The evening herald. (Shenandoah, Pa.) 1891-1966, February 09, 1897, Image 3

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Now a days when a man goes te his doctor,
lie Is usually told that he lias some unheard
of disease with n lone nam, and when he
leaves the oflloe ha does not know whether It
U8t Vitus Danoe or consumption that Is
gradually undermining his health.
It is therefore refrtsuluE to talk with the
Shaken, for their very simplicity coninmuds
confident and respect, and wo have the
farther satisfaction of knowing that they
have devoted themselves to the study of
disease and its cure for more than n hundred
The venerable old man whom the writer
saw wn only toq glad to discuss his pot
sulj'.ot. lie said that stranie ns it might
eer-m, very few doctors realise that three
quarters of tho most prevalent diseases were
all attributable to faulty digestion.
He then went on to lay that a child of
nvorago Intelligence knows that putrid meat
urdecayirfg vegetables,- are poisonous, and
must be avoided, and yet these same foods,
even if taken Into tho stomach in the freshest
possible condition soon decompose unless
In suoh cases the resulting poisons enter
tho system, wson aches aud inline, weakness
and debility soon follow as a natural con
sequence. It was recognition of this that led the
Shakers to devotq tholr ouorgles to tho per
fection of a product which would stimulate
tho digestive organs and n(lt them to per
form their proper work.
The flrtt symptom of disordered digestion
is loss of appetite, and the Shaker Digestive
Cordial Is wonderfully ofiloicnt in supplying
any doflejenoy lrrthis respect, at tho same
tiino It relieves all distress after eating.
Furthermore, as was carefully explained by
our venerable friend, It is absolutely harm
loss. Better evidence of the Shakers' confidence
in it could not bo found, than in tho fact
that thoy have placed 10 cent sample bottles
in the hands of all drnggists, assured that if
once tried it will produce such immediate
and markod benefit that it will be continued. Sun.
The first l American Newspa
pers, CUARIS A. DANA, Editor.
The American Constitution, the
American Idea, the American Spirit.
These first, last and all the time,
Dally, by mail, - $6 a year
Daily & Sunday,by mail, $8 a year
The Sunday Sun
Is the greatest Sunday' Newspaper In
the world
Price 5c. a copy. - Dy mail, $2 a year.
Address THE SUN, Hew York.
THE TIMES in tbo mo&t extensively
ofrculnted ami widely rud n simper puU-'
I shod In Pennsylvania. It 11ncumoii of pub
lic men and publln measure la In tho Interest
of public Integrity, honest kovciiih vut and
prosperous Industry, nnd It know-; no party
or peiBOtml allegiance lu trotting public
Jasuptj. In the lirondest nud bept uvtxno o
family and gentr! newspaper.
Ulins to have the Wrgpnt
circulation by deserving It, and "I..I1-1- .hut ih
la unsurpassed In nil the essentl tls ot a ureal
mctroiioutan newspaper. Spouimen oopies of
nny edition will be sent free to any ono send
ing their addreaj.
TERMS-DAILY, 1800 per annum i 81.00
for four months; SO cents per month; de-
, llvered by carriers for 6 cents per week.
SUNDAY KDITION, 02 large, handsome
tinges 221 columns, elegantly Illustrated,
beautiful colored supplement $2.00 ' ileY an
num ; S cent per copy. Dally and Sunday,
$5.00 per annum 50 cent per month.
Address nil letters to
Chi eh cater Knsliili Diamond Jfrnncf
Original and Only fienulno.
Arc. aJwiTs rclUbU, ladies til
Drogelst for Chifikttttft Kniih Xia-(
boiet, ild villi bins ribbon. Take
ns nf Iipv. Eefut danaerou tubttitu
Hons and imiUUlon. AlI)rnggUti,eriril4o
la stumps rtir nwtlBUlan, tMtlmoaUU W.
Keller fop rdics,M in Utter, by return
Lager and
Pilsner Beers,
Purest and
Chris. Schmidt, a.,
West Coal Street.
Tssamo to H I ra.
lAWgY n
I AN0 fcUrt C . i "io. HV i
f t AMU KUHt. IwAcfli' Kflf4aT gX
urr i . hcm WHaeirw vaunts.
Fot it Povlnsky's drug store, 38 lias
Centre street,
Admiral Bunco's Squadron Had a
Vory Stormy Voyage,
Elx Were Swept Overboard from the llat
tleslilp Maine, nnd Only Three Were
Rescued Another Crushed to Death nnd
Several Injured on the Marblehead.
Charleston, S. C, Feb. 9. Admiral
Dunce's blockading squadron made
this port yesterday after a stormy voy
age from Hampton Roads, and losing
three men from the Maine during tho
Bale of Friday. The fleet Is now an
chored off the
Jetties, and
shows no sign
of the terrible
weather ex
perienced. The
squadron left
tho Roads on
Thursday fore
noon and put
to sea. Friday
evening the
weather thick
ened, and by
night was
ABMirtAT. nmreis. blowing a gale.
The Indiana returned to the Reads,
owing to the condition of her turrets.
