EVENING HERALD! tl Alll.ISUti.i IH7.I. "Ail the News Thai's Fl, ta ?I;.M . Pu i'lshe.1 ovpry LvoiiIiik, Kii'i'pt .Mi:itay,al South .fAanis 9tkkt. NrB1nrrMI tooan a.ii Kiir 'muting towns for six cents a Wm, pay- j ...dp to the earrlr-m By ninll M.00 a yurir. nrSfl I cnts a month, payable In advance. Aflrtln i moots ornrjreil ac-'ordliiK lu tones and pmittto'. I The publisher rv-i -vi- thi right to uhsr th i position of advrtU,-iiiota whenever tin mil' I lent on of iictvK deiuamla It. The rlylit i- reserved o mji-ct any advertisement, hrthr imld 'or or i ', that the publishers may ln- , Impr uer, -nuior rate mad known; ll.t . kllll' .It MM I Kute ad at the, ikih.oIIIw at rtmitmudoali. I'.. I eoo id claw'tnall mutter. TKI.KPHONB 00NKnTIOi. Evening H era Id FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 88, IW1. The high-hat bill bus boon placed on the calendar again, and the Legislature tuny yet take a fall oat of it. It has been decided in Indiana that a woman baa no right to rote under the ena titntion. It appear that it baa taken the Iudianians a long time to find thil Out. Farmino may not pay, bnt it la bocotniug easier year by year. An Iowan baa Invented a machine, which be hopea to have In opera tion by the next harvest season, for cutting corn and separating the ears and stalks at the rote of fifteen acres a day. The new gnu boats Helena and Wilmlug tm, built at Newport News, are about ready to take their places in Uncle Sam's Navy. The former made un un. IQciul trial trip Tuesday and exceeded tbe contract speed of 13 knota by two and one-tenth knots. It I expected the oKi'ial trial trip will develop a speed of nearly, if not quite, 16 knots, a high rate for vessels of that class. The combine formed between two of Schuylkill's representatives, Senators Losch and Coyle, has caused much comment among the local politicians. Their grievances ap pear to be of u personal nature because t'luy were not consulted as to the appoint ments at the court hooso. The "ins" nil! naturally view the battle from afar with a great deal of complacency. Apparently tbe poople have no rights that tbe self-assumed lio-uics must respect. Thk member of the Indiana Ijerbtlatxire who introduced a bill compelling boti-l keepers to use English in their bills of fare, takes very low rank among the freak legisla tors of 189. Pennsylvania has a number th.it can distance the Honsler in that respect, and our owu Schuylkill comity has one or two that can hold their eiiili up. What Un people want, however, is legislation that will benefit tbe masses without creating useless lr filiation and offlcoi for political favoiites. Pkesidkkt Ci.bvbland on Tuesday sent to the Senato tlio name of James V. Mullny, of Lansford, to be postmaster of that place, tosucceed Capt. I. II. Willlauis, wboe term liru expired. The announcement lias occa sioned considerable surprise, as only Ave dayt. remain in which the nomination may bo con firmed by the Senate, although the l'opulist.i and -ilver Republicans have combined with the Democrats and confirmed a number ot Clevtland's appointments on tbe ere of his retirement from office. 'Tub Miners' Journal appeared this morn ing in an entire new dress, nnd looks as sprightly as does the gallant Major Finney just aftor making a new convert to the Quay Penrose column. Tho Journal is now printed from new type, the Thorne type settiug ma chiuM taking tho place of the old method. The Journal m tv be congratulated upon itt improved typographical appearance and witb its new acquisition in the mechanical depart ment will no doubt continue in the front rank of the inland dailies of the stite. A mbktino has been called for to-night to consider ways and means for assUtlng those who are in need. The article on this sub ject appearing in the Ukralo several djys ago has met with popular approval, and the indications art that tbe attendance at the preliminary meeting to-night will be of such a nature at to leud encouragement to thowi interested. There is no denying the fart that there Is conilderable stiflering and want in this and other communities of the Maha noy valley, and any relief that can be ren dered should be forthcoming at once. Now, as we are approaching another in auguration, says DeVoe, and as many are In terested in the weather for the coming March 4th as there were four years ago, I desire to say that the weather will not lie auy iin provement over that of four years ago. It will probably be even colder than it was then for winter weather will extend a long way in to spring months. March will enter ex tremely celd, with i great storm over the South Atlantic states. A blisoard is due ever the Middle Atlantic on the 8nd and heavy snow will fall all over the country. It may olear by tho 4th, but thow who expect to go to Washington on tbe 4th should lie prepared to wade through snow drifts and very cold weather. The coming March will be an unusually cold, stsrmy month. The second heavy snowstorm Is due on the 17th. lor denying a panlon to an Indiana cdiloi who was convicted for publishing an indecent newspaper and circulating It through the nails. President Cleveland has takon oc casion to say that the conviction of the editor "was an event distinctly tending to the pro motion of public morals and the protection of tbe sons and daughters of our land from tilth and corruption at a time when indaceut newspaper publications are se dangerous and common." The President also obsr