The evening herald. (Shenandoah, Pa.) 1891-1966, February 05, 1897, Image 2

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PniftBhed every R eutiift, Kieept tsunrtay At
' 4m;ta Iakumii KruNsrr. Ns-ah csNritt
K iknmlll l tUllV.'.Kl IllMll.MIKlMlMHI. .Iilti ".
, I rouihlltlif towns lot li i-l'.it a wet k a
i c to the carrier By in ill &) 00 11 vju ,ur
ft.its A month, payttttle tn advance A-I''r!r
uAiits cliiM-gctl ncismlliiK to spin e atit ptmtlloti
T publisher rcacrve the rl1it tit i uit., I'm
SJsltioli of advertisements wlieiteor tlie mil
itmMoti of news demand It. Tin- rluht b
-orvl to rtfact any advertisement, whether
uttd for or not. that the publlshcn may ilim
m irnfier. Advertising mtn m-t kuowf
pju AtfVlloatiOii.
K ll-STed At ftUS, MWtlUt'l At SllGIIMIIlllMll, I'.,!-
jOTl4 atais mall uitittei
That old ling lienr, the Borough Justice
ship, Is again in tlio courts of this county. It
Vroald be a great relief to our people, aa well
M those directly iute rented, If the question
Wtrtt finally settled.
Thk lowest temperature ever recorded was
on Daoember 30, 1871, and was experienced
by Professor Cloioclion. lie was at Wercho
Jiu)V, Siberia, and tlie temperature whs 81
decrees below zero. The name la enough to
frighten almost anybody! witnont tlio degree
Of low temperature.
Dowx in New Jersey a week or so ago a
fire was put out with wine, and now a
Chicago fire haa been extinguished with
milk. In Dakota fires are again being made
With ooru. These new uses of food and
drink iudicate an abundance of wealth that
Romeltew or other ought to be turned into
The wheelmen say that there will be very
little change in the make of wheels this
year and that the prices will be the same.
The big exhibition at Chicago last week
brought out very little that was new. The
obalnless bicycle will be seen, but very few
will be on the market. Itiders are anxious
to see the new cbainless machine, and it will
no doubt be a great favorite next year when
the big manufacturers put it on the market.
Pbhsidbnt-elkct McKinlky haa insured
hia life for 150,000. He had to do it in self
protection. Over a score of agents have beon
after him almost constantly ever since the
election. It is said that Mark Hanna se
cured the coveted application for a Cleveland
agent who was a frioud of his, and that the
company which wrote the insurance was the
same one that paid heavy policies on the
lives of Presidents Garfield and Arthur.
The dissatisfaction that exist in the ranks
of the local Democracy, because of the un
popularity of the candidates and the ques
tionable manner in which they secured their
nomination, has becomo so apparent that
the "bosses" of that party hau resurrected
that old familiar chestnut, und place the
blame on the couforiee system of making
nominations. There is no question but this
antiquated system is tho causo of much bick
ering and divUious, nevertheless the people
will see that the Democratic candidates le
main private citizens a little, while longer.
Oue criticism upon the attempt being mado
ta further burden the taxpayers of Schuyl
kill county by tho creation of the office of
county detective, was favorably commonted
upon last evening. The Hazloton Plain
Speaker, published lu a county haviug a
county detoctivo, vory truthfully says:
"While private detectives are scouring the
upper end of the county in search of ths jail
breakers who conspired with Shaffer for a
jail delivory, tbe question ari&es, whore, ii
tho county detective who is paid by tbe
people for that service? It is a public
shamo that he h allowed to enjoy such a
sinecure. The ollicu should be abolished."
Much comment has recently arisen among
fashionabl people regarding the unusual and
even phoaomenal size of this new generation
of womon. In eight out of ten cases these
young girls are a full head and shoulders
taller than their mammas. Five feet eight
or nine inchos is no longer regarded as an
unusual height for a debutante, and this
stature is supplemented, as a rule, by broad,
Bhapely shoulders, a firm round waltt, with
harmonious proportions of arms, hips and
bust. Tho new woman from a merely
physical standpoint is not only fair to look
upon, but promises well, with her clear eyos,
rosy skin and steady nerves as a wholesome
mother of the coming race. Is this Improved
condition due to the tendency to more out
door exercise ? It is worthy of study.
The business men of Shenandoah recognize
tho merits of the Hbbald as an advertising
medium ; in fact, there Is no other channel
through which to reach the masses. It is a
welcome visitor to the homes, ior, the reason
that filthy and obscene litetuturo finds no
place In its columns. It is only necessary to
draw tho attention of prospective advertisers
to the large audiences that have filled tho
theatre during the present week. The
management of the comfiBiiy very wUely
takes advantage of the IIksalu's large and
Increasing circulation, and as a result they
reach tbe theatre-goers of Shenandoah. It is
just as necessary fer managers of theatre to
use tho columns of a paper that Is read by
tho masses as it is for the merchant. See I
Tjie New York Sun pays the following
compliment to the new Senator from Penn
sylvanias "The greatest piece of good fortuno
which has eeine to Harvard University now
for many years is Mr. Boies Penrose, of
Pennsylvania, recently elected Senator of
the United State. The Harvard man has
never been noted for the aggressive power
that makes success, as mush as have the
graduates of colleges where the intellectual
atmosphere is harsher and the rub of tbe
world more appreciable. During the unfort
unate Mugwump era the prevailing tone of
Harvard, as expressed by Its President and
other representatives, has been calculated to
make public life repulsive and to emasculate
all that might be effective for usefulness in it.
Mr. Penrose, who bos been a conspicuous tar
get fur Mugwump abuse, is the newest of the
few evidences that under tbe present aus
pices Harvard training is uo insuperable
barrier to public distinction outside of
Massachusetts. He is an honor to tbe uni
versity, which oaunot fail to be of bigb
material value to it."
