EVENING HERALD m-r m.imiei 1870. "All tha News Thai's Fit to Print," Piihllih" J c tr Z cnlng, Kxoept Su udny.nl s Sobrit Jariiin Rt'.ieet. Xkau Crntrk. Tln Herald In i llvi ioil In Shenancioitn and the mir otiniiuiir tiw m for l cents a week, pAy to tin- pnrrlem. Hy mall 10 00 a yrnr. or 2fi -miN a month. paynMp In advanco. Ailvertlse iihmiU cWnrKeil ocfonll lit- Ut (iti"' Hint prmitlon. Thr idihliHiivr Tci i m t Im ril.t it. . hm.ge the p i inn of ulio.ti--.i,tMiti wli. nt!M-r the pub ii. it on of nuwn demands 11. 1 lie- HuM Iff i .'ir i'pi) to reject any advertisement, nhether ii nl for or not, t,a tin ptttiltflUr i.iny deem fmpioier. Atteitiliig rates ramie known upo i application. Kntr- ed at ttie iwstofllce at Sliensudoab, Pa., ft Hoeimd clasn matt matter. TEI.KPUONB CONNECTION. Evening Herald MO X DAY, MARCH 8, 1887. 1 1- nothing Intervenes i Arc in the capltol building or an Inaugural ceremony tho members of tho Legislature will endeavor to put in a full week. Tiisr number of robberies committed In Ashlnntl recently lias occasioned a general demand for night policemen. Many people appear to see in the prosecu tion of the almshouse officials, the hand of one or two disappointed place-hunters. Tiik new county movement la again com ing to the front, and the people of lower I.u.crue are just as active as they were two yeira ago. Si'kvkino seriously, ten dollars a week is pretty good pay for a misfit editor that doesn't "manage" to get the proprietor into tumble if ho gets the teu dollars. When Democratic partisans come to blows this early in the (funic over the appointments by the School Board, wo may exiwct a "bloody" war when the roses bloom in Juno. it sometimes happens that a managing editor" is an expensive luxury, In times of peace as well as war. Iteceut events go to show that the weakly stipend he receives cuts a very suiall figure hi the expense account. skvator Quay called at tho White House on Saturday for the first time in seven years and his reception by the President was mo-it cordial one. Tills will occasion a cold chill to creep down the backs of tbe Combine leaden, and heelers. Tiilrk was a little conversation between an applicant for a position under tho School liunrd and an ex-Justice of the Peace, about two years ago, that would be interesting reading at this particular time. Tiik sentence imposed upon Editor Becker, of Uirardville. by Judge Savidgo on Saturday should be a warnlug to the "managing editor" and curb his vicinusnass iu attacking the. character of every private individual who is ho unfortunate (?) as to think different from bimsclf on public questions. It appears that the appointment of J. V. Matey as postmaster of Lausford, together with tu'ontjp-BovAiu nthors. failed of final con firmation by tho Senate. Mr. Maloy's ap pointment -as confirmed in exeeutiveseseioTi, hut it must remain iu the Senate's jurisdic tion until two more executive sessions are held, ana there was insufficient time for this previous to the incoming administration. Tho fight is now transferred to tbo IJcpiiblican camp. Tiik recent robberies havo brought to mind a number of cases of this character that are apparently lost in the archives of the District Attorney's office. It will bo remembered that the parties implicated in. the Block robbery have not yet been brought to trial, although three terms of court have passed since then. There aro other arrests made by the police, the juuties arrested not having been brought into court for trial. Thore Is not much encouragement offered the polico to make arrests wbe.l the guilty parties are either 6hoilded by prominent people of the town in the shape of petitions to the District Attorney for clemency, or the in dictment are misplaced or lost -jht of iu that official o 111 co. IWdse, when offenders of the Jaw see that the way of escape from punishment is so easy, they will continue their depredations and the "blue coats" will bo unable to put a stop to therobberies,which have become quite frequent of date. What is more, the very individuals who sign the petitions for elemenoy, aro the first to criti cise the police. Tho only way to put a stop to the robberies is to apply tho law to all without discrimination. The District At torney, however, might furnish a little light on the subject. Th k almshouse officials, to satisfy one or two disappointed politicians whose motto is rule or ruin, will now come in for considerable attention at tbe hands of a suffering public. There have been threats of investigation, and charges and counter-charges on the part of the disappointed place-hunters, at eaeh anuual srgauizatiou of the Board ef Poor Directors, but the investigators have up to the present time failed to investigate. Wliat will come out of the present charges remains to be seen, but if they can be sustained by facts, the guilty parties should suffer. At least oue of the Directors appaieutly has nothing to fear from the proposed Investiga tion, as tbe name of Director 8. 