The evening herald. (Shenandoah, Pa.) 1891-1966, March 15, 1897, Image 2

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"All the News That's Fit to Print."
I'utdbi n-l every Kvenlnij, R --rpt Monday , at
II Soi-th ,UniiN nTRitRT Mkab Okstkm.
fop lle-mttl Is dcilrric.l I u Hhonatidoan And the
ur outidtu.; lo'iio fur Hlk cents a week, pay
able th earrl ors. Hy uuitl 13.00 n year, or 25
cent a munch, payable hi advance. Advertiso
mcnt mitrirea aonrmlhii: 1-ohp ut- nt'l position.
Th .MihHs'wr r'-Tvc t' Hunt t" h h. tee the
pi)4hmn of tkhetln'imiit wliem--. ri tli. puis
licrt'-ni of new dc iinuds It. Tin- lU'it If lo relict any 'Vorl-nnMiT whether
Improper. Advertising rates nmdc known
upo application.
Ktltorad nt tlie uoritwfllee at Shenandoah, l'a., a
sooad elan mall matter.
Evening H raa I d
However much at vailaiico King George
may bo with the magnates, he enjoys in ex
tensive aud itiorenslug popularity on the
bleaching boards.
The next meeting of the School Board will
be one of much Interest to our friend
"Marty." The reaction, however, is likely
to cause the Interest to wane, if "things" do
not go bis way.
Does the youug woman who rides to the
theatre in a S carriage, sits In $8 seats and
looks at the stage from behind a 4 bouquet,
while sitting beside a $10 a week olark, never
csk herself if she Is doing right?
Minister Hrkckknridoe wore knee
breeches at the coronation of the Car, but
it is not likely that Colouel Hay will have
his "Little Breeches" furbished up for uss at
the court of St. James.
Wonder if "Marty" still holds to the
opinion he expressed to an ex -Justice of tho
Peace at the Fifth ward polls in legard to a
certain portion of Sheuaudoah's population.
The said Justico at that time was advocating
tho eleotiou of the Oltlieus candidates.
The question of veracity between States
man Coyle and Major Finney has dwindled
down to the claim euidi bus upon the Ite
publicau party. It was feared at one time
that the selection of weajions would be in
order ; but that has been avoid, and Presi
dent McKinley must now settle tiie long
standing dispute.
The spectacle of the lion, John J. Ingalls
collaborating with Mrs. Corbett and Mrs.
Fitzsimraons in a newspaper report of the
prise fight "each under contract to write
for no other paper" will go far to conviuce
the public that it was a good thing to have
Mr. Puffer iu the Senate.
Tub eritioisni which tho Immigration bill
received from it enemies will be of service
to its friends iu tho preparation of auew one.
A measure on the general linos of tho ono
Cleveland vetoed, with tho defects of that
one eliminated, will be put on the statuto
books before the present Administration Is a
year old.
One of the newsiest and most valuable of
bur county exchanges is tho Mshauoy City
ltecotd. It nevor loses an opportunity to se
cure the news ou tho day it happens, nud
Editor Parker's ono aim appears to be to
cater to the wishes of his readers. The
.paper's success is shown by tho affidavit
appearing at the head of the editorial
column, to the effect that the Record's daily
circulation is over 1901). In this respect the
Herald and the Record lead all other papers
north of tho Broad Mountain, and many
sou tli of it, for that matter.
Thkri Is an apparent effort ou the part of
certain Democrats in this county to re
organize the party aud exclude those who
supported Palnierandlluckner. To anybody
who has read recent political history aright
the claim of the Bryanltes to represent the
true Democracy, heart and soul, boots and
breeches, must have seemed absurd. The
absurdity is heightened by time. As theso
March days go by and lengthen, tho pre
tensions of the Ilryaultee diminish. I)e
in oc racy may still stand for heresy, foolish
ness, dishonesty aud all other evils, but it
does not stand for Bryan. Of course, the
Utter says otherwise, but Bryau will say
There have been several efforts made by
property owners and others to organiio a
home tire insurance company iu Shenandoah,
hut lor some reason or other these efforts
have failed. Shamokin and Ashland both
have such a company, and have not ouly
greatly reduced the rates charged by stock
companies, but are insuring properties and
goods at half the rates formerly charged.
Now Mt. Carmel has inaugurated a move
ment for the formation of a home company,
aud a number of business men aud prujwrty
owners have effected a temporary orgaui
tiou for the purpose of securing the subscrip
tion of enough insurance, as required by
law, for the obtalnlug of a state charter.
The amount required is $200,000. There are
inauy benefits that would accrue to the town
from such an Institution.
In overruling the motion to quash the bills
against Lawyer Wiutersteeu and Clifton
Kuorr, indicted for conspiracy against the
family of ex-Bepreseutative Waller, at
Blooinsburg, Judge Metager's decisiou is of
much interest to the legal profession in
general. The principal grouud laid in the
motion to quash is that upon the preliminary
hearing before Justice Clark, the defuudaut
was nut given au opportunity to be heard in
his uwu behalf. It was claimed that (hit was
a violation of the act of 1887. Judge Neta-
ger doiidos that the hearing of the de
fendants' wituesses ill a preliminary bcriug
is matter of discretion ou the pait of the
Magistrate, who bos ouly to satisfy himself
of the piubable guilt of the accused, then re
quire bail or commit for trial. This disposes
of the technicalities iu the case, aud the de
fendants will now be required to plead to the
Indictment, inri the case may be tried at a
special term of court to be held in May.
