The evening herald. (Shenandoah, Pa.) 1891-1966, January 19, 1897, Image 2

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MTARLWIim) 1870. !
FilMftlhwl every levelling, Ricept Hundsy, i :
I terra Jakdui Htrhit. Nrar rima
TU tt.rnttl 1 dcilvoied n Shenandoah and the
tatvoanding; towns for six cents ft week, pas
tule the oar Hern. By null $3.00 a year, or i
ant a qtonth. payable In adranoe. Adverilsu-1
imIi eharna according to space and position.
Tk- tofcttsfien reserve the rfgiit to ihni.m- the
p arnorrnf advertisements whenever the inib
jaMeti ef news demands it. The rlirht Is
aeerv4 ta reject any advertisement, whether )
fait far m not, that the publishers may deem ,
pTODar. Advertising rates made known
rn Application. '
edatthe postoflJce at Shenandoah, Pa., w ;
xnr1 elass mall matter. i
dvenlng H rat Id
A condition and not a theory confronts
the local Da tunc racy.
Tub men who let loose the doge of war
now find tbeni In somebody else's yard.
Apparently the Pullman oar people are
not vary liberal with passes, Judging from
recent events.
UNOXBOBOuitD journalism is preferable to
that new journalism which caters to the
baser instincts of humanity.
The action of Superintendent Betteridge
in causing the arrest of a dellnqnont
water com-umcr will set a good example lor
To secure competent and faithful official. It
is necessary that the citlsens attend the pri
mary elections, and see that such men aie
The recent suicide of several bank officials
it a timely lesson to those who are tempted
to take the first step in misappropriating
trust funds.
Now NKW Yobk has begun a war on the
tnll church bonuet. Thisllooks very like a
movement against feminine piety in its most
popular form.
Governor Hastings is said to have his
pruning knife ready and will use it effectively
in reducing ths useless expenditure uf the
s-ate's finances. -
Ik ths T?ottsvllIe ltepublioan does not like
Mr. Penrose as United States Senator, its
editor might find consolation In the fact that
he will succeed J. Donald Cameron.
Much favorable comment is heard among
litiaants and members of the iter in refer.
encs to the large number of cases prepared
and disposed of by District Attorney Jiechtel
The departuro of Debs from the Populist
party affects it much as it was affected by the
departure of Coxey. The tact mat it 1
uronn too cuiiserviitive for them is u reconi-
rnondation of ths party to more couservativ6
We may call black whito as often as we
have a desiro to delude ourselves, but the
fact remains that the eudsof justice seldom
tniBjiarpw hut wllRIl tliev do. it's a crime
against humanity.
THnHBttAiii Mart the new year with
large number of orders in the job depart
ment. Ths excellent facilities and the
quality of work turned out by us always
brings the second order.
The Wanamaker Republicans, (oorrectly
speaking, the Martin-Magee combine) will
carry the war into the Legislature, theuce to
the next state convention. Alter that their
millionaire friends will probably be sadder
but wiser patriots.
It is said that when certain Pottsvillo
Eepublicans heard of the visit of Senators
Quy and Penrose to C'antou, they wept at
tae loot of the ileury Clay monument. Tkui
onu s foudest hopes aie sometimes badly
Wi; bear a great deal about the power of
Richard t'roker over Tammany Hall. The
local Democracy has its own Crokor, with
the difference that the Shenandpah species
has not the power he would like to havo in
saying who shall be nominated for borough
TBKBb'K blood ou the moon, at least that
portion of it that illuminates Mahanoy City.
T aie informed that the irrepressible
Thomas Julius Joyce -it at the head of a
syndicate that will establish a daily paper in
our neighboring borough. And wont there
he fun!
Those who have business at the county
court can fully testify to the truth of the
statement that Controller Severn is keeping
a faithful watch over th county's treasury.
Especially is this truo in reference to wit
nesses' fees, as well as in other departments
at the court house.
Wint-E disclaiming all intention of inter
fering with Major McKinley inlie selection
of his Cabiaet, we beg luavo to sail his at
tention to the town of St. Clair, which has
never been represented in any President's
Cabinet, although its eitisens have filled al
most every other office and are still looking
for mure.
In the event of Hastings' translation to
the Cabinet. Lieutenant Governor Lyons
will succeed Daniel n. as the Chief
Executive of this commonwealth. Then
there will be gnashing of teeth among the
small fry politicians who occupy their time
in barking at Senator Quay's heels. Sehuyl
kill county has a number of the latter.
Iff auHineas is dull, it certainly Is not
htcause ths balance of trade is against us,
for it is not. On the contrary, it is vory
kircely in our fiver. There is evidently
plenty of money, but for some inexplicable
reason there does not appear to be any dis
position on the part of the holders to make
business investment!, as 11 usually tne ease
under like circumstance. Ths uncertainty
in regard to the tariff evidently has much to
do with it.
Bbv. P. F. Dauobtt, the highly steamed
rector of the chureh of St- Mary Magdelone,
at Lost Creek, expressed his epinieus in un
mistakable terms in condemning the Coal
street filth-purveyor at both service of his
church on Sunday He declared the sheet
uuflt to enter ay home where there are
youthful minds which would be liable to be
centaminated by contact with sueh a publica
tion In this bt only displayed the care to
be xpstd of one in his sacred calling who
lias the wi If we of tli"M- niiili v ld barge in
constant view, and reflected public opinion in
Ki-iicrtil, which h as outpokeu (is Father
DnRKi'tt ti Rithcr McUulloiigh. of (li-1
mrdv itle, u1--h -tpulu- in strong terms upon
the same sulnct t And to think the editor'
of the -beet liid tlmrgc of our schools for
three years '
TO rt'ltK COI.I II llK I) VY
Take, I.imuvb Ilrento Quinine Tkhtuin.
.It im "Mm rufund the money tf it hits to 1
2." . out-,.
The Measure Will he rushed to Pinal
Passage In the Senate.
