EVENING HERALD RS'I 1II.'"IKI i, "All the News That's Fit to Print." i'. i 'Untied overy Kvpinio;, Sin lai ''HTrt Iahdi- Srnicirr, Nkas (Vntlf Tim- lle.-.ttil in ilciivcied liiMlienRtidu.in n -n out tig towns for min v'flt nv l. to tlni eritern. By mall 18.10 u ''ii. or iitn month, payable In advance. Advertise- ,t. charR-pil iiccorilliig to space anil tmsttloii. i u. .miMiinrr reserve ne riant h rnii.sre tnc i -1 till! lit MUV crtl-cmenta wlieuei rr i;,e mil- i il mi nf nrwn demand It. T' u-i ml to reject 'in iil'. t-rti'-i'illf m Jit I. i..hi i Uuetti knntvr. hi for or not, tin,t the tmoliNtier "i l.ii!., ... Kill- A ' .-UnliiK rotes made Apiillcittio ,1 tlU- .o fflrr At Rhenmi'tosh riu.si ho.sk hin i't-rioiv. vening Herailcf THURSDAY, FKI1RUARY 23. WW. !'iiiiDKST II BBtstiv's new daughter !t said to favor her Cut her rither mure than In r iiuitlu-r. Ai Mr. II irrlsoii was never r. g.irded as specially handsome. It In to ho Iti fericd from that thst the new arrival in not the most beautiful babe Indianapolis ha.-, ever 'i cn. though no doubt her proud parent t'oi ii k she is. Kvh.Rv time the state of Neradt has s ri'iisus taken abe finds her population has fuller, off, and no way has been foond to slni this diminution. She will hare a rhauie to correct lier record, If ahe Is shnrp. All ahe will have to do is to take tier next cenaua when tbe Gorbett-Pfts-Mimnuns bruising match comes off. That will Hive her a lift. Tut tit are s good many newtnspen, some of tlinn unite influential, wlieee iiubtishera would he willing to plnnge the conn try into u war with Spain, or, for that matter, with almost any other country, provided they i mild thereby earn the questionable reputa tion ol having been the first to proclaim or p n diet lie possibility of such a consumma tion, rwuie of the papers in question have nut hesitated to tutor the most Imrefaced falsehoods in order to will notoriety. The rc-ult of their efforts iu nearly every caw lias been exposures of the canards and tbe con sniuuit shame and discredit of theirautliors. V Mii nnjAN man went into a lestaiimnt in l liu.igo and ordered' from a French bill of fiic i iieutly to his surprise and net a little I i Ins disgust the Walter broujlit him po- tjtois moked in Ave different styles and in t !iiiij else. Now the man has Introduced a loll into the Michigan Legislature providing tb.it menus shall be printed in English only. Tin ie are two ways of looking at tills little ti 1-,'eilynf life. One is that no man, not even a M k big in man, is to be blamed for not uuder st imlin;; Chicago French, and the other if thdt any uiuu who eonies from Potato Piu ifc'souu starnpiug hirniimls and kicks on having potatoes aerveil in five different ways is a villain and a traitor to the state. Tin: Theatre Hat hill which lias been peiul lug at llarrisburg for some time past, met with what is called a temporary, but which in hardly lie regarded as any other than a permanent defeat. The advocates of the bill iln not view tlie.sittialimi in that light, argn m;; that at the proper time it will again "hoi tiji seicmly" and become a law. Much as u v.oulil like to sco the many high aud broad Ij, its in theatres and othor places of uinuse iiu ut abolished, we niuuh fear that it will ui viT be accomplished by legislation as it purposed by this bi.l. The abolishing of the nuisance should b the voluntary work of the women. There are many reasons why they should take the lead in tbe proposed re form, a prominent one nf which is that men almost universally defer to the whims and cipricesof women, if not absolutely uncom plainingly, at least w ithout violent ontspokec opposition, aud hence compliance with this universal and reasonable demand should b made without a Binglo word further than a polite request that a fashion so detrimental to tbe comfort of men, and for that matter of women, too, should lie laid aside. BENNETT'S ANNOUNCEMENT. We w ere shown a clipping from tbe New York Herald dated June 1st 1810, in which the editor, James Gordon Bennett, adopted a nuelwayof announcing his declaration ol love and bis approaching marriage, through the columns of his paper. The dipping has hern in tbo possession of Capt. George W. Johnson for a number of years. Hero is the way the senior Bennett uiado tbe startling unnmiucement: "I mi going to lie married in a few days. The weather is so beautiful; times are getting so good, the prospects of political and moral reform so auspicious, that I cannot resist tin divine instinct of honest nature auy longer; so I am going to be married to one of tbe most splendid women in intellect, in heart, in soul, in property, in person, in manner, that T have yet seen in the course of my in teresting pilgrimage through human life. "I can not stop iu my career. I must ful fill tbat awful destiny whicii the Alu-igbty Father lias written against my name, in tbe broad letters of life, sgsintt the wall of heaven. I must give tbe world a pattern of bappy wedded life, with all tbe charities that spring from a nuptial love. In a few days I shall be married according to the holy rites of the most holy christian church, to one of tbe most remarkable, accomplished and beautiful youug womeu of tbe age. 81. e possesses a fortune. I sought and found a foitune a large fortune. Sbe lias no Slon iugton shares of Mauhatten stock, but in purity und uprightness sbe is worth half a million of pure coin. Cau any swindling lank show us much ? In good sense and elegance another half a million, In soul, mind and beauty, millions on millior.s, equal to tbo whel spsuia of all the rotten bauk in the world. Happily, the patronage of the publi". to the Herald is nearly fSS.OOO per auuuui, almost