The evening herald. (Shenandoah, Pa.) 1891-1966, February 26, 1897, Image 3

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Le tortay handed to the A-oclattl
I'repi. correspondent the following e-.-n-eral
statement, wl'h the reqiltet tltat
It be circulated: "Neither our flag nor
young American women ltnve ever
been Inaulted here. On the contrary, I
have always found the Spaniards cour
teous ana polite to all Americans, a
well as to every one else."
To Settle la to dot Right Down to
Cau&s. Road Tills. It Tells
You How.
An Eioiting Day of Ddbata on the
Ouban Question.
Must Withdraw Troops and War
Vessels from Orete.
Not a Patent Cure-all, Nor a Modern Mira
cle, Bat Simply a national (Jure Tor Dys
pepsia. In those Jy or lintntiuggery anil decep
tion, tlie manufacturer of patent medicines,
Mi h ruin, suom te think their medjeinos will
nut sell utile they claim that it will rare
every diwae under the un. And they
never think of leaving out dyspepsia and
gtoniiich tr-Jahlee. They aro sure to il.iiin
tlia . ioir iHistmm is absolutely certain to
inr-, vi ry dyspeptic and ho ncoU look no
In the face of these absurd rliiliin It is re
freshing to note that the proprietors of Stu
art's Dyspepsia Tablets have carefully re
frained from making any undue claims or
fatso representations regarding the mciiti of
this most excellent remedy for dyspepsia
and stomach troubles. They make hut one
claim for it, and that is, that for indigestion
and various stomach trouhlrn Stuart's Dys
pepsia Tablet is a radical cure. They go
no farther than this and any man or woman
suffering from indigestion, chronic or ner
vous dyspepsia, who will glvo tbo remedy a
trui will Itiul that nothing is claimed for it,
t hut tliu facts will not fully sustain.
It is a modern discovery, composed of
harmless vegetable ingredients acceptable to
the weakest or most delicate stomach. Its
great success in curing stomach troubles is
due to the fact that the medical properties
aro such that it will dlgmt whatever whole
some food is taken into the btoinach, no mat
ter whether the stoiuaoh Is In good working
order or not. It rests the overworked . orgun
n,,.l wtnlAt.l.lw.a Ihn l.ft.W tin, Mnflll fits,
nerve, crealinic a health? unnotite. slvesl
refreshing sleep and the blessings which al
ways accompany a good digestion and proper
assimilation of food.
In using Htnart's Dyspepsia Tablets no
dieting is required. Simply eat plenty of
wholesome food and take these Tablets at
each meal, thus assisting and resting the
stomach which rapidly regains its proper
digestive power, when the Tablets will be no
longer requited.
Nervous Dyspepsia Is simply a condition in
which Boino portion or portions of the ner
vous system are not properly nourished.
Good digestion luvlgorates the nsrvous sys
tem and every organ in the body.
8tuart's Dyip.pjta TabUts are sold by all
druggists at SO cents per package.
They . nr,8" nunufictured by the Stuart
Chemical Co, of .Marshall, Mich.
Any druggist vill tell you it gives univer
sal satisfaction.
May be out when you send tor him ami In lid
you run a great risk. Avoid this by keeping a
few of the BRONCHO Homoeopathic REME
DIES in the house.
"They do the Work"
And cost but 10 CENTS at nil drtlg store.
Yonkera, N. Y.
1-jdV Cr rCCTS AT 0 THEN
Cures general or special debility, wakeful
ness, Bperrcatorho.-, emissions, Impotency,
paresis, etc. Corro..5 u,iilonal disorders,
caused by errors cr ct-csscs, quickly restoring
Lost Manhood in old cr y -aiug, giving vigor and
strength where lorm-'r vc.ilcnc:,-; prevailed. Con
venient package, slnirld, effectual, and legitimate.
cune i3 Qu.c:; and Thorough.
Detit te deceived y imitations: insist On
CATON'S VitHlKcis. Sent sealed il your drus
gist does not h ive il. W'e J I :-cr pkge, 6 for 1 3,
with written gur.rar.tea of complete cure.
Information, reference.., etc., fiee and confidential.
Send us statin:., n of case and 25 cts. for a week's
trial treatment. One only Bent to each person. '
For sale at 1 1. V. Klrlln's drug storo a i i
.iii nanuoiin urug store.,
CftUS kSSaf' AND SURE. S'NOrtc.Vcfi'" ,Oto, . . fix F
MOrXSBaaUAP-t' Wu?x Bpicipcc- ,i P
Foi t rovlnsky's drug storo, 23 Ru
Centre street.
JO 6b4TorTfi Sixth St.
ifa Side entrance on Green SL
Years IIosnltj,l ISxnerlence In ertuanr.
