The evening herald. (Shenandoah, Pa.) 1891-1966, March 16, 1897, Image 4

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wi'ih to eat
candy tii:tt is pure? If so. vou
should tiv our new line. We
handle A M. Tenney's chocolates
mid hoti Umis, the purest that can
be made Try a box, you'll want
V North (Viln Bt.
Never liml we mo Ihtkv nd Iwnutlfnl n Maori
iiu nl n now, ami in point of value can offer
liitit(llnit buyers IxHtrr tmluocmttntii thun ever
Ve your nttontiou to our line of
Ita really n trout to ec such gooda at audi
remnrkaMy low factory prion.
Is a Kood thing to piarii nlong. They are
xt "(led upward to unit any tnnto. Quality and
nrtimt worth oloiio determine the prfeca,
Otir Stock is Complete"
1 13 ESast Cntr St.
T"LJ ET" '
j H II I mm iiw bww
. about
APRIL i, '97,
29 South Main St.
Is ready for your kind in
spection. The announcement may
be a little later than that of our
competitors, and the styles may
likewise be LATKR, for ours is no
display of job lots of last year
leavings, but all the Newest,
Freshest and Most Desirable
Attire capable of producing, con
sistent with moderate prices.
The Juvenile Department
Abounds with a magnificent
variety and all-wool, high class
suits, such as we can safely
Men's and Boy's
Spring Suits. '
Never so complete, the makes
never more perfect, the prices
J never so low. All ar war
ranted the best obtainable
value in the market. You will
see the cream of what the
whole woolen world has given
over to the manufacturers.
Bicycle Suits. ...
A new branch we have, intro
duced. The new arrivals place
present assortments beyond
any, in extent and styles to
choose front, shown this sen
son. We are the only jobbers
in this locality.
Gents' Furnishings.
None better, none more stylish
than our handsome display.
Cor. rialii and Cherry Sts.
SAM BLOCK, - - Proprietor.
Undertaking in - -
- - all its Branches.
Open Day and Night.
as town.
7s An. 7 HVW Centre Htreel.
Munyou's Rheumatism Cure la guaranteed
to cure Hcut or muscular rheumatism in
from one to five day. Sharp shooting pains
In any part of Hie body stopped by a fuw
doses. A prompt, complete ami permanent
cure for lametiexa, soromss, stiff back nd nil
pains ill hip and loins. Chronic rheumatism,
sciatica, lumbago or pain in the hack arc
speedily cured It seldom fulls to Rive relief
from one or two doses, and almost Invariably
euros before one bottle has been inert.
Price 30c.
Improved Hoinoropathlc Homo lteincdy
Company put up a separate euro for inch
disease. At all druggists, mostly 2o rents.
Outdo to Health free.
Personal letters to Prof. Munyon lSAI Arch
street, Philadelphia, Pa . answered with free
medical advice for any disease.
pirav POJUTr.
Happening Thutrujhonl the Con- try
Chnfttlelrd tnr 1 tasty Ftrosal.
The employes at Locust (tap Were paid to
day. Lebanon county ta flooded With counterfeit
silver dollars.
The York safe factory began running night
and day yesterday.
The Herman Catholic Knights, of Ashlaud,
have organized a relief fand.
George Nutrcss, of (lirirdvilte, ia mow a
condnctor on the Schuylkill Traction line.
Operations fur the completion of tbo now
bridge at Lost Creek have again been begun.
Tiie borough of Mahanoy City has re'
col red its share of the lloenao money, a little
over fl5,000 00.
lAslwnon women dare not go Into the city
streets at night so many of the fair sex have
been robbed of late.
Ilirdsboro is excited because: a Beading girl
refuses to desert the Salvationists ami go
home with her mother.
North ti mberland Presbyterian Women's
Foreign Missionary Society will hold its
annual, convention at Danville to-morrow.
A contest between M L. Connelly aud W.
