The evening herald. (Shenandoah, Pa.) 1891-1966, March 16, 1897, Image 3

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It Will Doubtless bo thr ftlgnnl tot Con
mot on Ureeee'a Frontier,
Athens, March 16. The receipt of the
ne.a from Tarld has caused a peesl
ml Hie fetlln here, but the govern
ment la determined to maintain Its po
sition and await a pacific blockade. It
Is generally believed that the enforce
ment of the blockade will be a signal
for conflict on the frontier.
The papers today speak In a more
moderate tone of the situation. In the
boule the president of (he chamber
read many messages from abroad ex
pressing sympathy with the efforts of
Greece. These were received with great
applause. The minister of war Intro
duced a bill permitting the enrollment
of Greek volunteers and the creation
of a foreign philhellenic legion.
Dispatches received here at mid
night from Volo and Larlssa state that
two Insurgent bands, one composed of
1,000 men and the, other of 800, have
crossed Into Macedonia. The Greek
troops have arrested near Larlssa a
Turkish major, who was spying upon
the movements of the troops in Greek
Two regiments started for the fron
tier last night. The scene on their de
parture was marked by the greatest
A Canea dispatch says that certain
pai ts of the town are now entirely
given up to pillage. The situation at
Itetlmo Is less grave, but the houses
In thi environs hrve b r i looted. The
governor, ISnail Parl. i, Is powerless
to restore a feeling of security. A se
rious epidemic of m casks has broken
out. .
To Humiliate thw nree'ts.
London, March 1G. .The Dally Chron
icle snys that the ultimatum io precede
the hlocVidc of I'lVo will tike the
humiliating form of a peremptory sum- i
mons from the admlraln to the Grek
authorities. The Chronicle believes !
that, although, owing to pressure
brought to bear by the powers, Bul
garia and Servia will remain neutral,
yet In the event of war Servia will
send troops Into old Servia to estab
lish her claims there. The advance of
the Turkish troops across the frontier
is now confidently expected.
Torturing, Itching, scaly akin eruptions,
burns and scalds am soothed at once and
promptly healed by HeWitt's Witch Hazel
Salve, the best known cure for piles. U. II.
It Hits the Spot That's Right.
Wlitt ? lm-Tlna for coiighsiand colds. A
Unililer Bros., drug store.
Rontunoed in Klectrootitlon.
Auburn, N.v Y March 10. Prank
Sheldon, a well known cattle dealer of
Cayuga county, was yesterday convict
ed of murdering his wife and sentenced
to be electrocuted during the week be
ginning April 26. The verdict was a
surprise to all who have followed the
case. The Jury was out 84 hours.
Sheldon received the sentence with
scarcely visible emotion. Qeorge Shel
don, a brother, was bowed in grief,
and Assemblyman Sheldon, a younger
brother, covered hlB face with his
handkerchief. The Sheldon family has
been prominent In Cayuga county for
many years, but Frank had long neg
lected his wlTo
No Word so Full
of meaning and
about which such
tender recollec
tions cluster as
that of "Mother,"
yet thoro nro
months when her
life is filled with
pain, dread and
looks forward to
the final hour
with s 1 o o in y
loreuoutngs, tear and trembling.
"Mother's Friend"
prepares the system for the changes
taking place, assists Nature to make
.child-birth easy, and leaves her in a
.condition more favorable to speedy re
covery It greatly diminishes this
.danger to life of both mother and child.
Hart Lv Mall, on receipt of price. 1.00. Hook
to "Expectant Mothers" freo upon upi llcatlon.
Tho Dradflcld Regulator Co., Atlanta, 6s.
my ;
r 3 "ba
Cure j general c special debility, wakeful
ness, epcrraatc,?su:a,.r.i!ss!un.s, Impotency,
paresis, etc. (Jj.;ix.3 functional disorders,
caused by errors or cx-.j'ccs, quickly restoring
Lost Manhood in old or yonr.j giving vizor and
Strength where I .inner ive ikncsj prevailed. Con.
venicol packacu, tirnple, effectual, and legitimate.
Cime is Quick, and Thorough.
Dent bt a.wrU Sy imitation! insist on
CATON S Vlistliors. t-enr sealedif yourdnn;.
gist does not have it. l'rico $ I per pkge, 6 (or $5,
with written guai-ai.tea of complete cure.