equal to a President's salary. But properly in the world's goods was never uiy object Fame, public good, usefulness lu uiy day and generation; the religious aaaocis- tions of female escellence; the progress of true industry these have been my dreams by night, and my desires by day. "In tlio new and holy condition iuto which I am about to enter, and to enter with the nunc reverential feelings as I would heaven itself, I anticipate some signal change iu my feelings, in my views, iu my purposes, in ray pursuits What they may be I knov not time alone can tell. My ardent ds i e has been through life to resoh the hi tbest order of human excellence, by the shortest possible cut. Asm,, iati'd, nigbt and day, to sickness and iu health, in war aud in peace, with a unman of this highest order of ex icllcme, must pmdiuc some curious results in my heart and I cling-, anil then ruaulta the future will develop ill due time in tl'' minimis of tbe Herald. I "Meantime, I return my heartfelt thanks lor the i u t h u siast i c patronage of tht public, I buth "f E iriiK- and America. The lmly estate of wiillm k will only I lie i ease my de- ' t be Btlll more useful. God Almighty olis-, oti ,!i '' A BH for Uoi.ghs and Colds. . WImtv P.hi-Tiici !2." . At ilrulilcr llnm , d nr.: -.lore. New York, ypb. 28, When tl-e of Joseph A. iF.Hjrl, the Turfcbh i- nui Kpnpini at Boston, at prescit u..i ,., -i... : 1 "'. 1 v " ' ' at ui wi- beaziement, carre tip bcrocc Ju. Urown, of tho United B ttes'dlstr' t court, yesterday Hie profwutlon mi'j trrltted brief In reply to the s a i ments contained In the petition on which the Writ of hnljchs onrpm was 1 granted. The tnicf states that I.i ' la an Amerirr.n i Risen, having b en i born 111 Massachusetts. In few days Judge Brown wlil decide the question whether laslgl la amenable to Kt-.to futiedlotlon or whether Ma caae ahould i Iiroperly come before a federal judge. , Aertnlttml by tlin HIKhr Court. Boston, Feb. 25. George Oates, of tVlU Htv atari Ova nrmnln. , .,,.i with dls'Urbln;; a rellfrliu? a3tmbly ' at tne spiritual temple last November, were acquitted In the superior criminal court yestctd.iy. This decision re verses the ru'lm of the lower court. In which alt were f und guilty and fined. The defendants created a sensation at a seance given by a medium named Conoannon by rush'np n.i..i the stage at the terrile and seising the medium, thereby disclosing his alleged fraudu lent materialisations. Chisago Tanners' Strike Nearly United. Chicago, Feb. 26. The tanners' strike involving about 2,000 employes of the big tanneries In this city, will probably be ended next Monday, on the terms proposed by the tanners. At a meeting of the strikers yesterday It was de term ned to continue the strike, but all the big tanneries have determined to roopen Monday, stating that they have already received applications for work from two-tlilrds of their former employes. 8tot 10,000 Worth of llon.U. New York, Feb. 26.--John Waldon was held for trial yesterday on the charge of stealing $10,000 worth of bonds from the pork packing establish ment of William Simons, In Brooklyn, The securities and $19.20 in cash were taken from the safe at night time, though a watchman was In the build ing. The bonds were found under Waldon's fireplace. Waldon Is a ware house porter employed In this city. General Alger OH for WnNliiiigtmi. Detroit, Feb. 25. General Russell A. A'.ger, the newly appointed secretary of war, left for Washington last night to prepare to begin his official duties, He was accompan'ed by Mis. Aiger and his daughter, who will get settled In their' temporary home before the vents of the Inauguration. Vigorous' language from the 1'reslili lit. Washington, . Seb. 26. The presld nt has delivered a most scathing criticism upon Indecent newspaper publications in denying a pardon to James B. Wil son, sentenced In December, 189E, In Indians, to two years' imprisonment, S2&0 fine and conts for mailing obscene papers. The president says: "Denied. This convict was one of the editors and propt letors and a distributor through the malls and otherwise of a disgust ingly vile and obscene newpsaper. His ronviction and sentence was an event distinctly tending to the promotion of public morals and the protection of the sons and daughters of our land from filth and corruption. Everybody in fa vor of cleanliness should encourage the punishment of such offenders." Ill no Knvelop.'S nt ISIeetlnn , Trenton, Feb. 25. The huse passed the senate bill providing for blue en velopes at electiors a'ter this spring, and fixed next TuesdBy morning for considering the bicycle baggage bill In committee of the whole.""" 71iere Are Others. "William, dear, Mrs. Smith has received that letter of mine which I Kavrfi.esylvaula system at reduced rates, you to post a month agol You posted U, Thi, hlHUnration will be a moat i uiun 6 year "Why, of course I did, my love." And far down in the most sulphurous earner of the Infernal regions a olicirus of red legged fiends blew, n prean of joy on 1) flat cornets as they hea ted to Incandescence a brimstone pit labeled, "IleMsrved-for Wil liam W. Jones." Strand Magazine. Tlil'ok Walls. The walls of tlio castles built in England by William tlio Conqueror were of remark able thlckne.w. The castle of Hastings and the keep, or round tower, of Windsor have wulls npwurd of au feet in thickness. Such a fortification was impregnable against all forms of attack then in use. Offa's dikowas a defonslvcwnll built by the Romans against the Wclih. It was un earthen fortlQoatii.n, 118 miles long, and entirely out off Wales from Kngland. It Is 1,07" miles from New York to Jack sonville, Fin. Is a deep-seated