WAMtlXOTvv, Jnn. 1!). The sonntn yes
terday voto.l I t ike tin the Nicaragua
Oemal bill, 'lh.x ;,Ivor the measure the
parliamentary adv mlnge of lining the un-
ftnlahod business of the senate, so that It
will be considered from day to day until
final notion In secured. The prospect is
vnai a nnu vow win u reaoneu at au
early day. Senator Morgan, of Alabama,
IB laror of the measure. Mr. Morgan
Mid it should be determined whether
American control 01 tne o.inai or ine up- ,
holding of the M mroe doctrine was to
be included amonu the differences to be
submitted to arbitration under the Anglo-
American treaty.
The canal bill provides for an issue ot
$100,000,000 of maritime canal oompany
shook, of which the Unitod States Is to
subscribe for 170,000,000 worth of shares.
The 00111 111111 v U to Issue bonds up to $100,-
000,000, thne to be guaranteed by the
united Stutea. It is substantially the
measure passod by the senate in the last
congress. Mr. Ohandler Introduced the
ltepublioan rauous bill for an interna
tional monetary conference, and also a
bill providing for a permanent oensus
bureau, with a superintendent at $6,000
The house passed three bills of publlo
importance and devoted the remainder of
the day to District of Columbia business.
One prohibited the sale of Intoxicating
liquors to the Indians, one amended the
existing patent laws In conformity with
the recommendations of the American
Bar association, and another provided for
the use by the government of paleuts sc
oured by naval offloers, at compensation
to be fixed by a board of three offloers.
Don't Let Anybody Interfere, But
Take Pan-Tina for coughs and colds, 25c,
At Qruhlor Bros., drug stole.
Charged with Monster Forgeries.
New York, Jan. 10. Erall and Jaoob
Blumer are conllned In Ludlow street jail,
charged with being fugitive criminals
from Zurich, Switzerland, where they were
formerly heavy contractors and architects.
They were arrested yesterday on tho ar
rlvul of the steanudiip La Bourgogno.
They are accused of forgeries and embez
zlements amounting to $100,000. Kmll
Blumer, who says he is a naturalized
American citizen, owns a larste tract of
land in Iowa, which is managed by his
Ask your grocer for 110 "Royal Palo t'
Hour, and take no other brand. It is the bust
flour made.
Merchant Arrenfoil for Forgery.
BnocKToy, Mass., Jan. ID. The stook of
lumber held by H. S. Blohmond & Co., was
attached yesterday in the Interest of the
Keller Lumber company, of Boston. Rich
mond was subsequently arralgnod in tho
police oourt ou a specific chargo of forg
ing notes to the value of $1,800. Blohmond,
being unable to furnish ball, was taken to
jail. He was engaged to be marrlod to a
daughter of ex-Mayor Whipple, and the
wedding was to have taken place next
Fairbanks Klocted Senator.
IjOiIANAl-OUts, Jon. 19. Charles W.
Fairbanks was eleoted United States eona
tor at noon today. The senate and house
voted separately, and tomorrow will meet
In joint session to eanvuss the vote and
proclaim, formully, tho election of the
new senator. The Deniooratio senators
and representatives nominated Danlol W.
Voorhees In oauous last night, and oast
their votes far him today. The six Ropu
lists voted for Leroy Templaton, of India
napolis. .
Soothing far burns, scalds, chapped hands
and lips. Healing for outs and sores. In
stant relief for piles, stops pain at once.
These are the virtues of DVitt's Witch
Hazel Salve. C. II. Hagenbuch.
A M-t'H Awful Crimp,
NSW York, Jan. 18. At Mamoroneok.
Westchester county, lust night Arthur
PalbUr durini; a fit of insanity shot his
brother, Leonard Palmer, killing him al
mot Instantly, and futnlly wounded his
mOtlier aud sister. The immlerer had
been mildly insane for some past, but yes
terday afternoon a bad lit seized him,
whloli resulted somo hour latter in his
securing n invoivcr nnd ntlacking the
family. Mrs Palnmr and her daughter
will probably dlo. 'lhw madman escaped
to the woo l ;
A torpid liver moans a had complexion, bad
breath, indigestion and fnqui-nt headaches.
To avoid such companions take DeWltt'g
Little Early Risers, the fuuioug little pills.
C. H. Hagenbuch.
Secretary Francis Confirmed.
Washington, Jau. 19. Secretary Fran
els' nomination was oonflrmed by the sen
ate in executive session yesterday. Na
opposition to the confirmation wus made,
and no vote was taken. Senator Test
slated that he could add nothing to what
he had already said, and that he had na
objeot in further delaying action upon tho
Ilaggage master DIekerson Dead.
Plainfikld, N. J., Jan. 19. Mahlon
Dlokerson, the baggagemasteref tho Phil
adelphia and Reading railroad local that
was wrecked at Sklllman Saturday night
by being run lntc by the Boyal Blue
line express, Is dead He was 40 years of
ageaml lived In Ph ladslphla. It Is feared
that Kngiueur Clapp and Fireman Buhl
will dlo
Of severest trial and test prove
In regard to Hood's Sarsapariila
, Greatest Merit
Secured by a peculiar Combina
tion, Proportion and Process
unknown to others which
naturally and actually produces
Greatest Cures
Shown by thousands ot honest,
voluntary testimonials which
naturally and actually produce
d, Greatest Sales
W According to the statements ot
drugglits all over the country.
In these three points Hood's
Barsapurllla is peculiar to itself.
Is the host it Is the One True Wood Purifier.
