.est TO CURE NERVOUS DYSPEPSIA. To Oftin rieib, to Slp Well, to Know What Appetite and Good Digestion Man, Make a Teit of Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets. Intereittnt Experience of an Indianapolis aenMetnan. No trouble l more cernnmn or more mis understood than nervous dyspepsia. People hating It think that their nerves ore to Maine and are anprltod that tlicy arc not cored by nerve medicine and spring remedies ; the real teat of the misclilof in lout sight of; tho stomach ta the organ to be looked after. Nervous dyspeptics ofton do not have any pain whatever in the stomach, nor perhaps any of the usual symptoms of stomach weak ness. Nervous dyspepsia shows Itself not in the stomach so mncli aa In nearly every other organ ; In some oaaea the heart palpitates and la Irregular ; In others the kidneys are affected ; In others the bowels are constipated, with headaches; still others are troubled with loss of flesh and appetite, with accum ulation of gas, sour risings and heartburn. Mr. A. V. Sharper, of No. 01, Prospect St., Indianapolis, 'Ind., writes aa follows: "A motive of pure g rati t ode prompts me to wilte theaa fow Hues regarding the now and valuablo medicine, Stuart'a Dyspepsia Tab lets. I have been a sufferer from nervous dyspepsia for the last four years; have used various patent medicines and other remedios without any favorable result. They some times gave temporary relief until the effect of the medicine wore off. I attributed this to my sedentary habits, being a bookkeeper with little physical exercise, but I am glad to stato that the tablets have overcome all these obstacles, for I have gained in flesh, sleep liettcr, and am better in every way. . The above is written not for notoriety, but la I based on actual fact." Respectfully yours, A. W. SitARrEn, 01 Prospect St.. Indianapolis, Ind. It is safe to Bay that Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets will cure any stomach weakness or disease except cancer of stomach. They euro sour stomach, gas, loss of flesh and appetite, sleeplessness, palpitation, heartburn, con- rtipation and headache. Send for valuable little book on stoinaoh diseases by addressing Stuart Co., Marshall, Mich. All druggists sell full sized packages at SO cents. BHEUIVjATiSift- la npt to nttaek you nt this sea son ot the year. If It does take the BRONCHO (Homotopathlo) REMEDY for Itlieiimatlsm mid get well quickly. "They clo the Woflc" 10 CENTS AT ALL DRUaOIdTS SEND I'OK SAMPLE. BRONX CHEMICAL. COMPANY, Yonkers, N. Y. .tire .DEATH .Cures genera or rpcrlr-I debility, wakeful ness, spcrm&trrhcca, emlroion.-, Impotency paresis, etc. Corrects functional disorders, caused by errors or excesses, quickly restoring; Lost Manhood In old or young, giving vigor and strength where Connt.Mverkr.ess prevailed. Con venient package, simp!.;, cf'cciual, sad legitimate. Cure is Quiet; and TKcrtoyci-i. Pan i V deceiird ly imitations: insist on CATON'S Vitalize. .Sent scaled if your dm gist doeu not ha e it. I f ac $ 1 per ptcge, 6 for $5, with written guarantee of complete cure. Information, references, etc., free and confidential. Send us statement of ra.e and 25 cts. for a week's trial treatment. Cue only sent to each person. ' CATCN MED. CO,, CO 8 TON, MASS. For sale nt P. P. D. Klrlln's drug- ttorc nn si len ma on u ururf store, pei?r?a. Railroad. SCHUYKILL DIVISION. .Tasuaky 18,1897. Trains will louvo Shenandoah after tho atari date tor Wlgg&iis. Gilberton. Fmokville, Lai Water, St. Clair, Pottevllle. Hamburg, Iloadlux I'ottstowu, l'hoenlxvllle, Norrlstown nml I'tli adclphla (Ilroad street station) at 6 08 and IT OS a. m. and -1 20 p. in. on week days. For I'utl vllle and intermediate stations 9 17 a. in. SUNDAY. For Wlgganr, Ollberton, I'reokvllle, DarV Water, St. (Jlutr, Pottsville, at 0 08, 9 45 a. m. aiu! 8 10 p. m. For Hamburg, Heading, 1'oMntown I'hoenixvillo, Norrfstown, Philadelphia at 6 - 6 9 45 a. in., 3 10 p. in. Trains leave Fmcuvnie jor rjtiennnuoau ai 40 a. ui. and 12 31, (5 11, 7 02 and 10 47 p. n. ioy, ji iu a. m. nnu onp. in. ive I'ottsviuo lor Hiienanuoan at 10 U and 12.01. 5 13. 7 25 and 10 20 n. m. Sundav el lu VJ n. m., o io p. in. Leave Philadelphia, (Broad street station), tu Shenandoah at 5 67 and 8 So a. m., 4 10 and 7 1' p. in. week days. Sundays leave at C 60 n. m Leave Broad street station, Philadelphia, lo Beit Ulrt, Asbury Park, Ooean Urove, Lnni llrancli, and Intermediate stations, 8..0. 