St! ' J IK w T - BEDRIDDEN. I'iftukn vkaiis of sui'Msnmo. The Doctors Wanted Bevsn Hundred Dol lar! to Attempt Hie Case. The following Is a letter wo received b short time ago from Mr M. (". lliiiklry, DOS North Ml(ululipl Ht, Indianapolis, Iml. Gentlemen: -While milfcTiiig intciisoly from piles, I became intmv rd in your ad vertisement In one of our dHlly papers and procured n package of your Pyramid Tile Cure from our druggist. Contrary to any exportation!), the relief wae Instantaneous. I n m il two boxes of the Pile Cure and, nue of the Pills and am convinced that they arc tin) only nine ctlrc for pin on the market. I have heen a sufferer from piles for fifteen years and have been confined to my bid about one-half of the time expecliiix and wishing for death for the pain was so great I went to the col lege here aud tlu' duitni rAA& my cuso was a new ono to them, the great pain having brought on a large rup ture, Which they wanted seven hundred dol lars to out out. I was very much afraid thnt death would resu'.t from tlio Muotl-pulsouiug which they raid would result from the opera tion I feel as though t can't praise the Pyramid Pile Cure and the Pyramid Pills too highly, as I am convinced that they saved my life, Itefure using your cure t weighed only ninety pounds and now I weigh one hundred and fifty and feel as well al ever did in my life. You are at lihorty to use this testimonial in any manner you may see fit, A3 I want all sufferers from this terrible disease to know that there has at last been compounded a remedy that will cure plloa. Jtttt. II. C. IIinwi.hy. There is no need of the danger, pain and expense of a surgical operation for any form of piles. The. Pyramid 1'ite Cure does the work without pain and is the safest and best. Hetnember also that the Pyramid Pills are a certain cure for constipation, acting with out griping and restoring natural autlou to the bowels. The Pyramid Pllo Cure Is sold by drug gists nt 60 cents and $1.00, and the Pyramid Fills at 25 cents, or by null from Pyramid Oo., Albion, Mioh. DR. LOBB'S BOOK FREE To all suirerers of HllKORS OV VOUTIT, LOST Viaoil end DISEASES OP MEN AND WOMEN. Sua patrea; cloth Douildt Bev curely sealed and mallcdrce. Treatment by m&ll strictly 'onudenilal, sad a positive, quick oars guaranteed. No matter how lens tandlng. X wUlpoi ively core too. Write or call. DR ORB 329 ri-l5fl1 St. Phila.Pa. PtL'hicbfcfttP r Unfllih Iniatn'l tlratii. ENNYROYAL PILLS Orlf Inal and unly Kcnili.c. A SAFE. OlwstVI nllaVC. LADlLtl M i. HrsJail wiiii - - bon 'I iit-n W i other Befnte ItngwoH sMbfri. . and iMltal,oiLM UDrug (, or xuitf 4f ii hiuitpa tbt tur.iculart, l-'nnuionlali ai "fMlrf Tor TAtr"1nMttr, bj rMnrn 1O.0UO 1i i otil il A'n ns itifw 1113 TUBEI 604 North Sixth St. RjBlf B BBbbEnSldeentranceonGrccnSL PHILADELPHIA. CURB GUARANTEED. fl)l.UE r in I'JiAC'l luc as rear.) una u Years lloepllol Kxperlence In Jlcrmnnr. . Stricture. Blood Poison.-sV Gcneral Debility. Lobt Vicon.'Ar ;-EXCES5ES AND ALL OTHER rx. EFFECTS OF YOUTHFUL FOLLY OF BOTH SEXES Permanently eared after ever? ono else lia. fulled. 10ST MANHOOD AND SHRUNKEN ORGANS RISTOBED. Send fire 2-cent stamps for bookTrntli. The only egpo.ur. of Quack. minor sirnrn testimonlala. rf"H" Mi"MtllttlU" k Take No Substitute.. l Eagle Brand v., , conDEirsgo milk lbs always stood K3CT In the estlm. tlon of the Amc '-i! FVsIe. No other Is "Just as good." Belt lufint Tood. ll.....w.:iKm--j-;tgBattar BioodflerveFooc for Weak nd Run-Down People from Chililhood to Old Age. WHAT IT Is) ! Th. Holiest of r' (ftviofit.rt!lnanloSbdl..r.i, io.1iKtlon, ."d tl!0lirratfj:i uarlrut. it enJCU fiS iuu.ei.nd stnuKih. Tht vmvtt bs i in1. Kimr.e.ibf hr.-.iaTii.rom s active and .! '5 '"torfng lost vitality and atopnlns all artlns itrali oud waknM In olthi r ae I, II has atl Ti . V , "...wiwin vita r mtyx, ic naa ftSSi. 