The evening herald. (Shenandoah, Pa.) 1891-1966, February 09, 1897, Image 2

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wt'vni vmtcn WTO.
"AH the Km That's Fit to Print." 1
(.i tlfAhr-'l every Kvetdnil, Kgcept Am.cttky., l
Th Jin),l tsdeilveietl InNhen.tiiii.uiii .mi ii
unwinding towns for six i"ii.Tk,,:i,
'' to carrier. By mull S.nO a year. r 3
month. payable in advance Ailveitlso
Hits charg-ed aooortUllp; to shM-e and poct'inn
.' pnlttiKhi'M reserve tin ih:bt to . nai c Mir
oAlnon of ftdvertlwHioiifc whom-ver the imb-'r-xtlon
ol npv demand It. Tho rlithr !
l to reCK-t any mi vertlvtment, wlii-M.e,
ild for or not. that the puhllnhors may i
urtiiHtr. Vlverttslnjr rates made known
tl ,'mi Aiipttcibtlnii
ft at the Mw.toin- at Hlienandnah, Pi., a
t-olid vIush tiiml matter.
clvening H rs I d
It l MM tint Senator I.nsch la the fattier
of the otniuty detective bill, ivnt that it was
first lutredlic-etl into the Senate. It's Imma
terial Wlib la the author; the measure should
be defeated. The people are strongly HvctiiiMt
the creation of uy more unnecessary ollhes
Thb people naturally turn to the Herald
for reliable and authenticate news, aa in
stanced tn the report of the hearing of the
Borough Justices cases at Pottsvllle yester
day. While other publications "fake" their
readers, tfte Herald publishes all the news
that's fit to print.
Thb outsailed for attack upon the Cttlscns
candidate for Chief Burgess will recoil upon
the beads of his unprincipled detainers. Mr.
llagenbuck needs no defense at our hands.
The people of Shenandoah know hlui as one
of our leading business inu, and as a private
oltlten Ills ouaraetor is above reproach.
The attack from a certain quarter is only
another evidence why he should he elected,
and displays the weakness of his opponents'
position, as well as that of their candidate
for this most important office. Mr. Haasn
buch cau congratulate himself upon the
enemies he has made.
Journalism should be held to tho strictest
accountability for nil maliciously false libels,
says the Philadelphia Times, and tho authors
punished ti criminals and punished will
such severalty as to lesiialu all suet abuses
of the press. Fine and imprisonment should
bo the punishment, and onlv the guilty
should thus bo punished. In Civil actions
tho publishers and editors of newspapers are
justly liable for any damages resulisfee to a
citizen from such libellous publication, but
the measure of damages should be the actual
measure of the loss sustained, as in other
civil actions between man and man. It is
quite time that tho journalism of Pennsyl
vania should assert itself and demand
equality In the civil and criminal courts of
the state at least with the tramps and pro
fessional crimiuals who Infest society.
Tho lecturo ef ItabbI Joseph Krauskopf, In
Philadelphia, on tho uses and abuses of the
press has attracted wido attention, and has
caused much favorable, comment for He
nrlpinolltv Ineiidvp.nP "'l "nnunnM BAnsn
la opening his lecturo", Ilabbt Krauskopf de
clared that, In many respects, the news
paper was suporlor to tho pulpit. It reaches
a larger number of hearers, whether fur
larger good the future must determine. The
average sermon reflects tho thought and
belief of but one man, tho nvorago news
paper often reflects the thoughts, tho obser
vations, and tho experiences of a hundred
different minds, many of which find a readier
response in tho heart of its readors than do
those of tho preacher in tho heart of his
The speaker doscrlbsd somewhat face
tiously the great powers sometimes attri
buted to the newspaper. Not content with
having wrested the laurels from the pulpit,
the newspaper seta up to bo the highest
political authority in the land ; it creates and
moulds public opinion, and incidents aro not
wanting whoro it has usurped the province of
the judiciary and tried, convicted, and sen-
tinced criminals. "The press is the people.'
highest tribunal," said Dr. Krauskopf. "All
courts bow before it j itdiscloses to tho world
more delinquency than all of them combined.
I even bellevo that the editors in their chairs
check more wrong than the Judges on their
With regard to tho assertion that tho
newspaper and not the school is tho great,
est educator of.tlie' people, the lectaror roj
marked that there is no denying that the
press is one of the mightiest of educative
forces. To countless thousands it has been
and is the only school, and many a student
with high-Bounding title has learned more
from his daily newspaper than at his Alma
Mater. The morning or evening paper is
tho wholo library of people ; It is the only
book they can read or care to read. Hut
for it thousands who now read, and take
pleasure in reading, would sink back into
the darkness and ignorance of former times.
And whether there have not been thousands
who have been discouraged by it from becom
ing better read and better educated men and
women is a point that also must be con
sidered. Tho acknowledgment that much of
the claim of tho newspapsr to superiority
over pulpit, government, judiciary, and
school, means that "we have in our midst a
power so gigantic, so all-embracing, so all
penetrating, that not all the ages in all the
past possessed anything even approxlma
tively like it. There has never been a King,
a tyrant, an institution, as powerful as tho
Have we anything to fear from our news
papar press ? is the question, and the rabbi
answered it : "We have nothing, absolutely
nothing, to fear so long as it keeps within its
own honorable, legitimate sphere, as many of
the Journals of our land do. But we have
everything to fear from it ; our right and
liberties, out faith and hopes, our schools and
churches, our homes and industries, all are
to deodar when the press uses its giaut power
giantlike ; when, to satisfy its craving, it
lends its ears to scandals, corruptions, in
fidelities, and its pen to graphic portrayals of
tbsm, and revels in them and gloats over
then With such satanic glee that it corrupts
the very heart of society, undermines the
very pillars of religiou, destroys our very
faith in right and justice, blights our con
fidence, our sanctities, our reverence, every
thing that safeguards and uplifts pni-lety."
