The evening herald. (Shenandoah, Pa.) 1891-1966, March 02, 1897, Image 2

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    K-At1LlMIIF!t IH70.
"All the liews That's FU to Prtel."
Pii .IIsIt.1 ( 6u .Jk, tcCpl Sunday, t
ot:n li'S.W. Mrs flCtrr,
Tin- lie.
lu' ..X lltfel Wel , IJ
.1 rr. l,j ,,, i .u !" t. .
'I'tie ie I. f lv 'tl .l i it sis tK
po.!1 liiof .. -j i i ii ) ..--vi i IS , .. t.
l i.i til rlC's , . i. .i'i l
i r ii r i i ejw' tm;
p lul riti . to
I .. . . .
.,'.". tiM .i
ii i
Rut" t a. 1 i pu-' .rttvte m e tcmswloa.i
Mt.n id (ilttt-a ttlaill Bt-'-r
It Is to be h ped the lucel'ng In 'lie ("omi
cil chamber this evening will be well at
tended, not only by the hut b
i.' iwns goneml'v, aud that means will be
devivxl to cany on the good woik su
iUitiilt'lonsly besun. We are Informed by the
emimutee ou dissipation that tbey have
been overwhelmed with applications bieh
h. tvcbeea investigated and found worthy,
and to keep it up wlU require earned and
pel -Istent effort. The eoaimUtae liavo gone
ahead upon faith, trout ing that the people
will respond when they are appealed to, and
that the debt i.o far Itieuriod will be provided
lor promptly, and that means U relievo the
dutresH will continue to flow ill sufliuieutly
fiit to sopply jiromptly the needs of all
t hose deserving aasistanee. Our notghberiny
town of Mahanoy City has taken up tht
Mm kind of work in an oucruetie man nor,
aud we believe Shenandoah's good people
ill;.lso throw theinselves into the good
ork heart and soul. The teachers of oui
public schools have t iken a step it) tbo rigln
direction with their usual promptness, and
will put it In the right way to have thi
I .Minn of charity iunen luted in the niindi ol
t..e pupils, and if we are not mistaken the
1 1. Hit ration of "little drops of water make
tlie mighty ocean" will be practiually ex
emplified when th harvest is gathered in
' iherefor call Vhmi the eitiseus of town
i. . i(tetid the meeting In the Council cliani-
i.i , to-night prepared to at, assuring them
t it the methods adopted by tit exiratnittce
:mv sin h that their bounty will "go to those
t in ,ue deserving of it. liond that ruled the United 8tal.Jfii
.in- yearj will rock the cradle after Maiel
I r is in Hceurlinre, wi ii the ctcnil flinei-.
of ilmi-x-i Hi .b e . -- figur"! upon the bill ol
I ne .it the IXiml' nliinrini' t n: :iit.
.UOE MVO 10 ll ' "'y pit"
li-hed, "78,000 pot, m in V m I've, Wi
ami etiok in on 1 ivtt' It " u vji.v
ic room.
The I'oHoniug memoiUl hai been sent to
I'eiiiiKv vPuia tenate awl Ilnttile of Uapxo---c
u.i.ives on the t of tlw Ksktr Ualiot
" The Memorial of the civil Servi.tetferoiai
Aim .ilion of IVuniylvjnla t-pee u"y
ie,i o '-n -T' 'M''eOi. ' ' b a"d i
m raj.uit. . u.o pu. to gut ami tm
niie-"i.y oxpea-e, and the tWvi of tin
( omniouwealth to uurvasoiiable i.hou
Miiicncc and nnn'"yane liy i a "i '
' Ijiuc tize of tlioufflciul ballots H'li'di, under
tlio provisions of the present law, iireium
furnished to voters at the polls at eviiy
M'tierul election.
"That tbo large size of the official
ballot is used solely by the arrangement o
the names of tbo candidates to be voted fo.
in party columns, ami would be entirely obvi
ate 1 if the law was amended so as to conform
to the draft of the ballot law originally pre
pared by this Association and introduced into
a former Legislature, by which the names ol
the i .uididates are arranged on tlio ballot in
alphabetical order under tlio name of the
party which nominates him.
" That this form of ballot is the form used
in Australia, in the state of MasicliUM!ttK
aud elsewhere, and will remedy tlio greatest
defei t of the present law.
"Your nieinorallsU have seen with groat
pleasure that a bill has been introduced into
tbo House of Representatives amending the
present law iu tills direction, and in other
important respects, ami your memorialists
urge upon your honorable bodies, prompt
and favorable action on this bill."
Anothkr subject for the satirical New
S .irk Sun to dissect lias turned up in Ken
tucky politic. His name is Dinkey Doyle,
and that beats Hoke Smith out of sight.
Siiebikf Ckow, of Philadelphia, yester
day announced his appointments, A casual
i'lanco at tbe names fails to reveal a Com
bine "heeler" among the number.
Bear in mind that the entertainment hy
Al. U. Fields minstrels, lu the theatre, to
morrow evenlnc will be for the benefit of
the deserving poor of Shenandoah. The
house should lie pack oil to the doors.
Turn Pennsylvania Logialatuie has lieen lu
se iiou two mouths aud yet no measure ot
importance has been considered by that
august body. It is to be hoped the members
will pull themselves together and get down
t work.
(in Friday lion. Boies Pen rose will Ukr
hi. seat in the United Status Satiate as tin
i .1 league of that natcMeta political leader,
tne veteran Quay. Last week the Bepublicao
"uiis tendered Heuator-eleot Penrose a
banquet iu Philadelphia, which was a (I ting
c i nplimont to a young Republican Uadei
entering ou a career that bids I i. to le
liouorahle to himself and of profit to the
giuat comiuoutu-ulth he lias becu called upou
t i reprcseul in lite hi'lU of Cong reus.
