The evening herald. (Shenandoah, Pa.) 1891-1966, February 22, 1897, Image 3

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Not a. Patent Cure-all, Nor a Modern Mira
cle, Bui Simply a Rational Onre for Dys
pepala. In these days of htimbiiggrry and tWep
liiyi, tl.o manufacturer of pn'cut nuMliolms,
a a rule, m-om to Ihlnk tin ir tnedicini" ilt
nut sell unlew they claim lint It will euro
(!) dleiio under tlie mid. And they
iit-Nur ttiink of leaving out dyspepsia, ami
ktomnrh tru hies. They are Mire to hilm
tli.i 'icir nostrum is nlisolutcly certain In
tin ... i y dyspeptic and ho need look no
L.i the fiiee ol tlieso tiliMird it is re-
Irrsliing to note that the propriil'H 'f 'to
nrl's t)ypewia Tablets have ciifullv ie
framed fMiii mukli'tt any nnduo i Uh.h or
false rapretentotintii regarding the menu of
this most excellent remedy for dyspepsia
and stomach troubles. They make but one
claim for il, and that la, that for Indigestion
and various stomach troubles Stuart's Uy
IH'lula Tablets is a radical enro. They go
no further than tills and any man or woman
suffering from Indigestion, chronic or ncr:
oii-, dytpcifin, who will givo the remedy a
tr, il w:U u.i.l tint ni.thing is olaimed for It, tlx- l.ii is will not fully sustain. .
il it u modern discovery, composed of
harmless vegetable ingredients acceptable to
tlie weakest or most delicate stomach. Its
gieut success in curing stomach troubles is
duo to the In u t that the mod ion I properties
an' Mieli that il will digest whatever whole
some food is taken inio the htoniai h, no mat
ter whether the stuimiob is in good working
order or not. It rests the overworked organ
and replenishes the body, the blood, the
nerves, creating a healthy ajipullte, gives
refreshing sleep and the blessings which al
ways accompany a good digestion and proper
assimilation of food.
In using Htnart's Dyspepsia Tablets no
dieting is required. Simply oat plenty of
wholesome food and take these Tablets at
each meal, thns assisting and resting tlio
vstomacu -which rapidly regains its proper
lllgestlve powor, when the Tablet will bo no
longer requited.
Nervous Dyspepsia is simply a condition in
which some portion or portions of the nor-
vous system are not properly nourished.
(Jood digestion invigorates the nervous sy-
teni and every organ in the body.
Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets are sold by all
druggists at 00 cents per packago.
They are manufactured by the Stuait
Chemical Co. of Marshall, Mich.
Any druggist will tell you it gives univer
sal satisfaction.
7 Rpsisn
Cures general or (special JsMlity wakeful
tieas, spormatc-rlir.., linpotency,
paresis, etc. Cx.cts functional disorders,
caused by crrc or ctces-jcs, quickly restoring
Lost ManhooJ In tldtr younr giving vizor and
Strength whero forr.i-i weakness prevailed. Con-.
venient package. 6nn;.o. effectual, and legitimate.
Cure 13 Quictt and Thorough.
Don't be clt lived y imitations: Insist oa
CATOiVS Vitalize. Sent sealed if your drug
gist does not b.ivc it. 'rice $ 1 per pkge, 6 for $5a
with written cun?nte6 of complete cure.
Information, reference , etc., free and confidential.
Send us statement oi ase and 25 cts. for a week's
(rial treatment. One ."i!y ser to each persons'"
For wile at P. P. I Klrlln'a drj'K storo an !
ln-iundo iU druu hIqUj.
9 604 North Sixth St
irLUKNiin 1-JtAij.xuii us years) ana v
Years Hospital Jixperleneo In Uermany.
excesses and all other
' Effects of Youthful
Folly op both sfxpr
Permanently cured after every ono clao haa foiled.
Ko matter what eirttj' led great and famooi Dootori and speeltL
UU claim, write, print or nay, old Dr. Thccl knoiri raon,
about thH dUwucj and how 1a treat them f aooeunUlj than all
other! oomblnedand they all know it too, to tlidr aorrow
Poor and Itlch, ifju were robbed and vlctlmUcd, and yon
wtih to get Uonoit and aldlUol treatment, try once mors old
Dr. Thecl. and be will cureroa poaltiveiy Ifcuro t poaatble.