2.fS" rPM n.x 0 ""i Price S(io., or Vri uo. Drucirlsts.ur br mall. Ilnnk free. . THB OR. CNASE CCKiANV. ISU Ctwetnnt EL. rblladtlcnla. hau&fs Pilsner Beer5, Finest, Purest and Healthleflt. Chris. Schmidt, w 207 West Coal Street. A genuine welcome waits you at JOE WYATT'S SALOON, Cor. Haiti anil Coat SU. Pineal trhlakeys, bnera. porter aud air oonstanlly on tap. Uholua emtrauce drink, anil eiitara. WAVE Vflll 1'"-t. Iuplua, Copper-a IjAjC IUU Colored 'Wi, Aclui. bid Sri J PHMUT c6., ao 7 '-'In.onlc TempleZj L-nloaao, III., rr i ui j oi cuiel. Cupl-M smi, .uDUBB, rfoiBl caMtaaraa n v f ai aajs. ieo-pKe look tvev OA DIVIDEND opo JB t J To our cunnnr. WOULD YOO OA RE . TO INVKrJ SIO OB UrWAEUSt Dl.l- d.oa. p.j.blu motthlT. railaular. hra. Addre.i, Wt- ernl Innnolul (W m iio.rboru nirt Chlo.m. IU. The Rosy FreshnesB And a vt-lvetv nofint'ss of the skin ia fuva jriably ohiamrd b thoz-j who Ube I'uzzuna's Ceiuplcxiou Fowdtr 1 Lager ana I Qoos to Oanton and Oonsulte with tlio Profildont-Eloot "am. IN EESPONBE TO AN INVITATION. Mnhlnc Arraneements to Close Up Ills ltusluoss AfTiiIrs In OlilcnEO In Order to be Free to Accept a Position In the Cabinet. Chicago, Jnn. sa Tho TlmeB-Hernlil this mornliiK says: "Lymnn J. Qage lef t for Oanton last night. TheChtongo flunnoler, who has been ofTerwl the portfolio of the treasury, went In answer to n tola gram from 'President-elect MoKln ley asking him to come to Cuntoh. Having made a dip lomatic tender of the secrotnryshtp of tho treasury to him, Mr. MoKlnley natu rally wishes to dis cuss with him mat ters of polloy. LTMAK J. GAaK. "It Is known that Mr. Gago has been making arrangements to close up his affairs In Chicago in order to be free to take a position In the president's cabinet. It will be necessary for him to relinquish all connection with the First National bank, and" It was a matter of common knowledge about the bank yesterday that he had begun to shape his business to re tire from that institution to go to Wash ington. Mr. Gage left at 11:80 o'clock, and arrived at Cauton this morning." "There Is nothing to be said about my trip, except that I am going down to Cau ton to have n ohat with Major McIClnloy in response to nu invitation from him," said Mr. Gago, Just before leaving for Canton. "The matter is still open, and Major MoKlnloy Is still as froe ns tho day after election to select any one he chooses for secretary of tho troasury. Ho has asked mo to talk over matters with him, that's all. It is his duty to aot cautiously, and to oonvlnce himself ho Is not making a mistake. No, I will not talk about my views on public subjects nt this time." Not Worrying About the Senatorshli. CAKTOtf, O., Jan. 93 During Chairman Huuua'g visit horo but few callers word announoed, so that he and the president elect had an opportunity to consult to gothor without interruption.- Mr. Hanna gavo audlenoe to a nutnbefof newspaper men. Whon aflucstlon rogarding tho sena torial talk was usked him ho said: "Well, I am not worrying about that. A groat deal of that talk oomes from you gontlo men here. My part In It is as ohatrman of the national oommlttee, aud a great many people call to see me. All my efforts, how ever, are directed and actuated by tho do sire to gain for the oomlngndmlnlstratlon tho support it ought to have." 8u tint or Sherman's Snccenor. Columiius, O., Jan 88. -Governor Bush, noil stated last night that ho had received a letter from Senator Sherman, but that It wns personal, and declined to rnako publio any part of it or discuss Its con-t.-nti. He denied, however, that Mr. Shormnn had suggested ox-Congrossman Cooper, of Mt. Vornon, for United Statos senator. Governor BuBhnell stated that Senator Sherman had already rocom monded Mr. Hanna, and It was hnprob ublo the senator would rocommond any other porson. Filibustering Steamers Acnln Froe. jACKSONVILLE.Fla., Jan.28. Thostoam ers Throe Frlonds aud Dauntless, after having been tlod up by the govorumont for severnl weeks, nro again froo, tho deputy marshals on bourd having boon with drawn. The owners of the Threo Friends gavo bond in tho sum of $6,000, mnklng $82,000 in bonds the boat is now under In the threo prosecutions for 'forfeiture that havo boen instituted by tho government. The bond for the releaso of tho Dauntless amounted to $15,000, the sum named as the value of the vessel by appraisers ap pointed by the oourt. Though offleors havo been withdrawn the boats will be still un der survelllanoe and they will havo to run tho gauntlet of the revenue cutters Bout well and Colfax, thi! dispatoh boat Dol phin aud tho oruisor Newark beforo thoy can iouvo port. ltepuhltcHii Clubs lu the Inaugural rarnde. Wasiiikoton, Jan. 8a Goneral Horace Porter, grand marshal of tho inaugural parade, was in conforonoo yesterday with D. D. Woodmaneoo, president of tho Na tional Itopubllaan Loague of Clubs, and last ovenlng Issued an ordor placing the Itopubllcan lpaguo olubs In ono division, and ordorod that they havo tho cholco of position In the clvlo division. President v uuuiuuusw) is nppuiiueu marsnai oi ine I division, with the right to 6oloot a staff of I dfty members. All league clubs nro ill Jjeeted to report for assignment not