The evening herald. (Shenandoah, Pa.) 1891-1966, March 10, 1897, Image 3

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To Oato Flesh, to Sleep Wall, to Know
What Appetite and Good Digestion
Mian, Make a Teit of Btnart'i
Dyspepsia Tablet.
Interesting Experience of an Iiidlaiupolle
No trouble I moro common or more mis
understood than nervous dyspepsia. People
harlng It think that their nerres are to blame
and are snprlsed that they are not enred by
nerve medicine and spring remodies; the
real seat of the mischief is lost slglit of ; the
stomach is the organ to 1ms looked after.
Nervous dyspeptics often do not Imvo nny
pilin whatever in the stomnch, nor perhaps
any of the usual symptoms of stomach weak
nets. Nervous dyspepsia shows Itself not in
the stomach so much as in nearly every other
organ ; in somo cases tho heart palpitates
and is Irregular ; in others the kidneys are
alfoetod ; in others the bowels are constipated,
with headaches; still others are troubled
with loss of flesh and appetite, with accum
ulation of gas, sour risings and heartburn.
Mr. A. W. Sharper, of No. 01, Prospect St.,
Indianapolis, Ind., wiltts ns follows: "A
motive of pure gratitude prompts mo to
wiite these few lines regarding the now and
valuable medlcino, Stuart's Dyspepsia Tab
lets. I liavo been a sutforer from nervous
dyspepxin for the last four years; have used
various patent mcdkineB and other remedies
without Buy favorable result. Thoy some
times gave temporary relief until the effects
of the medicine wore off. I attributed this
to my sodeutary hubits, being a bookkeeper
with little physical exercise, but I am glad to
state that tho tablets have overcome all these
obstacles, for I have gained in llesh, sleep
bettor, and am better In every way. The
above Is written not for notoriety, but Is
based on actual fact."
Respectfully yours,
A. W. Hharprb,
01 Prospect St., Indianapolis, Ind.
It is safo to say that Stuart's Dyspepsia
Tablets will cure any Btouiach weakness or
disease except cancer of stomach. They cure
sour stomach, gas, loss of flesh aud appetite,
sleeplessness, palpitation, heartburn, con
stipation and headache.
. Send for valuable little book on stomach
diseases by addressing Stuart Co., Marshall,
All druggists sell full sized paekages at BO
Then get him to tnke the
"They do the Worlc"
Yonkors, N. Y.
Cures general or epccla! debility, wakeful
ness, epurraatorhc3& emissions, Impotcncy,
paresis, etc. Corrects functional disorders,
caused by errors or c-i-csocs, quickly restoring
Lost Manhood iu old nr young, giving vtg-or and
strength where formt r veal:u-ss prevailed. Con
venient package, simple, effectual, and legitimate.
. .Cum is Quick and Thorough
Dowt be deceit td Ij imttationti insist on
CATON'3 VltAlIzcrt. Sent sealed if your dm,
gist doeti not have it. Price $ I per pkge, 6 for $5
with written guerantce cf complete cure.
Information, references, etc., fice and confidential.
Send us statement cl rcc and 25 cts. for a week's
trial treatment One only sent to each person. '
For Bale at P. 1. I). Klrlln's drug store nn
snenanaoau uruic store,
peii?a. Railroad.
Jasoaby 18,1897.
Trains will leave 81ionaridonli niter the &bovi
ilate for Wiggana, Gllberton. Pmokvllle, liar)
Water, St. Clair, Pottavllle. Hamburg, Jldtu
T,,,.-( Ill 1 HI,. M ... 1 - r
adelphta (itrond street station) at COS and 11 OS
a. m. unu 4 au p. m. on wmu uuys. Fvr l'otie
villa antl Intermediate stations 0 17 a. m.
For AVIggnns, Gllberton, Praokvlllo, Dart
Water, St. Clair, Pottsvllle, nt 6 08, 9 46 a. in. ant
3 10 1. m. For Hamburg, Heading, Pottetowxi
Pboenlxvllle, Norrlstown, Philadelphia at CIS
v v 15 a. m., 8 10 p. in.
1 Trains leave Frackvlllo for Shenandoah al
'1040 a. m. and 12 ill, 5 1, 7 52 and 10 47 p. m,
tiunday. 11 13 a, m. and 5 41 n. m.
Leave Pottsvllle for Shenandoah at 10 15
u. m. and 12:0, 0 15, 7 Jo and 10 20 p. m. Sunday
ni iusu it. 111., u 10 p. in.
Leave Philadelphia, (Brand street station), lo
Shenandoah at 5 57 and 8 8ft a. m., i 10 ana 7 2.
p. in. week days. Sundays leave at 0 50 a. m.
Leave Broad street station, Philadelphia, lt
Sea (Jirt. Anbury Park. Ooean Grove. Ixni
Branch, and Intermediate stations, 8.40, 11.11
a. m., u.itu anu i.w p. to. weeKMiays.
Javo Broad Street Station, Philadelphia,
Expres, week-days, 3 20", 4 to, 4 50 6 13, 0 50,
7 1W, 8 an, 8 33, 9 50, 10 21 (Dlnlna Oar), 11 00 n. m.
izuunoon, izao ii.imueu iuu anu 4V3 p.m.