, stricture, blood poison,
General dcdility, Lost Vigor,
folly of both sexes
Permanently cured after every one else has failed.
(Sena five 2-ccnt statute for book Trntli. The only
exposure of Quacks under sworn testimonials.
pepa. Railroad,
Jakuabv 16,1897.
Trains will leave Slienaudoati niter the abnv,
(Lite tor Wiinrans, Qilberton, Fraekvllle, Dart
Water, St. 01 ill r, l'ottsvllle. llauiburg, Reading
11, , ,,,....,., Ml. H',.-.. ........ ii
adolphlu (jirad street station) ut 5 08 and lint
a. m. Anu i w iv ill. on wbbk nays, r or roil
vllle and Intermediate stations 9 17 a. m.
For Wlnaans. Gilherlou, Kraekvlllo, I)r,
Water. St. Clair, Pottsvllto, at 6 08, 9 15 a. m. urn
3 10 p. in. For llawbursT, needing,
l'hoenlxvlll, Norristown, Pblladeli
e 15 a. in.. 1 10 D. in.
Jphla at ft '8
Trains leave Frank vllle for Shenandoah si
10 10 n. in. nnil 13 31, SJI, 762 and 1047 y, as.
Humlnv. 11 13 a. in. and 5-11 n. m.
Leave l'ottsvllle for Shenandoah at 10U
a, m. and 1:1:0ft, s is, 7 Jo aiul lu w p. m. HunUaj
. 10 40 a. m., a is p. m.
I.euve I'hlladelDhla. (Broad street station), fo:
Bhenaudoab at S 57 and S 83 a. in., 4 10 and 7 1;
p. i a. week days. Mondays leave at 6 BO a. m.
Imv TtrAAf street station. 1'hlladelollla. to.
rea um, Aauury rsrs, uw.ii vsiu.w,
llraneb, and Intenuedlute stations, 80. 11.14
a. m., anu 4 .00 p. m. weeK-aays.
Leave Broad Street Station, PtUIadeiplila,
Kxpress, week-days 8 SO, 4 On, 4 50 5 15, B 60,
7!,8,tt). 8 30, 10 21 (Dining Car), 1100a in.
12 00 noon, 2 86 (Limited 1 00 and 4 . m.
Dining- Cars). 140, 2 80 (Dining- Cur) a a), il 50,
4 to, 0 110, 5 56 (Dining Car), 0 00, (1 ,Vi, m u, lu uo
p. in., li 01, night. Sundays 8 20, 1 'a, 4 yi 1 ir,"
tt JO, 8 3D, 9 M, 1021, (Dl lug Our,, 1 1 :a n. ill.,
12'.I5, 2 U0 (Dining Car), 4 00 (Limited 4 22 Dining
Cur), 5 20, 5 58, (Dining Car), 0 4o, C 50, 8 12, 10 00
p. in , 12 01 lllghL
Kxpress for lioaton wltliout change, 11 00a in.,
wock-days, auuaM p. ui-, dally.
for BaltlmoreMkwr ashlngton, u 00. 7 aO,s 1 2
1020, 1128 a. in., 1209 (1281 Limited Din
ing Car), 1 12. 8 18, 4 41 (6 19 Congressional
Unilted. Dining Cur), 0 17, 0 05 (Dining Our),
7 40 (Dining Car) p 10, hiicI 12 05 nlgfai
week days. Sundays 1 .J 7 21, 9 12, 1128 a,
111., 1100 I 12, 4 41.(5,' 1 1 nKii-nsiiinul Limited,
Dining Carl, est (Dl,,i.. Carl, 7W p ai.
(Dluiug Car) and 1206 iuk'u.
Leave Broad street station, Philadelphia (via
Delaware river Jirldge), express, 7 02 p. n.
I,ea o Market street Kei ry, express, 8 50 a 111.,
2IIO, 4 10,5 0 p 111 Sniidaye, 8 45, tl 11 H m.
Aci-oiiiiiioiI .lion, 8 (iO, K 20, a. 111 , 3 20 and 4 20
p 111 , s 1 ,'k day s. Mundays, 8 00, 8 15 a. in , 4 00
mid r, i i in.
Km I u May, ii';'i ,,-eu, Wildwoml and
Jlolly Ilea, h, .111,1 hr.i UU City , 11, i au 1 ity and
Avulon Kxpri'ui, uuo a. 111., 4 00 p ro week
days. HunduyH. u Ul a 111.
f'or Hoinera Point I'.xpross, 8 50 a lu., 4 10
p 111. wet k days. Sundays h 45 a. m.