A. Lynn for the Third ward seat In Kaslon
Council resulted in a judicial decree deelar
in v hiith ineligible.
Judge Schuyler lias decided at Hasten that
County Commissioners anil not Prison In
spectors have tho right to appoint the engi
neer nt the county jail.
Frank 1 July's house, nt Allentnwn, was
entured by a rohlier while the family wore at
church, but the Imrkingof alittlo dog fright
ened the intruder off.
The spring announcements of stylish eloth
ing for tho season of '7 of Sam Block's
liochester clothing house appears in another
column of to-day's issue.
It cost Schuylkill county, with a imputa
tion of 164,168, last year to main
tain the poor, while Lehigh, with a popula
tion of 76,031, paid $26,018.84 for the same
Deeds Kcoordcd.
The following deeds of real estate were
fllod In the recorder's olllce: Michael ljiwlor
and wifo to David It. Graham, premises in
Mabauoy City ; Jama P. Swarts to Mary M.
Weuverot al., premises In Push township ;
Nathan llnnsickor and wife to Frank A.
Wchr, premises in West Perm township;
Catharine Crone et vir., to Win. II. Morgan,
premises in Donaldson ; Henry Ochs and
wile to Annette Klinger, premises in Valley
View ; Mary Woodliouse to Win Canton and
wife, premise in (lirardville ; Mary Wood
hoiise to HauiiHli Gregory, premises In
Salo of School Hoods.
Subscriptiops will lie reeeivod at the olllce
of tho Secretary of the School Hoard, In tho
West street school building, for the aalo of
twenty-five thousand ($25,000) dollars worth
of Shenandoah School District bonds. The
bonds will bear date of April 1, 1807, and will
mil thirty years. Interest four per cent,
payable semi-annually. Denominations :
Twenty flOO bonds; twenty $00 bonds, and
thirty-eight $B00 bonds.
Dy order of the Jioard,
J. J. Pbice, President.
Attest : FaAJiK Hanna, Secretary.
To Aid American Seamen.
New York, March 11. representa
tive from a number of labor organi
zations and trades unions met last
night and arranged for a maaa meet
ing having; Tor Ha object the ameliora
tion ot American seamen. The meet
ing will be held in- Cooper Union on
March 26 under the auspices of the
Central Labor, unions of this city and
Brooklyn, the Social Reform club and
ihe Atlantic Coast Seamen's union
Among the speakers at the meeting
will be IIlBhop Potter, Father Mc
Qlynn, Henry George, Charles Freder
ick Adams, Samuel Gompers and
Thomaa B. MeCuire. It Is Intended to
hold meetings In various seaport cities
In the United States on the same even
ing. l-UMU? 0 J'V Avenged.
Hopl-.lnsv.l.o. w-. March 111. Police
man Henry T.iyne was shot and killed
Saturday r.ght by Walter Merrltt, a
gan.Uer, who was In turn killed by Po
licemen Moorman and Cravens. Mer
rltt was drinking, and had been dis
orderly all evening, and Tayne went
to lilm and told him that If he did not
BO home quietly he would arrest him.