M A - nitt a1 tlle ony J'Hi" to toke
liOOCl S Hll'S wlthliooU's Sarsapariila,
Delaware Iemnerats Decide to Support
the Kent County Min,
DovRit, Dol , Jan. IB. The contest for
the Democratic nomination for United
Suites senator was long drawn out, and
until neatly miduight there were eleven
onndidntes in the field, audeaoh was confl
dunt of victory. The twenty-second ballot
was reachod ;it midnight. The fight had
then narrowed down to five men. Wlll
ard Htulohury of New Castle, led these
with votos; Jame L. Woloott of Kent,
4; H. K uii nay of Kn, 8; John O. Gray of
Sussex, 3. The balloting was kept up, how
ever, and 011 the twenty-sixth ballot Ken
noy reodved the nomination, the rote
being: K.unoy, 13; Saulebury, 8; AVal
cott, 8; not voting. 1.
Mr. Kiinnny Is a prominent lawyer of
Dover. He was born in Sussex oouuty in
!) and was admitted to the bar In 1878.
He was adjutant general of the state
National Guard uuder Governor Big,
out nasnetu no other publlo office.
has always voted ths Dsmooratlo ticket,
,.,, n .Mont ...nt.. f 11
tv,".. " i..i.i-t.. 1- ...'..
teen Itopuhllcan representatives and three
Republican senate rg,held a caucus ou their
own hook und unanimously selected J.
EAwanl AddlcUs ot Ni-woastle, for United
states senator : Charles H. Atkins of 8ns-
sex, for state treasurer, and Berlah Wat-
mn0t Kent, for county auditor. Theeau.
cus was estlrelylharmoulous.
OatMrh and Golds Believed In 10 to 60
One short puff of the breath through the
Blower, supplied with each bot le of Dr
Aguew's Catarrhal Powder, diffuses this
Powder over the surfaro of the nasal jtaes-
xges. Painless and delightful to use. Itie-
:W-m instantly, and permanently cures
(litarrh. Hay Fever, Colds, Headache, Sore
Throat, Tonsilitis and Deafness. 50 cts.
Bold at Kirlins drug store.
Talk or Aibilratiou wilfi France.
London, Jan. 19. The Standard's Vi
enna correspondent says: A utiuplred cor
respondent of The Folltlsehe Correspon
dene lein ns llmt Frnnoe is meditating the
negotiation of a trenty of arbitration with
the United States similar to the Anglo
Anierlcun treatv. Such 11 treaty would
bo very welcome in Frauoe, and the pros
pects for its conclusion are in no way un
favorable. Boft,'Whlto Hands with Shapely Nails, Luxu
riant Ualrwith Clean, Wholesome Scalp, pro
duced by Cuticuka Soap, the most effectivo
skin purifying and beautifying soap In tho
world, as well as purest and sweetest, for
toilet, bath, and nursery. Tho only preventive
of Inflammation and clogging of the ronss.
Soap it lold throughout the world. Pottm Deoo akd
Cheu. Corp., Sole l'ropi., Boston, U. S. A.
ai-"Iloir to Purify nd Beautify the Bltln, SceJp,
KDd I Wr," mailed free
Three-Dpy Tour to Washington.
Washington at present is tho cynosure of
all eyes; not only because it ii the Nation's
Capital and of the interest which attaches to
the deliberations of Congress, but the bril
liant Presidential reception on New Year's
Day formally opened tho season of fashion
able festivities, aud it has now become tho
great social centra of tho country. Brilliant
miuds, waiving for the .time the cares of
government, abandon themselves to the guy
whirl of the social world. Receptions, din
ners, balls follow each other with bewilder
ing rapidity.
The slHt'i of tho Cuban question and tho
possibilities of Congressional action is also
claiming attention, and Lite never dying in
terest which attaches to tho many depart
ments of the Government Is attracting its
usual number of visitors.
The three-day personally-conducted tour
of tho Pennsylvania Railroad Company,
which leaves New York January 81, aflbids
the best opportunity of visiting the National
Capital at this season. The party will be
under tho care and guidance of an ex
perienced tourist agent, and the program in
Washington has been prepared with an ac
curate knowledge of tho location und best
time to visit each of tho principal points of
Round trip tickets, including railroad trans
portation in each direction and uccommoda
tious at the best Washington hotels, will lie
sold at the following rates: From New York,
S14 51I; Trenton, $18.75; Atlantic City,
$12.75; Pottsville, $14.30; Philadelphia.
$11.50, and at proportionate rates from other
Apply to ticket agents, Tourist Agsnt,
1196 Hrtmdwsy, New York, or G;o. W. lioyd,
Asslstaut General Passenger Agent, Braid
Street Station, Philadelphia.
Ouo thing is certain : It will not do to
fool with a bad cold. No one can tell what
the cud will be. Pneumoni 1, catarrh, chronic
bronchitis, if not consumption, invariably
result from a neglected cold. H ij surprising J
too, that bad colds arc so often neglected
when one remembeis how easily and at what
little expense they may be cuied. Cham
berlain's Cough Remody is always prompt
aud effectual, and costs but a trifle; 85 or 50
.cents is a trifle as compared with the disas
trous effects of a neglected cold. II r. Abnor
Mercer, of Dilworthtown, Chester County,
Pa , in speaking of this remedy, suid : "Some
time ago I had a bad cold and cough. I
tried almost everything. Finally Mr. Hunt,
the druggist, recommended Chamberlain's
Cough Remedy, and one 50 cent bottle of it
cured me entirely." For sale by Gruhlor
Bros., drugcists "
Two Woeks In I'toi-ldu.
To see Florida is a pleasure; to visit it Is a
privilege; but to spend a fortnight within its
borders is au epoch. There is a-gtrat satisfac
tion in witnessing the ripening of trtplcal
fruits in their own native laud, aud a peculiar
joy in wrestling witli old ocean's waves when
lakes and rivers at home are all icebound.
