The evening herald. (Shenandoah, Pa.) 1891-1966, February 19, 1897, Image 2

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"An the News That's Fit to Pfiaii"
I' i 11!ikI vwr j livening, Knwpt Mmi-iIav it
South Jnm Strkwt, nar obstkk
The lfernld l dHlreied InShenandnan und the
sur uniting Inwni (or six orals n week, pay
able to the oRrrter. lly mall IB. 00 n yunr. or 35
I'ciitA a month, payable In advance. Advertise
ni. nta obanred according to space ami position.
The publisher reauive the right to the
position of advertisements whenever the mib
Itratloti of new demands It. The right la
reserved to reject any advertisement, whetliei
p for or not, that the publishers may deem
improper. Advertising rate made known
npo i application.
Knte.'ed at the postoAloe at Hheiiandoah, Ph.. a
second elan mall matter.
Evening Herald
Tub movements of the liepnbliran leaders
of the county are being watched with a good
deal of interest just now. Combinations are
being formed by men who have heretofore
met each other in the political arena witli
knives in their boote. There will be sur
prises in store for some sf the "combiners."
It is rumored that a building commission
will be created by the Legislature to superin
tend the erection of the new capital building
at Harrisburg. If we may accept tbe Phila
delphia com mission as a criterion, it will be
many years before the new capitol will be
ready for occupancy, to say nothing of tbe
enormous cost.
Edison is irrepressible, lie has now dis
covered a chemical which aids the fluoroeenpe
in revealing the Internal organism of a man
as plainly as if exhibited in a mirror. This
wizard, uuless suppressed, will soon arrange
some method by which a fellow's thoughts
will be exposed to public view, and then some
Shenandoah people may feel uncomfortable.
Tiik new twin-screw freight and passenger
carrier, Pennsylvania, of the Hamlmrg
Anicrican lino, nailed yesterday on her maiden
i rip to Hamburg with more than 18,800 tons
of cargo, including 201,060 bushels of gr tin.
It would require 1000 freight cars to carry
tlio colossal freighter's cargo overland. No
oi her freighter has ver taken from any port
mi large a quantity of luorulmndise a is
slowed in the Pennsylvania's holds. This
sliip was built at the Harlan & Wolff yards
in Belfast, Ireland, and is the largest freight
e.irrying ship in the world. If this cargo loaded in freight cars, in one train, it
would cover a stretch of nearly 7 miles of
track, or, at the rate of 40 cars to a train, it
Mould make 25 long freight trains.
A viooRors attempt was mndn at Tuesday's
election to secure places on several of the
Hoards of School Directors for 1 idles, hut
ant-cos resulted in only a fuw cases. Ladies
are not popular with the politicians, not hav
ing been trained in the kind of work in which
jio many School Directors eng.itro. If dis
posed that way they would no doubt prove
themselves the equals of any of the male
persuasion, and would manifest a zeal und
spirit of investigation that would provo very
inconvenient at times. The few women School
U rectors in l'hil idelpbit already in ollico
h ivc proved themselves f.ithful to duty and
elllcietit in the performance, being williug to
give more attention to the Mihools, and
generally having more timo to devote in that
direction iu the day timo. It is not likely
tlio number of women School Directors will
be largely increased in the near future, unless
the right of suffrage is conferred upon them,
rbich does not now appear very probable.
The principal reason why Senator Hill
blames the Democracy for going over to
Populism in 1S90 is because that Hop brought
defeat. This attitude of the Senator is made
plain by a careful reading of his magazine
article on "The Future of the Democratic
Organization." The treason to principal
which that surrender involved was of no
consequence in its moral aspect, hut as that
surrender defeated the party, it was worse
than a crime, it wag a blunder. That there
is such a thing as morality in politics the
Senator does Hot believe. Ho gives his party
excellent advice about the necessity of
cutting loose from the Populists if it desires
to win any victories in the future. But he
does not do this because of -any beliof that
silverisra and greeubaokism aro economically
vicious. In faet, nobody oait tell whether he
has any such beliof, He does It because he
knows the majority of the people are against
these follies, and because auy party which
advocates them is sure to be beaten.
The Immigration bill has passed the Senate
aud now awaits tho slguaturo of President
Cleveland to become a law.
The provisions of the bill are very string
ent, and will no doubt liave a marked effect
upon immigration in the future. The tests
of eligibility are several, and will attract a
large amount of attention here aud abroad.
The restrictions, briefly stated, are as follows :
All physically capable persons of 16 years
and upwards, who cannot read and write the
English or some other language, cannot enter,
hut one not tiius able to read, who lias at
tained tbe age of 50 or upwards, and is the
parent or grandparent of a qualified Im
migrant of over 21 years, and capable of
supporting such parent, may be admitted to
join the family of a child or grandchild
similarly qualified, and a wife or minor
child not able to read or write may secern
pauy the husband or parent, or may be sent
Another test of the Immigrant's eligi
bility to eitisenship will lie his ability to
read aud write twenty-five words of tbe
Constitution of the United States. The bill
also contains restriotlous of Immigration
from border countries. One of these restrie
tljusls that nomsls alien, who has not in
good faith made hut declaration before the
proper court of his intention to become a
citizen of the Uuited tits tee can be employed
on any public works of the Uuited States, or
"j come habitually or regularly iulo tbe
country by laud or water for the purpose of
engaging iu auy mechanical trade or manual
labor for wages or salary return! ug from
time to time to his native country.