rves that "everybody in favor of cleauliuc should eucotirage the punishment of such oS'enses and desire that it should be more frequently imposed." Tliebo are words of great furce and pertiueuce especially at this time, and considering the high source whence tkey come, we urgeutly advise our Coal street con temporary to paste the asms carefully iu its hat for future reference. It Is presumed that tbe "mauagiug editor" is off on a vaca tion, at Prt'nldent Cleveland's strong word condemning his action appeared tit the News lust night. There will be truoblo f.r the o!Hce cut wbeu the "managing: editor" again a-iaumen charge. Burdock lilood Bitter never falls to cute all luipuritiih id' the bloed, from a eemnicii pimple to tbe worst scrofula sore. Buy Keystone Hour. Be sure that the uanu Lkhmij i 11 A KB, Ashland, Pa., is printed on Vvery sack. I i St.ioi Ci I nn II-" o, Ihrrr Rlllnl. t'limir". i' li. 26. An electric car is i i' 'it 'rtvrcn tvo trains smtni; li 1,1 ' it vIi'vttluiM nn t'.ie Oil' it in pi i '.pir. Ii'l.iia Wi. iH..d vnt i. ui o. i.uti. ctir ti. rid f'jui ;.- 6;;iprn. bri-lrt-s ihe mctnrvnsn -an.! -n3octor. und three cui tf Ilia elx were kl!l i-oti-i." :. Th ctiier lhr.. bio sevtr. :;. InJ .iel tuitl out or more i. tmni tr.iy a -o euccumb. Tit" dead ?e: awiic O'J'eilr, tnotrrfiimli; tt. V.. Yvr-. rMUc-ioi ft fh ClHton or.d rihoc'fe rompmyi Peter Fucher tjiliw, a car drive. St. emir l.'iarasrit 'ved. Halifax, N. H, Feb, H,-11tt Oerr..-n tank t.tcanie.- l-rai,iatit, O.lain Wls--(ittuaen, which had bern given up for If it, vilft l.cr r.iv of B5 Men, arrived fire yiiiltn' : i tow of t!i? gtoori' t1rlt'h C".Kl!f The escape of tl:e steamer is - it-Vable. Cho was plr ': p1 up aucceas ve!y by three itcamers, one of which 163. her In a storm, while another whlth attempted to tow her Irk r-ocarce fll.it-'oil herself through the fru'lnjr of her propeller with the tow tine, and was obliged to leave the Dia mant to her fate. le f 'resident lintmrt's Escort. ITewarlt, BV. JL-The military or ganization? tf the New Jersey Na tional Guard tiir. will represent this state In the ln-iv-ural parade at Wash inffton were designated yesterday. They are tho Second regiment of in fantry, of Patcrron: Fl t Troop of Newark, ai:d Oc.tllr.rf Gun company No. 2 of Ca-i jn numbering in all over 800 men. Vh" navc.1 reserves will tro in dependcn'.iy of the other troops. The First Trorn will act as Vice President elect Hobcrt's special escort from his hotel to the Capitol. Haalng 11 dolled lllm nf Krnnn. nuclioster, N. T Feb. 28. Clarence A. Auitia, cf Marlon, N. T., was made a ravie maniac as the result of the br.T.oh- he received at the hands of the W pin core iiss of the tfrlverpity of HocltAUifc. lit Trlday nlut. Aus In la a frohman, 19 years old. Several sophomore gave htm a severe pum rnellng. Tu'wiay ni.ht he went into the wi'deet Uioge of delirium as the result of his treatment, lie Is recovering-, but is atill In a very nervous condition. Cleveland to VUlt the Writ I miles. Greenwich. Conn., Feb. 2. -The ru mors that have pi-cva.'o.d of late that p.epioenc Cleveland was to start on r. tiur of the v.oild .!n E. C. Eenediet'E yvht Oneida, after his re'lrement f om the Wht.e House, was fiellnltely disproved today when Mr. Benedict stated that the cvoi hauling of his yacht wa-j preparatory to a cruise to thi Wert 1 idles late In March, with the then ex-piosldcnt as guest. War on Dcpsrtineul More. Montreal, Feb. 28. A systematic war Is Being to be WR-ed upon the depart ment stores. The retail Errocers cf the city and the wholesale grocers met yesterday afternoon and appointed r committee to formulate an nir"pr.ient by which the wholesale grocers will re fuse to sell any wore goods to the de partmental merchants. A similar meeting will he held betwesn the wholesale and retail druggists. Now York's School Noeils. New York, Feb. 26. The committee oil ft lance of the board of education has submitted to the board of alder men a report saying that the sum that , 111 be neoeriary to provide rel.col at t -it Kiin.'l'ri' li the nv-'X f..o yai la fully SV.' 10.0.. Don't allow the lungs to be impaired by tl e continuous irritation of a cough. It is e-veier to prevent consumption than to euro it. Uue rinntp f'-nttuli Hum taken nnrlv icill wnril lift' a iy fsuilnug trouble. C. If. irngeubuuh. rWiil i 'f, itiv t n 1 nunr. Jn llinf ."t.'t'i, j.Vl). 2j. "The su. vcrr.c ' irt lias tiffirmej tlio caso of Ii-.e.i :i .Gci'.ar asa.jjst the election oilbca of lu r p:cc not in Lafayette, in vbt 1, bhe claimed the rljht to vote at a .. tia.1 election, and brorsht suit aj, .m-, the election officers to con-pel them tj receive and count her ballot. Jud,-llacV-.noy, in Wa decision, procetded i.