0. Middleton is not mentioned in connection with the charges of bribery brought to tbe attention of the Grand Juryveudby that body to the court This is grotlflyliig to his numerous friends throughout the county, and especially those in this Immediate neighborhood. This is iu the nature of a vindication for Mr Mid dleton, in view of the insinuations contained in aiMabuuiy City paper during the campaign wheu tbe Oilbertou representative was a candidate. NOBLE CHARITABLE WORK. Too much praise cauuot be given the public school ten hers and pupils in their efforts to ameliorate the suffering among the Wirthy poor of Klienaudoab. They recognise the wants of tho- who, through no fault of their own, cannot provide for themselves and families, and immediately adopted pract eal measure to relieve the suffering. Tbe large inuiititii of pio nlmi. etc., deposited at the general n In I licxdqoaitei-i, as a result of one day's conliibuiioii on tl.i pa it of tbe school children, show - ir plainly bow well they performed their part iu the charitable tome incut Outside of the benefit derived by those in d. -.tili.te i in iinistaiu ei, tbe toluntaiy iluiu (ions mi the pait ot the pupils Hill hic ,i j beneficial effect upon tho school children tlictn selves. It Is an object lesson for them, imil will Inculcate in the youthful mind Unit divine tcicliiiiR. "Clmrity to all, malice toward mine." Tho Christian labor they have performed, could with ranch profit lie emulated by tlnwc nhh-i In yearn and who are well provided with the good things of tins world. The workini; people of the iintlirticite conl j region ilopcudiug principally upon the coal industry for a livelihood, are confronted with a condition, not a theory. While their working day.) have been and remain curtailed, their grocery hills continue to accumulate, mid any movement tending to allovlate the condition of the deserving poor Is in lino with tho duties of the trne Christian. The coal region is tho first to feel tho effects of bad times, and the last to reap the benefits of an Improvement in business circles. Let the noblo work of the youth of Shen andoah act as an Incentive for those older iu years to join in the movement inaugurated by the general . relief committee with a greater degree of spirit than has been appar ent on the part of those woll able to contri bute liberally. Shenandoah lins always taken gteat pride In Its public schools sccoud to none In the Interior of the state and that prido is inndo the stronger by tbe liberal donations made Inst week In behalf of the poor. Let all join In tbe mortment, to the etui that not a single Individual, worthy of assistance, shall suffer for tho want of the necessaries of life. TO VVUK A COLO IN ONlfi MAY Take laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets. All druggists refund tho money if it fails to cure. 85 cents. Cnmlmnneil Murderer Dies In Jnll. Wilkesbarre, Pa., March 8. Nelson Millar, colored, convicted of murder In the first degree, and awaiting to be hanged, died in the county jail of quick consumption. He was 27 years of age, and 'came to Pennslyvania from North Carolina, He was employed in the construction of a branch of the Lehigh Valley railroad on the mountain cut oft. One night In October, 1891, a Hun garian shanty adjoining Miller's shan ty was blown up with dynamite. Miller and his wife, Sarah Hester, and three other colored men were arrested, charrred with the crime. Miller wca tried first and promptly convicted. Jackson and AVnMIng Hath 111. Cincinnati, March 8. Scott Jackson and Alonzo Walling who are now hold in jail at Alexandria, Ky., awaiting their execution Saturday, March 20. for the murder of Pearl Bryan, are both sick, and required the attendance of a physi cian Saturday and yesterday. The mothers of both of the condemned men are with them, and will remain with them until the day of execution. Tho condition of neither one of the mur derers 1b- serious, and their symptoms of grip are attributed to the bad venti lation of the Jail. Governor Bradley has issued orders for troops to be pres ent at the hanging. to cur.u a coi.u in osn may. Tiiko Laxative Broino Quinine Tablets. All druggist refund the mouoy if it falls to cure. 26 cents. Charged with nil Old-Tlnin 'Mnriler. New nioomneld, Pa., March 8. Hush Smith, aged 7B years was locked up l.i the Perry county jail late Saturday night on the charge of murdering a young girl 28 years ago. Smith's home is In Madison township, this county, and the girl he is alleged to have killed was named Matilda Snyder. She wan aged 18 years, and lived close to Smith. The girl disappeared about 28 years ago, and no traces of her wore ever found. No suspicion was ever attach ed to Smith until recently, when It is said that some trouble arose between him and the man who asslBted him In disposing of the body. It is alleged that after the murder the girl's body was cut into small pieces. These were carried to a sawmill In the vicinity on the same night, after which the build ing was set on lire and all traces of the crime removed. One Minute is all the time necessary to de cide from personal experience that One Min ute Cough Cure does what its name implies. C. II. Ilagenbuiib, Nine llostnn KxplnOon Victim. Boston, March 8. Two more of those Injured by the big explosion of gas at Boyleston and Tremont streets on Thursday died Saturday, making nine deaths In all as the result of the acci dent. Those who died Saturday are Miss Georgiana Bates and Benjamin It. Sargent. Miss Bates was passing in her carriage, her sister and the coach man belli? instantly killed. Sargent was the conductor of the West End Street railway car which was caught In the explosion. Scovel may ho Liberated. Havana, March 8. The correspond ent of the Associated Press Is Informed en the highest authority that the cases of Sylveater Scovel, the correspondent of the New York World, and Charles F. Scott, the two Americans Imprison ed in Cuba, will be settled In a satis factory manner In five or six days. The New York Clothing Strikers. New York, March 8. Small strikes of garment workers in east side shqps were