The evening herald. (Shenandoah, Pa.) 1891-1966, January 28, 1897, Image 2

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tWl,VHMllMI 170.
!s4-eil n-ry RvmiIii, Ksi-cpl Sniida
Sum a Jaudib Mtrkkt. Nkab cjr.
1 Liwriil't I ilvllvi'iett til HlK'iminlo,t( and 'i
14 r null ling ttivviiH tot s, X 11 tit" ' ' , n
i to ,j,. ,-umr-i-H IU null MOll.i )i 'r1
Aiib a in. mitt, p.'k ilhli ill kIwih-i t 't
atfrtas i-Iiim-kpiI fui'iirihnki t.i ) i i"l in'-'! l
Ol imbllslierM it-sei-vi- tin- riktlit to I'liui.tff Hu
f Mlmon of adw-rttaermiilU whtMirver tin' nub
'xlt ad iii'wn tlcmaiiils It The ii.lit li
murvoi! tai rrdeet miv ailvrtlm-miMit, whi-tht-r
for sir not, thai tlir iiiiIiII-Iht- may ilerni
Jtproper. Ailiiirtlsln rat mad knowi-
taKHI application
R t.rl the postofrice t Shenandoah. Ph.. s
endolasa mitt I matter.
ittvcnlng H ra I d
Tm Democrat know where to look for
the danger, forsooth, Councilman Patrick
Hand tumbled to the danger a Democrat tried
to not him lit and circumvented him.
QaoBOli. has passed a stringent anti-trust
fen and appropriated (1,000,000 for the sup.
pert of liar public schools. No other state
that voted for Bryan has manifested so much
inclination to do better In the future.
"8KOULD bachelors marry ?" asks the New
York Sun. And instantly every Shenan
doah woman, with power to lore and to
make an honest, faithful man liappy, reply
as one, "You bet your sweet life they
A Physician was convicted recently. In
the criminal court at Norristown, of furnish
ing a raise statement to one of the paper of
that place. The law of 1898 makes It a mis
demeanor to furnish false statements to a
Storbd electricity seems to advance slowly
for commercial uses, but Hertford lias a
company which obtains 3,000 horse power
dally by means of a river dam. The plant is
proving such a success that its capacity will
probably be doubled.
Thk Washington Post notes, as a curious
instance of what politics may do, the fact
tlmt Kiiiui hWdliur Kansas, the state of
the old soldier, whose population contains as
large a proportion of veterans as any other
state, has selected an ex-confederate, soldier
for ltd United States Senator.
OH.tbe suow, the anew, tlio beautiful snow,
got out your cutter and let 'er go, also your
bc-t girl aHd tuek her snug, but don't ask her
to ride behind any old plug. The weather'.
'jtist.right to snuggle up tight, but it is hardly
the thing to get that way yourself, or the
dear girl will cut you and all your wealth
if she is the right kind of girl; that Is.
Tub Supreme Court of the United State hss
just made a decision which practically knocks
out the Tillman litiuor law establishing State
alspensiries. The purport of the decision is
that the citisensof otherstatcscannot be in
hibited from shipping liquors to South Curo
Una. and the citizens of South Carolina can
not be prohibited from reoeiving the same
aud drinking it.
The primary elections this evoiilngbiil fair
to be well attended. The Citizens ticket is a
sure winner In February, and in order to
aocure competent and faithful borough orli
cials it is necessary that the Citiaeus voteis
attend to-day's primaries and assist in noin:
uatiug men who will siieup to these require
ments If this is doue, there need bo little
fear of the outcome.
MB. Dry an in his book places a just ap
preciation on the valuo of an epigram when
he says that Mr. HcKinley'seplgraniatlc sen
teuce, "The mills should be opened instead
of the mints," did considerable service
turniug public attention from the money
question to tke tariff question. Mr. llryan
does not mention It, but a study of the
speeches made by Mr. McKinley and himself
during the late campaign shows conclusively
the great value of the epigram over the
Thk resideuts of Turkey Ilun are justly
entitled to a representative on tho Uorough
Council, more especially so because the other
portion of the Fourth ward lias now two
members of that body to their credit. Coun
cilman Kerns secured several important
measures at the hands of Ceuncil in the in
terest of the people of Turkey Kun, and the
lattsr realizes the advantages to be dorived
by them in selecting one of their own
rsiidents for this position. Tho turning down
of Councilman Kerns ii accepted as direct
slapat the people of that portion of the
ward, and it will be resented.
- .VnvEBTisEBs will find it to their advan
tige to occasionally follow the paper they
patronize Into tho homes In which it cir
culates to note with what avidity tho fern
iuine portion of the family devours the ad
vertising pages. The typical American
woman reader of newspapers first turns to the
marriage and death column, then to the
wsather prediction and than to the bargain
page. News, editorials or fiction matter is
of no moment to her until after she has
learned who is married, who dead, what tho
weather is to be and what bargains the bar
gain couuters sustain. To thedrygoode, shoe,
ohina and general holiday goods merchant
th best possible medium through which to
reach the eyes of his customers, prtsent and
prospective, is the paper that circulates in
homes. It is always the advertiser-i' duty
therefore to find out which is the home
paper and that knowledge is easily ascer
tained, aa far as Sbenandeah is concerned.
Ths HautALD'e columns are devoid of sensa
tional and obsceue matter and It, therefore
has a welcome in the homes of the town
gee !
In view of the frequent discussions that
have arisen, from time to time as to the
wisdom and propriety of secret sessions of
the United States Senate, ex-President Harrl
son's deliverance upon the subject in the
February Ladies' Home Journal is of value
and interest. "In the Senate," he says,
"the use of the secret session is frequent and
familiar. The Senate rules provide that on a
nation made and seconded to clow the doors
on the discussion of any matter tin door
shall be closed and remain closed during
such discussion. So when Executive nomi
nations or treaties are under consideration
the galleries are cleared and the doors closed
only geuators and certain necessary officer
who are sworn to secrecy, being allowed iu
the chamber There has been an earnest
attempt made to abolish the secret sessions of
the Senate, but it bat ' en ineffectual. These
session an- uillcd 'Lxccutlre seetious,'
because they are almost wholly derated to
Executive business namely, the considera
tion of appointments to office and foreign
treaties. It seems to mo that it Is quite a
necessary nnd apliioprlHto that the nmsiilta.