Information, referwir s, etc., free and confidential.
Send us atateaKiitc! c u and 23 eta. for a week's
trial treatment. One uiny s-int toeoch person.'
For sale at P. P. D. Kirlln's drug store an
Hhcn-tndonh dm store.
f turns a m waauainnsi wiuo vitu U1IV.C uii uiwui wt
iiLutK'r in i' jiAu i xvmna years) ana u
Yeurs Hospital Kxticrlence tn Germany.
XGcficRAL Debility, Lost Vigor,
excesses and all other
Folly of both Sexes
Permanently cured oner every one else lias lulled.
Send live 2-cent stamps for Uwlr Trtifli. The only
, csinsure of Qmickg under sworn testimonials.
jluu JservoH itueatM railing hd
ory. Im pot ency . BltjevlauineM, etc . oatuod
by Aliuwe and oilier Jixcesses and India
osetionB, Thru quickly and aurttty
restore Jjosc ninny m oiu or foanKt ana
fit a man for kl u 'iy. bur In e4 or
"f-mf Prevent In3unfly end Coneuomuon if
taken in time. Their u bhnwti immuiiiate improve
ment and effeota a CUKE wnore all others taiL In
it,t upon having the eenoir.e Ajoac Tablet. They
Wive curou tnouftauuti uui win cure juu. no kid n
positive w rltteo guarantee to effect a cure In each uace
or refund tn money. Frio 50 on nar package, or
rtx naekegM I full treatmentl for ftCJft. By mail, la
For sole In Shenandoah, l'a., by A. Waaler
(slid H. 1. Kirlln. Drusglsts.
Will You be Cured of Your luflrmity?"
If so, its certainly worili while U try tbo
"Tliey do tliw Work"
Yonkerg. N. y
Wanted-An Idea EFS
Protaot your Ideas; thar may bring you waaltu.
Write JOHN WEDDERUlIRN Oo!7l4nl Mio.
nays. Waablngton, D. c, fur their 1.600 nrlaa offer
and llai of two hundred luTentlons wan fid.
important Judges'
the Most Wonderful Remedy in the
This is Also the Verdict of the Entire World. The All-Powerful
Curative, Health-Giving Properties of Dr. Greene's Nervura
Established Beyond Doubt. The Greatest Discovery of Modern
Soience. The Remedy Which Makes Health and Strength
Possible to All. The Great Spring Medicine that the People
Want and Insist on Using.
Judge J. II. Hastings.
The decision of the court is the hlcliost und
best of evidence. When eminent Judges
hand down a decision, it is only after tho
most tlioroush researches and investigation.
Three distinguished Judges have recently
brought in a decision winch euects tne wuole
eoplo of tho ontire country, allects cvery
odv everywhere, in fact, lor it is dven In
the interests of the henlth of the community.
The eminent Judge J. it. Jlastincs. Waits-
fleld, Vt., says :
'I have heard Dr. Greene s Nervura blood
and nervo remedy most highly recommended j
by my menus and neighbors who nave used
it, and know ot several decided cures where
people havo been in a very feohlo state of
health and had failed to get relief from the
usual sources. A lady who lived in my family
lias ofteu spoken of the wonderful good which
Dr. llrceno s Nervura oioou ami nerve remeuy
lias done hor mother, who was cured of ner
vous prostration by its use. One of my near
neighbors who used the Nervura and derived
benefit from its use advised me to use it in
my owu family. They are all enthusiastic in
its praise, and I join in the same."
Scovel Wis Well Treated.
Havana, March 16. Sylvester Gco
vel, the correspondent of tho Now York
World who arrived here Saturday from
Sancti Splrttus, called at the office of
La Lucha yesterday to make through
that paper an acknowledgment of the
consideration with which he was treat
ed by the Spanish authorities and of
ficials of all classes during the 31 days
ho was In confinement. Mr. Scovel will
sail for New York on Saturday next,
and later in the month his family will
also sail for the United States and re
main out of Cuba during the hot sea
son. B. K. Turner of Compton, Mo., writes us
that after suffering from piles for sovonteon
years, he completely cured them by using
three boxes of DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve.
It cures eczema ami severe skin diseases. O.
II. Hagenbuch.
Dr. D. W. Strauh will removo from town
to Bethlehem, I'onna., ' about April 1st.