A pleaaiug feature of tlm banquet is noted
in the fact that members of all factions of
the party united in tendering to Senator Pen
rose their congratulations and good wishei
for future success, lu responding to the
many kind words of praise, the Heuator
t kcl made a speech that atones stamped him
a statesman, u close student, and a political
leader ol extraordinary ability, showing that
he has a just conception of the importauc of
the duties that will devolve upou him. and
that be is actuated by a desire to so fulfill
them that hii -late will be benefited by his
ervices iu the I nittxl btules Buoate.
The election of Boies Peurose as the sue
tensor to J. Donald Canieiuu has brought
aliouta great change. It was buta few mouths
ao that he was treat heroiisly defeated by
!t"c h' fm the mayoralty immiii-
i'hlladelphla. on tbe eve of the con-
von I it.n, mill as a rebuke lo Have Martin and
hifi heiicliiiieii the Io.thI Uepuhllcau of tlio
state look up III atlle and elected the
hiilliaiit young I'hihtdelpliiau tu the luoit
rxalicd position within the gilt of thu people
of tliis commonwealth.
Senator IViirusu iia yming iirin, hut dining
hi ten years scrTh-e ill the SUte Sen ile linn
acquired a knuwlt-dgo that few rueu, more
advanced in years, pusses. Hiifutiire pull' y,
outlined to the speech delivered at the Iwu
quet last week. shows conclusively that he lias
! a grasp of the needs of hi native dry anil
i state. II fit von a tariff' hill that will sn
, commend itself that It will be permanent ami
net rid of that agitation wlileli kills business,
Every business man will heartily endorse
that pulley, a io I nu one questions but that
, Ikriea fenruse will try to pot those views into
, effect when in- iw rnuea his place ou the 4th
( of 'ar.'h busidr Matthew Stanley Quay.
TH future is bright for the yt,nug Phlla
tlelptitau, awl his success Is especially gratify
inr tu the Republican: of this county, among
whom M hat many Warm adherents.
TnkMje are wl-enrtvs Who in-lst that there
is no loiiger any money lu tho liquor busi
ness. Rut would t.iir hrewora and distillers
md aaliKin keci ei bo willing to aoeept the
4 par cant msiiiiiuin profit allowed under the
Scandinavian system and devote the balance
to public improvements, sj is done In Nor
way? Won Ul any connnlenilile number of
them sell nut at cict 1 Wo don't believe they
would do eiilier.
Many cases of "Grippe" have lately been
cured by One Minute Cough Cure. ThU
pnniritimi seems especially adapted to the
iMire tr this illfrase. It acts quickly thus
pr. v mlim seriuu complications and bad
effect in which this disease often leaves the
nation). C. II. liageiibnch.
Mar II - C.doaot IWtie Watkius Lindsay,
Welsh ulghUugule, at Mm Primitive Metho
dist church.
Mar. 15. Wrthdjy party in the United
Evangelical church, under thu auspices of
the sliitfiiiK class.
April 7. Entertainment in Otlvary Baptist
cli-ireh. under tho auspices of the Sunday
Thev are so small that the most sensitive
iMTHoim take them, they are so effective that
the ni'int nbsllnste cases of constipation,
headache anil torpid liver Yield to them
Tnat Is why DeWltt's Little Early Itlsers are
known as the famous little pills. C. II.
II i?cnbuch.
UrulHpr FarragutV Ifeittttrknhle Ppecd.
Washington, March 2. The Farra
gut, 1-y w h'ch name torpedo boat No. C
will hereafter be known, made a run
down the Potomac river yesterday
with Chairman Boutelln, Senator
Ulaokburn and other members of the
IwrUae and- senate naval committee,
General Russell A. Alger. Mr. llerre
Slioff, her designer and builder, Sec
retary Herbert, and a few others on
Iward. On the way hack a spurt wan
tnatfe to test her speed, and tho result
was a broken record, the distance be
ing traversed at the rate of 84 2-8 miles
per hour.
Don't allow the lungs to lie impaired by the
cniitinnousiriitation of a rough. It is eisier
-i prevent consumption than to cure it. One
Miiiutu Cough Curo taken early will wind nil'
my fatal lung trouble. C. II. llagenliuch.
Mr. Itrjtin In 'U tswnre's Capital.
Dover, Del., March 2. William Jen
nings Bryan am wife arrived here at
noon today, and Mr. Ucyan will speak
in the Opera licuse tnn'ght. They
wore met at the sta'lon by a committee
from the general asembly. composed
of Senators Pyle and Fenlniore, and
Repiesentatlves Wilson, Dempsey and
Whitney. M' Bryan wae driven t.
ti.e Cnpltol hotel, and . 'Iryan Is
-,- iuert t,i rtr-t. f'c.iAtt.r K nney.
If you have evor seen a ulilld in the agony
f croup, you can appreciate the giaiitudc
i the motliers who know that One Minu'e
..'mgli Cure relieves their llttleones as quick
y as it isailnitnlsterutl. .Many homes in this
:ity are never without It. C. It. Ilagciihuch.
Tim Iininlfri-Htloii Illll.
YVashlmgtfln, March 2. The presi
dent has only today to devote to the
consideration of the Immigration bill.
The president his called Secretary Ol
ney into consultation, presumably to
make sure of Us effect upon exlstlnc
treuty stlpulat'r is If ih.- bill Is nit
signed or veti .r! I for' tonight it will
becuine a l-i . t'ip ri v fii'.:ninfr.
Health Broken Down,
Consumption, Rheumatism
Whatever It Was, Hood's Sarsaparilla Cured by Its Power as
The One True Blood Purifier.
Discouraged people are numerous now some because of
lost business, others because of lost health. All may find
fresh inspiration and valuable suggestions in the following :
" C. I. Hood & Co., Lowell, Moss. :
" Gentlemen: For 12 years I have been
a commercial traveller, and owing to the
hardships of my life, long- railroad jumps,
all kinds of exposure, and sudden changes
ot climate, etc., my health gave way.