J 11. Ill T iiinson, J It Woon,
Ueii'l Manugii. Oeu'l Pasa'g'r Agt
While Dnr'Stntesinen Oiew Kxeltcd Over
the Debate, Mr. Men-art Sharply Orltl
olslng Cleveland, the Queen of Spain
Signed the Order for Snngullb's Helen?,
Washington, Fi b. 26. The senate
was stormsvept yei.terday by such
passionate debate, such extraordinary
demonstrations In the crowded gall
eries and such dramatic personal ex
changes between the conspicuous fig
ures of the senate as to make the day
one of the most memorable In the
annals of the upper branch of con
gress. Cuba was the theme, and seemed
to stir all the pent up emotions uf
months. It brought about the complete
displacement of appropriation bills,
threatening their failure, and the ad
vancement of the Cuban question to
the very front of senato business. It
dlscltsed, also, that the resolution de
manding of Spain the Immediate and
unconditional releane of Julio San
gullly, having on a test vote secured
the right of way, would be resisted ' y
nrotracted debate.
The Allen resolution, for sending
battleships to Cuba, came up soon
after the senate opened, anu Mr. ai
len severely arraigned Spain for cru
elites against women and children. Mr.
Morgan, who reported the resolution
for the Immediate release of Sangullly,
followed In a calm speech reciting the
breach of treaty rights In Sangullly's
case. Mr. Daniel, of VlrKlnla, in a
fervid plea for Sangullly, stirred all
the latent passion of the senate. He
spolce of Spanish outrages to American
citizens and Insults to An.orlcan of
When Mr. Hale sought to interject
questions Mr. Daniel sufcjoo'.lvely stat
ed that he would Yield In due time,
whether it be to t!e organ of tho cap
tain general of Cuba or of the queen
of Spain, or of any one else. In view
of Mr. Hale'a attitude on the Cuban
question the meaning was unmistak
able. Personal feeling was quieted,,
however, by mutual explanations,
This was followed by a series of ex
plosive Incidents, culminating with a
ringing declaration by Mr. Frye that
If he had his way a warship would
start forthwith for Havana. This sent
a thrill through the crowded galleries,
which broke out In long continued and
vociferous .applause, which the vice
president tried vainly to restrain. Mr.
Mills exultlngly declared that the gal
leries were filled with American citi
zens, who had a right to express their
Speeches followed In quick succes
sion from Mr . Lodco, Mr. Teller, Mr.
"White and Mr. Sherman. The latter
earnestly supported the resolution.
With the Cuban resolution placed di
rectly before the Bonate on a vote Mr.
White, of California took the floor In
opposition, speaking throughout the
At G o'clock the senate took a recess
until 8 p. m. for a continuance of the
contest, and the debate was continued
until nearly midnight.
There was another dramatic lnc'dent
during the night debate, whlla Mr.
Stewart was speaking. Mr. Stowart
said It should be known that, with
these Cuban barbarities crying for re
dress, there were Americans In the
senate, even If there were none In the
White House.
This stirred the" galleries to action,
and there was a burst of applause.
Mr. Ilawley called attention to the ap
plause, and the presiding officer ad
ministered a warning rebuke.
Mr. Stewart went on to say that the
votf of the day had shown a majority
of the senate delermlned to act against
Spanish murderers, and this action
should be taken, despite the threats of
opposition from the White House.
Mr. Pallmer, of Illinois, replied
briefly to Mr. Stewart's criticism of the
president. "I desire only to say that
there Is a statesman In the executive
mansion," said Mr. Palmer, "a brave,
bold statesman who' endeavors to en
force the laws. The iiresldeht ' has
sought to enforce the neutrality IawB
of thr United States. I had regarded
thl! rtrit Cubr.n osrloltatldn as a
temttst In a tea not, and It
i 'i d not, In my Judivmont stand In
the va.y of the legislation of tho sen
ate. L,ast nlsht Senator Sherman gave
out a leter received by him from J. I.
rtodrlgues, counsel for Sangullly, ex
plaining that his client had withdrawn
his appeal from the sentence of the
Spanish court. Couneel explained that
this was the only lecal method of se
curing the prisoner's discharge speed
ily. Perhaps the same result cou'.d
have been obtained by allowing the
appeal to be. liearfl by tiri) o'ourt at
Madrid, but this Involved a long wait,
and wo long as an appeal was pending
the Spanish did not admit of a pardon,
The letter makes a strong plea against
the passage of the Sangullly resolution
by the senate.
An hour later Senor De Lome, the
Spanish minister, received a cable
gram from the Duke of Tetuan, stating
that the queen had signed the pardon,
of Sangullly. It was stated at the
Spanish legation that this action was
agreed upon some days ago at a cabi
net meeting, but the announcement
was, according to diplomatic usage
withheld until the qui en had, formally
signed It. The news was Immediately
made public, and It had the effect of
bringing the senate to the conrldera.
tton of other matters. The Sangullly
incident Is now considered settled.