In closing li is lecture the rabbi declared
tbat, "Judging from the daily amount of
social sewage that is allowed to stream In
open sight, through the newspaper, one is
often tempted to believe that newspaper
proprietors must think that people commit
crime solely for the purpose of filling the
columns of the press. Would that the
awakening of the newspaper press might
coma befiire the waning of ita power and
Oily Omm Senator Voted to Snatatb ITM
Idem OlevutsVnri.
WanhlnRton, Feb. 8. Th senate was
In executive session moat of yesterday
considering the Arrfln-Amerlcsut peace
treaty, so that little ttn.e was glvon In
open Hi'RHlon to the tinnsartion of reg
ular legislative work. Early In tho day
the bill rearranKliifr the Juith-lal dis
tricts of Texas hob passed over the
prenldent's veto by the urftfually
heavy majority of 67 tol, the necntlve
vote beln&r that of Mr. Caffeiy of
I. ulBlana. The debate rtevelope-1 a
crltleWm of the pr aidant's couire lrom
the Democratic Khto of the chamb' rby
Mr. Mills, of Texas, and a defen-e of
the president's Views from the lie
puhllcan side of the chamber' by Mr.
Hoar, of Massm husetts.
Durlnff the consideration of the ar
bitration treaty Senator Morjran said
that under the constitution the senate
was a part of the treaty making pow
er, but If this treaty was adopted tho
senate nbdlcatod Its functions in this
matter, and the president became the
sole treaty making power In all ques
tions arising. It enhanced the power
of the president to an exti nt njvor be
fore contemplated. Senator Vert ar
gued similarly. Senator Sherman ex
pects to reach a vote on the treaty to
day. Senator Teller says a vote can
not be taken fur a Week.
The house devoted the whole day to
IMstrlct of Columbia business, and
eight bills of more or t.-'a Importance
were pass' d. The certificates of elec
tion of the presidential electors for
warded to the house by the secretary of
state Were submitted and ordered to
He on the table in anticipation of the
counting of the electoral vote tomor
row. The conference report on the Im
migration bill was presented and no
tice given that it would lie called up
today. The report will be adopted, it
Is believed, practically without opposi
Fill a bottle or common water glass with
urine and let it stand twenty-four hours; a
sediment or settling indicates a diseased con
dition of the kidneys. When urine stains
linen it is positive evidence of kidney
trouble. Too frequent desire to urinate ot
pain iu the back, is also convincing proof
that the kidneys and bladder are out of order.
There Is comfort in the knowledge so often
expressed, that Or. Kilmer's Swamp-Itoot,
the great kidney remedy, fulfills every wish
in relieving pain In tho baek, kidneys, llvor,
bladder and every part of the urinary pas
sages. It correct inability to hold urine and
scalding pain In passing it, or bad effects fol
lowing use of liquor, wine or beer, and over
comes that unpleasant necessity of being
compelled to get up many times during the
night to urinate. Tho mild and the ex
traordinary effect of Swamp-Hoot is soon
realised. It stands the highestfor its wonder
ful cures of the most distressing cases. If
you need a medicine you should have the
best. Sold by druggists price fifty cents and
one dollar. For a sample bottle and pamph
let, both sent free by mall, mention Evening
IIkbald and send your full post-oifico
address to Dr. Kilmer & Co., Binghamton,
N. Y. Tho proprietors of this paper guarantee
tho genuineness of this offer.
Eelp Comes to Those Who Take
Rod Flag Oil for sprains, bums, cuts. At
Grulilcr Bros., druc store.
A Three.Uays Tour to Wnglilngton.
Washington nt the present time is tho most
attructivo city on tho continent. Ita archi
tectural grandeur has often been commented
upon, and its various departments and in
stitutions are among the most interesting in
the world. Tho Capital, the Treasury, tho
Bureau of Engraving and I'riuting, the
Smithsonian Institution and National
Museum, and the now Congressional Library
aro all intensely interesting, and tho groat
Monument affords a view long to be remem
bered. Tho next personally-conducted tour of tho
Pennsylvania Itailroad will leave New York
and Philadelphia February 11. Tickets, in
cluding transportation, hotel ascommodatious,
and every necessary expense, will bo sold at
the following rates : From New York,
Brooklyn and Newark, f 14.50 ; Phllllpsburg,
N. J., $14.50 ; Fottaville, il l. SO; Cape May,
$18,75 ; and at proportionate rates from other
For tickets, itineraries, and full informa
tion apply to ticket agents; Tourist Agent,
1100 Broadway, New York ; or Geo. W.
Boyd, Assistant General Passenger Agent,
Broad street station, Philadelphia,
Don't Tobacco Spit -and Smoke Your Life
If you want to quit tolmcco using easily
anil forever, be made well, strong, magnetic,
full of now life and vigor, take No-To-Bac,
the wonder-worker that makes weak men
strong. Many gain ten pounds in ten days.
Over 400,000 cured. Buy No-To-Bac from
your own druggist, who will guarantee a
cure. 50c or jl.00. Booklet and sample
mailed free. Ad. Sterling Ilemedy Co.,
Chicago or New York.
Fell O.siul in tho l'ulpit.
Springfield, O., Feb. 9. Mrs. William
I. Fee, the aged wife of Rev. Mr. Fee,
a well known former Methodist minis
ter here, fell dead In the pulpit whlla
exhorting: at a big revival at Felicity
Sunday evening. Women screamed
and men wept. The couple celebrated
their golden wedding three months ago.
A Request ot the Saltan Declined.
Berlin, Feb. 9. The Frankfort Zei-
tung's correspondent at Constantinople
telegraphs that Germany lias declined
the sultan's request to send offloers
and financiers to reorganise the coun
try, as being Inopportune. Franoe and
Belgium, the dispatch adds, have also
They All
mediolne as well as In wUIIIC;
other things," said a busy F3 nnlr
druggist, "but the most EddlK.
remarkable thing about Hood's Saraa
parllla is that customers who try other
remedies all oome back to Hood's, and
this is why the enormous sales of this
great medicine keep up and
continue the ffl f whole year
round, steady H J aa a clock.
"Why is it!" "O, simply because
Hood's Sarsaparilla has more real cura
tive merit than any mediolne I ever sold."