without number yesterday. The strikers held crowded meetings in three halls all day. It now appears aB though at least 12,000 operators in all branches of the clothing trade are on strike today. Oscar Wilde to Settle In I'm nee. London, March 8. Oscar Wilde will be liberated from prison next month. He Intends to settle in Passy, France, and do literary work. It is understood that a Paris paper will print his prose or poetical productions. Sprin Is the season tor new life In nature, new vigor in our physical systems. As the fresh sap carries life into tlie trees, so our blood should give us renewed strength and vigor. In its impure state it cannot do tills, and the aid of Hood's Sarsaparilla is imperatively needed. It will purify, vitalize and enrioli the blood, and with this solid, correct foundation, it will build up good health, create a good appetite, tone your stomach und digestive organs, strengtlien your nerves and over come or prevent that tired feeling, This lias been the experience of thou sands. It will bo yours if you take Hood's Sarsaparilla The Best Spring Modi- clncand p,lo v. id by all druggists. tU Hood's J'ills , ludii-'cstiorj, J . ei nil In IK OF Hi. A Scrnnlon Citizen Is Fortunate A Point of Public Interest. In every day life we will do things In "Xirk of Time." Of courso these "narrow shaves" don't tend to lengthen life, and still 'tis better that way than to fail. Our repre sentative called at 210 Mifllin avenue, Scranton. and Mrs. M. K. Wolfo, who resides there told him In the course of conversation tbatshe has been suffering from kidney com plaint, taking the form of sharp piercing pains In the back, shooting like a knife thrust In the small of the back whenever she stooped over or lifted anything. Sometimes it was only a catch, as it were, that lasted for a minute ; then there wore headaches that were very severe. Urinary trouble existed as well, and It was necessary on this account to rise during the night, thus breaking the natural rest; the symptoms wheu in a moderate way might be called kidney annoyances, hut if they arc neglected for any length of time the consequences assume a serious nature. This is demonstrated in tho case of Mrs. Wolfe, fur her heurt became affected and did not act properly. Kidney troubles produce d ropey. Brighl's disease. diabetes and many other complications; dropsical conditions produce a pressure on the heart from tbe unnatural accumulations of water and everyone knows that when the heart's action Is interfered with 'tis a serious master. So thought Mrs. Wolfe, nnd hearing of tbe "little wonder worker," Doon's Kidney rills, she began taking them, and "just in the nick of time, too." The results obtained from Dunn's Kidney I'll Is were just the same as everywhere they have been used. Mrs. Wolfe savs the mill, trouble and annoy ances have entirely left her, and she is pleased to iutorin others wiiat to use lor kidney disorders. Doaus Kidney rills are sold by all dealers. I'rlce 60 cents per box or (1 boxes for $8.80. Sent by mall on receipt of price, TFoster-Mll-buru Co. Buffalo, N. Y. sole agents for the U.S. Tours to l'lnrlilu. No district In America presents, during the Winter seasou, so many varied attractions as tho State of Florida. Uesldcs its delightful climate, which to one esiap'ng from the cold and unhealthful changes of the North seems almost ethereal, it is pre-eminently a land of sport and pleasure, Along Its cloven hundred miles nf salt-water coast and hi lUt twelve hundred fresh-water lakes are fish of almost overy conceivable varioty, from the migra tory tribes common to Northern waters to the tarpon, pompano, and othors of a more tropical character. Nowhore in all our broad land can the angler find a greater variety of game or better sport. Here also the most enthusiastic hunter finds satiety. Deer, turkeys; bears, panthers. and wild rats roam at large through the moro sparsely settled regions, while birds ot all kinds may be found in abundance through out the State. The more novel sport of al ligator and manatee hunting may also lie in dulged in by tho more adventurous tourist. With its matchless climate, its orange groves, its rivers and lakes, its boating and bathing, Its fishing mid hunting, and its extensive forests, Florida presents unrivaled attractions for the valetudinarian, t'.io lover of nature, the sportsman and the explorer. To this attrattive stale the Pennsylvania Iiailroad ComjKUiy lias arranged four personally-conducted tours during tho seasou cf 1807. leaving bv special train January 26. February 0 and 28, and March 0. Tho first tli t fin will rwltittt nf ti entmirn nf turn weeks iu this delightful land; tickets for the fourth tour will be valid to return until May 31 by regular trains. Itates for tho round trip. $50.00 from Now York, 18.00 from 1'lilladolphi.i, and propor tionate rates from other points. For tickets, itineraries nnd other informa tion, apply to ticket agents, special booking oIBces, or addross Geo. W. lloyd. Assistant Uenunil Passenger Ageut.Ilroad street station, Philadelphia. If you havo over seen a child in tho agony of croup, you can appreciate tho gratitude of the mothers who know that One Mlnutu Cough Cure rolioves their littlooncs as quick ly a? it is administered. Many homos in this city are never without it. C. If. Ilagenbuch. Will Cimtmt a Mlllloimfro's Will. Leroy, N. Y., March 8. It is probable that the will of the late William Lamp son, by which he left the bulk of his estate, valued at $1,000,000, to Yale col lege, will be contested. At the time of his death It was supposed that the only relatives were distant cousins In Bag land. However, there are a number of second and third cousins living In Ba tavla and Medina who, It Is reported, contemplate contesting the validity of the will. nrlp-Colds-IIeadache. Why suffer with Coughs, Colds nud La Grippe wheu Laxative Bromo Quinino will cure you in ono day. Put up in tablets ton venient for taking. Guaranteed to cute, or money refunded. Prico, 25 conte. 