The evening herald. (Shenandoah, Pa.) 1891-1966, February 22, 1897, Image 2

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"All the News That's Fit to Print."
Pu illtned every Evening;, Kieept Smittoy.a'
aotrrH .Tabuik Hthkkt. Nbar Ovittba.
The llorniil la doiiveied In HhenMiUimn and th.
stir -imndtna- towns for six cental a week. na
ithlc to the carrier. By mull 18.00 a year, or y
cent, a month, payable in advance. Advert!
mf-iitcluiKMla!ordlngoapaoeBiidp.)ltloii. 1
Tlii" publishers reserve the right to change the I
IKwlnon of advertisement whenever the pnb
lluatKm of new demand It. Tho rlictlt la
roaertred to reject nnv advertisement, whether
paid for or not, Hint the publishers may deem
impriner. Advertising rate made known
lino i nimllvAtlon.
Kiite-ed t the oootofflce at Shenandoah, i ul
M'.'i'o'in ela- ftuMl matter.
pni.sti'iioNis '-osviKTrioN.
ivening H rm I d
Oars are now painted by compressed air
forced through a small hose. A car unit lie
painted in thirty-five minutes, and a land
scape ahoulil be turned nut In less time.
No Chinaman Is allowed to take part in a
New Year celebration until Le ) a ,ild all
hi debts. A custom pf tills kind in other
countries would Insure a quiet holiday.
McKinley was elected by the voters in
November, by the electors in January and by
Congress In February. He will proneed to
Washington on hearsay evidence, but there,
is plenty of it.
The "eternal fitness of things" was never
more strongly illustrated than by the fact
that the secretary of the Congress of Mothers,
which met in Washington city, is simply a
Sam Jones' religious clreus, which held
forth for a month's engagement in Huston,
netted the reverend proprietor 1,000. Sam
finds buHbonory In the pulpit pretty profita
ble, thauk you.
The duy will possibly come when there
will be a settlement of accounts, aud when
the head centres of trusts will lie called to
ai'uoiiut, and made to jive auswer as to tho
methods whereby these enormous amounts
that now line the pockota of trust speculators
fun ml their way there.
Tiik hanking institutions of SheimnOoah
are among the liect in the state. There are
few better conducted, aud the system of
ticcountiug and expert clerical work in vogue
at TTie Fiist National aud Merchant bauks is
especially encouraging to those having bus!
nest relations with these institutions.
The borough and township elections aie
no sooner ever than the politicians are biuily
engaged ill laiing their plans for the fall
larupnigu. Within tho lii'i ulilican ranks
combinations aie being i'ouned between
leaders of the ditftreut f.u lions with a view
to controlling tlie nominations. From present
indications there will be fun galoro this fall.
The editor of the Ukkai.k Is in receipt of
an invitation to attcrd the tnuquct to le
given by tho State League of llepublican
Clubs of Pennsylvania, in honor of United
Htates Senator-elect lloios Penrose. Tho
b.iunuet will be an elaborate. aU'uir and will
be giveu at tho Hotel Walton, Philadelphia,
i u Friday evening, the 2(lth inst., at 0:30
o'clock. Prominent leaders from dilfbront
parts of the Btatc, as well as several l!epub.
licaus of national reputation, will ho present.
With tho selection of James A. Gary, of
Maryland as Postmaster General, tho Presi-
-dttfit-eloct lias completed his Cabinot. The
writer has a personal acnuniutanco with Mi
liary, and among all tho prominent Republi
cans of Maryland lie is held in high esteem
lie has been a delegate to oviry national
convention of his party since 18 2, amembei
of the national committee for several years
aud one of the most prominent leaders of his
state. President McKinley has indeed mado
a wiie selection, cne that will meet with
general approval, especially in tho state of
The report that Thomas 1!. Heed, who will
be re-elected Speaker, will use his influence
against all attempts to secure financial legis
lation in the extra session which may bo
made will please the people. What the
country wants immediately is the new taritf,
so that abundant revenuo may bo obtaiscd
and adequate protection furnished wherever
needed. The sooner this is had tho sooner
the industries can adjust themselves to the
new conditions and the trade levival begin.
Finaucial legislation is needed, but it ia not
so urgent. This will require long and careful
deliberation, and should not bo jusbed
through in au extra session. Tho currency
commission, composed 'of members of both
braucheg of Congress, which Mr. MoKinley,
it is said, will recommend in a special mes
sage, eau be intrusted with the work of pre
paring a scheme of financial reform, which
Congress can take up next winter. Hasty
legislation on this subject must be guarded
Tho American people to-day honor the
birth of George Washington, the first of
soldiers and likewise the most exemplary of
citizens. His hold upon the hearts of the
people is stronger than ever, and he will ever
remain the model to which we point our
youth, the pattern of every statesman, the
pride of us all. We are to-day celebrating
the birth of Washington, aud in doiug so wo
celebrate the real birthday of the nation.
Washington's success dejieuded as ninth
upon his ahaiactor as on his genius. The
American nation is the gift of no one man.
but of a people to wham no one mm wm es
sential, and whose combined purpose and
elt'ort gave us liberality and nationality.
The power of Washington's example is of
incalculable benefit to the youth of the
nation; he was an aristocrat by birth aud
association, and was surrounded by induce
ments to seik below th republican slaudard,
but the unselfish aud unambitious tniiU of
ins character directed him all tUroush his
eventful career.