The rest of the fleet, however, poked
their noses Into the storm and headed
eouth. When about fifty miles off Hat
teras the fleet encountered the full
force of the blow. Open squadron for
mation was maintained, and the ves
sels were put In order for a Blege of
The battleship Maine rolled In the
big seas, the water washing her decks
at every plunge. It was late Friday
afternoon that the aocldent occurred
which cost three seamen their lives,
and three others were rescued only by
prompt and heroic work. A gang of
men were ordered forward to make
more secure the lashings of the big
guns. The deck was deluged and tho
wind was freshening overy moment.
The men were-at work with the lash
ings when an unusually heavy sea lit
over her bows and swept aft. Six of
the gang were picked up and carried
overboard. When the cry of "man
overboard" was carried back there
was a scene of momentary confusion,
but In an instant the splendid disci
pline of tho orew was apparent.
Life buoys wero cut loose and the
order quickly given to get a boat over
board. The high seas made this a work
of peril and difficulty, but a boat's
orew under Naval Cadet Walter It.
Gherardl, son of Rear Admiral Qher
ardl, retired, was finally lowered, ex
cellent seamanship alone preventing
the frail oraft from being crushed
against the sides of the big battleship.
While the engines had been reversed
at the first signal from the bridge, the
momentum of the ship had oarrled her
some distance beyond tho spot where
the Beamen were swept overboard, and
the set of the current was carrying
them further away every moment.
The ship's crew watched the res
cuers as they pulled manfully In the
heavy seas, the waves running so high
that the little boat was at times hid
den from the vessel's deck as It rushed
down Into tho trough. Meantime the
drowning men fought bravely, and
three of them managed to keep afloat
until their mates hauled them from
the water. They wore Seamen Heseel,
Cronan, and Freeman. The remain
ing three, Brown, Nelson and Kogel,
were not to be seen. The lifeboat
cruised back and forth over the spot,
but the brave fellows had given up the
struggle, and met a sailor's fate.
Friday night the fleet made heavy
weather of It, but managed to keep
within signaling distance of one an
other. Towards morning the squad
ron was hove to, and weathered out
the rest of the gale In that manner.
Tho officers say It was one of the worst
gales the fleet has ever experienced,
and all unite In praising the seagoing
qualities of the vessels. Deyond the
Iobs of the three men there were no
further accidents, and the fleet bears
little mark of its tempesiuoua voynge.
The Fern made this port before the
worst of the gale, being 48 hours ahead
ef her consorts In m. iking harbor.
The Do:;. Mn, whitii oame up from
the r. uth, arrived on Sunday, and ex
r j. inced no severe weather. A boat
from the Maine oame up to the olty
last evening with several officers. They
Visited the collootor of the port and
filed telegrams. A dispatch from
Washington was awaiting Admiral
Bunce, presumably from tho navy de
partment, In conneotlon with the
blockading maneuvers.
In addition to tho three men lost
overboard from the Maine during tho
gale of Friday one man was crushed
to death on the cruiser Marblohead,
another was fatally Injured, and six
others wero so badly hurt that soy
dfal may lose limbs. The details of
the aooldents on the MarMehead are
not obtainable, but It seems that tho
cruiser made bad weather of the blow.
Bhe presents a dismantled appear
ance. Her forecostla Is stove In, a por
tion of her superstructure and two
hatches carried away. The heavy seas
that swept her docks also carried
away her searchlight, lower port boom,
smashed the rails and swept over
board the lifeboats.
Carpenter Shawberl was crushed to
death In the forecastle when It was
wrecked by a monster wave, and
Plumber Hlckey had his skull orushed
by the wreckage, and will probably
die. The six seamen who were In
jured were believed to have been hurt
at the same time, but the officers of
the vessel are reticent as to the de
tails of the accident. Shawberl was
burled at eea.
The other vessels of the fleet show
marks of their rough voyage, their
upper works anj deck hampers b-'ng
Iliad severe attacks of grarel and kidney
trouble) and unable to get a mediolue or
doctor to cure me until I used Hop Bitten,
and they cured roe In a short time. A
Distinguished Lawykk or Wayhb Co.,
N. Y.
Coloblkss and Cold. A youDg girl
deeply regretted that she ku so colorless and
and cold. Her face was too white, and her'
hands aud feet felt as though the blood did
not circulate. After one bottle of Hop
Bitters had been taken she was the rosiest
and healthiest girl in the town, with a
vivacity aud cheerfulness o mind gratifying
to her friends.
The little daughter of Mr. Fred Webber.
Holland, Mass., had a very bid cold and cough
which be had not been able to cure with Buy
tiling. I gave him a SB eeut bottle of Clmm
Unluiu's Ceugh Eemedy, says W. P. Holdeu,
merchant aud postmaster st West ttriwtield,
and the next time I saw him he said It worked
like a charm. This remedy is intended
especially for acute throat and lung dlseasos
such ss colds, croup and whooping cough, and
it is famous for its cures. There is no danger
in giving it to children for it contains noth
ing injurious. For sale by Qruhler Bros.,
run AlTalr of Honor With Dead Bhot
Who Was OfTendml by III Stare.