No Deception, no Falae Jlrprcacntatfon. Freta c&aen
cured In i to 10 Dajf. Bend Ave 2-cent stampa for Truth,
Beit of all for Slngto or Married, young or old. Only Book ex
Ettngqu&cka. Ilourai S-8. Krentnga 0-9. Houri for eiam
alien and treatment In Meaning bopelew and dangeroai oaaef,
dally, 9 to 3. Wd.andflaUeTga,,ewiO. 8un.,8toll. Treat
inontbymall. Strlotaat aeonoy GnnranUed. PoHltlvily
yM Iowg-at charge In tbla city for the bet treatment
Is ii ft.trful conlition and coiieu. you n grent
ni.iny uncoiiifortablo homes. Why suiter this
Miiy whi'n you uhii l ouilrely ourftil hy uMue
tin- BRONCHO (Homowpatllic) REMEDY for
"Tliey do tlie Worlc"
Yonkor8. N. Y.
pei79a. Railroad.
Jandahy 18.1397.
Trains will 1mv Sheuaudoali after the abov
lnte for WltKam, QUhertou, Fraokvllle, 1..'
Water, St. Olalr, l'oftvllle. lUmliurg, Rendu.,
l'otutown. I'lioenixviue, Hornnuwn nnn run
adclphia (llroaJ street station) at 1 09 and II OS
a. m. and 4 30 p. in. on week diiys. For Pott
villa and intermediate stations 5 17 ft. in.
For Wi
Kane, Gllberton, I'rackvllle, Di.
Water, 8t.
air, PotUFlllo, at 0 m, 9 a. m. ...
1 10 n. in. For llaiubunt. Readlus, l'ottotoui,
1'lio.niivUle. Norrurtown. Pblhulelpbla Me 6
9 U a. in., 10 p. in.
Trains leave Fraekvllle for Blwiiandoab si
10 40 a. in. and 1231, IS 41, 7SS and 1047 p. a.
Sunday, 11 ID a. in. and Blip. m.
Leave Pottavilte for Shenandoah at 10 U
a. in. and 12:03, S 15, 7 28 and 10 90 p. m. Sunda)
. 10 40 a. in., 5 18 il m.
Trfuive Philadelphia, (Uroad street station), f
Shenandoah at 6 57 and 8 US a. m., 4 10 and 7 I
p. m. week days. Sundays leave at 6 50 a. m
Tnre Uroad street station, Philadelphia, In
Sua Ulrt, Asbury l'ark. Ocean Qrove, Loui
Ilranob, and Intermediate stations, 8.50 11.14
a. in., 8.80 and 4.00 p. in. week-days.
Leave Broad Street Station. Philadelphia,
Kipresi, week-days 8 80, 4 08, 4 50 5 15, 0 50,
7 iM, it , 33, 50, 10 81 (Dining Car), 11 00 a in.
12 00uoii, 8 85 (Limited 100 and 418 p.m.
DiniiiK Cuts). 140, 3 SO (Dining Car) U JO, 1150,
4 1 0, 5 UU, 5 56 (Dluins Oar), A 00, li A , ft 12, 10 00
p in., 1'JOl, night. Sundays 8 80, I ill, 1 10 5 15,
8 JO, 8 33, 9 30, 1081, (Dl ins Car,, li. n. in.,
I2U6, 2 30 (DlnliiKCur), I 00 (I,imlUl I Dining
Cur), 5 30, 5 50, (Dining Cur), 0 US, 6 50, 8 ii, 10 oi
p. in , 12 01 night.
txpresi for Doston without change, 11 00 a m.,
week-duyt, and It 50 p. in., daily.
For Haiti more and Washington, 8 50, 7 30, 12
1080, 1188 a. in., 1809 (1831 Limited Dic
ing Oar), 1 13. 8 18, 4 41 (5 19 Congressional
Limited, Dining Oar), 17, 665 (Dining Car).
7 40 (Diulng Oar) p i.i . and 1: 05 nlguf
week days. Sundays, J Hi, 7 'JO, 9 12. 11 88 a.
in., 1308 113, 111,(61. Coiigriasiimal LlnilUd,
Dining Oar), 686 (Dlniiiic Car), 7 40 p. in.
(Dining Oar) and 130B nlhl.
Leave Uroad struct station, iMilluleluhta (via
Delaware rlvi-r bridge), express, 7 02 p. id.
Iiave Murkct strutt Ferry, express, 8 50 a in.,
2 00, 4 10, 60 p. in Sundays, 8 15, V 45 a.m.
Acuouiliiodutlim, HU0, 8 20, a. 111., BWittnl 120
p in., nn'k daM. Sundays, 8 00, 8 16 u. in , 4 00
and 5 On p in.
For ('apt. Miin, i.uKmm'ji, Wlldwood and
Holly Beach, and be, lulu Cit,Uocan City and
Anhni -Knpriss, 901 a m, 100 i m week
il,i)s Hundu. 9 00 u. in.
