EVENING HERALD IMTAllI.lHintl) 1870. P'l dished every Evening, KxceptSrtnrlay.at jHTOTrl JiRUIN rakT, NKAH ( 'KKTOR. Th Terld Is fleil rm ert In Hlifnmidimn nd Ihr rrouudliijr towns for six cents n wek, pay tide to the carriers. By mall 18.00 a yeer, or 2fi dun uimm, (hij ninu i it ante ohrgea accord ini eota a month, payable in advanoe. Advertise ig to apace anu posim the rfght In 'change I on. Hie nnbllshers reserve the rlirl lange the i ttlon of Advertisement whenever the itll- ttlon of new demands It. The right I uaerved to reject nnv advertlsemnnt, wfitber raid for or not, that the publishers may deon. ' to proper. Advertising rates made kmtwr ipon application. Knlsrsd at the noxtoBlra nt Shenandoahl Pa., a Mvond el ass mall matter. TKLKP1I0NR CONNECTION. Evening Herald TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 8, liW Hiiikman'b fitness for the office of Secre tary of State is well attested by the bet that the Senate lias kept him lit the head of lt committee on foreign relations for many years. In Paris the best physicians unite In saying that one death iu every eighteen lu that city is from preventable epidemic diseases. Over A per cent, of the mortality is needless, which indicates the great mission that exists for boards of health throughout the world. It is said that soap is an antidote for nearly all the traveling plagues that nlllict man kind. The trouble is to make a timely ap plication of It In sufficient quantities to keep out the filth and obscene literature that nils certain low-class publications. Something more than 85,000 immigrants arrived in Canada last year, one-third of whom immediately cams through to the United States. The other two-thirds will arrive sooner or later. When we oune to close our gates against immigration, if we ever do, it will be well to remember this point. There have been many bills dumped into the legislative hopper that should never see the light of day. Que in particular is that making it a misdemeanor to publish tho names of persons charged with crime until they have been convicted. Information of this character, when given publicity, is iu tho interest of the public. If the bill be comes a law an innocent man would not be safe from overzealous officers, and tho bill should be defeated if it reaches that stage, Tub Mahanoy City Record cornea to our table in a new dress of type, and with its usual quota of late and Interesting reading matter. The Record is nothing if not pro gressive, and its appearance in an entirely new dress is only in line with the course that the parer has assumed since Editor Parker became its proprietor. Tho Record is one of our most valued exchanges fearless and in dependent in its editorial utterances, it has gained an envUblo position iu tho mnlis of Schuylkill journalism. JVo wish our friend Parker continued prosperity. The announcement of the death of Hon. D D. Phillips, which appeared in the Hmt .u.D last evening, caused expressions ol sincere sorrow in all quarters. IIo was one of the most prominent men in Schuylkill county, and was active in many enterprises that tended to tho development of his native county. In political circles, he was known as a master in the art of commanding and directing political combinations. Ho was al ways in close touch with national and state leaders of the Republican party and retained their confidence up to the time that the fatal disease took him out of active political lifo. Iu his demise the party has lost one of its "aVflcst loaders and Schuylkill oouuty a pro gressive citizen. Bio conflagrations aro the order of the day. Philadelphia has had bor sharo of tbcm, as has been the case with Chicaso, Cincinnati, New York and other largo places. Naturally, conflagrations are generally moro damaging during intensely c ild weather than whon the mercury maintains itself aboro the freezing point. Fires in stores and heaters are gener ally kept at full fever heat.tbereby endanger ing adjacent inflammable material, and when a fire is thus kindled tho intensely cold weather interferes with tho operations of the firemen, preventing them from bringing to the work of extinguishing them tho usual amount of effect; re work. It rarely occurs that any new devices of r.tscality designed to be uiado useful in de ceiving and defrauding honest pcoplo are long-lived. Tho agent of the law generally find them out, and tho law provides ponaltios for tho using of them, which generally have deterring effect. Among those devices which have found favor with scamps is tho use of what are known as "knock-out drops." Thoso drops have no doubt been the agent of many murders, and of course of many rob beries. The use of the drops have become so common that Senator Martin, of the New York Legislature, hag introduced a bill into the body of which he is a member, which makes it a felony for anybody to be found in possession of "knock-eut drops," when it can be shown that the drug is carried with criminal intent. The penalty is imprison ment in the State Penitentiary for five years. Pennsylvania could afford to have a similar law, as itis known the "knock-out drops' have been used extensively iu this state. JrnOE Saviixie is after thesaloon-keepeis iu Northumberland county with a big stick occasioned by the caudal arising from the arrest of a number of Shamokin and Coal township liquor dealers on information furnished by detectives in the employ of the Ktato Liquor League. Two weeks ago a number of saloon-keepers were surprised wheu warrants were Berved upon them de- nanding their appearance before a justice of th,- TnTrffcM J-rewjwTc tvny nut iuu prumpai Tt w.iness, bltolrtsSi0 08568 