This is it dally occurrence In almost
trrrry dreg store. Hood's Bsrsaparllls
b-u .'.red more sickness, and made more
ltapuinees through restoration to health
than any other medicine.
Is the standard tho One True Blood Purifier,
r r-Mi are the only pills to take
rlOOCl S FillS with Hood'sBarsaparllla.
Seeoml Rxplomr to ft seel te the Royal
OeografKiliMl a.irtoty Medal
London, Feb. .There was an Im
pressive scene at the Rnyal Albert
Mall last evening when, amid thu
cheers of an nudlence of about 7,00(1
persons, the Pilm-o of Wales presented
Or. Nansen, the Norwegian explorer,
with tl'e srecial mertnl of the Royal
Go rp i;.hh al society. Earlier In the!
tve iItir nr. Nangeli was dined at the
Iir,;nTlal Institute, the Prince of Wales
the Dube ot York and other notabili
ties of the Itoyal Geographical society
being pnent.
The pAtly then repaired to the Ttoyal
Albert Hall, where an immense auiil
enoe awaited them. It Included all the
nost distinguished people In London.
The boxes were crowded with women
In beautiful toilettes. Sir Clements
Mnrkam, president of the Iloyal Qeo
rraphloal society, presided. On his
right were the Prlnoe of Wales, Dr.
Nansen, Lieutenant Scott-Nansen and
Mr. Scott Kettle, secretary of the Roy
al Ceofiiapluoal society. Seated on his
left were the Duke of York, Admiral
Sir Francis McCUntock, Vice Admiral
iiir Ueorge Nurei and Admiral Whar
ton. Behind thein were 60 distinguish
ed guests, includlng,Unlted States Am
bassador Bayard and the Swedish,
Spanish, Turkish, Danish, Dutch, Bel
gian and Japanese envoys.
Dr. Nansen, who was accorded a
most entliuslastlo reception, delivered
his lecture In a modest manner, and
Illustrated the subject by photographs,
Which hod been obtained by himself.
At the conoluston of the teoture the
Prince of Wales presented him with a
large gold medal. It is the second time
only that this medal has been given to
an explorer. Henry M. Stanley was
the first to be thus honored.
A sliver replica was" presented to
Lieutenant Scott-Nansen, and a replica
in bronse was sent to each of the crew.
Titke Laxative Brotno Quinine Tablets. All
druggists refund the money if it fails to cure.
p cents.
Tours to Florida.
No district in America presents, during the
Winter season, so many varied, attractions as
the State oT Florida. Besides its delightful
climate, which to one esiap'sg from the cold
and unhealthfhrohuuges ui the North seems
almost ethereal. It Is pre-eminently a laud of
sport and pleasure. Along ita eleven hundred
miles of salt-water coast and in its twelve
hundred fresh-water lakes arc fish of almost
every conceivable variety, from the migra
tory tribes common to Northern waters to the
tarpon, pompano, and others of a more
trooical character. Nowhere In all onr broad
land can tho anglor find a greater variety of
gainoor better sport.
Here also the most enthusiastic) hunter
finds satiety. Deer, turkeys, bears, pauthors,
and wild cats roam at largo through tho more
sparsely settled regions, while birds ef all
kinds may be found In abundance through
out the State. The more novel sport of al
ligator and manatee hunting may also be in
dulged In by the more adventurous tourist.
With its matchless climate, IU orange
groves, its livers and lakes, ita boating and
bathing, its nBhing and hunting, and ita
extensive forests, Florida presents unrivaled
attractions for tbo valetudinarian, the lover
of nature, the sportsman and the explorer.
To this attractive state the Pennsylvania
Itailroad Company lias nrrauged four personally-conducted
tours during the season f
1807, leaving by special train January 20,
February 0 and 28, and March 0. The first
three tours will admit of a sojourn of two
weeks in this delightful land; tickets for the
fourth tour will be valid to return until May
31 hv regular trains.
Bates for the round trip, $60.00 from New
York, $18.00 from Philadelphia, and propor
tionate rates ironi otner points.
For tickets, itineraries and other informa
tion, nnnly to ticket agents, special booking
ollictw, or address Geo. W. Boyd. Assistant
uenorai passenger Agent, Jiroaii street station,
Old People.
Old peoule who require medicino to ,r gulato
the bowols and kidneys will find tho true
remedy in Electric Bitter. This medicine
does not stimulate nud contains no whiskey
nor other intoxicant, but acts as tonic and
altertlvo. It sets mildly on tho stomach
and bowels adding strength and giving tono
to tho ogaus, thereby aiding Nature In tho
performance of tho functions. Electric
Bitters is an excellent appetiser and aids
digestion. Old people find it just exactly
what they need. Price fifty cents per bottle
at A. Wasley's drug store.
Tours to California
California has been most fittingly termed
the "Italy of America." All the delicious
balm, the cloudless sky, and the rich ver
dure of tho great Europesn peninsula are
dupljoatedin this sunny land of the Pacific.
Here nature basks iu the sunshine of her own
beauty; and hers she has established her
own sanitarium, where eternal spring in
spires everlasting youth. With the snw
mantled peaks of the Sierras upon the one
hand, the calm Pacific with ita soft breezes
upon the other, and a veritable paradise of
flowers, fruits and plants betwecu.inan can
find and needs no lovolier land. To visit
such a country is a privilege, a blessing.
Tho Pennsylvania Itailroad Company,
recognising the need of a more comfortable
and pleasant way of crowing tho continent,
Inaugurated a series of annual tours to Cali
fornia, running a through train of Pullman
palace cars from New York to the Pacific
Coast, and stopping at the principal points of
Interest on route. The great popularity of
these tours demonstrates tho wisdom of the
For the season of 1807 three tours have
been arranged to leave Now York, Philadel
phia, and Pittsburg, January 27, February
1, and Mareh 27.