-. show that under' tho constitution wo men oanno-t vote, and that this pro v on of the constltuilon is not in con flict with the conetliuHon of the United t"-tales. Our people are growing more and more in the habit of looking to Guilder Bros., drug gists, for the latest anil beet of overy thing in tho drug liue. They will Chamberlain's Cough Itemody, fniriniis for its cures of bad colds, croup and whooping cough. When in need of such a medicine, glvo this remedy a (rial mil you will be more than pleased with the result. What Mude It Yawn? Trtivel, v.hich imICi charm to the eon vendition of en ugrueuUe imrsou, seme times renders a bore more tiresome tliau ever. "And there I stood, Aunt SiiHan," said Miss Porter e slow speaking but long wind ed nephew, who luul been droning; on, about his summer in Switzerland, for some hours since the old lady's eyes luul begun to droop In the lamplight "and there I stood, Aunt Susttn, with the abyss nvnlne in front of me." "William," said Aunt Susan, sneaking is one who lms long kept sllenoe, "was I hat abyss a-yawning before you got there r did it begin after ward r Kxouangs. Stoekades. In "The Voyages of Captain Cook" there Is a statement to the effect that in Kew Zealand the towns of the natives were all protected by stnckndes. In soino oases these were formed of double or trlplo rows of Irei'F, thv Fpuocs Ix tweeu boiug latticed wiih m .i virk i.rd fl'hd iHh earth. Sprin Ie made a ncccs- jtm Mty by the im-iviecS seine pure conditiGii of the blood after win ter's ltearty foods, and breathing viti ated air in home, office, schoolroom or shop, "When weak, thin or impure, the blood cannot nouritih tho body as It should. Tlic demuud for cleansing and invigorating is grandly met by Hood's Sarsaparilla, .vhioli gives the blood just the quality and vitality need ed to maintain health, properly digest fi -kI, build up and steady the nerves ami overcome thut tired feeling. It is the ideal Spring Medicine. Got only Hood's Sarsaparilla Prepared by '. I Iloml iS. Co , I.owcll, Hill. u t t--ii i' I imM1 promptly i liOOU S FlllS eUictlvciy u.ceuU. ii t e.isiij promptly and YOUR PALATE S YOUR STOM ACH'S CONSCIENCE. vuriisTo.u a;ii KxntVH tvn it ikiooii roK vov. Thill Hop'e lire thin because the food the eit Is not slisorbed. Itensmis, cither wrnnK f.vl, nr right fmsl nndigested. Fit nils and greue will not muke any one fut This la beeaitso they are imllgrstihle. Tnln pentile find tt Imrd to ell gel their food, fatty fowls make it (till harder. Have yoli aver notified that almost without excepiion, thin, pale, dyspeptic, anaemic peop'o have an sttr.loii to til 7 This Is of ti-elf pnnif enongh that snoh fimdsarebad f..r them. Let ynr palate fell yon wltst to eat. Nstara makes very few mistakes and we should listen to What she sayi. Thin people may besoms fatter, and ilya. peptics more comfortable by taking the Shaker Digestive Cordial. It agrees With the weakest stomach. It helps the weak stetoaeli digest other food. It 1 fattening and invig orating in itself, for it contains artificially digested food. The Mount Lebanon Shakers have-made a great many interesting discoveries witlilu the past hundred years, but none more Im portant than this Ingenious cure for all disease which are traceable to faulty diges tion. A single 10 cent Imttlo will tell whether It is adapted to your case, and eati be had through any druggist. MY HEART HAS MANY FAULTS. I own my heart 1ms miof faults. Yet look not cold on roe. For It baa still one sunny spot It is a love for thee. Oa, thick upon the happy hours We have together spent, And ponder not on idle words 31y soul had never mesutl 'Tie true tho tempter gained my heart By this dclmrlve snare, Dot then thou should 1 1 not leave me to A wild and dark despair. Oh, then, I pray let not my lovo From Its repose be driven I But give me thy dear hand and say, Dear love, thou art forgiven." New York Ledger. BALDNESS. A DermatologiRt Says It IIny lto Unknown In Another tienerutlon Now the real cause of baldness has been discovered, nnd u French dermatologist, Dr. Ijabourand, suggesta a remeily. By the use of this remedy, ho says, baldness can be prevented, and in the next genera tion it may be unknown. 1 1 litis been known for somo time among medical men that baldness is a disease. It has even been supposed to bo duo to u spoclflo microbe. In fact, such an extraor dinary amount of eyldence iu favor of the theory has been accumulated that the men Is now generally accepted. Dr. I.abour and's investigation on tho subject has been exhaust! vo and of such a conclusive nature as to add heavy re-enforcements to tho al ready existing mlcroblc theory. lie believes that the disease is contagious nnd thut tho onuso of contagion and the ppreadlng of microbes is due to tho barber's instru mental He presonts strong oTidence iu support of this theory. According to 1-abournnd, tlio typical diseased hair is found at the edgo cf n con stantly enlarging bald spot. It Is the stump of what was once n long hair. It Is simper! like an Interrogation point. It grows less in diameter toward tho root and has lost Its color, being cither gray or white. Tho normal pith canal is wanting ut the root, which Is itself no longer bulb ous nnd hollowed for the papilla, but dls torled In shapo and hardened. Within the root suck a little bulb may bo seen develop ing If examined under the magnifying gloss. It Is this which 13 said to bo the cause of tlio disease. Iu tho good lmlr this bulb or utrlonle Is full and closed and contains in its cot hi compact cluv.rs of microbes, a culture of, the smallest bacillus known. As tho Mi crobe matures It may become one one-hundredth of an inch in width. It is bent or slightly curved In slmie, like a comma, blunt nt the ends and slightly swollen In the center. Kach bulb contains millions of these bacilli, and to them is attributed the cause of baldness. Investigation shows that by tho time the hair is dead and tho root nnd sebaceous gland useless the microbe whlth produoed this effect la gone. Thus remedies npplled to the bald spot In the hope of making hair grow again arc vain, for that glistening, whlto desert Is totally barren of productive roots, and