blood disease which all the mineral mixtures in tbe world cannot cure. S.S.S. guaranteed purely vegetable ) is a real blood remedy for blood diseases and has no equal. Mrs. Y. T. Buck, of Delaney, Ark., had Scrofula for twenty-five years and most of the time was under the care of the doctors who could not relieve her. A specialist said he could cure her, but he filled her with arsenic and potash which almost ruined her constitution. She then took nearly every so-called blood medicine and drank them by the wholesale, but they did not reacu ,her trouble. Some Jlfi' one advised her to try S S 9 .nit t, soon found that she liad a real blood remedy at last. She says: "After tak ing one dozen bottles of S.S.S. I am perfectly well, my skin is clear and healthy and I would not be in my former condition for two thousand ; Collars. Instead of drying upthepoison j in my system, like the potash and j arsenic, S.S.S. drove the disease out I through the skin, and I was perma nontly rid of it." Real Blood Remedy ; S.6.S. never fails to cure Scrofula, Eczema, Rheumatism Contagious Blood Poison, or any disorder of tbe blood. Do not rely upon a simple tonic to cure a deep-seated blood disease, but take a real blood remedy. ! Uur books free upon appli cation. Swift Specific Co., Atlanta, Ca. sss Scrofula TERRIBLE CR0S3IN3 ACCIDENT. Nine Out of Pnmlly nf KlfVfin Killed by a Train. Chatnnoojra, Fell. L'5 -An incoming pafiHcnger train on the Southern rail way struck a vehicle at a crossing f.ur mileii east of the city yesterday 'ternoon. In the vehicle were seated t n memliera of the family of V. F. Wiidward, a farmer living at Jersey, a hamlet In tlila eoun.y, and nine of the occupants were killed, the only one e eaping being a 3-year-old girl, Vlr Kinla Woodward. Tl e killed are: Mrs. Ip.ura Wood WH'ii, aged 44 years; Cicitre, her son, cb I 14; her daughters J ode, aged. 22; Delia. 17; Mary, 13: Haley. 10; Ada, P; 1 Mr. Lizzie Wooilward Montgomery, a 1 mart lui daughter, aged 20; Mrs. Mont gomery's son, Roy, an infant t i.ionths t.d. A!l except Delia and.Dalny were In stantly killed, and these two died of their Injuries a few hours afterwards. The rcene of the accident la near a out on the main line of the railroad. The tracks make a sharp curve Ju't east of the point where the pike crosses. The wagon was struck when square- 'y across the tracks, and Instantly the air was mieiu v. Kb the bodies of the Ill fated family and the splinters of the shivered wagon. Shrieks rent the air and mangled bodies were strewn along both sides of the track. The party was Coming here to have a family pic ture taken prior to the departure of Mrs. Montgomery for her home. Mr. Woodward had preceded them. Opposing the Iteeent forest Iteserrattoa, Washington, Feb. 26. A resolution Introduced by Representative Mondell, of Wyoming, recites the Tacts of the recent forestry reservation order, de claring that "the setting aside of these reservations will retard the develop ment and settlement of the land em braced In the reservations and In the vicinity thereof, mineral development v.-lH be Entirely, suspended within these reservations, and settlers be much in jured by being prevented from cutting timber." The resolution requests the president to furnish to the house all reports and papers relating to the sub ject. HOW TO FIND OUT. Kill a bottle or common water glass with nrliieand let it stand twenty-four hours; n sediment or settling indicates a dlessed con dition, of the kidneys. When urine stains linen' it is Positive evidence of kidney trouble. Too frequent desire to Urinate; or pain in the back, is also convincing proof Unit the kidneys and bladder areoutof order. WHAT TO DO. There is comfort In tkettnowlodge so often expressed, that Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Knot, the great kidney remedy, fulfills ovory wish in relieving pain in the bank, kidneys, liver. bladder and'every part of the uriuary pas sages. It corrects inability to hold urine and scalding pain in passing it, or bad effects fol lowing use of liquor, wine or beer, und over comes that unpleasant necessity of being compelled to get up many times during the night to urinate. The mild and the ex traordinary clfect of Swamp-Koot is soou realized. It stands tbe highest for its wonder ful cures of tbo most distressing cases. If you need a medicine you should have the best. Sold by druggists price fifty cents und one dollar. For a sample bottlo and putnph let, both sent free by mail, mention EvKNlhO llEr.AU) and send your full post-ofllco address to Dr. Kilmer & Co., Binghamton, N. Y. The proprietors of this paper gunmutco the genuineness of tills offer. KfMlitccd itlltos to Washington on Account of Uiu Inauguration via reimsyl vnnlii ltallroad. For the benefit of those who desire to at tend tbe ceremonies incident totheinnugunt' tion of President-elect McKinley, the Penn sylvania Railroad Company will sell excur sion tickets to Washington March 1, 2, 3, cud 1. valid to return from March 4 to 8, at the I following rates: From Pottsville, 7.88j Heading, -$7.20; Birdsboro. fl.8B ; Pottetown 0 85; Norristown, $u.li; Philadelphia, neSLr'am in H,,.l fmm nil ntlier fifiiriima nil I hA interest ing event, aud will undoubtedly attract a large numlier of people from every sectiin of tbe country. The magnificent facilities of the Pennsyl vania ltallroad make this line the favorite route to the national capital at all times, aud its enormous equipment and splendid term inal advantages at Washington make it especially popular on such occasions, Marvelous ltesults. From a letter written by Rev. J. Gnnder, man, of Dimondale, Mich., we are permitted to make this extract : "I