(ll in the Honate as to appointments, and
M-i-llly us tr In iities, sliinild ha i-iuilldi-u-
liiil as tlmt the rnnfi roni-i-a hrtwi-i-n thi I'rrsl
dent it nd In, Cilumt, nr h.-twiM-n thr 1'irsi
ilfiil and iitlii'i who ii he mij consult about
tlio wimr matti-r, s'lonld so "
'II tll,llioll III IMMKt fill IIH llvspepsil.
" -I. li'iil.n',H , Ui!m"MH's iiiiii iIoi.iiii ti
oi ilu-liver are readily i-iirwl by Ib-Wnt - i
IJule Early Risers. Those little pli's in
urine, nmiiii pin, mrc pin, oan pm t . ii
Capture of n Nnmher nt Cuban Camps
Havana, Jan. 8a HkirniUhinKisagiiit
reported In the province of I'lnar del
Tlio, Havana, Mittnnzus and Hiinilogn d
Cuba. According to Hdvlrcs receiveC
here the Hpniilhi,i-iiops recently captured
H number of Cub-in rumps, and ilestroyed
over 100 hnis b loprln to the Insurgent
It la claimed tlmt the Cu!mnn loft twonty
nine dead on tho Hold, ami that Ave of tin
Cubans wore taken prisoners. Thirteen
soldiers buloncrlmr to .the Spanish forooi
wore wounded. Cental n General World
hits left Mniignlto nnd arrived at Oalmt-,
uu, near uniiauuim, close to tne uouna.
ury line, betwoen the provinces of Ma.
tonsas and Sunto Clura.
Take Laxative Binmo Quinine Tablet. All
druggists refund the money If it falls to sure.
US rents.
Two Men Klllml In n 'How.
ALBANY, Ky., Jan. 83. A mob of men
went to the farmhouse of Mr. Gage, In
Morgan county, Tetiti., to chastise his son
for lmutor.U oouduot. Young Gage had a
friend In the mob, John Porter, who,
after they arrived in the yard, declared
they should not touoh Gage. A fight fol
lowed In which John Vorter was stabbed
and killed. When Porter fell young Gags
ran out of the house with a revolver In
each hand, tiring at the members of the
mob who ran. One of them fell mortally
wonn lad. Tho Indies of the two doad
nun ncio Uli lyi'M tho porch all uUht.
Don't Let,"Anybody Interfere, But
Take Pan-Tina for ceugbs and eelds. 2s.
At O rubier Brn , ireg stem.
Cornelius Vnnilerbllt's Washington Homo.
Washivoto.V, Jan. 28. Society circle!
are in a flutter over the prospecclvo red.
dunce in Washington during tho re
mainder of the present social season ol
Mr. Cornelius Vantlerbllt and family ol
New York. Mr. V.iuderbilt s agent hat
just leased the L-nvery mansion, at the
nflrthwest corner ol Vermont nvenuo nnu
K street, for three months, and the Van
derbllts will take possession early next
A tornid liver means a bad complexion, bad
breath, indigestion and frcquf nt headaches.
To avoid sucli companions lane lramiu
Little Early Itlscrs. the famous little pills.
C. II. Hagenbuch.
First Strike 111 Twenty Yt-ors.
IATKHaoN, N J., Jan. 38. Owing to
tho strike of 33 broad silk weavers in the
Phoenix. Manufacturing company nillli
the other employe? of the mills were uu
able to go to work yestrdny, nnd as a
oonsequenoe 060 hands are out of employ
ment, and the mills are closed. There lmn
not been a strike in the Phceulx mills bo-
fore this for twenty years.
A weed in the minion can be easily destroy
ed when it first starts. Consumption can be
nipped In the bud by One Minute Cough
Cure. C, II. llagenbuch.
Tryilijr to Have a ijondemned Murderer.
St. Louis, Jan. 28. Tho attorneys for
Arthur Duestrow, tljo wealthy murderer,
whose sentence to death was recently con
firmed, have completed their motion for a
new trial. If tho allegations contained In
it can be substantiated It will Involve tho
supremo court in iv.sonndal of serious pro
portions. Tho principal point upon which
tho motion for a rehearing is based is a
direct charge that the court did not rend
the record in the case, as is required by
tho statutes.
Union 1'aolflo Flyer Wrecked.
CllEYKSXK, Wyo., Jan. 2a The west
bound Union Pacific llyer ran into two
Pullman sleepers of tho eastbound flyer
nt Tie Siding, Wyo., at 1 o'clock in thH
morning. The eastbound train had gone
on to the side track to let the other by,
but had not cleared the end of the switch,
The westbound train crashed Into the rear
sleeper, derailing It aud partly wrecking
its side. The engine was also badly dam
Take Laxative Uromo Quiuiue Tablets. All
druggists refund the money if it fails to curo,
215 cents.
It all road lllocknile In Sonth Dakota,
Huron, S 1)., Jan. 28. The south- nnd
east linos of the Chicago and Northwest
ern railway are open, and efforte are now
being made to raise tho sno.v blockauo on
the Chicago and Milwaukee Thore were
no trains west or north lagt night because
of 'the storm. The severe oold continues.
Lost A dear little child who made home
han.vhv it smiles. laieli
bare been saved had the parents only kept
in the house One Miuntu (Jougn t-are, in in
fallible remedy for troup. U. 11. nagennueu
The Oregon Dralllock.
Salp.ii. Jan. 28. The only development
yesterday In the legislative doadlock was
the withdrawal oi aiinzer, a ijeinocrac,
from the Benson house. This leavos only
thirty members In that bouse, ono short
of a majority. Mlnzer's withdrawal oanie
as a surprise to ths Benson men, who are
forced from the position tnac thirty-one
members oould organize and do business.
There are other evidences of defootlon In
tho Benson house and the prediction is
made thut it will only live a fow days
Assaulted by a Negro,
Fulton, Kv., Jan. 98. Miss Lula Car
ver, 17 years old, daughtsr of a prominent
farmer, was ohoked Into Insensibility and
outraged yesterday by a negro. Parties
are out scouring the country, and it is be
lieved that the negro may bo caught.