later than Feb. 80. I luvd severe attacks of gravel and kidnoy trouble: and unable to set a medicine or doctor to euro me until I used Hop Bitters, and they cured me In a short time. A DlS-riNQUISHED LAWYEB OF WAYNE CO., N. Y. Colobiess and Cold. A yourje cirl deeply regretted that she was so colorless aud and cold. Her face was too white, and her bands and feet felt as tliou-h the blood did aot circulate. After one bottlo of Hop Bitters had been taken she was tho rosiest and healthiest eirl in the town, with a YlTjwity and cheerfulness of mind eratifylnz to her friends, ' A Hie rtullroail" Ileal. San Diego, Gal., Jan. 38. A deal has been olosed In this city which, though surrounded with the greatest secrecy, has beoome known sulQolently to reveal that It le of thi greatest Importance to San Diego, foreshadowing the oouuruotlon of a railroad from Salt Lake, presumably by tne vauueruug interests, to auora an out let for the Union I'noillo. As several tteamshlp men are oonneotwl with the deal, the belief is expressed that transpo. clflo steamship oonneotion Is couteiuplated by the railroad promoters. Your lloy tVont Live a Honth. So Mr. Oilman Drown, of 31 Mill St.. South Uardner, Mass., was told by the dootors. His son had Lung trouble, followIngTynliQld Malaria, and he spent three hundred aud seventy-five dollars with doctors, who finally gave him up, saying: "Your lioy wont live a mouth." He tried Dr. King's New Dis covery aud a few bottles restored him to health and enabled him to go to work a per fectly well inuu. He says he owes his pre sent good health to the use of Dr. King's New Discovery, and knows it to be the best in the world for Lung trouble. Trial Ilottlee Free at A. Waaley's Drug Store. When you want good roofing, plumbing gas fitting, or general tinsmithlng done eall on E. F. Gallagher 18 West Contro street Dealer lr. steree 1-tf Chicnra, l'a , "Herald:" Richard Vousel repoits One Minute Cough Cure the greatest sui i i ss of medical science. He told us that il cured ins whole family of terrible ceughs 1'iid colds, after all other so called cures had failed entirely. Ur. Vensel said It assisted bis children through a very bad sjae of ineasels. One Minute Cough Cure makes ex pectoration very easy aud rapid. C. II. Hagoubucb. An African Cook. Dt-rln All was our swarthy ohef, a little Witened up old fellow, rmioh given to ooinpbvlnlpg of nnd quarreling with the other member of the outfit, but, ou tho other baud, a first olsm Jungle oook. He iMd Keen n good deal of the world, having visited Melbourne nnd other places In Australia. Not 11 tiding them to his Ilk' lug, however, ho had returned to his na tive jungle. His wardrobe was, llko Sam Woller's knowledge of London, "oxten slvo and peculiar." One day ho would ap pear wearing a tarboosh, two yards of onl loo nnd n sponr; the next day very tight trousora nnd nn old military overcoat; nn other day an undent nnd lwrous mackin tosh, of which he said, "Him cost mo 6 nt Melbourne." On tho iniiroh his duty was to drlvo the shoop poor, white, fat tailed things. Thoy got bo used to marohlng that after a few days they needed no driving and would follow like dogs, getting gradually killed off day by day till they were all gone, and a fresh lot had to be bought to 1111 their places. It was necessary to tako sheep with us In ordor to keep the pot supplied whon our time was devoted ex clusively to tliopursult of Hons On such occasions It would havo been fatnl to sport to discharge a rlllo In order to supply our selvea with food. One sheep marched with us for about 940 miles, Ills day of execu tion having been postponed to the very last because we had beoome so mutually nttaohed. Whon ho was killed, ho wu barely eatable. Nluoteeuth Century. Patriotic and Diplomatic. In Sir Walter Scott's journal he Bpeaks ropeatedly of the superior appearanoe of English youths over those of Scotland. I la theorizes that their manners ripened ear lier aid more thoroughly In a sunnier cli mate. Wo are acoustomed to think of England as something othor than a hot house, but there may bo n germ of truth in tho Idea. Erory ono acknowledges tho gra;o and ease of even the most ignorant peasant in southern oountrlna. In this connection may ho cited n speech inailo to an American who attended soma conven tion In Genoa sonio tlnio ago. Slio wuro pinned to the lapel of hor ooat a tiny badge whloh boro tlio Italian flag. Whllo on a water excursion she notloed a vessel whloh floated tho stars ind stripes. A thrill of holm-weh shook ber