Former patrons knowing themselves In ar
rears, will confer a favor by calling at the
olllco. No. 21 South White street, and making
arrangements for thoir accounts. After
April first outstanding accounts must of
necessity bo left in tho . hands of a col
lector. 3-3-0t-cod
Tiko Laxative Ilromo Quinine Tablets. All
druggists refund the money if it fails to cure.
JRi-cnt .
I'nnaylvaulii Ktfurni Measures,
liariisburg, March 16. Three more
reform hills were last night Introduced
tn the senate and house. They prohibit
city officials and corporations from in
terfering in politics, prevent political
assessments, and compel every man to
pay his own taxes. The hills are most
sweeping In character, Including police,
firemen and all city employes. For in
terference with the voter a penalty of
tl.OOO or one year's imprisonment Is
provided; for violating the political as
sessment law, $500 or one year's Impris
onment: for attempting to vote on a
tax receipt paid for by others, S300 or
six months' Imprisonment.
Hundreds ol pairs of shoes leavo our (tore
every week, and where do tltey go? Tliey
go to peoplo of good jiidgmont, who get
better value at the factory Shob Stobb
than can he lmd anywlieie else.
Tn ur to Old Point Comfort, ltlclimoml,
ami Washington.
The Pennsylvania Uailroad Company runs
ninuy delightful tours, but none more de
lightful than those to Old Point Comfort,
Itk'hmonil, and Washington. These embrace
a territory peculiarly rich in attractions.
Buperbly situated, ftmoui in history, the
capital of the grandest nation on earth, these
three cities form a trio unsurpassed in interest
to Americans. Old Point is also one of the
most popular ami luxurious perennial resorts
of the continent.
The next personally-condnoted tour will
leave New York and Philadelphia March
mh. Tickets, including transportation,
meals en route in both directions, transfers
of passengers and baggsge, hotel ..accommo
dations at Old Point Comfort, Biebmond. and
Washington, and carriage ride about Rich
mond in fact every necessary expense for a
period of six days will be sold at rate of
136.00 from New York, Brooklyn, and
Newark, $31.00 from Trenton, $83.00 from
Philadelphia, and proportionate rates from
other stations.
Tickets will also be sold to Old Point Com
fort and return direct by regular trains
within six days, iucludiug transportation,
luncheon on goiug trip, and one and three
fourths days' board at Old Point, at rate of
flG.OO from New York, Brooklyn, and
Newark, flS.OO from Trenton, $14 00 from
Philadelphia, and proportionate rates from
othiT stuious.
Apply to ticket agencies, Tourist Agent,
1190 llroadwuy, New York, or Qeorge W.
Boyd, Assistant (Jcnoral Passenger Agent,
Bruud Street Klatiou, Philadelphia.
Why continue to pass your nights in
scratching aud your days iu misery 1 Doun's
Ointment hriugs instant relief, aud perman
ently cures even tho worst cases of Itching
Piles. It never fails.
Decision that Dr, Greene's Nervura is
Judge Cdwln C. White.
The learned Judge Kdwln C. White, Hyde
Park, Vt., renders decision in the following
enthusiastic words which will give renewed
hope to the weak, sick and suffering :
"I have used Dr. fircone's Nervura blood
and nerve remedy in my family and am
f leascd to say, with good results. 11 y wife
lad been troubled with indigestion, which
firoduced nervousness which might have
leeu serious and at times troubled her
greatly. We had tried many things for her
relief, but without success. I saw tho won
derful cures claimed for Dr. Greono's Ner
vura and resolved to civo it a trial, and it
gives mo pleasure, to say I am glad I did.
My wife now sleeps well and is greatly bene
fited from indigestion, having had only one
slight return (where they had been daily)
since taking the Nervura. I give permission
to priut this unqualified testimonial."
The distinguished Judge, J. M. Fisher,
Cahnt, Vt., gives in ids decision the highest
evidence that Dr. Greene's Nervura blood
and nervo remedy it the best medicine a
person can use to restore health and strength,
lie says :
Bomotlmes nee-la a reliable, monthly, regulating medicine. Only harmless osd
the purest drugs should be used. If you want the beat, get
Pf- Peal's PetflffiraaS Pills
They are prompt, sale and certain In result. The eennlne (Dr. Peal's) never dtsap.
oolnt. Boat anywhere, Jl.OO. Address J?AL Medioibb Co., Cleveland, O.