I'hyslolang did not help me and I was
given up to die. My Illness developed a
Complication of Diseases.
,1 vras without ambitiou or appetite. All
strength bad left me. One doctor said I
had heart disease, another torpid liver,
a third said U was lung trouble and
another ccnsucptlon, aud so on. I have
no doubt, symptoms of all these com
plaints sad even that of rheumatism,
Judging from the stiffness and pains iu
my Joints and legs at times, were mani
fest. I was unable to attend to business,
was oonflned to my room and frequently
lay in a comatose state for hours. I was so
feeble, and so little encouragemeut was
offered, that I began to wonder
- Where I Would Iks Buried.
Finally, as a last effort to help myself, X
deokled to try Hood's Barearurilla. Thu
ihl liy all drti"'ri-l-. IViro
. I. Jlood & Co.,,
Closing Quotations of the New York and 1
Philadelphia lehnngws. i
New York. March 1 . Tha atook market to
day wae characterised by a cnnUnnaaan of tlm '
r-urkoit net vltv,aHcomi annl with Vmslness for
a mimlw of weeks, which was the feature on
Friday anil Saturday. Closing bids: i
Balto. Ohio
Lnhlgh Valley..
New Jersey (Jen
New York Cm..
C'ie-111. Oh.o. .
1ti. Hu Itiou.
15." ,
1)., L 4j W....
Rt. Paul
W. N. Y. & Pa
Lake Kile
. !7
.. Hi
Lehif.ll Khv
iui.'rf paid.
ileneriil Itlnrkets.
Phtladelphln, Wareh 1. Flour firm; winter
suuerfltie, .&0J.SJ; do. extra-t. U.v)a,A.ii
1 ennxyivunia ro.lor, olear, t4.loal.23: di d).,
straight, U -V.H.4J; western clear, M.lOl.i;
City mills, eitra, J.OoCM.SO. Whmit Unu : spot,
W!i9!l?i''- tirn firm ! stenmer eovn.soot, Joe.
Oats Iah; Sti. H white, spot, itiQU o. Hay
slow: oli'jtce loi.o , til for largebalus. Beef
steady ; family, llXftll ; extra mess, K.ud8; oity
uxli a India mesa, tlli.S0i9lS. Pork firm; short
r.ear, I8.S0S1U.U; family, (B.SOWlO.uj. Iard
Lrm; wehtern steamod, S4.!iS(a4.tlu. Buttnr
Itea ly : western creamery, lS&19c. ; do. factory,
i V. ; Slgins, ltn. ; Imitation ereaniery, 10,15o. ;
Now York dairy, lltto. ; da oreaun ry, mi
l&iYs. i fancy print jobbing at 81(8 4o. ;do. extra,
wlimuoaie, Choese steady ; large, Olftlc ;
snail, Vttl l-'Jic. ; part skims, Sk&o. ; fall skims,
BKHto. Kggs steady . New Itorkaud Pennsyi
vanla, 17a. ; western fresh, lo'tjo. ; southern, 16
Lire btoek Atarket.
New York, March 1. Beeves quiet; steers
ttrm ; oxen and dry cows steady ; bubs weak ;
native steers, 14(94.75; stas and oxen, CMM ;
bulls, .W 8.110; dry cows, l 00mi!&. OHm
Hdtlre and firm : veius, M'tf T."". Mhoep steady ;
lambs quiet; Sheep, ta.'J&HM; lambs, U'i.
t.tA Hogs steady at S3.Ws4.3n.
Bast Ulwrty, Pa., Mar ch l.-Oattls h1,;
prime, 4.tUS; feeders, So.tM4; bull, .tags 7K93.69. Hogn active, higher ; prime
medium weights, W.OO tW 93 ; best Yorkers, $0.80
ISAM; pigs, t 75W8 HU: heavy hogs, fH.flatta.Ti);
rouehs, $2 85H 50. Sheep higher : lambs steady ;
Ohio fed westerns, (4JNIa4..'iO: prime natives,
UJXcC.M: con. ni n, r'.y.i.4 i; choice lambs,
taitn..,; coiiiuiou w goju, eb. oatvos,
It -0.0.
Tlircw Awny His Onnen.
Mr. T). Wiley, ex-postmaster, Black Creek,
V , was su badly afflicted with rheuma
tism that he was only able to hobble around
with canes, and even then It cau-ed him
briat pain. After using Chamberlain's Pain
Balm he was so much improved that he
threw a way hie cam s. lie says this liniment
l!il him more good than nil other medicines
Hid treatment put together. For sale ntSO
cents per bottle hy O rubier Urus,, drng store.
KtlMiidllurt, Uxe-d fteo4ipts.
Washington, March 2 The compar
ative monthly statement of the recelp's
and expenditures of the TJnl'l St'itej
shows the total receipts during Febru
ary to have been $2l.!00,C?7, and the
d'fchu.serr.ents $28,786,060, whkh leaves
a C- licit for the tr.on'h of $4,35.063 as
tio .pared with a CeRclt of about $C90.
000 for Ferur.'v. 19. Slnte J'v 1,
lSDS, the ai--regate deficit la $.3.- T.. 441.
KUeiiinatlsiu Uurod lu n Ujy.
"Mystic Cure" fur Rheumatism and Neu
ralgia radically cures in 1 tu 3 days. 1(8
action upon the system is remarkable and
mysterious. It removes at once the cause ami
the dbunHu immediately disappears. The
flint dose greatly ImmicIHs.
T. Anthony. ex-Postmaster of Prmnlsi
City. Town, says: "I bought ou0 bottle ol
'Mystic Cure' fur lilicuttuitism, and two doses
of it did me more good than any medicine 1
ever took." 75ciits.