In speaking of him whom we to-day do
h uior. General U. (). Howard says: "Around
tin iMiuoof Wushiugton has gathered a halo
of completeness which marks aud crowns
the highest reaches of any aouiweuiaut and
honor. Whenever in boyhood my parents oi
uy instructors wished to use a name as a
ineaus of grace to a wayward lad they
(minted to that of Usorge Washington. Later
years aud thn roveiatlous or a great war
have perhaps stripped the uaiu and fame of
Washington nl' nonie f t luirolasaic gla.uuur,
of some of their singular sacrediieas, hut
there has rcumiued in my miud a deeper
revereuce for the noble character of our first
general and our first president thau for any
oilier of the grand heroes which the nation
has piodueed. His ability, Ids wisdom, his
piety his iuri'imibt'ilc energy aud his un-cl-flsh
Ht riiiliim cartaliiiy un never be ex
ceeded We have greatly loved Line. '.
heartily ti-dn.ed Orant, Imh surely mtr sou't
cleave In reverent aflVclinu, ve all, I"
M'.irttt- w -in Hko li,.ur when ft life Is at 1
t il.f Ornup gives lui lime t send for i due. i
tor, delay may wean death. Ono Minute
tough Cure gives Instant relief ami insure
recovery, mo miy iinrmim reuicur vim
produces immediate result. C. II. Haaeii
recovery, l iio imiy Harmless remedy unit i
Tmim to Florida,.
No distrii't in America presents, during the 1
Winter reason, so many varied attractions a -tucriiutouf
Fiurld.i. Beside Its deliglitln
llimitc. whli'h to unc ek an x frni tlu -"'il
, and unhealthful changes i I he North seem
aluimt ethereal, it Is pre eminently a lain! of
I spurt and pleu'tiris. thing Itt eleven luiuiln l
I mile of aill-utiti . const and in it' Iwhe
hundred fresh vil..r lakes an' fith ni' almost' variety, from tho miar-i
I tory tribes cihuIimii to Northern waters to the
tarpon, ponipiino, ana others oi a more character. Nowhere In all our broad
land run the angler And a greater variety of
game or better spurt.
Hera also tho most enthusiastic hunter
finds satiety. Deer, turkeys, bears, panthers,
and wild rata roam st large through tho more
sparsely settled regions, while birds of nil
kinds may he 'omul in abundance through
out the Stata. The more novel spoit of al
ligator and m.i' limiting may also lie in
dulged In by the mure adventurous tourist.
with its mateh'.cHs climate, Its orange
Kovos, its rlvc is .n il lakes, lt boating ami
thing, Its fishing and hunting, and Its
extensive forests. Florida presents unrivaled
attractions for the valetuilir r m. the lover
of nature, the spnrtsumu an 1 the explorer.
I'o this attractive state tho I'ennsyivania
Railroad Company has arranged four pcr-sonally-eini
luctud tours during the season nf
1887. leaving uy special train January uu,
February 9 and 23, and March 9. Tho first
three tours will admit of a sojourn of two
weeks in this delightful land; tickets fur the
fourth tour will ho valid to return until May
31 hv regular trains.
Kates lor tlie round trip, fou.uu mini isew
York, $48.00 from Philadelphia, and propor
tionate rates from other point.
For tiekets, itineraries ami other Informa
tion, n pjil y to ticket agents, special bonking
olllray, or address Geo. W. !oyd. Asslitant
General PasMuger Ageut,lSroad street ittutiou,
Why under with Coughs, Colds and la
Orippe viiien I.aiatlve Drnmo Quiniue will
ctuo you in one day, Put up in tablet eon
vcuient for taking. Ouarautnoil to cum, or
money refunded. Price, is route vor sale
by Klrlln's Pliarrascy,
""oeUIesa" N.mvvi" In "llk "-oclts.
Topeka, I'an.. I'e'. 22. Congre3man
Jtrty Simprcn has appepred resplonu
cnt In a spick-span uuit of new elothes,
and with thom a pair rf si;k sttsoklnpa.
Elmpson has purchased a new sills hat
of the latest Mock, a light spring over
coat mid a pair of patent leather shoes.
It ia hla first ta'lor made suit.
The little daughter of Mr. Frod Webber.
Holland, Mass., hail a very bad cold and coug'i
which he had not been able to cure with any
thing. I gave him a 25 cent bottle of Cham
berlain's Cough Keinedy, says W. P. Itohlcn.
merchant and postmaster at West llrimficld,
mid the next ttmol saw him he said it worked
like a charm. This lemctly Is intended
especially for acute throat auditing diseases
such as colds, croup aud Whooping cough, and
it is famous for its cures. There is no danger
insivlng ittochildien for it contains noth
ing injurious. For salo by Grulilor Uros.,
Organized for Murder.
London, Feb. 22. A special from
Hodmegne Vassarhely, Hungary, lolls
of the airest of six men and two wo
men accused of the wholesale slauch
tcr of reiaih cs for the saUe of securing
about 100 floiins arlece of life Insur
ance. The murderers founded a society
for getting rid of relatives. One man
polfioncd his father, mother, wife
wife's father and others not relnted to
him, and so Brained sevei'.al thousand
l i.i Ins. Ono woman murdered her als
ler, mother and a neighbor. All the
other muid?iers are charged with one
ir'n.e apiece. A midwife planned the
i.ociety. Seventeen bodie3 of victims
have been exhumed.
Kxtenillnff Trplloy Connections.
Va-clcy, Pn., Feb, 2?. The East
Fennsj Ivunia Traction company has
fh'cted ollleers and dW.-etors, with A.
S. Cadwallaer. of thirf place, as presi
dent. The various lines are to connect
the pvlncipn! poi i'nns of Bucks county,
vilth Its So.QOO population, and the city
of Tlvnton. N. J., x.ith 70,000 peoplo,
and pot turns of Montvumery, Lehigh
and Northampton counties with Phlla
dolohla, and Intersect with or cross
practically nil the street car lines of
that c'.ly. Tha company's lines, ex
tending to Fuuth Bath'ehem, will also
bring- Bethlehem, Allh-ntown and Eas
trn m I'oiii.ection with Philadelphia by
A T.lttle ("artieglo ISxpected.
Pittsburg-, Fob. 22. Andrew Carne
gie Is now invejting spate change in
sutsestive Ut.le tilnketa and Infantile
paraphernalia, and for the time being
no new libraries v. ill be given away.
Iron circleB are ugog over an event
that Is to occur In the Carnegie family
during the early part of next month.
A little heir or heiress is expeoted, and
the prospects of some day becoming
the possessor of a portion of more than
160,000,000 are discussed with glee In
r-rtaln circles. At present the Carne-
tii.-s are childless.