DlnlnitOars). 140. 290 (Dininir Oar) 320. 350.
4 00,500, 5 64 (Dining Car), 000. 0 50.812,1000
p. 111., 12 01, night. Sundays, 3 20, 4 05, 4 80. 0 15,
20.838,950, 1021, (1)1. lng Oar), 1185 a. m.,
12 35. 2 30 (Dlnliur Oar). 4 00 (Limited 1 22Dinina
Car), 5 20, 56, (Dining Our), 0 35, 0 60, 8 12, 10 00
p. m., izui nitfiu.
Express for Boston without change, 11 00a m.,
wrrK-uayi, anu u 00 p. ro., uany.
For Baltimore and Washington, 3 50, 7 30,8 2
10 30. 1128 a. 111.. 12 00 (1281 Uni ted Din,
ins Car), 112, 818. 4 41 (5 18 Congressional
T.lmltj! Tll.i t n , f 'nl R 17 ASS M,l t 1
7 40 (Dining Oar) p. m., and 120S nigh
week days. Sunday., 3 SO, 7 SO, 9 IS, 11 2B a,
m., 12 09 1 12, 4 41, ( 5 15 Congressional Limited,
..J.I. .... V a . . Til I .1 , tr . '
laming wtri, uw (AiiiiiiK jvtxi. tW p, Ea
(Dining Car) nnd 12 05 night.
Leave Broad street station, Philadelphia (via
ueiaware river uriugei, express, tux n, m.
Leave Market street Ferry, express, 8 50 a iu.,
2 00. 4 10. SCO ii. m. Sundays. 8 45. 945 a.m.
Accommodation, 8 00, 8 20, a.m., 8 20 and 4 20
p. m., week days. Sundays, 8 00, 8 13 a. in., 4 00
anu u w p. in.
For CJape May Anglewea, Wlldwood and
Holly Beach, ond Sea Isle City, Ooean City and
Avalon Express, 9 00 a. in., 4 00 p. m. week
days. Sundays. 9 00 a. m.
For Homers Point. Express, 8 50 a m., 410
yiu. wwk uays. nunuays 8 45 a m.
, B. IH'ti-hinsok, J. H. Wood.
Qeu'l Manager. Oen'l Puxs'g'r Agt
That's why they enjoy their OOFFBlt.
Any grocer can tell you why customers
keep cornice back for SUBZIG'S.
OdI Sc. . (cktfc
tj,I'ovli,sliy's drug store, 28 Ki
Centre street.
Tho Administration Will Go Slow
iu Making Appointments,
Tho Nomination of Mr. liny as Aiiibassn
dor to Rnglnml and Mr. Clayton as Min
ister to Mexico ISxpeeted nt Once Cam
eron May be Sent to Germany.
Washington, March 10. All of the
oflirers of the new cabinet haW' Indi
cated a purpose to go very slowly In
the change of personnel In their (Je
partments. This not very cheerTul
news to offlceseekers has been com
municated directly to many of the as
pirants who have been unable to re
press their ambition, and to add to
their discomfort it Is Intimated In some
quarters that there are to be a very
few changes in olllce, save where the
Incumbent Insists upon Immediate re
tirement, for some time to come. This
may be an overstatement of the con
servatism exhlbltea by the administra
tion, but It Is recalled that Mr. MoKln
ley before his Inauguration held to the
view that the change of officers, with
all of Its accompanying confusion and
disarrangement of business, should not
be undertaken until the tariff bill Is
enacted. This view Is brought freshly
to mind by the statement made yes
terday that an assistant secretary In
One of the executive departments has
been asked to remain In his place for
five months.
It Is expected that today Mr. John
Hay will be named ambassador to
Great Britain and Mr. Horace Porter,
of New York, ambassador to I'arls,
and that there may be a few other
nominations, Including Mr. Powell
Clayton, of Arkansas, as minister to
Among the other appointment ru
mors In circulation Is one which sends
former Senator Cameron, of Pennsyl
vania, to succeed Mr. Uhl as ambas
sador to Germany. The Massachusetts
delegation asked this place for Repre
sentative "William P. Draper, but Sena
tors Quay and Penrose urged Cam
eron's appointment, and it Is stated
that General Draper will succeed Am
bassador MacVeagh at Rome.
One of the most Important missions
the president will have to fill will be
that of minister to Spain. In view of
the Cuban insurrection this post Is one
demanding the exercise of great tact
and skill, and the Indications are that
President McKlnley will go very slow
ly and deliberately In changing our
minister there. Few of the thousands
of applications for office mention this
post, which seems not to be in great
demand, and it Is certain that up to
Sunday Mr. McKlnley had no one In
mind for It.
The president has definitely settled
upon J. II. Brlgham, pf Ohio, for as
sistant secretary of agriculture, and
the nomination doubtless will be went
to the senate within a few days. Brlg
ham is master of the National Grange.
He is a war veteran, has figured con
siderably In Ohio politics, and Is an
old friend of the president.