The first tour will run direct to San Diego
via St. Louis and the Santa Fe lieute, and re
turn frem San Francisco via Salt Lake City,
Denver, and Chicago, allowing five weeks in
The second tour will run via the Mammoth
Cave and New Orleans to San Diego, stopping
at the Crescent City" during the Mardl
Gras Carnival. This tour will return via
Salt Lake City, Denver, Omaha, and Chicago,
allowing four weeks 1 11 California.
The third tour will run via Chicago.Den ver,
and Salt Lake City, allowlngpassengersto re
turn by regular trains via dlllorent routes
within nine months.
All of these tours, either going or return
ing, will pass through the famous Colorado
ragien, GUnwood Springs, Leadville and the
Garden ef the Geds.
Kates from all point en the Pennsylvania
Railroad System east ef Pittsburg 1 First
tour, 1310; second teur, $860: third tour,
$210 round trip, and $150 one way.
For detailed itineraries and other informa
tion, apply at ticket sgeneies, special book
ing olDces, or address George VV. Boyd,
Assistaut General Passenger Ageut, Broad
Street Station, Philadelphia.
For Weak and Hun Down People
WHAT IT IQ I The richest of all restorn
sVIIH I II IOI the foods, because It re
places the essentials of life that are ex
hausted by disease. Indigestion, lilh living,
overwork, worry, exoesses, abuse, etc
digestion perfect it creates solid flesh,
muscle ana strength. The nerves being
maae s irons uie Drain becomes aeiive ana
clear. It restores lost vitality, stops all wast
ing drains and weakness In either sex, and
as a female regulator has no equal. Price
ouu., uruve uojwn 9A.W. uruggisis oroy man.
We can help you. Advice and book, free.
Write Us About Your Case.
1B13 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia.
baby i -I
ftll t UKtOl. '
of the par ntn
ter pBSiiuf r 1 .
1 n d s 1 e e ; :
nights the, -is
unfitted for bt
Iness and ti.e
mother for hrr
household dntlet
If a woman will
take proper csti
of herself dtirh'ir
the period preced
ing motherhood,
end see to it that
the organs that
bear the burdens
of mntefnltf are
Wpt strong and healthy,
hit children will be ro-
bist and good-natured.
The best medicine for
keeping these dtllctfte and important or
gans in a healthy condition is Dr. rlerct's
Favorite Prescriptloif.
Thousands of wotnin have testified to the
marvelous action of this remedy, More of
it is sold than of all other medicines for the
same purpose combined. It acts directly
npon the organs involved. It restores their
health and vigor. It prepares a woman for
the duties of motherhood. It insures the
health of baby. It makes Us advent easy
and almost free from pain. Women who
use it do not experience the usual discom
forts of the period of gestation. It is the
most marvelous medicine ever known for
wives and mothers. It is the preparation
of an eminent and skillful specialist, Dr. R.
V. Pierce, who has been for thirty years
chief consulting physician to the Invalids'
Hotel and Surgical Institute, at Buffalo,
N. Y. Women who wish to know more
about it should write him.
" About six years ago my wife became ft filleted
with fsmale weakness," writes the Rev. I. J.
Coppedge. of Elmo, Kaufman County, Texnt,
"$he could not stand on her feet or get in any
position in which she did not suffer great pain.
Shs vras naturally a strong woman. I had
several physicians to treat her without any per
manent relief She dMpalred of ever again be
ing welt She saw an advertisement of your
Favorite Prescription and spoke to me sbotft
It. I pot her a bottle of the medicine which she
soon found was helping her. She kept on until
she hid taken six bottle. Bines taking the last
she has not Buffered a moment with the old
trouble. She has been well nearly twelve
months. The ' Favorite Prescription ' was all the
medicine she took. She 1 In good health and
w are happy."
NUEitjE, rb'Uh NtWS.
Monroe Johnston (colored) was hang
ed for burglary yesterday at Charlotte,
N. C.
It has been definitely settled that tho
Corhett-Fltsislmmons light will tako plnco
nt Carson City, Nov.
An ordinance to prevent wearing of hats
by ladles In theaters pnssod the lower
branch of Baltimore's city council.
Elijah Pierce, prominent cltlzeri of Bloo
ton, Ala., was brained with unnx by Issue
Creol, 11 half wlttod 15-yoar-old boy whom
ho wns teasing.
United States Marshal Wolls and as
sociates havo secured oontrol of 317,000
aorej of oil lands In Cabell, Wnyue and
Lincoln counties, W. Vn.
President It. S. MeConr.ell, of the
failed Merchants' National bank of
Ooala, FIa Is under arrest at his home
for embezzling $80,000. lie In critically
Minutes seem like hours whon a life Is at
stake. Croup gives nq timo to send for a doc
tor, delay may mean death. One Minute
Cough Cure gives Instant relief and insures
recovery. Tho only harmless remedy that
Erouuces immeuiate results, v. 11. itngen
uch. ' he 'Tloliet 'Soalpcrs Won.
Washington, Fab. 9. -The antl-tick-ot
scalping; bill was Killed yesterday at
a meeting of the senato interstate com-,
merco committee. Senators Gorman,
Chandler and Chilton announced that
they wore opposed tq it. and Senator
Stewart said ho would talk it to death
If It evor oame before the Renatt The
committee decided to drop It. Sena
tor Cullom, who Introduced the bill,
said: "The tlckot scalpers havo won.
The bill could n6t have been passed."
A torpid llvor moans a bad comploxion, bad
To avoid such companions tako DoWitt's
ivlttlo liirly jtisers, tho lamous little pills.
n TT TT 1 1
Stnrdorer Falnier Pleads Not Gnllty.
New York, Feb. 9. Arthur W. Pal
mer, who shot and killed his mother,
brother and sister at Marmaroneck re
cently, was arraigned in the supreme
court before Justice Keoeh at White
Plains yesterday to plead to the In
dictment of murdering his mother.
There are three indiotments for mur
der against Palmer, Through oounsel
Palmer pleaded not guilty. A motion
was then made for the appointment
of a committee to Inquire Into the pris
oner's sanity. The judge denied the mo
tion, and said that It was a subject
which might properly be loft to a jury.
The caso will bo tried on Wednesday.