The "Seventy-six," the remnant of the
Combine, are still harking at the heels of the
greatest Republican field mandial of the age.
They pretend to leliovo that they have suffi
cient following to make a repei tabl showing
t re next Republican state convention, and
a i enow catering to Hon. John Waoamaker
iu au endeavor to persuade the Philadelphia
merchant that he is the man to succeed
Matthew NUnluy Quay as United State-
Seuatur two years hence The real fritudi
of Mr. WuiiUMiuker, those who have faith in
the iuuii aud who wish to pmU' t him fnnn
political shysters, know that ha I being
deceived. Philadelphia already has a United
Stall's Senator, and tba country districts will
never consent to aire one ilty two Senator.
Besides, Senator Quar wasncvor In a stronger
position politically tbau he is at the present
time. Ills reform measures, when passed by
the Legislature, as tlioy surely will lie, will
place the old Keystone state In lino fur better
cover, incut, and will add new Innr. Is to
those nlrcndy acquired by the senior .Senator
from thiK state. The hitler will lie his own
urnvwir, if he is candidate, tho Mipoiiugs
ol the du'.iyiiix Combine to the coUtrary
InitW ItintUlitlill,
One Minute Is all the time Iteeesuirv to le.
(Me from personal X tr'enco that One Mln-!
utciuiign t nre uoeew, at its name implied.
0. II. llagcnliueh.
"ntrAl llUI'led . I r.
McKeesport, Pa., March 13. John J.
Griffin, a well known contractor, was
assisting in the cellar for
the ntw Lisle block, and while in a
trench IS feet deep tho Avail on one
tide fell In suddenly without any warn
ins, completely burying Griffin from
light. When the contractor's body was
finally extricated life was ex tnet. Grif
fin was S3 years old and unmarried.
The Weather.
Por eastern New York, eastern
Pennsylvania and New Jersey: Fair
and 'colder; brisk to high northwest
erly winds, decreasing in force during
the day.
Why suffer with Doughs, Golds and 1
Grippe when Laxative Bmmo Quinine will
cure you in one day. Tut up in tablets oon
venlent for taking. Guaranteed Ui cine, ol
money refunded. I' Hoe, Ss cent, "or sate
by Klrlln'ji Pharmacr
lCx-Cnnhty IrpHKtircr In Jll.
Butler, Ind., March 15. Ex-County
Treasurer Fair haa been arrested for
embezzlement and his bond ptlt at $22,
0C0, which he could not raise, and he
had to ro to jail. He turned the office,
over to his successor $12,000 short. His
son, who waa deputy, was arrested for
forgery, but Is out on ball. This makes
the seventh ex-county officer to be
placed under arrest In connection with
DeKalb county's crookedness, and It Is
na'.d that several pr'.vate citlxena wlU
be added to the list.
Many cases of "Grippe" have lately been
cured by One Minute Cough Cure. This
preparHtion seems especially auapteu to too
cure of this disease. It acts quickly thus
preventing seriom complication aud bad
effects iu which this disease often leaves the
patient. C II. Hagenhuch.
ltnltl Kftesi. t'lolu Hi-jr Slrg 1'rUnn.
New York, March 15. James Blilne,
a convict in the Sing Sing state prison,
smashed a grilled iron door leading to
a passage way under the main prison
Saturdal' morning, and, changing his
tonvlct garb for another, knocked the
lock off the outer gate aud stepped Into
the road a- free man. His operations
were conducted almost under the eyes
of the keepers, and the audaciousness
of his plan waa probably what made
successful, lie was serving his sec
ond term for burglary.
IUieiiiiiatlsm Quickly Cured.
After having been confined to tho house
for eleven days and paying out $85, in doctor
hills without benefit, Mr. Frank Dolson of
SaultSto. Marie, Mich., was cured by ono
hottlo of Chamberlain's Pain Balm costing 25
cents nud has not since been troubled with
that o mplaint. For snlo by Gruhior Bros.,
Two 'Murderers Itrsenlrricert.
Jersey City, March 13. raul Genz
and John Mackln, the two convicted
murderers whose conviction was af
firmed by the court of errors and ap
.eals, were resentenced In the Hudson
county court on Saturday by Judge
Llpplnrott. Tuesday, April 13, was fix
ed as the date on which the men shall
be executed. Genz received his sen
tence impassively, but Mackln evinced
the utmost fear. Genz murdered his
sweetheart and Mackln killed his wife
and her mother.
They are so small that the most sensitive
persons take them, they are so effective that
the most obstinate oases of constipation,
headache and torpid liver yield to them.
That is why DeWitfs Little Karly Risers are
known as the famous littlo pills. C. II.
Tito Trnnsvanl Mpmllly Arming.
London, March 15. The Dally Mall's
Oape Town correspondent states that
Germany recently landed numerous
large shipments of munitions of war
at Walflscli Day, a circumstance which
excites suspicion. The Transvaal is
also arming steadily, the shipments of
ammunition, (runs and military sup
plies from France alone amounting to
300 tons monthly. All are being lodged
at Important points.
Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets. All
druggists refund tho money if it falls to cure.
Sixteen persons were prostrated by
Inhaling gas which permeated the cel
lars of their houses from a defective
main In Boston.