liave no hesitation in recommending Dr. King s New Discovery. as the results were almost marvelous in the case of my wife. While I was pastor of the Baptist church ut Hives Junction she was brought down with Pneumonia succeeding 1a Urippe. Terrible paroxysms of coiightug would last hours with little interruption and it seemed as if she could not survive them. A friend recommended Dr. King's New Discovery; it was quick in its work and highly satisfactory in results." Trial bottles free at A. Wasley's drug sture. Itegular size 60c and f 1.00. HIx Killed by lixpledlag I,yuinlte. Paisley, Scotland, Feb. 26. An ex plosion of nttro-glycerin took pl-.co at Nobel' dynamite works, Ayrshire. Six persons were killed and several wound ed. The explosion we i heard here, 16 miles from the works, and the oon cuBsiun extinguished the gas lamps at Kilwinning three miles away. Two KIIImI by Kxplortlng Oas Tank. New York, Feb. 86.- nphard McQco ami Thomas Dlllmore were Vi 'ed in an explosion of a gas tank under the bridge over the Harlem river ship canal In the annexed district. The men were at work on top of the tank with a torch, and the leaking gas became ignited. No Knspeetor ol Person That much dreaded disease diphtheria, is no ruspector of person, age or condition lu life. It attracts the rich and tbe poor, tbe young aud tbe old. Hut it bss met its nil- flinching foa in Thompson's Diphtheria Cure, which is just what Its name indicates. No case of diphtheria was ever known where this medicine was used according to 'direc tions and foiled to care. Croup, (iniusy. sore throat, etc., an OA iislhr moved by it. Sold at KirUn's drug ators at oUceutsa botUs. SfurJor In ILsrTIt'vi Ikgrw, New York, Ptb. SSj William J. Koer ner, a newspaper 'uKist- 1, hose home was In Plttfibuvif, warrrlUjudEed utility of murder in the flntt. degree late yes terday afternoon, fentenpe- was sus pended pending a motion for a new hearing. Keerner shot- to de-v.h his sweetheart, Itose Redffrvte, wbtt she war on the street ntnir.t g, yet:- agj: An a'teTpt to ?l:o tit ICoei!i.r was jn epi'eptlc a iil v t'ave to (ivg3 was 1 ui' m k esp Aruiiw fte'vu. fh( txvrt salve iu the world for cuts, brnlaig, "men ulcers suit rhenm, fever mre, ' tetter, chapped hinds, chilblains, eoi-us, anJ 1 all skin ei option, 'in, I uositlvely con s piles 01 10 pay ri-uuired. n i guarantee I Uigive nerfeel satisfaction or mony refunded. Price 2 neuts per box. For sale by A. Wasley. 09 AIM fill CASH AND GIVEN FREE (BU.tUUUU PRIZES EACH As follows: 4 First Prizes, eich of $100 Cash - - - $ 40TOrF $ 25 Qotd Watotws - 1 Dh and PiIms glim eMti month Tola! given Uuringl2mos. 1897, $40,800,00 WRAPPERS unvj TB ntlTAfM THEM. romnetllorn to save ns many 8UHLIQHT (intnnetltora to save ns many Bunuuii SOAR Wrnnpers qs they can enilect. Out off the ton portion or each r r wrapper, flint porllnn riKiM.qs BWS" StHO this SOAP." These (caUed'foii pous") are to lie sent, poitnge llillv aatil. mrliMcl with n sheet of paper stating, Compet itor's lull name ami nudre-s mill the milliner of Coupons gent IP 1'Cver Itros.. Ltd., New York, marked on oiiisldn tti WrappertfOTlAondrorsi-rlwUhNnMBEIt o f I he OlWTItiCT Ccmpftllor llvrsln. Nd. el NAME OF OiSTRICT. District New York Ultf, Hrooi Ulyn, I.OIIK anantnten island, m cw jersey. t rlct of CoisyiSi... Tha New HimlRHil States. T !w Blnroio. an the osl.bi WTM err e Hp eel a I, 1897 Pstlom, m'f i bt fiso, ITOsws Co.. ofliaf fslo, Bnstou and Kaw fork Flttrt with HMtftml Tims, First Class Nlokls Xante. . N" Iteautan 1M1, SuoiUra Orslonwter, sndHnnt LscSlwUut- NUGGETS OF NP.VS The skeletons Of tvc ; i r- have been found about f m!b- I .a half from Bayslde, L I. i ' The German-Amsrfifai bank nt Ton awanda, N. Y., bas ffufed and b-en put under the charge Of fiC state superin tendent. J The comer stone of the Theosophlcal temple at Point Lena, Cal., was laid yesterday. The buDJing, when com pleted, will cost t600,K0. The Park date hotii In Chicago was damaged by fire lollie extent of S2D, 000. Many of the SO occupants nar rowly escaped deat. Charles Collendehltbe old time min strel and at one time a well known theatrical manegef, died in Chicago ast rtftlit of heart disease. President Kruger, of the Tram.-anl, wants the high court Of the South Af rican repubUc put under the volksraad. He says it is necessary In view of the attempts of Cecil IUfOdee to undermine the republic. - The pool rooms- ;of CI cap;o, Blm luirst, Roby and Washington Height1) were hard bit by the betilnc; r-aterniiv yestefday, and dropped ful,y $75 COO on one race. The coup was made In the :iitrd race at New Orleans. If you have ever seen s child in the agony of croup, yon cab appreciate the gratitude nf tbe mothers who Xtlow tbnt One Minute Cough Cure relieves their little ones as quick ly as it is ndminltteirxk Many homes in this city are never wlthofltft. C. II. Hagenbncli. Sliuirl Was ti ! I Ink. Carson, Nev., Peb. 26. Al hi rsh Din Stuart, projector W put' ! - !c enter prises, has been eanflucii 10 his room for ten days. It WS not known u l 11 last evening; that tflis Teyan had on two occasions beejtiiirlvcii up bv his physicians. It hSubeen reported all along that Stuart as suffe.ing from an attack of Indigestion, but It is now known that be was taken down with a peculiar form of pneumonia known in thia section as mountain f.ver. Botl of Stuart's lungs were a.Vecred, ano at a consultation of four leading phy slclans of this section the medical mer declared that Stuart, had not -more than one chance In twenty to reoover. He Is now able to walk about his room, but the physicians will not allow any body to see him. E. 13. Turner of Compton, Mo., writes us tbat after suffering from