The Pennsylvania Railroad Company, says
the Philadelphia Ledger, is constantly illus
trating tbe practical advantages wliioh ensue
from a strict observance of the merit system
iu making promotions and in carrying for
ward its great activities. This coporation Is
of continental juipoitauce, and stands to day
as a signally aucceaiful business euUrpri o
fur the reason that it is directed by men
wlisse executive and administrative abil-
, l .1 -1 ,1 1 .. tl,a .v,. i..., nf
ity tuts uoeu uovvivxim ih wi w
the compauy. The career of tbe
Ute President Knliert from the position of
rndmsn to the Preside iicy of the rond was
tin- IiirIiI i lifeline of tlih n lmirahlo system,
and tlio eleotiou of Vlre-I'reMJi nt Frank
ThtniiiMiii lo tlir pltii-e m tie vnc'int by tlio
untimely death uf l'rmldiut KiiburlK Is In
liiiMitiiiirc i f tin i i-tmn i.f lln' i nini'Hiiy in
flilinx i.s iitlnv. T.e Ki'iit'.iil H'lii) in it r.i 1 1 f
h pi i' in ill' tlm liwt Is Htu-ii llitl tln-iv M mi
i:iunt- iii its rniTKifS throng i iimiii,ih liy
ilnitli, liiinentabV n hiii-ii ii'iimvals ti-i' f miii
Hiiy point uf ictv.
TO 't ItK V t'lLI IN ONR P V
1'i.m' l.iv.ilivo Ihiiiiin itnitm1 Til h'tr. l
I iiiriri-H refund the ipvao' if it IsV In cure.
,& evnta
rha Great i't'r ei an ttnotmett Flood
f Clear nl flltcrwl fluid.
The win Jc if k" uter Ixindon, covorlng
n arm uf iitinit lltfo square miles, la sup
plied Ijy thcsoorpinlaittluUH, whose powers
und districts lire defined by law. The six
Thitmi's coin ni.h g uro nllowed to draw n
maximum supply uf 130,000,000 gallons a
day, the Knst Luudon is til lowed to tnko
88,000,000 gnllmm, and the New Kivor
88,600,000 gnliuns a day from the Len.
The rest coii'.ch liora tho olmlk wells.
Tlieiii is nlsu, liuwuver, a Bupploinentary
npply drawn liy sevornl oompMuiea from
tho gravel bctl-i by tho side of the Thames,
mul in tlmos ot Hood or drought this nat
ural aupply 1 very useful.
The dally total Is about 2'?0,000,000 gal
lous, or 40 gallons per liuud. Kvury drop
o( the wat.r oarufutly purifiMl, with
the exception of that from tho wolls. For
this purpo.u the companies have 114 HI tor
beds, covering 117)4 acres. 10 very com
pany, exoept the Kent, hna storage reser
voirs, lu wliioh water 1b kept in readiness
for emergencies. There are storage reser
Tolrs for uufiltorod water, covering 474H
nares and holding 1,880,000,000 gallons,
and 80 Ultorod water reservoirs, holding
817,000,000 gallons that is to say, If every
source ot supply were out off, London
would have enough water In store for llttlo
inoro than a wook.
The pumping operations represent an
enormous expenditure of force. The
Soilthwark oompauy, for Instance, pump
18,000,000 gallons every day a distance of
18 inline to Nunbeatl, with a rise of 816
feet, for distribution thence to the other
parts of tho district. The pipes, too, nro
often enormous in size, somo of tlio tun
nels being 0 feet In diameter. As for the
length, there uro in nil London 5,000 miles
of water plpos, on which there are somo
87,035 hydrants. It Is hard to gain from
mere figures an udequute conoeptiou of tho
extent of London's water supply, but tho
onorinous stream of water flows steadily
Into the houses over 800,000 of them
day nftor day, carefully filtered and puri
fltnl, and tho system oontrasts ourlously
with the old New Itlver water carts and
Chelsea's wooden pipes. Chambers' Jour
Fill a bottle or common water glass with
urine and let it stand twenty-four hours; a
sediment or settling Indicates a diseased con
dition of tho kidneys. When urine stains
linen It is uosltive evidence of kidney
trouble. Too frequont desire to uriuate or
pain in the back, is also convincing proof
tlutt the kidneys and bladder are out of order.
There is comfort in the knowledge so often
expressed, that Dr, Kilmer's Swnrup-Root,
the great kidney remedy, fulfills ovory wish
lu relieving pain In tho baok, kidneys, liver,
bladder and every part of the urinary pas
sagos. It corrects inability to hold urine and
scalding paiu in iiassiug it, or bad effect fol
lowing use of liquor, wine or beer, aud over
comes that unpleasant necessity of being
compelled to get up many times during the
uight to urinate. Tho mild and tho ex
traordinary effect of Swamp-IIoot it soon
realized. It stands the highest for its wonder
ful cures of the moat distressing cases. If
you need a medicine you should havo the
best. Sold by druggists price fifty conts aud
ono dollar. For a sample bottle and pamph
let, both sent free by mall, mention Evening
Herald aud send your full post-oillce
address to Dr. Kilmer it Co., liiughamton,
N. Y. Tho proprietorsof tide paper guarantee
the genuiuensss of this offer.
The Turk In tlio Swim.
Society is just now Mustupha mail Tho
new Turkish minister is the vogue. UIs
pretty compliments to the Indies; the deep
seated, conviction in the feininino mind
that lie has 60 wives in a gorgeous harem
on the banks of tho Iiosporus; the stories
of the Dowscrlng nud tho midnight sack
dealt out to tho unfaithful ones, with
wliioh tho II U r-'ture of the orient bristles;
the tnot, F.tLit u.y and Ingenuousness of tho
sultan's rcprrricuintlvo ull go to foster ou
rloslty and intavt iu tills particular "un
speakablo Turk." An a matter of fact,
there is no romance ur mystery about hlra.
He has only one wife, and tho bowstring
und sack don't cut anj figure in his do
mestic menage. A young member of tho
logjttlon, who h;.a been dubbed "the Greek
god," bids fair to lurtHtnll his chief as nn
object of burning interest and adoration
among the young women who are much
given to doting on attaches. Washington
Post. .