the oil racks are dried forever. Howei er, the progress of lialdness can bo impeded. Thlsls accomplished by dis infection of tho skin at the edge and in the neighborhood of the patch by means of an offoctual raiorobo destroying tonic. If the microbe of baldness is an actual fact, as seems fairly proliablo, und if the prevalence of the condition is duo to con tagion, as is tho reasonable nnd logical deduction, lialdness am Iu prevented and the first sttigcg of the disease umsted by Intelligent treatment. Go, In time, liald ness may disappear from humanity. Ex change. Many cases of "Grippe" have lately been cured by One Minute Cough Cure. This Tirenaration seems especially adapted to tho cure of this dieeotu. It acts quickly thus preventing serious complications and bad effects iu which this disease often leaves the patient, i . Ji. iiageuDucn. Nlagam I mis Will ltt.tlr.. Niagara Falls, Jtf. Y.. Feb. 26. The action of the Wi'idtor town counsel In retaliation on the pending United States alien labor law by refusing to allow contractors to employ allsns on public works has been freely discussed here, and the outcome will probably ).e a similar by-law by the Niagara V alls town council. The feeling along the Niagara front'er In favor of a re taliatory measure is very keen. They are so small that the mast sensitive persons take them, they are so effective tliat tne most onstiuxie cases or constipation, liefulflf.liA and fnrlitd llvnr vIaM to rlim. That is why DeWitt's Little Early Kisera are known as the rauio'is little pills. U. 11. llngenhuch. Legal Victory for Unelu fmii. Now York, Feb. 26. During the years 1S88 and 18 the Old Brooklyn Buffer Keflning company Imported 3D shipments of sugar, upon which it was claimed Collector Magcne oharged fi 1.034 in excess of the lawful duties. Suit was brought in the United fjutas circuit court here to recover the alleg ed overcharge, wrtjr interest. It has been tried before Judge Coxe and a Jury, and a verdict has been rendered in favor of the chofcet levied by Col lector Magone. Judge Coxe's docbilon settles a reilee of suits in which tha same Issues were raised, and In which Claims for tEOO.OGO were involved. If ymi have over seeu a uhiM in tbe agony of cruup. you pan appriHlMHe the gratitude of the mothers who Vuor that Que Minute Cough I'ura relieves thir little ones as quick ly as it is administered. afajtV homes In llila "ity are never without It. CI J. llageubuch When you want good roaSag, plumbing gas flttink, or general tiiuuuitAtn alone eall on K. P. (lallagber If West Centra street Dealer it" sU'-es I -tf Remember if Yoj I ave a ough or Cold, I Pan-Tina alway tarei, tfoc. At (Jiubler Bros , drug storo. 'C10LD DUST." THE N. St. Louis, K, FAIR New Chisago, STOCK ND Pr3U: MARKETS. Closing UnohUleii or the New York and Philadelphia Mxrlmnge. New York, Feb. 25. The salee of stocks today wure'only 88,000 shares, Whluh is somewnat, but not not muoo below, the average for many days rust. The-Small volume of trading nut wide gups even to the list of usually active stocks Closing bids: r-.l: j. is Oh'o trV Lehi-li Vail--.... t.uiisu. & Uaio lu .lo.e ...in,, u. ilol. liudnou. . . luUJi Incv , nki) u.... U.i L. AW UbK Peuns.iui.a .... W, Brio 14 Reading SV Ike Brie A W... 16 Bt. Paul 76; j Iriddgh Nav. W. 11. 7. A l u. ... ijH, AU lawt'u patd. Oeneral Klhrkets. Philadelphia, Feb. SB. Flour steady; winter nporflue, 2.&5!i); do. oxlrai, tiW (td.il; l ennsylvtinia roller, clear, ti.10'914.25; do. u ., ItlHiitliti, !.'.; 1.40: westeru e!e:i.-, $4.1034 oity uiiU, extra, Byo Hour quiet; choice Peuusylvaaia, N.73 por ban-ol. Buok wheut flom' slow at 11.10 1. a ir 1 JO lbs. Wkuat dull; eontrtiot wheat, spot, ,Vo!iHe. ; do. F.'b ruary, SWS'iWsIb. ; No.S red, February, MJic; do. Km eh,;-1 ,o. ;do.A;:rU, Wa. ; do. Hay,8uVc. ; dc Juno, So.'.. ; do. Jtuy, 7iJio. ; do. beptoiubui', Tfoe. ; Ha. to:insylranln and Ko. t Oelawai-4 ml, spot, 6854(3 8tto. Corn firm ; steanar "orn, Sti S6o. ; Mo. 2 yellow for local trad" Mr. ; No. i mixed, spot, SWjt38i-4o. ; do. February, 20,0) J6i40. ; do. March, 234o.; do. Apul, m'ij&tie. Oata dull; Hay nominal; No. 2 widte, oar lota, SuHe. ; No. 2 Whlto liiyel,oar lots, Ziii $!)!. ; No. 2 whltu, spot ,Z,iityi!. ; do. Fa',., SI CMJ'a.; do. 14arch,2-i!i'.4 : do. 4pril,2il9 2itc.;do. May, 2B(is2BKn. Hnyq-.- -t: choice tim othy, 114.60 for large balm Boot qulot; family, S.uO 111 ; extra masj,7;i;boet Lnni4.lB.76C01u ; pocket. 7.50tl': city oitio India ine., tH iiilO. Pork dull; faiaily, ifiu .t.l. LmvJl urin; west ern steamed, 44. 6. Butter steai ; western oreau,ery, lajlllo. ; do. faotory, 7il8o. ; Klgins, IDe. ; imitation creamery, UlSe. ; Now liorlt dn r , 10lee ; do. creani-fry, ii," ! w. ; fanoy prints Jobbing at 31M4o. ; do. extra, whole salo, 20o. Oheeseqniet; Urne, t :o. ; smad, IKirliHe. ; part skims, &.1 ).'! t'-1 skims, Uv$ S' .e. 