"Merit talks" the MOW
Intrinsic value of I O I m 62
Hood's Sarsapari Ha. CliI ilkta?
Merit in medicine means the power to
oure. Hood's Sarsaparilla possesses actual
and unequalled ourative power aud there
fore it lias true merit. When you buy
Hood's 8arparilU,and take It according
to directions, to purify your blood, or
oure any of the many blood d Incases, you
are morally certain to receive benefit.
The power to cure is there. You are not
trying an experiment. It will make your
blood pure, rich and nourishing, and thus
c. : out the germs of disease, strengthen
the nerves and build up the wbolesystein.
Is the best, In fact the One True Blood Purifier.
PieparedonlybyC. I. Hood & Co., Lowell, Mass.
Hood's Pills JX.
Do not
purge, pain or
1 druggist. 2Sc
And rest for tln-d mothers In a warm bath
wlthCt Tin n wi r,anilaslngloappllcatlon
of CuTlcfiiA ii i rient), the great skin cure.
Cuticuba RhMFiura afford Instant relief,
and point to a speedy cure of torturing, dls
flgurlnR.humUlattng.ltolilng.btirnlng, bleed
ing, omsted, scaly skin and scalp humors,
with loss of hair, when all else falls.
SsMthnatkeottlMirarid. rorniDiesiiDCmii.
IT MOttr. Skln-twt.rM BiM,"rrt.
Globing Quotations of tlio New York and
l'lilladelplint Kxehangos,
Nbw Yohk, Jan. Sf. Stocks were ajaln lim
ited as to the volume of busmoai. The dual
lugs, generally speaking were poorly distri
buted. Closing bids:
Baltimore A OMo IB
Chess, A Ohio. . 17H
Del. A Hudson.... 1084
D.L. AW. .....
Brie . . .. ... 1H
IkeRrle& W... Mfc
LehlghNav. .. 41
A11 aw'U paid.
Lehigh Valley . . HO
New Jersey Oen. . 90
New York Oea.... M
Pennsylvania lift
St. Paul T8
W. N.Y. A Pa.... a
General Markets.
PnitJknm.t'HlA, Jan. W. Flour dull; winter
superfine, $2.758; do. extra, W.10(8.40; Penn
sylvania roller,clear,M.2fl'H.-W ; do. do. .straight,
M 4&$s.W: western winter, clear, $4.tf94.40;
oity mills, cvtra, W Srtt1 50. Rye flour dull;
choice Pennsylvania, U.ib per barrel. Duok
wheat flour moderate at tl.Soi91.40 par 100 lbs.
Wheat weak ;pot,88 )8sHc. ; January ,MHo. ;
February, 88W!4c. ; March, WHo. ; April,
WitSOMc; Pennsylvania No. 2 and Delaware
No. 2 red, spot, 840c. Corn steady; No. 3, ; do. January, o. i
do. February, aoi'rieo. ; uo. narcn, a4wo. j
do. April, 6i$27o. Oats weaker; No. 2 white,
apot, 232U'jcv; do. January, W28Ho.; do.
February. ; uo. iaron, v"0. ; uo.
April, ifii'4ac nay weaa; cnolcw uniouiy,
U4.5oV(tl6 for large bales. Beef quiet ; beef hams,
I8W18.50 ; family, tltT Oro)ll. Pork dull, smoked
hams, ('allle. Lanlwuak; western steamed,
14.15. Butter stronij ; western creamery, 12
SOe. ; do. fnotory, 7i6l4o. ; Klglns, 0o. ; Imita
tion creamery, ll,ldc ; Now York dairy, 10($
18o.;ilo. creamery, UdilBe,; prists, fanoy, job
bing at S&VUo.; do. extra, prlnta, wholesale,
ZIo. ; low ana medium graaes, ij)io. uueeee
quiet; large, Jll'4o. , small, 9Hlo. ; part
skims, &0 . ; full skitus, a ft8'io. Bgi steady;
New York andl'eunsylvaiiln,174!019o.;wostern
fresh, 110180.
Live Stock Markets.
Nw York, Jan. 27. Beeves dull; steers
10,20o. lower ; rough stook weak ; nattvo steers,
J3.WSl.8S; stags and oion, $2.00 31.25; bulla,
12.5098.40 ; dry oows, l.l9a.i. uaives aonve,
firm ; veala,$5'7.7S ; barnyard oalves, lOOI.W ;
poor westerns, t8. Sheep steady ; lambs very
dull and lower; sheep, 1.26; lambs, 4.W:a
5.85; very choice, to.7Xt6.7S. Hogs stead
Bast L,ibrtv, la., Jan. ijaiiie sceauj
prime, H.vrS; feeders, 8.(XK1; bulls, atat
anil oow, : .i.J. iiogs siowunu luwcr; uc
medium weight, iii.3.7a; common to fai
t8.iK-.J.(IB; heavy, ia. a) ajl. 15 ; roughs, 2
Shm-p ti aay ; vrrm-i, T4.A-' iv, common, t.oo
S.1J; cW. ) iam'M, ?4.., j 1J; oommon to goo-
M7.va4 7 veaieoivo-. ..i-i.
Minutes seem like hours when a life is at
stake. Creup gives no time to send for a doc
tor, delay may mean death. Ono Minute
f!.ini?li Cure oivea instant relief and insures
recovery. The only narmiesa remeuy mat
produces immediate results. C. II. llagen
buch. .
ItcihiciMl Hal is to Washington on Account
of the Inauguration sin Pennsyl
vania ltatlroad.
For the benefit of those who desire to at
tend tho ceremonies incident to the Inaugura
tion of President-elect McKinley, the l'enu
svUania Itailroad Company will sell excur
sion ticket - to Washington March 1, 2, 3, and
1. valid to return from March 4 to S, at the
following rates: From Pottsvillc, ?7.23;
Heading, $7.20.; Ulrusuoro, u.a ; rousiown,
46.86: Norristown, SU.15; Philadelphia,
15.40. and from all other stations on tho
Pennsylvania system at reduced rates.