11,14 a. in., 3.30 and 4.00 p. ra. wek-days. .Leave llrood Street Station, Philadelphia, FOIS NBW YOr.K. - Bxpress, week-days 3 20, 4 Oo, 4 60 6 15, 6 60, 7 33, 8 2C, 8 33. a 50, 10 21 (Dining Cur), 11 00 a. m. 12 00 noon, j2 36 (Limited 100 and 4 72 p.m. IMnliiK Cars), 1 40, 2 30 (Dining Oar) 3 20, 3 SO, 4 00,6 00, 5 58 (Dlllinsr Oar). 6 00, 0 54.812.1000 p. m., 12 01, night. Sundays, 3 20, 1 03, 4 60 5 13. 6 20,8 88,9 60, 10 21, (1)1 lug Car), 1136 a. m., 12 86, 230 (Dining Car), 4 00 (Limited 1 22 Dining Car), 8 20. S 66, (Dining Car), 6 33, 6 50, 8 12, 10 00 p. m., 1201 night. Uxpress for Boston without change, 11 00 a in,, week-days, and 8 60 p. in., dally. FOIt WASHINGTON AND TUB SOUTH. For JlalMuiore and Washington, 3 60, 7 20,8 t2 10 20, 1128 a. tu., 12 09 (12 31 Limited Dli, tng Oar), 1 12. 818. 141 ill Ooniuaalonal United. DinInOar), 617, 606 (DlnTiiB Oar), 7 40 (Dining Oar) p. m., and 12 05 nlghl week days. Sundays, 8 60, 7 SO, 0 12, 11 ST a, in., 12 09 1 12, 4 41, ( 6 U OonamMlonal Limited, Dining Oar), 868 (Dining Oar), 740 p. m. (Dining Oar) and 1205 night. FOIt ATLANTIC OITY. Leave llrood street station, Philadelphia (via Delaware river bridge), express, 702 p. to. dally. Leave Market street Perry, ex-tress, 8 60 a m., 2 00, 4 10, 5 CO p. m. Sundays, 8 46, 9 46 a. m. Accommodation, 8 00, 8 SO, a. m., 8 20 and 4 20 p. in., week days. Sundays, 8 00, 8 16 a. in., 4 00 and Q 00 p. in. For Rape May Angleasea, Wlldwood and Holly Beach, and Sea Isle City, Ocean City and Avalon Express, 900 s. m., 4 00 p. m. week days. Rundays. 00 a. m. For Somen Point Uxpreaa, 8 60 am., 410 n in week days. Sundays 8 46 a in. J. B. HiiTcHmsoH, J K. Wood, Utin'l Manager. (Jen'l Pass'g'r At Those wlio ones bny SEELIQ'8 Keen coming back f..r it. TUia ad i..;..;ure makes Uia lluvor of cof fee dclicioua. All Grocers. stjaPovluaky's drug storr, 28 Km Centre street. fdr uest by adding a lit- tie of Seelig'g tn ordinarv Fo A POSlTljl EVANS. Tlio TonnoBBee Kopublioan to bo Ooipmissionor of Pensions. PALMER TOR PUBLIO PRINTER, St ron 2 Iteason to llcllovo That John A. I.ocnn Will Not bo Bent as Mlnliter to Austria, nntt llellainy Slorer May Not bo Sherman's Chief Lieutenant, Washington, March 12. II. Clay Evans, of Tennessee, has been tender ed the office of commissioner of pen sions, and In all probability will ac cept the appointment, which la one of the moat important In the department service at Washington outalde of the cabinet offices. It la also announced that Prank W. Palmer, of Illinois, haa bean decided upon for public printer, Henry Clay Bvans represented the Chattanooga dlatrlct in congress for several years, and In the Harrison ad ministration was first assistant post master general, later he ran for gov ernor of Tennessee on the Ilepuhlloan ticket. The result was In doubt for many weeks, and It was not until after a warm fight before a board appointed to review the election that It nnaiiy was announced officially that Gover nor Turney, his Democratic opponent, had been re-elected. Mr. Evftns Is n manufacturer, and has a large rail road supply repairing establishment In Chattanooga. The nominations of Colonel John Hay as ambassador to Great Britain and Qeneral Horace Porter as ambassador H. CLAV EVAKS. to Germany are regarded as settled be yond further question, yet after 20 years of public service the president never considers a thing done until the last step has been taken, and these two nominations will be considered open until the papurs are sent to the senate. The tendencies toward Governor Mer rlam for the German mission and ex 'Ilepresentatlve Draper for Italy nre re garded by persons well Informed as so strong that little doubt remains as to their belnjt on the list sent to the senate. There Is strong reason to believe that John A. Logan, Jr., whose name has been prominently mentioned In connec tion with the mission to Austria-Hun gary, will not receive that appoint ment. It Is understood also that con siderable doubt has arisen within the last few days ns to tho appointment of Bellamy Storer as assistant socre tary of state. Many cases of "Grlppo" have lately been cured by Ono Minute Cough Cure. This preparation seems especially adapted to the curo of this disease. It nets quickly thus preventing serious complications and bad otTects in which this disease often leavos tho patient. C. II. llagcnbuch. Initiative and Jteferendum Defeated. Topeka, Kan., March 12. The Popu list measure providing for Initiative and referendum legislation was de feated in the lower house of the state legislature after having passed the senate. The