Tako Laxativo Bromo Quinine Tablets. All
druggists rofund tho monoy if it fails to euro.
35 cents.
Iteduccd Itntes to Washington on Account
of tho Inauguration via Fcnnsyl
vnutu lttillroiid.
For the benefit nf thu. o who desire to at
tend the ceremonies incident to the inaugura
tion of Presidont-olect MoKlnley, the Penn
sylvania Bailroad Company will sell excur
sion tickets to Washington March 1, 2, 3, and
4, valid to return from March 4 to S, at the
following rates i From Pottsvllle, 7.25;
Beading, $7.30; Blrdsboro, $0.85 ; Pnttstown,
$0.85; Norristown, S0.15; Philadelphia,
$6A0, and from all other stations on the
Pennsylvania Bystem at reduced rates.
This inauguration will bo a most interest
ing event, and will undoubtedly attract a
large nttmber of pooplo from every section of
the country.
Tho magnificent facilities of the Penney!
vania Bailroad inako this line tho favorite
route to the national capital at all times, and
Its enormous equipment and splendid term
inal advantages at Washington make it
especially popular on such occasions.
A weed in the garden can be easily destroy
ed when it first starts. Consumption can be
nipped in the nuu by une Minute cough
Cure. U. 11. iiagenbueh.
Closed 'Down for Xae'ffc of Ore.
Bellefonte, Pft., Feb. 8. The Valen
tine Iron oompany, one of the largest
plants in the state has olosed down
owing to a soaroity of ere. The sus
pension of work Is for an Indefinite
period, and as a consequenoe over 800
men are thrown out of work. The scar
city of ore has been caused by the
cold weather of the past month.
Chi core. Pa.. "Herald:" Richard Vensel
reports One Minute Cough Cure the greatest
access of medical science. lie told us hat
it cured his wholo family of terrible coughs
ana colds, after all other so called cures had
failed entirely. Mr. Vensel said it assisted
his children through a very bad siege of
ineaseiH. une Minute umgu cure makes ex
pectoratiou very eany aud rapid. C. H.
Charged with AldTns a l'ottomee Thief.
Buffalo, Feb. 9. L). Lyle Hawthorne,
a eusioms Inspector, was arrested yes
terday on complaint of Inspeotor W.
S. Hyan, for tho government. Haw
thorne Is charged with liavlng been
Implicated with Purker, the money or
der clerk, in the lattcr's confessed pec
ulations of government funds. It is
alleged that Hawthorne borrowed
money from Parker, and then failed to
pay him back, thereby leaving him in
Begin Right With Coughs and Ooldl.
Take the sure cure, Iran-Tiua, Me. At
Grubler Bros., drug store.
11 ma
Munyon's nbeuuaatism Cur is guaranteed
to care touts) or fnuseular rheumatism in
from one to dv days. Sharp shuttling pains
Is any part of the body stopped by a few
dosM, A prompt, complete and permanent
cure for lameness, soreness, stiff bark and all
pain In Mjwrsnd roitrs. ChranleThenmsttsm,
sciatica, lumbago or pain in the hack are
speedily Sured. It Minora falls to give relief
irorn one or two noses, ami almost lnvariamy
euros before one bottle lias been used.
Price S5c.
Improved Homoeopathic Home Bemedy
Coinpauy put up a separate cure for each
disease. At all druggists, mostly SB cents.
Guide to Health free.
Personal letters to Prof. Mnnyoti, 1505 Arch
street, Philadelphia, Pa., answered with free
medical advice for any disease.
Closing Quotations of the New York and
PhllncUlphln ISxohnnges.
New York, Feb. 8. The overwastolag pro
portion of the transections on the Stock Hv
chango today were In the Industrial stocks,
vrith Sugar tar In the lead in point of activity.
Closing bM:
nalto. & Ohio 15M Lehigh Valley.... 3
Chesa. Ohio . . . . 7H New Jersey Ow. . 99
Del. Hudson.... 1MK NswVorkOsti.... 03
D.,I,.W INK PenBsylwnte.... MK
Krie. Rim dins 3J
LakeI8rle& W... 15H St Paul ToU
Lehigh Nay W W.S.T. ft Pa... Sft
-ah aasc a paiu.
Gensrat Market.
Philadelphia, Fob. 8. Flour firm winter sn
per, S.668.80; do. extras, H.WS.SO; Pennsyl
vania roller, olear, tt.10r44.3fi; do. do., straight,
14.2694.40; western winter, clear, K10l$4.3n;
city mills, extra, ll.05A8.90. Rye flour quiet,
but steady ; choice Pennsylvania, X3.TS. Buoli
wheat flour slow; sprtag bran, ll.aSn.73.
Wheat firm : contrast wheat, snot. SgUOMSWa. :
do. February, 8tM-; No. -J rod, Fftbrnary,
81)o. ; Maroh, 86o. ; My, 83io. ; July, TKo. ;
beptomoer, T7Jo. ; uo. 3 Pennsylvania ana No.
2 Delaware red, spot, 930. Corn quiet ; steamer,
spot, 26o. ; No. 3 yellow, for looal trade, WJt'y
80o. ; No. 2 mixed, spot, 2fto. ; do. February, WS
lXM do. Maroh, 9HHo.; do. April, 97
27)40. Oats quiet; No. 1 white, oar lots, 23Ho. ;
No. 2 white ouppea, oar lots, 'JBHHKo. ; No. 3
white, dipped, oar lots, 21($ilHc- i No. 3 white,
spot, 28KKo. : do. February. Maaie. : do.
March, 2824o. ; do. April, 28H'2Jo. ; May, 2354
($24. Hay steady for good; ohotce timothy,
tl4.50 15 for largo bales. Beef firm ; boot hams,
18.518.7J. Pork steady; family, JlOvflll. Lard
steady ; western steam, 14. Butter steady ; west
ern orenmery, lajMlo,; do. factory, 714o.;
Klglns, 21MC-1 Imitation creamery, UMlflo.;
New York dairy, 1015o. ; creamery, 1320o.;
fancy prints jobblDg at 28(i92oc. ; do. extra,
wholesale, 22o- Oheeso quiet ; largo New York,
D12)o. ; small fancy, 012H-; part shims, 60
0 He. ; full skims, 88Hc. Eggs weak ; New York
and Pennsylvania, ll10o, ; western, fresh, 1J
15o. ; southern, 14lSc
Live Stock Markets.