This inauguration will bo a most interest
ing event, and will undoubtedly attract
large number of people from every section of
the country. -s.
The magnificent facilities of tho I'onnsyl
vauia Railroad mako this line the favorite
route to the national capital at all times, and
its enormous equipment and splendid term
inal advantages at Washington mako it
especially popular on such occasions.
One of tho most remarkable cures of
rheumatism on record is related by Mr. J.
M. Thompson, post matter at Decker's Point,
Pa., as follows: "While out driving one
day last winter I was caught lu a cold
rain. Tho next morning I was unablo to
move my head or arms, owing to an attack of
inflammatory rheumatism. My clerk tele
phened for a physician, but suggested that I
use Chamberlain's Pain Balm, there being a
bottle open or. the counter. Ho rubbed the
affected parts thoroughly with Pain Balm
aud built up a hot fire. I dozed off to sleer
and when I awoke about lulf an hour later
the pain had gone entiroly, and I havo not
been trouble slnee. People come lioro from
many milei around to buy Chamberlain's
modieines." For sale by Gruhler Bros,
glx-Uay Tour to Old Point Comfort, ltlcll-
iiiond mid W ashliigton,
On January 28 the secoud of the present
series of personally-conducted tours to Old
Point Comfort, Richmond and Washington
via the Pennsylvania Railroad will leave
V.w York hv anpeial train.
Old Point Comfort, besides its delightful
climate, is rich in historical associations, It
has long been a fashionablo resort and it
popularity is increasing every year. Its mag-
nirVnnt hotels are the marvel ol visitors,
Richmond is the nucleus arouud which has
imthered a halo of national history. Uu
tin. nr ncioui cities ot the eariv times, it roe
to remarkable prominence as the Capital of
the Southern Confederacy. It ooatains many
historic point and monuments to many men
famous lu American history.
Washington is now attired in its Holiest and
must attractive vestments. Tho social seasoa
Is on, and ball succeeds ball in a brilliant
muse of fashionable etiquette.
Tiaknta for this tour, including transports
Hon, meals en route in both directions,
transfer of passengers and baggage, hotel ac
commodations at Old Point Comfort, Rich
mond, and Washington
and carriage ride
about Richmond iu fact every necessary
expenses for a period of six days will bo sold
at rate of f3.1.00 from New York, Brooklyn,
and Newark, tlM.OO from Trenton. $38.00
from Philadelphia and proportionate rates
from other atatiens.
Tickets will also 1 sold to Old Point Com
fort aud return direct by Tegular trains
within six days, including transportation,
luncheon on going trip, ooeeual three-fourth
days' board at Old Point, at rate of $16.00
from New York, Brooklyn, and Newark,
$15 00 from Trenton, $U.u0 from Philadel
phia, aud proportionate rates from other
Apply to ticket agencies, Tourist Agent,
1106 Broadway, New York, or George W.
Boyd. Assistant General Paaaanger Ageat,
Broad street station, Philadelphia.
Send your address to II. B. Buckleu 4 Co.,
Chicago, aud get a free sample box of Dr.
King's New Life Pills. A trial will conviuc
you of their merits. These pills are easy iu
action and are particularly effective in ths
cure of Constipation and Hick Headache. For
Malaria and Liver troubles they have breu
proved invaluable Tin y are guaranteed to
be purely vegetable. They du not weaken
by their action, but by giving tune to stomach
aud bowels greatly invigorate the system.
Regular size 25c per box. Sold by A. Wash y,
Five Men Crushed to Death by a raising
freight Train.
Booth NonwALK, Oonn., Jan. 98. The
worst accident of IDs kind that ever oo
ou r red In this seotlon took plaoe yesterday
afternoon on the tracks of the New York,
New Haven and Hartford railroad, uoar
the East Norwnlk station. Vive men en
KnKi'd In work upon the rna.lbsd, In ef
forts to avoid an approaching express,
steppnd directly In front of a local freight
running In the Mtne dlreotlon as the ex
press. Four of them were Instantly killed,
and the fifth died fire minutes after the
! nocldent.
Tho dead are i James Powers of South
Norwalk, seotlon foreman; John Griffin
of East Norwalk, section hand; John
Shea, Mloltael Spleen, seotlon hand, and
an Italian lanorer.
The colonial express, westbound, for
New York, was oomlng through on time,
ar.d as the train approached Foreman
Powers ordered Ills men to step aside.
They obeyed, and with Powers stepped to
an adjoining tract, whloh Is used exclu
sively for freight. A. local freight, also
westbound, came rushing down parallel
too, but behind the ex, moss a short dis
tance. It Is supposed thit the men did
not notice the approach of the freight be
muse of the clouds of smoke aud steam In
the wake of the express.
Tho air was Ailed with fragments of
human bodies, whloh wero scattered alonj
thetraoksus the freight rushed by. Of
the five vlotlms all but Shea died In
stantly. The head of Foremtn Powers
was nearly severed from the body, and the
bodies of the other victims were more or
less horribly mil tilated.
Princess Chliuay and Her Gypsy Quarrel.
London, Jan. 38. A Vienna dlspatoh to
The Dally Mall ssys that a telegram just
received from Milan announces that the
Princess de Chlmay, formerly of Detroit,
nnd Janls Illgo, the Hungarian gypsy'
musician, who recently eloped with her,
have quarreled violently. The screams of
rage from the Princes de Chlmay and the
forcible language of Hlgo disturbed the
residents of the hotel where the two were
stopping, and they 00 111 plained to the
landlord because of the noise occasioned
by these outbursts of passion. At the end
of ono of these quarrels the Princess de
Chlmay packed ner trunk and quitted tue
hotel, leaving ntonoe for Monte Curio.
