The evening herald. (Shenandoah, Pa.) 1891-1966, March 15, 1897, Image 3

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    ..if-r.'iifiiW-.-rt-.f- i
Ami the Little Conqueror Appear.
The Experience of a Wilkes
Barre Citizen,
Thirty yean Is long timo toatrtifgle
ngslnrtRn unseen toe, aud thU bM bead the
experleuce of Mr. J. J, Miller, a cttlien of
Wilbeabarre, residing at 45 Chnrcb street,
mnoti con Id be told about the circumstances
snrronudlng llr. Miller's case, how be en
listed during the war with the 82nl I'a.
Volunteers, the exposure and hardships of
the campaign, etc., right through to the
rereival of his honorable discharge, a life
time in Itself, bat this is not the object of
this short Btory of human existence, and we
will let Sir. Jill lor give the facts aa he told
them to our representative. Said be : "I
have suffered for over thirty years from my
kidneys. Exposure during the war added to
my. complaint until it became a confirmed
disease. As for remedies recommonded and
prescribed by physicians, I have used too
many to mention. Doctors hare had my
back thoroughly blistered, and tortured me
in many ways without any "relief Ht all. I
used to get up as often as twelve times in a
night to pass urine, and it wat high red
color, containing sediment. The urirjtf turned
in passage. I could not bend or stoop, and it
hurt me to turn over in bed. Ihadastlng
itiK pain in the back and most severe head
aches. I got some Doan's Kidney 1'illsat
Tuck's drug store and began taking them.
They helped me the second day of use, and I
went at them for keeps. I found I had a
genuine kidney cure. I teok nearly three
boxes, and'I feel like a young man. I am as
good in my hack as a new born child, and
thank Ood I am cured. I test my back every
day and it is all right. No sir, I would not
be without Doan's Kidney Pills if I bad to go
100 miles for them and pay $10 a box. I
recommend them everywhere, and am always
afraid people won't tost them thoroughly,
and I always tell them to tolfe at least three
boxes. Positively too much prniso cannot be
credited to Doan's Kidney Pills."
For sale by alt dealers, price 50 conts.
Mailed by Foster-Jllllmrn Co., Bnflklo, N. Y.
Sole agenb) for the U. 8.
W7'i OOe.y. .i?uc6VWl
Cures general or ri:!il debility, wakeful
ness, spermatortiaca, emissions, Impoteiicy,
paresis, etc Corrects Junctional disorders,
caucd by errors or wccsixa, quickly restoring
Lost Manhood in ol J or young, giving vigor ana
strength wheta former wca!cnct.s prevailed. Con
rcnitnt package, simplr, effectual, and legitimate.
Cune i3 Quick and Thorough.
CATON'S VltallierK. Sent sealed il your drug,
gut doe not have it. Price 5 1 per plge, 6 lor IS,
with written guarantee of complete cure.
Information, refeiei" e. tc, free and confidential.
Send us staten.t-nt ut c. .c and 25 cu. (or a week's
trial treatment. Otic en y -v-nt to each prrson. '
caton med. co., lioaTari, maqsj.
For sale at P. P. D. Kirlln's drug etorc an
Shenandoah flrujc store.
ESi 604 North Sixth St
bSa Side entrance on Green St
i iluuni- in rjiAiiitu (ou rears) and s
Ymn llo.ntfnl lTnt.ilnon In L.nnn...
.excesses and alu other
Effects of Youthful
Folly of both sexes
Permanently cured nflcrcrcrr onoclaeliaii failed.
NomaltrwhttwirntTloJ great and lmoui Doctor nd tpecliL
claim, write. Trial or fay, old Jr Thccl know! nut
nbout these dlavasrg anil low to treat them Bucceuftilljr tbaa all
othem combined, and thry all know It too.lrj Ibdr sorrows
I'oor and Itfobf ifyou ne robbed aod VlctlmtreJ, and yon
wtih to got lloiiot anil sLUlnil treat racnt, try odo more old
llr. Thccl. anil he will curoyoi posithely Ifcaro 1t pociible,
lS'ilfceptlon.riorulo lie presentations Frcthcasei
curod In i to 10 Doji, Bend fh 2-oeat fttumi for Truth.