Wild Man In Ohio.
Tho village of Danville Is terrorized by
fi wild man who inhabits a log house in tho
woods near there. He is described as being
8 feet tall, naked to the waist, and has
hair from 4 to 0 foot long. He is reported
to have carried a child, who was on his
way to school, fully half a mile, where he
dropped him uninjured. He wan aliased by
men on horseback last week for three
miles, easily keeping out of their way, car
rying t live aud full grown sheep. School
lias been dismissed in throe districts, and
n party is being organized by Jacob Lay
burger to attempt to hunt down this
strange being. Cincinnati Commercial
Tribune. .
Last and all the time Hood's Sarsaparilla
has been advertised as a blood purifier.
Its great cures' have been accomplished
through purified blood oures of scrofula,
salt rheum, eczema, rheumatism, neural
gia, catarrh, nervousness, that tired feel
ing. It cures when othero fall, because it
Strikes at the root of the disease and .
eliminates every germ ot impurity. 1
Thousands testify to absolute cures ot
b' J diseases by Hood's Ssraaparilla,
although discouraged by tbe failure of
other medlciues. Hembmber that j
lithe best
in fact the One True Blood Purifier.
fiii easy vu uuy, easy 10 1
! HOOU S PHIS easy to operate aso.
easy to buy, easy to take,
or ail Iowa l,aly Who Was Oitreil of
!ylFp1a After Rnfltrtng fur Twenty
flue Ymr.
Mrs Harah A Skeels, an otliiiahlo lady re
Hi'Miig t l.yiinvllle, ,7i.rr On . liiwa, whs
r,,r twi'iny-Ave yraran srtlrcrer from Dyspep-
si.i .tml ecr i nmpletii renttirMtlnii to health li
s.i ii euirllile tlutt we preuint the facta in
t,iv i i" f r the benefit of our roadeM, many
uf wl tun b ivo doubttew uTercd lu tho same
ni.niufi' imil will, then fore, be interested in
Ii irn'iig hew nil stumaeh troubles may bo
n i'hil nnd cured. Mr. Skeels siy.: t
used imly one packK of Stuart's Hyitpepaia
l'.ihli.ia anil I ii'i eivid such and nnet
lieeled iM 'iefit that I uixh to cxpreM my
hiei ! Krat'tudi . Inflict it leis been six
innntlH fin ce I took the medicine unci I have
nut hud niio particle of distress or difficulty
since. And all this In the face of tbe fart
that the best doctors I consulted told me my
iase was incurable as I hd suffered for
twenty-five yoar.. I want half a dosen pack
:x to distribute among my friends here who
arc very anvious to try this remedy.
Truly yours,
Mn. Siimi A. Skkki.
The reason why Stuart's Dyspepsia Tab
lets are to successful In curing tudigestion
and stomach trouble and the reason why it
never disappoints those who need It and use
it is because nothing is claimed for it exoept
what It wilt actually perform. It Is not a
cure-all and no snch claims are made for it.
It is prepared for tbe sole purpose of curing
Dyspepsia and tho various forms of indiges
tion. There is scarcely a patent medicine made
but what Is claimed to cure Dyspepsia as 'well
as a hundred other troubles. When as a
matter of fact a remedy to cure Dyspepsia
must lie prepared especially for that and
nothing else; and among all tbe remedies,
patent nostrums, bitters, etc, so extensively
advertised you will find that Stuart's Dys
pepsia Tablets is the only ono advertised as a
cure for Dyspepsia and nothing else. The
remedy la prepared by the Stusrt Co., of
Marshall, Mich., and for sale by all druggists
at 00 cents per package, and if you cuffer
from any form . of stomach derangement or
indigestion a trial will not disappoint you.
A little beok on stomach troubles mailed
free. , Address Stuart Co., Marshall, Mich.
Proposed Tnx Ittiform In France.
Paris, Feb. B. M. Cochery, minister
of finance, has published a statement
providing for reform in taxation, re
lieving the burdens of the poorer
classes, especially those with large
families, reducing the assessment in
the rural communities, and at the
same time providing amide funds for
the treasury by an lnorease of duties
upon large business houses, bonds,
bills of exchange, eto.
Clayton for Minister to Mexico.
Little Rock, ArJt, Feb. 5, Hon. II.
L. Remmel, of this city, late Republi
can candidate for governor of Arkan
sas, Is authority for the statement
that General Vowell Clayton, of Ar
kansas, will be the next United States
minister to Mexico, succeeding Hon.
W. M. Ransom. The appointment will
be made In a few days after the In
auguration. Minutes seem like hours when a life is at
stake. Croup gives no time to send for a doe-
tor, delay may mean death. Ono Minute
Cough Citro gives Instant relief nnd insures
recovery. Tho only harmless remedy that
produces Immediate results. C. H. Hagcn
bucb. ljnlolliliril Aflncrrt rtiimil flrnwupil,
Cnlumot, All -h., t'jh. 0 Tho bodies of
William Tomiuiho-Jci and his lli-year-old
pon, tho two miss!ii minora who woro
imprisoned In tho Tamarack mine, havo
been found flontlii! in tho water at the
bottom of tho sh.if t. '1 he lire Is out, but
the mine is still full of gas and smoko.
Sweeping Cliarco Against Delaware.
Washi.voton, Fob. 5. In the Delaware
lenatorial case thoro hat been prosented
in nffldavit of George W. Roberts, of Do
ver, lu behalf of Addlok. Roberts states
that thoro has not beon an honest election
In Delaware for twenty-five j;ears.
Don't Tobacco Spit and Smoke Your Life
If you want to quit tobacco using easily
and forever, be made well, strong, magnetic,
full of new life and vigor, tako No-To-Bao,
the wonder-wurker that makes weak men
strong. Many gain ten pounds in teu days.