The Cuban eyaltement was added to
by a bill prevented In thehouse by Mr.
Sulser, of New York. The bill pro
vides that "war be declared to exist
between tho kingdom of Ppain and her
colonies and the United States of
America and their territories, and that
the president is authorised to use the
whole land and naval force of the
United States to carry the same Into
tfTe ct, and to Issue to r- Ivate armed
i v-Hsela of the United Slates commis
sions or letters of marque and general
i reprisal In &uih form as he shall think
' pri'piT "
The hupse 1b evidently dilftlng on to
ward final adjournment with an easy
conscience. All the appropriation bills
nave been sent to the senate and pend
lng the presentation of the final con
ft re rue reportB Is devoting Us time to
miscellaneous mattum. Final action
was had on both the nstieultural and
army bills yesterday, and a bill was
I paspod to clothe the postoftVe Inspec
tor with the power of United States
i marshals In the matter of making ar
ret te. Quite unexpectedly, late In the
af'emnon, the banking and currency
committee brought forward the bill
to authorize national banks to take
out eireulatlon to the par value of t'ie
bonds deposited. There was a llvly
debate, but the bill was passed l.y a
i"o of 144 to 46. As this la the house
bill, thure Is small prosreet of Its re
ceiving eonslderatlon by the senate at
this session.
Lee Defends the Spaniards.
llavuiiu. Feb. 2fl. Cojisub. Qeneral
Italian Htnbs Ills tVlfo nn the Street.
Hound Hrook, N. J., Feb. 26. Joseph
Chnlhe, nn Italian who lives In the
Italian dlstitct of this place, quarreled
with his wife yesterday. The woman
lied fiom his house, followed by her In
furiated husband. He overtook her
near the Methodist church, on Main
street, and drawing a stiletto plunged
It Into her right breast. The woman
dropped to the ground, and died In a
few minutes. Chalbl escaped, but was
captured last night at Summit, N. J.
The murderer It Is learned, elope!
from Drldgeport, Conn., with the wo
man, whose name was Bridget Mc
Qulnnes. He left a wife and four chil
dren in the Connecticut city.
Fill a bottle or common water glass with
urine and let It stand twenty-four hours; a
sediment or settling Indicates a diseased con
dition of tho kldnoys. When urine status
linen it is positive evidence of kidney
trouble. Too frequent desire to urinate or
pain lu the back, is also convincing proof
that tho kidneys and bladderareoutof order.
There Is comfort in tho knowledge so often
expressed, that Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Itoot,
the great kidney remedy, fulfills every wish
in relieving pain in the baok, kidneys, liver,
bladder and overy part of the urinary pas
sages. It corrects Inability to hold urine and
scalding pain in passing it, or bad effects fol
lowing use of liquor, wino or beer, and over
comes that unpleasant necessity of being
compelled to get up many times during tho
night to urinate. The mild and tho ex
traordinary effect of Swamp-Koot is soon
realised. It stands tho highest for Its wonder
ful euros of tho most distressing cases. If
you need a niedlolue you should have the
best. Sold by druggists prioe fifty cents and
one dollar. For a samplo bottlo and pamph
let, both sent free by mall, mention Evkniko
Hekai.d and send your full post-ofllee
address to Dr. Kilmer & Co., Biughamton,
N. Y. Tho proprietors of this paper guarantee
tho genuineness of this oiler.
Keduced Itates to Washington on Account
of tho Inauguration via Pennsyl
vania Itallroad.
For the benefit of those who doslre to at
tend the ceremonies incident to tho inaugura
tion of President-elect MqKlnley, tho Penn
sylvania Kail road Company will sell excur
sion tickets to Washlugtou Starch 1, 2, 3, aud
4, valid to return from March 4 to 8, at the
following rates: From Pottsvlllo, $7.25;
Reading, $7.20 ; Birdsboro, $0.85 ; Pottstown,
f0.85; Norristown, $0.15 ; Philadelphia,
$6.40, and from nil other stations on tho
Pennsylvania system at reduced rates.
This inaueuration will be a most interest
ing event, and will undoubtedly attract a
largo number of people from ovcry section of
tho country.
The magnificent facilities of tho Pennsyl
vania Kailroad make this lino the favorite
route to tho national capital at all times, and
its enormous equipment and splendid term
inal advantages at Washington make it
especially popular on such occasions.
Don't Tobacco Spit and Smoke Your Life
If you want to quit tobacco using easily
aud.forovcr, be made well, strong, magnetic,
full of now llfo and vigor, toko No-To-Bac,
tho wondor-worker that niakus weak men
strong. Many gain ten pounds In ten days.