Without warning Merritt jumped back
from Tayne and shot him In tile left
eye. The ofllcer expired Instantly,
Merrltt turned and fired two shots at
the other two officers, both of whom
shot lilm, one ball striking him In the
face and one In the heart. He died
at Sbenandoidi. in the state of lNmnsylvaiila, at
llie ciohc oi Diisinoss, marcu n, lmrt :
Loans and discounts (419,821 09
Overdraft!, secured and unsecured 1.W7 BI3
U. S. Honda to aeouro circulation 100,001) 00
Stocks, securities, cto 78,3-17 87
Banking-house, furniture, and flat I,a00 00
Due from national jaanaii mot re
serve agents) 1.0I8 5S
Due from state banks and bunker 8,008 08
Due rroui aiMirovod reserve aawnta...- 18. ISO 09
Chucks aud other cash items. a, IBS 82
Notes of otlier national banks 4Att 00
fractional paper currency, ulokels ami
cents 719 SI
I.iiwful money reserve lu bank, via :
Hjieclr ll,M2 SO notes J, 100 00
I' rl cerrif 'a of deposit for
legal tenders... " 08,03 60
U 'ilcmunou fund with U. to. treasurer
18 per oent olrculation) ifiOH 00
Total J604,7MVB
Oipltal stock paid in 1100,000 00
Hiirnlua fund 3.,000 00
Undivided proHta, leas espttuaas and
taxes imld 17.312 75
National Bank notes outstanding - 90.000 oj
Due to other national banks aa.KSa 70
Due tn state banks and bankers 81M 71
I i.l! . IdiuU deposits aubjeet to oltaok.... 32S.S33 U0
li. ,.,..! ocrtiAuetsf of deposit 32.47H HO
Tune i rtlflontea of deposit yo.Wl S8
Coshiur's obecks outstanding 180 00
Total l0M,7H0i
Statu of Pennsylvania, County of gohuylklll, as :
1, fel. W. Yoat. cashier of the above luuued
biuik.-do aulamnly swear that Uw above state
ment ta true to the boat of mv knowledge aud
S. W. Yost, Cashier
SiiffiM-rilMMl and sworn to liefore me this 18th
day of March, 1SU7. 8. O M Hollocktkh,
Notary Public
I 'oirei-t Attest
M. Mki.U-i, )
&I. P., Directors.
John a. , )
Athletic Association tot-area n Lease of
The Path. ,
Mahakoy City, Mar. 16. -The Mahanoy
City Athletic Association hns received a new
lease, of the" Mahanoy City park witli tbo
privilege of enclosing a plot 600x610 feet.
There will he a it mile track. Work will
begin nt once If tho weather permits. A rc- ,
organisation of the Mahanoy City Wheel
men 'a Club will take place In a few day.
Mrs. William .!. Jame., of St. Nicholas.,
died Inst evening from a complication of
lisoacs. She was 58 yean of age and i stir-
vired by her hiiBhand and four children,
Mrs Suiincl Hilling, Mrs William Trevethau,
Miss Irene James and William Jkines. all of
St. Nicholas.
Mrs. William Roads, of Delano, fell; ilmvn
the cellar step at her resilience last night. A
lamp she carried in her hand nt the time fell
to the floor and exploded. Mrs. Koads 1
quickly procured a piece of carpet and ex
tingiilshed the flames.
William Holibs, a miner employed at the !
Tunnel Ridge colliery, received a painful
injury on the righ. hand yesterday while i
stirtlng a battery. ,
Joseph Rryant, employed at the 8t. Nicho-1
lis jig hou i, received a painful injury to
hia left eye yesterday. A pole of a chuto !
struck blin.
Two boys gained admittance to Killer's 1
opera house last night by way of the Are es
cape. It waaa dangerous undertaking.bu t they Into the theatre safely with the assistance
of friends inside and were then arrested.
They wets discharged with a reprimand.
llelier Itollovray, while boxing with a com.
panlon on a bridge on Pint alley last even
ing, fell against a railing of the bridge and
fractured one of his arms.
And the Splendid Opera lloti.e.
From Muhanoy City Iteeord.
There waa a time when fifty to a hundred
people would go over to Shenandoah In see
Robert Manloll, but time lias changed things
aud on Wednesday night, at least that many
Slianaodoih people will come over to our
town to see this splendid actor.
Health lteportit.
Mary Sbeblnaky, aged B years, of 210
South Gilbert street, has been reported to
the health authorities as suffering from
Coining lfivents.
Mar. 18, Grand ball at Itobulna' opera
house for the benefit of tho Hebrew school.
Dropped Doad nt Ills Son's lted.Ide.
Wilhesbarre, Pa., March 16.Some
weeks ago a mad dog bit a number of
people In the mining town of Duryea.
Among the number was John Cramer.