One appreciates the wonders of modern in
vention aud railroad deTolopmcnt upon
leaving the neighborhood of goodsiatingoue
day and finding himself in the vicinity of
good bathlag the next. Yst this can be done,
and the man who prefers hunting or fishing
will take his accoutrements along with him,
fur Florida extends a cordial invitation to all
Whoever would exchange for two weeks
the uncertain climate of the North for the
delightful aud Spring-like aunshino of
Florida should take ths personally-conducted
Jacksonville tour of the Pennsylvania Bail
road which leaves New York by special train
January SO. Excursion tickets for this tour,
including railway transportation, Pullman
accommodatious (one berth), and meals en
route in both directlous while traveling on
the special train, will be sold at the following
rates: New York, $60.00; Philadelphia,
$48 00; Cauandaigua, $52.85; Eric, $54.86:
Wilkesbarre, $50.35 ; Pittsburg $58.00, and
at proportions! rates from other points.
For tickets, itineraries, and other informa
tion apply to ticket ageuta, tourist agent at
1106 Bruadway, New York, or to Geo. W.
Boyd. Assistant General Passenger Agent,
Broad Btreet station, Philadelphia.
Don't Tobaooo Unit and Smoke Your Life
If you want to quit tobacco using easily
aud forever, be made well, strong, magnetic,
full of new life and vigor, take No-To-Bac,
the wonder-worker that makes weak men
strong. Hauy gaiu ten pouuds in ten days.
Over 400, MO cured. Buy No-To-Bao from
your own druggist, who will guarantee a
cure. 50c or $1.00. Booklet aud sample
mailed free. Ad. Hterliug Remedy Co.,
Chicago or New York.
A Modern Improvement.
Saves Time, Labor and Money.
Johh Ii. Sullivan, ex-champion pugilist,
Is going on the itnge again.
Farmers of Illinois are contributing
corn liberally to relieve the distress In
A dispatch received at Halifax, N. 8.,
reports the Iamenberg eohooner Molega n
total wreck at Trinidad.
The government of Hatch Guiana has
granted 1,000,000 acres of selected gold
lands to a British syndicate
Fire at the New Castle, Pa., tin mill
last night did $60,000 damage, and throws
over 600 men out of employment.
William. Hunter, wife murderer, was
yesterday sentenced, at Fonda, X Y., to
electrocution during the week of March 8.
Dank falluros yesterday : First National
of Newport, Ky. ; Corm .u National of
Louisville, Minnesota Savings of St
Paul, Minn.
The Ohio coal onerators have consented
to bu increase of from fortv-flve to fifty
one cents for January and February min
ing, to meet theinToase of from fifty-one
to sixty cents in the Pittsburg district
Miss Carolino H. Pier, of Wisconsin,
and Wiss Alice A. Minnlok, of Kobraska,
have i'uou adoilttcd to practice before the
uipitome court, increasing the number of
ladles who possess this privilege to fifteen.
Why sutler with Coughs, Colds and La
ilrlppe when Laxative Broruo Quinine will
cure yeu in one day. Put up in tablets con
lenient for taking. Guaranteed tocuie, or
money refunded. Price, 86 cents. For sale
hy Klrlln's Pharmacy.
Tours to California
California has been most fittingly termed
the "Italy of America." All the delicious
Iwlm, the cloudless sky, and the ricli ver
dure or the great European peninsula are
duplicated in this sunny land of tho Pacific.
Here nature basks in the sunshine of her own
leauty; aud here she has established her
own sanitarium, where eternal spring in
spires everlasting youth. With the snow
niautled peaks of the Sierras upon the one
hand, the calm Pacific with itssoft breezes
upon tho other, and a veritable paradise of
ilowers, fruits and plants between, man can
Hud and needs no lovelier land. To visit
such a country is a privilege, a blessing.
Tho Pennsylvania Railroad Company,
recognizing tho need of a more comfortable
and pleasant way of crossing the continent,
Inaugurated a series of annual tours to Cali
fornia, running a through train of Pullman
palaee cars from New York to the Pacifio
Coast, aud stoppiug at the principal points of
interest en route. The great popularity of
tli two lours demonstrates the wisdom of the
For the season of 1887 three tours have
been arranged to leave New York, Philadel
phia, aud Pittsburg, January 27, February
24, and March 27.
The first tour will rrm direct to San Diego
via St. Louis and the Santa Fe Route, and re
turn from Sun Francisco via Salt Lake City,
Deuver, and Chicago, allowing fivo weeks in
The Becoud tour will run via tho Mammoth
Cave and New Orleans to San Diego, stopping
at the Crescent City" during tho JIardi
Urns Carnival. This tour will return via
Salt Lake City, Denver, Omaha, aud Chicago,
allowing four weeks in California.
The third tour will run viaChlcago.Donver,
aud Salt Lako City, allowingpassengersto re
turn by regular tralus via different routes
within nine months.
All of those tours, either going or return
ing, will pass through the famous Colorado
region, Glenwood Springs, Leadville and the
Garden of the Gods.
Rates from all points on the Pennsylvania
Railroad Sj'stem east of Pittsburg : First
tour, $310 ; second tour, $350 ; third tour,
$210 rouud trip, and $150 one way.
For detailed itineraries and other informa
tion, apply at ticket agencies, special book
ing oflices, or address Ueorge W. Jfoyu,
Assistant General Passenger Agcut, Broad
Street Station, Philadelphia.
One of the most remarkable cures of
rheumatism ou record is Tainted by Mr. J.
M. Thompson, post master at Docker's Point,
Pa., as follows: "While out driving 0110
day last winter I was caught in a cold
rain. Tho next moruing I was unable to
move my head or arms, owing to an attack of
inflammatory rheumatism. My clerk tele
phoned for a physician, but suggested that I
u Chamberlain's Pain Il.ilin, there being a
lxjttlc open or. the counter. He rubbed the
afl'ected parts thoroughly with Pain Balm
and built up a hot fire. I dozed of! to sloer
and when I woke about half an hour later
the pain had gone entirely, aud I have not
been troublod since. Peoplo como horo from
many miles around to buy Chamberlain's
medicines." For tale by Gruhler Bros.,
Tours to Florida.