resolution was defeated by a vote of 76 to 47, a two-thirds ma jority being required. HOW TO FIND OUT. F:il :i bottle or common water glass witli mine und let it stand twanty-four hours; a sediment or settling indicates a diseased con ditiou of tho kidneys. When urino stains linen it is pasitivo evldeuco of kidney troublo. Too frequent dosiro to urinatn or pain in the back, is also convincing proof that the kidneys and bladder are out of order. WHAT TO DO. There is comfort in the kuowlcdgo so often expressed, that Dr. Kilmer's Swninp-Hoot, the great kldnoy remedy, fulfills every wish In relieving pain In tlio back, kidneys, liver, bladder aud ovory part of tho urinary pas sages. It correct inability to hold urino and scalding pain iu passing it, or bad effecti fol lowing use of liquor, wluo or beer, and over comes that unpleasant necessity of boing compelled to get up many times during tho night to uriuato. Tho mild and tho ox-' traonlinary effect of Swamp-Hoot Is soon realized. It stands tho highest for its wonder ful cures of the moat distressing cases. If you need a medicine you should havo tho best. Solil by druggists price fifty cents aud ono dollar. For a sample bottle and pamph let, both sent free by mail, mention Evkmno II1UUI.D and seod your full post-olllco address to Dr. Kilmer & Co., Ilinghamton, N. Y. The proprietors of thU paper guarantee thegeualnenessof thUofler. Coining livents. Mar. 15. Birthday party in the Unitod Evangelical olniroh, under the aujptoe: of the singing class. April 7 Entertainment in Calvary Baptist church, under the auspicea of the Sunday school. March 88. Musical and literary program in the Welsh Congregational churoh. If your dealer tells you tbataowothlngelse is "just as good" as Dean's Ointment for Hives, Pin Worms, Itching Piles or other itchiness of the skin, tell him you want the original. It is safe ; never-falling. Lrp;Ulutlug Telegraph lolls. Olympla, Wash., March 12. The house, by a vote of 47 to 21, passed the Genu bill to reduce the telegraph tolls In the state. The bill provides that It shall be unlawful for any telegraph company to charge more than a cent and a half per word for transmitting a message from any point to another given in the utate of Washington, pro vided, however, that a minimum charge ht made of 26 centa for ten words or less. ltuckleu's Amloa Salve. The beat salve in the world for outs, braises, sores, ulcers, salt rheum, fever sores, 'Jtter. chapped bands, chilblains, oorus, and all skin eruptions, and positively eurca piles, 01 i 1 required. It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction or mony refunded. Price 88 cent per box. For sale by A. Wasley. i STOCK AND PRODUCE MARKETS. Closing Qnotntlnns of the New York and 1'lilliiOelpliln ICxelmngra. New Tork, March 11. Todny'i stock market was remarkable for Its firmness ot tone In face of the specific dullness of the proceedings. With the exception of a alight awakening to animation about the delivery hour the trading was almost dormant. Tho total number of shares sold numbered less than 90,000 and over 80,000 of these were 15 of leading stocks. Closing bids: Malto. A Ohio... 1(54 Lehigh Valley.. 28 Chesa. ft Ohio.. T N. J. Central... M Del. A Hudson. .109. N. Y. Central... 97, D., 1j. A W....154 Pennsylvania .. S2 Krle H Rpadlng 25 l.nke Erie A W 18 St. Paul 77V4 Lehigh Nav 39 W. N. Y. & Pa. 2 'All asst's paid. Ornernt Martlets. Philadelphia, March 11. Flour firm; winter superilnc, $2 65tj2.S0; do. extra, $1.90 ti-a.itO; Pennsylvania roller, clear, j 1.100 4.H; do. straight, I4.25ifi4.88; western win ter, clear, M.liKM.K; do. straight, 14.26 4,40; olty mills, extra, t3.153.30. Wheat easier; contract wheat, spot, 870S7Hc. ; do. March. 8?'4c. ; No. I red. March. 800.; do. May, 1ic. ; do. June, 78c. ; do. July, TBsc. ; do. September, TSHc; No. Z Penn sylvania and No. 2 Delaware red, spot, 89c. Corn steady; steamer corn, spot, 25H25c; No. 2 yellow for local trade, I7Hft2Sc; No. 2 mixed, March, ZOitffteHc; do. April, 2Ci27e. ; do. May. 27V,274c. Oats quiet: No. 2 white, car lots, 28c.; No. 2 white rllpped, car lots, (sc.; No. I white, spot, XfAtmc. ; do. March, 2Uift22Hc. ; do. April, 282SVxC.; do. May. 234(2a'4o.; do. June, 2SdT23Vsc. liny stonily for good; choice timothy, $13.50 for Inrge bales. Iieof steady; beef hams, JlS.TBfilO. Pork quiet, but steady; family $10.5011. Lard steady; western stenmed, J4.254.30. But ter steady; western creamery, 18ffl9c. ; do. factory, 712c. ; Klglns, 19c.; Imitation oreamery, 10K15c. ; New York