The wound was cauterized, but on
Sunday young Cramer was seized with
hydrophobia. His sufferings were ter
rible, and lie had to be strapped In the
bed. His father was not at home at
the time. He was telephoned for, and
arrived last night. Upon witnessing
his son's agony he dropped dead by the
bedside. The son died a half hour
Deadly light Over rt fllrl.
Shamokin, Pa.. March 10. A duel In
which both participants were danger
ously Injured occurred at Urady Sun
day. John Monohln and Alexander
Crofshonsktj both admirers of Miss
Annie Gobler, came to blows and then
secured weapons. Crofahonskl emp
tied two barrels of buckshot into Mon
chin's left arm, blowing It almost off,
and fractured his skull with tho butt
of the gun before Monchln succeeded
In putting a revolver cartridge Into
the lower part ot CrofshoiiBkl's abdo
men. Out In llullroftders' Wnijes.
Wllkesbarre, Pa., Marcli 1C The Le
high Valley Railroad company has dis
pensed with the services of Its yard
masters at Coxton, Falrvlew and Plnk
erton yards, and reduced the wages pf
the engrineeis employed In the yards
from $8 to $2.50 a day.
The greatest bargains iu tho jewelry line
at A. Holdennan's.
1IAI.EY. On the lltb Inst, nt Shenandoah, Pa.,
Daniel iiuiey. iriincrai win uiice pince on
Wednesday, 17th Inst., from the residence of
tho deceased's son-in-law. Michael Sullivan,
am East I.loyd street. High mam at the
Annunciation church nt 10 a. in. Interment in
the Annunciation cemetery. Relatives and
friends respectfully Invited to attend. 3-15-2t
We carry a good stock of every
worthy make and oflfer special
inducements to buyers ; come and
get our prices before buying car
Perlmps about twenty pieces
are left of the hundred pieces of
choice plaids at 6c. per yard ;
the) were made to sell at i2c.
Equally cheap are the new per
cales, sold everywhere at isc;
our price only 8c.
Mack only, but rich brocade
effects would be cheap at 65c;
our price only 39c.
Nourishing and exhilarating
Absolutely pure. Contains to Alcohol. Con
tantly on Imud at
or ine uiobo in
aim .irvfmrfcti nittifi trio Pirinn-nt
.presort bed by eminent pbysiolanai
fc6 a aniann vt
World renowned f Hiimrt.nh1v pik rrr,fnl f
trnnnirtn v-ltti Tradt Mark ' Anchor.'
IF. Ad. HUhrACo., SI IVurlSL. Ken lork. J
1 3 Branoh Himtei. Own 0 lassnorks.
t5 A 90 ola. Eudorwd A rcgomuwudid lir
; U i.l, . li i ; Mnli, n . ii.
IInM-iibm li. Il N Mnip St . I-
p, Li. Kiriin, n .ii.iiii
. Blurui't t i h
sj- ms&ri ,- aj
oil , itpenra& Btomnch rninplnlnla. 1
She holder of go Concern of the 3
RALD is entitlcil to ii llmt cln. lite- ZS
slse, free-hand Water Color Portrait "3
worth SlS 00. miule from nuv fli.fitiet 'S
photograph, by paying 66 cents nt M. 3
jEZ Jleeker's studio, 8 W Centre street, Zm
Mienandoah Ta.
Send photograph in immediately IS
oelpt of portTatlt.
rtA rMIMAIJ ftlA Oi a I f -am
fOn KENT. A new house on Sonfli White
; street nrovided with all modern conven
iences, ltinsonalilo rent Apply at F. E.
Magarglo's store, East Centre street. 6-lS-tf
'TANTBO. A first-class tinsmith, one who
uuoersianns piunioing prererreii. Apply
to W. P. Williams. W North 1
Whlteatreet. 8-12-tf
TJIOH ItKNT. The store room, cellar and one
I' room on Slid floor now occnpieil by
Mhrft'ii's Ttaaaar. losscsloii April Ut., oi
earlier If deslreil. Heated by steam. Apply to
8-8-tf N. w. Banniij..