Altoona phllantroplsts hope to secure
ton-producing land near that city up
n which hundreds of unemployed men
nay earn their dally bread,
A clever band of counterfeiters of
20 Bank of England naajsPare now
said to lie on their way to the United
states to operate In the larger cities.
Burglars blew open the safe in the
postofflee at Cambria, Va., and stole
a small amount of money, $100 in
stamps and $12,000 in notes and bonds,
A deputy state mine Inspector or
dered the men out of the Ohio and
Peiin ha no. Coal company's mine at
Balirn il!o, O., on account of Improper
venti'' tlon.
Easy to say, but
how shall I tlo it?
Iu tho only com
mon sense wuy keep your head cool,
your feet warm and your blood rich
and pure by taking Hood's Sursiiparilln.
Then all your nerves,
muscles, tissues
and organs will be
properly nourished.
Hood's Saraaparillft
In the
builds up tho system, creates an ap
petite, tones the stomach and gives
strength. It in tho people's Spring
Medicine, lius a larger sale and ef
fects more cures than all others.
Is the One
Truu Blood
Purifier. (' I lie id & Co., I.ottdl, M,uis.
1 11 ii'ii assist lilii-stion and cure
llOOU S FlllS constipation. 20 cents.
Boils and rS
PTY1T1 PC contain! impurities
A llilyid which natUre is en
deavoring to throw off. This
change takes place every
Spring, and the sluggish, im
pure condition of the blood
causes an unsightly complex
ion, besides an enervating,
depressing effect upon the en
tire system. Just now a few
bottles of S. S. S.
i S
will thoroughly cleanse the
blood aud renovate and
strengthen the system, im
prove the appetite, and im
part new life and vigor to the
nntire body. It is the best
Spring tonic, because it is the
best blood remedy the only
one, in fact, guaranteed purely
vegetable, containing no ar
senic, no mercury, no potash,
no chemical of any kind. S.
b.b. is the best
system build
er. Insist on
S. S. S.
There is Nothing Half as Good!
ISvldenra Tlinl .Tnuic-1 (Inrily Hilled Hit
Newly Made Wire.
Georgetown, Del., March 15. James
M. Gordy Is under arrest here charged
with killing the woman whose dead
body was found in Broadklln creek
last week. It is believed that he had
recently married the woman, and
murdered her to get possession of her
money. She was Mrs. Mary Lewis, a
widow, of New York, The prisoner,
who Is about 30 years old, has followed
farming for a living, and is supposed
to be worth considerable money. He
is an ignorant man, however.
The excitement was considerably In
creased yesterday by the discovery of
additional evidences that seem to point
conclusively to Qordy's guilt. The
room occupied by him on his farm was
searched, and between the mattress
was found a hand satchel, a curling
Iron, a hammer and a woman's glove.
The latter corresponded to the one
found on the dead woman, and the
satchel was Identified by those who
saw the woman on the train with
Gordy as similar to the one she car
ried. The rings found on Gordy are
believed to be the ones that tho woman
is said to have showed in New York.
Don't allow the luiius to bo impaired hv tlm
continuous Irritation of a cough. It is oxsior
to prevent consumption than to cure it. Ono
Minute Couch Curo taken earlv will wardnll
any fatal lung trouble 0. II. Hagenhuch.
Tours to Cnllfomla.
California has been most fittingly termed
tho "Italy of America."' All tho delicious
balm, tho cloudless sky, and tho rich ver
dure of the great European peninsula are
duplicated iu this sunny land of tho Pacific
Here nature basks in tho sunshine of her own
beauty; and here sho has established her
own sauitarium, whoro eternal tpring in
spires everlasting youth. With the snow-
nmntlod peaks of tho Sierras upon tho one
hand, tho calm Pacific with its soft breezes
upon tho other, and a verltablo paradise of
flowers, fruits and plants between, man can
find and needs no lovelier land. To vIbU
such a country is a privilege, a blessing.
The Pennsylvania Railroad Company,
recognising the need of a more comfortable
and pleasant way of crossing the continent,
inaugurated a beries of annual tours to Cali
fornia, running a through train of Pullman
palace cars from New York to the Pacific
Coast, and stopping at tho principal points of
interest en route. Tho great popularity of
these tours demonstrates tho wisdom of tho
For the season of 1807 three tours have
been arranged to leave New York, Philadel
phia, and Pittsburg, January 27, February
'11, and March 27.
The first tour will run directte San Diego
via St. Louis and tho Santa Fe Itoute, and re
turn from San Francisco via Salt Lake City,
Denver, and Chicago, allowing flvo weeks in
The second tour will run via tho Mammoth '
Cave and New Orleans to San Diego, stopping
at the "Crescent City" duriug the Mardi
Grss Carnival. This tour will return via
Salt Lako City, Denver, Omaha, and Chicago,
allowing four weeks in California.
The third tour will run via Chicago.Denver,
and Salt Lako City, allowingpassengorsto re
turn by regular trains via different routes
within nine months.
All of these tours, either going or return
ing, will pass through the famous Colorado
region, Glenwood Springs, Leadville aud the
Garden ef the Gods.
iuites from all points on the Pennsylvania
Kallroad System east of Pittsburg: First
tour, $810 ; seeoud tour, $350 ; third tour,
$210 round trip, and $150 one way.