New York, Feb. 8. Beeves aetlve; native
steers, 4.80g4.t5; stags and oxen, $2.0008.00;
bulls, I2.508.S0; dry cows, 1.753.26. Calves
lower for westerns; veals, i7.f0; few very
choice, t7.62j7.75 ; barnyard oalros, J2.SiM;
oommon westerns, f 2.75. Sheep quiet, steady ;
lambs firm; sheep, 1804.37; lambs, l5.6SX.
Uogs steady at fS.G04.
East Libbrtt, Pa., Feb. 8. Cattle active;
prime, J1.80SS.10; feeders, S8.80)4; bulls, stags
and oows, 1.758.(0. Hogs active ; prlmo me
dium, M. 708.70; best Yorkers, $8.858.70 ; pigs,
J8.5O98.80; heavy hogs, f8.45ijt8.55; roughs, 2.2fi
3.2o. Sheep steady; Oldo fed westerns, I8.S0
4.10; prime natives, 4.'.03-l.y ; common, ii.M
8 20; cbnioe lambs, (56.20 ; oommon to good,
H31.6J. Veal calves,
Khcmnatlsm Cured In a Day.
"Mystic Curo" for Ehoumatlsm and Neu
ralgia radically cures in 1 to 3 days. Ita
action upon the system is remarkable and
mysterious. It removes at onco the causo and
tho dlseaso immediately disappears. Tho
first doso greatly benefits.
T. F. Anthony. ox-Postmaster of Promise
City, Iowa, says: "I bought one bottle of
Jiystic cure lor tthcumatlsm, and two doses
of It did mo moro good than any modicino I
overtook." 75ceuts.
Sold by C. II. Hagonbuch, druggist, Slicn
nndoab, Joyful Kw, Killed lliin.
Hubbell, Neb., Feb. 9. Lewis Keiser,
an old soldier, had been for the past
fifteen years a helpless paralytic, his
sole attendant being his aged wife.
Borne time ago he applledfor a pension.
Congressman Halner wired the veteran
on Saturday that his bill, allowing him
$72 a month, had passed the senate
and only awaited the signature of the
president. The news was gratifying,
but the shook was too much, and Mr.
Koieer died on Sunday.
, -
Why suflor with Coughs, Colds and La
urippe when Laxative liromo Quinine will
cure you in one day. Put uo in tablets con
vouientfor taking. Guaranteed tocuio, or
money refunded. Price, 25 conta. vor sals
oy liirun's f hannacy.
Sugar Planters to Oct Overdue 'Uoanty,
Washington, Feb. 9. The petition of
the sugar planters of the south and
west for an appropriation of $1,048,000
to pay the sugar bounty In full on the
orop which was planted under the Mo
Klnley law and harvosted under the
Wilson law will be granted by the
house committee on appropriations.
The Wilson aot cut off the bounty en
tirely, but congress made an appropria
tion of something more than $6,000,000
to pay the bounty on the crop whioh
was in the ground whon the aot went
Into effect. That appropriation was
not for the full amount of the boun
ties due, and the additional appropria
tion now proposed Is to make up the
full amount.
sick headache biliousness and derangement
of the liver are readily cured by DeWitt's
Little Early Bisers. These little pills never
gripe. Small pin, sate pill, best pill. C. 11
Six Day IMoycle Itacers,
Pittsburg, Feb. ft The great six day
bloyole race started Bt Grand Central rink
ot 1 o'olook yesterday afternoon. Some ef
the best long distance riders In the coun
try were among the starters. The men
were Btartud on their long journey by
Manager Donovan, of the Pittsburg Ball
club. T. F. Meyler, the official handles ri
per of western Pennsylvania for the L. A.
V., will act aajreferee. The men gotaway
in the following orderi Waller, ulmra
Porsber, Van Embergh, Turvllle, Shoob,
Uoii, Huekn, Johnson ana Denis.
Says Jones May Succeed Sherman.
Columbus, O., Feb. 0. The statement
Is made publlojiere as corning frem Lieu
tenant Governor Jones' law partner, Mr.
Anderson, that Benator-eleet Feraker said
to Anderson at the Zanesvllle state con
vention that if Jones would aeeept tho
nomination for lieutenant governor ho
(Fornker) would see that Jones would be
his oolleague In the senate, . provided the
Foraker men were in the saddle. Mr,
Anderson says Jones oan have the sena
torial appointment If ho has the ocrarego
to ask for It
The Stlinn Rnnators.
Washington, Feb- W. Ksnntor Harris, of
Tonuessuo, was fairly comfortable yeelep-toi-day,
although thore wn no r,rked
change In his -Mmlltlmi. ?".uor (ieorge
continues to iuiprore.
tiaeklen's Aruleu Salve.
Tie best salve in the world for eats,
brultca, sores, ulcem, salt rbeuui, favor sores,
tetter, snapped hands, chilblains, corns, ind
all Ikln erBptieai, and positively oures piles,
or 40 pay required. It Is guaanteed to give
perfect satlsfcction or atony refhuded. l'rice
K cents per box. For sale bj A. Wusley.
Will Try to Win the Diamond Sooll.
Worcester, Mass., Feb. . -Ned Ten
eyok, the champion ttmateur oaraman I
of Alherira, wlto Is r compete In tho
d!aiilonoVliir:lea! art the Henh-y re,ra't.i,
111 July, ald In an Interview totUy: "I
Shall keep at my Indoor ti lining un
til the lee is off the lake, when I hl
begin rowing;. I will Ret Into first ! e
shape, and go to Knsrland by Ji no ..',
which will give plenty of time to re
cover from he effects of the ocean til,'.