voice as sho snhl Im pulsively to her boatman, "Did you ever eco anything more beautiful tiian that bannerf" With a courteous bow ho nn swored, "Nover, mndnm, oxcept thnt which you honor by wearing over your heart." Now York Times. English Churches. Tho English peoplo havo a dcop seated lovo for their old churches and oathodrals, nnd thoy spoud money lavishly for their 'Preservation. In tho last 80 years not loss than 10,000,000 hai been oxpondod in tho restoration of these edlfloes, and this does not Include any sum below 500. In London nlono 800,000 has been thus spent. In addition 0,000,000 hoe been devoted In the oountry nt large to tho erec tion of now churches. Another 'notable fact Is that most of tho money raised for those purposes has been derived from pri vate gifts. London Lotter. With Emphasis. Nolghbor Bortlo, your mother ia call ing you. Bortlo Yes'uiu, I know It, but I fancy Blio dou't want mo very bad. Nolghbor 'Sho has onllod you soven times ulrondy, Bertie- Yes, I know, but sho hasn't called "Albert" yet. AmorloonIIobrow. . FREE CURE FOR MEN. , A Michigan Man Offers to Sond Bis Dis covery Free. Claims to Be a Benefactor to Weakened Mankind. There is always mora or lees suspicion attached to auything that is ouercd free but sometimes a man so overflows with generosity that ho cannot rest until his discovery is known to the world, in ordor that his fellow men may profit by. what he has discovered. It is upon this principal that a resident of Kalamazoo, Mioh., desires to seud free to mankind a proscription which will euro them of any form of nervous debility ; relieves them of all tho doubt aud uncertainty which such men are peculiarly liable to and restores the organs to natural size and vigor. As it costs nothing to try the experiment it would seem that any man, suffering with -the nervous troubles that usually attack men w!io never stopped to realize what might bo the !! 'i r'.'iult, ought to be deeply interested in a ruuicdy which will restore them to health, strength aud vigor, without which they continue to livo nn existence of untold miaury. As tho retn i!y in question was tho result of many years research as to what combination would bo peculiarly effective in restoring to men the strength they need, it would seem that all men suffering with any form of nervous weakness ought to write for such a remedy at once. A request to H. O. Olds, Box 1712, Kalamazoo, Mich., stating that you are not sending for tho prescription out of idle curiosity, but that you wish to make use of the medicine by giving ita trial, will be auswored promptly and without evidence as to where information came from. The prescription is sent free and although some may wonder how Mr. Olds can afford to giveaway his discovery, there is no doubt about the ofler being geuuiue. Cut this out and send to Mr. Olds so that ho may know how you caruq to write him. 13-2g-78t Evan J. Davies, 1.1VBRY AND Undertaking ! 13 N. Jardin Street. P. J. CANFIELD, Agent for Shenandoah and Vicinity For-- BARBEY'S peer and Porter Try Barbey's Bohemian Beer. WEAK, NERVOUS CHILDREN M ide Strong, Vigorous and Well by Dr. Greeno'u Narvurn Mr. C. If. Be nils, Oranhv, Mats., says : - My little girl Lucy had" been taking modi clnes for a severe nervous trouble for nearly two years, receiving no benefit. LITTLE LVOV HEM IS, " I thon liought a bottle of Dr. Oraene'a Ncrvnra blood and nerve remedy, and her recovery by its use lias lieen remarkable. Others of the family have also received bene fit from Its use." . Dr. Greene, 35 West 14th St.. New York Citv, the most successful physician in curing nervous and chronicdlaeascs, can be consulted tree, personally or by letter. be Sun fho first of American Newspa pers, CHARTS A. DANA, Editor. The American Constitution, the American idea, the American Spirit. These first, last and all the time, forever. Daily, by mail, - $6 a year Daily & mail, $8 a year The Sunday Sun Is the greatest Sunday Newspaper In the world Price 5c. a copy. By mail, S2 a year. Address THE SDJI, New York. Toamo to Hire. II you nrunt to hire a safe ml rrllabl. team for driving ur for working purpose., pny Shield' livery stable n visit. Teami constantly on liunU ut reosonablr rate JAMES SHIELDS, No. 110 Bast Centre street. Oniinslte Heading railroad ntntlon. POLITICAL CARDS. OK CHII2P UUIM3ESS, C. H. HAGENBUCH. Subject to Citizens party rules. JjlOIt CHIEF BUItGESS, PIERCE WALKER, Of the Fourth ward. Subject to Citizens jinrty rules. JpOH CHIEF BUKCiKSS, CHARLES G. PALMER, Of the