It will be unlawful for auy perron, partner
ship, company or corporation knowingly to
employ any alien coining into tbe United
States iu violation l the provisions of tin
act. provided that tills restriutiou shall not
apply to the euiploymeut of sailors, deck
hands or other employes of vessels or 111
load train hands, such us conductors, OUgi-
iiLtirs, biukesinen, firemen or baggage men,
hose duties reiiuiiu them to pass over tho
ntier in order to reach the terminal of their
J A violation of the law readers the
lb punishable by tine aniuuiitiug to
yjff unu year's iiuprisouiuei.t or to
Probably frto Dense!
from the Miners' Journal.
The Shenandoah News devoted consider
able sniee Hi Mt evening, anion
othrr things taUi'i us n task for n frriin.'
u Hii'gi fts-clctl T.ih u uSMiet.f the ' nsiinll)
il.spl.ed foreigners." The editor of the
N'ews. though a school superintend! lit for
three years, was prol. .lily too ileuse to see
the lneauiiiK of tliuphmsc We are sure he
cmei.ihers how Pius Itiersteln, when a He
piibliinii candidate for Recorder, win not
supported by the men who took Talmr up foi
Burgess, lie also remembers how the Hun
i sriau, the Pole mid tlio Slav were abmcd by
word of mouth on the street, of Hhcnnn
i!oh and "cheap foreign l'ibor" wst con
demned on the street corner slid on every
side. Men, who were friendly to this
"foreign" element then, also rame in for a
sliaie of utilise. The News Is nt lust eon
ertcd to the titir spirit of the Xsthuml
Constitutiou stid II at great utterance, the
Declaration of Impendence, but it was not
until Demorralie defeat stared them In tbe
fiice. We fear tin ir love for tbe Pole is only
akin deep as sort of a cat lore. Ho pulled
the School Board chestnuts out of tbe pollt
Uttl fire this spring, yon know.
For Wink 31 en Willi Nervous Debility.
Weak men sum. ring from nervous debility,
weakened powers nd exhausted vigor can
now take new l.oe. Dr. Greene, 39 West
Hth St., New York City, the most successful
specialist in iiiiinv this class of diseases,
oilers to give free consultation by letter to all
weakened, vignrle s and nerve exhausted
men. Write him Immediately. He will
explain your case so you u i. perfectly under
stand your condition, lie will cure yon with
his wondei I' .1 strengthening and invigorating
Marriage Licenses.
Orphans' Court Clerk Reuse Issued marriage
licenses to the following : Philip J. Maher
and Agnes McMauns, both ef Shenandoah ;
Florence liusulik mid Ludwika Tranofski,
both of Slietiauduah ; John M. Stanton, of
Mt. Curmat, and Mary A. McLain, of Shen
atidoah ; John J. Hush, of West Mahanoy
township, ami Mary ('. Dougherty, of Shen
undnuli ; Adam Magalluga and Antonio
Trenowska, both of Shenandoah ; Wanuzeua
SSysee, of ICclayres, and Annia Weynosenkl,
of McAdoo; Fred. Ftiutb, Jr., of Puttsvlilo,
and Elsie Evans, of St. Clair; I.eon Taraa
and Annie Sperling, both of Malraimy City.
Tuke Laxative Ilruiuo Qitinlne Tablets'. All
druggists refund the money if it falls to cure.
85 cunt.
A lady at a ball called her bean an Indian
because he was on her trail all the lime. Now
we're Indians on your trail to make you a
customer, if we once get you. Factory
Siiok Stork.
A Saloon 3Tnn Disappeared.
On Sunday night (irifflth Johns, of Coal
Dale, suddenly disappeared from his home.
It is not thought that he has met with foul
play, but that his sudden leave taking was
occasioned by fear of his creditors.
By nourishiiio;
every part of
your system
With blood mado puro by tak
ing Hood's Sarsaparilla. Then you
will havo nerve, mental, bodily and
e Spring
digostivo strength. Then you need not
fear disease, because your system will
readily resist scrofulous tendencies
trad attacks of illness. Then you will
know tlio absolute intrinsic merit of
Sarsapar'.a 'V.
cine and Blood I u '.Vr. f i ; .. . i'repared
only by C. 1. Horn! fi , I. :!, M ns.
Hood's P:!J
a-. I
-, r '.'aptly and
ll Is Ml' 1 1
Oentaal : Rooms,
(Titmau's Block)
Coast Centre Street.
Office Hours; 7 a. to. to 8 p. m.
Dr. J. W. Angles, late of Heading, Manager.
NOTICE; Dr. Q. H. Hartley Is still con-
neetea wttn uie esmiuisninent.
We make all kinds of plates. Gold Crowns
Alumlmra Oowus Logan Crowns. Crowi
and Bridge work and all operations that pel
tain to Dsnwl Surgery. '
No charges for extracting when plates an
ordered. We are tbe only users of vitalised
air for the painless extraction of teeth.
Meluskey & Son,
13 South Main St.
I will close out In SO d.iys my entire stock of
HOOTS A KB H0U of the best und flmut
I nutke The grcati r rt or t Ills V k l Home.
, i. il. ilefesoti for sellltiK out 1 intern! In
le - 'touu t'nli early and examine the stock
1SS B. Coal St.
D..!IJ up
, ii-lnrtntod brtbtee ami
h i i ii w.tnn liath with
. ! i r flinlo application of
u . n i, tlio Ricat sktn euro,
t' 1 1' 1 . a t I oronoinlcal treatment
W i'.vc bliVtiinp;, scaly, and
u. ."i - of the bin, Bcalji, and blood.
tciWiMi".ii't',w.f'.t. P-ittvh Dftvo avdObih
l M. i oh Tf . t'rnrit-tntN, Boston.