I shall have my boat built In Hol
land. The diamond sculls have never
been won by an American, but I will
do my best to bring them borne to
Wnmer Stay Vet lteaeh the Cabinet.
Kansas City, Mo., Feb. 9 "President
elect MoKlnley did not say to us," said
Gardiner Lathrop today, "but we unner-
Mood that If Judu'e Moltenna, of Cali
fornia, accepts the secretaryship of the In
terior, Major William Wnmer may be ap
pointed first assistant secretary. With
an understanding that when Judge Mo
Kenna takes JtisMee Field's place on the
supreme benoh, he shall succeed to the
portfolio." Mr. Lathrop has just returned
from Canton, where ho had gone on n, mis
sion In behalf of Major Warner.
Our Ambassador Danasd with the Queen.
Home, Feb. 0. Wayne MaoVesgh, the
American ambassador to Italy, and Mrs.
UacYeagh bhvo a grand ball at i ho Amer
ican embassy last nignt Klux Humbert
and Queen Margaret arrived at 11 o clock,
accompanied by Premier Rudiul and
other members of the onbinet and court
dignitaries. Queon Margaret danced the
quadrille d'Uoaeur with Ambaos.ulor
MaoVoagh, having ns ls-a-vls Ambas
sador B. deBulow, the Ootinan represen
tative nt the Italian couri, who had Mrs.
MaoVeugh as a jmi tuer.
The Canadian Cotninltslonsrs.
Washington, Feb. 0. Sir lllohard Cart
wright and Mr. Davles, the Canadian oab
lnot ministers how In Washington, called
ou President Cleveland yesterday, accom
panied by Secretary Olney. "Tho presi
dent wns vory ohntty and agreeable," said
Mr. Davles, "and showed that he was well
versed In matters affecting the dusIuoim
lntei-OBts of the adjoining countries." The
president pointed out that ho wns merely
awaiting the induction of his successor
Into olllco. Tha commissioners continue
each day to see members of congress to
talk over with them the business which
brought them here. They report a mark
ed Interest In thoirvlslt Tho
Intimations thoy havo froelved, howovor,
is that nothing positive can be dono at tho
present tlmo in tho way of tho formation
of any trade arrangements.
Twq Lives Saved.
Mrs. Pl.oobo Thomas, of Junction Citv.
111., was told by her doctors she had Con
sumption and that thore was no hope fur her,
but two bottles Br. Klns's New Discovery
completely cured her and she says it Raved
her life. Mr. Thos. Eggers, 139 Florida St., i
San Francisco, suffered from a dreadful cold,
approaching Consumption, tried without
rosult everything else then bought one bottle
of Dr. King's Now Discovery and In two
weeHS was cured, lie is naturally thanktul.
It is such results, of which these are samples,
that provo tho wonderful elflonov of this
mcdicinoin Coughs and Colds. Free trial
bottles at A. Wosley's drug store. Begular
size 50c and $1.00.
Cx-CoiiRressumn 'Assaulted Iu tho Street.
Memphis, Feb, 9. On Union utieet.
one of the most prominent thorough
fares of the city. Hugh Brin'rley, a
wealthy and prominent mtixeu, pnd
one ot the police commlp.Uini i s, as--saulted
with a walking stick and seri
ously Injured former CoiiisrHSi.ian
William R. Moore, a prominent tnor
chant. The trouble grew out i-f the Is
suance of a circular by Colo '.ol Moore,
In which the honor of Mr.Brlnkley
was brought Into question.
A Household Necessity.
Oisonrcts Cundy Cathartic, the most won
derful medical discovery-of tho age, pleasant
and refreshing to the taste, act gently aud
positively ou kidneys, liver aud bowels,
cleansing the entire system, dispel colds, curo
headache, fover, habitual constipation and
biliousness. Please buy and try a box of
C. C. 0. to-day ; 10, 25, 50 cents. Sold and
guaranteed to curo by nil druggists.
Tn unit; et Hwalu 'lrtltut.
Brass, Guinea Coast, Feb. 9. The
king of Benin, who caused the massa
cre of Consul Phillips' party, to avenge
whloh a punitive expedition Is now be
ing fitted out, has sent a mesiage say
ing that If the whites choose to fight
he will come and fight them with his
soldiers at the waterside aa they land.
The king says that If his scldlers are
killed he will send more, and If these
are killed he will retire to the back
woods. All tho diflerent forms of skin troubles,
from chapped hands to cosema anil ludolent
ulcers can bo readily cured by DoWitt's
Witch Hazel Salve, tho creat pllo cure.
C. H. Ilagcnbuoh.
Out Ills Ihront wltll a Cheese Knlfo.
Washington, N. J., Feb. a Henry V.
Johnson, a prominent business man of
this place, committed sulcldo yesterday by
cutting his throat with a cheese knife. It
is believed that la grippe, from whloh he
was suffering, unbalanced his mind, and
while In that condition he onded his life.
The Weather.
J'pr eastern New "York, eastern Penn
tylTnnla and New Jersey: Generally fair)
northerly winds.
Death Follows the Burgeon's Knife Hot the
Burgeon's Fault, of Course. He
Can't Help It You Can.
Pyramid Plie Cure Cures Piles Quickly,
Painlessly, Without Sanger.
People along for years suffering with
piles. They try this nd that and the ether
thing; from carrying a buckeye to getting
treatment from a physician. They obtain
temporary relief, maybe, but they are never
quite cured. A Httls strain In lifting, ex
eessive fatigue, a little constipation or a little
diarrhoea and the piles corno back.
They don't seem to amount to much, bat
they banish sleep and appetite. No position
is comfortable. There is Intense local pain
and that dreadful feeling of weight-in theJj,
Maybe in the early stages seme of the
many salves ou sale will afford temporary re
lief. If the oase of long standlnt there is
only one speedy and sure remedy. It is
Pyramid Pile Cure. Even in light cases It Is
the safest thing to nse. Other applications
may oure and may not. Pyramid Cure is al
ways csrtalu, always reliable, always brings
comfort at once. It's prompt nse saves
months of severe suffering. In extreme
oases it will save surgical operations and
their attendant dangers and discomforts.
