The evening herald. (Shenandoah, Pa.) 1891-1966, January 23, 1897, Image 3

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Mr. A. n. Craneby, of is8 Kerr St.,
Memphis, Tenn., says that his wife
paid no attention to a small lump which
appeared in her breast, but it soon de
veloped into a cancer of the worst type,
and notwithstanding the treatment of
the best physicians, it continued to
spread and grow rapidly, eating two
holes in her breast. The doctors
soon pronounced
-Her incurable.
celebrated New York
specialist then treat
ed her, but she con
tinued to grow worse
txai hen informed
that both her aunt
and grandmother had
riiieu lroui cancer lie
'gave the case up as
Someone then re
commended S.S.S.
and though little hope remained, she
begun it, and an improvement was no
ticed. The cancer commenced to heal and
when she had taken several bottles it
disappeared entirely, and although sev
eral vears have elapsed, not a sign of
the disease has ever returned.
A Real Blood Remedy
S.S.S. guaranteed purely vegetable)
is a real blood remedy, and never fails
to cure Cancer, Eczema. Rheumatism
Scrofula, or any other blood disease.
Our books
will be mailed
free to any ad
dress. Swift
Specific Co.,
Atlanta Ga.
M JOHN A. KMSillENTS wro lo.
fore U F. J.hrenplort. Buffered from
Prostate disease, Kidney and ISlrul
dcr truuble; became despondent, unlit
for wort: doctored Willi n Kew Yoi k
Modlcnl Institute and with the Chief
I'll slclntl or a flrxt-clnns Ilnsnltnl.
Nn mm. tin vllnr. ttti, 11 f, . I'll l?l?l
enred mo nnd nave me beck benllh nnd Imp
plnca and I now feel Ukoa new man.
li. P. N1!IMU)IIO.-t
nworn before Ch. W. Miller,
w. i l autFred from the
worst case of llloori-noinnn
ftTidgcrftfulaknown, 'Alrir
nti oiours iauea inc.
'TIIEI.l. cured mo. I uil-
yIno all millViriirtt CO find
pi't cored by Jill. Til I'.lSu no tnuttr bow hope
Ji'sa thecuse. He will cureyou.
v C 4701,12.11 Hivnrn before r,.
r Ch. P. Khrenpfort. Ull. TIIKKL
cured mo after doctoring with lln-
!Unl nndTninlly Physicians, rro
essors andr-peclalietaforycar,: waaa
total wreck; vrns declnredincur
nlile; llfo linil no chnruis forme.
..II Rill 1 I " I ....., ... ,, ma
strong mitt vlsoroiis. YcursbaveY
passed and i ftniahappy Btrong mnn.
JU.IlaliU 1 JtlllJl.l(.li;ikn HHUrO
beforo O. F. Bhrenpfort buffered from
f case of Ulnod-poisons rounulted ad
vertising )octor cl.ilmtni; llfty years'
exnerlenco.tliey nearly ruined me, then X
wennoowe'i kuowq jioaiiiiui uuino
onrn.linviller. I sullerod borrlblr.
' J lllr. TillJ. eavo n.o kimtiiilt re
lief and cured inopemiaiitnUv. Consult him.
Cil. II. K KNNDCK mvorii baiuK
Auz. Herman. N. P. Mutlei edcliilit
years from all the sntl cflpctHOf raw.
yoiuiiilil iniiiscrrsioni Hiiueren
untold misery, consuitec i.ust ev-c-y
known Physician and P:ecldlt.
fto euro, no rolirr. Consnltcd
lilt. 'I'llMcf.: ho v.ivo rra the r- ntextnr hu
man aifi perfect henlth and hi, prijar,.
nms. iua vANiiiNonirT
sworoi rioaserlvomy nrmaondatl
diasa to my suffering Bisters, For 10
5 car I buffered from 311 aerf potacu ;
ud AO Ulcers: v.iie a eomalefe
"A wreck not lit to live, cun.uliod
jsR dozens orspeclti'ilsLaard Uoctora mi-
" TI1E;.Ij cured me. Am
now a healthy woman as.iln.
IIO NA2HH, NO ADDIIKK4 ruUbhea with,
out the patlunt's coxient. Sti-U'tosr Becrey
Biinrnnteeiltonll. 8endlle2-cei tstdmpsfot
ook,Tlli;T!I,tlieriniy boult telling Ilia truth
and oxpostutr all triclm nnd ilevlepn of
quackers. l'ewnro of SnipoitrrN. liO'rs:
o 10 3 ; 1. venire, 6 to 8.30 ;iJ un 1 e i.
(l lo lo; t an . 0 lo Trenimcnt ly irtnll.
for Wsak and Run-6awn People from
Chlliihood to Old Ago,
. WHAT iT 18 ! Tha rlobestof all mtoratlra
Foods, bycxiM it replaces tha same substances
to tha blood aod nerrea thrt are oxbBTTstedla
!Mllfe-Biirlnif(lnlQsbrdlsesi.-, n1fkc!tlon,
alga Uvlax, overwork, worry, exuses, abtuu, eta.