MklP IIj i . i ur K.hv Itnhy ilumnr, tMUfd frU
fjontnict Ind Vnt Woek Acrgregitto
e3(l,(M)0,(M)u foiling Hulls Alirnsd.
Cleveland, Vib. Ii). The Iron Trado
Review says: The steel rail war was
brief and fierce, and the execution was
HUlle all that could be deEieed. Prices
wore cut deeply enousli to satiety buy
ers that there was nothing left for
them but to buy all their needs requir
ed within the limit of their credit. It is
Safe to say that nearly $20,000,000 worth
of rail business is on the books of the
members o.' the lat pool today, nearly
all of it taken in Ave days of Ijist week.
If we count 875,000 tons of Pittsburg;
sales, In addition to 100,000 tons of for
eign orders and 100,000 tons of rails
sptloned to home roads, and to this
ddd 260000 tons taken by Illinois and
auu.uuu to zbo.tov tons sola by eastern
ihllls, wo shall have a total of l.OTS.OO')
tsiiis. Of this total an amount more
till nn equivalent to all the rail busi
ness of 1898 was taken after the decla
ration of war on the 9th Inst. There
lit no truce as yet, and no signs that
tine will be patched up.
Sending Hulls to Rnglnnd.
New York, Feb. 19. Important bank
ing; Interests liaVe been informed that
the Carnegie company has sold 60,000
tons of stc-el rails for export to Lon
don, the buyer being; one of the largest
English railways. Other sales of 60,
000 tons were reported, making the
export sales foot up 100,000 tons,
AluKlulcy ltates nn Ciutl mid Coke.
Washington, Feb. ID. The Republi
can members of the ways and means
eo'omlttee took an Important step yes In their work on the new tariff
bid by deciding tp restore the McKin
ley rates on coal and coke. These rates
were 76 cents' per ton of 2S bushels on
bituminous and shale, and 30 cents on
cpnl slack) such as will pass through
a half Inch screen. The present rates
ire 40 cents and 15 cents. Coke Is ad
vanced from 15 to 20 per cent, ad
valorem. There Is a practical under
standing that the new bill will teturn
to tho McKKiley rates on tobacco ex
cept on the grade known as filler. The
rate on this will be 70 cents a pound,
double the McfClnloy duty.
l'eniiiylviitiliis Oubnrt Sympathizers.
HarrlaburK, Feb. 19. In the house of
representatives a Cuban resolution
was reported frurn the federal rela
tions committee and adoiited. It te
quests the senators and representa
tives in congress from 'Pennnsylvania
"earnestly , to forward by all proper
meant! any movement looking to a
speedy end to this conflict, and re
membering the fiencrous material old
and support we received in our own
struggle for Independence more than
a century ago, to urge as far as inter
national law and obligations will per
mit the light of the people of Cuba to
a government by and for themselves."
Camp 11", Attention I
The hour for tho weekly meetiug of Wash
ington Camp No. 112, I. O. S. of A., to bo
held on Tuesday, February SSlrd, will bo
0:30 p. m., instead of the usual liuur, to
give all members a chance to attend the
banquet. Members will please present their
cards to the committee by Satuiday evening
next. Bobbins' opera house will be opeu nt
7 o'eloek, sharp, and tho banquet will com
mence promptly at 7:30 o'olook. The tickets
will' posltivoly not be transferable and no
children will be admitted under any cir
cumstances. No one arriving after 8 p. in.
will he served. Ily order of the committee.
II. J. Yost,
11. Jb Parhott,
E. J. Davihb,
Marvelous Results.
From a letter written by Kev. J. Guuder-
man, of Dimoudale, Mich., we are permitted
to muKo tins extract : i nave no hesitation
iu recommending Dr. King's Now Discovery,
as the results were almost marvelous in the
rase of my wife. While I was pastor of the
isupimt eiiureu at Hives Junction sue was
brought down with Pneumonia succeeding
La Grippe. Terrible paroxysms of coughing
would last hours with little interruption and
it seemed as if she, could not survive them.
A friend recommended Dr. King's New
Discovery: it was quirk iu its work and
highly satisfactory in results." Trial bottles
free nt A. Wasley's drug store, Regular size
50c and $1.00.
Tho Sillier' Ilospltul. .
Among the patients admitted to the state
hospital yesterday were the following :
Martus Selbent, 14, Mahanoy City, laborer,
Vulcan colliery, compound fracture of the
thumb and Index finger, caused by a lump of
coal railing on his hand while loading a oar.
The lingers were amputated.
John Avodl, 80, Turkey Itun, laborer.
Lawrence colliery, burned by an explosion of
gas on the face, neck, hands, forearms, arms
and back. There are ohances for his recovery,
Alez. McDonald, 80, Mahanoy City, miner,
Schuylkill colliery, severe sprain of the
knee joint, due to a fall of timber.
John l'lslior, 83, Fountain Springs, tailor,
pyeyarchrosls of the knee joint, due to a
bump while climbing a stairway.