'i'or salo by Kirlin's Pharmacy. He "J.lved by Ills Wits." New York, March 8. Alonzo J. Whiteman, alias Delafleld, alias Whit ing, a notorious forger and confidence man, who has operated all over this country and Kurope, was arrested in Ihls city Saturday charged with having dwindled the Columbian bank of New York out of $680 by means ot a bogus check. His peculations In this country and Europe are said to aggregate many thousands. He is a graduate of Colum bia college, has been a Minnesota state senator, and was once a candidate for congress. Torturing, itching, scaly skin eruptions, burns and scalds are soothed at once and promptly healed by DeWUt'i Witch Hazel Salve, the best known cure for piles. 0. II. Ilugeubuch, Little Olrl Horned to Deatli. Mlllvllle, N. J., March 8. Bertha, the 4-year-old daughter of Kliliu Heed, liv ing near here, wa burned to death Saturday night. The father and two of the other children were also burned, hut will recover. One of the children accidentally knocked over a lamp in the dining loom, and set fire to the house. Bertha was In the second story room, and before she could bo rescued was fitally burned. It is surprising what a "wee bit of a thing" can accomplish. Slek headache, constipa tion, ilvsnensia. sour stomach, disaiuess. are quickly banished by DeWitl's Little Early Risers. Smjll pill. Safe pill, ltestplll. C. II. llagenoucii. Charged with Complicity Iu Murder. Cleveland, March 8. Elisabeth Gib son, alias Lizzie Henry, aged 28 years, was arrested here yesterday on the charge of being a fugitive from jus tice. She la accused of complicity in the murder of "William Btewart, an aged and wealthy man, in a flat at 1806 Washington avenue, St. Louis, on the night of Feb. 7. A detective started with his prlsjner for St. Louis last evening. 1"h tally StrleksH in Ohureb. Baltimore, March 8. Colonel Nathan iel Rives Chambliss, formerly of the Confederate army, aged 62 years, was fatally stricken with heart disease yes terday while attending services at the Cathedral, dying a few moments after the attack. Colonel Chambliss, al though an Episcopalian, visited the Cathedral with his wife and son. Tits end came shortly utter the party bad entered the edlhte. Don't allow the lungs to be impaired by thu Minlinuimsirritatioii of a cough, it is etsier to pievent i ouHtmipliim than to cure it One Minute oii(!li ure tal.i u eaily will w.nd nil .my f,it.il lung liouble (' 11 JIagi nbin b. fjEWS (Continued from First Page ) out of th sfatr'traury wfio have ren derod no service to the state there after, and In some oases mSde ho pre tense of service, except as politicians serving their party. "That for services rendered the staff persons have been asked to sign re ceipts for two, three and even four times as much money as they actually received. "That in the purchase of material and labor for making additions, alterations, repairs and refurnishing the capltol building, cellars and grounds, also for the executive mansion, and now for Grace church, tile state has lost many thousands of dollars as the result of an unfair system of competitive bid ding. In other words, that the cost to the state has been two, three, four and as high as eight times In some In stances as much as It should have been, and that this money went to persons furnb-hlng the materials and labor, and further that at least some of the board of public grounds and buildings cus todians have guilty knowledge of these excessive costs. "That the act of 189S In relation to public buildings and grounds Is cor rupting In Its tendencies, pernicious In Its ' results, and has cost the state at least $100,000 more than the same Im provements, etc., should have coBt un der some other system of manage ment." Among the bills Introduced recently was one fixing tha term of licenses for selling liquor at three years; one pro viding for the payment of mileage at the rate ot three cents a mile to poor directors in the performance of their duty, and those passed finally were one allowing female teachers the same salary us the compensation secured by malp Instructors; also the arrest and committing to ball by burgesses of per sons violating any borough ordinance, nnd to protect the right to form, join or belong to labor1 organisations. Interest on fttato Deposits. Representatives McClaln of Lancas ter, Hoy of Clarion, Baldwin of Fayette, and Scott and Stewart of Philadelphia, the legislative sub-committee having charge of the bills to compel the pay ment of Interest on stale deposits, met In Philadelphia on Saturday. It was thought advisable that ai entirely new hill should be framed, which was pre sented to the house thin evening. The bill, it is understood, fixes the rale of Interest at 2 per cent, provides for three active banks, one in Pittsburg, Harrisburg and Philadelphia, and al lows each $500,000, but whether this Is to receive favorable consideration af ter Its Introduction remains to be seen. There Is a plan to "put this bill Into the hands of the, sinking fund commis sion, the idea being to make the state responsible for ther deposits. Ranks will be compelled to