dairy, 12 18c.; do. creamery, 1318c. ; fancy prints Jobbing at 204123c.; do. extra, wholesale, 19c. Cheese quiet: large, 9ffil24c: small, )912Vic. ; part skims, 64.9c; full skims, 3 c. ISggs qulel; New York and Pennsyl vania, 12W,q. western, fresh, 10llc. ; southern, iinir. Live Stock 3Inrkets. New York, March 11. Cables quote American steers at 10Vtllttc.; sheep at 10t?llKc.; refrigerator beet at 309c. calves steauy; veais, Moit.m nneep and lambs firm; sheep, 404.76; lambs, $505.90. Hogs steady at S8.9O04.X). Bast Liberty, Pa., March 11. Cattle steady; prime, J1.905; feeders. W.604; bulls, stags and cows, J1.75S.50. Hogs firm; best medium, 2494.06; heavy York ers, Jrfi'4.05: rommon to fair Yorkers and pigs. J3.90S 3 95; heavy, t3.808.90: roughs, $2.5043.50. Sheep active and higher; Ohio fed westerns, tl.20If4.4O; prime natives, fl.45 if 4.C0: common, f2.C0i& 3.W; choice lambs, !5.?51J5.riO; vcnl cslvrs tit 6,50. Rheumatism Cured In a Day "Mystic Curo" for Rheumatism and Neu ralgia radically cures in 1 to 3 days. Its action upon the system is romnrknblo aud mysterious. It removes at ouco tlio cause and tho disease immediately disappears. Tho first dose greatly benefits. T. F. Anthony, ex-Postmaster of Promise City, Iowa, says: "I bought one bottle of 'Mystic Cure' for lllienmatlsm, and two doses of It did me more good than any medicine I ever took." 75 conts. Sold by C. II. Ilngeulincli, druggist, Shen andoah. Proposed llaco Truck Law In Now Jersey. Trenton, March 12. A surprise was created In the house yesterday after noon by the Introduction of a race track bill. The bill Is an exact coun terpart of the Gray racing law now In force In New York. It does not In ex act words authorize or legalize betting or bookmaking on race tracks, but It does relieve the managers or owners of race tracks from personal liability for any bookmaklng or bettlngdone on their tracks after they have posted notices that bookmaklng and betting are llllcgal, and have employed po licemen to see that this rule Is en forced. The bill has practically no show of passing. A Household Necessity. Cascarcts Candy Cathartic, the most won derful modioli discovery of the age, pleasant and refreshing to tho taste, act gently and positively on klilneys, llvor and bowols, cleansing tlio entire system, dispel colds, curo hoadacho, fever, habitual constipation and biliousness. I'leuse buy and try n box of C. C. O. to-day, 10, 85, B0 cents. Sold nnd guaranteed to curo by all druggists. A Dd'aware Murtlir Mystery. Milton, Del., March 12. The body of an unknown young woman was found floating yesterday In the Broadklln river, about a mile from here. The back of tho skull had been crushed in, and all the circumstances pointed to murder. Near by was an old boat, In which were found some hairpins and a quantity of female wealing apparel. The body has not been Identified. From Cripple Greek. After tho big fire in Cripplo Creek, I took a very severe cold and tried many romcdlcs without help, tho cold only becoming moro settled. After using thrco small bottles of Chamberlain's Cough Itomody, both tho cough and cold left ms, nnd in this high alti tude It tokos a meritorious cough remedy to do any good. G. U. Henderson, editor Daily Advortisor, For sale by Gruhler Bros , drug store. Secretary Sherman's I'oti'flileutliCl Olefh Washington, March 12. Secretary of State Sherman has appointed William B. Goitre, of Marietta, O., as his con fidential clerk. The position pays $1,200 a year. It has been filled here tofore by the detail ot a civil service olerk. Mr. Galtre was associated with President McKinley while he was gov ernor of Ohio. FREE CURE FOR MEN. A Michigan Man Offers to Send Ills Dis covery Free. Claims to Be a Senefastor to Weakened Mankind. There is always more or less suspicion attached to anything tliat is offered free but sometimes a man so overflows with generosity that he cannot rest until his discovery is known to the world, in order that bis fellow men may profit by what he has discovered. It la upou this principal that a resident of Kalamasoo, Mich., desires to send free to mankind a nrescrintiou which will cure them of any form of nervous debility ; relievo, them of all the doubt and uncertainty which such men are peculiarly liable to and restores the organs to natural sise and vigor. As it costs nothing to try the experiment it would seem that any man, suffering with the nervous troubles that usually attack men who never stopped to realize what might ho the final result, ought to be deeply