piles for seventeen yearn, he completely cured them by using three boxes of DeWitt's Witch Hanoi Silve. It cures eczema and severe skin diseases. C. II. Itagenbucb. Xebrasku's Looteil Trttasn-y. Lincoln, Neb.. F'b. 26 Clnee the statement was i iven out by Treasurer Meseive last wck n.' nore money has been paid in by ex-Treasurer Bartley, leaving his slioi t. ge at S537.CC0. It ir believed by some that a sum variously stated as high a 300,600 Is held by banks that may pay it In time, but it Is stated that much ham been hope lessly lost in some broken private banks, where It was farmed out by Bartley. Bartley has also a legacy from former treasurers of worthier j certificates of deposit. A full investiga tion is in progress. Ex-State Audlto,' Moore surrendered to the sherllt yes terday, charged with embezzlement. They are so small tbat tbe most sensitive persons take them, they are so effective that the most obstinate cases of constipation, headache and torpid liver yield to them. Tbat is why DeWItt's Little Early Risers are known as the famous little pills. C. If. Hageubuch. The b'e v ' cje o !... Chicago, Ft.ii. j.-At 9 o'clock ln-t r.Ight Sclilnner, the Chicago xldcr, v, : a still leading In the fits: day bicycle ije at Tatteraalla, with 1,008 miles to bis credit. "Teddy" Hale, seems hopelessly out of the raoe, being almost 400 rrt'os behind the leader, lllff, the let-'' 33 rider, continues his remarkable feat, having made 402 miles since the start The score of the nine leading men at 9 o'clock was: Schinner, 1,008 miles; Mil ler, 966; Ashinger, 914; Lawson, 891 Stewart, 878; Hansen, 828; Bradis, 80 Smith, 798; Halbreeht, 7. Manv cases of "Orione" have latelv luwn cured by One Minute Cough Cure. This preparation seems especially adapted to tbe oure of this disease. It acts quickly thus vreventini serious comnlicationa and bad effects in which this disease often leaves the patieut. C. 11. JIagenbuob. A Shortage uf KMB3.000. Atlanta, Feb. 26. Stockholders of the defunct Southern Building and Loan association are here devising plans for saving the assets of the corporation. An apparent shortage of over 170,000 in cash and $166,000 in securities was developed yesterday. Tbe receiver did not know of the shortage till a trial balance was presented by Expert B. T, Moore. By this It appears that there should be $166,000 more securities than have been found. The little daughter of Mr. Fred Webber, Holland, Mass., had very bad cold and coug'i which he had not bees able to cure with auy tiring. I gave him a 26 cent bottle of Cham berlain's Cough Remedy, asys W. P. Ilolden, merchant and postmaster at West Brim field, and tbe next time I saw hi 111 ho mid it worked like a charm. This- remedy is Intended especially for scute tnrnat and lung diseases such ss colds, croup sad whnopingcongh, and It Is famous for its cures. There is no danger in giving it to children for it contains noth ing injurious. For sale by Oruhler Bros., druggists. Ma tiler and I'nur Ohi'ilrm, . . , la'd. Lake Preston. H. Li.. Feb. Za.--Mm. August H.n-on and four children a:o dead from t.,. from a 'it ti' buri.i ig heat I' 1," stn whll" Hn"ion hiriselt I- 1i.I1," Only :e 1' the fd.xilly, a yotit boy, Is recovering. There Never Vas a Batter Oure Tliarr" Pan I'ina for coughs, 25o. At (jrublci liu , di g store. MONTH FOR 400.00 000.00 $3,400.00 SOAP RULES. 1 , I!f kit month dorine 197 in tub of tlio 4 dlstrlrts priieswillDnwrrtedifilliw: top ponnow XllO A UM,Urenn.l HUU ocuuB.i, ,uu Largest Number of coupons front the district In Witch ho or she resides nillrocslioWllKX'nsli. The A Competitors who send In the Next J.nroest, Nnmbers of pen none from the dletrfut In wdIcu tbej rem, to will Itncli tenet at winner's option a lady's or gentleman's l'lcrce Sneclnl btr.rele. .price SlOCco., The III CoroDBtiiors who send lathe Next I,nrcst Nninbcrsnf coupons from thedto trlot In wMcB they reside will Unrhreoetreatwhiner's option a lady'eor gentleman's Ooltl wateta, prion 93. 2. The Oompetitlons will Closo the I,nt I)ny of Rnch nlonl li durina 1887. Oonrwni reoelred i toelaw tor one month's competition willne pnt Into the next. 3. Competitors who obtain wrappers from nniold soap In dealer's stock will be diequalllled. Employees of Lerer IlrotherSj Ltd., and their families, are de barred from competing 4. A printed 1 lit of Winners In Competitors district wlP be forwarded to Oompotlton in about 11 dura after each competition cloeei. 5. Lever llrothers, Ltd., will endeavor to award tbt prlaea fairly to the beatoituelr ability and Judgment, but it Is understood tbat all who compete agree to'ao eept the award of Lerer brothers, Ltd., as float. LEVIilt 11UOS., Ltd.. New York. THE STRAIGHTOUT POPULISTS Oppose Political I'aslnn and Charge Ileliioerata ATI til Drtelt, Memphis, Feb. 26. In the National Reform Press association conventioi, yesterday General Vandervoort offered a resolution to eliminate all proxies from future Populist meetings and conventions and moved the adoption of the plank of the- Omaha platform which prohibits officeholders attend ing the conventions of the party as delegates. The resolution .prevailed by an overwhelming vote. The committee on address next re ported, which was unanimously adop ted, and appeals to tbe PopultBts to "continue to battle steadfastly for our principles until each and all are en acted Into law, and the people given Justice and equal opportunity to en Joy good government. Populist educa tion is bearing fruit, and even now our opponents In many states are making efforts to enact some of our principles into law. "The failure of the leaders of the Democratic party to carry out their promises, by which they secured