Ucflt of all for Sinrjle or Married, yonng orold. Only Book
OoslDg qnacka. Houra: 0-3. Everjingij 6-9. ITonn tor extra
InMlon and treatment In teeming horrcleaa uxldaogeroof caact,
4laUj,8toS. Wed. and Sat. c(ta., 6 to 10, Sun., 0 toll. Treat
tricnt bf mall. Strictest aenrcey Ouarnntccd. IoftltlvrIr
lowcat charge In tbU city for tba beat treatment.
peppa. Railroad.
January 18.1897.
vill leave Shenandoah after the abovi
adelphla (ilroad street station) at COS and 1106
a. m. and 4 20 p. m. on week days. For Fott.
villo and intermediate stations 9 17 a. m.
For Wlggans, Qllberton, ProckTllle, Vit
Water, St. Clair, Fottsville, at 0 OB, 9 49 a. m. ace
It 10 1. in. For Hamburg, Rending. l'ottstown
l'boenlxville, Norrlstown, PlilladDiuliln at66,
1 45 a, m.,8 10 p. in.
Trains leave Frackvlllo for Shenandoah al
10 40 a, ra. and 12 31, IS 41, 7 92 and 10 47 p. fi).
aunday, 11 13 n. m. ond 9 41 p. m.
Leave l'ottsvillo for Shenandoah at 10 Its
a. ru. and 12:06, 5 15, 7 39 and 10 30 p. m. Bunda;
al 10 40 a. in., 5 19 p. in.
Leave Philadelphia, (Broad street station), ft
Shenandoah at 5 57 and 8 89 a. m., 4 10 and 7!
p. in. week days. Sundays leave at fl 50 a. m.
Leave llroud street station, Philadelphia, lu
Bea Girt, Asbury Park, Ocean Grove, Lorn
JUranch, and intermediate statlone, tf.iu 11.14
a. m., 3.SO and 4.00 p. m. week-days.
Leave Broad Street Station, Philadelphia,
Express, week-days, 3 20, 4 to, 4 80 5 15, 0 60,
V 15!, S 20, 8 83, 9 50, 10 21 (Dining Oar), 11 00 a. m.
l uo noon, t i.imueu x w anu 4 p. ni.
DlninK Cars), 1 40, 2 30 (DinlllK Car) 8 20, 8 60,
4 00, 500,8 50 (Dlnlne Car), 000, 650,812,1000
p. m., 12 01, night. Sundays, 3 20, 4 05, 4 SO, 5 15,
20, 8 Si, y 50, 1021, ( Car), 1135 a. m.,
12 35. 2 30 (l)lnlnL- Car). 4 00 (LlmltetU 22Dlnlinr
Car), 8 20, 9 50, (Dining Oar), 0 85, 0 50, 8 12, 10 00
p. 111., 1ZU1 lilKllc.
Kxpress for Boston without change, 11 00a ra.,
week-days, and 0 50 p. in., dally.
For Baltimore and Washington, 3 50, 7 20,8 12
10 20, 11 a. m., 12 0V) (la 81 Limited Din.
lnK Car), 1 12, 3 18, 4 41 (5 10 ConKresslonol
Limited, Dlnlne Car), 0 17, 6 5(1 (Dining Car).
7 40 (Dining Car) p. ra., and 12 05 ntghi
week days. Sundays, 3 50, 720, 012, 1123 a,
m., 12 09 112, 4 41, (5 15 Congressional Limited,
Pining Oar), 6 55 (Dining Car), 7 40 p. m.
(Dining Oar) and 12 05 night.
Leave llrood street station, Philadelphia (via
Delaware river bridge), express, 703 p. id.
Leave Market street Ferry, express, 8 50 a ni.,
2 00. 4 10. 5 to p. ill. Sundays. 8 45. 9 15 a. lu.
Au'omniodatlon, 8 00, 8 20, a.m., 8 20 and 4 20
n. m., week days. Sundays, 8 00, 8 15 a. m., 4 00
Anu o uo ii. in.
For Cane May. Anglessen, Wildwood and
Jiolly jfeaoti, nnu sea
A vakin Bxnress. 9 C
Isle City. Ocean City and
9 00 n. m., 4 00 lk m week
Ahym. fluntlava. S 00 a. m,
For rlomers Point. isxpress, 00 ft m.
n. m. week days.
Bundava 8 4fi a. in.
J. B. HuTCHiasoH,
' J. B. Wood.