give Judgment bonds In double the amount of deposits given them Senutor C. C. Kauftman, of Lancas ter, leader of tjia '"Seventy-six," last nlRht gave out a Statement over his own signature declaring that "the In- Lteiest hill proposed by the sub-com- mlttee of the house ways and means committee, if enacted into a law on the form proposed, will defeat the pur Porp of allhls agitation and rob the stale of thousands of dolluro of reve nue. It proposes to keep $600,000 of the state funds us mi active account In each of three banks located In Phila delphia, Dauphin and Allegheny coun ties, respectively, and thus exempt 11,600,000 from the payment of Interest. The purpose Is apparent. It Is to evade the object of the original measure, al low a wide margin for personal and po litical spoils, deprive the state of much needed revenue, and array the country bunks and country members of the leg islature against the whole movement In the house.'" Senator Thomns, of Philadelphia, is happy over the fact that he has had reported from the committee on Judici ary general his measure providing for the removal of the state capltol to Philadelphia, and submitting the ques tion to a popular vote. It Is under stood no vote was taken in the commit tee, but that out of courtesy to Mr. Thomas 12 of the 14 members present favored It. This bill Is not likely to get beyond second reading In the senate, and will receive little If any consider ation in the house. Mr. Marshall, chairman of the com mittee on appropriations, has organ ized and Is in a position to give the dif ferent bills the special consideration their Importance demands, as soon as the state treasurer can Inform them of the total available funds now In his department. The labors of this com mittee will be more arduous and per haps as much prolonged as any con nected with the legislature, as there seems to be a greater demand than ever for state funds to sustain various new charitable enterprises that have developed. It is the purpose ot this committee to distribute the funds as equally and as judicially as possible, and Ignore everything that does not have features to strongly recommend them to favorable consideration. The members of this committee, who are men of ability and Intelligence, are giving special study to the subject of appropriations and the requirements and nscesslties of the Institutions ask ing aid. The I'ropoged New I.lbel T.aw. The proposed new libel law, which bill has not yet been reported from the committee, is likely to receive atten tion very soon. It is altogether likely a new bill will be Introduced and push ed for passage. Dr. Ii. II. Warren, the state zoologist. In tils annual report, gives a remarka ble allowing In that, notwithstanding the great slaughter of animal life, the fur trade of the state is very large. In his report Dr. Warren shows that In York county alone the fur chiefly muakrats, skunks, opossums, raccoons, minks and foxes last year obtained sold for about $20,000. In Chester coun ty, one dealer In West Chester has for several years past sold In New York annually from $3,000 to $6,000 of skins above natned. In Jefferson county a very conserva tive eatlmaio would place the amount received for skins from fur bearing an imals at $12,000. Statistics gailiei.d from nine counties show that the pay ment of bounties has grbwn to con siderable Importance, and during the last few years bounties have been paid on 16.000 foxes, 1,000 wild cats, 1 pan ther, 6,000 weasels, 8,000 minks, Duo hawks, 2,000 owls, and thousands of other animals and birds. This week promises to be one of special Interest to the capital city. Along with the meeting of the legisla ture will be the convention of county superintendents, which will, lie in ses sion about three days, and which will attract a number of the most success ful educators from different parts of the country, and promises to be a very interesting affair. Then the supreme court will be In session thoughout the j week. 1 Pan-Tina I What Is It ? The greatest i me 'in coughs and colds. At I lirollb I llln- , ill itn.i'. IS': American Voluntoors Oelebrato Tkoir First Anniversary. BALLIHGT0N BOOTH'S ATTITUDE After Striving for Eloven Years to Amcrl cnnlse tho Salvation Army He Bent the Word to tomtom "We Will Stand by the American Constitution." New York, March 8. The first anni versary of the founding of the Ameri can Volunteers was celebrated yester day by two big meetings at Metropoli tan Temple in the afternoon and at Cooper Union In the evening. At the meeting last night Commander Bal- llngton Booth said: 'During the 12 years of our Christian labor in this country we tried to Amer icanize the Salvation Army, because we naturally and rightly oonBldered that a country that had progressed as America had was capable of governing Its own property, its own resources, and training Its own officers without interference from a foreign quarter. "For 11 years we labored unceasingly to Americanize the Salvation Army in this country, and were It not for the interference brought to bear upon us under a foreign International polloy we would have remained under tho old flag. "We were confronted with the diffi culty of standing by our flag or aban doning oiu- policy of Amef lcanlilng the army in America, and we unhesitating ly sent back the answer, 'We will stand by the constitution and government of the United States." "It is not right that any movement, either civil, religious or monetary. In this country should submit to the gov ernment of a foreign power. Though we lose all, and