Named to Succeed Judge Wales.
Wilmington, Del., Feb. 22. The ao
tlon of Treaident Cleveland In present
Ing the name of James L. Wolcott to
the United States senate for conllrm
atlon as judge of the United States
court for the district of Delaware was
a genuine surpt Ise to the people of this
stole. It Is asicrtid here that he will
not be confirmed. Senator Gruy had
been ifou I t'u- appointment to buc
cmI t'i.- ' J". is- V:i!- but do
cllni'd. .'.it. Will U wk then de it . i.
Ib the season lor new life in nature,
new vigor In our physical systems.
As tlie fresh sap carries life into the
trees, SO our blOOU Should giVO UB
renewed strength and rigor. Iu
ita Imniiro state it cannot do this
its impuie stiiU) H cannoi u
and the aid of Heals barsapanlls,
ie uuiiernuvciy ih-uuuh.
It Will purify, vitalize and enriOll the
blood, and With this solid, COlTeot
foundation, it Will build Up good
health, oreate a ";ood appetite, tono
your stomach ami digestive organs,
" - D '
strengthen your n.u-ves aiut over-
J,( ii,.,i ii,l fAii
come or prevent that tired feeling.
This has been tho experience of thou
sands. It will bo yours if you take
Spring Modi-
clue ami
i fin fl. r K.-lilliyalldrugglsts. II.
a, indigestion,
Many Think!
Whan it was said to the woman: "In
sorrow slialt thou bring' forth chil
dren." that a tierneuml ourse was
pronoiinoeo, out tlie tnrlll or joy relt
uy every Mother when she olasps to i
mt nearc ner oaoe proves tnu con
trary. True, dangers lurk in the
pathway of the Expectant Mother
and should be avoided.
"Mother's Friend"
So prepares the system for the change
taking place that the final hour is
robbed of nil ilnnger and pain. Ita
I .. I.. . .. .1... 1 1 r t I. t I.
ud-j iiiouioo Bniuiy mi tlie 1110 ui uuun
moDDer anu ouiui, aim inaaes oiniH
birth easy and recovery more rapid.
loiniDf nioaeia larormuion sua voiuat-orj tU'
Tho Hrinld ltegulator Co., Atlanta, Gs.
A I.oniUved Vninlly.
Montreal, Feb. 22. Mrs. J. It. Ilay
monil celc-nratcd yesterday the 100th
anniversary of her M'h at the Hotel
Dieu in this c' y. Llie has five chil
dren living, aged St, 76, 74, Go and 03
Miner near Ishpeming, Mich., may
strike to resist a 10 per cent reduction
In wages, to take place on March 1.
A Rome dispatch denies that any de
cision has been glvrn there by the Vat
icin on the subject of the Manitoba
George Fox, a sewing; machine agent,
was burned to death In a lire at a hotel
at West Mnylon, N. C.
Senator George, of ?.Haslsn:ppii, who
Iris reached his home at Carrollton, Is !
lm more feeble health than when he
leU Washington. j
After having been but two months !
married Anthoy Hamor, of Canton, -
waa crushed to death while breaking; a
lot jam In the Potter county (Pa.)
Mrs. Louis Morris, of Franklin, Pa.,
hoW received a verdl"t for $29,260 at
Jalmestown, N. Y., insurance on her
husband's life, paymer.' of which had
been withheld on suspicion of suicide.
Judge White, of Pittsburg-, Pa., has
refuaod a new tr!V. for Professor C. D.
B'j.avt, of"di.f.h, Pa., oonvieted
of o"uulthiff Clai'a Voices, a 13-year-o:d
r.lectrlc liltters.
Electric liitters is a medicine suited for any
seasnu, but pcrhajis more generally needed in
tlie spring, when the languid exhausted
feeling prevails, when the liver is torpid and
sluggish and tlie need of a tonic- and nltora
tlve is felt. A prompt use of this medicine
lias often averted long and perhaps fatal
lupous fevers. No medicine will act more
surely in counteracting and freeing the sys
tem Irom the malarial poison. Jleaiiaclio,
Indigestion, constipation, utsxiupss yield to
Klectric Hitters. Only fifty cents per bottle
at A. Wastry's drug store.
rnnilne Blops lllu JCoonn.
London,. Feb. 22. The plague and
famine in India are producing a crisis
In the LanenEiilre cotton trade. The
collapse of the Indian trade has led
to the stoppage of thousands of looms.
East Lancashire Is chielly affected,
and tho employers aie conferring over
a projected reduc Hon of 10 per cent in
wages. The men have declared that
they will light the reduction.
lturklen's Aiulca Salve.
The best salvo in tho world for cuts.
braises, sores, ulcers, salt rheum, fevor sores,
tetter, chapped hands, chilblains, corns, and
all skin eruiitions. and positively cures riles.
oi jo pay required. It is guarantee to give
period sutistactiou or mony roiuuaou. 1'ricc
35 cents per box. For sale by A. Wasloy.
1'nur JnclliUK Ik.lN'l in n fiit.
Nogaic-, A. T.. Feb. i2. A tlrrht re
curred rcci-f!y between tho aulhe I
tlcs of thf .uinlng town of El Plon b,
Eonora, Aitxlco, and a band of Papa to
Indians, In which four of the latter
v. re killed and two badly woundod.
The affair grow out of the arrewt of
some Papasos for cattle ..eating;
A Household Necessity.
Cascarotti Candy Cathartic, tho nio.t won
derful medical dUcovery of tho age, pleasant
and refreshing to the taste, act gently and
positively on kidneys, liver aud bowels,
clettuiing tho entire system, dispel colds, euro
headacbo, favor, habitual constipation anil
bilioiisiiois. buy and try a box of
C. O. C. to-day ; 10. 25, 50 cents. Sold aud
guaranteed to euro by all druggists.