Sold by C. II. llageiihucli, druggist, thou
letlui4 or toe HuitTTr Trust.
New Brunswick, N. J., March 2.
The rubber trust, which is primarily
responsible for the closing up of a large
factory in this city and another in
Mllltown, four miles from here, has
thrown nearly 2,000 people out of em
ployment. There has been no work In
the factories for about five weeks, and
the prospect now Is that several
months will elapse before the em
ployes are called back to work. When
fully employed the 2.000 hands do not
average a dollar a day, and hundreds
of men wl'.h families rarely earned
more than f cents a day.
Will Illno ultli Cleelnnil Hits livening.
Washington, Match 2. Mrs. Cleve
land returned from Princeton last
evening, and will be at the White
House till the evening of March 4 to
assist Mr. Cleveland in social func
tions. It has been arranged that Ma
jor and Mrs. McKlnley will be the
guests of the president and Mrs. Cleve
land at dinner this evening, so that the
first n.eal the presldent-c'.oct will take
in Washington will be at the White
House. The dinner will be a purely
private tn.iir, and there will be no
other cues is.
Heart Troubles, Torpid
effects ot a few doses of the medicine
seemed almost magloal. Tho depressed
feeling lett me, and when one bottle had
been taken, I had regained an appetite,
and strength was coming baok. After
finishing the third bottle I was able to
go about my commercial duties. I con
tinued to Improve, and to satisfy my mind
that I had fully regained health, I sub
mitted myself to a doctor tor examination.
He pronounced me 'sound as a dollar.'
Three months later, I passed a rigid ex
amination for insurance. I have since
been in the best of health, notwithstand
ing my travels, and I give
All tho Credit to Mood's
Sarsaparilla, as each season sinoe I have
taken several bottles. It keeps my blood
in good circulation, gives me a keen ap
petite and leaves no room tor that tired
feeling which naturally finds easy prey
among those ot my calling in tbe summer
months after an early spring hustle. I
consider Hood's Sarsaparilla the means
of saving my life, aud I gladly speak in
its favor." A. J. Lvrnm, home address,
Cass House, Saginaw, Michigan.
l. mx for . The
$5. rrop '.red only liy
licit Spring Mi'dicim.
Trouble ?
sa es I
I1 "nry F. Mann was conflimed hy the
nal! mill senate as postmaster at Sun
bury, Pa.
The comptroller of the currency has
atul.iilaed the Cambria National hank
of Johnstown, Pa., to begin business.
The Oklahoma legislature has passed
a bill making It a crime for white and
colored children to attend the same
John Drexel and party arrived safely
at New Orleans last evening In the
yacht Sultana.
The left wing of the great St. Ber
nard monastery, In Switzerland has
been destroyed by an avalanche. No
lives were lost.
President Cleveland has denied a
pardon to the Santa Pe muiderers of a
United States marshal, who were re
spited Feb. M until March 23.
A Formidable Labor Organisation.
New York, March 2. The building
trades unions of this city aie effecting
a more powerful organization than has
eVer existed In New York. AH the
carpenters and wind workers have
forircd an allianie knuvn as the ex
ecutive council, and the four unions ol
pain erg and decorators have stopped
their warfare on each other and amal
gamated. The membership is between
6,000 and 6,000.
- surprising what a "wee bit of a thing"
enn accomplish, glclc headache, constipa
tion, dyspepsia, sour stomach, dlsxlness. sre
nnl-Wy b'liiNlvM by DeWitt's Little Early
Klsers. Snsll pill. Safe pill. Best pill. C.
:I. Uasjetibuch.
Hairy Coininlislon Invtstlgntnrs.
Harrisburg, Maich 2. Speaker .lloyei
last night annci-.:iced the appclnime.K
of Hepcesentativea, Bosack, Allegheny,
Tees, Moutgotneur; Turner, Arm
strcng, and Schujcld. Centre, as the
committee n VUtt of th.-- house to In
vestigate llifl oftktt of dairy and food
comm.ssloner. f
Torturing. Itching, scaly skin eruptions,
hums and scalds . sre soothed at once and
promptly healed Uy DeWitt's Witch Hazel
salvo, the tiest Known cure tor piles, c. ll
Nebrnskn s lli-fr.jsurer Oat. on "Hull.
Lincoln, Neb., aiftt-eh 2. Much secre
cy Is being maintained In eonnect'on
with tha prosecution of .Joseph Ba.t ey,
retiring staio trej&urer, who was ar
rested for a BhortKn of $,1,000. Be has
secured ball In thtvum of $50,000. It Is
asserted by friends that h - will waive
preliminary hearty.
Our people are growing more and more lr
the habit of looking to Gruliler Urns., drug
gists, for the latest and best of everything in
the drug line. Titer sell Chamberlain's Cough
Rcruody, famous far Its cures of bad uolds.
uroup and wliooplllg cough. When in need
of such a medicine give this remedy a trial
and ynn will be more, than pleased with the
Declare tlio Uonolillloii On- Vmerlcmi.
Harrisburg-, Iiffeh 2 The governor
sent to the houge-last night a commu
nication giving!" notice of his disap
proval of a rewpjUtlon that all ma
terials of everv Kind and character
used In the construction of the pro
posed capltol building shall be of Penn
sylvania product, whether natural or
manufactured, and that all architects.
contractors and laborers employed,
whether skilled or unskilled, In and
about the capltol .shall be oltlzens of
Pennsylvania. lW declares that the
resolution lu uft-Atnorican and sec-,
tlonal. . . ; ,.r.-;r t . ,
Don't Tobacco Spit 'and Smoke Your Life
Away. -
If you want to quit tobacco using easily
ami, be madejwell, strung, magiiutic,
lull of new life and vigor, take No-To-ltnc,
tho wonder-worker that makes weak men
itrimg. Mauv gain leu pounds in ten days.