Por Sale by P. P. D. KIRLIN, Shenandoah, Pa,
Summer lieat
Tor over 25 years it has been curing thousands of oass3 of
Biliousness, Endigasfisn, Malarias Hervous Pros!raiie,
Kidney Troubles, &c, U Purifies ths Biosd, Gives pis
an fippefifc, and Helps yu Digest what you Eat.
Take it now and get your system in shape to stand the cold weather.
Sold by P. P. D. KIRLIN, Shenandoah, Pa,
Lager and
Pilsner Beers.
Purest and
Chris. Schmidt, a.,
West Coal Street.
Ko; it I'ovti.kky'a drug tors 28 K
Cntitre street.
Clc bra lotl Vi mf l
lovdtjr p.' vcr fi.M.
' imtV i-i"f f 11. '.tl. rftjlmi
1 I h o- I ,itr Uk
v 1M U 1 U. -i U - D
iip-(Kr . .4 M r .itai
J aim KUf? BttO t2c. rOVM
World to Gun
Judge J. n. Fisher.
"La9t winter my wife was very sick, taken
down with the grip very severely. We em
ployed the UBUal methods of physicians and
she improved some, but was left very feeble,
so that she could hardly get around the
house. She continued along this way, until
a friend advised us to use Dr. Greene's Ner
vura blood and nerve remedy. We used two
bottles of this medicine, and I am rejoiced to
say that she is much improved. I think it is
the best remedy we liave been made ac
quainted with, and have no hesitancy in
recommending it to others."
Dr. Greene's Cathartic Pills are the sure
euro for biliousness, sour stomach and consti
pation. Small, sugar coated, easy to take,
certain and pleasant to act.
Remember that Dr. Greene, 35 West Mill
St., Now York City, who is tho most success
ful physician in curing diseases, can be con
sulted free personally or by letter. There is
nothing to pay for consultation, examination
or advice, and this fact together with the low
prices of his wonderful health-giving medi
cines, places a sure cure in reach of all.
Wears You Out.
nro progressive anil keep informed of 3
the World's ProgrosB. Tlio well In-
forrued and thrifty House-wife wills
always keep
in tho house, as a standard remedy fur
Sprains, Bruises, Cramps, Rheuniutitm, r
and nil aches and pains.
Price 25 els. and 60 cts.ptr bottle. E
Prepared by II. i. HACKETT & CO . Phllailt'iilila :
Agent for
Shenandoah and Vicinity
Beer and Porter
Barbey's Bohemian Beer.
ChlsUfMcr1. KwU.k MasMHsl Rissi
AfK, klwsjB reUtbla. ladi suk
DrugKirt for Ckickc4tbrt Baalish DU-
UtUt JfPlittJl ID KSM1 SUU1 UllKl
tXM. aetvlfxl with blut ribbon. Ttskti
f(mu ahI immttatiiMM At nrBiTsTisila. or mtmA Am
in lUmpsi Ar jw Jculari, inilmcoULi ac
' ItIIf fbr loidlt-, in Utttr, by ruru
Chlobntcr (Jftiitaiaal Oa..MadUia HauasT
Uld Vt Ml C riisvbt. 11sUvU Fa.
A Handsome Complexion
is one o( the greatest ehssms a wosuati SftH
possess. Pusoomi's sjimsn wnsj) hnrw
gives it.
1 tn
Many Victims of the Mississippi
Flood in Memphis.
A Orent tlrrnk In the lres Nor-
rtenn, Ark., Wtilcli lUs Doubtless He- 1
tilted In T.o nf Lire M'liolesnle l)e- 1
strllotlnn ot Live Slock. j
Memphis, March 16. The river has
broken all records, the gauge last night '
reglstcrlnff 36.4 feet. The rise contln- j
ueB at Cairo, New Orleans anJ all In- j
termcdlate polnta. News of the first
serious break In levees reached this
city yesterday. It occurred Saturday
near Nordena, Ark., 60 miles above
Memphis. The river is raging through
the crevasse at a terrific rate, having
the tremendous fall of 15 feet to give
it force and send It to deal death and
destruction tn the lowlands of Missis
sippi county, Ark. There will be no
attempt to stop the break, as the St.