interested in a remedy which will restore them to health, strength and vigor, without which they continue to live an existence of untold misery. As tho remedy in question was the result of many years research as to what combination would be peculiarly effective in restoring to men the strength they fieeil, it would seem that all men Buffering with any form of nervous weakness ought to write for such a remedy at once. A request to II. C. Olds, Ikix 1718, Kalamasoo, Mich., stating mat you are not senumg ior uie prescnutiou out of Idle curiosity, but that you wish to make use of the medicine by givfug it a trial, will be answered promptly aud without evidence as to where information came from. The prescription Is sent free and although some may wonder how Mr. Olds can allbrd to give away his discovery, them is no doubt about the offer being genuine. Cut this out and send to Mr. Olds so that he may know how you came to write him. lS2-i!8-78t A PEOPLE OF FEW WORDS. "Let your speech be yea, yea, and nay, ny," says the Good Rook, "for whosoever Is more than these cometh of evil." The Shakers abide by the spirit of this rnle. Their words are few, simple, sincere and direct. They naste no energy in idle talk ; they use it in thinking and doing. And whatever they do they do with their might. They are content with nothing short of the essence and principle of the things they In vestigate. They take pains and are patient. Anil thus the doors of many strange truths open to them. In this way they discovered what may almost be called tho unity of disease. A venerable Shaker says of it: "It Is said that one man's meat is another man's poison. That is but half the truth. Any man's meat is any man's poison, under cer tain conditions. If the grain never got farther thnii the hopper wo should Hever have bread ; and if bread never got farther than the stomach we should never havo strength. When the stomach is torpid, help less and Inflamed tho food lies in it and rots. This fermentation produces poisons which may, and often do, disorder every other organ and function of the body. This is in digestion or dyspepsia, with many symptoms and disguises. Cure it and you cure nine tenths f your complaints." These words were uttered many years ago. Since then they have found a remedy, now known as the Shaker Digestive Cordial. It is mado from mcdiuinnl plants cultivated by them. It is a food and digests other foods. Taken while eating it rests the stomach and nourishes the system. The pain and dis tresses of dyspepsia disappear before it. It prevents fermentation and soon restores full power to tho digestion. It succeeds in the worst cases. It is worthy the name of the people whose uamo It bears. Any drug gist will sell you a trial bottle for ten cents. Three Children Drowned In a l'o71. Dowmancvllle, Ont.; March 12. The three eldest children of Frederick Buxen were drowned Just outside their garden gate Wednesday night in a pond that once formed part of a mill race. The youngest child slipped Into the pond, and In their efforts to save It the other two were also drowned. Dangers of tho Grip. Tho greatest danger from La Grippe is of its resulting in pneumonia. If reasonable core is used, however, and Chamberlain's Cough Remedy taken, all danger will be avoided. Among the tens of thousands who have used this remedy for la grippe, we havo yet to learn of a single case having resulted iu pneumonia, which shows conclu sively that this remedy is a certain preven tive of that dread disease. It will effect a permanent cure in less time than any other treatment. The SB aud BO rent sixes for sale by Uruhlor Bros., druggists. Monhiti i'h .M1u1 Itr hrry Case. Helena, Mont.. March IS. Judge Imlth has called a grand Jury and barged them to Investigate thorough- rumors and charges of bribery rowing out of the recent session ai '.he legislature. I'rco Wlls Send your address to H. 13. Bucklen & Co., Chicago, and net a free Minnie box of Dr. King's New Life Tills. A trial will convince you of thotr merits. These nllls are ensv in action aud nre lnrticularly ellective in the curo of Constipation and Sick Headache. For Jlahina aud Liver troubles they have been proved invaluable. They nro guaranteed to l)o purely vogclnblo. Thoy do not weaken by their nrtlon, but by giving tone to stomach and bowols greatly invigorate tho system. Kegular sizo 2oc per box. Sold by A. Wasley, druggist. VETEHRYSPECIFICS For Horses, Cattle, Sheep, Dogs, Hogs, AND POULTRY. SOOFago Book nn Treatment of Animals und Chart bent Tree. (bs( Foyers, rnnecstlons.Tnflnrnmntlon A.A.ifepinnl Meningitis, Milk 1'ovcr. l!,J;'Ptra,ns hDincncm, Uhcnmatism. .'