In a Utile ixunphleti regarding the visit
oftheWlesbndetiersin Prmlrlohruh there
lias appeared n Olirmarok Anecdote which
shows ltow new Germany onon was to los
ing In his youth her groat unifier. The
Bfimo nncedore also illustrates how duels
are still mode in Clrrmany.
nismnrok first vl dted Wiesbaden two or
three yearn affeor taking his university de
gree. Ho went one evening to the big
aauoo hall in tho kiirlimia and during a
pause between dances sat on a sofa talking
With n friend and looking at tho persons
who wnlkod by. lie had a sharp oye nnd a
defiant air oven in his host tempered
moods, and several men returned his looks
with ill natural stares. Hventunlly n
young dootor, Qustav Lunge of Heidelberg,
walked up to the sofa and fixing his oyes
on Bismarck inquired!
"Why do you stare at mef"
Now, Lange was a very handsome
young man, and Bismarck was in n happy
mooth These two foots dictated Bismarck's
answer: .
"Beoauso I llko your appearance. "
"But I do not llko yours," was Lango's
An animated dialogue followed, Bis
marck nt first seeking to appease Lnnge's
wrath and Lange trying his best to make
trouble The upshot was that cards were
exchanged in order that Lange might wipe
out with blood the deadly affront of being
stared at by Otto von Bismarck. The sec
onds arranged that the meeting should
take place in the grand duchy of Heeso,
not far from Blebrlch.
Lange was a dead shot with tho pistol,
and pistols wero the weapons to be used In
thoduol. The young physician ooulu hit
a 3 mark piece flipped in tho air nine
times out or ten. it looked had ror iJls
mnrok. His seconds undoubtedly felt that
he was about the samo asndond man from
the moment ho stepped into the field, and
thoy labored hard to find a peaceable solu
tion of tho quarrel. The English captain
whom Bismarck had made one of his seo
onds was especially eager to prevent blood
shed, nnd he nronosert to .Lange at the
place of meeting that the principals talk
tho quarrel over before risking tneir lives
for such a trivial cause. Lange said that
he would do his licst to settlo the afTnlr
without a shot if his opponent would meet
him half way.
The Englishman hurried to Bismarck
with tho doctor's offer of the ollvo branch,
but Bismarck would not havo it. While
tho Englishman slowly paced off tho dis
tance, stretching his legs to mako it as
long ns possible, tho other second argued
with Bismarck. Lango loaned against a
trco and said nothing. Just as his seconds
wero expecting the prlnolpnls to tako their
places Blsmarol? yielded. To tho surprlso
of his soconds, ho did not wait for any pro
limluary conversation. Ho walked across
tho field, stretched out his hand and re
marked :
"Well, wo will try to llvo in peace then."
Lange shook hands, and tho quarrel was
at an end. On his way homo from tho
field Lange remarked to his seconds i
"It is better that It ended. It would
have been too bad to blow daylight through
Almost B0 years Inter Lnngo celohratcd
In Heidelberg tho jubilee anniversary of
his graduation. After ho and his frlonds
had rovlewod tho stirring ovonts of tllb last
half contury and tho slow welding of di
vided Germany Into ono great empire un
der Bismarck's master hand the dootor
remarked quaintly:
"It is bettor that it ended. It would
havo been too bud to blow daylight
through him."
Lost A doar little child who made homo
happy by its smiles. And to think, it might
havo been saved had tho parents only kept
in tbo house One Minute Cough Cure, the in
alliblo remedy for croup. 0. II. Ilaguubuch
"Ah, sad are they who know not lovs,"
But far from paoslon'B tears and sralisf
Drift down a moonless sea beyond
The silvery ooasts of fairy Isles.
And sadder they ivhose longing lips
El9S empty air and never touch
The dear, w&rra month of those they lore
Waiting, wasting, suffering much.
Bat clear as amber, fine as musk.
Is life to those who, pilgrim wise,
Move hand In hand from dawn to dusk,
Booh morning nearer paradise.
Oh, not for them shall angels pray)
Th"? stand in everlasting lit,ht,
w ide la Allah's smile by day
And uuUo in his heart by night.
T. 13. Aldiich
The Ilullug I'alon.
Ho If you didu't love mo, why did yvu
marry me, then?
She (formerly of Chlaago) Why, I could
not get a divorce if I had not married yoal
Syracuse Post.
Took Too Much For Granted.
"Havo yon sold that unruly horaa.thnt
you hadf
"you bet I did I"
"How did you innnago itf"
"Told the follow that iny mother-in-law
could drlvo him nnywhero."
"And. nnd he"
!inotly. Ht had novor scon linrl"
Chicago Record.
A Michigan Man Offers to Bend His Dis
covery Free.
Claims to Be a Benefactor to Weakoned
There is always more or less susnlelon
attaohod to anything that Is offered free but
sometimes a man so overtlowsntli generosity
that he cannot rest until his discovery fa
known to the world, in order that his fellow
men may profit by what he has discovered.