Over 400.0(H) eured. liny No-To-Iiao from
yulir own drugirist, who will guaniutoe a
cure. 50c or no. Itooklet aud sample
mailed free. Ad. Sterling Keiuedy Co.,
Chicago or New York,
Kediiccd ltates to Yi'Hfcliltig'toii on Account
of the Inauguration via Puniiiiyl-'
mntit Kullrmid.
For the benefit of those who desire to at
tend the ceremonies incident to the inaugura
tion of President-elect MoKinley, tho Penn
sylvania Railroad Company will sell excur
sion tickets to Washington March 1, 2, 3, and
4, valid to return from March -1 to 8, at the
following rates: From Pottaville, 17.28;
Heading, $7.20; Dirdsboro, 6.85 ; Pottstown.
185; NoriWtown, $d.l5; Philadelphia,
$5. -10, and from ail other stations on the
Pennsylvania system at reduced rates.
This inauguration will be a most interest
ing event, and will undoubtedly attract a
largo number of peojilo from oveiy suction of
the country.
Tho magnificent facilities of the Pennsyl
vania Ilailroad make this line the favorite
route to the national capital at all times, and
Its enormous equipment and splendid term
inal advantages at Washington make it
especially popular on such occasions.
"I contracted a severe cold from wet and
exposure, llronchltls followed. Doctors
failed to relieve me. Several of the members
of my family had died of consumption, and
I thought I was doomed. Dr. Wood'' Norway
line Syrup brought instant relief aud perfect
cure." M. Vnger, Union Corner, Northum
berland Co., Pa.
I-B'tl Victory for the Dauntless.
Jacksonville, March 2. In the United
States court yesterday W. A. Blsbee
and his filibustering tug Dauntless
scored a sianal vlotorv when Judge
Lock granted a temporary injunction
restraining Collector of Customs Bls
bee and Cap'aln KPgore, of the reve
nue cutter Boutv.-ell from Interfering
with the Dauntless, and ordered her
release on a bond of tlS.OOO. Judge
Lock said "I And no authority grant
ing the secretary of the treasury the
right to ure the revenue marine or cus
toms officials to prevent by force, or
threatened force, that freedom of loco
motion whi(h is the privilege of every
vessel which does not transgress the
law. There is no power conferred upon
the secretary to insist upon a treasuier
or marine officer to board a vessel, to
watch and control her movements.
of the Expectant
Mother dangers lurk,
ami should be avoided.
Friend "
so prepares the system
for the change toMng
place that the fitted
hour is rohoetl of all
Danger. Irs uso insure? safety to the
life of both ir.other and child, and makes
chSW-htrtJi easy and recovery more rapid.
"frtoUter'sj friend is the greatest
remedy ever put on tlie market, and cM
our customers praise it highly."
W. II. KING & CO., WliltewrrgJit, Tex.
Sent by Mail on receipt of prion, $1 PER 60 TILL
Book To Kip ct ant Mothers" mailed free.
For Sufferers From Met.
Dr. Itedmond, a specialist In the study and
treatment of Piles and rectal diseases, re
cently stated that the l'yrsmld lite Cure,
the new discovery for the ouro of piles, wos
the most remarkable remedy he had ever
seen or tried In one respect ; and that was,
the Instant relief experienced in all cases, no
matter how severe, from the moment the
remedy was applied ; this wns the most sur
prising to him, because ho had carefully ana
lyzed the preparation and no traco of eptum,
cocaine or similar poison could be detected.
I Physicians look with great favor upon the
Pyramid Pile Cure, because it is rspldly
' taking the place of surgical operations and
because it Is so simple, so easily applied aud
contains no mineral or other poisons so com
monly used in pile cures.
Dr. Esterbrook reports that the Pyramid
I Pile Cure not only cures the various forms of
! Piles, but never falls to-give Immediate rc
. lief on the first application, no nistter hew
severe the pain ordlscomfort may be.
People who have suffered from piles for
' years arc ofteu astonished at the instant re
lief experienced fiom tho first application.
Another Important advantage Is the fast thai
anyone can use the remedy without deteti
lion from business or interference with dally
occupation. Sold by druggists at 50 cents
per package.
Sktid for free book on cause and curo of
Tours to l'torlilii.
Xo district lu Amerloa presents, during the
Wiiiterseasou, so many varied attractions as
the State of Florida. P,sldes its delightful
climate, which to one estnp'ng from the cold
and uiihealthful changes of the North seems
almost ethereal, It is pre-eminently a land of
sport and pleasure. Along its eleven hundred
miles of salt-water eoat and lu Its twelve
b u mi red fresh-water lakes are fish of almost
every ooucelvablo variety, from the migra
tory tribes common to Noitheru waters to the
tarpon, pompano, and others of n more
tropical c bantcter. Nowhere In all onr broad
land cr i the augler Mud a greater variety of
game or b tier hport.
Hero also ibe most enthusiastic hunter
finds satiety. Deer, turkeys, bears, panthers,
and wild cats roam at large through tho raoie
simrscly settled regions, whllo bints of all
kinds may be found in abundance 'lirough
out the Stato. The moio novel sport of al
ligator and manatee hurting may also bo In
dulsed in by the more advet'luro "i tourist.
With its matchless clln.te, us orange
groves, its rivers and lakes, its boaung and
bulling, its fishing nnd hu- ting, itt.d its
extensive forests. Florida prc-cnts unrivaled
attractions fur tho valetudinarian, t!iu lover
of nature, the sportsman and the explorer.
fo this attractive stato the Pennsylvania
llailroad Couipany has arranged four personally-conducted
tours during the season f
1S07. leaving by special train January Sifl,
February 0 and 23, and March 0. Tho first
three tours will admit of a sojourn of two
weeks in this delightful land; tickets Tor tho
fom lb tour will bo valid to return until May
31 v regular trains.