Never Kccvlvod ltiUrxst ou 8tute Mouey,
Harrisburg, Feo. 1!). The newspapor
repiestntatlvc-B, a messenger boy and
a derailment clerk were the only
spectators at the first session of the
committee from the senate and house
to Investigate the state treasury and
auditor general's office, btate Treas
urer Haywood testified that tbe re
ceipts were principally oheolts and
drafts, which are deposited dally In
the active depositories In Philadelphia,
Pittsburg and HarHsburr? .and that
funds are deposited nowhere except In
state banks. Its never demanded or
received Interest on rtats mou-y.
Jt sc.vsd Urn Hoys.
Mrs E L. Fiedler, BeHrfonte, IV, writes
as follows: 'Two of noreblldren were takcu
ill with diphtkeris nd the discuss developed
into a most serious form, fly the aid of skill
ful physicians all possible mcsns and
medicines worn appliid aud still our dear
ones grew worse. A kind iu tehoorsuggestcd
we um Thompson'' Diphtheria Cure. We
did so and la lei-s than twenty-four hours
the pouting Vims slKreinovid from their
' throats aud the boya were up and about.
i The third day they eti'ild eat with ei uifort
1 I chi. not say l-.o much for Thompson's
Diplithi ri i fine, nn I 'ill biirc it !4d our
chililieu." Hold at Kulin's ding nlmo at
1 50 lento it bottle.
The TrnsnnVi Mtile 111 II.
Ijondcm, Ffb. 19. The pecretary of
ft' 'e for thr colonics, Mr. Joseph
C 'VP te rl il l nnnnuured In the houas
01 i nuinuiim yoRteid y Hut nn ofTlelal
telegiam hnd been receive! Piv
trrla, capital of Vno Transvaal, con
veying a bill of Indemnity piesented
by the Transvaal as a rentut ( tuo
Jameson raid. The bill bhI.h for the
rnyment of (177,988 Ss "d iib the ma
terial charge and 1,000.000 for "moral
and Intellectual damage." The fore
going demands do not include the le
gitimate private claims which may be
Cnrllits Active In Spain.
Madrid, Feb. 19. The Impnrclal and
Other newspapers of this city are call
ing the government's attpntlon to the
revival of the Carllst agitation in Cat
alonia and the Basque p.ovlnces. It
Is reported that the Carlists are buy
ing arms and preparing for a coup de
main. Their officers are said to be al
ready appointed and liiaced on half
pay. Numerous Carllst meetings have
taken place in the north of Spain.
Will Discharge All Americans.
Windsor, Ont., Tel-. 19. The Cana
dian Typographic company, makers of
tho Evans A Dodge bicycles and Rog
ers typesetting machines, and the
largest employers of skilled mechanics
In western Ontario, have notified their
employes that as soon as the Corliss
bill becomes a law in the United Eta'es
they will discharge every man who Is
lot a. Canadian. Most of their em-
loycs reside In Detroit.
Minutes seem like hours when a life is at
stake. Croup gives no time to send for a doc
tor, dolay may mean death. One Minute
Congb Cure gives Instant relief and insures
recovery. The only harmless remedy that
produces immediate results. C. II. Uagen-
WM-ialrl hi Highv urtnen
Ilsnie'ci Pa., IV'b. 13. While Ftng
home n.i fra'.iliig a d iy' eollecllons
John F.. - and .Trim 111 tsl, Italian
bottlcf. were a tacked or. Fisher's
Hill 1 hljrbwaymen. nach was hit
on tho hand with fin Iron bar and
knocked from the'.r wacon. The horse
ran awar and frightened tbe thieves
ft. Unth the Injured men are at the
hospital on0 nirs- die. Frank Bawn,
an employe of the bottlots, has been
Fill a bottlo or common water glass with
urine and let it stand twenty-four hours; a
sediment or settling indicates u diseased con
dition of the kidneys. When urine stains
linen it is positive ovldenco of kidney
trouble. Too frequeut desire to urinate or
pain iu the back, is also convincing proof
thut the kidneys and bladder are out of order.
There is comfort in the knowledge so often
expressed, that Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Hoot,
the great kidney remedy, fulfills every wish
in relieving pain in the hack, kidneys, liver,
bladder and every part of tho urinary pas
sages. It corrects inability to hold urine and
scalding paiu in passing it, or laid cllects fol
lowing use of liquor, wino or beer, and over
comes that unpleasant necessity of being
compelled to get up many times during the
niitht to urinato. Tho mild und the ex
traordinary oflect of Swamp-Hoot is soon
realized. It stands the highest for Its wonder
ful cures of tlio most distressing cases. If
you need a medicine you should havo the
host. Sold by druggists price fifty cents and
olio dollar. For a sample bottle and pamph
let, both sent free by mail, mention Evening
Herald and send your full post-ollice
address to Dr. Kilmer & Co., Ilingluimton,
N. Y. The proprietors of this paper guarantee
the genuineness of this offer.
Long llurlefl Miner lteeoveredf.
Iron Mountain, Mich., Feb. 19. Tho
decomposed remains of one of the 27
mlnerB drowned in the Mansfield mine,
near Cr-vstal Falls, four years ago,
was recovered late Wednesday night.
The workmen expect to reach tho
other bodies soon. It will be remember
ed that the Mlchagamme river sudden
ly broke into the mine and overwhelmed
the miners. The coure of the river has
since been directed into a timbered
sluiceway, thus malting the original
bed dry and euablllng the work on the
mine to be resumed.
A Sure Cure for Coughs and Colds.
That's what Pau-Tiua is, 25c. AtGruhler
Bros., drug store.
Hundreds of pairs of shoes leave our store
every week, and whore do they go? They
go to peoplo of good judgment, who get
better value at the Factory Suoe Stork
than can bo had anywheie else.