wer0 LounJ over fur curt, which o55SaSi4i,ion "' tlnre wiui a "nliEKr iu theworaHSfc Judge .s.iv nlge, who is eager to atop the Mega of liquor, was astouished when the were dismissed. When the license eeurt oix ned last week, and an attorney began pit ailing for a license for one of tboee who luil been arrested and the ewe dismissed. taAxe Savidge asked for the detective, who had mysteriously disappeared. II is Uouoi stated thatnotr yre license would be granted until the deteetite and th justices appeared uod explained why tho rates Were dlsmlistd. Thus tho blocking of tin license court is the result, as all liaennes expired last night. The Judge is bound to umavel what be believes tc be a conspiracy, and sensational develop inputs will ensue when the detective U i .uijlit in It is understood the officers of 1 1 i Mate Liquor League have beeu sum j. uin il and will appear. DrelnXt In Favor ht KockeMler. Nkw Youk. Fol). D Jn le 1'i-yor yos renlay handed down nritvUlnn In favor of Jiihu I). it ckofeller,dlsinlssing the suit brmisVtt an-rtliiM him lv the II;tl4b T.ibrr nm lu Wiun h rix'imnicl lh p r"' rmitnop of an alleged ounlrtrt, by tho torn of whloh Mr 11 .ckefuKor was to diii (50,000 of 5 por tout. humlx with a tru-too, the Inter est to lie oppllud for the be noil t of the church. Thp bonds were deposited by Mr. Koi'kefcller.iis req ui rod, but nftor thoy had paid Interest for eighteen months tho railroad company that Issued them de fulfrc(t In the puymontof thelnteuit, and since then ihecburoh has reculvod noth liiit. Tho Kuv. Dr. D. 0. Hotter, on be half of tho church, sued to ooinjiel Mr. Rockefeller to pay about tf,O0Q Interest which hud accrued on , Ute bonds, nud nmko good the alleged agreement. Sues for Sev em ns Lobbyist. BIlLWA'tTRKK F.'h. 8. The Northern Pn olflo Railway company yesterday filed It answer In the United States court to the suit Instituted by Colonel J. W. Mo Naught, late general counsel for the com pany and afterwards counsel for the re ceiver. Colonel MeNnught is suing to recover $4,000 for sendees rendered tho re ceivers and also for an unfixed amount as services a a lobbyist before the North Dakota letrltlniurw. wjiereby the passage of the bill wug,npuu.tt that made possible the contfbn.ticnt p-.h-dhaso of the Northern 1'nolflo rintl Mncttnbn Hallway company's lines. The new company not only denies the liability, but It asserts that there Is more than $133,000 duo and owing the company from Colonel MuNitught. Growth nf the Christian nndeavnrnrs. BOSTON, Feb. 8, The Christian Endeav or society Is sixteen years old today, nnd meetings in celebration of that event are being held in all parts of the world. Secre tary Baer stated today that the number of societies Is now 30,887, with a membership of S,ni,SD0. In addition there are 11,874 junior societies, having 151,360 members enrolled. Resides this, the societies of other kinds foot up the grand total to about 38,000 Christian Endeavor sooietlos, With a membership of 2,500,000. These nooleties exist in nil parte of the world. Tlie massacres In Crete, LoSDON, Fob. 8. A dispatch from Ath ens confirms tho reports of tho conflicts between Christians and Mohammedans In the Herakllon district opthe Island of Crete. Additional advioos are to the effect that the villngo of Galata hug been burned, and that several of tho inhabitants have been killed. Doth sides, Christians ns wall as Mohammedans, appear to havo suffered from those recent disorders. Mrs. Carew Sontcnced tu Death, YOKOnAMA, Feb. 2. Mrs. Cnrow, who has been on trial here sluoe Jan. 5, charged with causing tho death of her husband, Walter Kaymond Hnllowell Carew, secre tary of the Yokohama United club, by the uee of arsenic, was found guilty and sen tenced U death yesterday. The jury was only out half nn hour. The sentenoe U subject to revision by tho British min ister. Uayard to Dine with the Queen. London, Feb. 2 Hon. Thomas F. Bay ard, the United States ambassador, Is now oonflned to his homo with it sevoro cold. Lord Salisbury has accepted nn invitation to u dinner to be given by tho Prince of Wnlos, nnd the quoen hag commanded Mr. and Mrs. Bayard to dlno with hor upon her return to Windsor oastla. Insnno Criminal Kscnpes. NomtlSTOWN, Pa., Fob. 2. John Bakor, nged 51 years, ono of tho criminal insano committed to tho state hospital by Judgo Gordon from tho Eastern ponltoullary, Philadelphia, oscaped from the Institution here last night. NUGGETS OF NEWS. Indications aro that Judgo Goff, of West Virginia, will docllno n place in Major Mc Klnloy's cabinet. A roport from Frouenfold, Switzerland, announces tho death at that place of M. Martini, tho inventor of tho Martini rifle. Groat alarm is felt in Constantinople because of tho approaching liamndnm, tho great annual foast of tho Mohamedans. Because she refused to return to him, worthless Theodore Zerhernu, of Now York, killed his wife and fatally shot himself. Emporor Franz Josef has doclded to ac company Count Goluchoskl upon tho oc casion of tho visit of the latter to thoozar at St. Potorsburg noxt April. Count Murnvieff, tho Ilussian minlstor of foreign affairs, who has recently Tieen visiting France and Germany, has started from Berlin for St. Petersburg. Peter W.tauK was yesterday sentenced at Wilkesbnrro, Pa., to be hnuged for kill ing Anthonv Cooper. At Brookvillo, Pa., Joseph Aioba wus sentenced to death for killing Louis Scalzo. to cum; a coMi in oxk day. Take Laxative. Broiuu Quinine Tablets. All druggists refund the mouoy if it fails to cure. 25 cents. A New Dumb Hell Record. CMAKRiDaF, Mit-s., Fob. 3. Luther O. Rood accomplished tho feat of lifting a 211 pound dumb bell in