the Indorsement of their candidate for president, places the responsibility for the defeat of promised reforms upon the organized Democracy, and serveo as a warning that no reliance should be placed in old party pledges. "We strenuously oppose all fusion or entangling alliance with any politi cal party, and we declare to the 'boyt in the trenches' who are looking to ui fcr new hope and encouragement, and to the whole country, that we will nev er furl our flag or fight under the ban ner of either of the two old political parties. , I ,1-1.! .1.1.. nv..nlln. lonuriug, iiuuuiK, &ui, moil iuiuuiis. burns aud scalds aro soothed nt once anil P'o-nptly healed by Do Witt's Witch Hazel Salve, tlio host known euro for piles. C. II llageubucu. Throw Away Ills Canes. Mr. D. Wiley, cx-postmastcr, Black Creek, N. Y was so badly afflicted With rheuma tism that ho was only ablo to hobblo around with canos, aud oven then it caused him great pain. After using Chamberlain's Pain Balm he was so much improved that bo threw away hisenncs. He says this liniment did him moro good than all other medicines apd treatment put together. For salo at 50 cents por bottlo by Gruhlcr Bros.,' drug store. Charges Against New Yoik's 1'ollce Chief. New York, Feb. 26. At the meeting of the board of police commissioners yesterday Commissioner Andre ivs moved that chargoa be preferred against Chief Conlln. The charces state that the chief, In contradiction of his duty, criticized and condemned the conduct of his superior officers, and that he openly stated that they had Interfered with him In the dis charge of. his duty. The charges con tain three specifications, all of which allege insubordination. The vote was a tie. Commissioner Roosevelt said the charges might be taken up again at the next meeting. The charges are based upon an Interview which the chief accorded to a newspaper re porter. TO CUIUS A COLD IN ONK DAY Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets. All druggists refund tho money if it fails to cure. 23 cers. Tours to l'lorldn. No district in America presents, during the Winter season, so many varied attractions as the State of Florida. Besides its delightful climate, which to one ostap'ng from tho cold and uuhealthful changes ui the North seems almost ethereal, it is pre-cminontly a land of sport and pleasure. Along its eleven hundred nines 01 aait-water coast: and in its twelve hundred fresh-water lakes are fish of almost every conceivable variety, from the migra tory tribes common to Northern waters to tho tarpon, pompano, and others of a more tropical character. Nowhere in all our broad land can the angler find a greater variety of gauie or better sport. Here also tho most enthusiastic hunter finds satiety. Deer, turkeys, bears, panthers. and wild cats roam at large through tbo more sparsely settled regions, while birds of all kinds may be found in abundance through out the State. Tbe more novel sport of al ligator and manatee hunting may also be in dulged in by tho more adventurous tourist, With its matchless climate, its orange groves, its rivers and lakes, its boating and bathing, its fishing and hunting, and its extensivo forests, Florida presents unrivaled attractions for the valetudinarian, tbe lover of nature, the sportsman and the explorer. To this attractive state the Pennsylvania ltallroad Company has arranged four per sonally-conducted tours during tbe season of 18B7. leaving by special train January W. February 0 and 23, and March 0. The fir.t three tours will admit of a sojourn of two weeks in thia delightful laud; tickets for the fourth tour will be valid to return until May 31 by regular trains. Katea fortiie round trip, $50.00 from New York, $48.00 from Philadelphia, and propor- uuuate rates irom oiuer puiuw. For tickets. Itineraries and ether informa tion, spply to ticket agents, special booking offices, or address Gee. W. Boyd, Assistant Ueneral Passenger Ageut,Ilroad street stauou, I'uluvielpnia. One Minute Is all the time necessary to de cide from personal exnerienee that One Min ute Cough Cure does what its name implies. u. 11. iiageuoucn. Setback fir Winter Itaelng, Baltimore, Feb. 26. The court of an- 1 pet !s yesteiday handed down a deets ! un in the case of Thomas Dwycr, from Cecil countv, indicted for 1 ,ol polling, which serioi'sly crlpplos vTn ter racing In this state. The ccu.t holds in effect that tbe law which per mits betting on races held under the aut pices of a county fj.ir aisoclatton mid like organisations applh j only to one track, and that It gives to such as j soclatlon no right to m.ttntt'ln any ' rr.oie than that nu'.ibcr. Tt , Ing In I Cecil county la nominally In Id under the direction of the Cecil County Agri cultural association on throe tracks. cue at Klkton, one at Larksdale and tlie other at lion 11111. Bemsmber If Ton Rave a Tough or Cold. Pan-Tina always cures, aBo. At Grubler ! Bros., drug sture. m mi m I'restdent risnrri' n' uh tt'f ie'. Havan.i. Feb. fi - 1 hp correspondent of La l.tiihr at I'uritc. T'iI h':. tr'. -graphs his ptjw r I ,,it ,t : "..-,1 tb it the pi or' ! i ' '. ' p 'i!lc, !!.ilv.ldr,r ( I. ti ' Panta Lucia, died rete ni-83. i y Tim Wi-nilier. For eastern Peni: , Ivanla r Jersey: Slightly v ,.rra,T i fair; southwesterly winds. stock and Produce market:,. Closing Quotation or the "New. Inth j,i l'bllarlnlpba KlehaHses. New York, Fsb. at. -The stoe mr.i ':-t f--.it an uoword trend fro i !!,. start, tli'-ln In it. :-h proving to bo th? .ulcr. The in1, wr-v 1st shnrisl In the apwc renrfo was conU.-i'il . ..loveni nt, tic '. h iuo action,!. L hWi ', Kcw .i ' NewY.) ) I'll.!-.- i lua.l , ! '. l li. 1 nlto. Olio .. Clicxn. & Ohio.. , Dul. Aj Ku bum . . li , L. W.