'ggs sioady; tv v it rli . .id Punoayl vaaia, li Vo. ; westera fresh, 1:;1 . ; Noutbm, lftjjo. Taliow Arm; olt, i.4!p' jj.; oosiiiw-y, HSrtiC- Cotton seed oil Arm. Pcli'o;'.nu qnict; Unitwl. closed at tile. b'd. UoIbhsos qulot. Mglron cmiet; Bouthorn, til ?6'i11.6U; northern, !ll$12.a). tMhl Bli'iim contiimwl Htrength. Leading brokers ipaote i ouud lotsat ro.o j, whilo tin metal exchango pi ice la tSJUXi) B.lio. Ihu btoclc Markets. New York, Feb. 23. Cables quote Amerioan itenrsat lJ'x'llHc i drossei weight ; slieep at J(Sllo.; rofriff-ator be. at74jvo. CalvM 4iilot, steady ; veals, K97.23; barn.tard calves, I.' SiKja.Tfi, Bheep and lambs weak : aheep, S.t.30 1 ; lambs, S3S.ta Hos f.rm at f3.l0.i4,'tt. Hart IJberty, Pa., PeK 25. Onttle sieadv; prime, 4.7fl6il 4.00: feepers, W.601; bulk stags and oows, tl.75'0)il.Su. Hogs active: primu medium weighta, $3.801.83; lient Yorkers, ti.'i 3.W: pigs, W fWJ, 85; heavy boga, 8.WiJ.liU! roughn, $2.60X38.25. She op steady; Ohio fo.l westeniB, W4.a); prlm, naive, t4.20i94.10; common. S2.80(((!8.Ba;ohuit'elumbi, $533.25. Veal oulvi-d, W:l.a6. Tho little daughter of Mr. Fred Webber, Holland, Mass., had a very bad cold and iwu'i which he had not lieeu able to cure with any thing. I gave him a 28 ceut bottlo of Cham berlain's Cough Remedy, says W. P. lloldeu, merchant and postmaster at West llrimfleld, and the next time I sawhim ho said it worked like a charm. This remedy is intended especially for acute throat and lung diseases such as colds, croup and whooping cough, and it is famous fcr its cures. There is no danger In giving it to childien for it contains noth ing injurious. For salo by . Guilder Bros,, druggists. Jouriiallits t i.t I iglit n Dil?. New York, Feb. 26. Ten thousand cloakmakcrs in this city threaten to go on a strike for higher wages. Mar tin Klein, secictary of the executive board of the United Brotherhood Cloakinakers said today that he ex pects the strike will be declared next week. Said Secretary Klein: "We will have to strike for the wag- s wo had last year or work for starvttlon wages. The cloakmakers den't make enough now to keep body and t ui together. Their condition Is worse now than It ever baB bpen. Tailors are now earn ing $3 and 4 a v.r -i:. They m-ed to earn $20 a wi ; Pressers are getting (8 and tl, opeiutora $6, 26 and 18, and finishers jl.oO and $2 a week. Cure for Headache, As a remeily for all forms of Headache Electric Hitters has proved to lie the very best. It effects a permanent cure and the most dreaded habitual sick headaches yield to its Influence. We urge all who areafllicted to procure a bottle, and give this remedy a fair trial. In case of habitual constipation Electric Hitters oures by giving the needed tone to the bowels, and few cases long resist the use of this medicine. Try it once. Large bottles only 50 cents at A. Wasley's Drug Store. llryan's Welcome to Now Haven. New Haven, Feb. 26. It Hon. Will iam Jennings Bryan cherished any hard feeling toward New Haven, ow ing to the Incident which marked hit yiBit here In October while campaign ing, they will most assuredly be for gotten, The reception acoordeiTto Mr. Hryan last night was most hearty, and when ha arrived on tbe stage of the Hyperion theater to deliver his lec ture on "Blmtalllsm,"he faced a rep. resentatlve audience which practically filled the theater. He was accorded fre quent applause during his lecture, and at Its close a public reception was held. Orlp-Colils-IIeudaebe. Why suffer with Coughs, Uoids and La Qrippe when Laxatlva firomo Qnlnlue will sure yon in one day. Put up lu tablet eon vetileut for taking. Guaranteed to mis, oi money refunded. Prioe, 26 cents, "or sale by Kirliu's Pharmacy. t'or.'trt to Hosuloy Ills i.mUK'Tei. Lurtalo, Feb. 88. Ocuiee Uoitm in, formerly chief bookkeeper fr John IHrootman. rioe n.irufjoturor of this city. Is under a-reat chatted wl h stealing cer IC.PCO frcra" Via torrnor mploer. Koffirw i has cccced tlo fonlt. Threw Away Ills Cuuftf. Mr. D. Wiley, n postiasler. Blsuk Creek. N Y , was si badly ajtj4ajr4 with rheums tlsui that he wosuulyiiMe teJiobble around with canes, and even theiQiit canted him great ia!u, ATUt using Cliambeftaiu's Pain Brim he was so much improved that he threw uivay bis canes. He says this lininicut did him ninri j." u,l than all other medicines aud tn atniei.t put tngether. For sale at 50 cent-, in bottli l, (iruhlir Urns., drug htore, "Q0LD DUST." Insist on the Genuine The best Washing Powder made. Beet for all clean ing, does the work quickly, cheaply and thoroughly. Largest package greatest economy. BANK COMPANY, York, Boston, Philadelphia, NUGGtla OF NHWS Ambassador to Italy McVeagh and his family will leave Home on Monday to return to America. Mrs. Julian, mother of Fltsslmmon's manager and mother-in-law of the pugilist, died In New York yesterday. Thieves entered the residence ot Benor Jose Acuma, Spanish vice consul In New York, and stole tS.uoo coah and $17,000 worth of jewels. Six tramp broke Into a Lehigh Val ley freight car near Alburtta. Pa., held up a man who waa In charge of a horse, and set fire to the car. Itecently the city of Richmond Va., ordered the Bell Telephone company to remove Its polls aud wires. The com pany appealed to the courts, and la sustained. George Weeks, who was smothererj by coal at the GIIbr.on colllerr on Wednesday, but who waa rescued ap parently unharmed, died suddenly at his home at Gllbertcn, Pa., yesterday. Butler, the Australian murda.er, who is l.ghtlng his extradition In Fan Fran cisco, is d-termlned to appeal to th I'nited States supreme court If Com j.