Kites for the round trip, $50.00 from New
York, $48.00 from Philadelphia, and propor
tionate rates from other points.
Fnr tickets, itinomries nnd other informa
tion, apply to ticket agents, special booking
offices, or address Goo. V. lloyd. Assistant
Oeuenil Passenger Agcnt,Uroad street station.
E. 12 Tumor of Compton, Mo., writes us
that after suffering from piles for Fevenleen
yeirs. ho completely cured them by using
tbre hoiscs of DeWltt's Witch Hazel Silvn
It cures eczema and severe skin di&easos. O.
II. Ilageuburh.
Koornur Sentenced to Death.
New York, March 2. William Jay
Koerner, who was convicted of the
murder of Rose A. Itedgate, was sen
tenced yesterday to be electrocuted
during the week of April 19. Koerner
Is a nowspnper artist, and formerly re
sided in Pittsburg, Pa. Koerner quar
reled with his sweetheart, and then
sent for hpr to "make up." Soon after
they mot he drew a pistol and shot her
dead. He then placed the weapon to
his own head and fired, but the mis
sile glanced and did no serious Injury.
On his trial an effort was made to
prove him lnsan.
Skin and hi noil disuatos, causing all sorts of
dire disasters to human happiness are easily
and iiuiukly cured by liurilock Bleod Bitters,
from a common pimple to the worst scrofulous
Fntwl lllnl In Knnxvilln.
Knoxvllle, Tenn., March 2. The Cltl
aens' Railway company commenced
tearing up tracks on Depot street yes
terday, and a fight between city and
county officials was precipitated. A
nerro laborer struck Chief Mcintosh
with a club, and the negro was at once
slxt dead by Lieutenant Hood. Fire
companies dlsperseu the orowd. The
entire police force was arrested by the
sheriff and his deputies.
Illg7lns to Oppose Wolcott.
Wilmington, Del., March 2. Former
Senator Anthony Hlgglns has gone to
Washington to appear before the Judi
ciary committee of tho United States
senate in opposition to the appoint
ment of James L. Wolcott to the office
of Judge of the United States court for
the district of Delaware. He took with
him a written protest, signed by about
20 Republican lawyers of this stato
against the confirmation.
Ambassador MaoVtagh Homeward Dound
Home, March 2. Hon. Wayne Mac
Veagh, United States ambassador, with
his family, started for Nice yesterday,
on their return to the United States.
The ambassador and his wife and
daughter were met at the railroad sta
tion by a large gathering; of friends
and diplomats to bid them farewell.
JSx.HanU Oinclttts Indicted.
Louisville, March i. The United
States grand Jury yesterday afternoon
returned Indictments" against ex-Presl-dent
J. M. McKnlght, of the German
National bank, and Alderman Uritt,
charging them with conspiracy to mls
i pproprlate and misappropriation of
the funds of a national bank.
Tlie Three rrleuds Again to hu Salted.
Washington, Kareh 2. The supreme
court of the United States yesterday.
In tht case ot tlie Cuban filibustering
steamer Three Friends, reversed the
judgment of the court for the southern
district of Florida, and directed the
court to resume control of the vessel,
which was released on bond and stipu
lation. Justice Harlan dissented from
some of the conclusions of the court,
saying that the opinion of the judge
who tried the case below exactly ex
pleased his views.
The 1'ubllo llehr.
Washington, March 2. The raonth'y
statement of the public debt shows
that the debt on Feb. 28, less cash in
the treasuiy, was U.012,600,454, an in
i lease for the month of 14,692,137. This
mi i kuim; in unuuiiLeu rur uy an in
civiise in the national bank redemp
tion account and a decrease of $2,M6,
1C5 in the cash on hand.
Tlie Weather.
For eastern Pennsylvania and New
Jersey; Possibly light tdiowers to
night; southerly winds, shitting to
westerly; slightly colder tonight.
One Minute U all tbe time uecwsnry W de
i id,- from personal experience that One llin
utc Cough l ure does what its name implhs.
(' II l'a;enliucb.
Greece's Premier Denounces the Iterant
Itoliitmrilnit nt ss Smug and Impious.
Athens, March 2. At a crowded
meeting of the chamber of deputies
yesterday Senor Delyannlk announced
In the most positive terms that it was
the Turks who provoked the fighting
that led the fleets of the powers to
bombard Canea. The minister of ma
rne read to the chamber the Injunc
tions addressed by the foreign admir
als to the commodore of the Greek
fleet, forbidding either a sea or laud
attack upon, occupied frmrsses, or an
attack by the Greek fleetjUKin Turkish
ships for the advance ofCeflohel Vas
sos Into the Interior, and stating that
any attempt at evasion of these In
junctions would be repelled by the
combined fleets of the powers.
This created a great sensation In the
chamber. Deputy Seals asserted that
the reply of the Greek government
should have a declaration of war.
The minister of marine, resuming,
said the government had notified the
powers that it would be impossible to
Impose such a condition of Inactivity
upon Colonel Vassos. He stated fur
ther that Ureece wojuld use all the
means In her power to prevent the
landing of Tuiklsh troops In Crete, but
would desist from attacking occupied
towns so long as the occupation lasted.
Senor Delyannls, who rose n'snin. In
dignantly protested against th bom
bardment as an unjUBt, savajre and
Impious act. Inexplicable under the
spirit or letter of international law.
"We are a email nation." he said, "and
cannot prevent such acts, but we pro
test with all the foitc of a great peo
ple, knowing that v hive all great
peoples with us in this protest."