Fourth Ward. Subject to Citizens party rules. JOIt CIIIKF BUIIOESS, JOHN HAND0. Subject to the Citizens party rules. JOIt CHIEF IIUKQESS, ALEX. DAVIS, Of the Fifth Word. Subject to Citizens party rules. p on ciiiKF iiunauis, WOLF LEVINE. Subject to Citizens party rules. pOIt TAX KKCHI VEIt, A. D.. GABEE, Of the Fourth Ward. Subject to Citizens party rules. pOIt COUNCIL, Second word.l MARTIN SHOEMAKER, Subject to Citizens' party rules. p. lit COUNCIL, (Second ward) CHARLES SCH0PPE. Bubt to the Citlsens party rules. "rnoR school dikector, X' (Two year term.) ISRAELX EISENHOWER, Of the Second ward. Subject to OrHxeHs party rule. OK COUKOIL, (Fifth Ward), CHARLES F. HOFFMAN, Subject to the Citlsens party rules. IjlOK SCHOOL DIltECTOR, ! (Tlilrtl Want), GEORGE L. HAFNER. Subject to Oitiaerui party rule. pOK BOKOUQIl AUDITOR, WILLIAM L. SM0YER, Of the Fifth ward. Subject to OitUens party rules. pOIt QIUBF IIUKQHSW, JAMES H. MORGAN, Subject to Citizens party rules. COlt SCHOOL DIRECTOR, r (Third ward,) JOHN M. SCHAEFFER. Subject to Citizens party rules. lIlTilLITHF SEALS. An Estimate of Their Number on i the Fribilof Islands. Slaughter of females nt Sea and Conse quent Death by Starvation nf Thnnsnnds of rn llelleved to he the Cunsee ol the llepletloii nf'lte-rris. Wabiiixoton, Jsn. 28. TUvId fl. Jor dan, commlssionor In chnrgo of tho fin seal Investigations for 1S.S1, In his roport to the serrotnrf of tho treasury, miikns n olflso estimate of the so iU of nil i-Iiihow-i nt one time or another on tho I'rlbilof lei nuds during; the last summer, and finil' the number to have boon about 410,05(1, of Which over 86,oap died on or about the Islands during the same period. Of the total mortality pelnglo sealing nooouuti for 39,898, nnd nbout 37,000 pups dlod of starvation or trampling. As to pelagic sealing President Jordan gays : "Slnoe polnglo sealing began raoro than 800,000 far soals have been taken In the North Pacific and In Hearing sea. This means the death of not less than 400,000 breeding fomnles, the starvation of 800,000 pups and the destruction of 400,000 pups stlU unborn. In this calculation aoootint Is taken of those of whloh the skins havs been brought to market. No reoord of the animals lost after being shot or speared Is available, though tha number Is known to be very great. "Pelaglo sealing. In the judgment of the members of the present commission, has beeii tho sole oause of the oontlnued de oline of the fur seal herds. It isat present the solo obstacle to their restoration and the sole limit to their indefinite luoreivso. It is, therefore, evident that no settle ment of the fur seal question as regards either thn American or the ICusslau Isl ands can lie permanent unless It shall provide for the eessatlon of thn Indiscrim inate killing of fur seals both on the feed ing grounds and on their migrations. There oan.lie no 'open season' for the kill ing of females if the herd is to be kept In tact. The slaughter of females at sea nnd tho oonsequent death by starvation of ninny thousands of pups are believed to be the principal onuses of the depletion of the herds. "The solo possiblo basis of adjustment must bo the protection of fur seals through mutual concessions, international oour tesy nnd self respect. In the destruction of the fur seal rookeries of the Antarotto, ns well ns those of the Japanese island and Behrlng sea, American enterprise has token a' leading part It -would be well for Amorloa to lead the wny In stopping polajrio senllng by rostralniug her own oltlwms without waiting for tho action of othor nations." murderer Confesses. WAtrrw, Wis., .Inn. 88. Word wns re ceived from Little Rook, Ark., yesterday, from Dlstrlot Attorney Ellsworth, of Bar ron county, Wisconsin, that lie had ar rostod Kdwnrd 0. Allen, nn ox-uonvlct, who was recently pardonod by Governor Upham. lie Is wanted on a charge of having Instigated the murder of Georgo Broinly near Barron in November last The real murderer Is Thomas Kosso, n burglnr, now under three yeara' sjntenoo at Waupun, who has made a full confes sion. About four years ano Allen killod Albert Van Tassel, for lutlinaov with his wlfo. Ho also shot his wife, but she re covered. After Allen hnd been sent to prison for tho crime ho induced Rosso, who was then serving time for a previous burglary, to kill Broinly, who had taken up with his (Allan's) wife after his incar ceration nt Waupun. Bromly's body wns found on a railway track near Eloe lake. The discovery of his watch nt St. Paul opened a clow which led