WHAT IT DORS ! By w' i,g the Mood
DViapdrloli, ng thediiesMon per'eot, it orenUS
fond llsah, uutole and itrouulh. The nerves be
at made tron the brsinVcomea aotire and
clear, rjrreetnrfne loet vitality and vtepnioi all
waiting drain, and weakness In either sei, Ithas
K ."IW.1 S4 "ft" ''nltle renalator it Is worth Us
wjiahtln iold. One box lasts a week. Prloe 6"o., or
aboxisjljio. Drug rista or by mall. Hook free.
ltU OheVtnnt Bt- PhUadehshla.
Trains leave Hhenan Jnah as follows :
For Now York via 1'iiiladelpuia, wcok ry
a iu, ozq. t iu a. m., l. aa, aua anuoa p. it
Sondaya, $ 10 a. m. klip
For New York via M&'-niinUnlc, woek day
sa, 7 10 a. m.. 12 33 awl Sl -ji -
For Keadliie and I'ldudslpUla-weec dar
2 10, 6 SS, 7 10 a.m., 12 38, 3 03 and 5 SB p. m. Bun
For Fottsvllle, week days, 2 10; 7 10 a. m., and
li as, a ui anu o oa p. m. ounaayg, z xu a. m.
For Tamaqua and Mahanoy City, week di
210,9 28, 710 a. m., 12 33, 8 03 and 5 68 p.
o..n.tnw. M
For Willlamsport, Sunbury and Lewleburg
weekday's, 3 23, 1130 a. m., and 7 25 p. m
Sundavs. 8 25 a. m.
For Mahanoy Plane, weekdays, 2 10. 8 20, 5 36
t in, li ou a. m.t uaa, uud, d oo, 7 ana u 9
p. m. Sundays, 2 10, 3 25 a. m.
For Aaliland and Shamokln, week dava. 8 26
710, 1180 a. m., 725 and 9 53 p. m. Sun
days. 8 25 a. m.
For Ualtlmoro, Washington and the West vt
11. U O. It. rt., through trains las" Iteadint
Terminal, Philadelphia, (I. X.) at 1 26
7 55, 11 24 a. m 8 10 and 7.27
aw, 7 oo, it ae a. m., a 4S and 7 27 p. m. Add!
tlonal trains from Twenty-fourth and dual
nut streets station, week days, 10 80 a, m. 12 20,
j j 10 o iu ji.m. Bunuays, l as, gas p. m.
Isave isew York via Philadelphia, weak
a ays, 4 so, 8 ou a. rm, l ao, 4 80, 9 00 p. m. and
WK'i. ouuuuya, o w p. m.
xearo new loric via aiauen uuunic, week
days, 80, 9 10 a, m., 1 80 and i 15 p. m.
Leave Philadelphia, Heading Terml
days, 4 30, S 85, 10 05 a. m. and i 05,
li. m.
errnlnal. waal
105. 6 80. 11 K
p. m. oauuays, XX ou p. m.
Leave ITeadlnK. week days. 185. 710. 10 OS.
11 55 a. m., S 00 and 8 20 p. m. Sundays, 1 86 a. m.
wave x'ossavuie, weeK aaya, 2 bo, 7 40
12 30 and 6 12 n. in. Htindava. 4 i a. m.
Leave Tamaqua, week days. 8 IS, 8 50, 11 2B
m., 1 27, 7 SO and 9 48 p. m. Sundays, 8 18 a. m
Leave AfaliAnnv nftv uu.b a sxt a a.
11 47 a. m., 2 03, 7 44 and 10 08 p. m. Sunday's, a if
. I-aSY Mahanoy Plane, week daya, 2 40. 4 00,
? 2:v ' 11 ?? Bt ." 1 1 i xV, o 20, 0 20, 7 97 UG
iu as p. m. ounuaye, z 40, 00 a. m.
Leave VllllAmsport, week days. 7 42, 10 10
m 8 85 and 11 41 p. m. Sundays, 11 15 p. m.
Iave PhiUvIelplila Chestnut street warl an
South street whaif for AtlanUo dltv.
Weekday Express, 9 00 a. m., 2 00, 4 00, 5 00
p, m. AooommodnUou, 800 a. in., 6 80 p. m.
ouiiua AApreaai, uuu, luw a. 111. A COO 111-
mouatioii, sws. m., a p. m.
Returning leave Atlauilo City dej
Atlantlo and Arkansas avenues.
Weekday Express, 7 85, 9 00 a. m., 8 30, 5 80
1 a ' AwwmwuDn, e xo a. m., p. m.
Suodajre-Cxpreie, 4 00, 7 80 p. m. Aocommo-
-wnw, 4 a a. ra., a xo p. m
X a
Parlor Oars on all express trains.
A genuine welcome wait you at
Cor. llaln and Coal Sts.
. "s? v "vs'im'sste. d. ..'
and olt'ars.
Bold Attempt to Hold Up a Bank
lln Wnf Arretted by n Cltlaett, Gave the
Names of HlsPils, ! Wltliln Twonty
Pour Hours Xll Wera Sentenced to Lolls:
Term ot Imprisonment.
New York, Jan. S3. Four men who on
Thursday attoniptod to rob Henry Plnkus'
bank, on Mnind street, worn tnken to stuta
prison today, having beon caught, Indicted,
tried and sentenced In than twenty
four hours They are Jaoob Daokor, with
many allaws: John Murphy, George David
son and George Vidt, alias lilddell. All
lire ex-oonvlots.