-.. Eric Ike Brie . ,. 1. j 1' s till '4 I .VI 11 . 1 Lehigh A. All asat's lid. Tolx-divid nil. Oeneral Markets. Ph'.ln'Vlphia, IV . 24. Flo y : it . J-'.IU i.l 'I; n-.ornue, ); do. Peni xylv :.ji rn.n'i , 1 straight, 4 J. '0 : w city mills, tuurii, -4 syfr , ' 1 do. .Ju.,., tore .-.e. r, fl.l'J" I ',; I.;. c I'm', ., i M be cho.i j Ponnsy.vaira. p m wheat, flour dullttl si. lowil.. in,.- , steai.y : contract whet, ot , t ruary, 8Ta$874C. ; No. i red, ! U lo. Maroh,6l 1 o. ;do. April. W ,c. : il, do Jone.'.fl ..:ilo. .Talv, 71' ; d' . ' Ml - . ' 1 ivb 1 "biv.iiea; tsuntoinlior, 6'Sc :No. Pennsylvania and No 2 UHluiwire rod, spot, COc. Corn t'rm: steamer corn, spot, lc. ; No. 2 yellow r r looal ti-inio, 28'ae. No. 2 mixed, so ,' i jf ,10. : do Febru ary. 2fX9Sfle.: do. t a -11, . ' ., V.' V ,c. ; do. Apri', 9oV27c. O.hN hwvi .1 jn i white, cr ois, Ho. ; No. 2 w-h.ie nipped, e.,r lots, 2-i'ac. No.gwbltSsSpot,'! ,irv : February, SP4 Jbo.; do. Mftic.i. lull!,,. . do. April, 2-JV$ !Me.;do. May, 2400240. Hay weak; ohoioo tim othy, (14.60 for large bales. Beef firm ; beef hums, 18. 76010. Pork dull ; family, 10U. Lard firm ; woe turn steamed, f 1.15. Mutter stea ly ; solid packed oreamery, extra, lDo. ; do. firsts, 17 "-lo. ; imitation creamery, 110160. ; ladle packxd, W a lie. ; fancy prints Jobbing at 81(9240. ; t'o. extra, wholesale, SOo. Cheese steady ; fnp ww, Hcr York funcy, UH120. ; do. fair to goo-' 1 1 '-,-( 12o.; part skims, !$10Hc. 'Eggs steady: Ncv York aud Pennsylvania, IDo. ; western t.oau, .:vlc. ; southern, 17igil7ly. TAva Stock Markets. New York, Feb. 24. Beeves s'ow; nr-'ive steers, KM.76 ; stags and oxen, 2.no 0.4 : j : !,:u,s, tVtfsVkSOidry cowrf, ll.itds.') 35. Veiil.i hik-hor; barnyard calve dull; veals, 17; barnyard calves, t39&u. Sheep alow, weak; lambs quiet, steady ; sheep, t3.75t84.80; lambs, 5(?t)Va). Hogs firm at lit. 7044.15. Bast Liberty, Pa., Feb. 24. Cu"!e s'ow; prime, 1 1.70r4.90 ; feeders, f3.0Oc4.!i); bulls, stags and cows, 1 7 C8.50. Hogs stca-'v : prime minium weiptitK. .j hvafil.iu; best yori.nrs, SB.H6 H8.70; pic, t.. oj(9a 65;hevy hnia.fi. D3.80; roughs, it S0fflMt.25. Sheep steady; Ohio fed Westerns, I4.M.2J; prime, natives, fl2j$4.80; common, 2.lTrfulJ, ohotoelama, tfa'H Veal calves, I6m25. A Household Necessity. Oascarets Candy Cathartic, the most won derful medical discovery of the age, pleasant find refreshing to tho taste, act gently and positively on kidneys, liver aud bowels, eleansing the entire system, dispel colds, oure headache fever, habitual constipation and biliousness. Please buy and try a box of C. C. O. to-dny ; 10, 85, 50 cents. Sold and guaranteed to euro by all druggists. Tours to California. California has lieen most fittingly tormed tbo "Italy of America." All tho delicious balm, tho cloudless sky, aud the rich ver dure of tlio great European peninsula nro duplicated in this Buuuy land of tbe Pacific. Hero nature basks in tho sunshine of her own beauty; and hero she has established Iter own sanitarium, whoro eternal spring in spires everlasting youth. With tho snow- uiantled peaks of tho Sierras upon the one hand, the calm Pacific with lUsoft breezes upon tbe otbor, and a veritable paradise of flowers, fruits and plants between, man can tiud aud needs no lovelier land. To visit such a country is a privilege, a blessing. Tbe Pennsylvania Railroad Company, recognizing tho need of a more comfortable and pleasant way of crossing the continent, inaugurated a aeries of annual tours to Cali fornia, running a through train of Pullman palace cars from New York to tho Pacific Coast, aud stopping at the piine.ip.il points pf interest on route. Tbe great popularity of tbeso tours demonstrates tbe wisdom of the movement. For tho season of 1807 three tours have been arranged to leave New York, Philadel phia, and Pittsburg, January 27, February 34, and March 27. The first tour will run direct to San Diego via St. Louis and the Santa Fe Route, and re turn from San Francisco via Salt Lake City, Denver, and Chicago, allowing five weeks in California. The second tour will run via tbo Mammoth Cave- and New Orleans to San Diego, stopping nt tbo "Crescent City" during the Mardi Ores Carnival. This tour will return via Suit Lake City, Denver, Omaha, aud Chicago, allowing four wcoksiu California. The third tour will run viaChieago.Dunver, .nd Salt Lake City, allowing passengers to re turn by regular trains via different routes within nine months. All uf these Uiurs, cither going or return ing, will pass through tlie famous Colorado region, Glenwood Springs, Leadville and the Garden of the Gods. Rates from all points on tbe Pennsylvania Railroad System east of Pittsburg: First tour, 310 ; second tour, $350 : third tour, $210 round trip, and f 150 one way. For detailed itineraries and other informa tion, apply at ticket agencies, special book ing olllces, or address George W. Boyd, Assistant General Passenger Agent, Broad Street Station, Philadelphia. Grlp-Goltls-Ileariarlie Why culler with Coughs, Colds and La Grippe when Laxative Bromo Quinine will oure you in one day. Put up in tablets con venient for taking. Guaranteed to cuie, or money refunded. Price, 36 cents, 'or sale by KirUn's Pharmacy. Fatal Duel ou atSontliern Street. Columbia, S. C, .Feb. 25. C. W. Sloan and J. W. Powell, lumber deal ers, doing business side by side in this olty, met on the street near their place of business and after a quarrel, the Climax of a long standing feud, drew pistols and began firing. Sloan was shot in the groin and In the stomach, and died shortly afterward. Powell was hit In the left breast by a bullet, but a packageof papers In bis coat saved his life. Powell