Francis levee board has no boats or
workmen on the scene, and the people
are busy saving their lives and live
The break Is the more terrible be
cause loss of life will surely occur from
It. Indeed, the most sanguine of those
who know the conditions there do not
dare to hope that all the people in the
lowlands escaped from the flood when
it came upon them Saturday night.
The levee which gave way Is in front of
Mississippi county, and it is thought
the water will almost, if not entirely,
cover that county.
The steamer City of Osceola passed
down a short time after the break oc
curred and rescued a number of un
fortuiinte people. For miles and mllea
to the west tjf Memphis not a home if
habitable. On the overflowed land,
where the current is not strong it la
not difficult for the people to escape
with most of their household truck on
skiffs, dugouts or rafts, and the surface
of the water in every dlreotion Is dot
ted with these, little craft.
At Marlon, Ark., the available
steamers fit for such duty have been
employed rescuing the Hood victims,
and some of the sights that have been
met are truly pathetic. Down on the
levee are stored great stacks of goods
of all kinds, the household property of
fugitive negroes or poor whites, and
there are great numbers of live stock,
horses and cattle that have been saved,
while still greater numbers have been
lost before relief could come.
When the first relief boat, the C. B.
Bryan, got to Marlon there was a great
rush on the part of the people, white
and black, to get aboard wttli their
property. Negroes had been standing
in the water with their stock for hours,
waiting for this moment. In Marion
there is not standing room for a dozen
people that Is not now under water
except on the railroad. Up and down
the river very few signs ot life are
manifested on any of the plantations,
and as there has been no means of
saving the stock It is certain that
nearly all has perished.
Nearly all the refugees that are
brought to this city are totally with
out means. Many of them slept on the
levee last night, while others found
temporary accommodations at the
homes of friends in the city. A hun
dred citizens of Memphis got together
and devised means to send relief boats
the overflowed district, and to fur
nish support to the flood victims when
they are brought to this city from the
surrounding country.
It Is reported this morning that five
pel sons living on Four Mile bayou,
near Marion, Ark., were drowned in
the flood yesterday. At West Mem
phis yesterday afternoon Jake Carter,
colored, and child were swept away by
the torrent, and both perished.
If you have ever seen a child in the ftuonv
of croup, you can appreciate the gratitude
of the mothers who know that One Minute
Cough Cure relieves their little ones as quick
ly as it is administered. Many homes in this
city aro never without It. C. II. Hagenbuch.
It is surprising what a "wee bit of a thing"
can accomplish. Sick headache, constipa
tion, dyspepsia, sour stomach, dizziness, are
quickly banished by DeWitt's Little Early
liisers. Small pill. Safe pill. Best pill. C.
II. Hagenbuch.
Tours to California.
California lias been most fittingly termed
the "Italy of America." All the delicious
Vjjlm, tho cloudless sky, mid the rich ver
dure of the great European peninsula are
duplicated in this sunny land of the Pacific.
Here nature basks in the sunshine of her owu
beauty; and here she has established her
own sanitarium, where eternal spring in
spires everlasting youth. With the suuw-
uiantled peaks of the Sierras upon the one
hand, the calm Pacific 'with its soft breezes
upon the other, ami a veritable paradise of
flowers, fruits and plants between, man can
mul and needs no lovelier land. To visit
such a country is a privilege, a blessing.
The Pennsylvania Itailruad Comiiany,
recognizing the need of a more comfortable
aud pleasant way of crossing the continent,
inaugurated a series of annual tours to Cali
fornia, running a through train of Pullman
palaco cars from New York to the Pacirlo
Coast, and stopping at the principal points of
interest en route. The great popularity of
these tours demwutnttdi the wisdom of the
For the season of 1867 three tour have
been arranged U leave New York, Philadel
phia, and Pittsburg, January ST, February
94, aud Starch 87.
The first tour will run direct to San Diego
via St. Louis aud the Santa Fe Itoute, and re
turn from San Francisco via Salt Lake City,
Deuver, and Chicago, allowing five weeks in
The second tour will run via the Mammoth
Cave and New Orleans to San Diego, stopping
at the "Crescent City" during the Murdl
Qras Carnival. This tear will return via
Salt Lake City, Denvor, Omaha, aud Chicago,
allowing four weeks tn California.