For Soini is Point Kxpreas, 8 50 a ui., 4 10
11 in ui-i'k days. Hiuiduu b4aa.ln.
J II lit ii IUM.OV J R Woon,
(.Icn'l Maiiuucr. tln'l Fonu'g'r Agt
They AppV.ud tho (Jovornraont'a
Attitude Toward Orotoi
Onlo-iel VnK'o's tlie Orrcli t'niniiitndrr,
Ijfunrrs the I'omnnil of the Foreign Ail
n r.ils, und Is Fired 1'pnii Memlls ol tho
Ihilllc ot l'ort ViiuliKllea.
Alh ns. Ti '. "1. Over 40 rn0 pet r-n i
pr.itli . 1' i'U in Ii cli-tioir'ti.i i n .- m
tonlii) aftPiniM n on Till h, i y . , i .
in lavor ol the union r C' c.e i.l.hj
Greece. The ftreattji en'.hu.jisin p.e
valled. An artdiesB wur adopted de
claring that the king anil people were
ready for any Racrlllces of ii.iod arm
treasure to brine the present Cielau
policy to a Buoeesgful iMue. The crowd
then marched to tho palace, ana a
deputation presented the address to
the king. Tremendous cheering follow
ed. Ills maJeBty, King George; Crown
Prince ' Contantlne, Puko of Sparta,
and other members of the royal fam
ily occupied places on tlie balcony.
The king addressed the crowd as fol
You are executing the true mandate
of the Hellenic people. I thank you for
this Imposing display of your feelings.
May Goo protect our ueloveu country
and strengthen our common efforts.
Long live the Hellenic nation."
A dispatch irom janea says mat
British torpedo boats have captured
and brought to Canea the small Oreek
steamer Laurlum, which was carrying
victuals and tents for the insurgents.
The forts tired two rounds of blank
cartridges on Saturday at the Greek
gunboat Peneus. -A Turkish frigate
also discharged blank shots at the
GreekB. The Greek cunboat PeneuB
quickly replied to the blank shots fired
by the Turkish frigate. The frigate
then withdrew from the scene of oper
ations. King George ordered Colonel Vassos
to offer safe conduct to Canea for all
Turkish garrisons besieged by Christ
lans. Colonel Vassos made the offer
to the Voukolles garrison. The. troops
at the garrison refused to leave with
out arms, and the fortifications, there
fore, was bombarded.
But for the larrre supplies of provls
Ions which the powers allowed to be
landed for the OreekB and the Insur
gents at Pelatnnla and Akrotlrl their
position would have been desperate
They can now afford to Ignore the
threat of the foreign admirals to stop
further supplies If hostilities are re
sumed. The foreign admirals on Saturday
warned Colonel VaBaos, the com
mander of the Greek forces on the Isl
and of Crete, of their Intention to at
tack his troops with four men-of-war
anchored off his camp, Agliloi Theo
dorol, In cane of a Greek attack on
Canea. A fusillade having continued
since yesterday morning, despite the
warnings of the foreign admirals, the
united squadrons bombarded the In-
psurgent camp outside of Canea.
The queen of Greece recently sent a
message to the czar requesting his sup
port for the national cause of Greece.
The king also wired the czar, stating
that he would declare war on Turkey,
and himself lead the army before he
would vleld to European coercion.
Princess Mario of Greece also telo
gru;ihed her fiancee, Grand Duke
George of Itussla, that the action of
the powers aealnst Greece was In
famous, The Greek government has decided
to send a part of the Iteet on a Tulse
along the Sporades Islands, while an
other portion of the fleet will proceed
to Ambracia to prevent the barks at
ta'Kiner tho Greek frontier from Prc
ve;a. Troops frm all parts of Greece
are hurrying to the Tur'tlsh frontier.
Tho call for naval voiunteei-B has been
uiuie than amply answeied. The pol
ity of Greece will be defensive by land,
but aggressive by sea.
Smart firing was heard yesterday In
the hills to the caBtwa. J. The reply of
the Turks v&3 feeble, and It was ob
vious that thi. must abandon their
popl'lons If pressed. Tl.clr gun prac
tice fx-om the redoubt on the outei
lines was ludicrous. Ihe chief Cretan
position v.-as a hui'dt on a ridge of
hills, 'l.OOj ."ivila t oni tho flagship.
At l:..v : Mierday afternoon signals
- .ade to H. M. S. Dryad, H. 11. S.
l-.u.-ler and II. M. S. Kevenge, to
gether with one Italian, one German
and one Russian ship, to open fire on
the Cretan position where the Greek
flag was hoisted somo days ago. The
British ships tired 40 and the foreign
30 shells at the village and ruined the
house held by the Cretans. The Hag
was soon lowered and the order 'cease
firing' sounded after ten minutes.