A large number of candidates have
entered the field for commissioner of
patents. Ex-Congressman Benjamin
Ilutterworth, of Ohio, Is being urged
for the place, which he has occupied
under a previous administration, but
It is not known that he would take It.
Charles A. Miller, of Canton, O., Is a
formidable candidate, and John A.
Weldershelm, a Philadelphia attor
ney. Is putting up a strong fight. There
are applicants pcattered all through
the country, Including State Senator
Robert M. Wilds, of Illinois, and N. L.
Frothingham, assistant commissioner
In the Harrison administration.
Ex-'Jongressmnn Ryan, of Kansas,
end Major William Warner, of Mis
souri, are the leading aspirants for the
first assistant secretaryship of the In
terior. For commissioner of pensions Major
Theodore L. Piole, ex-congressman
from the Syracuse- district . In New
York, and ex-Representative Plckler,
cf South Dakota, are the leading can
didates. Ex-Congrissmnn Blnger Herrman,
of Oregon, Is said to be acertalnty for
either commission' r of the general
land office or of Indian affairs.
Fill a bottlo or common water glass with
urine and let It stand twenty-four hours ; a
sediment or settling indicates a diseased con
dition of tho kidneys. When uriuo stains
linon it is positive ovidenco of kidney
trouble Too frequent desire to urinate or
pain in tho baok, is also convincing proof
that tho kiduoysand bladdornro out of order.
There is comfort In the knowledge so often
expressed, that Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Hoot,
tho great kidney remedy, fulfills every wish
in relieving pain In the back, kidneys, liver,
bladder and every part of tho urinary pas
sages. It corrects inability to hold urine and
scalding pain in passing it, or bad effects fol
lowing U6e of liquor, wine or beer, and over,
comes that unpleasant necessity of being
compelled to get up many times during the
night to urinate. Tho mild and the ex
traordinary offect of Swamp-Boot is soou
realized. It stands the highest for its wonder
ful cures of tho most distressing cases. If
you need a medicine you should have the
best. Sold by druggists price fifty cents and
one dollar. For a sample bottle and pamph
let, both sent free by mall, mention EVENING
IIjsliaLD and send your full post-offloe
address to Dr. Kilmer & Co., lllnclmmtnn,
X. Y. The proprietors of tills paper guarantee
the genuineness of this offer.
Hugh Smith's llrother Under Arrest.
New Bloomfield, Pa., March 10. The
only new development In the Smith
murder caBe yesterday was the arrest
of Samuel Smith, brother of the aged
Hugh. He Is charged with aiding in
the disposition of the body of themur
dered girl. It Is deemed advisable to
make no other arrests at present. The
district attorney now claims to have
conclusive evidence that the girl was
killed on the 14th day of March, 188S.
and has no doubt that the guilty par
ties are now in Jail.
Many cases of "Qrippe" have lately been
cured by One Minute Cough Cure. This
preparation seems especially adapted to the
sure of this disease. It acts quickly thus
preventing serious complications aud bad
ell'etU iu which this disease often leaves the
patient. C. II. Ilageuuuch.
Hllleil lu u J'..'iler Mill l.xpioMbn.
Wilmington, Del., March 10. James
Walker i.iib killed by a powder mill
'xplotilnn in th" ll.igley yard of E. I.
Dunant Ui N"iiioui & Co. yeste-rday
afterjon. Nn .itliers were injured.
One trVtl expludiil, but the loan is un
known. Walker was a married man,
and hud beveial lilldn n.
One Minute is all the time necessary to do
ciile from personal experience that One Min
utu'Cough Cure does what its name implies.
(.'. II. Hagenliach.
Hirers Again firing In tho Iteecntly Do
Tn.tatt.d Districts,
Cincinnati, March 10. Rain hern all
Monday night, followed by an outpour
of the Licking river, has caused some
apprehension. Last night the Big
Sandy, the Licking and the two Ml am Is
were pouring freshets Into the Ohio.
Other tributaries on the upper Ohio
are falling. Up the Licking river
within 30 miles of here the rainfall
Monday night was one and one-third
Inches. Meager reports from south
ern central Indiana, especially along
White river, .announce a heavy rain
fall Monday night. At all points
above Cincinnati, except Cattletts
burg, the Ohio Is reported there as ris
ing slowly, or stationary where It was
rising rapidly yesterday afternoon.
At midnight the flood situation here
had become alarming. About 10 o'clock
last night a thunder storm north and
east of Cincinnati, only a selvage of
which passed over the city, added
three-quarters of an Inch to the rain
fall here in less than an hour. Cap
tain Bassler, of the United States sig
nal service, says Monday night's storm
is now central over the lake region,
and an area of low pressure extends
from Arkansas clear over the entire
Ohio valley. All streams south of the
Ohio are teeming full, and the situation
now is altogether discouraging. At mid
night the river here was 48 feet 8 Inch
es 15 Inches above the danger line
and rising five Inches an hour.
The outlook seems worse for the
Ohio river between Cincinnati and
Cairo. Since Monday night there has
been a rain fall of 1.69 inches In Louis
ville and to the westward almost as
far as St. Louis. The river Is rising,
but It is not thought It will go above
the danger line. The railroad situa
tion Is somewhat Improved. The
Monon yesterday used Its own tracks
for the first time in several days.