Over 400,000 cured. Buy No-To-Bac from
yonr own druggist, who will gnarauteo a
cure. 5Do or $1.00. Booklot and sample
mailed free. Ad. Sterling Remedy Co.,
Chicago or Now York.
Dr. btelnltz May ltceover.
IIoscow, Feb. 26. The following par
ticulars have been obtained regarding
the Illness of Dr. Steit'ltz, the tamous
chess player. Since he tost his match
with Lasker here Dr. Stelnitz has
shown signs of insanity, and on Jan.
27, through. the efforts of the United
States consul here, Mr. Adolph DI11
hardt, he was placed In-'the university
c-inlc c? Professor Korsakoff, where he
rr. ?it.i zvi'al and gratuitous care.
Dr. Is Improving, and his re
covery Is losslble. His life Is In no
Immediate d'angcr. Ie is suffering from
progressive paialjUs of the brain.
Uucklen's Arnica Salve,
The best salve in tbo world for cuts,
bruises, sores, ulcers, salt rheum, fevor sores,
totter, chapped hands, chilblains, corns, una
all skin eruptions, and positively cures piles,
01 jo pay required.- It fs guaranteed tp give
perfect satisfaction or mony refunded. Prior
2 " cents per box. For salo by A. Wasley.
Itottl ICobbery lu llimlon.
Boston, Feb. 20. A daring robbery
took place yesterday afternoon from
the Jewelry warerooms of Samuel Car
ro, when more than $1,500 worth of
gold settings were taken away by
three men while Mr. Carro was at din
ner. The men called at -the rooms and
asked to look at some settings, saying
that they were In a hurry. The office
boy stepped out to call his employer
when, within sight of two Journeymen,
who were at work nearby, the men
Jumped over the counter, snatched a
case from the safe and made their es
A MUhlgan Man Offers to Send Bis Dis
covery Free.
Claims to Be a Benefactor to Weakened
There it always more or leas susplolon
attached to anything that i offered free but
sometimes a man so overflows with generosity
that lie cannot rest unni nis uisooverv is
known to the world, in order that bis fellow
men may profit by what lie has discovered.
It is upon tills principal that a resident of
Kalajiiasoo, Mich., desires to send free to
mankind a prescription which will cure them
of any form of nervous debility ; relieves
tliem of all the doubt aud uncertainty which
suoli men are peculiarly liable to and restores
the organs to natural tlse aud vigor. As it
eosta nothing to try the experiment it would
seem that any iiiau, suffering with the
nervous troubles that usually attack men
who never stopped to realise what might be
the final result, ought to be deeply interested
in a remedy which will restore them to
health, strength and vigor, without which
they continue to live an existence of untold
misery. As the remedy in question was the
result of many years research as to what
combination would be peculiarly effective in
restoring to men the strength they need, it
would seem that all men sulTering with any
form of nervous weakness ought to write for
such a remedy at once. A request to II. (!.
Olds, Box 1712, Kalamazoo, Mich., stating
that you are not sending for the prescription
out of idle curiosity, but that you wish to
make use of the medicine by giving it a trial,
will be answered promptly ami without
evidence as to where information came from.
The prescription is sent free and although
some may wonder how Mr. Olds can afford to
give away his discovery, there is uo doubt
u'xiut the oiler being genuine. Cut this out
and send to Mr Olds so that ho may know
how yon rame to write him. 12 2(4 7St
Everybody talks back nowadays.
The subject Is serious.
A mistaken idea has cost thousands ef
llad backs are so common.
You And them In every walk of life.
They are lame, weak, or acklng.
A bunlen by day, a torture at night.
Many remedies relieve, but don't
The longer used, the less their effect.
Plasters and liniment help at first,
Hut don't reach the cause.
Only ose way to do that.
That way Is through the Kidneys.
The Kidneys are the blood filters.
Keep the (liters going.
If clogged the back is affected.
The A. it. C. of Kidney knowledge Is,
Nine times out of ten :
Baok ache means Kidney ache.
Lame Back Means Lame Kidneys.
Weak Back Means Weak Kidneys.
Cure the Kidneys, thus cure the baok.
Dean's Kidney Pills are doing this every
day iu eveiy city, town aud hamlet In our
llepuhlic. Ample proof of this will bs
furnished shortly in our own town in the
shape of indorsements of the claims made fur
Doau's Kidney Pills by our own resid
Doan's Kiduey Pills are for salo by all
dealers. Price 50 cents. Mailed by Foster-
Milhurn Co., Buffalo, N. Y sole agents for
United States. Itomember tho name, Doan's,
i nd take no other.