Thereupon tho flag was reholsted. The
rocks around were crowded with Cre
tans. The Turks, encouraged by the
fleets, now opened a lively fusillade
wllle the Cretans were removing the
wounded. The Cretans had not replied
during the whole performance. It was
a somewhat melancholy and-degrading
The night that Port Voukolles fell
Colonel Vassos leaTned that the Turk'
lsh garrison from Canea was advanc
lng to succor the defeated Turks. He
dispatched a body of Insurgents to
meet them, and speedily followed him
self with his troops. In the plain. off
Llvadla 1,600 Tu.-ks and 2,500 Cretans,
with three guns, engaged In battle.
The Cretan Insurgents and the Greek
troops deployed, and after 90 minutes'
fighting swept the plain, forcing the
Turks to take refuge In Canea. Col
onel Vassos burned the fortified bar
racks at Llvadla and the Athla block?
house. In obedience to the orders of
the king of Greeoe, Colonel Vassos ro
called the troops to Platanla.
The Cretans Buffered heavily by their
own fault. They disregarded an order
to wunnoia musketry fife until the
work of the artillery had been com
pletod. They wasted 60,000 cartridges
and lost SO men malntalolnjf a furious
and foolish fire, advancing to within
100 yards of the redoubts, while the
Turks fired splendidly, wad lng few
bullets. The Cretans hod to send to
Plutania for more ammunition, which
arrived on Thursday nlpht, wjth four
guns. The Crotans at this time sur
rounding the foi t disobeyed orders and
dispersed in search of food, the Turks
profiting by the position evacuated hy
the Cretans.
On Friday morning, when the guns
nad been placed In position and they
aere about to resume bombarding, the
trnnna were surnrloed to see the Cre
tans plant a flag upon the deserted
fort. Thirtv-two dead Turks were
found inside the fortifications, which
were blown un by dynamite. The
Oreek troops were all young men,
Never before had they been under lire,
and they displayed coolness, courage
and enthusiasm. The Greeks took ten
Turklnh soldiers prisoners.
None of the powers, except Austria,
has m i epted the proposal of Emperor
William to PiraeuB. Will
iam's blunder In proposing the block
ade of the Piraeus before taking the
precaution to learn that the majority
of the powers will not listen to It, is
by far the most damaging thing he
has yet done his own prestige.
All Cleaning
V. cube cohltipatioii'
10 litfmmwsmsmffimS'J all
inf AT Timor U DTtn JUWDPn to cure anrra-eof rnnMlpitlon. fiwnrfts are tli.lilcnl Lain.
nDOULUlDlU UUailnlUClflD Ht. nprpr irin
rile and booklet free. Ail. STEUUNO RKJIKPY CO.. flilcnio, Montreal. Cn.. orXoir York. SH.
a,,ai'STSia-.irs .r rtiffrrr.- -.t
'STH HH BH l Bill HA
1 11 lFiji if .
Those wlio once
keep coming back
for it. This ad
mixture makes
the flavor of cof
fee delicious.
All Grocer.
Q 9. I'inLMVS, M. D.
Olllco i 80 West Centre street.
Can bo consulted nt alt hours.
onico lSirnn hulldinir. corner of Main aud
Centre streets, Shenandoah.
Shenandoah, Pa.
Corner Market and Centre street.
Lock Box 65, Mahonoy Cit, I'a.
Having studied under some ot the Lost
musters lit and Paris, will glvn learoug
tithe violin, mandolin, guitar and voearoultiiro.
name reAffoiu.blu. Address In oari of Stroue,
li ) il-r Sbonaudoall.
Infant "
L'J Burden I
Id Brand!
1000 Condensed Milk 3
"Infant TTpotHi la n Itttto nl 69
g greac valuethatissentFKUEonappli-
g cation. O
ej H. Y. Condensed Milk Go.
g 11 Hcdwa Street, Sew let "
Chleheters Kncllth niamond BraD.
Original and Only Genuine
SArc. Jw.ti rwllaUi. laoics aik
rnnA Hrn.n.1 In lA .rul OoLt ibU1Uo
;t)oxci MUM witb Mao tlboon. 'i kO
'torn and imiutiot. AtPruccUu, erfMd4&
la itimri Cor nrUolrt, UtrtltaottiUi tr4
"luuer sop .sales,"" i'cmt. uy rvtam
' .Hall. I IUUUU llHIBaiW. AIHM JT.
ChlchritterCncmtcolCtK, MwUou quuf
tola tit
I1NUIU. B. UllO'tX Ml N
Pilsner Beers,
Purest and
Chris. Schmidt, Agt.,
West Coal Street.