For Domoorntlo lender of the House.
Washington, March 10. There Is
quite a spirited contest going on
among the house Democrats over the
nomination for speaker in the Demo
cratic caucus, beoause the position
gives the successful man the leadership
of the minority, a place on the commit
tee on rules and possibly ways and
means. There Is now a three cornered
fight for the place, McMlliln and Rich
ardson of Tennessee and Bailey of Tex
as being the candidates. It was also
said that Bland of Missouri would be
a candidate, but if he is the fact is
not known by the Democratic leaders.
The present outlook is that Bailey la
in the lead.
Condensed Testimony.
Clias. U. Hood, Broker and Manufacturer's
Agent, Columbus, Ohio, certifies that Dr,
KIiie s New Discovery lias no equal as a
Cough remedy. J. D. Brown, Prop. St.
James Hotel, Ft. Wayne, Ind., testifies that
he was cured 01 a Uougli 01 two years stand
ing, caused by La Grippe, by Dr. King's New
Discovery. 11. F. Merril, Baldwinsvillo,
Mass., says that he has used and recommend
ed it and never knew it to fail and would
rather have it than any doctor, because it
always oures. Mrs. Hemming, 222 E. 25th
St., Chicago, always keeps It at hand and has
no fear of Croup, because it instantly relieves.
Free Trial Bottles at A. Wasley's Drugstore.
Against Long ll stuiuc t'yullllg.
Springfield, Ills., March 10. A bill
has been introdflced In the legislature
by Representative Shannahnn, of Chi
cago, to prohibit continuous long dis
tance bicycle racing. The bill prohib
its any one from engaging In a bicycle
race without a rest of at least six
hours following each 12 hours' racing.
A penalty of a fine or Imprisonment is
provided for violations.
Rheumatism Cured In n Day.
"Mystic Curo" for Bhciimatlsm and Neu
ralgia radically cures in 1 to 3 days. Its
action upon the system is remarkablo and
mysterious. It roniovos at onco the cause and
tho diseaso immediately disappears. Tho
first dose greatly benefits.
T. F. Authonv. ox-rostmastor of Promise
City, Iowa, says : "I bought ono bottlo of
Mystic Duro lor Klicumatism, and two doses
of It did me more good than any medicine I
overtook." 75 cents.
Sold by C. II. Uagcnbuch, druggist, Shen
Left Only ISS8.73 Iu the Dunk.
Baltimore, March 10. The safe of
the Lexington Savings bank, a colored
people's Institution, was opened yes
terday afternoon and found to contain
$28.72. The net liabilities are about
$16,000, $7,800 being due the depositors,
who number about 700. The deposits
are all small, the largest being $000.
Nothing Is knov n of the whereabouts
of the colored lawyer, Everett .1. War.
lng, who was president and cashier of
the Institution.
A Household Necessity.
Csscarcts Candy Cathartic, the most won
derful mcdloal dlscovory of the age, pleasant
and refreshing to the tasto, act gontly and
positively on kidneys, liver and bowels,
cleansing tho entire system, dispel colds, curo
headache, fovor, habitual constipation and
biliousness. Please buy and try a box of
O. O. O. to-day ; 10, 25, 50 cents. Sold and
guaranteed to cure by all druggists.
Ignored the Censorship 11111,
Albany, March 10. Senator Lamy
yesterday received the press censor
ship bill drawn at Buffalo on Monday,
and expressed his disapproval of it by
Immediately returning It to the per
Bon who sent It to him, whose name,
however, he declined to divulge. The
bill provSles for a general press cen
A Michigan Man Offers to Send Ills Dis
covery Free.
Claims to Be a Benefactor to Weakened
There is always more or less suspicion
attached to anything that is offered free but
sometimes a man so overflows with generosity
that he cannot rest until his discovery is
known to the world, in order that his fellow
men may profit by what lie has discovered.
It is upon this priuei)wl that a resident ot
Kalaniasoo, Mich., desires to send free to
mankind a prescription which will eure them
of any form of nervous debility ; relieves
them of all the doubt and uncertainty which
such men are peculiarly liable to and restores
the organs to natural sise aud vigor. As it
costs nothing to try the experiment it would
seem that any man, suffering with the
nervous troubles that usually attack men
who never stopped to realise what might lie
the final result, ought to be deeply interested
in a remedy which will restore them to
health, strength and vigor, without which
they continue to live an existence of untold
misery. As the remedy in questiou was the
result of many years research as to what
combination would be peculiarly effective iu
restoring to men the strength they need, it
would seem that all men suffering with any
form of nervous weakness ought to write fur
such a remedy at ouoe. A request to II. C.
Olds, Box 1712, Kalamazoo, Mich., stating
that you are not sending for the prescription
out of idle curiosity, but that you wish to
mako use of the medicine bv uiviiin- Ita trial
will be answered promptly and without
i.viuuuro us iu wiieie luiormauon cume irom.