Up to Date for Fains and Aches.
Everybody says Red Flag Oil, 25c. At
Gruhler Bros., drug store.
When you want good rooGug, plumbing
?ae fitting, or general tlnsmithing dono call
on E. F. Gallagher le West Centre street
Dealer ir stce 1-tf
Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets. All
druggists refund tho monoy if it fails to cure.
9S cents.
Over Three"Tli'outand Tons of Teu.
New York, Feb. 19. The four mast
ed British ship Drumeltan, Just ar
rived from Shanghai and Amoy
brought 3,100 tons of tea, the largest
cargo of that staple brought by a sail
ing vessel to this port in many years.
A Mighty Nice Thing for Coughs.
What? ran-Tlua, SSo. At Gruhler Bros.,
drug store.
nUlaljc. 1 .1 Oi' "NfcWb.
At midnight Chief Justice BeaBiey,
of the New Jersey supreme court, was
reported dying at his home in Trenton.
The locked out tanners in Chloago
became riotous yesterday, and In a
light a watchman at one of the tanner
ies was shot.
Advocates of Governor Pingree's re
form ideas as to railroad rates won a
Victory In the Michigan house yester
day iri securing an investigating com
mittee. The last evening reception of this ad
ministration was given by the presi
dent and Mrs. Cleveland at the 'White
lllouse last night. It was held for thq
ieneflt of the general public.
For Weak and Run Down People.
UTUftT IT IQI The richest of all restoro
WuHl II 10 I tive foods, because It re
place the essentials of life that are ex
hausted by disease, Indigestion, high living,
overwork, worry, excesses, abuse, etc
digestion perfect it creates solid tlesb,
muscle and strength. The nerves being
luaue strong mo Drain uecomes active anu
elr. It restores lostvltallty, stops all wast-
iug uiniiia unu weuKiiosa iu tuiuvr wmi unu
as a female regulator has no equal. I'rloe
60o.t or five boxes HCO. Druggists or by mall.
We can help you. Advice and book, free,
Write Ua About Your Case.
1612 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia,
A consump
tive hopes and
hopes, hut i
time comet
when hop
ends, and the
black shadow
of despait
forecasts the
coming of
death. Thou
sands of doc
tors say thai
is incurable. Thousandi
of consumptives believe
that there is ''nothingmuch
the trouhle nnrl that thr
is no need to bother with medicine." Both
are wrong. Consumption is the most deadly
of diseases but It is distinctly curable. If
has its inception, like all other wasting dis
eases, in disorders of the digestive organs,
and the first step towards its cure must bt
the relief of these disorders,
Ninety-eight per cent, of all eases of con
sumption are cured by Dr. Tierce's Golden
Medical Discovery. Thousands of con
sumptives have testified to their complete
and permanent recovery through its use,
nfter they were given up by the doctors and
all hope was gone. It corrects all dlsorderi
of tbe digestion, makes assimilation perfect,
fills the blood with the life-giving elementi
that build up new, firm and healthy tissues,
and acting directly upon the lungs drive
out all disease-germs. It is a specific foi
all lingering, bronchial, throat and lung
"I hsve bttn troubled with Indigestion and
dyspepsia " writes Geo. It. Slater, Iteq., of Ystet
:lty, Knox Co., Ins., " lor the last two years. 1
got a bottle or your Golden MMIonl Discovery '
and took It ss you directed. It did rue so much
MMd I am nine to vet another bottle and take It
It ts the best medicine fn the world for those whe
hare stomach trouble. I have recommended il
to several already."
The best medical book ever published in
any language is Dr. Pierce's Common Sense
Medical Adviser. Over 680,000 copies of
this book have been sold for $1.50 each. It
contains 1,008 pages and 300 illustration, j
It gives suggestions for treatment of all ail.
ments. There are also nrescriotions. This 1
valuable book, in paper binding, may now 1
be nail free lor tue asking, scnu 21 one
cent stamps to the World's Dispensary
Medical Association, Buffalo, N. Y., to pay
the cost of mailing only. If fine cloth bind
ing is desired, send 10 cents extra, 31 cents
in all.
Uverolllclous l'osflnaster IteilloveU.
Intervale, N. IL, Feb. 19. Postmaster
Ileuben Weeks has been removed for
secreting and Improperly delivering
letters, and W. C. Booker has been ap
pointed his successor. Letters sent
from Boston by Mrs. Annie Mudgett 1
to her husband, Frank, were Inter- j
cepieu anu uouvereu iu 111s uruiuei,
II. S. Mudpett, cx-postmaster at Inter
vale. Tho affair was ths result of a
family ruarrel. Weeks admitted his
guilt, but said he did It through sym
pathy. The little daughter of Sir. Fred Webber,
Holland, Mass., had a very bad celd and eoug'i
which he had not been able to cure with any
thing. I gave him a 25 cent bottle of Cham
berlain's Cough Remedy, says W. P. Holden,
merchant and postmaster at West Brimfiold,
and the ucxt time I saw him ho said it worked
like a charm. This rc.metlv is intemloil
especially for acute throat and lung diseases
such as colds, croup and whooping cough, and
it is famous for its euros. There is no danger
in giving it to children for it contains noth
ing injurious. For salo by Gruhler Bros.,
druggists. -
'lliu Frm ilmou (fet 'lliefr Minre.