Tour to California, via l'eunsylviivla Itail
road. The next California tour of tho Pennsyl
vania Kailroad will leave Now York and
Philadelphia by special train of Pullman
palaco cars February 21, vistiug the groat
Mammoth Cave and stopping at New Orleans
during tlie Mardl Gras Carnival. Four weeks
will be allowed on the Pacific Coast, and two
days will be spent on tho return trip at
Colorado Springs aud tho Garden of the (Jods.
Stops will also be mado at Salt Lake City,
Denver, and Omaha. This is ono of the
most delightful and complete tours over
Tickets, including railroad transportation,
Pullman accommodations (one double berth),
jhoals eu route, carriage drives, and hotel
accommodations going anu return, ana
transportation in California, will be sold at
rate of $350 from all stations on the Pennsyl
vania Itailroad System oast of I'ittsbtiig.
Apply to ticket agents, Tourist Ageut, 1108
Hroadway, New York, or Geo. W. Iloyd,
Assistant General Passenger Agent, Ilroad
street station, Philadelphia.
Rheumatism Cured in a Day,
"Jlystio Cure" for Rheumatism and Nou
ralgia radically cures iu 1 to 3 days. Its
action upon the system Is remarkable and
mysterious. It removes at one the cause and
the disease immediately disappears. The
first dose greatly benefits.
T. F. Anthony, ex-I'ostmaster of Promise
City, Iowa, says : "I bought one bottle of
'Mystic Cure' for Rheumatism, and two doses
of It did me more good than auy inedioine I
pver took." 75centa.
Sold by C. II. Hageubucli, druggist, Shen
andoah. A Tour to llnliny I'lorldu lit reuiiMjlin
ll In HhIIiouiI.
I When the North is at Its worst Florida is at
it., iiest. When lakes and rivers are icebound
hero and a drifting snow fills our streets tho
violets nro blooming there anil the air is laden
with the sweet perfume of budding Spring.
wuen uiu noreas nowisarouuu our uoriueiu
hme and t frwt king rules, the mocking
' bird s'us''ig In Florida's gracofnl pba
u x melodious with hsppy
e,AgallteW train, of the Penu-
I svlvaula Ita 1 read Jacksonville tours are
- iluiuir Introductions to this delightful land.
The next tour, allowing two wiwks In Florida
leaves New Yirtt and Philadelphia under
pei-smi-l cscoit February" 84. itonnd-trip
l'-kets. including PulUmw aiiimodatioii8
...,.1 .... .la ..n t li.t Luuila iutll will h Bftld nl.
i""" -i
Itlis following rates: From New Wk.
5M0; riiiladelpui, 148 00; Csuaudaigna,
SM 85 ; Erie, (54 85 ; I'lttsburg, 133.00, aud at
priiiHirtninnte rates from utuer points.
For tickets ami iiim-mrii't apply to ti.-ket
at!' ntn, Tourist Agent. 1 IW6 Hroadway, New
York, or to Geo- W. Boyd, Assistant General
Vui-cuger Agent, Uroad Street Stailnu, Phila
delphia. Soothiug lol iiuriis. ,-4-Hldb. ill il ped l andi.
and li". Mealing fur cuts and sores In
stant relief lor piiis, ttops p.iiu at ouce.
Tin no an- the virtues of DeWllt's Witch
liuzel Halve. (!. II. Huguubucli.
Dtr lllng lloui Ritupl Ai'iiv nod n Whnlo ,
rui.ii'v Pi-. i i. :
k. Idillt'Sboiii. Kj., i . ' 2" -A most I
Jlsnstrous ond visit il u' vvlnyjv -
lo'ay. flniu ntf i.f tho to. n. '
K tv ffLmlhea wors fd...!! floin tli.r I
iicrrea. Cumberland avi-ii'-e,
the pmi-
el pal street, Is under v. at
the s ore ar flooded. !ievor!.l huii- (
died people have to lie fid hy cit Ix ns.
At Tazo.vell James Chadvc.l, v,i. mid i
ii'lldren ere drowned, 'ine lk.ou I u:i-t i
i.vvr the bank and ctiuht in
tlielr houee, which was swept awuy.
At YVoat PhieVlU trie Cutiberlrnd
i i ; er broke over its banl:, dulnff lm
l.tnge damage JHtty fanil!!"'' wue
f.incd fiom All thi' i:i'-
and -n- ldues 6n the Middle! ' ro
rpl'road are washed a..i.y, and UI
ti a!ns are waterbound.
tVnnnilad and Itolilwd by Sp-nlali Soldiers
Carrlbello, Fla., F eb. 2. Sclioi " r
Jeanette, from Mata..sus, Cuba, ar
rived with the second mate severely
stabbed. While the schooner was In
port the second mate went ashore mid
biWiic Intoxtca.ed. While on the d. - .c
iv." vas a;:jroachd l four
so.iiH'i'c, who demanded his money and
everything of value. The mate refused
to obey and the soldiers stabbed him
with their bayonets, knocked him down
and took from him all the money he
had, his shoes, eoat and everything of
any value. Tlie mate is seriously hurt.
Several Brianieh officers paw the rn
sfcuit, but "n 'jolng appealed to walki d
off i.nuici'lns.' "SI Air.rricano; goed
jiioufeh; seive him rlslit."
Steamer Probably t.ot with All on Hoard.
Boston, Feb. 22. The German tank
steamer Dlumant, Captain Wischausen
aud 36 rne.J. was probably lost w'th
all hands, -SO miles southeast of Hall
fax, Feb. 17, or else she haB been
drifting at the mercy of he elements
ever rlnce. Such is the opinion of Cap
tr.ln Fo.-th, of the Furncss linesteata
er Galilee, which reached this port ye-i-terday
from London. Captain Forth
attempted to tow the Dlamant and to
save her crew, but after towing her
GOO miles the hawser parted, and the
tank steamer from view
So quickly that It is believed she went
Fill a bottle or common water glass with
urine and let It stand twenty-four hours; a
sediment or settling Indicates a diseased con
dition of the kidneys. When urine stains
lliiau it is positive cvidenco nf kidney
trouble. Ton frequent desire to urinate or
pain in the back, is also convincing proif
that the kidneys and bladdornreoutof order.