No district in America presents, during the
Winter season, so mauy varied attractions as
the SUits of Florida. Besides its delightful
climate, which to one escaping from the cold
aud unhealthful changes of the North seems
almost ethoreal, it is pre-eminently a laud of
sport and pleasure. Along its eleven hundred
miles of salt-water coait and in its twelve
hundred fresh-water lakes are fish of almost
every concoivable variety, from the migra
tory tribes common to Northern waters to the
tnrnon. pomnano, and others of a more
trouical character. Nowhere In all our broad
land can the angler find a greater variety of
same or better snort.
Here also the most enthusiastic hunter
finds satiety. Deer, turkoys, bears, panthers,
and wild rats roam at large through the more
sparsely settled regions, while biuls of all
kinds may be found in abundance through
out the Slate. The more novel sport of al
ligator and manatee hunting may also be in
dulged in by the more adventurous tourist.
With its matchless climate, its orange
groves, Its rivers and lakes, its boating and
bathing, its fishing and hunting, and its
extensive forests, Florida presents unrivaled
attractions for the valetudinariau, the lover
of nature, the sportsman and the explorer.
To this attractive state the Pennsylvania
Railroad Company has arranged four personally-conducted
tours during the season of
1887, leaving by special train January 26,
February 0 aud 23, and March 9. The first
three tours will admit of a sojourn of two
weeks in this delightful land; tickets for the
fourth tour will be valid to return until May
31 by regular trains.
Rates for the round trip, $80.00 from New
York, $48.00 from Philadelphia, and propor
tionate rates from other points.
For tickets, itineraries and other informa
tion, apply to ticket agents, special booking
offices, or address Ueo. W. Boyd, Asslstaut
General Passenger Ageut.Broad street statiou,
Klieanmtlsm Cured In a Duy.
"Mystic Cure" for Rheumatism and Neu
ralgia radically cures in 1 to 8 days. Its
action upon the system is remarkabje and
mysterious. It removes at once the cause and
the disease immediately disappears. The
first dose greatly benefits.
T. F. Anthouv. ex-Postinaatar of Promise
City, Iowa, says : "I bought one bottle of
'Mystic Cure' for Rheumatism, and two doses
of it did me more good than any medicine I
ever took." 75eeuts.
Bold by V. II. Hagenbuch, druggist, Shen
andoah. When you want good roofing, plumbing
gas fitting, or general tiusml thing done eal
on E. F. Gallajrher 18 West Centre street
Dealer If ttwe 1-tf
There's Just What You Want.
Pau-Tina (85c.) for coughs aud colds.
Uruhlsr Bros., drug store.
For more than a hundred yesrs the Mount
Lebanon Shakers have studied tlin cnliiva
tiou of medicinal plants and sought to ex
tract from them their healing etscnoes.
Their labor has not been spent In Vnin.
They have made a discovery that will prove
a blessing to mankind. It consists of a cor
dial that causes immediate relief in oases of
indigestion. The importance of this dis
covery will be apparent when we realise that
nearly ntne-tetitha of our suffering are caused
by dyspepsia or indigestion. Nearly overy
person you meet has this digestive trouble in
some of its varied forms tick headache,
distress after eating, palu and fullness in the
chest after eating, palpitation of tho heart,
etc., are hut symptoms of Indigestion. To
relieve these sufferings has been the study of
the Shakers, and they have succeeded. The
reason the Shaker Digestive Cordial has such
an immediate and salutary effect is that it
causes tho food eaten to be digested, for it is
undigested food that causes the distress.
The Cordial causes the food to be digested
before there is time for it to ferment and sour
in (lie stomaoh. When the food is so digested
it gives strength and vigor to the feeble body,
makes one feel bright ami cheerful, and
makes one gain in flesh.
The Digestive Cordial is so prompt in its
action that the very first dose will havo a
perceptibly favorable result. It gives im
mediate relief.
Every druggist has been sent a supply of
our handsome Donksy Pussle Books, aud a
copy may be hod for the asking. It tells all
about the Cordial as Well as Laxol, the new
castor oil.
Try a twenty-five cent bottle of Digestive
Cordial and see what it will do for you.
Closing Quotations of tltA N-w York and
Philadelphia Kxeliniigus.
Niw York, Jau. 18. Tho Btook lnorket to,
day was quit animated, and tho volume of
bnsiuess considerably larger thau on auy day
iu a number of weeks past. The moYOmentol
prices was irregular. Closing bids:
Baltimore & Ohio. 1SH Lehigh Valloy. . .
Cliesa. ft Ohio
New Jersey Cen. .103
New York Cen. . . D4M
Peansylvatila 6SW
Heading 27f-J
St. Paul 7VX
W.N.Y. &Pa.... 1)i
Dol. & Hudson. .
D., L. W
Lake Erie & W..
Lehigh Nav.
"All ass'ts paid.
General Markets.
Piiiladhltoia, Jan. 18. Flour unchangedl
winter super, $8.8098.10; do. extra, $3.2B8.50
Pnnnsylvauia roller, olenr,; do. do.,
BCralght, $4.$i.65; western winter, clear, 14.25
4.40. Whi-at firmer; January, 91Ji91Jio.
Corn quiet; January, 28H2o9io. Hay firm
choice timothy, 314.5015 for large bales. Beet
steady ; beef bams, tl818.50. Pork dull; fam
ily ,$10.60X3)11. Lard steady ; western steam,?4.25.
Batter firm ; western oreomery, likOic. ; do.
factory ,77Jo. ; Blgins,80). ; Imitation cream
ery, lllfle. ; New York dairy, 1015Hc. ; do.
creamery, lB.'KlOu. ; extra stato prints, whole
sals, Wo.; prints Jobbing at 2jj2Sc. Cheese
steady ; New York large, 7HUMo. : fanoy, 11(3
HHo- Part skims, 48o. ; full skims, 2H8o.
Biggs steady ; New York and Pennsylvania, 16(9
ldao. ; western fresh, lS'itiltyjx
I.lve Stock Markets.