At 8:80 o'clock Thursday afternoon Vldt
and Murphy entered tha bank. Vldt drew
a revolver from his pookeb and thrust It
through th wleket until the innssis
pressed against Pinkus' coat, directly over
his heart. "Throw up your bands; we
want your money I" shouted Vldt The
banker yelled In terror- and tho robbers
ran. They were pursued by a crowd of
oltizens, one of whom captured Vidt and
hold hiin until a Policeman nppoared.
Vldt made a confession to the pollco and
thoy arrested his fellow conspirators. The
prisoners wore taken before tho grand
Jury yesterday afternoon, and all were in
dicted. Vldt turned state's evidence. They
were at once arraigned in the oourt of
general sessions, pleaded guilty and were
sentenced, Murphy and Decker to ten
years and Vldt to seven years in Sing Sing
prison, and Davidson to tho Elmlra re
formatory. Xaneli of tho Daniel Manning.
Boston, Jan. 28. The new revonuo cut
ter Daniel Manning was launched yester
day afternoon from the yards of the At
lantic works. The new vessel did not slldo
easily Into her natural element, and fully
an hour passed from the time that the last
shores were knocked away un til she Anally
moved down tho ways into the water. It
required tho service of three tugs to start
the new boat down tho ways, and it was
an hour after high water when the cutter
plunged into the water. Just ns she started
Miss Marcaret wnrron. tlauijhter of Uol-
leotor Warren, dashed a bottle of Ameri
can champagne against the boat, christen
ing her in duo form.
ISmperor William Bnnbt Connt Bismarck.
London. Jan. 33. According to tho
Berlin correspondent of the flaily News,
Emperor Wllllnrn was invited to attend
the woddlng breakfast last weak of the
daughter of Oount Von Wedell, minister
of the imperial housohold, to Connt Yon
Ulsmarok-ilolen, to whloh the lilsmarck
family had been Invited, and refuged to
most Count Herbert Bismarck. Count Zu
Eulenherg. the oourt marshal, tried to ar
range matters, but the emperor was ob
durate, anu Oount von Wedell s family
was oompelled to ask Count Herbert Bis
marck to remain away from tho wedding.
Blany Creditors Mourn Ills Absence.
San Francisco. Jan.28. Will B. Fisher.
a well known real ostnto ngont, has boon
missing since Monday. He owes about
$30,000 In pressing debts, basidos othor
liabilities of a general character, Includ
ing J40.000 borrowed from his wlfo, who
was tho widow of a wealthy morohant.
Fisher's downfall is ascribed to nogloct of
business, oxtravnganco ana dissipation.
The Ohio Leclilatlvo Banquet.
Columbus, O., Jan. 23. The legislative
banquet last night was unusually well at
tondod, and tho main topic of conversa
tion was tho senatorial question. Mr,
Hanna, who was among the guests, was
greatly annoyed by the construction
placed upon his visit. Governor Bushnell
was toastmnster, and none of tho spoakors
referred to the senatorshlp.
Three Killed at a Siding.
Ottawa, Jan. 28. Charles Hutohlson
fireman: James Cassellmau, brakeman,
and 'William Hussell, in charge of a store
oar on a train from Ottawa to Parry
Sound, were killed at n sldlngnoar Barry's
Bay, the engine having left the track
through an open swltoh. William Taylor,
the engineer, was badly scalded about tho
Alleged Train Bobber Captnred.
BiBMlxcinAM, Ala., Jan. S3. Yesterday
afternoon a man mho gave his narao as
Calhoun was arrosted by one of the nu-
ninrius posses who are searching tho
mountains of Fayette county for the train
robbers who on Thursday night held up a
southern railway train, near Berry, Ala.
A companion of Calhoun made bis escape.
Free Pills.
Send your address to II. E. Ducklen &o.,
Chicago, and get a free sample box of Dr.
King's Now Life Pills. A trial will convince
you of their merits. These pills are easy in
notion and are particularly effectivo in tho
cure of Constipation and Sick Headache. For
Malaria and Liver troubles they have been
E roved Invaluable. Thoy arc guaranteed to
e purely vegetable. They do not weaken
by their action, but by giving tone to stomach
and bowels greatly invigorate the system.
Regular size S5o per box. Sold by A. Wasley,
druggist. t '
Regulators l'lred Upou aud One Killed.
ADAIRV4LLK, Ky., Jan. 38. A gang of
whlteoaps from Price's Mill were fired on
from ambush while they wore eu route to
Blaok Jaok.Tenn., to punish some negroes
suspeoted of theft, J. L. Conn, the son of
w wealthy farmer, was Instantly killed and
t) ' rest of tho regulators retreated.
Don't Tobaoco Spit and Smoke Your Life
If you want to quit tobaoco using easily
and forever, be made well, strong, maguetio,
full of new life and vigor, take No-To-Itao,
the wonder-worker that makes weak men
strong. Many gain ten pounds in ten days.
Over 400,000 eured. Buy No-To-Beo from
your own druggist, who will guarantee a
euro. SOo or fl.OO. Booklet and sample
mailed lrc. Ad. Sterling Remedy Co.,
Chicago of New York.
A Bpeedy Torpedo 'lioat.