-ssloner Heath decides antalnst bin No Itespcctor o! Persons. That much dreaded disease diphtheria, is no respect ir of person, ago or condition iu life. It attracts tbe rich and the poor, tho young and the old. Ilul It has met its un flinching foe iu Thompson's DlphthoriaCure, which is just what its name indicates. No case of diphtheria was ever known where this medicine was used according to diroc tlo is and foiled to cure. Croup, hoarseness, quinsy, sore throat, etc., are equally re moved by it. Sold at Kirlln's drug storo at 50 cents a bottle. Iron oro J'ool still iniout, Cleveland, Feb. 28. Iron ore men heie deny tho teport from New York to the effect that the Bessemer Iron association will not meet here next Monday, as announced. It Is also de nied th.it the pool was broken, and the dealers assert that there Is no likeli hood of its going to pieces. The Woathor. For eastern Pennsylvania and New Jersey: Fair; colder; northerly winds. TO CUHP. A COLD IN ONE DAY Tako Laxative Bromo Qulnino Tablets. All druggists refund tho money if it fails to euro. 85 cents. Tours to Florida. No district In America presents, during the Wintecscason, so many varied attractions as the State of Florida. Besides its delightful ilimate. which to one ost&p ng from the cold nnd unhealthful changes oi the North seems uliuont ethereal, His pre-eminently a laud of sport and pleasure, Along us oloven hundred miles of salt-water coast and in its twelve hundred fresh-water lakes are fish of almost every conceivable variety, from the migra tory tribes common to Northern waters to the tarpon, pompauo, and others ol a tnoro Ironical character. Nowhere in all our broad land can tho angler llnd a greater variety of game or better npoit. Here also the most enthusiastic hunter liads satiety. Deer, turkeys, bears, panthers. aud wild eats roam at largo through the inoro sparseiy sciueu regions, while birds ot all kinds may ho found in abundauco through out tho State. The more novel sport of al ligator and manateo hunting may also bo In dulged In by tho more adventurous tourist. With its matchless climate, its orange Knives, its rivers and lakes, its boating aud athiug, its Ashing and hunting, and its extensive forests, Florida presents unrivaled attractions for tho valetudinarian, tho lover ot nature, the sportsman and tbe explorer. To this attractive stale the Pennsylvania Hullroad Company has arranged four personally-conducted tours during the.season nf 1807. leaving by special train January 20, February 0 and 23, and March 0, The fir-it three tours will admit of a sojourn of two weeks in this delightful land; tickets for tho fourth tour will he valid to return until May 31 by regular trains. Kates for tho round trip. $60.00 from New York, $18.00 from Philadelphia, and propor tionate nttes from other points. For ticlcU, itineraries and other informa tion, apply to ticket agents, special hooking offices, or address Goo. W. Boyd. Assistant General Passenger Agcut.Broad street station, Philadelphia. One Minute is all tho time necessary to de cide from personal experience that Ono Min ute Cough Cure does what its name implies. C. H. Iiagonhuch. Two Workmen Illuwu to Atom. Steubsnvlle, O., Feb. 26. By an ex plosion of nltro glycerine at the rr.tg azine of the Gould oil Meld, thraa-miles south o" here, Louis Crary and Ulugane Italston, employes of the Milltken and Lehley Torpedo company, were blown to atoms. A number of houses In the vicinity were damaged. The shook was felt for five miles. Torturing, itching, scaly skin eruptions, burns and scalds are soothed at ones and promptly healed by DeWitt's Witch Hasel Halve, the best known cure for piles, C. JI. Hageubuch. A Dcfret In the Law. Perry, O. T., Feb. J6. It hs come to light that the act making it a -crime for officers of banks to receive deposits when the banks are iu a falling condi tion is null and void, because it never passed tha lower house of tha lagiala ture. or at least does not appear on the Journal cf the house as havins passed. It was signed by the president of the senate and speaker of the house and by the governor. Many banlteri have been convicted under it. K. B. Turner of CompUm, Mo., writes us that after sunVriua from nilea for yciirs, ne completely cured tlieui by using I three boxes of IMVHl's Witch Hasel galvo. i It oures eosenw and severe skin d ! ii. Hageubuch. If. Kuiitau X .'.anig ,.r. Boston, Feb. . Dr. Frldtjcf Nan Ben will visit the Hnlted Btatts In C.: Ltd of this year, havl- t been ene.ag- d fcr a lecture tou -. Dr. ran--- , t.nt on'y speaks porfect Kiir.-lMi, I ut his Striking and eoiunun.-'l..,, a; e ua.ico, as well a.i tyjs i4.is:k i,,' r.i.u. r., in-.ke h'm a ii'.'.it'a'.tiiutive h.e.U'.c-r. Mrj. I. 'aiiacn may' accc ;i..i.yr.I ii. It is surprising what a "wee bit of a thlug" nil aeconipllsb. Hick headache, ronatlpa- ' lyopepsiu, Bour stomach, dizsiuetf, are qiin kly hanished by DeWitt's Little Early hVens Small pill. Safe pill. Best pill. C. II. Ilugcnbui h. THE INUNDATED HAMLETS. Or eat SunVMug of fined Vlellhis Alone tin' ItAcrtllns; Hirers. Cllii'inmtl Feb. 2J. At all river points from Pittsburg to Maysvllle the river is Wing very rapidly, every where alin.e here nalnatlon Is re sumed. Danger Is over In all th.' ln und.it ' l i-p tlver ton 'u. Ruffeilnir at l'ortst.ii nth. win re It .ns the gn ate i, Is diminishing. The nair.e may lie h :i 1 of HuntliiR nn, C'.ith tt.-,bui-M, ll.i'igi.i,'. Itock. Abt'ideen end IlayHvlllc, .!.e e the Inundation d.i.ve out hundreds if families. Ifrom Ii.'aysvllle down to Cincinnati the fiord i.i nt ltd worst. Relnw Cin cinnati the trlbut irku are falllnr; r.i -Idly, and thouiTb the river Is very full the high tide c nr .