressional Limited.
Iiiuing Cur), 6 86 (Dining Car), 7 40 u. m.
(Dining Car) and 12 06 night.
Li'avi- llrmul street statlou, Philadelphia (via
Di'lawaru rier bridge), express, 7 03 p. m.
Ix'ove Murk. t street Ferry, express, 8 SO a ui.,
2 00, 4 10, CO p. m. Sundays, 8 16, 9 48 a. lu.
AeeomintHlation, 8 00, H 20, a. 111., 8 20 aud 4 20
p m , w i ck days. Sundays, 8 00, H 15 a. in.. 4 00
and 5 00 p. in.
?' OP May. Anghwo, Wild wood and
Holly Beaoh, and Sea Islu Citv, Oeean City anil
Avulon Kxpreos, 9 00 o. in., 4 00 p. m week
days. Sundays. 9 00 a. in.
For Souiers Point. Kxpresa, 8 50 a ui., 4 10
V , yn. Duuuuj n l) a. m
I It. Wood,
jen'l Pona'g'r Agt
(ieu'l Malinger.
A genuine welcome waits you at
Cor. Haiti and Coal Sta.
Finest whiskeys, been, porter and ale
onstoiitly oa tap. Cbotes emperauue drinks
aud cigars.