tho Homnienwny gymnasium last night, thereby establish ing a new amateur world's record at heavy dumb bell lifting. The previous mark was 201 pounds 5 ounces, made by Dick Kennell in New York in 1874. The lift was made from tho lloor with both hands, nnd the bell was forced upwnrd from the shoulder to arm's length with ono baud. Rjod weighs but 143 pounds. Vtuh'g Senatorial Deadlock, SaitLake City, Feb. 2. The result of tho 1" st o' seven senatorial ballots taken yesterday was: Thatoher, 87; Rawlinx, 10; Henderson, 14; Crltohlow, 3. Through the seven ballots Henderson held his four teen votei of Suturday, while Thatoher lost one and Rawlins gained six. While there hax been a alight variation in the strength of the leading oaudldatoa the deadlock seems uo le pronounoed than it was last week, the last six ballots show inn scarcolv a ch mir In the votln. Can't This la the complaint of H . thousands at this season. ff" They have no appetite; food fcaieVSili does not relish. They need the toning up of the stomach and digestive organs, which a course of Hood's Barsapariila will give them. It also purifies and enriches the blood, cures that distress after eating and Jnternal misery only a dyspeptic can JJJfreateg an appetite, overcomes that tired feeUngvmlbulld8 UP ana sastelu the whole physioatl- " prompt in anrt afflolentlv rellevea?SfleCt'symP- ti-Tii and cures nervous hefidachesTTtaWS. bov.::j to have almost "a magic touch," Hood's Sarsaparilla Is the iM-st In fact the One True Blood Purifier. T-t.. are the best after-dinner HOOCI S PlllS pills, aid digestion. 2BC. IMPORTANT TO SUFFERERS HOW YOU MAY OBTAIN A LASTING CURD FOR TILBS. No aurgloal Operation, No Fain, Trifling Expense A Simple, Harmless Remedy, But It Does the Vorlt. Thrre are some people who have piles as tnqneiitly and regularly as other people have colds. 1 Any little bowel trouble will bring them on, any extra exeitiou, as ill lifting, will pro duce them, and lu fact will often appear without any apparent provocation. Piles, however, are much more serious than a cold as the tendency is always to grow worse un til the trouble becomes deep seated and chronic, or devulopes into v some fatal rectal disease. While there are many pile remedies which give relief, ye), there is but one which not only gives instant relief but at the saioo time makes a permanent cure, and that is tho well kuown Pyramid Pile Cure. This remedy is composed of simple, harm less, vegetable ingredients, hut combined so effectively and act so promptly and thor oughly that it cures every form of piles whether Itching, blind, bleeding or protrud lug. In long standing cares the Pyramid Pile Cure has proven to be the only certain cure except a surgical operation, and iti advan tages over an operation are man?, as it is painless, causes no delay, or Interference with daily occupation and list but not least, it is cheaper than any surgical operation could possible be, costing but a dollar a pack age at any drug store. The cases that the Pyramid Pilo Cure will not reach are so few that physicians are do ing away with operations for piles and do' pending on this cheap but offectivo remedy to accomplish a complete cure, and it never disappoints except in cases beyond the reach of medical skill. The Pyramid Pile Cure is prepared by tho Pyramid Drug Co., of Albion, Mich., and for sale by druggists everywhere as 50 cents per package. Kach package contains a treatise ou cause and cure of piles, together with testimonials from every section of this country. BUSY DAY INJTHE HOUSE. Many Measures Passed, but Few of Gen eral Interest, WAsniNOTON, Fob. S. The house hnd a busy day yesterday. An unusually largo nuinbor of bills wore passed, but few of them were of any considerable Importance. It was suspension day, and tho usual ob structing taotlos wore unavailing. The bills. pasted Included ouo which lias beeu pending before congress for so many years.to retire John N. Quaokenbush.who was courtinartlaled ana suspended from the naval servlco in 1874 for drunkenness, as a commandor undor date of Juno 1, 1895, also a bill to rolmburso tho hoirs of Albert Augustine, of Roso Hill, la., In tho sum of $4150 for two cows destroyed In tho Cayuso war of 1818. Whllo a bill to re duce tho amount allowed steamboat In spectors for traveling oxponses was undor consideration, Mr. Grosvenor, of Ohio, took occasion to remark upon tho "sud don outburst of economy" displayed by tho present administration on tho ovo of Its outgoing. About 4:80 p. m. the diplo matic and oonsular appropriation bill was tnkon up, and fair progress mado before tho hour of adjournment. An Ineffectual attempt was mado to strike out tho ap propriation of $0,000 paid by tho United States annually un lor the provisions of the Berlin treaty for tho maintenance of tho king of Samoa and the presont gov ernment of tho gamonn Islands. Tho Nicaragua canal bill occupied tho attention of tho senate most of tho day, but no progress was made towards a final vote. Mr. Morgan, in chargo of tho mcas uro, sought to securo nn agreement for a vote today or Thursday, but tho opponents of the mcasuro, led by Mr. Vilas and Mr. Danlol, resisted any agreement. Whllo disclaiming any purpose of obstruction or filibustering against tho bill tho opposi tion Insistod that It was- of such grave moment ns to demand complete discus sion. Mr. Vilas severoly crltiolzed tho bill's various featuros and doclnred that It would expose our western coast to tho attaoks of the navies of Europe A weed in the garden can beoasily destroy ed when it first stirts. Consumption tan be nipped in the bud by Ono Minute Cough Cure. C. II. llagonbueh. The