It Is upon this rinoipal that a resident of
Kalamaioo, Mich., desires to send free to
mankind a nresoriDtlon which will cum them
of any form of nervous debility ; relieves
mem oi an me uouuc arm uncertainty whleu
such uieu are peculiarly liable to and restores
the organs to natural else and vigor. As it
costs nothing to try the experiment it would
seem that any man, suffering with the
nervous troubles that usually attack men
who never stopped to realise what might be
the final result, ought to be deeply Interested
in a remedy which will restore them to
health, strength and vigor, without which
they continue to live an existence of untold
misery. As the remedy in Question was the
result of many years research as to what
combination would be peculiarly effective in
restoring to men the strength they need, it
would seem that all men suueriug with any
-form of nervous weakness ought to write for
suoh a remedy at once. A request to II. C.
Olds, Box 1712, Kalainasoo, Mich., stating
that you areuot sending for the prescription
out of idle curiosity, hut that you wish to
make use of the medicine by giving its trial,
will be answered promptly and without
BviuBuoo as io wuere luiormauon same trom.
The prescription Is sent free and althoush
some may wonder how Mr. Olds can afford to
giveaway his discovery, there is no doubt
about the offer being genuine. Cut this out
aud send to Mr. Olds so that he may know
how you came to write him. ' 18-88-T8t
Wanted-An Idea &3-I
Protect your Meal tber may trine you wealth.
Write JOHN WKPXjBHQUIIN fc CO., Patent Jttor
s,WIUnBtn. D. 0.,or their !,8U) prise offM
and Hit of two hundred tnwntlooj wanted.
A Handsome Complexion
is one of the greatest charms a woman can
possess. Fozsomi's Comfluzion I'Qwoua
A "Well Known Nurse Cured by
Dr. Greane'a Narvura.
One of theniost sklllfal nurses In this conn try
Is Mrs. Elisabeth 1). Berry, of Hampton, 14.
II., who says : -
"Through trouble nd overwork I rrcw
fearfully nervous, woak, dl.ay, faint, un.l ex
hausted from nervous prostration, until I
bfame entirely helpless. Thanks to Dr.
dome's Njnura blond and none remedy,
I a. n now so ue.l and stroug Unit every ono
who ins h very much surprised. 1 won id
like tj Ulltlio ' hotow jrIdnfwonKni"-liatDr.
Ciroene's Nervura blood and nerve remedy
bus done for me, and to recommend nil wo
ncn to use this wonderful medicine. I can
i, n'y call It a saver of ns women."
It constipated, use Dr. Oroeno's Cathartic
"Ills with the Ncrvnra.
Dr. Orcene, 35 Wet Uth St., New York
ilv, the most successful physician In curing
i'Tmiiu and chronic diseases, ean bo con-
'iltud freo, personally or by letter.
Far off, and very farl
Beyond the crystal sen:
Beyond the worlds that ore Mt
Unknown or known to be T
Beyond the pearly star; ' "
The clustering nebulae;
Beyond dark gulfs we see
Whore rolls no glittering car
At lout, at last, we come to thee,
The llnlte to Infinity!
Ere yet, and e'ennorel
Before the day's delight;
Before the dawn, beforo
Apollo In his might
Sped forth by sea and shore,
And after many a night.
When nil the hours take flight.
Forth issuing from death's door-
Behold, behold, In death's desplto
Eternal looms the Infinite!
Samuel Waddlngton In Academy.
Our people are growlug more and more In
the habit of looking to Qrahler Bros., drug
gUte, for the latest and best of everything in
tho drug line. They sell Chamberlain's Cough
Iieniedy, famous for its cures of bad colds.
croup and whooping cough. When in need
of such a medicine give this remedy a trial
and you will bo more than pleased with the
Cures gcacrc! cr speck:! debility, wakeful
ness, sperut.oiuui viululjaj, laipotency,
paresis, etc. t -xrccti tuuciiounl disorders,
caused by erro er rrrees, ruickly restoring
Lost Manhooi !: old cr y r, giving vigor and
strength uhe.c .laML-iAa'-cj prevailed. Con
venient packag:, simple, effectual, and legitimate.
Cure is Quick.ano Thorough.
Dan't te deceived ly imtiationt: insist On
CATON'S Vitnllzerc. Sent scaled if your drus
gist doeit not have it. Price $ t per pkge, 6 for $5,
wltb written guarantee ot complete cure.
Information, references, et., free and confidential.
Send us statement oi ca-se ana 25 cts. for a week's
trial treatment. Onco-.'y suittoeaih person''
For solo at 1. 1. J). Klrlln's drug store and
Shenandoah drug store.
I 604 North Sixth St.
a IBnllau Slueentranceon Green St.
tii,w l; r in i-jcau & iui; (no years) ana u
Veara lloinltal 12xnerlcnco In .Uermanr.
Folly of Both Sexes
PermanenUy cured after every one clae has fulled.
Send five 2-cent Btamps for boolcTrnt li. The oalv
expomira of Quacks under sworn testimonial.
if we can sell you
one ic package of
Seellg's Kaffee well
be satisfied. We
know you'll buy
mora Twill touch
the spot. Grocers.
"knows a crand
. good drink that
v ... . . i
will pieasoncr imsband.'