It is better than a knife. Will cure easier,
quicker and safer. Thousands have used it.
Thousands bars been cored by it. The cost
is trifling compared with what it does. The
price is 60 cents. Host anybody would
gladly pay ten dollars to ba rid of piles.
llrufglsta sell Pyramid Pile Cure. If
yours hasn't it he will get It for you from
the Pyramid Drug Co. of Albion, Mich, (sole
Neuralgia of the Heart
Vanquished by Dr. Mllev BemeoTet.
MBS. 8IDLEY, of Torrlngtorw Conn.,
Bufferod from just such a complica
tion of diseases aa tbo extouslvo ex
perience and Investigations ot Dr. Miles
have proven, result from Impairment of tho
nervous system. Mr. Jas. II. Bldley writes
Oct.r., 1P05: "My wife was taken sick with
neuijlgttt ol the heart, nervous exhaus
tion and liver trouble. Although attended
by two phyMi-Uut she grew worse, until she
was at death's door. I then began giv
ing her Dr. Mies' Restorative Nervine
and Dr. Hlkv,' Hew Heart Curo, find she
Improved so wonder
fully from tbo first
that I nt once dls
mlsd'. d th" physicians.
She no-j oata and
SSH nwn tin, -ni
We have recommend
ed your remedies to a
great many In our city, and every one has
been very much benefited by thorn.'
Dr. Miles' Remedies are sold by all drug
gists undor a positive ruarnntea, first bottlo
benefits or money refunded. Book on Heart
and Nerves sent free to all applicants.
ajax TAnurrs posixivblt cams
A M Xivrvoum JHAcotem Falling Alejiv
rj. ImpAtoncr, SlMQlessndM, rto wnrwd
jr Almne ann other Kxoetueo nnd India
cretionit, Th ft au iolilyt and urei
rwtore totVifnI v nla or roans, and
(jtoinaafcirK'rp'),bilaws or marring,
Piervfttih Tnaiiiiiii ft ml iTnn.uinintfori It
ftitett in Um o Their TTse shows immerUftte Improve.
rnPUt Una yuecim O uujuu wuet u ait oturrn iau in
5 let upon ji&fintT the (ronnine Ajax Tablfta. They
have cored thoanandaand will ours you. We give a
ponitlve written gunrantpe to effect a curs In each caw
or refund tho money. Price DO cer per package, or
clxPACknges (full treatment) for (2.60, lit mnlJ.ln
plain wiapper, npon rnceipt of prloo Oiroulur free.
ajax Remedy co., Jgsszx
For snlo In Shenandoah, Pa,, by A. 'Wasloy
and S. r, Klrlln, Druggists,
A tktvi. rstr Urn iirx WOMAN'S RELIEF.
Alwiri mnmnt and reliable. Avoid Imitations.
Caxojt 8rio. Co.. BMtoa, Matf. Our book, 4c
For Bftlo nt P. P. T. Kirlin's drug etoro
Shenandoah drug store
to Ita uamral color by JL.fiU'a JIAIlt Ml: III
OA JfT, o rive hnrintesp, pleasant odor. $ 1 CO bottle
Ll'.E'H 1IAIK TOS IU remote dandruff, atnni
hair from falling out kndprotnotef growth 1 00a hot tie
f jKV MKIHUANT CO 108 Fulton at H. Y-CDCC
tin at rated Treatise on Hair on application lIlUi;
For sale by Shenandoah! Drug Store, KlrliiVa
Drug Store.
Thousands suffer and illo annual
ly for tho want of It. Not ft single
instance on rcooru wnero a trial ol Q
According to directions, has not
Immediately and permanently
oured Diphtheria, Croup, Quinsy,
or any afleotton of tho throat.
Why should anyone suffer and
die when this boon of all remedies
will positively cure ? Unsolicited
testimonials by tho thousand aro
pouring In from those who havo
given Thompson's Diphtheria Cure
a trial. Why not try it dear read
er t It will do the samo for you
It has dono for others. Following
is a sample testimonial which ex
plains Itself :
V?llllmsport, To., April Z7, 19M.
Thompson & Co.
Gentlemen: I h&ve used Thomp.
son's Diphtheria Cure hi ray family for
hoarsened and sore throat and U eave
speedy relief. I use It both aa a purglo
and by,xtcrnal application, and do un.
hesitatingly oormnend Its use by every
one afflicted ttltb Diphtheria, UoarBe
nfes, Croup, Quinsy, or any other throat
direction. Simpson II. Evans,
raster Third Ht., M. E, Church.
Sold by Drujglsts and costs only
50 Cents a Dsttle.
wmm mmm core co., whuiusport. pa
For Sale at KIRLIN'S Drug Store.
Personally-Conducted Tours
COAST will leave New York and Philadelphia
February 24, stopping at New Orleans durinir
Ward! Gras festivities, and allowing four weeks
In Callfornln, and Maroh 27, returning on
regular trains within nine months. Hound trip
rates from all points on the Pennsylvania Unif
road System east of Pittsburg : 88.t0.00 for tour
of February M, and 1310.00 for tour of March 27,
Jacksonville tours, allowing two weeks In
lorlda will leave New York and l'
February 9 and 33, and March 9, 181)7
Hate covering expenses en route in both
directions, IfiOiOO from New York, and 118.00
from Philadelphia.
Tours, each ooverin a perio4 '
days, will leave Mew York and
pbla February 11, Mareh 11, April 1
and 22, and May IS, jiff. Betas, Tnohid-
Ilia tmnsuortution and two dai
i two days' aooorai
natea Hotels. .S0
lrom Philadelphia.
non at tne beat waattlni
now York, and 11140
will leave N v York and Philadelphia Febru
ary 20, lh, and April US, 18D7.
For tletailod Ulnerariea and other .nfoni.atf.on
aiinl V nt tlotrnt sia.nnl. r Ttf
liipR's I
liplgria Gore 1
It'Zr Ah Qen-J P, Aguut, Broad Street
St latin It llilIlLflnliifla
, . ....wwBj'e pf