Urooklyn to bo Tliorouglily Unpaired. Washington-, Fob. 2. Secretary Her bert has takon steps to have the Brooklyn removed at once from tho somowhat dan gerous position sho now oooupios in tho Delaware river behind tho lco piers nt Marcus Hook and thoroughly repaired. Tho Cramps have offarod to repair tho ship with all posslblo speed nt the actual cost of the material and labor nocessary. Tho secretary gladly aocopted tho offer, and work on tho ship will bogln nt onco. Indications aro that the bottom of the big cruiser Is torn, dented' or sheaved of the rlvot heads for a distance of about 125 foot and that about two wooks' work will bo required on hor. Coii8tination in its worst forms, dyspepsia, sick headache, biliousness and derangement of the liver are readily cured by DeWitt's Little Early Kisers. These little pills never ?npe. small pin, saie pin, nest pin. v. ji. Iagenbuch. Mills to Reduce Production, Fall River, Mass., Feb. 3. It is of ficially announced that through tho co operation of a large number of mills in Rhode Island the short time movement will beoome operative In a few days, Delegates visited Provldenoe yesterday and secured the signature of tho Knights mill, having 800, X spindles, and smaller plants whloh have also joined will carry the number above the limit required to insure the movement. It is 'generally ox pooted that notices will be posted at once. The agreement binds the mills to a forty two hour a week schedule for thirteen weeks, but a generally improved market before that time may shorten the curtail ment. Losr A dear little child who made home happy by its smiles. A11dtothink.it might have been saved had the parent only kept iu the house One Minute Cough Cure, the in fallible remedy for croup. C. II. Hagenhucli Murileier I'aliuei'S rorcetfuluess. White Plains, N. Y., Feb. 8. Deputy Sheriff John R. Bieeso arrived here last night from St. Loulx with Arthur Pal mer, the young farmer who shot aud killed his mother, brother and sister nt Mamroneck two weeks ago. Palmer, when seen last night, said that he had no remembrance of tho tragedy. He did not know which of his famUy was shot or at aura ne nrou msc ne rememueroa nay- inifWLgbt a railroad tioket for some place In the wastlict to what place he oauuot rememl or. Tjjum he regained hi senses to a degree hn fly w uUd ill the Planter' hulul, tel. LciuK ' Uuoklen's Arloa Salve. The best salve iu tht world for "outs, bruises, sores, ulcers, salt rksum, fever uro, tetter, chapped hands, chilblains, corns, aud til skin eruptions, and positively oures piles, ut 10 pay required. It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction or wony refunoYd. frice 2fi cents per box. Fur iale by A. Walloy. Ml) Sorious Aotion Against the Fili buster Three Friends. ATTORNEY QBRERAL'S ATTITUDE. the Hi-ml of tho Department of Justice Orders n Florida District Attorney to Tnko Itndlcal Aetlou Against the Ac cused Steamer, WabhinoTOH, Feb. 8. Attorney General Harmon has given Instructions to the United States Attorney at Jacksonville, Flo., to at onoe prooeed against the alleged filibuster, Three Friends, under section 4,297 of the revlsfxl statutes, for engaging lltrfin act of piracy. It Is the understand ing of the department that the Three Friends, tome weeks ago, while on a fili bustering expedition, carrying arms nnd ammunition Mid a mounted onnnon on her deoks, was pursued by a Spanish ves sel, and In making hnr cmpo flred;oue or more shots it her pursuer. SVhetliijr shots were actually fired or not, the contention Is that she was so armed as to clearly bring her within the termi of section 4,297. The attorney general's opinion is that there is but one alternative. The Three Friends, on the occasion named, was either engaged In a political expedition against a friendly power or on a piratical one. Her arms and mounted cannon fur nish evidence that her mission was not a leaceful one, hut quite the contrary. In any event, tho attorney general has de olded to give Judge Looke anothor oppor tunity of deciding Just what the oharacter of the Three Frlende' expedition wbs. No ao Ion Is now contemplated against the of ficers and orow of the vessel. The attorney general's decision in this matter was mado after a brief argument lu a formal motion made by him in aocordanoe with his notice given on Fri day last. The attorney general in his brief statement laid special stress upon tho necessity for prompt aotion by the present oourt which he requested, notwithstand ing the announcement of n month's recess by the court, ljeglniilng yesterday. Ho urged his request entirely upon tho ground that such action was a dlplomntlo neces sity. Ho oxplalned briefly that tho action was against the steamship on the allegation of filibustering In tho interest of the Cu ban insurgents, and that tho decision of tho district court for Florida had boon on tho Information of the steamer. Ho also oxplnluod that nn appeal had been takeu to tho clroult oourt of appeals for tho fifth circuit, but that Jt was considered desira ble to have nn opinion in the matter by the supremo court. Ho said these re quests were mado for reasons of public policy on behalf of the exocutlvo depart ment, Involving u grnvo question of Inter national law, the determination of which might mean peace or war. Ho continued by saying that the situation was a most delicate one, and under the decision of tho Florida court there might bo a oontintied recurronco of tho ofTento nlloged nguinst tho Throe Friends. Ho said thut if tho oaso had Involved only a point of law re garding private Interests ho would not havo pressed for an early hearing. n Minutes seem like hours