life, too, In the bar gain, we will stand by the American people." Commander Booth will probably com mission 600 officers in Association Hall tonight. JlhcumaiUm Cured in a Day. "Mystic Cure" for Rheumatism and Neu ralgia radically cures in 1 to 3 days. Its action upou the system is remarkable and mysterious. It removes nt once tho cause and the disease immediately disappears. The first dose greatly benefits. T. 1 Anthouv. ex-Postmaster of Promise City, Iowa, says : "I bought ono bottle of Mystic Curo for IEhcumatism, and two doses of it did me more good than any medicino I ever took." 75 cents. Sold by C. II. Ilagenbuch, druggist, Shen andoah. Perfect Tour to Ferfcct Florida. As Florida at this season of tho year is tho most attractive and delightful section of the Atlantio slope, so tho Pennsylvania Bailroad at all times is the most attractive and do llghtful route of travel. First in its equip ment and service, it is also first in its tourist system. Admirably indeed doos it convoy its patrons to this laud of health and beauty. Special trains of Pullman palace cars aro provided, nil conveniences afforded, and everything possiblo dono to add to tho oase and comfort of tho journoy. Tho next aud last tour of tho season to Jacksonville will lea'-c Now York and Phila delphia March P. Tourists may return by regular trains until May 31, 1897. Excursiou tickets, including railway transportation both ways, aud Pullman accominodationsaud meals on special train going, will bo sold at the following rates: From New York, $50.00; Philadelphia, $18.00 ; Canaudatgua, $52.85 ; ErIo,'.$51.85 ; Pittsburg, $53.00, and at pro portionate rates from other stations. Apply to ticket agents, Tourist Agent, 1100 Broadway, New York, or Geo. W. Boyd, Assistant General Passenger Agent, Broad street station, Philadelphia. Rheumatism Quickly Cured. After having been confined to tho house for eleven days aud paying out $25, in doctor bills without benefit, Mr. Frank Dolson of SaultSte. Mario, Mich., was cured by ono bottle of Chamberlain's Pain Balm costing 25 cents and has not siuce been troubled with that complaint. For salo by Gruhlor Bros,, druggists. llx-CollecCur .uts Two Years. Mount Holly, N. J., March 8. John W. Murphy, ex-tax collector of Bur lington township, who recently plead ed non vult contendre to an indictment charging him with embezzlement and falsifying his tax duplicate, was sen tenced by Judge Qosklll to serve two years in state prison. The prisoner was a leading citizen, a prominent pol itician, and was never before accused of crime. It is said that Mr. Murphy is assuming the responsibility for the actions of his son, who misappropriat ed the money. A Household Necessity. Cascarets Candy Cathartic, tho most won derful medical discovery of tho age, pleasant and refreshing to tho taste, act gently and positively on kidneys, liver and bowels, oleansing tho entire system, dispel colds, curo headacho, fover, habitual constipation aud biliousness. Please buy and try a box of y. U. u. to-day ; 10, 26, 50 cents. Sold and guaranteed to curo by all druggists. Curb the Newspapers. Albany, March 8. Senator Ells worth's bill to prevent newspapers and other publications from printing the pictures of Individuals without their consent will have a hearing on Wed nesday afternoon before the codes com mittee ot the legislature. Senator Qrady says that no hearing will pre vent the passage ot the bill, and It Is Intimated in certain quarters that It will pass and be signed by the gov ernor at a veiy early day. flft.CHASEJj BloodfHerveFood For Weak nnd Hun Down People. UHflT IT IQI The richest of all restore n I1HI II IO I tlve foods, boouuse it re places the essentials ot lire that are ex luuisted by disease. Indigestion, high living, overwork, worry, excesses, abuse, etc. WHAT IT IMFS! making the blood WriHI II UUC01 pure and rich and the digestion perfeotlt oreates solid flesh, muscle raid strength. The nerves being made strong tbe brain becomes aotlvoand plear. It restores lost vitality, stops all wast ing drains and weakness In either sex. nnd as a female regulator has no equal. I'rlce 60c, or Ave boxes J2.00. Druggists or by mall. up wm uwjjjwti. Auvice ana uook, tree Write Us About Your Cnso. I THE DR. CHA8E COMPANY, U12 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia, ft I Perfect .-rant Eagle Brandf 1,00(5 Condensed Milk 1 "Infant Health." is a 1lnl twV nl O great value tliat is sent FuLt on appll- 2 cation. JJ. Y. Condensed Milk Co. t VI Hudson Street, Bew York AMBASSADOR HAY'S HOME, Cayard"s Successor tins Already Kngaged Ills London Quarter. London, March 8. Colonel John Hay Is expected to assume the duties at the United States embassy at Easter. lie has taken the Earl of Caledon's house, No. 6 Carlton House Terrace, from April 18. This Is next to the residence of Mrs. John W. Maokay, and Colonel Hay's other neighbors are Lord William Ber- COLONKL JOHN HAY. esford, the Earl of Lonsdale, William Waldorf Astor, the German embassy and the Duke of Grafton. These houses are among the finest and best situated In London. The en trance Is from Pall Mall and Waterloo place. JThey overlook the Horse Guards parade and the Mall, and ad join Marlborough house. Don't Tobacco Spit and Smoke Your Lire Away. If you want to quit tobacco using easily and forever, ho made well, strong, magnetic, full of new life and vigor, tako No-To-Iiac, the wonder-worker' that makes weak men strong. Many gaiu ten pounds in ten days. Ovor 400,000 cured. Buy No-To-Bac from your own druggist, who will guaranteo a cure. BOo