Chleliester's English Ilfamsnd Hrantf,
Origin al nd Only Genuine
safe. a)w.vji rfilUbld. ladic uk
mond Brand to IttxA and (hid raeullla'
(hoiei, ' alert with btoo rt'rbon. Toko
lion and imitation At nrognu, or MCd 4r
In stamp! itr paT.lci.1nrt, tstlmoDlal r
H( Jet fr 1,pHciV' ' if(r, by return
Mali. in.nfMV T oimonlftla Vitihi Punttr.
CbcNcfrCnoralL'al-o..Uuillinn quatijk,
II we can sell you
one c package of
Seelig's Kaflee well
be satisfied. We
know you'll buy
more. Twill touch
the spot. Grocers.
'knows a erand
.pood drink that
vill please her husband:
a a 'a a .1
To our customers WOULD TOU GARB
deiilg Ttsyible monlMr. 1
cm Financial ro,.
2J5 Drnrborn H',rtat fttluAfo, 1).
Gail Borden
& Pa 9C Vr til lttirltnv .Wsn.l
It Is the
Tt;.v.s3 .'h.;;;x3,.i
Piles or Hemorrhoids.
Fissures & Fistulas.
Burns & Scalds.
Wounds & Bruises.
Cuts & Sores.
Boils k Tumors.
Eczema & Eruptions.
Salt Rheum & Tetters.
Chapped Hands.
Fover Blisters.
Sora Lips & Nostrils.
Corns & Bunions.
Stings & Bites of Insects.
Three Sizes, 25c, 50c. and $1.00.
Sola by druggists, or sent poet-paW on receipt of price
UCaritKES'9IED.C0., Ill HI WUlUuStKenYork.
Kor salo at l'ovlusky's drug store, 38 Bust
Centre street
IN HPFBOT DKQ. 6. 1890.
Tralus leave Shenandoah as follows:
For New York via Philadelphia, week days
HO, S3B, 710 a. m., 12 88, 8 08 and ft 58 p. m
Sundays, i 10 a. m.
For New York via Mnuch Chunk, week day
S as, 7 10 a, m 12 88 and 3 OB p. m.
For Reading and Philadelphia, week days
2 10, 5 36, 7 10 n.m., 12 88, 8 08 and 5 S8 p. in. Bun
days, 2 10 a. m.
For l'ottsvllle, week days, 2 10; 7 10 n. m., and
12 38, 3 06 and 8 88 p. in. Sundays, 2 10 a. m.
For Tamoqua aud Mahanoy Ofty. week days
210,828, 710 a. in., 1283, 808 and 888 p. n
Sundays, 2 10 a. ra.
For Wllllanuport, Sunbury and Lewlsburg
week days, 8 28, 11 30 a. m., aud 7 28 p. m
Sundays, 3 26 a. m.
For Mahanoy Plane, weekdays, 2 10. 8 25, 5 28,
710, II 0u. ui., 1288, 308, 888, 728 and DM
p. in. Sundays, 2 10, 3 28 a. in.
For Ashlaud and Sliamokln, week days, 8 tt,
710, 1130 a. m., 728 and 9 88 p. m. Sun
days, 3 28 a. m.
For Baltimore, Washington and the West vli
II. AO. It. R., through trains les-i Read I us
Terminal, Philadelphia, (P. li It. 17 X.) at 8 20,
7 88, 1128 a. m., 810 and 7.27 u. i. Sundays,
8 20, 7 00, 11 28 a. in., 8 W and 7 27 p. m. AdSl
tlonal trains from Twenty.fourili and Oheet
nut streets station, week days, 10 80 a. m. It 20
12 11 8 p. in. Sundays, 1 88, 8 2 p. m.
Leave New York via Philadelphia, week
days. 4 30, 8 00 a. m., 1 80, 130, 9 00 p. m. not
uIkIii. Sundays, fl 00 p. m.
Leave New York via Mauch Chunk, week
days, 4 30, 9 10 a. in.. 1 80 and 4 IS p. ni.
Leave Philadelphia, Reading Terminal, wees
days, 4 20, 8 38, 1006 a. m. and 4 08, 8 80, 11 W
p. m. Snndays, 11 SO p. ra.
Leave Reading, week days, 1 88, 7 10, 10 Ob
11 55 a. ui., 6 00 and 8 20 p. m. Sundays, 1 86 a. sa
Leave Potlsville, week days, 2 88, 7 40 a. in.
12 30 and 0 12 p. in. Sundays, 4 35 a. ui.
Leave Tamaiiia. week day. 8 18, 8 50, 11 28
m., 1 27, 7 20 and 9 4.1 p. m. Sundays, 8 18 a. m
Leave Mahauny ity , week days, 8 48, 8 11
11 47 a. ui., 2 03, 7 41 and 10 08 p. ui. Suudays, 8 1!
a. m.