when n lifo is at stako. Croup gives no timo to scud for a doc tor, delay may mean death. Ono Minute Cough Cure givos instant relief and insures recovery. Tho-only harmless remedy that E reduces immediate results. (J. II, ilagen uch. Ten nud l'uucll Club Officers. Philadelphia, Feb. 2. Tho Pen nnd Pencil club held ltnnnnual meeting at the tlub house, 1020 Walnut street, yesterday afternoon nud elected tho following of ficers for tho ensuring year: President, Louis N. Megargeo; vico prosidout, Henry Young; secretary, T. Henry Martin; treasurer, Jamos S. MoCartnoy; board of governors, Albert E. Hunt, Richard A. Foloy, Daniel Mills, Jr., Danlol Patton and Goorgo SchaoHer. TO CUnU A COM IN ONE DAY Take Laxativo Brorao Quinino Tablets, All druggists refund the money if it fails to euro. 5 ceuts. Cotel Pets Life Imprisonment. AKIiOX, O., Feb. 3. Romulus Cotell, who killed Alvlu Stone an d wlfo and Irn Stlllson, their hired mun, at Tallmadgo last March, was allowed to plead guilty of murder In tho second degree yesterday. Judgo Kohlor nt once sentenced him to life Imprisonment at hard labor. Cotell was found guilty in'tho first trial aud was sentenced to hang Nov. 0. The Weather. For eastern Pennsylvania, Now Jersey and Delaware: Threatening weather, with rain or snow; slightly warmor; nurtheust erly winds. Is a deep-seated blood disease which all the mineral mixtures in the world cannot cure. S.S.S. guaranteed purely vegetable ) is a real blood remedy for blood diseases and has no equal. Mrs. Y. T. Buck, of Delaney, Ark., had Scrofula for twenty-five years and most of the time was under the care of the doctors who could not relieve her. A specialist said he could cure her. but he filled her with arsenic and potash which almost ruined her constitution. She then took nearly every so-called blood medicine and drank them by the wholesale, but tbey did not reach tfher trouble. Some one aavisea ner to try S.S.S. and she verv soon found that she had a real blood remedy at last. She says: "After tak ing one dozen bottles of S.S.S. I am perfectly well, my skin is clear and healthy and I would not be in my former condition for two thousand dollars. Instead of drying upthepoison in my system, like the potash and arsenic, S.S.S. drove the disease out through the skin, and I was perma nently rid of it." A Real Blood Remedy S.S.S. never fails to cure Scrofula, Eczema, Rheumatism Contagious Blood Poison, or any disorder of the blood. Do not rely upon a simple tonic to cure a deep-seated blood disease, but take a real blood remedy. Uur books free upon appli cation. Swift Specific Co., Atlanta, Ga. DR. L03BS BOOK FR To all SDirerern of BUIIOBB OK YOUTII. lost vinpit and iise.HRS oi' mjjtI AN1 WOJKN. K08 pwjesi ciotS tounSViV ourely ni'ut.'ij und mailt ifr,e. Tre tjueiii by mail trlctly oofldi ntiol, and a poslMv quicfc eort iiwrw. dd. -Nomatler bow tuuidUiz, J wuljxv Ivi iy cure you. Write or call. DR ORR 329 I5th St. Phiia.Pa. With the f . i Ing of night n men arc carrfu" to bar the doom ,i their homes ugnl i t the Intrusion ii' robbers and n; "Ba sins There sie more dange'o.is enemies than either the burglat or murderer against which few wo men take proper precau tions. A wpman may own the most magnifi cent jewels and the cost liest nlate. but after all Is said and done, lier health Is her most precious possession. It Is this that she fatla4o guard against the dangers of weakness and disease of the distinctly womanly organism. Nearly every complaint from which women suffer has its Inception In troubles of this nature, and Is continually aggravated by them. An unfailing remedy for all weakness and disease of the organs distinctly feminine, and the multitude of ills that follow in this train is found in Dr. Pierce's Favorite Pre scription. It nct9 directly on these organ9 and makes them strong and healthy. It prepares for happy, healthy wifehood and capable, almost painless motherhood. Over 90,000 women have testified to its wonderful merits. No honest druggist will offer something else as "just is good." " Willie I .was lining at Bagle Rock, Botetourt Co., Va.," writes Mrs. O. A. Connor, of Allegh any Spring, Montgomery Ca, Va., "a lady friend came to me and said: ' My daughter, oged 15 years, has rtpeated hemorrhages at the nose, and she has never the necessary Indispositions of womanhood.' I advised her to get Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription. The lady purchased one bottle and it cured her daughter. She was well and happy when I left there." Dr. Pierce's Common Sense Medical Ad viser Is a physician that Is always in the house, ready to give advice and assistance any moment, day or night. It contains 1,008 pages, 300 illustrations nnd several chap ters devoted to the reproductive physiology of women. Over a million women own nnd value It A new edition Is just out and for a limited time copies will be given away absolutely PRKB. If you want a copy In a heavy manilla cover, send 21 one-cent Stamps, to cover cost of mailing only, to the World's Dispensary Medical Association, Dufialo, N. Y. If you prefer a fine cloth binding, send o cents extra, 31 cents In all. AMERICAN PLANTERS IN 0UBA. The Government Trying to Remove Be strlotlsns Against Them. Washington, Feb. 9. The state depart ment is endeavoring to relieve the Ameri can sugar planters In Cuba from tho em barrassing position In whloh they are situated asn result of tho attitude of the Spanish authorities towards thoso who attempt ts grind cano. Probably with the Intention of forcing nil of tho plantation hands Into the towns, and so preventing thorn from giving aid and encouragement to the insurgonts, tho Spanish