EagSa Brands
Condensed Kiilk
"Infant H(
ealth." is a lltlln Vmnlr nt a
great value that is sent Flits on at nil- 5
N. Y. Condensed Milk Go. S
tt Bndaan. Street. Tfow Ym-v f)
No. i Cures Fever.
No. 2 " Worms.
No. S " InfBnte' Diseases.
No. 4 " Diarrhea.
No. 8 Neuralgia.
No. O Curse Haadaoha.
No. 10 M Dyepapeia.
No, 11 " Delayed Periode.
No. 12 " Leuohorrea. v"
No. 14 " Skin Dlseaeea.
No. 18 Cures Rheumatism.
No. 16 " Malaria.
No. SO " Whooping Cough
No; 27 " Kidney Diseases.
No. SO " Urinary Diseases
No. 77 " Colds and Grip.
Sold by Drnggists, or sent prspald on
receipt of. prloe, 200.. or o lor 9U
op Uiss&SM JIjaiJtD Fbbk.
Humphreys' Kod. Co., Ill "William Bt., N.Y.
For sale at Povinsky's drug ore, 38 Qaet
uenwe sweet
The Rosy Froshnoss
I rl
And a velvety softness of the sktu is Inva
riably obtained by thore who use PoazoMi's
Complexion Powder.
Moro Fighting with Polloe In a
Populous Seotion.
Tho l'ollce Forced to Retrsnt nnd Seenri
Jtelnforceincntf, finally lteitorlne Order,
nusilmi Strike Itlots In Willed Several
Lives Were Lost.
Hamburg. Feb. 0. The riots re
sulting from the disappointment due
to the recent collapse of the dockers'
strike were renewed last night. The
police finally charged with drawn
swerda on the crowds In the vicinity
of the Schaar market, and several per
sons were Injured. A number of ar
rests were made.
The rioting was again resumed at
midnight, a mob overturning the gas
lamps on Crosser Backergang and
other Btreets and alleys In the vicin
ity of the Schaar market. The oceu?
pants of the houses on the Crosser
Backergang thoroughfare poured boil
ing water from the upper windows of
the buildings upon the heads of the
authorities, and pelted the police with
hot ashes, bottles and stones, compell
ing the officials to retreat and secure
reinforcements. The lamps were sub
sequently relighted and the streets
cleared of the crowds. Three police
men and several civilians were se
verely Injured In this early morning
-veil Lost In a Rnsslan Strike.
St. Petersburg, Feb. 9. A serious
strike has occurred in the Serpukhot
Cotton mills, In the Moscow district.
The strike has been accompanied by
iotlng. A body of Cossacks has been
sent there. Already considerable dam
age has been done to property, and
several persons have lost their lives.
New Jersey Legislature.
Trenton, Feb. ft The senate last nlaht
passed tho bill ennbllng social clubs to
Issue stock for the purpose ot leroctiua
olub houses. This bill Is intended for a t
number of leading politicians of the state,
who ezpeet to build a olub house at Luke
Hopatoong. Among bills Introduced were:
Providing for the Investigation of oltr of
fices by tho governor, wheu requested to
doso by tea persons; providing sixinnntlis'
lmprli oument for defrauding hotelkeepers
by making a fnlse show of baggage; pro
viding for tho licensing of plumbers. In
tho house Assemblymnn Wildes presented
several petitions favoring the pussage of
tho salary reduction bill. Tho house
passed the bill providing that the terms
of township and village officers shall be
gin on the Friday following town meet
ings. the bills Introduced wore:
For the establishment of a pension fund
for firemen In cities having paid fire de
partments; to provide that no trolley
frnnohlse shall be granted unless tho
municipality shall receive at least 4 per
cent, of the gross receipts.
Prevented the Dauntless' Sailing;.
Jacksonville, Fla., Feb. 0. Tho stcamar
Dauntless made aotivo preparations to
leave port last evening, presumably on a
filibustering expedition. The captain oi
pected to slip down the river and pass the
revenue cutter Boutwell, but was de
tained by Captain Kllgore. Captain May
ers, of tho Dauntless, was unable to give n
satisfactory explanation of his move
ments, and the boat's papers were taken
by Caplulu KitgoW W. A. Blsbee, owner
of tho Dauntless, protested at the deten
tion, and prepared to leave port at any
cost. Captain Kllgore said that ho had
tho moans to detain tho boat, nud that ho
should use thorn. Two of the cutter's of
ficers were placed on board of tho Daunt
less, nnd It remains tied at its wharf.
Dead from Starvation and Exposure.
Trenton, Fob. 0. Patrick Dreunnn,
agod CO years, was found dund from star
vation and exposuro in his little homo
near Yardley yesterday. Sitting besldo
his body was his aged wlfo, Margaret, who
was dying from the same causes. The
woman has been Insane for about a year,
but her old husband has managed to ouro
for her. The theory ig that he fell 111, and
she was unablo to seek help or notify their
neighbors. Neither hod been seen ubuufc
the place for somo time and the discovery
was made by uoighbors who broke In tho
door. Uronuan had evidently been dead
for a week. The couple had always been
disinclined to accept oharlty.
Defaulting- Hank Teller Sutrendors.