Ngwroirr, It. L, Jan. 88. Torpedo boat
No. e was speeded over the offtalal trial
oonrse yesterday for the purpose of exer
cising her fin room foreo. Without aztnt
exertion alie made J6.87 knots per hour,
with only 180 pounde of steam. She Is now
practically ready for her ofllotal trial,
whluh will ooour some time next week,
Belief In Six Hours,
Distressing kidney and bladder diseases
relieved in six hours by the New Great
South American Kidney Cure." This new
remedy is a great surprise on account of its
exceeding promptness In relieving pain in
the bladder, kidneys, back and every part
of the urinary passages in male or remale.
It relieves retention of water and pain In
passing it almost Immediately. If you want
quick relief and oure this is your remedy.
Sold by Shapira's pharmacy, 107 South Slain
street , - a
Iliad at a Hundred and Bight,
Ngw York, Jan. 88. Alexander Free
man, of the Sailors' Snug Harbor, Btaten
Island, hae died ot old age. Freeman was
108 years old, and had been an Inmate of
the harbor since 1867. He was a native of
New Vork olty. Freeman was halo and
hearty almost up to the time of his death.
All the different forms of skin troubles,
from chapped hands to eczema und indolsnt
ulcers can be readily cured by DeWltt's
Witch LUxel Salvo, tho great pile cure.
0. II. IlageubucU.
tie Jnstly Dstarmd the Title of "JfatLiel
of Shorthand Writing."
London, Jan. 98. Rlrltaso Pitman, thi
inventor of the system of shorthand writ
ing which bears his name, died yttterday,
nged 88. He had been suffering tererelj
from a complication of disss sen for om
time post. For nearly seventy years Tib-
man worked ten
to fourteon hoUri
a day, almost with
out a vacation
Ills phonetlt
shorthand was nol ,
a pure invention,
bnt he liliiloubt
edly did more U
extend and popa
larlze tho art, and I
to bring lb lute i
nse than any othei
mnn. Mr. Pltmar
was born at Trow
bridge, llnzland I
In 1818, and was educated for a pedagogue. 1
It was while teaching that he made lili
phonetic- alphabet, and he then begat j
business as a bookseller, and mailon for
tune Ills brother, lien Pitman, applied
his system to the praotlcal reporting ol
speeches, and visited the United States
and Introduced the method as practiced al
tho Phonetto Institute at Bath. Sir Isaac
was a vegetarian, a teetotal tdmporanci
man and never used tobacco.
Minutes seem like hours when a llfo is at
stake, Croup gives no time to send for a doc
tor, delay may mean death. One Mimitc
Cough Cure gives instant relief and insures
recovery. The only harmless remedy that
produces immediate results. C. II. IJagen-
Banker Oage Would Accept.
CHICAGO, Jan. 88. Lyman J. Gage,
president of the First National bank, of
Chicago, will accept the treasury port
folio In Major MoKlnley's cabinet If It is
tendered to him. Mr. Gage as much ns
Intimated this to friends yesterday, indi
cating that he would consider it the crown
ing honor of u successful life. Mr. Gage
is a gold Democrat, und strongly sup
ported Major MeKlnloy.
Two Negroea Sentenced to Dentil.
Nrw Youk. Jan. 23. Howard Sootfc. tho
colored wife murderer, who was oonvlcted
last woek beforo Recorder Gofl, was yes
terday sentenoed to be electrocuted at
Sing Sing during the week beginning
Monday, March 15. Tho electrocution of
Arthur Mahow, tho negro under convic
tion for the killing of Stephen Powoll, nt
nempstead, L. I., was fixed for tho week
boglnnlng March 7.
A Michigan Man Offers to
Send HlsJDls-
covery Free.
Claims to Be
a Benefactor
to Weakened
There is nlwnvs more or less fiUiniclon
attached to anything that is offered free but
sometimes a man so overflows with generosity
that he cannot rest until his discovery is
known to the world, in order that his fellow
men may profit by what ho has discovered.
It is upon this principal that a resident of
Kalamazoo, Mich., desires to send free to
mankind a proscription which will euro them
of any form of nervous debility ; rolievos
them of all tho doubt nnd uncertainty which
such men aro peculiarly liable to and restores
the organs to natural size anu vigor, as it
costs nothing to try tho experiment it would
seem that any man, suffering with the
nervous troubles that usually attack men
who never stopped to realize what might bo
the final result, ought to bo deeply interested
in a remedy which will restore them to
health, strength and vigor, without which
they continue to livo an existonco of untold
misery. As the remedy in question was the
result of many years research as to what
combination would be peculiarly effectivo in
restoring to men tho strength thoy need, it
would scorn that all men suffcrinc with any
form of nervous weakness ought to writo for
such a remedy at once. A request to II. C.
Olds, Box 1712, Kalamazoo, Mich., stating
that you are not sending for tho proscription
out of idle curiosity, but that you wish to
make use of tho medicine by zlvlui: ita trial,
will be answered promptly and without
evidence ib to whore information came from
The prescription is sent free and although
some may wonder how Mr. Olds can afford to
give away his discovery, there is no doubt
about the offer being genuine. Cut this out
and send to Mr. Olds so that ho may know
how you ORtno to writo him. 12-B8-78t
Evan J. Davies,
Undertaking !