The town of Candamo has fal'en Into
the hands of tho Insurgents. The
Greeks first took the fortress of Va
varos, which dominates the town,
where there were 2,000 Mussulmans,
.1 Hundred and Seventy Miners l'erlshed
City of Mexico, March 1. The lates
news from the mine disaster at Zacat
ecas shows that the calamity is full;
as bad as first reported. Fire broke
nut in Sanamoro mine, one of the prop of the Sombreretc compaty, and
communicated to the S.nn F. ancl.t. .
mine. The principal shaft In ti.e for
mer Is 3,000 feet deep, and a revetting
party went down to the 'bottom, but
were nearly suffocated by sjnoke. The
Ccrnlsh minors displayed unusual her
oism in attempting the relief of the Im
prisoned men. Ten bodies have been
taken out, and all show signs of as
phyxiation. There Is no longer any
doubt that 170 miners perished.
A Household Necessity.
Cascarets Candy Cathartic, the moat won
lerful medical discovery of the age, pleasant
md tefreshing to the taste, act gently and
positively en kidneys, liver and bowels,
clcansinu the entire system, dispel colds, cure
headache, fever, habitual constipation and
biliousness. Please buy and try a box of
(' C. ('. to d ly ; 10, 2S, 80 cents Sold and
guaranteed to cure by all druggists.
ToiirK to Oullfornla.
California has bucu most fittingly teimcd
the "Italy of America." All tho delicious
balm, tho cloudless sky, and the rioh ver
dure of tho grout Europeau peninsula are
ilunlicated iu this sunny laud of tho Pacific.
Hnre nature basks in the sunshine of her own
neauty; and here she has established her
wu sanitarium, where eternal spring in
spires everlasting youth. With the suow-
lautlrd peaks of tho SinrAs upon tbo cue
hand, tbo calm Pacific with Itssoft brcezus
upon the othei aml'a veritable paradise of
llnivcrs, fruits and plants between, man can
find and needs no lovelier land. To visit
such a country is a privilege, a blessing.
Tho Pennsylvania Ilailroad Company,
recognizing tho need of a more comfortable
and pleasant way of crossing tho continent,
inaugurated a series wf annual tours to Call
forniarTumiing a through train of Pullman
palace tars from Now York to the Pacific
Coat, and stopping at the principal point of
interest lu route. Tlio great popularity ol i
these tours demonstrates the wisdom of the ,
i-or luu seiuou oi inoi mreo lours nave
lieen urnmged tu leave Now Yurk, Philadel
phia, and Pittsburg, Jauuary 27, February
2-1, aad March 27.
The first tour will run direct te Stn Diego
via St. Louis acd the Santa Fo Uouto, and re
turn from San Francisco via Salt Ijiko City,
Denver, and Chicago, allowing fivo weeks in
The second tour will run via the Mammoth
Cave and New Orleans to San Diego, stopping
at tho "Ciesccnt City" during tho Mardl
Gras Carnival. This tour will roluni via
Salt Lako City, Denver, Omaha, and Chicago,
allowing fourweeksin California.
The third tour will run viaClilcago.Deuvor,
and Salt Lake City, allowing passengers to re
turn by regular trains via diffident routes
within nine months.
All of tkess tours, either going er return
ing, will pass tkrsugh the famous Colorado
region, Glenwead Springs, Leadville aud the
Garden ef the Gods.
Bates frem all points on tho Pennsylvania
Ilailroad System cast of Pittsburg: Firpt
tour, $810 ; secoud tour, $330 ; third tour,
$210 round trip, nnd ffloO one way.
For detailed itineraries and other informa
tion, apply at tickot agoncios, special book
ing offices, or address George W. IJoyd,
Assistant General Passenger Agent, Broad
Street Station. Philadelphia.
t Curo lor Headache.
As a remedy for all forms of Headache
Electric Bitters lias nroved to be the very
best. It effects a permanent cure and the
most dreaded habitual siek headaches yield
to its influence. We urge all who areallllcted
to procure a bottle, aud give this remedy a
fair trial. In ease of 'habitual constipation
Electrio Bitters cures hy giving tho needed
tone to the bowels, and few cases long resist
the use of this medicine. Try it once. Large
bottles only 00 cents at A. Wasley'sDrug
Throe I'rlioners llreak Jail.
Klkton, Md., March 1. When Sheriff
Mackey went to luck up his prisoners
in their cells Saturday night he found
that three of them were missing, two
white men, Frank Foreacre, awaiting
trial for burglary; Harry Yeatman,
serving a sentence of 60 days for as
sault, and whose term would nave ex
pired today, and William Montgomery,
colored, who was awaiting; trial on tbe
charge of murdering James Brown,
colored, a race track follower. The
prisoners made a rope out ot their bed
clothing and tied It to a brick, which
was thrown over the Jallyard wall. It
lodged in a crevice between two stones
and they descended to the (round by
this rope.
Bloody Nerve Food
For Weak and Run Down People.
MIUItT IT ICI The richest of all restoro.
WflHI II IOI tlve foods, because It re-
filaoes the essentials of lire that are ex.
lausted by disease. Indigestion, high living,
overwork, worry, excesses, abuse, etc.
digestion periect-n creates
solid flash.
musclo and strength. The nerves being
made strong the brain becomes active and
clear. It restores lost vitality, stops all wast
ing drains and weakness In either sex, and
ni a female reculator has no eaual. I'rlee
WW., or live uoies yscuu. Druggists or ny mall.
We can help you.
Aovioe ana ooou,
Wrlto Us About Your Case.
1512 Chestnut Street,
Neuralgh rf ;V Hart
Vanqulihod by Dr. Me
118. BItH.EY, ot Trrriiuton. OonnH
Suffered from Just such a cur plica
tion of diseases ai tliitoMcm ive ex
perience and Investigations of Pi lilies
have proven, r-ult from impairment of tho
nervous system. Mr, Jas. II. Sidley writes
Oct. SS, IRftl: " I 'y wife was taken sick with
neuralgia of the heart, nervous exhaus
tion and liver trouble. Although attcudod
by two p'lyslcl-ns she grew worse, until she
nas at dentil's loor. I thon began giv
ing her l)r. Miles' Hestoratlve Nervluo
and Or. Miles' New Heart Curo, and sho
Improved bo wonder
fully from thu flist
that 1 at en dis
missed tho physicians.