officials have surrounded the grinding of cane with so many and vexatious restrictions as to make it practically Impossible to make sugar In a largo portion of the island. So far as can be gathered thoro Is no general or even spoolflo prohibition in terms against grinding, but under oxist lug orders tho sugar mon flud It lmpmo- tloublo to grind. So far the efforts of the. dopartmont have succeedod In obtaining a removal of restrictions only upon tho grinding of burnt cano, which Is of some vuluo whllo not of courso equal to rlponod cano, but tho efforts nro bolng continued, and It is hoped will result soon lu an abate ment of all tho onerous restrictions com plained of by tho planters. l'roe l'llls. Send your address to II, E. Bucklen & Co.. Chicago, and get a frco sample box of Dr. King's Now Life Pills. A trial will convinco you of their merits. Thoso pills nro easy in action and aro particularly effective In tho cure of Constipation and Sick Hoadacho. For r..ii .a Tl x i.i xi 1 1 i)LHmrm aim xxiver uuumua luey uuvu ueeu proved invaluable They are guaranteed to bo purely vegetable Thoy do not weaken uy tueir action, uut Uf giving tone to stomacn and bowels greatly invigorate tho system. Itegular sizo 25c per box. Sold by A. Wasley, druegist. "Annt Katlo Fay" Dying. Makikttk, O., Fob. 2. Miss Kato Fay Ewing, who won distinction ns "Aunt Katie Fay," tho founder of tho first chil dren's homo In tho United States, is ly ing ntn hospital in Toledo, O., Ill of a dis ease from whloh sho cannot recavor. Miss Ewing Is now well advanced In years. IMnn nnd Wlfo Asphyxiated, CmcAop, Feb. g. Mrs, Albert Slsaka was asphyxiated by coal gas last night, Hor husband was also ovorcomo, nnd al though still alive there Is no hope for hU recovery. Tho gas escaped from a suinll :oul stovo In tho cornor of tholr bedroom. Cblcora, Pa., "Herald;" Richard Veusol reports Ono Minute Cough Cure the greatest sucicss of medical scionco. IIo told us that il cuied his whole family of terrible coughs ami cuius, niter an otuer so called cures had failed entirely. Mr. Vonsol said it assisted his children through n very hail sleao of measels. One Jlmute Cough Curo makes ex pectoration very easy aud rapid. C. II. llageubuch. s Engineer Held for a futility. New Youk, Feb. 2. Tho coroner's Jury Impaneled to inquire into the doath of Engineer Thomas J. Gnffuey, who was killed lose Thursday night in a collision on tho Urooklyn devoted road, last night rendoreda verdict placing tho responsi bility for tho fatality on Englnoer Albert Brown of tho train which waa using tho middle trnok for switching nurnosos. They also pnnsurod Herman Hoerth, tho fireman of the ompty train, and tho two switchmen who were 011 duty nt tho timo oc tneuocldcnc. Don't Tobacco Spit and Smoke Your Life Away, If you want to quit tobaoeo using cosily and forovor, be niado wpll, strong, mniinetio, full of now life and vigor, talto No-To-Bao, the wonder-worker thst makee weak men strong. Many gain ten jiouudu in ten days. Over 400,000 cured. Buy Nu-To-Bao from your own druggist, wlio will guarantee a cure. 50o or fl.00. Booltlet and sample maijd free. Ad. Sterling Remedy Co., Chicago or New York. Tobacco Itlngi I'loail Not Guilty. New Youk, Fell. 8. Judge Cowlnsr, in general sessions yesterday, aocopted pleas pf not guilty from the directors of the American Tobaooo oompnny, In whose case demurrers to an indictment for vio lation of anti-trust law wer overruled last week by Judge Fitzgerald. Those who plouded through counsel are Jninei B. Duke, William U. Butler, William A. Marburg, Ijowla (Jlnter, George Ahrents, Qeorge W. Gall, Benjamin N. Duke, George W. Watts and Charles 0. Emory. A plea will be entered in the OAe of Jo slab Browne during tho week. I had severe attacks of "gravel and kidney trouble: and unable to get a medicine or doctor to cure me until I used Hop Bitters, aud they cured me In a short tim..V DiBTiNuuiMiro Lawyer op Wavme Co.. N. Y. Coi.obi.bs8 AMD Cold. A young girl deeply regretted that she was so colorless and aud cold. Her face was too white, aud her bands and feet felt as though tbe blood did not circulate. After ono bottle of lion Bitters bad been taken sbo was the roslost aud healthiest girl in the town, with a vivacity aud cheerfulness of mind gratifying to ber friends. When you want good roofing, plumbing gas fitting, or geueral tlusmltlilnr done call on E. F. Gallagher 18 West Centre street' Dealer ir etoTes 1-tf It's Winning New Friends Dally. What V l'au-Tina for coughs aud colds, (iiuhki iiiod., (ljugHlore. At THE MAGOYVANS'REUNITED. Trentna's B-Jfnyir Upturns to Ills Wife nnd I'll nilly. THsmow, Feb. 9 -fix-Mayor Frank A. Stagownn is again Hvlng with his former wlfo and family. He came to this city last Baturdoy and, with friends, went to Mrs. Magowan's home. It is said that the couple have become entirely reconciled and that Mngowan has promised to cease his attentions to Mrs. Ilnrnes. That lady, it Is asserted, has left the Philadelphia hotel whero sho nnd Mngowan had been sojourning, and has gone to her old homo In Canada. Tho reconciliation, has boen brought nbout largely by tho frlollonhatween Ma gowanand his business assooniterln the four manufacturing companies haro of whloh ho la president Thoso concerns should havo holy! their annual elections of officers somo Mine ago, but they were de ferred beonute Mngowan, who hojds large blocks of stock In oaoh company, would not participate. He endeavored to force nn agreement that he be re-elocted presi dent, but tho other mon would not con sent to such nation, and wero prepnttng to deposo him from oflloo. Tho theory U that this move brought Magowau "to