13 N. Jardln Street.
Is a fearful oondltloif and causes you
a groat many uncomfortable hours. Why suffer
this way when you enn be ontlrejy cured by
using thoBROHCHO Homoeopathic REMEDY
for Dyspepsia.
"They do the Work." .
Ygnkera, N. Y.
Agent for
Shenandoah and Vicinity
Beer and porter
Barbey's Bohemian Beer.
. Jf T our sutaawi ! WOULD TOO 01 BIB
'f7 TO 1KVIST $10 OS CTWAHDSf Mrl-
dass aayaala noatblv. PuUoaUri Iras.
UImi, Weil-
em Financial Co., Hi Dorbora Sunt, CUmi, m.
Ty the Great Curer of DIaeaBO,
Dr. G-reeae'd Nervura.
Mr. J. W. Cottrell, Matamorai. Pa., says :
:.;v wife was coounsd to her bed for three
r r more with Inflammation about tho
i e i It affords nietlio irreateit nlessnre to
nuv tnat iji. Ureene'a liervura blood and
r.: vc remedy pot her smnnd. Indeed both
ti . v ife and little danghtef were greatly bene
Hted hy its use.
"The llttlo girl had a stroko of partial paral
y 'a and was unablo to hold the urine. Dr.
G.eenc's Nervura blood and nerve remedy
cured her when the doctors coald not.
"It giveB me ploasure to add my testimonial
in favor of this great remedy."
Dr. Greene, 38 West 14lh St., New York
City, the most successful physician In curing
norvons and chronic diseases, can be con
united free, personally or by letter.
Chtebentar'a Knsdth Dlamend IlranL
Origin! and Unlr Otaulne.
i fit. aalwtTi relUbli. laoic aik
Drafctsl for CkUhttlhr't BnatUh Dia-i
ntttA KntnA la IIaH ttnil add n'Ulllo"
!mih, tiled with bias tibboi. Tftkft
t lont and imit&lioni. M DrDSCliti, or lend 4o
It itwnpt fbr prtleuUri, tnUmoaUU r
"ivUCi lor liBaie,-- trtir, oj rviuru
Altai! 11'iVVU iriiHiiKiuiais. m rwi.
CHilAtiMtov Chemical CoMaa1aon Pauare.
Ivx' 'ruUiti. l'kllaV- Vfe
The Rosy Freshness
And a TtWety snftaeM of tha akin Is inTa
rlably btainad hr thon who us rozzoNi'a
Complexion ?ewacr.
jpon chief uunaisss,
Subject to Cltlzens'porty rules.
Of tho Fourth ward.
Subject to Democratic rules.
Of tho Fourth ward.
Subject to Citizens party rules.
Of the Fourth Word.
Subject to Citizens party rules. -
Subject to Democratic party rules.
M. P. C0NRY.
Subject to Democratic party rulos.
jiou chief utmanes,
Subject to the Citizens party rules.
Of the Fifth Word.
Subject to Citizens party rules.
Subject to Demo'crni'S party. j;u!e-
Sdbject to Citizens party rules.
Of the Fourth Ward,
Subject to Citizens party rules.
pOR COUNCIL, ISoeond ward.,
Subject to Citizens' party rules.
pOR COUNCIL, (Seoond word)
8ubeet to the Citizens party rules,
(Two year term.)
Of the Second wrd.
Subject to Citizens' pntty rules.
JjlOU COUNCIL, (Fifth Ward),
Subject to the Cttiua"uity rules.
1! (ThW.Ward),
Subject to Citizens party rules.
Of the Fifth ward.
Subject to Oltizens party rules.
Subject to Citizens party rules.
(Third word,)
Subject to Oltizens party rules.
Wl avail
With tho Union Paoiflo Reorgan
isation Committee.
UNOLE BAM TO GET $45,754,000.
From This Amount. However, the Govern
ment Will ltodacni at Maturity the llondi
Now Outstanding The Agreement Con
sidered Advantageous to the Government
Nbw York, Jan. 88. Announcement li
made by the Union Pacific reorganization
committee that it has come to nn agree
ment with the government, In aoeordancs
with which the latter has begun foreclos
ure proceedings of lts lton upon the Union
1'aciOo lines, Inclusive of the Kansas Pa
cific line. The reorganisation committee
guarantees a minimum bid ol $46,7M,OOC
lor the government's claim upon the rail
road. The minimum of $46,7o4,0(J0 guar
anteed the government is in cash, so thai
all relations with the property will ter
minate upon the confirmation of the fore
closure sale.
A Washington dispatch gives nt length
the agreement entered Into between At
torney General Harmon and the reorgan
ization committee, whloh Is composed ol
Louis Fltzgcrnld, Jacob II. Sohiff, Chaun
oey il. Depew, T. Jefferson Coolldge and
Oliver Ames
It Is understood that the necessary legal
proceedings Incident to the governments
taking part In these foreclosure suits, now
tending in Omaha on behalf ot the first
lien holders, will be begun at once, and
the oase pushed to a speedy conclusion.
The outlines of the agreement with the
reorganization committee were approved
by the attorney general very soon after
the failure of the funding hill, only the
exact amount of the guarantee remaining
in abeyance. Nor was this point decided
until Judge Harmon's visit to New York
early in the present week.