to the arrost of Ilosso and caused his confession. Don't Tobacco Spit anct Smoke Your Life Away. If you want to mlt tobacco using easily and forever, be made well, strong, iimgnotic, full of now life and vigor, take No-To-lteo, tlie wonder-worker that makes weak men strong. Many gain ten pounds In teu days. Ovor 400,000 eured. Buy No-To-ltao from your own druggist, who will guarantee a cure. 50o or $1.00. Booklet and sample mailed free. Ad. Sterling Itemcdy Co., Chicago or New York. Ohio Meuuonltes Lose Their 'Cash. Younobtown, Jan. 38 It Is estimated that nt least 100 people living between Knst Lewistowu and Columbiana will lose sums ranging from $500 to $90,000 ortoh through the failure of the Ohio Luin bor nnd Mining oompany, which weut under about n month, ago, oarrylng with it the Knsterly bank at Columbiana. This company, aomposed of members of the Slennonites, a religious seot, was incor porated olerht years ago under the laws of Ohio, witli capital stock of $60,000. The oompany bo!tght84,00O acres of forest land In Virgin! i with the Idea of making nud Belling railroad tlos, but things went from bad to worse until ft crash onme, and it comes out that thlg was the strain that broke tho Easterly bank last month. Ilellet In Hli Hours. Distressing kidney and bladder diseases relieved in tlx hours by tho "New Great South American Kidjiey Cure." This now remedy is great surprise on account of its exceeding promiitiiess in relieving pain in thebladdor, kidneys; hack and every part of the urinary passages in male or female. It relieves retention of water and pain in passing it almost immediately. If yuu want iiuick relief and cure this is your remedy, sold by Shapira's pliarmacy, 10 South Main atreet. Asioelntlon of Master and I'lloU. Washington, Jbu. 88. The American Association of Masters and Pilots of steam vessel's Is holding Its annual session at B(kB Hall. There was a oonference be tween the association and a committee from tho board of supervising Inspectors of steam vessels now in session here. It U understood by the members of the associa tion that the board of supervising inspec tors will ruoommend a rule that every naphtha or other launch of over fifteen tons burden shall employ a pilot. Tne Man Blown to Atoms. Toledo, O., Jan. 88. A tremendous ex plosion of nl tro-glyoerlne tu a store house belonging to the Ohio and Michigan Tor pedo oompany, of this ofty, occurred yes terday afternoon near Brsdner, twenty five miles north of here. The explosion was plainly heard here, and it rattled win dows in the southern part of the olty. William Mlnlson, of Toledo, and Edward Dennteon, of Rising Sun, were blown to atoms. Mlnlson was a field man, and married. Dennison was a shooter, and single. Klinllfa Pears AnElo-Kerptinn Troops. LONDON, Jan. 88. A special to The Dally News from Cairo says that the kha lifa is removing all women, ohlldren and valuables from Omdurmau, on the Nils. opposite Khartoum, to El Oboid, the ohlef oity of KorUofan, fearing the Immediate advauoe of the Anglo-Egyptian forces. Abu Ilamed has deserted the main por tion of the Berber garrison aud gone to strengthen the fortifications at Omdur man, which is being strengthened lu every way possible. TO OUHK A COLD IN OWB HAY Take Laxative Brouio Quinine Tablets. All druggists refund the money if it fails to cure. 25ceuW. o Ann nn cash m seven free UitUUiUU PRIZES EACH MONTH As follows: 4 First PflfW. 08oh of $100 Cjib . -$ 400.00 20 S&oend " " " 1Msl2iAlDiciolet2,0Q0.OO 40 Third " " "$ 25 Gold Watches - 1,000.00 Total given during 12 mos. 1097, unuf Tr nnTitu TtiKM. CTonirietlnrtoiHVp ns msnrSUNUOHT SOAP Wrappers n they euii coflent. )nt III .MO IWI! .'w.i. i.i. ... . ...... i nnrlliin nf larll lltjnc (, -(alien nun- nto lift MiMit itowinRC litV rill til. sTtllflfla(lI wll II 11 pUeMojfiftPNiitiiiii Comppt- iinr'B iiiu iikinc una miaicwi nHil tlie hmihIht of loujtons nrked nn nutMcie, rtf,-i,i Wll hyVMilKU floToT DUtrlol HAW1K OF DISTRICT. Sew Vork itv UrooUlyil, l.nn BiiilHnleii MIhfuIs, Newjersey. NewY.irit Ntnto (oiM q x.r. CT(, Brooklyn, Long and fflattn Ittadw. Feiiiisvlynnlh. llVliiwarr. Olnry. 