timo " Magownn's marriage to Mrs. Dames In Milwaukee lnt June will not, it Is said, not as an obstacle to his reunion with his first wlfo, for the reason that the xlx months required to pass by tho laws of Oklahoma, where he secured his divorce from Mrs. Mngowan, in order to make that divorce absolute, had not expired when lie contracted the second alliance . Mrs. Barnes whs tho wlfo of John A. Barnes, superintendent of 0110 of Magow nn's mills. Barnes disregards the notion of the Oklnhonm trluunnl in granting his wlfo a divoroe, 011 tho ground that no papors wero t.erved 011 him, nud he awaits tho disposition of tlfo 'sult for divoroe brought by himself In tho Now Jersey oourt. KlieiiiimtlRiri Cured In a Day. "Mystic Cure" for RheumatUin nnd Neu ralgia radically cures In 1 to' S day. Its action upon the system is remarkable and mysterious. It removes atonee thjeeaute and the disease immediately disappears. Tho first dose greatly benefits. T. F. Anthony, ox-Postmator of Promise City, Iowa, Bays : "I bought one bottle of 'Mystic Cure' for Rheumatism, and two doses nf it did mo more good than any medicine I ever took." 75 cents. Sold by C. H. llageubuch, druggist, Shen andoah. The Castles Agulu at Homo, San Francisco, Fob. 3. Wulter B. CuBtlo and wlfo arrived iu this city on Sundayrom Philadelphia. Mrs. Castlo Is still suffering from the effoata of sev orol severe surgical operations performod In Philadelphia. Arthur Cnstlu said sho was completely broken down in health, and that It would be a long time bofore sho would ontlroly recover. Mr. aud Mrs. Castle Intend to remain in this city. THE HONEST SHAKERS AND THEIR' CURE FOR DYSPEPSIA. The shopkeeper who cheats us by lying with rctaid to the quality of his goods, und the grocer or the butcher who gives us short weights, Ib a tbicf. However, their knavery touches nothing but our pocketbook. There is anothor widespread form of misrepresenta tion of a far more dangerous and villainous character. We refer to tho false statements and worth less guarantees that frequently accompany medicines. To guarantee a medicine to cure is to brand it as a quack product. Ifwocau guarantco to curo di&easc, then wo can guarantee ovcrlastiug life, for iu a large majority of casos people dlo of disease, the proportion of violent or accidental deaths being very small. The Shakers havo always been kuown as a most upright and lionovablo people, aud their success In the manufacture of medicines has also beeu well known. It is thcrofore not surprising to find them pursuing a very original and novel plan for the intriduction of their remedy for dyspepsia. Thoso God-fcarlug peiple, whose mottoJias always boen "Try all thinjs and holdfast that which is good," havo put upou the market ten cent sample bottles of their pro duct, or sufficient to give it a ti ial. The Shaker Digestive Cordial is so prompt in its action that for tho trivial sum of ten cents, a person can usually determine as to whether or not it meets the requirements of his case. There aro forms of dyspepsia which it won't help, but those aro very rare. In most cases the first dose relievos all dis tress and an increato of appetite at ouie follows. All druggists have tt, nnd tho noxt timo you are troubled with indigestion send out and try this popular and suceesslul product. It represents noarly a hundred years of patient Investigation and study. ' peQia.. Railroad. SCIIUYKILL DIVISION. JANDAIIV 18,1897. Trolna will leave Shenandoah after the abot date for Wlesrans, Qilberton, Frmikvllle, Durl Water, St. Clair, l'ottsville. Hamburg, Itsadirji I'ottetown, riiaeiiUvillo, Norrlstown and Pbll ndclphla (Broad street station) at 6 08 and 1105 a. m. ond 1 20 p. i. on week days. For Pott, vllle and Intermediate stations 9 17 a. m. SUNDAY. For WlRirans, Ollbertou, Frackvlllo, Irl Water, St. Ulalr, l'ottsville, at 6 08, 9 45 a. m. auo 8 10 p.m. For Hamburg, Reading, Pottetuwr. Phoenlzvllle, Norrlstown, Philadelphia at 6 (8 9 45 a. in., 8 10 p. m. Trains leave Frackvllle for Shenandoah al 1040 a. m. and 12 81, 5 41, 762 and 1047 p. m. Sunday, 11 13 a. m. and 5 41 p. m. Leave Pottsvllle for Shenandoah at 10 li a. m. anu o io, y zo ana 10 20 n. m. Sundai al 10 40 a. ui.. 5 15 p. m. Leave Philadelphia, (Brood street station), fo Shenandoah at 5 97 and 8 95 a. m 4 10 aud 1 1 p. m. week days. Sundays leave at 6 50 a. m. Leave Broad street station, Philadelphia, to Sea Girt, Asbury Park, Ooean Grove, Ior. Branch, and Intermediate stations, 8.90 11.14 a. m., 8.80 and 4.00 p. m. week-days. Leave Broad Street Station, Philadelphia, FOR NKW YORK. Exnreas. week-dava. 8 20. 4 On. 4 50 5 IK am t DO, 9 M, O 90, v ou, ru il D1 12 00 noon, .235 (Limited 21 (Dining Oar), 1100 a. m. l uu and 4 71 Dining Oars), 1 40, 280 (Dining Oar) 8 20, 3 80, 4 00, 5 00, 5 68(Dlliln M (inning Oar), 6 00, 0 80.812. 1000 p. ni., li ui, nigut. Sundays. 3 20, 4 05. 4 90 5 191 8 20, u.bki, uau, loxi, (in dug oar), 1185 a. m., 85, 2 30 (Dining Car), 4 00 (Limited 22 Dining ir), 5 20, 6 58, (Dining Oar), 6 85, 0 60, 8 12, 1000 m I It -a w - 12 ro..i P. 111!. 12 6l lllillt, Express for Iloaton without olianira. 11 00a m. week-days, and 6 50 p. m., dally. FOR WASHINGTON AND TJIB SOUTH. For Baltimore and Washington, 850,7 20,8 2 1020, 1128 a. m., 12 00 (fill I.tniHud 1Mb. ing Oar), 112. 318. 