There is comfort in the knowledge so often
expressed, that Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-lloot,
the groat kidney remedy, fulfill-, overy wish
iu relieving pain In the back, kidneys, liver,
bladder and every part of tho urinary pas
sages. It corrects inability to hold urlno and
scalding pain in passing it, or lad clfects fol
low ing use of liquor, wlno or beer, and over
comes that unpleasant necessity of being
compelled to gel up many times during the
night to urinate. The mild and tho ox
tniorilinary effect of Swamp-Hoot is soon
realized. It btands tho highest for its wonder
ful euros of tho most distressing cases. If
you need a medicine you should have the
best. Sold by druggists prico fifty ccuts and
ono dollar. For a samplu bottlo and pamph
let, both sent free by mail, mention Evunino
Herald and send your full post-olllco
address to Dr. Kilmor & Co., Binghamtou,
N. Y. Tho proprietors of this paper guarantee
the genuineness of this offer.
Sliowles A'cqultteil of Murder.
Freehold, N. J., Feb. 22. In tl. Mon
mouth munty erui l iVil'.iarr Showlea,
a circus burcliaelc rider, was iiequltted
of the clnr -e t manalauyhti r The .ufted t.o duya. Show let, called
upon Arsol Cr. ft, a bartend, in tho
Hid 'Jink ealo. i, on Chris-mils' night.
ivniie li" v as f-.'vlng hlin new re-..l-ci-.
w Vi u i . :.-e to rn-ent It
from accidentally exploding tin ham
mer snapped and the bullet killed
larvclous ltesults.
From a leltei written'by Rev. J. Guuder
man, of Dimondalc, Mich., wo aro permitted
to make this extract : "I have no hesitation
iu recommending Dr. King's Now Discovery,
as the results wcro almost marvelous in the
case of my wife. While I wub pastor of tho
Jiaptlst church at Hives Junction sho was
brought down with Pneumonia succeeding
La Griimc. Torriblo naroxvsms of couidiinir
Would last hours with little interruption and
it seemcu ns ii suo couiu not survivo tnom.
A friend recommended Dr. King's Now
Discovory; it was quick in its work and
highly satisfactory iu results." Trial bottlos
freo at A. Wasloy's drug store. Regular size
BOo and $1.00.
lleaten to Iiatli by a Wmnnn.
New York, Feb. 22. Angelina For
pantl, a viciouo nr-.n, attacked Fran
cisco Priordl, a n ason, and beat him
to death with a club. She admits her
guilt and boasts that she will be set
free like Maria Barberl, who killed her
lover by cutting his throat. The mur
deress says Priordl turned her and her
children Into the street.
Chicora, Pa., "Herald:" Richard Vcnsel
reports Ono Minute Cough Cure tho greatest
success of medical science. Ho told us that
it cured his whole family of terrible coughs
and colds, after all other so called cures had
fallod entirely. Mr. Vonsel said it assisted
his children through a very bad siego of
measeis. One Minute Cough Cure makes ex
pectoration very easy and rapid. C. II.
Islanders Defnntwl by French Troops.
San Francisco, Feb. 22. The natives
on the Islands of Galatea and Tahaa,
dependencies of the Tahiti government.
have for two years past refused to
recognise French authority. J-Jews from
Tahiti Is that, on Dec. 26 last, Governor
Gullet left Papete on board the French
corvette Duguay-Trouan, with the
transport Aube, to punish the people.
A force of Tahltlan volunteers, marine
Infantry from New Caledonia and Pa
pete, with sailors, from the warships,
were the combatants. Tha bombard
ment of Tahaa village was effected by
the warships, and on Jan. 3 a right took
place at the village of Tevaltoa, where
the natives made a gallant fight
against the 700 French troops, but suf
fared defeat.
For Weak and Run Down People,
UfUnT IT ICI The richest of nil reslora
nilHl II IOI tive foods, because It re-
filaees the essentials of life that are ox
lausted by disease, indigestion, high living,
overwork, worry, excesses, abuse, etc.
digestion perfect it creates solid llesh,
muscle and strength. The nerves being
made strongthe brain becomes active anu
clear. It restores lost vitality, stops all wast
ing drains and weakness In either sex, and
as a female regulator has no equal. I'rioe
60s., or five boxes 12.0(1. Druggists or by mall.
We oan help you. Advloe and book, free.
Wrlto Ua About Your Case.
1012 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia.
The wldot
Appeals to thi
sympathy oi
even the tnos
Here is a wo
man still in thi
springtime oi
life, deprived oi
the stay anl
support u p o r
which she had
every right tc
depend, and he!
future overshad
owed by the loai
of the one matt
In all the world
upon whom she
had centered
her love and affection A man has no right
to sacrifice his life in the nmdrace for money,
by neglecting his bodily health. A man
owes it to himself and to his wife mid chll
dren to live a long and helpful life. If s
man would live he must keep health.
Health is a matter of a little patch here
and there. Look after the little allmenti
and the big ailments will take care of them
selves. They will never come. Dr. Pierce's
Golden Medical Discovery keeps the body
in perfect health. It promptly eradicate;
the little ailments that bring serious illness.
If the serious malady has already arrived it
promptly cures it by removing the cause.
It corrects all disorders of the digestion.
invigorates the liver and makes the appe
tite keen and hearty. It makes the assimi
lation of food perfect and supplies the blood
with the life-giving elements that build new
and healthy tissue and firm muscles. It
tones and builds up the nerves. It drives
impurities and disease - germs from every
organ of the body, It cures all diseases due
to overwork and worry and faulty nutrit
tion. It is nn unfailing remedy for weak
lungs, spitting of blood, shortness of breath,
severe cough, bronchitis, asthma and kin
dred affections. It cures g8 per cent, of all
cases of consumption.