IjlOft UPNT. Store room and dwelling at No.
7 m North Main street. Contains halli and
closet. Oood cellar ami nice yard room." Sire
of store room, 16zl3 feet, with two large beauti
ful show windows, fitted out with counters mid
shelving ready for business Waieroom and
table can be had with it if desired Oranil
location and rent reasounlilc Address, C. W.
Kewhouskr, 120 North Main street. 3-4-tf
1 The annual meeting of the stockholders of
i i,a ni,i-niAt-f t ir.1,, r.....nn.. i ui.
nndoab. will lie held at the ofHce of the om-
jiany. No 21 Isortu Jardin street on April 7th,
isw, oeiween ine uouri, 01 nun i p. in., lor the
liuriiose of electing eleven ill) diiectors for tlie
cunning year and for tlie purpose of hearing
mid receiving the report of the audilors.
3-2-lt-oaw John Soe'y.
t Jolm Shojai, late of thetownahlpof Union,
In the county ot Schuylkill, anil ntnt-eof l'enn-
nylvanin, uVeenseri. AH persons Indebted to
until estate are requested to mako Irmneillatc
ItHjinent and those liavins; IokhI claims against
tlie same wiUresent without delay inirotier
order for settlement, to
JtrouiA 'Shout, Administratrix.
; Itinstown, Schuylkill Co., I 'a.
Or to her Attorney,
N. irsutLioir.
rottsvllle. Pa. 2-28-t-oaw
Evan J. Davies,
13 N. Jardin Street.
l. GOLDIN, Proprietor.
We have just opened one of
Ever displayed in Shenandoah. Our large mammoth store
is crowded with bargains in this line, No store in the large
cities carry a betier assortment or finer grade of goods than
we now offer to our patrons.
Gbttbren'8 movelttes.
These goods were purchased for cash, and we will sell them
at such low figures that will astonish you. In fact you will be
amazed and wonder how such goods can be made up to sell
for such low prices as we have
bhenandoah need not buy shell-worn suits when they can
buy the latest styles, new goods, at our store for almost
Our mammoth show windows will give you an idea of
Uie hundred ol suits that will greet your eye when you
inspect our stock on the inside. Thousand of different
patterns on the inside await your inspection. We invite all
to come and see these bargains ; if you do you will surely
buy. The ladies are especially invited to inspect tlie novelty
suits for children.
New sock of Pants for Men and Boys, and Children's
Knee Pants-r-all the latest patterns.
All the latest styles in Hats, stiff and soft,
We Give away Express Wagons with Children's Suits.
Mammoth Clothing House,
L.. GOLDIN, Prop.
9 and 11 South Main St., Shenandoah.
A pleiiMiR- to buy jjooils ill such a store as ours with so fine a stock.
Mrs. W. 9. Morgan and Mrs. Oeorgo Jones
and William K. Powell, of West Caerry
street, have gone to Plttaton to attend the
funeral of their cousin, Mrs. Oeorge Mains.
Mrs. Honor Waters, of Ncaqiiehontng, Is a
guest of the Morgan family on West Cherry
tic urge Ploppert, Jr., transacted business
at the county seat to-day.
Max Spoont, the furnitnre dealer, left at
noon to day for Newark.
Mrs. George Hlggins returned to her home
in Hluimokin this morning after spending
"cvenil days in town.
Mi Mary Murphy, of Delano, Is the
guest of hor parents on East Oak street.
Mrs. T. J. Broiighall spent to-day at Potts-
Thomas Heilly, of Ilrownsvlllo, Is confined
to his home by an attack of the grip.
Misses Sallie and Ida Hughes, of Ashland. I
spent last evening among town acquaintances, i
Miss I.oiii.a Kich, after a pleasant sojourn !
ill tho residence of Miss Iim Herman, on 1
North Chestnut street, returned to her home
In Hhamokln to-day.