Hayden, I. T., Feb. 10. The govern
ment has bcicun the pj-yment of 1800,
loO to the 4.SO0 freedmen of the Cher
okee atrip. The Cherokees alleped that
these freedmen had been brought into
the tribe as slaves and afterwards in
termarried, and were not entitled to
share the strip money. The freedmen
brought suit, which was compromised
in their favor.
Soothlue lot burns, scalds. cliaDncd hands
and lips. Healing for cuts and sores. In
stant relief for piles, stops pain at once.
llieso aro tho virtues ot Dowilt's Wltcu
Hazel Salve. C II. Ilageubucb.
Armor Flnte at titoo a Ton.
Washington, Feb. 19. The house
committee on naval affairs, which la
working on the naval appropriation
bill, adopted a paragraph to the bill
authorizing the secretary of the navy
to contract for steel armor of domestic
manufacture for the three battleships
now being constructed, and appropri
ating a sum not exceeding J3, 210,000
for the purpose. "It is estimated that
8,026 tons cf armor will be needed for
the three srhli'S, so that this provision
limits the cost to $.00 a ton.
Lost A dear little child who mado homo
happy by its smiles. And to think, it might
have been saved had tho parents only kept
in the house Ono Minute Cough Cure, tlioin
allihlo romedy for croup. 0. II. Hagenbuch
Consul li!zi' right for 'Liberty.
New York. Feb. 10. Judge Addison
Brown, of the United States district
court, late yesterday afternoon, grant
ed a writ of habeas corpus In the case
of Joseph Iaslgl, Turkish consul gen
eral at Boston, who Is locked up in
the Tombs prison accused of embez
zling over $200,000 in connection with
the trusteeship of two estates in Mass
achusetts. The writ, which Is return
able before Judge Brown this after
noon, was served by a United States
marshal upon the warden of the
v luijjiu liver uiuuuau uau complexion, uau
breath, indigestion and frequent headaches.
iPn A.,nl.l nn..I,... 1 Tt-lirl,.!..
. T 1 f 1 - , .
.v umiiu Biiu uuuiiiaiiiuua utttu JJUIVlllB
Little Early Risers, the famous little pills.
C.U. Ilagenbuch.
Gonernl Porter Off for Washington.
New York. Feb. 19. General Horace
Porter, who Is to be grand marshal of
ttie inauguration parade, left for
Washington today, to remain until
March 5, and possibly longer. lie will
open an office In "Washington as soon
as he gets there, from which all the
correspondence relating to the Inaugu
ration ceremonies will be oonducted.
Before leaving General Porter said
that from the number of letters he has
received from organized bodies all over
the country he is confident that the
parade will be a grand success if the
weather Is favorable.
Wrote "I Die Hungry," and Shot nimself.
Chicago, Feb. 19. George W. Adama
died yesterday from a wound self In
flicted. In 1874 Adams tnglneered one
of the greatest "eorners" in oats known
In the history of the Chicago board of
trade. The corner would have made
him one of the richest men in Chicago
had he won. Adams borrowed a re
volver and shot himself In the head,
after writing "I die hungry" on a bill
head. He was onoe a wealthy opera
tor, but after losing his money be
came a bookkeeper. Three months ago
he loat bis n'ncs. nnrl alnr-a Viaa luurn
I out of work.
Ohlneto Triple Murnerer IlaucBil.
San Quentln, Cal., Feb. 19. Chun
ring, a Chinaman, waa hanged here
Wednesday for a triple murder com.
mltted at IiUiidey, a mining oamp In
the Bierras, In Bertember, Ut. With
1 out provocation he attic ked Ah Fook,
I a fellow countryman, with an ax,
hacking him frightfully, but not fa
tally. He thun obopped Ah Fook'a
I whe to plei lb, and afterwards went to
an adjoining cabin and killed another
Chinese couple, brutally beheading tbe
j woman. While In Jail awaiting trial
he attempted to kill a Jailer.
A wucd in the garden can be easily destroy
ed when it lirst stirts. Consumption oau be
nipped in the bud by One Minute Cough
I 'lire l , jt. llaiieuliucu.
round Deaden Their North Dakota Rniieh,
Indians SuRiteoted.
Winona, N. D., Feb. m. A sextuple
tragedy occurred onr mile from this
place yesterday, on the ranch of Rev,
Thomas Spencer. The horribly mutila
ted bodies of Mr. and Mrs. 8plcer, their
daughter, Mrs. William Rouse, with
her 1-year-old twin boys, and the aged
Mrs. Waldron, the mother of the post
master of this place, were discovered
scattered about the ranch, and there
is as yet no positive clew to the per
petrators of tht hotribU crime.
The appearance about tits rsmoh, tho
condition of the bodies and some othei
circumstances have led to the suspic
ion that the murder was committed by
Indians, and this suspicion was in
part started from the known fact that
one Indian was seen In the neighbor
hood of the ranch on Wednesday. The
bodies were terribly mutilated With
axes and clubs
The Standing Rock Indian reserva
tion is not far from the scene. If the
murders were committed by Indians
the murderers are undoubtedly now
back anion? the reservation Indians.
There is much exoltement here oveii
the tragedy.
A Urate landsman Honored.
Charleston, S. C Feb. 19. Secretary
Herbert, accompanied by El
lerben and other state and cy o.Hclals,
visited the battleship Maine vs"erday.
The men were drawn up l.i lino und
the' secretary presented Landsman
Creelman with a government irold
medo.1, awai ded for bravery during the
storm of the 8th, when several men of
tho Maine were j.-'ied overboard.