3 lniiu. Virginia arm iis trlet ef ('iilHmbia. , Tlie New llnglanil Stales. cla (An lain, Boston snd New Ynrfc. Fitted Tires, Flint ('! Nlokle Ump. Hi Dell, Sundsrd Crolumeter, nd Uon Flltod with llsrtford RBW 1.0 aw lenrtar SUM. J jpPStHD THIS TOP PORTIOrt w . SURE CURE FOR Dyspepsia, Malaria, Sleeplessness, Nervous Headache, Biliousness, Kidney Diseases, General Debility, Etc. Ask youv Dt'tifffftat to get them through his Jobber, ov send a Postal Card to BOULTON HOP BITTERS CO., NBSrZ YORK. Sold by P, P. D. KIRLIN, Shenandoah, Pa, IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllflllllllilllinillMIQ FOB SALE EVBRYWHEBE. ' Ulllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllilllllllllllllllllllllllllllll For Sale by P. P. D. PHILA. & READING RY IN KKFEOT DliC fl. 18M. Trains leave Mhcuandoah an folluwa: For New York via Philadelphia, week iayt 210, 521), 710 . m., 123U, 303 J.ld38 p. -Sundays, 2 10 a. m. For New Yeirk via Afauch Chunk, week day S 2S, 7 10 a. in., 12 08 and 3 03 p. m. For Jteatllng and IMiiladelphln, week day 2 10, S 25, 7 10, 12 38, S 08 and 5 58 p. m. Sui daVH, 2 10 a. m. For Pottaville, week days, 2 10; 7 10 a. m., bud 12 88, 3 08 nnd 5 58 p. in. Sunilnj-s, 2 10 n. m. , For TiMnAqiM aud Mnlianoy Oity, week days 210,5 25, 710 h. m., 12 38, 3 08 nnd 5 58 p. m Sundays, 2 10 n. m. For Willluinsiiort, Sunhury aod IewUbutg week days, 8 25, 11 30 a. in'., and 7 25 p. n. Sundays, 8 25 a m. For Mahnnoy Plane, weekdavs. 2 10. 3 25. 5 St. 710, 11 80 ii. in., 1283, 308, 558, 725 and 95 p. in. sunuays, iVjts JO a. m. For Ashland nud Sliamokin, week days, 8 St 710, 1180 u. m., 725 and 9 95 p. ro. Sun days, 8 25 n. m. . For Ilultlmnre, Washinirton ond the West vlt II. &O. It. It., through trains le-i Kendtni Terminal, Philadelphia, (P. iill.ll R.) it 8 8t 7 55, 11 28 ft. in., 3 JO and 7.27 . i. Buniieye 3 20,700, 1126 . m., 3 40 and 7 27 p.m. Add! tional trains from Twenty-fourth and Ohttl nut streets station, week days, 10 30 a. m. 13 lilt 8 10 pin. Bunilays, 1 86, 8 28 p. m. TRAINS FOIl SUKNANDOAH. Irtiavo New York vtn Philadelphia, wee; days, 4 80, 8 00 a. in., 1 30, 4 80, 9 00 p. m. hi i nlKht. Sundays, 0 00 p. in. lave New York via Mauch Chunk, wti days, 4 30, 9 10 a. m., 1 80 and 4 15 p. in. Leave Philadelphia, Reading Terminal, weo) days, 4 20, 8 35, 10 OS a. m. aud 4 05, 0 80, 11 p. m. Sandays, 11 80 p. m. Iave Iteadinfi, week days, 1 35, 7 10, 10 Oh 11 55 n. in., 0 00 and 8 SO p. ni. Sundoyg. 1 85 a. m Leave Pottaville, week dayB, 2 85, 7 40 a. in. 12 80 and 6 12 p. m. Sundays, 2 85 a. m. Leave Tamaqua, week days, 8 18, 8 50, 11 28 a m., 1 27, 7 20 and 9 48 p. lu. Sunday, 3 18 a. n liavo Mahanoy City, week days, 8 45, il II 47 a. ru., 2 08, 7 41 and 10 08 p. m. Sundays, 8 a. m. . Leave Mahanoy Plane, week days, 2 40, 4 01 80, 9 87. 11 59 a. m., 1 12, 2 19, 5 20, t JH, 7 57 an 10 28 p. in. Sundays, 2 40, 00 a. in. Leave Wtlluuriaport, week days, 7 42, 1010 i m., 8 85 and 11 41 p. m. Sundays, 11 15 p. ui. ATLANTIC CITY DIVISION, Leave Philadelphia Cheetuut street wari an South street wharf for Atlantio dty. WeekdaysBspresH, 9 00 a. in., 2 00, 4 00, 5 00 p. in. Accuiuinodutiuu, 8 00 a. m., Ii 30 u. in. Sundays Express, 900, 10 00 a. tu. Accom modation, 8 00 a. m., 4 45 p. m. llcturufng leave Atlantic Oity depot, oorui Atlautlu and Arkansas avenues. Weekdays Express, 7 85, 9 00 a. ra., 8 80, 6 80 p. in. Accommodation, 8 15 a. in., 482 p.m. Sundays Express, 4 00, 7 80 p. m. Aocomuio datiou, 7 15 a. m., 4 15 p. m. Parlor Oars on all Htprees trains. PROFESSIONAL CARDS (J S. PPILLfVS, M. IX oatoet WWeatCsMtwssteet, Can be oonaulted at all lieu is. ATC8RWBY-AT-L.A.!y. oer J II. WMICJtQY. ' '' ATTORflSY-AT-LAW BlienautloKh. Pa, W. 8IIOKMAKKR, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. Coruer Market and Centre streets. pBOF JOHN JONES, MUSICAL INSTRUCTOR, Lock Box 55, Mahanoy OfVft Fa. ICaving studied under some of the beet masters Ti London and Paris, will give leasoiis nn the violin, mandolin, guitar aud vooal culture. Terms reasonable. Address in oare of Slrouse, the Jeweler. Shenandoah. a FOR sunn WRAPPERS RULES. 1 Kwy month dun ne "i oacli of tb 4 diHriotn JLarffrwt Nutnlier oicoupcim fu.iw tn diftnct in which hs or KtioretiOiM nill ntnmvfl HI fill f nftli. Tlie t) UnmpUtors who Mnd In thi Nxt J.nrcpst Niimbern of cu piinsfrom thn aiMriot in wblrli thwy tr-HuiewiU Kadi r'fiv at win.' option a lady'sorgpiitti man 'a Tierce SnPClnl M)f!, pn.eftlWHtO. Th III ('iitnntttitors wlinfiftnd 111 tlM Next liBrwMt Niiinbrri "f uimpmia from tbndVa triotln which they rnnlrto will Icnrli r -f eatwinnara option s ladjr'aor ftcntiem it'i G"ld Wat oh, prioo Q9. 2. ThaOomirtitionwiUC'loflp tht Lsatllny JincU n Inn tli durintc C.ipnn rcWpd too law for on month's competition will t put into the nest. 3. OompititoTa who obtain wrapt. pre from adaoM aoanin dealar'a atock wilHwi diwinahfipd. Enjployimi of hfter Brothera, Ltd., anct tbufr lamiliea, arada bamnl from comuetlna:. 