Frank limner and lady friend, of Rending,
arc guests of Mr. Rnmer's parents, on Hast
Coal .trcct.
John Durkin, outride foreman nt the
, Huston Klin colliery, was one of the pall
! hearers at the O H,iru funeral to-day.
John llrady, Hr , and his son, John, Jr , of
Urafidonvillo, are slowly recovering from
their recent attack of the grip.
There! This li Just the Thing.
Ri d Flag Oil for sprains and bfnios. At
(iriihler Hrof., drug Btorc.
Tendered ft Rurjirtso Party.
Ojiitc a number of the intimate friends of
Mr nnd Mrs. H. A. Ucddall gathered nt the
M. li church parsonage, adjoining the! residence, for the pnrposeof tender
iug them a surprise party, prevloui to their
depnrtttte for tholr new home lu Tamaqua.
lint it so happened that tho surprising party
were surprised themselves. The gathering
was a most enjoyable one, amusements
of various kinds making the even
ing pass very pleasantly. Refreshments
were served in abundance, and Mr.
lleddall and his estimable wife proved
themselves excellent entertainers. Many
expressions of regret at their departure from
our midst were made by those present,
among the number being the follow lug : Rev.
Alfred lleehner and wife and three daugh
ters, Dr. G. F. Matter aud wife, Mr. and Mrs.
James May, Mr. aud Mrs. lasso llird, Mrs.
W. H. Shoemaker, Mr. nnd Mis. Moses
Owens, Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Price, Mrs. DenJ.
Evans. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Perkins, Mr. and
I Mrs J. II. Davis. Mr. and Mrs. Johu Tiiggart.
Mr. and Mrs. C. T. Straughn, Mr. and Mrs.
T. M. Stout, Mrs. Daniel Ogdeu, Mr. and
Mis. William Kerslalte, Mr. and Mrs. 0.
(1. Clotiser, Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Morgan, Miss
Prlscilla Parry, Mr. aud Mrs. David RiooVs,
Miss Ella MaginniBM, Mr. and Mrs. A. P.
Morgan, Mr. aud Mrs. A. H. Swalm, Mrs.
Savllla Pettlt, Mrs. Oeorgo H. Williams, Mrs.
folin G. Thomas, Miss Sallie Senior, Mrs.
James Hutton and son, Fred., Miss Ida Ruck
man, of 1'enn Valley, Miss Utile lleddall, of
Wm Penn, Kdward Shoemaker, Esq., Mr.
Mrs. Edward D. Reddall, and daughter,
Annie, Miss May Shollenbergor, Mr. and
Mrs. Nathan Reddall, Charles X. Reddall
and wife, John Senior, Misa Jennie Reddall,
George W. Deddall, Mr. and lln. S. A. Red
dall and son, Frank.
Pan-Tlnal What la It?
The greatest cure fur coughs and colds. At
flruhlcr Rros., drug store.
T.lritior License Cuurt.
Tho following transfers of liquor licenses
were made: From Oscar McGml in Port
Carbon to Peter W. Post ; from Lewis Helm
in West Rnmewlck to J. II. Hardllnger;
from Evan Evana in Glrordvlllo Itest ward
to Benjamin E. Weeks.
.School Superintendent lClectlon.
Notice ia hereby given tlutt the School
Dliectora of the Rorough of Shenandoah,
Pa., will meet in the Directors' room iu the
West street building in said borough on the
23rd day of March, 1807, at 7:00 p. in. to elect
"one person of literary nnd scientific
acquirements and skill and experience in the
art of teaching as borough superintendent,"
to fill the unexpired term of Prof. C. D
Rogart. Ry order of the Board.
John J. Prick, Pres.
Attest: Fhakk Hanna, Sec'y. 2-ll-10t
When you want good rooting, plumbing
gas fitting, or general tinsmlthlng done call
on E. F. Gallagher 18 West Centre street
j Dealer lr stcee 1-tf
the finest stocks of
marked them. The people of
Paine's Celery Compound Prevents
Nervous Breakdown.