She paid her own bill, but left III go's bill
unsettled. Hlgo is said to be lu an awk
ward position stnae the departure of the
princess, fur he is without funds, and has
no lminedlulo prospects of securing em
ployment. Ono thing is certain : It will not do to
fool with a lnd oold. No one can tell what
the end will be. Pneumonia, catarrh, chronic
brenchitls, if not consumption, invariably
result from a neglected cold. It is surprising
too, that bad colds arc so often neglected
when one remembers how easily aud at what
little expense they may be cured. Clmm-
berkin's Cough Itemedy is always prompt, aud Costs but a trifle; 28 or 80
cents is a trifle aa oompared with the dlsaa
trous effect of a neglected cold. Mr. Abner
Mercer, of Dilworthtown. Chester County,
Pa , in speaking of this remedy, said: "Some
time ago I had a bad. cold aud cough. I
tried almost everything. Finally Mr. Hunt,
tho druggist, reoemmeuded Chamberlain's
Cough Remedy, and one 50 cent bottle of it
cured me entirely." For sale by Gruhler
Bros,, druggists.
Avenging a Sister's' Wrongs In Kentucky.
Lexixutov, Jan. as. A terrible battl-
occurred late Tuesday afiernouu on Groan
rivor, near Brownsville. The combatant -were
Uugene Carrier, J. J. Carrier, Nathnu
Scnggs and Luther Soaggs on oue gldo,
and G. W. Hazellp, Alfonso Hazellp, his
soil, on the other. G. W. Hnzellp was
Rhot in the groin and hand, and .Alfonso
In the braast, arm and side Nathan
Scnggs was shot in tho shoulder, and a
bystander in the arms The two Haze
lips will die. The trouble oocurred over
alleged betrayal of Carrier's sister by Al
fonso Ilnzollp. All aro prominent. Tho
Carrier brothers aro large merchants. G,
W. Hazellp is an undo of State Treasurer
G. W. Long. His brother is president of
Grayson County bank.
Why suffer with Coughs. Colds and La
Grippe when laxative Uromo quinine will
cure you in ono day. rut op lu tablets con
vonientlor taking, uuarsutecu to cute, o
money refunded. Price, 25 conte. For sab
by Kirlin'a Pharmacy.
San Franclsco's'lnilnese Vendetta.
San Fbancisco, Jan. 88. Chinatown is
qulot, hut a resumption of the vendetta
betwoen the Sam Yup and See xup com
panies is expected soon. The Chinatown
district Is being guarded by a large force
of police, and suspected hlgnblnuers arc
closely watched. "Big Jim," tho leading
See Yup man, probably will be the next
vlotlm. The Sam Yups have offered a re
ward for his head, not because ha has been
particularly offensive, but because ho la
rich and influential, and his death wll 1
partially compensate for tho loss of "Xilt
tlo Pote," who was killed a fow days ago
by tho vendetta Body gunrds are In de
mand by prominaut Chinese of both com
panies, who do not appear on tno streets
unless closely guarded.
Cold Weather for Florida.
Jacksonville, Jan. 88. The belated
cold wave has at last reached hero, but
has lost some of Its severity by delay. At
10 o'clock last night tha weather bureau
reported a temperature of 86, with a pros
pect of its reaching 80 before morning.
The orange trees oan stand 86 degrees, and
there is little prospect of so low a tempera
ture. The truck farms, however, will be
greatly damaged. Tho gardens are full
of oabbage now, and all will be killed,
with other tender vegetables. Peusacola
reports the mercury at SI, the ooldest ot
the season. Buds have not appeared on
the fruit trees, and little damage Is an
tlolpated. There are extensive pear aud
peach orchards In that locality.
To LAbel Frozen Sleat In Franee.
Washikqtok, Jan. 88. The Importa
tion of frozen meat, principally from
Australia, has inoreased enormously since
tha establishment of refrigerating ware
houses at Havre, reports Consul Chan
cellor, at the port, to the state department,
the produot arriving In perfect condition
i after a sea voyage of three or four months.
suoh meat, however, decomposes rapidly
on exposure to the natural air, and as
many butchers label It as fresh meat, the
Frenoh minister of agriculture has under
consideration a law ooaipelllns; all suoh
frozen meats to be eontplouously labeled,
and providing a fine ot from 100 to 1800.
Artliur Faliuer Arrested
St. Louis, Jan. 88. Arthur Palmer, of
New York, was arrested at the Planter'
hotel yesterday. lie is a handsome, well
dressed man of 46 years of age and had
been at the hutel a week, registering under
the name of Paul Jonas. The arrest was
made on a long distauoe telephone mes
sage from Sheriff Johnson, of Westchester j
Bounty, New York, who said that Palmer
murdered hi mother, brother and sister
about nine days aito aud fled. The sheriff i
telephoned that Palmer had bean truced )
to Si Luuis. Puliiier Is supiiosod to be
Kreiois, Mureer County, Pa. We belles e
Chamberlain's Couch Kerned y to be tin- best
remedy in use. We use it iu our owu htmi-1
lies, and it is a favorite among our customers,
liocker Bros. & Co. 88 and 80 ceut bottles
for sale by (iruhlcr Itros., druggists.
Love is the
natural heritage
of many an at
tractive young
woman, now
doomed to love
less spinster
hood by 111
liealth. No wo
man slioulil en
ter upon the du
ties of wifehood
who is not fitted by good hea'fji for
that position and for the responsibili
ties of motherhood. If a woman miners
from weakness and disease of the organs
that make wifehood and motherhood pos
sible, she should remedy tliese condition
before assuming the responsibilities of a
wife. Otherwise, she stands little chance
of proving a happy and capable wife, and
motherliood will always menace her with
the terror of death.
A sure and quick cure for all weak
net and disease that unfits a woman fen
matrimony and maternity is found in Dr.
Pierce's Pavorite Prescription. It nets
directly and only on the organs Involved.
It makes them strong and healthy. It
cures all weakness and disease. It pre-
na fnr wifehood and motlieriiooil
Taken during the expectant period It
makes bahv's comhur easy aud comnara.
lively painless. It insures the health ol
the child. Thousand of women have
testified to its merits. Druggists sell It.
" I have found great relief since taklug yout
Pavorite Prescription,"' writes Mrs. llenrj
Barlow, of Lonsdale, Providence Co., R. I. "!
mi stl broken down from nervous nrostratlon
Since taking your medidue I have had more re
lief thau from all the doctors' meuli
ildnes whlcl
cost me more than I could aribrd.'
It is hard work to work when polsonei?
from neglected constipation. Dr. Plcrce'i
Pleasant Pellets cure constipation
Speed of Torpedo lloat No. 0.