Mr. Isaac B. Downs, of Spring Valley. Rock
land Co., N. Y., writes: ''l'or three years 1 had suf
fered from that terrible disease, conmunption, n ml
iwcuichi mscovcry i nan wyaeu away 10 h sm-ic- .
wished todle to be out of my lnlsery. Step by step.
rest, ana many limes i
the signs and realities of returning health slowly i
but surely developed them.elves while takingly
'Discovery.' Todiivltlp thescalesnt i87.nnd am
well and strong. Tfie 'GotiVia Medical Discovery
has also cured my daugnter at a any osamce
located on the thigh."
ltou'Ued an Octopus.
Mlama, Fin., Feb. 22. Theodore Tut
tle, ex-tax collector of New Haven,
Conn., while out fiBhlng, hooked a
large octopus. The fish In Its anger
encircled the boat with Its large ten
tacles. Ex-Commissioner Gllhuly, of
New Haven, who was In the boat
with Mr Tuttle, chopped off the arms
as fast as they appeared, and pre
vented cither of the men from being
pulled overboard. Both were com
pletely exhausted after their hard
Coren'a King Iteturns to Ills I'nlaee.
Seoul, Corea, Feb. 22. The king has
left the Russian legation for the now
palace. The king of Corea, upon the
occasion of the murder of the queen
and the deposition and massacre of the
late ministry of Corea, left the royal
palace and placed himself under the
protection of the Ilusslan legation. As
soon sb quiet was restored throughout
Curea the king was Induced to consent
to change his headquarters.
I had scvoro attacks of gravel and kidney
troulilo; and uuablo to get a medicine or
doctor to euro mo until I used Hop Hitters,
and they cured mo in a short time A
DisTiNauisiinu Lawyer of Wayne Co.,
N. .
Colorless and Cold. A young gl.-l
deeply regretted that she was so colorless and
and cold. Her fuco was too white, and her
hands and feet felt as though tho blood did
uot circulate. After one bottlo of Hop
Hitlers bad been taken she was tho rosiest
and healthiest girl iu tho town, with a
vivacity and chcerfulnoss of mind gratifying
to her friends.
standard 'Oll'a'.Vuw '.tlvul.
Jersey City, Feb. 22. The Pine Oil
company, the Standard Oil company's
new lival, held as flr3t annual meet
ing In this city and consolidated with
the United Siatc-a Pipe Line company,
tha Produce.' Oil company, limited,
and the Produce!--' and Refiners' Pipe
Line company, it Is intended to ln-
r-rerie th" f-a'-'1 ! atomic U- $3,000,000
i,l Kirk, i-i Pu i-bins, i.a,s elected
Our peoplo aro growing moro and more in
the habit of lookiug to Gruhler Bros., drug-
gluts, for the latest and best of everything in
tho drug line. They sell Chamberlain's Cough
Remedy, famous for its cures of bad colds,
croup and whooping cough. When in need
of such a medicino give this remedy a trial
and you will bo moro than pleased with tho
A Priest I'reao'lioa at Harvard.
Cambridge, Mass., Feb. 22. Itev.
Father Fidelia (James Kent Stone) of
St. Joseph's monastery, Baltimore,
preached In Appleton chapel at Har
vard last evening In response to an In
vitation from the university faculty.
This Is tho third time that a Roman
Catholic has preached In the Harvard
chapel. The chapel was largely filled
with Cambridge people, Including the
Throw Away Ills Cnnes.
Mr. D. Wiloy, ox-postmaster, Black Creek,
N. Y., was so badly afllictcd with rheuma
tism that lie was only able to hohblo around
with canes, aud oven thon it cansod him
great pain. After using Chamberlain's Pain
Balm ho was so much improved that ho
threw away hiscaues. Ho says this liuhncut
did him moro good than all other mcdloiuus
aud treatmont put together. For sale at 60
cents per bottlo by Gruhler Bros., drug store
Across to norope Iu Tour Days.
New York, Feb. 22. If the claims of
Timothy C. Von Wyok a Drooklyn in
ventor, for the machinery of a Bmall
yacht row being built r.lpMild be real-
l-d, pni'tngers migh'. l.c able to cross
the Atlantic In fou' dnji- Mr. Van
U'yck has bc-cn at work en this invenr
tlun .-vet sln- n ho waf. a Voy.
Constipation In its worst forms, dyspepsia
sick headacho, biliousness and derangement
of the liver are readily cured by DeWitt's
Little Early Risers. These little pills never
gripe. Small PHI, sale pill, best ptll. v. U.
Murnhairs Iteeantatton.
Chester, Pa., Feb. 22. The statement
of James T. Marshall that his confes
sion of murdering C. A. Danne waB a
"fake" is the subject of much com
ment. Marshall declares that he made
the "confession" merely in order tq
get out of solitary connnement on Gov
ernor's Island. Chief Berry, of this
city, declares that he will produce evi
dence to disprove Marshall's latest
Troops fluarillng a l'rlsnn.
Santa Fe, N. if , Feb. 22 -Oovernor
'J honui n has placed the lot nl com
pany of infantry r-.i guard at the pen
lirntlary, on of the ciBoovery
of u plot to blow up the building by a
catty of friends ( the four members
ol the Tiorrego sang of assui'sins, who
were condemned tn be lunged tomor
row, but bo have beeu granted a re
spite for 20 days by Prejid lit Cleve
land. A torpid liver means a bad couiplednn, bod
liiculi, indigestion and frequent headaches,
'i'o avoid such companions take DeWitt's
Liltlo Early Itinera, the famous little pills.
CI.H. JIagcuhuck.
Convention of the Reform Press
Ac3noiation at Memphis,
Will Contest for Supremacy, with n Strong
I'rolinblllly of n Holt If the 'ualnnlia
Are lie routed Tho nival Oilnvuiillou In
Soulon at Kansas City, Mo,
Memphis, Feb. 22. The annual con
vention of the I'.eform Press associa
tion was called to order by General
Paul Vandervoort, president of the as
sociation, at 10 o'clock this forenoon,
and addresses of welcome and re
sponses occupied the entire morning.
At the afternoon session Mr. Vander
voort delivered his annual address. O.
Ii. Spence, of the Parkersbui-u, (W.