Parkersburg, V. Va., Feb. 0. Lee D.
MoFarland, the defaulting teller of tho
Second National bank here, went boforo
United States Commissioner T. O. Bui.
look yesterday and surrendered. Tho war
rant was sworn out by W. 11. Wolfe, the
cashier ar.. I president, charging a viola
tion of the bulking laws with Intent to
defraud a"il Injure. MoFarland, through
his nttor- jy, pleaded not guilty. Ilegavo
a $40,000 bond for hit appearunco at tho
June torm of the United States court
hero. MoFarland' s uncles offer to make
good tho entire shortage ot 943,000 It Mo
Farland Is not prosecuted.
Lavlgno Defeats Mol'artlnnd.
New York, Feb. 9. The 86 round bout
between the lightweight champion, George
("Kld")Lavigneof Saginaw, Mloh., and
"Kid" Mol'artlaud of this olty, whloh was
brought off last night at the Broadway
Athletic club, resulted In favor ofthe for
mer. That McPnrtland could last the
limit in face of such a rapid lighter as La
vlgne was never dreamed of by the most
sanguine of his friends, but he did it, and
by doing so his stock has gone up' wonder
fully In the puglllstie market Beferee
Dlok Hoohe's decision in Lavigue's favor
was received by the 8,000 spectators us a
good one.
Doatli of a Dataware JustJoa.
Wilmington, Del.,;Fel. 9. Justice Leon
ard Wales, of the United States court of
this dlstriot, died last night of pneumonia,
aged 78 years. He graduated from college
In 1840, was admitted to the liar in 1848,
was Wilmington's olty solicitor in 1863,
nnd was appointed an associate justioe In
1804 and to the United States oourtlu 1884.
Relief lu aiuHours.
Distressing kidney and bladder dhcesi n
relieved in six hours by the "New Great
South American Kidney dure." This new
remedy is a great surprise on account of its
exceeding promptness in relieving pain In
the bladder, kidneys, back and every part
of the urinary passages In male or female.
It relieves retention of water and nain in
passing It almost Immediately . If you want
quick reuei ana oure uns is ycur remrdy.
Bold by Shapim's pluuiuaoy, W, South Main
Threw Awaf Ills Oaiiea.
Mr. D. Wiley, ex-iomsslr, Blaek Creek,
N. Y was so liadly afflicted with rheuma
tism that be was only able to bobble a rowed
with canes, and even then it caused him
grratpain. After usine Chamberlain's Pain
Balm be was so muett Improved that he
threw away harness, lie says this liniment
id him more good than all other medielnaa
and treatment put together. For sale at 50
oeuu pur bottle by Uruhler Bros., drug store
When von want aon.1 nuiflnv n1nn.kin
gas fitting, or general tlnsmithing done call
on iu. a . usuag ner it west (Jeutre street
Dealer 1b stores
Of the Face.
Mrs. Laura B. Mlms, of 8mlthville,aa.,
says: "A small pimple of a strawberry
color appeared on my cheek; it soon
began to grow rapidly, notwithstand
ing all eiforts to check it My
eye became lerriuiy
inflamed, and was so
swollen that for quite
a while I could not
Bee. The doctors
said I had Cancer of
the most malignant
type, and after ex
hausting their efforts
without uomg me
any good, they gave
boneless. When in
formed that my father hatl died from
the same disease, tliev said I must die,
as hereditary Cancer was incurable.
"At this crisis, I was advised to try
S.S.S., and in a short while the Cancer
began to discharge and continued to do
so for three months, then it began to
heal. I continued the medicine a while
longer until the Cancer disappeared en
tirely. This wa9 several years ago and
there has been noreturn of the disease."
A Real Blood Remedy
Cancer is a blood disease, and only a
blood remedy will cure it. S. S. S.
guaranteed purely vegetable) is a real
blood remedy, and never fails to per
manently cure Cancer, Scrofula, Eczema,
Rheumatism or any other disease of the i
Diooa. tie n a tor our dooics
on Cancer and Blood Diseases,
mailed free to
any address.
Swift Specific
Co. Atlanta, Ga.
tin the ense n
U Ir
Dyspepsia, Malaria, Sfsfepiessness,
nervous Headache, Biliousness,
Kidney Diseases, General Debility, Efe.
Ash your Druggist to get them
through his Jobber, or send
a Postal Card to
.i. Ff it Sampl
Sold by P. P. D. KIRLIN, Shenandoah, Pa.
Por Sale by P. I. D.
peppa. Railroad,
January 18,1807.
Trnlna will leave Shenandoah after tho abort
date for Wgirans, Ollbarton. Frackvillo, Dsn
Wnter, St. Chilr, l'ottsvflle. IlamburK, llendlrr
Pottstown, l'hocnixvlllo, Norrlstown nnd l'ldl
adelphln (Urnad street station) at 003 and 1103
a. m. and 1 20 p. in. on week days. For Potts
vllle aud Intermediate stations 9,17 a, in.