For detailed itineraries and other informa
tion, apply at tioket agenoies, special bonk
ing offices, or address George W. Boyd,
Assistant General Passenger Agent, Broad
Street Station, Philadelphia.
If you have ever seen a ehild iu the aironv
of croup, you can appreciate the gratitude
of the mothers who kuow that Oue Minute
Cough Cure relieves their little ones as quick
ly as it is administered. Many homes in this
city are never without it. C. II. Ilageubucb.
A fliilal from tho Turk.
Washington, March 16 The Turkish
legation gives out the following:
"There has been published a telegram
from Constantinople sayl.ig that fresh
atrocities arc threatened in Asia Minor,
that Christians there are in a deplor
able condition, and assorting that the
situation in Pays la extremely crlt-
cal and bloodshed has occurred at
Ever. The Turkish minister Is au
thorixed by his government to official
ly declare these reports as absolutely
false and unfounded.
Hangar of tho Grip.
The greatest danger from La Grippe is of
Its resulting in pneumonia. If reasonable
care Is used, however, and Chamberlain's
Cough Remedy taken, all danger will be
avoided. Among tho tens of thousands who
have used this remedy for la grippe, we
have yet to learu of a single case having
resulted in pneumonia, which shows conclu
sively that this remedy Is a certain prevcu-
I tivc of that dread disease. It w(ll effect a
, permanent cure In less time than any other
I treatment. The SS and 60 cent sixes for sale
by Grubler Bros., druggists.
Ask your grocer for no "Boyal Patent'
flour, aud take no other brand. It in the bust
I flour made.
Meets in Special Session to Enaot
a Tariff Measure
All of the Old Itepabltenn II nine OOIoIkIs
lte-eleitil Illllgley Hill Will Trobably
Kenah Urn llelwtfiic l'elnt This Week
and ltenelt the ttenate In n Fortnight.
Washington, March IB. The Fifty
fifth congress met In extraordinary
session at noon today In pursuance of
President McKrnley's proclamation.
The work before It the passage of a
tariff bill Is pretty well cut out In
advance, but tig Indications are that
It will be a Ittrmv session, and its
length and acop are as yet mere mat
ters of speculation. The present secre
tary of state, Mr. Sherman, remarked
several years ago on a memorable oc
casion In the aenate that the presi
dent, like Alladin, could rub the lamp
and cause the genii to appear, but that
once they had appeared they were mas
ters of their own destinies. So that
congress, once in session, may go much
further or not So far as the president
may wish.
The first bminess In order in the
house after the formal opening was the
election of officers of the Fifty-fifth
congress, and, tn accordance with the
action of the Republican caucus on,
Saturday night, all the old officers were
re-elected, as follows: Thomas B. Heed,
speaker; Rev. Henry M. Couden, chap
lain; Alexander McDowell, clerk; Ben
jamin F. Russell, sergeant-at-arms;
W. J. Glenn, doorkeeper; Joseph C. Mc
Blroy, postmaater. The complimentary
vote of the Democrats was cast for
John Vf. Balls, .of Texas.
So far bf the house Is concerned, the
present determination of the leaders Is
to direct the energies of the lower
KILSOJt Mi. I I 1 Ji!
branch to the accomplishment of the
task before ft with all expedition, and
throw tha -rfSKiensibllity for any com
plications WxttBtt may arise out of de
lays In tho 49tenate upon that body.
This was tnse manliest by Speaker
Iteed's spssjatfeyt the lie-publican cau
cus, when IVsiapoke of the necessity of
bringing tlisyJKWk of the session to a
speedy clos .Whether the leaders
will emphasise any inaction by the
senate when the bill reaches that body
by a. program of three day recesses re
mains to be seen, but It seems likely
that the speaker will, at least for the
present, refrain from appointing any
but the actual committees necessary
for the transaction of the business in
Thlfk will prove an effective bar to
the passage of miscellaneous or general
bills, as the rules of the house are such
that all legislation must come through
the agencies of the committees. But
even this Is not absolutely necessary,
as the committee on rules can bo in
voked to furnish special orders. And
It Is by means of special orders that
the apropriatlon bills which failed to
receive Mr. Cleveland's approval are
to be put through at the extraordinary
session. Consideration In committee
would involve great delay, and result
besides In almost Interminable debate
In the house, as It Is the peculiar char
acteristic of a new house to use every
opportunity to talk. Mr. Cannon, the
chairman of the appropriations com
mittee, says that the hills as they went
to Mr. Cleveland are all right, and he
favors their repassage under special
rules, without the formality of again
putting them through the regular chan
nels. This will be the plan followed,
and all the time before the actual de
bate on the tariff begins will be de
voted to the appropriation bills.
The new tariff bill, upon which Re
publican members of the ways and
means committee have been working
laboriously fbr three months, was for
mally Introduced today. It will be
printed and submitted to the Demo
cratic minority, and receive formal
consideration by the full committee. It
.la not expected that this will require
more than three or four days at most,
although tha Democrats will probably
protest vigorously against such expe
dition. At any rate, the hoime leaders
hope to enter upon the consideration
of the bill In the house before the end
of the week. Some of them have fixed
Thursday as the day on which the de
bate would probably commence. Al
though the limits of the debate have
not yet been decided upon, the prevail
ing opinion Is that It will not last over
ten days. Night sessions will, of course,
be held throughout the period allowed
for debate. Unless some unexpected
hitch occurs the new tariff bill may be
sent to the senate a wefk from next
(Saturday, or a fortnight after the ses
sion opens.