The prescription is sent free and although
some may wonder how Mr. Olds can alford to
give away his discovery, there is no doubt
about the offer being geuuiue. Cut this out
and send to Mr. Olds so that be limy know
how you came to write him. 12-2(j-7t
The Curse
of Mankind!
the most horrible disease to which
the human family is subject is conta
gious blood poison. It has always
baffled the doctors, for notwithstanding
the progress made In some branches of
medicine, they have failed absolutely to
discover a cure for It. Whether In the
form of powder, pill or liquid, the doc
tor's prescription is always the same
potash or mercury.
Mr. Otto II. Illbert, who resides at the
corner of 22d Street, arid Avenne N.,
Gnlvestou, Texas, had a severe experi
ence with this dreadful disease, and
under date of April 5th, 1896, writes:
"Several yeara ago I was so unfortu
nate as to contract contagious blood
poison, and was under treatment of the
best physicians continuously for four
years. As soon as I discovered that I had
the disease, I hastened to place myself
under the care of one of the foremost
doctors in my State, and took his
treatment faithfully for several months.
It was a very short time after he pro
nounced me well, that the disease broke
out afresh, and I was in afar worse con
dition that at first, Large lumps formed
on my neck, my throat was filled with
sores, and a horrible ulcer broke out on
my Jaw. After being treated again with
no success, 1 Decame uisgustea anu
changed doctors. I was again given
the usual treatment of mercury, and
took enough to kill an ordinary man.
Of course, I was pronounced cured half
a dozen times, the disease returning
each time, until my physician finally
admitted that he could do me no good.
I am sure that so one was ever
in a worse fix than I my hair had
fallen by the handful, my feet were so
swollen that I could scarcely work, and
I was in a sad plight.
"I had seen S. S. S. advertised as a
cure for this disease, and determined to
try it, and before I had taken one bottle
I felt much better. I continued to take
the remedy, and a dozen bottles cured
me completely, so that for five years I
have had no sign of the terrible disease.
S. S. S. is the greatest blood remedy of
the age, and is truly a God-seud to those
othlcteu with contagious blood poison."
For fifty years S. S. S. has been curing
this terrible disease, even after all other
treatment failed. It is guaranteed
Purely Vegetable
and never fails to cure contagions blood
poison, scrofula, eczema, rheumatism,
cancer, catarrh, or any other disease of
the blood. If you have a blocd disease,
take a remedy which will not injure,
you. Beware of mercury; don't do vio
lence to your system.
Our books on blood and skin diseases
will be mailed free to any address.' Swift
Specific Co., Atlanta, Ga.
Tor Hcrsss, Cattle, Sheep, Does. Son,
SOOFngoBonkpn rrcntmcnt of Animals
and Chart Scut l'rce.
crass cFovcra.rpnecstlons.Tnllnmmatlon
A.A.lbpinal Jlvulnaltls, Dlllk l'evcr.
11.11. Strnlns, Lameness. Khcitinntlsm,
!.(:,.-Distemper, Nasnl Ulschargee.
.!. Hots or (irubs, Worms.
K.E.'-Couglis, Heaves, 1'neumonla.
l'.l'.Coilc or Urlprs, Ilollj-nclie.
.. Miscarriage, Hemorrhages.
11.11. Urlnnry nml Kidney Diseases.
I.I.--l.riipilvo J)icnne, Mange.
J.K .-DiseuscBot' Dincstlan, i'uralysls,
Single Cottle (orer CO dosesX - - ,(jO
Stable Case, with Rpeelflos, Manual.
Veterinary Duro Olland Sledloator, 87.00
Jar Veterinary Cnre Oil, . 1,00
Sold tvDnitKlitM flr cot prepiM sarsBtre sad Ussy
(pualll? ea rteclpl ! price.
IimrlinilS'BED.CO., Ill ill3mmMBL,Nw Tort.
In nao SO years. Tho cnir tmceesftftu remedy for
Nervous Debility, Vital Weakness,
and Prostration, from over-work or other cansea.
91 per vial, or SvialaandlargOTial powder, for $&.
Sold by UrurcUts, or tent postpaid on receipt of price,
iicnrmiKTS nso. co,, m a n t maun bu, Newark.
For sale at Tovlnsky's drug y ore, 28 But
Centre street
ojt I mpotonc y . 8.gltm etc., oauw
OMtiona, Thmu quickw mt wt-e
rwwra Xjost vitality in old or young, and
at a man for ntutly, bukinau or marriage.
manuity una uonaanipiioa u
tftffMilB ttra. Their ate uunv,n lmne.nate Imp
a immediate iiQprora-
meat ana frneeta a uuius wnere an otnera nu,
.. in.
feiBtnDan. ha fin a th atwaiaa Alax Tablets.
hare eurad thoaaanda and will cure you. We stve a
poaitifo wrlmA guarantee to fleet a cure In each oaae
or refund the money. Price 60 cent jjer package, or
Blxpaekagee f fait treatment) for VS.QD. By mall, In
plain wrapper, upon receipt of prloe. Circular free.