For WlMans, Oilberton, Frackvllle, Dart
Water, St. Clair, l'ottsville, nt 0 08, 9 IS n. m and
3 10 p. in. For llnmburK, Heading, Fottato-c
Phoentxville, Norrlstown, l'liUudolpula att.8
9 45 u. in., 8 10 p. m.
Traina leave Frackvllle for Shenandoab at
10 46 a. ni. and IS 31, S II, 7 02 aud 10 47 p. a,
Sunday, 11 13 a. in. and 5 41 p. m.
Leave Pottaville for Shenandoah at 1315
a, m. nnd 3 18, 7 20 and 10 30 p. in. Sundav i
10 40 a. in., 5 15 p. m.
Leave Philadelphia, (Broad street station), fo
Shenandoah at 5 37 nnd 8 35 a. m., 4 10 and 7 1
p. m. week days. Sundays leave at 6 80 a. m.
Leave Uroad street station, Philadelphia, lu.
Seft Girt, Asbury Park, Ooean drove. Lorn
Braneh. and Intermediate stations, SAO 11.14
a. in., 8.30 -and 4.00 p. m. w-eek-dayti.
Leave Uroad Street Station, Philadelphia,
Impress, week-daya, a 20, 4 to. 4 50 5 15, 0 50.
7 83, 8 SC.8 88, 50, 10 31 (Dining' Car), 11 00 a. ra.
12 00 noon, 2 35 (Limited 100 and 4 p.m.
Dlninic Oats), 1 40, 280 (Dining Car) 3 30, 8 50,
4 CO, 5 00, 5 56 (Diiiine Oar), 0 00. 6 SO. 8 12, 10 00
P. in,, 12 01, night. Sundays, 3 30, 1 OS, 4 50 BUS",
8 20,8 83, 9 50. 10 21, (Dl Ing Car), 1185 a. m.,
12 85, 2 30 (DlniiiB Car), 4 00ll Jmited 1 32 DinU!
Car), 5 20, 5 50, (Dining; Car), 0 85, 0 50, 8 12, 10 00
p. in., 12 01 night.
Uxpress for Boston without change, 11 00 a in.,
nm.i.ji, mm u uu jj. ill., UHliy.
Knr Ttftltinint-M find W.. !, I ,,.-., a Kn r nn A a
1020. 1128 a. m.. 1209 (ai 'l.lmltari Yrln.
I",8 ,P".r',lls- sl6 4 11.(519
H5'"?i', P'nlng Oar), 017, 686 (Dining Oar),
7 40 (Dining (Jar) p. m., nnd 1205 nlghl
unit. ouuuuyB, flow, au, ii m a.
m.,12 09 112, 4 41. (5 15 Coimeaaloiuu Llmltud
Dining Oar , 6 (Dining Oar), 7 40 P. m.
(Dining Oar) nnd 12 05 nlgut.
Leave Ilroad street ntatlon. fvln
Delaware river bridge), express, 702 p. it.
Leave Market street Ferrv n.nnu. a an a
200, 4 10,5(4 p. in Sundays, 843, .U 45 a.m.
Accommodation, 8 00, 8 20, a. m., 8 30 and 4 20
P- week days. Sundays, 8 00, 8 15 a. m., 4 00
and 5 00 p. ui.
ror pe way, Auglenea, Wlldwowl and
Hotly Beaoh, and Sea Isle City, Ocean Olty and
Avaloo Exprcas, 9 00 a. m., 4 00 p. ui weuk
days. Sundays. 1 00 a. m.
ror Domara l-olnt. Bxpreea, 800 a in., 4 10
' "' I"k dttv'- -Sundays 846 a. m.
I. M. PaavpsT, 3. a Woon,
Gen'l Manager. Gen'l Pass'g'r Agt
Shenandph and Viclnitj
Beer and Porter
Barbey's Bohemian Beer.
Office : SO West Centre street.
Can he rmimilted st all hours.
OITloc I'nnn building, corner of Main and
CVntre street . Hhpnandoah.
Hliensndoah, I'n.
Corner Market and Centre streets.
Lock Box 85, Hnhanoy City, l'a,
liaving studied under some of the bent
maaterslv Iondm and Paris, will give lemons
on the violin, mandolin, gulsarand vocal enlture.
Terms reasonable. Audrees In care uf Strouse,
he jeweler, Shenandoah.
A genome welcome waits you at
Cor. flaln and Coal Sts.
7 1 usjsga ijuumj). sjsjsarfj pviwi abu nic
i oorntantly on tap. OnoloA anopefance drinks
j cigars.
To or cattompri : WOULD YOU CARB
dtota ntviMf otoQtblT. PtrttealM-a ttf. AtMran, Weit
ern IMnanelnl Co., w- rvrbrn Nirt Chieswo, in.
When In dvi&t what to use for
Nervuus Debilhy. Lt ct Power,
other weaknesses, from an cause,
use Sexine Pills. Drains checked
and full vigor quickly restored.
Irnrclectcd. eh trouble! reneltrtUllr.