4. A printed fiat of Wlnnwn (n Compfltltit'i dUtrlct win be fi.i warded to Oompttiitotu lu about il daja aKat aaoh compailtion rhxtea. EA. Lever Brothera, IA.6 . will endeavor to award ruee fairly to the U-t-t of their ability and judgmetii. ut It la undaratood that atl who oompele ame to -uajit the award of ver Broth eta, Ltd., aa flail. I.EVint imUH Mil., New York. l T I .ample are progressive and keep informed of s the World's Progress. Tlie well in- E formed and thrifty House-wife will always keep H RAINBOW LINIMENT 1 In the house, as a standard remedy for Sprains, Bruises, Cramps, Rheumatism, 5 and all aches aud pains. 2 Price 25 cts. and B0 cts. per bottle. Prepared by II. J. HACKETT & CO., Philadelphia. I ft. . !k tic. ' v t to u3e for :."u.v- Dct-ih... oi Power, Imrxnpn-wV.Aliv.T.livA anrocele and I other vrcaknc&f-es, from any cause, use Senile Pills. Drains checked and full vigor quickly restored. i, DrgMciea, .ecu ireeeiee retell latAUT. Mailed for $1.00; a boxes $6.00. With $5.00 orders we give a RUarantee to cure or refund the money. Address PEAL MEDICINE CO., Cleveland.Q. KIRLIN, Shenandoah, Pa peppa. Railroad. SCIIUYKILL DIVISION. Jauvaby 18, 1897. Traliie will leave Shenandoah after the ahov. date for Wlggans, ailberton. Kraokvllle, Dart Water, St Clair, Pottaville. Hamburg, Heading Pottstnwn, Phoenlivllle, Norriatown and Pldl adolphia (llroad street station) at e 08 and 11 Oi n. m. and 4 20 p. m. on week days. For Potv ville and intermediate stations 9 17 a. m. SUNDAY. For 'Wiggane, Uilberton, Frackvllle, Dar Water, St. Clair, Pottsvllle, nt 6 08, 9 45 a. m. and 8 10 p. in. For Hamburg, Iteadlng. lottstowB Phoenixvllle, Norristown, Phtladelpliia atfi S 9 45 a. in., 8 10 p. m. Trains leave Frackvllle Tor Shenandoah al 10 40 a. m. and 12 81, 5 41, 7 52 and 10 47 p. m. Sunday, 11 18 a. m. and 5 41 p. m. Leave Pottsville for Shenandoah at 1015 a. m. and 5 15, 7 25 and 10 30 p. ni. Sunday el 10 40 a. in.. 5 15 p. m. Leave Philadelphia, (Broad street station), for Shenandoah at 5 57 and 8 85 a. in., 4 10 and 7 13 p, m. week days. Sundays leave at 5 60 a. m. 1-eave Broad street station, Philadelphia, lor Sea Olrt, Asbury Park, Ocean Drove, Loni Branch, and Intermediate stations, 8..0 11.14 a. in., 8.80 and 4.00 p. in. week-days. Leave II road Street Station, Phtladelpliia, FOIt NKW YOltK. RExpress, week-days. 3 20, 4 0o, 4 50 515, 0 50. 7 88, 8 20, 8 88, 9 50, 10 21 (Dining Car), 11 00 a. in ! 12 00 noon, j2 35 (I.lniited 100 and 4 22 p.m. Dining Cars), 1 40, 2 80 (Dining Car) 3 20, IU, 4 00, 5 00, 8 56 (Dining Car), 600, 850,512,1000 p. in., 12 01, night. Sundays, 3 20, 4 05, 4 50. 5 15" 820,838,950, 1021, (DLing Oar, 1185 al m.. 12 85, 280 (Dining Car), 4 00 (Llmitedl 22 Dining Car), 5 20, 5 56, (Billing Car), 6 85, 6 50, 8 12. 10 00 p. ni , 12 01 night. Express for Boston without change, 11 00 a m.. week-days, aud 6 50 p. m., daily. FOU WASHINQTON AND THE SOUTH. ,ft?r ,1?'J"nore Rna Waslilngton, 8 50, 7 20,5 12 OJ0,iJl23 a. ru., 12 09 (12 81 Uni ted Slu. nXiSi"!.,1?- V i4K 51 Oongreestonal Tl2,"frVlJ1","JLCr'1 817' CM (Dining CarL 7 40 (Dining Oar) p. m., and 12 05 nlgW week day. Sundays, 8 80, 7 20, 912, 1133 a. m., 1209 112, 4 II, f5 15 CknigrSional-Ltmlted, J?.?1? ?r 8,M UMnlng Car), 7 40 p. m (Dining Oar) and 12 05 nlKiit. FOR ATLANTIC CITY. Leave Broad strei-t station, Philadelphia (via d'aw'" river bridge), express, 70U p. e. o MBrket street Ferry, express, 8 SO a m , 2 00, 4 10, 5 10 p. in Sundays, 8 45, V 45 a. ni Accommodation, 8 00, lia), a. in , 3 20 and 4 20 p in., week days. Sundays, 8 00, 8 15 a. ra.. 4 00 and 6 00 p. in. nF,'?r MoJ'' Angles, Wildwood and Holly Beach, und Sea Isle City, Ocean Oity and -.- -"i a w n. hi , , iuu p. ni wees days. Sundays. 00 a. m. " oouirra roiiii. Kxpress, 8 50 a m.. 4 10 P m. week days. Sundays, 8 46 a. m. B. M. Pbbvost, j . H. Wood, Oeu'l Manager. Uen'l Pasa'g'r Agt nilllonsof Dollars Oo op In smoke every year. Take no risks bat get your houses, stock, fur niture, etc., insured in Ant-claw ro Uaule companies as represented by BAVID FATIST tosurancc Agttt - FAUJ1 120 South J.rdin St AJso Ufa and Am ldeutul Oempaal ett Foi t Poviusky's drug store, 28 Eas Oentre street BROM-KOLOA ALCOHOLIC, NERVOUS AND BILIOUS HEADACHES Cured by this granular effort parent and stimu luut. An Instant cure for aour stomachs and headaohes. wlilcli ofteu accumulate from uavimr a nigbt out. JOHN F. CLEARY, BOTTLES OF OASBOKATSS DRINKS, '7 and 19 Peach Alley, Shenandoah