4 41 (510 OopgresaioBaJ Limited, Dining Oar), 0 17, 5 5$ (Dining Oar), 7 40 (Dining Cbr) p. m., and MOs nijrW week days. Sundays, 8 50, 7 30, 0 12, II 28 a, in., 12 OS 1 12, 4 41, (8 15 Congreeelonal Limited Dining Cm), 5 55 (Dining 0r), 710 (Dining Oar) and 1208 nlghl ;ht. FOB ATLANTIC CITY. Iave Broad street station, Philadelphia (via Delaware river bridge), ei press, 702 p. m. dVily. Leave Market street Ferry, express, 8 50 a in., 2 00, 4 10, SCO p.m. Sundays, 8 45, 9 45 a. in Accommodation, 8 00, 8 20, 0.111., 8 20 and 4 20 p. m., week days. Sundays, 8 00, 8 16 a. in., 4 00 and 8 00 p. m. For Cape May. Angleaaea, AVI 1,1 wood and Holly Beach, and Boa Isle City, Ocean City and Avalon Expreas, 900 a. nr., 4 00 p. w week days. Sundays. 00 a. 111. For Somen Point Express, 8 50 a m., 410 S. ni. week days. Suudaya 8 15 a in. . M. Pksvost, J. u. Wood, Ocn'l Manager. Oen'l Pasa'g'r A(rt Neuralgia of the Heart Vanquished by Dr. Miles' nomadlcs. K8. SIDL15Y, of Torrlngton, Conn., Suffered trom Jus puch a complica tion of diseases as tho extensive ex perience and investigations of Dr. Miles have proven, result from impairment of tho norvous system. Mr. Jas. ft. Sldloy writes Oct. 25, 1895: " My wife was taken sick with neuralgia of tho heart, norvous exhaus tion and llvor trouble. Although attended by two physicians sho grow worse, until sho was at death's door. I thou began giv ing her Dr Miles' Restoratlvo Nervino and Dr. '".lies' New Heart Cure, and she Improved so wornk"--fully fror-i the flr-t that I ut onco di-.-mlHBt"! the physicians. She liovr oats and sleepo well and does her own housework Wo have recommend ed your remedies to a groat many In our city, and cvory ono has been very much benefited by them." Dr. Miles' Ilqmcdies are sold by all drug gists under a positlvo guarantee, first bottle beuefltn or money raf unded. Book on Ueart and Nerves sent free to all applicants. DR. MIXES MEDICAL CO, Elkhart, Ind. made: me a AJAX TABLETS POSITIVELY CUKD JLl.Ii ifirvouB Falima Mem ory. Impotency.SleepleMiMWW, eto.,cmined by Abune and other Kioeatxw nnd Indln cretionH, Tliey quickttf and aurvly restore Lost Vitality in old or yonDR, and fit a man Sot study, bust nous or tanrrtngo, Vmvent Innnnitv cud Oonsumntlon if tafeeaTn time. Their no Bhmrs iinmodlnte Iinrrore. ment ana euects u uuitci v'jssru im uuwre jou in Bistupon hntlns the cenaine AJruc Tablets. They have cured thousands nnd will ctiro you. We give a positive written sonrantee to effect a cure in each cao or refund the money. I'rloe60cen nor Dockage, or six packr-fte full treatment! for I tpiuu. uy man, in plain wrapper, opon receipt of price, Circular free. AJAX REMEDY CO., "SEflg cuiar iree. 1 llwborn t llilcago, 111. Formtfein Shenandoah, Pa., by A. Wnsley and 8. I. Ivirlln, Druggists. ATOM'S TANSY PILLS A TBI en. Ttfr and iavk WOMAN'S RELIEF. Alwarirtromntind relibl. AvSul Initiations Get Cator'b Tahiy PiLmnnd sir IE Ed ft ETA. At flrtiff btnma. or aont dtitfAf CiMleri 1. nrlf. 1 1. Catoh Spec. Co , Boston, Mum. Our book, 4c. For sale al 1. P. D Kirhii'n drne; i . i Hln'imiulofth ini(f store Wkt HAiRRESJpLtftj to i'4 p ml ...ior y .AS 1IAIIC .Ml CAM " iI.m hiiruiiebs. iileaitaul oJot. 41 W 1 bu e r,i:nH IIAIlt TOAlCremovesdandrulT. u s hairfrom taihnffoutftndpromotef growth $1 00a hnti le illustrated Treatise on Hair on application r lit I- For sale by Shenandoah Drug Store, Kirlui'a Drug Store. HAVE YOU USED Thompson's Diphtheria Cure ? Head what others who have used it say: I have used Thompson's Diphtheria Cure In my family and cured three of my children of the Diphtheria and know It la a sure cure, I feel that every one should know of it, for Dlputherlu la adlaeasetliat bnnieamostof thedoctors. If your medicine ta kept In the house ond used aocordlng to directions as soon as the throat begins to set sore, they will never know they had tbe Dlphthe- You are at liberty to use the above testimonial, which I will be Blad to sub stantiate to persona who will call to see me. Yours respectfully, John Strykor, Sergeant or Police, Vrllllamsport, Pa. Tills oertlflei. that for several months I have been using Thompson's Diph theria Cure In my family and regard it as the tRt and most speedy remedy for colds and sore throat 1 have ever known. I do not hesitate to recom mend It. O. D. Penepacker, 1. 1). Pastor Grace M. 12. Church, Wllllamsport.Pa. I have used yonr Diphtheria Cure In my family and It works like a charm. It does its work quirk, and that Is what you want In Diphtheria or croup, I would not du without It. Respectfully, O. M. Warner, WUllamsport. Pa, ' The above testimonials are authentic nud wo invite you to correspond wim trie writers. Compson Oiptyfyeria Cure Co., wmumMEPoriT, Pn. For Sale at KIRLIN'S Drugstore. PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD COMPANY. Personally-Conducted Tours HATCHLBSS IN BVERY FEATURE;. CALIFORNIA Tours to CALIFORNIA and the PACIFIC COAST will leave New York and Philadelphia February 24, stopping at New Orleans during Mardi tiraa featlvftiea. and allowing four week iu California, aud March 27, returning ou regular trains within nine months Itound trip rates from all points on the Pennsylvania itail rootl System coat of Pittsburg : iSTiO.OO for tour of February 24, and $210.00 for tour of March 27 FLORIDA Jacksonville tours, allowing two weeks in Florida will leave New York and Philadelphia February 9 and 28, and March 9, 1807 Rate covering expenses en routu In both directions, 150.00 from New York, and 148.00 from Philadelphia. WASHINGTON Tours, each covering: a nerlod of three days, will leave New York Mid Philadel phia February 11, March 11, April I aim -a, and May 18, 1897. Hte, Includ ing trunsporUtiAn and two days' aeaomuioda tlun at tbe bast WMbingtou Hotels, 9U.50 fram New York, and 111.50 from Pbitadelphia. OLD POINT COMFORT TOURS RETURNING DIKE0T, OR VIA. RICHMOND AND WASHINGTON will leave New Ydvk and PkrUMlalphta Febru ary 20, M11MJ4 18, oa Ayall U, VH7. far dWfaluMt KAtsvutfai aa tliur talarojstlau m m