Nkwpokt, It. L, Jan. 28. New torpedo
boat No. 0 had an unofficial trltil yester
day over a measured course, a nautical
mile long, from Sands Point to Fort
Adams, and attained a speed of twenty
seven knots nn hour. The boat onrrlodan
overweight of ten tons, and with this out,
it Is thought that she will exceed her con
tract sliced of twenty-seven and ono-half
knots by fully a knot, If not moro. Tho
vibration, which retarded the boat on
previous trials, hnn lioeu reduced to n
minimum, and the steering goar works
perfectly. No. 6 will be put over tho
course evory day until Saturday, when
she will be taken up to Providence and
put Into dry dook. The oUlolal govern
ment trial will take plaoe some day next
week. There will be no bonus to the
builders for excess speed.
flheumatlsm Cured in n Day.
"MyBtio Cure" for Rheumatism and Neu
ralsia radically cures in 1 to 3 days. Its
action upon ths system is remarkable aad
mysterious. It removes at once the cau e and
the disease iaimedlately disappears. Tho
first dose grsatly benefits.
T. F. Anthony, ex-Postmaster of Promise
City, Iowa, say : "I bought ono liottle of
'Mystic Cure' for Rheumatism, and two doses
if It did me more good than any inedieiao I
aver took." 75 cents.
Hold hyC. II. Hngeubuuh, druggist, Shtn-
Pure Whisky 1eaguo.
CniCAQO, Jan. 28. A mooting of tho ad
visory committee of tho National Wholo
sale Liquor Dealers' association was
opeuod at tho Tromont Houso yesterday.
Tho object of tho association Is to oppose
tho trust nnd overproduction of whisky,
and to prose-cuto the adulterers of that ar
ticle. Ths meeting, represents manufac
turers with capital of 1300,000,000. It was
decided to hold the next annual mooting
lu New York Aug. 7, 1807.
All tho dillcrent forms of skin troubles,
from chapped hands to eczema and indolent
ulcers can be readily cured by DeWitt's
Witch Hazel Salve, the great pilo cure.
(I. 11. Hagenbuch.
caTON'3 urrnLiZER
Cures general or special debility wakeful
ness. BpermatorhccJ, emissions, impotency,
paresis, etc Corrects functional disorders.
cauca oy errors or ulccs, mui.uj rcsignne
Lost Manhood in old oi' young, gn ag vizor and
.strength where ( mcr v.'-'-kness prevailed. Con
veoicot p3cks -H.ple,, and legitimate.
Cure is Quick and Thorough.
Don't St deceived oy imitations: insist on
CATON'S Vitalize. Sent sealed il your dm
gist doeit not have it. FH- $ per pkge, 6 for $5(
with written guarantee of complete cure.
Information, references, etc., free and confidential.
Send us statement of case and 25 cts. for a week's
trial treatment Ooe only sent to each person.
For wile at V 1 D. Klrlln's drug storo And
Shcnuiidonu drug store.
Icr Eorscs, CatUe, Ehccp, Dogs, Eggs,
SOOFage Book nn Treatment of Animals
and Chart bent l'rec.
cntrjj lTcTors,rnneestIons,IntIammtttlon
A.A.iHplnul aieniUBltU,lIlllt l'ever.
ll.ll.MtrnlDS, Lameness, Uhenmatlstn.
:.!!. Iilstemper, Nasal lllscbarges.
D.D.Ilols or drubs, Worm.
K.K.'.t'nuEhs, Heave, Pneumonia.
IM'.l olio or tiripes, llollrache.
i:.C.IUIscarrlaiie, Ileniorrhases.
II. II. --Urinary nnd Kidnrv Disease.
I.I. "Eruptive Disease., Mange,
J. 11 of Digestion. 1'aralystaV
Single Bottle (over CO doses), - - ,00
Stable Case, with Bpeclncs, Manual, .
Veterinary Oure Oil and Medlcator, $7.00
Jar Veterinary Cure Oil, . . 1.00
Sola arDrstrl.Ll r .Ml prapsl aarufcaraaU Uasf
S...UI7 .. racist .f rlM., Ill llmUluBL,K.w lurk.
In use 30 jcars. Tho enlr aoeesii'ul ramedy for
Nervous Debility, Vital Weakness,
Md Prostration, from ow-work or oibar cawa.
91 par tiaU or 6 viala and larg vial powdar , f r ft.
Bold by lmfUti,ur mdi pmtidoa rotpt ot prioa.
HCJirUUITt' BED, CO., Ill A lit KUtUtm bi., VwTrk
For sale at I'tivinsky'a drug store, 38 Bait
Centre street
Every man's
wifi. sul-iri rinfi
rsntell vouUCtlOrSi;i-ilVJi
about Boal-l knows a good
! ni ""drink. Try it on
Icfteo a,.d make, your husband
A Handsome Complexion
I one of the greatest charms a woman can
possess. Pouaoai'a Couvlbxiom Pownua
gives it.
m ..-i ,.i
Xfur hu e money, ilt. a pai.a-
Trjlnj to Sseare a FtiolJ for l'r- 1
trstnnt Denemln 1M011,
Cm or MHXloo. Jan IM -There was 1
large attendance yesterday at the session I
of ths Christian Workors In the repnbiln nl
Mexico. The principal topics dlsrmar.l In
Spanish and Rngllsh wore "Chrlstln-t
Hduratlon," "The Value of Day Schonh
as a Means' of Kvang.ilizatlou" and "Sun-1
day Sohool Work in M l n " The Mexi
can evangelists and Sund.ty school work-1
ors displayed great enthusiasm and zeal1
In oombatlns; Oathollolsm, nnd spok
hopefully of the future ot Protestantism
here. Speenheg made showed that the;
believed the bast wty ot permanently ae
ouring a foothold for ths Protestant do
nominations lies In educating young peo
ple The speaker noted that the Josults an
gOulng groat Influcuoe by their establish
ment of schools for boys, while the Slsteri
of the Saored Heart are founding great
school! for girls. Many of the Mexican
ot liberal tendencies onoourag the mis
sions ns a means of combating tho reac
tionary teudenoles. The earnestness ot
tho Mox'.cau Protestant clergy nnd lnj
workers attracts the atUmllon of the uu-
die noes.
die Weather.