Q en'
Manager. Gen1 1 lWrr A Rt
Tfll! TI1WCC
IflE ill'lCO 1, tu moat ext.-nslvely
circulated. and widely rxtd newstiaper pub-
liaiuxi in KenusyiyanUu lu ataousAloii of pub-
lie men and public
of public integrity
Is in the interest
lionest government and
tiros nero us industry, and it knows no nartv
or personal atleffuvuoa in treattrur nubllo
Issues. In the broadest and best sense a
family and gentral newspaiier.
tug Trnrnc
IlUl-kJ alms to have the largest
elroulasion by deserving it, and claims that it
u urwuriiaaaed in all the essentials of a great
uieironoijian ivewspa) er. Hpeolinen copies ol
any dWon will be sent free to any one scud,
lug tueir address.
! i i """'" "".cents per montbi de
livered bv earrinttt r.. a ....... ... ,.
BUSUJAV MJJITION, 83 larire. 'Iiandm.
82 large
iuge 224 columns,
y Illustrated,
fieautiflll coloreil sumdemfiiit S4 m
n.iin i 9 ccnU iK-r copy. Dally aud Sunday,
f5.00 per annum ; SO cents tier mouth.
Address ull letters to
(Oontlnuml from First Page )
appoint an excise commission-filr &
period of five years, at a salary of S3. 505
a year and S1.200 additional for ex
penses. It also provides for a dpputy
at 12.000 and $1,200 for xprnses, and a
secretary at $1,600 per year and such
clerical force as may be necessary.
Each, city" of the first and second
class, In addition to tills. Is to have a
deputy commissioner at a salary of
$2,000 per year, his office to be equipped
with such clerical force as may be
necessary. The commissioner will ap
point five special agents at $1,200 per'
annum and expenses, who will act as
confidential representatives of the
commissioner, to Investigate matters
concerning: the liquor. traffic They will
have the right to designate any county
attorney or any attorney to act with
them, and to receive such fees n8
agreed upon. The scope of this bill
is very wide, permittltiR the right of
entry at any nnd all times even on
It Is claimed by the friends of this
measure that the liquor laws aro not
enforced, and that It requires some
such power as provided in this com
mission to give force and vitality to
existing statutes.
To License Social Clubs.
Ab a means of providing funds for
the payment of the expenses of the
office of excise commissioner a bill has
been Introduced In the senate which
reduces every club of lurge or small
distinction to the grade of common
tavern, and In many respects this
measure will make It more difficult to
be a respectable club man than it does
a saloon keeper.
This bill provides that each club, In
order to sell liquor, must be licensed
at a cost of $75 In townships, $100 in
boroughs and $360 In cities of first and
second class: and in the application
for a club license the name of the club
must be given, location and number of
rooms, name of secretary and treas
urer; Americans or naturalized for
eigners; name of owner of the prem
ises; whether the club Is for the ex
clusive benefit of members; a list of
names of all bonaflde members and
their residences; whether or not the
secretary or treasurer ever had a li
cense levokeH; the presentation of two
bondsmen as security, with property
worth over $?,000; the signatures of
12, with the statement that they are
personally aware that the facts set.
forth are true, and the right pf re;
monstrance on the part of tho citizens.
It is proposed to keep a separate ac
count of all moneys received from club
licenses, and to use them for the pay'
ment of the running expenses of the
excise commission.
Although the message of Governor
Hastings on the construction of the
new capltol building. In which he ad
vises a separate structure at a cost of
$650,000, which would include a hand
some main hall to be built on the co
lonlal style of architecture, Is meeting
with some approval throughout the
state, there Is some opposition develop
ing among tho members, especially
those who are interested in the passage
of the act establishing a building com
Opposing n Cheap Capltol.
In commenting on tho message a few
days ago a prominent member of the
house committee remarked: "The prop
osition to erect a structure for half a
million dollars verges on the ridiculous.
If the Jlmlt had been fixed at $1,600,000
the measure would be worthy of discus,
slon. Then, too, I do not find an over
whelming sentiment In favor of the co
lonial style of architecture. We want
no gingerbread structure, but some
thing that is stately and substantial,
which will serve us for succeeding gen
A large number of members think,
however, the suggestion a very good
one, and that, as the governor sug
gests, a main capltol building could be
erected of brick, stone and iron, fire
proof in character, and in every way
In keeping with the dignity of tho com
monwealth for this amount. .