Va.) Silver Tribune, was interviewed
by a reporter. Mr. Spence is a thor-
lough People's party man, but he Is
T nr Mia "m -i ha.rno H "
, 1 W . UIIG lit .... I ... u .1 1 . .
faction. He said that he was for fu
sion when it strengthened the princi
ples udvocated by the third party, and
could be effected on equitable and hon
orable groundB. He Intimated 1 lint If
the meeting which began today under
took to read Senator Bu'Ipi and other
People's party men thinking like him
out of the party here will be a bolt
from the meeting.
President Vandervoort is opposed to
fusion of any sort. He said the Demo
cratic party absorbed the Oreenback
ei s by adopting their principles, and
did the same thing a fo-.v years later
hsi the National Union Labor nartv
- - ---- . . ,
uu,nize"ci. cie I'oiniB oue cuaii iiiey
tried to repeat the feat in tlie recent
Mrti M , ' ... .,
campaign as to the Peoples party, and
partially succeeded.
Wp were sidetracked for a while,
said Mr. Vandervoort, "but we will get
back in the middle of the road aga::i.
This Memphis meeting will be the be
ginning of the era In the life of the
People's party. It will be put on the
straight road again right, and then llr
warning cry wU be heard from nne i-T J
of this country to the other. 1 'i "i-ec'oie,
tho press has just begun the flg'..t."
The Itlval llpforniers.
Kansas City, Mo., Feb. 22. The con
ference of the National Reform Prees
association called by Chairman Ar
thur Kosolle, of the Missouri state
People's party committee, and also
secretary and treasurer of the national
association, met here yesterday. Chair
man Rocl'e said that they must pro
ceed with their business without ref
erence to the Memphis gathering,
which would be entirely ignored. "We
are in the right," said he, " and any
overtures for peace must come from
the Memphis people." Apparently such
overtures are expected, Mr. Roselle
giving the sulnure of a message he
had received from Senator William A.
Allen, of Washington, In which the
latter counseled holding open the Kan
sas City mect'ng for a day or two after
the Memphis meeting.
Train ltobbera Driven Oft".
Muskogee, I. T.,-Feb. 22. News has
been -i-ct-ived at the marshal s ofllce
heii; of an uttrmpt to hold up a pas
senper Iraln on the Iron Mounttin road
at WuHva. Two masked men entered
the coach of a fribht tra'n nnd com
pelled Conductor Wallace to hand
over tho few dollars he carried. At
this Jjneture the lcsular prseienser
troln pulled In. It bad been the Inten
tion of the robbers apparently to
1-old up this train but tho alarm had
boon given and a crowd of armed eit
tKfiis pother-d so quickly that the out
lnwj fought safety In flight.
Don't Tobacco Spit and Sinoko Your Life
If you to quit toliacco using easily
and forever, be mado well, strniiK, magnetic j
full of new llfu aud vigor, Uike No-To-Uuc,
tho wonder-worker that makes weak men '
strong. Many gain ten pounds in ten days. !
Over 400,000 cured, lluy No-To-Iiac fiuin i
your own druggist, who will ginirutiteo a '
cure. 53c or ?l in. lioomct anu sauipio
mailed free. Ad. Sterling lloinody Co.,
Chicago or Now York,.
CorroHpoudeut hcovel ilaji;'.
Havana, Feb. 22. Thomas G. Alvord,
the correspondent of the New Yotk
World, has arrived at Havana. He has
just paid a visit t6 Sylvester .Scovel.
the World correspondent now In Jail at
Bancti Spirltus, in the province of
Santa Clara. Mr. Alvord found Mr.
Bcovel In a comfortable condition and
In good spirits.
Lost A dear little child who made home
happy by its smilos. And to think, it might
havo Peon savca liaa tno parents only kept
in the houso One Minute Couch Cure, thoin-
alllblo remedy for croup. C. II. llagenhuch
IJIInnkalanl's opposition to Annexation.
Washlneli.n, Feb. 22. LilluoUaluni
looks to President-elect McKinley and
the Incoming- secretary of state, Mr.
Sherman, to help her defeat the Ha
waiian annexation project. She will
remain in Washington until after
the Inauguration, trying to defeat the
plans of the annexationists. If she suc
ceeds she will then turn her attention
toward securing the Hawaiian imn
A Michigan Man Offers to Send His Dis
covery Fiee.
Claims to Be
a Benefactor
to Weakened
There is always moro or less susplciou
attached to anything that is offered free but
sometimes a man so overflows with generosity
that ho cannot rest uutll his discovery is
known to the world, in order that his fellow
men may profit by what he lias discovered.
It is upon this priucipal that a resident of
Kalamazoo, Mich., desires to send free to
mankind a prescription which will cuiethcm
of auy form of nervous debility ; relieves
them of all tho doubt ami uncertainty which
such luou are peculiarly liable to and restores
the organs to natural size aud vigor. As It
costs nothing to try the experiment it would
seem, that any man, suUering with the
nervous troubles that usually attack men
who uovcr stopiieil to realize what might be
tho final result, ought to be deeply interested
iu a remedy which will restore them to
health, strength aud vigor, without which
they continue to live au existence of untold
misery. As the remedy iu questlou was the
result of many years research aa to what
nnmhttiatinn would be uccullarlv eil'octive in
restoring to men tho strength they need. It
would seem that all men suirariug with any
form of nervous weakness ought to wiite for
such a remedy at once. A request to II. C.
Olds, Box 1713, Kalaraasoo, Mich., stating
that you are uot sending for the prescription
out of idle eurioslty, but that you wish to
make use of the medicine by giving ita trial,
will be answered promptly and without
evidence as to where information came from.
The prescription is sent free and although
some may wonder how Mr. Olds can alford to
give away his discovery, there is no doubt
about tho offer being genuine. Cut this out
and send to Mr. Olds so that he may know
how you came to wrlto him. lx-28-78t
Wanted-An Idea
Who can think
or some simple
thlDflr to Datftnt?
may bring vou waaltb.
nc-yt. Waiblnston, D. 0., for their il.SUJ prlte oSw
c w., r-aieni Aiior-
ana list or two uunarea iutsdiioqs wiuusu.