or $1.00. Booklet nnd sample mailed free. Ad. Sterling Itemedy Co., Chicago or New York. Tours to California. California has been most fittingly formed the "Italy of America." All tho delicious balm, tho cloudless sky, aud tho rich vor duro of tha great European peninsula are duplicated iu this sunny land of tho Pacific. Ilore nature basks in the sunshine of her own beauty; and horo she has established hor ewn sanitarium, whoro eternal spring in spires everlasting youth. With tho snow mantled peaks of the Sierras upon the one hand, the calm Pacifio with its soft hreozes upon tho other, and a veritable paradise of flewors, fruits and plants between, man can find and needs no lovelier land, To visit such a country is a privilege, a blesslug. The Pennsylvania Kallroad Company, recognizing tho need of a mora comfortable and pleasant way of crossing the continent, inaugurated a scries of annual tours to Cali fornia, running a through train of Pullman palaco cars from New York to tho Pacific Coast, and stopping at tho principal points nf interest en route. The great popularity of thoso tours demonstrates tho wisdom of the movement. For the season of 1807 throo tours havo been arranged to leavo Now York, Philadel phia, and Pittsburg, Jauuary 27, February 24, and March 27. Tho first four will run direct to San Diego via St. Louis and the Santa Fo lioutc, and ro turn from San Francisco via Salt Iiko City, Denver, aud Chicago, allowing five weeks iu California, Tho Becond tour will run via tho Mammoth Cavo and New Orleans to San Diego, stepping at tho "Crescent City" during tho Mardi Gras Carnival. This tour will return via Salt Lake City, Denver, Omaha, and Chicago, allowing four weeks in California. Tho third tour will run via Chicago.Denver, and Salt Lako City, allowing passengers to re turn by regular trains via different routes within niue months. All of these tours, either goiug or return ing, will pass through the famous Colorado region, Glenwood Spriugs, I.eadvillo and tho Garden of tho Gods. Itates from all points on tho Pennsylvania Railroad System oast of Pittsburg: First tour, $310 ; second tour, $350 ; third tour, $210 round trip, and $150 one way. For detailed itineraries and otbor informa tion, apply at ticket agoneios, special book ing offices, or address George W. Boyd, Assistant General Passenger Agent, Broad Streot Station, Philadelphia. Prom Cripple Creek. After the big firo in Cripple Creek, I took a very severo cold and tried many lemedics without help, tho cold only becoming more settled. After using threo btnall bottlos of Chamborlain's '.Cough Itomedy, both tho cough and cold left mo, and in this high alti tude It takes a meritorious cough remedy to do nuy good. G. B. Hojidorson, editor Daily Advertiser. For sale by Gruhler Bros., drugstore. A Tour to Washington nt Exceedingly Low Itates. Washington is to-day tho handsomest city in America, and undoubtedly one of tho most beautiful capitals lu the world. That grand monumental building, tho Capitol, lias no counterpart. The now Congressional Library, with its statues, its has reliefs, aud Us marble halls, is a veritable palace. The great monu ment, five hundred and flfty-fivo feet high, is tbe loftiust memorial shaft in tho world, and the National Museum has the reputation of being tho most perfect Iu design for the pur pose of any in existence. In point of inter est It is second only to the fumous Ilritisli Museum of London. The three-day tours of the Pennsylvania Iiailroad Company are ar ranged to cover all these points of interest, aud many more. The tour of the city is made under the personal escort of an ex perienced tourist agent, and every facility is afforded for a complete visit, Tho next tour of the present series will leave New York and Philadelphia March 11. Hound trip tickets, including hotel accommo dations and every necessary expense, will be sold at rate of $11.50 from New York, $11.50 from Philadelphia, aud at proportionate rales from other stations. Apply to tiokst agents; Tourist Agent, 1186 Broadway, New York; or Geo. W. lloyd, Assistant General Piuseager Agent, Broad street station, I'lilladslpbla. They are so small that tbs west sensitive persons lake them, they an so effective that the most obstinate esses of constipation, headache and tot phi liver yield to them. That is why DoWiifs Little Early Itisers are known as the famo-is Ultle pills. C. II. Hu genii u cli. Coining invents. Mar. 11. Colonel Pattie Watkins Lindsay, Welsh nightingale, at the Primitive Metho dist church. liar. 15.- Birthday party in the United Evangelical church, under the auspices of the singing class. April 7. Entertaiuinent in Calvary Baptist church, undor the auspices of the Sunday school. 12. E. Turner of Comptou, Mo., writes us that alter sullerlng irom piles tor seventeen years, he completely cured tliein by using ! three boxes ef DeWitt's Witch Hazel K,ihe. It cures eczema and severe liu dint-aus L'. II. Ilagenbuch. Di. Miles' Nervine Victorious. Physical and Mental Exhaustion Clves Way to Vigorous Aotlvrly. o.'jss-w : . - vge ,EY. W. T. HOUCK, tbo tainted pas tor of Crace U. H. cburch, Carlisle, Peun., writes Soptembor 28, 1895: " I always enjoyed good health until in 1882, at which tlmo my duties as a clergyman were ot a peculiarly trying nature, subjecting me to several severe nervous shocks which together with overwork and anxloty, Im paired my general health and nervous sys tem. Indeed I was In such a condition that the mere eight of a largo congregation So wearied me that It would require a day or more for me to re cover from tho ex haustion. It affords Dr. MKttt' INervSrto: ftastcuv:. . no p. .