Governor Hastings has arrived at the
plans he suggests after long and care
ful dellbaranon, ana a backed oy a
large number of the most Influential
and representative citizens of trie
state. In all probability there will be
a in,-, fight ensue over tho plans the
mesaure commends,
If the cost of this structure Is limited
to $650,000, and an insurauce received on
the burned building of $200,000, there
would be only about $860,000 to be pro
vided for.
The committee on agriculture of the
house Is opposed to any change In the
oleomargarine law, and the bill to li
cense the manufacture of this product
in Pennsylvania Is receiving strenuous
The Civil Service Measure.
The bill known as the civil service
measure, entitled "an act to regulate
the civil service of tho commonwealth
and of tho cities thereof, of counties
containing more than 150,000 Inhabi
tants, and to provide penalties for Its
violation," which Its friends claim was
drawn in the interests of purity in pol
itics, was ine cause oi a very spiriiea
debate In the senate a few days ago
The opponents of this bill contend that
It should be amended, as It confines
Its provisions to Philadelphia and Al
legheny, and leave opt the other coun
ties of the state, with the poaslbla ex
ception of Luzerne and Schuylkill.
A motion to amend it was defeated
by the Quay people, whicli resulted in
a very sharp debate between Senators
Pllnn and Grady, The fight raged for
some time, when action was suspended
that further consideration might bt
taken on another bill. Despite the fact
that some of the members who are In
sympathy with the friends of this bill
offered various amendments, these were
knocked out and the bill In its original
form passed second reading. The bill
will without doubt pass the senate aa
)t was originally Intended, but It Is
understood they are preparing to give
It a warm reception In the house when
it reaches that body.
The Investigation of the state treas
ury and auditor general's departmeutw
is about closed. This committee will
recommend the passage of Stewart's
Interest bill as amended, exempting
$600,000 in each of the three active
banks, and no doubt will urge mora
help for the auditor general's depart
ment. Mr. Mylin has suggested the
propriety of giving authority to the
Auditor general to prepare a voucher
for the various Institutions receiving
aid, which will no doubt be embodied
In a bill.
It i also likely that a bill will U
recommended taking away from all of
ficers, excepting the auditor general,
the tight to draw warrants. This
would make this official responsible.
and he could compel the filing of
vouchers for all expenditures in his of'
flee. This committee will likely have
their report ready to submit to the
legislature early In the week.
It Hits the Spot That's Bight.
' WiuUY Pan-Tina for coughs and colds.
(JruUler Ilros , drugstore. -
Bt. Louis, Now York, Boston, rhllad&lphla.
Fill a bottle or common Water glass with
urine and let it stead twenty-four hours ; a
sediment or settling indicates a diseased con
dition of the kltlnoy. Wlien nrine stains
linen it is positive evidence of kidney
trouble. Too frequent desire to urinate or
pain In the back, is also convincing proof
that the kidnoysand bladder are out of onlor.
There is comfort in the knowledge so often
expressed, that Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root,
the great kidney remedy, Aillllls every wish
in relieving pain in the back, kidneys, liver,
bladdor nnd every part of tbo urinary pas
sages, it corrects inability to hold initio and
scalding pain In passing it, or bad effects fol
lowing use of liquor, wine or heor, and over
comes that unpleasant necessity of being
compelled to get up many times during the
night to urinate. Tlio mitd and tho ex
traordinary effect of Swamp-UoOt Is soon
realized. It stands the highest forits wonder
ful euros of tho most distressing cntos. If
you need a medicines you should liavo the
best. Sold by druggists price fifty cents and
ono dollar. For a samplo bottle and pamph
let, both sent free by mail, mention Evening
IIkrald and send your -full posl-OfQco
address to Dr. Kilmer & Co., Blngliamton,
N. Y. Tho proprietors of this paper guarantee
the genuineness of this Oder.
Coming Events.
Mar. IS. Birthday party in tho United
Evangelical elm roll, umler tho auspices of
the sinelni2 class.
April 7. Entertainment In Calvary Baptist
church, under the auspices of the Sunday
Maroh 33. Musical and literary program
in the Welsh Congregational church.