Tsame to H I r.
irutontit WOULD TOU 01 Bl
TBBT SIO OB UPWABDBt MtI- utyibl- nontblr. Putlsuuvn fre. Addmi,
ern rlnunctal Io, rti Deurboro StraH, Ohlatsa, ni.
A Handsome Complexion
la one of the greatest cliaima a woman can
possess Puiuvm'8 CoUfLKZiOM l'ownan
gives it.
i adding a lit
tle of Seelig's
to ordinary L-.u.'j
coffee. 2C. a packge.
about the house, paint, floors, pots
and pans, dishes and glassware,
silvpr and tinware, can be done
better, quicker and cheaper with
than with any other cleansing
compound." Largest package
greatest economy.
Chicago, Bt. Louli, New York, Boston, Philadelphia,
nr rrlM.l.ut rutisc fHHTliiltiinilrr mlt. Sam-,
Piles or Hemorrhoids.
Fissures & Fistulas.
Burns & Scalds.
Wounds & Bruises.
Cuts & Soros.
Boils & Tumors.
Eczema & Eruptions.
Salt Rheum & Tetters.
Chapped Hands.
Fever Blisters.
Soro Lips & Nostrils.
Corns & Bunions.
Stings & Bites of Insects.
Three Sizes, 25c, 50c. and St.oo.
Bold by druggtote, or sent post-pal J on receipt of prlco
uraniums' MtD. CO., Ill 1191UUIuaSt.,!(eiYiirk,
Por fwtlo nt Povlnsky's drug store, 23 East
ucntre street
Agent for
S'tenandua't and Vicinity
eer and Porter
Barbey's Bohemian Beer.
Hbe Sun.
TJjo first l American Newspa
pers, CIIARTJiS A. DANA.JSditor.
The American Constitution, the
American Idea, ihe American Spirit
These, first, last and all the time,
Daily, by mail, - $6 a year
Daily & mail, $8 a year
The Sunday Sun
Is the greatest Sunday Newspaper In
the world
Price 5c, a copy, - By mall, $2 a year
AadresB THE SUtf. New York,
If you want to hire a sate and tellable
tBBH) for driving or for working purnuM
imy Shields' livery stabl ft visit Teooi
No. 110 aWt Outre street.
Opposite Reading; railroad slatlon-
A genuine welcome wait you at
Cor. rtalu and Coal Stu.
Finest whiskeys, beers, porter and al.
constantly ou tap. Choice omperauce drluks
aud oigars.
(Oontlti'icd Mom First Page )
ly In PlUpiiurg, and tnaf certsfth oltl-
i cm ot the l.-pariment ncRler t and re
tune to progpcutp vIolatorB of the oleo
margarine act, elHimlriR: also that cer
tain dealers In this product pay to
officers and airenta of others for this de
partment one cent per pound for all
they are permitted to sell In violation
of the oleomargarine act, which was
referred to an Investigating committee.
The officers of this department feel
thnt an Investigation will enable them
'o nhow the importance of this branch,
what they have accnmpllRhed and ex
pect to realize In the future. They feci
tlu3 are prepared tn Bhow that their
rntltp work hai been above suspicion
and In the Interests of the state, and
sny If they are given an opportunity
to show what they have done, they can
convince the Investigators that their
department Is properly conducted.
The Investigation of the state treas
ury by the committee of the legisla
ture, of which Senator Snyder, of
Chester, Is chairman, has begun work.
They have outlined their work to have
the Investigation pushed rapidly after
their tomorrow's meeting. There Ib
not likely much to he developed from
this Investigation, and the state might
as well have been spared the expense.
Opposing a Onpltol Building Commission.
The report that a movement had
been started to create a commission to
have charge ot the erection of the new
capltol Is still persistently denied. It
has had a wholesome effect, however,
and has awakgned the opposing fac
tions to be more watchful of each
other's operations. With the Republi
can forces divided and the Democrats
on the alert for political capital there
should be no Job or BCheme allowed to
develop In the construction ot the new
A headquarters has been established
In this city of the Pennsylvania branch
of the National League of Business
Men. This Is to be the rendezvous of
what Is known as the "seventy-six,"
the members of the legislature who
voted for Wanamaker for United
States senator, and who claim they are
gaining in numbers and strength.
The visit of Senator Quay in Har
rlHburg this week, it is believed, is for
the purpose of looking after the re
form measures he Is advocating.
From present Indications this prom
ises to be the longest session the Penn
sylvania legislature has had In many
years. There are now over 700 bills to
aot on by the various committees, and
there are likely to b more to follow.