-.it, pleasure to , Health , scy tl.r.t Dr. Miles' Hc.storatlvo Nervlno and liestoratlve Tonic havo done me untold gnod. I preached threo times yesterday and I feel as fresh and vigorom this Monday morning as I over felt In ray life, thanks to your remedies. Dr Miles' Remedies aro sold by all drug gists under a positive guaranteo, first bottlo benefits or monoy refunded. Book on Uoart and Nerves sent free to all applicants. Dlt. MILES MEDICAL CO., Elkhart. Ind. AWN'S TANSY PILLS A Tttitn. TBim Aw n aivit WOMAN'S RELIEF. Ala-i-i nrnmnt-nd rrllibl. Avoid Imitation. Hot C.ATnn' T1NIT Ft!.L-Ttd BIT- KEOIBTt. 'AldrufcT torw, orient dirt! (ae-lcd), PriM, II. Catoic 8rc Co , Doeton, Mr. Our Ooolt, 4o. For Biilo ftt P. P T5. K.rltn's drujc Shenandoah drug store mm hestom o lMi.hnrtn'esrs nlfBMQt oxlor flCO i bottie Csj if A I It TllMrrnmmrsi HunHi'tin f on halrfromfnUtnaouthnd promote growth $1 ODji hntt! 11212 MIJineA.Vi CO los Fulton k, n Y.r rnrr? Illustrated TreatUe on liatr on application r liuu For salo by Slioimiuloah Drug Store, KIrlln Drug Store. TH1LA. & READING RY IN KFFKUT DEC!. 6. ISM. Trains leave SherifinUonh as follows: For New York via 1'hllndelphla, week days. 310, 5 25, 710 n. in., 1233, 308 and 5 58 p. in Sundays, 2 10 n. m. For New York via Msuch Chunk, week days, J 25, 7 10 a. in., 12 3.1 anil 3 03 p. in. For Heading and Philadelphia, week days, 2 10, 5 26, 7 10 a.m., 12 33, 8 03 and 6 58 p. in. Bun days, 2 10 n. in. For l'ottsville, week days, 2 10, 7 10 n. m., and 12 33, 3 08 and 3 58 p. m. Sundays, 2 10 a. ni. For Tnmaqua and Mnlmnoy OH, week days, 210,5 25, 710 a. m.,12 88, 8 08 nnd 5 58 p. m, Sundays, 2 10 a. m. For Wlltiauuport, Sunbury and Lowlsborg, week flays, 3 25, 11 80 a. m., and 7 25 p. in. Sundays, 3 25 a. m. For Mnlinnoy Plane, weekdays, 2 10. 8 26, 5 25, J 10. 11 30 il. 111., 12 33, 8 08, 5 58, 7 25 and DM p. iu. Hundnys, 2 10, 8 25 n. m. For Ashland and Shnmokln, week days, 8 23, 710, 1130 il in., 725 and 0 63 p. m. Bun days, 3 25 a. m. For Baltimore, 'Washington and the AVeel via H. &0. H. It., through trains leo"i Heading Terminal, Philadelphia, (P. U K. V R.) at 8 20, 7 55, 11 28 a. m., 8 10 and 7.27 p. i. Sundays, 3 20, 7 00, II 24 ft. m., 3 46 and 7 27 p. m. Add!, tlonal trulns from Twenty-fourth and Clieet imt streets station, week days, 10 80 n. m. 12 20, 12 It 8 10 p.m. Sundays, 183, 823 p. m. TItAINS FOK SHENANDOAH. Leave Now York via Philadelphia, week dnjB, 4 80, 8 00 a. in., 1 30, 4 30, 9 00 p. m. and uiKht. Sundays, 6 00 p. m. javo .new xortc via Aiaucu ununir, wock days, 4 80, 9 10 a. m.. 1 SO nnd 4 15 p. m. Leave Philadelphia, Heading Terminal, week days, 4 20, 8 35, 10 05 a. in. and 4 05330, 11 SO p. in. riuuuayer ii &j p. ra. iave Jieauing, weeic uays, 1 nr, 7 iu, 10 os, II 55 a. in., 0 00 anil 8 20 p. m. Sundays, 1 36 a. in. Leave Pottsvtlle, week days, j! 85, 7 40 a.m., 12 30 and 6 12 p.m. Sundays, 2 85 a. m. Leave Tamaiiua, week days, 3 18, 8 50, 11 28 a' in., 1 27, 7 20 and 9 43 n. in. Sundays, 8 18 a. m. Leave Mahanoy City, week days, 8 13, 9 21, 11 47 a. in., 2 08, 7 41 and 10 08 p. m. Sundays, 8 (3 a. m. Leave Mahanoy Plane, week days, 2 40, 4 00 a. 680,9 37. 1159a. m., 112,219,9 20,6 36, 757nr.iT 10 33 li. in. Sundays, 2 40, 00 n. m. Leavo Wlllitnnsport, week days, 712, 1010 a, m., 8 83 and 11 41 p. m. Sundays, li 15 p. m. ATLANTIO CITY DIVISION, Leave Philadelphia Chestnut street warf and South stmt wliatf for Atlantic City. Weekdays Kxnres, 0 00 a. in., 2 00, 400, 5 00 p. in. Accommodation, 8 00 a. in., G 30 p. ni. Sundays Rxprcss, 900, 10 00 a. in. Accom. inodation, 8 00 a. in., 4 45 p. in. Heturnlng leave Atlantic City depot, corner Atlantio nnd Arkansas aonue. Weekdays Express, 7 35, 9 CO a. in., 3 30, 5 30 p. in. Accommodation, 8 15 n. m., 4 82 p. in. Sundays Express, 4 00, 7 30 p. m. Accommo dation, 7 15 a. iu., 4 13 p. m. Parlor Cars on all express trains. PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD COMPANY." Personally-Conducted Tours HATCHLESS IN EVERY FEATURE. CALIFORNIA Tour to CAUFOItNIA nnd tho VACIFIO COAST will lesve New York nnd Philadelphia February 21. toppln(c at New Orleans during Mardi ?raa lestivittea, and allowing four week) In California, and Mttrt'h 27, returning on reKular trains within nine months. Hound trip rates from all points on the Pennsylvania 1 tail road System eaitt of IittuhurK : S80O.OO for tour of February 24, and $210.00 for tour of March 27 FLORIDA Jacksonville tours, allowing two weeks In Plorlila will leave New York and Philadelphia February 0 and 23, and March 9, 1897 Itate covering exiiensea ' en route in both dlreotlnns, 150.00 from New York, and tt8.00 fioin Philadelphia. WASHINGTON Tours, each covering a period of three days, will leave New York and Philadel phia February 11, March II, April 1 and 2L and Hay 13, 1M7. Itates, Include lng trausuortailun and two duya' awommodcu tlon at the best Washington IloUila, Ui.ftJ from New York, and f 11.50 from PhllfaMrifta. OLD POINT COMFORT TOURS RETURNING DIRECT, OR VIA. HICIIMOND AND WASHIKinO.X will leave New York and lWIladi-lAH I'lbrtl ary IB, March IB, and April 11, 18ST. l'or detailed tUoaraiw mid & Walton, lWnuTlpfii. BROM-KOLOA ALCOHOLIC, NERVOUS AND BILIOUS HEADACHES Cured by this granular effervescent and sUmu lant. An Instant cure for sour ssomaoba and headaches, which often accumulate f roui havleg a night out. JOHN F. CLEARY, BOTTLER OF CARBONATED DRINKB, 17 aid IP Peach Alley, Shenandoah in a a tO lift ' 11 i v i