Don't Tobacco Spit and Smoke Your Life
If vou want to nult tobacco using easily
and forever, bo made well, strong, magnetic, I
(ull of new llfo and vigor, tako No-To-Bac,
tho wonder-worker that makes weak men
strong. Many gain ten pounds in ten days.
Over 400,000 cured. Buy No-To-Bac from
your own druggist, who will guarantee a
euro, ooc or fi.uo. uooKiet auu snmpie
mailed freo. Ad. Sterling Hcmedy Co.,
Chicago or New York.
Murilereil by Ills Ilrntliar.
Oxford. Pa., March 15. Upon the
charge of having murdered his brother
Peter, Harry Watson, coioreu, was
locked PP In the Jail at West Chester
yesterday. It is claimed tliat Harry
was drunk Saturday night, and abused
Peter's wife. Peter called him to ac
count for it, nnd Harry Is alleged to
have left the house vowing vengeance.
Yesterday he met Peter and shot him.
The wounded man died soon after
ward. Your Hoy. Wont .1.1 ve a Month.
So Mr. Oilman Brown, of 34 Mill St.. South
Gardner, Mass., was told by the doctors.
Ilis son had Lung trouble, following Typhoid
Malaria, and ho spent throe hundred and
seventy-five dollars with doctors, who finally
gave him up, saying: "Your boy wont live
a month." IIo tried Dr. King's New Dis
covery and a row bottles restored Him to
health and enabled him to ito to work a per
fectly well man. Ho says ho owes his pro
sent good health to the use of Dr. King's
Wow Discovery, and knows it to be tne nest
in tho world for Lung trouble Trial Bottles
Free (it A. Wailoy's Drug Store.
Uiintnr's l.tootlon Assured.
Frankfort, Ky., March 15. The sud
den death of State Senator John P
Balyers, at his mountain home, was
announced by telegrams here yester
day, and it created a profound sensa
tion among the legislators. Salyers was
a Democrat, and prominent In the sen
atorial fight of last winter. His death
removes nearly the last doubt that
Hunter, the nomine of Saturday's Re
publican caucus for United States sen
ator, will be elected whenever the Joint
ballot is had.
I had severe attacks of gravel and kidney
trouble; and unablo to get a nicdicino or
doctor to cure me until I used Hop Bitters,
and they cured me in a short time. A
Distinguished Lawyeb op Wayne Co.,
N. Y,
CoLOP.LSse and Cold. A young girl
deeply regretted that she was so colorless nnd
and cold. Her face was too white, aud her
hands and feet felt as though the blood did
not circulate. After ono bottle of Hop
Bitters had been taken she was the rosiest
and healthiest girl in tho town, with a
vlvaelty and cheerfulness of mind gratifying
to her friends.
The Clevulaud Oyelo Contest,
Cleveland, March IK. The score in
the 36tt hour bicycle contest which
ended Saturday night was as follows:
Wood, lit miles aud 6 laps; Schoch,
728; Gtfford, 7.7.8; Ashlnger, 7S6.B;
Bench, 7W.10.
A Household Necessity.
CHcarats Candy Cathartic, the most won
derful medical disoovery of the age, pleasant
and refreshing to tho taste, aot gently and
positively ou kidneys, liver and bowels,
cleansing the entire system, dispel colds, cure
headache, fever, habitual constipation and
biliousness. J'leise .buy nnd try a box of
C. C. 0. to-dsyt 10, m. SOoenU. Sold and
guaranteed to oure by all druggists.
Death of the largest Landowner.
Kelthsburg, Ills., March 16. William
Drury, the millionaire land owner, died
Saturday nt his magnificent home,
verdurett, north of this city. He was
the largest individual landowner in
the United States, having hundreds of
thousands of acres In Colorado, Ne
braska, Kansas and Texas, besides
6,000 acres of rich farming land in this
county. He was 87 years old, and a
native of Ohio, III Investments were
in farm land stock alone, and he added
every year to his vast possession,
111 1 . , -
ltucklon's Arnica Salve,
Tho beet salve in the world for nnti.
bruises, sores, ulcers, salt rheum, fever toreg,
tetter, chapped hands, chilblains, eorns, ana
mi e,u uiujiuims, nuu piMuuveiy cures puss,
or jo nay required. It is guaranteed to give
peneot gaiwraciion or mony refunded. 1'rl
96 cents per box. For sale by A. Waaley.
"00M DUST.'