Porsnloln Shenandoah, Pi
and S. 1. Kirlln, Drugffifltti.
by A. "Wasley
fill TOEEl 604 North Sixth St
Soils I IBsaiaBaiSideentranoeon6renSt
rnibnuMrnin, vwns uwasan I 1BU,
STRICTURE, blood poiqn,
Vcrmaaeatlr eured after everr one elte lia felled.
n.A.inin.u anu ohhuumn UROAIIS RCST0RIB.
Jio miller what KlT-iiyUxl great and ftuaoui Doottva and ipaoUL
Uu claim, write, prlut or mj, old Dr. Tlieel knowa mo
about tkeae dlacsuos aud bow to trvat then aaooeMftiU than at
Mutt oomblned. and ttey all know It too, to their Borrow
I'oor and Rich. IT you. were robbed and Tlcttmlied, and too
with to got Hunt:t aud kitlful tnalmcnt, try ouoe more old
Ilr. TheeJ and n wilt curo you poiiilveljr lroure la ponlble.
Aolrecepiloii, noFalfto llcproacmtntloH. Yrvh ooxw
oared In t to 10 pay. Bcud the 1-ccnt utampa ft Truth.
Beat of all for &1dk1 or Married, young or old. On It Book ex
posing quack. Huunt: 9 3. htenlnita; e9. Boura lor exatu
nation and treatment tn tf-ewliift luijlea auddaDgerooao&aea
aaUr, eua. Wid. and Bat. ns., StalO. Sun-.OtolS. Twtt
gent by mall. Rtrictert in-civcy Uuawatoed, rltlTlr
ejpwet charge in ttu otty tor the Umt treatgiJifi
Ohteheater'a Kagltth 1 Lam and Hraaat.
tirigitte. aud only UfinnLne.
irt. iIwiti rollabta. itiiE
Dragglst for Cklck$(r Jrarfba Dia
mond Brand I a lfod and Cold mtallW
Itooua. aealod with blno riaboa. TaLa
llofij and imitutio At Dragtiau, or aael 4
E3 "KajloT for alti-a.Hm by reiara
MIL 10,000 1 Mlmoalala Ktme Wr.
Cfcleti cwterCuvmluaU.UalMBSiuiira,
n -ruasui. ritu&Hv Mm
The Rosy Freshness
And a velvety softnttis of the skin is Inva
riably obtulncd by thuo who usu PoaaoHi's
(tomploximi Powder.
Oorbett and Fitzsimmons Lighten
Their Training Work,
Declares That "Ilnb Will Win TM Fight
All ltlght," unit Adds That Sbe Is "Merer
Mistaken In Nuch Tilings" -Dan Stuart's
Health Improving.
Carson, Nev March 10. From this
time until the day of the fight Jim
Corbett will lessen the work he has
been going through In preparation for
the contest. When he does work It
will be as heavy as anything he has
gone through up to the present time,
but ho will take It easy on one day and
harder on the following day. He will
alternate the work in this manner un
til he has finished his training. This
course has been decided upon by
Trainer Charley White, who Is a hit
fearful that keeping at it too steadily
will tend to make Corbett tire of the
constant repetition of the same work.
"Corbett 's the fastest big man on
his feet that I ever have seen," said
White. "I hao seen Fltzslmmons In
all his work, and I do not think he Is
as fast on bin fret as Corbett. although
Fltzslmmnns has a Mile step which is
quick as lightning. Anybody who
thinks Fitzslmmnnn Is not fast on his
feet Is making a mistake, but at the
same time he is not lra fast as Cor
bett." Corbett took to road yesterday for
the first time since last E'rlday, and
put In two and one-half hours at It.
He started out soon after breakfast In
the company of Jeffries, going In the
direction of Kmplre. He covered the
distance at the rate of four miles an
hour, and both he and Jeffries esti
mated they had made at least ten
miles when they returned. "We would
have done more than that," said Jim,
"only the roads were so bad that we
could not do anything toward making
good time. This Is a hard country to
train In, although it may be good for
lots of other things."
After his return with Jeffries Cor
bett took to the handball court, where
he put In a short time playing ball
with his brother Joe. He then took
his bath and rub down before dinner.
It was after 8 o'clock when he started
In on the regular work of the day. He
tolled at his little windlass until his
forearms had lost nearly all of their
feeling and then went at the bag,
punching It steadily for 20 minutes.
Then he hurried away to the handball
court, and put on the gloves with his
four trainers, Jeffries, McVey, Kd
Qreen and Woods.
Fltzsimons put in a light day in
honor of the coming of his wife, and
did less work than usual. In fact,
from thia time Fitzslmmons VIll do
much less hard work than he has been
doing. His heavy work Is over, and
he will do nothing but rough exercise
to keep himself in good condition and
keep up his wind. Yesterday morning
he took to the roads, covering about
eight miles, and In the latter part of
the morning he sprinted up and down
the yard at Cook's ranch for an hour.
In the afternoon Fitislmmons did a
little work In the yard, and then
punched the bag for half an hour. lis
did not spend much time at work,
however, and soon returned to the
house, where he put In the balance of
the day playing with his small boy.