.!. Distemper, Nnsnl Discharges. D.D. Hots or (irubs, Worms. ('oiiEbs, Heaves, l'nnuiiionla, Collo or tirlpcs. Bellyache. I.e. Miscarriage, Hemorrhages. i II. ll.--l!iinnry iind Kidney Diseases. .I..-Iiriiitlvo Diseases, Mango. It Diseases of Digestion, Paralysis, Single Dottle (over B0 doses), - . ,jq Stable Case, with Specifics, ManndL Veterhiury Curo Oil and Medlcatoii 87.00 Jnr Veterinary Curo Oil, . . 1,00 Sold b7BrngtaL or i.nt prtpfcM tarwbers sad to any quoin; ea mt-lr-t or price. natriums BED. CO., Ill A lltmtlUm SU, SmTork. HUMPHREYS' HOMEOPATHIC SPECIFIC No, In aso 30 ye ar. Tho only Buccefal remedy for Nervous Debility, Vital Weakness, and Prostration, from over-work or other cattwa. $1 pr Ti&U or 6 v.U and Urse vJl powder, for $6. 8ol4 by Vrvggim, or tot potiptltton receipt ot prfc. UCUriinKYS HKD. CO., ll t A 1 1 S HUIUm 6L, .Vw Tort. For salu at rovlniky's dr.ij s:ore, 2.S Centre struct Kmt leeeesaosseo S Always FIRST S Eagle Brand CONDENSED fllLIC S " For 1? yer$ the leading brinj. It is tha g jr Best and tha most economical. w 3 A PERFECT FOOD FOR INFANTS 2 eeseoooaeeeeseasseeasassr' MADE ME A MAN AJAX TABLETS POSITIVELY CORE Ala jvervou uucaiM-railing ftiem ory. I m potency, 81 eeplomn qui, etc .cauted OMtione. Thty quickly and urly Buugiutr flicwm ana joau- raebora ljoat vitalitj in old or roang, and flt ft man for ntudy. buktneu or marrinaa. rrjnnt Insanity and Consumption if tatftatn tli Ima ll...! r nan u)i r.oa i m mul i bFm fmnmM. meat and sbmIs a CURE where all others tail. In tut noon liAVino (ha mnnlni Aliuc Tftblfttft. hava cam! LhouMtida and will cure yon. We aiva tost ponuva written guarantee to enact a cure in eaon oa r tkt DDii tua nz MokuM ffnTr treatment 1 far K iay. 1'rice oo oengi e,pr plain wrapper, upon receipt of price. AJAX REMEDY CO., bv mall, la inlnp frM Markers St For snlo In Hlmnnndonli, lft., by A. Wasloy and H. 1'. Klrlin, DrtiKKisU. 604 North Sixth St. i Side entrance on Oreen SL PHILADELPHIA. CURB GUARANTEED. frflkW "i-ir. l lnl-UAiliLr;s5 Tear.) Und 6 U eftre Iloapltttl ljperleneln sitanis-nj. Taj 2THICTUKE, BLOOD fOISON.ir EXCESSES AND ALL OTHER rJk EFFECTS OF YOUTHFUL FOLLV np ROTH Spxrs.-- a'ermanealiy cured aner everr one cue line Ruled. 10SI MANHOOD AND SHRUNKEN OROANS RESTORED. Send five 2-cent stnniiis for tiook Trulli. The only eimsuni of Quiu kg uiulf r Hwom testimonials. Chlehntrrs Knctl.li DlameHd Hraaa. EWNYRQYAL PILLS Original and Only Genalae. Arc. fclwtTt relUbU. ladies brtuciil for Chitku&rt KnatUk Dia mmuT Brand in lied aod tiM mftUW rboiM, with bine ribbon. Take In a oLlifir. Rtfutt dmnotrouM ubatuu Htmt and imUaitvM. A t riruMisUa, or M4 4 unM iur jmrlioulwi, r MalL 10,000 TiitlmMiltli. Namts$. ur ior iuui.ca,' Mlura The Rosy Freshness And & Vl'l I't-t etri.. iHirn on ansa ntalr I f la ( nnn - I I riably o.-r M posxoMi'a HUMPHREYS' mm tin isra A New York "Ratification" Meet ing That Failed to Ratify. NO ABBITRATI0N WITH ENGLAND. Jnitffe l.ynn Arouses the Meeting to ICn tlmslasm by a Vlgornns Denunciation of llrltlsli Methods Great Disorder Iu the Mnetlnsr Quelled by the PollM. New York, March 12. The eltleens' mass meetlna called for the purpose of indorsing the ratification of the ar bitration treaty between this country and Oreat Hrltaln at Cooper Union last nlht, through the speech of Civil Jus tice Wauhope Lynn, was turned from a meeting; of peace into one of turmoil. For a time it appeared as If the police would have to interfere to restore order. Although the excitement was great, the meeting concluded without any serious disturbance. The trouble started when Judge Lynn captured tha meeting by offering an amendment de nouncing the resolutions favoring ar bitration. Tresldent Seth Low refused to put Judge Lynn'a amendment to the meeting, and on a vote being taken on the resolutions, although decided car ried, they were really voted down. Up to the time that Judge Lynn came forward the audience mildly ap proved of the sentiments expressed by Bishop Potter, Mayor 8trong Presi dent Low and ex-Secretary Falrclilld. but in a few minutes after the civil Justice had secured the floor three fourths of the audience had declared their opposition to the ratification ot the treaty. The resolutions, which were read and explained by ex-Secretary Fair child, refer to the United StateB as "an earnest advocate of international arbitration," and declare that "We heartily concur In