Ti-" p ar re. o 1 " 1 90 rvmo-
For Weak and Run Down People.
UHRT IT I C I The richest of all reilorft.
WIINI II IO I tive foods, because It re
Elaees the essentials of life that are ex
aus ted by disease, Indigestion, high living,
overwork, worry, excesnes, abuse, etc
digestion perfect It creates solid flesh,
muscle and strength. The nerves being
made strong the brain becomes active and
clear. It restores lost vitality, stops all wast
ing draia and weakness in either sex, and
as a female regulator bus no equal, l'rloe
SOo., orflvc boxes 92.00. Druggists or by mall.
We can help you. Advice and book, free.
Write Us About Your Case.
1512 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia.
tSa Wimr . 's Wo is. n&wSSSPSufl
MsMlW aOftf-T1 vViurtx Specific Co,
I'oi st Povlneky's drug store, SS 1I
Centre street.
Wanted-An Idea
Who can think
of some simple
thing to patent?
Protect your Idea.; they may bring tou wealth.
Write JOHN WEDDEBBDRN ft cV Patent ATtcr
Dejrs, WMhlngUiu. D. C, fur their tl.aoo prlss oiler
and list of two hundred luTenttou wautad.
m H m Tc our nrjitoruers. WOULD YOU CARP
LwwB -sjW Tti INVtCHT lfl OR UPWARDS f Illvl
duds tai .vble uoutbh Frtlulr free. Addretl IVeit
em FlnnnetUf I'O., Hi Doarb.jru Htrect tble o, III
Lovo In the Scale.
" How much does the baby
weigh " is only another way
of asking, "Is he healthy and
strong?" When a bony is
welcomed Into the world with
loving care and forethought,
his chances of health and
strength are increased a hundred-Told.
A prospective mother cannot begin too
early to look after her own health aud phys
ical condition. This is sure to be reflected
In the baby. Any weakness or nervous de
pression, or lack of vigor on the mother's
part should be overcome early during the
expectant time by the use of Dr. Pierce's
Favorite Prescription, which promotes the
perfect health and strength of the organism
sneclallv concerned in motherhood.
it maxes tue coming oi oaoy aosonueiy
fe and comoirativclv free front naiu: ren
ders the mother strong and cheerful, and
transmits ncaltuy constitutional vigor to
the child.
No other medicine in the world has been
such an unqualified blessing to mothers and
their children. It is the one positive spe
cific for sll weak and diseased conditions
of the feminine orgntilsm. It is the only
m?aicine oi its xina aevtsea tor tuts one
purpose by a trained and educated special
ist in this particular field.
Mrs. 1'. B. Cannings, of No. 4390 Humphrey St.,
St. Tomn, Mo., writes: "t am now a happy
mother of a fine, healthy baby girl. Peel that
yo ir ' favorite Prescription' and little 'Pellets'
nave done me more (rood than anything I have
ever taken. Three months previous to my con
finement I began using your medicine. I took
three bottles of the - Prescription.' Conse
quences were I was only In labor forty-five min
utes. With my first bahr t suffered 18 hours.
then had to lose him. He was very delicate and
only lived la hours. For two yer I suffered
untold agony, and had two mlecatrlapres. The
P worite Prescription ' saved both my child and
mvself. My hahy is not yet three weeks old and
I do uot think t ever felt better fn my lift."
crats and luaion, sifver and iropu
11st representatives In the new house.
The percentage of new members Is un-i
usually large. There are 118 new men.
Of these 132 have never served in con
gress before, and 16 have served prior
to the Fifty-fourth.
Vice President Ilobart rapped the
senate to order at noon. The week does
not now promise to Ue a busy ono In
the senate, except in the event that the
arbitration treaty between this coun
try and Great Britain is considered.
Senator Davis, chairman of the com
mittee on foreign relations, said today
that he would force the Question of
ratification to as speedy a determina
tion as It would be possible. The treaty
will be considered In executlvo session.
There will be considerable opposition
to it, even in Its amended form, but the
friends of the treaty assert that there
will not be to exceed SO opposing votes
when the final result is announced.
Rheumatism Cured in a Day.
"Mystio Cure" for Rheumatism and Ncu
r.ilcla radically euros in 1 to 3 days. Its
action upon the system is reniarkablo and
mysterious, it removes at once tho can so and
the disease immediately disappears. The
first dose greatly benefits.
T. F. Anthony, cx-Postmastor of Promise
City, Iowa, sayst "I bought ono bottle of
'Mystio Cure' fur Ilticumatlsm, and two doses
of It did mo moro good than any medicine I
overtook." 75 cents.
Sold by C. II. Ilageulmch, druggist, Shcn
audoah. lHrd MoimIIub for l-'nod.
New Brunswick, N. J March 15.
Mrs. Edward Bergunder on Saturday
told Overseer Wright a pitiful talc of
want and suffering resulting in death.
The woman, whose husband died a few
days ago, lives In one room In an old
house Just beyond the city limits. Mrs
Bergunder said, In telling her story:
"Lately we became so poor that my
children and myself were frequently
forced to go without food for two days
at a time, so that my huBband might
eat. Towards the last he continually
begged for food. On the day he died
he whispered a piteous appeal to me
for something to eat. His last words
almost were requests for food."
1'rom Cripple Creek.