Tho first offer of the syndicate wni
?46,O00,O0O even. The attorney general,'
however, insisted upon an increase ol
$745,000, whloh was Anally agreed to at
the last conference. This makes the total
amount whloh the government will re
ceive in oash $45,764,000. From this
ninount, howevor, the government will
redeem nt maturity the bonds now out
standing, tho Inst of which does not be
come due until 1890. The interest on these
bonds until maturity will also be paid by
the government.
In official circles tho ngreement Is re
garded as highly advantageous to the
government. Although the Interest which
the government has paid, nnd will con
tinue to pay until the last of the outstand
ing bonds mature, was at the rate of 0 per
cent., the figure obtained by the attorney
general is very llbernl.
For many years the government's money
Involved In the Paoiflo railroads has not
been regarded as an Investment and tho
Interest payments have not been looked
upon other than as an expense. The set
tlement of tho matter, therefore, without
further trouble or expense, even at the
figure guaranteed, is looked upou with
much favor.
Soothing lor burns, scalds, chapped hands
and lips. Healing for cuts and sores. In
stant relief for piles, stops pain at once.
These are tho virtues of DeWitt's Witch
Hazel Salve. 0. H. Hagcnbuch.
Princely Swindlers Under Arrest.
CniCAQO, Jan. 23. The police havo un
der arrest George F. SIoDcnald and Ed
ward Noyes, who some years ago helped
swindlo tho Bank of Kngland out ot 5,
000,000 sterling. The police decline to say
what the oharge Is against them, but it is
supposed to be the perpetration of a
swindle on local business houses.
Your Hoy Wont lAve a Month.
So Sir. Gilman Brown, of ai Mill St., South
Gardner, JIass., was told by the doctors,
His son had Lfinc trouble. followlneTyphoId
Malaria, and ho spout three hundred and
sovonty-flvo dollars with doctors, who finally
cave him ud. savlutr: "Yourbov wont livo
a month." Ho tried Dr. King's New Dis
covery and a few bottles restored him to
lioalth and onabled him to go to work a per
fectly well man. He says ho owes his pre
sent good lioalth to the use of Dr. King's
New Discovery, nnd knows it to be the best
In tho world lor J.ung trouble. Trial liottlos
Freoat A. Waaloy's Drug Storo.
Cecil Kllodea In xftiulnnd.
LONDON, Jon. 38. Cecil Ithodea, form
srly premier of Capo Colony, nnd tho mas
tor spirit pf the British South Africa com
pany, arrived at Plymouth yosterday
afternoon on hoard the steamer Dunvegau
Castle. Tho steamer experienced a stormy
Four Suffocated In a French Asylum.
PARIS, Jan. 20. At nn asylum at Va
logno four women were killed and others
are not expeoted to recover from suf
focation caused by fumes from a stove In
the Infirmary which was out of order.
I'-had sou ro attacks of gravel and kidney
trnnliwr"iiriL unable to get a medicine or
doctor to euro mo dH'Jl I ed Hop Bitters,
and they cured me in Anort time. A
' -- rv.
N. Y.
CoLOiiLBSs and Cold. A young girl
deeply rfgrotted that she was so colorless and
and. cold. Her face was too white, and her
hands and feet felt as thoufh the hlooa did
not circulate. After one bettle of Hep
Bitters had been taken she was the rosiest
and healthiest girl in the town, with a
vivaaity and cheerfulness of mind gratifying
to her friends.
Steamer Suiik, Twenty Probably Drowned
London, Jan. 98. The Hritleh steamer
Salisbury, from Port Heath to Newport,
hag been in collision with an unknown
steamer about four miles from Ilfraoombe,
Dovonshlre. The latter Is supposed to
have sunk with a crew of about twenty
Itxperlence Tells It All.
The wall known adage, "experience Is a
dear teacher" was nevsr more forcibly ex
emplified than in the case of'dlphtherla.
Experience has taught those who survive It
that it Is the most dreaded disease known.
Experience Has taught us that not a single
diphtheria patient ever died whero Thomp
son's Diphtheria Cure was used according to
directions. This valuable medicine is sold
at Kirlin's drug store nt SO cente a bottle.
The reader can well afford to be guided by
the fortunate axnerlancA af nth a.nd V ami,
pThompsou's Diphtheria Cure handy in the
noose an ws time.
Would Mean WAylor's' Raoall.
H.AYAXA, Jan, 88. The report that Senor
Sagaste, leader ot the Liberal parky, had
declared that It was possible he might Imi
oolled by the queen regent to form new
Government has urea ted a great sensation
in Havana, as suoh a move would mean
the recall of "Wejler nd a milder polloyn
the part of Spain towarda.Cuba.
Chlrora, Pa., "Herald:" Richard Venial
rejierts One Minute Cotigh Cure the greatest
success of medical science. He told Qs that
it cured his whole family of terrible, esragtu
ana ooias, Hirer su ouier so called cures bad
tailed entirely. Mr. Vensel taut it assisted
his children through a very bad siege of
m easels. One Minute Cough Cure makes ex
pectoration very eaay and rapid. C. 11.
Coming Kvsnta.
Feb'y. 4. Grand Musicale iu Trinity Re
formed Church.
Don't Let Anybody Interfere, But
Take Pan-Tina for coughs and colds, 23c.
At Qrubler Bros., drug store.
and Son.