She now eats and
sleeps well and does
her own honsowork
Wo havo recommend
ed your remedies to a
gi eat many in our city, and every one has
been very much benefited by them."
Dr. Miles' Remedies are Bold by all drug
gists under a positive guarantee, fin,!, bottle
benollta or money refunded. Hook on Heart
and Nerves sent f reo to all applicants.
Pit, MILES MEDICAL CO, Elkhart, Ind.
iviADE SV IE r A i'tVI AN
A I. T. TimrvoHM XlMtt Fftlllna Mam.
. e or j. I m joten cy, S ioepl hmiim, tc ,ttUBti
,A by Abaneand other Eicn and Indls-
cpet ioni. 'xhv T" ' ' t ' Burtijf
ronton LstMt viiiJit'in oi l or yonnir, ana
ft a man lor T' ' ,v , i or ranrringe,
trvfrit l.itiii " ( CotiBumnf ton if
taUealn vlme. TUeii use Bhows Immediate improve
ment and flecti o CUHfl wi aro on ownrm mu. in
sUtnpon hftTinn the trenaino Oix Tablets They
hare cured thousands and will caro you. We Rive a
nodtlve written Buarante Co effect n cure m eooh case
or refund the money. Prloe 00 ceni per pavkuaq, or
IxpnakBsiefl (fall treatment for VC0. lir mall, in.
ptriD wrapper, upon receipt of price. Circular free.
I-ir s'Uf Iti 81ieiiatidof.1i, Pa., by A. Wiwlcy
m. S P. Kirlln, Druggists.
Aiw&ti Dromnt and tillable. AtnAri Imitattotu.
Get CAToi'i Tajiit Pills and BAVSkiajtKis.
kt Hpiic elntHH. nrant rlirpet fsBiliwll. nrica. tl.
Catojt SrC Co , Ik ton, Mom. Our book, 4c.
I"or h. lo at I. V. D Kill1,, rtniK
Shenmiilofili drtiR tore '
uTi . 'unil'on.p uy I1AIU 11I.UI.
OVA t (in.linrinlfiB. (tleaMiit otlOr. ifl 00 bull tt
w fr iiAflir 'I'd I llraninvii 1nr1riitT MoitS
I h Br from f all in oat and promot ev growth $1 .
I iJni;Aii:iiioA'i'coio8iiHonRt..S Y.ppFP
Illustrated TreatUe on Hair on application T IH-fc
For .ali) by ShemimloHii Ini2 Store, Kirlin'
Drug Store
Would ilol Do Witnout It !
iniro niDmrain
Uli HIHLIlin
Cures every case of Diphtheria,
Croup, Quinsy, or Sore Throat
ever known, if used according
to directions. Makes no differ
ence how severe the case it will
cure, nml if taken in time will
prevent the (headed disease.
Testimonials prove that this
Medicine has
Ktad what ont of tht many tayt .
R Wllllamsport, Pa., Mhy 1,1806. I (j)
TbompHon Diphtheria Cure Co.l Ssfc
(lentleim-n : 1 tmve uaed your Dlph- Tj
tlve It saved the HIV of my dauiaer,
iifU'r tlitf attending puyalclans bad given
her up. My u to wuh alao troubled w itli
an itiWtod tbrout and your ex Hint u
preiunttiDn rK-rnianenlly ium-4l lit-r hi tp
a few days tim. I ran not au; too much Xu
In favor of ynur Meditluv, and would afe
not do without it In mv nous". If it rt
tlve dollar instead uf f lft tt ntH iht Ixit- tllR
tlo. No fumilv In this ijreat country
should I w itlxiut one or more bottles of
Thompson's IMphtheria t-'iiro In tbo
liouae at all Ijuii-h when they become
fullv uotiuaiutt.-d with its tnerlta. aa 1
have, Charles Ka richer.
Ask Your DKAtR Vok It.
Z Thompson Diphtheria Curo Co.
For Sale at KIRLIN'S Drug Store.
Personally-Conducted Tours
COAisT will leave New York ami Phlludelpliiit
rSllllSl Tl sliliili J at New Orlfmia during
JfoiiH Brs festlvltlrs, and sIIuwIiik four i i ka
In nsMfurula, and March 37, H'tm ning on
resratar trains witblu nine moutlis Huuud trip
rsKS from all lioliits on the lVinm huum ltuil
roadSystrrocustof PittHbiirt: Si.oiiu tor
of Tebruary II, and tlio w for tour of March 37
JavkBonvllIe tours, allowing two wo'ka in
Ploridit will leave New Ytirk and Philadelphia
February 0 and 93, nd March 9, 1HW
Itute cnvcrhiK exmnBi en route In hotti
dlrecdoim, $40(0 from New York, and 118.00
fiom I'lilludeipliia,
Tours, each eoverlng a ueriod of tbrra
days, wilt leave Hew York and rb'l.ukl-
phis February IV Hrdi 11, A 1
and 8, and May 11, S7. Rates, in. hid
ing trnnnnortettou and two days' ai oimnol.
tlou at the best WashtnKtou Ifotvla Ul 5 i fiuiu
Mew York, and 111.00 from liiilahMua.
will leave New York and lliilwleVUa P;bru
ary 20, Maruli 18, and ApailU, 1897.
For db6illcd UiuiraKss Mid t
id ltlHntuatm
apply at Muket lutanurs
Boyd, AlH. fii PutK
Mutton, PMIatftTpftn.
fL Raainma
S a