Spring has come.
It Is time for all persons to think seriously
of their health.
Rut that doesn't menu takinz the first
spring remedy that happens to lie offered.
rersons who make It their uusiuess to get
the tnostefiectivo remedy to be had are sure
to carry horuo Paine's celery compound. No
other remedy is capable of c'o lining the
Wood, nourishing the nerves and regulating
the bowels and digestive organs like Paine's
celery corupouud.
If you are troubled at all by rheumatism,
neuralgia, headaches or sleeplessness, eveu if
these attacks come only now aud thou, now
is the time to purify the system of them.
Don't procrastinate and dally till frightened
into doing something when you find the task
of getting well hdsasBtimed desperate propor
tions. Paine's celery compound will cure kidney
trouble, heart wilnitallon anil disordered liver
accurately, intelligently aud permanently
whon other remedies only raise hopes that
are nover fulfilled.
l'aine's celery compound, which owes Its
origin to the most distinguished physician
and investigator this county ever produced,
i roi. Edward iu. 1 helps, M. 11., IA,. D., or
Dartmouth college, has been publicly in
dorsed among medical exports as the only
spring remedy in any sense entitled to that
It cau bo said without fear of contradiction
that no other remedy can truthfully refer to
men and women so responsible, so trust
worthy, so convincing because of their
straightforward, enthusiastic and ouslly-vcil-
CR 1 J 1 1 I 1 1 i i I i j I j 1 1 i i . I i I i 1 1 i i i i 1 1 i i i
-55 -5 5
-J j -jig
xi$ 5 is
m s y
pill lEsiae oi a
llii And a Half
1111 500 Pairs -of Sample Shoes.
-B -
Is what we are offering now, and you had
fl Htti p "sfjH
33 better come at once before the best are all gone.
333 They are all high grade shoes, but the prices we
3233 have put on them are about half value.
Checks with every purchase ; 25 worth gets a handsome
Parlor Lamp,
Factory Shoe Store,,
J. A. M0YER. Mgr.-
8a in fund atouk will be sold by
At the office of J. B. Ooyle, BeddaH's building,
March 17th, from 8 to 5 o'clock p. in.
I will close out iu 80 days my entiro stock of
BOOTS AND fcHOJBB of tlm best nnd finest
make. The greater part of thin stock in home
made goods. Reason for si lling out I intend to
leave town. Call early aud examine the stock
125 E. Coal St.
fled testimonials (u praise of Paine's celery
It is foolish to tako poor health "philoso
phically" thess sprlngdays. There isno rea
son why nnyoue should sit hands lu lap, and
submit to headaches, poor appetite, continual
tired feeling or constipation. If every dis
hcartoued Invalid will go right at getting well
by using Paine's celery compound, that per
son will he astonished and delighted with tlie
quickness with which this wonderful remedy
isable to call a halt to wasting disease, dis
eases of debility anda "run-down" condition.
Paine's celory compound does wonders in
making people well.
Here Is what a woman, an ambitious and
lui id-working member of the legal profession
iu Now York city, says of this great remedy:
220 Ith Ave., New York.
While a student in the New York university
lav, school and under great pressure from
work and study, I was ail vised to tako Paine's
celery compound. I did so, and its beneficial
result? tn one whose nerves arc under the trial
of severe mental effort, I am only too ready
to anert. After taking three bottles I found'
that it produced quietness of nerves and in
duced sleep, very beneficial to my health.
For those troubled with insomnia I can heart
ily recommend it as a harmless Inducer of
sleep on account of its quieting effect on tlie
nerves. Yours very truly,
(Sisned. Florence H. Dangorficld.
Attorney and Counselor at Law.
l'aine's celery compound, which makes the
weak strong, has received testimonials from
thousands of people who had almost despaired
of ever again lieing in perfect health.
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