After tho big fire in Cripplo Creek, I took
a very severo cold and tried many remedies
without help, tho cold only becoming more
settled. After using three small bottles
of Chamborlain's Cough Eomcdy, both the
cough and cold left me, and in this high alti
tude it takes a meritorious cough remedy to
do nuy good. G. B. Henderson, editor
D.ily Advertiser. For snlo by Gruhior Bros.,
drug storey
Got llrunk on Cleveland's Wine.
Trenton, March 15. Five Trenton
employes of the Pennsylvania Railroad
company havo been discharged for
getting drunk on wlno belonging to ex
Presldent Cleveland. The wine was
shipped from Washington to Princeton,
the ex-presldent'o new home. The car,
It was claimed, had been broken into
and the wine stolen. The men deny
that It was stolen, and said that one
of the cases was broken and that the
wine was given to them by an employe
of the expr?s company. "Whether the
wine was stolen or not the men got
drunk on It. and the company decided
to dispense with their services. Tho
officials refuse to give the names of
the offenders.
Free Pills
Send your address to DT. E. Bucklnn A-Co..
Chicneo. and cet a freo samnle box of Dr.
King's New Life Pills. A trial will convince
you of their merits. These pills are easy in
action aud are particularly ofiectlvo in the
cure of Constipation and Sick Headache. For
Malaria aud Liver troubles tliov have been
proved Invaluable. They are guaranteed to
ue purely vegetable. They io not weaken
by their action, but by giving tone to stomaoh
and bowels greatly Invigorate the system.
Regular size 2Sc per box. Sold by A. Wosley,
ltx-l ivt-ltoldera Arrulcned.
New Brunswick, N. J March IS.
Saturday Pt-caeciltnr Vnnrliuu o-
ralgned two ex-freeholders against
wnom lnairrmcnra nava ium nnii u.
since last December. This is the first
time that the fact nf tViaen man hdnff
indicted has been made public They
cue cat ivKiiutuer joisiia iiauie ot
Woodbridge, and David McCloskey of uiiy. xm? uimry against me ex
freehnldnra In that tliav o AVnnA
- VV "IUVU ifA-l'CC
holder Mulvey to Unlawfully obtain (80
from the countv of MlilrlloMv nt,.i-
vey la also under indictment. All are
out on uau.
Knffluo lMuuetl Vovru Sixty Feet.
Home, Qa.t March 16. A frightful
PEuaenger iram wreck occurred hers
c..jr- m me morning on tha ap
D roaell to th hch hrUat nn tti Otitl,
w-- - ... kTV M
ern railway over the IStowah river.
Tjie engine piungcd down a bluff G'
feet hleh into the river, with ti,
neer sticking to his post. The wreck
i-nugm nre anu seven cars were burn
ed. Btrange to say, nobody waa killed
outlitrht-. thcuffh RAVPn Utai-a In(i1
" ' - itl,HiU
and Knglneer James T. Plttman and
f ireman Airreu Kennedy will probably
Tako Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets. AU
druggists refund the money if it fails to cure.
U5ccllt .
It Is Said to Include the lllnchndo of
Some (trash t'orls.
London, March 1B.-The Dally Chron
icle announces that a formal ultima
tum has been delivered to Greece de
claring that a blockade of Cree and
of certain Greek ports, not yet named,
Will iMtgln on Wednesday. Some of the
powers have decided that unless
Greco yields or If she declares war on
Turkey measures still more severe will
be employed to the point of utterly
destroying Oreeo as a nation.
The Chronicle's Athens oorrMpon
dent gives an account of an Interview
he had with Commodore Ttelnerk, who
quotes from numerous documents to
disprove the charge of perfidy broughl
against him. Commodore Relneck de
nies that he withheld any warning 01
message tf the powers from the In
surgents, and declares that the allega
tions to that effect have been made In
order to shield the admirals from the
ridicule with which they have covered
GrrcCtt'rt Kngllsh Sympathisers.
London, March IB. Between 30,000
and 40,000 people crowded the ap
proaches to Trafalgar Square yester
day afternoon to express sympathy
with Greece and Crete and, according
to the posters announcing the meeting,
to "assist diplomatists to make up their
minds." The Greek colors were worn
by a majority of those present, and
many Greek Hags were displayed. The
resolutions were similar to those at
Hyde Park meeting. The meeting ap
pointed Its chairman and the various
speakers as a deputation to present
the resolutions to Lord Salisbury. The
adoption of the resolutions was greeted
with loud cheering, mingled with hoot
Ings for Lord Salisbury, who, the pro
grain of the meeting declared, was still
determined upon war, In spite of the
wish of the people of Great llrltaln.
Torturing, Itching, scaly skin eruptions,
burns and scalds ore soothed at onco and
promptly healed by DeWltt's Witeh IIar.el
Salvo, the host known curo for piles. C. Ii.
Ilagenbitch, '
Disastrous t-'lrt In KiUltts, Vv. Vh.
Wheeling, W. Va., March 15. At 7:00
o'clock yestiijlay morning fire which
started in the building of the Elklns
Hardware and Furniture company, in
the town of Elklns, the home of Sen
ator Klkins, burned almost the entire
business portion of the place. Elklns
has no fire department, and the flames
were soon beyond control, hnvlng most
ly frame buildings In their pathway.