-nt of ten to twelve miles an lieu,- Ifi carrying the witter down Vfry rapld'y. No serious dam age or loBses of property and life have been leported from up rivet i eint. within the last 30 hours. IUrrht lieu in Cincinnati and vicinity the situa tion 1b at its wirat. Upppor Cincin nati, at Pendleton, Is pretty badly flooded. At least a hundred families are driven frum dwellings. They a,e amply ptovlded for by organized char ity. Up Mil! r-.-cek a few families have been driven from home, and many cel lars are fuil of water. Down the river, at Delhi, Til v-u'd". Coal City and Addyston, some families have been compelled to ah .ndi .1 tbelr homes. Newport, on the Kentucky fide of the river, suffers most proportion ately. Ovrr SCO families have been driven to higher ground. Large details of police are employed day and niRht giving relief. Soi."e r.illver provisions from boa's to Icrpie lodging in the second etory of their l; "ies. The vil lage of Hrcmley, with almost 700 In habitants, Is rt!?n 'St wholly flooded. The dam of the Great lake at Lud low Lagoon is in great danger. It is probably within the facts to say that along the Cincinnati river front on both sides of the river, '600 families have been driven from their home, and as many more compelled to live over flooded cellars. It may be erre"i ed that tonlaht' or tomorrow morn'..,, navigation vlll be resvmed at ciu-- atl and all other points above cr '. '. -low. J!s estimated that 5,000 wi -ltmen .n . tnelnruitl and the Kentucky town -v d eLlcs opposite here hav bec.i I ".wn out cf ei--plnymcnt by the stop page cf '.bo inundated factories, to Ec.y r.ctjii r cf those kept from woik by Inu:.: L.J homes. A Household Necessity. Catoarets Ckndy Catlmrtie, tho most won derful medical discovery, of the age, pleasant and refreshing to tho taste, act gently and positively on kidneys, liver and buwols, cleansing the entire system, dispel colds, cure headache, fever, habitual constipation aud biliousness. Please buy and try a box of C. C. C. to-day ; 10, 28, 60 cents. Sold and guaranteed to cure by all druggists. Tours to Uullforiilu. California hue been most fittingly termed tlio "Italy of America." All tho delicious balm, tho cloudless sky, and the rich ver dure of tlio groat European peninsula are duplicated in this sunny land of the Pacific. Here naturo basks in tho sunshine of her own 'leauty; nnd hero she has established hei owu sanitarium, where eternal spring iu spires everlasting youth. With tho snow mantled peaks of the Sierras upon the one hand, the calm Pacific with its soft breezes Upon the other, and a veritable parudiso of flowers, fruits and plants between, man can find and needs no lovelier laiul. To visit such a country is a privilege, a blessing. The Pennsylvania JUilruad Company, recognising the need of a more comfortable und pleasant way of crossing the continent, inaugurated a series of niuiiutl tuurs to Cali fornia, running a through train of 1'ullmun palace cars from New York to tho Pacific Coast, and stopping at the principal points of interest un route. The great popularity of those tours demonstrates tlio wisdom of the movement. For the season of 1807 throe tours huve been arranged to leave New York, Philadel phia, and Pittsburg, January 27, r'ebruary t, and March 27. The tint tonr will run direct to Sun Diego via St. Louis and the Santa Fe Koute, and re turn from San Francisco via Salt lake City, Denver, and Chicago, allowing five weeks in California. The second tour will nin via the Mammoth Cave and New Orleans to San Diego, stopping at tho "Crescent City" during tho Mardi Qras Carnival. This tour will return via Salt Lake City, Denver, Omaha, and Chicugu, allowing four weeks in California. The third tour will run viaChicago.Deuver, nnd Salt Lake City, allowing passengers to re turn by regular trains via difleront routes within nine months. All of those tours, cither going or return ing, will pass through the famous Colorado region, Glonwood Springs, Leadvllle and tho Garden of tho Gods. Bates from all points on tlio Pennsylvania Railroad System east of PlttBburg: First tour, $310; second tour, $330 ; third tour, f2I0 rouud trip, nnd $150 one way. For detailed itineraries aud other informa tion, apply at ticket agencies, special book ing olllces, or address Goorge W. Boyd, Assistant General Pawenger Agent, Broad Street Station, Philadelphia. I had severe attacks of gravel and kidney trouble; and unable to get a modiclno or doctor to cure me until I used Hop Hitters, and they cured me in a short time. A Djumsapillipi) LtWYDB OF .YYNB Co., COrijBLSiji. ako Coi0. A youug girt despjy regrsttsd that she was so oolorless and and cold. Her face was too white, and her hands and feet felt as though the blood did not circulate. After one bottle of Hop Bitters had been taken she was the rosiest aud healthiest girl in the town, with a vivacity and cheerfulness of mind gratifying to her friends. To Strike Ag'ilust Starvation Wnees. Havana, Feb. 23.