the declaration of our honored- chief magistrate, that 'the treaty presents to the world the glorious example of reason and peace, not passion and war, controlling the relations between, two of the greatest nations of the world an example cer tain to be followed by others.' " When President Low had concluded Judge Lynn asked permission to speak, and launched into a bitter at tack on England, which the audience applauded loudly. He said: "Tonight the Greeks are defending their humble brothers when England, with arms and guns, Is forcing that unfortunate people into bondage by coercion under the Turk. A treaty with a government that has permitted the Armenians to be slaughtered by thousands; a treaty with a country that haa broken every obligation and violated every pledge of honor she ever made. Judge Lynn offered an amendment to the resolutions, requesting the sen ate to reject the treaty and declaring: "We respectfully submit to the sen ate of the United States that the re cent history and the present Interna tional relations of England justify the belief that she is not acting In good faith as a friend of peace, but is simply seeking a free hand and the moral sup port of the United States In policies and enterprises. Proof ot this is sup plied by the action of her naval forces in aiding the Turks against the Chris tian people of Crete, and the prepara tions notoriously on. foot for a war of subjugation against the free Dutch people of South Africa." At the conclusion of Judge Lynn's speech the audience was In a state of great excitement. There was ap plause and hisses, intermlnnled with arguments between those in favor of arbitration and Its opponents, who sat side by side on the benches. It was a tumult. Threats, such as "I'll punch your nose," could be heard, and a man occupying a front seat stood up and shook his fist at the justice as he sat in his chair on the platform. When order had been partially re storded, and President Seth Low arose and took Judge Lynn sharply to task for making nuch a speech at a meeting of the friends of arbitration, Mr. Low was hissed. The chairman then called on ex-Congressman Warner. Mr. Warner spoke for a few minutes, and was then un able to proceed any further on account of confuhion, which developed almost Into pandemonium. Then the original resolutions were offered to the meet ing. About one-third of the assem blage voted aye on them, and the re maining two-third voted no. Still President Low declared them carried. During the meeting the police were several times called upon to preserve order. Your Hoy Wont J.lvo n Urolith. So Mr. Oilman Brown, of t Mill St., South Gardner, Muss., was told by the doctors. His son had Lung troublo, following Typhoid Malaria, and lie Bpeut three hundred and seventy-five dollars with doctors, who finally gave him up, saying: "Your boy wont live a month." He tried Dr. King's New Dis covery and a few bottles restored him to health and enabled him to go to work a per fectly well man. He says lie owes his nre- sent good health to the use of Dr. King's New Discovery, and knows it to lie the best in the world for Luin trouble. Trial Bottles free at A. Wasley s lOrug Store. A Vo' miilni.ua Iudletment. Louisville. March 12. The most vol uminous IndLt.-.unt ever entered In a United States district court In Ken tucky was entered yesterday by the federal grand Jury against J. M. Mo Knight, late president of the defunct German National bank. It embraced 210 pages of closely typewritten mat ter, and contained 91 separate and dis tinct counts, In which there were specified violations of the national banking lawB. including embeialement, false entry and false report to control ler. McKnlght was taken before Judge Unrr yesterday afternoon, and bond was fixed at $13,000. ItlieiiuiaUsui yiiloJily Cured. After Uaviug been uonDned to the for eleven days and paying ont fSS, is doctor bills without benefit, Mr. Frank Dolsou of SuultSto. Marie, Mich., was cored by se bottle or Chamberlain's rate Balm essttug SS cenU and has not siuoa been troubled with that c mplaint. For sale by Qruhlar Bros., druggists. Tiiy.ik N.,li-,,..f, .al. f l..vi.ons. St. " ill, .ivtU r.-Jthe present stoim, t"i.