For eastern New York, eitstern Pennsyl
vania and New Jocsjy: Clearing wo i-.-i :
northerly winds, brisk to hlh off the
Thirty-six destitute families applied to
the police for aid lu St Louis yesterday.
James Howoll, forma- "i lyor of Brook
lyn, died at his hjnu 111 U - mklyii yester
day. Rx State Sonator "WillU.n M Hapshor,
died at his home at LshlithMm, P.i , Tues
day night.
Jehu K. Sullivan was found gulltv of
murdering Mrs. Klizt Dutoher at Dor
chester, N. B., yesterday.
The glove ooutost bill was Introduced
In tho Nevada nonnle yosterdny, and re
ferrod to the committee on public morals.
A dlsp.stoh from Home Miyg that th.
Italian government has decided to evac
uate Krythroa with tho possible oxjeptlou
of Mitssowah.
Washington Corblu, 0110 of the pioneer
horsemen ot the west, and the owner and
developor of numerous old time trotters,
dlod at Qulncy, Ills., yesterday. He was
77 years of ago.
Tha congregation of the propaganda In
ltonu have proposed tho Rov. Father 10.
P. Alton, president of Mount Saint Mary's
college, Hmnut-iburg, Md., for appoint
moutas bishop of Wilmington, Dal.
RucAclea'a Arnica Salve.
The u salvo in the world fer cats,
braises, sires, ulcers, salt rheum, fever sores,
tetter, tbapped hands, chilblains, cerns, and
ill skin ernntUns. and positively c.uive tiles
1 jo pay required. It Is guaranteed to giro
perfect satltfactUn er mony refunded. Price
35 cents per bx. fer sale by A. Wasley.
Tours to Cnllfrtix.
California has been most fittingly termed
tho "Italy of America." All the delicious
halm, the cloudless .ky, uv.d lh riuh ver
dure of the u.cut European peninsula nre
duplicated in this sunny laud ot the Tacifle.
Here nature basks in the sunshine or her own
beauty: nad her she kas established her
ov:i s-iuitarinm, where etoruai spnns in
spires overlasriajj youth. With tho wio-
unutlcd peaks of the Sums upon the oue
baud, the cslm TadAc with its soft breezes
upon the other, aud a veritable paradise of
flowers, fruits antl plants between, man can
find and needs no lovelier land. To visit
such a ceuntry is a privilege, a blessiug.
The Pennsylvania Itailroad Company,
recnjiil7.ins the need of a more comfortable-
and pleassnt way of crossing tho continent,
inaugurated a series f anuual tours to t'ali
futnia, ruauinx a through train of Pullman
palace mrs lrm New Yerk to the l'acitle
Coast, and steppins at tb principal pluts of
iutereet on route. The creat popularity of
these tours demonstrates tho wisdera ef the
For the season of 1897 three tours have
been arranged t leav New Yerk, Philadel
phia, and Pittsburj, Jaauary t7, February
Si, and March 87.
The first tour will run direct to San Diego
via St. Louis and tk Sun Id Fe Route, and re
turn from Saa Fraacisc. via Snlt Lako City,
Denver, aad Chieag, alUniajr, five weeks in
Ths second tour wiffrua via the Mammoth
Cave and New Orleans to San Diego, stopping
at tk "Cresceat City" during the Mardl
Gras Carnival. This tour will return vi
Salt Lake City, Denver, Omaha, aad Chicago,
allowing four weks in California.
The third tour will run viaChicago.Deuver,
and Salt Lake City, allowing passengers to re
turn ky regular traias via dlffertat routes
within all months.
All of tksse tours, either going or return
ing, will pass through the famous Colorado
rcgisn, Gltnwood Sprlagi, Leadvlllo and the
Garden of the Goat.
Rates from all aeiat a tk Pnnsylvan!&
Railroad Syitsm east of Pittsburg: First
lour, (310 : second tour, $330 : tkird tear.
$210 roasJ trip, and f 150 n way.
FerditalUd Itineraries aad thr informa
tion, apply at tfckst agaasiei, special book
ing efiiecs, or adores Goorgo W. Xoyd,
Assistant General Pasisigar A (tot, Dread
Stmt Station, Philadelphia.
A Tloutsnola Nsc.silty.
Cascarots Candy Cathartic, tho most won
derful medical discovery of tk ag, pleasant
and refreshing to tho taitt, act gently" and
positively n kidneys, liver aad bowds,
cleansing the .ntire system, dispel colds, .cur
headncb, foyer, lisl.Itual constipation and
biliousness. Plctso buy and try a box of
C. C. C. to-day , 10, 28, 80 otnts. Bold and
gn&raatocd to enra by all draggist.
Tonr to Florida.
X district In America presents, during the
Tf later seaioa, 10 many yrid attractions as
ths ttat or Florida. Bsildes its dsllghtful
ellcante, which to on .leaping from tk cold
aad aahealthful hanii ef tko Nortk seoms
aim, it lhorol, it is pro-euiacatly a land of
sport ant pieaiuro, Along its olsven kunared
niloi of salt-watar ceast and in it trrdv
hundred froeh-nator lakes aro flih of almost
vry conclvbl variety, frm ths migra
tory tribes common to Nerthorn natsrs to the
tarpon, pompano, and others of a more
tropical character. Newher la all enr broad
land can tk angler find a gioattr variety of
game or neiier sport.
Here alto th most athusiattio hunter
finds eatiety. Dear, turkeys, bears, tanthors
and wild rata roam at larg through the more
sparsely settled region,, while birds of all
kinds may bo found In abundance through,
out the State. The more novel spert of al
Heater and manatee hunting: mav also be in
dulged In by the more adventurous tourist
With lis matchless climate, its orange
eroves. Its rivers and lake, it boatlne aud
bathing, its fishing and buntiug, and its
extensive forests. Florida s resent unrivaled
attractions for tb valetudinarian, the lover
of nature, th snortaman aad the explorer.