The third tour will run via Chicago, Denver,
and Salt Lake City, allowing passengers to re
turn by regular trains via different routes
within nine months.
Ml of these toon, either going or return
ing, will pass through the famous Colorado
rftB Olenweod Springs, LeadviUe aud the
Garden of the Qods.
Kates from all points on the Pennsylvania
Railroad System east of Pittsburg: First
tour, tS10 ; second tour, $880 ; third tour,
fftlO round trip, and $160 one way.
For detailed itineraries and other Informa
tion, apply at ticket ageueles, special book
ing offices, or address Qeorge W. Boyd,
Assistant General Paasenger Agent, Broad
Street Station, Philadelphia.
I bad severe attacks of gmvel and kidney
trouble ; aud unable to get a medicine or
doctor to cure me until I used Hop Bitters,
aud they cured me in a short time. A
DiKTiNtiinsiiKn Lawykb or W.vvne Co.,
N. Y.
C01.0ULKSH and Cold. A young j;!rl
deeply regretted that she was bo colorless and
and old. Her face was too white, and her
bauds aud feet felt as though the blood did
not circulate. After ouo bottle of Hop
Bitters hud lieon taken sbo was the rosiest
1 aud healthiest girl iu the town, with a
I vivacity and cheerfulueas of mind gratifying
L other friends.
One nreinnii Instantly Kilted and Two
ratnllr Ii.J.irr.l.
St. Trills, March 16. Flrn broke out
In the store of the Ely Walker Dry
Ooods company at 7 o'clock last night.
The firm carried a stock valued at
$1,600,000, with an Insurance of M.000,
dOO. The stock was destroyed In three
hours, and the building, which was
valued nt. $200,000, was also destroyed
before the rlre was subdued.
At 11 o'clock part nf the last wall
fell, klllln? one llreman, injuring two
and burying a street ear and an ex
tension ladder truck. The street car
had been caught between hoBe lines,
and was deserted.
The building occupied by the niy
Walker company was at the southwest
corner of Flghth street and Washing
ton avenue. It was reven stories high,
built of Ri.iiilte and steel, and was con
sidered one nf the best examples of
fire proof construction extant. It
burned like n straw stack.
The ciiMmitl'S are: Dead, (leorge
Gutewald. f'ni'mnn, raught under fall
ing wall; I'.Ui'Uk Gardmore, fireman,
fell down -li i ft and had hii legs and
arms hrolc n i,o)()es receiving Internal
injuries, will die: Jerry McCahan. fire
man, t hi own fiom laddi and oack
broken, will die. a thousand peisons
ore thrown out of work by the fire.
The Weather.
For eastern New York, eastern Penn
sylvania and New Jersey: Probably
threatening weather, with ahoweis, to
night; winds shifting to northeasterly.
Every day symptoms of digestive disorders
acid stomach, distress after eating, burniug
at pit of stomach, dull, heavy feeling -Burdock
Blood Bitters never fails to correVt any
troubles of this sort.
Two Kit lad by a Whirlwind.
Steubenville, O., March 16. A whirl
wind visited the town of Mingo Junc
tion. The wind blew off the Iron roof
of the cast house of the Junction Iron
and Steel company, and the tall brick
wail fell In. Frank Hobson and Larry
Fahey were caught under the falling
walls. Fahey was taken out dead. A
widow and seven children survive him.
Frank Hobson, aged 29 years, was so
seriously crushed that he died three
hours later. John Welkas, a Hungar
ian, was badly crushed and will die.
"I had ft bad cold which developed into
grip, rhytioiana gave me no relief, anil I
finally tried Dr. Wood's Norway I'lne Syrup.
One bottle otired me completely. It is a
wonderful medicine." JaoobHanmies Lyon
Station, Pa.
New Kleetlmi Lam for Jersey.
Trenton. March 16. The senate last
night, after a debate lasting nearly
three hours, passed the house bill
changing from the spring to the fall
municipal elections in Jersey City and
Newark. It was passed by a vote o
11 to 8. The house bill allowing Essex
and Hudson county courts to employ
an Italian tnterp'e'er was also passed.
In the house the bill providing for the
closing of the polls at 6 o'clock passed;
also the bill itu orporal Ins Asbury Park
and Ocean CI y .is cities.