Nuw Yonic, Jau. 18. Beeves generally steady ;
native steers, I4.50d6.10 ; stags aud oxen, 51.1i
4.15 ; bulls, $2.768.43 ; dry oows, il.598. Calves
slow and lower ; veals, 687.50; barnyard calves,
W8.1; westerns, l.S73.121. Sheep and
lumbs quiet; lambs closed trifle weak; sheep,
f2.754.3); lambs, Si.5ft3-o.00. Hogs easier at
East Liberty, Pa., Jon. 18. Cattle slow; 1
15c. lower ; prime, 1 4.S54.8J ; feeders, t3.00'9
4; bulls, stags and cows, 12$3.00. Hogs fairly
l.ctlvo; prime light and Vost medium, it.&yh
1.70; common to fair, (3.CO(S3.05j heavy, jf).40
1155 ; roughs, 3.33(S3.10. Shoop'steady ; prime,
fS.85I; common, !2.403 ; oaetcs lambs, I4.WX
1.10; common to good, 3.?54.73; veal oalves,
10.50 I.
to cimn a coi.d in one day.
Take Laxative Bromo Quininu Tablets. All
druggists refund the money if it fails to euro.
25 conts.
1 Cures Fever.
2 Worms.
8 " Infanta' Diseases.
4 " Diarrhea.
8 " Neuralgia.
9 Cures Headache.
10 " Dyspepsia.
11 M Delayed. Periods.
12 " Leuchorrea.
14 " Skin Diseases.
IB Cures Rheumatism.
16 " Malaria.
20 " "Whooping Cough
27 " Kidney Diseases
30 " Urinary Diseases
77 " Colds and Grip.
Sold by Druggists, or sent prepaid on
receipt 01 prico, 25c, or 5 for $1.
Dr. Homphukts' Homeopathic) Mahtjaii
or Diseases Mailed Fuse.
Humphreys' Med. Co., Ill William Bt.,.Y.
For sale at Povlnsky's drug store, 28 East
Harper's Bazar
IN 1897.
The UAZAU. a thoroughly un-to-date periodi
c-id for women, will enter upon Its Thirtieth
Volume in 1897.
As a Fashion journal it Is unsurpassed, nnd is
an indispensable requisite for every well
dressed woman. Katuahiuk De Foiuwt writes
a weekly letter on current fashions from l'arls.
In New York Fashions, and In the fortnlehtlv
lattern-sheet supplement, ladies find full do-
tuilg, directions, and diagrams for gowns, wraps,
and children's clothtne. SASz. 1UVDE. and
cnAPUis draw ana engrave itie newest aim nn
eat Tarlslnn designs every woek.
The scriuls for 1897 will be : The Red Bridge
Neighborhood, by Mauia Louisk Pool: and
Father QulnnalUon, bv Octave Tiiashn. Short
stories will be constantly presented by brilliant
writers, among whom are Mary E. Wilkinh,
HAnuiKT Pbkscott SKoPFoan, Makion Hah
i.anu, Ki th Ml Knur v Stuart, Viola Itosaa
ouo, and Makoaukt Sctton llmsc-OF..
What Women are Doing In various iwrta of
the Union will form a series of sneclal interest.
Other interesting features are The Out-door
Woman, devoted to healthful sports nnd
patimes : Music, a weekly critical summary ol
miHic in New York : Amateur Theatricals. Em
liroiderv and Needlework. Ceremony nnd
Etiquette. Good Housekeeping, "What Girls
are Doing," "Current Social Events," and
Personals gleaned from original sources.
Women and Men. Colonel T. W. Hiooimsok
will regularly continue his valuable essays.
Answers to Correspondents, This column
is ooiiduuttd for the benefit and convenience of
readers, and all questions received are answered
in rotation, as promptly and fully as practicable,
ATI. 4 ue jjAaAUieanotauiGpiroMre-trttin
reproducing the most lieauttful works
Auu-rU-nn and foreisn artists, oe presented In
.1.- - ... V 'Al,1t.ltln.,a
Wit and Humor. Everybody turns lor
Insult v lauorh to the UAZAH'B last natte.
Am All-Rouku Wohas's l'Araa What more
appropriate gift can be made to wife, daughter
or sister than a subscription to IIAIU'EIl'S Becure It as a welcome vlettor in
your household for 1807.
Newspapers art Hot to copy Ms advtrtisemtnt
without lit exprtss trdtr of Harptr
6 Brothirs.
Voromfmr, - - - - $4.00
Postagt frtt t all sittstriim in tit Unittd
States. Canada and Mtxico.
Address IIARPOR & BROTI10R3,
l. O. Box 959. N. Y. City
The Wealth of OlfH That Awaited Anna
Onnld's l'lrst'iorn.
I'AHti, Jan. 11). The Countess do Castel
laue.fonnarly Miss Anna Uould, presented
her husband with it son yesterday. Mother
nnd child are doing well. Miss Gould was
marrlod to Count de Onstellano on March
4, 1805.
Helen Gould sent n layotte consisting of
1,036 pieces to her new nephew, (lour no
Gould sent n solid gold trorrlnger, an
tique, wonderfully engraved, and orusted
with gems. Mrs. Georgo Gould gnve a
String of diamonds nnd sapphires. How
ard Gould contributed n toilet set, silver
mounted nnd set with utiout anpphires
nnd diamonds. A silver basin and ewer
were tho gifts of Mr. nnd Mrs. Edwin
Gould, while Mrs. Klngdou sent n silver
bathtub. The Marquis de Cnstellnne, the
baby's paternal grandfather, gave a gold
sapphire Inlaid drinking mug, whloli had
leon in the family for centuries. The
marquise gave a box of priceless old fam
ily lace.
Ilrlflsli Steamer Agrnnud.
TDOKEUTON, N. J Jon. 19. The British
stenmor Haddsworth, Captain Kox, from
I'ornambuoo for New York with a cargo
of sugar and hides, grounded at Peahala,
Long Detach, nbuut one and three-quarter
miles north ot Long Beach life saving sta
tion, yesterdny. Captain James Sprngue,
with a orew from the statiou, first reached
tho v 09 sol, although the sea was running
high and It wus hazardous undertaking.