Insist on the
The best Washing Powder
made. Best for all clean
ing, does the work quickly,
cheaply and thoroughly.
Largest package greatest economy.
Agent for
Shenandoah and Vicinity
Beer aM Porter
Barbey's Bohemian Beer.
AUC Hcrvoun lUeue Failing Mem
DADalO ana oiuvr .uicenses una jtuuta
vctlrmn Their ami murettt
t-AfttnrA T
restore Lost YitfOity itt old or young, and
fit a man for study buninoi or mnrriftge,
Ptexent Inarm it an Consumption it
aln tftad, Tkeir OM shows immediate Improve
sent Mid weois a CURB wfaero all others uui. in-
ilit upon fmTimr tho genuine Ajas Tablets. They
hare cured thoossnds and will rure yon. We sWs D
potltire written guarantee to effect h cure In each OSes
or reianu m
refund the money. l'rleeOOcen per package, or
r nanlrnffMl Ifllll ttfMtmentl for tOHi. Hv mail, in
Itiftin wrapper, trpon receipt of price. Circular free.
newborn c
CMc(0, 111.
For sale In Shenandoah, Pa., by A. Wasley
and H. 1'. Kirlln, Druggists.
Is npt to attack you nt this sen
son of tho year. If It lne take the BRONCHO
(Homoeopathic) REMEDY for Ulieiunntlsin
and get well quickly.
"They do the Work"
Yonkers, N. V.
If we can only sell
you one package
oi aecng 8 we
better stop busi
ness. But we're in
business because
those who try it
keep on buying.
Piles or Hemorrhoids.
Fissures & Fistulas.
Burns & Scalds.
Wounds & Bruises.
Cuts & Sores. '
Boils & Tumors.
Eczema & Eruptions.
Salt Rheum & Tetters.
Chopped Hands.
Fever Blisters.
Sore Lips & Nostrils.
Corns & Bunions.
Stings & Bites of Insects.
Three Site, 25c, 50c. and $1.00.
Btld by druggists, or seat post-paid on reeef pt of prIo
lirarmiEiS',, m m imiumsi.,j..vii.
For sale at Povinsky's drug store, 28 Bast
Centre street
UhtfiiMter's EnclHh Diamond Brand.
Ortelual aad (JnljF (ifynulne.
safe, tiwmjB rvlUble. units ul
Dnawlrt fur (JkicksUbri Fnglitk Dim ,
mond Brand lu Rm) and Gold mtvllW
IboiM, Mttad with blue ribbon. Take
no other. tUfmae dmhru nirtfu.
ftowj and imititttoii. Al DriuuUti. wimdia
Id fUmpi Ar jpM-tiaalvi, ImUwmUU r .
" lifkiioi iar ituiiti' etr, uj ruurn
4Tis.ii, iiiiuvu iiiiiswiisu, nuisf t mym.
1 Cheapest, Dccauso tho Dost
fiend for that little bonk. "
Health;" great value to mothers. Sent I
n. y. uonisensea mux. co.
I 71 Hudson Street, Hew York I
Tem to Hlr.
It you want to hire a sate and reliable
team (or driving or foruorklng purposes
pay Shields' livery viable a visit. Teams
constantly on band at reasonable rates
No. 410 Hast Oeatoetfeet.
Opposite IU&dlug railroad ttatlao.
i mmm
l mmm
mw cup
)jp ofcoflcel
enriched byj
SbtLlli S.tjooai
Xisn'tlt. Thisad-
niixture gives or-
mnarvcoiiecaric. t j
V A?
the mmm ACT
An Immediate Blockade of Cretan
Ports Agro3d Upon,
r Prevent rillaglnsj, Wliloh is Now Oo
Ing on In Oman Towns Tim Keported
IteCMll nf sir Alfred lllllnttl, the llrlt
lili Consul nt Alliens.
Rome, March 15. It Is officially an
nounced here that the result of the
pour parlers of the powers yesterday
Is a definite arrangement not to reply
to the Greek note, but to tissue orders
to the foreign admirals to establish an
Immediate blockade of the Cretan
' This arrangement Is somewhat in the
nature of a concession to Russia and
France. Russia, during the middle of
last week, proposed, with France sec
onding the proposal, another joint note
to Greece, Insisting on the withdrawal
of the troops Instead of an Immediate
resort by the powers to force. Rus
sia's action was inspired, it Is officially
stated, by a certain sympathy for
Qreece, but so many objections were
raised by each power in turn to this
suggestion that the other course has
Anally been ag.-ed upon. It Is thought
that the simplest way to carry out the
threat made In the Identical note will
be the blockading of the Cretan ports
and the landing of forces sufficient to
Insure the maintenance of order, leav
ing future action as to the fate of
Crete to later negotiations. This was
the view of Russia at the outset.