Leave Mahanoy Plane, week days, 2 40, 4 00, 1 IS, 2 19,6 20, 620, 76taur
lots p. iu. Sundays, 2 40, (10 a.m.
Leave Wtlllaiuiiport, week days, 7 42, 10 10 s
ni., 3 35 and 11 41 p. ui. Sundays, ll 15 p. in.
Leave Philadelphia Chestnut street wart au
South street w hail for Atlantic City.
Weekdays Kxpress, l a. m., 2 00, 4 00, 5 00
p m. Aceouiinuuutiim, H 01) a. in., 0 30 p. ui.
HiiihIh Kxpress, 900, 1000 a. lu. Accom
modation, H OU a. ni , 4 45 p. iu.
Returning- leave Atlantic City depot, corue
Atlantto aim Arkansas avenues.
Weekdays Kilireas, 7 85, 9 00 a. in., 8 30, 8 80
p. in. Aeconmiouatlon, 8 15 a. in, 4 82 p.m.
HumlavH Kxpress, 4 00, 7 80 p. ill. Aueoluino
dutiun, 7 15 a m , 4 15 p in.
Parlor Cars on all jxpress trains.
lll fcf All tlHL
W8T8H mmi mi
If the Warning Is Not Obeyed Within
Three Days IClng Otoorge Orlllolses the
Attitude r the 1'nwers Ofeat Itrllnln
Would Poroe Autonomy for Oretw.
St. Petersburg, Feb. 26. ItiiPila,
through the Russian minister nt Ath
ens, M. K. Onou, has called upon
Greece to withdraw all of her troops
and her fleet from Crete within thret
days. The semi-offlolal announcement
was followed by a long and Involved
statement of the motives actuating
Russia, namely: That to prevent the
extension of the revolution to othei
portions of the Turkish empire, Im
perilling the peace of Europe, a stop
must be put to the action of Greece,
which Is In opposition to International
law. Uefore negotiations for a future
Cretan constitution can be entered
upon, It is asserted, Ilussla has re
solved to restore order In Crete. Then
after the Greek evacuation under the
protection of the powers an autono
mous government will be Installed un
der the suzeiiiinty of the sultan.
In this policy, It is claimed, Russia
Is supported by Franoe, Germany and
AuBtria. Throughout the entire state
ment neither England or Italy Is men
tioned, but Greece Is warned that
should she, In blind misconception of
her interests, allow herself to be ex
cited by self seeking friends to persist
In her present attitude, under the false
Idea that the powers are not united,
because at the outset one or another
has not concurred In Russia's propos
als, Russia Is resolved to take repris
als, the first step being the blockade
of the Piraeus. The powers considered
the Greek annexation of Crete out of
the question, and It Is asserted, In the
consetouBness of their absolute sup
port, that Russia will be In a position
to prevent the Cretan question from
Impel iling the peace of Europe .even
should any Individual power refuse to
accede to the proposed measures. '
HI NO GEORGE flKlKYlill."",1;
Tho Greek Killer Discusses the Attitude
of the Powers.
London, Feb. 26. A dispatch to The
Chronicle from Athens savs: During
an Interview with Kins; George ob
tained by your correspondent on Wed
nesday, the king said: "I cannot but
express my profound astonishment
and grief upon learning that the rep
resentatives of the great powers not
only permitted Turkish force to employ
as a military base a sphere they had
taken under their protection, In order
to impose upon It neutrality and
peace, but also positively caused their
cannons to be fired upon Chi Istian
people driven by outrage and massacre
to strugle for life, liberty and religion.
Nothing In the world till these events
occurred would have Induced me to-be-lieve
in the possibility of such an act.
"I utterly fall to comprehend why
Europe, Instead of following historic
precedents in Italy and elsewhore, al
lowing the Cretans to declare by ple
biscite what suzerainty they should
desire, should attempt to force upon
them a regime alien to their feelings
and inevitably destined to result In
further complications."
Mr. Henry Norman, the correspond
ent of The Chronicle, says that he Is
authorized to state that Greece Is-fully
prepared to accept the decision ot. a
plebiscite. "
King George and his government re
Iterate that It Is Impossible for them
to retreat from their decision In regard
to Crete, which Is supported by the
whole nation. It is stated that King
George has sent the Prince of Wales
an open worded telegram saying that
the recall ot the Greek forces from
Crete by an ultimatum of the powers
Is Impossible,
Would Force the Comlmtnnts to Grmit
Autonomy to Crete.