The steamer lies In about eight feet of wa
ter, hub has settled firmly In the sand.
Part of the crgo was thrown overboard
In an nttenlpt to flo.itl her yosterdny. Kho
may he floated nt high water this after
noon. The Uaddsworch carries a craw of
Frlnooss Chlmny's Divorce Case.
ClUr.LKltot, Jan. 19. Tho action for di
vorce by Prlnoe do Chlmay against his
who, formerly Miss Clnra Yviwd, of Do- 1
trolt, who eloped with a Hungarian gypsy
last summer, opened horo today. Maltre
Allaln.of tho court of appeals of Paris, will
defend tho princess. In on interview Mai
tro Allaln wild: "Tho oase will bo a cause
oolohro, and tho dlvorco of the century,
principally booause the mother of the prln
coss takes tho princess' sldo, and on ac
count of the prominence in it of a king's
name. Tho newspaper statements that
tho princess has lost her fortune are un
true She still has a good lncoino." Mal
tro Allaln doclnros that sho docs not love
hor gypsy lover.
1'uslied a I.lttlo Girl Into a ltonflre.
Wakefield, Mass.. Jan. 19. Bridget
Blynn, tho 6-yoar-old daughter of Hannah
Blynn, of YVter streot, died from tho
effects of a burning accident. The child
wni playing on tho ice with several othor
ohildron, when sho foil In tho pond, weir- j
ting her clothes. Tbo other chlldron then
started a bonfire for tho purposo ot allow
ing tho little one to dry hor clothes. Tho '
HHlo girl was standing near tho flro, '
when, It Is alleged, that n boy named Carl '
ran up to hor and pushed hor ovor to the
trlnzo. Tha ohild's clothes quiokly caught
fire, and sho was terribly burned bafore
she was resouod. Tho boy is but 7 years
old. Thero will probably be no prosecu
tion. Ooiideusod Testimony.
Cbas. H. Hood, Brokoraud Manufacturer's
Acent. Columbus, Ohio, certifies that Dr,
King's New Diacovcry has n equal as a
Cough remedy. J- D. Brown, Prop. St.
Jumos Hotel. Ft. Wayne. Iud.. tostifles that
ho was cured of a Cough of two years stand-
ng. caused by La Grippe, by Dr. King's Hew
Discovery. B. P. Merril, Baldwinsvillo,
Mass., says that ho has used and recommend
ed it and never knew it to fail and would
rather havo It than any doctor, because it
always cures. Mra. Hemming. 222 E. 25th
St., Chicago, always keeps It at hand and has
no tear of Croup, because it instantly relieves.
lTco inal liotticsatA. wiisiey's urugbtorc.
ItrltiVlli Parliament Reopen.
Londok, Jnn. 19. Tho third session of
tho fourteenth parllamont of tho Victorian
era opened today by royal commission,
with tiio usual formality. The proposer
of tho address In reply to tho spoeoh from
the throno lu tho house of commons was
Viscount Folkstono, member of parlia
ment for tho Wilton division of Wiltshire,
and the seconder was tho Hon. Alfred
Lyttelton, memborof parliament for War
wick and Leamington. In tho house ot
lords the Marquis of Both movad and
Lord Kenyon soaondod tbo address. A
stormy session is sxpectsd, in whloh the
fortunes ef the government aro In doubt,
in spite of the ISO Conservative majority.
A Household Necessity,
discards Candy Cathartic, the most won
derful medical discovery of tho age, pjoasaut
and refreshing to tho tatto, act gently and
positively on kidneys, liver and bowels,
cleausing the entire system, dispel colds, cure
headache, fever, habitual constipation and
biliousness. Please buy and try a box of
C. C. C. to-day j 10, 25, 50 cents. Sold and
guaranteed to cure by all druggists.
The Ilfluols Benatorshlp.
SPHlNdFlELD, Ills., Jan. 10. Tho Re
publican joint caucus for tho nomination
of a sucoossor to Sonntor John M. Palmer
was held last night. Ths first ballot re
sulted: Kx-Congrossman W. K. Mason of
Chicago, 40; Congressman Lorlmer ot
Chicago, 30; ox-Congressman Hltt, IS;
Congressman Hopkins of Aurora, 6- O. F.
Carrot Springfield, 10; H. W. Allorton of
Chicago, 1 ; Congressman Joseph Cannon
of Danvlllo, 10. Necessary to a choloo, 04.
Tho second ballot showed hut little
chango, and adjournment was taken until
this evening. The Demecrats will cast a
00111 pllmontnry vo e for ex-Governor Alt-
I had severe attacks of gravel and kidney
trouble; and unable to get a medicine or
doctor to cure mo until I used Hop Bitters,
and they cured me in a short time. A
N. Y.
Oolokless and Cold. A y'onnz girl
deeply regretted that she was so colorless and
and celd. Her face was too white, and her
hands and feet felt as though the blood did
not circulata. After one bottle of Hop
Bitters had been taken she was the rosiest
and healthiest girl in the town, with a
vivacity and cheerfulness of mind gratifying
to her friends.
lledueed Hours and Wages.
Woonsockkt, R.I., Jan. 10. The Woon
sooket Machine and Press oompany, em
ploying 8fi0 hands, yesterday commenced
running thirty-two hours a week, with a
10 per oent ont In wages. The ooncern
has been running night and day for tho
past sixteen months.
Ferryboat Sunk, Seven Drowned,
Londox, Jan. 10. A ferryboat laden
with workmen sunk while orotslng the
j Usk at Newport yesterday, and sevon out
Ul iictniuB uu uvcuti noig ujrutTUBU.
llncklen's Arnica Salve.