Then there are arrangements to be
made for the construction of the new
building, the regular routine of work
to be accomplished, and a beginning
scarcely made In the work of either
house. This 1b the situation after al
most two months' time has elapsed.
Of course, there has been much to con
tend with during this session, but un
less there Is more active and persist
ent work done during the remainder
of the session there cannot be much
The first week In Mnrch will be presi
dential Inauguration week, and ad
journment will be In order, and in that
event there will be little accomplished
during that week, bo flrat the middle
of Maroh will be here and more than
half of the session consumed and the
greater part of the work remaining to
bo done.
The Coining Agricultural Congress.
a. O. Hutchinson, chairman ot th
commltttee of arrangements for the
great agricultural congress of farmers,
under the auspices of the National
Grange of the United StateB, which Is
to convene In Harrlsburg next fall,
and which will occupy In all about ten
days, Is at present making arrange
ments to entertain one of the most
Important and Interesting conventions
of agriculturists ever held In this
country. There will be at this meeting
representatives from all parts of the
State Treasurer Haywood Is now en
gaged In preparing a statement ot the
state's receipts and expenditures since
1840, and the grand total will be up
wards of $400,000,000. He estimates the
net receipts of the present year avail
able for appropriations are $9,768,829,
while the estimated expenditures ag
gregate $18,837,314.4g for the general
fund, and $275,371.60 sinking fund. This
estimate does not Include the cost ot
fitting up the temporary quarters of
the legislature and the building ot a
new capltol.
There Is a strong sentiment develop
ing among the members of the Im
portance of passing the bill requiring
Interest tr. be paid on state deposits.
Speaker loyer, who served a term as
state tieasurer, Is In favor of the pas
sage of this measure.
Interest ou Rtnte l'ttnds.
The Quay leaders have recently been
investigating tlie governors or state
treasurers of the most prominent states
In the Union as to whether their states
receive Interest on deposits, and If the
system was satisfactory. There have
been answers received up to this time
from 24 states. Of the 24 states heard
from 14 reuort receiving Interest on
their deposits ot from IVi to 3 per cent.
Six of the number deposited In banks,
and, like Pennsylvania, received no In
terest, and four kept their money In
the state treasury. The states that re
port receiving Interest claim that the
system was satisfactory, except In
Wisconsin, where the responsibility It
divided between the state treasurer
and the banks.
Representative Bolles, of Philadel
phia, chairman of the ways and means
committee, to which the bill requiring
the payment ot Interest on state funds
lias been referred. Is now very confi
dent that there Is no doubt of the
passage of this bill, and It Is now only
a matter of arranging the details of
the measure, and If these are satisfac
tory there will be scarcely a single
vote against It.
The committee appointed at the
Philadelphia meeting of the Insurance
companies, which had Insurance on the
capltol building and the contents, have
settled for the , insurance. The esti
mated loss on the building was $878,-
000 and the Insurance was $100,000, car'
rled by 17 companies. The estimated
loss on the contents was $252,000, and
the Insurance carried by 67 companies
was $98,750, Including $2,000 on the old
Clock. The entire amount will be paid
at once.
The Introduction of a series of bills
that would carry out Governor Hast
ings' propositions, as contained In his
recent annual message, relating to In
sane hospitals and overcrowded penal
Institutions, will be completed this
week by the presentation of a bill tn
relieve the pressure upon the peniten
tiaries. The executive recommendation
already complied with are seen In the
recently Introduced bills, one being the
projeot for a hospital for the criminal
Insane, the bill having been prepared
In accordance with Judge James Gav
Gordon's Ideas,
How's Your Couch 1
Puu-Tiua cures it, li.V. At Uiuhbjr Urns.,
drug store.
But Mrs. Strope'5 Heart Now no Longer Lags but
Throbs Regularly.
From the .tauVr,
In a large, commodious house at No. 104
Huntington Street, Cleveland, Ohio, lives
Mrs. i:tnily A.Strope, widow of thclste X. M. ,
S'ropc, and she is the mother of a young mini
who has been, and is now one of thin city's
successful and energetic pharmacist. Mrs.
Strop, wlto has lately recovered from serious
cardiao dlffioulty, whsn questioned by a re
porter regarding her lste illness, stated as
"Two yean ago, I had my first experience
with Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. For long
time I was troubled with an ailment which I
feared would eventually drive mecray unless
I rid myself of it. It will sound strange, un
doubt, tosome, but ray heart did not beat hs it
should. Its action was Irregular. Tin-re
would be two pulsations, or perhaps three, and
then a sudden cessation. My heart seemed to
rest for the period of ene or two beats, and
then resume its action. Sometimes such
lapses would not be so frequent as that, but
scarcely a day pasted that they did not occur.