O IllCltC 15 HAS HUT TO OllEY.
The Attitude nf Itnssla ns I'ulillaheil In
nu Ottlelnl Newspaper.
Bt. Petersburg, March 15. The offi
cial St. Petersburg Journal says: "We
recently stated the reasons which de
termined the attitude of the imperial
government as to the Cretan question.
Unfortunately they do not seem ade
quately recognised at Athens. Hu
manitarian motives actuated the pow
ers more than any other consideration,
as has been shown by the action of the
powers toward the Hellenic govern
ment. While consenting to recall her
ships, Greece persists that the co-operation
of her troops Is necessary to the
pacification of the island, after which
a plebiscite should decide the fate of
"Such an attitude Ib unsatisfactory.
The powers had not In the present case
to consult the opinion of the Greek
government. They simply expressed
to Athens in succinct terms the de
cision imposed by circumstances, there
unto it was for Greece to conform. In
reft)sng to heed this decision Greece
gives clear proof that, under a pretext
of assuring a conaltton of peace and
order in Crete, she Is really pursuing
a much less disinterested object, name
ly, annexation by surprise
"The powers are too unanimously re
solved to maintain peace In the east
to sanction such designs. They find
themselves compelled, though much
against their will, to have recourse to
Vigorous measures which they shrink
from adopting In regard to Greece. At
the same time they will have in the
resources at their disposal a sure
means of pacifying Greece without the
co-operation of the Greek troops.
Tlio Xmtllnff of Kuropean Troops nt Can
dla ISxpeoted liumertliitcly.
Canea, Crate, March IB. PlllaglfTg
began Saturday at Candla, Retlmo and
at this place, and continued yesterday.
Tho bishop of Nicephore remains here,
though alpue, in the hope of being able
to save the Metropolitan church from
pillage. The landing; of Kuropean troops
is expected Immediately. The insur
gents maintain a ceaseless cannonade
at Bplnalonna. They are In excellent
spirits and health, while the health and
morals of the troops of Colonel Vassoa
show no signs of falling off.
The foreign admirals have not yet
been Informed as to the decision of the
powers on their proposals of a week
ago. Saturday they telegraphed their
respective governments asking that de
tachments of sailors, equal In number
to those already landed at Canea, Ret
lmo, Candla and Sitla, be sent Immedi
ately to relieve the present force, whose
work Is most harassing, comprising as
It does the double function of police
and firemen.
The admirals have been Instructed
to confer with the consulates as to the
best means of proclaiming the fact
that Turkey has granted Crete com
plete autonomy. The hope Is enter
tained that such a measure will help
to pacify the Island. Great Britain
has Instructed Colonel Cherraside and
Major Bor to remain at Canea. In ad
dition to the Italian warships one
British Ironclad assisted in the bom
bardment cf the Greek Insurgent
forces commanded by Captain Koracas
at Hlerapetra.
Tho Greeks Still rushing Operations as
Though Preparing for War.
Athens, March 16. The reported re-
oall to London of the British consul,
Sir Alfred Iitllotti, continues to be the
subject of much comment in political
circles. It Is feared that his recall may
be connected with a plan for the oc
cupation of Crete, which. In view of the
refusal of certain pewers to take part
In such a move, might be restricted to
Great Britain, and might be on that ac
count the prelude to a much more pro
longed occupation. The present un
certainty and the lack of definite In
telligence Is regarded In official ci roles
aa still further complicating th sit
Uatlon and renjrlng Impossible any
solutkn of a conciliatory character.
The envoys of the powers at Athens
held a long consultation yesterday.
Everything remains In statuo quo
pending tlie action of the powers, but
the minister of war is hastening in
every poBible way the military prepar
ations, pre Isey as If war were al
ready declared. Uneasiness is caused
by the strained situation on the fron
Ttfer. Graver advices are being re
ceived from Larissa. A dispatch states
that 18,000 trope have been concen
trated near lOlaasona. The Turks
have formed two irregular battalions
to guard tlie The.isallan passes,
through which Insuigent bands could
enter Maccd'm'a. The Turkish forces
at Eplius wi'iv ri In forced yosterday.