Itching, scaly, bleeding palms, shapeless nails,
and painful linger ends, pimples, blackheads,
oily, mothy skin.dry, thin, and falling hair, Itch,
lag, scaly scalps, all yield quickly to warm baths
with CoTicniiA Boat, and gentle anointings
with Cuticuiu (ointment), tho great skin cure.
It Mid thrrmRhoot the world. Totter Drtjo Ijtd Chbu,
Corp., Sole Prop., Uotton.
OdP" " llow to Vroduce Soft, WMt lUndf," free.
Dents I : Rooms,
ITltman'a Block)
Kasst Cntr Strat
Office Hours; 7 a.m. to 8 p. in.
Dr. .1. W. Angles, late ot Beading, Manager.
NOTICE : Dr. G. 8. Hartley ia still con
nected with the MtsblUhmoiit.
We make all kinds of plates. Gold Crowns,
Aluminum Crowns Logan Crowns. Crowe
and Bridge work and all operations that per
tain to Dental Surgery.
No charges for extracting when plates an
ordered. We are the only users of riteUaer.
air for the painless extraction of teeth.
1- P. J. Fbbudsov, aUsiAaaB,
For the benefit of tho Worthy Poor
of Shenandoah, Pa. . . .
Assisted by the Famous
Schoppst Orohstmtra.
Corbett-Fttzsimmoas Burlitqw,
. . . "The Ifith StMtors" and
"Pastime on the New Orleans Lme."
30 Grail Exponents of Humor In Burnt Cork !
HOTIQB.-Tlic entire receipts of this entertain
ment wll go to the Ki-ncral relief cumuiittoc for
the benefit of the puor of Shenandoah.
TICKETS - only - 25c
ttwrcd scat ma bo iimcund for 10 iunU
cxtrn at Kirlm' druy uturu. Chart now open.
ffm ILifflJP
"My f od (lees me no Rood," yoti say.
Then it dues yon harm. There is no halting
place between these extremes. Digested food
alone Rises health and strenRtli. Undigested
foot) sours, or ferments, in the stomach and
become a poison to the whole body. It
causes licmliiche, heart palpitation, liver and
kidney trouble, distress after rating, puins In
the best and sides, and the tiled, languid,
heavy fcelinu we hear so much about.
When the digestion goes wrong every func
tion of the lly goes wrong. Yes, and the
mind, too. Men fail in bnines$ and die poor
for no other reason than this they are weak
ened, dulled and stupefied by dyspepsia.
The lives of a host of women are blighted
ia the same ay. You may he one ol this
miserable multitude. The writer of these
lines was one of your number a short time
ago. I tried downs of things to get cured,
just as you havo done, no doubt Tho thing
whieh at last suirpedc.i with me may succeed
with you. It is a discovery of those wise and
good people the Shakers, of Mt. I-cbanen,
X. Y. called the Shaker Digestive Cordial.
It is not purgative, which at best gives
only transient relief. It is in itself a digested
food and also a corrector of the digestive
function. You can eat and digest your food
while taking this cordial. It helps you at
onro and soon makes the stomach vigorous
and healthy. It is not like any other so
called dyspepsia cures. It is prepared by tho
Shakers principally from herbs cultivated by
them. They do not ask us to spend a dollar
for a bottle while we are In the dark as to its
virtues. They take that risk themselves.
Almost any druggist will sell you a trial
bottle for ten cents, so that you can see
whether it is what they say and adapted to
j your c iso. And isn't the mere chauce of a
I cure worth that much V
Offleei X West Gent re street.
dan be eonsulted at alt hours
jy- M. BOI1KR,
OBlos Ben building, corner of Main and
Centre streets, Shenandoah.
Shenandoah, Pa.
Corner Market and Oenlre streets.
Look Box 66, Mahonoy City, Pa.
Having studied under some of the best
masters lv Loudon nnd Paris, will give leeaons
on the violin, mandolin, guitar and vocal culture.
Terme reasonable. Address In care of Btrouso,
the Jeweler, Shenandoah.
peppa. Railroad.
JaiTOAHY 18.1897.
Trains will leave Shenandoah otter the above
adolphla (Broad street station) at COS and 11 OS
a. m. and 1 20 p. m. on week" days. For Potts
vtlle and Intermediate stations 9 17 a. m.