In all tho buildings were valuable
stocks of goods, only portions of which
were saved. Tho loss will exceed
It is surprising what n "wee bit of a thing"
can accomplish. Sick headache, constipa
tion, dyspepsia, sour stomach, dliinltiess. nre
quickly baulshed by DeWitt's Little Early
Kisora. Small pill. Safe pill. Best pill. C.
II. Ilagenbiich.
To War Against "Itfnir Plutocracy."
Chicago, March 15. Unemployed men
and women to the number of several
hundred held a meeting last evening
at which they launched a "declaration
of Independence" against "king plu
tocracy" in Chicago, and adopted reso
lutions against paying rent, except at
the option of the tenant; Indorsed the
repeal of laws for the collection of debt,
and formed the Unemployed Work
men's league. Speeches wore made on
the subject of finding work for the un
employed, and the potato and bean
patch plans of the Salvation army and
others were disapproved. The call for
the meeting stated that there are, per
haps, 100,000 unemployed men and wo
men In Chicago.
A Michigan Kan Offers to Send His Dis
covery Free.
Claims to Be a Benefactor to Weakened
Tiiero is always moro or less suspicion
attached to anything that is offered free but
sometimes a man so ovoruows witb generosity
that he cannot rest until his discovery is
known to the world, in order that bis fellow
men may profit by what ho has discovered.
It is upon this principal that a resident of
Kalamazoo, Mich., desires to send freo to
mankind a prescription which will cure them
of any form of nervous debility ; relloves
mem ot an tue uouut and uncertainty wnicu
such men are peculiarly llablo to and restores
the organs to natural slzo and vigor. As it
costs nothing to try tho experiment it would
seem thit any man, suffering with tho
nervous irouuios mat usually altacK men
who never stopped to realize what might bo
the final result, ought to bo deeply interested
in a remedy which will restore them to
health, strength aud vigor, without which
they continue to live an existence of untold
misery. As tho remedy iu question was tho
result of many years research as to what
combination would be peculiarly effective in
restoring to men the strength tlioy need, it
would seem that all men suffering with any
form of nervous weakness ouclit to write for
such a remedy nt once. A request to II. C.
Olds, Box 1712, Kalamazoo, Mich., stating
that you are not sending for tho prescription
out of idle curiosity, hut that you wish to
mako use of tno medicine by giving It a trial,
will be answerod nromntlv and without
evidence as to whoro information camo from.
I he prescription is sent froo and although
same may wonder how Mr. Olds can afford to
give away his discovery, thero is no doubt
about tho offer being genuine. Cut this out
and send to Mr. Olds so that he may know
now you cumo to wiito turn. iimus-tbc
Lager and
Pilsner Beers,
Purest And
Chris. ScftiniataAgt.;
West Coal Street.
nilllons of Dollars
Go up In smoke every year. Tako nt
risks but get your houses, stock, fur
nlture, etc., Insured In urst-clase ro
liable companies as represented by
nAVIn FATIST InsuraiJcc Ajreut,
Lift. Y ID FflUOl) 120 South Jurdin HI
Also Life and Accidental Ootupanl et
Dr. Miles' Nervine Victorious.
Physical and Mental Enhaurtlon Gives
Way to Vigorous Activity.
lEV. W. T. UOnoK, the talented pas
tor of Grace U. B. church, Carlisle,
I'onn., irrttCB September 28, IBO61 " I
always enjoyed good health until in 1891, at
which time my duties as a clergyman were
of a peculiarly trying nature, sttfJjaoUng
me to Bovral BOvero nervous shocks which
togothor with overwork and anxiety, Im
paired my gcnoral health and nervous sys
tem. Indeed I was In such a condition that
tho more sight of a large congregation so
wearied me that It
would require n day
or more for me to re
cover from the ex
haustion. It affords
mo great pleasure to
say that Dr. Allies'
Restorative Nervlno
land Restorative Tonio
havo done mo untold good. I preached
three times yesterday and I feel as fresh
and vigorous tlib Monday morning as I
over folt In my life, thanks to your remedies.
Dr. Miles' Remedies are sold by all drug
gists under a positive guarantee, first bottle
bonoflta or money refunded. Book on
Heart and Nerves sent freo to all applicants.
DR. MILES MEDICAL CO., Elkhart. Ind.
AtvATi nroniDt ind relltblts. Avoid Imitnikima.
Out nirnif'i TAtrar Pii.r and kit btnam.
AtdnurctorM orMntdlrretfAeftlMll. nrlfe. 1 1.
Catok 8pko Co . Boaton. M"- Oar book, 4tv
For sale tit I. I. D. Kirlin's dnifr
Shenandoah drug store
tT"".u. .ritl". lor bf LKIM "A"' MIIIII
V N'I't f1f.1inrmles. pleasant odor. $1 00 i bottlA
halrfmmfalifncoathnJprmotettRrowth$l Ol bntiU
1,131. M nillCANT CO 10B FttUon Bt., & Y.CppC
Illustrated Treatise on Hair oaappllcatjoointCi
For wile by Shenandoah Drue Store, KirHn
Drug Store.
IN KKFKOT PICO. 6, 1898.
Trains leave Shenandoah as follows :
For New York vie l'htladelphln, week days,
ilO, S3S, 710 a. m., 12 IB, 308 andSM p. m
-luudays, 2 10 a. m.
For Kuw York via Mnuch Chunk, week days,
1 25, 7 10 n. m., 12 R3 and 3 OS p. in.