Over 400,000 cured. Buy No-To-Bao from
yo'ir own druggist, who will guarantee a
cure. 50c or $1.00. Booklet and sample
mailed free. Ad. Sterling Remedy Co.,
Chicago or Now York.
Verdict In n .tfe fnsurniice Cast.
St. Louis, Feb. 5. The United States
court of appeals lias rendered a decis
ion affirming the Judgment of the lower
court In the case of the heirs of A. G.
Mitchell, a resident of Memphis, who
was killed by falling from a train while
returning home from St. Louis. Be
fore starting for home Mitoholl took
out 2,000 acoldent insmance, dis
tributed among seven companies. The
large amount of Insurance Mitchell
carried, and the circumstances of his
death, which occurred so soon after
taking the polloles, caused the Insur
ance companies to contest payment.
After one mistrial the beneficiaries of
the policies obtained a judgment for
the full amount which has Just been
affirmed. The beneficiaries of the poli
cies are Mitchell's sister and her
daughter, Miss Henri Chiles, of Mem
phis. A torpid liver means a bod comploxlon, bad
breath, indiiettion aud frenuent headaches.
To avoid such companions take DeWltt's
Little Early Risers, the famous little pills,
C.U, Hasenbuch.
Magowuu's Creditors After lllm
Trenton, Feb. 5. The Trenton Savings
Fund society yesterday afternoon filed a
bill In chancery to foreolose a mortgage
of $15,000 on ex-Mayor Frank A. Mngow
an's handsome residence on North Ulln
tJti avenue. There have been secured
against Magowau in the supreme court
Judgment amounting to over $190,000,
Ux-Sherlff Bge has advertised for sale next
Tuesday the furniture of Magowan's
house, his horse and carriage and other
personal property to satisfy somo of the
For Weak and Hun Down People.
UUAT IT IC I The richest of all restoro
Willi I II 10 1 tlve foods, because it re-
E laces the essentials or lire tbat are ex
austed by disease, indigestion, high living,
overwork, worry, excesses, abuse, etc.
WHAT IT DOES I puraucrrfcandthe
digestion perfect It oreates solid flesh,
muscle and strength. Tbe nerves being
made strong the brain becomes active and
dear. It restores loht vitality, stops all wast
ing drains and weakness In either sex. and
as a female regulator has no equal. Price
60a, or five boxes SiOO. Srngglsts or by mall.
We can help you. Ad Ice aud book, free.
I Write Us About Your Case. I
15U Chestnut Street, Philadelphia,
The Demands of Matiy Oovvrninenta, In
el ailing the UHtted Btates.
London, Feb. 6. Special dispatches re
ceived here from Bangkok any that seri
ous complications have arisen between
the Siamese goTtft-nmetit and the United
State and German ministers. The dls
pntohos add that tbe United States cruiser
Detroit is expected to join the United
States gunboat Maohlas, wtiloh Is now in
those waters, to support the United States
minister resident anil consul general, Mr.
John Barrett, In protecting American In
terest in the dispute arising from the as
sault made upon the United States rice
consul general, Edward Ii. Kellett, by
Siamese soldiers, who fired upon him ami
wounded him.
The German minister is understood to
regard as unsatisfactory the publlo apol
ogy for nn unprovoked assault made upon
him in the streets before he was rescued
by an American, Mr. Mitchell Innes.
An Austrian orulser ha arrived at
Bangkok connection with
the murder of an Austrian in the Interior,
and French, British and German gun
boats are expeotod at Bangkok linmedi
The Old Constitution a a Staseum.
Washington, Fob. B. Representative
Fitzgerald, of Massachusetts, appeared he
fore the naval committee yesterday and
succeeded in securing a provision in tho
naval appropriation bill for fitting up the
-old frigate Constitution, now lying at tho
Portsmouth navyyard, as a naval mu
seum. In ISSH an appropriation of fB,0O0
for fitting up ths Constitution for use by
the militia was made, but It was after
wtrrds found to be inadvisable to attempt
to ute liar for that purpose, aud the ap
propriation was never expended. The
present provision will make this money
available for the work of fitting up the
Constitution as a museum. It is proposed
to bring tho Constitution to Washington.
Constipation in its worst forms, dyspepsia,
sick headache, biliousness and derangement
nf the liver are readily cured by DeWltt's
Little Early Risers. These little pills never ;
gripe. Small pill, safe pill, best pill. C. II. 1
To .I'lorlda via Pennsylvania ltallroad.
The midwinter exodus has begun. The
discomforts and dangers of wet winter
weather re here, but to the southward, from
a cloudless sky, beams a beautiful sun upon a
blooming laud.
The uext Pennsylvania Railroad tour to
Jacksonville, allowing two weeks iu Florida,
will leave New York and Philadelphia
February 0.
Excursion tlokcts, including railway trans
portation, Pullman accommodations (ono
berth), and meals en route in both directions
while traveling on the special train, will be
sold at the following rates: New York, $50.00;
Philadelphia, $48.00; Canandalgna, $52.85;
Eric, $51.85; Pittsburg, $53.00, and at propor
tionate rates from other points.
For tickets, itineraries, and other informa
tion apply to ticket agents, Toui 1st Agent at
1196 Broadway, New York, or to Geo. V.
Boyd, Assistant General Pastcugor Agent,
Broad Street Station, Philadelphia.
A Household Necessity.
Cascarets Gaudy Cathartic, the most won
derful medical discovery of the ago, pleasant
and refreshing tS the taste, act gently and
poeitlvoly on kidneys, liver aud bowels,
cleansing tho entire system, dispel colds, cure
headache, fever, habitual constipation and
biliousness. Please buy and try n box of
C. C. C. to-day ; 10, 36, 50 cents. Sold nud
guaranteed to euro by all druggists.
Itcduced llAles to Washington on Account
of tho Inauguration via Pennsyl
vania Hnllrottd.