Among the Grcvk troops on the fron
tier there is an increasing desire to try
conclusions with the Turks. A declara
tion of war is awaited with Impatience
In military circles at Larissa.
The Greek correspondents who were
expelled from Canea have arrived at
Syra. They assert that Captain Amor
ettl urged them to leave because the
Mussulmans threatened to dynamite
the Greek consulate, where the cor
respondents were staying. The Mussul
mans (irmly believed that the Greek
correspondents were responsible for the
burning of the governor's palace and
the murder nf Colonel Bulelman.
Pan-Tina l What ii It?
The greatest cure for coughs aud colds.
Grnbler Bros., drug store.
Nervous Prostration
Tht Wear and Tear Incident
Salesman Very Often
fYom the Prct;
3. IT. Whspn, who lives in suite No. 20 in
the Body block, corner of Payne ard Wilson
Avenues, Cleveland, Ohto, had suficrcd lor
months from nervous proslrntion and ex
treme nervousness. Ills nervous sytem
had become undermined by irregular 1irWiI.
nnd he was reduced to the vcree of
prostration. Mr. Wliimn is no lonpi r a
travelling salesman, that oeriipution was
franiht with too much danger to hit health,
and he abandoned it. At present in' ii eon
neeted with the Mahoninir Company,
and has charge of a mine three iiiilet distant
from Alliance, Ohio, and there he spends
most of his time.
"Travelling salesmen have to put up nlth
a great many ineonvenienees when tlioj'are
on the roatf," said Mr. Wliann, " Aleals,
sleep nnd rest, are often irregular, and these
causes unsettle one's nerves, I was rapidly
approaching a point where I would become
a nervous wreck unless I employed extreme
measures. I found it almost impossible to
read or write for a period longer than a few
minutes. I would pick up a newspaper with
the intention of glancing over tne news of
the day. In five or ten minutes I would
have to lay the paper aside and get up and
walk around to quiet my nerves. It was the
same when I did any writing. I could write
for a few minutes and then liavo to five it
up, as my hands would become shaky and
my whole body and mind in a quiver.
This nervousness brought on severe head
aches; it also brought a lois of sleep, all of
which combined to gradually nrenk down my
health. I beenme run down and lost my ap
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Having studied under some of the beet
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Teems rassonsble, Add res in eare ot Strouee,
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SmmW rinjitjle.. AJwiyabiiy Lot boat ai d vokl dua
At I urhiUneui. CurntMa auMrtM lo all othan. 2feillf
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petite and performed ray duties with no heart
whatever. My friends recommended one
medicine or another, and one of them suggest
ed Dr. Williams' Pink Pills for l'ale People.
I hoii'.'ht n few boxes nnd followed the direc
tions rc cm 'ling their use. They restored my
in ryes toiheir normal and natural condition ;
they ilnn e awnv the violent headaches nnd in
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joyed life. I am nowat times troubled with a
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dissipate it "
Mrs. AMinnn, too, is very enthusiastic In
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coiumcnili l then) to many of her friends.
Ir. Williams' Pink Pills for Pale People
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St. Vitus' dance, sciatica, neuralgio, rheuma
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grippe, palpit ition of the heurt, pale and sal
low complexions, that tired feeling resulting
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iral euro in nil eases arixin? from mental
worry, overwork, or excesses of whatever
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lie sent post pan! on receipt of price,
box or six boxes for 2.!iO, by $4,oO.
Dr. Williams' Medicine Coinps
tady, N.Y. IS-VS.
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Nervous Debility, Lost of Vo
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If onlecUa. aao troablM i-MDhfattltr.
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$5.00 orders we eive a guarantee to
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cure or reiuna ine money. Aaaress
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KIRLIN, Slicnandoah, Pa.
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are progressive and keep informed T E:
the worm's I'rogresa. rue wen in-
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and all aches and pains.
Price 25 cts. and 60 cti. per bottle.
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Hhe Sun.
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;e, CllAllJJtS A. DANA.Iidllor.
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Daily, by mall, - $6 a. year
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Is the greatest Sunday Newspaper in
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