Both Sirily Afflicted, but Rslitf Is Fund In Dr. Williams'
Pink Pills for Pale Prt .
Prom Ae Oaft,
The (hit has known the Dyers family, of
Talhnt, Ind., for a long time, and J. V.
Dyers la one of those deliberate men who
say little, but read and observe much. Mr.
liyers lias been suHerlnr for the pest three
years with grip .and kindred troubles. His
mother has ever been a sufferer, resulting
later in the most aggravating form of rheu
matism. Some time ago Mr. Brers was per
suaded by a neighbor to try Dr. Williams'
Pink Pills. It didn't take long to set Mr.
livers to talklntr about this remedv. and the
lill sent a special representative to his homa-l
lo nscertaln the sxaet laots. Toe snUnlned
sworn statement of Mr. Brers is sufficient.
It tells tho facts simply and briefly :
"I know positively that I was oured by
Dr. Williams Pink Pills. I was persusded
ty one of my neighbors, Maien Williams,
to try them, as he olaimed to hare been
cured by them. I had the grip three times
and was tuken down with rheumatism, and
did not expect to live. The doetors said I
would never get well. They adTlsed me to
take a change offollmgte. I was reduced
from one hundred and thirty-fire to one
hundred and fire pounds. As loon as I be
gan taking the Dr. Williams' Piek Pills J
began to gain strength and the use of my
limbs was restored. I had been almost help
less for two years, the stiffness in my limbs
had been painful in the extreme. But with
the use of the pills the pain ceased and now
I am as limber and as active as when a boy.
" I was also troubled a great deal with my
kidneys, but the ailment has entirely disap
peared. I have been a subject for the doctors
for a long time. Two reputable physicians
had treated me for months, and I had spent
a large amount of money for patent medi
cines, but to no avail. An I said, I finally
Dyspepsia, Malaria, Slttplttiiitss,
Nervous Headache, Biliousness,
Kidney Diseases, General Debility, Etc.
Ash your Dntgfftst to get them
through his Jobber, or send
a I'ostal Card to
Sold by P. P. D. KIRLIN, Shcnandoah,;Pa.
I Sr!mtBtir" -rs? t'10
For Sale by P. P. D,
S. nilLLII'S, 31. D.
Office: SO West Centre street.
Can bo consulted at all liours.
jlj M. BURKE,
Office Bean building, eurristr of
Centre streets, SbenandoaU.
dr -.
gbenandoaBaJ'"- '
Corner Markst and Centre streets.
pilOF J0HNJ0NH6,
I.ok Box OB, Mabaiiey City, Pa.
A.iavMiK otuiH, unuer cHiuiw oi me new
maaters li London and Paris, will elve leoni
nnlh.vlA In ,,,1 .... .7. 1 -7. I ... .1 .
London and Paris, will elve leeeoni
In.waiiaolln. guitar and voenl oulture.
ortable. Address In eare of Strou,
ir. miaiiendoah.
Terms reasonable.
me iwnr.
Lager and
Pilsner Beers,
PurMt and
Chris. Schmidt, Agt.,
West Coal Street.
li 1 1 ii hi 4i mH ana tun (after lalliag
f viui Taasy 'ti rnmyroval 11Ui ud athtt llk
Kait la Ik iiirkot. A Nu 1.
VCibvck. 8r. Bostoa. lusa.
Lafayette, Tnd.
took Dr. Williams' Pink Pills for Pal Pee.
pie and here I am well. I believe that is
the most wonderful remedy ever made I
need not eitol this remedy for nil my neigh
bors know what my condition was nnd what
cared me. They will all tell you that It
was Dr. Williams' Pink Pills.
My mother, who is seventy years old, was
also troubled with rheumatism and could
scarcely wove. She wns very wukeful at
night and had ne appetite. She took five
boxes of Dr. Willlsim Pink Pills and now
she is in perfect health, and does all herewn
work en a farm.
(Vigned) J-W. Bykb."
Subscribed and sworn to before me this
10th dsy of August, 18!0.
Jambs Goobwink. Notary PithHr.
Dr. Williams' Pink Pills are not looked j
upon as a patent medicine, but rather as a
prescription. An analysis of their properties
Bhows that they contain, in a condensed form,
all the elements necessary to give new life and
richness to the blood and restore shuttered
nerves. They are aa unfailing specific for
such diseases us locomotor ataxia, partial pa
ralysis, St. Vitus' dance, sciatica, neuraMa,
rheumatism, nervous headache, the after effects
of la grippe, palpitation of the heart pale and
sallow complexions, and the tired feeling re
sulting from aervous prostration, all diseases
resulting from vitiated humors in the blood,
such as scrofula, chronic erysipelas, etc. They
are also a specific for troubles peculiar to
females, sneh as suppressions, irregularities
and all forms of weakness. They build up the
blood, and restore the glow of health to pale
aud sallow cheeks. They are for Mile by nil
druggists, or may be had by mail from Dr.
Wifliasas' Medicine Company, Hchenectedy,
N. Y., far 50c. per box, or six boxes for $3.00.
iii pi
aro progressive and keep informed of S
V tho World's Progress. Tho well In- 5
ft formed and thrifty House-wife will
always Keep r
1T 1 WX.TS-1 All J T 1.T I-TVTHr
lwuso, aa a standard remedy for 5
Dijruum, XiruiBt?H, crumps, xwiaurniiiiHui,
and all aches aud pains. E
Price 2B cts. and 50 cts. per bottle. E
Prepared by II. 1. HACKETT & CO., Philadelphia.