For tbe benoflt of those who desire to at
tend the ceremonies incident h) the inaugura
tion of Presidont-elect McKinley, tho Penn
sylvania Railroad Company will sell excur
sion tickets to Washington March 1, S, 3, and
4, valid to return from March 4 to 8, at the
following rates: From rottsvillc, 7.25;
Reading, $7.20 ; Birdsboro, fO.80 ; Pottstown,
$0.85; Norrlstown, $8.15; Philadelphia,
$5.40, and from all other stations on tho
Pennsylvania system at reduced rates.
This inauguration will be a most interest
ing event, and will undoubtedly attract a
large number of people from every section of
the country.
The magnificent facilities of tbe Pennsyl
vania Railroad mako this lino the favorite
route to tho national capital at all times, and
its enormous equipment and splendid torui
inal advantages at Washington make it
especially popular on such, occasions.
uucklen's Arnica Salve.
best salve in the world
for cuts.
sores, ulcers, salt rheum, fever sores.
tetter, chapped bauds, chilblains, corns, and
all skin oruntlons. and nosltivelv cures iUns.
or jo pay required. It is guaranteed to give
perfect satisfaction or mony refunded. Price
25 cents por box. For salo by A. Yvnsley.
Tours to Florida.
No district In America presents, during the
Winterseason, so many varied attractions as
the state or Florida, iiestues lis ilcllgntlul
climate, which to nnc escaping from the cold
and unhealiliiiil changes of the North seems
almost etheieal, it i i- eminently a intul 01
spnrtund plcasuw, A long its eleven hundred
miles ot salt-water coast anu 111 ns twelve
hundred fresh-water lakes are nh of almobt
every conceivable variety, from the migra
tory tribes common to Northern waters to the
tarpon, pompano, anu others 01 a more
tropical character. Nowhere in all our broad
laud can tbe angler find a greater variety of
game or better sport.
Here also tno most oniuusiasiio nunier
finds satiety. Deer, turkeys, bears, panthers,
aud wild cats roam at large through the more
sparsely settled regions, while birds of all
kinds may be found in abundance through
out tho State. The more novel sport ot al
ligator aud manatee huuting may also be in
dulged in by the more adventurous tourist.
With its matchless climate, its orange
groves, its rivers and lakes, its boating and
bathing, its fishing aud hunting, and its
extensive forests. Floilda i resents unrivaled
attractions for tbe valetudinarian, the lover
of nature, the snortsuian anu the explorer.
To this attractive state the Pennsylvania
ltallroad Comnanv lias arranaeu tour per
sonal ly-couducted tours during the season ef
1807. leavimr bv soecial train January m.
February 0 and 28, and March 0. The first
three tours will admit of a sojourn of two
weeks in this delightful land; ticket for the
fourth tour will be valla to return until Aiay
31 bv regular trains.
Hates for tbe round trip, $50.00 from New
York. f4e.O0 Horn I'litiauelpbia, ana propor
tionate rates from other points.
For tickets, itineraries and other informa
tion, annlv to ticket asents. special booking
offices, or address Geo. W. Itoyd, Assistant
(Jeueral Passenger Ageut, liroad street station,
Why sufter with Coughs, OobU and La
Grippe when Laxative Bromo QuiuUis will
CDre you in one uay. rut up m utuuue eon
venlent Tor taking. (Jnarantoed to ouie, or
money refunded. Price, 36 cents, "or sale
by Ktrlln's Pharmacy.
ltsiiortod IfaUlo In Oklahoma.
Guthrie, O. T Feb. 5. It is reported
that an attempt to raid ths Sac and
Pox Indian agency was mads on Wed
nesday. Three men are reported killed
In a battle, and it Is said tbat General
Thomas, the government agent, was
later murd-1 ed by the raiders. No
particulars or confirmation ot the story
fan be obtained.
Chicora. Pa . "Herald:" Hichard Vensel
rcuoiU tine Minute Cough Cure tbo greatest
sui icki of medic ul siieuee. He told us that
it cuiid hU whole family of terrible coughs
and cnlda, after all other so called cures had
faileil 1 utirely. Mr. Vousel said It assisted
hii childii 11 through a very bad siege of
measels. Uue Minute Cougb Cure makes ex
pectoration very easy and rapid. C. H.
The man who awaken 1
, from a deep sleep, just
In time to ward off tti
otow o n assassin,
who, knife in han't,
Is preparing to
drive it into his
heart, ha b ii
a nanow escape.
There are thou
sands of grateful
men who have
aroused them
selves from the
lethargy of recklessness and neglect, just in
time to ward off the deadly assault of that
oreau enemv ot man Kind consumption.
The weapon with which these men
succeiifully combated this grim destroyer
has been Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Dis
covery. It Is the only known nu-diclne
that will prevent and cure couiuinntlon.
Taken in time, it will alwaywaid off this
foadly disease, and tvan after the devastat
ing germs have attacked the lung, it will
cure 98 per cent, of all cases. It acts di
rectly on the lungs, building up new,
healthy tissues and driving out all disease
germs. It corrects all stomach and diges
tive troubles, Invigorates the liver and
makes the appetite keen and hearty. It is
the great blood-maker, flesh - builder and
nerve tonic. There is nothing elae "juBt
as good " and the druggist who says so is
' I was a sufferer for fire or six years front Indi
gestion, sore stomach, and constknt headaches,"
writes n. Holmes, oi uanney, vpanannurg
Co.. a. C. " I tried several of our best nhvnlciam
anu rounu no permanent reuei. By me pentua
siun of Mr. J. R. Tolleson, a friend of mine, I
commenced on the sstli September, 189s, to use
Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery and ' Pel
lets 'which gave me relief In a few days. Since
then I have used five bottles of ' Golden Medical
Discovery' aud fire vials of Pellets.' When I
commenced using the medicines I could not
sleep, had a restless uneasy feeling all the time,
and my skin was yellow aud dry. I weighed
only 148 pounds. I now weigh 170 pounds, nave
a good color, aud rest well at nignt. I have a
good appetite, can est anything I wish. For
two years, while under treatment by a physidan,
I ate nothing but Graham bread.'
lu reference to the above letter, J. R. Tolleson,
P. O. Box 173, GiiiTney, Spartanburg Co., 8. C.
writes: " The above Mr. H. P. Holmes. Is a srootl
christian gentleman, and one whose word will
go a long way with those who know him. I use
and sell Dr. Pierce's medicines, aud I recom
mended them to Mr. Holmes."
Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets cure that
disease-nroducing disorder, constipation.
They never fall. They never gripe. Drug
gists sen tum
Tours to California.
California has been most fittingly termed
the "Italy of America." All tho dollciotis
balm, the oloudless sky, and the rich ver
dure of the great European peninsula arc
duplicated iu this sunny land of tho Pacific.
Here nature basks in the sunshine of her own
beauty; 'and hero she has established hor
own sanitarium, where eternal spring In
spires everlasting youth. With the snow-
mantled peaks of the biorras upon the oue
band, the calm Paoifio with its soft breezes
upon tbo other, and a veritable paradise of
dowers, fruits and plants between, man can
find nud needs no lovelier laud. To visit
such a country is a privilege, a blessing.
The Pcnnylvania Railroad Company,
recognizing the need of a more comfortable
and pleasant way of crossing tho continent,
inaugurated a series of annual tours to Cali
fornia, running a through train of Pullman
palace cars from New York to tbe Pacific
Coast, aud stopping at the prinolpal points of
iuteiest en route. The great popularity of
these tours demonstrates tbe wisdom of tho
For tho season of 1807 three tours have
been arranged to leave New York, Philadel
phia, aud Pittsburg, January 27, February
21, nnd March 27.
Tho first tour will ruu direct to San Diego
via St. Louis nud the Santa Fe Route, and re
turn from San Francisco via Salt Lake City,
Denver, aud Chicago, nllewing five weeks in
The second tour will run via tbo Mammoth
Cavo and Now Orleans to San Diego, stopping
at tho "Crescent City" during tho Mardi
Gras Carnival. This tour will return via
Salt Lake City, Denver, Omaha, aud Chicago,
allowing four weeks In California.
Tbn third tour will run viC)ilcniio,Deuvor,
nud Salt Lako City, nllowingpasscngersto re
turn by regular trains via difforont routes
within nine months.
All of these tours, cither going or return
ing, will pass through the famous Colorado
region, Glcnwood Springs, Leadvillo and the
Garden of tho Gods.
Rates from nil points on tbo Pennsylvania
Railroad System east ef Pittsburg: First
tour, $810 ; secoud tour, $350 ; third tour,
$10 round trip, and $150 one way.
For detailed itineraries nnd other informa
tion, apply at ticket agencies, special book
lug offices, or address George W. Boyd,
Assistant General Passenger Agent, Broad
Street Station, Philadelphia.
All tho different forms of skin troubles,
from chapped hands to eczema and indolent
ulcers oau be readily cured by DeWitt's
Witch Hazel Salvo, tho groat pile euro.
V. 11. Hagenbuch.
On Trial for' Double Murder.
Kansas City, Mo., Fob. 5 AUco Plntt,
tne uomostlc in the home of Charles Mus-
Bey, who Is oharged with having poisoned
his two llttlo girls, Sue and Elizabeth, by
giving thorn strychnine, was put on trial
for her life yesterday. Tho general opin
ion nns been that tho prlsonor is insano,
but she has steadfastly refused to onter
such a plea. Previous to the children's
death Mrs. Mussoy's mother died in a
niystoilous maunor. Miss Plntt is 37 years
Tho little daughtor of Mr. Fred Webber,
Holland, Mass., bad a very bad cold and cough
which he had not been ablo to cure with any
thing, I gave him a SS cent bottlo of Cham
berlain's Cough Iiemcdy, says W. P. noldou,
merchant and postmaster at West Brimfleld.
find tbe uext time I saw him bo said it worked
like a charm. This remedy is intended
especially for acute throat and lung diseases
such as colds, croup and wkoopiugcough, and
it is famous for its cures. There is uo danger
in giving it to children for it contains noth
ing injurious. For salo by Qruhler Bros.,
Minors' Families Starving.
Bellalro, O., Feb. 5. A committee of
miners from the Belmont mines are out
soliciting food for the families of men em
ployed at that mine. Investigation shows
there are fifty families at these mines suf
fering for the nooessltie of life, and some
are actually starving. These miners have
not had work for over four months, and
when they were laid oS their supplies
irom tne company's store stopped also,
tn us cutting on an source oi support
A weed in the garden can be easily destro,
ed when it first starts. Cousumritiou can I
nipped in the bud by One Minute Cough
Cure. C. JI- Ilagenbuch.
I)r. Webb Deellued a Cabinet Position.
Canton, O., Feb. 6. 1( is not generally
known that the name of Dr. Seward Webb,
ot Shelbutue, was presented, by Vermont,
aud seriously considered by the incoming
president for a position in the oablust
Owing, however, to the Illness ot hlg
brother and the draft upon his own time
nnd attention In consequence thereof, it
was utterly Impossible far him to aooopt
tho position, and Dr. Webb's friend, Gou
eral T. a Peck, visited Major MoKlnlsy at
Cuutou aud withdrew his name.
Carlisle Msy Settle la Now York.
New York, Feb. 6. Secretary John G.
Carlisle, who oame to town Wednesday
night, saw tow callers yesterday and spont
several huurs down town. To a friend he
spoke in high u-ruis of the qualifications
ot his prospective successor. Yesterday
Assistant Secretary llamllu Joined his
chief. Ills presence la the oUy is mainly
for the purpose ot assisting la the wad
ding of a friend. Suggestion is made lu
prlut, however, that Mr. Carlisle is oon.
tomulailuu; ioi t' i lu tli!-i jlty
Alleged Kidnaping nf n Millionaire Ileal
Mutate Deal Br.