- i vev tho entire Mis sissippi a ... . .her In the shape of rain or h n :'l further compllca'o the aerirtf . :.s of the rendition of the country by i. ir .n r the over abund ance of snnv. The railroads that had not yet sucto ilud in gittinnc. all their branches opi n .i for travel are again set back, and towns were already suf fering from want of coal and provis ions on a. i iunt c,f the lack of railroad comunli.'M n. The storm prevailed all d,iy ihi i - bout South Dakota, Min nesota, Iowa and Wisconsin, many placid rt-poitlng a full rl-iUrcd bllaaard. Urlp-CuUU-Meaitui he. Why suffer with Coughs, Colds aud La Grippe when Laxative Broiuo Quinine will cure yon in one day. l'ut up iu tablets con veuientfnr tuking. (liiaittutund tonne, or money refunded, l'nce, li6 .-euts. '"or sale by Klrllu's Pharuuu'y. "'TIS !.OVE THAT HAKES THE WORLD QO ROUND." Sivne people thinV money Is a greater gower than love. Oh ! What a mistake I ee how the great money kings arc con trolled by the little boy Cupid ! See how the gi -.it soldiers and men of power are twilled around his little fingers? " A woman's most precious postcssion i the capacity for awakening pnre and noble love. More potent than wit or intellect is the womanly capacity for happy wifehood and motherhood. A woman who is weak nr diseased In the special organUni of her sex is deprived of the power and prestige whkh naturally be long to her. Such troubles are not a ne cessity. Perfect health and strength of the feminine organism is indued by proper care and the aidi a(TVrdrd by enltirMene'I medical science. Dr. Pierce's Favorite Pre scription cures alt weaknesses and diseases of woman's special ornanism. For nearly" y years Pr. Pierce has been chief consulting physician to the Invalids' Hotel and Surgical Institute, of Buffalo, N. Y. No n'.her physician has had a more extensive practice or greater success in the treatment of women's diseases. No other such perfect and scientific remedy for these ailments has ever been devised. It has re stored health, strength and womanly power to tens of thousands of women. Women who would understand their own powers and possibilities should read Doctor Pierce's thousand - page illustrated book, "The People's Common Sense Medical A.dviier." It is the mot interesting and inlightening book of the kind ever pub lished. A paper - bound copy will be sent absolutely free to any one sending 21 one cent stamps to pay the cost of mailing only. (tJdress, world's Diipenary Medical As uidation, Buffalo, N Y Fpr a hati'lsome cloth-bound copy lend M stamps. For Sale by p. p. d. I SURE CURE FOR Dyspepsia, Malaria, Sleeplessness, nervous neauacne, Biliousness, Kidney Diseases, Ash your Dviifftist to get them through his Jobber, or scittl a Postal Card to BOULTON HOP BITTERS CO., NE3M YORK. Sold by P. P. D. KIRLIN, Shenandoah. Pa. itlUII))llllllllllllllillllillllllillllllllllllillilllllllllllllllllllUIIII1UIII!l!IIIU:lH ft FOK SALE BVERTWHERE. S illllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllillllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllillllltW ANDY 10 23 50 mnAi TTmnrtr niiinitwmnTin pnrn in, AliuUhUliShl UUiilflluiDU t.tr.n. r.r f plo ami lxmUlet free. Ad. STKUUM: KE'II lV "WHERE DIRT GATHERS, WASTE RULES." GREAT SAVING RESULTS FROM THE USE OF PROFESSIONAL CARDS c, 8. PHILLIPS, M. D. Office: 80 West OetUro siren. dan be ooitsulted at all hours. JJ M. HURKR, ATIORKBT-AT-fcAW. (o Hsn batMtnc, ss Ostttre strfsss, Shnuudoab. at Mats tt J H. POHBROY, ATIORRfY-AT-LAW ttUaodoU. IV. Jjl W. atllOEUAKBH, ATTORKHy-AT-LAW. Oornar Market anil Oenira slrstss. pHO HOP JOHN J0NK8, MUSICAL INSTRUCTOR. Lock Bos at, Malutuor City, IV. Having studied under sows of the beat London and Paris, will Lrlvn lessons on ms vioim.manaoiin, arm tar nu vooal culture. Torau reaaonabl. Address In OA re of Btrousa, the Jeweler, Shenandoah. JjfJ CultbMted tfemilt ln.-lra o;vjr tall. mmmmmi tutu UUd HIT i liter Will if w.th Tunfy "d r-T.nyinrol I'i1! mnA olhcr lik nnHtliiSl A wu a hiiv lht lail Liirt kHiul rftsMn. I polvlrmnit (iuar.il (cmI an-iior to tUl oihem lSMfUvw 111 Ult mnVH, A No 1. luUttlltf, i vU. Df. S. X HAVE YOU READ"- THE PHILADELPHIA TIflES THIS MORNING? THE TIMES la tho moat exteiiilveljr circulated And widely rend netrendper pnl I l-hed In Pennsylvania. It dlwuMion of pub lic men nnd public meiuiurrs n In the In term t of public Integrity, honeM government And proftpernua Industry, And it Known no party or person! ftlleaiimee In treating public laaucfl. In the broad eat And beat Mim a family And general newapAwr. THE TIMES Alma to Imve the Itrgeet eireulntlon by deserving It, and claims tliAt It la unmirpaaacd In All the eaaentlAla of a great metropolitan nnwspAper. Specimen copies of any edition will he sent free to any one send ing their addreaa. 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