Mrs. Fitzslmmons took a Journey
around the ranch yesterday to see
where her husband has been doing hla
work, and expressed herself as being
greatly pleased with all she saw. She
said her husband was certain to win
the fight.
"I never saw him look so well," she
said, "and I know he will win the fight
surely. He looks better to me than he
did when he fought Maher the last
time, and I think he could have won
over Corbett at that time. Bob will
win In this fight all right. I know he
will, and I am never mistaken In such
Uucklen's Arnlon Sulve.
Tho best salve in the world for cnts.
bruises, sores, ulcers, salt rheum, fever sores,
tetter, chapped hands, chilblains, corns, and
all skin eruptions, and positively enres piles,
or jo pay required, it is guaranteed to give
perfect satisfaction or mnny refunded. Price
35 cents per box. For sale by A. Wasley.
Huirjlni ti. U. ii u 1i.r.
Wilmington, lul., March 10. A spoc
la. train ftom AVash'n-jlon for Boston,
carrying Hubert 'J'icat Paine, of that
olty, went through Wilmington at 11
o'clock last night. The train was break
ing records in the endeavor to get Mr.
Paine to Boston before the death of
his wife, news of her critical condition
having reached him yesterday. The run
from Washington to Oray'a Ferry, 135
miles, was made In 182 mlnutei, and
from Perryville to Wilmington, 84
miles, In 80 minutes. Shortly after the
train passed this olty news of the death
of Mrs. Paine was received here.
Did You Hver
Try Electric Hitters as a remedy for your
troubles? If not, get a bottle now and get
relief. This mediclue lias been found to tie
peculiarly adapted to the relief and cure of
nil Female Complaint, exerting a wonderful
direct influence in giving strength aud tone
to the organs. If you have Loss of Appetite,
Constipation, Headache, Fainting Spells, or
aro Nervous, Sleepless, Excitable, ileUuchnly
or troubled with Dizxy Spells, Electric Bitten
is the medicine you need. Health aud
strength are guaranteed by its use. Large
bottles ouly fifty cento at A. Wasley's drug
Kelly Itofcals IMtuiuier.
London, March 10. Bam Kelly, the
115 pound champion of America, neat
Piily Plimmer. cf Kngland, In the 30
louml bout decided last evening in the
Olympic Athletic club, Birmingham.
Thvy fought for 11,000 a side and a
puruc of $8,500. Plimmer did all the
work for 10 round?, but Kelly disposed
of til m by a struma of maneuvers In
the v as heavily back
ed by thp rnellMh talent, and entered
the tint,' u derided favorite In the bet
llnK. Hangars of the Orlp.
The greatest danger from La Qrippe is of
ita resulting in pneumonia. If reasonable
care Is used, however, and Chamberlain's
Couuh Kunedy taken, all danger will be
avoided. Among the tens of thousands, who
have used this remedy for la grippe we
IniM' yet to hum of a siniilc case having
reiiilk'd in pneumonia, which hhows conclu
sively that this remedy is a cortalu preven
tive of that dread disease. It will effect a
permanent euro in less time than any other
treatment. The 2S anil 50 cent foi sulc
by (IruUler Uroo., ilruggista.
Love has
long ay to
g to tcn'-li
the biart of
the modern
op - to date
young man.
When he
looks for a wife,
he expects a
good deal. I'rob
ablv lie ennerls
, rt r t tli a H t. dr..
r L j set-vrs. He wants trnnA
A " looks, good sense,
good nature, good
health. They usually go together.
An observing man Ifnms that a woman
who Is physically weak and nervous and in
capable, is likely to be ill-natured too. The
sweetest temper is ruined by continual
A woman whose nerves ale cnnMnrrtly
racked and dragged by dihilitnting dt.iins
and inflammation, cannot be agonal com
panion or happy wife ; and she is totally
unfitted to be a mother.
These troubles prevail almost univer'-ally
among women largely bceauie of lcss
ncit and neglect. There ii no real net 1 of
them. Dr. Pierce's Favorite Pieseriptinn is
a positive specific for the wenknessts and
diseases of the feminine orgniiiMn.
It cures them radically and completely.
It heals, strengthens and purifier It the
only scientific remedy deviled for thii spe
cial puiposc by an educated, skill d i!usi
ciftti. It is the only medicine tli it makes
motherhood easy and absolutely infe.
Mils Lauretta McKers, of Rum (r ) llnx 733)
Waioe Co , Nev., writ"- " I hnve riUcontinueil
taking; tile ' Prescription ' and will not tnke
nnv mor (nt present) T.nst month I had no
fifiin at nil and worki-d eviiy ilny without nny
convenience whatever. It was the lirst time
1 never had piin during that period. I cannot
sny too miicn for your medicines, especially
the ' Fnvorite Prescription ' and ' Pleasant Pel
lets.' I know of a lady who took ot bottle of
your Favorite Prescription ' anil she snys she
was not sick tike she was with her first bnby
This was her second baby. She thinks It a
grand medicine. 80 do I."