Mailed for $1.00;6boxes $5.00. With
$5.00 orders we give a guarantee to
cure or refund the money. Address
PEAL MEDICINE CO., Cleveland, O,
KIULIN, Shenandoah, Pa
nillions of Dollars
Qo Up In smoko overy year. Take no
risks but got your houses, stock, fur
niture, etc., insured in first-class re
liable companies as represented by
DAVin FATTCT Insurancc Agent,
Ul Y ID rflUOl, 120 8onth Jardln S
Also Life and Accidental Compani ett
Cured by this 'granular effervescent and stimu
lant. An Instant oure for sour stonwehsaud
headaches, which often accumulate from having
n night out.
' 7 and 1 9 Peach Alley, Shenandoah
iifT ., - 'i elcUiuiud arouuue
sss wtmrw mM i MiciUU fUre(UW IftUIDg
vtth Tnnsy rid Pninyroyal Till twid otlwr Hkr
rnmwiiri i. Alwava buv the hrmt and AVAld dlaan
ipnt. flimravntMHl amutrlnl tn rill ftlhrva. iViiftlrri
t In the markt, a No. 1. larUculiirs, i cts.' Dt. S. '.
IN EFFECT DEC. 6. 1894.
Tratne leave Shenandoah as lulluws:
For Now York via Philadelphia, week dais
210, 588, 710 a. m., 12SU, SOB and 5 58 p. is
Sundays, 2 10 a. in.
For New York via Mauch Chunk, week, davs
5 28,710o. m., 13 S3 and 8 OS p. ru.
i5eS4!.nB aJ Philadelphia, week.dajs.
2 10, 5 25, 7 10 a.ui., 15 3S, 3 03 and 5 58 p. ia. Sun.
daj-s, a 10 a. m.
For Pottaville, week days, 2 10: 7 10 a. mi. and
12 88, a 1 08 and 5 58 p. m. Sundays, 2 10 a. m.
. PojTainamiaondSUhanoy Cltf, week daya,
210, 5 25, 710 a. m., 12 83, 3 03 and 558 p. at
Sundays, 210 a. m.
For M ilIlarusiort, Sunbury and Lewlsbnrs:.
weekdays, 3 28, 1180 a. m.. and 7 28 p, rii
Sundays, S 28 a. m.
Pr Jfahanoy Plane, weekdayo, 2 10. 8 26, Sib.
7 10. U 80 a. m U 88, 8 08, S 58, 7 28 and 6 M
p. m. Sundays, 2 10, 8 25 a. m.
nV"l!;lsna and hamokin, week days, 8 25,
daVV1' 7 8nd 9M P- m' S
i. rlQ?ri,''Mblngton and the West via
u. o. It. IC, through trains let-1 Readiuz
T?Tn!''. rWkdelphfa, (P. &K.B K) M fffi,
J55' ", J1-. 8 10 wi.l 7.27 p. i Sundays,
fiJi0?1 V a8.- u'L,i "n1 7 27 p. m. Addl
' I'J tr?lna 'rom Tweuty-fqurth and Cheat
l',lJ?.lrV tat,OH. week days, 10 80 a. m. 13 -JO.
12 It 8 40 p.m. Hundaya, 1 85, 8 28 p. ni.
, Leave New York via Philadelphia, week
JyA480 a.m.. 180, 480, UOOpm. acu
ulght Sundays, 6 00 p. in.
j La",;Nev, 'rk via Munch Chunk, wfc
days, 4 80, 8 10 a. m.. 1 DO and 4 15 p. m.
lve Philadelphia, Reading Teimlnal, week
daya, 4 20, 8 85, 10 08 a. m. aud 4 06, 8 80. 11 at
p. in. Handays, 11 80 p. w, '
,,.v7sviue, week ey. 2S5, 7 40 mm.,
u p. m. Sundays, i K a. m.
lAH,Vm TaMlklaniia wutr JJ O so am . . .
m., 1 27, T5ml V'dZSiZZaS;
a. in. ' r J-," v
. L"Ye Bfahanoy Plane, week days, J 40, 4 00.
ID Jl D. Rl. Huiul.v. la nrt ..
Leave Wtlllamsport, week days, 7 42. 1010 a.
m.. 3 85 and 11 41 p. m. Sundays, li is" li
Iave Philadelphia Chestnut atreet war! and
South atraot wharf for Atlantic City.
Weekdays Express, 00a. m., 200, 400, 500
P-" Acooinmodutlon, 8 00 a. m., S 80 p. m.
Hundaya Express, 8 00, 10 O0 a. ni. Aoootn
iiimlutiuii, 8 00 a. , 4 45 p. m.
Iteturidng leave Atlantic City depot, oorner
Atlantic and Arkansas avenues.
Weekdays Kxprees, 7 88, 9 00 b. in., 3 30, 5 80
p. m. Aocommodatlon, S Ui a m., 4 82 p.m.
8uud.ysKi press, 4 00. 7 80 p. in. Awommo
datlon, T 18 a, ui , 4 15 p. in. -.
Panor Cars on all express trains.
JS? ,w'i 'V nl" nd reliable
""fo'.drivlng or for working purposes
W 's' Uvery stable a visit, learns
constantly on hand at reasonable rates.
Ko. 41 Hatt Centre street.
Oppeslte Beadlag mItrssMi station,
1 'tv.-a