V'Uei in lAUHfaf
v hat to use for
Lota of Power,
iaipotcnLy,Atropliy, Varicocele ami
IJcrous Debilwy,
olacr weaknesses, from any cause,
use Sexme Pills. Drains checked
and full vigor quickly restored.
If aMlaoted . ch trouble- remit ftuitr.
Mailed for tl.00;6bozes $5.00. With
$fi,00 orders we give a guarantee to
cure or refund tbe money. Address
PEAL MEDICINE CO.. Cleveland.tO,
KIRLIN, Shenandoah, Pa
peiQa. Railroad,
Jamoabt 18, lfrB7.
Trains will leave Slienandoab after tbe aioya
date for Wlirgans, Otlberton. Fraokville, Dark
Water, St. Clair, PottoviUe. HBUiburg, Iteadtnir,
Pottetown, Pboenlxville, Norristovrn and Phil
ndetpbla (Broad street atatlou) at e 08 nnd 1108
a. m. and i 20 p. m. on week days. For Potts
rlllo aud Intermediate stations 0 17 a. m.
For AY'tKgans, Ollbertou, Frackville, Dark
Water, St. Clair, Pottavllle, at 6 08, 9 15 a. m. and
S 10 p. m. For Hamburg, Reading, Pottatown
l'hoenlxvllle, Norrlstown, Pblladelphta, at 8 ( S
9 4S a. m., S 10 p. m.
Trains leave Frackville for Shenandoah at
1040 a. m. and 1281, 8 41, 7 82 and 10 47 p. w.
Sunday, 11 18 a, ru. and 8 41 p. m.
Leave Pottavllle for Slienandoab at 10 IS
n. m nn.lKI.1 7 4ft nnl Inqrt n . u l .
1,10 40 a. in., 5 14 p. m.
uve i-iiuaueiniiia, iiiroau street station), fat
SbefifaflWlVfi' 5 f nl 8 88 a. m., 4 10 and 7 U
p. in, week day. ' Suy? levt m.
Leave Uraul street Btai?" Pblladelpala, lot
Sea Girt, Asbury Park, ObS.V Oro.v?i
Dronoli, and intermediate statioi& 'IU IJ M
a. m., 8.80 and 4.00 p. m. week-days. '
r aava T( r . , , . . t a.. 2 u.u ... . . .1 . .
uvH.v uivav. .;n oti owhuu, X UllOUBipilia,
Exiireaa, week-days, 8 20, 4 Oo, 4 80 8 16, 6 SO,
7 88; 8 20, 8 33. 0 80. 10 21 I Dininir Car I 1 1 no a ,
U 00 noon, 12 88 (Limited i 00 oud 4 22 p.m.
4 00, 0 00, &S8 (Dining Car), 0 00, 8 80,8 12.10 00
12 88, 2 80 (Dining rr), 4 00 (Limited 4 22 Dining
Car), 6 20, 8 58, (Dining Cur), 6 88, 6 50, 8 12, 10 00
KXPNM for Boaton without change, 11 00 a in
week-daya, and 6 SO p. in., dally.
Fqr Baltimore and Wash) ngton, 8 SO, 7 TOJt 12
?0,0,,J1a ,1 m i 1209 '81 I-lmited Dta.
T 40 (Dining Car) p. m., and 12 0S ulgeX
wjm. i'uuu.j n, a ou. lieu, 9 12, 1 1 JK S.
m., 12 09 1 12, 4 41 ( 6 IB Congreaaional Limited,
Dining Car), 6 88 (Dining Oar). 7 40 p. m
(Dining Car) and 12 06 nlgbt. .
Leave Broad street station, Pblladelphta (via)
dir,W"e bridge), eiprese, 702 p. m
n ' Perry, express,,
200, 4 10, SCO p. m. Sundaya, 8 45, 48 a. m
Aooommodatlou, 8 00, 8 20, a. w., 8 20 and 4 20
p. ni,, week days. Sundaye, 8. 00, 8 IS a. m., 4 00
ana 8 oo p. m.
irfn' '"l Ml A'll"wa, WUdwood and
Holly Beach, and Sea lale City, Ocean City and
Avaion Exureaa, 0 00 a. ui 4 00 p. m week
days. -undaya. 00 a. m.
For Somen Point. Express, 8 50 a ru.. 4 10
P- ? "y Sundaya 8 45 a. m.
S-MAPl5f??r' ' J R. Wood,
Qen 1 Manager. Gen'l Paas'g'r Ag.
Hillions of Dollars
Oo ap in smoke every year. Take lie
risks but get your houses, stouk, fur
niture, etc., -insured iu first-class re
liable companies as represented b7
DAVID FAUST Iusurancc Agrdit
X 1 lU rAU51 120 South lar.ll., B1
Also Life and Aseldental Oompanl
''i tvoceiFia CeJ
Povlnaky'a drug aturi,
Centre street.
aviae BBIiii I III II 1 IJ TrTTTflrasrrrTrPTr
1 Eas