For Heading and Philadelphia, week days,
2 10, S 2S, 7 10, 12 33, a OB and S 88 p. ra. Hun
dajs, 2 10 a. m.
For Pottsvillo, week days, 2 10; 7 10 a. m., ar.d
12 03, 3 03 and 5 68 p. m. Sundays, 2 10 a. ra.
For Tamaqun and Malianoy City, week days,
210, Vi',, 710 n, m., 12 38, 808 and 558 p. m.
8umlays, 2 10 a. ui.
For Willlamsport, Sunliury and Lewlsbarft,
n eck days, 8 25, 11 30 n. m., and 7 28 p, m.
Sundnys, 8 25 a. m.
For Mnlinnoy Plane, weekdays, 2 10. 8 25, 5 ,
710,1180 a. 111., 12 83, 8 03,5 58, 7 25 and 9 55
p. m. Sundays, 2 10, 8 25 a. m.
For Ashland and bhamokln, week days, 8 25,
710, 1130 a. m., 725 and 055 p. m. Sun
days, 3 25 a. m.
For Ualtimoro, 'Washington and tho West v!
B. & O. It. 11., through trains loo- Reading
Terminal, Philadelphia, (P. & It. 1 R.) nt 8 20,
7 55, It 2D n. m., 3 10 and 7-27 p. i Sundays,
3 20, 7 00, U 25 n. m., 8 48 and 7 27 p. m. Addi.
ttonal trains from Twenty-fourth and Obeat
nut streets station, week days, 1080 a. m. 12 20,
12 It 8 40 p.m. Sundays, 185, 8 28 p.m.
Leave New York via Philadelphia, woe
days, 4 80, 8 00 a. m., 1 80, 4 30, 9 00 p. m. and
night. Sundays, 6 00 p. m.
Leave New York via Mauch Chunk, week
days, 4 80, 0 10 n. in., 1 80 nnd 4 15 p. m.
Leave Philadelphia, Reading Terminal, week
days, 4 20, 8 35, 10 05 a. ra. and 4 05, 6 80, 1180
p. m. ttanaays, 11 uu p. m.
Leave Reading, week days, 185, 710, 10 08,
II 55 n. m., G 00 nnd 8 20 p. ra. Sundays, 1 86 a. m.
Iavo l'ottBVine, weeK aays, zjjd, 7 40 a. m.,
12 80 arid 0 12 p. m. Sundays, SOS a.m.
Leave Tainamin. week dava, 8 18, 8 50, 11 28 al
ui., 1 27, 7 20 and 9 13 p. m. Sundays, 3 18 a. m.
Leave Mahnnoy City, week days, 8 45, 9 21,
11 47 a. m., 2 03, 7 41 and 1008 p. in. Sundays, 8 40
a. ra.
Leave Mahnnoy Plane, week days, 2 40, 4 00,
630,9 87. 1169a. m., 112,219,5 20,6 20, 767 and
10 28 p. ni. Sundays, 2 40, 00 a. m.
Leave Willlamsport, week days, 7 42, 1010 a.
m 8 85 and 11 41 p. m. Sundays, li 15 p. m.
Leave Phlladelnhla Chestnut street wart and
South street wharf for Atiantlo City.
Weekdays lcxpress, ou a. in., a ou, 4 ou, o oo
p. m. Accommodation, 8 00 a. in., 6 80 p. ra.
tfunuays impress, a uu, iu uu n. m. Accom
modation, 8 00 a. m., 4 45 p. m.
Returning leave Atiantlo City depot, corner
Atlantic and Arkansas avenues.
Weekdays Itxpress, 7 35,9 00 a. m., 830, 5 80
p.m. Accommodation, 8 15 a. m., 4 32 p.m.
Sundays Express, 4 00, 7 30 p. ra. Accommo
dation, 7 15 a. ra., 4 15 p. ra.
x-arior vara on an express irnins.
Personally-Conducted Tours
COAST will leave New York and Philadelphia
March 27, returning on regular trains within
nine months. Round-trip tickets. Including all
tour featuios going and transportation only
returning, will be sold at rate of $208.00 from
New York, and tps.00 from Philadelphia; one
way tickets, including all tour features going,.
SU .75 from New York, JllO.'il from Philadel
phia. Proportionate rates from other point.
Tours, each covering a period of three
days, will leave New York and Pbil4el
March 11, 22, and May 18, UtfT Bates, includ
ing tramuortatlon and two days' aecommoda.
tlon nt tho best Wellington IIoWls.tM.50 front
New York, and 111.50 from fhlUdelpbla.
will leave Now York and Philadelphia Fbru
ary 10, March 18, and April 15, 18S7.
For detailed Itineraries and otkvr iHtajaaif
appiy in nciiti lurmwies or aim rust nn.
Station, I'TOftdeliiUa.
Outsd by this granular effervescent and stimu
lant. An instant cure for sour stouwohs and
liewMltsf , which often accumulate from having
7 and 19 Peach Alley, Shenandoah
Wanted-An Idea SSi
Protect yanr IdjMJj Utr mty brine you wmUA.
Write JOItSf WH&DEnBURK te CO., Fiwut Attor
nejfc Wubmeton, D. 0,. for tblr tl.WO prise ortf
and lut ot two hundred bivwtttous wanted.
Bp MUes ;9
Nervine a
m.. Health Mi