The best salve in the world for cats,
bruises, sores, ulcers, salt rheum, lover sores,
tetter, ohapped hands, chilblains, corns, and
all skin eruptions, and positively cures piles,
ot jo pay required. It is guaranteed to give
perfect satisfaction or mony refunded. Price
36 cents per box. For sals by A. Wasley,
Coming ISvents.
Feb'y. 4. Grand Musicale in Trinity Re
formed Church.
Chieora, Ya., "Herald:" Richard Vensel
renerts One Minute Couth Cure the greatest
success of medical science. He told us that
It cured his whole family of terrible cetighs
and coins, alter all other so causa cures Had
failed entirely. Mr. Vessel said it assisted
his children throueli a very bad siege of
m easels. One Minute Cough Cure makes ex-
pec to ration very easy and rapid, c. 11
Heart Disease Cured.
nEN a well known minister after
Enlerint; for years with heart dis
cr.b.i, ii cured, It is not surprising
that ho should publi&h the fact for tho
bcnoOt of others. lie v. J. .P Smith, 1045
Fulton St., Baltimore, Md., writes: " For
years I suffered from a severe form of heart
disease. 1 used Dr. Miles' New Heart Cure,
and my heart Is now In good condition.
Recently, other afflictions came upon me.
Thero was humming, painful sensations on
top and back of my head. Fifteen min
utes reading would
make me almost wild;
there vrevo pulling and
drat, lug sensations In
my legs ail tire time,
so that I could not sit
still. In this condi
tion I began taking
Dr. Miles' Restorative
Nervine and its effect was simply won
derful. I heartily commend your remedies."
Dr. Miles' Remedies are sold by all drug
gists under a positive guarantee, first bottle
benefits or money refunded. Book on Heart
and Nervos sent free to all applicants.
DIt. MILES MEDICAL CO., Elhkart, Ind.
jk. iJj jitrvvu yjpaj d aiUDif Mem
ory. ImpOtenoy, Sleeplefirxnem, etc., rwiood
by Abtue and other Uxconset And India
orations. Thnt QuicJcltf ami -;
restore Lmt Vitality in old or ronntf, nnd
fit a nan for eturty, h islntw or smrrlaftt?,
Prvent Iniamtr a ad ContaniDtlotl it
t&krnin tim. Their nro e' . "'i iirmntuto irapronv
nent nn4 effects CUltB - -e all otdan tell. In
tlRtupoa having tha genuine Ajaac Tablets. They
hare cured thonKinilfl and wiil cure jon. Yi Ie a
posttivo written anaraDtee to effect a cure in each oase
or ref nnd the money. Price 150 cerm jw PBckaqe, or
eix packages (fall treatment for t&tf). By mail, la
plain wrapper, opon receipt of price. Circular fre,
CMtr. iu.
For sale In Shenandoah, Pa., by
nnd S. 1. Kirlln, Druggists.
A. Wasley
Alwayi prompt and reliable, Arovi Jmtation,
flat f!iTn'i Titrar Fn.Tjmnrl kite RiflllTl.
At druir ttorefl, or teat direct (Maled), prie. II.
Catox 8po. Co., Bostou. Ma. Our book, 4c
For sale at 1. I. D. Kl'r'io'a drujr store and
Shenandoah urug' store '
mm hair mmrnm
tT" l" ' irl'.ilor liy l.Efc'a HAilt Ol bill.
OA XT, o itin, pleasant odor. Ifl (O n bott'o
I.IIE'H HAIR TOMOr.motM dandruff. Idp
halrfrom falllnsoot Und promote. growth 81 W npttlj
I.Tin SI nillOA.Vr to IDS Pnlton .t., n v.cREp
Illustrated Treatise on Hair on application rutt
For sale by Shenandoah . Drug Store, Klrlln's
Drug Store.
Thousands upon thousands of
children and other dear mem
bers of families, die annually
from Diphtheria, This can nil
b-? avoided by the prompt use,
according to directions, of
Manufactured by the Thompson
Diphlheria Cure Co., Williams
sport, Pa., and sold by Drug
gists everywhere for the small
sum of fifty cents per bottle.
What is fifty cents when it
uvoids the suffering nud saves
the life of a dear one? You say:
"Wotlilng, but win it do wuat
is claimed?" It has done so
iu every instance on record
not n single case where it
faiMl. This is the best and
surest guarantee for its lne
decitial qualities.
Thompson's DiphiheriaCure
also speedily relieves and
cures Croup, Quinsy or any
other throat affection.
Those who have tried it
will never do without this
Medicine iu their house, and
their unsolicited lostitnouials
prove this assertion.
u. a. a.
For Sale at KIRLIN'S Drug; store.
Personally-rConducted Tours
Three tours to CAUPOIINIA and the PACI
FIC COAST will leave New York and Philadel
phia January 27, February M, and March 27.
1897, Five weeks in California on the first tour,
and four weeks on the second. Passenger on
the third tour will return on icgulsr trains
within nine mouths. Stop will be made at New
Orleans for Mftrdl-Grfts festivities on the aesoud
Jacksonville tours, allowing two weeks la
I'l.rlda will leave New York and Philadelphia
January 20, February 0 and 28, and March 0,1897'
Itate, covering? expenses en route lu both direc
tions, $90.00 from New York, and J18.00 from
Tours, each covering a period of three days,
will leave New York and Philadelphia Decem
ber 29, 1hs, January 21, February 11, Starch 11,
April 1 and 22, and May nl, 1897, Kates, Inclad.
Ing transportation and two days' aoeommods
tlon at the best Waalilntrton Hotels, tli It) fxan
New York, and SU.60 from fhiladtlphlu.
will leave New York and I'lilladshihU Dhwu
2S, 15, Janunry 28, February 20, Manti M, knQ
April 15, mm.
f".r daVilled liuorajl w and other lu fuusufltut
aDDlr at U.kat aaenslss or address Oeo. w.
Boyd, At Oenl JAe. igtai, iiroad Street
BfAHon, I'Miaxitipria
it a
1 I ij