London, Feb. 26. In the house of
lords the Marquis of Salisbury, reply
lng to a question from Lord Dunraven,
said that as the best means of placing
the house In possession of the facts of
the moment as regards Crete, he
would read a telegram sent to the
British ambassadors to- the courts of
the great powers. It was In substance
as folows:
"Inform the government to which
you are accredited that her majesty's
government proposos to make the fol
lowing declaration of the policy which
they Intend to pursue, aud which tln-y
believe Ir- hi accordance with the virr. -s
of their allle-: The establishment of
an admlnli- - alive autonomy in Crete
as a r.e.3nary condition for the tcr-
mlnat;n cf the International occupa
tion: Crete ought to remain a portion
of the Turkish empire; If Turkey or
Greece should refuse to withdraw their
military and naval forces from the lsl
and the powers should Impose their de
cision by force upon the state so re
Tho niscuvei-y Saved Ills Life.
Sir. G. Calllouette. Druggist, lieaversvllle
111., says: '"To Dr. King's New Discovery 1
owe mv life. Was taken with La. Grimm and
tried all the physicians for miles about, but
or uo avail aim was given up aim tout l oouiu
not live. Having Dr. Klug?s New Discovery
In my store I sent for a bottle and began its
use and from the nrst dose liegsu to get bettor,
and after using three bottles was uusnd about
again. It is worth its weight In gold. We
won't keen store or house without it." (let
a free trial at A. Wasley's Drag Storo.
Assistant Hecrrtary of Asrrlonllnra.
Washington, Veto. 26. It Is stated
that J. II. Brlgham, of Delta, O., mas
ter ot the National G ranee, has been
offered and has accepted the office of
assistant secretary of aerlculture, to
succeed Dr. C. W. Dytbney, of Tennes
see. The latter Is ready to retire at
any time to reuume his duties as pres
ident of the University of Tennessee,
an offloe which has been held open fot
Mm thoug-hout this administration.
KhauiuHtfsm Ourwl In a Dar.
"Mystic Curs" for Rheum Usui aud Neu
ralgia radically euros iu 1 to 3 days. Its
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T. F. Anthony, ex-Postmaster of Promise
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'Mystic Cure' fur Rheumatism, and two dose
of it did me mure good than any medicine I
I'ver Uxik." 78 cents.
Sold by C. II. Ilagenbucb, druggist, Shen-
lo 11. il. I it 81, u, Canal.
Albany, Vh. 56. In the senate yes
terday a bill waa Introduced incorpor
iv lug the South Buffalo Ilaihpr and
klhlp Canal Improvement company,
wUh a capital of $10,000,000, to deal In
.val estate and build a ship canal en
nprtlrf? the Buffalo river with Lake
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ized lu Kuaiantee the bond of tha
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It's wonderful how much health lias to
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every form of blood - disease. It is'nt
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The "Discovery" is the prescription
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For Sale by P. P. D.
Dyspepsia, Malaria, Sleeplessness,
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through his Oobber, or send
a Postal Card to
.6. IfSTtJ f
Soldjy P. P..D. KIRLIN, Shenandoah, Pa.
' Ikl s.T-y V J" SsH
: V the World's Progress. Tho woll in- 5
2550 fjatilfl! DRUGGISTS
ADOUljUlEtlll UUAIAAnilJiU t'lrn. p,..rr
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Lock Boi as, Mahanoy City, Pa.
Having studied under some of the best
masters n London and Paris, will g-ivs tsssoni
an the ioliii, mandolin, guitar and vocal culture.
Terms reasonable. Address In oare ot 8trouse,
tho jeweler, Sheuaudoah.
Culvbmtcxl Venule
l..a..l-. st-.ll
'Iff """ w-i'1 tin! am (niter
tarW -'i T' n'j "nl P'fiuVTmu) J'iI'is ftni oilier Itki
rt I! t t. i i tor -V . ' t a, taaiTW
P.rl. i is. ,ra IW S T
1 Vi. Or', .ity. ifc.Utt.
THE TIMES t the moot eitawlvely
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THE TIMES aim to ba o tlio largest
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llvered by curriers for fl cent per week.
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If twtlaetM, I sofa trssblts rcsstl hullr.
Mailed (or$1.00:6boxrsS6.00. With
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PEAL MEDICINE CO., Cleveland, O,
KIRLIN, Shenandoah, Pa
and thrifty House-wifo will s
keep 5
In the house, as a standard remedy for g
Sprains, Bruises, Cramps, Rheumatism, s
and all aches and pains.
Prlto 25 cts. and B0 cts. per bottle. x
Prepared by II. J. HACKETT & CO., PWIadelUla.
i use of constipation: fnsrsrots are tlieliltal Ijixa-j
nr sripr-.lmt rmise rasrualaral results. tuu.
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Zhe Sun.
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pen, CnARIJtSA. DANA.ltdltor.
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