Ctcclmnn jumped H o the sea to save
the drowning men ai.J vis himself
rescued wuh difficulty. Cadet Ghcr
ardl, who comiv.ndnd the boat's crcv
that saved the men, was highly com
plimented by the secretary.
ThrcW Avruy JIls Canes.
Mr. D. Wiley, ox-postmaster, Black Creek,
N. Y., was so badly afflicted with rheuma
tism that ho was only ablo to hobble around
with canes, and even then it canted him
great pain. After using Chamberlain's Piiin
Halm he was so much improved that
tnrow nway hlscanes. He says this
lid him moru good than all other m diclues
nd treatment put together. For salo at BO
cents per bottlo by Qruhler Bros., drug store.
Wilson Aooeptis u College rrcnitttmor.
AVashlnr.t' n, Feb. 19. Postmarter
General V. ilson announces thut he hns
accepted tht presidency of the Wash
ington and I oe university, at Lexing
ton, Va. The formal tender was made
n week rl" at a meeting of the board
of trustees, Tbe board fixed July 1 as
th date on which the new president
assumes the chair.
Jileclilc Hitters.
Electric Bitters is a medicine suited for any
season, but perhaps more generally needed in
the spring, when the languid exhausted
feeling prevails, when tho liver is torpjd and
ulugijish and tlio need of a tonio nud altera
tive is felt. A prompt use of this medicine
lias often averted long and. perhaps fatul
bilious fevers. No medicine will act more
surely in counteracting and freolug tho sys
tem nom tin; malarial poison, lieailucho,
Indigestion, Constipation, Dizziness yield to
Electric Bitters. Only fifty ceuts per bottle
at A. Wusloy's drug store.
vt nlii.tti oil 1 rlM lor Mtlrttnr.
Philadelphia, Fen. 19. Kate Iloey
was plrei! on trial yes'.erday before
Judge Yurkes charged with the mur
der of Anna Hauff on Thanksgiving
night, Nov. 2G last, at the house No.
725 Noble street. It is evident that the
commonwealth will press for one of
the higher grades of murder, judging
from tho care with which the Jury was
selected. f
Our peoplo aro growing more and more In
tho habit of looking to Gruhler Bro1., drug
gists, for tlio latest and best of everything in
tho drug lino. They sell Chamberlain's Cough
'Eemedy, famous for its cures of bad colds,
croup and whooping cough. When in need
of such a medicine givo this remedy a trial
and you will be more than pleased with the
Officers of th J'amit-vV 3lli'Anoe. 1
"Washington, Feb. 19. The suprerro
council of the Nntlcnal Farmers' Al
liance, in session here, elected officers
for the ensuing year as follows: Pres
ident, Mann Pace of Virginia: vice
president, C. Vincent of Indianapolis;
secretary and treasurer, W. P. Brief
er of Pennsylvania.
Why suffer with Coughs, Colds and La
Grippe when Laxatlvo Ilromo Quinine will
curo you in ono day. Put up In tablets con
vonientfor taking. Guaranteed tocuie, or
money refunded. Price, 23 cents, ""or sale
by Kirlin's Pharmacy.
Ttnllrou'il I'rbti-bl Acnltist n 'rax mil.
Trenton, Feb. IB. The hoUBe com
roltttee on railroads and canals gave
another hearing yesterday on the
equal taxation bill. Counsel for the
Pennsylvania Itallroad company spoke
against the bill, and made compari
sons seeking" to show that the Penn
sylvania oompany already paid more
than its share of taxes of the state.
City Counsel IDdwards, of Jersey City,
took exception to this statement. The
committee went to Jersey Olty today
to make a personal Inspection ot the
railroad property there.
Tho sweetest
and the most
1 word in the
English language and the one about
which the most tender and holy reool
leotions cluster is that of Mother she
who watched our tender years; yet the
life of every Expootant Mother is beset
Mother's Friend
so assists Nature in the change taking
place that the Mother is enabled to
iook forward without dread or gloomy
forebodings to the hour when she ex
periences the the Joy of Motherhood.
Ita use insures safety to the lives of
both Mother and Child, and she is left
stronger after than before confinement.
Sent by Mall, on receipt of price, 11.00 psr bot
tle. Hook to " Expectant Mothers will lie mall-
il l(KUVBt, LU all; muj,wuhiiiiih '
uablo Information and voluntary testimonials.
The Briddeld Regulator Co., Atlanta, 0s.
Is a fearful oondltlnn and aHiutw you a great
many uncomfortable homes. Why surfer this
way when you oan he entirely cured by iibIiik
tlie BltONflnomomoeopathlc) REMEDY for
"Tliey do the Worl
Yonkars, N. Y.
Wanted-An Idea 2
Who oan think
ot aome simple
thing to patentr
ou weann.
.w . vin iiuiimnnunn rmieat Alior-
oeyi, WaJhlngtou, D. 0., for their i.8U) nrlte offer
and list ot two tiuadrsd luTeotlons wanted.
Sick Headache.
Neuralgia and Extreme .'"outness.