It felt as though something would strike the
h 'art with great force, and push it out of
p. ace. During that period, whenever I lay
u nvn to sleep or rest, my hands would become
perfectly numb and helpless. I could feel the
temporary paralysis coming over them, hut I
con Id do nothing which would prevent it. My
feet were affected in a like manner, and I had
cnnsiderablt difficulty in walking when such a
spell had possession of me. Naturally that
state of affairs completely upset my nerves, and
any one whose nervous system is well nigh
For Sale by p. p. d.
Dyspepsia, Malaria, Sleeplessness,
Nervous Headache, Biliousness,
Kidney Diseases, General Debility, Etc.
AsJi your Dntygist to get them
through his Jobber, or send
a Postal Card to
. Iff Samples
Sold by P. P. D. KIRLIN, Shenandoah, Pa.
THE TIMES .if tho mot extensively
circulated and widely read newtmaper pub
lished in Pennsylvania. It diacuwion of pub
Ho men and public measure la In ihe Interest
oi pumio intesmy, noneec grovernment auu
prosperous industry, and it knows no party
or poisonal allegiance in treattnft public
iAsues. In the broadest and beat sense a
family aud (foiural newsuaier.
alms to have the largest
circulation by deserving it, and claims tliat it
la unsurtmased in all tlie essentials of a great
metropolitan newspaper. Specimen copies of
any edition will be sent free to any one send
ing their address.
TERMSDAII.Y, WOO per annum: 81.00
for four months; 80 cent per mouth; de
livered hy carrier tor A cent, per week.
HtJKDAY KDITION, 83 large, handwin.
iiagea HH columns, elegantly' illustrated,
beautiful colored supplement 12.00 per an
num ; 5 cent, per copy. Pally and Sunday,
3.00 per annum ; DO ceuta per month.
Address all letters to
Cured by this granular effervewieut and tluiu
lant. An Inatont cure for sour stomach, aud
liwulsobea. which often accumulate from having
a night out.
7 and 19 Hunch Alley, Shenandoah
mH aud sure ' after nulias
renoyroni i u
tun oihr Ubr
l n i . Aiteritaty the bet and av.i1 dlsap
polu. iiu l.ii .raiileed tupcrhi to, all Mam. lyainlj
QwUitiuiU u.jrk,, r l. FaitlwUis,4etai i.S.T
miA, bp.. ir. mfioa .wi
t PoUuaky'ii drug atom. 28 Eas
Ceutro street.
FowUerVovei iull
l C?9'i3!?JSe's 13 VIATLuii.9 .J.',V Alt.
(IrpeltiHtr, Oife.
alinttrml, o.m appreciate and understand the
mi-err, chiefly mental, which 1 endured. I
'"V, fUV HIld "!' d-0.ft,:".
, ' obtujn mtme r, . ,nnlM
soon as 1 did so I felt that nuinh Ni nsotliiu
come over my hands aud i'eel, hp 1 1 rocked
violently In my ohalr to drive it away, but
frequently To no avail.
"On. day my son, who was keeping a drni
store at the time, brought me limue sonn I
Dr. Williams' Pink. Pills for Pale People
and advised me to take them for ay heart
trouble. I did so and soon began to te I
belter. I used the pills about two months
and they certainly enred me, for now my
heart bents regularly and all numbness lias
disappeared and my circulation is in splendid
We print the above hoping Mrs. Strope's
experience may be beneficial to otheis who
may suffer from derangement of the heart.
Dr. Williams' Pink Pills contain in a con
densed form all the element necessary to gi o
new life and riohnee to the blood and re
store shattered nerves. They are also a spe
cific for troubles peculiar to females, sucili as
suppressions irregularities and nil forms of
wcnkncs. In men they effect n.railioal cure
in nil cases arising from mental worry, over
work or excesses of whatever nature. Pink
Pills are sold in boxes (neer in loose hulk)
at 60c. abox or six boxes for $2.50, and may be
hnd of all druggists, or direct by mail from
lit. Williams' Medicine Company, Schenec
tady, N. Y.
When In doubt what to uce for
Nervoui Debility. L&m of Power,
I ro potency, A trophy. Varicocele and
other weaknesses, from any cause,
use Sexine Pills. Drains checked
and full vigor quickly restored.
I r necleeted. inch t
Et treabfet reaalt
Mailed for 11.00:0 boxMt-5.00. With
$5.00 orders we give a guarantee lo
cure or refund the money. Address
KIRLIN, Shenandoah, Pa.