Dr. Miles' Nervine Victorious.
FJiytlitl and Mental r -rtMn Gives
Way to Vigorous A- n,.
EV. W. T. HeiTTC ,C, n.: talented pas
tor of Grace U. II. chure'i, Carlisle,
I'enn., i? rites Septoiobur l )896i "I
always enjoyed good health unMUnlfflB, at
which time my duties as a clergyman wore
of a poenllarly trying naturo, subjecting
mo to several severe nervous shocks which
together with overwork and anxiety, im
paired my goneral health and nervous sys
tem. Indeed I was in such a condition that
tho mere Right nf a large congregation so
wearied mo that it
would require a day
or more for me to re
cover from tho ox
h&uitlcn. It aifords
mo im'it pleasure to
say that Dr. Miles'
Bestorative Nervino
and Restorative Tonlo
have done mo untold good. I preached
three times yesterday and I feel as frosh
aud vigorous this Monday morning as I
ovor felt in my life, thanks to your remedies.
Dr. Miles' Remedies aro sold by all drug
gists under a positive guarantee, first bottlo
benefits or money refunded. Book on
Heart and Norvos sent free to ull applicants.
DR. MILFiS MEDIOAL CO., Elkhart, Ind.
jy lij jvervoti xJUfuxw-tf railing Mem
ory. I m potency, RleopieiwiigwH.ttc , caupud
by Abwue and other F.twe ana Indttv
cBetions. Si-y rM-hi atul eurtlv
restore Lout V ic1t v mi M or young, nnd
fit a man f t.i i -i t "tm or mirlase.
l'rpenfe li t a i ' Co.inamDtion if
taken In time. Ihotr tno o.t w .mmeJtnwj irojnove.
ment and ettecta a OURJ3 w.jrrfl all d'Hpts (all. In
sist upon having the genuine Ajax Tablet. They
here oared thousands end will cure you. We awe a
posltlvo written guarantee to effect n cure in each oate
or refund tho money, l'rice OO cenij per pftohwe, cr
tlx prtckBRee (fall treatment for V-w. By mail, la
tlafn wrapper, upon receipt of prloe. Clrcnlor free.
For sali- in Shonaniloah, Pa., by A. Wnslcy
nnd 1'. Kirlln, Druggists.
AlwdTtoromrtnnd reliaWe. AroM ImitattoiiM.
flit flA-mir' TlKir Pti.i. inn K4.VK ttntlKKTS.
At rlmar tore, or lent direct fkeatetlt. rric. tl.
Oatoit Spsc. Co., Bottoa. Mm Our book, 4c.
Fov sale nt 1 I. P. KirMn's druR
Shenandoah drug: store '
to U-. na.-ial uy l.KIa II.V1H .Ml. 1,1.
OA 'lp.liflrmleB, plsasant odor. 1 no n 1 i.u.8
I.l'U-M 1CAIK TOIOremovo dnilriiH:. 1.I.1P,
liftlrfronifiillinKoutandproraote,Rrowth81 On boiiU
J.I5H Ml:lIOAT CO 108 Fulton ,t, S-YXBCC
Illustrated Treatise oa Hair on application m&u
For salo by Shenandoah Drug Store, Kiilln's
Drug Store.
Thousands suiter and die annunt
ly for tho want of it. Jfota einglo
lustiiiioo on record whero a trial of
Hla lm
According to fllrections, has not
immudiatcly and permanently
cured DlphlmuU, Croup, Qulusy,
or any ulTeoUou of tho throat.
Why should anyone suffer and
dlo -when this boon of all remedies
will positively cure ? Unsolloited
testimonials by the thousand are
pouring tn from thoso who havo
given Thompson's Diphtheria Cure
u trial. Why not try it dear read
er? It will do the samo for you
it has done for others. Following
Is a sample testimonial which ex
plains Itself :
Wllliamsport, Ta., April 37, 1896..
Thompson & Co.
Gentlemen : I have used Thomp
son's Dlphtht'rlu Cure In my family for
hoarseness and sore throat and It gave
speedy relief. I, uae It both ns a gargle
and by external application, and do un
neauatmgiy coramena lie use oy ever
oneaftllcted with Diphtheria, Hoarse
ness, Croup, Qulnsy.or any otfier throat
auection. oirapaou i. vivmw,
raster Third St., M. E. Church.
Sold by prugglsts and costs only
50 Cents a Bottle.
For Sale at KIRUN'S Drug: Store.
Personally-Conducted Tours
Tours to CAIJFQItMA oud the PAfTFIf
COAST will leave Now York and Philadelphia
February 24, atopplug at New Orleans uiirini;
Mardl Qr.ui festivities, and allowing four wei Ks
In California, and March 27, retiiriiniK ..n
regular trains within nine mouth,- Ituiind ti i
vases from all points on the I't-iiimyUiiitia K.ul
rond System east of I'lltaburK : ln.i for tolu
ol February 31, and 1310.00 for tour of .Man It -7
Jacksonville toure, allowing two weeks in
Florltlu will leave New York ami PhUmlelpliitt
February 9 and 23, and March V, 1HU7
IUte t-overi !ig expeneeii en route I n lot h
directions, tSO.uO from New York, and $.8.00
from lMillndelphla.
Tours, each covering a period of . throe
dav will leave Kaw Task and Philadel
phia February 11, Maseb It. April 1
and 22. and May 18. IS07. Kates, iiieliid-
ing trninoortatipii and two day' aovonuuuda-
lion at lite uas waaou
, Waahtngton Hotels, 4 si fu
1IUJ0 from HiiladUiIila.
New orti, audi
will leave Yoi It aii'l I'hlladelpbltt Pebru
nry 20, Man h 1, aud April 11, )'.7.
For detailud itineraries and otliar IntormntUiM
apply at ticket aaenciea or atWreap (ku W.
Iloyd, Asst. tleuT Taw. Agvi.f, llroad'atrcet
Htutlon, WiiladelpHa.
i h a