For Wlugans, GUberton, Frackvlllo, Dark
Water, St. Clair, Pottsville, at 6 08, 9 45 a, m. and
3 10 p. in. For Hamburg, Heading, Pottstown,
Phoenixvlllo, Norrlstown, Philadelphia at 6 C8,
1 43 a. m., 8 10 p. m.
Trains leave Praekvllle for Shenandoah at
1040a. m. and 1231, S41, 752 and 1047 p. m.
Sunday, 11 10 a. m. and 5 41 p. m.
Leave Pottsville for Shenandoah at 1015
a. in. and 12:05, 5 15, 7 25 and 10 30 p. in. Sunday
! 10 40 a. in., 5 15 p. in.
Leave Philadelphia, (flroad street station), for
Shenandoah at 5 57 and 8 38 a. m., 4 10 and 7 11
p. in. week days. Sundays leave at 0 50 a. m.
Leave Ilroad street station, Philadelphia, loi
Sea Girt, Asbury Park, Ocean Grove, Lonr
Krancb, and Intermediate stations, 8.20 11.14
a. m.. 3.30 and 4.00 n. m. weeklavii.
Leave Broad Street Station, Philadelphia,
Express, week-days 8 20, 4 Oo, 4 50 5 15, 6 50,
7 33, 8 3u, 8 88, 9 50, 10 21 (Dining Car), 11 00 a. m.
12 00 noon, i2 35 (Limited 100 and 4 22 p.m.
Dining Cars), 140, 2 33 (Dining Car) 3 20, 3 50,
400, 500, 5M (Dlninir Carl, 00, 6 50,812,1000.
n. in., 12 01. night. Sundays 8 20,4 05,4 50.515"
8 20,8 33, 9. W, 10 21, (Dl ing Car), 1135 o. m.,
12 85, 2 80 (Dlnlnir far), i 00 (Limited 122 DlnlnR
Car), 5 20, 558, ( Dining far), 6 35, 6 50,812,10 00
p. ni., 12 01 night.
Kxprese for lloston without cliange, 11 00 a m.,
week-days, and a 50 p. m., daily.
For Daltlmoro and Washington, 3 SO, 7 20,8 12
10 20. 1128 a. m.. 12 08 (12 31 Limited Din.
ring Car), 112. 8 18, 4 11 (519 Congre. -njal-
i.inuuwl, Dining far), 0 17, 65C (Dining Car),
7 40 (Dining Oar! p. 111., and 12 05 night
week days. Sundays, 8 60, 730, 9 12, 1138 a.
tn., 12 09 1 12, 4 41, (5 15 Congressional Limited,
Dining Car), 655 (Dining Oar), 7 40 p. ml
(Dining Oar) nnd 12 06 night
Leave Brood street statioD, Philadelphia (via
Delaware river bridge), express, 7 02 p. m.
Leave Market street Ferry, express, 8 50 a tn.,
2 00, 4 10, 5 CO p.m. Sundays, 8 45, 9 45 a. m.
Accommodation, 8 00, 8 20, a.m., 8 20 and 4 30
p. m., week days. Sundays, 8 00, 8 15 a. 111., 4 00
And 5 00 p. m.
For Cape May, Anglessea, Wlldwood and
Holly Beach, and Sea Islo City, Ocean City and
A vulon Express, 9 00 a. in., 4 00 p.m. week
days. Sundays. 00 a. ni.
For Somen Point. Express, 8 50 a in., 4 10
S. in. week days. Sundays 8 45 a. m.
. B. Hitchinsom, ' J. K. Wooo,
Oen'l Manager. Gen'l Pass'g'r Agt
Bloomsburg; Gold--
--Cure Sanitarium
-For Cur of-
Liquor ard MoVjDrirQ Hait:
No detention from business, Addnsa,
Tam to Hire.
If yoa wac to hire a safe and reliable
teaoWor .driving or for working purposes
pay Shields' livery stable a vtsTt. Twins
oeutaotlr on hand at reasonable rates
No. 410 Baal Oenlre street.
Opposite Reading railroad station.
millions of Dollars
Go np in smoke every year. Take bo
risks but get your houses, stock, fur
niture, etc., insured in first-el re
liable companies as represented by
Also Life and AeeMsotal Oonpaal est