, T
aro progressive ami keep informed of 5
the World's Progress. The well lit-
formed and thrifty House-wlfo will
always keep E
in tlie bouse, as a standard remedy for
Sprains, Bruises, Cramps, Rheumatism, E
and all aches and pains. E
Price 25 cts. and E0 cts. per beltie. E
Prepared by II. J. IIACKETT & CO., Philadelphia.
IN KFFKOT DISC. 0, 1890.
Trains leave Shenandoah as follows :
For New York via l'hlladelphla, week days
2 10, 52ft, 710 a. in., 1233, 3 08 and 5 68 p. ui
Sundays, 2 10 a. in.
For New York via Maueb Chunk, week days
3 25, 7 10 a. 111., 12 83 and 3 03 p. m.
For Heading- and Philadelphia, week days,
2 10, 5 25, 7 10 a.m., 12 33, 8 03 and 5 58 p. m. Sun
days, 2 10 a. m.
For l'ottsvllle, week days, 2 10; 7 10 a. m,, and
12 33, 3 03 and 5 58 p. m. Sundays, 2 10 a. m.
For TamaouA and Mahnnoy City, week days,
210,5 25, 710 a. m., 12 33, 3 03 and 5 56 p. m.
Sundays, 2 10 a. m.
For wllliamsport, Sunhury and Iwlsburg
weekdays, S2S, 1180 a. m.. and 7 25 p. m
Sundays, 8 25 a. m.
For Mahanoy Plane, weekdays, 2 10. 8 20, 6 25,
710,1180 a. in., 12 83, 3 08, 5 58, 7 25 and 8 65
p. in. Sundays, 2 10, 8 25 a. m.
For Ashland and Shainokin, week days, 8 2C,
710, 1180 a. in., 725 and 9 56 p. m. Sun
days, S 25 a. m.
For Baltimore. Washington and the West vl
a. x u. it. K., through trains lea- lleadlni
Terminal, Philadelphia, (P. & K. H R.) at 8 30,
7 55, 1125 a. m., 310 and 7.27 n. l Sundays,
8 20, 7 00, 11 25 .m., and 7 27 p. in. Addl
tlonal trains from Twenty-fourth and Chest
nut street, station, week days, 10 80 a. m. 12 20,
12 U 8 40 p.m. Sundays. 1 85, 8 28 p. in.
Leave New York via Philadelphia, week
ya, 180, 8 00 a. in., 1 30, 1 30, 8 00 p. m. aud
laht. Sundays. 5 00 u. m.
Leave New York via Hauch Chunk, wm!
w, - . .. in. . wwiu lop. lu.
Leave Philadelphia, Reading Terminal, weak
daya, 4 20, 8 85, 10 05 a. in. and 4 05, 6 80, list
p. m. Sandays, 11 80 u in.
Leave Heading, wei k days, 1 85, 7 10, 10 08,
11 56 a. m., 6 00 and 8 20 p. m. Sundays, 1 85 a. m.
Leave Pottsvitle, week days, 2 85, 7 40 a. no.,
12 80 and 6 12 p. m. Sundays, 2 85 a. m.
Leave Tamaqua, week days, 8 18, 8 50, 11 28 a
ni., 1 27, 7 20 and 9 43 p. in. Sundays, 8 18 a. m
I-ieave Mahanov Oltv. week a la ai
It 47 a. m., 2 OS, 7 44 aud 10 08 p. in. Sundays, I 45
a. ui.
Leave Mahanov Plane, week dan. in lis
180,9 it. 1158a. m 1 12, 2 19, 6 20, la, 7 ST ani
iv p. ui. nunaays, J w, uu a. m.
I Willi... . t I. .1 rr In in i n .
ui., u 35 aud 11 41 p. ui. Suudays, ll 15 p. m.
Leave l'hiladelnhta Chestnut street waif ..
South street whaif for Atlantic City.
Weck.tuvs Express, 9 00a. m., 200, 400, 500
p.m. Acc-omiuodutioii, 8 00 a. in., 680 u. m.
Sundays- Express, 900, 10 00 a. in. AootMu
UKalatloii, 8 00 a. in , 4 43 p. tn.
KeturniiiK leave Atlantic City depot, eoruet
Atlantic and Arkansas avenues.
Waekdas -Exurew, 7 36, 9 00 a. in., 8 80, 5 30
p. in. Accomuiodutlou, Kll a m , 482 p.m.
Sundays Bxpreas, 4 00. 7 30 p. in. Accommo
dation, 7 15 a. m., 4 15 p. in.
Parlor Can ou all express trains.
riillions of Dollars
Go up in smoko every year. Take co
risks but get your houses, slock, fur
niture, etc., insured iu flrsA-eUas re
liable couipauios as represented by
Also Lite aud AootdenUl Oaaapaal etl