Montreal, Feb. 5. A millionaire real
estate deaUr from New Hampshire Is
alleged to have been held a prisoner 1
in this1 city by a couple who passed as
Mr. and Mrs. Stanton, of New York, t
but who are said to be the Rev. and
Mrs. Klohardson. Three months agu
the Richardson rented a furnished
house in this olty. With them when
they took possession ot the house was
the man whom they are suspected of
having kidnaped. Tbe police refused
to disclose ths name of this person,'
but he Is described as small, dark and
about 60 years of age, and It is alleg
ed that he controlled Immense Inter
ests In New Hampshire. t
Richardson is large, smoth shaven
and of clerical aspect. His wife Is a I
medium sized, handsome woman of
about 3B. The man they are alleged 1
to have In their keplng was, It is as- ,
serted, constantly under the Influence '
of a powerful drug administered by
the Rlohardsons, who, while his will
power was broken by the drug, caused
him to sign checks for large sums of
money which they cashed. An agent of
the millionaire came here about two
weeks ago to And him. The police say
this agent saw the Rlchardsons, but
they had their victim well bidden and
told the agent that they did not know
anything about him.
The trio disappeared a few hours
before the detectives finally decided
to swoop down upon the house. The
detectives are divided in their opinion
as to where the mysterious trio have
gone. Some think they have gone to
England and otherB that they are still
hiding somewhere about Montreal, but
all fear that the Rlohardsons may do
sway with their victim.
Soothing fni hums, scalds, chapped hands
and litis Healing for cuts and sores. In
stant relief for lilies, stops pain at once.
These are the virtue! of DeWltt's Witch
Hazel Salve. C. II. Ilageiibuoh.
Durrant May Get a Sew Trial.
Snn Francisco, Feb. 5. Tho supreme
court of California has handed down no
decision in the appeal of Theodore Dur
rant, found guilty of the murder of I
Blanche Lamont, twonty-one months ago.
It is understood that tho appeal has not
yet boon considered by tho supromo jus
tice, but many attorneys believe that tho
justloe will grant Durrant a new trial. It
is said a decision will not bo handed down
before tho end of tho year.
Ono Thousand Dollars Offered.
Thompson's Diphtheria Cute Cj., offers
$1,000 fur use uf the Williamsport, Pa'
Hospital, fir first case of diphtheria which
its medicine does not cure. Conditions arc
that patient must be alive, and not on tlio
verge of death by the use of antl-toxine or
some other so-called remedy ; tlio company
must be notified when its medicine is begun
to be used so that a representative can be
present and see that the Instructions arc
strictly carried out. Auy registered physician
is iuvlted to apply tbe medicine according to
directions nnd see for himself. Sold at
Ivirlin's drug store at 50 cents a bottle.
To Contest 'I'tahS Senatorial ISleotlon.
Salt Lake City, Ifeb. 6. Moses TluVtoher
nnd his friends say that ths late senato
rial light was not ended by the ballot
that gave Hawiins thirty-two votes. An
appeal will bo taken to the United States
sonato, nnd a contest In duo form will bo
filed within the required time. Tho oon
test will bo based upon charges of coor
olon by church offlcors.
Our people are growing more and more in
tho habit of looking to Qruhler Bros., drug
gieto, for tbo lateetrnml best of everything In
tho drug line. They soli Chamberlain's Cough
Remedy, famous for Its cures of bad colde,
croup nnd whooping cough. When iu need
of such a medicino givo this remedy a trial
and you will be more than pleased with tho
Mother and Two Sims SitOeeaieil.
North -Branch, Minn., Feb. B. Word
has reached here that Mr. and Mrs.
Drohnarnann and her two son. Ern
est arid William, living: about five
miles west of here, were suffocated by
carbon dioxide, due to a Are In a clos
ed root house. A 10-year-old boy sur
vives them.
Tako Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets. All
drugslsts refund tho money'if it falls to cure.
25 cents.
Heavy Snow In the West.
Kansas City, Mo.. Feu. 6. Dlsnatohes
indicate that a heavy snow storm, lu somo
places tho most severe in years, has pre
vailed tn tho southwest slnoa Wednesday.
The deepest snow for three years covers
the ground in central Sllssouri. Wiohlta,
Kan., reports flvo Inches on the level, with
street curs tied up. Trains, particularly
lu Kansas, are delayed, but not seriously.
Guthrlo, O. T., had the heaviest rainstorm
of years.
Not Guilty of ISmbozsltwettt.
Frederlok. Md., Feb. 5. A Jury in the
United States supromo court at Baltimore
yosterday acquitted A. GreRg Miller, for
merly paying teller of tho Central Na
tional bank, of this city, of embezzle
ment. It was charged that Miller misap
propriated 11,450 of tho bank's money.
Miller's defense was that the apparent de
falcation grow out of orroneous entries
caused by falling eyesight.
A Fertlneut lluslness Straw.
Chicago, Feb. 6. The Wholesale Grooer
publishes the result of an inquiry to learn
tho present business situation and tho
prospeots for this yoar. It says that 86 per
cent of the grooery Jobbers of the country
note an lnorease oi uusiness for January,
1807, over the same month last year: 45 per
cent, see no material ohange either for bet
ter or worse, while 80 per cent, report an
aotual falling off.
Severe Punishment for Adulterers.
Jefferson City, Mo., Feb. 5. A bill wa
Introduced in the house making it a fel
ony, punishable by a penitentiary sentence
for five years, for a married man to be
found guilty ot matrimonial infidelity un
der any circumstances whatever.
Most Torturing, Disfiguring,
Of itching, burning, bleeding, scaly sajn
and scalp humors Is instantly relieved
by a warm bath with OimcimA Soap,
a single application of Cuticuka (oint
ment), the great skin oure, and a full dose
ot ConcoKA Resolvent, greatest of blood
purl Mars and humor auras.
XIkhkdieS spooJUy, permanently, and
economically cure, wlien all el so fuils.
Pr.TTIH OSDil IVlt Oil KH COW , 8nl PrOfM., BMlon.
Bf " flow to Cure Lvery Skin ud Uluu4 liuiuor," trt.