Dr. Pierce has had a life-time of experi
ence In this particular field. His 1000-page
illustrated book, "The People's Common
Sense Medical Ad'-iser" contains several
chapters devoted to woman's special physi
ology. A paper-bound copy will be sent free
on receipt of 31 one-cent stamps to pay the
coit of mailing only. Address, World's Dis
pensary Medical Association, Buffalo, N. Y.
l?or a cloth-bound copy send t sumps.
For Sale by P. P. D.
Kervous Headache, Biliousness,
Kidney Diseases, Genera! Debility, Eic.
AsIc pour Druofftet to get them
through his Oobbei; ov send
a Postal Card to
Sold by p. p, d, KIRLIN, Shenandoah, Pa.
i ':.i:';;i:i::ii;iii:ii;ii;:i'ii!ii!i:iUii!iii!ii!:uiiiii:;iii!i:ni'.:it:i:i::!iH..'i
25 50 -ktftt&1UlVZll'i"-
XP.QAT T1TDT V rTTXPXVTCPPi to cure anr rasrof contlpaUon, Cmcarfts are the Ideal Ijlxh.
nDOUllUl&lJl UUHnHlUCiLiU t(.. B,.u.r !;ri,, or cripe.bui rause rssf natural results. Saan.
pie sni! booklet free. Ad. KTKIU.IV) KKit'r III I tl.. rhiruvo, ( an., orNen York. sit.
rXBoei 80 West Oenin street,
dan be consulted at all botua.
BllBittdoUi Pa.
Oorner Market aodVCentre itissis,
Lock Box 65, Mahenor Olty, Pa.
IlaviiiK studied under some of the beet
masters ! IahuIoii mid Paris, will sve lessou
on the violin, niaiiUolln, sultar and vocal culture.
Terms reasonable. Address la care of Htrouae,
the jeweler, Shenandoah.
Oelebnstetl Female
rowdera never
al'e and aura f Ai fkllin
with Tsiwy
Ad other lit
runedlca ) A I way buj the beat and'
y the beat snd A.rAdj!tf'
i'snkulan, t sU.
Ikonitnient. Oiirmntevd .upvrioi
WS., SMk Bi, Bntlm, His.
THE TIMES la tbn most ten1rHy
c.rt-tilntt'tl mid widely remi newspaper pub
lished In IVnnftylvnniA. It dlMcunsTon of pub
lic men nml public mrMtircH I In th interval
of puhlif IntfRTftv, lintiPAt ttovernnmnt and
proftperpun industry, mid It known no parly
or iHrsonnI ftlleafancA In treating; public
Imuop. In tho Tiroadpdt and best Mne a
family nml greiural newspaper
THE TIMES alms to have the Inrjrest
elreiilntlon h deaervit.R It, and claims that It
la nnpiiirpasfted in all the essentials of a great
ro troponin n newspaper. Specimen copies of
any edition will be sent free to any one send
ing their address.
TERMS PAHA', 13 00 per annum: $1.00
for four months; 80 centa per month; de
livercd bv carriers for 0 cents per week.
ni'NUAV KIHTION, 33 large, handsome
pave?- columns, elegantly Illustrated,
hrnutffut coloewl supplement $2.00 per an
num; 5 oenti per copy, Pally and Sunday,
$5.00 per annum ; fJO cents per month.
Addresn nil letters to
riillions of Dollars
do op In amoke every year. Take bo
risks bat get your houcas, stock, far
niture, etc., Insured in flrst-claes re
liable companies, aa represented by
HAVir. PATKT Insurance Afent,
UIWIU rAUOl) H0 South Jardln St
Also Life and Accidental Oompani eet
VMcn It Usui vi'at lo use for
!Coivcv:3 " 5cl .1 1, Loss cf Power,
Imp.icuy.Aiiophy, Varicocele anu
other weaknesses, from any cause,
use Sexine Pills. Drains checked
and full vigor quickly restored.
If MClMMft, iok troablM malt fiullr.
Mailed for$1.00;Sboxes$5.00. With
$5.00 orders we give a guarantee to
cure or refund the money. Addreis
t-EAI. MEDICINE CO., Cleveland. O,
KIRLIN, Shenandoah, Pa.
C I all AM ltd A A an A A As II
9 IK Rani
aro progressive and keep Informed of E
V the World's Progress. Tho well in-
je formed and thrifty Houso-wifo will
always Keep s,
in the house, as a standard remedy for 5
Sprains, Bruises, Cramps, Rheumatism,
and all aches and pains. 2
Price 25 cts. and 50 els. per bottle.
Prepared by II. J. HACKETT & CO., Philadelphia.
TLhc Sun.
The first cf American Newepa-
perm, CIIARIJiS A. DANA.Mditor.
Tha Amwtcan Constitution, the
AntwkHn Idea, tlte Amarlcan Spirit.
TImh tint, iMt ana all th time,
Daily, by mail, - $6 a year
Dally & Sunday, by mail, $8 a year
The Sunday Sun
U the greatest Sunday Newspaper In
the world
Prta 5c, a copy. By mall, $2 a year
Aodreu THE SUN. Mew York.
A Handsome Comolaxlon
Is one of the greaWst ikinu a weasaa aaat
osaeas. roaaoMi-a
gives it.