To thit attractive slate tb Pennsylvania
Itailroad Comnanv has arranxed four ner
sontlly-oouducted tour during th season of
1807, leaving by epeetal train January M,
February 0 aud SKI, and March 0. The first
three tour will admit of a sojourn of two
woeks iu this delightful land; tickets for the
fourth taut will be valiu te return until May
81 by roeular trains.
Bates for th round trip. $80.00 from New
York, $48.00 from Philadelphia, and propor
tionate raUe from other point.
For ticket., itineraries and other informa
tion, apply to ticket agentc, special boekiug
offlees, or address Geo. W. ISoyd, Assistant
(ieaaral Passenger Agout.llroau street statueu,
There's Just What You Want.
Pan-Tina (28c.) for coughs and coldx.
O miller Ilros., drug store.
Georgia's Fair Authoress
Tall Why the Use Dr. Milot' Restorative
THE NAME of Mm. J. E. Ilarwoll, (nee
Julia En. ma Flenvnlns) la u familiar
one In tho stnto of Georgia. She
writes; " It Is with pleasure that Lexpress
my gratitude for tho Wonderful benefits I
harp received from Dr. Miles' Restorative,
Bemedlc, especially the Nervine, the Nerve
and Liver Pills, Kc w Heart Cure and Antl
Pain Pills. Actual experience has taught
me their great worth. No family should be
without them. They
havo fully restored
ne from a complica
tion cf disorders chief
ly affecting tho heart,
nrvous system and
kidneys. When I trav
el I always take ono of
your Apti-Eain Pills
before entering the oafs and CntS prevent
swimming of the head and npnsen, to which
I have been subject for Rovoral years."
Dr. Miles' Remedies arc so'd by all drug
gists under a positive guarantee, first bottle
benefits or money refunded. Book on Heart
and Nerves senf free to all applicants.
DR. MILES MEDICAL CO., Elkhart, lnd.
ry.ImplMot,nlpisTMnn9 ete .cinroa
b7ibafluci 9thr fciWMW and 2nd It
crrtUni. 371-1- tiektu ttntl urlv
TMten Ixmt Vi UHtr in old or itmnj, and
K fit a Mint fert jdrt biminft"!, or marriage.
r lr-Titt Innauiir ami (Vmrmmnriou if
tnkontn time. Thir tiw p1 " iminpl.nte imnroTO.
meat and elTMla a CTTBB v c. u i ' I o' liars lall. In
slit upon fenTimz tbo nenalno Ajax Tablets. They
bam eared tticmsan'lci nnd will cum yon. 'Yio Rie a
poilMve wrirMi tTniirnnfm) to MT3LI ncure hi eoeh can
or ref and the money, rrlce BO cer. ir naokaae, or
eti nftoaititt. thill treatment for Z&i. Ill mail, la
fAnia wrapper, upon reoeiut of trloe. Circular free.
AJAk rtE-MEDY CO., "fflSS
For sale In Shenandoah, Pa., by A. AViwIcy
and 8. P. Klrlln, Druggists.
-i-ntvn. run Awn SAric WOMAN'S RELIEF.
Alwtya prompt and r.llshU Avoitt Imtiatwiu,
n.t (1.ti,m T.mT Pills snd Saks nsoiSTS.
At rims atom, or Mnt direct Cealed prlra, SI.
Oatok Spio Co , Boston. Miu. Our 6ook, ic.
For sale at V. V. 1 Klrin 's dnur
rjlinnondonli driitf store '
urn I oi
l.l'P'l 1IA1EC
T.IC rtinoves dandrutT. -(iba
liiiI nrotntitci'iirovvt n Si 00 bit 1a
liMirf'oni ta.imgout.htidpromiitMgrowt
LKB M EIUCA XT 'M06 ffulion at, S V COCC
Illusirated Troatiw on Hair on application I
For alo by Sliennndon'i Pnig Sloie, Ktrli .'s
lntr Store.
eep It Handy
tho House.
, vrhe Only Infallible
. Remedy for Diphtheria,
Croup, Quinsy, Sore
Throat, Etc.
INHERE isn't another tnedi- A
I cine known in the world
I tliat produces the desired V
result so speedily and so
surety. In fact there is no such s
t -word as fail when Thompson's
Diphtheria Cure is applied to a
the patient in strict accordance
with printed directions furnish-
r ed. Those who have given this 4
r Medicine a fair trial arc the sJy
most outspoken in their praises
y of what it accomplishes iu so
k short a time.
" Sold by Druggists everfuliere-
at jo cents a bottle.
f Mjj,iJscTUFieo or tms
Thompson Diphtheria Cnre Co.
For Sale t KIRLIN'S Drug: Store.
Personally-Conducted Tours
Three tours to CALIFORNIA and the I'AOI
FllJ COAST will leave New York and PblUl
phia January 37, February M, and March 37.
1U7. Five week In California on th. flrat tour,
and four weeks on th second. Passengers oa
thai third tour will return en regular trains
within nine months. Mop will he mail at New
Orleans for Mardl-Ura ftlviti.e on the toail
Rate from New York, Philadelphia, and
points east of Pittsburg: First tour. 1810.00;
second tour, ISMOOO; third tuar, SJ10.00 round
tilp, and f 180 00 ne way.
Jaokaonvtll tnara, nllowlug two week In
Fl.rUla will leave New York aud Phihidi-lphla
January 28, Fehruary 9 and as, and March 9,1 MT
Itate, oovering ozpenses n route In both direc
tions, IM.oo froat Kow York, sad HM.00 from
Tenrs, eab ooTsrlnr a partod el three days,
will leave Kiw
xors: ana i-niiMinuia
Janaary II, February 11, March
1 and as. and Mav 11. 197. Ra
Bate, lnehul-
lngtran.Barte.llon aad two days' euimei&h
tlou t the beat Waehiuilou Hotel.. tlOtl IreM
JiairjMt, a 111.00 iraat raiwosiputa.
will leave Vvm Yes anst Philadelphia Juu
ef U, XbraMr K, Mswati if, and Al-rll W. 17
For dsRe lijaamtrlo and nti
at twkal !. ea or ad
Hrk. lll.JilAilllt UJIti Ci . tJ a v. k 8
14 1