VEK since I was eighteen years old
uum i loarnea 01 ur. ftlllrs' Restora
tive Hi merllAS. T ailfVaa-nr)
J '. uum B1UK
headache aud extreme uervoubuess and dys
pepsia. In time heart disease developed. I
was treated by several doctors with no re
lief. Severe palpitation with pafn In left
breast, shortness of breath, and smothorlng
spells made mo most rnlserablo. I pro
cured Dr. Miles' Eestorative Nervine and
New Heart Curo and took them alternately
as directed. Improvement
ana Increasodso rap
idly thut ir.3ide of six
rron&hs I increased
thirty six nounds tn
jwolght. All pain in
the heart is gone, and
the nervousness has
wholly left mo,"
W. Gorman St., Little Falls, N. Y-, Nov. 7,'K.
Dr. Miles' Remedies are sold by alldrug
ftsts under a positive guarantee, first bottle
1 jneflta or money rof undod. Bool: on Heart
xnd nerves Bent free to all applicants.
1 Li I 4 Kervoua c Failing Mm
017. Impotency, BleeElessnaiu, etc.. cnuatxi
by Abuite ana other Exorsec aaa Indltv
ovetiotii, TiVy tjvicktir und aurvtu
rentorelot Vir In ola or xoang, and
fit a man for l-?J njsea or rnrcrfnga,
Prpcn-t , Ki rV.iiMnmnt1r.rt if
t&Ueuln time. Their on nh"Tvi immorltate lmprovo.
ment and ellectn a GUEJS w'iw-e all cthan fall. In
slot upon having the annino Ajajc Tablets. They
have cared thousands und will cure you. We ste a
positive written guarantee to effect a rip-i in tvih cam
or refund the money. Trice 60 oertt . ner pnobratfe, or
six nick ages fftiH treatment for feJJO. Ily mall, fa
l4am wrapper, upon receipt of price. Circular free.
For sail-In Shennndonli. Pa., hv A. YVh.Ibu
aud 8. P. Klrlin, Druggists.
Alwftvs cromntind rtIUhU. Arntil Imttntttma.
Otl CTOrT'sj TW T Pit tJsnnd nvi ftstauKTi.
At driisT tora. orient direst f scaled . nrica. tl.
CiTOjr Brio. Co., Bottoo, Mru. Our book, An.
Per sale nt l V. T KlrUij's dniir
Sh'n:nuonli driijc fltore '
mm mm restore.
to it. I i mil liy l.P.I.V. 1IAIK M 1.1,1
OA NT, ' i rtti.hnnn'owi, ploiiMnt o lor ifllo I uiti.
l.I'.r.'.S 1IA1K TOSlOremovMdan.triitt.
hfttrfrnmfRMiDontandpromqtMgrowthSl (nn Vmltlo
I.F.UMnillOA.Vf CUUBFntUrast., S V-tOCC
Illustrated Troatiw on lUir ou application met
For sale by Shenandoah Drug Store, Klrl ill's
Iriit Ptoro.
Of ail Tfiroat Bisease Terrors
In a family none are ahhorreil
irw thn Ihnf nf nlnhllifrvi.
-m ------ . ... j.
The only speedy and positive
proYcntatWe is
Which enres ns absolutely as it
is used according to instruc
tions. This is a broad assertion
but made without the least fear
of contradiction, as those who
have used it iu their family
freely testify.
Evtry claim liere made is
fully substantiated by the thou
sands of unsolicited testimonials.
It also ns surely Cunes Croup,
Quinsy, Sough or any throat
Sold by Druggists atjo cents
a bottle.
If your dealer chances not to
havo. any on lutnd write to the
manufacturers at once, enclos
ing a two-cent stamp for full
particulars It not only cures
but also prevents Diphtheria, if
taken iu time. Road what a.
prominent divine says :
Wllllsmsport, Pa., Mar. t, ISM.
To whom It mny conoarn: This certi
fies tbat I havo botm nslne Thompson's
Diphtheria (Jure In my lamlly anil re
gHrd It as tho best ana moat speedy rem
ody for colds and sore throat I hare
every known. I do not hesitate to rer
ommendlt. o.D. I'f.kepacker, d. D,
Pastor Grace M. E. Church.
MANuraarus.0 bt
ua. ..!!.:..,... i.. .:;..:..,.,.wr.:i..t;:...v.wi
f"i-",l"""i7miiliiiwf rf"""""""""""''"1'"'' " "'
For Sale at KIRLIN'S Drug Store.
Personally-Conducted Tours
COAST will leave Now York and Philadelphia
February B4, stopping- at new uriuiiiiauiiiiiiK
Mardl Oras festlvftiea, and ailowliifr fmir wrcks
In PalifornlM. and March 27. ri-tiirniiiir mi
regular feraina within nine inouthH. Kotuni tiip
raws from all points on the Peiiii hanla Jtulf
road Bvatem east of Pittsburg : STAlMI for tour
of February 24, and $210.00 fur tour of Mun-li 27
Jooksonrlllo tours, allowing two weeks in
Florida will k-uve New York and Philadelphia
February 9 and 28, and March , 1H07
Hate voverliiK expenses en route In both
directions, $30.00 from New York, and (48.00
from l'liiladelpbia.
Tours, each ooveriiift period of time
days, will leave Mew York and riilludi-1-phla
February 11, March 11, April 1
and 22, and May 18, 1807. Rates, InrhM
lug transportation and two daya' att'nmumiiu
tion at the beat Washington Hot Ja. V I 5j fr..ui
New York, and 111.60 from t Ulll-lt5iiii.
will loave -Nort "iork and Plilladolphla Fftbm
ary 20, Man Ii IS, and April U, UV7.
For dt'tal It'd itinorarioa and other biformaUun
apply at ticket aaencies ur add rows fki.
Hoyd, Awl UonH I'am Agui.f, iTroaiTritroi-i
Hautton, l'hiladeliil-ia.
a 39