surrendered, claiming he had killed Sloan in self defence. The coroner's Jury, however, holds Powell for the grand Jury. tflXHASES BIoodfHerveFood For Weak and Run Down People. IIIUHT IT ICI The richest of all restora sVllH I II IOI tlve foods, because It re places the essentials of life tbat are ex hausted by disease, Indigestion, high living, overwork, worry, excesses, abuse, etc WHAT IT DOES! digestion perfect it creates solid flesh, mnsole and strength. The nerves being mado strong the brain becomes active and clear. It restores lost vitality, stops all wast ing drains and weakness in either sex, and us a female regulator has no equal. Prloe 00c, orflve boxes 92.00. Druggists or by mail. Wo oan help you. Advice and book, free. Write Us About Your Case. THE DR. CHASE COMPANY, lfilS Chestnut Street, Philadelphia, Hedit Disease Curd. , (A,-. " HEN 0 we'.l i-rjf, 11 hiln' after suff 'i.ug fcr ye,.is with ''Ctrl dls ea, lsc-jred, it is ik, , m . prUIng tbat ho eb'i '.1 publish tho fuct for the benefit of .,:V. llev. J. .P Srjltb, 104S Fulton ft , 3a ilmoro, Md., writes: " For year. 1 b'-fTcieU from a severe form of heart disease. I meJ Tr. Miles' Now Heart Cure, and my heart is now in good condition. Recently, other afflictions came upon me. There was humming, painful sensations on top and back of my head. Fifteen min utes reading would make me almost wild; there w ere pulling and drzwii.g sensations In my less all tbe time, so tbat I could not sit still. In this condi tion I began taking Dr. Miles' Restorative Nervlno and its effect was simply won derful. I heartily commend your remedies." Dr. Miles' Remedies aro sold by all drug gists under a positive guarantee, first bottle benefits or money refunded. Book ou Heart and Nerves sent free to all applicants. Da MILES MKDIOAL CO., Elhkart, Ind. MADE ME A MAN AJAX TABLETS POSITIVELY OURE wi-Ly ifervoua lljtc l'-cUllna Ham j Abuw and other Ktcswuea Bud IodU cmtions. Tiny ruieltly and surrfy reetore LM italic in oM or Tonog, ami it oman iriv. ; t , ks or rarriRfre, PT-ewnnr. lni-n Jv 1, ,.1 fTinlirlniliMnn if talcenln time. Their uea tl owo immotllnta Improve meat und effects a CURB -.v iori all others fall. Ia. Met upon ha Tin it tha genuine A'ax aabUta. Tho have cared thousands find wilt euro yon. We Rive ft potltlve written Runrantee to effect n cave In each oaee or refund the money, rrlce 50 osd Ji per paokM,or six pack oaee full treatment) for Vi0. li; mail, la elxpaok&see full treatment) for $ZJaQ. lir ma fciafn wrapper, noon rftoeipt uf price. Circular fj AJAX REMEDY CO., ,3gz I)crJ4rn St., in FnrHlp.u Slienandoftli, Xa., by A. Wanley find H P. Kirliii. l)rur?i,'ta. AWN'S TANSY PILLS A Tisti.T-tni.frniin WOMAN'S RELIEF. AiYftTi nrnmnt and rtlttbl. Avoid Imitations. flet PATOir'a TlHIT PlLLAtand lAVt RKflERTS. tUTOK Brio. Co., BoHon, Mm. Our book, 4e. For sale nt 1'. P. I. Kirlin'n drug Shenandoah drug store SMI HMlB BISTIIlHJ to it Lau.rtti (.'uur ny tRlSa HAUL Miwlil CAM1,' ilve.hHT'iileM, pleiiMnt odor, 1 COi 1 tt.e l.EE't) J I A lit TOM(Jromoml&Ddriirt.Mi,i tifttrfrom fallincont andproraotetgrowUi Si OTla h(til liCi: MI3IHCANT CO 108 Folton Ut n.Y.CDI?C Illustrated Treatise On XIatr on application TlilUb For sale by Shenandoah Drug: Store, Kirlin's Drug Stow. HEVER KNOWN TO FAIL! miiiiiiniiniiiiiinuiimiiiiiiiiiriiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimrnmuuTi THOMPSON'S DIPHTHERIA. CURE iillllllllllUlllllllltllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll fca' HITS TUB IAHH hYtiiu TIME An Infallible "remedy for Sore Throat, Croup and Qu'nsy. That much dreaded disease Diphtheria, Is cured every time Thompson's Diphtheria Cure 1b applied accord, li g to printed Instructions given with every bottle. Perfectly harm less and positive to cure. Not a single case on record where It fulled. The only Remedy in the World that positively cures Diphtheria. Thousands of unsolicited testi monials on hand which speak for themselves. Sold by druggists and dealers nt fiO 0TS. A BOTTLE. If your dealer happens not to have any on band write to the manu facturers, enclosing a two-cent stamp and the goods will bo sblppedC.O.D. Byallmesnsdon't fall to have thisMedlolne handy In tbe house, at all times, as Us use will savo all fear of death by Diph theria. MANUFACTURED BY TUB Thompson Diphtheria Cure Co. WILLI A MS PORT, PA. For Sale at KIRLIN'S Drug: Store. T1AILROAD COMPANY. Personally-Conducted Tours flATCHLBSS IN EVERY FEATURE. CALIFORNIA Tour to CALIFORNIA and the PACIFIC COAST will leave New York and Philadelphia February H, stowing at New Orleans during Mardi Oras festivities, and allowing four weeks in California, ana motcii ot, rcturnum: on regular trains within nine months Hound trip rates from all points on the renin. ImihIa ltail- roaA BvafeMn eaat of Pittsburur SarrflDO for lour of February 2,and 210.00 for tour of March 27 FLORIDA Jacksonville tours, allowing two weeks in Florida will leave New York and Philadelphia February 9 and 23, and March 9, 1HU7 Rate covering expenses en route in both directions, $30.00 from New York, and $18.00 from Philadelphia. WASHINGTON Tours, each covering a period of t tree days, will leave New York and Phi ndcl phla February 11, Mardi 11, Ap.il 1 and 22, and Hay 18, 189Z. Ra'es, Includ ing trauarjortation and two days' sco uiiuumIa- tipn at the beat Washington Hotels, 1U4 5J fiom New York, and I11-B0 from PbllifiiMpW OLD POINT COMFORT TOURS RBTOENINO DIRECT, OR VIA. RICHMOND AND WASHWGTOM will b-ave Vi n ork mid llifla.l, Hjl.la, Fetym arj JO, Mn,u 1-, and April IS','7. For detailed itineraries tiaul otlier inn apply ut Heket agencies o hVHl! Hoyd, Asst. Uenl Pass. AlrwiiS, Htatton, Phltodclpiia, AV T "