--The 'editor of La Lucha, Senor San Miguel, and Senor Jlorote, correspondent of JS1 Liberal, of Madrid, will, It Is announced, fight a duel, the result of the recent attack of L Lucha upon Senor Morote, grow ing out of the interview with the Cu ban Insurgents obtained by Morote and cabled to his paper. La Lucha practically accused Senor Morote of a violation of the Spanish laws in vlalt ing the camp of General Gomea and tbe Cuban leader. BloodHerveFood For Weak and Run Down People. UfUHT IT IC I The richest of tll restora WftlHI II 101 tlve foods, because It re- J daces the essentials of life that are ex lausted by disease, Indigestion, high living, overwork, worry, excesses, abuse, etc. WHAT IT DOES I digestion perfects creates solid flesh, muscle and strength. The nerves being made strong the brain becomes active and olear. It restores lost vitality, stops all wast ing draltiB and weakness in either sex, and as a female regulator bos no equal. Prioe COS., orn ve boxes S2.00. Druggists orhy mall. f We can help you. Advice and book, free. Write Us About Your Casej THE DR. CHASE COMPANY, 1612 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia. Sick Headache. Neuralgia and Ertremo NcivousnM. EkVKIl Mnco I ras eighteen years old until 1 learned of Dr. Mllei' restora tive I' ncdlos, 1 suffered from sick headache i' c S ext.re-oo nervousness and dys pepsia, in tim b.'art disease developed. I wast:atod by several doctors with no re lief. Severe pclpittitlon with pain tn loft' breast, shortness of breath, and smothering 3 pel la made mn most miserable. I pro cured Dr. Mile?' Restorative Nervine and New Heart Cure and took them alternately as dlrc,tcd. Improvement bogan at once and Increased so rap Dr. idly thit inside of six rton Ihs I Increased thirty six pounds in K MHoq -Nervuie: weight. . All pain In FlestorM , the heart is gone, and Hearth; the nervousness has wholly left mo," Mr"!. Chab. Khapp, W. Oerman Bt., Little Falls, N. Y Nov. 7. '95. Dr. Miles' Remedies are sold byalldrug tHte undor a positive gunrnntee, first bottle ii jnoflts or money refunded. Book on Heart nd nerves sent free to all applicants. DR. MILES MEDICAL CO., Elkhart, Ind. MADE ME, A iY,AN A3 AX TABLETS POSlTlVKliY CUIUS jy ii, jy trrvoum jrt4aaivBitna mam. ory. Jmpotenojr, ImpIm-dms. alo . cnntatl Ly Abuno and other Eoentoo nnd InatsV OJWtloni, 771ft rfvuutiy oiw sMrW restore Lost Yit'jli'j-' i oU or Toting, and iltttmrmfc ti '.,l . jra or torvriooe. 1'rfVBiit Instt n ul (Vinsumntlon if Thy fluidity and Hrffi talconln time. Their ipy ttt-rTK immcliHro Imnrore merit and effects a CURB vioro all others fail. In filet upon hftving the itentii. n .Ajrjx T.-bleto. They have cared thounAnds nnd will cure you. We slva a poalllve written gunrantee to effect a cure In each eaw or reiuDa mo nipnur, jticsj ou oenri per pacKi tii pttekfutfai (full treatinentj for V-JX). Ut mptUia I'lafn wrpiw, rpon recelbtof price. Olroulur free. AJAA KtMtUY CO., '"SZSZuir Kor Hdc in Rhonandonh, Pa., by A. Waley and M P. Klrlln, Druggists. AWN'S TANSY PILLS A tiiia. TftDs Atrn nvit VvOMAN'S RELIEF. AlwATiDramDttnd rctlnriU. At oiil Intiiatkmt. Oti CaTDIT'I TlWBT Pi LI Jlnil JIAVK RKUKKTft. Alrlriiff afirfl nr Mnt diMet ltdt. nrlM. tl. Catok 8nc. Co Boefain, Maw. Our book, 40. For snle at P. I1. I). Kiihu'fl rlru Blu nundoQli drug store ' may mm mwm lo u, o ...-lu.T.ot iKJa 1IAIK MM.I. 0. W r, n rite hrirmiBM, p!canr.odor. JlflO-t lott.e l.KTS HAIlt TOSltlremoTetdandruir.ftnni hair from falling ont and promoteeerowth l.0ft bottle 1. nn M inilCANT CO 106 Fulton au, S v.CRPp Illustrated Treatise on Uatr on application rnt& For sale by Shenandoah Drug Store, KUlln'a Dmg Store. riTED. 4 Thousands upou thousands of children aud other dear mem bers of families, die nntmully from Diplitbeiia. This cau all b avoided by the prompt use, according to directions, of THOMPSON'S DIPHTHERIA Manufactured by the Thompson Diphtheria Cure Co., Williams sport, 1'a , and sold by Drug gists everywhere for luc small sum of fifty cents per bottle. What is fifty cents when it avoids Ihe suffering nnd saves the life of a dear one? You Say: "xsotuing, nut win it qowuat is claimed?" It has done so in every instance on record not a single case where it fuilcd. This is the best nnd surest guarantee for its tnc decinal qualities Thompson's DiphlheriaCurc also speedily teheves and cures Croup. Quinsy or any other throat affection. Those who have tried it will never do without tills Medicine in their house, and their unsolicited testimonials piovc this assertion. ui rr. 3 tr u ui 0 i z 0 re Q D -l O in MANUrACTUnCO BV TMl THOMPSON DIPHTHERIA CURE GO. WILLIAMSPORT, PA. u. e. a. oA..oAoAAoAAAA Sale at KIRLIN'S Drug Storf. PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD COMPANY. Personally-Conducted Tours flATCHLESS IN EVERY FEATURE. CALIFORNIA , Tour to CALIFORNIA and tbe PACIFIC COAST will leave New York and Philadelphia February W, stopping at' New Orleans during Mardi Gras featlvfllea, and allowing four w eeks In California, and March 2T, returning on regular trains within nine months Hound trlii rases from all Hrlit" on the 1'i nn-) Itiiuiu Hull road System east of llttlui k : M.V) no for tour ol February Ut, and 1210.00 for tour of Maicb 27 FLORIDA Jacksonville tours, allowing two weeks In Florida will leave New York and Philadelphia February f and S3, and Marob , 1807 Bate covering expenses en route In both directions, f3o.00 from New York, and (18.00 from Philadelphia. WASHINGTON Tours, each covering a iwriod of three days, will leave Now York and Philadel phia February U,' March It, April 1 and 3t. and May IS, 197. Rat'", lnclinl ing trananortetlpn and two days' aceoniinod Mon ut tba urst WoaUiigtoii Hols, ill m from New York, Snd 111.80 frum H.lluJett.a. OLD POINT COMFORT TOURS RETUBNIKQ DIRECT, OR VIA. RICHMOND AND WASHINGTON will ham N v York an-l Philadelphia V bru ai 20, aiui.ii P., und A nil Vi, t8U7. For ih'tallid Hiui'rarles and other lnfruannabiii apply ut th ki t luieiielrs 0 addrM Oua, w. Iloyd, Asst. (Wl Pose, Aoi.t, Br6r-riweet Htution, PhllodelpMa. ies if a SPEEDY BELIEF S ICB IS a ?HAT IS WA t c (