Funded and Beau tl fled t
Sick Headache.
i? - al-la nnd Extrema Nervousness.
EVER sl-jro I was oWhtcon years old
until I learned of Ur. MllcV Restora
tive t medics, I suffered from sick
headarhean 1 ""-rnio nervousness and dys
pepsia In tt- 11 h"irt dlsoase developed, t
was treated by r,evrtal doctors with no re
lief. Severe' palpitation with pain in left
breast, shortness ot breath, and smothering
spells made mo moct miserable. I pro
cured Dr. Milci' r.cstoratlve Nervine and
New Heart Cure and took thorn alternately
a dlrced. Improvement began at once
land Increased so rap-
Idly tiiut Injlde of f,x
months I iucreased
-Nervine ;
thirty six pounds lu
I weight. All pain in
the heart is gone, and
Restores .
I the nervousness has
fry, r'aarcn
I wholly left me,"
Mas. Obas. Knapp,
W. German St., Little Falli, N. Y., Nov. 7,'9&.
Dr. Miles' Remedies are sold by all drug
gists nndur a positive guarantee, first bottle
V'-icflt.i or mouoy refunded. Book on Heart
And nerves sent free to all applicants,
ri. MILES MEDICAL CO.. Elkhart, Ind.
Ai.i JServout Ji9n Fulling Mem
ory. Impotcnrjr, SImdi ossness, etc , caummI
by Ahm oBrttl other Jfooeiws and Indltv
cretkmi. 2Viy tftiirklu und turvtit
rMtoro Loet V, (ii(s lu old or roane, and
fit a raitn fer study, buftinens or taarrfagn,
1'ravnnt Ins&nitT nnd Cloneo motion If
taken In time. Their to ihows immediate improve
Seat and effects a ouaxb waore an otners lau. in
t npon having the genuine Ajax Tablets. They
hare ourod thousands nnd will euro yon. Wo gWe a
positive written guarantee to effect a cure In aaeh case
or refund tho money. Price 60 ceri per pecknae, or
eft pack Me (full treatment) for t&QQ. liy nvul.ln
tfafir wrapper, npon receipt of price. Circular fiw.
For sale in 8henandoah, Pa., hy A. "NVasley
and S. T. Klrlln, DruBglsts.
A tbi En. -rum lira uru WOMAN'S RELIEF.
Always prompt and relit bit). A void Imitations,
At rlnisT atrtrM. orunt dlrat t waled l. nrlM. (1.
Catoh Spic. Co., Boeton.Mtu. Oar book, 4c
For sale at I P. D. Kirlii 'h druR store
Slifnundtmli tlruft store '
&m mm ummm
lo us tiutunil uotur ny JUlSK'S 11AIIC M1IUI
CA.VI, " I f htirin'ess, pleasant 0J01, $1 CO .i Uu e
IKK'S II A I It TONIC removes dandruff, utons
h Mr from ullingoutand promot ei growth 41 roahotIe
LRU MnillCA.VJ' ti loeyuHonaU, W V.rppp
llluitrated Treatlae on Hair on application rilE-l.
For sale by Shenandoah Drug Store, Klrllu's
Drug. Htore.
Tho medicinal valuo of Roods
manufactured for the health of
Tolls Its own story
as given oy tnoso
who have testod
Its qualities. Not
n single oase of
failure nmona: the
millions of bottles sold. It is the
only remedy that will positive
ly and speedily cure that dreaded
disease. Manufactured by tho
Thompson Diphtheria Curo Co.,
AVHHamsport, l'a.
Ask your dealer for a bottle and
also tor printed matter describing
tho remedy and Its specific usu
when properly applied.
Hore la what one who haa tried
it says :
WUllam-port, Ia.. May 1, 1R96.
To the Public: I can say jKwltlvely
that ThonjpBon'B IMpbtherln Cure naved
my life. Had one of the severest cases of
Diphtheria ecr known amouj grown
people anfj thin Medicine cured me In
several days' time. Also know that my
dear Bister would not be living to-day
had It not bei n for Thompson's Diph
theria Cure, lell this to all the woild
anil make tlie htnounge bjs strong as
posKtitle, for It In my desire that all those
tffii-tcd should give Thompson's DIph
thertaOuren trial. Tt will ewe every
tiiw If applied iuvordint to directions,
as surely as the Biin rites and Ht-u,
II, 1 Iluff, 816 Hepburn St.
Sold by DtfdggUta every-,
rjuhcfo at BO Cta. Q bottle.
For Sale at KIRLIN'S Drug store.
Personally-Conducted Tours
COAST will leave New York And Philadelphia
February 21, stopping- at New Orleans during:
Mardi (inn festivities, nnd Allowing four weeks
In Callfornin, ond March 27, Tetiirnlng on
reKUltir trains within nine monthH. Hound trip
rates from all point on tlio 1ciiii Iviiula llail
roait Hystrm rant nf PlttuhiirK ' Si-Vl IX) for tnnr
ot February 1M, And for tour of March 27
Jaokannvllle tours, allowing two weeks In
Florida will leave Now York and Philadelphia
Kebiunry 0 nml 21. und March 0. 18U7
Itrtte covertnir expenses en route in both
llruetlmiH, S&iuO from New York, and $48.00
from l'hiliidi-lpliia.
Tour, eucli covering a period of shree
du, will leave New TPorfc and Phlladel
pliiit February U, Mar 11, April 1
and 22, and May U, XSW. Bates, Includ
Iiib transportation and two days' aocommoclu at the best Washington Hotels, U4 SO from
New York, and $11.60 from fulludelpbln.
ilil. ,m ' Noilciinil rhilmli'lphla Febru
ary JO. M.,1,!, I unil A ) 1 1 1 Ih'JT.
Fur tl taflisl ittiH'rarteB and other information
I nintly tit ticket HM-iicies or add KM W.
Hovel, Anxt. Cirn'l 1'atw. Agent, Uroud html
MutUm, IMiilu.U Ipl la.
B ...